#but atleast we both have something in common
peachjagiya · 3 days
Maybe tae and jk were hanging out in '23 bcs they were both free and none of the other members were? Atleast this year is proving this jikook theory right. Tae is still a social butterfly but he has not once been spotted with jk in the past 9 months. Everything else is still like solo era except for the never ending taekook hang outs 😕
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I have to admit my jaw dropped at this. They're in the military. How is this anything like solo era?
We don't know what their leave arrangements are like or what the approval system is. Tae was awarded this leave for completing a gruelling physical thing. We know nothing of when JK has been on leave other than assuming he had leave for Chuseok. How are they going to have as many hang outs?!
Did you truly expect we'd get pictures of the two of them seeing each other? I went into this MS period believing that enlistment would be the last time we'd see them individually together until June.
Quite aside from the fact that they have actually spent time together in previous years, let's put this dumb jimkooker theory to bed:
👉 Here is a post from @5and3nevermind detailing all the times Jimin and Yoongi found time to hang out, 9 times minimum in person, though it's likely more because he was "working out with Yoongi a lot" implying more than once. That doesn't factor in phone calls.
That's two members who weren't too busy.
👉 Here's Namjoon hanging with Jimin:
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A third member not too busy.
👉 Here's a bonus of Namjoon walking into Jimin's live without audibly complaining about being asked to:
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But actually that's beyond the point because Taekook did see other members over 2023, didn't they? So where does this idea that Taekook's time spent together was because other members weren't around come from?
👉 Here is Taehyung with Namjoon:
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👉 JK also managed to organise his schedule to see Yoongi before enlistment.
The other members clearly weren't too busy to organise things with. They all found time to do stuff with other people.
It's a dumb argument that seems to exist just to diminish their relationship, romantic or platonic. Fact is that Taekook didn't just see each other occasionally. They saw each other a lot by comparison to other members. By my count just under 20 confirmed together days, including Hawaii, and up to 30 if you include plausible speculation where we just don't have a confirmation. This doesn't include facetiming whilst apart which seems to be a common thing for them. And that's just what we know about.
(Amusingly, 30 is just under ten percent of the year. Like 8% or something. How much of ITS got edited out, according to Yoongi? 90%? I'm not saying the maths is precise or reliable or that Yoongi's estimate is on the dot but those numbers did make me laugh.)
With that much time together, we might just have to admit they chose each other a lot and let this ridiculous demeaning narrative die.
Edit to add: they don't owe us pictures or hints. They don't even owe us being a couple. Maybe some tkkrs need to remember that instead of keeping a log of selcas and treating two humans as only as good as the last way you perceived them.
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itsmeatotalsimp · 1 year
If evil, then why so pretty?
(i refuse to believe this man is a top wanted criminal who kills for his goals.. looks can be deceiving indeed)
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rin-and-jade · 1 year
Heres a reminder for you that being dissociated isn't limited to the common misconception where you are frozen in place, incapable of doing anything or even thinking, or experiencing a significant time gap,, those things. (This is a very important post, read till bottom so im happy!)
And while its hard to spot the milder signs when you're dissociating, don't worry i got you covered by bringing awareness, im showing what those signs could look like:
Dazing/blanking out several times
Hands looking weird (depersonalization)
Surroundings also looking weird (derealization)
Feeling detached emotionally, physically, or both
Less reactive in responding
Forget things more often
Unable to focus or keep concentration straight
And many more..!
When you have multiple of those signs at once, then chances are you are dissociating (extra note that it can also co-occur with derealization/depersonalization). While it can be caused by various factors, i would like to add that it may or may not get worse as time passes and no one wants that thing to snowball until it got too bad (remember, preventing now is better than dealing later) so having a few tips would help:
Grounding (sensory): listening to music, feeling different textures, paying attention to things in your surroundings, trying different fragrant or scents, have some snacks to occupy your senses
Grounding (physically): feel your chest as you breathe, get your body moving to redirect focus, splash some cold water, hold something you can squeeze (such as a stress ball)
Practice being mindful. As it can help you re-anchor back to reality faster, regulate better, building more resilience, increasing awareness of oneself's state
Sometimes we go do our day without giving a thought that were detached from reality, usually by going autopilot and scrolling through social medias without being aware (well, atleast for me) and forget lots of things while being dysregulated at the end. So by being aware of the mild signs and incorporating grounding skills im sure memory gaps and those funny aftermath stuffs won't be a problem anymore, have a good day peeps.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that another sign is your hearing feels muffled, that you can hear sounds feel more distant despite close, i thought it could be grouped with the “less reactive” before.
EDIT 2: It is true that sometimes these techniques will not work,, so it's recommended to create a peaceful environment in hopes of going away sooner when waiting it out. grab some videos to watch, put some of your favorite musics or cuddle your soft pillows (if any, pets) and stay comfy! Do not stress about it because it'll be counterproductive. Full explanation at here.
- j
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wolfiesmoon · 6 months
Leona x gn!reader
ok but can we feel the love tonight tho
i learned something new recently and i want to put this knowledge to good use (smirks evilly at leona)
also i am sick asf right now so i apologise if this is sloppily proofread
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It seems like being Leona's pillow has become a part of your daily at this point. It's become an unspoken routine for you.
Usually, he'd sleep anywhere but he had to adapt his sleeping habits a little because of you. Turns out most people don't find the floor of the greenhouse a comfortable napping spot.
Usually, the perfect spot is your room in Ramshackle dorm. It's quiet and empty, save for the pesky ghosts that interrupt the two of you sometimes. It makes for the perfect hiding place when Ruggie is bothering him with some stupid papers he needs to solve for potionology, too.
All in all, worth the walk to the dorm. Especially since he gets to see you and feel your warmth without fail.
You were already waiting for him on your bed, busying yourself with scrolling through your Magicam feed. Usually, you keep a few textbooks for studying with you, but exams have mostly concluded for now. You know once Leona attaches onto you, you're not going to be able to leave for atleast 2 hours, so it's always great to prepare in advance.
Sure enough, you heard familiar footsteps getting closer and the door opened to reveal your sleepy lover. His tail swished when he caught sight of you. What a lovely sight, indeed.
"Hey Leona, had a good day?" you ask casually and he sighs in response, mumbling something about being tired. Well, that's just the usual, isn't it?
He climbs up on the bed and you smile at his sleepy expression. He's so cute when he's sleepy, but you probably shouldn't tell him that unless you want to get glared at.
Instead of crashing on top of you like you're used to, though, he places his hands on your belly, still sitting at your side. You raise an eyebrow at him, but he doesn't even meet your eyes.
Suddenly, his hands start moving in a kneading motion. A surprise massage? Not that you mind it, but that's highly unusual coming from Leona of all people. If anything, it should be the other way around.
"Leona..?" you question, trying to get a good look at his face. You can't really see it well because of the hair that fell to the side of his face. But from what little you can see, he seems to be in sort of a trance right now. His eyes are barely opened and he's wearing a little satisfied smile on his face. He doesn't respond to you at all.
"Leona?" you try again, a little firmer this time. He suddenly stops, probably finally coming back to his senses. You can see the way his eyes widen for a moment before he falls down on top of you without a word, wrapping his arms around you. Now you can't see his face at all, unable to read his expression.
"Leona, what was that?" you hugged him back, still a bit dumbfounded. You weren't going to lie though, that felt really nice.
"Don't ever bring this up again." Leona did not seem in the mood to discuss what just happened any further. He could have sworn he left that behaviour behind as a toddler. How embarrasing.
He's kind of worried now. That's how much you affect him.
"Oh... uh, okay." you pet the back of his head lovingly. Hmmm... now that you think of it, Grim does the same thing sometimes. The common denominator with Grim and Leona is that they're both cats, atleast somewhat.
If you apply this knowledge to what you know about cats in general... Oh, Leona, that silly goose. Seems he's a bit embarrased about kneading on you. You wonder if it was pure instinct.
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yep, turns out the big kitties knead too, ain't that just a testament to the tried and true saying "cat is cat"
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jeonscatalyst · 1 month
Did anything about jikooks (or vminkook if that interests you) dynamic surprise you in are you sure? I think the extent of JK's brattiness and their play-fighting did surprise me a little. I think it's because I haven't been following them beyond the music that much in solo era. Also if I compare vminkooks dynamic from say that joint live in 2021 or the live incl Hobi (in 2022 I think?), I think it's a little bit different from what we're seeing in the show. If I think about it, it does check out in many ways with regards to what they've told us but I don't think it's something we've seen this plainly before
Hey anon,
Nothing about Jikook’ or Vminkook’s dynamic surprised me much, infact I would say the boys haven’t changed at all. Jungkook has always been bratty. Literally all the members have complained about him being bratty and stubborn and as for the play-fighting (I am assuming you are talking about Jikook) that has literally always been their thing. Someone described Jikook’s dynamic as a mix of all the other duo dynamics in BTS and now I really cannot unsee it. They playfight like jinkook, bicker like yoonmin, are soft with each other like Namkook, are besties like taekook and are caring towards each other like Jihope. There is literally a mix of everything in their dynamic and that is one of the reasons why Jikook are so difficult to explain as a duo. I personally don’t have any trouble understanding the other duo dynamics of BTS but Jikook still challenges me sometimes.
It was definitely kinda new to see them bicker so much, I mean we had seen them bicker before but the other members were usually in the mix so just seeing them bicker about parking was kinda new but not really surprising to me.
As for taekook, I didn’t see anything about their dynamic that surprised me at all. They are the duo who know how to have maximum fun when they are together as they have so many things in common when it comes to personal interests so it is extremely easy for them to be in sync but they also have moments where they could come off a bit nonchalant towards each other (but this is very normal) and I have seen so many people say they have a passive aggressive energy about them but I don’t see it personally. I just think that Jungkook sometimes has his moments you know, when he doesn’t really feel like being enthusiastic about anyone (Jimin included) and Tae isn’t like Jimin who will still try to initiate interactions when Jk gets in that mood but instead Tae just kinda ignores as well or throws in some snarky comments and maybe that is why people see some passive aggressiveness but generally I think they have gotten much closer than they were a few years ago and even their emotional bond seems to have deepened a little more than before.
For Vminkook’s dynamic, I think it is pretty much the same to be honest. Like I said before, Jungkook has his bratty and soft moments with both of them and Vmin are still the two hyungs who dote on him but call him out in their own way when he starts going too far. Jungkook has a very different dynamic with both of them and it is seen more when he is with the two of them (or atleast I noticed it more). I had always known but just seeing it in play out in AYS was….interesting. I think with Tae, Jk really enjoys just doing the fun boy stuff. They both look their happiest around each other when they are bringing out the childishness out of each other and I can see why they easily connected when they were rookies. One person starts something and the other very easily goes along with it, no question asked. They are also a good example of dumb and dumber or the blind leading the blind because it seems like between the two of them, no one is the voice of reason and we all crave people who we can just be extremely silly with without overthinking anything and I guess that is what taekook are to each other and that is why Tae can call Jk and ask him to join him in Hawaii and Jk takes a 9 hour flight there, you know just for the fun of it. Unlike what taekookers would like to believe, it isn’t because Jk is in love with tae or none of that. If I had a bestie whom I usually have alot of fun with when we are together and we both like the same things and I had Jungkook money and time, I will do the exact same thing. But, just as I had said before, it just feels like the foundation of their friendship is mostly centered around the fun and shared interests, not much else. They ofcourse really care for each other and are supportive of each other as well. I thought it was extremely sweet how Jungkook immediately climbed that wall to encourage Tae when Tae was scared to jump. Those are some of the moments that show just how they get each other and how much they care about each other. Taekook as bestfriends works so well but I don’t see them working out as romantic partners and I also understand why they don’t seem to be each other’s go to person for comfort. This is because they are way too alike. They both are naturally takers so they need givers for things to balance out. That is why at some point, they both sought out comfort from Jimin who is a a natural giver and not from each other.
Jimin and Jungkook are kinda different here because even though those two also have alot of fun with each other, Jimin is actually very different from Jungkook. He isn’t as spontaneous and he thinks about everything way too much. He also likes to have a schedule or plan things out before he executes them but Jungkook takes everyday as it comes and doesn’t seem to think about things too much so because of this, Jimin is like the voice of reason but sometimes Jungkook doesn’t want a voice of reason, he just wants adventure. A good example of this is that episode from I land where Jungkook stole TXT’s food from the pantry. He was in there with Tae and while he was stealing the food, Tae just went along with it and didn’t say anything but instead just found the whole thing funny but immediately Jk went outside with the food and Jimin saw him, Jimin (as well as the other members) asked him to return the food and they even scolded him (Jimin included lol). This is how Tae and Jk are partners in crime because they both readily go along with each other’s mischief but Jimin is that voice of reason that Jk needs because Jk is very impressionable (he said it himself) so if he doesn’t have some Jimins in his life, he could easily go astray. Even though Jikook are so different, they still are so alike and they click and just get each other so well and I don’t even know how to explain it. It seems to me like they are the definition of opposites attract, ying and yang. Jimin has the light that Jk needs and Jk has the darkness Jimin craves, they balance each other out, they give each other what the other lacks, they complement each other completely. Their bond in my opinion is definitely deeper as the foundation of it much more than the fun they have when they are together. There is an underlying intimacy in their play that isn’t there in taekook’s too. While taekook just play around like 5 year olds without a care in the world, splashing around in pools or shooting at each other with water guns, there is a subtle intimacy and softness in the way Jikook play around and they are definitely more handsy with each other too. This is pretty much everything I already knew about them and it is exactly the same thing I saw so I don’t really think anything was surprising or maybe just how much Jikook can bicker, if I had to pick something lol.
So anon, I have written a ton even though you probably just wanted a shorter answer but I couldn’t help myself lol. I have a problem not expatiating as much as I can. I hope this answers your question though and if u don’t mind, I would love to hear what you thought was different about Vminkook’s dynamic from 2021/2022 and now. I don’t really think we can compare from those moments you mentioned but I’d really love to hear or read your thoughts.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
time to make lemonades again 🍋🍋
inspired by a previous post i made because something similar happened and here we are. i think that the negative take on these similarities is that the other person/brand is “copying” the other. or one is trying to rub off the popularity of xx. which is a common source of conflict between fans, not just xz’s or wyb’s. and since the topic is trending we have more information of these alleged brand traitors who feed the cpf machine. lol.
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this post made by jeanswest with the kadian 10:05 for xz even if their endorser is wyb. tho i went to their weibo and didn’t see this post all when i was trying to confirm. so maybe it was deleted? the next one is hilarious cause they are implying that JW is taking inspiration from xz for their designs like the little prince and tennis. even if the whole line yibo is endorsing have nothing to do with these styles. AHHHH! they are so much better in connecting things that have no relation at all. 😂
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and it’s so embarrassing how confident they are that this is copying. xz does not own TLP or the sport of Tennis. no matter how much they associate those things with him. atleast with cpfs, we can give disclaimers but solos being so sure that there is just no other way that an international brand can come up with these designs — other than them wanting to leech from xz is next level unhinged.
but still thanks for the candy i guess?
next up is, p1 a li-ning cap that has 85 on it. but it’s actually a back to the future themed drop. a film that was released in 1985. tho maybe they are angry cause li-ning is a repeat offender. p2 is opening of li-ning’s store and the lottery includes a chance to win a casio watch which wyb was endorsing at the time.
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for xz’s zwiling endorsement before, one of the things highlighted by the brand is this machine. idk what. but it said something about brewing coffee at 97 and tea at 85. lol and who are associated with those numbers? wyb!!!! hahahahahahaha!!!!
sometimes i wonder who is the real candy lovin cpf.
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moving on….
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p1 is by kaixiaozao brand, they posted about a product that has dandan noodles that will make you think of the ancient times. dandan being something that is nicknamed for wyb, and ancient times pertaining to lwj and wyb. p2 is absurd, they are so angry at mengniu cause they replied to a cpf. yes it was xposted on the supertopic, but the account was asking a genuine question of how to purchase. so they answered. as much as so/os want the loyalty of these brands, their main goal is money. they will follow the money. that means more people buying their products. they didn’t choose xx or xxx out of the goodness of their hearts, their teams do research on who to hire and who can bring in more 💰.
another problematic thing done by mengniu before ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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#strawberrymilkbobocup# I know this question! Strawberry and milk go together. It’s the most amazing combination. Let me tell you secretly, add some oats and the taste will be amazing. Someone: I want a strawberry custard cup, but not strawberry. No custard, just...
bobo cup 👀
and what that someone said. they don’t want the strawberry nor the custard/milk. so what does that leave us? Bobo 🤯🤯🤯
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this post by i don’t know who that said for roborock, there are a lot of consumers, both peter pan and passion fruit. no lies tho. we do contribute to their sales. it has been that way for a very long time. all these talk of cpfs only love xx or xxx is brainless so/o agenda. they just don’t understand the fact that we can support both and we’ve been doing so for years now. they cannot comprehend it, so they twist it into a narrative that fits them.
lastly, p1 is by bubly and on the can has 85. p2 is zhenguoli and on the poster, they used lwj’s famous tagline ( i wanna take someone back… yep, the same one he said in ttxs )
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i’m even seeing one shared the fact that xz allegedly rented a car that has 805 on the license plate. so he must be promoting cp right? 😂😂😂 idk.. maybe it caught his eye because of his boyfriend and didn’t think people will take photos of his car and license plate to speculate on. and their hateful interpretation of what we would say is CPN:
1. The license plate number chosen when renting a car is Wang Yibo’s birthday “805”
2. The name of the shoes worn has Wang Yibo’s abbreviation “Web” ( this refers to gucci re-web )
3. The photo XZ posted on that day ( when he was in Milan and only took photos of his shoes ) imitated Wang Yibo’s photo from last year’s GQ Gala.
Summary: If there is only a single factor, it can be explained as coincidence together, but so many "coincidences" gathered on the same day, it must be "intentional"! XZ has been using this method for the past 5 years … Hype male-male CP in a “both subtle and obvious” way!
I don’t usually post anti or solo rhetoric here unless it’s amusing and this is an example of that. lol. so they do believe those things are connected? that it’s too much of a coincidence???? it’s just that their conclusion is way off compared to a cpf’s. 🤣🤣🤣
that’s all i have for now. i skipped the others, and surprisingly a good number is how angry they are at li ning’s skateboard series. lol.
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Best Friends, Right?
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Pairing: Matheo Riddle x fem!Reader (y/n)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: You're in the common room studying and Matheo is so close. 
You were in the common room reading a book. Classes were out and you needed to relax. You were cuddling with Matheo. You were friends, best friends. 
Or atleast.  
That’s what you both told everyone, but deep down. No matter how to tried, you knew. You liked him. You like Matheo fucking Riddle. You don’t know how, when or what he did, but you had gained a crush on him. But the thing is, it was one sided. 
Matheo was with a different girl everyday. The boys joked that he changed girls faster than clothes. You didn’t want to ruin your friendship so you kept quiet. 
For a year.
Unbeknownst to you Matheo who you thought was having a nap had woken up a while ago. He noticed you’d zoned out. He straightened and pulled you closer, putting his nose in your neck. 
“Teo? Are you awake?” He said nothing as he continued holding you closer.He felt you lower your book and caress his cheek, “You’re really cute while you sleep, and pretty although i’ll never ever tell you this if you were awake” you played with his hair a bit then went back to your book. “Maybe that’s why I fell for you,” he froze. 
Maybe that’s why i fell for you
Soon you had put down your book (using your wand since any movement might wake up Matheo) and you laid back into him. His sleepy hands wrapped around you bringing you closer.
“You fell for me,” he mumbled into your neck. You froze. Shit. He was awake.
"What?" You feigned confusion.
"Don't play daft darling I heard you earlier," he mumbles, his gaze still on you. You had said that part outloud. He waits for an answer, his eyes roving over you.
"I- it's a silly crush i had a while ago, like a really really long time agao, it's not really something to think hard about, because like obviously you don't feel the same way so let's just ignore th-" Matheo rolls his eyes and you stop.
"Weren't you the one who said to stop assuming things," he drawls his voice low and husky. You furrow your brow. What?
"Teo, What am i assuming?" He comes closer, and closer till he's a hair breadth away.
"That I don't feel the same," your eyes unfocuse and a shaky gasp leaves your lips, your gaze drops to the lips you've been fantasising about since 5th year. "Speechless are we love?"
"But you, you're with a different girl everyday Teo, I'm not interested in being one of them," he tilts his head a slight smile on his face.
"The reason, I thought was quite clear since Enzo, Teddy, Draco and Pansy couldn't keep their mouth shut or their jokes to themselves." You're definitely confused now.
"Darling, the reason I'm with another girl everyday is because I'm hoping I might feel something for them, that I might love them, that I'd be released from loving someone who didn't look my way," he chuckles. "The first day we met, I introduced myself, hand stretched and everything, only for you to just drop your name and go back to your book, leaving me hanging," you chuckle remembering that day.
"I apologised didn't I"
"Yes, but you still made an impression, an impression that made me fall hopelessly in love with you," Matheo plays with your hand.
"But you never looked at me like that, or atleast I didn't know you ever looked at me like that, so the girls I went out with were a distraction from you,"
"You love me?-" you were cut off as he kisses you, his hands wrapping around your waist bringing you in, onto his lap. You lazyly kissed him back relishing in it.
"I say all that and you still have to ask," you smile and say nothing before laying your head im his shoulder breathing in his scent.
You just giggling and kiss him again, and again and again and again.
"I should be concerned about all the affection I'm receiving but strangely I'm not, Do you want to go for desert downstairs," Matheo says. "Consider it our first date, official date,"
"I'd like that,"
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bomber-grl · 8 months
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Nico Di Angelo x Son of Hecate ☾
Pairing(s): Nico Di Angelo x M!Reader
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Nico was certainly a new face in the crowd but you never really ever interacted with him.
That is, until you’re forced into a mini adventure with him on part of the seven
It’d be a lie to say that you didn’t even have an ounce of attraction to him but that stayed unsaid
Of course after that favor for your mutual friends your path just… faded i guess
You only ever saw him around camp and you’d often steal a glance
Which you weren’t aware of at the time, but he was too
It’d probably be weeks maybe months later that you ran into him again, this time he had only approached you to ask you something .
That something being your necromancy and umbrakinesis ability
It started off with him approaching you at the campfire, the pavilion, then just from then on
I mean because of how often he’d approach you, ever curious on your powers, the two of you got close
Sitting next to each other or just being seen together became common
Still didn’t stop other campers from talking 👀
If anything, you’d just discuss abilities and compare but eventually conversations got off topic-
More personal.
It wasn’t until a camp bonfire after a particular capture the flag that you had noticed Nico not there
It didn’t take you long to find him but once you did you sat next to him, oddly enough he was by the lake
The two of you sat there and to be completely honest, it felt like forever but with the loud silence you chose to speak
You confessed your feelings
You always knew you would eventually , might as well blurt them out now
You saw an expression never worn by Nico before, and that was one of shock
He was genuinely shocked and all he could do was nod his head in agreement
Thus, how you confessed your feelings to one another has ended now let’s speak on the actual relationship
You, a mysterious witchy silent person (atleast how others perceive you)
And Nico, again, mysterious silent and emo (?)
Well I’m trying to say it wasn’t much of a surprise that you two began dating
Once the news spread (which would’ve been later since you’re both very private) everyone was either, not surprised since you both acted like it
Or absolutely shocked because of how mysterious you two were
No in between
As your relationship progresses acts of physical affection become the norm and aren’t foreign anymore
So once you introduced Nico to your cabin (I hc the Hecate cabin as having few residents) it was a relief to have it to yourselves
Lou was not at camp this time around, and luckily, neither was any of your siblings
Many people were afraid to get close to the Hecate cabin if the outer was being disturbed, I mean no one wants to get Thalia’d but surprisingly Nico didn’t mind
Once you entered the entire theme of the Hecate cabin, if anything, encouraged Nico to ask questions
I mean, you two got along so well, probably because of how similar your powers were or
Yknow what? Who cares
All that was on your mind was the fact that Nico was icy cold (which was normal but still)
You caught Nico’s attention once more when you began speaking in Ancient Greek
Only did it dawn on him that you were muttering a heating spell
He always refused to use that spell (you always told yourself that it’s cuz he wanted to hold you and soak in your body heat, which was probably you just being delusional 🫠)
Regardless, the night goes without a hitch and you two get closer than ever
Now, Nico is aware of a lot of disturbing things beyond death
But for some reason, you asking if you can read his palm/ try and get his birth chart, disturbs him even more
Luckily if you’re not wildy crazy then he’ll go along without a bother
(If u beg then he’ll say no a few times just to let ask after a few more times as if his first “no” wasn’t his version of yes)
If you find out your horoscopes or something match up (idk how these things work 😓) you decide to be a little prankster and say sum shit like “we were written in the stars”
Of course Nico thinks this is so horribly cringe but he smiles regardless
Plus he has to endlessly deal with your bs
Especially when he walks into your cabin and sees you making a concoction of sorts w ur cauldron
Yea sometimes he questions why he even dated you
He thinks this as if he wasn’t cuddled up to you like a kitten the night before 😿
I love this req because I, myself, am a Hecate kid 😼
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midnightkolrath · 1 year
Time for another chapter of 'Leo analyzing DMC stuff' with something that woke me up at 4 AM to think about, as a sudden ponder point
So, the series has a running joke of impalement, namely with Dante being impaled by some sort of sword. Mostly his own sword, though. This little running gag comes full circle in DMC5, when Dante laments on why he was given Rebellion and decides to impale himself with the handle that then proceeds to combine with the Sparda sword to unlock his Sin Devil Trigger form.
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But thinking about this more, I realized that this sort of thing has been common, not just with Dante himself.
Though, I'm gonna start talking about his thing with DMC3 here.
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With the DMC5 screenshot I've included with Dante's dialogue, plus thinking back about that very moment in DMC3, we know Dante unlocked his devil trigger thanks to Vergil through impalement of his own sword. This is THE main moment we see of a form like devil trigger be unlocked this way.
But, funny enough, if we fast forward into DMC4...we get yet another moment where we have our protag be impaled and awoken to atleast a FORM of their devil trigger...with Nero.
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As a side tidbit, the details of this awakening are elaborated in the DMC4 novel, Deadly Fortune, where Nero recalls a dream he had after gaining his demonic arm, featuring a familiar voice (that we know is Vergil) that he remembers again as he went temporarily unconscious. (Though in the novel its implied he temporarily died before reviving...it states his 'heartbeat stopped', though the way its pictured in the game...who completely knows).
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This moment of remembrance is what triggers not only the first (incomplete) form of Nero's devil trigger, but the reconstruction of the Yamato. This is the second time the domino effect of being stabbed (or perhaps simply overwhelmed in Nero's case...though Agnus did rub the salt in similarly to Vergil against Dante...not with his own sword but with a sword-like object...maybe its a parallel) resulted in the awakening of a devil trigger, or a newfound power.
Now, if we do the fun thing and roll both forward and back, we'll see that Dante and Nero weren't the only ones that experienced a power awakening this way. Thanks to Visions of V, we get a short flashback of Vergil's childhood. This included the very moment there was the demon attack that killed Eva and separated the twins, sending them on their own paths.
A VERY significant moment we (tragically) get to see is a young Vergil getting attacked by these demons, while he's alone. Its horrifying, but also shares a similar theme though much more brutally.
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In fact, its similar to Nero's case, which involves impalement like Dante but grows into being overwhelmed to the point of helplessness. ALSO funny enough, its this bit of helplessness, of feeling that power is NEEDED to get themselves out of the situation they're in to survive for one way or another...that Yamato comes right to their side. When its needed most.
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This is, for Vergil, an awakening to what would become his path to gain power at any cost, to never have to feel this helplessness again while also being haunted about the lack of strength he had to protect his mother.
Its interesting that this moment mirrors Nero's claim to yamato in DMC4, with even the desire and call for more power led to Yamato returning to its restored form and going to Nero's side. Like father, like son.
My original point, though, was how a funny ironic running joke of being impaled one way or another in this series apparently leads to awakening of power or resolve for the Sparda clan. This series has many running themes if you look for them, but this is one I've noticed lately. I wonder if Sparda himself went through something like this in his time (heh).
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astrobiscuits · 8 months
hi I often see people say that Venus in Taurus would like someone homely, who cooks well and all that, but these are not the things that you can show at the first meeting. So What would attract Venus in Taurus at first glance/at first meeting? (especially if we are talking about a men)
Hii, i must admit that i love your question! It's very original, you must be a creative✨♡♡♡
I'm going to assume that you'll talk to him atleast/go on a date
Ways to attract a Venus in Taurus man
Smell: Venus in Taurus men tend to have hypersomia (sensitivity to smells), so wearing perfume is a must if you want to attract the attention of this man. Your best options would be: classic, timeless perfumes like L'Air du Temps by Nina Ricci, Miss Dior by Dior and Chanel N°5 by Chanel; floral perfumes (but not those exotic floral ones) like J'adore Parfum d'Eau by Dior or fruity fragrances like Daisy Love Eau So Sweet by Marc Jacobs, Light Blue Eau Intense by Dolce & Gabbana and Aqua Allegoria Rosa Rossa Eau de Toilette by Guerlain
Body care and fashion: The earthy, Venusian men are attracted to a woman who indulges in self-care to make herself feel like a queen. These men are visual creatures, so they'll definitely notice if you prioritise your looks. Don't forget to exfoliate your whole body, shave everywhere and choose to wear something that will attract his attention, like a red dress. You can also choose to wear red lipstick (both lighter and darker shades of red work!)
Voice and neck: Taurus rules the vocal cords, but also the neck. Choose to highlight your beautiful neck by wearing a necklace you love. If you tend to speak at a faster rate, slow down around Taurus Venus men. They're sensual creatures and your voice can become one tool to spice up his mood. I'd say Taurus Venus men are attracted to both higher-pitched voices and lower-pitched voice, but you need to know when to use it, rather than how to use it. Sometimes, all these men need is silence, not words.
Hobbies: Since Venus feels at home in Taurus, pleasure is something to be pursued often by Venus in Taurus men. Their hobbies and interests matter to him a great deal, so make sure to show him attention when he speaks about his hobbies. It would be the best if you two share common hobbies or interests - he's not the type to try out new stuff, so you have to be okay with going hiking with him every weekend or playing the piano together.
(This is for when you get to know him better, but i still thought it would be a good idea to include it) Long-term goals: After he gets to know you better, a Taurus Venus man is likely to ask you: "Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years?". You need to have an answer to that question. He doesn't need to know how you will get there - he just wants to see if you know what you want out of life. Show him confidently that you do and speak passionately about whatever you want to achieve. He will find you incredibly attractive - Venus in Taurus men love true, silent confidence on a woman.
Good luck attracting him, girl💕
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spotlightlowlife · 7 months
What Hangout Hotel could take from Lucifer the tv show
One thing these two had in common, season one wasn't very good, learning names and the initial plot was the main takeaway.
Lucifer did atleast stick to its initial plot of 'this is the devil, he's charming, he can get those hiding something to tell on themselves, he works with police detectives, he has a nightclub, he has family issues', easily done when it all fits the characters and reasons for being around one another
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Charlie on the other hand is the devil's daughter, she's nice, she wants to help sinners make it into heaven through rehabilitation, she has a hotel and sort of has family issues, simple enough to pull off had it not been buried under side plots from others
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yet unlike Lucifer, Charlie's niceness isn't a means to an end, it's her whole personality, whilst part of Lucifer's charm is hypnosis
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we see Lucifer present in his club regularly, we don't see Charlie running a hotel
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we see Lucifer helping police solve crimes, we don't see Charlie making any effort to help anyone in their rehabilitation journey, it's debatable if she even wants her friends to upgrade out of there and there's not even been a hint of interest into anyone's backstories Vaggie being a prime example even though there are those who remember being alive Mimzy, nor is there interest in their intentions Alastor or if they're suitable, does Charlie vet or troubleshoot? Surely she need to get her investigative head on if she's serious, take a leaf out of the spinoffs book that atleast opened with the assassination agency at work.
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This is a big glaring issue because this is what we were sold. Attaining the hotel and starting up the business was no issue, we didn't even see it happen, but then nothing else work wise happened.
Charlie's family issues, no matter where they choose to go with her mother, have been an unnecessary late inclusion.
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Once Lucifer began getting into the swing of things and we learnt more about these family issues, we would soon learn that there was no real structure, the angels were bickering siblings either sticking to what they knew or scrambling to one up one another, desperately seeking validation
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daddy issues wasn't just a Lucifer problem, the mother wasn't really an issue and when daddy did show up, the god character of this world, he probably wasn't what many expected, a free spirit, loving but very out of touch parent who sees his children as adorable and doesn't like it when they fight, yet the freedom granted and lack of interference has been a major contributor to their fighting. Freedom and lack of interference has been something that has humans asking questions too. Small actions snowball.
This character was yet another in this series to effortlessly created a divide between those like humans and those who aren't.
In Hazbin we get the similar setup of a godless reality with a load of infighting as angels form structure and rules, Lucifer here is too a charismatic outcast
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yet other Lucifer would place himself on earth where he probably doesn't really belong, to start working and live a different lifestyle for some time, surprisingly not in a position to lord it over the 'mere humans', not that he wanted to, Hazbin Lucifer we are told is depressed, we are guided to believe did nothing wrong though he clearly did and all is magically not a problem the moment he can impress his daughter.
Why was it that simple?
What is he really doing all day?
Where does the leadership come in?
Why doesn't anyone bring serious questions his way, like the agreed upon exterminations?
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There are many demons of hell in both series's. Lucifer of the namesake tv show is neglecting his work as their leader to be on earth, there are repercussions for this as demons have tried to topple him. He also has a demon at his side bothered by his absence, who has her own journey of not getting humans and having a major mama issue, these issues are a major part of her character and get tackled.
Hazbin Lucifer is the god of his very own realm and 'his people' are former humans who he despises, which means nothing to anyone. He has been in hell since it has began, somehow not leading and there are no consequences for any actions, anything goes, killing heaven's angels? No problem.
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In the other show however, two heavenly or prehistoric figures cross paths and word spreads, the characters mean something.
Lucifer picked up, however many seasons Hazbin has left, they could do with following suit and staying focused.
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biniminisblog · 1 year
Good Boy Gone Bad | Lee Felix SMAU
chapter three
word count: 932
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"so if you add thirty joules of heat to ten joules of work then that's the internal energy-" felix stops talking when he notices you weren't really paying attention anymore. he sighs and scratches his head in frustration. he writes down the formula and solution before placing his pencil down. felix then took his time to actually look at you. this was the first time he was able to properly take in your features and he was in awe. you had your palm propped under your chin and you were looking down at your half eaten pancake with a dejected look on your face. despite your expression, you still looked so beautiful.
he thought it was such a shame that you gained such a bad reputation because of it. but as he pondered over that, he started to think that maybe those rumors weren’t as true as they make it out to be, nevermind the fact you blackmailed him. this was your fourth study session and so far, you have been nothing but cooperative, albeit it was a little hard to teach you when you didn’t even know the basics. he just had to be patient with you, and you were always eager to learn, so he wonders what’s got you so distracted today.
"earth to yn, are you still there?" felix's deep voice startles you, and you look up to find that he was closer than he was before, his face mere inches away from yours. you quickly look away, flustered at the proximity, and he chuckles at your reaction.
"uh yeah, sorry, i'm just feeling out of it today" you scratch your neck awkwardly, and you hope that he buys your lie. unfortunately, it seems that you weren't a very good actor because he raises an eyebrow at that.
"is it because of the comments on your tweet earlier?" he hits the jackpot as you immediately widen your eyes and shake your head, vigorously denying it.
"it's really nothing! i'm just being sensitive as always.”
“does this happen to you a lot?”
“kind of? i mean there’s always been gossip about me since i transferred but it never really bothered me, you know?” so you weren’t sure why it’s bothering you now. you sigh before grabbing your textbook and opening it. you thought you would be immune to it by how long it’s been but you guess those wounds never truly heal. you hoped that you could atleast ignore it and just continue with your life, but with how it's affecting you right now you don't think you can.
“i’m really sorry about that,” felix apologises, his voice so sincere it makes you forget what he was apologising for. “jia’s friends seem to like spreading shit just to please her.”
“oh, you don’t have to apologize for that! it’s not your fault.” you deny his apology and he smiles gently at you.
“still, i know how it feels to be at the receiving end of those gossips and it’s definitely not pretty.”
you tilt your head, thinking back to that comment earlier about him and jia, and your curiosity seems evident enough because felix slightly shakes his head with furrowed eyebrows.
“those rumors about me and jia are not true. we broke up months ago and we didn’t really leave on a good note.” you wanted to ask why, but you can see that felix didn’t want to talk about it with the way he’s avoiding eye contact, so you opted to nod instead.
“i guess we have something in common after all.” you chuckle, trying to lighten the mood, but you were still a bit bummed out from earlier. felix senses this and he thinks of an idea which he hopes can cheer you up.
"anyway, let's go back to studying. so you were saying something about the internal—woah what the hell!" you were surprised when suddenly felix closes your textbook and shoves it inside your bag. he grabs you by the wrist and sprints towards the exit, with you barely being able to keep up.
"felix where the fuck are we going!? are we just going to leave our bags behind!?" thankfully he slows down enough so you can catch up with him and you both come to a halt.
"we're going to the beach! and don't worry about our bags, i know the shop owner so it's safe." you were baffled, and it was apparently shown on your face because felix begins laughing with that deep voice of his. "the beach!? felix are you insane!? i have a seven am class tomorrow, we can't be going to the beach now of all days!"
"look, we're not going to get things done if you keep moping around like that— and don't even try to deny it." he holds a palm up to your face and you zip your mouth shut, pointedly glaring at him instead. he lowers his hand down and places it on your shoulder.
"yn i'm just trying to cheer you up, i have no other intentions i promise. do you trust me?" the look on his face makes it rather hard for you not to say otherwise, so you nod your head instead. he then smiles, eyes glinting with a hint of mischievousness. it almost makes you worry for what’s to come, but strangely enough, it gets you smiling too.
"great, now hurry up so we can catch those waves!" you cringe at his cheesy comment but still allow him to pull you as you both laugh together, not caring about the onlookers watching you both.
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synopsis: felix gets caught smoking by you, the school’s regina george, and gets blackmailed to help you pass chemistry in exchange for keeping his secret.
previous chapter _ next chapter
taglist (lemme know if u wanna be tagged!)
@marcillfll @tfshouldidohere @veryjeongintxtkid @skzcollision @facelesswrittes
a/n: here is chapter 3!! lemme know what u guys think and pls don’t forget to reblog if you like it!
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sageistri · 3 months
Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't SGMB created after face? Jimin said he made the song while he was in America to convey the happy feelings. On the other hand, the other songs of Muse seems to be created before Face and during 2022. Hence, I don't believe Sgmb has any relation to how the rest of the album sounds at all. Idk why people think the album is doomed based on 2 songs, both which seemed to be created after face.
Also. Fingers crossed the intro and interlude are actual songs. Please. Jimin. Don't betray me like this. Atleast one of them gotta be a song.
What's sad is the fact that we have to convince people who say that there are stans to give him a chance.
At this point anyone who still feels strongly about any of this needs to just leave him be if they can't wait. No one should be convincing anyone of this because its literally common sense that the singles might not sound like the rest of the album. That's literally how music works unless the artist is one with a fixed sound like lana del rey or something where all her songs all sound similar or have the same vibe.
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justrandomthoughs · 2 years
Just vermax being confused but supportive when dragon reader and Jace end up smelling like eachother (they steal eachother’s clothes without the other knowing). He thought his master’s mate was the other girl (Baela) but clearly not. Now he’s just wondering when she’s going to start popping out eggs.
Another situation:
“How many children do you want?” Reader asks Jace. “Idk but I’ve always pictured myself with a big family. And you?” He says. Reader thinks for a moment then smiles
“….five..five children..atleast” (ik reader is going to get dicked down so good pls-)
Okay, okay, okay. First, a joke/anecdote. When I was younger, like 12-13 (before I stopped being religious, lol) I wanted at least 4 kids. Two girls two boys, because if I fuck up one I have an extra. Lmao, what a cruel bitch lol. Now I only want as many kids as I can handle, but at least one. I don't know bro, I fucking hate how much I like people and kids, I just want to love on them lol. Thank god I'm not going to have one till I'm 35 or something lol.
But in A Song of Fire and Ice, you GOTTA be popping out babies because lord only knows what will happen to them after they leave your womb (lol, fml). Also dragons lay in clutches. I don't know if the readers of ASOIAF really know about the intricacies of dragons sexual cycles, but I know that we saw the dragon eggs that Daemon got in HOTD. I'm not particularly into egg laying kinks, but in compensation (also just biology), Dragon! Reader would probably gives birth to twins most commonly (50%), triplets second most common (40%), and a single baby very rarely (10%). She is gonna be a fucking brood mother. What a terror lol.
Also yes (sorry lol I addressed the blatantly sexual part first), both Yan! Jace and Dragon! Reader take each others clothes. For Jace, the scent grounds him and reminds him what he's fighting for (also Alicent always comments about how he smells like dragon [your scent is similar but so distinct that nothing else is as intoxicating to him]). For you it calms the power/rage within you and makes you level headed. Both of you always smell & give a kiss to a piece of cloth that has each others scent on it before battle. It's like a promise to return to each other. No matter what.
Finally (lord help me I'm sorry about the structure of this lol, I did it most to least invigorating to write about—so in case you were wondering the method to my madness there it is), I don't really know how Vermax thinks about Dragon! Reader. Could it be in the same vein as Daenerys's dragons, like working in a pack? Probably not unless they were raised together. But I think Vermax would respect the reader as he recognizes your strength and approves of you as the mate of Jacaerys.
Hmmmm.... I still need to think about Dragon! Reader and dragon interactions/relationships lol!
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arsynnotarson · 7 months
transharmed actually does make sense from a psychological standpoint. wanting to be abused more / at a bigger severity is actually a blaring symptom of previous trauma. reenacting abusive behaviors is also a symptom of trauma.
"Despite knowing that relationships are destructive, we may continue demonstrating patterns of these types of relationships. We may be trying to ‘fix’ what happened in the past by recreating the trauma with new relationships, with some arguing that we have an innate desire to complete something which has already begun." from this article
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"Common types of repetition compulsion include:
Repeating behaviors: Individuals can repeat certain behaviors that they may have repeated during the traumatic event for survival. Sometimes, these behaviors can present as a form of self-sabotage, such as seeking potentially abusive relationships.
Repeating situations: Individuals may repeat traumatic situations to gain insight into the actual event’s occurrence.
Re-enacting trauma: Individuals can re-enact trauma on a physiological, behavioral, or emotional level
...Acting as a victim: Learned helplessness can be an effect of earlier traumatic experiences.3 Sometimes, an individual might have learned early on that they could not depend on others to emotionally support them and may show up in adult relationships during a conflict with learned helplessness.
Acting as the perpetrator: The research is clear that individuals who commit violent crimes against others often have links to earlier instances of childhood physical or sexual abuse.3 Perpetrating against others may be motivated to feel powerful and overcome the sense of learned helplessness." - another article
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"Unlike simply remembering a traumatic event, re-enactments concern involving oneself in a situation that recreates the trauma in their current life. For example, a woman who was abused by her father as a child may seek out partners as an adult who also abuse her. Re-enactments are a type of coping mechanism." - this article
being harmed / harmful is a trauma response. giving people a place to soothe those urges both consensually and with a safe person is much better than having them not express themselves, and potentially end up worse off somewhere else. the labels of transharm give those expirences a term, one that can be more intuitively understood by other folks.
if youre gonna target someone, atleast do it from a standpoint that isn't oblivious. or better yet, don't do it at all, because the block button implores you use it.
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navy-leader · 1 year
Little question: How do you see the relationship between the four Hollow Heads?
A little complicated ! in the fewest words possible
I like to switch up my headcanons for these guys cause theyre just fun to play with and different relationship statuses give a different perception to their interactions but the one(s) ive been mostly going off of is:
- They are not siblings, and the only thing in common in anything of similar regard is being made from the same creator
- They have a weird intrinsic connection with eachother, i like to call it soulmates but its not the same way as youd think. They take on features of the other(s), which ive shown visually through their eye colors
- Weird reincarnation bullshit atla style but not exactly because noone is dead for realsies. I think i best explained it in this post, however with the added addition that victim is NOT DEAD..so we just dunno whats going on orz
Now onto the specific pairings:
- Im a big fan of chodark so youd often see me draw em in a more romantic way, but i like em in whatever form they come in, the important thing is theyre fucked up together. They are crazy codependent, being the only company eachother have for like?? 8 years?? They drive eachother crazy and fight tons but theyre all they have so they still cherish their bond. Communcation skills 0. Dark is a lot more peppy about life, while Chosen's taken to sulking more often than not but he tries to cheer up for Dark's sake. They both have their problems, Dark still tries to attack Chosen on a regular basis because of his coding, and Chosen has been trying to recover from everything that happened from noogai's pc, they try to make it work 👍
- Countering the first point on this response,,, i like Chosen and Victim as twins,, i feel it adds a layer to their (what could be) relationship, sharing the same face, same woes with their origins, but turning out sososo different but still The Same. Makes me feel some typa way
- Victim and Second are sooooo special to me, i hope they interact in future episodes;;;; The first creation all jaded and wrathful about its creator, and rightfully so! Having been given the worst end of the stick while the other, the latest creation, young and hopeful, treated the best out of all his predecessors and given Everything that they never gotten. Victim is mad salty about all that and hugely envious, but hes more on exacting his revenge on noogai and making Second watch. In another world they couldve been friends, animating/drawing buddies perhaps...
- Chosen and Second ! Weve already seen what their dynamic is (or atleast in that specific situation) so ive not added more to it. Honestly been treating their relationship as a rebound from chodark,,,,,,, Yakno chosen just got out of the house to actually talk to other people other than Dark, finds a nice sunshiney stick to his dark and gloomy demeanor and things are good ! Their relationship could be something really special if they were to find themselves in a different situation than the one theyre in;;;
- I honestly do Not know what Victim and Dark would be like together other than the crackship of "evil girls who make out with eachother as their exes watch" but yakno ! Hollowhead Whore Saturday. Honestly it depends on what kinda villain victim is and how dark is like after getting her ass handed to her
- Weve seen Second and Dark but other than that i think if Dark were alive and got to hang out with the others and Second, she would be scared shitless of Second or Dark would act as a high and mighty bastard and Second gets a bit pissed off about her attitude at some point
This got a bit long but hrhrghrheh the hollowheads r so special to me,,,the one common thing about them is originating form the same creator and they all turned out so different and yet they have so many similarities between eachother hrhrgrhrggrhhrhr
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