#primary roy
timidgarden7 · 2 years
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A super soldier Roy from a flash game Primary a.k.a one of my childhood games I didn't finished because of the godamn controls and never will because Flash was shut down.
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mysterycitrus · 2 months
very tempted to whinge at length about nightwing #93 and the consequential fallout in fandom again because like. dick grayson’s two long term romantic relationships being with women who were both a) assaulted and traumatised through loss of agency to varying degrees and b) reclaimed that agency and used their power to help others would perhaps impact his worldview on this issue. dick loves korys passion despite her pain and loves babs’s perseverance through adversity. regardless of personal gripes w babs or korys characterisation in comics i think there’s a way to include them in his recovery without them just shaming him for being assaulted. idk man.
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coachbeards · 5 months
beardjane being married = bad
the beardjane baby becoming the team’s baby = good
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bitchthefuck1 · 6 months
I never noticed this before, but in Austerlitz when Logan runs at Kendall like he might hit him, Roman tries to reach out and stop him.
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The only other time we see Roman actually try to fight back or intervene is when Kendall tries to grab Shiv in the finale.
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cogcltrcorn · 1 year
"half rava half a filing cabinet" is actually driving me insane. like we will likely never fucking know what Exactly it was and each possible interpretation makes me a little insane in its own way.
rava had an affair? logan thought kendall got cucked. demeaned. emasculated.
they used a sperm donor? logan thought kendall is infertile. incapable of producing an offspring. which is just as bad as being cucked and emasculated
or maybe logan didn't think about the logistics. maybe he just didn't accept the idea that an autistic child can be his heir on principle. anything bad could not have been passed down from the Roy Side, so whatever it is it's half rava half Something Else Althogether.
I personally lean into the last interpretation (with the side of logan assuming kendall was weak enough to permit an affair) because I am a kendall is autistic but spends all of his energy masking truther and the idea that logan would reject Iverson as a possible heir for essentially the same reason he rejected kendall (although neither of them are aware of that) makes me go fucking bonkers
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Ok, I totally get where ur coming from being team shiv and how she’s been totally betrayed by Tom, but she has literally been betraying Tom and treating him horribly since their wedding day so doesn’t he deserve to get back at her a bit for treating him like dirt? Not trying to start beef I genuinely wanna know ur opinion haha
Okay so here's the thing. Shiv cares about exactly one thing; Logan's approval. She gives it up for Tom.
Logan looks down on his kids because they had everything handed to them, even though he was the one who handed it to them. In season 1, Shiv has built herself a whole life, completely separate from the Roy family and Royco, because she didn't want to live under her dad's thumb. As of season 1, she is the only Roy sibling who didn't just have everything handed to her, and the only one Logan seems to even remotely approve of.
And then she chooses to marry a man working at Royco because she loves him. Logan did not want her marrying Tom, on the basis that Tom was beneath her. Marrying Tom lost her Logan's approval.
And as for the open marriage thing, let's talk about the open marriage thing, I've been dying to talk about the open marriage thing. Shiv has spent her whole life being betrayed or abandoned. She is constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is that. She asks for the open marriage so if Tom fucks around it's not cheating, and she can fuck around enough to have a backup if Tom leaves.
Season 2 rolls around and she loses the career she built for herself, decides to go to Royco when Logan promises her top spot, and Tom gives her shit for it. He lets her step in on the cruise ship scandal with no warning. Shiv goes through public humiliation after public humiliation, completely destroying any chance she may have had of ever going back to her political career.
She then finds out that Tom is going to prison, and she begs Logan to save him. She pleads with the man who she has never had the approval of to save her husband. Shiv, throughout the show, constantly degrades and debases herself because since the pilot, she has been fighting to get Logan's approval back, and the reason she lost said approval was that she chose to marry Tom.
End of season 3 - Tom! betrays! her! to! Logan!
And now, in the season 4 trailer, Tom has the nerve, the gall, the sheer fucking audacity, to say it's not his fault that Shiv can't get Logan's approval? And asks Logan if he and Shiv broke up, would he still be good with Logan? Yeah no. And it's not like he's ignorant of Logan's feelings about their marriage. He's actively choosing to see the whole thing, all of these relationships, as a chess game that he's winning. He's convinced himself that Shiv is the one Logan hates, and has decided that instead of sticking up for his wife, who gave up everything for him, he's going to capitalise on it.
Shiv, as a direct result of marrying Tom, has lost her career, her dignity, and Logan's approval. Frankly, I do not think anything she could ever do to Tom would be even half as bad as the shit he's pulled.
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rozahline · 1 year
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friends til the end
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humanveil · 1 year
i love being delusional about ships as much as the next guy but i do not understand watching prestige tv solely for a b plot ship
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mary-tudor · 1 year
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"Vostre bon[n]e soeur & cousine...
[...] .And we pray to God, the Giver of Peace, that this pacification may be ratified in such a way that no future malice may be able to affect it. All this we have more amply stated to the said Sieur de Beaumont, who after having declared his mission has with our permission and passport, gone towards Scotland....As well as this he has also heard from our own mouth the present state of our good sister the Queen of Scotland, and of our good intention of proceeding with her..." 
A letter written by Queen Elizabeth of England to King Charles IX of France.
Link: https://www.williamreesecompany.com/pages/books/WRCAM56901/elizabeth-i/manuscript-letter-signed-from-queen-elizabeth-i-to-king-charles-ix-of-france-regarding-the-peace
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fixkuwili · 2 years
since the death of god, there's been a vacancy open
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mysterycitrus · 8 months
also i really wish that the young justice gen had been formally inducted into the anti bruce wayne gang by the og haters (specifically roy, donna, wally, and kory) because i think it would’ve saved everyone — specifically tim drake — a whole lot of grief
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asteria-argo · 8 months
So many thoughts, head so full
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coachbeards · 4 months
beardjane having a baby = bad
beard relying on trent and roy a lot for baby related questions = good
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jupitermelichios · 9 months
comics should place characterization first
me: people should stop openingly fantasising about jayroy shippers dying because they don't like roy's post-2011 characterisation, that's fucked up
you, apparently: actually it's fine to do that because sometimes the comics are bad
I say again, comics are an ongoing mediums and writers change. there are always going to be versions of your faves that you hate, and sometimes those are the ones that get carried forward into ongoing canon, and that's just the nature of the medium. it's not about good or bad characterisation, that's just a fact about all ongoing multi-author mediums.
if you can't handle that without wishing death on strangers, comics are not the hobby for you. watch movies, read novels, find fiction that has one author and one creative vision until you develope the emotional maturity to interact with people who like stuff you don't without slinging insults and ill wishing people!
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terfywho · 1 year
idc what anyone else says, roman roy (catholic) buying hearts is THE funniest succession plotline i am howling
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drgnbnd · 2 years
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some years later
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