#prevent heart attack
vedikrootsblog · 6 days
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bodyhub2023 · 2 years
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bitchfitch · 2 months
I'm documenting this so I don't lose it/forget it
9/10pm I went to the er for an IV fluids due to severe pots symptoms but the intake nurse saw 'anxiety' on my record and the note a previous doctor had made about me being extremely anxious (bc medical trauma) and my symptoms of limb numbness tachycardia chest pain and slurred speech to just be a bad anxiety attack exasperating preexisting issues despite my insistence thats never happened.
3/4am ish I had a heart attack
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There's a certain segment of leftists that believe that, without capitalism, everyone would be naturally motivated to build things safely and to code. They believe this because the only reason they can think of for having code officers and regulatory enforcement is to stop evil capitalists from cutting corners to make more money. And while that is a contributing factor some of the time, we don't actually live in an episode of Captain Planet and what actually happens is that the people designing the space go "ooh, this would be so much pretty if we designed it like this instead!" and it turns out that their prettier option is not ADA compliant, not NFPA compliant, and a energy-sucking ventilation nightmare.
I was actually just about to make a post along these lines. Like yes, corporations cutting corners to save money and foremen forcing people to work unsafely to be more productive are huge issues and the primary reason for labor laws. But also . . . have you ever tried getting a construction worker to wear a hard hat if safety isn't right there watching him?
Like, pretty much everyone will cut corners or ignore safety guidelines here and there, and not out of greed or maliciousness. It's just because it's faster and easier and it's really, really easy to think "oh I'll just do it real quick, it'll be fine". Or for over-confident people to think "I don't need to look up how to do this, I know how it works", or for someone to just plain be wrong about how they interpreted something. Or to use the wrong part for something because there's a 99% chance it'll be fine and getting the right part will cost a thousand dollars and won't be here for eight weeks.
Basically any system that just relies on humans always doing everything perfectly by the book just because that's the right way to do it is doomed to failure. THAT'S why we have regulatory agencies and require things like permits and inspections - to disincentivize people from taking those shortcuts. It's my biggest problem with a lot of leftist visions of the perfect society - they rely on people not acting like people anymore, and that's just never going to happen.
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drop--pop--candy · 26 days
super cool of my parents to talk abt medical stuff and money for upwards of ten minutes in the car after i was finally having a good day for the first time in a month. i'm not mad about that at all
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tj-crochets · 1 year
You should definitely tell people that you have blood pressure issues that make you passout if they're being angry, but if that doesn't work, you are under no obligation to tell random angry people the truth, tell them you have hear issues and your heart will give out if you don't sit when you need to.
Your safety is more important than honesty to random mean angry people.
Oh I absolutely do tell them when people are being jerks. I mean, most of the time, I just say I have heart issues and don't clarify if I have to say anything at all, but if they are being especially awful I'll launch onto a medical jargon-filled explanation while looking as like small and sad as possible. Like "sorry, I have ideopathic tachycardia and postural orthostatic hypotension, and the cerebral salt wasting syndrome makes it worse."
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theguest2 · 8 months
this site made my ocd worse and continues to make it worse, doesnt matter who i follow, what posts i block, how i spend my time here i just Know this site is just. straight up bad for ocd. half my ocd tics and intrusive thoughts are literally things from this site
ive known this but last night was really the clincher, i had to literally stop myself before a new ocd behavior developed BECAUSE OF TUMBLR, a place i try to go to look at images and chill out, and yet STILL will be zapped with the worsttttttt guilt tripping, nit-picking, scrupulous, "let me put the fear of god into you for a sec" type of posts. i have never felt such terrified fear of knowing my brain almost developed a new fucked up thing to torture me with and im so so glad i was able to direct it somewhere else and got over it
i dont want to leave, because really this is the ONE social site i use and i refuse to move anywhere else or take up discord. and really i just want to look at images and collect them. but is it worth it when im a fucking stressed mess bc ocd is ruining my life and this site is making is actively worse
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disasterhimbo · 2 years
Unfollow me if you’re unwilling to wear a mask to protect yourselves and others
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ladydeath-vanserra · 10 months
man I thought I had made it p clear that doing something you know I'm not gonna like and then not Saying something about it was lying by omission. I'm not gonna like it either way but I'd rather still know than get accidently blindsided by it and feel like it's something being Hidden from Me and done behind my back
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foster-the-moths · 2 years
Tumblr media
had a weird dream about a waterpark for cars built in the grand canyon. it was called the "Mansplain Manipulate Manwhore Water Slide Fun Park"
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omoghouls · 1 year
The hereditary cholesterol issued finally got be babes😔
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piplupod · 9 months
thinking too hard about my situation and ending up with heart pounding and inability to breathe yayyyy
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
Nothing more terrifying than a "motion detected" notification from a camera in your EMPTY apartment
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aedemoth · 1 year
Gets a diagnosis and starts medication, and starts feeling better than I have in years —> Writing more consistently than I ever have in my life!
Suddenly takes a turn for the worst like a month later —> aggressively starts writing even more out of spite
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wintermage · 1 year
the dentist/doctor split is so fucking infuriating sometimes like. went to the dentist a year ago to get A Freaking Hole In My Tooth checked out, dentist said it was an enamel defect that looked like a filling fell out. I’d never had a filling there in the first place, but was just glad it wasn’t decay, so I shrugged it off and started using an enamel repair mouthwash.
fast forward to more recently, had bloodwork done for a different issue and they found a vitamin d deficiency. which would, y’know, prevent my body from remineralizing my gotdamn teeth, among other issues. but it’s not like my dentist would think to order fucking bloodwork because blood ain’t teeth, and I wouldn’t think to ask my regular doctor about my teeth because she’s not The Teeth Doctor. so it all went on for way longer than it should have when a combination teeth/regular doctor could’ve figured it out real damn quick. ugh.
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sound-overlord · 1 year
not to be annoyed at ppl who are annoying but if a headline says 'a hundred million americans are exposed to HEART DISEASE bc of VACCINES' and then the subtitle is '2.8 % of ppl studied had elevated protein levels that are known to be heart disease risk factors' then the body of the text says 'we only looked at ppl with extremely stressful jobs' and you think covid vaccines are dangerous maybe you just cant fucking read
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