#prettier than me tbh
itsmeatotalsimp · 1 year
If evil, then why so pretty?
(i refuse to believe this man is a top wanted criminal who kills for his goals.. looks can be deceiving indeed)
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basment-bunni · 11 months
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well hello gorgeous
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#A great episode tbh especially given the low budget. I feel like they really did their very best#And even though what I'm going to say next is probably going to be all critic - because I nitpick things and that's what I always end up–#talking about - I still want to underline that it was a very solid and enjoyable episode!!!#Alright the ss/kk was so 💞💞💞 every scene I had to rewatch twice or thrice akhscbashfb they're so cute!!!#Except for the riding scene tho. That scene gives me massive second hand embarrassment every time I just wish it will end as fast as–#possible pffttt. Mmmmhhh... The drawings weren't even too bad all accounted. My main complain is about the quicksand scene...#I feel like that one should be a slow quiet emotional scene. I never licked the choice of using the song as background soundtrack :/#I feel like it ruins the mood of the scene (it was still good though)#I also... Generally don't like the direction they seem to go for with Akutagawa's character in the anime‚ he seems quite a bit flatter–#compared to how he is in the manga. He can't be angry and evil ALL the time you need to show that softness get through from time to time.#If not what even is the point of his character. Yet in the anime he's angry (and not distraught) when he loses the mine craft and he's–#angry when he's questioning Atsushi about his motifs and he's angry when he's bragging about Atsushi's abilities to Goncharov and he's–#angry when he makes the promise with Atsushi at the end of the episode and eventually he'll be just as angry even when telling Atsushi–#to run away as he's sacrificing his life for him. It is pretty flat at the end of the day.#If I can say something about K/ensho Ono without being killed I think they do contribute to making him feel angry all the time.#But that said it's all probably poor directing choices (or simply choices I don't agree with).#Also‚ about cuts. Usually I try to be lenient about it– I understand it's hard to fit in everything and b/sd already does a very–#good job by adapting the manga almost panel-by panel. It's just that... You skip Akutagawa showing compassion for Atsushi after the–#orphanage director died. You skip Atsushi sharing the same compassion when Akutagawa loses his targed in the mines chase. You skip the–#“Nothing special about that. // I suppose he's far crueler than my own mentor.” line. And sure each of them may be negligible by their own#But together they wave a consistent web of relationship between the two characters you know? And it's a loss to omit them all#Well no mind. Again it was still a great episode overall!!!!#I think the colors in the mines could have been prettier in the mines but we can't have it all#Off to season 4!!! Omg I can't believe we got this far :DDD#random rambles#FINALLY was able to catch up in time for the season 3 finale!!!!!!
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hood-ex · 1 year
Also did I ever tell y'all that I once ghosted a guy who looked like Brenton Thwaites because he asked me to come over and watch Gotham with him 💀.
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your--isgayrights · 2 years
hi i'm stalking your orv posts and i saw u say that orv has colorism issues? can you expound on that because when i was reading the novel i think i missed that bit
Ah, so with the novel it's actually not much of a problem, but the thing is that the webtoon adaptation and official art has a tendency to make the protags whiter than paper and the webtoon in particular, when I was posting about this more, had so far like only given villains darker skin tones. This honestly happens all the time in east asian media, but the reason I'm particularly peeved about it with ORV is that I distinctly remembered Yoo Joonghyuk being described as both the most beautiful man in the world and also a man with tan skin and black eyes, which felt really important to me personally bc I grew up Asian American and had to unlearn those things being equated w/ ugliness/plainness by both colorism and racism lmao.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
CERSEI AND MISA. okay thanks. wait also Near. if you please,
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I need to clarify that when I say, "I can fix her," I mean "I would make her feel loved and happy and special," I do NOT mean, "I would make her stop Doing Crimes." Why would I want that. She did get a lot of truly excellent content in the show, but I do think they underutilized her in the last season, unfortunately. DEFINITELY underappreciated by the fandom. And the "crack my spine" thing is probably not the most accurate way of phrasing my feelings, but it was the closest option to "I'd gladly let this character murder me." I'm not putting "pretty privilege" because while in my objectively correct opinion she IS the most beautiful woman of all time, this fact did not do her any favors in either canon or fandom. Also, lol at "probably a deep-seated reason," there are definitely many reasons and I know EXACTLY what they are. And although--given the feral (derogatory) nature of this fandom--I probably shouldn't discuss Cersei irl, I love this character SO MUCH that I just. Always do anyway. Literally I am incapable of shutting up about her.
(Sadly, I am in the middle of writing something that Puts Her In Situations. But it's not anything beyond what she already experiences in canon, and it'll all be okay in the end. And most importantly, I 100% know this is not fair, so she gets to get away with murder. As a treat 🥰)
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.....I just realized that the "need them that is concerning..." square might have been intended as like. A sexual thing. When I had interpreted it as "I need to see this character on my screen as often as possible." I am too lazy to edit the bingo board and reupload the picture, so just know that I meant the second thing. 😅
So THIS time, when I say "I can fix them," I mean, "She's my bestie and younger sister, and I'd make her go to therapy." Why does the "projection" space have a circle on it? Don't worry about it. I don't think I'd put her at "white noise" level because that is a VERY specific character tier for me, but I need. I! NEED! Her to be okay. EVERYONE IS SO MEAN TO HER EVEN THE GUY WHO CREATED HER CHARACTER. There is so much there!!! The way she never processed her trauma! The way she deconstructs the idea of obsessive devotion/the manic pixie dream girl! How a retributive MURDER that wasn't even about her at all is the only thing she has ever registered as a Positive Act! The way that these things coalesce into a dissatisfaction with life so great that (barring one specific, immovable goal) no kind of success or admiration is ever enough!!! She just wants to be loved!!!!! One of the most viscerally universal human emotions!!!!!!!!!!! Like, it was very obvious that Ohba didn't care about her at all, but guess what!!!! He accidentally created a really interesting and complicated character anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm totally FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (For more thoughts, go here.)
WATCH THE MUSICAL, THEN YOU'LL ALL GET IT. (<-is foaming at the mouth and barking like a rabid dog while scaling the walls)
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"Probably a deep-seated reason" once again, lmao, like I don't know exactly what the reason is. (The way this has been true of all three characters.........) PEOPLE DON'T LOVE HIM ENOUGH. HE'S THE BEST LITTLE GUY, BUT MOST OF THE TAKES ARE SO BAD AND UNFAIR. WHY DON'T PEOPLE GET IT???!!?? (Okay, there's definitely a general idea/theory regarding why. As You Know.) Not really sure what I mean by "I can fix them" here, but there isn't a "I want to make sure they have support and are okay at all times" square, so I think this is close enough.
SO many times I have said, literally out loud, "He's just like me for real." So um. There's that. And Near might not be a war criminal/mass murderer/etc., but I would still like to emphasize that he has never done anything wrong ever in his entire life. :)
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hrrycore · 1 year
did the grave mistake of stalking old classmates online
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myfriendgoo94 · 4 months
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Heya, today is my birthday. I’m 30 now and I’m cautiously hopeful but also having a bit of an existential crisis. I was never supposed to make it to this age. Something in my brain tells me that this is the beginning of the end of my life, which is obviously bullshit, but those feelings are intense to say the least and easy to let spiral out of control.
BUT!! Here are some facts:
1: my early and mid 20s were garbage. I’m willing to believe plenty of ppl have good times during this time but i didn’t.
2: i know myself better than i ever have, and i even sorta like myself a lil bit. DEFINITELY not every day but more and more often then i ever did before. I’m getting downright comfortable with myself, which is frankly shocking to me.
3: i’m prettier than i’ve ever been before. Even looking at pictures from a year ago i almost don’t recognize myself and that’s a great feeling. The dysphoria is as bad (if not slightly worse) than it’s been in the past, but when i *am* feeling attractive i feel crazy attractive. So that’s a win i think.
4: this has literally been the best year of my entire life. No competition. Like it’s not even *close* lol. I’ve really come into my own with fashion, restarted my love affair with both music and books, became very proud of my ability to cook, and i even managed to get engaged to the love of my life! This one is by far the best.
So, while i’m indeed feeling strange and a lil sad about my 20s being over, i can at least take solace in the above facts. Sry if this was meandering or self-indulgent but i sorta needed to get all of this off my chest tbh.
(ALSO: if you wanna be a sweetheart and get me a present my amazon wishlist is pinned to the top of my page, and if you wanna support me/see me naked my onlyf@nz link is in my bio ☺️)
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AITA for being honest about what I would change about my boyfriend?
I’m a cis guy (22m) and I have a boyfriend that’s transgender (20m). We’ve been together for 2 years.
My boyfriend is a very cute guy and he gets hit on a lot in queer spaces tbh. even by lesbians, and they fully see him as a guy. He’s just very sweet and approachable I guess. A lot of people tell him he’s super attractive and I agree, but there are just certain things about his body that don’t appeal to me.
We were at a friend’s birthday party. People got drunk, I was tipsy. We played this game that was like cards with questions about relationships/love/intimacy on them and the whole group would discuss.
One of the questions was something along the lines of "If you could change anything about your partner, what would it be?" Or whatever.
Now, I went first and said I’d probably make him less hairy and get rid of the dark spots in his crotch area and his acne scars. He has some discoloration around his private areas from a rash he got when he was like 13 and some faint scarring from pimples I guess. It’s not an issue, but definitely not my preference. Plus he can’t really shave clean down there because he has thick hair and it always makes him get those razor burn bumps or whatever. Fine by me, he’s hot as hell either way.
Plus, he has a lot of discoloration around his shoulders, back, chest and face from severe acne outbreaks from his puberty and then later again when he started taking testosterone. It’s calmed down a lot, but the scarring is still very prominent. It’s not an issue, just not very pretty to look at.
Please don’t get me wrong. He’s an incredibly attractive person, I just wish his skin was a little prettier. It’s a bit of a turnoff, that’s all. It never stopped me from being absolutely enamored with him.
But when I explained this, a little less explicitly than this of course, the group went dead silent. Everyone was staring at me, some of the girls even clasped their hands over their mouths etc.
When I looked at my boyfriend he was completely pale and was just blankly staring at me before getting up and saying he needs to pee. I just said okay and then gave the card to the person next to me. She very quietly said she’d take away her girlfriend’s anxiety because it hurts her to see the person she loves like that. That’s when it sort of dawned on me that I messed up and that I was way out of line for saying these things in front of our friends.
He apparently left soon after that, which I only found out through a friend. I was a little confused but figured he was just a little embarrassed. We don’t live together, so it isn’t unusual for one of us to leave before the other. But then I found out that his best friend left with him because he was sobbing and couldn’t stop.
I tried calling him and texting him for multiple hours and didn’t want to overstep any boundaries by just popping up at his home, so I gave up and eventually went home. That was two days ago and I still haven’t heard from him. He’s usually a very clingy and noisy person and always sends me small updates throughout the day, but I haven’t heard anything from him the entire time.
I’m so scared. I love this guy so much, he’s the sweetest and the single most interesting person I’ve ever met in my life. I know he has a lot of severe insecurity issues around his body, especially regarding his scarring. But it’s all gotten a lot better in recent months and he even began to love how hairy he is because it makes him feel euphoric.
Now I can’t help but feel like I took that away from him because of some stupid game. But at the same time, I don’t think it was fair for him to just up and leave without talking to me. We could’ve talked it out and I just wish he would communicate with me.
I already know I was a bit out of line for this, but I just tend to be uncomfortably honest. He knows this and loves me for it, so I’m confused why he’s THIS upset about this one. He’s never gone this long without talking to me.
Am I the asshole? I was just playing the game. I don’t think it’s fair to call me cruel for this just because other people are scared to be honest and say shit like they’d take away their partner’s mental illness. It’s so fake and that shit just pisses me off. Everyone has something they would change about their partner’s appearance.
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broshot · 1 year
chubby girl chasers??? (jjk men who would LOVE to have a chubby gf!!) part 1 (part 2 link here and it's also at the end)
cw/tw: mentions of body image issues, mentions of nsfw in some (all??) parts, all characters are of age, (idk what else to put but english isn't my first language so sorry for bad writing)
gojo satoru
if you've ever seen my posts you could've guessed this tbh (I live love laugh gojo) he's so lovely
would hype you up NONSTOP and oh my gosh if you decide to wear more revealing clothes (or clothes that cling to your body) he'd be ON HIS KNEES worshipping you tbh
he just loves your plush and soft body SOO MUCH (he loves you as a person more ofc) but the way he can just come home after a long day and lay his head (or his whole body..) on top of you, he absolutely loves it. he loves all of you, seriously, he sees nothing wrong with you. you're perfect and he definitely tells you that too. not a day goes by without him calling you perfect.
and he loves when you dress up. tight clothes are his favourite because they allow him to see your perfect figure, and don't worry, no one would even have a chance to say anything bad about you or even look at you in a non-positive way. he's the strongest, he'll personally make sure that no one can make you feel bad about yourself.
missionary is his go to position. he wants to see your gorgeous body and gorgeous face as he fucks into you. you feel waaaay too good around him, he thinks he's lucky to be the one who gets to fuck you. you look so beautiful under him (you always look beautiful) and he's so lucky to be the only one who gets to see you like that. he's a praiser in and out of the bedroom, I swear. and if you wrap your legs around his lower body.. he loses it.
(read these fics (fic 1 is my personal fav) if you wanna know how I picture gojo in bed: fic 1, fic 2)
toji fushiguro
OH he would just love grabbing your plush thighs as he buries his face in between them and eats you out. would make you sit on his face (doesn't care about suffocating, he's strong so you don't weigh anything to him really). would love laying on your soft thighs and your stomach (makes you play w his hair, he's such a softie for you).
if you're insecure about yourself because of your body he'd praise the shit out of you (he'd praise you no matter what you're insecure about, if you're insecure). bro would surprisingly be your personal hype man tbh
"what did you just say about my gorgeous girlfriend? repeat that and you're dead." no one is allowed to say anything bad about you (there's nothing bad in you ((except for him, get it, nothing bad in you and he's bad and he's in you.. yeah not funny is it)) so why would anyone have the right to say anything bad). he makes you wear clothes you want to wear, makes sure you can have the style you want to have because no one should have the right to make you feel uncomfortable in clothes that you love. if you want to wear the tightest clothes there is, do it! he makes sure no one says anything to offend you or make you feel bad. he's famous of being capable of THINGS :heart: so no one would even dare to say anything but positive things about you- there's nothing but positive things about you.
yuuta okkotsu
bro was in love with a curse I don't think he really cares about looks LMAOO no but this man would literally love you more than anything. your weight is not a problem for him, why would it be? he loves everything about you, your personality, voice, looks, humor, style.. just everything.
his favourite thing is to fall asleep on top of you (his head is usually on top of your chest, stomach or thighs. I don't make the rules, he LOVES falling asleep on you. he's shy with his words tbh but he hypes you up despite that. you're insecure about your body? why? you're perfect, what is there to hate? he doesn't get it, you're the most gorgeous human being in the whole world. (prettier than everything else too, don't get me wrong). and he definitely will tell you what he thinks about you. endless praising tbh
he loves when you ride him; the feeling of your thighs on each side of him as he fucks his hips upwards into you?? he's in heaven, overstimulated by the pleasure and he loves it. will definitely tell you too (I'm a whiny submissive yuuta believer, he whimpers). he loves how soft you feel inside (and outside). he'll def massage your thighs when you ride him (or at least grab them).
megumi fushiguro
are we surprised? no we're not!
fav hypeman! he'd literally blush whenever he sees you, you're just way too out of his league (he thinks you're too gorgeous to be in love with someone like him) and he's your boyfriend?? he's the luckiest man alive.
he loves how you look all the time, especially when you're confident. if anyone dares to make you feel insecure about yourself, they will face the consequences. and trust me, no one wants to face those consequences (they're both painful and awfully humiliating. megumi knows how to make people regret things). he's shy about his feelings tbh but you'll hear endless compliments from him. he compliments you when he first sees you in the morning and throughout the day too. there won't be a day when he doesn't compliment you. he loves to see you when you're confident and loves to make you feel confident too.
and he loves your hands; he loves how they feel, he loves how they look.. he just loves your hands SO MUCH. he loves holding them and caressing them and kissing them. he loves how they feel and look around his dick...
he loves kissing you. his hands will be caressing you while his lips are sealed onto yours. if his hand is on the back of your neck, he'll softly pinch it (he loves the extra softness on it, I hope yall know what this means). he'll pinch your back too, your thighs, the sides of your stomach.. it'll definitely be a bit ticklish but you can't blame him, he loves everything about you way too much.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love chubby chasers tbh (I love chubby women pls) also I don't really like how this fic turned out but that's okay (it makes me wanna cry tbh but I hope yall enjoy!!!)
I got lazy so lmk if you want a part 2 (I have a lot of characters in mind for this)
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rdng1230 · 1 month
Ok, down to the wire but here's my submission for day two of @bucktommypositivityweek (although it has an element of the day one prompt too tbh). This slotted well into my strings of fate series so I'll probably post it to ao3 tomorrow.
He feels Tommy giving featherlight kisses below his ear as he comes back into consciousness. The loft is blanketed with sunlight and he reaches a hand up that is immediately met with Tommy’s wet curls. Warmth spreads through his whole body at the idea that Tommy has a key now. This could become a routine of theirs. 
Buck has no idea what that means but he’s pretty sure it’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to him. He hums and nuzzles against Tommy’s cheek, pulling the freshly showered man down on top of him. 
Tommy gives a grunt of surprise that quickly turns into an amused laugh. “I missed you too.” Buck shuts him up with another kiss and wraps him into a hug, moving his lips to kiss the top of his head. 
“How was your shift?” Buck’s voice comes out hoarse and sleep ridden. “Good. Just wanted it to be over so I could come and sleep next to you.”
It was one of Buck’s favorite things he’d discovered about Tommy. Sleepiness was like some sort of lovey dovey truth serum for him. It’s not that his boyfriend wasn’t affectionate the rest of the time, but coming off of a 24 or a 48 removed almost any sense of filter he had. Buck’s pretty sure he had heard a “Marry me” when he’d given him a back rub in the 5 minutes before Tommy passed out the other day. 
He knows it was just a slip of the tongue, but it didn’t stop him from breathing out a yes after the tell tale snuffles had confirmed Tommy was asleep. 
Buck gently shifts the nearly unconscious man so his leg splays out across Buck’s hip and the rest of his weight is nestled onto the bed. Tommy’s head ends up falling on his shoulder and his hand makes slow circles on Tommy’s back, rhythmic and comforting as they fall asleep together. 
“Hmmmm?” His back faces Evan as he cracks open some eggs on the edge of the pan. Evan has earned himself a damn good omelet after the good morning sex they just had. Or more like good afternoon because of their weird shift hours lately. 
“What does Tesoro mean?” 
It was one of his favorite things about Evan. He will endlessly research his fun facts, but his preferred method of learning things is by hearing it from those he loves. Tommy is still occasionally misty eyed when he remembers that list of individuals now includes him. 
He smiles and bites his bottom lip. It can be intimidating too at times. He’s not asking just to be polite or to make conversation. He’s never had a partner that wants to know him like Evan does. 
“Ummm, translated literally it means treasure.” He coughs, feeling a blush on his cheeks and is grateful that his boyfriend can’t see it. “But in English it would probably be translated as something like ‘cherished’ or darling.” 
He hears Evan’s breath catch and he’s a little worried he’s said too much. “I’ve never… No one’s ever called me something like that.” 
There’s that same breathless and bewildered tone he’d used for the word ‘Saturday’ when Tommy had first kissed him. Whatever Evan’s feeling about it, he doesn’t sense that he’s stepped over a line. Some of the tension eases out of his shoulders. 
“Well, for what it’s worth,” Tommy briefly turns away from his task to get a look at his starry eyed boyfriend sitting at the kitchen island. “I’ve never called anyone something like that.” 
He wills himself to hold Evan’s gaze and let the sincerity of the moment linger. The man’s jaw drops and Tommy tries not to smirk. There really aren't a lot of prettier sights than a flustered Evan Buckley. He turns back to the omelet adding up the chopped up ingredients he’d already set aside. 
The pleasant smells drift through the loft and Tommy thinks not for the first time that he’s never felt more comfortable more quickly than he has with Evan. What they have is lightning in a bottle and he has no intention of letting it slip through his fingers. So when Evan gets his wits back and asks if there was any reason in particular for that nickname, Tommy isn’t surprised when he starts opening up. 
“You know my parents never really cared for each other. I didn’t have a lot of role models growing up for what love and a healthy relationship should look like. To be honest with you, I think that’s why I fought myself so hard on my sexuality. I didn’t think that white picket fence neverending honeymoon phase deal was attainable for anybody much less a gay man in some of the most patriarchal environments in the world. So why go through the trouble, you know?”
He turns around with the now plated omelet and sets it in front of Evan, who looks more interested in him than the food. Tommy loves the electricity of his concentrated face, like he’s trying to soak up every piece of information on him as he possibly can. It’s terrifying and exhilarating and if they weren’t having this conversation on empty stomachs Tommy might’ve resorted to throwing him over his shoulder and taking him back upstairs for another round. 
He gestures toward the plate and Evan digs in, his eyes still fixed on Tommy. 
“The exception to that rule was my grandparents. On my mother’s side.” He continues. “They were head over heels in love till the day my Nonno died. I used to love watching them banter or dance or just, anything really. But I always thought their relationship was some kind of cosmic fluke.”
Tommy takes a sip of water, steeling himself to put his last card on the table. “But um, with you, in more ways than one…” He chuckles a little. “Lightning seems to have struck twice.” 
Evan bites down on a smile like he’s both overwhelmingly pleased and also trying his best to look offended. He fails immediately, devolving into a fit of giggles that makes Tommy fall in love all over again. 
“Anyway,” Tommy says once they’ve gotten their laughter under control. “Tesoro is what they used to call each other. And I don’t know. I just saw you laying there and it suddenly seemed wrong to say anything else.” 
Evan jumps to his feet and moves around the island, lips crashing into Tommy’s with a force. He pulls away just as quickly “You can’t say shit like that to me or I will do something insane like buy you a ring.” 
Tommy grins, pulling him back in for kisses as he fake protests. “No.” He deadpans, kissing Evan’s nose, “Don’t do that.” his cheek, “That’s crazy talk.” his birthmark. 
Tommy feels an affectionate poke to the sides and he’s laughing again. “So that was ok? Calling you that?” 
Evan’s pupils have blown wide, and he pulls Tommy into another deep kiss. 
“Never stop.”
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berrieluv · 2 years
Loving her seems tired.
cw. creampie, cheating kink, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, actress reader, this is more me hating on aaron's wife than smut, tbh.
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Aaron caressed the skin of your stomach and kissed it slowly as he went down, putting your panties aside and starting to get his face closer to your pussy. His licks were lazy and his hold wasn't as strong as what you were used to.
The moment the Bullet Train Tour was over, his wife decided it would be an amazing idea to have a romantic getaway, which was full of messages from him to you, confessing how much he needed you and how his wife didn't taste as good as you do.
I imagined You once thought Sweet, sweet youth.
With time, his hold grew tighter, his tongue moved like a starved beast and your hips were thrusting into his mouth trying to get to feel him more, if it was even possible.
"Fuck, fuck, missed her so much, baby" He said, talking about your pussy while looking at you for a moment.
"Me?" You question with a pout and puppy eyes.
"You too. More than anything, fuck I love this, I love you"
You knew, it wasn't the first time he says something like that. But you've never answer back. Not because you felt guilty you may be ruining his marriage, that was not even the last of your concerns – it wasn't a concern for you –, but you didn't thought of Aaron as husband or boyfriend material, if he could do this to his wife, what could he do to you?
Well, maybe he would respect you more, basically because you didn't groomed him. He wouldn't feel like a part of his youth was taken away because you weren't depraved enough to date a seventeen year old boy at thirty three – or more, you couldn't care less what her age was –.
"Aaron..." you breathe, needy and in a murmur, almost undistinguished if it wasn't because he was paying all his attention to you.
"Yes, baby?" He looked up "Tell me. Everything you need, everything I own would be yours, just tell me"
You knew he was completely lost in the scent of your pussy and in a few seconds he would try to get you pregnant. Which you wouldn't mind, you knew a kid made from you and Aaron would be heavenly, truly prettier than any kid that old woman could give him (not hating towards the kids, they don't deserve it).
When he made sure your panties were completely soaked he put them back, crawling back to your face, kissing your lips with his and holding your neck, adding a bit of pressure on it, just like he knew you liked it.
Aaron didn't seem t think on the danger of the situation you were in. Lying on his wife's bed, staining and wetting her clean sheets with your cum. Aaron freed his cock, putting your panties aside again and started to rub it with your clit, starting to press it against you and putting it inside slowly, his thrusts were calm, a noticeable contrast with the neediness of his breath, words and eyes.
"Fuck, I love this pussy. You take me so well, baby. Such, such a good star"
He started pounding in and out of you, without getting completely out, your legs were spread around his torso and he started to press your boobs. Passing his big hand through all your body.
"You look so– so pretty. So beautiful" He says, his cut breath being harder to hold every second passing. You take your legs and pull them to your chest, looking at him "Let me make you a mom, baby. Let me get you all round and pregnant, make you my wife, my baby mommy, princess"
You knew you said you would never a few minutes after, but fuck if he was asking like this, how were you supposed to say 'no' to that.
You felt his big cock stretching your pussy every time he moved, and he looked at you like the most precious thing in the world, like he knew you would allow him to do with you whatever he pleased because he was just really hot.
Aaron finds entreatment for a moment with your boobies, which he soon forgot when his thrusts started to get faster. You, instead, started to touch your breast, teasing him, finding satisfaction in the way his eyes rolled at the pleasure.
He helps you holding your legs and now your left to just lay there and feel the pleasure, feel how his thick cock enters over and over in your tight pussy.
With a fast and skilled movement, Aaron turned you around, having a view of your back and your ass, which he proved he loved by his inability to stop touching it.
This time he just plays with the tip, turning your moans into frustrated groans.
"Want me to get you filled from behind, baby?" You moan while nodding "Fuck, I need to see you all round and pretty, princess. Shit your breasts would be... fuck–"
Now you're the one moving while he stays quiet. Thought, Aaron doesn't last much letting you command, he grabs your waist and hits faster your ass with his hips.
"Aaron... your wife"
You said, pretending to be worried.
"Doesn't matter, baby. Want u, just you. You're all I need"
Aaron completely lost his senses, and he forgot how many times he has cum inside of you, he just know he felt it dripping from your cunt, he knew his wife was moments away from being home, but how could he care if you were there, lying in bed, legs open and cum dripping his cum from how full it was.
"Fuck, Aaron" You started, looking down to your pussy once he pulled out "It's too much"
"I know, star. Gotta make sure you get pregnant, shouldn't I?"
"Yeah" you answer, completely lost.
"Sam's coming, princess. Get dressed? Let's pretend I'm showing you the house"
You nod and put on your dress quickly, your thighs sticking from his cum and he takes the panties on the floor before you could get to them. "I'm keeping this"
And you don't complain as you walk out of the room.
"We're getting rid of this house after you leave her. It's horrendous"
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abbyromanoff · 6 months
Hi! could i request a one shot (or whatever) of nebula (gotg) it can be fluff or smut idm!! tysm!:)
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PAIRINGS: Nebula x reader
WARNINGS: angst, Nebula being insecure, fluff overall tbh, think that’s abt it :)
You yawned as you walked down the halls to your headquarters, your head throbbing slightly as you made a mental note to take some painkillers soon. You were more than ready to rest by now considering your long day of training with Star Lord and Rocket, along with their constant bickering and nitpicking between one another. You swore you were like a mother at this point, and none of them could deny it.
You stopped when you spotted Mantis appearing her head into Nebula’s room, causing your eyebrows to raise in suspicion. You stepped closer with each step holding less sound than the one before and suddenly placed your hands on her shoulders, causing her to jump before nearly colliding her hand with your cheek.
“Relax, Mantis, I was only scarin’ you.” She shushed you with a finger to your lips, and you squinted your eyes at her action. She rolled her own and continued to listen in on the conversation that was mumbled but just barely heard.
“What is going on-“
“Shh! Gamora and Nebula are talking.” She whispered, and her antennas began to light up as the two went on.
“And you’re eavesdropping, why?” You couldn’t deny your peaked interest now that Mantis had brought it up.
“I’m not eavesdropping…I just- I felt something and I was interested.”
“Right, so, eavesdropping. Got it.” You were about to walk away and continue on with your night until you got clear of your name. You stepped backwards into your original position and came closer to the door where a small crack was left, you were surprised you two haven’t been heard.
“It’s not that difficult, Nebula, if you like them just tell them that.”
“That is easy for you to say, look at you,” You bit the inside of your cheek as you heard the girl's voice lowly speak. “You are much prettier than I am. Besides, how am I to know if they are interested in, well, people like me?” You felt a small tug at your heart as you heard the sadness in her tone, and you wanted to simply rush in and hug her tightly like she deserved.
“Listen, you like Y/N, correct?” You heard Gamora stand from the bed. Your eyes widened as you heard the secret revealed and a small blush began creeping upon your cheeks.
“Of course I do.”
“Then you need to do something about it. You’re not going to get everything you want by doing nothing, you need to work for the things you want. You’re gorgeous, and I’m sure they know the same thing, so don’t convince yourself otherwise just because you’re afraid.” She spoke, giving herself a moment before stepping towards the door unbeknownst to you. She opened it and raised her brows when seeing the two of you standing there, causing Mantis to freeze before running off while you stood still. She closed it behind her, giving you a knowing look and gesturing towards the door before going in the same direction that your friend had.
“Wait, Gamora,” Before you could finish your sentence, the door opened once more, only this time a different person was behind it. Her eyes widened just enough for you to notice and you gulped as you placed your arms across your chest nervously.
“Hey, uhm…what’s up?” She didn’t respond, instead returning to her previous spot in her room while you followed her slowly.
“So, how’s your day going?” You never once saw her nervously place her hands together but for the first time, you did. You felt horrible for following Mantis’s actions now considering the impact it had.
“Nebula, can you answer me? Please?”
“You were eavesdropping on me and Gamora.”
“I- well, not exactly eavesdropping,” You rebutted your previous claim, causing her to turn and face you now and you could see her face in full beauty, it elicited a smile across your face.
“You were listening in on my personal conversation, that is eavesdropping, Y/N.”
“Okay, fine, I was eavesdropping, but Mantis started it! Besides, that’s not the point. I think you know what I’m going to say, Nebula.” You bit your lip anxiously and took a stride forward, now unable to meet eye contact with the woman at hand.
“You know, I like you too. Like, a lot, actually.” She raised her head quickly, her arms falling at her side and her emotions seemingly unreadable.
“You’re being serious?” A breathy laugh was let through as you nodded.
“Yes, I’m being serious. I’ve liked you for a while, probably since I first laid my eyes on you.” She suddenly stalked towards the near empty desk in her room and grabbed the singular item. She toyed with the tulip before thrusting it forward and into your chest as you questioned her with an eyebrow.
“I heard you talking with Drax about how much you missed some Earthly items, so when we landed and I spotted this flower I thought of you instantly. I don’t know how long it will last, but hopefully long.” A smile cracked at her lips as she spotted yours arising again.
“Nebula, that- that’s so sweet of you. I…thank you!” You hugged her tightly, your face resting on her neck while your arms wrapped around her shoulders.
“Oh, uh, sorry.” You spoke as you realized the closeness shared between you two, and you tried leaning back until you felt her hands on your lower back pulling you in slowly.
“I thought you didn’t like people touching you?”
“I don’t, but you’re not the same as anyone else.” A moment passed by with the two of you only standing so close to one another that your personal space had forfeited into nonexistence.
“Will you go on a date with me, Y/N?”
“I do not exactly know, maybe in here, maybe in your room. I do not mind, I just want to be with you.”
“I would want nothing more.”
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starberry-cupcake · 6 months
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This is a one chapter update because this chapter was 25 years long and I don't want my post to be also that long, even though you're all being super nice about it (thank you ♥).
previously, in harroweena the ninth:
this happened
now, chapter 6:
harrowbean wakes up and is taken somewhere in a wheelchair
we get no sleep in this ship
we get no face paint, no black robes, no sleep, no security from people who wanna suffocate you in your sleep, no explanations
lyctors need a union
as in unionization, not as in a combination of people, that they did when slurping their cavaliers
the person carrying her is very upset at everyone
turns out, she's a lyctor
her name is mercysomething
we have an ortus 2, a mercysomething and an augustine
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harrow mentions eyes again and says that Lyctors "kept their own faces, but the eyes they stole from someone else. You had been lucky that your own transition was not as startling"
Lucky, you say...
I don't know about that
anyway, this mercysomething is supposed to be the saint of joy
I'm assuming lyctors are given their names through the ancient art of sarcasm
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on that note
harrow: "if you had not of late become the Saint of Emesis"
me: wait, I gotta look something up real quick
me: yeah, that's funny
mercysomething is angry and in a hurry
a bunch of time is spent with mercysomething being angry and treating people like crap and being unpleasant
she's arguing with everyone she comes across and takes harrow to a hangar
yandere twin is sitting on a crate watching a necromancer make a ward with blood and bleeding to death in the process
harrow sits next to her and they are like sportscasters of blood-painted wards
according to the necrocasters, it's a ghost ward
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yandere twin updates harrow on the fact that they're at war and they've been attacked and they're down to three Old Lyctors and two Baby Lyctors
it would explain why mercysomething is upset all the time
mercysomething wants to take the emperor somewhere else and the guy commanding the ship doesn't want to let him leave
emperor guy comes in and kind of does this to mercysomething
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yandere twin and I are LIVING for all this pute/salseo/gossip/however you wanna call it
harrow isn't as interested
I complained in gideon because gideon wasn't interested in things I wanted to look into and now I'm gonna complain about harrow not being interested in Drama
emperor the fool says: "I know exactly who is behind this terrible blow, and they were fools to show their hand"
yandere twin and I
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when emperor guy sees the necromancer bleeding out he goes "for fuck's sake"
it's a quote, not me being funny ha ha
remember when I said this guy is a mess?
that's becoming exponentially more evident
I want to punch him in the face at all times
I don't know how people can be respectful to this dude
the reason there isn't any face paint for harrow in this ship is that the emperor uses it every morning to paint on his clown face
they've been alive like 1000 years or whatnot and they're all a fucking group project going off the rails
so emperor guy, mercysomething, not!dulcinea (now in a coffin package), yandere twin and harrow get in a ship inside the ship
a smaller ship inside the big ship where the emperor has been for the past bunch of years
the small ship has the blood ward for the ghosts
but, before going in, emperor the fool fixes the necro that's bleeding to death
I honestly think she would have preferred to just die
which, same, if he was my boss
necros also need to unionize
cavaliers more than anyone tbh
if cavaliers unionized, idk if there would be any lyctors
emperor guy and mercysomething argue about people they know and we don't yet know
and mercysomething was telling harrow previously that the former ninth was prettier than her (anastasia, heart don't fail me now, courage don't desert me) and telling yandere twin the former third was prettier than her (cyrus? cyril? something like that)
which, absolutely juvenile behavior for someone who's like a 1000+ years of age or whatever
why would we care who she finds prettier????
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ANYWAY, throughout this I was once again thinking
nobody here has G & P initials
it's been driving me mad this whole time
gideon and harrow found that former lyctor quarters
and it said "ONE FLESH, ONE END. G. & P."
that was before the note with gideon's name in it was read
and all this time I was thinking those were a set of necro-cav from the previous lyctors
but nobody here has those initials
the only P is the cavalier of Ortus 2 and there's no G
if the G is the previous Gideon, the one not!dulcinea mentioned, it would explain why there was a note that mentioned a Gideon in the quarters
it would not, however, explain who the fuck that other gideon is, who P is and why they aren't in the list with the other combos
augustine is a former fifth because his cav's last name is quinque
mercysomething's from the eighth because her cav's last name is oct, and because she's annoying to be around
ortus 2 is from the second, because his cav's last name is dve
cyril cyrus whatev is from the third because the cav is trinit and mercysomething mentioned him to yandere twin, who is from the third
ulysses is from the fourth because the cav is tetra
not!dulcinea is seventh because the cav was heptane and because it was a very important thing in the previous book, as we've established
anastasia (dancing bears, painted wings) is from the ninth because the cav is novenary and she was mentioned to harrow
cassiopeia must be sixth, because it's what I have left, but I don't recognize the root of the last name to make a clear parallel from the top of my head
the emperor's guardian is A.L.
I'm taking note of an emperor's guardian who isn't around anymore
could it be ice cube barbie???? idk fam, she's looking at him a lot
giving me magic knight rayearth vibes again
this but with backstabbing instead of love
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ANYWAY, all of this to point out that there's no G & P and it's driving me up the wall
now, to a very important thing
for me, maybe it's just me
the enemies or whatever are called "remnants" and their leader apparently has been gone for "nearly 20 years"
this is me desperately making timelines with gideon's mom and gideon's birth and the 2 details I know about gideon's mom and her birth
you know what, I'm gonna quote, since I went to fetch it
"One day eighteen years ago, Gideon's mother had tumbled down the middle of the shaft in the drag chute and a battered hazard suit, like some moth drifting slowly down into the dark. The suit had been out of power for a couple of minutes. The woman landed brain-dead. All the battery power had been sucked away by a bio-container plugged into the suit, the kind you'd carry a transplant limb in, and inside that container was Gideon, only a day old."
I'm gonna just...put a pin on that that in the cork board
I don't know you guys, I'm just gonna
let me pin that
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I'm probably being wrong a lot more than what I'm getting right but I'm just telling you what goes through my mind, if I'm making a fool of myself, it's too late to act like I'm not a fool
I am also putting my clown paint on like the emperor
harrow thinks the emperor talks in plural about her at one point and idk if that's the case tbh
we then get emperor guy explaining how they need to go to their safe space base with a name I can't remember
a fancy name very lord-of-the-rings-y
let's call it emperor's mojo dojo casa house
and to get there as quick as they need to, they have to cut through the River
the one with the ghosties and ghoulies
that's what the ward was for
if they went through regular means, it'd take too long and, doing it this way, they could be there super fast, but they need to get in the River and come out the other way in the right spot
and intact
so it's this situation
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so, in order to do that, they have to hold on to their souls and their cav souls and whatever they've got using the skills from the first test
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we didn't even get to all the tests, people started dropping like flies
because the emperor had one loose lyctor who thought she was in a telenovela
the point is, if they drift too far while crossing the River, something else can come into their bodies
we did learn that, because it happened to duracell bunny nephew back in canaan house
but we learned it because mayonnaise uncle thought he was tough shit and ruined it, not because of the tests
harrow, doing her best, thinks "you felt alone in your head"
WHICH IS GREAT for our gideon notes
also, no camilla mention or appearance in this one
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(I'm having a lizzie bennet theme going on for Reasons for the time being)
so, we're leaving harrow and yandere twin trying to learn for the first time how to not die by crossing the River because the emperor plans things terribly and mercysomething is too preoccupied being upset at everything all the time
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 2 years
warning // nsfw link
imagine mingyu doing this to you. like after fucking you that makes you delirious and making you squirt at the same time is 🤌🤌
link to the video
tw: dom!mingyu, sub fem!reader, squirting, multiple creampies, pussy slapping, use of the word whore, fingering, mating press, just pure filth tbh
@onlymingyus @junkissed @bitchlessdino @idyllic-ghost @strawberryya @duhnova
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"Jesus fucking Christ, Gyu!"
That's what you're able to scream when your beloved whore of a boyfriend blows another load in your cunt, letting it gush out of your hole in a thick, stark white line.
Once he slips his cock out, you're violently squirting all over your ass and thighs, soaking the sex towel for the third time in a row.
"Fuck sweetie, your pussy is godly" Mingyu moans out loud, rapidly slapping the tip of his shaft over your cunt, forcing you to squirt more of your juices, your mouth spewing a string of whiny moans with each spurting of your cum.
"Babe you're cumming so hard and we've barely been fucking for what, two hours?" he taps his cock on your clit again, enjoying the way your legs are squirming.
"Two hours is t-too little for you? Are you that insatiable, Gyu?" you pant, trying to regain your composure, but your brain turns into putty when he slams his cock inside you again, writhing on the couch from sensitivity.
"I got a leave from the office today, remember? Or have I already fucked you dumb enough I've turned your brain off?" he leans over you, pressing your legs flat on your chest in mating press, leaving a chaste kiss on your lips.
Mingyu resumes his thrusts even hungrier than before, his hands keeping your legs in place, dick bullying your sweet spot over and over again.
"G-Gyu, y-you- fuck, your cock is so g-good to my pussy, shit, fuck me more!" you grip his forearms, begging him to be rougher.
"Fuck, you're gripping me like a vice, you're such a whore for me, baby" his moans come out deeper and cut-off, his pelvis slapping against your wet skin, chasing another high.
Mingyu's body stills on top of you, his thick cock filling up your pussy with another creamy load of cum, a satisfied smirk plastered on his face as he juts his hips one more time before sliding out, eyes fixated on your pussy squeezing it out again.
"I'm so obsessed with your pussy, love, you have no idea" he slides one finger inside you, thrusting it slowly to make you pump out more of his cum, "It looks even prettier when it's messy"
"A-And then you call me the w-whore" your hips lurge upwards, feeling yourself breaking down again soon.
"Me being a whore doesn't cancel out the fact that you're a whore for my dick, Y/N" he slaps your pussy once and you yelp, squirting again, almost ruining the towel underneath you.
Mingyu grasps on this opportunity and starts slapping your cunt repeatedly, the rough pads of his fingers coming in contact with your clit and outer lips four times in a row, rubbing them harshly, bending your pussy to his will and making it flood again, a fresh layer of your wet slick covering your skin.
You lay on the couch, barely able to speak and panting like you finished running on a marathon.
"You're already tired, baby?" Mingyu giggles, running his hand over his abs, palming his cock.
"What....what do you think, genius?" you run your hand through your hair, sweat forming on your forehead.
"Don't worry, baby, I'm willing to give you time to recover...." he towers over your body, leaning into your ear.
"We have all day long ahead of us and I'm nowhere near done with you and your pretty pussy."
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tyunkus · 1 year
use me
pairing: mean dom bf!taehyun x f!reader
synopsis: taehyun wants you to beg. maybe he should make you. 
wc: 2.2k
warnings: reader is fem-bodied and also referred to as a girl! established relationship, dirty talk, begging, masturbation, OVERSTIM, cowgirl/riding, you’re both mean to each other in this but he’s meaner U will never beat him, not really hard dom just mean dom, taehyun calls u: baby, angel, pretty girl, he also calls u stupid (sorry), princess Of Course
note: basically a continued? fic version of this ask. i was h word one day and decided that the concept was too sexy to be kept as a thought/drabble so i extended it! hurray! u could think of this within the same universe as amazon wishlist tbh. and also imagine taehyun with his blue hair and sexy arms and sexy face and sexy abs and sexy lips and
You would be lying if you said you didn’t know how you ended up here.
The truth is, you know exactly how this all began—with Taehyun fisting his cock in front of you, moaning like a whore, and you watching him and refusing to beg.
Still, if you were to be completely honest, you don’t know exactly why you were acting like such a brat. The night had been normal leading up to when you two entered the bedroom; Taehyun had cooked you dinner, washed the dishes while you made dessert, picked what show to watch while you sat on his lap on the couch. Maybe it was then that this all truly began, when you began to wriggle too much, just to feel the firmness of his hands on your waist, the swelling of his cock underneath your thighs. And that had led to him dragging you to bed, telling you to ask nicely if you wanted to suck his cock. You didn’t listen. You still won’t.
It had taken him probably about ten minutes of jacking himself off slowly in front of you as “punishment”—pretty hand wrapped around his even prettier cock, hard and lubed up—before he finally realized that his ultimate plan to make you beg was never going to work. Not if you kept staring up at him from where you knelt down next to the bed, looking like some sort of perfect, clueless angel. Like something he could break if he wanted to.
That definitely gave him an idea. And so it started with you on your knees, looking up at him all sweet and perfect, and your stubbornness has led you back on his lap, biting your lip nervously as you try to decipher the look in his eyes beyond carnal hunger. Taehyun gets like this sometimes. And it’s fucking hot.
“You okay, princess?” he asks, running his calloused hands down your thighs. Checking in, as he always does; not only for your sake, but it turns him on knowing you want to get fucked as much as he wants to fuck you. You don’t mention it, though—you don’t say anything at all, just nod, giving him a tight-lipped smile. As bratty and uncaring as you had been acting earlier, seeing Taehyun get himself off had affected you a lot more than you let on. You had felt the wetness seeping between your legs literally seconds after he had gotten his cock out and started fucking his fist. That wasn’t something you could control—however, being all solemn and acting like you didn’t care, that was something you excelled at. “What’s your safeword, baby?”
“Blueberry,” you mumble back, running a hand through his hair, and he graces you with a smile.
Satisfied, he settles hsi back on the bed, reaching an arm behind his head to rest on. “You know what to do, princess,” Taehyun rasps, giving your ass a small pat. You squirm, giving him a look. “C’mon. Ride me.”
“If you don’t wanna beg, that’s fine. Just make yourself feel good. Use me. Use this cock to make yourself come,” he tells you lowly. “I know you love it. Don’t pretend like you don’t.”
You make a small noise, miffed, but you obey anyways, grabbing the base of his cock. You make sure to look him in the eye when you slide him in, but a part of you regrets it, because Taehyun truly doesn’t back down, gazing up at you with every second, every inch of his cock that fills you. You can’t even muffle the small moan that you let out after you take him all in, and you certainly can’t hide your blissed out face when you start moving up and down. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to it—how good he feels, how good he looks, staring down at the place at which your bodies connect. You can’t help it, you’re obsessed with his face, the way it scrunches when you clench down on him and smoothes itself out when you slow down your hips. There’s a lot of things you could love about Taehyun, and one of them is how he looks during sex.
Taehyun, to his credit, spends the next ten minutes or so pretty quietly, evidently trying to stick to his own plan of letting you fuck yourself on him. It’s a weird punishment, you must say, not one that you’re really used to, but hey. Taehyun’s already ruined you for anyone else’s cock—it’s not like you’ll complain at the chance to ride him. And he likes it, too; you can tell even if he won’t say anything, from the slight grimaces he makes, the way he tilts his head back whenever you grind back down.
His plan might work. It’s getting harder and harder to pretend like riding him isn’t affecting you. Your legs start to shake. The moans you let out are higher, shakier. You can barely hold yourself up by the time Taehyun finally takes the initiative to grab your hips and help you move against him, grunting out a Got you, baby right as your first orgasm crashes down on you.
“Fuck,” he says, as you slump over and your head meets his chest. He runs the very tips of his fingers up and down your torso, dancing them all about your skin until you’re shaking even more. Goosebumps spring from where he touches you, but he doesn’t stop, smiles at the way you twitch when his hands brush the ticklish spot underneath your tits.
And then his hands still on your waist, and his fingers fasten around them a little tighter, and then he’s moving you up and down by the pure strength of those goddamn arms. Fuck. You must say it out loud, squeaky and accidental, because below you Taehyun lets out a chuckle and then his fingers are on your clit and fuck. Fuck.
“T-Taehyun,” you breathe out, your voice wavering, “I j-just came.”
The steely look he fixes you is enough to shut you up. “And I haven’t, so keep fucking riding me,” he snaps. “You know what to say if you really can’t take it, right?”
You only nod helplessly, moving up and down his cock again, the feeling of him inside you sending a spark of electricity down your spine. Blueberry, blueberry, fuck, it’s too much but you would never say it, not now, when it’s so much that it feels so good. Fuck, there’s no reason it should feel this good. Taehyun twists at your nipples and chuckles when your hips jolt at the sensation—fuck Kang Taehyun and his skillful hands and perfectly composed self. You can’t even think but he’s quite literally pulling at all of your most sensitive parts.
You feel Taehyun’s hips start to grind up into yours. You can tell from that, as well as his fidgeting hands, that he’s starting to get impatient. “Come on, princess, keep going. Thought I was boring you, right? Don’t tap out on me now, baby, be fucking grateful I’m even giving you my cock—”
You shake your head, adamant. “No, no, nonono I can’t I can’t, ’s too much, fuck, Taehyun, Taehyun please—”
“Aw, it’s too much? You begging for me now? Wanna be good for me?” he rasps, smacking your ass. Leave it to Taehyun to say just the right thing to have you squirming, even if he’s technically upset with you. “Fuck, look at you, sweet girl, fucking shaking for me. Keep going. Keep riding my fucking dick, I’m not gonna ask you again.”
You wail, finally lowering your hands from your face to steady them on his shoulders. You move up and down, slowly, trying not to think about the sounds you’re making, the sounds of skin against skin and your wet cunt.
“Be good and make me come. Make me come, you were so mean to me today, this is the least you could do for me—fuck, fuck—”
“How have you not come yet?” you whine, and fuck, you can feel your strength slipping away from where your hands are fastened on his shoulders. Taehyun only lets out a breathy laugh underneath you and lands a soft smack to your butt. “Taehyun, please, I can’t—can’t, I just... Pleeeaaase, please, hmngh, fuck.”
Taehyun’s grip hardens on your hips, and you still. He tugs you down so you’re face to face, and your tummy flutters at his expression—eyes narrowed, lips swollen, fucked out and so fucking hot. “Too much, baby?” he pants, threading his hands through your hair. You nod, moaning and nibbling against his collarbones, and there are a few seconds of this breathless quiet, as you both find your breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly against yours. Eventually, he tugs you away from where you suck on his skin. Gives you a winning smile. You almost forget he’s annoyed with you. “Okay, angel. Too much? All tired out? Fine. Fine. We’ll do it your way.”
You can feel his hips moving underneath you, his cock still inside. “Hyunnie,” you mumble, scrabbling at his chest, but he only grunts. It takes a few moments for him to adjust his position and really dig his heels into the mattress before he’s suddenly fucking up into you with a loud, desperate moan. The pace he sets from the start is staggering; you can barely process the new position before he’s all up in your guts, pounding into you, until you can’t even fucking think.
“S-stupid girl, can’t even ride her poor boyfriend properly, always gotta do everything myself,” he mutters through gritted teeth, eyes transfixed on where his hips slam into yours. “Ff-fuck, don’t you feel sorry for me? Can’t even make me come without getting all dumb ‘n drooly. C’mon, kiss me. Kiss me, princess, make me feel better.”
You mewl and move to oblige, pressing your soft lips all over his face—cheekbones, jawline, nose—but it’s hard to land them properly with how fast he moves underneath you, completely throwing you off-balance. You resort to whimpering while struggling to keep yourself up with your arms, hands still resting on his firm chest. Taehyun doesn’t even care, too busy fucking up into you to notice.
“Say sorry now,” he instructs, his tone still cold and unfeeling. “Say sorry for being mean to your boyfriend, tell me how much you love me.”
“’M sorry, I’m so sorry,” you cry, your lips still latched onto his skin. “I’m sorry for being mean, ’m sorry, you make me feel so good, always mmf, making me come—hnng, love you, I love you, Taehyun—”
“Good job. Good girl, good fucking girl. Fuck. Your pussy’s so—hah, so good, so sweet to me, so perfect—” He smiles wickedly, showing his teeth, and you almost come again just looking at him, his blue hair matted against sweaty, golden skin. “Love this princess cunt, love you. Gonna make me come, love you, I love you, sweet angel, fuck– I love you so much—”
“W-wanna come,” you warble, the feeling so sudden but so intense that all you can think about is how much you need it, regardless of how it was at the back of your mind before. It’s like your brain has caught up to you, all of your pent-up desire crashing back down on you in a landslide. You start begging before you even realize it. “Please, please, pleaseplease Taehyun please Tyunnie pleaseee let me come letmecome—”
You’re breathless, needy, begging like a fucking slut and you know it, but Taehyun—Taehyun has never looked prouder, gazing up at you with his achingly kind eyes, nodding at you slowly, like he wants to make sure you understand. “Gonna come again?” he whispers, lips pressed against the tips of your fingers, and you nod. He hums and smiles, the tip of his tongue peeking out to lick at your thumb. “Good girl, come for me again, princess. Just one more, you can do it, make me proud—fuck, c’mon, I’ll come with you, ffffuck, princess, I love you—”
There’s a brief second between Taehyun’s rambling and both your orgasms—and he chooses that second to twine his fingers with yours and kiss your temple. It’s probably the hardest you’ve come all night, but what really has you reeling isn’t your climax, it’s how Taehyun looks after his own; sweaty, breathing hard, still looking at you. God knows how long he had been holding back. You had half-expected him to black out right after, but no, he’s just gazing at you, like you’re something to be admired even with your face all sweaty and hair a mess.
You lean down to kiss him anyways, regardless of how you look, kissing him more for your own benefit than his—he receives it with his usual eagerness and a quick smile against your teeth, almost missable. He pulls away, letting the both of you breathe for a moment, chests rising and falling against each other’s.
“Princess.” Taehyun presses a soft kiss to the tip of your nose and breathes out. “I loooove you,” he murmurs in a sing-song voice, and taps his fingers against the column of your throat. “Did so well, my pretty girl. You feeling okay? Need some water?”
“Water would be great,” you reply, nuzzling in closer to him. “Could you draw me a bath later? Please?” 
“Begging for me now, huh?”
You poke the side of his stomach and he jolts with a harsh laugh. What an ass, you think, kissing his cheek. I love him. “Shut up.”
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