#prey. like hunting for dark magic components
imminent-danger-came · 5 months
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*cheers in chess master Ezran*
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paperanddice · 10 months
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Some of the greatest horrors the Abyss can spit out are the shemhazians. Each is unique, with component parts from bears, great cats, wolves, dinosaurs, hunting insects, and others, all arranged to be massively destructive. Claws, teeth, pincers, lashing tails, and many other natural weapons dot their bodies in a way that seems like it should be difficult to even move, but the creature makes the mass of limbs and blades work. They hunt other demons when other prey isn't available; even Balor tread carefully around a shemhazian, as a fight is not guaranteed to go in their favor. Perhaps more terrifying, despite their bestial appearance they are cunning planners, and actually have access to a great array of magical scrying, allowing them to scout out locations before launching an assault against identified weak points.
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Vrolikia are sometimes called death demons, as they are a terrifying embodiment of murder. Manifesting crystal blades that look like flame in each of their four hands, they strike with vicious precision and coordination. Their gaze steals life, and a strike from the stinger on their tail will tear at the mind, potentially even driving the target into a maddened frenzy against their own allies. The supernatural shadows that engulf them foil even magical light and the best senses, fouling up near strikes. Those who die to a vrolikia's blades or gaze are doomed to rise as undead the next midnight under the demon's control.
Inspired by the Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 2. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Shemhazian  Huge 11th level wrecker [demon]  Initiative: +15 Many Clawed Limbs +15 vs. AC (5 attacks) - 60 damage. Natural 16+: The target is also hampered (save ends). C: Paralyzing Gaze +15 vs. PD (one nearby enemy) - The target is dazed until the start of the shemhazian’s next turn. Natural 15+: The target is weakened instead of dazed. Natural 18+: The target is stunned instead of dazed or weakened. Quick Use: 1/turn, as a quick action, when the escalation die is even. [Special Trigger] Tail Strike +15 vs. PD (one nearby enemy) - 30 damage and the triggering movement is stopped. Limited Use: 1/turn, as an interrupt action when a nearby enemy moves without making a disengage check. Flight: The shemhazian’s flight is powered by magic, and can be disrupted by any effect that ends a spell. The shemhazian must use a standard action to restore its flight if disrupted. AC 27 PD 25 MD 21 HP 860
Vrolikia  Large 12th level wrecker [demon]  Initiative: +19 Black Flame Knife +19 vs. AC (4 attacks) - 20 damage plus 20 negative energy damage. Three or More Hits Against the Same Target: The target also takes 6d10 ongoing negative energy damage. Maddening Stinger +18 vs. AC - 30 damage. Natural 14+: The target also takes a -2 penalty to MD (save ends). Natural 18+: The target is also confused until the end of its next turn. Quick Use: 1/turn, as a quick action. Death Stealing Gaze: At the start of the vrolikia’s turn, each nearby enemy takes 3d10 negative energy damage. Cloaked in Shadows: The vrolikia is constantly cloaked in magical darkness. Enemies that attack it and roll a natural 1-5 are dazed until the end of their next turn. Flight. Resist Negative Energy 18+. AC 27 PD 26 MD 21 HP 680
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #158
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making the best blue dog in Chaldea since Cu Chulainn (And also the guy riding him) Avenger of Shinjuku! (If we really want to avoid spoilers, should we be calling them the Rider of Shinjuku?) As always with these servants, it’s hard to go into detail about who they are without spoiling stuff, so keep that in mind before going further.
Check out their build breakdown below the cut, or their character sheet over here!
Next up: Funny amogus reference!
Hessian Lobo are mostly a Shadow Sorcerer to summon a big scary dog and other magical nonsense we need stuffed into this spirit origin, but they also get a couple levels of Fighter, because the endgame levels of Sorcerer are bad, and you do hit things with a sharp stick from time to time.
Race and Background: You’re a Human, but you’re also a ghost that haunts a stretch of road, killing all you come across, so that makes you a Revenant as well. (I will tell you now, a lot of headaches would be solved if you just went with Halfling Revenant instead, but human’s still the most in-character.) This gives you +1 Strength, +1 Charisma, and +1 Constitution, as well as a Relentless Nature. This means you gain 1 HP each round if you’re bloodied, you can’t die permanently, and you always know the direction of your DM assigned goal. Once that goal is complete, you die instantly. Bit of a downside, but tbh D&D games take forever, you’ll barely notice.
In life you were a Soldier, and while that doesn’t fit the background of both members of your party, the Athletics and Intimidation training will come in handy.
Ability Scores: Make sure your Charisma is as high as possible, you are terrifying, and you know it. Strength is a close second, because heads are notoriously difficult to separate. After that is Constitution, not only are ghosts hard to kill, but you’re also invisible half the time, which makes things even harder Your Wisdom isn’t bad- you can tell where people are when it’s time to take heads, but you still don’t really have eyes. You don’t really get off your horse that much, so your Dexterity is pretty low, but we’re dumping Intelligence. One of you is literally brainless, and the other is an animal. You won’t be solving Sudokus any time soon.
Class Levels:
1. Fighter 1: Starting as a fighter nets you plenty of goodies, including extra HP and weapon proficiencies so you can use a real scythe. You also get proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Animal Handling to keep the king of Currumpaw under control and Perception. You can see without eyes, that’s pretty skillful.
You also get a Fighting Style, and if you really want to play D&D without a head the Blind Fighting style is a must, giving you blindsense in a 10′ radius around you.
You also get a Second Wind once per short rest as a bonus action which’ll heal you a bit. I guess that’s your oblivion correction.
2. Fighter 2: Second level fighters get an Action Surge, letting you take an extra action in a turn once per short rest. I hope you like it, because this is the only way you’ll be able to attack twice per turn for ages.
3. Sorcerer 1: While I wouldn’t call you a wizard, you do some wacky tricks that you can only really do in D&D with magic. Since these come from your being dead/unethical spirit origin mad science, I’d say a Shadow sorcerer is the closest thing in the rules books.
First level shadow sorcerers get Eyes of the Dark, giving you 120 feet of darkvision, which is really impressive for someone without eyes. You also get the Strength of the Grave, letting you make a Charisma save when you drop to 0 HP once per long rest. If you succeed, you drop to 1 HP instead. This doesn’t work on radiant damage or critical hits, but all that makes you more ghostly, so that’s probably fine.
You also get Spells that you can cast using your Charisma. Friends will help you work with your slobbery partner more easily, while True Strike and Sword Burst add a bit of flair to your weapon attacks. You also get the cantrip Mind Sliver to track down your prey.
For first level spells, Mage Armor will help out with riding around in a suit, and Expeditious Retreat makes you a bit harder to escape from. Both these spells can also be pretty useful for Lobo once he shows up.
4. Sorcerer 2: Second level sorcerers are a Font of Magic, which lets you turn spell slots into Sorcery Points and vice versa. You can only have a number of sorcery points equal to your sorcerer level at most, and they refill on long rests.
You also learn the Jump spell to help the King of Currumpaw get around the crowded streets of Shinjuku.
5. Sorcerer 3: At third level you get two Metamagic options to alter your spells. Subtle Spell lets you cast magic without somatic or verbal components- very useful when you don’t have a mouth. Twinned Spell will let you cast spells on two targets instead of one, which is great for making both you and your ride invisible.
Enlarge/Reduce might not seem that useful, but trust me you’ll love it in a bit.
6. Sorcerer 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump your Strength up a bit for stronger melee attacks.
The cantrip Message will help you get around that whole “no mouth” thing to talk to your party members, and your first bit of Invisibility will make sneaking up on your target a breeze.
7. Sorcerer 5: Fifth level sorcerers get Magical Guidance, using your sorcery points to re-roll failed ability checks. I’m not saying the Hessian is magically glued to his saddle or anything, but you never see him fall off, do you?
You also get third level spells, like Hold Person, which makes taking peoples’ heads off so much easier.
8. Sorcerer 6: As a sixth level sorcerer, you finally get your Hound of Ill Omen. Using three sorcery points, you can summon a hound as a bonus action, targeting a creature within 120 feet of you. It’s mostly a Dire Wolf, with a few changes:
It’s medium, not large, and a monstrosity, not a beast.
It gets temporary HP equal to half your sorcerer level.
It can move through solid objects as if it was difficult terrain, taking 5 force damage if it ends a turn in something.
The hound automatically knows the location of the target at the start of each turn.
On top of all that, it can only move towards the target, and can only use its action to attack the target. Also, the target gets disadvantage on saves against your spell while within melee range of the hound. The hound disappears after it or the target hits 0 HP, or after 5 minutes.
The big problem here is the size; you’ll either have to use Enlarge/Reduce to ride it, or just Be a Halfling.
Either way, you can also use Haste to double a creature’s movement speed, give them an extra action each turn, and boost their AC and dexterity saves. The creature also has to take a turn to rest after the spell ends, but that’s probably fine.
9. Sorcerer 7: Seventh level sorcerers get fourth level spells, like Dominate Beast. I know I just said Lobo technically isn’t a beast, but it’s the thought that counts.
10. Sorcerer 8: Now that you have a mount, we can get Mounted Combatant, giving you advantage on attacks against creatures smaller than your mount, and they get evasion. You can also force attacks that hit them to you instead. Don’t do that though, you’re a sorcerer, and Lobo can be rebuilt on a bonus action.
You can also Charm Monster this level, which comes with the added benefit of actually working on your wolf.
11. Sorcerer 9: Ninth level sorcerers get fourth level spells, like Greater Invisibility, which lets one target become invisible for the duration regardless of how many heads they take off.
12. Sorcerer 10: Tenth level sorcerers get another Metamagic option, like Extended Spell. A lot of your spells are buffs, and it would be awkward for that invisibility to drop when you’re halfway through a hunt.
You also learn Minor Illusion, because I couldn’t really come up with a sixth cantrip to give you but now you can make your cape look cooler, and Hold Monster. Just ask Sanson, a disappointingly small number of the things you fight are actually human.
13. Sorcerer 11: For your fifth level spell, Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise both makes you scarier and makes you a stronger fighter, making you immune to Fire and Poison damage as well as the poisoned condition. You also get +2 to your AC, gain a flying speed, and you can attack with your weapon twice per action, using your charisma instead of strength, and it counts as magical damage.
14. Sorcerer 12: Speaking of, let’s bump your Charisma up a bit for stronger Strength of the Grave saves and better magic.
15. Sorcerer 13: Lobo is now so fast you can Teleport as an action, moving you and up to eight willing creatures to a destination on your plane of existence. There’s a slight chance for failure that goes up the less familiar you are with the destination, but that’s probably fine.
16. Sorcerer 14: At fourteenth level, shadow sorcerers can Shadow Walk, letting you teleport between areas of dim light or darkness within 120 feet of each other as a bonus action.
17. Sorcerer 15: Your seventh level spell, Dominate Monster, finally lets you put Lobo fully under your control. He might not like it, but he’s only alive for five minutes at a time anyway.
18. Sorcerer 16: Use your last ASI to max out your Charisma for the toughest saves, strongest spells, and strongest attacks while using your Otherworldly Guise.
19. Sorcerer 17: Speaking of strong spells, you can now use your Blade of Disaster to cause disaster for anyone banking on an intact neck. You can create a magical blade that deals two attacks per bonus action, dealing 4d12 force damage on an attack. On a critical hit, the damage is tripled instead of doubled, and it crits on 18s or higher. Also, it can pass through anything, including a Wall of Force.
To make that even scarier, you can cast it as an Empowered Spell, letting you reroll up to five damage dice each attack.
20. Sorcerer 18: Your capstone level gives you an Umbral Form, letting you use a bonus action to become a shadow that can move through physical objects and has resistance on all damage besides force and radiant for a minute. You take 5 force damage if you end a turn inside an object.
This is especially useful given the fact that you have a ride that can only go forward, and already moves through objects itself.
Once you lock onto a target, it’s really hard to shake you. With a hasted dire wolf, you can go 100 feet per round, you’ll always take the shortest route possible, and they literally can’t hide from you.
Two levels of fighter on any sort of caster is very useful, thanks to your action surge giving you an even better version of Quickened Casting.
Mounted Combatant is a nice enough feat, but it doesn’t do too much to help out here since a lot of your spells aren’t really attacks. That is until you realize Blade of Disaster makes melee attacks, and Mounted Combatant doesn’t specify it only works on weapon attacks. This means you can make all those attacks with advantage, further increasing your odds of getting enormous crits with each swing.
The reason that great combo above doesn’t quite work is simple, though: You need your concentration focused on keeping your mount around at all, since without Enlarge/Reduce you’re stuck with a medium sized wolf. That also means you can’t haste the wolf and ride it. Or turn it invisible. Or even charm it.
The biggest problem here is Flavor. You can either do all the cool things Hessian Lobo does, or you can ride the wolf. These are mutually exclusive, unless you A) are a halfling, B) have a cool DM, or C) just invest in a horse.
Despite being a frontline fighter, all those levels of sorcerer make you incredibly Squishy. With a low AC and low HP, you’ll have a hard time sticking around without your invisibility. Normally this would be made up for thanks to your mount keeping you out of trouble, but your wolf only knows how to run even further into danger.
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oxenfurt-archives · 3 years
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True dragons are the ultimate monsters; we are both fascinated and terrified by them. They are at least as intelligent as humans and large, strong, and fast enough to be virtually unkillable. They are often not hunted by witchers, as they are sapient creatures who usually prefer to remain isolated from humanity, but there are a host of dragon-like monsters, the draconids. Cockatrice, wyverns, and basilisks have many dragon-like features but are not classified as true dragons, and thus are often hunted by Witchers. They do have many characteristics in common though. For one thing, the draconid monsters are almost all winged and attack their prey from the sky whenever possible, much like true dragons. Some are large enough to carry off prey as large as sheep and cows. Secondarily, draconids are marked by the number of natural weapons they can bring to bear. They usually have sharp claws, taloned feet, gnashing jaws, and whipping tails. Some can attack with razor-sharp beaks in a way so accurate that their victims bleed to death in moments. Much like green dragons, many draconids have some form of poison in their barbed tails or venomous fangs. Similar to their true dragon superiors, some draconids spit fire, and these are the most treacherous. Common people assume that any large, scaly, flying creature preying on people and sheep is a dragon; and to be honest, for them it might as well be. Witchers know the difference well. They know that contrary to popular belief, none of these draconids can petrify with their gaze, and none of them have treasures like true dragons. Draconids tend to live in dark, damp places where they wait to ambush passing creatures, and most patrol their territory, killing anything that enters. Fortunately, almost all the draconids appear to be relatively solitary and at the most you may find them in pairs. However, you should keep in mind that they are notably even more fierce when nesting. If you spy a draconid’s nest, you likely are beyond help. Your best option is to flee as quickly as possible and hope that the draconid whose territory you have wandered into is currently off hunting someone even less fortunate than yourself. Belief is that dragons and draconids were common before human colonists arrived; however, it is true that they are extremely rare now. Perhaps there is some truth to the tales of human and dwarven dragon hunters. The Crinfrid Reavers are the best-known dragon killers, claiming to have killed all the forktails and dracolizards in Redania, as well as four true dragons. It is a very dangerous business, but potentially quite lucrative. Dragons can be harvested for alchemical and magical components as valuable as they are rare. Some people take terrible risks for money. I’ve heard that some druids and mages can tame draconids and are now working to preserve them, but they probably aren’t going to have a whole lot of support from the common people for whom draconids are still the stuff of nightmares.
Brandon of Oxenfurt
The Witcher Lore (168/∞)
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walker-journal · 3 years
Bellyflop into the Abyss (Dave, Mina, Adam- POTW)
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Characters: Adam Walker (Hunter-Tapir), Wilhelmina Fitzroy (Nix-Virginia), David Herring (Selkie-Immo)
Summary: Seeking ways to combat the rifts opening across White Crest, Adam and Mina meet with Dave and dive into the sea of a Demon Dimension in search of answers
Content Warnings: Head Trauma, Parental Death mention, Gun Use 
Adam’s shoes sloshed on the partially flooded floor of the empty convention center, beckoning for Mina to follow. Deluges of water expelled from the dimensional rift in the Common had begun to create pools of standing water around White Crest’s greenspace, gradually rising and spreading to the ground floors of nearby buildings. 
“So I’ve set up a meeting with another hunter who's been fighting underwater monsters for a long tide,” Adam explained as he waded through the strangely colored waters from another world towards a staircase. “Before the portal opens we’ll probably want any advice we can get y’know?”
The water was high enough that Mina had simply taken off her shoes and left them in her car before she and Adam had made it to the common. It wasn’t like there was anything in the water that could hurt her before the water itself healed her. She couldn’t afford to ruin or lose another pair of shoes, seeing as how she… kept ruining and losing her shoes. She’d been sleeping (in the loosest sense of the word) in the woods more and more, and that was more detrimental to her footwear than she’d imagined. 
“That works for me,” Mina said, nodding as she looked around in the water, watching out for creatures that might pop out. Mina agreed to this because she couldn’t not. She wanted to help people. She wanted to protect people. She wanted to feel useful. “What, exactly, are we looking for in the portal? Just a way to close it, right?”
Of course all hell had broken loose while Dave had been locked up in Rio’s scribary. If he hadn’t already been in a piss poor mood thanks to the lancing pain where his arm was healing, one of the hell dimensions looked like it might even be fun. But with a firm warning from the doctor that he could lose the rest of the functionality in his arm if he didn’t let it heal, Dave knew better than seeking out new hunts in new waters while under the weather. When Adam had approached him with ideas for a frogman mission, the best he could offer was the equipment to keep anyone else from drowning. 
Dave had set up his gear on the roof, considering the rumours of how high the tide would come in, and it kept him out of sight of wandering eyes. His pelt was carefully folded to the side, constantly in sight. Just in case it was needed, considering how much faster. It was a sign of trust that might well go right over the young hunter’s head, but Dave didn’t mind that so much. 
At the vibrations of footsteps heading up the water-soaked stairs, Dave turned to the emergency exit door he’d wedged open. He raised his less injured arm to greet Adam, but his features dropped into a frown as a second figure followed him through. Fuck. Mina. The last time he’d seen her, he’d nearly crushed the life out of her. Dave took a step away from the gear behind him, hoping that having one arm in a loose wrist sling would make him look less threatening. “Hey.” He said gruffly, his tone contrite. “Not gonna hurt you again. I was sick. I’m sorry.” Better to get that out of the way before she freaked out. 
“Yeah some clue to what caused it to open, maybe what’ll close it,” Adam continued as they walked into the room, the Hunter’s shoe’s squelching from the trip through the sudden bottom floor. 
“Yo! Professor Porpoise! This is Mina and she…” 
Adam paused midsentence, brown eyes flicking between Mina and an apparently contrition-struck Dave. 
Aw shit, bad blood with the Scuba Hunters. Adam swallowed and looked over his shoulder at Mina, wondering if he just walked her into a meeting with her mom’s sealy exboyfriend who ruined the Atlantis family through bad self-care or something. 
“Alright, good,” Mina said, structuring everything into mission objectives in her head as she followed Adam up to the roof. “Find out what’s happening, make it stop, keep the Commons from becoming the next Dark Score Lake. Sounds--” She stopped in her tracks when she saw Dave, though.
Mina’s first thought was to make sure that Adam knew the danger and then get them both out of there, as against the idea as the other hunter might be. But Dave… wasn’t attempting to hurt either of them. She let her eyes scan over the selkie, taking in his posture, his facial expressions, his arm in a sling. And his words were confirmation of what she’d thought, that something had been wrong. (She still remembered his words, how he’d thought she was a monster, how he’d broken her like it was nothing.) 
“Hi,” Mina said, her tone cautious, but there was relief there, too. She’d been right when she thought that something was wrong. And, besides, there was no one to stop her for forgiving him. He’d been sick. Something in him had seen her as a threat, as prey. Something had been wrong. She couldn’t fault him for that. He’d been kind to her, before, and she could see proof of that man standing before her. “I thought-- I thought something was wrong with you, then.” She cleared her throat. “So, ah, Professor Porpoise, was it?” She felt strange joking, still a little on edge, but she was trying. “I take it you’re our equipment expert, then?”
The air saturated with a pregnant pause as Mina weighed him up. Dave waited, quietly, for her reaction. He nodded in confirmation, gesturing to the slowly healing bite on his injured arm. Too slowly. Every bad incident was taking too long, and even with the infection cleaned out of his system and the rest he was careful to give it now, the joint of his elbow wouldn’t be the same. And then the moment passed as she repeated Walker’s newest nickname for him.
“Not sure if that’s better or worse than what I was being called before,” Dave eventually settled on gruffly, without a lick of heat to it, there was even a twitch of a smile. It was a good nickname, all things considered. He did love word play, even if he was considering finding some land mammal comparisons for the two of them.
“Something like that.” He looked over Adam and Mina’s gear with a critical eye. Mina wouldn’t need scuba gear, so her wet suit would have to do, and Adam’s scuba gear was recognisably combat oriented, with a rebreather, but limited. “Looks like you won’t be needing any knives between the pair of you. Take your pick of the rest of this. We’ll start with these,” Dave said, with small boards that could be clipped onto wetsuits, each featuring a clock, underwater compass, diver’s white board and small computer with depth sensors and tracking devices. “At the very least it should help the pair of you find each other if you get seperated, and if the portal plays nice with the comms, should help you get back here too. This,” Dave gestured to a streamlined black propellor with handles, “will let you,” Dave pointed to Adam, “keep up with you,” this to Mina, “and get away from some of the gnarly things in there. Pretty damn quiet, never had anyone have an issue with it that they wouldn’t have had without it.”
“As for what weapons you’ll need,” Dave gestured at a few options of underwater pistols, rifles, bangsticks and explosives, “it’s really gonna depend on how much time you want to spend killing things while in there. Firearms and bangsticks are a good call for merms, grindys and dievalves, but a bootstrap worm washed up here this last night. If you catch a hint of those, the better call is to swim away.” Dave rubbed his jaw. “The deeper you go, the weirder shit gets. Don’t go too deep.”
Adam knelt besides the black propeller and squinted at it. “This’ll be interesting.” It really hadn’t occurred to him yet that down in the depths he’d be the slow one. It was a weird feeling being the liability here. “Aww sweet bangsticks,” the Hunter looked at the explosives with affectionate reassurance, as if being able to blow things up made the prospect of diving into a alien world less unsure. 
“How deep are you comfortable with going Mina?” 
Taking one of the small boards Dave offered, Mina clipped it to her suit, checking to make sure that all of the components were working. Everything appeared to be in working order, though it wasn’t like she knew how to work half of the devices on it. She probably wouldn’t need to. Before, she might have been interested, might have wanted to know how all of the different parts worked so that she could explain them to Bex in a way that made this seem less like a life or death situation and more interesting, like a learning experience. Now, she just wanted to do her duty and exhaust herself and try to sleep.
Grabbing a few bangsticks, Mina looked at the firearms and decided against them. She was a terrible shot. She could only imagine that it’d be worse underwater. She looked at Adam. She was so tired but determined. “However deep it takes. We’re looking for something, right? We stay down until we find it.” She looked at his equipment.” Or until you run out of air.”
“Just keep factoring in decompression time the deeper you go. Hunter healing only accounts for so much,” Dave replied grimly. “Tide washes in through the portal for three hours and thirteen minutes each day, try not to miss getting back.” He had no doubt Adam knew the limits of the equipment he used like the back of his hand, but he also knew how hunters could get around their own bodies. He’d learned that first hand. There were a dozen more likely ways either of them could die, but the bends was a shitty way to go. 
“If you’re within three to four hundred feet of the portal, I might be able to help if something goes wrong.” Dave held out a small ziplock bag with a slime covered mother of Pearl, handing it to Adam. Best not to ask what the slime was. “Spellcaster magic. You swallow it and it’ll put a few minutes oxygen in your blood. Hurts like hell and I only have the one.” A payment for the kind of job that had left Dave feeling like it’d be better if he could peel off his human skin too. If they were deep enough, that Pearl wouldn’t matter if some monster punctured Adam’s gear. If they were far enough, his pelt wouldn’t either. He looked from one to the other, determined, young faces, and hated what had bitten him just a little more. 
“Three hours huh,” Adam repeated. It wasn't exactly a big window considering how broad their objective was here. They’d both have to economize their time in the portal, but Adam doubted splitting up would be a good idea in a Hell Dimension. The Hunter frowned at the puzzle, trying process what Mina and Dave were saying while trying to get a firm vision of what needed to be done. 
The sheer impossibility of his calling, of holding back entire universes from encroaching on Earth, was crushing in its weight. The inevitability of everything being swallowed up in the Hells,  how frail and tiny we all were in the grand scheme of things, yawned in the back of Adam’s mind. Not for the first time, Adam Walker secretly wished he’d never been shown the truth, that he could just be playing ball, blissfully unaware of how precariously Earth teetered to a vast uncaring abyss. 
So Adam did what he always did when the cosmic insignificance got a little too real: He grinned and played the fool. It felt good, comfortable. It was the only way he could stay sane sometimes. 
“Aw sweet! Sea witch jizz!” Adam guffawed and poked the bag experimentally. The fraternity boy  let his mind drift away from the fact that he was about to plunge into an alien universe full of hazards humanity had never evolved to face, away from the inevitability that he’d keep doing this again and again until one day he didn’t come back. No one would ever know how, or where he died, or that it’d been for their sakes. Just like Dad. 
It felt good to be funny, everything was fine if he made it funny. 
“We’re looking for like...something to close the rift,” Adam replied to Mina with a confident nod and smile. When others were struggling you needed to be strong for them. A lifetime of athletics, drills, and just generally being an extrovert had acquainted Adam with the self-fulfilling nature of confidence, that lie you wore outwardly until it became real inwardly. “Like I dunno ..an off switch?” He shrugged nonchalantly. “We’ll figure it out y’know? But yeah def’ no going till we run outta air, I want to make it to date night with Nell.”
It was a cheerful lie of course. Adam never scheduled anything after Hunts. Surviving was a privilege not an assumption. 
Mina couldn’t help but snort a little bit at Adam’s comment before she turned back to the task at hand. It was good. It was funny. It was nice to laugh. But they had work to do. She just wanted to do something good. Maybe this was her proving herself to herself. She wanted to prove that she could protect people. She wanted to prove that so much that it ached like a bruise. And maybe no one else would know but the three of them, but she didn’t care. She needed this.
“Okay, then we go only long enough to where we can make it back before the portal closes from no matter where we are with… at least ten minutes to spare. In case something goes wrong.” Mina set a timer on her board that she’d start as soon as she went in. She shot Adam a warning look, one laced with fondness. “And you, don’t pull out any short of heroics if things start falling apart within the last minute, alright? Of the two of us, I can survive if I get stuck in there.” Probably. “So you’re getting out first.”
She almost made him promise, but she didn’t want him to get hurt worse if he did try and pull something.
Looking back at Dave, Mina added, “Please get him out first if something goes wrong.” She shot Adam a smile. It was almost genuine. “Nell would have my head if you missed date night, after all.” But she went over the objectives: go in, find an off switch, whatever that meant, and get out. Whatever destruction was caused along the way would be dealt with as it came. 
Even Dave’s lips quirked as he rolled his eyes at Adam’s antics, good-naturedly grumpy at the way his gift was being treated. In the face of… extraordinarily fucked bullshit, what else was there other than to laugh in the face of it. Adam had done this on the catfish hunt too. Even if his confidence in finding a magical off switch was a little too much even for Dave. Learning anything from the portal would be a win, even if it was somewhere to rig explosive or steel guards to stop some of the monsters coming through. But Dave knew he was too cynical and too old, and dampening that hope was a dick move. Hell, it wasn’t even his mission. The more the two of them got ready to go, the more Dave itched to ditch the sling and the constricting human clothes, fit in his better skin and be more fucking useful than playing a discount Q in this Mission Impossible. 
The information that Adam was dating the dimension breaking spellcaster barely had a second to set in before Mina was giving Dave instructions on who to save. Enhanced healing or not, Adam was the fragile one here. And the one Dave knew better. But it wasn’t a promise he could keep. In the dark, deep water, it wasn’t a question of choosing, it was a question of who he reached first. He couldn’t distinguish between two swimming human sized forms until he was too close to change his mind. He nodded curtly. “Let’s not let it get that close,” was all he said. 
He looked out to the portal, a icy chill spilling down his spine. That was the creeping dread of being somewhere he’d been before. Dave always got older, but no hunter aged with him for long. It still felt wrong to send folks who had barely touched adulthood into those unknown depths. What he wouldn’t give right now to be diving with them rather than sending them off without him. The first splash of water bubbled over the edge, spilling a clump of algae onto the ground. “It’s time. Try not to get eaten this time around,” Dave teased wryly.
Adam hadn’t been raised with any notions of male disposability, where the loss of a woman was somehow more emotionally significant then that of a man, thus obligating him to assume Mina’s life had more gendered importance then his own. Like most Hunter families, the Walkers didn’t see the gender of their children as relevant when training humanity’s protectors, and Adam fought alongside his sisters, aunts, and fem-cousins without any assumptions that he’d need to do a square-jawed Hollywood leading man sacrifice for their sake. 
Nevertheless Mina’s insistence that he go out first and not try any heroics still bit at Adam in a way that had nothing to do with chivalry. It gnawed at him even as he smiled and nodded noncommittally at her good-natured implorement.  
Why? Did he feel inadequate being the weak one here? Maybe? How’d that make sense though? He’d asked Mina to accompany him for exactly this reason. This was her speciality and everything she’d just said made logical sense. The tactical part of Adam’s brain had accepted that and already moved on. 
Then...why had it tilted him so much? 
Dave’s gentle ribbing and announcement of the portal opening came as a relief of sorts from the unwelcome thoughts sneaking their way into Adam’s head. Adam drew in a deep breath and let out a long exhale, broad shoulders rising and falling as the athlete put himself in the zone. This was the good part, that high you got right before the game started where everything started to make a simple violent sense. Adrenaline began to transmute anxiety in a peaked awareness of his own body and surroundings, climbing in euphoric intensity as Adam looked out the window to see a churning whirlpool pour open into thin air above the Common greens. 
Adrenaline and Adam were old friends. It was the only drug he’d ever needed. 
“Fuck yeah!” The Hunter grinned. “Nah don’t worry Professor Porpoise being swallowed is actually like...way more horrible than it looks in the movies, easy one outta ten won’t repeat. C’mon Mina! Let’s get flushed by the universe!” 
Adam had begun the boot camp hustle down the stairs, laden with equipment, when he turned back to look up at his pelagic benefactor. 
“Hey Dave,  thanks man, like seriously,  I owe you man this wouldn't be possible with you.”  
“Flushed by the universe,” Mina said quietly as she followed after Adam, webbing already forming itself between her fingers. Scales formed on her arms, on her legs where the wetsuit ended on her calves. Her gills opened on her neck, ready to take in water. “Might as well be flushed by the universe, I suppose.” At this point, why not?
She followed at a more controlled pace than Adam, but Mina was practically buzzing with adrenaline, with energy. She was ready. She was so tired, but she was ready. Her body may have not been made for hunting, but it had been trained for it, and there was nothing she was more prepared for than this. For once, she would be the one with the speed, the healing, the capabilities. She was ready.
Looking back at Dave, Mina gave him a wary smile and said, “Who knows? This could go quicker than we think. We could be in and out of this within fifteen minutes.” Nevermind that neither of them knew how to close the portal, nor did they know what would happen when it closed. She was just hoping they didn’t get stuck in there. 
Don’t thank me, Dave wanted to say. The weight of their debts, in Dave’s mind, was stacked in Adam’s favour. His life had hinged on Adam’s decisions plenty of times already. But he knew it might be the last time Adam got to say. The last time Mina would stand on firm soil, maybe. His heart twinged, and Dave quieted it. “I expect anything that doesn’t get used up back at the end of this,” he said instead, his voice so hard it could have been mistaken for brittle. 
“Wouldn’t that be something,” Dave replied to Mina with a raised eyebrow, then shrugged. “I’ll be here, waiting for as long as it takes. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.” The third wave spilled over the portal into  the common, and a young, small karkinoid lay in the grass on its back, wriggling as it tried to right itself again. A few days of this had left everyone evacuated from outside the flood zone with cordons keeping people away, but denial was a powerful drug, and a couple people were straying a little close. Dave sat on the roof, peering into the portal. He started his timer. Don’t die, was what he’d wanted to say.
Adam looked up at the portal churning a few feet above the green, trying to hold his ground as strangely water burst out of thin air as if reality were a dike that’d busted a whole. Doubts snuck their way into the Hunter’s brain as another water nearly knocked him off his feet. 
So Adam decided to spit in fear’s face and defdefiantlyinately turned his back on the portal and gave Mina a thumbs up.  
“See you in Atlantis Fitzroy,” he assured before jumping into the spatial tear backwards like it was a water park slide. 
Then Adam’s body was being torn apart, for hours and just moments he was shredded down to the molecules in a space between spaces. He was completely conscious yet also obliterated. 
So it took Adam a bit too realize he was now screaming and flailing like a dumbass in the deep. 
There was no up or down, no sky, shore, or trench bottom. Adam squinted through the beam of his diving lantern light at an ecosystem that was entirely marine, a universe of endless water where his own branch of evolution had never taken place. He was just thankful that whatever otherworldly rules of water pressure existed here hadn’t crushed him immediately. 
Stars didn’t exist here, but there was no shortage of light. Immense islands of bioluminescent coral drifted in the deep. Rainbows of biological light permeated through water from three-dimensional reefs ranging from glowing boulders to entire archipelagos of riotously colored polyps and anemones on the aqueous horizon. Adam glimpsed drifting forests of alien kelp, their slimy shadows hiding arboreal ecosystems of flowering growth and predation the naturalists of Earth could scarcely imagine. Currents of cold rippled through the water occasionally from submerged icebergs that had been hollowed out with caverns by the locals. Warmer currents were thick with shining heavenly cloudscapes that turned out to be bizarre forms of jellyfish on closer inspection. Some of the extraterrestrial Medusozoa shimmered with their own electrical charge, lighting arching within the colossal jellyfish flows like tentacled storm-clouds. 
At first Adam thought he was in some kind of underwater aurora from all the waves of color shimmering around him. But as the Hunter’s eyes adjusted he realized there were actually tiny plankton-like creatures all around him, their bodies fluctuating together through spectrums of bioluminescent color as if it were some kind of eusocial communication. 
“Hey...Mina,” Adam tried the coms as he looked around. “Can you hear me?” 
Unlike Adam, Mina wanted to see exactly what it was that they were flinging themselves into. Even after Adam jumped in, she stayed back and stared, her heart beating rapidly. But she steeled her resolve and gave a nod to Dave before she dove in, hoping to have some sort of control over her descent.
No such thing. The moment Mina hit the water, she was in a current that even she couldn’t fight off. She tumbled through the water, moving so fast that it took the oxygen from her lungs even when it was supposed to be filtered in. She was disoriented and confused, but she adjusted. She was back in the headspace she’d held for twenty-something years, and that meant to be prepared for less than ideal situations. That meant being able to adjust to a world that was only water, and light came in a multitude of colors that took even her eyes a bit to adjust too, and that meant an immediate catalogue of her surroundings and person.
She hadn’t lost any of her gear, though it wasn’t like she had much in the first place. Adam was nearby, looking disoriented as he adjusted himself to wherever it was that the portal spit them out. Looking around, Mina couldn’t help but be slightly in awe of how beautiful it was. A world of endless water, no sign of the surface. She wondered if this was what the bottom of the ocean looked like. She wondered if it was better. But those weren’t the kind of thoughts she needed to have. She needed to focus. They had a mission.
Hearing Adam’s voice in her ear, Mina looked over to the other hunter. There wasn’t really anyway for her to talk back to him since she wasn’t wearing a mouthpiece, and it was likely that the sound of her voice would get lost underwater, but she gave him a thumbs up. Yes, she could hear them. Hopefully, they would have no trouble communicating back and forth with gestures. 
Adam looked over the expanse of luminous plankton aurora, reef islands, and kelp forests. It was an entire universe of monster-infested haystack to search for a needle that might not even exist. 
Adam felt the constriction of despairing panic at this impossible task grip his gut. But the Hunter took deep breaths that sounded thunderous in the diving mask. 
Focus. The town is in danger. No second thoughts. Focus. 
Ironically, the gift that made Adam valuable, the ability to sense any kind of supernatural creature was useless here. Every lifeform here was supernatural and the water was absolutely saturated with alien varieties of kelp and plankton. It was just dull static in the back of his head from so many Hunter vibes.
Kay, so the lead wouldn’t come from him. That meant…
“Hey Mina,” Adam began swimming down to her, leaving a small stream of bubbles in his wave. “We are looking for something that like...vibrates or gives off vibes similar to the portal.” Adam jerked a thumb back at the churning whirlpool in the distance that’d flung them into this universe. “Any chance you might feel a pull or like some vibrations in the water,” he asked, wishing they’d had time for Dave to give a course refresher on that particular bit of Aquaman wisdom. “It doesn’t matter how small it is,” he answered, “anything that tugs at your instincts.” 
Mina’s eyes were designed to see in water, even without the aid of the luminous sea life around them. She could see the look on Adam’s face as he got closer, the look of being impossibly overwhelmed. She recognized it. She saw it in a mirror almost every time she looked. But they didn’t have time to be overwhelmed. Every minute that they were in the portal counted and had to be utilized to finding what it was that they were looking for. 
She could feel vibrations, certainly, but Mina wondered if it was vibrations that she needed to be sensing at all. This was a supernatural artifact, something similar to the portal. A portal that opened up and let monsters loose. There had to be something about it that drew creatures to it, which meant, at least to her, that the key, whatever it might be, was something similar. It drew supernaturals to it. She would prefer if it was some sort of deterrent, but she couldn’t see that being the case. So she wasn’t trying to listen, to sense the key itself. She was headed towards something big. Something major.
There was a lot going on in one direction. She looked at the compass on her board. West. There was a lot of activity to the west. She pointed in that direction, hoping that she was right. If nothing else, they were in for an interesting time. There was something big down there.
Adam nodded and twisted the knob on the black water scooter that Dave had provided. The propeller churned to life and Adam felt a kinetic lurch as he surged forward through the water. Damn this thing had kick. 
Silver light illuminated the deep growing brighter and brighter as they drew closer. Passing through another kelp forest, the Hunter pushed fronds out the way to see an incandescent sphere on the horizon. At first Adam had the crazy thought that it might be a submerged moon or even a star. Demon dimensions didn’t play by the same rules of physics as Earth after all. 
But as they drew closer that ‘moon’ turned out to be an enormous pearl the width of a football stadium. It was nestled within an even larger clam, whose open ridged shell towered higher than most Earthen skyscrapers. The great pearl shone with its own inner light, casting the surrounding seas in a brilliant argent hues as if Mina and Adam were swimming through molten silver. 
“Damn, got any vibes what we are looking for here,” Adam asked before seeing some scaffolding at the bottom of the pearl. Altars and tents made of seaweed formed a camp on the fleshy surface of the giant oyster’s interior. “Looks like the pearl has...uh ..worshippers?”
Keeping up with Adam’s water scooter was surprisingly easy; Mina never really knew how fast she swam. There was no one for her to race against, and she’d never utilized what she was for a hunt before. Being a nix and being a hunter had never correlated before. She was kind of glad to be useful for what she was, for this aspect of her life. 
The Pearl was mesmerizing. Mina almost couldn’t look away from it. She looked at her hands, at the way the silver of her scales reflected in the silver of the pearl’s light, and she thought that she probably belonged in a place like this more than she did somewhere like White Crest. She could just… stay, make sure Adam got out with the key and closed the portal for good. Wouldn’t that be better for her? Wouldn’t she belong here? 
Mina shook those thoughts away. Mission. They had a mission. And she still had a home and a life and people, even if she was distancing herself from people. More than that, she was there to do her job. That was what mattered. The job. 
The pearl was definitely an epicenter of sorts for activity. Clearly, whatever intelligent life forms loved in this world had made the surrounding areas into some sort of temple. But there was no one around them, and that worried Mina they needed to be looking for a lot of life, and this place almost seemed abandoned. 
Mina pointed again. Further. They needed to keep swimming. 
“Careful,” murmured Adam as pressure suddenly began to build in the back of the Hunter’s head. “I’m getting like ...huge vibes here.” 
The shape that first emerged from the murk appeared to be a tampa drill shell the size of an aircraft carrier, it’s ridged spire bearing spiraling designs that evoked a language Adam didn't understand. However its contours were a bit too smooth, with walkways and portholes grown into the structure of itself that no snail or oyster would ever need. It was then that Adam realized that this wasn’t the cast-off shell of a marine animal, but rather a submarine vessel that’d been grown by intelligent beings. 
More of these massive organic submarines of calcium carbonate and chiten became visible as the divers pressed forward. Some types of shells were recognizable, while other ships were crafted from strange nautiloids and even submarines that appeared to be immense plants or a few titanic demonic fish that seemed perfectly alive despite the crew of lesser demons working inside their hollowed flesh. All the marvels of demonic biotechnology were connected together by enormous pyrosome colonies that formed long luminous tubes, perhaps to allow easy passage between ships. 
“It’s like...a dockyard,” observed Adam, “for these demon shell ships.” 
Mina was also picking up vibes, but they weren’t Fae vibes, hunter vibes. She felt ill at ease, like she had back when that creature had been loose in the lake. The two of them were small and insignificant in this vast, fathomless world with life that was possibly just as intelligent as life was in the place that they came from. 
It felt like Mina’s stomach was trying to sink to the bottom of this bottomless place. Maybe Adam was onto something about Hellmouths ripping themselves open. She gave Adam a nod as he pointed out that this was some kind of dockyard. This was a horrifying place.
There was still a part of her that was aware that she could disappear here and stay.
They needed to steer clear of this area, but… the more Mina looked around, the more she felt like this was where they needed to go. Something was drawing her towards this area, something primal that she’d rather avoid. In a place like this, she believed, rather unfortunately, that places that she wanted to avoid were the very ones that they should head into. They needed to be quick about this. They needed to be careful about this. 
Adam noticed a slight thinness in his breath as they passed under one of the behemoth shell vessels. His air supply was probably at the halfway point, but Adam felt like bringing that up would be counterproductive when they had a lead. 
The each horned prong of the shell above them could’ve skewered earthly ships on its glossy spiral. Occasionally there were windows in the bio-vessel’s sides, not of glass, but made from translucent filmy slime stressed across the opening. Adam pressed a hand against one of the portholes and found the slime substance yielding and permeable. 
“I think we can get in from here.” 
Mina’s two main worries about this whole situation, as she looked at the strange ship, were knowing how much time they had left to do this and making sure she remembered the right direction to get back to the portal. That was what mattered. She needed to remember how to get them back to the portal. Or maybe Adam had some sort of gps machinery on his diving board. She wasn’t bothering with hers too much, trying instead to mesh hunter thoughts with nix thoughts in order to navigate this strange land. Find some sort of key. Get back. Insure they both survive. Close the portal. That was what mattered.
Wrinkling her nose a bit at the weird slimy material, Mina put her hand against it and pushed through. It wasn’t the weirdest thing she’d touched by far, but it still wasn’t pleasant. She was most worried about whatever sort of creatures they were going to run into. It’d been ominously quiet since they jumped in. 
Adam wiped slime off his goggles as they drifted through the portal into the demon vessel. In some superficial ways the interior resembled that of an Earthly sea shell. A central columbell pillar ran through the shell from aft to its spiked stern.  Whorls and sweeping structures expanded outward from the central columbella axis, forming great sloping charmpers with slickly smooth walls that were all linked by spiraling curvatures and twists rather than doors. 
What furniture existed was grown out straight from the central coiling axis, though Adam couldn’t really guess what ergonomic purpose most of these chitin groves and indentations served. 
Two creatures that appeared to be human sized moray eels covered in glowing pustules glided out from along a curving wall. Long sinuous strands extended eel demons’ pustules like seaweed wart hairs. These hairs caressed strange pearls and mussel clusters inset into the shell vessel’s walls, as if they were operating equipment of some kind. 
Multiple sets of yellow eyes with large black pupils swiveled in their rows of sockets down the eel demons’ body to regard Adam and Mina. Both the head and apparent tails of the eel demons opened to reveal rows of glass-like teeth as they zipped through the water towards the intruders. 
Mina would have been lying if she said that she wasn’t a little disappointed that the first creatures that they came into contact with weren’t mermaids. She really wanted to rip into a mermaid. It might be nice. It might get a lot of frustration out. But eels were fine, too. 
Ducking out of the way as the creatures headed towards them, Mina considered the best course of action in dealing with them. She didn’t want to touch anything on them that glowed, fearing some sort of electrical backlash, and she didn’t want to touch those strange hairs, either. But she didn’t have any sort of ranged weapons, nothing that would help in a situation like this. As one of the creatures approached, she moved to the side and raked her claws against its smooth hide, causing the bulbous head with its mouthful of sharp teeth to turn back in her. 
Mina jabbed the bangstick into the eel’s face and fired. Even creatures from whatever sort of Black Lagoon horror dimension this was didn’t enjoy a bullet to the face. There was the bang, and dark blood exited where the bullet went in, the creature’s body still floating even in death. Mina turned to Adam, hoping he was faring well. They needed to get moving. They had work to do.
Adam slid a still twitching demon off a long silver-tipped spear that had jutted out from what’d looked like a small baton. The human was less graceful in the water than his fey counterpart and red electrical burn marks stood out from long slices the demonic spine-hairs had seared through his diving suit. However Adam had apparently jutted the telescopic spear’s baton up against the thing grappling him and released a pressured seal that sent the silver spear straight through the demon’s innards. 
Adam tried to keep focus as they swam through the smooth twisting gyres of the shell-ship. He would occasionally warn of presences beyond the next curve or loop, holding back as school of eel-demons, Vodnik, and even stranger creatures went about doing whatever inscrutable processes maintained a bio-tech vessel like this. It was tense business, ducking patrols and trying not to lose ones’ way in dizzying chambers of chitinous spirals that didn’t resemble any human norm of architecture or even up and down. The burning lashes across his chest throbbed and the air in his tank became ever thinner, but Adam kept his head on the mission.  Surrendering to nervousness would likely be a death sentence here.  
It was on reaching a porthole leading out into one of the Pyrosomes tubes that Adam discerned something resembling a central meeting point. 
Pyrosomes were actually colony structures made from tiny organisms about a few millimeters in size. They often looked like cylindrical tubes of a gauzy texture that glowed with bioluminescence. But while Pyrosomes could get to about eighteen meters long on Earth, whatever extraterrestrial zooids these things were made of allowed the Water-Hell Pyrosomes to grow to far larger. Adam guessed they might even intentionally cultivated that way using whatever weird sciences the demons had at their disposal. 
Glowing pyrosome tubes, some many hundreds of feet in length and wide enough to drive semi-trucks through, extended from each of the behemoth shell-submarines. Many of the pyrosomes linked the ships together in pulsating networks, perhaps to exchange crew and cargo. However, Adam saw a great many pyrosome tunnels extended towards a central point, a great helical axis of coral that this vast hell armada seemed tethered around. 
“See that coral island that looks like a helix? I think whatever’s on there drew the demons here,” Adam theorized. “It might be what we’re looking for.” 
They needed to hurry. That was all Mina could think about as they moved through these strange ships, this strange world. Adam was looking worse for wear, thick marks in his suit showing burned skin, and she knew they were running out of time. His tank wouldn’t last that long. Mina needed to get him out of there. She should have just come alone. She wouldn’t have had to worry about air supply or another person. Adam was one of the few hunters in the entire world that tolerated her, liked her, too. She didn’t want to lose that, especially not here in this underwater hell. 
Eyes following where Adam pointed, Mina looked towards the helix. Even she could feel… something. A draw, a pull, a desire to head in that direction. She had no doubt that every creature near them felt that pull, too. That was the most dangerous area. That was, she was sure, where they needed to go. She hated that. She really, really hated that. 
Mina nodded to Adam and pointed towards the glowing tube that would take them down to the helix. That’s what they needed to do, right? They needed to go down there, take whatever they found, and hoped that it helped the Common stop flooding with monsters every day. Taking a bit of initiative, she headed to the tube and, before she could think twice about it, got in it and hoped for the best.
It wasn’t like Mina meant to let out the slight scream as she was rocketed down the tube. She hadn’t. She was usually more composed. But she hadn’t been prepared for the speed, and she hadn’t been prepared for the tumble she took as she came out on the other end, and she hadn’t been prepared for the glowing sight that awaited them. This was where they were supposed to be.
And it was filled with monsters.
Adam caught his bearings and took in their surroundings. The stony spirals rotated parallel to one another. One was comprised of scarlet Precious coral and the other of aquamarine Octocoral. Though separate, these colony structures orbited each other in the pattern of a helix by some quirk of gravitation Adam couldn’t comprehend. But the source became clear as Adam perceived two glowing coral keys of the same respective coral types nestled on the spiraling ridges. They filled the water with conflicting hues of red and blue, blending into livid purples in some places at the helix's’ center. Light seemed to warp around them, twisting into strange flares and halos around the keys.  Adam had a gut instinct that it was their power that was causing this helical gravity and had drawn the demonic armada here. 
Unfortunately, the stares from an aquatic school of luminous eyes, antennas, and blind tentacle feelers extended their direction gave Adam the feeling that sheer surprise was the only reason and Mina weren’t already dead. 
“Mine, grab the blue key!” Adam shot up towards the scarlet key, stabbing the silver spear through a giant brain covered in spines that’d tried to impale him against the reef. 
There were the mermaids. Mina had been wondering when she’d see them. While Adam was dealing with something that looked like a creature out of some sort of science fiction movie, Mina had something a little more understandable to deal with, and, as one of the mermaids came at her, she went straight for the lure before aiming low, ripping into the creature’s head with her knives. And another one. And another one. She could feel their teeth tearing at her wetsuit, tearing holes in it and her skin. She wasn’t safe there just because she was a water dweller as well. Food was food.
Mina wasn’t food. She was claws and blades and so much pent up aggression. She wanted to fight. She just wanted to fight. So she did, against mermaids and Vodniks and creatures that she didn’t even have names for. All the way to the blue key that Adam mentioned.
It was so bright. It’s glow filled the whole space, blending with the other key’s shades of red. It was so nice to look at, so pretty. Mina was drawn into the soft blue colors, wanting to bask in them for as long as possible. No. Focus. She needed to focus. She had to focus. She snatched up the key, washed in a blue glow. The key’s glow dimmed, and it was warm in hand. So warm. She wrapped her hand around it tighter and and started swimming to Adam. They needed to go. They needed to go soon. The creatures were turning to look at her, drawn to the glow in her hand. They needed to go.
Adam skewered an eel demon to the coral with the spear in one hand while reached towards the scarlet key with the other. He squinted past the ruby halos and flaring star-like lights in the water, hand straining towards the key resting on the opalescent curves of a hollow shell, like on idol on an altar.
Adam’s hand closed around the key, and the world exploded in pain and blood. 
A spine projectile punched through Adam’s back and out the front of his chest like a surgical bullet. The brain urchin creature had drifted dying in the water from Adam’s spear, but had sent a departing gift after its slayer in the moment of victory. 
Everything was agony as Adam’s vision was rimmed as darkness as he fumbled at the controls of the water scooter. “C’mon,” he gasped, rapidly losing blood and air as hungry demons closed in. 
Adam flicked the water scooter up to its threshold speed and held on as they tore into the deep towards the whirlpool between worlds. 
Mina screamed as she watched Adam get skewered by one of those creatures. No. No. He had to get out. He was supposed to get out. He couldn’t die here. She started swimming after him as fast as she could, easily keeping up with the water scooter as she guarded their backs. 
With each creature that got too close, Mina slashed out at them, baring sharp teeth and wielding sharper knives. Go go go. They had to go. They had to get to the portal and get out. She finally looked up at it, watching with horror as it got smaller even though they were getting closer. 
The journey to the keys had taken too long, but the journey back to the portal was an ascent. Mina knew they were going to get there before Adam ran out of air. At least, she hoped. She just didn’t know if they were going to make it before blood loss became a problem. The blood spilling into the water like an ink trail was attracting all the monsters, making them swarm.
The portal was close. In her head, Mina said, Fuck it, as she turned to Adam and grabbed him before swimming them both as fast as she could through the portal. The exit was as rough as the entry, spitting them back in White Crest. Mina was gasping as she breathed straight air instead of water, as she dragged Adam with her towards where they’d left Dave. “Still with me, Walker? Come on, come on, come on. You’ve got things to do, you know.”
Somewhere they tore past the sun-like radiance of the giant pearl temple, Adam had slipped into darkness. He drifted down into himself, everything was so peaceful and numb. Soon even the hiss of the air tank became muted in some inner distance. There was no duty. No pain. Nobody to save and suffer for. It was just Adam in the undemanding dark. 
How long he drifted like that Adam couldn’t really say. 
An exhausted part him wanted to stay, but Adam knew that other people were gave everything meaning, and they weren’t in here. 
So Adam forced his eyes open, shuddering and coughing and he coughed up blood and hell water on the Commons grass. The agony and color came rushing back like a punch to the solar plexus. He just lay there for a bit, the Earth’s grass reassuringly familiar. 
The rough coal edges of the key bit into the skin of Adam’s palm, reminded himself that it all hadn’t just been a nightmare.  
“So Mina,” Adam rasped grinning blearily up at his hunting partner. “How’d ya like Atlantis?” 
The longer Dave watched the portal, the longer he itched to jump in it. For them, and for the simple siren call of water he wasn’t acquainted with yet.Each tide brought the swirling vibrations of their bodies moving through the water until one wave he couldn’t feel them at all. Instead the waves brought monsters, some which could be deterred by firing backsticks into their heads and some that Dave couldn’t hunt so easily with one arm in a sling. He kept people away instead, all the while making sure he had skin in the water, as the minutes went by and threatened to become hours, until the tide began to ebb. 
Dave’s heart stayed in his throat until he felt the vibrations of the pair returning, racing through the water and a little closer with each wave. He turned as the next wave rushed through the portal, and spat out the pair of them with it. Alive, gasping for air. Dave couldn’t help his relieved grin. They filled the air with the stench of quickly spilling blood, freshwater algae and eel slick. His smile slid off his face as he saw the injuries that were becoming a staple of hunts with Walker, and hurried over to meet them. The first aid kit in his bag wasn’t going to cut it.
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NAME: Carcolh
ALSO KNOWN AS: Lou Carcolh
RARITY: ★★☆☆☆
THREAT LEVEL: ★★★☆☆ | Powerful and large carnivorous snails that want to scrape the meat off your bones with their radula, but at least they can’t do magic.
ORIGIN: Lou Carcolh is a myth from French folklore. It's a large, slimy, snail-like creature with hairy tentacles and a large shell. It supposedly lives in a cavern beneath Hastingues. Its tentacles would drag people into its cave to eat them whole. Allegedly, some men of Hastingues used to teasingly warn women that they found pretty with: "the carcolh will catch you!".
DESCRIPTION: The carcolh is a giant paranormal gastropod that grabs prey with long tentacles. They can range anywhere from the size of a horse to a semi-truck, but you don’t want to ride on or in one. It has a large shell and a gaping mouth surrounded by long slimy tentacles that are covered in hairy feelers. These tentacles can extend across distances much longer than a carcolh's main body, allowing it to snare prey from afar.
They are subterranean creatures that dislike sunlight and tend to fully emerge on the surface only at night. To hunt, they typically wait in tunnels, mine shafts, sewers, caves and other dark crevices, extending their long sinuous tentacles to ensnare prey that wander too close to the opening.
Carcolhs are covered in a thick reflective slime that constantly seeps from their bodies and can provide warning of their presence. This slime has the curious property of causing nearby grass to become brown and appear like long thin horse hair. Experienced monster hunters know this "horse hair" grass is a sign of a carcolh lairing nearby.
ABILITIES: While carcolh lack magical abilities, they are still very large and resilient creatures. Their tentacles are strong and extend far enough to easily grab fleeing or flying prey. Carcolh can sense the tremors of footsteps over a wide radius.
WEAKNESS: Because they’re creatures that dwell in the dark, they can be disoriented by disorientated by bright light. Like any sensible gastropod, they also hate salt -- it is extremely painful to a carcolh, and salting its tentacles is the surest way to make it let go of whatever it has in its grasp.
NOTES: Carcolh slime is a valuable component for alchemy, though more dubious vendors will sell it as a sketchy hair growth supplement. It always works, but the resultant hair will always be slightly slimy. Maybe no one will notice.
(Art credit: Librumprodigiosum)
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
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“monster : bloodsports 6″ © deviantArt user Kolsga, accessed at her deviantArt gallery here
[Commissioned by @justicegundam82​. The gigat is a Lombard monster about which I could find very little. What I could find suggested that it was a regional variation of Il Gatto Mammone, a giant cat that appears as a bogey in some Italian stories and as a magical helper in others. That name suggested the link to devils that I pursued in my flavor text.]
Gigat CR 6 LE Magical Beast This creature resembles an oversized cat, with a long slender body. Its ears are tufted and it has a beard-like mane. Ridges of bone run along its sides and spine.
Gigats are monstrous felines that conceal their kills with magical darkness. Most gigats lair in mountainous caves and descend to paths and villages on cloudy or moonless nights in order to hunt. They prefer humanoid prey to other kinds, and often attack travelers, beggars or other people whose disappearances will not attract too much attention. They can see perfectly well in magical darkness, and usually use that to blind foes. A gigat can cause darkness to solidify into a reflection of its own claws, slashing at faraway foes to provide distractions while it grabs and drags off its chosen victim.
A gigat is sapient despite its bestial appearance, although they are not as intelligent as the average human. Their origins are suspected of being tied to Hell, as they can see in magical darkness, resist fire and speak the language of devils. They view devils with instinctual respect, and may serve them in their plots on the Material Plane. Gigats collect treasure, and bribery with gifts and food is a key component of gigat courtship. Unsurprisingly given their association with darkness, they do not favor brightly colored or shiny items, and the treasures they collect are more likely to have interesting textures or smells.
A gigat grows to about ten feet long, with a third of that length being their bushy tails. Both males and females grow manes, but the males’ manes tend to be larger.
Gigat       CR 6 XP 2,400 LE Large magical beast Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +7, scent, see in darkness Defense AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural) hp 68 (8d10+24) Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +4 Resist fire 10 Defensive Abilities fortification (25%); Weakness light blindness Offense Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee bite +11 (1d8+4 plus grab), 2 claws +11 (1d6+4) Space 10 ft., Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks clawing darkness, pounce, rake (2 claws, 1d6+4) Spell-like Abilities CL 6th, concentration +8 3/day—deeper darkness 1/day—unholy blight (DC 16) Statistics Str 19, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 14 Base Atk +8; CMB +15; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip) Feats Improved Initiative, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth) Skills Acrobatics +8 (+16 when jumping), Climb +17, Perception +7, Stealth +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth Languages Infernal Ecology Environment temperate mountains and underground Organization solitary or pair Treasure standard Special Abilities Clawing Darkness (Su) A gigat can make a claw attack as a swift action against any creature in the area of a deeper darkness effect the gigat creates. See In Darkness (Su) A gigat can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by deeper darkness
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ingemworld · 5 years
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source: Sara Webb source: source: My Neighbor Totoro (Ghibli) source: Wu Zin source: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Ghibli)
Gem World Flora
In Gem World, roughly four fifths of the land lay covered in jungle — even the wastes, where sunlight goes to sleep, consists of cloud forests and the bizarre dark woodlands. The nature of the many forests comprising this sprawling jungle can vary widely, from the lush rainforests of the deepwood, at the heart of Great Forest, to the temperate woodlands of the High Forest.
The precise number of unique flora in Gem World could never be counted. Plant life can be as simple as bluegrass and as complex as northern hydra, the seeds of which can only be grown in a living brain — that is, until the hydra is ready to bloom.
A brief overview of flora in Gem World:
kapoks, followed by acacias, willows, and oaks, are the most common trees in the jungle ... they have great size and can support entire ecosystems and cultures ... most first trees, including the great tree and Dede Tree, are kapoks;
kudzu comprises most of the “lush,” the collective plant families making up the jungle’s undergrowth (vines, creepers, moss, lichen, shrubs of all kinds) ... kudzu can grow anywhere, with a maximum depth exceeding six feet and the density of difficult terrain;
ferns are everywhere, but fern walls are another entity altogether, innumerable strands joined together ... walls may reach the heights of trees and grow faster all the time, some extending for miles ... remote neighborhoods use ferns walls as security fences;
sentinels are plants that have been enchanted as sensors, most often reporting their findings to local peace officers;
similarly, tower trees are short, stout trees that have been shaped by magic and technology to serve as impromptu bases for peace officers and adventuring teams;
swamp moss, a cousin of kudzu, is heavy and sticky ... a vital building material for swamp-based cultures like the anura and lizardfolk;
starflower is a rare, nocturnal plant that can be used in place of various spell components and medicines ... intended for use by heroes on the road, poachers seek out starflower in vast quantities for illegal profit; 
reaching vines & grabbing trees are a common obstacle for adventurers and are often used to guard the boarders of nature reserves ... dryad seed magic fuels even more aggressive holding plants, found on the peninsula and throughout the walking blood gardens of New Forest;
even deadlier are hunting pods, carnivorous trap plants sometimes known as “sirens” for the many different lures they use to trap prey, from aromatic syrup to the voices of former loves. . . .;
but deadliest of all are the hunter plants, mobile carnivores that model themselves after the jungle’s most successful predators — wolves, bears, adders; 
silver trees grow only on Big Snowy Mountain, their hazy, cloud-like aura giving the mountain its false name ... the trees shed silver dust, which charges the air with wild magic, rendering even the humblest cantrip cast on the mountain a potential disaster;
plus: giant mushrooms, goodberries, spell gardens, flower nymphs, and more.
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sapphalon · 5 years
A Hunter Must Hunt
Content was getting a little spicy in the main blog and I got a little inspiration for some more D&D AU Catradora smut. This time inspired by their characters from Sidequest: Ravenloft.
People say that when you live together with your significant other your sex life slows down significantly, that much is true and there is still an ongoing debate on why exactly this happens, but what those people fail to mention is that the speed with which you go from idle to sex vastly increases. Sometimes it will be a quick invitation, sometimes a look or gesture or sometimes just 'Hey, Adora, wanna fuck?’ and that is how Catra ended up straddled in bed by her wife.
Their clothes were already halfway off when Catra had an epiphany “Hey, easy there princess. I had a little idea to spice things up” Catra stated and Adora awaited for the big reveal “What if we do a little bit of roleplaying? Maybe something with our Ravenloft characters?” The Hunter and the Eldritch Gunslinger had been about to jump into each other’s pants on many occasions, why not give them a chance to do so now?
Adora smiled at the idea and tipped an imaginary hat, before saying with a bad accent “Howdy?” That joke resulted in her being greeted by The Pillow, but she already expected that and just laughed as Catra continued to hit her.
Not wanting to completely kill the mood, she quickly disarmed Catra and held her down “My good hunter” Adora knew exactly how to say those words in a way that would make Catra melt “You’ve been working so hard since we escaped Barovia, why not rest now and just enjoy your reward?”
Catra struggled to get in character “I take it you’ve learned how to do some real magic with those hands?” She said in the gruffer voice of her character “or do I have to worry about you Eldritch Blasting me down there?” Adora chose to ignore the comment and continue disrobing her ‘Good Hunter’.
“How about you stay still and wait to find out the new magic tricks I learned” her words made Catra fidget a little “I thought you Hunters were supposed to be patient? Don’t you wanna get your reward for all that good you’ve done”
Any retort Catra had was strangled by the somatic components of whatever spell Adora was casting down there and she had to admit that it must be some powerful magic.
Catra continued to squirm under Adora’s touch as she was constantly praised for her skill, her strength, her determination and ferocity. All things that she knew about herself and took pride in, but to hear Adora recognize all of that and with that mischievously seductive tone, it was like the most powerful hex any warlock had ever used and Catra couldn’t care less if it had any side effects.
And just like that Adora’s dark ritual was over and her all too willing sacrifice laid beneath her, exhausted by her magical skill. Adora giggled at that thought, they were such dweebs, but she had to admit playing her part as the warlock was fun. She laid next to Catra, expecting her wife to turn around and cuddle her, but Catra was clearly not done.
She did indeed turn around, but instead of cuddling she mounted Adora and gave her a devilish smirk “You know, us hunters were never good at playing on the defensive.” Catra looked down at Adora like a beast looked at their prey “Now let me show you what the Hunt really looks like”
Catra was done hearing praise, now she was gonna prove them both right, that she was strong, skilled, determined and above all ferocious. Adora was more than happy to let Catra use her as a ‘proving ground’, so Catra took her opportunity to show Adora all that she got and in the heat of the moment she might have taken an unfortunate decision.
The sounds Adora made as her wife bit her neck was enough to snap Catra out of character. She jumped back in panic “Oh, shit! I’m so sorry Adora, I didn’t mean to do it that hard. I-”
“Do it again” Adora responded interrupting Catra’s ramblings and adding a mental note to the list of things she should ask Catra to do more often “Don’t apologize. A hunter must hunt after all”
Catra was glad to oblige, especially with Adora making a Bloodborne reference, so she did again and again and again one more, just to be certain. With every bite moving lower and lower in Adora’s body, marking down her territory, a little trail she could follow home, but before she could return she had to find her mark and take the killing blow.
With a swift movement Catra struck her prey one last time and she collapsed beneath her. She slowly made her way back up her trail. This time not with bites, but with soft and careful kisses. Planting one last and long kiss against Adora’s mouth, before falling back besides her.
Adora took a deep breath “We should do this more often”
“Yup” Catra said before even thinking, but quickly added “we should probably keep to characters from finished campaigns. It would probably get awkward if we started associating RPing them with….this”
“Absolutely! Can you imagine how awkward that would be?” They both nodded and silently cuddled for a moment “After I’m no longer sore do you wanna do me as She-ra?”
“Oh hell yeah”
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grimmtaless · 7 years
The soldier & The Spartan Chapter 4: The Hunt & The Song
The sun beat down on Jaune and his new companion, as they hiked across a grass covered field. It had been two days since they first met and fought alongside one another to take down that winged monster, and Jaune still had no idea what was going on. After beating the creature, this woman went on a rant of which he only caught one or two words: “Mistral,” an accent greek city which he guessed was where they were going, the Greek god “Zeus,”and something about allies and demigods.
Jaune assumed from the girl's rant that they were going to Izmar, a city which laid right outside the ruins of the ancient city of Mistral. He hoped he might be able to get in contact with London when they reached the city. He needed to tell the British army about the monster he and the girl fought. If there were more of those terrifying beasts flying around, then the allies might have bigger problem the Germans.
Jaune had given up on speaking Greek about a day into the journey. Whenever he tried to speak Greek, either the girl couldn’t understand him at all or he used words in a way that no sense to her. During their first day of hiking, Jaune had tried to tell her tell her he needed to rest. “ υπόλοιπο, do you hear me? I need to rest” once he spoke the girl turned around and gave him a look of bewilderment. After a short pause, the girl shook her head and just kept going down the trail. What jaune didn't know was that the word “υπόλοιπο” meant “balance” if used by itself. He was finally able to grab her attention by waving his arms and sitting down. This was how every interaction went. He would try to speak Greek, fail miserably, then resort to a game of charades to get his point across.
Eventually, Jaune got so fed up with the routine that he elected to speak exclusively in English. There was no need in trying to speak Greek if it would only end up failing every time. Whenever he needed something he would use hand gestures along with English to get his point across.  Jaune made small talk several times during that day's trek, if for no other reason than to pass the time. Of course he knew the redhead would not understand, but he needed to fill the silence. A silence that used to be filled by the distant sound of fighting along other sections of the trenches.
“Sooo gorgeous, where did you get that armor? It's quite good looking, especially on you.” Normally, Jaune would never say anything quite so bold, but he decided to turn off his filter knowing she could not understand him. “I mean that helmet is a perfect replica of the Mistrali helms, and that xiphos is masterfully forged. All that gear must have cost a fortune.” This one sided conversation continued for an hour. He would ask about her name, appearance, and her skill with ancient weapons until he became bored with the pointless talking.
Soon evening came and the the redhead stopped and turned to Jaune. She put her hands together and put them beside her head as if she was sleeping. Jaune took the correct meaning as “let’s set up camp here.”  He nodded in reply as he took off his pack and sat down in the grassy clearing. He took out his canteen and took a long, refreshing drink of water. The redhead soon beckoned him to stand and pointed at sticks, most likely asking him to pick some up for a fire. He nodded again and started wandering around collecting small twigs for tender, sticks for fuel, and the occasional tree limb for a sustained burn. Meanwhile, the girl unpacked a small woven mat out of her bag and laid it out on the ground. She got up and grabbed her bow before pointing into the forest to signify where she was going. She then sprinted off into the woods to find them a meal.
As Pyrrha stalked the forest she had time to think about the stranger she meet. Over the last two days she had become certain that the man was not from Greece. His language was foreign and he most definitely did not know the lay of the land. He has no stamina for the mountainous terrain, and every so often he would have bend over and catch his breath. He couldn't even run as fast as her. When they first left for Mytral she expected him to be able to keep up with her running, but of course this man couldn’t even run half as fast as she could. It was as if he weren’t a demigod.
“Maybe he was cursed to have the strength of a normal man?” Pyrrha wondered aloud. “That would explain why he could not keep up or fight like a demigod, but why would he still have his magic? Could the curse only affect his physical strength?” She pondered the matter for quite awhile, but soon forgot about it when she came upon two rabbits eating between a cluster of trees.
She praised Artemis silently for placing game in front of her. She strung an arrow and raised her bow, pulling the string as she prepared to fire. She aligned her arrow with the larger of the two rodents, let lose her arrow, and hit her mark. She walked over to her prize, but before picking it up she knelt and gave thanks to Artemis for the profitable hunt. Once done cleaning the rabbit, she slung it over her shoulder and set out to find more game so that that the man could eat.
She wandered the woods keeping a sharp eye out for the slightest of movement, hoping to find her next prey. As she stalked through the trees, the man kept appearing in her thoughts. He fascinated her. Never before had she met a person so oddly dressed or spoke so strangely. Pyrrha was no stranger to foreigners. She had met many people from distant lands before. She had met men from Pirsa, Africa and even a Barbarian from the north - a woman who wore furs and wielded a massive hammer named Nora. She had stayed in Mystral for quite some time before heading east. Pyrrha had enjoyed her company and had learned much from her, and was sad to see her leave. Yet all of these people still were no where near as perplexing as this man. Her thoughts were driven from her once she spotted a flock of peasants sitting near a rock. Each one was pruning themselves and were unaware of the approaching warrior. Pyrrha crouched low and drew her bow. She aimed and fired hitting the closest bird to her. She smiled and went to collect her second prize of the day.
As she carried the rabbit and pheasant back to the camp, her thoughts still lingered on the man. He had talked all day long as if he were some old hermit. She was sure that he knew that she understood nothing of what came out of his mouth, but he still persisted to talk. Many times she felt as if he had been talking about her specifically but she couldn’t be sure of it. In any case, she would learn his language soon enough - all she had to do was get him to teach her what each word meant and she would remember it forever. It was another blessing from her mother: anything she ever read, heard or saw was forever engrained in her mind. Every child of Athena was blessed with this gift, which is why she was able to learn every language and dialect in Greece. She had already began learning one or two words such as “stick” or “fire.” She knew that in time they would be able to communicate easily.
Retracing her steps back to camp. Pyrrha was was met with the slow and somber sound of  blonde’s singing. She was amazed, even if she could not understand what he sang she could tell that it was sad and full of greaf. She decided to listen for a while wanting to hear more of this mans song
After collecting enough firewood to last the night Jaune sat back down on the ground and rummaged through his pack. He first pulled out a dark gray bedroll which he had taken off an enemy soldier during one of their attacks of on the German trenches. It had been a major score at the time, as it provided Jaune with an extra layer between him and the damp ground when sleeping in the bunkers. He spread out his roll a few yards away from the girl’s bedding. Next he retrieved his cleaning kit for his rifle. He had been in two major firefights in the last three days, and he knew that the ammunition the British army used had corrosive chemicals in the gunpowder that would erode the inside of this barrel if not cleaned every so often. Lastly he pulled out a tin of canned meat.
He found a few rocks lying about, arranged them in a circle, and placed the tinder in the center along with a few small sticks. He then took out his brass colored lighter and went to work making a suitable fire. Once the tinder was alight and the small sticks were burning, Jaune slowly added larger sticks along with more tinder to keep the fire burning hot.
Soon the fire was large enough with a pile of red hot coals in the center. Jaune went out once more and found another rock to use as a seat. He then reached for his rifle and it's cleaning kit and set to work. He first removed the bolt of the gun and laid it on his shirt as to not get it dirty, and then proceeded to clean the bore of the rifle with the “bore snake” (a long, flexible rod with metal bristles running down it.) As he cleaned, he began to sing a soldier's song. Usually it was sung with a fake sense of glee, but today Jaune sang it slowly and sadly.
If you want to find the Sergeant,
I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is.
If you want to find the Sergeant, I know where he is,
He's lying on the canteen floor.
I've seen him, I've seen him, lying on the canteen floor,
I've seen him, I've seen him, lying on the canteen floor.
While he sang, he went to work on the bolt, disassembling it and cleaning off the carbon that had built up as well as any speck of dirt. Once each part was wiped down, he picked up the small brass container which contained the gun oil, and covered each component with a few drops before reassembling his gun. All the while, he sang.
If you want to find the Quarter-bloke
I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is.
If you want to find the Quarter-bloke, I know where he is,
He's miles and miles behind the line.
I've seen him, I've seen him, miles and miles and miles behind the line.
I've seen him, I've seen him, miles and miles and miles behind the line.
If you want the Sergeant-major,
I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is.
If you want the Sergeant-major, I know where he is.
He's tossing off the privates' rum.
I've seen him, I've seen him, tossing off the privates' rum.
I've seen him, I've seen him, tossing off the privates' rum.
With his firearm reassembled, he set his rifle aside. It was now time to take stock on how much ammunition he had left. He opened each pouch on his webbing and witdrew several stripperclips full of rifle ammunition. In total, he had 20 stripperclip of 5 rounds, making 100 rounds for his rifle. Jaune went into his bag and removed the revolver ammo and counted out to 18 rounds. While he worked jaune never noticed the redhead who had been standing on the other side of the fire enthralled by his singing.
If you want the C.O.,
I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is.
If you want the C.O., I know where he is
He is down in a deep dug-out,
I've seen him, I've seen him, down in a deep dug-out,
I've seen him, I've seen him, down in a deep dug-out.
If you want to find the old battalion,
I know where they are, I know where they are, I know where they are
If you want to find the old battalion, I know where they are,
They're hanging on the old barbed wire,
I've seen 'em, I've seen 'em, hanging on the old barbed wire.
I've seen 'em, I've seen 'em, hanging on the old barbed wire.
 “Pyrrha.” Jaune jumped off his rock at the unexpected noise to see that the woman was back. This was the first time he had heard the girl speak something that wasn’t in Greek. Once he had recovered from his initial surprise, the girl said it again, but this time while pointing at herself. “Pyrrha ” the redhead repeated while poking her breastplate. With this, Jaune realized she was trying to tell him her name. So her name is Pyrrha. Interesting. I guess I should tell her my name in return.
“Jaune,” he said while repeating the same action as Pyrrha did. Pyrrha seemed to understand as well and broke out into a wide smile. “Jaune,” she said. She then pointed at the wood and said “stick,” then at his rifle and said “gun,” then at the burning wood and said“fire.” As she went identifying different objects, Jaune just stood there in awe. She's been learning English just by listening and observing what I say that’s impossible. I've only been traveling with her for two days and she already knows the names of some objects. The most peculiar part for Jaune was that he couldn’t discern any kind of foreign accent in her voice as she spoke. If he hadn’t known better, he would have assumed she did know English, just by how well she pronounced each word.
“Well it seems like you have a knack for languages. How about I teach you some more English?” Of course, Jaune knew that Pyrrha didn’t know what he said, but he really didn't care. He started to point at different things and say what they meant in english. Pyrrha watched attentively and would repeat every word that came out of Jaune’s mouth.
Hey guys i hope you liked this chapter. I’m really sorry for not getting this chapter out sooner. i had lost my editor and it just took me a while to get a new one. also I cant promise that the next chapter will come out soon, but that is due to the fact that I’m a college student.
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voxwrote · 7 years
A New Path
The tomb of Sargeras, a cautionary tale if there ever was one. Let me tell you something boy; we control our power, our power does not control us. Gul’dan wished to further our power by unleashing one of the most powerful beings...no...The most powerful being onto Azeroth. 
You think we would have been free?
Kulgran sat before the fire, watching the flames snap and twist as they flickered about each other. He focused on the movement and the colour of the fire, each component building on each other to become something greater, a philosophy his father had instilled upon him. He slowed his breathing as he tried to calm himself.
All around him the jungle lay oddly silent; a storm had been shifting toward the shore for most of the day and had now begun its fierce ritual. Rain began to spit and hiss against the fire as the threatening rumble of thunder echoed amongst the trees. From behind him, a familiar voice sounded almost as deep as the thunder above.
“Krulgan, it is time”.
The Orc did not respond for a moment but grabbed his robe and pulled it over his head before collecting the crude mace he had fashioned from a rock and palm wood. “Are you ready to become a child of destiny, my son?” The voice asked. Krulgan turned and nodded solemnly before following his father through the dense foliage, thick vines and tree trunks that sprawled into the path obscured the main camp ahead but through the trees Krulgan could see the weak light of the torches that had been set up. For weeks the young Orc had dreaded this day, his rite of passage, his twisted Om’riggor.
As his father walked ahead of him onto the cleared path, the dim torches flared as if excited by his presence. The two entered the clearing, crude tents set up on its perimeter and in the centre a wide pit cordoned off by spiked poles. The rest of the clan had gathered, muttering to each other from under tattered hoods but when the two Orcs stepped forward the whispers died down into silence.
Krulgan slipped down into the pit and looked at the boy across from him, his childhood friend and closest ally now looked at him with the caution of a wounded beast, he almost felt hurt but soon remembered that the two were here to kill each other, no matter what happened only one of them would make it out alive.
“Brothers, Sisters...Keepers of the elite powers” his father bellowed from the top of the pit, stood behind a makeshift podium constructed from loose rocks he continued onward, looking around at the various clan members, all of them watched him intently with admiration, envy and hatred.
“Tonight we witness the death of a weakling and the triumph of a true champion” he continued, glancing toward his son as he spoke of a champion.
“We live now in the shadows of an unfamiliar home, chased and hunted by all. It is us who must pave the way for those who come after; give them the skills and training to bring our vision to being. A teacher can guide, but the student must learn and carve their own power...the success of our plan rests upon the shoulders of future generations”.
Krulgan shifted his weapon to his other hand, a sinking feeling creeping in the bottom of his stomach. This isn’t right, he thought to himself as he watched his father lost in a trance, almost screaming his words now as he clung to the podium.
“We perform our first trial now, may it be one of many. Boys, step forward and drink deep from the bowl before you, may it bring you courage and power” his father said, his zealous demeanour calming as he outstretched his hand toward the centre of the pit.
As if by command a bowl stood in the centre of the pit lit aflame, what was almost too dark to see before almost hurt to look at now but the flames died away quickly. Krulgan knew what was in that bowl, demon’s blood. His friend stepped forward first and snatched the bowl hurriedly, chugging from it before casting the bowl back down and lurching away to the wall of the pit, retching and groaning.
 Krulgan moved forward to pick up the bowl more hesitantly and peered inside. The viscous green liquid bubbled and hissed as he lifted the vessel to his mouth, as he let the blood touch his lips he felt an instant rush of anger and rage coupled with a terrifying arrogance. He knew the power he had control over and he was going to win at all costs. He closed his lips and pretended to drink before placing the demon’s blood back down.
“My boy drinks from the chalice and takes its power in his stride, my blood flows within him” his father announced proudly as his friend stood in the corner, screaming and howling with bestial rage, hitting his head with his huge hands and roaring.
Krulgan watched with terror, glad he had not succumbed to the temptation of the blood...tonight was the night he was going to escape. His train of thought was quickly interrupted as the other Orc rushed toward him, swinging a hatchet wildly. Krulgan ducked out of the way and skirted round the pit wall, his temptation to use fel magic grew stronger. 
It would be so easy just to destroy him, to burn him alive and be done with it. He shook the thought away and prepared himself for another strike, this time he was ready. He met his opponent’s blow with his mace, blocking his attack before driving his fist into his friend’s face; he staggered back against the pit wall, dazed.
“ENOUGH!” Krulgan bellowed as he swung around to face the podium, he gave one cursory glance back to his friend who watched him curiously, breathing heavily as the crazed bloodlust from the demon blood slowly wore off. He stepped forward and looked his Father directly in the eye; in there he could see only disappointment and anger.
“Father, this is insanity. How can we hope to continue our clan if we destroy each other? We separated from Gul’dan because of his insane lust for power but now all I see in you is that same madness, these magics are corrupt and will be our end” the young Orc continued as he looked about the rest of the clan elders.
Behind him he could hear strange sounds as the air twinged with a familiar, unfriendly energy though as he turned to look his Father called out to him before he could.
“You surprise me, Krulgan” he growled, leaning forward as he narrowed his eyes.
“To be the wielder of such tremendous power is a skill that only few can attain, yet you would have us throw it all away to live in some false peace? Look around you boy, the world is in a constant state of chaos. 
If not for some war going on there is always the threat of catastrophe as this world always tries to tear itself apart. We must arm ourselves with the power to protect our own; you think these trials are senseless? No, we separate the weak from the strong, I thought you were strong, child but now I see that you are weak. You are no son of mine; prepare to meet your end.”
Krulgan blinked as his father’s face twisted into a smile, his gaze was set behind him. 
The young Orc turned to see what he was looking at.
A Felguard; fully formed, 10 feet tall with skin glistening like wet leather. Its eyes glowing in the darkness narrowed in on Krulgan as it bared its teeth into a horrific grin, each one sharp and pointed as any blade he had seen and almost as big as even the heftiest of daggers. 
It paused for a moment, taking in a deep, rattling breath that made Krulgan weak at the knees before snatching the young Orc up into the air by the throat as if he weighed no more than a newborn. It held him there and observed him with a curious stare but behind that there was a hunger, a need to devour.
 From the edge of the pit ventured his friend, his nose broken and a vengeful look in his eyes.
“Krulgan, I always feared it was my destiny to die. That you would continue your father’s leadership of this clan to glory but now I see that you are not the one to lead us, you do not belong with us. It is my destiny to lead the clan and it is your destiny to die, do this one thing right and fulfil your destiny.” The orc almost screamed the words, desperation, anger and envy dripping from every sentence.
“Destroy him, demon” he uttered. The felguard tightened his grip and began to choke the life out of Krulgan, the young Orc flailed and grasped at the arm that held him as he began to lose his vision. Still the pain of being choked pervaded but he could not see his killer, Krulgan felt for the first time in his life utterly helpless and completely afraid. This was the end, he thought to himself and he would do anything at all to stop this pain, so he did something he had never done before. He prayed.
It was not a structured prayer, nor was it to any deity in particular but he just hoped more than anything that someone or something would hear it. He knew that the humans prayed to the light and the trolls of Stranglethorn worshipped some strange gods.
“Light, please…save me…” he called out in his mind. Nothing.
“The gods of Stranglethorn, help me.” He cried, even more desperate than before but there was no answer.
“Anyone. Let me live.”
And to that, there was an answer. Quiet at first, a whisper on the wind, a scent from long ago and a gentle breeze rushing past him before becoming a howling wind accompanied by rolling and vengeful thunder. Krulgan’s eyes snapped open. The felguard faltered for a moment as he realised his prey was still alive, all around them rain hammered against the ground with fury and thunder continued to let out it’s spiteful roar, lightning scorched the sky above almost constantly , circling above the pit.
 Krulgan could feel energy inside him more powerful and potent than fel could ever hope to be, it was the raw power of the natural world; the burning heart of the flame, the incessant drive of colossal waves upon the sea, the screaming storms of the sky and the trembling fury of the earth.
“LET ME LIVE!” Krulgan screamed aloud, a bolt of lightning coursed toward the ground, hitting the felguard and splitting it asunder. What remained of the demon fell to the ground and the young Orc landed on his feet, quickly snatching up his mace.
Krulgan stepped through the burning remains of the Felguard and stormed past his ‘friend’ before climbing out of the pit. He turned to face the rest of the clan, looking at each member with an angry glare. How frail they looked now, their bodies twisted and bent by the use of this corruptive magic.
He almost spoke up but thought better of it, these people would never learn, they would simply drive themselves to madness, lost in the Jungle. He turned and wandered into the trees, swallowed by the dark of the night but ready to follow a new path.
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thaiamulet-us · 4 years
Lucky Money Owl (Nok Terd Ter Riak Sap) 'Ong Kroo' Master Version
Lucky Money Owl
(Nok Terd Ter Riak Sap) A specially formulated Owl amulet for your spells of attraction, luck, and money-drawing. Owl pendant for Wealth, Treasures and Gambling Fortunes By Phu Kroo Noo (Kalasin)
A divinely empowered Owl pendant, it will ensure that you succeed in all your endeavors. With powers that know no limit, it will assist you in all aspects of life, whether personal or professional. As per ancient Feng Shui, owl is used for the learning activation for students and for career progress. As per Hinduism and also Feng Shui, the owl is a very powerful symbol of the prosperity and abundance. is a very powerful symbol to attract abundance and career progression / academic success. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Nok Terd Ter Riak Sap is made from high-quality sacred herbs, powders. Though from the outside it seems like an ordinary amulet, yet it contains an unusual sacred element hidden within. Lucky Money Owl, made from Sacred Putakun Powders. An Inconspicuously Powerful Riches and Game of Chance Amulet, to see far ahead in Business, Gambling, and Personal Fortune Accumulation. Made from a selction of the finest Puttakun Powders, and created for powerful rapid effects more than aesthetic appearance, the Amulet is perhaps not so colorful, nor does it show the Takrut inserts easily, for they are hidden in the bottom of the amulet. Showing off is not one of the favorite habits of the Owl, who is a Night Stalker, and hunts its Prey in the Darkness. The owl is therefore able to see opportunities where others are still unable to, for they need more light to see clearly. The Owl also sees very far and can spot the smallest object in the middle of a field, such as a field mouse. Thai Buddhist Amulets Owl Pendant. The Sacred Powders are made from Auspicious Muan Sarn; Powerful Powders-Pong Maha Lap Chae Nam Man Tua Po (powders soaked in Po Bean Oil Pong Na Maha Sanaeh Metta Mahaniyom (Pure Metta and Maha Sanaeh Powder) Pong Prakam Na Hlong Hlai (Powders Rosary with Na Hlong Hlai Spell Invoked) Nam Man Nga Jet saw Borisut (sesame Oil from 7 Vestal Virgins) Earths - Din Jet Pong (Earths from 7 Salt Licks) Din Jet Ta (Earths from 7 Ports) Din Jet Sra (Earths from 7 Lakes/Ponds) Necromantic Ingredients Look Krok Maew (Powdered Dessicated Cats Embryo) Herbal Ingredients - Wan Saw Hlong (Enchanted Maiden herb) Kruea Saw Hlong (Enchanted Maiden Vine) All 12 kinds of Dork Tong - a rare golden flower that blooms only once a year with one single bloom) Yord Dork Rak Sorn (Love Flower) Yord Rak (leaf tips of the Love Plant) Yord Sawat Thao Wan Hlong (Rare Jungle Vine) Klai Chedi Wat Rang Jet Wat (broken pieces of Chedi Stupa from 7 Deserted Temples) This is the 'Ong Kroo' Master Version of Phu Kroo Noo's 'Nok Terd Riak Sap' with sacred woods inserted into the base, and some Sacred Seed, with some see pheung paste. Ajarn said that there are no negatives to keeping this item and it is safe for all. It works by affecting willpower and happens naturally because of the sacred components contained within. Kata Bucha Nok Terd Ter U-Chuu Ja Su-Hu-Chuu Ja Suwa Jo Jas-Sa Tuy-Tuy Tae-Tae Ter-Ter Aehi maa Maa Maa Ni Maa Maa ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Owl pendant can help improve one's luck, fate and fortune. This means that the talisman has the potential power to opening doors that will lead you to your success in bringing about the changes you desire. Powerful Prosperity Amulet draws Spiritual as well as Financial Wealth! Find Balance in your life with an Abundance of Bright Blessings! Wonderful for wealth is used for reversing bad luck, and to bring positive energy into your life. Due to the potent power of the mystical properties imbued within the Owl talisman, is formulated to be used in magical workings for the fulfillment of goals. to attract to you whatever you desire ,Whether it is love, money, prosperity, a new job, achieve victory, completion and success in all your endeavors. Read the full article
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omdizznac · 8 years
Viewing the city illegally from the ground. The tumbleweeds blow in the wind, focused in our generation comfortably. Astigmatism yet visually baffling to the naked eye. Flying slowly in the wind tastefully, honorably, and tragically the tumbleweeds adequately coat the window of a classroom. Classmates unfocused and in their comics implicate and overstate the canonical mellow change. The probing councilwoman  flushes out her surroundings a traumatizing stepping stone. Frivously jamming from his earth sized imagination, peaking and maturing was the godchild's charcoal gray heavily armed subartic anorak jacket. Just somebody's human life right? There directly in his jacket he set aside a  dark star shaped sharpie marker tastefully, just in case. An era that normally only finds themselves indecisive  with their mothers the darkened and intraocular sly stay of the mean green marker feathered moment to moment with his   pollyannaish style and high backed heavy arm approach. His jacket drenched with grass stains and red rock.  The aroma of the classroom was probing and tolled a gentle expired chardonnay. The classroom's setting was an iconographic, designed by Ka the assistent baseboard coach, and thus field based. The godchild Neimus was dual witted and overjoyous, but disaproving and often confused on subjects like metrics and runes. 2 Apropos of nothing, all parties sped through the gazebo with claim, needle sharp enduranceand without delay. Close cropping and outlining the meritocracy  cunningly assimilating a haunted and foiled copybook. Fluctuating fast pace between being achievement oriented and badmouthing the violet blue, vanilla scented,  high platform revenue abusive, moldable yet massive sandwhich swallowing founder's sofa. Again  Competing was the masked guilty alternative to the therapuetic piracy that cloaked the convoy of matters such as bullmarket deregulation. Rarely is uncensored combat cool or has the ability to supress the beauty of a lather of Delphinian tumbleweeds or is able to facilitate inappropriate neglect or from a far see toward eco friendly experimentation. But  Imsonia denunciates; the standard component being sleep, and physically chaffs the illdefined hypothetical overdraft of proffesional business. It was late. 3 Gently stated, geo morphologies, modalistic orbit covertly qualifies brokerage for a thick set of unequivocal cananolization within all structures. Whimpering to a cultivated core measured faster methodically and halfway validates and proves tamper resistant but doesn't cover liquidation through trademark displacement or in correlating markets such as tax, equality, accountability, and structure. Prevention against antagonization at innumerate levels adumbrates sequential calculation and pro union dwarfism chert with post revenue returns lack a productive and climatical middleware. On the general premises of dimensions and principles surfaced, detected, and channeled. The plan is to be flag burning and it is distinguished per household and adjacently fit in regions of contract, and a multiplicity of methedology issues. Flag burning is expected to secure the brokerage of the uncreative. Through the rock ripe net procceses nearing the hot creosote areas with no internet connection . Here perspective is not submission for us. Here coordinates face two installations throughout employee stellations all circulating a secure averse fusion of data, models, bodies and complex points alternated by the cast. Electricians at massive centers from previous preservations will manage the polycarbonate roentgen rates of the tax payers from the tyranny of the impetuous in different material domains. Wider planetary deformities in the body of the coorperation counting and appealing to the bilingual pedals of assumption within reported systems . Jostling might  grieving more than others we're asking that you restrain your classmates and students to protect the flux scores of  those amused. "Ten foot sucker" Jostling says with a seductive and troublesome voice. The unfair hegemony of drugs, carousing about with dilated pupiles. The lunchroom was so magical the Dj had to overwork for the bifurcated dance song remix. Sobbing over the prior uncompleted berth between her and the snarky strangler or the 50-60 splinters in his leg that would have to be removed with tweezers. An editorially achitectonically righteous predator,  the pet Goshawk searched through the techno music for prey. "Go on!" he said. "What, who?" The 16 year old replied. Injury slapped shut out the sound from the dj's booth outside in the heat meaning in a blaze and a flicker  bareback and backwards looking was the godchild amongst a number of anti apartheid movement teens. Going into his thermal jacket he got out a paperclip and a fork, open to the possibility of eating with Jostling. On the one basis that they secured responsibilities on paper and were able to mesh just them to as thoroughbred's. Worldwide ideally they would pursuade the DJ to play the debut #1 song disproportionately taking control. If she'd allow it it would also force the DJ to unscientifically pick a song. The plaza was stirring up nicely as Daft punk started to play the cattle man gossiped inpart about the minivan's new unentended sub evergreen color. Auspicious and known by it's parking spot allowing cars stopped at the sign to go around and apparently the youth who wouldnt think twice about the frightening expierience of getting hit by a car at a sign. Outdated crackers, and fruity pebbles were catered conceptually from the butler combo'ed with perpetually preconditioned expresso's . "Ewe, the Kaleidoscope kids said, with ficuciary curtsies and uncannily pestilence. The mini blinds opened and closed with the sound of the kettle drum. "Busk ignoramus, " the dwelled text on the T shirt of one of the unsocial students. Jazz was playing now. Subsitute teachers would frequently send each other home with cut and recorded footage for the head honcho director and also for the memories. "Excellent, jello." Tomas, one well dressed student well educated in metrics and runes scolded. The sternal bell beat the scores of students as they sounded "Happy New Year!" everybody exclaimed. "Nicely done," said the translocal and syllogistic staffer. As "On Melancholy Hill" by The Gorrillaz started to play in the syncoptic yet prolific backflow of moments. Some year it was. Then our plunged into a new year, a time for proclamation about months long away. What's felt most is signal or offer for transition, opposite suspicious demographic or other astronomical outrage. Three years to the end of the waxen ceiling of hard currency to chasing the cross currency of gigabit. A t-shirt favor frivoulsly spoken on in areas from drug treatment for the unincoorporated to the whippoorwilled tax paying citizens of the 26th century. A peremptory cheerleader, an oberservor, an handicapped student, and a Paleoanthropologist teacher uncultured in social apparel meet. Leprous and evilly find they don't want to lose a their contended social advantage for the year. Subdued with shame they seperate themselves from cohabiting the lent posterior of the rock strewn with vandalism on the proffessor's land that read of profanity and love. Richocheting was the aroma of glade scents a rare chance for the teacher, and children to make up some work and show their affection as equal enrollee's. Made for TV the actual matter of parallel mysticalism, like rainfall  to tumbleweeds radiography scars, scabs and melts citizens like  a sauna and is the downfall of atheist disfigurement. "Ummmm...and i suspect it rechristenizes as a last resort." the cheerleader says. "Yes rechrenized resorbtion," Everyone laughs, But the proffessor announces that she's correct. He strictly says the plagiarist wants all expenses paid and remains googly eyed at the sentimental snowdrops of any energy producing American leasehold. The four wheel gazebo soldier fingerboard of the tax paying citizen is position, ventilation, review, and out group configuration. Play by Play liberation point blank stems of mannerisms varying a physically predicted element or co stemmed creation tailing multiple men. And merchandising hominid multiplicities of content and length even with or without synthesis is  not accessible in coin and conflictually accesible out of logic in prints, locations and correlations that so gallantly fly away. Comparable  short, long and immediately widespread characteristics of adaptation shield the recessive pincer's of the shrubby whiteboard of billionaire habits. Bloating it is expected to move and deductively secure brokerage through transportable net proccesses nearing pyschic cortorsionist shapes. Here within adverbial equilaterals perspective is not submission for them. When describing the frizzy haired glass bottom limit of phenomena where without process cross dimensional contract roughly equals a compassionate measure from your lowest level, to a cultivated core it measures faster and entirely protects scores of deceiving mediums. 4* Saints at adolescence, residents now charitably hunted for the temporary regeneration of well anything within communication. Well hidden and wide mouthed huckster, Roc, rode ceaselessly to the classroom priming pass bringing all but his special star sharpie left on the seat during markdown rank and file commercial reinvigorated with a blink of harrasment he reaches for his jacket  animalisticly  to check again. On the subject of mood altering from the long serving test manufacturer you could see a glimpse of insouciant dissapointment in Roc's results. Feeling positive, writerly coach's second in command Ka commands with wingless bigamy a press and a wrap around offensive play. The high man passes the puck and recomitt's to Ka's play. His jalopy doesn't skid or level. The official makes a sour look. The other team capably counters in the jalopy's. Doubtlessly getting sidetracked the crisscrossing. Light's out, Ka motions for some much needed attention on the field. Each students turns in line the students waved masterly with their single volume class materials on the founder's couch and worse a few kept their materials on the magazine rack hand while  beelining, fair and direct. The potentiality of the outcome of baseboard's expeditious, and fatuous  was found in the supply of all of the school magazines. Ka's unmediated self discovery was quoted for its monitazation and dampened you surely syntactically and cleansed you of naivity and negativity. 5 Comprised of gentle and anti  viralities like cosmic deer thrown into the zoo the repression, watershed, and shelled causative of textural wickets and ukelele's and four sided cherooted programmable drumsticks proffessed interfering and noninvasive. Coattails knicked the grass, a suceeded frontrunner knowledgeably signing off the circles of thousand year proffesors who journalistically proved immune to therapy. Polycyclic gameboy's that self-selected empanel curving for students; the group's most ludicrous stegosaurus midway scheduling a contamination of the current accounts of high and low city run sea blue carom games. Light in comparison to the three-hundred pound lower skill restriction expectorate to individual approach. Troubling moss dripped from the authoritative section, with pop rock music playing, the head an old and new love/hate relationship. Energy consuming, the fate of emissions and ramped up notifications. one two and harmonized, inocullant and quantized inverting mineralization, plasmapheresis pilgrimage emulation in a irresistable spiral that intimidated computer simulated meteors, trendy and bleached null. Random to the point of non existince, engravings are placed with astute discretion at the topmost portion of the Venezelean border on the map. Inclined to aid the reducton of venal forges and chimed fro dislocated message. Contacated elasticity among unaccompanied ledges abate meaning nominally canceled movement from terministic aim. The physiology of alternating combinatory identities, such as Marxist and   Nietzchean philosophies, dated years prior , and chemistry's, and  hertz and surges  of bioinformatics contended in any model settings. The purest of Fjord layers and sub boundaries form conditionaly from variant states. Modal age and omission cooporates with itself and proves offal operations by being probablistic and intrisic systematically. The creation of sagitally balanced inventions such as stickball really vitaciously correspond frequenctly in valiant worlds. Projecting effulgence in specifix areas of etiology and application logically spoofs forward mechanisms into layers of validation and security. Elucidated intermittency proves proportionate and pleasant in relationships but often results in pure uncertain vice through the synod periodicals. The liquidly frivoulous zones often border background conduction. Furthered by bridging an exclusive amount or multitude of material relations formed from dogmatic life creations such as bobbleheads. The littled discussion to absolution of coined contrapropagated multimedia styles merge eletronic and private relations formally. The stormy left wing libertarians expect communication in the style of numerous manual truths from the most informative cells on  levels of high production rather the space of that who suceeds in facilitation. Who holds visually, superficially and is of highly esteemed class in relation to structure appears most competent. The aim of class being to determine personal existence from within visually creating personal value. The aim also being to create luminscent identity from divided though luxurious monumental gap. You quickly reach a conclusion that there is no solution to searching through the brought fragments of every misnamed framework. The ergonomics of bringing electricians from massive centers from previous preservations to manage rates in different material domains is clearly better left at lower levels of instruction. Stories sent from spent in the visually free oscillating exterior  accented other models, digital simulations, and modern proccesses. The extention of the federation refers to ministers, proffesors, and auditors, once interconnected through sense of salvation, prodsodic and by art prepared equipartion in waves of knowledge. Brought though the deadly mystery of gift. Principally the gifts appeared firm in difference and depended nominally on the imperfections of unsolved value mesurement. However with sense and personal knowledge propagated reduction was held in esteem among glorified numbers. While Eyeing the wall, a snowstorm gave way. the philantropist logic subjugated settling around the jarred burning abash of wood for an intervention. Professors were speaking on a strict multisensory self relational concept of reticular pro environmental econometrics and other majors. Isolating the kid size home models sinned like the era of soldiers that were shown before ignition of the blooming ailments of firewood as an indication of rank. Finally the hospital wife's without a word, scan or sinful wave over, but just a disclination at the common symbol for  painful hostage. The methodic piracy of irrelevantly recording with outdated equipment. Through the wavy night it was prohibited and heavily santioned, tactically defending against mobile and mainstream media. Tottering and fertilizing their astigmatic brains also to the habitual snowstorm of sarcasm and exile. Increasing the chaff microcosm and ragtime of invulnerable high fives. The high's felt through the infidel airsream completely and full figuredly capturing concepts of the bareback 20th century. A commingled dominatrix of recompense and one to two minutes later the crowd hard eyed the fifty foot array of cardio which they would each have to walk. Who's  platform of agnostic geniality wobbled or plus forwarning studies of all travel related infrequency on the tested and retested treatment of all dispayed super inimical features of the plaza. Of the lack of or lost intentionality in the fiery interview the epileptic traffic caused corruption and a senseless a thousand feelings. Basic terrestria served more to sufficiently accent the prepared space. And those accused, and  gathered for were unobtrusively remembered upon the conclusion of reception. It's pleasing to glorify self first through or from prior expectation yet corruption superficially seeds paradigm provoking broadcast and avoidurpoisly create a multitude of competencies if one is thrown a concerned impetuous tuple of feelings first. The fully displayed impetuous cells left troops reputations not utilized but wishes of the family's subsequently were withheld and completed through competent puppet operations. This type of treatment was considered to wrap date of modern processes from close and far. The bullring of self talk and vegetable based satirical seductiveness venturing into the many bodied non accesible school so disintrestedly rounded irreproachably a hibernating recurrent of aduced residentials who lived in revolving positions aestetically. Expressly the spatial eighth floor was for flaking, number crunching and open eyed break throughs in the subject of econometrics, exculpation and free stone art for the passive arrangement of a  fast expanding human who sought to deal with computers features, take it or leave it subtotaled a strenuous revision of joy. Allen Roc Neimus seemed pleased on a variety of different revisions associated with his upbringing. Loudly, legitmately, lively, age appropriately, diametriclly and grimly his chatterbox  dealt widely, cognitively and fro begged exclusion from his tapped habitat. The occasional patience of the ideal confronted outsider's in the formal crisp sphere of forthrightness and monogramed archeology laughingly set trends in the grades of sheetrock assignment. Inexpressibly two fifths of all filed and enveloped flub and slosh crashed intersubjectively archeologically closing the rag tagged wordly characters to size. Straightly put Jostling molded the ashen faced time model and paragmatically quarried and thawed congruously the monitor. The catafalque of lint free objective smells of foreign owned parsimony from lords tiered interchangeably. The pentacostal atrophy of inflation the plexiglass nonagricultural dripping six floor model who's minicomputer prior belonged to the regional pediatricians held in damnable respite. Unripe, spiteful and well hidden the face down tetrapod weighed a hundred pounds theoretically waitressing the red striped drill. On the most left was isomorphic swarm of incredulity, cotton price'd on the town road. Demonizing on the surface but with age a groggy hypnotist nightmarishly delectable emerged. A centralized ordanace clandestinely spectre to postdoctorality and posthumous valiant ventilation in conductance within the formatted town's plaza. With the light apochromatic lenses as opposed to the ocular ones downstairs. Overpopultaion was topiary and collegial to Roc Neimus.
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
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Image © @tredlocity​
[Commissioned by @crazytrain48​. The spiga are an Arduin creature, named after the name given to the giant spider Kumonga in the original dub of Son of Godzilla. They’re one of the relatively few Arduin monsters noted for their intelligence, and in the original Arduin Grimoires can reach as high as 24 Hit Dice. The original version didn’t have spellcasting abilities, but they appear in both the 90s and 2000s revival publications. ]
Spiga CR 12 NE Outsider (extraplanar) This giant spider-like creature has a metallic carapace and blades for forelegs. Its head is dominated by thirteen immense red eyes, one in the center and twelve surrounding it.
A spiga is a spider-like outsider renowned for its great intellect and greater wickedness. They are brilliant tacticians and sages, dwelling in the blasted wastes of Abaddon. When on the Material Plane, they live in similarly desolate environments, preferring warm regions to cold ones. Spigas do not need to eat, but greatly enjoy doing so, particularly as an intimidation tactic. Spigas often hunt to take hostages, keeping their prisoners for extended periods of time in their lairs. Prisoners are subjected to physical and mental torture, and then consumed once their bodies and wills are properly broken.
Spigas are merciless combatants that typically isolate and immobilize prey before picking off targets one by one. They do not weave traditional webbing, instead spewing it in a great cone to glue enemies in place. Creatures that escape their webs may be incapacitated anyway by their paralytic venom, or simply butchered with claws and fangs. All spigas can use divine magic, which they typically use to increase their combat potential and disrupt their enemies. They are vulnerable to cold, and target enemies using cold magic above other foes.
Spigas are not true daemons but are typically allied with them, as they also pursue agendas of misery and death. Many daemons find spigas too intellectual, and many spigas find daemons to be too inflexible. Thus, alliances between the two may be fraught with pettiness, and one party may abandon the other if their circumstances shift. Spigas despise mortals, but hate humans, elves and dwarves above all other races for various, obscure reasons.
The average spiga is the size of a horse, but larger and smaller variants do exist. Their carapaces come in metallic hues of silver, gold and blue, but their eyes are always a luminous red.
Shaggrath The greatest of the spiga is Shaggrath, the Red Moon Spider, who has advanced into the courts of the daemonic harbingers. Spigas worship Shaggrath nearly universally, and daemons in Shaggrath’s employ are those most likely to work with spigas successfully. Shaggrath is a neutral evil daemonic harbinger with access to the Darkness, Destruction, Evil and Knowledge domains, and the Daemon, Moon, Thought and Torture subdomains.
Spiga       CR 12 XP 19,200 NE Large outsider (evil, extraplanar) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +32 Defense AC 26, touch 16, flat-footed 19 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +1 dodge, +10 natural) AC 161 (14d10+84) Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +16 Immune disease, electricity, fire, mind-influencing effects, paralysis, poison; SR 23 Defensive Abilities freedom of movement; Weakness vulnerable to cold Offense Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee 2 claws +18 (2d12+5), bite +18 (1d12+5 plus poison) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5ft. Special Abilities breath weapon (40 ft. cone, Ref DC 23, entrap, 1d4 rounds), entrap (hardness 5, 15 hp, 1 hour) Spells CL 8th, concentration +15 (+19 casting defensively) 4th—dimensional anchor, divine power, unholy blight (DC 21) 3rd—bestow curse (DC 20), cure serious wounds (DC 20), invisibility purge, prayer, protection from energy 2nd—bull’s strength, cure moderate wounds (DC 19), hold person (DC 19), silence (DC 19), spiritual weapon 1st—bane (DC 18), comprehend languages, cure light wounds (DC 18), entropic shield, protection from good (DC 18), sanctuary (DC 18) 0th—detect magic, mending, read magic, stabilize Statistics Str 20, Dex 23, Con 23, Int 25, Wis 24, Cha 22 Base Atk +14; CMB +20; CMD 37 (49 vs. trip) Feats Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Lunge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack Skills Acrobatics +20 (+24 when jumping), Bluff +23, Climb +36, Diplomacy +23, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering) +17, Knowledge (planes, religion) +20, Perception +32, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +21, Stealth +19; Racial Modifiers +16 Climb, +8 Perception Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal SQ expert climber, no breath Ecology Environment any deserts (Abaddon) Organization solitary or conspiracy (2-4) Treasure double standard Special Abilities Expert Climber (Ex) A spiga can climb on any surface. Treat this as a non-magical spider climb effect, and this ability doubles its racial bonus on Climb checks to +16. Freedom of Movement (Su) A spiga is constantly protected by a freedom of movement effect as a supernatural ability. Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 23; duration 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Dex damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution based. Spells A spiga casts spells as an 8th level cleric. It does not gain other cleric class abilities, such as a domain or spontaneous inflict spells. It treats its own body as a holy symbol for the purposes of spell components.
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thaiamulet-us · 4 years
Owl Pendant-Lucky Money Owl (Nok Terd Ter Riak Sap)
Lucky Money Owl
(Nok Terd Ter Riak Sap) A specially formulated Owl amulet for your spells of attraction, luck, and money-drawing. Owl pendant for Wealth, Treasures and Gambling Fortunes By Phu Kroo Noo (Kalasin)
A divinely empowered Owl pendant, it will ensure that you succeed in all your endeavors. With powers that know no limit, it will assist you in all aspects of life, whether personal or professional.   As per ancient Feng Shui, owl is used for the learning activation for students and for career progress. As per Hinduism and also Feng Shui, the owl is a very powerful symbol of the prosperity and abundance. is a very powerful symbol to attract abundance and career progression / academic success. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Nok Terd Ter Riak Sap is made from high-quality sacred herbs, powders. Though from the outside it seems like an ordinary amulet, yet it contains an unusual sacred element hidden within. Lucky Money Owl, made from Sacred Putakun Powders. An Inconspicuously Powerful Riches and Game of Chance Amulet, to see far ahead in Business, Gambling, and Personal Fortune Accumulation. Made from a selction of the finest Puttakun Powders, and created for powerful rapid effects more than aesthetic appearance, the Amulet is perhaps not so colorful, nor does it show the Takrut inserts easily, for they are hidden in the bottom of the amulet. Showing off is not one of the favorite habits of the Owl, who is a Night Stalker, and hunts its Prey in the Darkness. The owl is therefore able to see opportunities where others are still unable to, for they need more light to see clearly. The Owl also sees very far and can spot the smallest object in the middle of a field, such as a field mouse. Thai Buddhist Amulets Owl Pendant. The Sacred Powders are made from Auspicious Muan Sarn; Powerful Powders-Pong Maha Lap Chae Nam Man Tua Po (powders soaked in Po Bean Oil Pong Na Maha Sanaeh Metta Mahaniyom (Pure Metta and Maha Sanaeh Powder) Pong Prakam Na Hlong Hlai (Powders Rosary with Na Hlong Hlai Spell Invoked) Nam Man Nga Jet saw Borisut (sesame Oil from 7 Vestal Virgins) Earths - Din Jet Pong (Earths from 7 Salt Licks) Din Jet Ta (Earths from 7 Ports) Din Jet Sra (Earths from 7 Lakes/Ponds) Necromantic Ingredients Look Krok Maew (Powdered Dessicated Cats Embryo) Herbal Ingredients - Wan Saw Hlong (Enchanted Maiden herb) Kruea Saw Hlong (Enchanted Maiden Vine) All 12 kinds of Dork Tong - a rare golden flower that blooms only once a year with one single bloom) Yord Dork Rak Sorn (Love Flower) Yord Rak (leaf tips of the Love Plant) Yord Sawat Thao Wan Hlong (Rare Jungle Vine) Klai Chedi Wat Rang Jet Wat (broken pieces of Chedi Stupa from 7 Deserted Temples)     Ajarn said that there are no negatives to keeping this item and it is safe for all. It works by affecting willpower and happens naturally because of the sacred components contained within. Kata Bucha Nok Terd Ter U-Chuu Ja Su-Hu-Chuu Ja Suwa Jo Jas-Sa Tuy-Tuy Tae-Tae Ter-Ter Aehi maa Maa Maa Ni Maa Maa ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Owl pendant can help improve one's luck, fate and fortune. This means that the talisman has the potential power to opening doors that will lead you to your success in bringing about the changes you desire. Powerful Prosperity Amulet draws Spiritual as well as Financial Wealth! Find Balance in your life with an Abundance of Bright Blessings! Wonderful for wealth is used for reversing bad luck, and to bring positive energy into your life. Due to the potent power of the mystical properties imbued within the Owl talisman, is formulated to be used in magical workings for the fulfillment of goals. to attract to you whatever you desire ,Whether it is love, money, prosperity, a new job, achieve victory, completion and success in all your endeavors.   Read the full article
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