#attack kendall he actually tries to stop him
bitchthefuck1 · 6 months
I never noticed this before, but in Austerlitz when Logan runs at Kendall like he might hit him, Roman tries to reach out and stop him.
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The only other time we see Roman actually try to fight back or intervene is when Kendall tries to grab Shiv in the finale.
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teriri-sayes · 9 months
Reactions to Cale Snow's Chapter 235
TL;DR - Gashan gets everyone to leave because of Archie's presence. Gashan is amazed at Clopeh's genius. Archie interferes in the fight between the dragons. Archie and Rasheel bicker. Rasheel wins in close combat against Kendall.
Crazy Genius Clopeh You know, I feel like Clopeh is one of the author's fave characters. Because she gets very descriptive whenever Clopeh makes an appearance. Take today's chapter. We have entire paragraphs of Gashan analyzing how much of a genius Clopeh is when it comes to combat. 😂
Lock, Gashan, and the Aipotu wolf beastmen had heard the explosion in the mountain and came to investigate, but Clopeh suddenly appeared and explained the situation. What surprised Gashan was that he did not feel Clopeh's presence at all.
Gashan suspected that this change happened because of HD's teachings. Before that, Clopeh's presence could easily be felt. However, Clopeh said that this was something he learned from CH.
What followed afterwards was Gashan's very long analysis of Clopeh's skills, and his conclusion that Clopeh was a dangerous genius. And I'm laughing because this entire analysis took up a quarter of the chapter. 🤣🤣🤣
Rasheel and Archie Oh dear, I was so excited when Archie made an appearance today. And it did not disappoint when I read how the two bickered at each other. 😂
Archie: *heads to the scene of the fight* Narrator: The ground broke and a huge chunk of stone flew towards Archie. Archie: Damn it! *breaks stone* Why are you throwing this at me! Is this dragon crazy! Rasheel: Hey, whale bastard! Why are you trying to get involved in a fight I've already won! Archie: What already won! I tried to help because you look like you're being beaten up! Rasheel: Stop lying! I can tell you're just a battle-crazed bastard! Archie: I'M NOT! Narrator: The moment Archie saw the rock that Rasheel threw at him, he got angry and unconsciously spoke informally to the dragon. This was because there was no Paseton, Witira, or Cale to stop him. Archie: Argh, this is frustrating! Rasheel: I'm frustrated too! Kendall: ... *shocked*
And it was amusing to see Archie's provocations again. 😂
Kendall: How dare two similar- Archie: *crosses arms and tilts head* Similar? Archie: *looks up and down Kendall* Looking at you, aren't you similar to him (Rasheel)? Kendall: You-!!!! *gets angry*
Indomitable Rasheel Fortunately, Rasheel won in the end. He figured out that Kendall was actually weak in close combat, and with his indomitable will, he managed to push through and grab Kendall's collar before landing a punch on the face! YES! I believed in you, Rasheel! 🥰
Ending Remarks Today was a fun chapter with Gashan's thoughts on Clopeh, and Archie's appearance. I guess Archie interfering in the fight foiled Clopeh's sneak attack plan. Now, I'm looking forward to Cale's reaction when he sees the Rasheel-Archie team.
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lizzardwitch · 3 months
Top 3 Kendall Ships?
Ooooof I've got a lot to say let's go
3rd Place: Kendall/Ivan. Definitely not helped by the fact that I crushed heavy on Ivan (still do) when I was a kid & and that I just as heavily related with Kendall then as I do now. It's so adorable how Kendall always looks to Ivan whenever shit is going down and he tries to make her feel better, the entire episode where he destroys the suit of armor and IMMEDIATELY upon clocking how terrible the situation is, tries to do something about it because he doesn't want to make her upset especially is too fucking cute. They're like a subversion of the princess/knight dynamic, instead of insisting that Kendall be his damsel in distress, Ivan adores her just the way she is. The way he's constantly calling her "m'lady" (even though he does this with every girl) has me weak every time. In the Halloween episode where they were skipping together in their costumes <333. Their height difference is also adorable (and I think it's great how someone who is so used to old customs and traditions manages to get along with and have a deep bond with someone who is constantly developing technological advancements and believes in science).
2nd Place: Kendall/Shelby. Probably one of my favorite wlw ships in fiction, I absolutely adore the development their relationship had from the beginning where they would antagonize one another, moreso on Kendall's end to Let Sleeping Zords Lie, when Kendall actually makes good on her creed to correct her mistakes and begins to cooperate with Shelby more. Given how they're the only main female characters out of the entire team of 10 and incredibly intelligent, it's really nice to see them stand in solidarity with one another and support each other given their similar situations and interests. Definitely giving the writers props for subverting the childish trope of pitting women against each other for no reason in favor of character development for both. Their sunshine/sunshine protector dynamic is so cute and Shelby helping Kendall relax while Kendall employs her musical background to help Shelby got me going crazy oh my goddddd Kendall/Shelby girlfriendism is so real (+ I actually have some drafts/drawings for a Madoka Magica AU featuring these two lmao since I'm a sucker for pink/purple girlies)
1st Place: Kendall/Heckyl, hands down. This is gonna turn into a yap fest but I've been obsessed with them for nine years and that shows no signs of stopping any time soon, they're in my top 10 favorite ships of all time. Much like Ivan, I crushed heavily on Heckyl when I was a child (and still do) and absolutely ate up his flirting with her, calling her 'pretty lady' and things of the like. You can see it gradually, when he hesitates between saving her or revealing his identity upon Wish Star attacking (although he's still in his evil arc so he runs off). When he catches glances at her while working. When Shelby revealed his villainous nature and referenced him saving her from the car she looked and sounded so heartbroken during the scene :( (and in the Beauticruel episode he mentions that love hurts, which I interpret as him feeling at least a twinge of remorse about fumbling his relationship with Kendall)
I also love how in the finale they actually work together more once he turns good (after literally SAVING HER AGAIN AAAAAA), like how they cooperate in taking over Sledge's ship along with James & Phillip, and he's STANDING WITH HER IN THE MEGAZORD AND STAYS BY HER SIDE IN THE FIGHT AGAINST SNIDE. I'm willing to bet the only reason it took him so long to turn good in the finale was because Kendall wasn't in the café to convince him lmao
These two are the standard of what I want in a relationship: his constant flirting, the way they're both sassy, snarky, and intelligent but also provide a great contrast (her stoic, deadpan nature w/ his flamboyance and effervescence), and when his convictions are turned for the better, he always comes back to aid them no matter how much he wants to deny it initially (he's such a softie omg). These two are like the old married couple of the show. The autism/adhd couple next to Chase/Riley. The girlboss/malewife next to Shelby/Tyler, if you will. I've got so many headcanons & AUs for them, drawings of them, fics for them, I have a playlist for them, I'm just delusional over them bro
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oluka · 1 year
Invincible Iron Man #10: Tony Stark and Emma Frost get married! Or do they?
It's Iron Man week again! And here are my thoughts about it.
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Sorry, but I needed everyone to see this slightly disturbing panel. It's way better in context, though.
Issue #10 starts by giving us an update on Rhodey! It was a pleasant surprise for me, because I thought he would be kept to the side during the wedding plot. But no! The issue does not follow chronological order, so I'll make a not so quick detour to explain the current situation: issue #9 ends with Emma arranging a meeting between Tony and Wilson Fisk. In issue #10, Tony asks Fisk for help, and gets it. Why? Because Fisk's wife, Typhoid Mary, is a mutant, and she was forced off-world along with like 99% of all mutants during Orchis' attack at the Hellfire Gala. The thing is, the ones who were left on Earth think that the others are dead. In addition to the mutants and humans who were actually killed by Orchis, that means there are very few mutants left, and they're all out for blood. Fisk is too, since he thinks his wife is dead. So he and Tony come to an agreement: Fisk protects Tony (and Rhodey), because Tony promised he will defeat Feilong. But, well. It's Fisk. It probably won't end well.
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Back to the present: Tony's the Black King of the Hellfire Club (to Fisk's White King), is desperately trying to build a new and improved suit of armour while pretending to be drunk all day, and scheming to defeat Feilong. Rhodey is still in prison and he's still being targeted by other prisoners on Feilong's orders. This time, Feilong even arranges a phone call between Tony and Rhodey while Rhodey gets attacked.
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That's not very nice. Tony gets understandably mad, runs up to Feilong, about to do something very stupid like punch him in the face, but Fisk stops Tony and reminds him of their arrangement. Turns out that Fisk hired Sandman and the Living Laser to protect Rhodey in prison.
We get this nice panel of Rhodey telling Tony to win:
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Nice! Tony and his allies are all determined to turn the tide of the war around, and they're doing all they can to get there.
So, what does Tony need to win? He needs a stronger armour (the stealth suit isn't powerful enough to beat sentinels), and he needs information from Feilong's mind. Which is why killing Feilong isn't a great idea right now. Unfortunately, Emma Frost (disguised as Hazel Kendal) just stepped foot in the Hellfire Club, and dreams of only one thing, revenge. So when Tony tries to stop her, this happens:
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Ouch! Emma drops her ring, ready to kill Feilong and damn the consequences, but Tony begs her to reconsider.
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Which is the exact moment, of course, when Feilong steps inside the room. And sees Tony on his knees in front of Emma with a ring in his hand. I think you know where this is going.
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There isn't much choice for Emma and Tony: they need to get the inhibitor ring back on her finger so that the sentinels don't find her. And in front of Feilong, the only way to do that is if they make it look like a proposal. It's a desperate play, and very much unplanned. When I heard the news about the Stark-Frost wedding, I thought it would be some kind of political move on their part. I was wrong. This is a lot funnier, though.
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And there you have it! Context for the panel I showed you back at the start of the post, and a very fake wedding! Between Tony Stark and Hazel Kendal. But the issue isn't finished, far from it. Tony and Emma now have to pretend. A lot. And smile at the cameras. A lot.
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Tony has a nice sleazy chat with Feilong:
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Look at this! This is every bad thing Tony could say about himself in ONE conversation! First: he pretends that he was only iron man for the adulation. That he didn't care about saving people. Second: he pretends to be drinking again, because "an addict gotta addict" and "booze is tastier". And third: he pretends he married Hazel (his assistant) because she was a potential HR nightmare, playing into the idea that he's just a jerk taking advantage of her. In one fell swoop, he implies that he isn't a hero and doesn't care about anything other than money and getting the next high (from alcohol).
I love it when Tony leans into the wrong assumptions that people have about him, but this is a lot. Ouch.
It gives us some very funny panels, though:
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I need more of their banter, please and thank you. Look at their big fake pained smiles. I love this.
They decide to get married THE DAY AFTER. In Las Vegas. Where they go on fake dates. And then have a torrid night... of going out to do secret illegal stuff.
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Tony steals some tech things from Zeke Stane's secret lab (nice cameo, Duggan), which is why they went to Vegas in the first place. And then the day of the wedding is finally here. Behold!
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A literal red wedding! I have to admit, I love how committed they are to their bit. They're going full evil mode. I can't help but think of Tony Stark in the first Iron Man movie, at the casino scene, wearing his red shirt and sunglasses, looking every bit the douchy self-centered billionaire. Which he was, at the time. And here, we have Tony pretending to be all that. Down to wearing sunglasses indoors. I don't know, I really like it.
Let me make a comment about what Tony writes here: that this is the first and last time that he'll ever be married, and that Emma will break his heart. About the first part: this can either mean that he and Emma will stay married, or that he doesn't think he'll ever marry someone. The autobiographical notes are interesting in that sometimes they tell us what Tony thought in the moment, and sometimes they give us potential hints about future events, like we've seen in this issue. Will Tony stay married to Emma afterwards? I don't think so, but you never know. But if this is Tony telling us that he won't ever marry someone, then it's interesting too. I tend to view Tony as somewhat of a hopeless romantic: he falls in love very easily, and half the time it's with a woman who is only there to deceive him, or who turns evil. Think Sunset Bain, Indries Moomji, Cassandra Gillespie, Kathy Dare, etc. The other half of the time, his relationship doesn't work out because of his superhero life conflicting with his personal life. The biggest example is with Rumiko Fujikawa, one of his longest relationships. He couldn't commit enough because of his secret identity. And when it was revealed, it got better between them, to the point that he was about to propose. He had a ring already! And then a villain killed Rumiko while wearing the Iron Man armour. She died in his arms!!!!!! It was extremely sad, and no subsequent writer at Marvel ever mentioned Rumiko again. Which is baffling to me. She was one of his longest relationships. He was ready to spend the rest of his life with her. And her death isn't even mentioned once in all the years since then??? It makes me so mad. In my opinion, this should have been treated as the traumatic event it was. And in my personal canon, this is one of the reasons why he hasn't really dated people who aren't superheroines, since. With the exception of Amara Perera, but that didn't last long. Because Tony faked his death. Anyways. The two recent relationships Tony has had are with Janet and Patsy, both heroines. And he proposed to Patsy. To me, Tony really wants to have a lasting relationship, but both external and internal factors hinder him. His life is dangerous, and his non-hero friends either turn into superheroes themselves or die, so he can't really safely date. He has few friends, and almost all of them are part of the hero community (I could make a whole post about how Marvel has put aside most of his support cast and reduced it to essentially only Rhodey, but this post is already way too long). Which means he almost only interacts with heroes. Duggan made that same comment in issue #3, I think. It's sad. Give Tony more friends! Or make him interact with his existing supporting cast! We've seen what happens otherwise: he gets shoehorned into a relationship with someone he doesn't even know (Patsy...). But. Back to the proposal: Tony is someone who wants stability in his love-life. He never gets it, not for long. And now, he's married. But it's all fake. And he knows it, he knows it's just an arrangement, but he also knows that he's going to fall for Emma, and that she won't reciprocate. And he's okay with that. Because it has happened so many times already, that he cares more about the person he is with than they do about him. It's quite tragic. And also a fun inversion of what he's supposed to be, aloof heartbreaker playboy. God, I love all the intricacies of Tony's masks and armours vs who he really is.
Back to the issue. Tony and Emma/Hazel marry each other! They break into Feilong's mind to steal his secrets! Tony watches Howard's message to him and momentarily forgets all about his childhood abuse! We get a reference to Iron Man 2! Boo.
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"You were my greatest collaboration" is somehow worse than "you were my greatest creation". This is possibly the only thing that I didn't like about the issue, though, so it's okay. The issue ends with Emma and Tony going on their "honeymoon", which is probably code for "secret mission to find the mutant metal mysterium". I really hope that Tony will build a kick-ass armour with it. It apparently has anti-magical properties, too.
And that's the end of the issue reached! Finally! Two random thoughts to go: 1. Tony is surprisingly okay with killing Feilong here.
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There is this interesting comment about killing, a bit earlier in the issue:
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Tony usually doesn't take a life if he can't help it, but he has indeed killed before. I do think he wishes he didn't "have to", though. But clearly he doesn't care about keeping Feilong alive. Is it because of how heinous the things Feilong has done against mutants are? Is it because Tony has been dealt one blow after the other, each more personal than the last, and he's lost his cool? I'd be interested to hear anyone's thoughts.
2. We get a Tony and Emma cameo in Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant (2023) #2. It's a cute reunion where Tony saves Kamala from Orchis drones, and also makes a lot of bad married jokes. Some not very appropriate for the audience.
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Kamala, just turn this into a fanfic. And try not to think about it too hard.
If you've read this far, give yourself a pat on the back. See you for the next Iron Man week!
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sheadre · 2 months
Crushes Don't Get Easier (James Diamond x Reader) Chapter 5
Summary: BTR is a big hit, everyone loves them, but when they come back to the Palm Woods after their latest tour, they are greeted by a new girl band who actually signed with Gustavo while they were gone. (Name) is their leader who has great style, beautiful and is excellent at singing and dancing. The boys don't get along with them at first but then they realize they can be allies instead of enemies. James gets closer to her slowly even if he is still hung up on Lucy who left him without saying a word. Will there be more to (Name) and James, or is it just a fleeting fantasy and nothing will come of it?
Warnings: fluff, goofiness, angst later on
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It’s been three or four days since (Name) and James sat on the rooftop. (Name) wished she wouldn’t have chickened out when they had THE moment. However, she did and she felt like it was the biggest mistake she could’ve done. Lily and Emma tried their best to cheer her up but she was still lying on their couch face down in the cushions.
“Weren’t you the one who said that James isn't worth it?” Emma put her hands in the air. “He’s after his heartless ex who left him without saying a word. He’s still so hung up on her that when he saw you dressed in a style similar to hers, he had a panic attack! Do you really want to waste your time on a guy like that?”
“Emm has a point, (Name).” Lily joined in as well. “You’d just waste your time on James. Are you really ready for a heartbreak like that? I mean what if Lucy comes back and he goes back to her right away?”
“It’s just a what if but I won’t do anything. I already lost my chance so it doesn’t matter.” (Name) huffed as she lifted herself up from the couch.
The door suddenly opened with a loud bang almost flying off of it’s hinges. The girls looked to the entrance in shock mixed with confusion. Carlos, Logan and Kendall walked in pointing at (Name).
“Go and date James!” they yelled at her.
“What?!” the three girls cried out in shock. The tall blonde band member stepped forward and put his hands in the air.
“Okay, let me explain it.”
When the girls looked at him expectantly, Kendall continued. “You all know James, right? He’s a bit delusional, self-centered, shallow and can stop using his brain sometimes. BUT! He can be selfless, has a heart of gold and means well when it comes to those important to him.”
“Get to the point already, Knight!” Lily and Emma chorused together.
“So his mother is coming over and is all about him finding her the perfect daughter-in-law because she wants someone reliable to take over her cosmetics company after she retires. Please be his fake girlfriend again!”
The guys all put their hands together while looking at her with puppy dog eyes.
That is how (Name) found herself sitting next to James at the table in apartment 2J, holding his hand visibly on the surface of the furniture while she tried to be the best girlfriend in the world. The way James’ large hand enveloped her small one, how their skin brushed, how James’ fingers curled over hers, it all made her heart thump harder in her chest. Brooke was scrutinizing her like a hawk.
“Soooo, how did you two meet?” she asked cooing like she was trying hard to seem as if she liked (Name) already. All the boys looked a bit terrified at the table as they waited for either James or (Name) to speak up.
“We were at the beach-”
“We were by the smoothie stand-”
Brooke raised her perfectly trimmed eyebrows looking between the two of them. Then (Name) smiled and took over the lead.
“We’re at the beach, both of us wanting to have a smoothie and James ran into me, we fell to the sand and then I was spitting sand at him not so lady-like. He helped me up and when our eyes met he kept staring at me with that ‘I will make you mine!’ look.” she said then shrugged. “I said no when he asked me out, then the guys joined the pestering so in the end I agreed to ONE date. Then James protected me from the guys splashing me with some unidentifiable substance on their prank day-”
“Prank-day contest!” Carlos corrected.
“Doesn’t matter, anyway, James protected me that day and I just saw how much he cared about me.”
“You wanted to say you fell for me.” the brunette quipped in with a large grin. (Name) rolled her eyes with a fond smile then pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
“You never stop reminding me, do you?”
“Correct.” his grin grew even larger. As she looked into his hazel eyes, (Name) knew that something changed between them. The magnetic pull was too strong to ignore it.
“Ah, such a lovely story!” Brooke smiled then her expression turned serious. She clapped her hands together then took a breath and continued: “So I bet you know about my company and where James comes from. I won’t be beating around the bush. James is really successful as a singer and I want to retire one day but I don’t want to trust my company to just anyone. IF James manages to find a future spouse who is reliable and will be managing my company as well as I do, I will trust my company to them. So I propose that you show me your skills during an internship under my wings and I let you two date. If you fail, James will find a better girl for his future.”
“Mom!” James jumped up from the table angrily. The others were shocked to see him stand up for not only another person but himself against his mother. “You cannot just tell me who to date because of your purposes! It’s up to me who I like and who I wanna be with, not you or your business! I’m your son and not a bargaining chip!”
Then he stomped out of the room. Brooke sat there shocked to the core, frozen in place. (Name) stood to follow James when Kendall grabbed her wrist.
“Make sure he’s okay, we’ll manage his mom.”
It didn’t take long for (Name) to find James on the rooftop. After their first time up there, she had the feeling that it will be their place in the future. The brunette sat at the edge staring out at the city as it was bustling with life.
“I won’t go back.” he stated.
“You don’t have to but if you stay here, I’ll stay as well.” she sat down next to him. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she thought about touching him softly as if soothingly.
“I didn’t expect her to have such plans. You have your career, your goals, your life. I thought that she just wanted to see me in a stable relationship which would give her the hope of seeing me getting married or settling down.”
“It’s okay James.” (Name) chuckled. Then she carefully as if afraid James would become dust, she put her hand on his arm. “I wouldn’t mind getting married to you for a few years until your mom writes her company on my name.”
“Oh so you’d fake-marry me until you get the money? You’re such a horrible, horrible person, (Name)! How can you do that to a face like this?!” the brunette motioned around his head then the two of them burst out laughing. (Name) felt bold somehow like never before and leaned against him.
“I never said we’d get a divorce.” she sighed hoping that her words were insinuating enough.
“So you’d go out with me for real?” James asked.
“I’d be a fool not to.” she grinned then she felt his lips press against hers softly. (Name) blinked surprised but then she opened her lips and let him kiss her properly. She wanted to get closer to him, her heart pounding in her chest. Then she felt his large hand grab her waist and pull her closer, her breasts pressing against his chest.
James pulled away from her with a soft smile.
“We shouldn’t get too frisky here unless you wanna fall deeper.”
(Name) furrowed her eyebrows until she processed what he was saying.
“Oh my gosh… that was sooooo bad!” she shook her head with a giggle. Then she sighed. “We should go back.”
“I’d rather fall off this roof.”
(Name) slapped his arm playfully.
“She’s your mom! She must be worried.”
“Okay, okay, let’s go back.”
The elevator was slowly descending to the second floor. As the light was switching places on the panel above, (Name)’s heart was beating louder and louder. She wasn’t ready to take over a cosmetics company or to work along with Brooke Diamond. It will be a long and tiring internship but maybe it would financially stabilize her and her parents would see that she could handle adult life.
Then the elevator dinged and opened the door. (Name) wasn’t even looking up until she bumped into James. As she raised her head, she realized why he stopped in his tracks.
Lucy Stone stood there in all her rocker glory.
“Hi James!” she greeted with a grin.
To be continued…
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Khloe was too afraid to say anything bc she knew her little sister (Kendall) would be attacked. I remember it like it was yesterday.
"But ... I don't know if they're like boyfriend-girlfriend," Kardashian added. "Nowadays I don't know, people are weird with stuff. So, I don't know their title. But I mean, they were in St. Barts together hanging out, so to me that's dating."
And she's right. Of course, they were dating. My guess is, they dated off & on for a couple of years & even lived together at one point when Harry was in L.A. which was a lot. There was a period where Kendall didn't have a boyfriend. Not publicly. And it was in that time period I believe she was dating Harry.
I don't believe they were together during yachtgate. For one, Megan Smith came forward right after saying she had been dating Harry for about 7 months & didn't even know about Kendall until she saw the photos. He tried calling her after he got home, but she refused to talk to him.
larries dominated the comment section w "he's gay petra" & harries are so terrified he's actually going to meet someone nice & get married & start a family that they feed off of the larries negativity bc they don't want to see him w another woman unless that woman is one of them so even tho they hate larries, it is the only time they are ok w seeing gay comments.
They don't necessarily want to see him gay. They just don't want to see him w another woman.
I think yachtgate was a vacation & Harry was also signing a contract w Azoff going solo. Kendall was being bombarded w gay rumors & being seen w Harry was supposed to silence those rumors. Harry was her beard. LOL (I'm kidding!) But you can't deny they have great chemistry & are comfortable around each other. You can tell they have history. And when Megan Smith came forward about her relationship w Harry, it made Kendall look like the other woman & she had a huge fight w Harry at Jeff's birthday celebrations & hendall stopped talking for a while.
OK, I'm done. I can't believe I'm this invested in Harry's personal life when I think he's such a trashy human being. If Taylor were smart, she would try to find a nice guy. But who knows, maybe she's just as fake as he is.
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Khloe wasn't afraid to say anything. She gave multiple interviews about this. The KarJenners thrive on attention--both negative and positive. If Kendall started getting seriously attacked by his fans, it would have become a storyline. Khloe truly didn't know anything because it was nothing more than a holiday hook up that they both used for publicity. And, yes, they used it because they knew the paps were there. That was a big yacht. They could have found a private place to make out. Or sign his contract.
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yelya · 2 years
So I have a fic idea...
So I read a post a few days ago about how Cousin Greg from Succession looks like Five from Umbrella Academy was put through a stretcher when he grew up and now I have ideas for a crossover fic.
So at the end of TUA s3, instead of ending up in the world where Reggie is basically uber!ruler, Five ends up in Succession!verse, he no longer has his powers and there's no sign of his siblings. Once he stops PTSDing over being alone in Potentially Yet Another Apocalypse, only this time without his powers and aged up to his thirties, he looks around and realises, he's actually in a pretty advanced world compared to what he's used to, only there's no powers, no Academy, and no Reginald Hargreeves here. Five starts trying to figure out wtf happened and where everyone he knows is. (He dismisses his aging up as a side effect of whatever the fuck Reginald and Alison did and pretty much just rolls with looking like Cousin Greg; Five has bigger issues to worry about).
After a bit of sleuthing, he determines there's no Commission here (at least no one has made contact yet), and without his powers and no briefcase to help him time-travel, Five decides to treat things like what happened in the Sixties: his family will arrive at some point, so he decides to make a base and settle in to wait for them. Luckily, he has an identity ready-made for him with all the details revealed on his weird high-tech phone - Gregory Hirsch, what kind of name is that? He has a women claiming to be his mother (which he will deal with later, much later) sending multiple messages telling him to go to meet his great uncle Logan for his birthday. The old guy is rich and powerful and if he gets in good with him, he's set for life even after getting fired again. Five figures it's as good a plan as any and heads off.
Only, when he meets Logan Roy, it's not long until he's reminded of Reginald Hargreeves with how the man treats everyone around him, and the guy's kids are all kinds of fucked up in painfully familiar ways. Kendall's drug use and Connor's cuccoolander behaviour remind him of Klaus, Shiv somehow has the best and worst traits of Viktor and Alison, combined with Diego's tendency to go for the jugular (a trait she shares with Roman) but they all have shades of Luther in how they desperately want to please their father. Five tries keeping distant, but the more he's around the Roys, the more it becomes clear that Logan plays his kids off against each other in ways that would do Reginald proud. Five's not just keeping a cover intact anymore, he's got a whole new messed up family to protect.
So he works his way up WaystarRoyco alongside Shiv's husband, Tom (a Troll after Five's own heart), trying to stay within the Roy family dynamic and getting close as he can to Logan for information while trying to protect the others from the man's fucked up treatment. Just when he's starting to give up hope his sibling will ever appear, he almost has a heart attack when he sees Alison's face on the cover of one of Shiv's magazines, declaring he Hollywood's newest up-and-coming star. He readies himself for a trip to his wayward sister (she reset the universe, she must have answers, she must), only for the whole family to be called to dinner by Logan. He's given up on acquiring Peirce now, he's got a new business venture in mind - a partnership with an English billionaire called Hargreeves whose latest project has just made world-wide news - a monkey with human-level intelligence and the ability to talk. Apparently, they've called the monkey Pogo...
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thistle-and-thorn · 1 year
ok, more for you:
cersei/margaery 11, 24.
kendall/stewy, 22, 28.
gen/attolia, 29, 10.
gen/the magus - humor me for a sec: 30.
Hello hi you are very kind to me I have had a truly wild evening so this is very nice to come home to
11. What’s a song that describes their relationship? Or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
Mother by Meghan Trainor was my first thought 😂😂😂 I’ll have a better answer in the morning but I think it’s something jarringly pop-y and sorta sexy? I think Guys My Age by Hey Violet works well for them, too.
24. What are their favorite places to kiss on their partner(s)? What are their favorite types of kisses?
I mean. Well. 😈😈😈. But I genuinely think that Cersei refuses to kiss Marge and Marge repeatedly tries to initiate to watch her recoil. I also think that Marge generally likes to kiss Cersei in different places—nape of the neck?—to see what tenderness does?
There’s a scenario in my mind in which their roles reverse and Cersei kisses Margaery, but it’s just that one time.
22. How do they apologize after arguments?
“Like—about last night—“
“That shit was, like, seriously crazy.”
“Absolutely. No, I hear you. I see you.” *nervous glance up* “Ah, we good, bro?”
28. What’s something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
They both have a bunch of weirdly sentimental frat bro stuff? I also think that Stewy has an artistic rendering of a gazelle and he doesn’t know why he gets horny/sad when he looks at it.
10. What is something they can never agree on? How do they meet in the middle?
I mean, I know you’re not finished with the books but I think, in the end, they actually are sort of compatible on a lot of surprising things. Their internal dynamic is so interesting to me. Anyway.
I think the thing they can’t agree on can all be boiled down to religion. Like, I think Irene will never ever forgive the gods for their interference in Gen’s amputation, for the role they put her in, the danger they put him in all the time, their positions, and she will never forgive the gods for the promise of letting Eugenides fall. She is such a fearless character but there’s a moment in the final book that I think really scares her on an existential level.
And I think as much as Gen struggles with the gods, he loves and respects them. They are a part of him. And that’s the conflict.
29. Who drives and who picks out the music?
I like a Modern AU where Eugenides is afraid of cars/driving the way that he’s canonically afraid of horses. This does not stop him from being a backseat driver. But. In this AU, he retains the sexy boat captaining btw. Yeah, he picks out the music. Of course, he picks out the music. Irene hasn’t listened to radio, except for the news, for years.
30. Tell me anything you want.
There were so many great moments watching you read these books and my actual favorite was you creating this ship. You are the founder and the captain.
I think this is like…Gen’s Daddy Issues moment. Like, I think this idea that’s always in the books about Gen loving the people that hurt him….the minute the magus attacks him in the first book…that’s the moment for Gen? And I think the magus is complicated but fundamentally good but it is definitely Gen acting out his daddy issues onto him…he wants to be a brat, to be put in place, to rebel.
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wolfkg · 3 years
Big Time Song writer
Here you go with the second part of this series. Hope you guys enjoy :)
All songs/Characters apart from mine I use are not mine and belong to the person who wrote and created said song and characters.  
Part 2
 “Speechless.” I sang the last cord of my song trying to not get emotional over it. From what the boys said about writing a song being easy made me feel like my talent wasn’t that special which in the end brought out this song including my uncle's messages. Don’t get me wrong I know they didn’t say it to hurt my feelings but it still did hurt. Not only them but some record companies wouldn’t take me because they didn’t think I would last in a business-like singing, I would be eaten alive by the media and would be gone in a few days. This song is showing everyone whoever doubted me and it proves to myself that I know I can do whatever I want. I then moved onto the boy's song which I had most of the lyrics done with but still had no idea for a title I then sang the chores to myself “Say anything you want I'll turn the music up cause baby we ain’t going no, no nowhere I leave it all behind to be with you tonight and everybody’s screaming.” I sigh when I stop at the chores finding it hard to make a title but at least I have most of it done. I then take it downstairs where I know the boys are at doing who knows what. I take the stairs and through the Rocque records door when I see Kelly and Gustavo walk in the same time as me. “Hey, you feeling better Gustavo?” he smiled my way which surprised me “I actually am, that pool is very nice. Do you have BTR’s song ready?” I nod “yes but a title is my only problem and maybe a few lyrics but I’ll figure it out.” Kelly looked at me strange “then what are you doing down here?” I sigh “so the boys decided they wanted to create their own song so I let them. But knowing they probably wouldn’t get it done I made one for them anyway.” Gustavo glared my way “you left them alone in my studio?” I backed away from his anger “yeah but I mean come on how much trouble can the boys get into?” I looked at Kelly and we both ran into the hallway only to find it destroyed with instruments everywhere and posters ripped apart.    
 I followed the sound of screaming coming from one of the studios also seeing the table destroyed in the lounge area along with the couch and desk table flipped over. Kelly and Gustavo followed me into the studio seeing the band siting on the amps eating popcorn. Kelly spoke “what are you guys doing here?” one of them laughed and spoke pointing towards the sound booth “working with your new funny song writers.” I looked and the boys were throwing each other around and slamming one another against the glass. I then grabbed one of the mics from the mic stand and headphones. I turned the amp all the way up and yelled at everyone around me “cover your ears.” Which they did as I pressed the mic to the amp speaker making a high-pitched noise causing the boys to scream holding their hands to their ears and falling over. I sighed and walked into the booth with Kelly and Gustavo right behind me. The boys got back up scratching their heads from the pain, I then yelled “what did I say about fighting?” Before they could answer Gustavo yelled and was going to attack them but Kelly and I held him back waiting for one of them to speak. “Me and Carlos wrote a new amazing song that goes oh, oh, oh” I looked at them trying not to be annoyed from what they were saying to me.  
Then Logan spoke “but we wrote a better song that goes yeah, yeah, yeah” I tried to speak but James spoke first “but then they attacked us with foil helmets and hair extensions.” James then pulled the hair extension out of Kendall’s hair which I just notice making him scream. Carlos and Kendall had foil helmets that looked like battle armor and hair extensions which made them look like Indian warriors which I rolled my eyes at. “Hey it's because our song is way better” Carlos yelled as they began to fight again, I looked at Gustavo and Kelly who looked my way telling me to deal with the problem I started “hey, what did Kelly say the worst way to write a song was?” they looked at me confused “by fighting.” Kendall then spoke “yes but ours really is better because it goes Oh” then Logan and James interrupted by singing “Yeah” then Carlos and Kendall sang their song back at them “Oh” then Logan and James again “Yeah” causing not a bad tune. I stopped them “wait” they all looked at me “that wasn’t bad sing that again?” They looked confused but sang anyway “Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeaah” they all looked surprised as I shook my head laughing “I think you guys just gave me my song title, what you guys should be doing is not singing oh and yeah at each other but together making that your song.” They all looked at me and started nodding when Kendall spoke “it did sound pretty good.” Carlos then spoke “but do you like it?” I crossed my arms “it still needs some more lyrics which I have and your guy's voices, and yes I like it but do you agree that song writing is hard and won't defy me again?” The boys all spoke at once saying they were sorry and said the song writing was hard. I turned to Gustavo and smiled “ok Gustavo we have our song but we still need your music expertise.” He glared my way but smiled after “get into the studio boys we have a song to record.” They all cheered and we recorded the song.  
The Next Day  
 Griffin was sitting in the chair in front of the sound stage waiting for the boys to sing “Y/N I trust that you wrote the song and made it sound incredible.” I laugh “yes but the boys helped out with it as well along with Gustavo’s music.” He nodded “good lets here the next Big Time Hit.” Gustavo pressed play and the music came through the speakers as the boys sang.  
Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah  
So, tell me who I am I supposed to be?  
What I gotta do to get you close to me?  
If I run away tonight, will you follow me?  
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon (oh yeah) I see you standing there all alone (all alone)  
Knowing you've been wanting me to say hello  
Cause when the lights start flashing everybody knows  
It's on it's on it's on Say anything you want  
I'll turn the music up  
Cause baby we ain't going nowhere  
I'll leave it all behind  
To be with you tonight  
And everybody's screaming oh, oh, oh, oh yeah  
Oh yeah, oh yeah  
Screaming oh yeah  
Oh yeah, oh yeah  
Screaming oh yeah  
Oh yeah, oh yeah  
Screaming oh yeah, yeah and now it's time I gotta make a move  
We could be together if you only knew (only knew)  
Cause life's too short, we got nothing to lose  
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon  
(Oh yeah)  
I can't seem to get you out of my mind (oh no)  
And I ain't gonna stop until I make you mine (make you mine)  
I just gotta make it to you by the end of the night  
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah Oh Say anything you want  
I'll turn the music up  
Cause baby we ain't going nowhere  
I'll leave it all behind  
To be with you tonight  
And everybody's screaming oh, oh, oh, oh yeah  
Oh yeah, oh yeah  
Screaming oh yeah  
Oh yeah, oh yeah  
Screaming oh yeah  
Oh yeah, oh yeah  
Screaming oh yeah, yeah, I know the night is ending  
And time just keeps on running out  
I gotta find my way to you  
Oh yeah Say anything you want (say anything)  
I turn the music up  
Cause baby we ain't going nowhere  
I'll leave it all behind  
To be with you tonight  
And everybody's screaming oh, oh, oh, oh yeah  
Oh yeah, oh yeah  
Screaming oh yeah  
Oh yeah, oh yeah  
Screaming oh yeah  
Oh yeah, oh yeah  
Screaming oh yeah  
Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah C'mon Oh yeah Oh yeah, I wanna hear you say Oh yeah Oh yeah  
 I smiled and gave the boys a thumbs up as Griffin turned around facing me making me look at him with a frown. Did he not like it? “Well looks like we’ve got a new song for the new album good job Y/N and the rest of you.” I sigh and Gustavo thumbs up the boys making them cheer. “Now how about that new song I requested from you?” Griffin said as the boy walked out looking at me with a frown. Maybe they thought I didn’t get it done because I worked on theirs but they were wrong “all ready for you to hear Griffin.” He nodded “well don’t keep me waiting.” I walked to Gustavo plugging in my laptop with the music and walked into the small sound booth to the right of everyone giving Gustavo a thumbs up as the music played the song, I put a lot of emotion into. I then began to sing softly.  
  “Here comes a wave meant to wash me away. A tide that is taking me under Swallowing sand, left with nothing to say. My voice drowned out in the thunder. But I won't cry And I won't start to crumble. Whenever they try. To shut me or cut me down. I won't be silenced. You can't keep me quiet. Won't tremble when you try it. All I know is I won't go speechless. Cause I'll breathe. When they try to suffocate me. Don't you underestimate me. Cause I know that I won't go speechless.  
Written in stone every rule, every word. Centuries old and unbending. "Stay in your place, Better seen and not heard.” But now that story is ending. Cause I, I cannot start to crumble. So, come on and try, try to shut me and cut me down. I won't be silenced. You can't keep me quiet. Won't tremble when you try it. All I know is I won't go speechless, speechless. Let the storm in, I cannot be broken. No, I won't live unspoken. Cause I know that I won't go speechless.  
Try to lock me in this cage. I won't just lay me down and die. I will take these broken wings, and watch me burn across the sky. Hear the echo saying: I won't be silenced. Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it. All I know is I won't go speechless, speechless. Cause I'll breathe. When they try to suffocate me. Don't you underestimate me. Cause I know that I won't go speechless. All I know is I won't go speechless, speechless.”  
 I take my headphones off wiping the tears from my eyes not realizing that I was crying. I looked up at the boys, Griffin and Kelly who all had tissues in their hand. Griffin cleared his throat and tossed to tissues away smiling at me “good song Y/N well that’s a wrap everyone sees you in a few days.” He left without saying another word making me look at the boys confused “was it good or bad?” They all smiled and nodded saying it was awesome and great, but Kendall didn’t speak which made me nervous as I walked out of the studio. “Y/N that was great, will get this on your album and get the boys songs on their album as well” Gustavo said as he and Kelly left the room. I smiled at the boys still feeling the emotion of the song that for some reason I didn’t want to talk to them, their comment about my talent being easy still hurt and after the song was being harder to control my emotions. I left avoiding the boys contact until I was out of Rocque Records and back at the Palm Woods.  
I took a deep breath and breathed in and out as I walked out onto my balcony breathing in the fresh air trying to get the boys comment and everyone else who said I couldn’t do it out of my mind. The laughter from the record companies, my old friends saying it’s a pipe dream, my ex’s saying it was a waste of money, my uncle screwing me over, but I still never gave up and because of Kendall I’m here making music because of Kendall my dream was made possible. I smile thinking about him but it went away from his comment again which made my eyes water. “Stop mind, stop it. You’re a great song writer, you’re a great singer. Everyone who ever told you your dreams weren’t possible is a loser. Don’t take what the boys said to heart.” The sound of my phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts as I saw my uncle’s name flash across the screen making me sigh and hang up on it knowing he’d call again.
A soft knock came at my door making me jump, I moved away from my balcony and opened the door revealing all four boys standing there with frowns and banquets of my favorite flowers in their hands. “What’s with the Roses?” They all sighed “we wanted to apologize.” James said as I let them into my apartment as they set the flowers on my table making me smile. James, Carlos and Logan stood in the middle of my apartment as Kendall stood in front of me frowning “we didn’t know what we said hurt you that much and from hearing that song, we’re just really sorry, I’m really sorry.” I smile and peck Kendall on the lips “apology accepted from all of you” they all let go of a breath they all were holding and noticed that I had a hard grip on my phone “everything ok?” I looked up at Kendall and put my phone back in my pocket “yea I’m fine I promise.” They all nodded and Logan spoke “ok how about we meet you down in the lobby for a fun day at the pool?” I smiled and nodded “sounds great.” The boys walked out of my apartment as Kendall slowly stood at the door making me turn his way “are you sure you’re, ok?” I nodded as I felt the vibration of my phone ringing in my pocket making my heart race and tears close to falling but I held them back. “Yea I’m great.” He didn’t buy it but left my apartment anyway.  
Once he left, I closed the door and let the tears fall as I finally answered the phone “what do you want?” He laughed “aww is the LA life too hard for you princess, do you want me to tell your parents to send you home?” he laughed as I took a deep breath and made sure to not let him win “no and just so you know I just wrote amazing songs for Big Time Rush and for myself.” He laughed even harder “oh really can’t wait to hear it and mark all the flaws and terrible writing.” Then he hung up making tears fall out of my eyes as I heard a voice “who was that?” I turn to see Kendall standing at my doorway with his arms crossed “and why are they making you cry?” I wiped my tears away trying to keep them hidden from him knowing he already saw which made me feel insecure about myself especially when I hate crying in front of him. “It was no one let's just leave it at that.” He glared my way and walked closer to me enough to bring me into his arms “I’m not going to just walk away from something that just made you upset now what’s up beautiful?” I hate how he can get to me so well without even doing anything but I can’t pull him into my family drama even when he’s more family to me than anyone but I’m not going to have him pulled into this I have to push him away. I pull away from him and grab my purse walking passed him out of my apartment as I spoke "I'm sorry it's something I have to deal with on my own Kendall, I hope you can understand that." I walked past him without another word taking the elevator down to the first floor. Why? Why did I just walk out without explaining anything? To be honest I don’t even know myself. Maybe it was because I care about him too much to drag into my family issues. Even though out of all four boys he knows more about my family issues than anyone.  
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
tell me more about indigo and sage! does she dance in your headcanons or was katniss merely telling us how she walks? what’s her relationship like with her parents? how does sage not listen to them as well as indigo?
Indy is on the dance team in my headcanon! Like her brother is on the wrestling team, she’s on the school dance team — which is a new thing in my mind, post war but considering they had a school wrestling team, who knows what the district school even had in canon — with Delly’s two daughters.
I headcanon that Delly came back to Twelve after the war too and she married a made up character (he’s in Gravity, if you read that fic of mine? No expectations that you did, don’t worry, but his name is Kanon and he’s a gentle giant of a man. He’s a couple years older than Everlark and Delly and he is originally from District Eleven and saw a lot of awful things in his life because Katniss made sure to tell us that was the brutalist district).
Anyways, sorry to tangent on you, but in my headcanon, Delly had three kids post war. First a daughter then a son and then another daughter. Delly’s youngest is the same age as Katniss and Peeta’s oldest, their dancing girl with the dark hair. And the kids grow up extremely close — because Delly remains Peeta’s best friend through the years and she becomes very close to Katniss as well — and referring to each other as cousins.
Okay, I digress now back to your questions. I imagine Indigo is actually pretty naturally graceful, she has Katniss’ agility while Sage has Peeta’s heavy tread — which his momma loves 😂. Especially when she’s trying to sleep in the early mornings — and so Indy’s walk is fairly light and graceful.
Indigo highkey idolizes her parents. She believes her mother is the most beautiful person she’s ever seen in her life and takes her word as gospel most of the time. She is an extreme Daddy’s Girl and wants to always make her parents happy. She absolutely loves her childhood and appreciates all her blessings that her parents gave her, even though she’s never known life without them.
And now because she sounds too perfect, she also is quite … chaotic. She’s loud, sarcastic, outspoken, she complains about mundane things like the way people always wanna stop her Daddy to talk for way too long in her mind, Kendall (Delly’s youngest) is too friendly and has too many people sitting with them at lunch. She’s not a people person (don’t know where she got that from) and she isn’t shy about saying that. She’s also got quite a jealous streak.
Sage is really their sweet boy who doesn’t complain about people as much and tries to listen as much as he talks. Girls love him and he’s completely oblivious to it. But where Indigo constantly tries to listen to their parents’ boundaries (don’t ever run off alone, don’t talk to strangers even if they talk to you first, tell us where you are at all times) Sage tends to just not think about it. He doesn’t try to scare his parents or disobey them, but it happens by mistake. His whole childhood is spent in District Twelve and it’s a pretty tight knit community. He feels completely safe because he’s always been safe and loved and protected. But Twelve continues to get more visitors and new residents over the years and, where Sage doesn’t understand why strangers could potentially be dangerous and that some people may want to hurt others for no reason, Katniss and Peeta know the cruelty of people and the world all too well. And so they have a few almost heart attacks when Sage takes off on his own and they can’t find him, because he completely forgot to tell them where he would be.
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slimeypuppy · 3 years
Can I request Kenstewy first time for the Agent!AU? :D
warning for yall: this AU is absolutely pretty fucked up and they are fucked up little guys who have fucked up sex. This is consensual, of course, but is it safe or sane? Probably not. TW for blood and icky things with it, which will probably be a common thing in this AU. // This is about 1.9k apparently so enjoy!
Kendall is covered in blood. His hands are slick and sticky, his face splattered, his clothes ruined. Stewy, like usual, has managed to limit the mess on his own person, but Kendall never really seems capable of keeping himself clean. It's part of their different styles of attack. Stewy knows that distance is safest, both physically and legally, but Kendall has been trained to beat someone until their skull caves in and their bones break through the skin.
"Fuck," Stewy says, stepping over the body. "You went off on him. You okay?"
"I knew him," Kendall replies, but he doesn't elaborate.
His hands are shaking and his bottom lip trembling as he reaches out, sticky fingertips trying to get ahold of Stewy's nice white button down. In answer, he takes Kendall's wrists in hand and guides them backward. There's no fight. Just wide eyes peeking at him, like he's fallen to pieces and Stewy is the only one who can put him back together.
"Don't touch me right now, you're a mess."
He allows himself to indulge, though, with his gloves forming the perfect barrier. It's why Stewy wears them. He smooths his palms over Kendall's chest, down toward the buckle of his belt. This is a bad idea. He just thinks that maybe Kendall needs grounding, more than a simple kiss can give him, and flicks open his belt to reach into his slacks. This isn't completely foreign to Stewy, the touching another man like this, but it feels like something shiny and new because it's Ken.
He gets one hand into his boxers where he's warm and sticky for a different reason, and closes his gloved palm around Kendall's dick. He's not incredibly hung, but not small either; he's average, and responsive even with his mind flayed by their jobs. When he rubs his thumb over the head, almost wishing that he could feel the precum on his bare fingertips, Kendall makes a small noise in the back of his throat and tries to dip his head forward to rest against Stewy's shoulder.
"You're fucking bloody, man, stop," he reminds, but Kendall doesn't seem to actually care.
In response, Stewy wraps his other hand around Kendall's throat, not squeezing, but holding him in place. A liquid fire erupts in his eyes as his lips part for more air.
"C'mon, Ken, be good for me," he says, his voice more tender than he meant. "Just stay still and let me take care of you. If you can do that, then maybe I'll let you take care of me."
That seems to be the thing that breaks the fragile softness of the moment. Kendall's eyes flash and he gets Stewy by the wrists to remove his touch. For a moment he thinks he's fucked up, gone too far, but then he's flat on his back with Kendall on top of him, pinning him to the ground with unfair ease. If Stewy really tried, he could get away, but he doesn't think he wants to.
"You're making a mess," he protests.
"You like mess," Kendall counters. "You say you don't, but you keep working with me. You- you fucking give me the kill every time."
He's not wrong.
Kendall shifts to hold both of Stewy's wrists in one hand, using the other to untuck Stewy's shirt and get at his slacks, struggling to pull them off. Everything he touches leaves scarlet smears. This suit is so ruined. As if to make sure, Kendall tears the seam on his pants getting them off him.
"Slow the fuck down," Stewy hisses, and Kendall just rolls his eyes. He nudges Stewy's thighs apart with his knees and brings his hand to his mouth, pressing two fingers against his bottom lip. "Fuck, no. You're covered in blood. Gross. That's gross, babe."
He seems unphased by the introduction of a pet name. "Tell me no, then. If you want this, we're doing it my way. So either fucking- fucking do it, or tell me you want me to stop."
It's at this moment that Stewy realizes he's completely screwed. He's attached. He wants. And Kendall knows it. The one consolation he has is that Kendall wants it too, apparently, and he's more than willing to do whatever it takes to get it. He parts his lips slightly and that's enough for Kendall to push his fingers in deep enough for Stewy to gag, watching him with hooded eyes as Stewy makes a point to get them as wet as possible since neither of them make a habit of carrying lube on the job. Maybe they should. Stewy should've expected that one day, the two of them would reach this point.
After a moment, Kendall decides his fingers are wet enough to pull them from Stewy's mouth, leaving him to wince at the lingering taste of blood and sweat. He doesn't fuck around, Stewy learns, because he pushes two fingers in at once, which is too much at first without enough lube. He makes a hurt little sound and Kendall shushes him, leaning over his body and peppering kisses along the delicate skin of Stewy's exposed throat.
"Relax," he soothes. "I'm not gonna hurt you, Stewy. Do you trust that?"
"I don't trust you as far as I can throw you."
Kendall gives him a lazy grin as he curls his fingers inside of Stewy, adding a spark of pleasure to the burn. "Not smart to uh, to fuck people you don't trust, Stew."
"How about-" he cuts off with a whimper when Kendall slips another finger inside of him. "How about I happen to know you're too obsessed with me to hurt me?"
"I wouldn't say that. I have a habit of hurting things I love."
Before Stewy can argue the point, Kendall distracts him with a biting kiss, drawing his bottom lip between his teeth and tugging until it feels like Stewy is being pulled in a million different directions. He remembers that he's pinned when he reaches to cling to Kendall- and subsequently discovers that he hasn't been struggling at all under the grip.
Kendall breaks the kiss first. "Hey. Look at me."
Stewy doesn't know why, but he does.
"Are you ready? Can I?"
"You asking now, Ken?"
"I- I wouldn't, uh, do this. Unless you wanted it. I don't-"
Stewy soothes him with another kiss. "I know. Yeah, fuck, I'm ready. Just get your fucking dick wet before you put it in me."
Kendall releases him to spit on his hand, which should be disgusting instead of hot, and spreads the saliva around on himself to make it better than fucking dry. This won't be the smoothest lay of Stewy's life but he finds himself to be surprisingly okay with that. He's finding out that he's willing to put up with a lot when it comes to Kendall.
He uses one hand to guide himself inside of Stewy, the other to hold one of Stewy's thighs open for easier access. Despite the roughness of the foreplay, Kendall moves slowly, watching Stewy's face and listening to him closely as he pushes in. It's not the biggest that Stewy has ever taken, but it feels like a lot with such limited prep and the fact that Kendall has him down on the ground, clothes ruined, filthy and debauched. When his back arches off the floor, Kendall smiles a little.
"That good for you?"
"Hurry up and fuck me," Stewy pants. He shouldn't be revealing how much he likes this. "We have to get out of here sooner rather than later."
Kendall takes the instruction like he does any other: with eager compliance. He doesn't start off fast, but he definitely isn't gentle with each thrust, letting his sharp hipbones hit the backs of Stewy's thighs. He watches him too, as he fucks him. Stewy feels pinned by the weight of his gaze, taking in every single thing about him in this moment.
"You should touch yourself," he orders.
Stewy is helpless to ignore such an enticing command, so he does, wrapping one gloved hand around his own cock as Kendall fucks him with the same slow determination he uses to polish Stewy's gun. He's never touched himself wearing the gloves, only others. The cool surface of the leather, bumpy along the pads of the fingers for better grip, is a sensation he didn't know he would love as much as he does.
"I think you'll come before me," Kendall says, punctuating his words with a particularly hard thrust. "I can just tell."
"Are you clean?"
He laughs. "You made a point to tell me you didn't think so."
"No, no, Ken, I mean-" Kendall shifts his angle and Stewy sees stars, breaking out into a soft moan before he can finish. "I mean if I let you fucking come inside me, am I gonna catch something."
"I think of the two of us, I'm the one who should be worried about that."
Stewy's cheeks burn with shame in the best kind of way and he looks away from Kendall, staring at the wall as he rocks back, trying to get Kendall deeper inside.
"But yeah, man, I'm clean. Scout's fucking honor. Should've asked beforehand if you really cared, though."
He means to insult Kendall in response, but he's getting close faster than he thought he would, and coherent thoughts are beginning to slip from his mind before he has the chance to properly asses them. Everything devolves into sensations. The grip of Kendall's hands on his thighs, holding him down and open. The sound of his heaving breaths as he moves faster and faster, fucking like a damn machine at this point. The friction and fullness of a good fuck from somebody who has figured out how to take him apart from their very first time together. The surface of his gloves against a part as sensitive as his own dick.
"Gonna come for me?" Kendall asks, leaning a little further over Stewy. "Babe?" he mocks.
it's that one word that sends Stewy over the edge, muffling a moan into his wrist as he comes all over himself, adding to the mess on his stomach and definitely unsalvageable shirt. Kendall fucks into him a final time and buries his face in Stewy's shoulder, biting down hard above his collarbone as he comes inside of him. It's warm and wet and sticky and frankly gross, but so satisfying that Stewy can't be mad at it."
"DNA," Stewy gets out once he catches his breath a few minutes later, Kendall still on top of and inside of him. "Fucking DNA, Ken, you idiot."
"The cleanup crew will fix it," Kendall murmurs against his skin.
He finally gets up though, pulling out slowly but still making Stewy wince. His own clothes are bloody, but wearable, while Stewy's pants are completely fucked and his shirt showing the evidence of what they did. He means to be mad about it. He opens his mouth to complain, but Kendall holds up a finger and strips the blood soaked sweatpants off the body of the target, handing them over without a second thought.
"Um, ew. Fucking disgusting."
"You had his blood in your mouth," Kendall reminds, a little too smug.
Stewy rolls his eyes. "I'll walk out in my boxers like a big boy. The car should be waiting by now, let's go."
Outwardly, it feels like nothing has changed. Stewy knows that everything has.
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Dreams and Nightmares
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: covid fears, nerves, fluff
Request by anon: hi there! i think i saw that requests we’re open and was wondering if i could have a one-shot with jensen x 15ish daughter reader or (something akin to that), where jensen and the reader play a song together play Dust in the Wind together at a con or jensen and the family goes to watch the readers pop punk/punk rock concert? (she’s a guitarist) sorry if this was very oddly specific, i’m just kinda down about not being able to play any gigs right now.
Summary: You love playing guitar and touring with your band. this whole virus put an end to everything that gave you joy. This is the first date that you get to go back out there, and you’re nervous as hell. Luckily, you have your dad to get you through it.
Squares Filled: panic attack @badthingshappenbingo​ // first time @spndeanbingo​ // “Don’t do anything I would do, and definitely don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” @spnquotebingo​ // dreams and nightmares @genprompt-bingo // first date @goodthingshappenbingo​ // free space @spnfluffbingo​
Author’s Note: This is unbeta’d and all mistakes are mine. If you have any requests, please send them in!
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This whole virus took the entire world by storm. No one saw it coming, and no one expected it to get this far into 2020. This entire year has been a shitstorm, and what’s worse is that all your concert dates have been canceled for the remainder of the year. The only way they are coming back is if this virus goes away, and that’s not likely at all.
Playing guitar is something you’ve always been passionate about, and you learned everything you know from your dad. When he goes to conventions with Jared and Misha, he can’t wait to get his hands on a guitar and play in front of everyone. It’s a gift, and he likes to share it with anyone who is willing to listen.
When you got old enough, he let you come to conventions with him instead of staying at home with your mom and siblings. It was a fun change of environment, but when you got into that green room, it’s where it felt almost like home. All the instruments were in there, and whenever your dad wasn’t on stage, he’s let you play some of them and teach you.
When you got even older, he let you come on stage with him and play along with his songs. The crowd loved you, and that’s where your whole career started. Everyone loved you so much, you took that confidence and energy and used it to create your own band. Every band starts off rocky, but you’re actually shaping to be a really great one. You gradually moved from cover songs to writing your own.
Every time you walked on stage, you felt like you could do anything and play anything you wanted. The crowds adored you, they sang along to your songs, and they provided with so much energy it was unreal. Why do people do drugs to get high when they can experience the highs you always get whenever you walked on stage? Playing music is part of who you are, and this whole virus thing put an end to that.
You couldn’t do concerts, you couldn’t go to music stores to buy new strings or guitars you really wanted. No one was allowed to go anywhere, and if you tried playing on the street, people stayed away from you. It tore your heart to pieces not being able to play, but it broke your father’s heart even more.
You were such a lively person before any of this started, now you’re a shell of who you used to be. Nothing really gets you excited anymore. Jensen doesn’t really know what to do except watch as this thing kills you from the inside out. All you do now is sit inside your room and play some of your old songs to try to remember what those feelings once felt like. Your band doesn’t even want to get together to practice anymore, and you’ve become so sad.
When will this virus thing end? This year? 2021? Never? All you know for sure is that you can’t wait for it to be over. Then maybe you can start feeling like yourself again, and actually enjoy making music.
During this time, not only did you spent all your time inside your room, you’ve been writing your own songs about how you feel and about this time. You have so many songs you’re in love with, and you can’t wait to perform them to your band and to the world when it’s ready to hear them. For months, you’ve been writing songs like it’s no one’s business, and you didn’t think you’d get to perform them so soon.
Now you can.
It’s unreal to think how much time has passed since this whole virus thing started and look at where you are now. You’re about to walk on stage again to perform to so many people who have been waiting for you to get together. The virus thing isn’t over by any means, but you made it so you could perform. With seats being six feet apart, doing more than one show in a city so that everyone can see you, and the guards handing out masks to everyone who doesn’t have one. It’s not perfect, but it’ll have to do for now.
It’s been months since you even set foot on a stage, and now that you’re here, you don’t know if you can do it. This is the first time you’ve been on stage in months, this is the first date of your concert, and everyone is counting on you to make this work. Your entire band is nervous, but you’re the most nervous of them all.
It’s just about ready to start, and you’re still in the green room with a panicked look on your face.
Jensen is waiting in the audience with his wife and other kids, but he knows something is wrong. The band hasn’t come out yet, and the concert doesn’t start for another ten minutes, but he can feel that something is wrong. He’s been on the other end of this too many times to ignore his gut feeling.
“I’ll be right back,” he mutters to his wife before leaving her side.
The guards stopped him from getting backstage, but once he explained to them that you are his daughter (and after he showed them ID to prove it), they let him through. He knew where the green room is, and when he entered, he saw you in the midst of a panic attack.
“Y/N, you’re okay,” he says and rushes to your side.
“What if something goes wrong?” you hyperventilate.
“First, you need to calm down. Okay? I’m right here. Focus on your breathing and slow down,” he says, and you nod frantically.
Your heartbeat is wild, your eyes are wide, and your breathing is ragged, but the more you stare into your father’s eyes, the more you calm down. Jensen smooths back your hair when he knows you’ve done what he asked.
“Okay tell me what’s wrong,” he says in a comforting tone.
“This is the first time we’re back on stage. What if I mess up? What if we’re not ready? What if--”
“Whoa, one thing at a time, sweetheart,” he interrupts you. “You know you’ve been practicing for months. You and the band have got this. You know you can do it in your sleep.”
“I can do it in my sleep,” you whisper.
“Look, I know it’s scary being back after everything, but you have to know that you are not alone. I am going to be right there, cheering you on. Your mom and sisters are out there right now because they are so proud of you. I am so proud of you. Whenever you feel nervous or scared, you look right at me. You have got this. I believe in you, sweetheart.”
“I love you so much,” you say and hug him tightly.
“I love you too, love bug. Now, get out there and kick some ass. Remember, don’t do anything I would do, and definitely don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“What does that mean? You always say that.”
“It just means have fun, and don’t be afraid to try,” he smiles and kisses the top of your head.
“Hey, Y/N, we’re on in five,” one of your bandmates says when they enter the room. “Oh, are you okay? Hi Mr. Ackles.”
“Hey kid.”
“Yeah, I’ll be right out,” you nod, and he leaves the room.
“Kick ass out there.”
“I will,” you grin and kiss him on the cheek.
You follow your bandmate to the stage as your dad makes his way back to his seat with the rest of his family. You get on stage and into position at just the right time because the concert begins. You know these songs by heart, and your fingers play them effortlessly as they know the rhythm.
All your fears, dreams, nightmares, and worries are on stage right now, but as long as you have your dad right there supporting you, they don’t seem so bad. Those fears mist away, worries turn into excitement, your nightmares turn to dreams, and your dreams shine through the smile on your face.
This is your dream, and you can’t wait to follow it until the very end.
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Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why! Follow my library blog @queenofdeansbooty-writes​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can follow that if you can’t be tagged!
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between-two-fandoms · 3 years
I'm glad you enjoy my little dumb stuff about the 3 👉🥰👈 ! And well have another since this popped into my brain.
Imagine they switch who's in the middle often when they cuddle? Like it really comes down to who really needs it? Like you mentioned your idea of Kendall having panic attacks, so, imagine he is sometimes is the middle when he's a little bit more calm but still needs that calming factor? Then Logan when they force him into cuddling because Logan, stop exhausting yourself on being a teen genius or 'cause it actually helps him sleep. James really needed to be in the middle of the cuddles when his mother came and tried to take him back to Minnesota ( aka "Big Time Moms" ) or nightmares of them leaving him but no plenty of a reassurance there that he's not leaving the band to be part of some cosmetic company his mom wants or leaving because they really / do / love him even at his worst. They also have different ways on showing affection like maybe one really likes cheek kisses so the other two do it or hold hands and so forth!
But also ! They try to plan dates for each boys' interest ! Such as Kendall wanting to just relax at the Palmwoods or maybe go see a hockey game because the Wild™ are playing while they have a few day? They do that. Or Logan wants to see a museum to ramble about some exhibit even though Kendall and James are a little confused about what Logan is saying? But they still listen and try to understand to the best they can since they love seeing him light up. Etc . .
- 🧡
Orange Heart you're making me wanna write Logan angst fanfic. I love the idea of the boys being absolutely lost when he goes off on a Smart Thing rant. We should probably come up with a better name than BTR ot3. Koames? Jamdalgan?
Its late at night probably. Sometime after a long day/week at the studio and they're all exhausted. Logan doesn't even know what he's saying cause it's one of those rants you go off on at three am and you can barely stay awake. Kendall is just staring at Logan with a dreamy look on his face and James just snuggles into Logan and pets his hair as he gets sleepy. Logan just rants and rants and James cuddles up from behind him gently brushing his hand through Logan's hair. Kendall cuddles him from the front, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. He wants to make sure they're all nice and warm and comfy. Kendall's always looking out for people more than himself and this time is no different. Logan presses his face into Kendall's chest that's always there because Kendall is always just there. Whenever anyone needs him. Logan just babbles for like, two hours, aimlessly talking about Pluto becoming a dwarf planet or something until he falls asleep.
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introvertguide · 4 years
North by Northwest (1959); AFI #55
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The next film for review was the Hitchcock classic North by Northwest (1959). This movie has possibly the most well known surprise attack scene in American cinema involving a crop duster. I know, it sounds great. The film was moderately successful at the box office and marked the one and only time that Alfred Hitchcock worked with MGM. It was also only one of two VistaVision films made at the studio. Hitchcock was not a man to let studios mess with his work, so he famously refused to cut 15 minutes out of the movie for time and instead cut a total of 5 seconds worth of material. Before I go into any more detail, I feel like this is bordering quickly on spoilers so let me get the warning and the synopsis out of the way:
The whole story begins with a case of mistaken identity. Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) is an advertising executive who is going to lunch to have a business meeting. He sits down and then remembers he needs to phone his mother so he summons the waiter to ask about a phone. Apparently the waiter had just received a call for a spy named George Kaplan and some thugs are waiting for a signal that will identify the man. Thornhill’s signal is mistaken for the spy’s and the thugs move in and take away the ad exec at gunpoint. They go to the home of U.N. Diplomat Lester Townsend and Thornhill is interrogated by a spy named Philip Vandamm (James Mason) and his right hand man Leonard (Martin Landau). Thornhill tries to say he is innocent, but Vandamm and the thugs do not believe him and stage his death by drunken car accident. Thornhill survives and escapes by car, but he is still drunk and is subsequently stopped and arrested by the Glen Cove police for drunk driving.  
Thornhill sleeps off his intoxication at the station and calls his mother to get in contact with their lawyer. The next day, Thornhill tells the local court everything that he remembers happening, but nobody believes him. He even takes them back to the house and a woman claiming to be Townsend’s wife acts like Thornhill was there for a party and left drunk. Thornhill has to pay the fine (a whole $2), but he is still curious.
Thornhill and his mother go back to the restaurant where he was kidnapped and finagle their way up into the attached hotel to find the real spy, George Kaplan. It turns out that nobody has ever seen this man in person so everybody just assumes that Thornhill is Kaplan since he showed up at the room. The thugs have returned and try to recapture Thornhill still thinking he is Kaplan, but Thornhill is able to escape. He goes and visits the UN to talk to Townsend in an effort to shine a light on the situation, but Townsend is confused and says that his wife died many years ago. Suddenly, a knife is thrown into the back of Townsend and all the witnesses around think that Thornhill did it as there is nobody else to blame. Thornhill again escapes and is now running away and trying to find Kaplan in hopes of clearing his name.
I very quick scene of an American intelligence agency meeting reveals that Kaplan never existed and that this was a made up spy to keep Vandamm occupied while they figure out his plans. It is unfortunate for Thornhill, but all agree that he will have to become Kaplan and more than likely die by the hands of Vandamm and his men. Thornhill is unaware of this meeting and continues to run around looking for this non-existent spy.
Thornhill is able to sneak on a train to go to Chicago since he believes that Kaplan is at a hotel there. He runs into a lovely blonde named Eve Kendall (Eva Marie Saint) who seems aggressively interested in him and wants to help him hide out. She knows that he is the man who is being blamed for the murder of the UN diplomat and she seems to want to sleep with him (like a groupie)? She is very straight forward and it turns out that this is because she is working for Vandamm, who is also on the train.
In the morning, Eve helps Thornhill arrange a meeting with the non-existent Kaplan at an isolated rural bus stop outside of the Chicago. Thornhill gets there and finds...nothing? A guy shows up but he is just waiting for the next bus. The only thing around is a biplane crop duster that seems to be dusting empty fields. It dramatically turns and swoops down at Thornhill firing a backloaded machine gun. Thornhill is able to hide in the fields and then manages to get under a passing oil truck, which the biplane smashes into and eventually explodes. 
Thornhill steals a truck and reaches Kaplan's hotel in Chicago to discover that Kaplan had already checked out and left before the time when Eve claimed she talked to him on the phone. Thornhill goes to her room and confronts her and she plays naïve.  She tries to run away while he is changing clothes, but he quickly follows her down to an auction where he finds her with Vandamm. He insults her coldly and then makes his escape from Vandamm by turning himself in, but the police strangely won’t take him to the station and instead leave him in the care of a man simply called The Professor (Lee Carroll). 
The professor finally reveals to Thornhill that Kaplan doesn’t exist and that Eve is actually a government agent working for the U.S. It is also explained that Vandamm has some sort of evidence/information that he is trying to take out of the country and will be leaving by plane from his South Dakota home that is in the woods right next to Mount Rushmore. The Professor leaves Thornhill to play the role of Kaplan and negotiates for Eve at the Mount Rushmore visitor center and she seemingly shoots him to look good in front of Vandamm. Luckily the gun is loaded with blanks (remember this gun, it will come back).
Afterwards, the Professor arranges for Thornhill and Eve to meet and Thornhill learns that she must depart with Vandamm and Leonard on a plane. When Thornhill tries to dissuade her from going, he is knocked unconscious by another one of The Professor’s men and locked in a hospital room. Thornhill is able to escape (he gets out of everything) custody and goes to Vandamm's house to rescue Eve from leaving.
At the house, Thornhill sneaks around and overhears that the sculpture that Vandamm bought at the auction holds some kind of microfilm. Leonard also reveals to Vandamm that the gun was a blank and it is decided that Eve will be killed on the plane. Thornhill must keep Eve from getting on the plane so he gives her a note revealing the plot. She is being lead out to the plane and she makes a break for it, meets Thornhill, and they climb out on to Mount Rushmore to escape. The Professor rushes in with his men and arrests Vandamm while also shooting Leonard. 
Unfortunately, Eve has slipped climbing around on the president faces and Thornhill is attempting to pull her back to safety when...he is now suddenly pulling her onto a foldout train bed and he is calling her Mrs. Thornhill. The train enters a tunnel and the movie ends.
This was the fourth and lowest rated Hitchcock film on the AFI top 100, but I opine that it is the most fun. The constant escapes and the almost relatable situation of a businessman getting wrapped up in something of which he wanted no part of makes this a very easy watch. There really are no slow points in this film and the action is punctuated by good comedy. Drunken Thornhill trying to explain what happened and then desperately bidding at an auction to bide time for an escape his hilarious. My favorite line in the film is when Thornhill and The Professor are waiting at the Mount Rushmore visitor center and Thornhill looks through a viewing scope and says “I don’t like the way that Teddy Roosevelt is looking at me.” That is awesome. 
As much as Alfred Hitchcock was the Master of Suspense and the King of Dramatic Climax...his endings aren’t generally very good. He did a terrific job wrapping up Rear Window (1954), making sure all storylines were finished, but he really didn’t end North by Northwest (1959), Vertigo (1958), or The Birds (1963). The movie Psycho (1960) did have an ending, but it was an exposition dump that really was the low part of the film. I love all of these films and the suspenseful build-ups to the dramatic climaxes are extraordinary and put them in a class of their own, but I would not call Hitchcock one to demand a satisfying resolution. 
I know that I have done it for every one of the Hitchcock movies on the AFI list, but I again want to give a shout to Saul Bass for the opening credits and Bernard Hermann for the score. The intro to a Hitchcock film puts you in the mood for a good story and the score keeps you interested all the way to the end. 
There were some questions from my parents as well as from a couple of viewers about the biplane scene. How was it that the plane passed by and then machine gun fire followed? Well, the plane was a N3N Canary, also known as the “Yellow Peril,” and was a tandem seat training biplane that had an open cockpit. This means that there had to be a a guy in the back with a gun shooting backwards. These were generally converted for agricultural use at the end of WW2. The plane that blew up was a different plane (a Stearman Boeing Model 75 trainer) that was also used as an agricultural duster. Empire magazine rated this scene as the greatest movie moment of all time. 
Now that the group has been watching so many movies from Old Hollywood, it became apparent to me how extraordinarily dirty the language was on the train between Roger and Eve. I remember reviewing this film in a college film course and the professor commenting over the scene. She mentioned that this was the only scene of the film that had any cuts and they were made by Hitchcock himself. I also remember Eva Marie Saint saying she was 26 and the professor said, “Ha! Plus 10!” This was a mid 20s female character (played by an actress in her 30s) trying to actively bed a character in his mid 40s (played by an actor in his 50s) who she has just met and spent a total of 5 minutes with. It was all sorts of awkward, and it was great.
So. Should this move be on the AFI top 100? Yes. Probably higher in rank. I was just thinking of another Cary Grant film that is higher on the list, The Philadelphia Story (1940), and how this film is so much more fun. I think that there are other Hitchcock films like Rebecca (1940) and The Birds (1963) that could be on this list, but I guess 4 films from a director that isn’t American is a good representation. North by Northwest is definitely a deserving example. Would I recommend it? Yes. Heck, you can borrow my copy as long as you bring it back. I have seen the film probably two dozen times in the last 20 years and I would be happy to see it again if it means somebody can experience it for the first time. I highly recommend checking it out for yourself.
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Don’t Take Away Our Fun
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader, minor characters
Word Count: 1,263
Warnings: fluff
request: Hey can I request something where reader just found out she's pregnant but she's a shield agent and in an unoffical relationship with Bucky. Like when they're alone they are cuddling and stuff but when they are around other people you wouldn't say they're together.
Summary: You have two sides: work you and home you. You’re having some difficulty keeping them seperate.
Squares Filled:
cheering each other on for @star-spangled-bingo​ (this is late for my first card) dark alleys for @buckybarnesbingo​ (this is also late for my first card)
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
I am doing an 800 Follower Challenge and it would be awesome if you participated! It’s still going on!
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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There’s nothing like going into work and being bombarded with questions, concerns, and the overwhelming feeling of neediness. The whole team is gathered in the conference room--Fury, Natasha, Bucky, Sharon, and many more SHIELD agents. There were many threats facing Earth, and each person had a certain person to focus on. The person who was assigned to you was Loki, and the fear that he might come back and decide to invade Earth again was too strong. There needed to be a set plan in case it does happen which is why Fury put you in charge of it.
“Y/L/N, what’s the status on the Loki situation?”
“I know of a way that we can keep Loki where he belongs,” Bucky spoke.
This is going to be good.
“What is it?” you asked, crossing your arms.
“We make bigger weapons. We have the technology to make big and strong enough weapons to keep him at bay.”
“And what if he comes back with the Tesseract? Or his scepter? What then? Fury, I say we make a peace treaty with them. That way there is a set contract in place. If they break it, then it’s on them. This treaty can last for centuries if we can both follow it.”
Fury looked between you two, and he could see the annoyance in Bucky’s eyes. He knew there was something going on between you two, he just didn’t know what. You two didn’t exactly like each other. Whenever there was a meeting to make a plan or to come up with a solution to something, you two would be at each other’s throats trying to be the better agent. It drove him absolutely insane.
“Make a contract then,” Fury concluded.
The meeting went on to other discussion topics, but you couldn’t help but look at Bucky. His eyes were on you, and you stuck your tongue at him to show him that you won this round. Doing this with him was one of the reasons why you love work so much.
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The arms around you were so strong, and they made you feel at home. They were your protectors, and the man attached to them had the best heart with only your interests in mind. You shifted in his arms, and the cold bite of his metal arm touched your exposed skin on the back. He felt your shudder which is why he moved it off you.
“Sorry,” he chuckled.
“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you look like an idiot this morning,” you apologized, placing your chin on his chest to stare into his eyes.
“I had fun,” he grinned.
“I still won though.”
“We’ll see about tomorrow. You know, I think it’s fun to see how many people we can get to think we hate each other,” he laughed.
“But I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You leaned in and kissed him tenderly before pulling away. The rest of the night was spent lying in his arms and falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat underneath your ear.
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Today is different. Today is so much different because you found out something that will change yours and Bucky’s lives forever. You are pregnant, and you didn’t know how it was possible since you used protection and everything. However, it’s happening, but you haven’t told anyone. You wanted Bucky to know first, but you needed to wait until you two were safe at home instead of at work deciding how to proceed with this arrest of a HYDRA agent. Much like a few days ago, you and bucky got to arguing even though it was more real for you than for him.
“We need to attack from below through pipes underneath the building. They won’t see us coming, and I think the surprise will give us an edge,” you suggested.
“We should go through the alley. It’s dark, and it’s the perfect way to escape if they do see us. If they decide to run, then we can chase them easier than if in the pipes,” Bucky argued.
“Of course, you would think that. Fury, tell him my idea is better.”
“Actually, we’re going with his.”
“The alley gives us more leeway in case things go wrong. I want you two and Romanoff going through there while the rest of us goes inside the building. Do not hesitate to shoot and shoot to kill.”
“Yes, sir,” you sighed.
Bucky gloated silently at the fact that he won, but you weren't in the mood to deal with this today. He, of course, didn’t seem to notice otherwise he would have stopped. You’d go through the alley with him and Natasha, but you weren't going to like it.
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“He’s going to see us if he looks out the window. You’re an idiot if you don’t see that,” you hissed with your gun trained in front of you.
Natasha was in the middle of you two, and she rolled her eyes when she felt another argument coming on. This mission was different because you used to not do this with him that much. There was something going on, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
“Maybe if you shut your mouth, then they wouldn’t hear you,” he jabbed back.
“Would you two cut it out? If you both don’t shut your damn mouths, then they’ll be sure to hear us!” Natasha hissed.
She was right, you two were acting like fools, but only because you were so worried about how he might react to your news later on. Instead of focusing on that, you tried to focus on the matter at hand.
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“Bucky, I’m fine. It’s going to heal in a few days,” you sighed. 
While on the mission, the HYDRA agent pushed you into some stacked boxes, and you twisted your ankle pretty badly. Luckily for you and the baby, you landed on your ass and your stomach wasn’t touched at all. Regardless, you went to the hospital to have it checked out. The doctor told you that you and the baby are going to be just fine, and she sent you on your way.
“The doctor said to ice it, and that’s what we’re going to do,” he declared and placed the ice pack on your swollen ankle. “Are you okay? You seemed more irritated today than before.”
“I’m pregnant,” you blurted out.
“What?” he whispers.
“Yeah, I guess the condom broke or something, but we’re going to have a baby. That’s why I was so irritated. I was racked up with worry about how you might react to it. I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier.”
Bucky didn’t say anything for the next few minutes before he let out the loudest cheer possible. He did a small victory dance which only made you smile wide.
“You can do it! We can definitely do it together!” he cheered.
“What are you doing?” you chuckled.
“Cheering for you! For us!” he laughed and got on his knees to be closer to your level. “We can make this work; I know we can. We’re us.”
“I love you,” you smiled and brought him up for a kiss.
“I love you too. Both of you,” he said and placed his hand over your stomach.
“Should we tell the others about us? I think they would notice in nine months when I have this baby,” you chuckled.
“Or we can still fuck with them. We’ll tell them eventually, but we can have fun first.”
“Or that, yeah,” you agreed.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 5 years
Home Again Ch. 1 (Liam x MC)
Summary: AU TRR fic. Four years ago, Kendall fled Cordonia and the love of her life. But when she’s forced to come back, she’s also forced to confront long buried feelings and painful revelations.
A/N: I’ve been toying with this plot for over a year now, and I finally got around to actually working on it. Yay me! As always, let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged, or if I missed you.
Tags: @drakewalker04 @canknot @lapisreviewsstuff @akacalliope @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @sirbeepsalot @texaskitten30 @ao719 @eadanga @hopefulmoonobject @janezillow @ramseyandrys @aestheticartwriting
The water. If there was one thing Kendall missed about Cordonia, it was the gorgeous water of the Mediterranean, always warm, always blue. And the sun. There’s just something different about the warmth in her native country.
Stepping off of the private jet, she breathes in the slightly salty air. After almost 5 years of being away, Kendall isn’t sure if she’s happy to be home or not. While she did love Cordonia, she hates that she’s coming back under such awful conditions. 
When her mother called yesterday and told her that her father had a heart attack, it was a no brainer for Kendall to drop everything and come back home. Her dad is her own personal Superman, she’s never known him to even have a cold, so hearing that he had a heart attack threw her for a loop.
The sound of her name being called makes Kendall whip her head around. She sees Gladys, the daughter to her estate’s majordomo poking her head out of the window of a sleek black Escalade
One of the flight attendants grabs Kendall’s luggage as she rushes towards the car. Flinging the passenger side door open, she leans in and wraps Gladys in a warm hug.
Gladys is taken aback by the huge display of affection, but she hugs Kendall back. “It’s nice to see you too, my lady.”
“What have I told you, it’s just Kendall. You don’t have to be formal with me, Gladys.”
“Very well.” Gladys turns her head and sees the flight attendant putting the last of Kendall’s luggage in the trunk. “Get in, get in.” 
“I do not have to be told twice.”
The ride from the airport to the hospital in the capital was mostly silent. Kendall knows the older woman probably has questions for her. They haven’t seen each other in years, and Kendall swore she’d never step foot in this country ever again. But now she’s back. But it’s not like she’s back, back. She’s only here to see her dad through his recovery. Nothing more, nothing less.
“So how was school?” Gladys asks, breaking Kendall out of her thoughts. “Columbia right?”
The mention of her Ivy League alma mater brings a smile to Kendall’s face. “I loved it. New York is amazing, the school is amazing.”
“What are you doing now? My dad mentioned it was something to do with money, but he’s awful at explaining things.”
“Financial analyst.”
“Do you work on that fancy street? The one with all the walls of money?”
“Wall Street,” Kendall corrects with a chuckle. “And yes. But it’s not literally made with walls of money, Gladys. Just lots and lots of tall buildings.”
“Do you have a big office?”
“I have a cubicle. It’s not fancy, but it gets the job done.”
They spend the rest of the car ride in silence. Kendall can’t bring herself to care about the usual court gossip right now, her mind focused solely on her dad.
They make it to the hospital fairly quickly and Kendall barely remembers talking to someone at the nurse’s station before rushing off again to find her father’s hospital room.
She isn’t sure what she was expecting to see, but she definitely didn’t anticipate so many wires and machines. Her father is always so...strong and commanding, but in this moment, Stephen Mason looks incredibly frail. And her poor mother, Victoria, looks equally exhausted, hunched over his bed, their hands clasped together.
Stephen notices her first, and a smile slowly creeps onto his face. “Victoria, did you really call our daughter and tell her to come home?”
“Thank God she did,” Kendall says fully entering the hospital room.
“I’m fine. You could’ve stayed in New York.”
“You had a heart attack, dad.”
Stephen dismisses the statement with a flick of his wrist. “It was minor.”
Kendall ignores him and wraps her arms tightly around him. Tears prick the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over. She tries to relax, breathing in her dad’s scent. He’s alive, he’s here. She can breathe.
Stephen rubs a comforting hand up and down Kendall’s arm. “Don’t cry. I’m fine, sweetheart.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. My doctor said I was very blessed. I didn’t even need surgery.”
Kendall takes a shuddering breath and wipes her eyes. “So what caused this? When are you getting out of here? What’s your treatment plan? Do you have to do physical therapy?”
Stephen chuckles and turns to his wife. “She burns through a lot of topics, really fast. She gets that from you.”
“Oh, hush. For now, he’s going to have to take aspirin daily,” Victoria explains. “And we’re meeting with a nutritionist and physical therapist in order to get a diet and exercise plan.”
“Good.” Kendall visibly relaxes at her mother’s words.
“They hope to discharge me the day after tomorrow,” Stephen adds. “All of my tests and bloodwork have come back good so far.”
“Why don’t you go home sweetheart?” Stephen suggests. “It’s your first time back home in a really long time, I’m sure there are more interesting things you can be doing other than staring at me.”
“I’m fine.” Kendall can’t leave, not yet. She hasn’t even met his doctor. Despite his words, she won’t feel at ease until she knows without a doubt that he’s going to be okay. His words are comforting, but they aren’t enough.
“I had to send your brother away,” Stephen says. “He was hovering as well, but he actually listened to me and went back to the estate.”
Kendall’s younger brother Zachary was always the more obedient child.
“That’s nice for Zach, but I’m staying with you for now.” Kendall sits down in an uncomfortable chair adjacent to her dad’s bed. “So stop trying to get rid of me.”
“Very well. But no hospital talk. Tell me how work has been.”
The three of them get wrapped up in a pleasant conversation about Kendall’s job, with her sharing funny office anecdotes and complaining about her least favorite coworkers.
She also gets to meet her dad’s cardiologist, Dr. Locke. He’s a nice, older guy and he doesn’t bat an eyelash when she grills him on his credentials and qualifications. Kendall isn’t the first overly concerned family member he’s encountered during his career and she won’t be the last.
“Ms. Mason, your father is doing incredibly well, and I expect him to make a full recovery.”
“About how long is the recovery process?”
“It depends on the patient, but your father is due for a follow-up in a few weeks. We’ll assess his progress then.”
“How long until I can go back to work?” Stephen asks.
“Oh you won’t be touching work for at least 2 months,” Dr. Locke replies seriously. “Work is inherently stressful, Mr. Mason, and stress isn’t good for you.”
“I’ll make sure he relaxes,” Victoria says, affectionately squeezing her husband’s hand. “I promise.”
“Good.” The Doctor checks the time on his watch. “A nurse should be coming in a few minutes to check your vitals, but it’s time for you to get some much needed rest.”
“Only if you kick this one out,” Stephen says, pointing to Kendall. “I won’t be able to relax with her here.”
“Dad! You can’t just kick me out.”
“Go home,” Stephen orders. “Get some rest, call one of your friends, I don’t care, but you cannot stay here and stare at me until I fall asleep.”
Dr. Locke’s eyes shift back and forth between the father and daughter. “Miss, if your father wants you to leave, then you have to leave.”
Kendall glares at her father, shocked that he has the audacity to remove her from his hospital room. “Fine. But I’m coming back tomorrow.”
“I’ll see you then, sweetheart.”
She huffs and collects her belongings. After kissing her parents goodbye, she steps out into the bustling hallway, trying to stay out of the way of the nurses, doctors, and patients. Once she’s out of the way, Kendall grabs her phone and scrolls through the contacts before finding the number she was looking for.
“Kendall, what a pleasant surprise.”
“I’m in town,” Kendall says, cutting straight to the chase. “And I need a drink.”
“Beer garden?”
“I’ll meet you there in an hour.”
King Liam strides down the hall to his study, a folder full of notes and documents in hand as Bastien trails closely behind. He has a meeting to attend to discuss the budget for Cordonia’s upcoming fiscal year.
Instead of seeing the Chancellor of Finance upon entering his study, he sees his father.
The visit catches him off guard. “Father! What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“Can it wait? I’m supposed to be meeting with Stephen in a few minutes.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” Constantine says. He walks over to Liam’s drink cart and surveys the decanters of various alcohols. He settles on a vintage scotch and pours himself a glass. “You won’t be meeting with Stephen today.”
“It’s unlike him to cancel a meeting, especially one as important as this. Is he okay?”
“Victoria called Regina a little while ago. He had a heart attack last night.”
The admission shocks Liam. “Oh my goodness, is he okay? Is he…” 
“He’s alive and stable. But he’s going to be out of commission for a while while he’s recovering. I told her that Stephen can take as much time as he needs, we will manage without him.”
Liam nods. His father and Stephen Mason were good friends, and it’s been that way since they were kids. It was part of the reason he and Kendall grew so close. Back when things were good between them, at least.
“Of course, he can take all the time he needs. How is everyone else holding up?”
“Victoria seemed to be in decent spirits when Regina spoke with her. She said Zachary was with them earlier.”
Liam bites the inside of his cheek. His mind can’t help but wander to her. “Any mention of Kendall? Does she know?”
“Victoria didn’t say, nor did Regina ask.” The parents made a point to never bring their children up in conversation. It’s a lot easier to simply pretend the elephant in the room doesn’t exist. “I assume she knows. She adores her father. He adores her as well.” 
Liam snorts in derision. “Trust me, I know.”
Constantine quirks an eyebrow up in confusion. Snark isn’t usually his son’s forte, especially over Lady Kendall. 
“I told Regina that I’d pass along the news. Please send a gift basket or flowers to their estate, on behalf of the family.”
“Of course.”
Constantine finishes his drink in one large sip. He sighs and puts down his glass. “And buy better scotch.”
Liam rolls his eyes. “Goodbye, Father.”
Constantine chuckles to himself and exits his son’s study. Liam sits down at his desk and rummages through his pockets until he finds his cell phone.
He finds Drake’s contact and clicks it. After a few seconds, his best friend answers.
“What’s up, Li?”
“Nothing. I had a meeting scheduled, but it was cancelled, so I have no plans for the evening.”
“Max and I were thinking about heading to the beer garden for the evening. Are you in?”
“Of course. I’m not turning down an opportunity to drink.”
“Cheers!” Kendall clinks glasses with Olivia and downs her drink.
The red headed Duchess watches her friend, a bemused look on her face. “Slow down, Mason, that’s your fourth beer.”
“What, are you afraid I’m going to drink you under the table?”
“Of course not. But we don’t need you getting absolutely shitfaced.” Olivia turns to the bartender and hands him a $50 dollar bill. “She’s switching to water.”
“You’re not being fun.” 
“One of us has to be practical, you lush.” Olivia takes the bottle of water left by the bartender and slides it towards Kendall. “Drink up.”
Kendall stares at her friend, locked in a silent battle. Both women are stubborn to a fault, neither wanting to back down from a challenge. Olivia glares back, her emerald green eyes fixed squarely on the woman in front of her.
After a long while, Kendall relents and reluctantly opens the bottle of water, taking a tiny sip. “Happy?”
“Ecstatic.” Olivia hops off of her barstool and grabs Kendall by the arm. “Let’s sit somewhere else. We have some talking to do.”
Kendall allows herself to be dragged over to a table tucked in a far corner of the garden. It’s pretty quiet, with most of the patrons wanting to stick towards the middle of the space or close to the bar.
She looks around. It’s been so long since she’s seen the beer garden, and everything looks and feels exactly the same. Flowers still bloom all around, dainty lights hang from every surface of the room, giving off a calm and romantic vibe. Memories of happier times visiting this establishment flood her mind, but she shakes them away.
“How’s your dad doing?” Olivia asks, cutting straight to the chase.
“He’s...okay, I guess. Things could be better, but they could definitely be worse, so,” Kendall shrugs, “I don’t know. He’s alive and coherent. That’s all I can ask for at this point.”
“Your dad is a tough guy. He’ll be just fine.”
“When I got the call last night that he was rushed to the hospital, I panicked,” Kendall says. “My mom chartered a jet for me, thank goodness because there’s no way I would’ve been able to sit in the airport. I was so frazzled, I didn’t even call my job until I saw flying over Spain.”
“Do you like that job of yours?”
“Of course I do.”
“How long are you going to be in Cordonia?”
Kendall shrugs. “For as long as I can milk my job for family medical leave.” 
“You should just come back,” Olivia suggests, circling the rim of her glass with a perfectly manicured finger. “Hana’s been in Shanghai for the past month, and you’re the only other girl I like. Well, besides Gabriella.”
“Who’s Gabriella?”
“I forgot you don’t keep up with the court anymore. Gabriella is Maxwell’s girlfriend.”
Kendall’s mouth drops in shock. “Maxwell? Maxwell Beaumont?”
“Yeah, I think you’d really like her. She’s just so...nice.”
“Is she a noble?”
“No, she’s a veterinarian assistant. They hooked up after an incident with one of the Beaumont peacocks. That was a few months ago, and they’ve been together ever since.”
“How cute,” Kendall coos. “But to circle back to your little suggestion, the answer is no.”
“Why not?”
“Because I like New York. I like living there.”
“I gave you a pass when you first left because you were going to school. But you graduated, it’s time to come home.”
“You can use your authoritative duchess voice on everyone else, but it won’t work with me, Nevrakis.”
“I think you’re wasting your potential in the States,” Olivia admits. “Do you know who your father is? His name, along with your degree, could get you a job in any financial sector in this country.”
“Trust me, I know.” The last thing Kendall wants to do is rely on nepotism in order to secure a job. “I don’t want him to make things happen for me, I can do it on my own. I love New York, I love my job. Stop trying to convince me to leave.”
Olivia pouts childishly. “But you’re staying for a while, right?”
“At least 2 months,” Kendall admits.
“Good.” She goes silent for a while, pondering if she should even bring this up. “You’re going to run into him eventually, you know.”
“I don’t plan on it.”
“Oh really?” 
“I figured between the hospital, my dad’s physical therapy appointments, and taking care of him, I won’t even be getting out of the house much.”
“I don’t know if you're naive or delusional,” Olivia says with a snort. “Maybe both.”
“Look, I’m only back because of my dad. This isn’t a happy, social visit. Outings like this,” Kendall gestures to their surroundings, “are not going to be an everyday thing. Besides, I’m sure Liam will be busy doing princely things.”
“Technically kingly things.”
Kendall lifts her water bottle to her lips again. “Excuse me?”
“Liam’s the king now.” Olivia grimaces as Kendall spits the water out of her mouth. “Ew.”
“He’s king? Since when?”
“Leo abdicated last year. Literally left in the middle of the night and never looked back. Liam got crowned at the top of this year.”
To say the news shocks her would be an understatement. Kendall always knew Leo was flighty and impulsive, but this was an entirely new beast. “Wow.”
“Liam’s taken it in stride for the most part, but he refused to have a social season and pick a bride, much to Constantine’s dismay and he hasn’t spoken to Leo in months. The transition has been a bit...tough for him. Obviously he loves this country, but no one truly understands the weight of the crown, especially one that wasn’t made for you and that’s been shoved onto your head.”
Kendall doesn’t say anything else, trying to absorb all of the information given to her. Never in a million years did she ever think Liam would be the one running this country.
Olivia gauges her friend’s reaction to the news. She’s usually extremely stoic when it comes to Liam, shutting down the conversation when he’s mentioned or refusing to engage in anything about him at all. This is the most Kendall has spoken of him in years, it almost feels like a miracle that she doesn’t want to disrupt.
Kendall clears her throat awkwardly. “Can we please order another round?”
“One more, Mason. Then I’m cutting you off for–” Olivia abruptly stops talking as she sees Maxwell, Drake, and Liam enter the garden.
“You can’t cut me off,” Kendall says, not noticing Olivia’s shift in tone. “You aren’t the–”
A loud gasp cuts into Kendall’s sentence. “Mason!?”
Kendall’s head whips around and she sees the trio of guys heading over. Maxwell and Drake have broad grins on their faces, but not Liam. He looks as if he’s seen a ghost.
His heart hammers in his chest as he looks at her. It’s...crazy how many memories come flooding back to him. They all slam into him like a ton of bricks, one after the next.
“Liam!” 18 year old Kendall squeals as Liam buries his face in the crook of her neck, kissing her. “Liam, you’re distracting me.”
“You smell good,” Liam murmurs into her skin. She smells like coconuts. “You always smell so good.”
“Thank you. But you’re supposed to be helping me study! I have a test tomorrow for my government class.”
“Is that the only reason I’m here?” Liam pulls away from Kendall and smirks at her.
“Obviously,” Kendall teases. “What good is dating a prince if I can’t use him to help me ace my exams?”
Liam feigns shock, jumping away from Kendall. He wraps a hand around her ankle and tugs it hard, sending her flying forward. Her head flies back, hitting the pile of pillows she has neatly placed on her bed. She laughs at the action, a laugh that makes Liam’s heart still thud wildly in his chest, 3 years into dating her.
“Take it back,” Liam orders. Kendall kicks at him, but he jumps back, narrowly dodging her foot.
“Make me.”
The challenge causes Liam’s eyes to darken, mischief sparkling in their pretty blue depths. In one quick stride, he’s towering over Kendall, his arms braced at either of her sides. “You’re not with me because you can use it to your advantage.”
“Prove it, mister.”
“You’re with me because I make you laugh,” Liam says, leaning closer to his girlfriend. He kisses the tip of her nose. “Because I know how to make you smile after a long day.” He kisses the apples of her cheeks next. “Because I know you better than you know yourself. Because I’m your best friend, even though Olivia would murder me if I said that in her presence,”
Liam pounces onto the bed, his knees replacing his arms and barricading Kendall underneath him. His hands go up to cradle her face, touching her with care as if she were a piece of fine art.
“You want to know why I’m really with you?” Kendall asks rhetorically.
“Enlighten me, Lady Kendall.”
She turns her head slightly and kisses the inside of his arm. “Because I am absolutely, positively, head over heels in love with you, Prince Charming.”
Liam knows this. He and Kendall have never been shy when it comes to expressing their love for one another, but every time she says she loves him, it feels like the first time all over again. A wide grin breaks out on his face, something so bright and uninhibited, something reserved solely for her. “And I love you, Kendall. More than anything else in the world.”
Liam is pulled from the memory when he sees Kendall get out of her seat to greet Maxwell, her arms wrapping around his neck as they meet in a ferocious hug.
Maxwell kisses the side of her head. “I’ve missed you, my little blossom!”
“I missed you too, Max.”
“Is New York treating you well?”
“Yes. You guys need to come visit me again. I’ll take you to all the cool spots.” Kendall turns her attention to Drake next. “There’s a whiskey bar in Brooklyn that you would absolutely adore.”
“Is it better than the one in Manhattan?”
“Mason, you’re talking my language.”
“What are you doing out here?” Maxwell asks.
“It’s my dad,” Kendall says, sobering up instantly as she remembers the reason why she’s here. “He had a heart attack.” She sees the looks of panic flash across Drake and Maxwell’s faces. “He’s going to be okay, his doctors are optimistic.”
Maxwell nods. “Damn right he is. Stephen is going to bounce back better than ever.”
“If he stays on course, he’ll be released in a few days,” Kendall continues. “So I have a lot to get done within the next 36 hours.”
“Do you need any help?” Drake asks.
“No. I think I’ll call a cleaning service in the morning to make sure the estate is spotless. And once he meets with a nutritionist, I have to go grocery shopping. But for now, I’m okay. Thanks for the offer.”
Maxwell affectionately squeezes Kendall’s hand. “Don’t hesitate to reach out, Kenny, with whatever.”
Kendall’s eyes briefly flicker over to Liam. He’s still standing there, as still as a statue, and she looks away before he notices her. But she feels his blue eyes, burning a hole into the side of her head.
She feels dizzy, and she isn’t sure if it’s from being in such close proximity to him or the amount of alcohol she’s consumed. 
Because while Liam can look at her and remember the good times, the sight of him is quickly unraveling her.
The night of their breakup is still so fresh in her mind, her senses overwhelmed by the memory. 
Her heart thuds so loudly in her chest, she can feel it in her ears.
She can still recall the taste of the salty tears flowing freely from her eyes as she cried. She remembers the soreness, the way the muscles in her back and shoulders ached after she was wracked with uncontrollable sobs.
“Please, Liam!” The unrecognizable desperation in her voice rattles her as she drops to her knees in front of Liam. Who is she? “Forget about New York, forget about Columbia! I don’t need to go. I just need you, I want you. I’ll stay. I’ll stay and we’ll be together.”
Liam frowns sadly. “I can’t be the reason you stay. I need to let you go.”
“No! Don’t do this to us.”
Her breath hitches in her throat at the memory. It was the worst day of her life, and she’s tried for 4 long years to bury the memories and forget them entirely. But one look at Liam and she’s back to square one. In an instant, she’s that 18 years old girl again, the one that was hopelessly in love with him and got her heart annihilated in turn.
She turns to Olivia. “I think I should finally head home.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m tired.” It’s not a lie. Kendall is exhausted and it’s a decent enough excuse. But the gang knows better, they know her desire to flee is due to the monarch standing next to them.
“Are you good to drive?” Olivia questions.
“I’ll call Gladys or Zach to come pick me up.” Kendall grabs her purse and rifles through it with shaky fingers, looking for any random bills. “How much do I owe you?”
Olivia shakes her head. “Don’t worry about the tab, it’s my treat.”
“Thank you. I’ll call you when I get home, okay?”
“You better.”
Kendall turns to Maxwell and Drake. She plasters on a smile, one that’s rehearsed and doesn’t reach her eyes. “It was nice seeing you two again.”
The dig at the king’s expense doesn’t go unnoticed. Kendall treats him like he isn’t there, blatantly refusing to acknowledge his existence.
She gives them one last smile and wave, making her way out. “Goodnight guys.”
Kendall’s going to have to pass Liam in order to reach the exit, so he decides that now might be the only time he can talk to her. “Kendall, wait!”
He lightly grabs her arm, stopping her from leaving and that’s when things go south. Before he can react, Kendall turns around and catches his wrist between her fingers, twisting his entire arm at an awkward angle.
A pain shoots up his arm and he winces in spite of himself. Bastien, who had been keeping a respectful distance, strides over to the table, ready to diffuse the situation. “Unhand him at once, Lady Kendall.”
“Touch me again, and I swear I’ll break it,” Kendall hisses fiercely. She turns to Bastien. “That wasn’t a threat, it was a promise.”
“Let him go,” Bastien commands. He doesn’t want to escalate the situation by any means, but he can’t let the king get hurt, even if his ex is the one inflicting the wound.
Kendall drops Liam’s hand and he instantly goes to cradle it. When did she learn that move?
Without another word, she stalks off, not sparing another glance at her friends or the other patrons of the establishment who saw the incident.
“Are you alright, Your Majesty?” Bastien asks, surveying Liam’s wrist. 
“I’m fine. She didn’t actually break anything.”
“Everyone here will be signing a non disclosure agreement,” Bastien continues. It doesn’t need to get out that that king’s ex-girlfriend nearly broke his wrist for all of the public to see. He says something into his earpiece about closing the garden down for a few minutes, but Liam’s not listening anymore.
The young monarch turns to the scarlet haired duchess sitting a few feet away from him. He narrows his eyes at her. “Pray tell, when were you going to mention that Kendall was back in town?”
Olivia grins like a Cheshire Cat and raises her glass at the question. “Surprise!”
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