#pretend theres a square for sweet voice
kansasjustgotgayer · 9 months
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made by me and @dominothief
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julesclues · 4 years
fake dating
“hallelujah, my ass” // chapter 2
warnings: mentions of sex
pairings: jj maybank x reader
word count: 2.16k
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you had always loved eating dinner with your family. the talks, the laughter, and lets not forget the food. but today? today, you hated it. today, skipping dinner didn’t seem so bad. why?
because jj maybank was here too.
“so jj,” your dad starts, making your palms sweaty. you and your father were never close. he was really mean to you, and only you. to others, he would pretend like he was the greatest father in the world. but alone, he was the complete opposite. “i heard you’re dating my daughter. what are your intentions? are you just trying to get into her pants?” choking on your food, you look at jj to see his face a little red. “dad! what’s wrong with you?” you speak up, causing your dad to fling his hands in the air. “i’m just asking! he was always so mean to you, y/n. you would come home crying an–“
“i love your daughter sir.” your head snaps in jj’s direction after hearing him cut your father off. “i know i was mean to her in the past, and i will never forgive myself for that. honestly, i’m surprised she even gave me a chance. i can’t change the past, but i know i can change the future. and i know i want y/n in my future. i want her there. it would mean everything to me if you approved of us. but with all due respect sir, even if you didn’t, that wouldn’t keep me away from y/n.” jj looks at you and smiles softly, but you look down at your food, playing with it using your fork.
you couldn’t believe what jj just said. sure, all of it was fake but you couldn’t help but feel butterflies. you felt your heart skip a beat as your dad stayed quiet. he was never quiet.
“if you’d like me to go i can ju–“ you cut jj off as he tries to get up. “you’re staying,” you whisper to him, grabbing his wrist. “no jj, stay please!” your mom exclaims, taking a sip of her drink. “i can tell you love my daughter, so i am definitely in favor of this relationship!” she squeals, hitting your father in his arm. “and i need to have a talk with you.” your little sister laughs and taps your arm, causing both you and jj to look at her. “go upstairs, they won’t notice. i’ll just say you got sick or something.” you move your hand to the top of her head and kiss her. “thanks sis.” you grab jj’s hand in anger and run upstairs with him. closing the door, you turn to him.
“hallelujah,” he sighs. “i really saved our asses back there, huh?” you punch him in the chest but considering he was much stronger than you, he only grunted quietly. “hallelujah, my ass!” you yell. “what was that? this is supposed to be fake! there’s no way you’re that good at improvising!” jj scoffs, sitting on your bed and running his hands through his blonde locks. “don’t be so self centered y/n! of course it was fake. i was just sucking up to your parents to make them think i was in love with you!” you sigh with frustration and look away. for some strange reason, you felt a little hurt. sure, you hated the maybank boy with a passion, but hearing him say all of that was fake.. hurt.
“whatever,” you mumble, pacing back and forth. “you need to sleep over,” you say, making him smirk. “shut up!” you say, throwing a pillow at him. he catches it, and throws it back at you, hitting you in the stomach. “i didn’t say anything!” he protests. “you were about to!” you yell back. “would you shut up?” he stands up, walking closer to you. “make me maybank!”
with the arguing and heavy breathing, you didn’t realize how close jj actually was. you take a step back, recollecting yourself. “can you just sleepover please?” you mumble, not wanting to fight with him right now. “fine,” he huffs. “but i get the bed.” you turn your head towards him and run your tongue along your upper teeth. “no fucking way.” you clench your jaw as he starts to prepare the bed for himself. “i said no jj!” he stops what he’s doing and turns towards you. “you always have to be difficult, don’t you?”
“listen to me you little shit,” you start, putting your pointer finger on his chest. “i know you’re helping me, and i thank you for that, but i am paying you $100 maybank. so just shut up, listen to me, and make your bed on the floor because there is no way we are sleeping together, and i am not about to sleep on my bedroom floor.”
jj looks at you intensely before grabbing pillows again and propping them on the floor. “i’m only letting you talk to me like that because it was hot,” he says nonchalantly. “shut your mouth,” you reply, walking over to your drawer to get pjs. “here,” you say, throwing sweatpants at him. “why do you have men’s sweatpants?” he questions, but you walk into the bathroom. before closing the door, you reply with, “it’s none of your business, asshole.”
fifteen minutes later, both you and jj were laying down in your assigned spots. you on the bed, him on the floor. scrolling through your phone, you cant help but keep thinking about what jj said during dinner. you had no feelings towards the maybank boy, but for some reason, your mind kept drifting to his sweet words. for you, this is going to be harder than you thought.
jj speaks up, bringing you back to reality. “aren’t we supposed to know everything about each other?” you put down your phone, now the only light in your room being the moon shining through the window. “what are you talking about?” you say, but it comes out in a whisper. “you know, like how boyfriend and girlfriends know each other’s favorite color, or food. that stuff.” you chuckle slightly, and so does jj. “oh and what’s the deal with you and your dad?” jj asks, and your smile drops.
“oh i’m not– i’m not going to get into that with you jj,” you say softly, and he sighs. “but i–“
“i said no jj. goodnight.” mad, you roll on your side, your back facing where jj is laying. you didn’t like talking to anyone about you and your dad’s relationship. your dad was a mean guy to you, but no one knew it. he put on this facade in front of others, so when you used to try to tell people the truth, they would call you a liar or an attention seeker. so now, you refrain from ever talking about it.
it was quiet for a couple minutes. hearing jj shuffle and move, you roll back on your back. “green.” he says out of nowhere. “what?” you ask after a couple seconds. “my favorite color is green because it reminds me of frogs, which are my favorite animal.” you smile to yourself as he continues. “i love the clouds.. um..” he pauses, thinking of more to say. “as much as i drink beer, my favorite drink is actually hot chocolate. um.. i– uh..” he stutters, not knowing what else to say. “oh, i have a birth mark on my butt.” you laugh loudly, making him chuckle. “nice to see you’re still with me princess.” you exhale and reply with a soft “yeah.” silence falls through the air once more before you speak up this time.
“i love the rain but hate thunder.” jj smiles and closes his eyes. “how could you not like thunder?” he asks, playing with his rings. “i don’t know,” you chuckle. “just the loud noises make me nervous i guess. i know it can’t do anything to me, but i’ve had rough experiences with loud noises. you know, like yelling and stuff. nothing ever comes good after a loud noise.” jj noticed how you started to open up to him, but decided to not mention it. if he did, you probably would have gotten embarrassed and you guys would’ve been back at square one. he didn’t want to admit it, but hearing you open up to him about stuff you haven’t even done with the pouges, made him feel important. like someone finally trusted him.
“you still there?” you ask, grabbing jj’s attention. “yeah,” he says softly. “i’m here.” you think some more, and continue to tell him little things about you. “i like the slower version of songs better, i play with my fingers and hair when i’m upset in public because i don’t want to act on my emotions, and i’ve always wanted to go to paris. there’s a lot more, but that’s all i can come up with right now.” both you and jj find yourselves smiling widely. “i can’t wait to learn a lot more about you then, babygirl.” you chuckle. “babygirl?” you question the nickname. “was that not one of the nicknames i could call you?” jj asks sincerely. “no,” you say, but quickly add on, “but i liked it.”
“goodnight jj,” you say with a wide smile. “goodnight babygirl.”
the next morning was a rough one. you woke up with both the sun and your hair in your face. you look at the time and see how it’s 10:28am. you slept in. you roll over to look at jj and notice how he’s still sleeping. you giggle to yourself when you see how his mouth hung open, and his hand was entangled with his hair. you grab your phone, going to take a picture, but before you could, theres a knock at the door. “guys? it’s me, i have breakfast!” you hear your mom’s voice from the other side of the door and panic. if you and jj were supposed to be together, why was he sleeping on the floor?
“uh, one minute!” you scream, throwing a pillow at jj. “jj!” you whisper, as he opens his eyes widely. “my mother’s at the door!” groaning, he rushes to get up on the bed. he grabs the blankets and pillows that were on the floor and throws a pillow at you, hitting you directly in the face. “can i come in?” your mom asks, growing impatient. “n-no!” you stutter, as jj tries to fix his side of the bed. “why?” you mom asks. “i– uh,” you look at jj, and he shrugs, picking up the pace to put the stuff on the bed. “we’re having sex!” you yell, causing jj to try to hold in a laugh. “y/n,” he says with a small laugh. “what the he-“
“shut up just get in bed!” you whisper yell, your face red like a tomato after hearing your mom gasp. “you can co-come in now,” you stutter, as you rest your head on jj’s chest, hearing his heart beat kind of fast. she comes in and sets the food down on nightstand next to you, and walks to the foot of the bed. she eyes you two, putting her hands on her hips. “i hope you two used protection?” she asks, as you groan and hid your face further into jj’s chest. “mom, please,” your raspy voice mumbles. jj laughs awkwardly and looks at the food, hoping to change the subject. “what’s that?” he asks, eyeing the food. “i made you two cinnamon rolls! sure you’ll need some food after working up an appetite, huh?” she says innocently, but that only makes you blush more. “oh my god mom! please leave!” she chuckles, and heads to the door. “thank you ma’am,” jj says politely. she puts her hand on the door knob but before leaving, she turns around. “i don’t want any grandchildren just yet!” she says, and shuts the door.
jj looks down at you and smirks. “we’re having sex, huh!” you push off him and groan in disgust. “i panicked, okay?” you grab your phone as jj continues to lay down, taking in the comfort of the bed he was denied the night before. “i got a text from kie,” you say aloud. “she wants us all to meet at the wreck in an hour.” you look up at jj to see him already staring at you. “what?” you ask and he shrugs. “what do you mean what?” he asks. this is how much of your arguments always start. “i’m not in the mood to fight with you,” you say, looking back down at your phone. that’s when you get an idea.
“let’s tell the pouges that we’re dating.” jj gets up and walks over to the cinnamon rolls your mom made, taking a big bite out of one of them. he looks at you, thinking, and that’s when a big smile appears on his face. “i like that idea.” you smile back at him, feeling those butterflies appear back in your stomach.
oh no, you think to yourself.
whatever you do, do NOT fall in love.
🏷 tag list: @spencereidbasis @lonely-kermit @pankow1218 @octopus1284 @downbytheouterbanks @softtfordrew @maybanksbaby @teamnick @diverrdown
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Maribat ideas I will probably never write
Now, before we start.
I realize that those may have already been made but I've never seen them and everything here came from my mind. But if you remember the titles, please tell me them or send a link to the stories, I'd love to read them.
This can be whatever ship you want Connorette, Daminette, Cassandra x Marinette, Brucinette... Any ship.
Here I'll refer to them just as the bats or one of the bats, or just choose a random one of them simply because I don't know the exact person that'd fit in the au with Marinette so I'm just leaving it up to you but... yeah.
[And yes, I know I said it could be Connor or Jon or anyone else, and I know they are not part of Batclan but for the lack of better word, just roll with it]
Yes, you can use any of them, but please tag me (i really want to read what you came up with) and include the link to my post so maybe someone else could use any other of these.
And if want to add anything or just brainstorm in the comments I'd love to do it with you, so don't be shy and say what you think (constructive critism only).
Maybe i will update this, but for now feel free to use any of these over 20 (i think at least) ideas I came with in these past 2 weeks cuz i was bored.
And before you start, I'm thinking of making mafia boss! Marinette AU, but i don't know what ship it should be... Suggestions? (Just not the love square please)
Hope you like it.
Violinist Marinette. The Waynes got invited to a concert in which Mari played a solo. And they're all just enchanted with her talent.
Marinette a Badass Dancer. None of the bats is a dancer in this AU and I don't really have any direction where this would go, but i just had a scene where she kicks their asses even though she doesn't have much (or any) exprience in martial arts. Just her spinning and kicking one of them mid-spin in the face or... somewhere else...
So the scene is a Wayne Gala, right? Jagged Stone dares Marinette to sing a song on a stage (there’s live music band, i guess?). Everyone’s mesmerised by her voice and Jagged can be heard screaming “That’s my niece!” in the backround. I really want her to sing Creep , a cover by Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox ft. Haley Reinhart or Crazy in Love , also a cover made by Sofia Karlberg, though any other song is fine too
Bats and Marinette in a band. That's it. That's the whole AU.
One of the bats is sitting under a tree, all peacefully and relaxed, but then they look up to see a random girl with dark blue hair (??) just hanging upside down from a branch like an actual freaking bat. She gives them a heart attack.
Another Au with singing Marinette lol. In this one Marinette likes to sing in a park every other day and Damian comes here one day and hears her and is like “wow.”, and since then he comes there everyday in hopes of hearing her sing and getting her number. And maybe Luka or Adrien play while she sings, that’d be cool
Guys, Marinette and the Waynes being neighbours. No, but imagine. Them seeing some girl watering plants every week for a month or two and then not seeing her for a long period of time, and they're kinda worried, but then she's back and they're confused, because where the hell she'd been, the house looked like not used and just where the hell was she? Marinette seeing some... Weird things happening in the Wayne backyard. Balconies being in front of each other, so they're balcony neighbours too (the romance, the fluff, even the angst, guys). Marinette going to them with baked goods and introducing herself as their neighbour. Them going to hers and welcoming her with a basket of Alfred's cooking. 
Jason has to participate in a dating show because he lost a bet and Mari's one of the participants too...
Duke needs a date to a wedding (i don't know whose, your choice) and Marinette's his best friend, so be my fake date to this wedding?
Marinette as Tim's daughter??
The greatest showman AU. (Sibling dickinette. On the trapeze-)
Forget rouges, superheroes and vigilantes. Underground dancers. Because it's what i need, y'all
So in this, WE is a dance company, and Marinette's maybe an intern in a fashion department. One day Dick's going to one of the practice rooms where's been scheduled a meeting with a designer for his costume for the next show. Instead he's met with a girl he sees for the first time, practically flying on the dance floor. Just as he's about to reveal himself the rest comes and it turns out this is the fashion designer and it seems as no one knows she's an amazing dancer too
Teachers AU + Rivals AU = utter chaos. Them teaching the same subject and competing for their class' loves and/or arguing whose close is better. [Bonus points if everyone's thinking they hate each others guts, but they're secretly dating]
Fencers AU - on the same team on different teams, your choice. (And this honestly suits with Kagami too. I'm up for kagami x bat/marinette)
Damian in the park with Mar'i, but he's having trouble, because this kid has so much energy. How?? Just when he thinks he can take a breath, he notices Mar'i has wandered off and is talking to a young woman, so he rushes there and try to apologize, but she says it's no problem at all. Suddenly this gorgeous girl offers him her help. It looks like Mar'i has taken liking to her and he's so tired, so he agrees and for the rest day watches two Mari's play together and falls in love with the older one. Plotwist: this was plan all along. Mar'i is the ultimate wingwoman.
All the Wayne siblings decided to go to one of those haunted houses for a halloween and there's this petite girl who tagged along their group somehow. They didn't expect to see this tiny girl punching the worker dressed as a monster and knocking the daylight out of him. But it was so worth getting kicked out.
Marinette's a ghost and these four men came to her house and apparently they're doing a ghost investigation?? I mean, she was getting a bit lonely and bored, maybe it's time to "gain some friends" (read: scare the living out of them).
Pretty much the above but with bat/s as ghost/s and Marinette as the paranormal investigator with her team (i honestly want one of them to be Kagami, i don't know why). In both you need to decide who's a skeptic and who believes. It's fun, the ghost is trying to scare them off, but they're stubborn.
Sibling dickinette where Marinette calls her older brother everytime she wants to get out of a date and so he pretends to "arrest" her. (And then maybe dick decides to play a matchmaker and sets her up with one of his adoptive siblings)
Marinette as a lawyer. Her going against LexCorps who framed Wayne Enterprises for something. Or maybe Bruce was accused of murder (that he obviously did not commit) and now she has to prove his innocence. I just really want to read about badass lawyer Marinette, guys
Merlin AU. Is there any AUs with Marinette being Merlin and saving Arthur's ass (I honestly think it should be Chloe, no joke)?
Mominette where she adopts Cassandra. I just imagined them going to ballet lessons together and cooking and now I'm soft.
Marinette got dared by her friends to set a trap for the passerby that involved eggs, toy train and glitter and to then to pretend they're her ex and they cheated in her, and Jason had the misfortune to be that passerby. (Yes, this is probably crack lol)
Tim can rap. Marinette can rap. What could go wrong?? (Yes, this is probably crack too)
There's this girl they see every year when to go on trick-or-treating and she always has the most amazing or scariest costumes. But Damian will not go without a fight and so every year they compete over who has the better costume. This year they just so conveniently dressed up as the famous Halloween couple.
Jon is 17 now and it seems as no one is interested in him. He jokingly tells Damian he supects theres a ghost that's in love with him and they keep away any potential lovers from him. He doesn't know how much he's right. Marinette though, is freaking out.
Marinette decided to take a part-time job at a local pool as a life guard. There's a sudden increase in people coming to said pool but also a dramatic increase in people pretending to drown. Conner is one of them.
Marinette plays a therapist to all of the batfam. The amount of the ridiculous problems she had to listen to... She could write a book and she would make millions out of it, she swears.
"Some say "revenge is a dish best served cold.", then i read "revenge is sweet", so i came to conclusion revenge is ice cream." Huh, so that'd explain the sudden disappearance of ice cream in whole Gotham Jason had been hearing about for the past week from Bruce. The question is, what that petite bluenette is planning to do and who is going to be a victim of her ice cream revenge?
Tim had been in coma for a month after the drug bust, and he has just woken up. The first thing he does? He picks up the argument he and Marinette had been having before he's been put into a coma.
The couple at the place Jason had been at, started making out loudly, so he started making loud noises while eating his ice cream. They stopped. And he got this cute barista's phone number when she was walking past him.
Marinette's at the spa when she overhears two guys betting who can eat more slices of cucumber (that were supposed to be put on their eyelids) and she decided to participate. Safe to say they were all banned from all the spas in Gotham
Can i please get Jason/Duke/anyone making up a bedtime story for Marinette after she woke up from a nasty nightmare? I need it
Every morning and night Marinette pretends to be asleep just so she can feel Damian pull her closer, kiss her temple and whisper how much he loves her
Roy listening to Jason complaining about each first encounter of her girlfriend with his siblings and Bruce. Each is more ridiculous than the one before. He listens to it, after he and Marinette had gone through their own weird af first meeting.
Dick was so busy laughing at the bluenette who'd just walked into a post, he ran into the same post minute later. She asked him out... After she finished laughing and telling him karma's a bitch
Dick likes to think he's the reason Jason and Marinette got married. To his last days he will brag about how at his and Kori's wedding Marinette caught the bouquet, tripped and Jay caught her.
Jason asked Marinette on a date to one of the restaurant the WE owned. Then as a test, he told her he couldn't pay for all the expensive dishes they ordered. She took his hand and they ran out of the building. He's convinced he's going to marry her.
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Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
Words: 2000ish
Warnings: Mentions of a panic attack and claustrophobia, angst
Summary: 2 hours and 54 minutes. That’s how long Sweet Pea and Y/N are stuck in an elevator reliving their past, 6 years after they last saw each other.
Notes: Another squared filled on my @riverdalebingo card using the prompt ‘The Prembrooke’.
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It’s the sound of her heels clicking along the marble floors that first grabs his attention. He turns his head briefly away from Smithers to see black thigh high boots and a tartan skirt that screams Veronica so he looks away again.
But then he remembers the old man behind the desk had told him that Ronnie was already upstairs in her apartment and his head whips around again so fast it makes him dizzy.
It can’t be.
But there’s something familar about her walk, the way she carries herself and he finds himself following her through the unusually crowded lobby.
She ducks into the elevator as people start to pile out and it takes everything in him not to push them out of his way just to get a better look at her face.
He doesn’t think about it as he squeezes his body through the closing gap of the doors just before they shut, leaving them both trapped inside alone.
His eyes meet her widening ones, and as they move upwards he starts to feel his heart sink.
There’s no deny it’s Y/N now. 
1 minute
He feels the awkward tension grow between them until it starts to suffocate him.
He tries his best not to look at her while she pretends he’s not even there but every passing second feels like a life time and he can’t bare it anymore.
“Y/N...” She flinches as her name falls from his lips and she tries not to crumble at the sound.
“Hello Nate.” It’s his turn to recoil now, the use of his first name really showing how things have changed between them. There’s something cold in her tone and he hates it.
“I didn’t know you were in town.” He notices the way her hands clutch tightly around her bag strap, her knuckles turning pale and he suppresses the urge to make her release them.
“I was passing by, thought I’d visit V.” She still can’t look at him, her lips pressing into a small thin line in between every sentence. “You’re the last person I expected to see.”
“You and me both.” He’s murmuring now, all confidence lost. He’s not sure why he even followed her in the first place it was always bound to end this way.
A few more seconds of tense silence passes by and just when he thinks their about to reach Veronica’s floor and finally escape, the lift holts to a stop and sends them stumbling into each other.
“What the hell was that?” He catches her arm to stop her hitting the back wall, and she wonders if he can feel her pulse through her clothes as her heart rate accelerates.
He senses her panic, still knowing her far too well, and tries everything he can think of.
He presses every floor, but they don’t move.
He holds the emergency button, but there’s no one on the other end.
He tries to pry the doors open, but they don’t budge an inch.
He turns back to her, her eyes are still wide and he knows what he’s about to say next won’t offer her any relief. “I think we’re stuck.”
10 minutes
He’s given up.
But she hasn’t.
She’s pacing back and fore, her cell phone held high in the air. He’s watching her squint at it, thumb jabbing at the screen like it’ll make a difference. But they both know it won’t.
She’s frustrated. Frustrated that the lifts stopped working, frustrated that she’s stuck in here with him of all people.
Frustrated that she can’t get any damn phone signal.
“This can’t be happening!” She slips her phone back into her bag so she can throw her fists at the door in desperation.
Sweet Pea just sits there watching her, searching for the right thing to say. He’s thought about this moment before but he never imagined it happening like this.
36 Minutes
She’s hyperventilating.
They’ve spent the last 20 minutes in silence as far away from each other as possible but now he’s at her side.
She can feel the tension grow throughout her body until her chest is too tight, and her breathing becomes so shallow she starts to gasp for air.
Her eyes are wild as he places his hands either side of her face, forcing her to look straight at him. Theres something calming about his warm touch and reassuring gaze.
“Breathe okay?” He’s breathing loudly now too, remembering from when they’ve done this before. In and out, pushing her to follow his lead as she nods against his palms. “Just breathe.”
Her chest raises up and down harshly with each sharp breath, her hands now wrapped around his wrists, anchoring her to stability as her heart rate finally slows.
She’s always hated small spaces.
1 Hour and 13 Minutes
The whole situation is funny in an ironic kind of way, or that’s what he tries to convince himself.
They haven’t talked in over half an hour and with each passing second he grows more irritated.
His nostrils flare every time she sighs too loudly, he hates the way she constantly locks and unlocks her phone and now she’s tapping her long nails against the floor in an irregular rhythm, the sound driving him crazy.
She hasn’t even said thank you properly.
“Could you just stop that?” His voice is harsher than he intended it to be and it makes her head snap to him.
“Sorry.” She rolls her eyes at him like he’s just an inconvenience leaving a bad taste in her mouth and it pushes him over the edge.
“This is just typical you isn’t it?” There’s a lava bubbling in the pit of his stomach, burning its way through his body until he can’t take it anymore.
“Excuse me?” She looks at him likes he’s offended her, her mouth slightly agape. It makes him feel guilty but not enough to make him stop.
“Why are you the one mad at me?” It’s like they’re 19 again and everything he felt back then is rushing back to him. He wants to hurt her the way he was hurt but at the same time he wants to pull her into him and smell the shampoo on her hair. He hates her and he doesn’t. “If I remember correctly you’re the one who walked out.”
She wants to hit him. She wants to scream out. But she just sits there, body tense and back straight. She’s a flurry of pent up anger and rage but there’s a wounded look in her eyes that he’s all too familiar with. “Because you told me to!”
“But you didn’t fight!” There’s a guilt that washes over him because there’s a truth to her words. He pushed and pushed until she couldn’t take anymore and chose to leave. He’d told himself it was for the best, but that hadn’t made it sting any less. “I knew what you wanted in life, that being with me would hold you back and well... look at you now.”
She pauses briefly, pondering over her next words but the sentence is far from what he expected. “I never thought you were holding me back.”
“Do you really think you would have graduated from Harvard, started your own successful business and got a fancy apartment in LA if you were still running around with a small town gang member?” Her eyebrows shoot up to her hairline, she’s a little impressed, a little terrified. He realises what he said and his feels his face flush. “I might have stalked your social media once or twice.”
“You know...” For one brief second she shows the underlying vulnerability she so desperately tries to hide, even though it’s always there. Her voice cracks just a little but it’s enough to make him feel even worse about himself. “If you asked me to stay I would have.”
He looks at her properly for the first time during their argument with the saddest smile on his lips and she feels her heart break. “That’s why I never asked.”
1 Hour and 47 Minutes
They’re sitting closer now.
He doesn’t know how it happened, did she move or did he?
Either way he doesn’t care. He likes her being beside him.
And as she rummages away in her bag, his eyes drift down to the girl that once meant everything to him and his lips turn up into a natural smile.
She’s different but she’s the same. There’s more of a confidence to her, her y/h/c seems lighter, but she still smells of vanilla.
She senses him watching, feels his eyes on her and she wants to be annoyed but her cheeks just burn a shade of pink she hopes he won’t notice. She grins at him to throw him off, and the sight takes his breathe away.
They lock eyes in a way that just feels natural as she holds a bar a chocolate between them. They laugh as she offers him some, the sound filling the small room.
Who’s he trying to kid, she still means everything to him.
There’s no point trying to convince himself otherwise.
2 Hours and 26 Minutes
“I never asked what you were doing here?” She turns to look up at him, their faces so close it makes his thoughts a little fuzzy. He suddenly finds himself wondering how her lips taste and he has to blink the idea away.
“We’re stuck in here remember? I can’t leave.” She rolls her eyes again, fondly this time as she laughs at his stupid joke, bumping his shoulder with hers.
“I mean the Pembrooke.” She’s relaxed sitting next to him, picking at her hem of her skirt. They’re now surprising comfy in each other’s company, all bitterness fading away.
“When Veronica took over the building she knew I was struggling for business.” Sweet Pea’s quiet again for a moment, a little embarrassed by his admittance. “She offered me a contract to fix all the maintenance issues, present and future.”
“You still have the business?” He cocks an eyebrow at her surprise and she groans loudly in protest. “I didn’t mean it like that’s I just... I’m proud of you Sweets.”
The way she says his nickname hurts just as much as seeing her, but he wants to hear it again.
2 Hours and 54 Minutes
They're finally out, and where he's glad not to be stuck anymore he's feels a little lost with out her.
They thank the fire department for helping them after Veronica tackles them both and makes some jokes about being surprised they're both alive. They say their awkward goodbyes, and something within him comes alive.
He doesn't want her to disappear around the corner and have her retreating frame the last thing he remembers. He doesn't want her to go back to another face on his Instagram feed.
“Y/N wait up!” He's running towards her before he gets a chance to change his mind, grateful that Veronica excuses herself and leaves them to it.
“Sweets...” She sighs his name half heartedly, biting her lower lip.
“Stay.” He doesn’t care that it’s six years too late. He doesn’t care that she’s looking at him like he’s crazy, maybe he is. All he cares about is telling her how he feels and hoping she feels the same. “Here, with me.”
“I can’t just drop everything-“ She releases a small huff of exasperation but he can see the admiration in her eyes. All he can hear is that she didn't say no.
“That’s not what I’m asking, we’ll figure the rest out but just for tonight-” He takes her hands in his in once last desperate plea. "Stay?"
She doesn't give him an answer, just crashes her lips to his.
Riverdale Winter Bingo Masterlist
Forever Taglist: @p-marie-sp
Sweet Pea Taglist: @80sand90simagine @wildberryyyy @hopelesslylosttheway
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But You are Still The One For Me (Jungkook x You Drabble)
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A/N: As always, I dont really know how to drabble. ❤ and this storyline is lame. SUPER LAME. I'm sorry. I wrote this at 4 am. Leave some comments if you like it. If you hate it please dont say anything or I'll cry. Ahahahaha.  oh and read this first yo make better sense: 
But I Still Want You (Jeon Jungkook)
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here and you are in no way obligated to do it but if any of you like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
A/N: I cant just keep a good thing to myself, so for those who are looking for a variety and affordable BTS and KPOP merchandise. visit this link right here okay
"Will you just calm the fuck down?" Taehyung throw the pillows directly to thr maknaes head, which he usually will dodged, but no this time. His mind is too full, heart too nervous to even think.
"How can I calm down hyung? How?" Jungkook raised both of his hand over his head and runs one hand over his already messy hair.
"Well, for one, because you and Y/N has been best friends for years, and has now officially been dating for a year, sickeningly and might I add, disgustingly in love with one another, living together and..." Taehyung pretends to think, rubbing his chin, "Oh right, have a freaking daughter together!"
"That still doesnt mean she will say yes Kim Taehyung!" Jungkook sighed and slumped himself on the couch. "What if she thinks its too soon? We have been separated for years before we got back together and start dating. She is even divorced! What if she thinks I'm too fast? What if she thinks I'm not a good father to Nara? W-what if," Jungkook look at his hyung wide eyes with fear and realization. "What if she just doesnt want me anymore?!"
Taehyung laughs.
"How bad are you in bed until the girl who is the mother of your child and still has feelings for you after years would suddenly stop loving you?" Taehyung laughs louder.
"Shut up hyung," Jungkook glares. "I am great in bed and you know it," he winks. "But really hyung, I love Y/N very much. I dont know what I will do if she said she doesnt want to marry me,"
Taehyung walked over and sits beside the sighing maknae and patted his back, smiling.
"You are worrying about nothing Jungkook. Y/N loves you. After everyhing you two has been through, she is still here, still yours, and you are still the one for her. Believe me,"
Jungkook sighed, loudly. He knows he has no reason to be nervous. His relationship with Y/N is perfect. One happy family with their little girl, Nara. But still, if she were to ever say no, Jungkook is sure his heart would break to pieces.
"I sure hope so hyung,"
"Appa!" The 4 year old ran the moment she saw Jungkook on the couch the moment Y/N opened the door.
"Theres my baby girl," Jungkook's face stretched into a wide smile at the sight of his daughter. He never taught he could ever love someone this much since the moment Y/N showed him Nara's picture years back. He quickly picked her up in his embrace and smothered her face with kisses, making the little girl giggle. "Appa misses you princess," he walked to the door where Y/N just came in with a tired face, a smile immediately gracing her face when she saw Jungkook. "And theres my queen. Hi baby," he leans over and gave her a long hard kiss, squishing Nara in the middle.
"I didnt know you are home Kookie," Y/N hugs him tightly. "I miss you. How was your work trip?"
"The usual. Hyungs did something stupid again, the fans are screaming and me missing you and little princess here terribly," he pouts.
"Well," Y/N laughs. "If it makes you feel better, we miss you so much too. Two months is too long without you!"
"I know baby, and I'm sorry my work took me away from you two for so long. But we dont have anymore overseas schedule for the next 4 months now and I promise I'll make it up to you," Jungkook lets Nara down and the little girl ran towards her toybox, already bored of her parents making googly eyes to one another.
"Oh yeah? How are you going to do that?" Y/N giggle as Jungkook pulls her closer by the waist.
"Oh, I have my ways baby," he winks. "God I love you so much," Jungkook leans jn again, lips already touching hers.
"And I love you Jungkook, forever and always,"
"Wait, so you are having lunch with Jae Hee? Your ex husband, Jae Hee?" Jungkook frowned.
"Yes Kookie. Jae Hee. You know we are still on good terms with each other. And you know that hes a nice guy, dont worry!" Y/N smiles.
"I am not worried," he pouts in jealousy. "But still, hes your ex husband and since when do you two keep contact anyway?"
"Well, for the past two months while you were gone, he came by to enroll his kid and his niece into my dance academy, and we started catching up," Y/N explained as she ran around the kitchen cleaning up the mess. "We are just friends, you can come and have a drink with us too one day okay baby? I promise you, theres nothing to worry about," Y/N stop and smile at him, leaning in to give him a short kiss. "Jeon Jungkook, you are still the one that I want. Always,"
Well, dont worry she said. But how can he not when all Y/N seems to do these days are running off to meet Jae Hee. Sometimes, Jungkook even feel like Y/N is purposely avoiding him. It must just be his imagination right? But how can he not think that way. Y/N even brings Nara with her sometimes. And it makes Jungkook's blood boils even more when Nara still calls him "Appa Jae Hee". He cant blame the girl, Jae Hee practically raised her, and she knew him way longer than she knew Jungkook, but really, there must be a limit to all this bullshit?
"When are you going to propose to her you scared little shit?" Namjoon suddenly asks while all 7 boys are hanging out during one of their lazy days.
"Stop living in sin Kook. Get married already," Jin laughed, earning himself a glare.
"I would marry her right now if I could hyung, but how am I supposed to even plan this proposal when all she does is run off to that Jae Hee oppa," Jungkook imitates Y/N's girly voice as he mention his name. "Do you think they have something going on?"
"Maybe. Im sure that Jae Hee dude has a better dick game than you. And maybe Y/N is regretting leaving him now," Yoongi casually remarks, eyes never leaving the television screen.
"Fuck you hyung. Not helping," Jungkook snarled.
Yoongi shrugged, not even bothered.
"Oh calm down Kook, theres nothing going on. Shes just busy. Her academy is really doing well you know," Jimin smiles at him. "Want to come with me to meet Soori? We can go eat something. You will feel better after," Jimin offered.
"Oh well, might as well. I rather go and spend time with bitch face than watch this boring show with hyung who will fall asleep anyway," he glares at Yoongi.
"You know, for someone who just did something nice for you, you should really stop calling my girlfriend bitch face," Jimin glares and Jungkook chuckles, following his hyung out.
"Sorry Jiminie, shes a proven bitch and I still dont know how you ended up with her," Jungkook laughs. Jimin ans Soori. The two met when they both attend the same music show during their last schedule and in a matter od minutes, just like that love blooms and they have been dating ever since. Jungkook and Soori are on good terms after what happened between them, of course, but shes still just an annoying girl to him and also, he just likes to annoy his hyung by saying it out loud.
"So.... Chim told me you are proposing! Did you do it yet?" Soori asked excitedly, hugging Jimin's arm as they walked. Jungkook shot his hyung a glare, who just replied with a grin.
"Really hyung? You have to tell her?" Jungkook rolls his eyes at the lovesick couole. Why did he even agree to join them? Free food doesnt seem worth it now.
"Sorry Kookie. What I know, she knows. What she knows, I know. We are like one entity now. Right sweetheart?" Jimin looks at her with adoring eyes.
"Urgh, shes anything but sweet. Bitter and disgusting maybe," Jungkook said under his breath.
"I heard that brat,"
"Meant for you and the missus to hear hyung. Not a liar here," Jungkook grins and Soori rolls her eyes.
"Oh wait. Just wait here okay! Dont move," Jimin suddenly runs off after seeing something before Jungkook and Soori can say anything.
"Where did your short boyfriend went to now?" Jungkook sighed.
"How can Y/N fall in love with a potty mouth like you I'll never know Jeon Jungkook," Soori glares.
"But you still used to love me babe," Jungkook smirks.
"Yeah, keyword used to brat," Soori bites back. "But anyway, tell me about the proposal! Whats your plan? Did you pick the right ring?" Soori suddenly gasps. "You didnt, did you?!"
"Yah! What do you take me for? I have found the perfect ring for my queen. In fact, I have it right here," Jungkook pats his pockets. "Want to see?"
"Hell yeah! I want to see your ugly taste," Soori giggles and Jungkook took out the box and opens it, showing off a huge square cut diamond.
"Whos the one with the bad taste now?" Jungkook grins and is about to close the box when it slipped and fell on the pavement. In panic, he crouched down and starts to look for it. Luckily, he found it easily, although the ring has slipped out from the box. He picked it up and was about to get up when he heard a loud gasp. Jungkook turns around and saw Y/N, mouth wide open, looking back and forth from Jungkook and Soori.
"Baby!" Jungkook grins at the sight of her. He cant help it. He just loves her too much. "What are you doing h-"
"JEON JUNGKOOK, HOW COULD YOU?! W-with HER?!" Y/N yells out and ran away with teary face, leaving Jungkook confused until Jimin appear seconds later behind him, holding a bouquet of flowers, laughing. That jerk went to get flowers? In the middle of walking?
"Are you proposing to my girlfriend while I'm gone?" Jimin laughs. "The media is going to have a field day aboit this,"
"Huh? What are you eveb talking about hyung? Y/N just- " Jungkook, still in confusion suddenly realizes that he is in a kneeling position, with a ring in his hand, held out in front of a girl. In front of Soori.
And Y/N didnt know Jungkook and Soori are friends now. She didnt know Soori is Jimin's girlfriend. It might seem like a stupid misunderstanding, if anyone is seeing how hard Soori and Jimin is laughing at the situation right now, but with Jae Hee in the picture, and Y/N avoiding him and his anxiety that Y/N is already bored of him.. this might just be his biggest nightmare.
"Baby? Baby?!" Jungkook rushed into the house, slamming open the door, running around like crazy only to find Y/N in Nara's room, packing the girl's clothes with tears running down her face. Nara just sat at the corner, crying while hugging the big stuffed bunny Jungkook bought her when they first met.
Jungkook went and hug the little girl. "Dont be scared princess okay? Eomma is alright, let appa just talk to her. You saty in her and play with your bunny and your teddies," Jungkook smile and kisses Nara's forehead, making the girl stop crying and start to smile again. He immediately drags Y/N out from the room and closed the door, making sure Nara wont hear.
"Baby, what are you doing? Why are you packing?" He hold both of her shoulders.
"When do you plan to tell me huh Jungkook? When?! When you two are already happily married?!" Y/N sobs loudly, hitting his chest repeatedly. Jungkook grabs both of her wrists to stop her.
"Do you even hear yourself?! How could you think I would do that to you baby? Isnt my love for you and Nara all this while enough?" Jungkook peered into her eyes for answer but only more tears came out. "Its a misunderstanding. Wont you let me explain?!"
"I dont believe you!" Y/N tried to wriggle her wrist free but to no avail.
"Since when do you not want to listen to my explanation?" Jungkook's voice is laced with hurt. "I get it. Its Jae Hee isnt it? You want to be with Jae Hee so badly that you are finding a reason to leave me? Is that it?"
"What are you even talking about?!" Y/N is the one confused now. Why is Jungkook accusing her now? Hes the one who is caught proposing to his ex girlfriend, not her!
Jungkook scoffs.
"I love you Y/N. Im willing to give up anything and everything for you. But its not enough? It will always be Jae Hee isnt it? You will always want Jae Hee? Is that it?!" Tears of anger, deseperation and heart break roll down his cheeks as he wiped it angrily. "If thats what you want then fine! But Nara is my daughter! I am not letting you and t-that guy take her away from me!"
"Jungkook, what are you talking about?! Its not like that!" Y/N is confused on how the situation is suddenly reversed. Why is she in the wrong now? "How could you say that?"
"How could I?" Jungkook looks at her with sad eyes. "How could I not when all you do lately is avoiding me and spending time with him..."
"Y-you noticed?"
Jungkook nods weakly. He had sensed it but everybody says hes wrong. But Y/N is not denying it. Not at all. Hes right. the family he tried to built all this while is crumbling down. The family he just got back is soon going to be gone, again.
"Does he... atleast makes you and Nara happy?" Jungkook takes a deep breath and finally asks the dreadful question.
Y/N takes a step forward and with teary eyes carressed his cheeks. Jungkook leans in, knowing this is the last time he would feel her touch.
"Jungkook.. no one in this world could make me and Nara happier,"
"T-then why? Is it something I do? Something I didnt do? Something I say?" Jungkook asks weakly, but he knows theres no use.
"I-" Y/N looks down. "Jungkook... I-I..." she bravely lifts her scared eyes towards him. "I'm pregnant,"
"W-what?!" Jungkook felt his heart stopped. How? When? "W-with Jae Hee's baby? Y-you cheated on me?" Jungkook couldnt believe what hes hearing.
"What?!" Y/N almost shouted from the accusation. Jungkook is gettinf all this totally wrong. "No! Its your baby Jeon Jungkook! I'm pregnant with our second child! And Jae Hee.. hes my doctor,"
"I am pregnant. With our child. And i always meet Jae Hee because hes my doctor Kookie,"
"B-but that doesnt explain why you are avoiding me?"
"W-well... I was afraid,"
"Afraid? Of what?" Jungkook lifts her face so she would look at him.
"We just got back together for a year after a looong separation Kookie. And I am scared you werent ready to start this with me.. I dont want you to leave me. I dont think I can live without you," Y/N looks down sadly.
"Oh baby," Jungkook pulls her close and hugs her. "Leave you? That would never happen. Even if I die, I'll haunt you and our kids baby," he laughs. "I am so happy baby, so so happy. Another little Jeon? With you? Whats there to be scared of?" Jungkook grins, showing his bunny smile.
"But I was right wasnt I? You were getting back togethet with Soori. I saw you proposed, and the ring-"
"The ring is for you,"
"Its for you. Its your engagement ring," Jungkook held her hand and grins widely. "Baby, I have had this ring for months now. I have been called stupid by my hyungs a million time because I still hasnt propose. Truth is, I am afraid too. I am afraid you think that we are moving too fast. I am afraid that you still dont trust me fully, or feel like I am not a good enough appa to Nara. I am afraid that you dont love me as much, but most of all I am afraid that you dont still want me," Jungkook keeps looking into her eyes as he kneels down on one knee, still holding her hands. "But today, today I realized that yes, I am afraid of those things, but there is nothing more that I am afraid of than you not being mine. Than waking up without you and Nara by my side. I've been through that before and I dont ever want to feel that again. Baby, will you do me the honors to be wife, for life?" He grins widely.
"Jeon Jungkook, do you even have to ask? Yes! A million times yes!" Y/N squeals and Jungkook stood up, slipping the ring through her finger.
"I love you Y/N. You, Nara and our little Jeon," he rubs her still flat tummy lovingly, "I will love you forever.but what about you? Do you still love me? Do you still want me?”
Y/N giggles at his question. The question he once asked her before, a year ago in the little coffee shop.
“I do. I love you. I will always want you, Jeon Jungkook. Always. You are still the one for me, forever and always,"
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decadentrpg-blog · 6 years
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Admins Note: Heloise was certainly a difficult choice to make but after much assessment, I want to say that I absolutely adore what you’ve brought to the table! From build up of her background to every little historical reference that was placed within your application, it cohesively created this duality that Heloise has! I’ve enjoyed every interaction she has as well as the clarity and rationale behind her thinking! Your faceclaim request for Virginia Gardner has been approved. Congratulations on your acceptance again, please make sure to head your way to the checklist and submit your account within the next 24 hours!
Out of Character
Name / Alias: Emily
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Twenty-two
Timezone: GMT.
In Character Application
Full Name: Heloise Delacour
Sexuality: Lesbian.
You like girls. No, that’s wrong. You love girls. You love the smoothness of their skin. You love their gentle curves, their bodies like oceans, refreshing and divine. You love stroking their hair as you lie between sweat-soaked sheets, curling it around your fingertips. You love sharing lipstick shades so it won’t get too messy when you kiss and the sound beaded dresses make when they hit the ground. Most of all, you love who you become around them. Bursting at the seams with euphoria, without a trace of shakiness in your footsteps, you unveil the creature you fought so hard to become - self-assured and valiant. You always slipped into her without thinking about it, knowing instinctively, that this was right. This was who you were supposed to be.
Gender/Pronouns: Cis-female, she/her
Hogwarts House:  Gryffindor.
The hat was adamant. They wanted you in Gryffindor. They wanted you to learn to harness your own roar, the find power in your sort of bravery - perhaps even to tame the brasher instincts of your peers, to calm the storm inside of them. Not every kind of bravery favours the bold, the defiant, the loud. There are different kinds of bravery. The courage to carry on when the chains around your neck drag you to the ground. The strength to try and try and try. The valour in turning yourself into an anchor, a steady weight for the rest of the world to ground themselves on. There are all sorts of bravery in this world, each as useful, each as needed, as the last. Children, yourself included, see so much, but so little at the same time.
You didn’t glimpse the potential in yourself. You wouldn’t for many years yet.
But the hat knew.
You pleaded for Hufflepuff, knowing you’d be able to carve a home out of the house. The world underestimated badgers, sneering at their perceived lack of intelligence, wit or ambition. You didn’t see that at all. You saw steadiness, a bedrock to build a person upon. It wasn’t a leap of faith. But society couldn’t be built around those who flew. Someone had to be waiting, down below, rooted to the earth, ready to catch falling angels.
The hat laughed.
“Better be…” Panic rose in your chest, a knot tightening inside of you. “GRYFFINDOR.”
They weren’t unkind to you. But you were the fawn in the pride of lions, the hovering figure in the background, the mute who never could make herself heard. Years later, with your personhood more fully attached, half of you wistfully wishes you could go back and do it better. Do it again. And yet, in your heart, you know there’s no value in looking backwards. You must journey on.
Head canons:
Trigger warnings for violence, war, alcoholism and mentions of abuse.
I. la petite fille
Your father - and you only have the confidence to say this now you’re a fledgling, grown to use her own voice - always cared far too much about what people thought. Cream of French society, darling of the elite, a career-hungry politician intent on climbing the ladder. Ironically, the sunshine in your soul can be traced directly back to him. And yet, where yours is woven into the very essence of your being, a warm touch to steady a storm, an easiness to still a monster, a brightness to diminish the darkness, his is a mask, a choking falseness. It was that, more than anything else, that scared you. He changed before your very eyes - shaking hands and kissing cheeks one second - to plotting behind their back the next. Nothing about him was real. He slipped between your fingers, never a solid thing to hang onto.
(The feeling, you know, is mutual. You were a grand disappointment. Too timid to follow in his footsteps and too honest to lie. You’re mostly strangers now, each unable to understand the other).
Your mother you know a little better. An English rose, she fell for your father’s charms one summer, a fling that never was supposed to turn into a marriage. You were the bump that interrupted those plans, the shame that would have befallen her good name. Both parties were hastily married and that was that. You’ve always wondered if she blamed you for it. Always been too afraid to ask. Your mother, you know, was miserable, far far away from home, shackled to a man she barely liked, forced to play the part of politicians wife. When she played it well, there was harmony in the household. But if she slipped up…all hell broke loose. And her, with her love of expensive wine and flirting with other people’s husbands, did mess up. You never witnessed the war inside of your father unfold, merely lived its after effects. Silently, you’d pull a blanket over your mother’s quivering frame and give your father his favourite cigar.
(As you grew, you became rather good at predicting the ticking time bombs. So before the storm ravaged, you nearly always scrambled to safety, grabbing your teddy bear and retreating to the back of the wardrobe. You never found a secret world in the back of there, but you did find safety - and that was a comfort in and of itself).
Peacemaker, your father would sometimes say with affection, your mother with scorn. You’d gulp and nod silently, opinions kept to yourself. Over time, a survival instinct became a pattern and from a pattern into a habit. Such things are hard to shake.
Ii. maison choisie
Your mother hailed from London’s big smoke and your father made Paris his home, so you’ve always been accustomed to cities - you could even say it’s in your blood. But nowhere ever felt like home more than your Grand-Mere’s home a stone’s throw from Amiens. Reluctantly, with great effort, your father would make the bi-annual privilege there, dragging your mother in tow. You never had to be forced, you galloped ahead, a country girl at heart. There was something so liberating about Amiens, especially in the summer, where the line between the fields and sky was impossible trace and wildflowers bloomed. Your grandmother was kinder than your parents, the only one who could pull you out of your shell - but even then, only when you were alone. More a hedgewitch than practiced individual, she used to set you upon a stool as she practiced her potions, entrusting you with the responsibility of stirring from time to time. She was the one who taught you that magic had more than rigid purpose, that it would be as beautiful as life itself.
She also taught you a second, valuable lesson.
You remember the very first muggle you met. You remember them because they waved joyfully as you stepped into the town square - and knew your father by reputation, your Grand-Mere by face. Your father, ever the diplomat, turned his face away, pretending not to have heard. You, bashfully, didn’t meet their eyes either. It was only later, when your parents had been placated by a bottle of wine or two, that your Grand-mere took you aside.
“Why didn’t you wave back?” Dumbstruck, you look for somewhere to scurry away and hide. Gently, she took your hand into her own. “I won’t hurt you chérie.”
“Maman et Papa didn’t.” And you never were awfully comfortable around strangers, bashfulness seizing control of you.
“They were wrong to.” Bopping your nose, your grand-mere drew giggles from you. “They didn’t wave because he was…” her voice strained over the English word. “A muggle. Have they told you not to talk to muggles?”
You shook your head.
“Don’t let them. There will be some, especially when you go to school, who tell you not to talk to witches who have muggle parents. You musn’t let them order you around. No one is any better or lesser because of the blood in our veins. Even muggles…they’re not witches. But they’re not the enemy. After all, if I never spoke to a muggle, I’d never speak to anyone! Never forget that.”
You promised you wouldn’t. You haven’t since.
Iii. armes de guerre Ultimately, it was war that drove you away from your beloved France and your cherished Grand-mere, who refused to stand down and flee when the German troops overran Amiens. You like to imagine she would not take a cowards way out, apparating whilst the others were rats in a barrel, trapped by the advance. You like to imagine she fought to defend her farm with every trick up her sleeve. You like to imagine she remained strong and valiant until the very end. But you’ll never know. The war snatched her from you, her story lost to the wind. All you had left was an owl from the French ministry and the personal condolences of the French Minister La Magie.
It took you a very long time to summon the courage to return. And even then, you couldn’t do it alone. Kenshin stepped in without being asked, the year after you left Hogwarts, stability at your side as you confronted the ruins of the happiest parts of your childhood. Violence had ravaged the landscape, scarring those who survived. Left with nothing, you saw the hallows of hunger in their sunken cheeks and poverty wrecked on their bones. Beauty had perished and been left to die. But in the ruins of her farm, you saw all was not lost. The Peach trees were still rooted, their bounty just as sweet. The goats, against the odds, made it out of the shelling alive. The old stool you had once assisted your grandmother had merely cracked, not splintered. Life went on - and through the cracks of darkness, light emerged.
You saw something of yourself in that light.
A hopeful creature, timidly taking her first steps into the world. A passionate believer in the strength of goodness, in victory and vanquish over evil. That progress, ultimately, would triumph. That even in the face of blasphemy, there is room for beauty, for brightness. The trick is in finding it and nourishing it, so that it may grow.
From seed to sapling to great oak.
The spark within yourself ignited that day. You felt your grandmother’s presence and smiled. You mourned, not in sadness, but in joy - for all the happiness that had been, for all that would yet come.
The world treads down on optimists, mocking their faith. But you’ve learnt there’s courage in that kind of relentless determination. That day, you felt its whispers in your soul. That day, you swore to let it go free.
Iv. soldat improbable The time that  followed ‘The Great War’ was supposed to be the long peace. If you look with hooded eyes, you’d find that in the cityscape of New York. Illicit drinking. Parties that last until dawn. Jazz bands. Woman’s emancipation. There is so much beauty, so much progress. But squint harder - and you’d find an underground war, a cold one, lurking just below the surface. It’s cause is more just than any muggle one ever fought. It isn’t a battle between great powers, princes and their cousins. It’s between right and wrong, progress and past, egalitarianism and inequality.
You know you’re not a likely candidate to fight in it. Most overlook you, sneering at your daintiness, soft smiles and open heart. They should understand that it’s what makes you strong, too. All you want is some small part in this larger battle, to be a part of the greater good. More than anything else, you’re a visionary, able to picture a world beyond this hatred. If you can see the brightness, you can be the brightness, a bedrock for those wearier than you, a guide for those who might come in your direction. You’re no warrior, not in the conventional sense, but not every battle should be fought with a weapon. Some need softer tools. You could be that person.
It is the sum of your duties with Dahlia. You see yourself in her, the girl you were but a few years ago, timid and unsure of the power in her own voice, but possessing a rosy heart. She deserves better. You long to show her that, to share your brightness and certainty in betterness, to pull her from the den of snakes and away from the Pride Society. You’re not asking her to fight, for the Coalition, for you…never. You simply want to help her. You would do anything - give her the means to runaway, a safe roof to shelter under, because you long to see her flourish. You’re just so afraid of failure…of failing her, your duty and yourself. The powers against you are overwhelming, those who wield the weapons lethal. The horrors she confesses terrify you. Light, as bright as it is, can be snuffed out. That is your greatest fear where Dahlia is concerned.
V. Coup de main As fun you’ll admit the parties Wren and Kenshin drag you out to are, you couldn’t carve a life out of them. Pleasure is for hedonists - and you do not count yourself among their ranks. When you found your own voice, the grit beneath porcelain skin, you were determined that it should count. You sought purpose in yourself, a way to matter. Almost as if you were trying to prove yourself…to yourself.
You found clarity in the most unlikely of places. A non-descriptive building in Queens - that would appear empty to an unsuspecting muggle. It’s purpose only became clear when you stepped inside, finding an overworked and overwhelmed refugee agency. In the aftermath of the great war, the creation of a dozen new states in Europe, thousands of wizards chose to emigrate instead, heading to the United States in search of a better life.
It’ll be tough work, the supervisor warned, staring you up and down, disdainfully. You bit your lip. Old habits die hard.
I’m tougher than I look. Promise. Your voice rang with clarity, in how true that statement had become.
You began volunteering on a trial basis. You distributed donations and held shaky people in your arms. You played with children and made puppets dance. After a fortnight, you began to offer your services as a translator, hoping to connect people into the interior of the US. A little while after that, you suggested you could be used by the organisation at large, rather than ad-hoc.
You felt a rush in your chest, advocating for yourself. You felt strong and brave and…right.
VI. bizarreries personnelles
Here are the little things that make you, you.
You never broke the habit of walking on your tiptoes, a legacy left from a childhood full of ballet dancing. Slender limbs, porcelain skin, your teacher used to sigh and wish you centre stage. Bashfully, you refused, your cheeks darkening. The spotlight was never yours to claim.
You cannot cook without making a mess. In your presence, the kitchen comes a bomb sight, ravaged by war. Nose flour-stained, fingers sticky, you chase Kenshin around the kitchen. You always catch him. He always allows himself to get caught.
Your pastries are infamous, light and puffy, the sort only the french know how to make. You refine your recipes with magic and tap your nose whenever anyone asks for their secrets. (Later, in fine ink, you pen them a letter, containing the details).
You despise British food. You ate dutifully at Hogwarts, too shy to even dream of asking for an alternative. Toad in the hole. Pies. Casseroles. Blegh.
You bit your fingernails until you were fifteen years old. Your mother enchanted them after that, exasperated at your lack of self-control. The spell has long worn off, but the manicure never lasts long. It’s a nervous tick.
You used to chew your hair. You threw off that habit by twelve.
Birthdays are your favourite times of the year. You take great pride in the gifts you give friends, a thoughtful gesture behind each one. You do, however, despise your own birthday. Being at the centre of attention makes you uncomfortable, you’d much rather spread and share the joy. Luckily, everyone’s learnt not to throw you surprise birthday parties. Instead, you have small, intimate gatherings.
(You and Kenshin have a ritual. A cupcake at midnight as eve becomes day.)
You’re hopeless at keeping plants alive. There isn’t a green bone - or thumb - in your body. You failed herbology miserably.
But you’re incredibly attentive when it comes to writing in your diary, daily and in french, to prevent eavesdropping eyes. A habit you haven’t shaken since your days in Gryffindor.
Your patronus is a lamb. An individual with a lamb patronus has a sort of natural innocence about them, and have a very serene disposition. They are kind to most, though they tend to have a difficult time reaching out and expressing themselves. They have a shy aspect of them that is not only social, but inner, which makes them hesitant to do many things. That said, they are very patient and calm creatures, which allow them to be workable with this nature.
You talk too much when you’re nervous. Far too much. About things that have nothing to do with anything. The weather. The latest show that opened on Broadway. The dance craze everyone’s talking about. Whether you should get a bob. You blabber, filling the space with…words. It’s endearing to most, but you despise it in yourself.
Your wand is 9 ½”, french-made and slim. Beech and Unicorn Hair. “The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry not seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation.”
Languages are your forte. You have a knack for wrapping your tongue around them, inheriting a little of your father’s silver-tongued mantle. French is your mother tongue, but you’ve added English, Spanish, Italian and a pinch of Latin to the mix.
When you’re making a bold declaration or gesture, you rehearse the words in your mind the night before, like a politician preparing for a speech. You muse over the most effective way to get your point across, the comfort a person will be most receptive to, or whether it’s better just to hold someone and let them cry.
Connection expansion:
I. meilleur ami (Note: I’m happy to change all of this if the Kenshin player disagrees, this is merely my interpretation).
“Mon Frere…” Kenshin catches your grin. Deliberately, his mouth forms an ‘o’. “Ma sœur” You wince at the deliberately butchered pronunciation, but smile nonetheless. He’s always had a particular knack for that, drawing the happiness out of you. And you for him. The only label that fits your description is that of platonic soulmate. Or big brother. For truly, the lines between friendship and family have blurred, that you can’t tell them apart. Certainly, he feels more like family than your own blood ever did.
You met on your tenth day at Hogwarts, in the middle of Herbology class. Devil’s snare wrapped around your hand, you panicked, but were too shy to raise you concerns, suffering in silence. Where few did, Kenshin noticed you - and calmed you down with that bluntness of his. Before you knew it, you were smiling, then laughing and then free. You’ve been attached at the hip since - and shall be, until death do you part. The years did little to change the pair of you. Where some friends grow apart, you grew together, slotting like two jigsaw puzzle pieces. By third year, you were spending Christmas together, Kenshin sensing your unspoken reluctance to go back to France and face the holidays with your parents. After your first one together, you confessed the truth, honesty no one had even known. But most of all, he brought light into his life - different to yours, more brazen and bold. Like two twinned suns, strung across the sky. He is your confidante, secret keeper, joker, dance partner and now, roommate.
The latter made sense. When the two of you ended up in New York at the same time (it’s impossible to imagine the two of you oceans apart, impossible and terrible and dreadful), it made sense for the pair of you to find a two-bed apartment in Manhattan and make it your home. You are as compatible roommates as you are friends.
And, for the first time, he made a house a home.
II. le fruit interdit (Again, I’m happy to alter things dependent on plotting w/ Prosperina’s player) You shouldn’t want to kiss her. If you are the doe, she is the wolf - a huntress determined to strike clean.  In your heart, you know you should hate that dynamic, as you know you should despise her - resent the intimidation that rises through your bones, abhore the uncertainty she makes you feel.. You should be afraid. Very afraid.
And in so many ways, you are. You’re scared of what your attraction to her says about you, now that you are both girls grown, living with the choices you make as adults. You aren’t school children anymore, you aren’t praying to be noticed, doodling hearts with your names encased in it. You’re fearful of what might happen if you find yourselves alone, in a dark - or a light - room. But you’re more frightened, in a strange way, of nothing happening at all.
With Prosperina, there are so many unspoken anxieties, so many things you can’t possibly wrap your head around, that you can’t possibly know. Why she notices you now. When you began to crave the burn. If the risk is worth a moments ecstasy. How beauty could wear such thorns.
You know, now, how Eve felt, in the Garden of Eden. Just one bite, the snake hissed. Just one kiss, Prosperina whispers. You have no wish to shed your wings and toss yourself from Paradise’s gate. But she’s just as beautiful as any angel you’ve ever gazed upon.
In Character Paragraph:
Thursday night, 9pm sharp, the Yale Club. Dress elegantly. Heloise didn’t need to glance down at the invitation to know its contents, her heart having memorised them ten times over, skipping a beat each time it paused at a cursive. Even Prosperina’s writing was beautiful. She would have liked to say that the invitation was unexpected, out of the blue and had been firmly rejected. Yet, since she distastes lies, she could not.
Heloise had, however, made an attempt or two to excuse herself. Sending an owl in return, she had outlined her disapproval of the Pride Society and its galas in no uncertain terms. Prosperina had take an age to respond - deliberately, Heloise supposed, to make her nerves hop and jump. When she had, Heloise could almost taste her tone. It’s not one of those. It’s for charity. Don’t you support charity? She had caved. Heloise couldn’t be sure if that was strength or weakness, good or bad.
Three days later, another letter had arrived. Wear pink. It matches the blush on your face.
Stepping into the room, Heloise steeled herself, a picture of defiance in angel-white, beads reflecting the light back.
Not so long ago, she would have cowered, a ghostly slip of a thing, trembling in the corner. Glass of champagne stitched to her hand, she would have sipped until someone had taken pity on her - and even then, she might have fled. That worked under the assumption she plucked the courage to attend at all. Time sandpapered everyone, some for the better, others for the worse. Heloise liked to think she took after the former.
The first eye she caught was from across the room, her gaze instantly drawn to the slip of a girl shrouded by demons, unable to do anything but stare from her cage. Dahlia. It hurt to see her here, to see the shackles bound and to know she was powerless to help. To approach her, to take her hands into her own and wrap her arms around her shoulders was to betray her newfound friend, to expose her doubts to the world. There was cruelty in watching her suffer - but there was greater cruelty in taking a hammer to the foundations below her feet. That wasn’t Heloise’s job. Hers was to encourage Dahlia to flutter her own wings, to learn how to fly. All in good time. Smiling softly across the room, she let her face say what her tongue couldn’t. Stay strong, keep the faith.
The second pair were Prosperina’s - appearing from nowhere, sneaking up behind. Departing from conventions and norms, she didn’t bother with small-talk. “You look ravishing. But not as pretty as you would have had in pink.”
Tongue-tied, Heloise searched for a response. No one had the power to shrink her anymore, now that she had freed her voice from its restraints. And yet, that didn’t mean anymore wit had returned to it. In times like these, she prayed for Kenshin’s presence at her side, always ready with a sharp retort, the sort that drew him closer to someone. Or even Wren, brazen and bold, who spoke without thought. You don’t want to impress her! One voice screamed.Not like you imagined you might, a lifetime ago.
And yet, a little bit of her did.
Heloise spurned her interest. But a little bit of her didn’t want to do without it either.
“I - Thank you. You look…” Staring at Prosperina for the first time, Heloise felt the breath be stolen from her lungs. Divine. Enchanting. “Like a million bucks.” Slanting her voice into an American accent for comedic effect, she immediately regretted her choice no sooner had it been said. “And this…it’s certainly big. Very big. I suppose that’s good. The more people you can fit in, the more donations you can collect for charity.”
Prosperina laughed. Heloise was never sure if she was being laughed at or with. She preferred to think it was the latter.
“The committee had a few reservations. Something about…vermin control. The guest list is rather exclusive, you see.”
Confusion flashed across her face. It wasn’t as if New York was a stranger to rodents…but something about her tone, about the look on her face…made it clear that it wasn’t animals she was referring to. Without noticing, Heloise had become a player in the game. The smile froze on her face. “I sure hope that isn’t a reference to the architects who built the place. Or the perfectly nice people going about their business on the floor below. They’re not doing any harm.”
“Ah yes, the No-Maj’s, as our Yank friends love to say.”
Heloise tensed on the mention of that word. She despised it. No-Maj. So…derogatory. And rather rude. As if they didn’t count as people, or deserve respect, on the merit of something they didn’t have - and had no choice in having. “I hate that term. I hate - you shouldn’t talk about them like that. Nobody should. They’re hardly hurting anyone. And technically, this is their territory so really we should - be respectful.” Exhaling heavily, she steadied herself.
“Oh,” Prosperina leaned in, all smiles now, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “You’re such a doll. I was only playing. But I can be nice, if you ask nicely.” Her touch felt like electricity, the sort of chemistry that couldn’t be duplicated or faked. When it was real, it was real. “I’ll go fetch us expensive champagne to make amends.” Half-purr, she broke off and Heloise dropped her gaze. “Pink Champagne, I think.”
Cheeks deepening into rosy-red, Heloise watched her depart, wishing she could look away.
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thataspdfeel · 7 years
I'm curious, what are you most attracted to in your partners? Is it similar traits in all of them or different ones like their sense of humour etc.? Sorry if this is a weird question but you've said before you like when people ask about them so I thought I would.
i was so excited to get this and then forgot to answer it :/ im an idiot
also gonna put this under a cut cause this is gonna be hella long cause im a fucking romantic dork
god though i could wax poetic. they’re all so lovely. like they have traits in common but also are unique. they all have brown eyes but theyre unique. like my husband has these eyes that remind me of warm chocolate. like a chocolate fountain kind of warm chocolate. dark and smooth but reflect the light. my wife’s have tinges of gold in the irises like flecks of gold leaf. and theres a dark ring around the pupil and one around the edge of the iris. theyre fucking magical
my boyfriend’s eyes are almost black and very deep. darker than the night sky and full of warmth and mischief. but its like theyre never ending, like he can see the innermost parts of whoever he’s looking at, like your soul is written on your forehead
lmao i love eyes can you tell
they all have these goddamned sinful eyelashes and my boyfriend’s are the longest. theyre as dark as his eyes and when he’s embarrassed, he gets all shy and they brush against his cheekbones like how dare you sir. how dare you be beautiful even when youre embarrassed. i look like a fucking tomato. rude
my husband’s look gold at the tips with the way the light catches them. like yknow how fake eyelashes have purple or red at the tips? like that except gold. like what??? the fuck??? rude
they all have very soft hair though my boyfriend’s is the longest. i cant wait to get with him irl again cause i wanna braid it. he’s got a bony face and it frames it so well. it’s so dark brown its almost black and it’s fun to see him try to sweep it out of his face cause he refuses to tie it up
my husband has these wild curls. we were looking up how to take care of them and that’s how we found out hes ethnically jewish. (which makes sense considering he’s german) they get so thick and heavy and they’re so soft and lovely to nap in. which i do on a semi regular basis. its so soft and lovely and i love when he grows it out. he just doesn’t look right with shorter hair. and he has this beard that grows funny, makes him look like jedidiah if yknow what i mean. he has such a baby face without it and he loves beard scritches it’s so cute how happy he gets
bluh im bouncing all over the place i just??? love them?????? so??????????? much???????????????? there’s so much to talk about!!!
so i guess i’ll just try and make a list of the things i love about them
cheerful, bubbly, very sunny personality. the human incarnation of a very excited dog (which can be A Lot sometimes)
extremely kind. would give you the shirt off his back. often laments that he stopped carrying cash years ago every time he sees somebody who could use some despite the fact that we’re always broke
a proper southern gentleman??? like im fat so im used to people not holding doors open for me fucking ever and being really goddamned rude in general. he ALWAYS holds doors open for me, opens the car door for me both to get in and out of the car, and gets pouty if i try and carry my own bag. it’s so sweet??? ive literally never had that before and even after three and a half years, it’s still so charming
he will do literally anything the fuck i ask. he’ll say no and im like oh ok and he’ll tease like “finally! i said no! and got away with it!” just to make me giggle and then does it anyway
on this note, he also always cooks as much as absolutely possible. even though his spine gives him problems, he does his best to keep me off my leg
he’s always so concerned about my well being. like if there’s not a disability cart at the front of a store, he makes me sit down while he goes and chases one down. if im stiffer than usual due to a cold front, he’ll remind me to take pain meds every four hours
he’s trying to learn japanese because he knows i dont have anybody to practice with here in the states. just for me and not any other reason
adores animals. even if he finds a dog annoying, he’ll still fawn over it and give it as many pets as it wants and won't ever snap at it even if anybody else would. he’s got these large hands and he’s kind of clumsy but this goes away around animals. he’s just so careful and gentle like i never ever worry
drags me out of my introverted cave because he knows social interaction is also good
has introduced me to some of my favorite books and video games because he’s verious conscious about what somebody likes and works to be like “hey, i think youd like this” and is almost always correct??? amazing
has 0 sense of style but doesnt mind somebody who knows better keeping him from absolute disaster
dude is a damned good cook. ive gained like at least a solid 25 pounds since he moved in and started cooking regularly
SPEAKING OF COOKING, we met on the tail end of my anorexia when i was doing my best to recover and still slipping up. he never made me feel bad about it but always encouraged me to eat. he eats SO much (think shaggy rogers) that i always felt comfortable eating in front of him. he always reminds me to eat and asks if ive eaten that day. honestly, i wouldnt be at this level of recovery if it hadnt been for him
is amazing at caling me down holy fuck
met her first, of the three of them, ironically so ive known her the longest but been with her the shortest. we dated a few months in hs but there was a chick she wanted to date like right there (and i was in japan) so i was like oh go for it. well, they broke up and we got back together and it’s been lovely ever since
she has this snorting laugh that’s adorable to listen to and it makes me feel more comfortable laughing (because i think i sound like a damn goose)
she has a goddamned button nose for chrissakes
and these really wide hips too like i felt bad about my hips years ago cause theyre p wide but shes adorable and has wide hips too. she kinda made me love them (even though hers are better)
she’s genderfluid so i get to be gay all across the gender spectrum (im agender) and she’s so beautiful and handsome and v amazing
we were both homestuck fans at the height of it (like we still are) but her cosplays are just really well done??? shes so talented
i dont know about the rest of her cooking (sadly) due to limited time around each other but i cant fucking wait tbh. her cookies kill me tho i love them
an amazing fashion sense. im a dumpster compared to her
an amazing writer and artist and i die every time she sends me something like my soul fucking ascends
she loved me BEFORE meds which i think is amazing. like what a lovely human being yknow? im a dick without meds and she loved me anyway and i love that about her
she speaks german and she makes it sound beautiful and i cry
her singing voice is so angelic and it kills me when she sings because everybody should hear this lovely person sing
she is hyper empathetic and it makes her so lovely and kind and wonderful. she completely understands how i feel about things and why even when no one else does and is very good at de-escalating me when im upset
we’ve just known each other for something like 7 years now? like i dated her post my abusive ex and she lit up my whole world with happiness at being treated well. then her ex was abusive and just... we get each other? in a way where her husband and my other two partners dont. its a pain the others dont understand so we go to each other during these times of pain in a way we cant with other people. it’s a very special connection
she’s a goddamned goof and i love it
my boyfriend:
motherfucker is so skinny which is the opposite of me and for some reason it works?? idk like it worries me but it’s also unique. love it
we dated almost my whole senior year of hs but he broke up with me because he thought he didnt have the same depth of emotion as i did for him and didnt want to “hold me back” from somebody better. like??? can you imagine?????? how fucking kind
recently started dating again like it took him fourish years for him to realize SHIT I MADE A MISTAKE so he’s a little slow but he’s so very thoughtful
he’s a goof in a different way than the other two. dad jokes. never ending fucking dad jokes. and goddamned puns. he never stops. dont tell him i love them because then he’ll never let me tease him again (i pretend like its The Worst)
so. fucking. dramatic. always flips his hair in the sassiest way possible. its super gay (he’s bi)
he doesnt do a whole lot of romance or saying WHY he feels certain ways. he feels like it cheapens the emotion. but, on the rare occassion he doesnt let this bother him, his poetry he sends me about how he feels makes me fucking cry. it’s so beautiful. i love it
he works watering at a plant nursery and complains about how the bees always use him as a landing strip. it’s adorable
he’s so resourceful?? this is best seen when playing minecraft cause he makes some damn cool structures in some really nice places. i love playing it with him just to see what he builds and how (especially since im a boring, lets make this house a square kinda ho)
he’s so camera shy??? no selfies no skype at all. he’s so bashful and it’s super cute i love it
got me into DnD like yes thank you for this enjoyable nerdery
the sole reason i passed math in hs. like not only is he smart but hes also really good at explaining things to people? definitely a talent for teaching people things
he was my best friend for the longest time like all three of them are my best friend but he was the only one who was my best friend FIRST and then romance blossomed
like im demiromantic so i need a strong connection to fall in love like it was a solid few months of dating my husband before i began to love him. i knew my wife for awhile and got close so same general story. but my boyfriend and i were more friends to lovers and i love that about him
his dad is half italian so he talks with his hands and it’s so overdramatic that he hits people with them on a semi regular basis just gesturing. he once accidentally knocked my glasses all the way across a room cause i had walked behind him and he made a sweeping gesture. hilarious
one time, i had food poisoning and the pain was so bad, i had to crawl under his kitchen table until my mother came to take me to the base clinic. he sat with my head in his lap and brushed my hair out of my face and cooed gently at me to try and soothe me. it was so sweet and ive never forgotten about it
motherfucker, with the help of my sister, dragged me into homestuck
he’s so damn shy about affection that holdling his hand in public makes him blush. it’s even worse if i steal a kiss. fucking adorable
things all three have in common that i love:
good in bed. it sounds silly but this is important to me because while i dont necessarily need sex to form a close relationship to fall in love, it definitely helps
idk how this happened, i really dont, but somehow everything i like lines up nicely with everything they like??? and if im not into something, they can find it with each other and vise versa. lmao wtf how did this happen to line up idk
kind, generous, sweet, and helpful although all three show these qualities in different ways despite having them in common
love me??? like honestly it sounds so silly that id love that they love me but im such a flawed, terrible human being that it leaves me in deep awe that not only does one person love me but three??? how??? amazing people to find something in me to love and to keep on loving despite all my problems. beautiful
creative, smart, and inventive each in their own right. they fucking astound me and take my breath away
beautiful cuddlers (not being sarcastic, promise)
husband is a goddamned heater but boyfriend is a living block of ice. then wife is one of those who’s in between but she steals your heat and then hours later gives it back which is the worse option of the three. like it starts out all nice but then you end up surprised hours later because youre fucking dying of heatstroke
so we have two heatstroke, drowning in sweat options and then losing your limbs. it makes trying to set the thermostat a fucking nightmare
they all love to read and honestly? i couldnt be with anyone who doesnt like a good book
can hold lively, in depth discussions about things
hubby tends to lean more towards “would it be immoral to fuck a succubus” type morality questions and superhero dissection type things
wife is all over the place and can carry on a conversation about goddamned teapots if she so chose. no idea how she does it
boyfriend likes to entertain more morbid thoughts and psychology but also likes to analyze things. like homestuck. we still fucking dissect homestuck
very intelligent. blows my dumb ass out of the water. beautiful
like gaming various amounts and various kinds of games. hubs likes any and all. boyfriend likes dnd, monster hunter, minecraft etc kinds of things, not really one for cards or board games. wife prefers to craft but will occasionally engage in board games or cards, less so in video games but tends to stick to pokemon. it’s nice
they’re all very physically beautiful though in different ways. hubby is barrel chested and german with very strong arms and big hands, a bright and sunny smile. wife is small and round with tiny, artist hands and a sweet, pixie face. boyfriend is thin, long, and gaunt with pale skin and dark hair (kind of like damien from dream daddy tbh)
i could go on but ive been making this post for like well over two hours now and i figured maybe i should stop. it’s long as hell and idk if anybody else would have read this whole thing but basically i fucking adore my partners??? so much??? and there are so many things about them to love???
i just love them so much and could go on and on for hours about why i love each of them and how lovely they are and how they make me feel
ksdjrfgh im so sorry this is so long theres just so much to talk about //sweats
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Katya (Trixya) pt 2/? - Skyline
AN: And we’re back with a new chapter! Thank you guys so much for the likes and asks, I really appreciate it :) Hope everyone had a fun NYE and New Years Day! For anyone asking about that Trixya NYE fic I wrote a month or so ago, Uhm I’m not sure If I should continue it? If anyone has any good ideas or suggestions for it let me know and hopefully I can come up with a few more chapters of it :P Anyways just a few clarifications before you read, the Dan in this chapter is not Danny from the First chapter. This Dan is Milk out of drag which is his real name so sorry for any confusion. And Katya’s husband will be none other than Bianca out of Drag (Roy) so there’s that too. Lots of drag queens will be mentioned in this Fic, most of them out of drag because theres only serveral woman roles in the movie. But if you know most of the Queens’ real names then you’ll be able to tell whose who. Also this might turn out a bit longer than expected because translating this movie into an actual piece of writing is taking a lot longer than I thought so yay for long chaptered fics! Any feedback will fuel my motivation to write so please leave some of your thoughts, crutiques and compliments if you like the fic :) Hope you all enjoy! Again feedback is loved and appreciated <3 - Skyline
Summary: Lesbian Trixya AU based off the incredible movie Carol, set in New York during the 50’s. Katya, a mother struggling through a messy divorce meets young, inexperienced Trixie at a department store and they hit it off.
             Trixie’s smile faded shortly after the older blonde was out of sight. Her gaze lingered as her mind swam with new thoughts and feelings she’d never experienced before. Attraction. To another woman? She suddenly felt almost wrong for having these very forward, risque thoughts. She immediately turned her attention to the store’s delivery reciept for her order. What was her name anyway? She thought, looking at the small slip of paper, scanning for the name. Hm. Katya. It was oddly fitting for the grand woman who grabbed ahold of her undivided attention just moments ago. She turned to place the reciept with all the others. Turning back towards all the chaos, her eyes honed in on the eccentric pair of red gloves Katya had left behind on the front counter. Oh no…                                                  ………………….
          Her shift was over. Boy had it been a long day. She headed towards the lockers as the alarm bells signifying the end of the work period rang powerfully through the store. She swung open her locker and stood there, eyes shut, waiting for the obnoxious blare of the ringing to stop. She opened her eyes as it stopped and snatched her santa hat off her now frizzy blonde hair and tossed it into the small square locker. At last she was free.                                                  …………………..
             Trixie sat on Matt’s lap, leaning her head on his shoulder as one of the newest films from hollywood played on the screen well a ways ahead of them. Jay, the reason they’re here in the projector room watching the film for free in the first place, glanced down at Dan with an annoyed expression on his face. Dan and Jay were brothers and Matt’s long-time Childhood friends. Jay worked at the Cinema, which was great for free unlimited movie watching. (If you liked watching movies from the small cramped projector room above the actual theater.) And Dan was an aspiring journalist who worked for the New York Times. He stared intently at the film, jotting down some notes, not noticing his head covering half the opening on the wall in front of them. “Move over! Nobody else can see the screen.” Jay nagged at Dan, cigarette hanging from his lips, to which Matt added, “Nobody else is watchin’!”
             He playfully squeezed Trixie’s sides causing a small gasp to escape her mouth along with a quick, “I’m watching!” She turned her attention back to the screen. Matt just laughed and snuggled closer into Trixie’s neck, placing small kisses to it through her hair. Dan spoke up, admitting it was his sixth time seeing the film. “Right now I’m charting the correlation between what the characters actually say and how they really feel.” Trixie just smiled and nodded pretending like she understood the words coming out of his mouth. Jay turned to them with an unamused stare, still puffing on his half-gone cigarette. “My kid brother, the movie jerk.” He smirked while Trixie and Matt chuckled, but stopped short not wanting to hurt Dan’s feelings. Behind her, Matt kept messing with her hair provoking Trixie to lightly elbow him in the arm. She could never pay attention when Matt was around distracting her. And as of late she couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.                                          ……………………..
                "I’m strictly a beer man, everything else makes me wanna vomit.“ Dan rambled on as the four of them sat at the bar in a dimly lit restaraunt down the street. Trixie giggled feeling the effects of the alcohol already, causing her to have little to no filter. "Well, wine makes me feel naughty, but in a good way.” She added not realizing her boldness before it left her red wine stained lips. Dan smiled widely at her as Matt went on about how he drinks to forget he has to get up for work in the morning. “Now see, thats your problem. You really oughta’ drink because you remember you have a job. Employments a curse.” Jay retorted, tilting his head back to down the rest of his beer. “You have a job, Jay.” Trixie recounted not really getting his point. “You call that a job? I call that an Illusion.” “You get paid.” Dan chimes in, “Is money an illusion?” he adds sarcasticly. “My kid brother, the jerk philosopher.” Everyone including Dan chuckle at Jays inside joke.
                "And Where do you work?“ Trixie asks Dan, it dawning on her that Matt never mentioned it. "Didn’t you know? Dannie here works at the New York Times.” Matt throws in realizing he never specified. “No Kidding!” Trixie loves that newspaper. It’s the best in the city. “Its a Job.” Dan says it with regret in his voice, but continues, “What I really wanna do is write. Thats why I watch movies.” It felt like the only person he was speaking to was Trixie considering he never took his eyes off her as he spoke. Trixie just smiled their gazes locked until Jay commented, “Everyone’s a writer.”
              "Say Trix, Before I get too drunk to remember…“ Jay handed her the small camera she had given him to fix a week or so ago. She gasped as she took her pride and joy into her hands. "You did it? Its fixed?” She grinned enthusiasticly turning it in her hands. “He said it was a cinch. No sweat.” Jay replied nonchalantly. “Oh, Thank you Jay. I was missing it.” Trixie continued to admire her camera when she felt Dans eyes on her. She peaked up at him and he remarked, “So you take pictures?” “Well..” she began when she was cut off by Matt. “She’s more excited about some chintzy camera than she is about sailing with me to Europe.” The boys shot in, “Women.” and “You said it, pal.” Trixie just glared at them and acted like she was going to snap candid photo’s of them to get revenge.
              The group walked out into the cold New York air. It was past midnight and all were wanting to get to their beds and pass out before another undoubtably long day at work. All walking in the same direction they passed a few friends, all drunk, and made small talk, Trixie promising to call her friend Dottie soon, before they were back on their route to home. Dan turned to Trixie, a small smile on his lips. “Say. You should come by the Times for dinner sometime. I work nights, so.. I got a pal whose a junior photo editor. He loves to Pontificate. I’ll introduce you.” “Really? Yeah. I’d like that.” She quickly looked over to her boyfriend and Jay who were messing around a few paces behind them. “Yeah?” she turns back to Dan. “Okay?” “Okay.” she replies. At her apartment, Trixie sits at the kitchen table while Matt snores the night away in her bed. With her head in her hands she looks down at the red gloves and delivery reciept she had swiped from work. If there was any possible way of seeing the vibrant Katya again, this would be it. She grabs an envelope from her kitchen drawer, slips the gloves inside and scrawls out Katya’s full name (What country is that last name from?) and address on the backside before sealing it up. She slips on her shoes and coat and scurries downstairs and across the street to the mailbox. Giving one last dwell on the situation she stops herself from thinking too hard and slips the envelope into the box. Jogging hurriedly across the street she makes her way back up to her apartment.                                              ……………………
               The mail truck stops right outside Katya and Roy’s luxurious suburb mansion in Long Island. Roy has his driver wait outside for him, promising he’ll be quick. He grabs the mail from the postman and thanks him quickly before entering their once shared home.
            Upstairs in her bedroom Katya and Violet are sitting in front of her Vanity, counting the brush strokes together as Katya combs out her daughters thick, long, black locks. “64…” Violet says in her sickenly sweet baby voice. “65” they say in unison and Violet contiues, “66, 67, 68..” They both hear Roy’s voice greeting the maid downstairs. “That must be your Daddy. Come on, better finish up.” She puts the brush down and combs through her baby’s hair wih her fingers, staring blankly out the window, waiting a bit anxiously for her husband to come upstairs. “Mommy, can you come skating, too?” Violet asks, her voice making Katya’s heart melt like a popsicle on the fourth of July. She looks at her baby’s pleading eyes and answers the only way she knows how to these days. “Oh I wish I could, sweet pea.” Her Four year old quick to respond asks, “Why not? Pretty Please?” Katya looks at the girl with sad eyes and kisses her forehead affectionately.
            "Hiya, Sunshine!“ Roy steps into the bedroom arms open ready to engulf his baby girl in a hug. Before he even gets close, Violet is blurting, "Daddy! I want mommy to come.” as she’s being picked up into Roys arms. “Oh, you do, do you?” He says as he swings Violet from side to side causing high pitched giggles to fill the room. Katya turns to look at the man she once loved so deeply. “You’re early.” she says simply, barely any expression on her symmetrical face. Roy just grins at her with their child in his arms then moves to throw the small pile of mail on the bed. “Mail came.” he says simply as well. And thats that.
        The three are sitting round the dining table, Violet on Roy’s lap scribbling away with her crayons on a coloring book. “Cy Harrison’s wife..” Roy begins but is quickly corrected by Katya, “Ginger.” Roy goes on, “Ginger asked about you.” “Did she?” nonchalant as can be. “I know she’d love to see you there..” He’s of course refering to the Christmas Party their friends host every year. This would be the first year Katya would not attend in over 6 years. She stares at him but his gaze is fixated on Violets coloring. “Well give her my best. I’ve always liked Ginger.” He looks up. Anger crosses his feature before he says a bit more sternly, “I’d like you to be there.” They stare at eachother challengingly for a few moments before Katya looks away. “Sorry, Roy. I have plans.” Violet stops her coloring upon hearing her parents speak. She sneakily adds, “Mommy wants to give Aunt Courtney some presents..” Roys face instantly hardens at the mention of Courtney’s name. He looks harshly at Katya before rubbing Violets back and softly says, “You’ve been seeing a lot of Aunt Courtney lately, haven’t you, Sunshine?” “Yes.” she repies sweetly. “With Mommy.”
          Katya shifts uncomfortably in her seat under his scrutinizing gaze. She looks up into his hurt eyes then back down quickly. “I’ll see if I can rearrange with Courtney.” Roy’s face immediately relaxes back to normal. “Thank you.” A small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. She returns with a smile that doesn’t quite reach her bewitching green eyes.
           Trixie’s back at work a few days later, stupid santa hat in place on top of her shining, curly head. She’s in the shipping department at Frankenbergs talking with the head manager about Katya’s order. “Well I told the customer it would arrive by Christmas Eve. According to what we’ve been told, three days should be plenty of time..” She’s cut off by the shipping manager. “It should have been delivered this afternoon.” she pauses caught off guard by his swift answer. “—Oh.. Right, so it arrived, she signed for it?” “It arrived.” he says an almost annoyed tone to his words. “Oh okay, great. Thank you, Thanks.” She calls as she walks rapidly back to her department.
             Hours later she’s back to work, helping a woman with wrapping a doll box for her child. “Miss Mattel. MISS MATTEL?!” she hears from across the department and looks right into the eyes of her dreaded supervisor. “Over here. Now.” She shouts snapping her long witch-like fingers at her. Trixie apologizes to the customer saying she’ll just be a moment and hastily walks over to where her supervisor is with a phone in her hand. She hands Trixie the phone without a word and walks toward the customer in need. “Hello?” the operator immediately asks Trixie to identify herself as employee 645-A. She does and she’s informed she will be patched through to whoever is trying to get ahold of her at work.
              Trixie leans against the counter top finally hearing the noise that indicates the lines are now joined. “Hello?” “So it was you.” Trixie immediately recognizes the suave voice over the line. “Oh hello, Mrs. Zamolodchikova. Did you recieve the train set all right?” she plays it cool, her heart pounding out of her chest would be the only thing giving her away. Katya is in her kitchen slaving away at the stove with the phone between her shoulder and ear. A true vision of a housewife. “I did. Yes. And the gloves! Thank you so much, you’re a gem for sending them. I just wanted to say— thank you, really..” “Of course.” a small pause on both ends but Katya picks it right back up again only slightly stammering over her words. “Well–What I wanted to say was… do you get a lunch hour there? Well, let me take you to lunch. It’s the least I can do.” Trixie is beside herself. Is this really happening? “Well, yes I…” she trys to answer the first part of the question but goes straight into the second question. “Of course, but you really don’t have to.” “I’m free tomorrow.” Katya says immediately not taking no for an answer. “Tomorrow?” “Do you know Scotty’s on Madison?” Trixie thinks for a second then replies, “No, I don’t know it. Hold on.” She turns to her supervisor who eyes her suspiciously before Trixie asks, “Could I borrow a pencil and paper?” The woman reluntantly puts down the paper she was reading and scowls at Trixie as she hands her the items. “Thank you.” she says a little to annoyed and gets back on the phone. “Um, Alright. Whats the address?”
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