#presentmic x reader x eraserhead
shallyouobeyme · 9 months
Okay so I read some of your recent stuff.
Whoooo boy I love Yandere Erasermic. Power couple right there- especially once you add Shinsou and Eri to the mix. Arguably they’re all a different type of dangerous, even without their quirks, but with them? You’re absolutely doomed.
Oh, absolutely. You're basically done for. I mean Shinsou alone is basically a powerhouse of Yandere-ness. I mean one answer of you and he has you right where he needs you. 'Come little sibling, our dad's are waiting for us at home.' And then we add Aizawa who has the ability to stop your little 'tantrums' if you have a quirk which could be harmful, and with his status as a pro-hero, he has pretty easy access to quirk-cancelling accessories.
Also in general, Aizawa and Mic are both pro-heroes, with one of them actually having a pretty big reach thanks to his own radio show. So it's safe to say that no one would ever believe you if you came out and claimed the two of them had kidnapped you. Like, are you serious? Two very respected pro-heroes kidnapped you and made you play house with them? Yeah, sure, time to call the psych ward. Don't worry though, from the kindness of their hearts, the two will get you out of the psych ward and get you the help you need (aka. back to playing house with them you go.)
And then there's Eri -sweet, amazing, cute, Eri - how could you look at this adorable, little angel and traumatize her by throwing a tantrum or becoming violent? And while you wouldn't think Eri to actually be a Yandere in herself - I mean she's just a kid, what bad could she do, right? - this little girl can fit so much trauma that having you introduced into her life as a sibling to protect and care for, only for you to try and escape? Well, can you blame her for going a little wild trying to keep you safe?
There's a fanfiction from @lolita-lollipop (whose stories I adore) where Eri panics while the reader is trying to escape and turns them into a literal baby and I absolutely love that idea as like a last resort when none of the punishments, manipulation and tactics get them to come to terms with their reality so go and give that a read if you like this idea.
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lovelywongie · 1 year
Yandere EraserMic leaving you at home all alone for the first time
We are probably know how it is going to be, Aizawa is going to be convincing Hizashi that you won't escape and you really love them so you wouldn't even be thinking about it, yeah notice how I written convincing I mean by that Shota is even more scared than the other man but he won't show that, he isn't sure if they made the right and best choice.
Hizashi is going to be cooking for you like 4 meals to make sure you won't go hungry all day, when they are going to leave he is still going to ask you if this is too little and if you need him to order you some more food (He will pay for it first ofc).
In other hand we all know how Aizawa deals with problems by just sleeping so don't even think he is going to do something about this, he is just going to have high hopes for you to not break that 3 locks on the door and won't leave.
After they will comeback you three will watch a disney movie as always and probably will fall asleep because of the stressful day.
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Scales and Scars (Part Thirteen)
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Aizawa-Yamada [Y/n] - Given quirks through experimentation, thus their quirks are ‘Artificial’ and not considered ‘true’ quirks
Warnings: Mentions of Injuries, implications of PTSD
Word Count:550
A/N: The Sports Festival Arc begins! Also sorry for taking so long to update! Between Moving houses, Losing my Job and Starting a New Job, I just have had a lot on my plate!
A/N: Also! Did something change in regards to tagging!? I can't seem to tag anyone?
Pairings: Eraserhead(AIzawa) X PresentMic(Hizashi), Reader X Class1A (Will have multiple endings for pairings)
Prologue / Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve
You were fully healed, a scar on your face and arm the only reminders of what you suffered at the hands of villains and officers.
That didn’t mean you weren’t suffering mentally still. Your nightmares had gotten worse after the USJ. You felt guilty at how often you had been waking your dads up with your screams and shadows.
“[Y/n].” Izuku’s soft voice drew you out of your thoughts and back into the present. The present being a waiting room full of your classmates waiting for the sports festival to start.
You smiled at the green bean, “Are you ready Midori?”
A strawberry shook in affirmation beside you and you giggled softly.
Your breath came out in a slight frost and suddenly Todoroki was in front of both of you, “I’m stronger than you, but you have All Might in your corner,” Spoken to Midoriya, “And you are the daughter of two pros.” Spoken to you.
The cold tone spooked you for a moment, but you still stood up tall and stared at the heterochromatic boy, “But we are still going to bring our best, so you better be ready with everything you’ve got.”
Todoroki simply looked you over once and then moved towards the doors. 
“Let’s go, everyone! It’s almost time for the festival to start!” Iida’s loud voice drew everyone else and soon there was a rumble of noise as your class walked down the winding hallways towards the tunnel that led them out onto the open field. 
The noise was ten times louder as the crowd cheered. Plus, your pa’s voice was nearly shaking the stadium, “The class that defeated villains in their first week, let’s welcome Class 1-A!”
You couldn’t help fidgeting under the stares and murmurs from the other courses and hero class. Familiar purple hair filled your vision, and Hitoshi murmured low just for you to hear, “Don’t let them get to you. This is your time to show that you’re a hero.”
Hitoshi had been your rock in the days leading up to the festival, as someone who had been called a villain for his quirk, he understood most of your thoughts and struggles. Texting and phone calls about what the festival meant to both of you had been common and when he brought Tokayami into the mix, they both managed to convince you to participate and show everyone that they were wrong to think of you as anything less than a hero.
You nodded and leaned a little further into him, thankful that he was taller than you.
Not noticing the blush on his face, or the envious looks from some other boys in 1-A.
Your honorary aunt, pro-hero Midnight strutted onto the large stage set up in the middle of the stadium, bringing forward some questions and statements from the crowd regarding her outfit.
“Quiet!” A crack of her cat-o-nine-tails had you stifling a giggle into the side of Hitoshi. You loved your aunt. 
“Let’s see what the first round has for you!” A large screen on the wall behind Midnight showed a fortune wheel spinning before stopping on the large words: Obstacle Race!
A nudge had you looking up at Hitoshi who smirked down at you, causing heat to flood your cheeks, “You ready?”
You growled playfully, “Let’s go.”
FOREVER Taglist:
@platonic-plots @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi @queenbbarnes @mythixmagic @chas-z @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger @princess-evans-addict @rororo06 @timelordhunterandmysterysolver @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
Scales and Scars (BNHA) Taglist:
@darkfaethedestroyer @foxinaforestofstars @axolotl-of-evil @inumorph @problematicpastry @dumb-fawkin-bitch @memeingcheetah27 @thepersonbeep1 @quack-quack-snacks
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blackenedwhite97 · 3 years
Trials ( An Erasermic x Reader Medieval AU Ch.3-4)
Mid Summer
The man who died that night had been the son of some noble in a city in the south, otherwise, the mayor may have overlooked the allegations against you in light of the attempted assault and robbery. Supposedly, it was a family with much more money than the humble village that sat at the foot of the hill your cottage had perched on. It was in ashes now, your cottage. The medicine and herbs, gone, what little money you had had gone to the "church", or rather the clergyman's pockets. And the only precious item you owned; a necklace of your mothers hung in a stall across the street with a tag that read 'Cursed. Previously Owned by Witch'. It had yet to be touched. Even the stall owner was too paranoid to take it in at night, instead, he'd just leave it pinned to the board and cover the stall with a sheet.
It was the dead of night by the time the bars at your back had begun to feel properly cool against your skin. They were chilled enough that you could slouch back and not have to worry about needing to muster up enough strength to throw yourself forward anytime soon. You'd spent much of the first day in the cage curled forward into yourself, trying to hide from the eyes of the villagers who walked by to gawk at a witch. You had been stripped of the blood-soaked clothes you wore when you were arrested for fear that you could use the blood as a component in one of your spells. You were sure that there was also the added satisfaction of the amplified humiliation you suffered on that first day. After that you grew uncaring about your body being on display as it began to peel away under the sun, you were in too much pain and too weak to suffer anymore through humiliation.
You closed your eyes and rested your head between two bars, this was about as comfortable as you could get. It was almost peaceful at night, there were no townsfolk out due to fear of the monsters of the night and the small shy animals would come and scavenge what they could from the streets. You could hear the little pitter-pattering of bunny hops in the grass behind the hanging cages and the occasional clink of scaled bird feet pattering atop your cell. There was a creek that ran through the eastern side of town that you could only hear when no one was around to make so much noise. You could hear everything, which is why it came as so much of a shock to you when a gruff voice sounded in front of you.
You tensed and opened your eyes. Shouta stood in front of your cage, his hair tied back and the beginnings of first shaped bruises marked his cheekbone and jaw. His hands were raw and one of his knuckles had a deep gash, likely from a poorly parried sword. You'd bandaged up a few adventurers in your time as a healer and had heard every story that could be told about how a wound could be secured, from gryphon talons to great bear mauls. It was almost always, in fact, humans cutting each other up. He was calm, it was hard to tell in the dim wavering light of the small torch he held but he looked as though he might be smiling. It was a friendly smile; one you might throw on when reunited with an acquaintance.
"D'you think you can hold this?" he asked, holding the torch out toward you.
You nodded and tried to straighten up, the muscles in your back screaming for you to stay still. You winced and held your breath but persisted in your struggle. Shouta reached his hand through the bars, palm open in offering. Lifting your arms was easier than sitting up and with the help of his unexpectedly gentle grip you were pulled forward. You held onto the bars in front of you with one arm and took the torch with the other, holding it above one of two dangling padlocks that held you in your cell.
"Thanks." Shouta huffed as he crouched and fished around in one of the many pouches stung upon his belt. He withdrew a roll of leather-wrapped with a cord; an ornamental crest stamped into the leather's surface. He unwound the cord and let the leather unroll to expose a litany of small metal tools organized into pockets.
"Try not to light my hair on fire, please." He side-eyed the torch next to his head and guided it a little farther from his with a single finger, you could have sworn there was a small grin pulling at his lips as he settled back into his work. Dick. You were weak but you weren't that weak. Not yet anyway. You let the torch fall a little farther back, not quite far enough away so that he couldn't see the lock but far enough that it was noticeably dimmer.
"Ah, the witch has a sense of humor." Shouta grumbled as he sorted through his roll of tools. He settled on a pair of small metal utensils, one was hooked at the end and the other was an L shape.
"Alleged." You corrected, leaning your forehead against the bars to watch him work at the lock.
Shouta just hummed at that, his mind now clearly focused on his task. You were feeling more and more paranoid as time went on, any stirring of bushes or rustling of leaves made you tense up and try to maneuver yourself into a position to scout out the possible onlooker. Instead, you found scavenging rabbits, lively birds, and one slightly limping street cat. You'd have fed her if she had wandered up to your cottage, and perhaps tried to mend the kink in her tail.
With a click and a small groan from the lock, Shouta unhooked the first of two locks, stood, and began his work on the lock at the top of the door. You maneuvered the torch so that it wasn't directly below his hands and wafting uncomfortable amounts of heat directly at his hands, but off to the side. It wasn't until you heard the far-off rumbling of a cart that you realized that you and Shouta had been alone now for a remarkable amount of time, nearly ten minutes now, without and patrolling law-keepers appearing. In fact, you hadn't seen any for a little over an hour, which was an unprecedented gap in time for the town square to be left unsupervised. As you watched Shouta's hands work you eyed the deep gash on his knuckle and what you could see of the bruises forming on his face and it suddenly occurred to you where he'd gotten his injuries from.
The cart grew nearer and nearer, the point that you were waiting for it to come around the corner at any moment. You'd alerted Shouta of the cart a minute ago and he seemed bothered by it, yet his confidence did little to calm your growing anxiety. The sound of the wheels on the dirt road ground on, getting louder and louder until it all of a sudden stopped short of the square. There was a muffled pair of voices and panicked horses then nothing. The town grew eerily quiet and you once again could hear the stream on the other side of the market.
You peered across the square towards where the cart sounded as if it were coming from and through the dark street you saw a figure walking with reins in hand of two horses on either side of them. As the figure grew nearer you stirred in your cage and tried to get Shouta's attention without being too loud, he could still flee without being seen at this point. Shouta paused and looked over his shoulder, sniffed, and turned back to the lock unphased. You looked on with horror as the figure approached until the moonlight crested over the tall buildings and you saw familiar long flaxen hair, slightly mussed and swaying in the breeze.
There was a click, and a gentle metallic groan, and Shouta's hand flew out to hold the cage door, which you were leaning on, from swinging open. You could cry in that moment, even without the cage door open you felt free. You looked down at the padlocks, rusted and covered in the dusty road. You had beat them, in a manner of speaking. Shouta had. Shouta Had just freed you.
You looked up at him, tears in your eyes. His face was really bruised now, his stray hair danced in the torchlight wildly and his clothes were covered in the dry dusty dirt from the road but still, he looked divine to you. He was, in a more literal sense than God had ever been, your savior. He looked at you blankly for a moment, then as if remembering himself, blinked and threw on a more pleasant expression. He reached for the torch and you handed it to him through the bars.
"How are we getting along?" Hizashi strolled right up to the pair of you. He too looked rougher than when you first met, though his face bore no bruising nor did his gloved hands.
"Hold." Shouta instructed, handing the torch back to Hizashi.
"It's gone well, I take it." Hizashi took the torch and eyed the locks on the ground. "And you, how are you?"
Hizashi looked up at you, his eyes soft and the small smile on his lips comforting. Hizashi, as you were learning, was the more genuinely expressive of the two. Not that Shouta had ever been cold to you, his gestures just didn't reach his eyes the same way.
You reached for the bars next to you and pulled yourself to them so that when Shouta opened the cage door you wouldn't spill out. He slowly opened the cage door until he was sure you were going to stay put then he let it swing fully open. He held out his hands and you took them gingerly unsure of how much you were going to be able to do yourself in terms of getting out. Shouta shook his head and let go of your hands and reached into the cage, one arm pulling your legs out gently and supporting them under the knee before hooding his other arm around your back and lifting you out with ease. Despite how gentle he was trying to be the contact directly on your blistered peeling skin was so painful you let out a shaking breath, trying to dull the pain with breathing techniques you often told your patients to use when you were stitching something or removing debris from a wound. It didn't help and now you understood why they gave you such crossed expressions when you said it.
There was a part of you that was happy to be out of the cage and grateful beyond description to these men for saving you but there was another part of you, growing by the second, that was staunchly aware that you didn't really know them.
"I can stand." No, you couldn't. "I just need a mo-"
"It's alright." Shouta hummed, adjusting you in his arms so you were leaning more heavily into him. "I've got you, now."
You looked up at him, at his bruised face, and saw a kindness that reached his eyes. The tears that were welled up in your eyes finally spilled and you turned into his chest and let them fall, water staining his tunic.
You were gripping onto Shouta's waist for your life as he rode full force northward, the horse's thundering footsteps filling your ears. You had been riding for a long while, the poor horse beneath you was close to being spent and you could tell as its speed faltered. Shouta kept riding until the horse quite indignantly refused to go any faster than a walk. You'd wound up in a thin strip of marshland with the occasional deeply hunched whomping willow and cluster of waterlogged bushes. The sky was darkening, the blue of the afternoon had long since given way to the golds and oranges of sunsets and was now fading into a deep purple. Your legs were numb, ghost vibrations of horse hoof beats still rolling through your hips and lower back.
Shouta stopped under an especially distorted tree with roots so large and gnarled that you could curl up into the curve of one and disappear if you so pleased. He jumped down, starting a pace back and forth through the murky ground before realizing you were having trouble dismounting on your own. Without a word he grabbed you by the waist none too gently and lifted you down, placing you on your feet in the mud with a squelch. You wrinkled your nose at the sound and the feeling of the bud sinking into the boots Hizashi had gone back into town to get you a day or so ago.
Shouta, wordlessly unloaded the travel bags and the bedroll from the horse and tossed them into a pile against the thick roots of the tree. Everything about the way Shouta was moving put you on edge, sure you'd seen him somewhat annoyed or frustrated over the last five days but you'd only ever seen a glimmer of emotion compared to this. This scale of energy was comparable to Hizashi's jittering nature, his movements were sporadic and uncoordinated. Eventually, having spent way too long on a buckle, Shouta growled in frustration and kicked a long dead stump, shattering the fragile wood. He paused and took a deep breath before turning to you.
"Sorry." He muttered. It was the first thing he had said since "we have to go".
"S'okay." you muttered back, settling down on one of the tree roots. You patted a space beside you and looked back at him. "Sit?"
Shouta huffed and looked at where your hand was patting for a moment but shook his head. He paced again, muttering the occasion word to himself. "You know how to start a fire?"
"Y-yeah." You stammered.
"Good. I'll be back." Shota started walking away, back towards the south from whence you came. You thought about calling after him but thought better of it. Perhaps if it were Hizashi you would have but there was something in the way that Shouta had been furiously trying to stay calm that worried you, that scared you. You watched him fade into the distance until all of a sudden he was gone, disappearing with the blink of an eye into the tree line.
It took you a while to find dry enough wood to make a reasonably sized fire for warmth but you got one going on a small patch of dry land where you and the exhausted horse settled down. The horse tucked its legs under itself and went straight to sleep while you decided to take a look around once the feeling had fully returned to your legs. The marshland was vast to the north but to the south, east and west you could see trees. All sorts of plants poked out of the water nearby, many of which were familiar to you. There were small clusters of pink and white flowers on tall thin stems for pain, thick green gel-filled leaves for burns, and dark green aromatic leaves for disinfecting and cleaning wounds. You collected bunches of each and wandered back to the fire, settling in and spending the rest of your waking hours cleaning bugs from your finds.
You awoke to the smell of cooking meat and the sizzle of moisture hitting the fire. Your eyes flew open and just as panic gave way to alertness your eyes met Shouta's across the now sizable flames and you relaxed.
"Sorry." he gruffed. He was calmer now. "I would have woken you when I got back but you looked like you needed the rest."
"When did you get back?" You yawned looking up at the pale pink sky: the sun was just beginning to rise.
"An hour or so ago." he shrugged. Shouta's eyes were encircled by deep hollows and his shoulders hung lower than usual. It was as easy to see that the man hadn't slept at all through the night as it was to read the words 'I'm exhausted' scrawled across a page.
"You can sleep if you want, I can stay up and keep an eye out." You offered, unfurling from your bedroll as the day's heat already began to swell. If you had the courage you would have asked about Hizashi but there was something unsettling about the calm that Shouta was experiencing right now, as if it were the type of calm that warranted a storm.
"It's alright," Shouta grumbled "we'll eat then head out. I know where to find Hizashi."
"R-really? Is he alright?" you straighten right up at that news. As much as the events of yesterday had provided you with an inescapable and harsh reminder of reality, you had grown fond of the men whose charge you found yourself in.
"I-" Shouta sighed and clenched his fist. "I believe so, he didn't indicate if he was injured."
"He didn't indicate- wait, how did you hear from him?"
"We have a system when we travel, if we get separated we go to the nearest crossroads with a signpost and leave instructions on how to find wherever we're held up." Shouta explained, holding a folded piece of paper to you.
You reached for it stopping to look at his hand, poorly wrapped in torn fabric no doubt from a cloak or tunic.
"Your hand-"
"S'fine." Shouta waved you off.
"Let me tend to it." You looked up, into his eyes. "I'm the one who-"
"I started you, it's fine. It's good that you were prepared." Shouta looked away, awkwardly
"Shouta," you huffed "I'm cleaning it and bandaging it properly before you die from flesh eating disease!"
Shouta smirked, it was a painfully small twitch of the lips, but you saw it. "That's dramatic."
"I've been a healer since I was fourteen," You scold him "I know wounds."
"Fine." He sniffed, still holding out the letter. You took it, at the same time gently grabbing hold of his hand.
It was somewhat cryptic, but you could tell Hizashi had written it in a hurry because it didn't take you very long to pick up on the pattern. The last line of instructions ordered you only to approach the barn he was hiding away in at night so as to not alert the farmer. You looked up at Shouta and shook your head.
"What?" He asked, wrinkling his nose as he looked at his hand as you unwrapped his haphazard bandage job.
"He said to wait until nightfall." You raised your eyebrow at him.
"how-" he looked away "and?"
"And you were just going to ignore that order, weren't you?"
Shouta gritted his teeth, he was fighting some kind of expression off. He didn't want to betray how he was truly feeling but you could gather it all on your own.
"He's precious to you." you smiled, you hoped it was a genuine, kind smile. One that made him feel warm and understood. You really hoped it didn't look cruel or taunting, that would be the opposite of what you were going for. You reached for the bag of supplies he'd left next to your bedroll. There you grabbed a water skin and bandages and began blotting away at his hand with clean water.
Shouta looked up at you, surprise clear as day across his face. Bright red roses bloomed in his cheeks and like a child being teased he stammered and looked down at his inturned feet.
"W-well, I- I guess." he grumbled, trying to fold his arms but failing to do so as you held his hand in place. Taking a deep breath he looked up at you and sighed. "Yes, yes he is. I-I love him."
There was a moment where the two of you looked at each other and a silent exchange happened. One in which you suddenly understood the extent of Hizashi and Shouta's relationship, and that their love runs deeper than that of friends or even brothers in arms. You see a yearning in Shouta that is not only for love but to be with the one he loves, a yearning so strong and absolute that he must already have found that person. You keep smiling at Shouta, this time you're sure it's kind and warm because he can't help but smile back. It's a small sheepish smile and it's plagued with uncertainty and embarrassment, but nonetheless, it's there. In this moment of silent exchange, you feel as though Shouta understands where you stand, just as you were beginning to understand yourself. You, whether you liked it or not, were with them now.
"Right." Shouta broke the silence and plucked a skewer of meat from around the fire. "H-here."
"Still raw." You smirked. "I'm almost done."
You and Shouta sat in silence, him fidgeting with a small folded up map from one of the pouches on his belt.
"We're not going until nightfall, Shouta." You chided him as you watched him stubbornly trying to trace out a path with his free hand.
He stopped and groaned childishly. "What if he's hurt?"
"If he were really hurt he'd have told you knowing full well that there would be hell to pay once you found him if he hadn't." You reasoned, trying to crush some of that dark green leaf between your fingers to make a topical liquid.
This time Shouta's groan was less of an annoyed groan and more of an accepting grunt. He knew you were right and he also knew that Hizashi was capable of taking care of himself, he just needed to keep reminding himself of that. Shouta flipped the map over a leaned back fully against the tree.
"I'm going to go mad sitting here all day." He grumbled to himself.
You smiled to yourself as you rubbed the crushed edge of the leaf against his wound, so he wasn't so stubborn after all. You suddenly remembered your herbs you'd been sorting through before sleeping and found most of them in a cluster next to your bedroll.
"Here," you grinned to yourself, humored "you can pick the bugs out of these. It'll keep your hands busy."
Shouta almost grinned, you saw that tug at the corner of his mouth, as brief as it was. He breathed out heavily through his nose as if he was trying to keep his grumpy exterior together. He didn't make a move towards the pile. "Oh no, Shouta. I'm serious, make yourself useful."
He gave you an incredulous look. "I broke you out of jail."
"That was three days ago, so far today you've been doing an awful lot of moaning and groaning." You nodded towards the herbs. "Get cleaning."
Shouta didn't move and for a moment and you were sure that you had prodded the bear too much, but sure enough, he reached forward and examined the pile. "I need fresh water."
"Hmm," you thought back to last night "I spotted a fresh pool not too far north. The water looked clearer than the marshes."
Shouta nodded and stared into space for a moment before coming back to himself. "I need to bathe."
You glanced down at yourself and found more dirt under your fingernails than you'd have preferred and felt a wholly encompassing feeling of filth. You also needed to bathe, desperately. "That was the happiest idea you've had yet."
Shouta grinned despite himself, instead of embracing the moment of reprieve Shouta embraced the oldest tradition of manhood, and quite literally ran away from his feelings. As soon as you tied off the bandages he stood and started gathering the herbs, and rolling up the bedroll. The whole time he refused to give you the satisfaction of eye contact.
The pool of fresh water was nestled in between a wall of trees to the east and a dense, tall line of bushes. It couldn't have been more than twenty feet across but clear enough to see to the bottom. At first you were worried that it wasn't quite deep enough to be able to properly bathe oneself but Shouta seemed unconcerned as he started pulling off layers of clothes. You hadn't realized how many layers he worre until he was taking them off, he wore thick cotton tunic, a thick leather padded vest and under that a fraying undershirt. He'd originally appeared more stocky to you, especially next to Hizashi, but without the heavy leather vest he was much leaner than you thought. He wasn't quite as lithe as hizashi but what muscle he did have and toned and compact.
You were staring at him, not really registering that fact that you were currently watching someone get underess. He paused after he had shed his top layer and boots, and stared back at you. He didn't look particularly bashful nor as if he was suffering some great intrusion but instead, somewhat smug. It took you a few seconds of eye contact to realize what you were doing and a hot blush rose in your cheeks and ears and you looked away guiltily.
"Sorry!" you squeaked. "I- I uh- shit, sorry! You, just do your thing. I'm going to...go pick some plants."
"You already did that." He chuckled, that the bastard was laughing under his breath. You could hear it. "You don't need to bathe?"
"No." you tried to look anywhere but towards him as you heard the rustling of river stone under his feet and the sound of heavy leather trousers hitting the ground. You tried not to squeak at the image that barged so rudely across your mind. "I mean yes, but we can...take turns."
"You need to change those bandages and clean your burns." Shouta sighed. "You won't be able to do it on your own."
You blushed deeply and looked everywhere but at him. The sky, as it turns out, a lovely shade of blue.
"How about this," he started, as if he were proposing a simple solution to a situation where neither of you were naked nor stripping. "I get in, turn my back and you get in. Turn your back, I help you with the places you can't reach. I'll even close my eyes, on Hizashi's honor. Then you leave first and get dressed and I'll keep my back turned until you say otherwise."
"Hizashi's honor? What about your own?" you asked, fighting a grin.
"He's much more trustworthy." Shouta countered.
" Is your back turned now?" You asked, hugging yourself close even though you were fully clothed.
"I- n-no, you're still dressed." he sighed.
"Well," you huffed "go get in and stay facing away!"
"Of course, ma'am." Was he mocking you? He was mocking you. His mood had sweetened but at what cost? You groaned to yourself and listened for the subtle sounds of the water splashing around his legs and the sharp intake of breath at the cool water washed up against his bare skin. "I'm in."
"Right." you snuck a glance backwards at him, sure enough, he was waist deep in the water, bareback, covered in scars, facing you. You found yourself staring again as he dunked his head under water and wet his long waves. In the early morning sun you were able to see the shadows, the definition of the muscles cast across his back, and the dimples that sat towards the bottom of his spine. You would have blushed if he had wandered to your cottage for healing before all of this began, maybe even made him a meal and asked him to stay overnight for "observation" if he was courteous enough. This time, without turning to look at you, he cleared his throat loudly. You couldn't be sure that he wasn't just clearing his throat in an uncharacteristically loud manner or if he had somehow caught you staring.
The ferocity of the blush in your cheeks heightened. You had been so diligent to make sure he couldn't sneak a peek at your body and you were just as bad as you were acting like he was. You turned away again and took a deep breath before starting to unfasten your tunic from the front. It fell away onto the rounded stones beneath your feet and you felt the fresh air hit what parts of your skin hadn't been bandaged. You'd forgotten about the bandages. They were tied in the back and you're clumsy fingers couldn't quite feel their way around the knot enough to loosen them.
"Shit." you muttered to yourself, your fingers pulling at any side of the knotted fabric you could grasp. You were grumbling to yourself. "Oh come on."
"Something wrong?" Shouta called back to you over his shoulder.
"Hizashi is too good at tying knots is what's wrong!" you huffed. "I can't get the bandaged undone."
"You're still covered up, right?" Shouta asked.
"Um, yeah."
You heard the water around him swirling and splashing as he trudged back toward you through the water. You instinctively looked back and he stopped suddenly crouching so his bottom half was submerged in the water, his hands flying below his waist to assist in the guardian of his genitals. You let out another embarrassing squeak and turned away, at this point your whole body must have been pink with blush.
"What are you doing?" you yelped, dropping your face into your hands.
"I'm going to help with the bandages, stay- just look away." He huffed and stood, water pouring off of him.
It was quite the anticipatory period, waiting for him to rise from the water and rough his hands to graze your shoulder and they reached for your bandages. You tried to tense your body and avoid the shiver that ran through you with every brush and prod of his fingers. Not only was this an inappropriate situation to find yourself feeling this sort of attraction but he was a taken man! A man, who was with another man, and was very likely not even remotely likely to reciprocate your attraction. Oh, stop it you child. You scolded yourself.
After a few seconds of fumbling with the knots Shouta's wet hands freed you and he stepped back to let you unravel the bandages. You had assumed he'd stalked back into the water as per your agreement and were frightful surprised when you turned around to find him only partially submerged and staring at you. At meeting eyes with you he looked away abruptly, the somewhat serene look on his face was replaced by something akin to guilt and he dove under the water.
He sure was feeling dramatic today.
You waited, arms pulled close to your chest until he emerged from the water ten feet back and facing away from you. He didn't make a move to turn around or peak for the thirty or seconds that you watched him so you carefully slid down your trousers, and the small clothes underneath and scurried to the water's edge. He'd been acting like it was no big deal but you could feel how cold the water rarely was and you inched in. It felt good on you aching feet and even your strained shins but when it got to your thighs the raw flasking skin registered the coldness of the water as pain. You breathed through it until your body got used to the temperature inch by inch until you were waist deep and able to crouch down into the water to wash your torso.
The whole time Shouta remained strictly facing away from you running his finger through his knotted hair. You crouched down, the cool water washing over your skin, a mixture of therapeutic coolness and sharp pain hit you. You sucked in a sharp breath, which you guessed must have sounded worse than it was because Shouta glanced back at you with a worried look. He quickly righted himself, looking up at the sky uncomfortably.
"You okay?" He asked, swallowing hard.
"Mm hm." you hummed. You tried to prod at some of the dead sin on your back and hissed. You had been hoping to clean your skin and shed off the dried out layer. "Just... sensitive."
"Do- do you need my help, yet?' he asked, eyes still trained on the cloudless sky.
"Uh yeah." you bent your knees a bit, making sure the bottom half of your body was fully submerged and crossed your arms over your chest, keeping you back facing him.
"Okay." you heard him turning around and gliding towards you in a full swim. He even kept the sounds he made splashing around in the water to a minimum. His hands were gentle when they found your skin, cool water gently being cupped and poured over your shoulders and back. He spent a while rubbing soothing circles into your skin, gently loosening the flaking skin that wasn't going to heal back. Your skin felt sensitive and raw but it was also in a strange sense immensely soothing.
You closed your eyes and let the early morning sun warm your face. You were so focused on the chittering of birds in the trees and very welcomed warmth of the sun in contrast to the cool water, that you didn't notice when Shouta's hands snaked farther forward. It started at your hips, then up your side and down the tops of your arms. You only notice the moment his hands brushed the side of your chest, dangerously close to your breasts. That blush that you'd felt slowly fading away lit up again, and despite the water you suddenly felt warm.
"T-thank you, Shouta." You cleared your throat. "I think I can finish up."
"R-right." Shouta's hands hesitantly pulled away and you felt him hover for a moment, you were sure he was staring. You hadn't taken a moment until just now to wonder what you back really looked like, was it pink and raw, covered in white flaking skin or had it faded a little by now and started to return to a more normal skin tone. He glided away and you heard him resurface a few feet away.
"Eyes to the sky." He announced.
You dropped your arms and began to try and rub the dry skiing from your arms and chest, and break down the thick layer of grease in your hair. It felt wonderful to be cleaning yourself. You hadn't realized how horrendous being filthy had made you feel until you were clean once again. You had been sitting in your own filth for three days in a cage, and then stewing away in bandages and the same clothes for three more. You ran your fingers across your sensitive skin and although there was a bit of tenderness you decided that the bandages were no longer necessary. You headed back to shore, part of you wanting to get dressed and unexposed as soon as possible and the other half wanting to splash around in the water forever. There's something freeing about bathing, always has been. It was relaxing and soothing to not only your body but your mind.
But you thought of Shouta who must have been pruning away in the water and dragged yourself from the pool. You stumbled across one of the larger rocks that your clothes had been strewn across, your wet feet sliding easily down the rounded surfaces. You didn't quite lose your balance but you landed hard and uneven on your foot, a sharp, tering sort of pain running up your ankle and side of your shin. You pulled away from the rock to see a sharp corner from a recent break now painted in trace amounts of your blood.
You groaned loudly, not necessarily because of the pain but because of the frustration. Nothing, literally nothing, could be easy for you? Even getting dressed had to cause you injury.
"You okay?" Shouta was still in the middle of the pool, looking up at the sky.
"Y-yeah." You grumbled, shoving your newly scraped up leg into your trousers. You waited until you had your tunic over your shoulders and ready to lace up before calling out to Shouta and telling him that it was alright to get out of the water. He nearly leaped from the water, enthusiastically trudging towards the shoreline. He was on land and barbarically shaking himself dry like a dog in no time, his long wavy hair whipping to and fro. Freezing droplets splattered across your back and neck, seeping into your tunic and reminding you just how cold the water had been.
Within seconds of getting to shore, Shouta hopped around the river rock for a bit then came striding past you, trousers on but undone, boots on but untied, and the top half of his clothing in hand. You hurriedly pulled your tunic closed and tried lacing it up without revealing your bust. You couldn't help but let your eyes trail after him as he walked, his trousers were dangerously low, lower back dimples showing along with his very defined v-shaped musculature when he eventually turned around to face you.
"Let me see your leg." he jutted his chin towards your scrapped up shin.
"Shouta, it's just a scratch." you waved him off.
"Flesh eating disease." He stated, quoting you.
"I'll keep it clean." You grinned. "Unlike you, Mr. Uses- dirty-cloth-as-bandages."
"Come on, we have to be at the farm by nightfall." Shouta rolled his eyes, as he pulled his undershirt on over his head and shoved it into his pants. He started to disappear behind the line of bushes that separates the pool from the marshland that held your camp.
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Bright as a Diamond. Shinso Hitoshi x Fem Reader: Chapter Seven
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Chapter Seven
Chapter Summary: (Y/N) wakes up in the hospital after our last chapter. Maybe Shinso isn’t an asshole all the time. Maybe he’s got a redeemable quality after all. 
Series Summary:  
When (Y/N)’s co-worker decided to send a picture of her making a diamond to the paper, her life was over. Gemstone based quirks weren’t all that rare, but being able to make a diamond put a target on her back. After years of hiding in the city, it’s time to hide in the countryside with her Uncle Shota Aizawa and his more than ‘roommate’ Hizashi Yamada. With the promise of training her to be self-sufficient, she’s ready to learn.
Author Note: I cut this chapter in two as it got to big, and the next chapter will be a lot to handle. So I tried to add some softer moments in this chapter. Enjoy
Warning: Mentions of being drugged, mentions stalker, mentions of urination on self.
Last chapter: Chapter Six
Next Chapter:: Chapter Eight 
The Barrage
     "You didn't tell mom?" I sat up with a start, chest racing. Three men were sitting around my bed, my hospital bed. "Wait, what's happening?" I gripped my head and looked away from the window. A dense fog had settled in over my mind, and situations blurred.  
   "What do you remember?" Shota leaned forward, gritting his teeth.
   Shinso shut the blinds, and I could see just how upset Hizashi looked. His puffy cheeks and red eyes, whatever had happened, must have scared him… scared.
   My stuffed animal burning. Hips blistered. More incentives just kept me frozen.
   Hands around my throat. Warm bubbly blood. Begging. There was always begging.
   "It's okay," Shinso had his fingers pressed to my forehead, and I centered my focus. The fog cleared, and the scent of coffee brought back what happened.
   "My work friend. He found me at the cafe, we were going to meet up later so I could see his apartment. He bought me a coffee. Said he added sugar because I was so sweet, but I hate coffee, and I declined. Then he dragged me to a comic shop." Rubbing the sides of my head, I chewed my lip trying to remember.
   Shinso's face flashed through my memory, and I focused on other details. Like the gravels in my knees, and the midnight plush. "He was trying to buy me an Eraserhead poster, but I have them all. But I didn't tell him that. Instead, I picked up Shinso's debut buttons, and Kira tore them from me. Then- I got mad, but I don't- it was a Midnight plushie. He said Midnight and I were both curvy, and I corrected him. He had both drinks in his hand with the plush under his arm. Next, a shop attendant came to ask me for something, and Kira went off about how cool my quirk was, and I didn't work for free. "I gripped my sheets, falling back into the bed wincing. "I'm an idiot."
   "It's that all you remember?" Shota ignored my self-degradation, pushing my hair behind my ear.
   "Shinso." The boy perked up and turned from the blind he'd been fiddling with. The bags under his eyes were notable than before.
   "I remember Shinso saving me." The lint ball wasn't totally insufferable, he had proved that today. It might have been his job, but I was grateful. "Thanks, I owe you a couple."
   "Don't mention it." I figured he'd gloat, but instead, he picked up his coat and slunk to the door. "I'm running to the convince store, any requests?"
   "Anything with caffeine," Shota sighed, leaning back in his chair.
   "I'm good, (Y/n)?" Hizashi glanced me.
   There was no way I'd ask Shinso for a damn thing before today, but maybe. "Chocolate, anything that will wash the taste of coffee out of my mouth, really."
   "Got it." He closed the door on the way out. I pulled my blanket up higher, feeling exposed.
   "So, what happened after I went down?" There was a lemon-lime soda on my bedside, and I gently sipped it, feeling the rawness of my throat.
   "You were taken to the hospital and had your stomach bumped for retinol." That explained the pain. Shota continued, "Kira got away, unfortunately. We'll have to be careful till he's caught. Did you tell him where we live?"
   "No, I said I was in the city. He believed me because I was biking to work every day. Oh snap, work is going to be super awkward. Like will he show up, or will I be promoted to his position." The possibilities were endless, I could even be fired for causing this. I've brought enough trouble to the company as is.
   "It wasn't a real jewelry shop." A man with a dog's face entered the room, totting a notebook. "I'm police chief, Kenji Tsuragamae, and I've been aware of a new jewelry shop in town. It was only open for a few hours each day, and we suspected it was a cover-up store. You were let go from Kale's Jewelry last month, and you were made to believe you had a position here. This is a very extreme case of predatory stalking."
   "Oh." I nodded, things clicking together. "Oh. I see… so I really am a dunce, huh?" Hizashi took my hand and pushed my hair from my face.
   "You're so bright and trusting, it's not a reflection of you." Hizashi coddled me, pressing his forehead to mine, rubbing my shoulder. The closeness was the only thing preventing me from crying.
   "We're going to make you sharper", Shota promised me, clasping both my hands. "For now, you need to heal and answer some questions."
   Mr. Tsuragamae's questions went by quickly. Things like how long I had known Kira, did he have any friends, what was his daily routine at work. Once he was done, my head was spinning again, and I was ready for a nap. The more I answered, the more apparent how much I overlooked earlier in our association.  
   Shinso returned soon after, bearing an energy drink for Shota, and a caramel-filled chocolate bar for me. The caramel did the trick, and soon all I could taste was the silky-smooth texture of liquid chocolate and caramel. While eating, Shinso went back to looking out the window, his back tense. He was such an ass, but even he knew when to tone it back.  
   "Can we go home?" I broke the silence, fidgeting with the hem of my gown. There was no reason for me to sit in an uncomfy bed and be miserable.  
   "I'll go ask the doctor." Shota took the initiative and left to chase my doctor down.
   The nurses had brought me more pain meds earlier and checked me over. But overall, I had been left to my own devices. I could be miserable in my own bed at the least. From what I gathered, Shinso got me to the hospital fast enough that the pills hadn't fully entered my bloodstream.
   Hizashi and Shinso had their own little conversation about Shinso's current mission, and I settled for finding my phone. The battery was dead and would stay that way till I got home. It had done enough by getting me help. Still, I wanted to look busy, so I used my sheet to wipe the screen off and shine the case.  
   "You can go home," an older nurse had followed Shota into the room." The last round of blood work came back clean. I must say you're a very lucky girl. If that boy hadn't got you in here so fast, you'd be comatose. There was enough retinol in your system to kill three men."
   "He's not half bad," I agreed, noting the odd smile from Hizashi to Shota. "I've been worse for wear before, but this was something new. Guess I can cross this off my 'never have I ever list'. Now to get home and beseech Hisoka for affection. Plus, get some real rest."
   "We'll be back in a few minutes with your papers." The nurse scribbled something on my chart before shutting the door behind her.
"I assume you want to wear the gown home?" Hizashi pushed my shoes onto my feet and tied my laces.
"Can't I wear the outfit I had on?" I asked, getting to my feet, wavering before Hizashi had his arm around me. The three men than froze, looking for the other to say something. "What is it?"
"You pissed yourself." My face went blood red as Shinso broke it to me, holding a plastic bag, that I assumed had my outfit in it.
"No." I crooked my head, scrunching my face together.
"That's just the cherry on the cake." Hizashi grinned, trying to make it easier.
"We all have accidents. under extreme circumstances." Shota took the bag from Shinso and tucked it under his coat.
"Can, can you just toss it. I don't want you to have to deal with that." I laid my head on Hizashi's shoulder and thought of Shinso carrying me earlier...I wanted to vanish. It didn't help that Lint Ball was giving me a pitiful look.
"Washing them is no problem, pro heroes wet themselves all the time. Right Sho?" Hizashi lead me to the door as a nurse brought a wheelchair.
"Not all the time." Shota held tight to the bag and paled.
"Can we just change the topic?" Sitting in the chair, I slumped my shoulders and made sure to keep my gown over my knees.
"The weather's nice." Shinso offered, handing me a peppermint from his pocket.
"It was nice this morning, for sure." Humming, I wiggled my toes in my shoes, forcing a smile.
"Tomorrow will be even better." Shinso insisted, holding open the door to the outside.
"I think so too." Hizashi chimed in, going to get the car to pick us up. The notion that tomorrow would put this behind me was comforting. I'd have to deal with the fall out Akira caused, but he couldn't run forever.
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
Can I make a request for Aizawa and Hizashi (separately) trying to help their s/o through a bad day? Im generally a very happy person but I have adhd and dyslexia and someone in my life has consistently been making comments about me being 'too dumb', 'lazy', and 'not trying hard enough'. It's very distressing and today that person pushed it to the point I had an anxiety attack. It's okay if you don't want to do this. But thank you for writing for us!! I really love your writings!
Hey anon, that’s not cool of them at all. If you ever need any help you can always message us or reach out to my main, @shakira-shakira-shakira. I hope these offer you some comfort!
Warnings: Language
Shouta is naturally a very calming and relaxing person. He has a cool and comforting ambience associated with his black attire and monotone personality. He’s honestly the perfect person to be around when you’re experiencing anxiety or having a rough day
He’s also incredibly observant, as is to be expected of someone who supervises a class full of kids allowed to beat each other up. He’s the first to notice when you’re struggling or bothered by something
Although he picks up on your attitudes often times before you do, he’s more likely to let you come to him than to coddle you immediately. If you’re obviously in need of help he knows when to step in, but values your independence and your options\
That being said though, he will make small gestures to try and help you through the day even if he’s not sure whether or not to intervene. Things like little notes at your desk, a text asking how your day’s been so far, or dropping off your favorite snack for you. Just simple little reminders of how much he cares about you
Of course, he does want you to come to him with your problems so he can try to fix them for you, as men do, but tries to think from your perspective in comparison to how he himself would feel if you pressed him for a response. That’s why he tries to simply distract you instead, unless you’re blatantly in need of emotional support
When you do come to him with your struggles, Shouta is quick to drop whatever he’s doing and give you his unwavering focus. After all, you’re his number one priority and he’s already known that you were having a rough day
Shouta knows how to control his emotions, but he has a short fuse nonetheless. One thing he cannot tolerate is people insulting or belittling his s/o, or causing them any type of intentional distress. He isn’t afraid to stand up for you and be a real prick to anyone who’s bothering you, despite any efforts on your end to stop him
Seriously, anyone who’s mean to you can expect a verbal assault. He doesn’t curse at them or insult them; he’s just really good at strong, but subtle ways of essentially telling people to go fuck themselves
Working with teenagers for so long really comes in handy when you want to end a lecture with someone feeling incredibly disappointed in themselves
Hizashi is a bright and calculated person; he prefers to know exactly what’s happening at any given moment when it comes to his s/o -- they’re simply not allowed to be upset in any way, shape, or form, and may God pity anyone who caused their mood
It can be a bit exhausting at times. He fails to understand that every once in a while, you need your space and would rather deal with your emotions over time and as they come. It’s hard for him to comprehend, but he respects your decision
He’s gravitates towards those feeling lonely or struggling by themselves, so it doesn’t take long for him to pick up on the fact that you’re having a bad day. He acts carefree, but he’s incredibly intuitive and analytical. You won’t know peace until you spill your problems to him
Once you’ve explained how you’re feeling, and what prompted it, he’s an absolute mess! The thought of someone insulting you is unbearable to him. He’s not as angry as Shouta, but he doesn’t have the same amount of self-control; Hizashi is an emotional driven person who often lets the passion of a moment get the best of him
When you’re having a regular old bad day, he bugs you constantly to try and keep you in a light mood. It’s better to be mad at him than the world, or even yourself. Right? At least, that’s his standpoint
He’s like Shouta again, but far less subtle. He outwardly asks you about your feelings and if you want to talk with him, or if there’s anything that he can do to help. If declined, he’ll sulk for a while but ultimately understands your decision and just wants you to be happy
Besides, he’d never sulk in front of you anyways; that’s a manipulative behavior and he won’t let that happen to you!
Similar prompt: Aizawa and Toshinori HCs for a s/o with anxiety
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ao3feed-tododeku · 3 years
Streaming and Shipping
Streaming and Shipping by ughdotcom
EraserHead and PresentMic are some of the biggest Twitch Streamers, both making a name in video games, but no one knows that they're actually married.
Midoriya Izuku has a wonderful idea: he's going to set up his biggest Real Person ship. He refuses to listen to his roommate, who insists that it's a bad idea.
Featuring: Shenanigans, double dates, roommates, and AllMight x Reader fic that is more than it seems.
Words: 1073, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Eri, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Don't copy to another site, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - Twitch Streamer, Crack Treated Seriously, Secret Relationship, Making Fun of RPF
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30355767
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Streaming and Shipping
Streaming and Shipping by ughdotcom
EraserHead and PresentMic are some of the biggest Twitch Streamers, both making a name in video games, but no one knows that they're actually married.
Midoriya Izuku has a wonderful idea: he's going to set up his biggest Real Person ship. He refuses to listen to his roommate, who insists that it's a bad idea.
Featuring: Shenanigans, double dates, roommates, and AllMight x Reader fic that is more than it seems.
Words: 1073, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Eri, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Don't copy to another site, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - Twitch Streamer, Crack Treated Seriously, Secret Relationship, Making Fun of RPF
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30355767
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lovelywongie · 1 year
Yandere EraserMic anorexia ver. Headcanons
They will force you to recovery duh but they will be extra nice with that. They will educate themself about that illnesses because they want you to be safe, not sure if they would send you to the mental hospital cuz they don't want you to be in a hospital so they will do everything to have you at home even if you need to have tube then they will just hire someone to handle this stuff to have you at home and help u. If they needed to they will choose pediatric.
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lovelywongie · 2 years
Yandere Erasermic with darling who is afraid of fireworks! <3
They probably don't know at the first but we all know that that the new year Eve can't be celebrate without the dumb idiots who are playing with the fireworks few days before, after it they know that even if they don't seen it, they have so much cameras in the home.
After knowing it Mic try to talk to you about it and ask some questions, why are you so scared because you have some bad memories with it or you just don't like the strange loud noises,On the night of the last day of year, they already have for you sedative meds for you, if they know that you going to pass out after first firework they have sleeping meds for u to just help you sleep peacefully.
If you really don't want to hear the loud noice, Hizashi can give you his headphones.
But at the end they just wanna spend a nice night with you. <3
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Happy new year! Thank you for the 2021 I will be happy to spend with you 2022! <3 love you bye!
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blackenedwhite97 · 4 years
Just a pop a like on this post if you’d be interested in a like Medieval EraserMic x reader AU? Idk i’ve been binging LotR okay!
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blackenedwhite97 · 4 years
Present Mic x Reader x Aizawa How We Became Friends Part:2
This post includes: drinking, mild sexual content, cursing and a prominent polyamorous romantic relationship.
    Polyamory: the practice of engaging in multiple sexual relationships with the consent of all the people involved.
- A few months into living in Musutafu City you’d end up going to a Christmas Party hosted by Mt. Lady, who did love her parties.
- You’d see Yamada across the room and beside him was the Aizawa who had his hand on Yamada’s thigh. Yamada in turn had his arm draped over the back of Aizawa chair.
- Well fuck, that’s the definition of opposites attract.
- He’d spot you and wave you over shouting over the crowd a little to loud. Aizawa wouldn’t even react, he must have been used to the shouting by now. Yamada, realizing the chandelier shook with his voice, would erupt into a scarlet blush and apologize just a loudly.
- You’d make you way over to him and he’d introduce you to Aizawa. Aizawa would eye you, a spark of something not entirely innocent in his eyes.
- Yamada would get toasted that night, dragging you down that hole with him. Aizawa would spend the first half of the night in pleasant yet generally boring conversation as was expected at a party and the second half erasing Yamada’s quirk when he’d lose control of his volume.
- Eventually he’d decided that he’d made enough of an effort at being social for the night and ask you to help wrangle Yamada. When you, also drunk but more functional, finally got his outside to the car he’d spin around before getting into the driver seat and grab your face. He’d slur something about you being beautiful and nice and plant one on you.
- You’d pull away, you stomach twisting up in horror. The first place you’d look was at Aizawa, ready to blurt out an apology. He looked tired but all together unbothered. He’d sigh and be the one to apologize on behalf of Yamada.
- Your stomach was still upset. Oh no, it was downright furious. You’d clutch your stomach, slap a hand over your mouth and run towards an alley between houses. The snow was up to your ankles and you slipped to your knees before letting loose. Halfway through a warm hand found your back and bunched your hair up behind your head, you tried apologizing to whoever it was but couldn’t get a word out.
- When you were empty and just dry heaving Aizawa would wrap his arms around you and walk you back to the car. He’d slide you into the back seat and you passed out at some point during the car ride.
- The next morning was pure humiliation when you woke up on the pairs couch with a cat snuggled into you. The only thing that made it better was that Yamada was even more of a mess than you were. He, as Aizawa informed you with a devilish grin, was a light weight. You’d try to get out of there as soon as possible but Aizawa would insist on borrowing some of Yamada’s cloths so you could wash your dress from last night and get some breakfast in you.
- It would take a few days for Yamada to text you after that, he’s felt terrible after Aizawa told him that he’d kissed you.
- When you did get a text, it’d be something like “hey y/n! If you’d like to kill me after what happened I totally get it! Should we set up appointment, I can bring coffee and other peace offerings?”
- You’d plan to meet up for coffee with the two of them at a local café where the owner had a pair of cats who enjoyed socializing with the guests. You would show up first and the cats would flock to you, one on your lap while the other sat on the table pawing at your keys. When Aizawa and Yamada walked in Aizawa gladly took the spot next to you so he could pet the cats, the one on the table election to play with his long hair from his lap.
- Yamada would begrudgingly take the seat across the table and order two coffees. He’d start trying to apologize, his ears turning red. The heat of embarrassment flushed through you and soon enough the two of you were both apologizing and ensuring each other everything was alright. Aizawa would cut everything short by laughing at the two of you. “Oh my God, there’s two of you!”
- The three of you would be there for hours, eventually figuring out when you all went to school, where you had moved to, what Aizawa did for a living and the pair had somehow convinced you that you needed a kitten ASAP. It was a long and sweet afternoon and when you eventually parted ways you felt a fuzzy warmth in your chest and you smiled the whole way home.
- The next time you ran into Aizawa on night patrol he’d ask if you wanted to patrol together, he’d say something about villain activity being up as patrolling in pairs only being logical. When the sun began to rise and you were about to head home he’d scratch his head and awkwardly ask you to hang out with him and Yamada on New Year’s. You say yes, your heart doing happy cartwheels. You’d say good-bye and turn around to hide the blooming blush across your cheeks.
-What the fuck, why do I feel like a grand schooler who just got asked by her crush to sit with him at lunch?
PART 1 is about how you met the pair
PART 3 is about you got together.
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Scales and Scars (Part Nine)
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Aizawa-Yamada [Y/n] - Given quirks through experimentation, thus their quirks are ‘Artificial’ and not considered ‘true’ quirks
a/n:Time for some action...It’s the USJ ARC!
Warnings: Blood, fighting, implications of death
Word Count: 2188
Pairings: Eraserhead(AIzawa) X PresentMic(Hizashi), Reader X Class1A (Will have multiple endings for pairings)
Warnings: Yelling, Swearing, Panic Attacks, Flash backs
Prologue / Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight
We had been given the option of wearing our hero costumes or not, so you decided to wear yours as a precaution. You caught your dad’s eye as you grabbed your case and you knew he understood. The shift was getting harder to control due to the stress that you were under from school and trying to keep everything a secret from your classmates.
Add to the fact that you suspected that one of the main people who had tortured you for years had broken into the school...and you weren’t doing so hot.
You walked out to the bus stop in time to see Iida trying to get everyone into two lines, “I thought Midori was class rep?” You asked Toru, the girl, only visible thanks to her gloves and boots.
“Oh! I guess you weren’t there for it! But Midoriya gave up his position to Iida after he was able to calm down the hallways! Emergency exit Iida!” The girl was bouncing in place as you listened to her explain.
You hummed as you got onto the bus, stifling a laugh at the fact that Iida’s organizational skills had all been for naught since it was an open concept bus.
Soon the talk turned to Quirks. “I tend to speak my mind. Midoriya, your quirk is kind of like All Might’s isn’t it.” Tsu stuck a finger next to her chin as she stared at the anxious piece of greenery.
Before he could say anything, Kirishima piped in, leaning over the seat, “Yeah but All Might doesn’t break his bones every time he uses his quirk. At least it’s flashy unlike my hardening. I’ll never be that popular.”
That seemed to jolt Midori from his anxiety as he turned with a frown to the shark boy, “That’s not true! There are so many applications for your Quirk Kirishima!”
They were interrupted by Aoyama who seemed to … glitter? “If we’re talking about popularity, my naval laser is sure to stun!”
Mina patted the boy on the back, “Yeah but it doesn’t work that well when it gives you stomach aches!”
Kirishima entered the conversation again, “If we’re talking popularity, it’ll for sure be Todoroki or Bakugo!”
Tsu spoke in her same no nonsense tone as she responded, “But Bakugo will never be that popular.”
At that, the blond bombshell screeched, “What did you say you froggy bitch!?”
Tsu simply looked deadpanned at you as she said, “See.”
Kaminari laughed, “We basically just met so it’s telling that we already know your personality is shit stewed with garbage.”
Bakugo growled, “Say that again I dare you! I’ll kill you!” While that was happening, Uraraka turned towards you, “You haven’t really used your quirk aside from the apprehension test on the first day Yamada.”
You froze, not liking the attention on you. Thankfully, Shinso seemed to realize this, “There hasn’t really been time to practice our quirks, isn’t that what this trip is for?” Aizawa spoke up from the front of the bus, “Shut up all of you, we’re here.”
You watched with a soft smile as Uraraka freaked out over Thirteen, but you were more concerned over the fact that All Might, who you knew was the third instructor, wasn’t there.
That concern seemed relevant when you saw purple mist in the plaza slowly growing larger, “Aizawa!” Midori’s and your voices blended together as you both yelled out at the same time.
I turned to face the green headed boy, noticing that he was looking at the plaza as well, with fear in his large eyes.
“Has the testing already begun?” Kirishima asked.
“Stay back! Those are villains!” Your dad yelled as hundreds of thugs came pouring from the portal.
Finally the last villains entered. And you froze in terror.
You didn’t even hear the speech that the villain gave as you felt your legs give away and you fell with a heavy thud to your knees.
“[Y/n]!” Shinso scrambled over to you, grabbing your shoulders in an effort to keep you up.
But his concern also brought attention as the portal villain who had just appeared at the top of the stairs narrowed his eyes at you, “Ah, Master has spoken of you Little Monster. I believe it’s time to take back what is rightfully ours.”
You shook in absolute fear as he used the name for you that the villains and scientists had used for you all those years ago.
“Go to hell!” You heard explosions as Bakugo and Kirishima leapt at the portal. 
And then you were falling in black. When you fell out of the portal, you rolled a bit before coming to a stop. At the feet of Shigaraki.
You looked up from your spot on the ground and saw his piercing red eye peeking around the fingers of the severed hand on his face, “Well well well.” His voice was deeper, older, but still had that raspy quality and hint of madness in it that it had held when he and you were children, “It seems that I will be bringing back a gift for Sensei.”
You shook and then heard your father screaming, “Don’t you touch her!” Turning, you saw him taking down villain after villain, his focus on reaching you.
Shigarkai laughed, “You have the heroes wrapped around your little finger, don’t you monster? Do they know what you are? How useless of a monster you are?” He leaned over and whispered, his hot acid breath wafting over you, “Do they know about your monstrous form?”
Something in you seemed to break free from the fear at that as you jumped to your feet, startling the man child and jolting him enough that the severed hand fell off of his face, “My name is [Y/n] Yamada-Aizawa and I am not a Monster! I’m a hero! And I don’t belong to anyone!”
Ice flooded your veins as shadows began to gather at your feet, an inky mass of swirling emotions that were ready to lash out at any moment.
“Father..Father I’m sorry.” Shigaraki wasn’t even paying attention to you as he scooped the hand up with such reverence, you found yourself creeped out.
“Nomu.” And then he said a name and drew your attention to the creature beside him. A large, hulking black beast with an exposed brain and a large beak filled with razor sharp teeth, “Kill Eraserhead.”
You screamed as you watched a blur of motion and then turned to see your dad shoved to the ground, blood spilling around his head from where the beast had him pinned.
Then you felt hands circling your arm and lost your focus on the shadows as they burst from you in panic. The gale force had Shigaraki tightening his grip and putting down his fifth finger, “AGH!” You screamed in pain as your suit and then skin began decaying.
He didn’t let this stop him from dragging you over to the nomu and your dad, “This is what happens to people around you, Monster!” And then the hand was gone from your arm and on your father’s elbow, disintegrating his muscles.
Your dad began yelling out in pain and you felt your fear and anger collagating together. Swirling and storming and brewing. Before you could act, your father shoved the man child off and broke free from the Nomu.
The portal user reappeared beside Shigaraki, “Is thirteen out of commission?”
Your heart stuttered at that, but you could breathe again as the portal user answered, “They are still alive, I scattered the students but one of them managed to get outside to get backup.”
Shigaraki screamed, “If you weren't our exit Kurogiri I would kill you!”
Your focus was brought back to the nomu as you heard your father groan. The beast held one of Aizawa’s arms in his grasp, but from the angle and the bone jutting out from the forearm, you knew it was broken.
You were stuck between Shigaraki and the Nomu, with your emotions hanging by a thread but it seemed Shigarkai’s attention was elsewhere as he muttered, “I guess we can destroy the pride of the Symbol of Peace.” And took off running towards the edge of the water, which you were horrified to see Midori there with Tsu and Shinso.
Shinso caught your eyes and you heard him scream, “[Y/n]!”
The pain and the terror you heard in your name was the final straw. How dare these villains come in here and terrorize your friends? How dare they destroy your safety and peace? How dare they call you that vile name!?
You heard another loud snap and whipped around to see your dad unconscious, blood around his form and both his arms mangled, “Dad!”
You let go of the shift.
The entire dome shook with a roar full of pain and rage as the golden mechanisms did what they were made to do, pulling the fabric of your suit back and away as a large black dragon with a wingspan of 50 feet long and a height of 20 feet appeared in place of where a girl had stood before.
Your mind was completely gone. Looking around, all you saw was food and foe.
Snarling, as flames curled in your throat, you stared down the other creature in the area that was labeled as a threat as it stood over a piece of prey.
With a gaping maw, you released the scorching heat and bright red flames came raining out of your mouth, burning the Nomu alive.
“You little Monster! How dare you use the quirk!” A grating voice reached your ears as you craned your long neck around and saw a piece of prey scratching at its neck and drawing blood.
Sweet, sweet blood.
A low growl reverberated through your chest as you stalked towards the piece of prey.
The prey glared up at you, “Tameshi!”
The word flooded your mind and you began shaking your head wildly as your body tried to fight the command to bow to the piece of prey before you.
Why would you bow to prey? You were the ruler of the sky and ground.
“Tameshi! Stop using the quirk now! You dare try anything?”
Again the word and you whimpered as you slowly began lowering yourself to the ground before your master.
Movement caught your attention out of the corner of your eyesight as you turned with a snap of your powerful jaws, missing the prey by inches as it flew past you in a blur of green.
“[Y/n]! Yamada!” The green blur screamed at you but you didn’t understand the words it was yelling.
Your master laughed, “Your little classmate has been keeping secrets it seems. This is our little monster! The quirks you see them use are not theirs! They are Quirkless and are merely holding these quirks until they are ready to be harvested! You have been harboring a villain vessel in your school!”
You snarled, you didn’t like that tone. This piece of prey before you...You stood back up onto all fours, your wings spread out as you took flight.
Scanning the ground, you saw a patch of black in a puddle of red. Blood.
Your mind seemed to reel as you found your consciousness coming back instead of the beast mentality, still flapping your large black leathery wings over the expanse of the USJ.
You snarled, that word no longer having effect. Shigaraki seemed to realize that as fear finally settled on his face.
“Shigaraki, I suggest we leave.”
“HAVE NO FEAR FOR I AM HERE!” A cloud of dust and suddenly All Might was standing there, not smiling as he took in the scene.
Finally. You wanted to get down to your dad and make sure he was alive, but you couldn’t get yourself to shift back.
Before you could do anything though, you found yourself pinned to the ground and the snap you heard was your ribcage breaking under the immense force.
“All Might! Stop! That’s Yamada!” Midoriya screamed at the hero.
All Might looked down at you, you whined at him, blood coming up between your teeth as pain flooded your draconian body, “Young Yamada?”
You nodded the best you could as the hero gasped and stumbled to his feet, “I’m so sorry!”
And then he was gone, off fighting Shigaraki and Kurogiri. You saw that All Might had downed you near your dad and dragged your broken body over to the pile of black clothes.
Whining loudly and whimpering, ignoring the blood spilling out of your mouth and the screaming of your body as bones jostled within you, you nosed your dad.
You nosed him again when he didn’t respond. Fear and terror curdled in your stomach as you brought forth a claw tipped leg and carefully turned the man onto his back.
He was deathly still and white...and so you tilted your neck back, opened your jaw and screeched your pain to the heavens.
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t @mialeelavellan @rainydaysrnevergrey​ @platonic-plots​ @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi​ @queenbbarnes​ @mythixmagic​ @chas-z​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @princess-evans-addict​ @rororo06​ @timelordhunterandmysterysolver​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
Scales and Scars (BNHA) Taglist:
@trash1ty @darkfaethedestroyer​ @foxinaforestofstars​ @axolotl-of-evil​ @inumorph​
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Scales and Scars (Part Seven)
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Aizawa-Yamada [Y/n] - Given quirks through experimentation, thus their quirks are ‘Artificial’ and not considered ‘true’ quirks
First Quirk: Shadow Manipulation
Uses: Shadow manipulation allows the user to travel almost like teleportation from shadow to shadow by ‘sensing’ the shadows around the user. User is able to control the shadows and form objects. User can change the density of shadows. user also has excellent night vision.
Drawbacks: User experiences flashes of coldness from the presence of shadows, and if holds onto a shadow for too long will begin to develop frost bite.
Second Quirk: Dragon Shift
Uses: User can shift into a dragon, varying in size, and breath fire when in Dragon Form. It is a full shift, and user can not half-shift. Impressive strength in Dragon Form. Excellent vision and sense of smell. Large talons and teeth can break through almost any material.
Drawbacks: User cannot form coherent/rational thoughts while in dragon form and reverts to an animilistic and bloodthirsty mindset.
a/n:Get Ready... Italics are flashbacks
Word Count: 1909
Pairings: Eraserhead(AIzawa) X PresentMic(Hizashi), Reader X Class1A (Will have multiple endings for pairings)
Warnings: Yelling, Swearing, Panic Attacks, Flash backs, Mentions of death
Prologue / Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six
Your own battle trial was short lived. Having Ashido on your team, against Aoyoma and Toru was ridiculously easy. You had captured the bomb in the first three minutes.
That evening, back at home, you collapsed on the living room floor and cuddled with Inu and Hund. 
“What’s wrong Lil’ Listener!?” Your Pa’s voice was loud even without his quirk, making your groan.
“I hate Teenagers.” You grumbled into the carpet. Inu punctuating your statement with a meow.
Hizashi laughed, “You sound just like Shou!”
Lifting your head to give your Pa a deadbeat stare you missed your dad rounding the couch just to steal Hund from where he was sitting on your back.
Whirling up so that you were sitting, you gaped at your Dad, “Hey!”
Shouta shrugged, sitting on the couch petting Hund who was purring up a storm, “Your loss Problem Child.”
You pouted, “You called Midoriya Problem Child to.”
Shouta groaned, “Don’t remind me. That kid is going to be trouble.”
“Why didn’t you expel him then? I know you would’ve if you thought he didn’t have potential.”
You cradled Inu in your arms, staying on the floor as Hizashi collapsed onto the couch beside his husband.
And you knew you wouldn’t get an answer.
Sighing deeply, you stood up, “I’m going to my room. Call me when Dinner’s ready?”
Your Pa waved lazily at you as Inu went to his lap.
Shaking your head fondly at your cat’s tactics and your dad’s, you shut your bedroom door and grabbed your phone.
Somehow Ashido had managed to grab everyone’s number and made a class Group Chat. Which was already hell in a handbasket.
Before opening that one, you sent a message to Shinsou.
Kitten: My Cats have betrayed me.
Zombie: ???
Kitten: They chose my father’s over me
Zombie: So...same thing as everyday?
Zombie: Whatever you say Kitten
You felt heat rush to your cheeks at his last message. Even though you had changed your screen name to Kitten, it felt… different, when other people call you that.
Switching over to the group chat, you scrolled up a bit to see what was happening before joining in.
Alien: And then they just popped out and screamed ‘Hot and ready!’
Engines: Ashido, I beg you. Please stop telling us these stories.
Ghost: I don’t know Iida-kun, I find it quite funny
Alien: Aww thks babe
MOMo: I find I agree with Iida, we’ve barely met each other. 
Pikachu: That’s why this chat is a good idea! We get to know each other outside of the classroom
Shark: Yeah! It’s super manly!
Kitten: You all are going to give me a headache, I can feel it
Alien: OMG Yamada is that you!?
Ghost: That screen name is adorbs!
Kitten: … Thank
Shark: They got jeana!
Tape: What the hell happened to bakugou?
Bomb: Shut up you extras!
Kitten: You cant call pple extras asshole!
Zombie: Kitten has claws
Engines: As entertaining as this is, I suggest we get ready for sleep for tomorrow.
Turning your phone onto silent, you got ready for dinner.
After eating and petting your cats, you crawled into bed. That night, your dreams were a kaleidoscope of Burning Rubies, Yellow sunsets, Black Feathers, and hazy purple smoke.
The next day, you skipped into the classroom, surprised to see a lot of your classmates already there. It had been hard to get into the school due to all the reporters outside hounding the students about All Might.
“Hey Yamada!” Ashido flung herself onto you, clinging like a koala, “Join us!”
And you found yourself being dragged over to Kirishima’s desk where Tape arms, Pikachu and Bakugou were standing.
Ashido finally let go of you, but stayed close to your side. Smiling widely, she announced, “Guys! I brought [Y/n]!”
Tape Arms smiled and held out his hand, “Sero Hanta.”
You shook his hand, smiling back,  “Yamada [Y/n] but I tell everyone to call me [Y/n].”
You looked over to see Bakugou and Kirishima both looking slightly flustered. Before you could wonder more about that, you found your arm being yanked yet again as you were dragged to your desk.
“Hi ‘Toshi!” You smiled brightly up at the purpleinette.
He grunted, the shadows under his eyes telling a story of a restless night.
“Morning Class.” The silence was sudden and slightly unsettling as everyone flung themselves into their seats and sat at attention as soon as the door opened to reveal Aizawa.
You stifled a giggle. Your father sounded like he would rather be anywhere but here.
“Today you have an important task.” He paused dramatically, and you could practically see the waves of tension and fear on your classmates.
With a deadpan stare Aizawa stated, “You need to pick a class representative.”
And the floodgates opened.
“Me! Pick me!”
“I want to do it!”
“I’m better than all you extras!”
“I wouldn’t mind it.”
You sat back in your chair, you had no desire to be class Representative. No desire to deal with responsibilities and Duties.
Aizawa butted into the yelling contest, stopping everyone for a moment, “I don’t care how you choose, you have until the end of homeroom to pick a Representative and a Vice.”
And without, he pulled out his yellow sleeping bag from behind the podium and rolled over to nap.
Iida stood up and began taking control, “We should put it to a vote!”
Kaminara pointed out a flaw, “Wouldn’t everyone vote for themselves?”
Asui piped in with a croak, “We don’t really know each other well enough.”
That just fueled Iida, “That’s why whoever has the most votes would be best suited as it shows their classmates trust and faith in them!”
Uraraka giggled, “You just want the position for yourself don’t you Iida-kun?”
Iida deflated slightly, “I won’t pretend that I do not desire the position, but I still stand that we should vote!”
And with that, everyone got out a piece of paper and the sound of pencils scratching on paper filled the air.
You stared down at your piece of paper and then glanced around the room.
You could think of a few people who you thought would do a good job. 
Yaomomo was steady and would follow the rules by guiding people to them. Iida would be a stickler for the rules and enforce them.
Your gaze swung to the desks before you. There was Bakugou who was brash and harsh, but you knew he cared underneath his hard exterior due to what happened at the battle trial.
There was also Midoriya. You saw how everyone rallied when he put his all into his battle trail. Pushing everyone to try their hardest.
Flickering your eyes to your friends, you thought of Shinsou being the relaxed voice of reason. And Tokoyami being a relief from the seriousness of the Course.
In the end, you decided to go with Bakugo. Knowing he would make sure people followed the rules, by pushing them to be better. 
Writing his name down, you handed it to Iida when he passed.
Aizawa woke up and took the ballots and counted them, and wrote the names and tallies on the board.
And then.
“Who the Hell voted for Bakugo!?”
“I lost. It was my plan but still...no votes.”
“Woah! Deku! You Won!”
You stared at the board.
Midoriya: 4 votes
Yaoyorozu: 3 votes
Bakugou: 2 votes
Aizawa called out dryly, “It looks like Midoriya will be Class Representative with Yaoyorozu as your Vice Representative.
Poor Midoriya looked like a leaf shaking in the wind as he stood before the class.
With Yaomomo looking stoic.
After that, the rest of the day went by fairly fast and before you knew it, it was time for lunch.
As you walked past the table where Ashido, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugou where, you heard Bakugou muttering, “Alright! Which one of you idiots voted for me!?”
Kirishima laughed good naturally, “Bro, I thought you wanted the position?”
Bakugo snarled, “I did, but now I just want to know who was the other person who wanted me to have it.”
You couldn’t help yourself. Balancing your tray of food in one hand, you leaned over Bakugou's shoulder to whisper teasingly into his ear, “Was I wrong to vote for you?” 
Dancing back, you laughed at Bakugou's shout of surprise and the small pops of his quirk from his palms.
Still laughing slightly, you walked to your usual table where Shinsou and Tokoyami already sat.
“Hey [Y/n], what did you say to blasty to make him glare at you like that.” Shinsou asked.
Looking back to the other table, you saw that he was right. Bakugou was glaring at you, his red eyes holding a heat that made you squirm a little in your seat.
Turning back around abruptly, you shrugged and dug into your rice. “ I just told him that I was the other vote for him.”
Tokoyami choked on his water. You patted his back as you waited for him to catch his breath. And then you were met with two disbelieving gazes.
“What?” You tilted your head, confused with their responses.
Shinsou spoke first, “You voted for Blasty?”
Again, you were confused. Squinting your eyes slightly, your answer came out like a question, “Yes?”
Before either boy could open their mouth to ask you more about your choice, a shrill alarm began shrieking through the cafeteria.
“What’s going on!?”
A third year ran past your table, “It’s a level four Alarm! It means someone broke through the barricade!”
Everyone began running, panicked. Everyone, except for you. 
As soon as you heard the shrieking of the alarm, it was like you had been thrown back and were once again five years old. Hearing the shrill scream from the room beside your cell.
Your eyes grew hazy as you fell into the memory.
“Useless! The Quirk is not compatible with its body.”
“Throw them in the incinerator. We can’t have any mistakes or loose ends.”
“No! Please! I’ll be good! I’ll be good! Please! Mommy! MOOOMMYYY! AGHHHHH!”
Your breathing became erratic and without realizing it, you slipped into a shadow and flew across the school until you popped out in the hallway before the teacher’s lounge door.
Falling to your knees, you dry heaved and choked on a sob. Your mind still replaying the sound of the child screaming before the fire cut all sounds from him.
Drawing in a deep breath, you shakily stood on your feet and staggered to the door. You need Aizawa. You needed your dad. You could feel the shift under your skin, Screaming to be released in the presence of danger and your panic.
As your hand reached for the handle, something made you pause. Holding your breath, you felt a rush of cold air tingle over you.
Panic once again surged forward, but you held it back as you struggled to make out the sounds behind the door.
Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
You knew those footsteps. You had spent nearly five years hearing these footsteps on the floorboards above your head. The incessant scratch of skin. The quiet mutters.
They were back. They had found you. 
Panicking and struggling against your quirk, you did the only thing you could think of doing. You Screamed.
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t​ @mialeelavellan​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​ @platonic-plots​ @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi​ @queenbbarnes​ @mythixmagic​ @chas-z​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @princess-evans-addict​ @rororo06​ @timelordhunterandmysterysolver​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
Scales and Scars (BNHA) Taglist:
@trash1ty​ @darkfaethedestroyer​ @foxinaforestofstars​ @axolotl-of-evil​ @inumorph​
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Scales and Scars (Part Eight)
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Aizawa-Yamada [Y/n] - Given quirks through experimentation, thus their quirks are ‘Artificial’ and not considered ‘true’ quirks
a/n:We learn a bit about the people who held [Y/n] captive all those years
Word Count: 2285
Pairings: Eraserhead(AIzawa) X PresentMic(Hizashi), Reader X Class1A (Will have multiple endings for pairings)
Warnings: Yelling, Swearing, Panic Attacks, Flash backs
Prologue / Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven
Last time on Scales and Scars: 
Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.You knew those footsteps. You had spent nearly five years hearing these footsteps on the floorboards above your head. The incessant scratch of skin. The quiet mutters.They were back. They had found you. Panicking and struggling against your quirk, you did the only thing you could think of doing. You Screamed.
Your scream was so loud, you didn’t hear anyone until a hand clasped over your mouth.
Which triggered your flight or fight response, so you gripped the person's wrist, flipped them onto their back and rammed a knee into their stomach, keeping a grip on their wrist.
“Woah! Woah! [Y/-]- I mean, Yamada! It’s just me!”
The voice filtered through the haze of adrenaline and fear enough for you to register it and jump off the person.
The boy kept his gaze wary as he slowly raised his hands getting off the ground, “Are you okay? I-I was coming to get Aizawa-Sensei and heard you screaming.”
You flinched, and then remembered why you had screamed in the first place.
Quickly you grabbed Midoriya’s shoulders, not missing the way he flinched, and spun him away from the door and behind you.
“What is it? Yamada?” Midoriya’s voice was laced heavy with confusion, but you didn’t pay it mind as you inched forward and raised a hand to turn the doorknob.
Your hand was shaking so badly, that it took several tries to grip the doorknob before you could wrench it open.
Empty. The room was empty.
“How?” You were so confused. You were sure you had heard him. The footsteps, the scratching. It was him. It had to be. But then, why wasn’t he here? How was he able to leave without you noticing?
“Mister Present Mic sir!”
Midoriya’s loud voice roused you enough to turn and see your Pa approaching, his ever present smile slipping slightly when he saw you.
“Hey there listeners! Better be heading to class, don’t you think?”
Midoriya fidgeted, eyes flicking between you and the teacher rapidly, “Uh, sir the alarm-?”
Present mic laughed, “Just some reporters, no need to worry your broccoli head about it. Now off to class!”
You didn’t move.
Midoriya looked at you, took a step, but before he could try to urge you to leave, your Pa saved you, “I’m going to take Miss Yamada here to Recovery Girl. You just head onto class!”
Then, blissfully, you were alone with your Pa.
And you broke down. 
Landing roughly on your knees, your eyes burned with unshed tears.
“[Y/n]!? Darling, you need to talk to me. What’s wrong?”
Carefully, he lifted you up and carried you to his chair at his desk, kneeling before you to look at your face.
Drawing in a shaky breath, you whispered, “He was here Pa. He was-I heard him. He was here!”
Your voice was shaky, but you were sure. How he disappeared you did not know, but he had been there, you weren’t crazy.
Hizashi didn’t look at you like you were crazy, he just placed a hand gently on your knee, “Who was here [Y/n]?”
Your next breath caught in your throat as year old memories came to mind. 
The Shift bubbled under your skin, aching to be released. You barely had a cap on it, preventing it from breaking free,
And then it was gone.
Blinking back tears, you looked over to see Eraserhead at the doorway, his hair floating as his quirk worked on you.
“What’s going on here?”
You sniffled and wiped your eyes and nose with your sleeve, not caring that it was gross.
“Dad! He’s come back for me. I’m scared!” It was a child’s cry, a plea for comfort. And Aizawa quickly noticed and acted, just like he had done all those years ago when he rescued you.
Dropping his quirk, he raced to you and pulled you into a firm hug, rubbing your back, “It’s okay. You’re safe here.”
You shook your head vehemently, “He got in here! He got into UA! How am I safe here!?”
He didn’t answer me. Letting me sob against his shoulder.
Finally he pulled away and set me back in the chair, “I have to go finish class for today. Stay here okay?” When he got a nod from you he turned to his husband, “Call Tsukauchi and get him over here.”
The name of the detective in charge of your case got a jolt from you. But of course he would be called. 
So you spent the rest of the afternoon in the teacher’s lounge, waiting for your dad to finish up and for the detective to get to UA.
When he did, you were nursing a hot chocolate with your Aunt Nemuri sitting next to you on the couch.
“Hello again, Aizawa-Yamada. It’s been a while.”
You smiled wryly at the man, “Yeah.” Then your smile fell and you went back to trying to find the answers of the universe in your drink.
Some shuffling, and a chair was pulled up in front of you and you caught him taking out his notebook from the peripheral of your eyes.
“I know you probably just want to forget this and move on, but I need to know what you thought you noticed during the reporter break in today.”
His voice was the same calm, sympathetic tone he used all those years ago when you had been a dirty, scared little kid clinging to Aizawa in the police office as he asked you questions.
“It wasn’t a reporter break in. Was it?” You made sure your voice broke no room for argument as you raised your head and stared over the detective’s shoulder to where you dad sat with Principal Nezu perched on his shoulder.
The cheery rodent smiled widely and his high pitched voice grated on you, “Correct you are Young [Y/n]! It seemed like the enforced security gate was triggered and then crumbled to dust!”
Your breath hitched, so it had been him.
Finally looking at Tsukauchi you steeled yourself and recounted the events.
Finally you reached the most important fact, “It was him. The boy who was in charge of me.” Tsukauchi stiffened, his pencil freezing on his pad of paper, as his gaze hardened.
You downed the rest of your, now cold, chocolate, in one gulp and slammed the cup down on the small table to the side.
The name slipped from your lips unbidden, laced with stark horror and fear, “Shigaraki.”
Tsukauchi flinched and his eyes hardened, “You never mentioned a Shigaraki all those years ago. Who is he?”
A harsh breath left through your nose as your eyes went hazy from memories, your skin crawling, “He was only a few years older than me at the time. I heard from the doctors that Sensei had taken him in after his quirk had activated. Five finger touch decay.”
A muffled hush fell over the teachers and police officers in the room, everyone's attention on you.
You whimpered, the sound startling your Aunt, she quickly placed a hand on your back, in an attempt to comfort. But unfortunately, you were reliving memories and the touch was not appreciated.
“No! Get away!” You screamed and tried to run away from the hand touching you. It was going to bring pain. Pain. Pain. No more. Please. I’ll be a good girl. Please. I promise!
“[Y/n]. You’re safe. Calm down. You need to calm down!” Your dad’s voice was once again the one to drag you back to the present.
You looked around and saw all the teachers in defensive postures, watching you warily, your dads eyes red and blazing as he stared you down with his quirk.
You went limp and whimpered again, “I’m sorry. Sorry Auntie.” You turned to Nemuri who was cradling her hand to her chest.
She smiled gently at you, “It’s okay Hon. I startled you.”
Aizawa deactivated his quirk after another tense minute and then turned to the detective, “I think we’re done for today.”
The detective seemed to agree as he stood up and put his notebook away.
“No! I need to-you need to know! I...I...I’m okay!” You pleaded with them. They needed to know about the danger that had exposed itself.
They needed to be prepared.
“[Y/n], you’re not okay. We can finish this line of questioning later.” Your dad shot a glare at you, but you wouldn’t back down. 
Straightening your spine, words rushed out, “Shigaraki used to use his quirk on the kids. Five fingers on our skin and it would start to decay until muscle, and then bone, was all that was left. He killed one kid because he kept his hand on for two long. The kid was just dust by the end.”
The room was silent.
Taking a breath, you looked at your Dad, Pa, and then the detective, “That’s what some of the scars are from. The doctors always tried to fix the wounds, but they didn’t really care as long as we could still be used for experiments.”
Your Pa blanched and turned away. Nezu jumped down onto a desk beady eyes trained on you.
“He was in here during the alarm. I don’t know how he got in, or how he got out. But he was here! I recognized his footsteps. And he was always scratching at his neck! I heard it! They found me!”
You began to hyperventilate, the fear catching up again.
“Hey, breath, follow me. In, and out. Like we practiced.” Your dad was crouched beside you, when had he gotten there?
Your chest tightened and you struggled to draw a breath, oh yeah, you were having a panic attack.
Finally you got your breathing under control and could uncurl from your fetal position on the floor.
“Now, you’re done.” You weren’t about to argue with your dad again. You were wiped out. Exhausted from everything that had happened today.
“Actually! EraserHead and Present Mic! I need both of you to stay behind for a Meeting!”
Nezu sounded way too happy about that and after everything that had been revealed.
Aizawa looked ready to argue, so you placed a hand on his arm, “I’ll be fine heading home. He-” You hesitated, but forced a smile, “-if they wanted me back, they would have taken me already. I’ll be okay.”
Your father sighed, and dragged a hand through his hair before he relented, “Fine, but text us once your home, immediately.”
You nodded, “Of course.”
And with that you forced yourself to walk out of the teachers room and to class to grab your bag that you had left.
You entered the classroom expecting it to be empty, it was already an hour after school had let out, afterall.
“Oi! Stupid Girl!”
You stumbled in shock at Bakugou waiting by your desk, his arms crossed and his ever present scowl on his face.
“Bakugou? What are you doing here?” Your body was like lead, exhausted after your multiple panic attacks of the day.
He scoffed and looked anywhere except at you, “I don’t care about you!”
You grinned wryly, picking up your bag, “Sure.”
He finally caught your eyes and his scowl deepened, “I don’t care about you..but,” He sighed and ripped your bag from your arms, averting his gaze again, “I overheard Shitty Deku telling Round Cheeks about your freakout and knew your weak ass wouldn’t be able to get home without falling over!”
You giggled at the brush of pink on Bakugou’s cheeks, but didn’t mention it.
And you walked in silence with Bakugou to your bus stop. “You don’t have to walk me all the way home, I’m just the next stop. I’ll be okay.”
Bakugo tsked, “I know that!”
You smiled wryly as he shoved your bag back into your arms and walked away slouched with his hands in his pockets.
On the bus, you pulled out your phone to find the class chat had blown up with questions about you.
AllRightAllMight: Iida calm down
Space: Yeah! We just wanted to make sure she was alright
HippityHoppityMyNameisFroppy: You did scare us Midoriya coming in worried about Yamada after lunch
AllRightAllMight: I didn’t mean to! I was just worried!
Shadow: It took all my willpower not to storm Recovery Girl’s office when you said she had collapsed
BrainPower: Never thought the day would come where I had to brainwash a quirk
Shadow: I thank you for getting Dark Shadow back under control Shinso
CrocsRock: GUYS! Someone is online! Could it be!?
Pickachu: It is!
Kitten: *All Might voice* I AM HERE
AllRightAllMight: afgjiowjfioewhjgkjhdlkshjfklsj
Space: You made Deku keysmash! I love you [Y/n]
Kitten: Aww I love getting declarations of love after I make someone keysmash
CrocsRock: Bakubro you can always mute it!
AlienQueen: Yeah Bakugou! We’re just checking in on [Y/n] anyways what’s it to you?
Pickachu: We didn’t say anything about you caring for her *Eyes*
CrocsRock: *Eyes*
AlienQueen: *Eyes*
Shadow: It seems a challenger appears
BrainPower: ...Hmmm not much of a challenge
Kitten: What in the H E double hockey sticks are you guys on about?
HippityHoppityMyNameisFroppy: Did you just spell out the word Hell
Kitten: Well yeah, its a bad fucking word
Space: OH my gosh [Y/n] im dying
You laughed at Uraraka’s response. Getting off the bus, you pocketed your phone and made it into the apartment.
“Inu! Hund! I’m home!” Your call had your black and white fluff balls skidding on the floor as they rushed to you, demanding pets and food.
You smiled at them. Cats made everything better. Even knowing that the people who had kept you imprisoned and experimented on for years were back again and possibly after you and the quirks you held within you.
You frowned, well...maybe not that.
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t​ @mialeelavellan​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​ @platonic-plots​ @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi​ @queenbbarnes​ @mythixmagic​ @chas-z​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @princess-evans-addict​ @rororo06​ @timelordhunterandmysterysolver​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
Scales and Scars (BNHA) Taglist:
@trash1ty​ @darkfaethedestroyer​ @foxinaforestofstars​ @axolotl-of-evil​ @inumorph​
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Scales and Scars (Part Five)
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Aizawa-Yamada [Y/n] - Given quirks through experimentation, thus their quirks are ‘Artificial’ and not considered ‘true’ quirks
First Quirk: Shadow Manipulation
Uses: Shadow manipulation allows the user to travel almost like teleportation from shadow to shadow by ‘sensing’ the shadows around the user. User is able to control the shadows and form objects. User can change the density of shadows. user also has excellent night vision.
Drawbacks: User experiences flashes of coldness from the presence of shadows, and if holds onto a shadow for too long will begin to develop frost bite.
a/n: The Quirk Apprehension Arc! And introductions to some more love interests!
Word Count: 3119
Pairings: Eraserhead(AIzawa) X PresentMic(Hizashi), Reader X Class1A (Will have multiple endings for pairings)
Warnings: violence against robots
Prologue / Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
The next week flew by. Between hanging out with Shinso and Tokoyami, Adding Iida to your chat and group hangouts, and dealing with your Pa trying to spoil the results of the entrance exam, it was fun but exhausting. 
“[Y/n], the results are here.” Your dad’s dry voice interrupted you from where you were playing with Inu by moving shadows around.
Leaping up from the floor, you ran over, grabbed the envelope out of his hands and ran to your room shouting back, “Thanks!”
Sitting at your desk, your hands trembled as you held up the envelope that had the UA seal on it. This was it. This was your future. Your chance to become a hero and protect kids from experiencing the same horror and fear that you had.
Taking a deep breathe, you ripped open the seal. A metal disk fell out.
“I guess. So unnecessary.” You muttered under your breath.
“AH!” You screamed and fell off your chair as All Might was suddenly screaming at you.
A hologram. UA had sent a hologram. Of course they did.
Slowly climbing back into your chair, you listened as All Might spoke about your points and how heroic you were working with Shinso and helping other contestants.
“Congratulations Yamada [Y/n]! You ranked Third in the Entrance Exams! Welcome to Class 1-A! This is your Hero Academia!”
When the hologram blinked away, you were left staring at your wall in shock. You placed third!? You were in!? You were in! You had to tell your friends and see how they did!
Future Heros!
15:23 - YaMad?: Guys! The results came! 
15:26 - ForeverTired: Just opened mine…
15:27 - Birb: I got in. Class 1-A
15:28 - Engines: I seem to have ranked 7th. Congrats [Y/n]-Chan.
15:30 - Birb: Yes. Congratulations to getting third.
15:31 - ForverTired: …
15:32 - YaMad?: Oh no ...Toshi? Did you not get in? That’s so not fair! You worked just as hard as me and had more points! Did they not think your quirk was right for the hero's course!? I will march in myself and yell at that rat principle if I have to!
15:35 - Engines: [Y/n]-Chan, maybe let Shinso-Kun answer…
15:37 - ForeverTired: I did it...I got in...Class 1-A Heroics….
15:38 - YaMad?: Oh my god! Toshi! I’m so happy for you! Wait! We’re all in the same class!?
15:40 - Birb: It would seem so. I look forward to seeing all of you in class.
15:42 -YaMad?: This is going to be so much Fun!
You were grinning like an idiot when you finally left your room. Walking into the kitchen, you saw Shota leaning against the counter while Hizashi practically vibrated with excitement next to him. 
“So…” You sent a sly smirk to your dad, “I’m in your class this year.”
Shota groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Yes. And I expect you to act mature and follow my instructions.”
Hizashi couldn't take it anymore and ran up to you and gripped you in a tight hug, “I remember when you were just a baby! And now you’re going to highschool!”
You laughed and patted your Pa on his back, “You’ve known me since I was like Six Pa. Not a baby.”
Your dad just sighed again, “You know that doesn’t matter, Problem Child. ‘Zashi loves being overdramatic.”
At that your Pa let go of you and turned and pointed an accusing finger at Shota, “Oh, don’t think you’re above me! Just last night you were getting all Soft remembering when [Y/n] finally let you hold her after we adopted her!”
Your eyes widened as you looked at your stoic, hobo looking father. He didn’t have his scarf to hide the light blush on his cheeks, so he just turned away.
A soft meow was heard. And you bent over to pick up Inu. An idea hit you, and you peered over at your Pa, “Soooo...can we get another Cat as a gift for me getting into UA?”
Your pa frowned at you, but you giggled as you watched your dad perk up and widen his eyes with interest.
And that was how, a few days later, you were saying goodbye to Inu and your new white cat, Hund, as you left for the first day of school.
With a bounce in your step, you skipped to the Bus station. You were on your own as you went to school because both of your parents had to go in early to prepare for the first day and you were not about to wake up earlier than you had to.
Walking towards the classroom, you were thankful that the school had allowed you some modifications with the standard girls uniform. You had leggings and a long sleeve shirt on. Both to cover your scars. You didn’t want anyone to see them yet. 
Taking a deep breathe, you stood before the large door and remind yourself why you were here. To become a hero. To save kids like yourself. 
And then you pushed open the door and walked in.
Only to run right into someone's back.
“Oi! Watch where you’re going Extra!”
You stumbled back a step, disoriented by the yelling. Looking at the person you bumped into, the first thing you noticed were his intense cherry red eyes. They were filled with a fire that you had never seen before.
Then your eyes caught sight of his hair. Blonde and spiky. You wanted so badly to pet his head and see if the spikes were actually pointy or soft.
A hand waved in front of your face and a scowl was on the blondes face as he yelled at you again, “Hey! You deaf or something!? What you staring at Dumb Girl!?”
Shaking your head, you leveled the kid with your blankest stare and stated, “I’m sorry.” You internally laughed as you watched the scowl turns into a smirk. The kid thought you were apologizing. “You seem to be under the impression that I, oh what’s the phrase?” You tapped your chin as if in thought, watching the smirk turns into a confused scowl, “Oh that’s right! You seem to be under the impression that I give a damn about what you.”
That seemed to set the kid off as sparks flew from his palms. His quirk, you noticed.
“You damn Extra! I’ll kill you!”
You waved him off as you walked past him into the classroom, eyes lighting up as they settled on two people sitting in the back corner.
Rushing towards them, you grinned, “Toshi! Yami!”
The Dark feathered Avain Teen and the sleepy purple head stopped their quiet conversation with each other and turned to give you small smiles.
“[Y/n]. You’re actually here early.” Shinso teased. His sleepy smile betrayed by his bright eyes.
You fake growled and punched his shoulder, “Jerk! I can be on time.”
While Shinso whined and rubbed his shoulder, Tokoyami groaned himself, because Dark Shadow came out and wrapped himself around your shoulders.
“Dark Shadow! Unhand her! We’ve talked about personal space.”
You laughed, scratching Dark Shadow under the chin, listening to the Quirk Purr. “It’s alright Yami. I really don’t mind. And Dark Shadow Just wants a little Love.”
Dark Shadow cackled and his yellows eyes glinted with mischief as he pouted, “Yeah Fumi! [Y/n] doesn’t mind and she gives the best hugs!”
All three of you laughed as Tokoyami’s feathers ruffled in his embarrassment.
“If you’re just here to make friends, then you can leave.”
The dry voice broke through the cacophony of noise that was from your future classmates.
Turning, you stifled a giggle as you watched your Dad rise up, wrapped in his yellow sleeping bag, looking like some kind of demented catipillar.
You slid into the seat in front of Toshi, Dark Shadow disappearing back inside his retainers chest.
“It took you eight seconds to quiet down. I expect it to be shorter than that time tomorrow. For now, put these on and meet outside in five.”
He threw gym clothes out from wherever he had stashed them. And you watched as the students scrambled and ran to the changing rooms.
You were one of the last to leave, and as you walked by your dad, he grabbed your shoulder, pausing you for a moment.
His eyes were unreadable as he stared at you, “I expect you to use your full potential in my class, [Y/n].” Then his eyes softened and he smiled, “Also, I forgot to go over this with you the other day, But your Pa and I will be calling you Yamada and you must call us by our names as well. Okay?”
You nodded, understanding. Of course you didn’t expect to have your relationship between two pro Heros and teachers announced to the student body. Nobody needed to know that you were the adopted kid of Eraserhead and Present Mic, Especially since their marriage wasn’t even a known fact.
In the changing room, you were introduced to the rest of the girls. You were immediately drawn to Toru, who was completely invisible, Tsuyu, “Call me Asui.” Who was super blunt, and Mina, who pounced on you exclaiming that you were “Super Cute!” And already calling you bestie.
“Aren’t we supposed to be heading to Orientation?” Uraraka Asked as you all walked out to the training grounds.
You hid your smile, because you knew you wouldn’t be going to Orientation today.
Yaomomo spoke up, her voice calm and steady, “I’m sure our teacher will explain when we arrive.”
Mina yelled out, jumping up and down, “Did anyone recognize our teacher!? I thought all UA teachers were Pro- heroes?”
The only sign that Toru was standing next to you was the floating uniform as you heard her voice, “Maybe he’s underground or not well-known?”
Asui nodded, “Kero. You could be right Toru-Chan.”
Blinking the sun out of your eyes, you saw the guys standing in a group next to Aizawa.
When all the girls were close enough, Aizawa spoke up, “Today, we’re doing a Quirk Apprehension test. Whoever comes in last will have no potential, and will be expelled.”
As you listen to the ensuring confusion and questions, your eyes were drawn to a bushy head of green hair. The poor kid looked like he was a second away from a nervous breakdown. Your eyes narrowed as you noticed the kid flinching whenever the loud mouthed blonde glared at him.
“Bakugou, how far could you throw the ball in Middle School?”
Brought back to the present, you watched as the blonde kid, Bakagou, apparently, Walk up to the circle and proceed to scream, “Die!” Before blasting the ball away.
Aizawa held up a recording device and showed the score on the screen, “705.2 Meters.”
You whistled appreciatively. That was an impressive throw with his quirk.
First up was the 50 Meter dash. You stood next to Shinso as you watched teams of two race against each other.
You winced at the green haired kid as he went against Bakugou. He wasn’t using any Quirk, so you figured it wasn’t useful in situations like Shinso’s.
You were paired against some kid with strange elbows.
When the bell rang, you immediately traveled to the shadow of the recorder and stepped over the line calmly.
“2.01 Seconds.”
“5.52 Seconds.”
Tape arms walked over to you afterwards and introduced himself, “Hey there. I’m Sero. That was pretty impressive. What’s your Quirk?”
You smiled up at the boy. He was cute in a boyish, innocent way. “I’m Yamada. And you’ll just have to continue watching and figure it out.” You winked at him and moved onto the next event.
Next was the grip strength. 
Shinso groaned and looked at you wryly, “They just love giving the flashy quirks the upper hand, don’t they?”
You laughed as you used your shadows to grip the tool hard enough that it broke.
After that was the standing long jump.
And then repeated side steps. 
Both of which you easily used your shadows to complete.
The pushups and situps you relied purely on your own stamina and strength. Cheering on Shinso and Tokoyami.
And then everyone was standing before the ball throw again.
Ururaka had the highest score so far, with infinity. Which you congratulated her on.
Shinso turned to you, worried, “I’m going to place last because I couldn’t use my quirk during any of these tests.”
Peering at you dad, you whispered back to him, “He said we could use our quirks however we wanted to pass the tests.” Turning to look at Shinso, you smiled, “So use your quirk when you get up there.”
It took him a moment to understand what you were saying. And when it did register, he frowned at you, “If I do that. Nobody will trust me. It’s the first day. I’ll be labeled a villain before I get the chance to become a hero.”
Punching Shinso, you glared at him and spoke lowly through gritted teeth, trying to keep your voice down, “Toshi. You listen to me. You are not a villain. You have an amazing quirk. And if anyone says otherwise, I will fight them.”
Shinso couldn’t stop his heart from beating faster at the fierceness that [Y/n] was exuding. 
“Shinso Hitoshi. You’re next.”
Aizawa dryly called your friend's name. Giving him a friendly push, you reminded him quietly, “It’s your power Shinso.”
When Shinso got to the circle, he turned around and looked back at the group of students who were watching on confused.
Tired eyes grazed over the students before landing on Uraraka. 
“Hey Infinity Girl, Your name is Uraraka right?”
Uraraka looked startled for a moment before she started to respond, “Yes, wh-”
Shinso smirked as Uraraka’s eyes glazed over, “Come into the circle and use your quirk on the ball for me.”
Uraraka robotically walked to Shinso and used her quirk.
Shinso touched her when the ball was well into the stratosphere, letting her go from his quirk.
Uraraka looked confused and looked at Shinso as she walked back to the group.
Meanwhile everyone was shouting or whispering about the events that had just transpired.
“How was that Fair!?”
“He didn’t throw the ball!”
“Does that count!?”
“What’s his Quirk!?”
Your dad raised his hand and tiredly explained, “I told you all to use your quirks at the start of the tests. Shinso used his quirk and I will allow it.”
You couldn’t contain your grin as Shinso walked back to you. When he was beside you, you quickly wrapped your arms around him for a brief hug.
“I knew you could do it Toshi!”
Surprise flashed in his lavender eyes before he smiled back at you.
“Yamada [Y/n].”
You skipped forward, your happiness for Shinso carrying you to the circle.
Gripping the ball in your hands, you tried to think about how you could use your shadows to get a high score.
“Any Day now Yamada.” Your dad’s dry voice rang out in the silence.
Breathing deeply through your nose, you closed your eyes and called all the surrounding shadows to you.
“What’s happening?”
“That’s so cool!”
The voices behind you were loud, but you managed to block most of them out as you focused on wrapping the shadows around the ball and your hand.
Snapping your eyes open, you leaned back, and pitched forward hard.
The shadows blasted from your hand like an explosion as they raced back to their original places. The force behind the release of your quirk and the shadows propelled the ball forward.
“645.3 Meters.”
Your smile was blinding as you spun around.
And then it disappeared as you watched the green haired kid, whose name you learned was Midoriya, Figure out who your father was, face your father’s wrath, break his finger, and get almost tackled by Bakugou.
A few minutes later, you father pulled up the results of the Quirk Apprehension test.
Anxiously, you scanned the rankings. Fifth! You placed fifth! And then you scanned more and saw that Iida ranked Fourth, Tokoyami sixth, and Shinso thirteenth.
And Midoriya placed last.
When Aizawa revealed that the explosion threat was a logical ruse, you rolled your eyes. Your father was notorious for expelling students. He would’ve followed through on his threat at the start if he truly didn’t see any potential in Midoriya.
The fact that he did, made you curious about the boy who broke his finger using his quirk.
“Of course it was a logical ruse. Did you not know that?” Yaomomo’s voice was filled with confidence. And you didn’t want to destroy that, so you didn’t say anything.
As everyone was leaving, you waved Shinso ahead and stepped up beside Midoriya.
“I understand getting hurt from your quirk.”
The poor teen looked like you were speaking in gibberish as he turned wide green eyes to you and flushed red.
“Uh. H-hi! I’m Izu-Midoriya! Midoriya Izuku!”
You smiled at him. He was kinda adorable. “Yamada [Y/n]. But please call me [Y/n]. Anyways. I saw that your quirk broke your finger. Are you okay?”
Midoriya flushed a deeper red as he mumbled a bit before stuttering out a response, “I’m fi-fine. It’s-It’s nothing! Really!” Then his brain seemed to backtrack and he peered at you in concern as his blush seemed to fade away, “You mentioned yo-your quirk hurt-hurting you?”
You hummed in agreement, clasping your hands behind your back as you reached the locker rooms. Standing outside, not going in yet, you explained.
“My quirk Shadow Manipulation...causes my bones to be really cold, constantly, because of the shadows. And if I use shadows for too long I can develop Frostbite.”
Midoriya looked entranced as you talked about the drawbacks to your quirk. 
“So you're constantly in pain?”
You chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand, “In a way. But I’ve gotten used to it. The cold doesn’t bother me that much anymore except in certain instances.”
And you were not about to explain the times that your quirk hurt you to this boy. He didn’t need to know about your PTSD and Dissociative disorder. No matter how adorable his freckles and sparkling green eyes were. 
You glanced towards the locker room, “Anyways. It was nice meeting you Midoriya. I’ll see you tomorrow in class!” You waved at him and slipped into the locker room to change.
The first day at UA was interesting. But you had a feeling in your gut that this was just the beginning. 
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t​ @mialeelavellan​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​  @platonic-plots​ @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi​ @queenbbarnes​ @mythixmagic​ @chas-z​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @princess-evans-addict​ @rororo06​ @timelordhunterandmysterysolver​
Scales and Scars (BNHA) Taglist:
@trash1ty​ @darkfaethedestroyer​ @foxinaforestofstars​ @axolotl-of-evil​ @inumorph​
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