batchixdolls · 1 year
Made Cookie decent for IG real quick. Hurray for hot glue! I got the hair on Aliexpress and made her this wig! I love the way it turned out. Her looks were inspired by 1960’s dolls- especially furga. She poses great, I’ve hot glue suedes her joints. The one thing I might change is to give her different hip joints instead od the balls out look. Also, last picture, she has cellulite on her butt and I love it. 
She's mature MSD sized, so about 42cm. I'm trying to see if there's interest in a preorder for her. She'd probably be around $425 or so for the blank doll. She'll have high heel feet with heels she can wear and I may make some more hands for her.
Anyway, if you're interested in her pass this around! the more people I get interested in a pre-order the sooner I can start it!
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just wanna be spoiled and pampered and plump in pretty outfits
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flareheart8 · 1 month
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It's done! After so many days of procrastinating this piece, I finally finished it!!
This is my redesign of the Institute of Perfection. I found the movie version to be very bland and boring, so I took some inspirations from some of the concept arts, and made my own design. I have it to where Perfection is actual in the toy factory, protected by this glass dome. A very glamorous city where Pretties can eat, train, and shop for accessories. There's also some advertisements of "Perfection" and "You can be better" to encourage the Pretties to be better than ever. Underneath Perfection is a workshop where Imperfect dolls are forced to work on crafting accessories. I'll make a drawing of what it looks like once I'm done with my re-design of Lou, the Pretties, and the Imperfect dolls.
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lousirs · 11 months
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fun fact: i really really really really like the background prettydolls THEY ARE SO FUN.
i have headcanons for them and everything... uhm uh
anyways, i named the ones that didn't have headcanoned/canon names (so... susan, tris, marcus... and credits to my sis for naming cole and amanda)
i've seen two names for the green-eyed back up singer so idk he has a double barrelled name now yipee
and a bonus doodle:
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there's a torsoless background doll which i named rhidian. because i turn animation mistakes into character doodles (as one should)
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existentialsim · 1 year
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I made a friend's FFXIV character and took some birthday photos.
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natalie-the-writer · 2 years
Because it's @0perfectimperfections0 turn to get incentive to do work, I created this actually-technically short story. UglyDolls related, of course. Good job finishing your assignments!
This story could technically go along with my other stories. It depends on how you want to look at it. Mandy × Lou is a mention.
What are we going to do with you, Baby Blue?
"Lou, could you get the- oh." A small smile spread across Wage's face as the orange doll caught sight of her temporary employee. He was slumped over the counter in the kitchen, head pillowed on his arms where he slept. Counting money was forgotten, the bills and coins pushed to the side so he had room. She shook her head and made her way over to him, putting a gentle hand on his back. The cook sighed, watching Lou peacefully sleep on. The guy needed a break. They'd been waiting on him to crash out for two days now, but nothing seemed to slow down the doll on a mission to earn his place in the eyes of the other dolls. He was already back to teaching and doing the paperwork for Ox, but he still hadn't won his place with some... less accepting dolls. It'd been almost a year of reform for him, but nothing felt like enough.
'He's going to run himself ragged,' she thought, hand moving slowly up and down his slouched back. Lou's eyebrows furrowed momentarily before he settled down again, subconsciously leaning toward the touch. His mental state and understanding of emotions got better day by day, but working habits were harder to break. Harder when some dolls only demanded more. One doll couldn't do the work of ten. That didn't stop Lou from trying.
Yes, she'd been one of the ones to initially be very skeptical of Lou, but who could blame her? Or anyone else who was? At the time, Lou had been dethroned from maniacal ruler and was not to be trusted. But since then, she saw him. The real Lou under everything. He was still snarky and quick witted in most areas, an almost permanent strut to his walk and perfect posture that could intimidate, but he was so much more than that. Everything he knew about dolls was drilled into him from creation. Everything he did was instructed of him from day one. He couldn't fight back. When he tried, he was almost broken. Confidence was a defense. Curiosity was hidden. Emotions were left void and incomprehensible until Ox came along. All of those things were coming up and being processed, giving them the Lou they should've had all along.
Lou shifted a little under her hand, pulling her from her thoughts. His face scrunched up in confusion, fingers starting to ball into fists. She shushed him, rubbing his back again. "You're alright, Lou. You can sleep." She said gently, mindful of her tone when he was like this. He stilled after a moment, going back to the peaceful sleep of before. She sighed, shaking her head once more, and said fondly:
"What are we going to do with you, Baby Blue?"
Moxy sat on the counter beside Lou's head, running her fingers through the threads of his hair. It was incredibly soft - the softest hair she'd ever felt. No joke. She theorized it was because of him being a prototype, sewn by hand, but she hadn't found the right time to voice the thought. Lou was insecure about being a prototype as it was. Even if his hair was a nice thing, it was sometimes uncertain how he would react to his base status.
They didn't need to take steps backward in convincing him he was a real doll by noting a difference, no matter how good. It would hurt him if it wasn't the right time.
Wage had left her in charge of Lou when she walked in a few minutes ago to come talk to her friends. The other doll stepped outside the closed diner to call Babo for reinforcement in getting Lou back home without waking him. Nearly all the dolls could carry him - he was tall, but like many PrettyDolls, he was lightweight. Lighter than most, honestly - but they weren't about to risk waking him in an awkward carry, likely causing him to get frazzled and leave.
"You're adorable when you're sleeping." She whispered to the konked out doll, gently bopping him on the nose with her free hand. His face scrunched up in annoyance at her finger and he buried himself down further into his arms, bangs now a flatter mess from her brushing. She giggled quietly, resuming running her fingers through blonde locks. "Little Baby Blue."
The nickname was a new one. No one was exactly sure who came up with it and they rarely used it when Lou was concious due to how pouty he got, but when he was like this, it was hard to resist the new nickname. Baby Blue stemmed from one thing - his eyes. Sapphire eyes brighter than any other doll she'd seen before. The rest of the name latched onto his whole demeanor when he was learning something or interested - curious, trusting, endearing, and innocent. None of his years stayed on his face when he was asleep or relaxed. It made it easier to refer to him as 'Baby Blue' when he was asleep despite his eyes being closed.
The side door to the kitchen opened and Wage came back in, Babo in tow. The moment the taller doll saw Lou, he smiled. It was the only thing you could do when the doll was actually sleeping. Any sleep he got was less than he needed, but every minute of rest counted. "He's finally out, huh?"
"Yup." Moxy said, popping the 'p' with care. It was hard for her not to be loud, but for a sleeping friend? She could do it.
Babo came over to the table, putting one arm around Lou's back and the other under his knees. He easily hoisted the doll up to his chest, shifting so Lou could lay comfortably. The doll barely stirred, cuddling up against the grey doll.
Moxy really wished she had a camera.
"I'll get him home." He said, then paused. "I might actually take him to Ox's house so he doesn't wake up alone. Mandy won't be back until tomorrow. There's a sleepover at her kid's house."
"Good idea." Wage agreed, opening the door for the two. "Have a good night, Babo."
"Night, Wage. Night, Moxy."
"Goodnight!" Moxy called, lowering her voice at the last second. Definitely couldn't wake Lou so close to getting him to bed. Babo smiled again, nodded a final goodbye, and disappeared into the street, Lou held close to him. A thought crossed her mind:
What are we going to do with you, Baby Blue?
Everyone knew Lou was getting tired. It was hard to tell unless you knew him as well as they did. He didn't have a clear understanding of his emotions sometimes, but he could sure as heck hide them along with his tiredness. When Lou started to hit his limit, he would throw himself into work, remain restless in an attempt to stay awake, and get snappier over time. Of course, he'd apologize for his tone later, but it was a clear show that he was offset about something, especially if it was coupled with him falling into a daze sometimes. This time around, it was exhaustion. Lessons on body limits hadn't gotten through his thick skull yet.
Looking at him now, pressed against his chest, Babo couldn't help but notice how small Lou looked. Sure, Babo was bigger than most dolls were, but it wasn't only size that made the blonde look smaller. His face was lax in sleep, his ear pressed over Babo's heart, and he was curled up in his arms like a...
Like a baby.
He snorted out a laugh to himself. If Lou ever heard that he looked like a baby, or a sleeping child, he would get so frustrated and usually wind up with his head in his hands. He almost stomped his foot once, only stopping when he seemed to realize how childish it was. Not many dolls noticed the action or how Lou's face flushed further as he glared at the offending limb, but Babo did. It was fun to just watch those arguments sometimes, pick up on little details the others wouldn't notice, and replay them to himself later. The near foot stomp was one of them. It showed how perfectly controlled Lou could have certain emotions yet still have lapses of losing control. He was learning.
A little shiver swept through the limp form in his arms, urging Babo to pick up his pace. It was a slightly chillier night as they headed into October. Babo and most other dolls similar to him would barely notice due to their structure, but the PrettyDolls had some issues with getting cold or hot. Lou was a more sensitive case with the chip in his neck. As much as it was water proof, it was a little more sensitive to temperature, as much as Lou tried to deny it. His suit was not the thickest material out there (somehow stiff and silky), so Babo needed to get him to Ox and under blankets soon or risk their sickness-prone friend getting a cold or migraine from that dreaded chip.
It made Lou who he was and gave him the ability to function. Why did it have to cause so many issues? Why did it hurt him? While mechanics were not Babo's forte, he understood that he himself (along with any other doll) had no chip. Lou was hardwired to need it. A constraint. A mark of someone else once having been in control.
Babo shook his head as the doll stirred a little, almost as if he had sensed his thoughts and wanted to come closer. The grey doll complied, shifting him into more of a hug that was still considered a carry. It was a little awkward, but he needed the comfort and Lou needed the heat of his body.
No bad thoughts tonight. Tonight was about sleep.
A few minutes later, he arrived at Ox's doorstep and knocked quietly. Not long later, the door came open to a bleary eyed Ox rubbing at his eyes. When he saw Lou, he blinked awake.
"Delivery." Babo stated, earning a small chuckle from the green doll.
"He finally lost the battle with sleep, aye?"
"Out like a light. I figured I'd bring him here, so he wasn't alone when he woke up." They'd spent plenty of nights alternating who had Lou in their house because they didn't want the doll to wake up alone or he was having a bad week. That had stopped only because Mandy more often than not ended up sleeping beside Lou at night.
"Good call." Ox raised his arms. "I can take him."
"You sure?" It wasn't like Ox couldn't carry him, but Babo had no problem taking him the rest of the way.
"Yeah. I've got a bit of experience carryin' my brother around when he's went in ova' his head." He assured, arms remaining up. Seeing no room for argument and not really wanting to argue, he slid Lou into the safe arms of his older brother. (It didn't matter the fact that Lou was at least eight years older than him manufacturing wise. Ox was his older brother. Lou could disagree all he wanted.) The blonde easily slipped into place, Ox shifting him with practiced ease so Lou's forehead was against the side of his brother's head, one arm draped over the back of Ox's neck for unneeded support. "See? Perfect."
"I do see." Babo laughed quietly. "I'll leave you to it then. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Babo. Thank ya for bringin him."
"It's no problem. Wage called me while Moxy watched him."
Ox chuckled again. "I'll be sure to thank em, too. See ya tomorrow."
"See you."
The door shut as Babo walked away, back toward his house. He laughed a little to himself, not caring what he looked like from an outside view. The mental image of Lou asleep was ingrained in his mind. He whispered to himself as he moved up the porch steps to his house:
"What are we going to do with you, Baby Blue?"
With minimal difficulty, Ox managed to get Lou into a pair of pajamas that he owned specifically for his brother and tucked into bed. Once Lou was secured under warm blankets, Ox left only the light of a night light on and climbed up to sit beside him, running a hand over where his brother's chip resided. Still a little cool from the outside air, but nothing a bit longer in the warmth couldn't fix.
Lou stirred, shifting a little. Sapphire eyes blinked open halfway, gazing around confusedly. Ox had to stiffle a little laugh at the innocence of it, continuing to smile down at the blonde.
"Ox?" His voice was sleep slurred, his eyes wavering in their focus with the dim light.
"Yeah, it's me." He ran a hand over his hair. "Go back to sleep. Everything is fine. I promise. You'll understand in the morning. Night is the time for dolls to be asleep." Maybe hebwas talking like a parent would a child, but who cared? Nobody.
"So you should be, too." Lou muttered, but his eyes drifted close. A little laugh refused to be held back, bubbling quietly out of Ox's mouth as he settled against the pillows. Lou instantly shifted over to him, head pressed into his chest as Ox continued to trail a hand through his hair.
"I guess you're right, Baby Blue. I'll go to sleep if you do."
If the other doll heard him, he didn't respond, only pressing himself further into Ox's chest. Ox could only smile and shake his head, feeling like many others had done the exact same head movement in the last hour. Lou could do things to turn the heart inside out without knowing it. He smiled, hand continuing to act as an idle comb while he looked down at his best friend and brother.
"What are we going to do with you, Baby Blue?"
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Fair warning: Hurt/Comfort is my favorite story genre and I really love the angst element of it, so if you think this prompt isn't your cup of tea and don't want to write it, that's completely understandable and fine by me.
Prompt Idea: The factory imprisons and tries to recycle all the dolls present at the Institute and basically do a full reset/reboot of the doll machinery to pay for the costs the events of the movie caused and get rid of the ones responsible for them.
AKA the prompt inspired by what happened in what I believe is your story on Wattpad, with a few changes.
Even if the Uglydolls were a success, that doesn't change the fact that the factory didn't receive any heads up about their market release. They must not have had time to announce them or prepare an advertising campaign and it probably caused not only confusion in the public, but also a PR nightmare and various logistical problems for them.
Pair that up with the decrease in dolls' "life expectancy/expiration date" due to nobody training for survival in the Big World and we're off to a big catastrophe. No wonder the factory would take the reins back and want explanations.
Lou is the only one free and is trying to convince the heads/board of directors, in front of the other dolls, that the Uglies can bring back the money they lost and more if they're advertised as a new product line of the factory instead of being all destroyed.
This mollifies some but not the majority, including Greyson who just wants them all gone out of spite, so, with no more time to think of an alternative, Lou ends up offering himself for auction as a way to pay for all accumulated costs, his failures and garner good-will from the public. He also argues that since kids like the Uglydolls, there is no need to create more "perfect" prototypes, and the new mayor (Ox) can organize a schedule and delegate tasks to several dolls to teach the new ones about survival in the Big World without stopping them from seeing their kids.
When you think about it, Lou would be ridiculously expensive if he was sold. He's the first, the mold, the original doll in a famous doll line and, quite literally, there isn't another doll like him, he's unique. The movie even shows that his hair has a different texture from the other dolls.
And while I know that the writers probably put those sculpture and paintings of Lou in his mansion to show he's narcissistic and full of himself, I can't help but wonder who made them in the first place? I doubt Lou is a painter/sculptor, the robots much less, so how did those items ended up there if they serve no purpose in the house besides decor?
I headcannon that those items are some of the model 12's (aka Prettydolls) merch. The Prettydolls must be the most successful doll line in the company and Lou could very well be the face of the company, even in all Prettydolls related products in the Big World.
So one can imagine it'd be a big event if they announced that they intended to put up for auction the only prototype in existence of their most wanted product.
As for the reason why they're there, I dunno maybe his creator Greyson thought they would "keep Lou company" so he wouldn't be alone or maybe they're a reminder of the fruits of this whole operation (a doll for every kid) and what's at stake if he doesn't live up to the factory's expectations or makes mistakes.
You decide whether this act is a form of fixing his past mistakes and stopping the production of new prototypes or a way to end his suffering and to finally leave the Institute since he knows it'd be too risky to allow him to leave without deactivating and removing his chip and this is the only way for prototypes to escape their imprisonment besides recycling. Maybe a little of both?
The final nail in the coffin to have their full support is when he mentions to his creator, at this point the only one still against this idea, that even if he won't have access to his body, he'll have his chip/mind and can use it to his heart's content to find the catharsis he's looking for without anyone's interference, and that it's unknown for how long his body will last since he'll be lifeless, therefore unable to avoid messes on his own and the factory can always pinpoint his lower life expectancy/durability compared to the other dolls on him being a prototype.
In this situation, 1 of 2 scenarios would happen: Lou's body is bought by some rich collector and is kept in a case as a museum relic for the rest of his days, or is bought by a wealthy man as a present for his daughter/son and Lou's dream finally comes true without him being alive to experience it.
Again, you can decide which 1 suits more your fancy and the dolls' reactions to discovering there are people without morals powerful enough to end their existence with the press of a button and to Lou's act of sacrifice and him referring to himself as a mere tool that has outlived his purpose.
How they get to this point and if this is a Bad End or Good End/Lou is rescued story is also up to you.
I'm an irredeemable monster, I know! 😁
Btw I LOVE YOUR UGLYDOLLS FANFICTION, even if I'm still making my way down your catalog of stories. You and @natalie-the-writer are marveLOUs and fabuLOUs writers and I never expected to find such fantastic worldbuilding, original, unique and even fun concepts and overall quality since they are incredibly rare to come by in this fandom's fanfiction.
I've already privately messaged you regarding this ask. I just wanted to post it so everyone could see your amazing idea!
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xopinkdoll · 1 year
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pretty doll 🎀🎀 #doll #pink #obsessedwithpink #prettydoll
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h3ll0skitty · 2 hours
a pretty doll with a beating heart and real tears
#doll #prettydoll #myself #beauty #prettiestdoll
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helloimkatsu · 2 years
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Look at this little mushroom! It’s so cute! And even cuter with Katsu and her fit!
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teresadee1962 · 2 years
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She had a mark on her top lip right from when I got her a few year’s ago and I thought I wouldn’t be able to get it off but today I dared myself to just go over it gently with my Crystal nail file and it’s come off so I am mega happy, wish I had done it sooner now but I was scared to try in case I made it worse 😂
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trisstiz · 3 years
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Tomorrow morning this cute devil will be on my #etsy and for sale on DM 😈❤❤❤ My mom as cocreator of clothes, it's almost done, thank you ❤ #mhcustom #artdoll #cutedemon #monsterhigh #ooak #ooakartdoll #ooakdoll #trisstiz #doll #dollstagram #dollcolab #prettydoll #l4l #dollhibryd #dollgram #dollmakeup https://www.instagram.com/p/CPyMnudDs-3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dakotadustbunnies · 4 years
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A pretty doll from author Holly Hook, a YA & Fantasy author. Her books include Tempest, Thread and Spool, Inferno, the Cursed Academy Series and more. I looked at the covers and read some of the summaries on Goodreads. I have found more books for my TBR list!
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evestudiodolls · 5 years
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Our British cat mold also uses magnetic heads! 🤗 #britishcat #cutekitty #prettydoll #kawaiidoll #bjdpet #catdoll #artdoll #evestudiodolls https://www.instagram.com/p/BwuLFR4AwsW/?igshid=1s2w9y17o6r6r
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lousirs · 9 months
Kinda stupid nitpicky question but where do you think Mandy got her glasses? I mean if they are considered imperfect, why they wolud even be available.
I know that in the concept art there were like shops for “perfect” hats, drinks end even glasses. But in the movie that isn’t the case.
good point, and i was wondering the same thing lol.
my only guess is because she's implied to be a cosmetologist (or someone who deals with visual appearance-type stuff) that she would have them lying around? just as any other accessory (like bows and bracelets and whatnot). but then that begs the question on how they help her vision if they are just meant to be a visual accessory...
or i guess, similar to nolan, she could've just been created in that way (maybe there's a toy in the factory that wears glasses and they fell into the wrong machine i dont know) and after finding out glasses are 'imperfect' she hid it? but then that also begs the question on why she has an optician's eye chart in her house when, as she said "perfect dolls have perfect eyesight"...
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they should've just kept the shops... it would make a little more sense if the glasses were considered to be accessories rather than some 'imperfect' thing... but i don't know... the institute in the film kind of works with how empty it is imo, cause it reflects the hollowness of the institute's (and lou's) superficial ideals... but man. i do really love some of the concept art.
... actually, i just thought about something.
perhaps glasses weren't actually considered 'imperfect' from factory standards, but since lou had become more and more set on enforcing (his version of) perfection, he thought that anything out of the ordinary was considered imperfect? it would make sense, cause even if you are a little too short or a little too thin, lou considers you imperfect.
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ines-ka · 5 years
Doll eyes for Danish BJD assotiation(Danish BJD Enthusiasts DBE) #dolleyes #bjdeye #bjdgirl #bjddoll #bjdeyesforsale #bjdeyes #dollines #prettydoll https://www.instagram.com/p/B3_-KfEAV21/?igshid=fdsvf9bw49a7
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