PARDON I think I saw something on twitter, is it true they ended the displacement policy of Basque prisoners?? Are they allowed to be in EH now??
Anónimo ha preguntado: Egun on, have you read the thing about the prisoners being sent to the Basque Country?
Kaixo anons!
Yes!! After 34 years of a revengeful policy that has left 16 deads - 16 family members of Basque prisoners who died on the road going or coming from a visitation - Basque prisoners are back home in EH to fulfill their prison time.
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34 years of an added psychological punishment for Basque prisoners and their families. Let's remember that they were imprisoned as far away from EH as possible, making frequent visitations impossible - so Basque prisoners were more isolated from their families than prisoners from any other region. 34 years asking the Spanish and French state to just treat Basque prisoners as any other prisoner and let them serve time in their hometown or a nearby one.
At last!!
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ego-sum-arbor · 3 months
It’s physically and mentally tiring to do a bunch of tasks all in a row???
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objuct · 1 year
this isn't related to the sims but i've rapidly gained like 500 new followers in the past month while doing this cc thing so i get to subject you all to my other hobby
i just cut open this bag of "live sand" because I want that binch dead as hell when i actually get around to putting it in the tank im setting up for triops. it's both 1. a marine bacterial colony which isn't... useful for freshwater and 2. bacterial blooms are a major cause of death for triops babies in an aquarium environment so i worry about the uh. death of the marine bacterial colony causing a sharp imbalance at the start of it.
i'm gonna uh..... cycle it for a week prior anyway with live freshwater media before I do actually add the triops tho. so it probably wouldnt matter either way but it'll help. Only reason why I got the "live sand" was because it was the only calcium heavy sand i could find at petsmart
i still need to re-silicone this tank i got from goodwill, maybe i'll do that tonight while i watch this show my friend has been begging me to watch
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
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-->Pretty well, happily! Alice was rather quickly able to bring Kelly and Shadow around, even with them initially being a bit fearful. Some playtime and howling with Shadow even allowed her to refriend the dog, yay. :) Seems like being a werewolf makes Alice that much more in-tune with the animal kingdom!
-->While all that was going on, Victor managed to upgrade the washing machine a few times -- giving it a presoak and a speed cycle -- then grabbed some juice from the fridge before heading into the greenhouse to help Elmer tend the plants and actually get the blackberry juice he fizzed without glitching out this time. Whew -- past THAT danger zone, at least! And it was very cute to watch Elmer putter around, I must admit.
-->Alice, meanwhile, got put on repair duty when I caught her mopping the grass to clean up the puddles from a broken water collector. My initial thought was “Alice, that’s what we have your husband’s magic for,” but then Kelly came along and started drinking from the puddles while Alice was fixing the collector, so maybe she had a point. Fortunately, once she was done, she was able to train Kelly out of drinking from random puddles, yay. (Now we just have to convince the dog not to do that. . .) She rewarded herself with a bit of juice --
Right before I got a notice saying she had work in an hour! I hadn’t realized her hours had changed with her promotion! O.o However, this worked out, as she’d actually picked up a “Fear of a Dead-End Job” recently -- so I just had her regain her passion, finish her juice, and head to work to clear that! Nice!
-->And Smiler? Well, they attempted to get Kelly to chase the cat teaser again, and when that didn’t work, went and made some drinks before editing their latest vlog. XD Not everything they do is the most interesting thing in the world!
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llocalgoblinn · 1 year
As Per Usual
I have decided to respond to my friend being mean to me by changing my entire life and flexing my success on them, lol. Also by refusing to be mean back, and refusing to be the one to bring up "hey that was mean and you should apologize to me :("
Like. They know it was mean and that's why they said it. They are a 31 year old adult grown up who can reach out and apologize without a reminder that they hurt me. I'm not making it easier anymore for people who have been a dick to me, like okay just suffer without my presence I guess!
I think growing up the way I did made me think for a long time that everyone was mean to some extent, and I always made excuses or empathized with the person. Like oh they must be struggling, etc etc. Never in my LIFE has it served me and in fact I think it's been holding me back and keeping me in relationships that perhaps I have settled for because they simply aren't abusive. Not a great metric. Growing up in a fucking warzone makes you settle for connections with shitty people just because you're absolutely starving for love.
I think there are plenty of people in the world including myself who are Never Mean (or who are mean under exceptional circumstances), because there is simply so little reason for it. I think I am strong enough to find my own friends and maintain boundaries.
Anyways stay tuned for my little summer Renaissance period where I quit doing stupid shit with substances and return to the gym, get incredibly sexy, and bang tens while this person continues to /INSULT DELETED BECAUSE I DONT NEED TO BE MEAN/!!!!!!!!!! LMAO
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thinkingwithpixels · 1 year
I'd like to thank autism and/or dyspraxia for my high pain tolerance that prevented me from yeeting my geriatric hamster across her cage when she either mistook my hand for a treat or decided to tick human flesh off her culinary bucket list
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elmundodeg · 2 years
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"Presoak Etxera"
Euskal Herria, Spain; 24th of August 2019 A graffiti in Euskal Herria that means "prisoners go home"_
You can buy this print at my shop_
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reedsofintimacy · 1 month
✨️ domme-ification of house husband chores ✨️
When I'm doing her laundry, she pauses me and grabs at my arm. "Oh darling, you forgot the most important step" She'd pick one of her dirty panties out of the bin, and raise it up toward me with a smirk. "These are dirty panties aren't they cutie? So, how are they going to get clean if they haven't had their prewash?? 😇💞 Open up your mouth, boy."
I'd open up, already stiffening from her attention. "Good boy. Now lick, puppy, ufuhuhu 🥰👸🏻 Get them nice and presoaked" She'd train me how to pre-treat her used panties. Pressing them firm to my nose until her scent suffocated me. "Breathe, puppy. Mmm that's it. Dont let mommy's scent go to waste. Now lick right here. Where my pussy lives all day." I'd show her my neediest, most thorough licking; throbbing against my pants until she pulled them away from me.
"See this yellow tinge baby? Well if they're really soiled and you see any hint of mommy's discharge, they need a full 30 second soak. 😈 Open." Before I could respond she'd push her panties fully into my mouth and pull my lips closed - holding my chin shut as i whined. Her flavor and that of the fabric pulling out my saliva and infusing it into her undies. It'd feel like an eternity, that half a minute, until she opened my lips again, fished them out, and chucked them into the washer. "Now you do it. For every pair. Understand?" She'd give me a firm smack on my ass. "Good boy. Clean mommy's clothes."
By the time I got done loading the wash my mouth would be so dry, my bits so achy, and my head reeling with overexposure to my owner's essence 🥵
When I'm doing the cleaning, she'd come by and click her tongue. "Baby, you know you can't wear your clothes while you clean. They'll get all dirty." I'd blush and start to remove my shirt, but feel her stop me. "Here. Let mommy help you." I'd feel her hands explore and grope my body far more than was necessary as she pulled my shirt off, and whine when she unbuttoned my pants.
She'd ignore my gigantic bulge in my briefs as she stripped me down to my underwear, then planted a big loud kiss on my bare chest. "Much better. I have to be able to see how hard you're working 🫦"
I'd go back to cleaning for a while, feeling her gaze oogling me the entire time she watched her muscled pet work to polish her home. When I'm wiping the floors down on all fours, I'd gasp as i suddenly felt a weight on my back pushing me into the floor. She'd be stepping on me. "Got you."
She'd keep me held in place a moment admiring her power over me, really and truly pinned. Then she'd raise her foot, and flip me on over onto my back, then resume her stepping on my chest. "Now the floors are all clean. But if I walk around on them with dirty feet I'll just make it all dirty again. You understand, don't you darling? 🥰💦💀
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vincentbriggs · 7 months
Hello, Vince!
I was wondering if you can help me with a problem. I bought a pair of denim jeans from a thrift store with these painted on stripes on the sides. It appears to be chunky acrylic paint. I was wondering if you know a good way of removing the paint. I currently have tried acetone (it works but I don't have enough for all the pants) and a presoak of ammonia, vinegar, and salt. If that fails, is there something else you would recommend?
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Oh wow, that's the worst and wonkiest pant stripe I've ever seen!
I've never had to remove acrylic paint from fabric, so I don't have any suggestions, but perhaps someone who sees this post might. I doubt it'll be possible to get it all out of the fibres though.
If all else fails, I'd try painting over it with black. The texture would be just as awful and it wouldn't hide it completely, but at least it would be a lot more subtle. Or maybe sewing a strip of some other material on top of it. Come to think of it, yeah that would probably be better looking.
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panelshowsource · 1 month
if youre giffing sarah keyworth could i humbly request their smirk after presoaked (for completely unlesbian reasons)
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Did that policy only include Basques from Euskadi or was it for all Basques, in all of EH to stay as far away as possible?
Kaixo anon!
It didn't matter where in EH they were from. See this map that compares the situation in 2018 (number on the left, meaning Basque prisoners in that prison) and 2023 (number on the right).
As you can see, figures went up the furthest from EH the jail was located:
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So glad this sh*t is finally over!!
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missamyrisa2 · 7 months
Agdjsj your massage story got me thinking of a professional clit-cleanser,,, little Lees sign up for a professional, thorough cleaning with a shower head, spinny brushes of all textures, and of course a feather brush-dry at the end
"Oooh you absolutely are overdue for a cleaning ~~ and luckily this is like, a fully automatic facility we have here~ just sit in this cozyy chair and relaxxx ~ now, this miiiiight ticklee~!!"
I skip about in my purple dress, pigtails bouncing as I start setting dials and pressing buttons before I nudge you back into the salon chair. I flash a smirk and pull a lever on the back and activate a team of robotic hands, unable to hold back my squeaky excitement while I watch and pose with a hand on my thick waist belt. Their fingers spring forth and wiggle menacingly at you before diving in, stripping away your clothes and tossing them to a nearby collection bin.
"For your safetyyy~" I grin, pressing a button to restrain your ankles and wrists to the chair with thick waterproof straps. Humming merrily, I pull out what looks like a hair cutting cape, though a bit smaller and emblazoned with a glimmering pearl logo. "Just relaxxx and let the machines do their work~hmm" I squeak and drape the cape over your waist, snugly setting it to hang over your royal area.
With another beep and clank, you suddenly find yourself looking up at my grinning face. The reclined salon chair starts scooting forth on its path, the walls opening and clicking to draw you into the cleansing factory. "First weee~ wheeee~!! We start with a presoak~" I can't contain my excitement, scurrying behind the chair with my clipboard and remote. With a whine and whoosh, a shiny showerhead twists into view coordinating with the chair which is shifting to gently spread your legs.
The collective of little circles on the head begin coating your royal area with a gentle spray, gradually raising in pressure to spread teasing soft touches across your thighs and royal lips, carefully aiming under the clit cape. "Now, did you want the triple foam package?" I start pressing buttons to summon nozzely hoses from three angles which start covering your girly area with a rainbow haze of tingly color. "Of course you dooo~"
As the foam settles and tingles and cleanses, the showerhead retracts and the chair moves further through curtains of light and growing machinery sounds. In the next segment a massive circle rolls out and clicks to life, extending a gang of scrubby brushes. Each one works to cleanse a layer of foam away as I watch and note the progress. "Pearl Destressing is absolutely essential. All these soft brushes make sure the foam is nicely scrubbed right into your most elegant areas." I lean in and watch as your legs quiver at the sensation of each brush gently gliding along your inner thighs over your lips and along your pearly area. "My my my ~ you really are sensitive huh? Don't worry, you can wiggle all you like. You're nice and snug."
The chair moves you along further into the facility, the sounds of slapping materials fill your ear right as you start to see the fuzzy curtains swishing back and forth. "Oh don't worry, that's just to keep the texture nice and fluffed. We're not gonna rough you up darling~" I snicker as we watch together the hanging threads of fuzz slowing and turning to start gently kissing and gliding up your royal area while the chair hums and takes you through. The remaining tingle foam is whisked away and your cleansed skin is thoroughly teased and coaxed into ticklish sensations by the endless parade of swishy soft materials~
"Awww, does that tickle? Does it just tickle soooo much?" I chuckle knowingly, patting your head and teasing your neck with feathery touches while you helplessly struggle through the treatments. In the next room you see the indicator stating it's time for the drying, but after a quick tingly scan the machine goes off in alarm and overrides the process to instead read Deep Rinse. "Ooooh my my my you're a naughty thing huhhhh?" I step around if fake shock, pointing at your swollen wanting button~ "Yeppp we've got a naughty pearlyyy~!!"
Tapping buttons on the machine, robotic hands spring back out and start lightly massaging your inner thighs with their wiggly index fingers, as a coat is slid down my arms and goggles placed over my eyes, with a hand dropping a shiny silver wand into my waiting hand. "Now hold still girlyyy~ we're gonna get you niiiice and clean, I promise~" my tongue pokes out in concentration as I lean in and use the water wand to start spraying up your royal lips. The robotic hands work to tickle and coax out your most royal button, getting close to the outside of your lips as I start drawing up from below.
"Aww ~ coochie cooo laughing girl~ you are soooo naughty ~ look at thatttt ~ you need sooo much cleansing~" I work my wand upward, spraying right over your button with a tickly jet, modulating the pressure up and down while my helpers tickle around your mound and down to your thighs and occasionally hold your steady so I can thoroughly cleanse your throbbing pearl before clicking my tongue in admonishment. "Tsk tsk. Sooo naughty. You keep that up and we'll just have to cleanse you all day oh yes we willll~ satisfaction guaranteed at this clitty cleansing center~!! You don't leave until we have you shiny clean~~"
I snicker and work away, reaching back to pick up a detail brush, teasing with the lightest of stroking pokes on the underside of your button while the spray works around side to side. "Sooo many giggles and gasps in youuu~ good thing we're extracting them allll~"
When you've finally been deep cleansed to satisfaction, your dizzy starry-eyed giggly self is at least in the final chamber. "Only the finest ~ gentlest ~ pamper dry for our cute girly pearllll~" I tease, tracing a long stiff feather over your neck and chest before planting it into the machine. The apparatus starts pivoting back and forth with a click, carefully wicking away the remaining droplets on your girly parts with the feather's tip. "The key is a slooooww dry ~ I could blot away all of it with this nice soft towel hmmm" I run the luxurious cloth over my own face and hum at you~ "but this special feather will dry you one drop at a time for maximum cleansing ~ and sensation~"
I plop myself onto the nearby chair and start pulling up the stats and footage of your cleansing as the machine clicks away, the feather tip caressing at your button and slowly drying it with the tickliest of slow strokes. "Don't you worry, I'll just be over here reviewing your progress and we'll check and see if you need a reclean here when the machine is done~"
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1d1195 · 1 year
Neighbors Extra I
You can read the rest of Neighbors here: Neighbors
Nobody asked for this little check-in, but I really loved Rory and recently went for a car-wash and had a gooey song playing and my little Neighbors family were all I could think about. I have a couple more ideas for these cutie pies up my sleeve too. Hope you enjoy <3
This is all the fluff in the world.
“Whoa,” he said admiring the colors. “Mumma, do you see it?” He asked, pushing from Harry’s lap a bit so he could touch the windshield like Harry did.
She couldn’t be bothered to look because she couldn’t stop staring at Harry and his easy smile. “Yeah, I see it."
Harry didn’t like when she drove him around because he liked to spoil her rotten. He thought about all the things she had to sacrifice to be a mum at a young age all by herself. He knew that she didn’t mind in the slightest. It was obvious with everything in her that she would do anything for Rory, but it meant that Harry would sulk a bit when she did things like drive when she didn’t need to. Harry was content to drive her around and do anything for her if it meant she would just sit there and look pretty and relaxed because she deserved to be treated like a princess after years of caring for the sweet boy.
But she did look quite relaxed as he got back in from pumping gas for her. They were doing all the little errands today—the bank, the pharmacy—a stop at Target and Starbucks for her of course—the grocery store, the post office, and gas was last on their list. Stopping at the park for a bit of play before they continued was also necessary. It was the best, perfect spring day since the season began. She smiled as he got back in. “Thanks, my love,” she whispered.
Harry leaned forward as he got in and kissed her cheek quickly. The music was playing from her speakers, and it was perfect. The cutest little family moment in existence.
“Y’should get a car wash,” he said looking at the pollen buildup at the sides of her windshields as she pulled away from the pump.
“Mumma and I wash the car,” Rory said from the back of the car. She giggled and peeked at the rearview to see her little one sitting up straight in his booster seat.
“Well that I’d like t’see,” Harry muttered under his breath for her. She reached out to smack him lightly across the stomach while she blushed a bit. Harry grabbed her hand as she did and kissed her fingertips softly. “We’re out now. How ‘bout it, kitten?” He asked.
“Oh alright,” she said. “Can’t remember the last time I went through one,” she murmured.
Harry handed her his card since it was his idea and refused to let her argue. She rolled her eyes but started to pull through the little space. It was a bit loud when the motors started to begin their presoak. “Mumma, I don’t like that,” Rory said quickly, alarm running in his voice. Oh. So, it was before Rory was born that she went through one of these. Shit.
“Oh baby,” she cooed turning in her seat to look at him. “It’s okay!” She said encouragingly. “We just sit here and let it do its thing...the noise is just the machine. It’s going to—”
“Mumma,” he whined and undid his seatbelt standing up in front of the seat. He grabbed her hand holding onto the headrest while she kept her foot firmly on the brake making it an awkward position for her to sit but she would of course do it.
His worry made her so upset. She hated even the slightest anxiety poking into his voice. Like the machine was going to come through the window and hurt him.
Even if it did, she’d never let it hurt him. “Rory, it’s alright—”
“I don’t want to...” the water started to pour over the car and the worry in his eyes amplified rapidly causing tears to fill his eyes. “Mumma!” He whined again. Her heart ached and she was about to pull forward and get out of there before he panicked fully. But right as she started to, Harry grabbed her hand on the gearshift with a subtle squeeze as he turned toward the back.
“Hey, c’mere, Rory,” Harry said reclining in his seat and reaching for him. Her heart fluttered at Harry’s gentle tone and the way his muscles flexed so easily as he lifted Rory over the front console and into his lap. Rory snuggled into Harry’s lap looking nervous as ever. But Harry wrapped his arms tightly around Rory and he smiled into his hair. Rory was so little compared to Harry’s body. She couldn’t imagine her little one growing into a man like Harry. Harry held him tight, boxed in his embrace like a cage and Rory peered nervously around Harry’s body to get a view of the scary machine.
“S’pretty cool, lad. Even if it’s scary,” he told him. “M’not gonna let anything happen t’you,” he promised easing his anxiety almost immediately. She saw the way the worry slid off his body so quickly she felt a sigh of relief flow through her. “Mummy and I would never put you in danger,” he reminded him. She was well aware that Harry loved Rory, but at times like this, the display of his affection melted her. Harry reached out and touched the windshield as the multi-colored foaming soap painted the glass like the start of an impressionist painting. “See?” He kissed the side of Rory’s head.
“Whoa,” he said admiring the colors. “Mumma, do you see it?” He asked, pushing from Harry’s lap a bit so he could touch the windshield like Harry did.
She couldn’t be bothered to look because she couldn’t stop staring at Harry and his easy smile. “Yeah, I see it,” she mumbled. Harry winked at her keeping one arm around his waist just so he wouldn’t get too comfortable standing in the car. With his other hand he grabbed hers and squeezed it. All the while the sound of a love song played through the car. Her heart full, Rory happy, and staring at the love of her life.
“Mumma, can we go in Harry’s car now?” He asked as Harry held him tightly while she pulled forward to an empty parking spot so he could get back in his seat.
“He’s an expert now,” Harry smirked.
He nodded enthusiastically. “It’s not scary anymore.”
She smiled. “Course, love bug.”
Rory looked contemplatively at Harry and then at his mom in the mirror while Harry strapped him back into place. “Can you still hold me when it starts though?” He asked.
She giggled. “Always, cutie pie,” she promised.
Rory was insistent that he get the disposable camera Grandma got him so he could document the car wash. She leaned against Harry’s car while waiting for him to finish putting the booster seat into place in the back. Once finished he smiled at her standing in front of her, hands shoved in his pockets. “Would you want to sell your house?” She asked.
He smirked. “And where would I live?” He asked impishly.
She rolled her eyes and looked away from him with a smirk and shake of her head. “Harry,” she faked her exasperation.
“Course I’d sell my house,” he stepped closer to her, his feet on either side of hers and he pressed his arm over her head so he could lean in close to her. “Live with you and Rory every day? I’d be the luckiest man in the world.”
“Yeah...but I’ve lived here for forever and you’ve barely lived in your house for the last year.”
“I don’t know if y’noticed, beautiful. I’ve been trying to be at your house more than m’own for over a year too,” he reminded her with an eye roll.
She smiled and brought her hands to either side of his neck and pulled him closer, so his forehead pressed to hers. “I didn’t know a car wash would make me fall more in love with you.”
“Would have recommended it sooner. S’the little things, right?” He hummed, brushing the back of his freehand across her cheek. His smile made her lovesick and she felt it all the way to her toes. She grabbed his hand as he did and brought it to her lips where she kissed the side of his hand.
“You love Rory,” she sighed the accusation dreamily.
“With every piece of m’heart except for the equally huge space I have reserved jus’ for m’love of you. But when he clung t’me like that in the car, I think he took some more of the real estate that was your space,” he admitted sadly, like she would get irritated with him.
“He has that effect on people,” she giggled. Harry pressed his lips on hers, sighing at the feel of her soft lips and her pretty tongue mixing with his.
There was a flash in her peripheral, making her pull away from his lips. She saw Rory holding the camera to his eye as he giggled. “Thought y’didn’t like the kissing, lad,” Harry remarked keeping her pressed to the car, arms caging her in place between his body and the car.
Rory smiled and shrugged. “It’s kinda okay when you and Mumma kiss,” he wrinkled his nose.
She gently pushed Harry away and crouched in front of him. “I’d like Harry t’move in with us. Does that sound okay?” She asked. She already knew the answer, but he always had good responses to things like this.
“I thought he already did. Are we going to bring the rest of your clothes over on Thursday, then?” He asked, looking at Harry.
She pressed her lips together in an attempt to hide her smile, but it was impossible because that was one of the cutest things she ever heard. Harry was leaning against his car, arms crossed over his chest, feet crossed at the ankles. “You’re the worst secret keeper, Rory,” he told him. “Honestly, kitten, how you haven’t said anything ‘bout doing m’laundry for a month nearly had me worried.”
“Thought I was just...wishful thinking,” she said scooping Rory into her arms as Harry opened the door for her to get him in his seat. “Or maybe your washer broke.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re ridiculous,” he mumbled opening the passenger door for her next. She smiled and pressed her lips to his as she got in her seat.
“And I love you,” she said grinning up at him before he made his way to the driver’s seat.
“To the car wash!” Rory said excitedly. She giggled at him setting up another stupid love song to play while looking at Harry during the most mundane of things like a car wash where she could fall in love with him a little more.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @tiredinwinter @sunshinemendes8 @youdontcaredoyou
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
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morbidsmenagerie · 3 months
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Babies started coming off so I started separating. She had 24, separating out 16 individually and keeping 8 with her. The enclosure pictured is a bit too wet, I didn't wait for the water to fully absorb before I put him in there. I took him out an dried the enclosure a bit more after this pic. For extremely small scorpions water balance is crucial, too much condensation or wet substrate and they could stick to it and drown, at the same time they're vulnerable to desiccation. This was the initial set up so I had presoaked the substrate, for daily care a water dropper to apply moisture directly onto the spaghnum moss (and let it absorb fully) is crucial, as well as a very fine continuous spray hair mister. The mister provides a very even, light misting that most closely resembles the dew they would naturally drink in the wild. I also have springtails in the enclosure as a supplementary food source, though primarily they'll eat prekilled squished pinhead crickets or mealworm segments.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 10 months
Moss brothers feels like a nickname peach would come up with and call them
Sm peach: how are u doing moss bros? :3
King and red: >:(
Peach: Hey Moss Bed and Moss Knight, How are you dping in this fine establishment tonight
King: I hope your bloodline ends >:(((
Peach: Love you too Moss Bed.
Red: I'm gonna presoak all your socks.
Peach: Ah-
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pumpumdemsugah · 3 months
I'm watching that video by Kenton and habiba who is a physician talking about how the hair used in braids is toxic because of the chemicals put on it to make it shiny or whatever
It's interesting because I remember when I was on hair forums the ladies there would presoak braiding hair in water and vinegar to get rid of build up from the factory process. Sometimes it's interesting to me seeing things people would talk about on hair forums back in the 00s coming back around. We were actually doing so much as hair amateurs that aren't professionals and were onto something
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