#primary symptoms of corona
cybertriumphllama · 2 years
How Dengue Spreads:
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#A few species of Aedes mosquito (female mosquito) are the primary carriers of the dengue virus. Among these#Aedes aegypti is the main one. There are five serotypes of the virus. Infection with one serotype of the virus results in lifelong immunity#if the patient is infected with a different dengue virus serotype#severe complications may occur.#Dengue fever can also be diagnosed through several tests#such as the presence of antibodies against the virus or its RNA. At the beginning of this decade#dengue fever spread widely in our country#especially in the capital Dhaka. As a result#people become panicked. Even sick person and their families are disoriented. Blood banks struggle to collect blood and blood platelets from#headache#vomiting#muscle and joint pain#and skin rash. Dengue patients usually recover within two to seven days. But in some cases#the disease can take a severe hemorrhagic form called dengue hemorrhagic fever. This results in bleeding#decreased blood platelet levels#and secretion of blood plasma. Sometimes dengue shock syndrome occurs. Blood pressure drops dangerously in dengue shock syndrome. Symptoms#this mosquito-borne disease can reach fatal locations. In this corona period#if someone has a fever#they think they have the coronavirus! Not only if infected with corona#the patient suffers from fever but also due to dengue fever. So#if you have a fever now#do not worry#but consult a doctor immediately. However#if you know some of the symptoms of Dengue#you can determine whether you have Dengue or not.#Know the symptoms of dengue fever:#1. Classical fevers of Dengue:#• Classical dengue fever usually presents with high fever and severe pain throughout the body.#• Fever up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit.#• Severe abdominal pain may also occur.
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Alright, due to popular request, I bring you the break down of the Taiwan Disease Personifications. Also, just so y’all know, the official explanations for the designs are not easy to find, so a lot of this is just from what I notice and what I know about the diseases
To start off, we have everyone’s favorite disease: COVID-19
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So, this is one of the designs where I could actually find the artist explanation, so I will be including that information plus a couple things I noticed and how I think it fits the disease. So let’s start with to crown. The reason for the inclusion of the crown is the reflect the name coronavirus, corona being the Latin word for crown. The face is partially obscured because of COVID’s tendency to hide itself. The bean bag chair that they are sitting on has many protrusions signifying the spike proteins. The different digital devices represent how the world went virtual during the pandemic and the news channels behind them represent the media’s freak out when COVID was at its height. The floor has an outline of the world because everywhere was affected by the pandemic. Also, if you look closely, they are wearing little Covid earrings.
Next up, we got Zika:
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I could not find an official artist statement for this design, so take my explanation with a grain of salt. So first off the red waist band reminds me of the red stripe that goes down the abdomen of the mosquito species that spreads Zika after it has fed. Also, the white markings on the black are also a characteristic of this species of mosquito. In fact, the design is the stripes on the chest look like the markings these mosquitoes have on their back. She presents female because it’s the female mosquitoes that bite and spread diseases. Her sleeves look like mosquito wings once again a reference to mosquitoes being the primary vectors of Zika. The area behind her has palm fronds to represent that Zika is a disease typically found in tropical climates.
Next up we have: Hansen’s Disease (aka Leprosy)
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This is one where I could find the artist statement due to it being a pretty recent one, however, I will say that at least the translation was a bit lacking in describing the reasoning of every detail. She is a mask maker because leprosy changes how people perceive those who are infected but it is something that can easily be removed with modern antibiotics. She has different accessories like the lion and crocodile headpiece that implicate the divine involvement because leprosy has been historically thought to be a punishment of the gods. The scales on her arm look like an allusion to the scaling pattern scars that those with leprosy would develop.
Next up: Rubella
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After a lot of digging I found the official profile for this design but it didn’t really explain the design choices so we are going to do more analysis on my end. So the pomegranate and the red dots represent the red rashes that come with rubella infections. The glasses I assume are to show how Rubella can lead to Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) which can occur in children if their mother had rubella while pregnant. One of the symptoms that comes with CRS is cataracts.
Next up: the plague
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I found the explanation on this and it just confirmed my own suspicions for certain design choices. So her design is very focused on death and mysticism because of how the Black Plague led to a lot of cultural focus on these two ideas. Behind her are old coins because of the economic impact the plague had on the civilizations of its time. The references to death are the skeletal pattern on her dress, and the scythe behind her and on her belt. The references to mysticism include the tarot cards she is holding and the crosses on her hat. On the tarot cards are designs referencing the three different forms the plague takes (bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic) as well as a posey which was used to try to ward of the plague in old times. On her hat is also a collection of plague doctor masks which is pretty self explanatory as to how that connects.
Next up: Ebola
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I couldn’t find the official explanation for this disease, so this is mostly speculation based on my analysis. Her outfit is red because of the hemorrhaging that comes with the disease. Specifically he lips are red because one of the more unique characteristics of Ebola is hiccuping up blood. The accessories seem to be inspired by central and western african traditional jewelry. There appear to be tribal masks on the necklace, I am not well versed in African art unfortunately, so any deeper meaning of these accessories are unfortunately lost on me. There are bats on the headdress because of bats being the natural host of Ebola. Her design is rather demonic because Ebola was so terrible for the areas affected, that people thought it could be caused be some great evil. The skulls are because of the extremely high death rate that comes with ebola. The leaves and fruits shown come from the African jungles which is typically where Ebola outbreaks start.
Next up: Novel Influenza A Virus Infections
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I actually found the artist explanation for this design! As a disease closely associated with birds, there are many elements linked to birds. There are many bird shadows, the hair that looks like feathers, and the beak shaped mask, feathers on his tie and a feather tattoo on right arm, and the “H-N” pin (H and N proteins of the influenza virus).
Next up: Dengue Fever
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Another one with an artist statement! Since only female mosquitoes bite, the character is set as a female. Her dark red lips represent mosquito’s instinct to bite, and she is holding a poisonous thornapple flower. She has mosquito wings tattooed on her back and thornapple flower tattooed on her arm. I have spent a long time looking into how the thornapple flower relates to dengue, but I haven’t had a lot of luck. From what I have seen is that the roots, seeds, and leaves are used in some traditional medicines, including treatments for malaria, but I have not had luck finding how it is connected to Dengue specifically.
Next up: Japanese Encephalitis
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I found the artist statement for this disease as well. The disease is visualized into three characters that form a pop group, with their names reflecting the 3 main Culex mosquito species that spread Japanese encephalitis in Taiwan, which are Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Three), Culex annulus (Ring), and Culex fuscocephala (Shiro). They wear black and white, like the colors of the Culex mosquitoes. Red accessories represent their love for blood. I don’t have much to add outside of the artist explanation.
Last one for now is: Rabies
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I found the explanation for this one, but it is not descriptive at all, so I am going to be going into every detail because this is Rabies. The spikes on the jacket and pant legs represent the protein spikes rabies uses to infect nerves. The blue jacket and gloves are representing water as one of the unique characteristics of rabies is hydrophobia (physical repulsion to water). The claw marks on the shirt show the animalistic tendencies the virus brings out. The violin players in the animal mask show how the virus can hide in these animals. The personification of rabies is holding a conductor’s wand showing how rabies controls those who are infected. The teeth necklace shows how it spreads through bites and they are standing on the brain because that is what rabies infects. He has a chain with mammal skulls once again tying back to rabies being a fatal mammalian disease. The belt buckle has a bone on it as bone are associated with bones and rabies is associated with dogs.
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How does marijuana help glaucoma
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Is THC really great for glaucoma? Kids about "smoking grandmother's glaucoma medication" have been around for a really long time, and the main significant review connecting weed with glaucoma help turned out in 1971 (and was distributed in the esteemed JAMA, all things considered!).
But, notwithstanding the developing acknowledgment of clinical marijuana, the vast majority of the ongoing consideration centres around relief from discomfort, tension problems, and epilepsy.
Anyway, did specialists disregard eye wellbeing? Does THC bring down eye pressure? Furthermore, maybe more significantly, is marijuana a practical method for treating glaucoma? If you at any point had any desire to examine THC glaucoma treatment with a genuine ophthalmologist unafraid of judgement, here's your opportunity!
Glaucoma is a typical eye condition, as well as the main source of visual impairment among more established grown-ups. Glaucoma continuously harms the optic nerve (which interfaces your eyes and your minds). This first makes your field of vision contract, obscuring your fringe vision. If untreated, the nerve can go totally done, which will bring about visual impairment.
What causes glaucoma?
The most well-known reason for optic nerve harm is expanded intraocular pressure (IOP).
Your primary eye hole, or sclera, is loaded up with liquid. In the event that this liquid doesn't deplete as expected or is being moved by hypertension (hypertension) in the vessels around your eyes, then the tension inside your eyes will start to increment — raising your IOP. Thus, this will push against the retina, cutting its blood stream and harming the optic nerve simply behind it.
Sorts of glaucoma
There are three primary sorts of glaucoma to look out for, and they all require a marginally unique treatment.
Ongoing glaucoma
Otherwise called essential open-point glaucoma, ongoing glaucoma is by a long shot the most widely recognized one. This type is slow and moderate. It begins when the trabecular meshwork (your eye's waste framework) quits functioning too, so liquid can't leave the eye cavity effectively. This will gradually raise intraocular pressure.
Since this normally happens gradually, missing the symptoms is simple. You might begin seeing sketchy vulnerable sides in your eyes or lose the edges of your fringe vision. Frequently, individuals don't see it until they've created exclusive focus or high level fringe vision misfortune.
Intense or point conclusion glaucoma
Brought about by an unexpected expansion in eye pressure, intense glaucoma is frequently connected to a hypertensive emergency (very hypertension) that promptly harms the trabecular meshwork. Point conclusion glaucoma can cause visual deficiency quickly and is viewed as a health related crisis. Side effects to keep an eye out for include:
Serious cerebral pains, particularly in the temple or behind the eyes
Eye torment
Sickness and retching
Rainbows or coronas around lights
Photophobia, or prejudice to light
Ordinary pressure glaucoma
This last kind of glaucoma happens when the optic nerve is harmed, yet the IOP stays ordinary. So what causes it? We don't have the foggiest idea. A few optometrists conjecture that a little blood cluster can hinder blood flow around the optic nerve, however the jury is still out on that one.
We have expounded broadly on glaucoma side effects, risk elements, and medicines. Assuming you're intrigued, look at our Glaucoma Guide.
Does weed help glaucoma patients?
Understanding what glaucoma works will assist us with perceiving how weed means for glaucoma. Thinking back to the 1970s, a group of scientists driven by Robert Hepler found that marijuana could quickly bring down intraocular eye pressure. This offered transitory alleviation for individuals with open-point glaucoma, and might really delay for those encountering intense glaucoma. Nonetheless, the impacts were fleeting, and eye pressure levels would typically bounce back following three hours - even before the munchies wore off.
In those days, limitations on the clinical utilisation of pot implied we had barely any familiarity with the different cannabinoids (the natural mixtures normally present in the spice). It was additionally hard to investigate which type of organisation worked best. Could marijuana cigarettes be important? Could edibles or drops work similarly as well (while safeguarding your lungs)?
How does weed influence glaucoma?
These days, we realise that marijuana is a perplexing plant, comprising almost 400 distinct mixtures. We don't have the foggiest idea about the full impacts of every one of them, however we realise that in any event a portion of these impacts are disconnected.
Most clinical purposes of marijuana are connected to two fundamental dynamic fixings: THC (or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) and cannabidiol (or CBD). There are many cannabinoid receptors around your eye, which can "feel" the presence of these mixtures and be impacted by them.
The two mixtures appear to make neuroprotective impacts and can decrease nervousness, agony, and regurgitating. Notwithstanding, the majority of the impacts of marijuana that we partner with "being high" (think cognitive decline, visualisation, contorted time discernment, or the munchies) come from THC. In the interim, CBD appears to be better against seizures and nervousness, and it doesn't build your hunger.
For this reason CBD oil, chewy candies, sweets drops, and even syrups are turning out to be progressively well known any place they're sanctioned. Tragically, this doesn't stretch out to intraocular eye pressure, the key impact that helps battle glaucoma. As a matter of fact, utilising CBD appears to increment strain in the eyes, as opposed to bring down it
For what reason is marijuana not a decent glaucoma treatment?
During 2006 and presently, a few investigations have looked at the impacts of THC and CBD on eye pressure. At low portions, CBD reliably demonstrated to not affect the eyes. At high portions (40 mcg), it expanded retinal tension.
Results were better with THC. When smoked, breathed in, or ingested, THC can bring down IOP by up to 40%. This is in fact nearly on par with business against glaucoma drugs - however it additionally made patients high. Tragically, any IOP-bringing down impact disappeared somewhat rapidly. In the meantime, THC drops for glaucoma were insufficient and frequently created an irritated or consuming uproar in the eyes.
Does THC bring down eye pressure?
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The short response is yes. However, might you at any point really make this a super durable treatment? Here, we really want to think reasonably.
The principal boundary is THC's brief length of activity. Essential open-point glaucoma is a persistent condition that causes slow harm. To hold it back from declining, you would have to take THC at customary stretches - by and large, consistently or two.
This would expect you to be continually under the impacts of THC. Regular undertakings like driving, simply deciding, or centering at work would be inconceivable. While these may sound fun casually, whenever experienced day in and day out, they become profoundly troublesome secondary effects.
In the interim, there are no protected CBD measurements for glaucoma. As promising as it very well might be for different circumstances, it might cause more damage than great over the long haul. Thus, neither the Public Eye Establishment (NEI), the American Glaucoma Society, nor the American Foundation of Ophthalmology (AAO) suggest the utilisation of marijuana as a treatment for glaucoma.
Searching for better glaucoma arrangements close to you? Visit Assil Gaur Eye Establishment's glaucoma trained professional
Frustrated at the absence of glaucoma treatment choices? You shouldn't be! Glaucoma is a typical and well-informed eye condition, so clinical treatment choices are plentiful. With early identification and the assistance of cutting edge ophthalmologic tech, we can accomplish a solid and consistent IOP decrease endlessly.
As of now, there are three fundamental sorts of glaucoma treatment accessible:
Glaucoma drug
The majority of them come as basic eye drops, which you should apply at normal spans. They're flawed, as you might have to intrude on your day or convey the jug all over the place. Some of them can cause stinging, dry mouth, or leave an unpleasant desire for the mouth, however not all glaucoma patients get them.
Laser medical procedure
A more extended lived arrangement, laser medical procedure will work for both persistent (open-point) and intense (shut point) glaucoma. Utilising a painstakingly aligned laser, we can fix the layers liable for eye seepage, or focus on the ciliary body (the piece of the retina liable for making more intraocular liquid) to diminish liquid creation.
Microsurgery and negligibly intrusive medical procedures
The most recent advances currently permit us to make little cuts and fix even the small, sensitive tissues around the eye. Glaucoma medical procedure can frequently be joined with waterfall medical procedure and incorporates:
Trabectome: straightforward evacuation of a piece of the trabecular meshwork, which "extends" the opening for seepage.
iStents: a 1mm-long titanium tube (essentially, a little variant of a blood vessel stent) can be embedded into the eye, making an additional way for seepage.
OMNI® Glaucoma Treatment Framework: A cutting edge technique to fix the eye's normal waste. This should be possible with a solitary entry point to the cornea, even among patients who have proactively had waterfall medical procedure or retinal fixes.
At Assil Gaur Eye Establishment, we realise that each arrangement of eyes is one of a kind, as are every patient's necessities. As well as being AGE's top glaucoma subject matter expert, I'm a Board-Guaranteed ophthalmologist with broad preparation in LASIK, waterfall, and negligibly obtrusive glaucoma strategies (MIG). As of late, I had the amazing privilege of being casted a ballot as one of Los Angeles' Top Ophthalmologists.
Close by our group of medical caretakers, optometrists, and anesthesiologists, I guarantee every single one of my glaucoma patients got the most reasonable therapy.
Marijuana Could Harm the Optic Nerve in Individuals with Glaucoma
It's not known what weed means for eye strain and glaucoma. Conceivable long haul utilisation of marijuana could harm the eyes or deteriorate vision in certain patients.
Obviously high eye pressure isn't the main source of optic nerve harm. The optic nerve can likewise be harmed by low blood stream. This is an issue since marijuana not just brings down eye pressure — it brings down pulse all through the body. It's conceivable that marijuana could bring down bloodstream to the optic nerve, successfully counteracting the advantage of bringing down eye pressure.
Marijuana's Set of experiences as an Implied Glaucoma Cure
As marijuana has been authorised for clinical or sporting use in more U.S. states and Canada, it has become more noticeable and examined as a potential treatment for the overwhelming majority medical issue. Research during the 1970s and 1980s showed a quantifiable decline in intraocular strain for three or four hours subsequent to smoking marijuana or ingesting THC as a pill or infusion.
In any case, think about this: Liquor likewise brings down eye tension for an hour or so after a beverage. However no specialist would suggest that you drink liquor consistently to treat glaucoma. Numerous other compelling medicines are accessible that don't have the symptoms of liquor.
There's No Proof That THC Advantages Individuals with Glaucoma
Studies have been finished on THC eye drops, pills and cigarettes. Eye drops prompted consuming, bothered eyes and were displayed to not bring down eye pressure. A sublingual (put in the mouth under the tongue) THC compound tracked down no decrease in intraocular pressure.
In another review, glaucoma patients were offered THC-containing pills as well as cigarettes. In the span of nine months every one of them requested to stop because of secondary effects.
Could CBD Assist With Glaucoma?
There's been a ton of consideration on CBD, a subordinate of weed that doesn't have temperament changing impacts. However, very much like marijuana that is smoked or eaten, there is no convincing examination that demonstrates CBD to be a viable treatment for glaucoma. As a matter of fact, one ongoing review showed that CBD may really increase eye pressure, which could exacerbate glaucoma.
Researchers are investigating whether the dynamic fixings in marijuana may yet offer a glaucoma treatment. Assuming the impacts of marijuana mixtures can be secluded, made to be long-acting, and the aftereffects dispensed with, they might prompt new medicines from here on out. Be that as it may, such improvements require more exploration and are years from turning into a reality.
The Primary concern About Marijuana and Glaucoma
The biggest relationship of eye doctors and specialists on the planet doesn't underwrite marijuana or its subsidiaries as a glaucoma treatment.
Don't self-cure with marijuana trying to treat glaucoma. You can lose your vision on the off chance that you don't have a solid, compelling treatment for glaucoma.
Talk with your ophthalmologist to find the glaucoma treatment choice that is best for you.
Let your primary care physician know if you really do utilise marijuana routinely.
At present, the best way to control glaucoma and forestall vision misfortune is to bring down the strain in your eye. A few current, compelling medicines for glaucoma are more solid and more secure than marijuana.
Your ophthalmologist can treat glaucoma with drugs, for example, remedy eye drops, or medical procedure, contingent upon the kind of glaucoma and how extreme it is. Assuming you have glaucoma, heed your ophthalmologist's guidance to seek the treatment that is appropriate for you.
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nikoalasblog · 2 years
public health
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What is public health all about? Public health refers to the science of preventing illnesses, improving health, fostering physical and mental well-being, controlling infectious diseases, and establishing health services for individuals. An awareness of the significance of community action in the promotion of health and the prevention and treatment of diseases has emerged from regular human interactions (Bryant & Rhodes 2022). Protecting the health of entire populations is the main focus of public health. These populations can range in size from a single neighbourhood to a whole nation or continent (CDC Foundation 2022). Speaking of which, we all know about the global pandemic caused by the Corona Virus since January 2020 till today which has mutated into multiple variants like Delta, Alpha, Omicron and more. I still remember when the first MCO was implemented in March 2020 and it was truly a depressing period of time for everyone especially businesses and the economy (I literally spent half of MCO playing Sims 4 and making Dalgona coffee). Also a little rant, my mum made me wash groceries and SCRUB eggs with soap because she was scared the virus attached itself to it or something. Ok, rant over. Anyway, I think everyone is thinking the same thing... when is this ever going to end for good?
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Is social media useful in spreading information on Covid-19 in Malaysia?
Let's talk about public health in Malaysia, there's an app that we all know called Mysejahtera. It is basically a contact tracing app developed for the Covid-19 pandemic. It consists of four main features. The app's primary goal is to let users calculate their risk of getting Covid-19. The software requests basic information from users about their symptoms, travel history, and recent contact with confirmed cases. After that, it divides them into risk groups and tells them what to do next. Those under surveillance would have to stay in their homes for 14 days and respond to the survey daily. Contact tracing is the second primary feature of the app. Before entering a building, users scan a QR code, and the system logs their previous 14-day visits. They can add dependents who don't own smartphones to their app so that they can also be accounted for. Only when a patient tests positive does the Ministry of Health release this information. If not, the data is archived after 30 days and deleted after 90. The software assigns unique QR codes that indicate a person's risk level and track where citizens have been. This depends on how many vulnerable individuals they have in their homes and whether they live close to a Covid-19 hotspot. The third feature is when registering for the MySejahtera app, citizens are required to provide comprehensive demographic data, including age, gender, and ethnicity. Future analysis and medical research can use this (Poon 2020). Last but not least, the app allows you to book appointments for vaccination as well as provide a certificate of vaccination after completion. Therefore, I do think that social media is useful in spreading information about Covid-19 in Malaysia mostly because of this app (of course other social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram & Facebook also provide useful information about Covid-19 rates, symptoms etc.). Though nowadays people don’t usually use the app anymore since the pandemic has kinda died down.
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What about public mental health?
I'm not sure if you guys have heard of this Instagram account @buthonestly.co but they are a group of individuals based in Malaysia & Singapore who came up with a card game to facilitate conversations for people to open up and talk about their feelings. Their mission states that they wish to encourage vulnerability, and honesty with oneself and others and to discuss hard topics that people find difficult to talk about. I think this is a brilliant idea and thought it would be nice to share with you guys so do go check them out!
That's all for this week's post! Thank you for taking the time to read this. Byebye, see you next week.
Bryant, JH & Rhodes, P 2022, 'Public health', Encyclopedia Britannica, viewed 16 November 2022, <https://www.britannica.com/topic/public-health/Modern-organizational-and-administrative-patterns>.
CDC Foundation 2022, Our Story, CDC Foundation, viewed 16 November 2022, <https://www.cdcfoundation.org/our-story>.
Poon, YX 2020, 'Five features of Malaysia's contact tracing tech', GovInsider, viewed 17 November 2022, <https://govinsider.asia/digital-economy/ministry-of-health-kkm-mahesh-appannan-five-features-of-malaysias-contact-tracing-tech/>.
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healingness3 · 2 years
8 Things That Can Be Treated by a Chiropractor
The pandemic has all made us sit at home!
Do you remember sitting this much at home before the pandemic?
Staring at the laptop screen all day, sitting like a couch potato on your bed, this is the lockdown life of each one of us, right?
Though this saved us from getting infected by corona, it didn't save us from body pain!
Yes, no activity, no going out for a stroll, no running to catch the Mumbai local train, no running to catch the school bus, no gymming, just sitting at home in front of a laptop screen is surely going to lead to body pain!
But don't worry! There is a solution for every problem.
You can get rid of body pain by visiting a chiropractor in Mumbai Central! Chiropractors are known to treat conditions related to one's body structure. They help in relieving pain thereby improving the movement and functioning of the body.
How do they do that, through medicines and surgeries?
No! They don't use any medicine or surgery to relieve your body pain. They instead, manipulate or adjust the spine and other parts of the body to get them in proper alignment which in turn leads to better healing.
What all pains and conditions can a chiropractor in Mumbai Central treat?
The best chiropractor in Mumbai can treat the following conditions effectively-
back pain in women
1. Low Back Pain:
Low back pain is one of the primary reasons people seek treatment from a chiropractor. Research on spinal manipulation often focuses on low back pain. Do you have low back pain? Then visit the best chiropractor and acupuncturist in Mumbai Central.
2. Neck pain:
Do you have pain in your neck? Then visit a chiropractor in Mumbai Central. A chiropractor can help relieve your neck pain by making neck adjustments. Neck adjustments by a chiropractor and exercising together can be very effective in getting rid of neck pain.
3. Tension headaches:
How do you sit when working from home? This question might have brought a grin to all your faces! At home, we all feel "at home"! We all sit comfortably. Some of us might be even lying down and working, isn't it? Though it is comforting for us, it is discomforting for our heads.
Yes, bad posture can lead to tension headaches. There is also one more cause of tension headaches! You can get the answer from its name itself! Yes, tension or stress! And stress has become a major part of our lives! Covid-19, lockdown, work from home, all this has led to so much stress!
But it is now time to say tension and tension headaches goodbye by visiting a chiropractor in Mumbai Central.
Yes, a chiropractor can help you manage tension headaches by adjusting your neck and by recommending some stretching exercises. A chiropractor can also help you manage stress.
4. Migraine headaches:
One of the common causes of migraine headaches is stress. And a chiropractor helps in managing stress thus reduces the risk of migraine headaches. Certain foods also trigger a migraine. A chiropractor can help reduce migraine and migraine headaches by suggesting some dietary changes.
5. Whiplash:
Whiplash is a type of neck sprain that frequently occurs as a result of a car collision. Neck discomfort and stiffness are common symptoms of whiplash. When you try to turn your head, the pain may become even greater.
It's possible that you'll feel dizzy or sick to your stomach. A chiropractic adjustment may be beneficial. A chiropractor may also instruct you on how to exercise and stretch at home, as well as how to use heat or ice to relieve muscular spasms and swelling.
6. Pain in the sacroiliac (SI) joint:
The sacroiliac (SI) joint is a large joint at the base of your spine. A different sort of low back discomfort is caused by SI joint dysfunction. This ache may be felt in your buttocks or the back of your leg.
Chiropractic adjustments are used by chiropractors to address this sort of pain. The chiropractor may also instruct you on how to prevent straining your SI joint and provide you with exercises to strengthen your core muscles, which support the joint.
7. Shoulder pain:
Have you carried something heavy recently and experiencing shoulder pain? Don't worry! You can treat your shoulder pain by visiting a chiropractor in Mumbai Central. Yes, a chiropractor also treats shoulder pain and frozen shoulders! This is done by stretching the muscles that surround your shoulder.
8. Knee Pain:
Did you know that a chiropractor also treats knee pain? Knee pain is very common, especially in older people. But it can be treated by going to a chiropractor. A chiropractor treats knee pain by doing back and knees adjustments. This leads to a reduction in knee pain and also leads to better movement.
Other than the above problems, a chiropractor can treat many other problems.
A chiropractor has solutions to so many problems, isn't it!
Name any type of body pain, and a chiropractor is ready with the solution!
Knee pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, etc. are very common! Every second person in Mumbai is suffering from some or other body pain!
Are you also one of them?
Don't worry! For all body pains, there is one solution! And the solution is a chiropractor. Though your body pain might be different from the other person's, the solution is the same- Visit a chiropractor!
So, what are you waiting for?
You are just a visit away from a pain-free life!
Visit the best chiropractor and acupuncturist in Mumbai Central right now!
To know more: https://www.healingness.com/post/how-cosmetic-acupuncture-can-help-you-get-glowing-skin
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blogsonayurveda · 2 years
Understanding the Effects of Long Covid on Lungs
Like other respiratory conditions, COVID-19 can harm the lungs permanently. Based on a person’s immune system, age, and comorbidities, COVID-19 can have multiple effects on the respiratory system and cause different degrees of severity. Symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, and fever, serious such as respiratory failure, shock, and multiple organ failure.
It is crucial to remember that patients with underlying lung diseases might face elevated issues in addition to their illness as a result of contracting or being exposed to COVID-19. This means that illnesses like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), interstitial lung disease could become more severe overall as a result of COVID-19.
What are the short-term repercussions of COVID-19 on the lungs for those who are diagnosed with it and later recover?
According to the World Health Organisation, a moderate infection may take two weeks to recover from, while a serious illness may take three to six weeks. But in addition to the severity of the sickness, this varies and is based on a patient’s pre-existing comorbidities.
Patients typically report dyspnea (43%), weariness (53%), joint discomfort, and chest pain as their main complaints. However, cases of serious illnesses that persist for weeks at a time, include pneumonia in immuno suppressed individuals.
Patients may experience persistent symptoms even with less severe infections. Only 65% of respondents in a recent poll indicated that their health had returned to normal in 14 to 21 days after diagnosis. Those who did regain their pre-diagnosis levels of health did so on average, seven days later.
Can COVID-19 damage lungs permanently?
The risk of long-term consequences is indeed higher for those with chronic lung injury. Data from severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS) suggests that up to 50% of COVID-19 patients may have some lung damage, although this is unknown.
Can lung damage caused by Corona Virus be repaired in any way? How likely is it that someone who has been infected will recover full lung function?
The risk of long-term consequences is indeed higher for those with chronic lung injury. Data from severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS) suggests that up to 50% of COVID-19 patients may have some lung damage, although this is unknown.
Similar to recovering from pneumonia, individuals’ lung function can improve with time. Studies that followed patients after they developed pulmonary fibrosis revealed that pulmonary lesions decreased predominantly in the first year after recovery, in line with earlier findings with SARS and MERS coronaviruses. The difficulty arises when lung fibrosis develops in cases of severe inflammation. Epithelial damage and fibroblast activation are possible consequences of chronic inflammation, which have been theorised to be the primary cause of pulmonary fibrosis.
Giloy (Guduchi) Herb, an Ayurvedic Treatment for Lung Damage
Guduchi (Giloy) is regarded as one of the three Amrit plants in Ayurvedic treatment. Because of the properties of this climber plant, it is called “Amritavalli” in Sanskrit ( Amrit means immortality in Sanskrit).
In Ayurvedic literature, Guduchi is well-documented. The ayurvedic view of Guduchi as a Rasayana (rejuvenator) and an immunity booster is confirmed by scientific studies. Other beneficial properties of this medicinal herb include Immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and Analgesic effect.
A natural remedy called CelWel helps the immune system redevelop and combats the signs and symptoms of Long Covid and other disorders. It utilises the power of Molecular Signalling and healing effects of Guduchi for a quicker recovery from chronic fatigue, exhaustion, breathing difficulties, fever, and many other associated ailments.
Give your immune system the assistance it needs right now through CelWel Ayurvedic Immunity Booster and help relieve the after effects of Covid.
Visit www.celwel.in for more details.
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trustdi · 2 years
Family focused eye care
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#Family focused eye care free#
Phillips specializes in diagnostic testing, ocular disease management including for glaucoma and macular degeneration, cataract surgery co-management, managing dry eye disease, and fitting all kinds of contact lenses. He is a member of the American Optometric Association, the Florida Optometric Association, the Northeast Florida Optometric Society, and the Georgia Optometric Association. He served his residency at Gainesville Eye Associates, focusing on ocular diseases.
#Family focused eye care free#
There, he served as Vice President of the Georgia Optometric Student Association and provided free and cost-reduced optometric care to underserved patients in Mexico and Belize with the Student Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity. Phillips earned his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at the University of Georgia before achieving his Doctor of Optometry from the Southern College of Optometry. She is excited to join the SJEA team and provide exceptional eye care to the St. Morgan enjoys travelling, biking, and camping. Her main interests include primary care optometry, managing dry eye disease, and myopia management, and she is passionate about individualized care and establishing personal relationships with patients. She is an active member of the American Optometric Association, the Florida Optometric Association, and the Northeast Florida Optometric Society. During optometry school, she was an active member of the Beta Kappa Sigma honor society and also received an Outstanding Clinician Award. She received her Doctor of Optometry degree in May 2018 and graduated with honors. She then moved to Memphis, Tennessee, where she attended Southern College of Optometry. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga in 2014. Morgan Kickliter grew up in Hendersonville, Tennessee. If you have questions or would like to reschedule your appointment, you may reach us at (253) 839-3622.Dr. Please call or text us before stopping by the office. We will continue to monitor our text messages but will be unable to access our voicemail if the office is closed. If you reach our voicemail, we recommend you send us a text message for a faster response. If you need to place an order, please call or text our office. If you plan to stop by to pick up your order, please call us from your car so that we may bring your order out to you to minimize the number of people entering the office. Please call or text us to verify your address. We are also seating patients directly into the exam room and ask that patients please do not bring guests or that guests wait in the car if possible to limit potential exposure.įor patients who have already ordered glasses or contact lenses, we are offering to mail your order directly to you at no additional charge. To allow for disinfection of surfaces we are scheduling with ample time between appointments. We ask that any new patients that need to be seen urgently fill out our health history forms online in advance of their appointment. If you have symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath), have been exposed to someone with symptoms or who has tested positive, or are in a high-risk category, please do not come to the office, even if you only plan to pick up an order. We will continue to be available for patients in need, but with reduced office hours (likely changing to by appointment only) and with additional precautions in place. The CDC is currently recommending eye care providers limit visits to urgent and emergency care. We are closely monitoring the CDC recommendations regarding the corona virus and are adjusting accordingly.
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
COVID-19: कोरोना संक्रमित होने से घट जाती है सूंघने की क्षमता
COVID-19: कोरोना संक्रमित होने से घट जाती है सूंघने की क्षमता
65 प्रतिशत से अधिक लोग जो कोरोनवायरस पॉजिटिव पाए गए है, उनकी गंध या स्वाद की क्षमता कम होती पाई गई है। एक नए अध्ययन में यह खुलासा हुआ है। सेंटर फॉर डिजीज कंट्रोल एंड प्रीवेंशन के लक्षणों की सूची में… Source link
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Some advice on how to figure out if frightening news and information is accurate
Hey hey fronds!
What’s great about now is that while I’m stuck in my house hoping no one brings the virus home with them, I have access to all the social media and news apps to keep me informed about what’s going on. BUT social media can be both a source of stress increase and stress reduction.
A lot of people are taking a break from their social media, because seeing all the updates is making them anxious, and that’s a valid choice. Personally, I like to have all the information, as much of it as possible, and for me that means more social media use, not less. But it’s really important in a time of crisis to mediate WHAT information you’re getting and I’m seeing a lot of misinformation on my Facebook timeline.
Having incorrect information is not helpful - it could increase your anxiety, it could put your health at risk by giving you innaccurate information and some of it is put out there maliciously and is actually very dangerous. It’s so important, and helpful to your mental health, to get your information from a reputable, verifiable source. Here’s a few tips for how to do that.
If you see an image about COVID-19 / Corona Virus on social media, whether it’s about recognising symptoms, or what to do if you think you have it, how to self isolate, what the infection rate is in your country, anything like that, take a close look at it:
Who posted the image originally? Does it come from a Facebook page with a pretty good reputation like BBC News or even the World Health Organisation (WHO) themselves? Or was the original poster a meme page, or the personal page of someone you don’t know? If it was posted originally by the verified page of the WHO then it’s much more likely to be legit. 
Is there a logo or credit note anywhere? The image posted by the meme page might well be real, and if it has the WHO logo on it, for example, that’s a pretty good sign. But remember that images can easily be changed. If you think it seems suspicious, go directly to the social media or website of that organisation, or do a reverse image search. If it’s legit, you should be able to find the original.
Check if there is a date. Information about COVID-19 is rapidly changing. They still don’t know that much about it and there’s been details that change daily. If an image is a week old, the information may not be reliable anymore. Can you find something more recent on their website?
If you see a news story about COVID-19, then you can do a few things to check on its accuracy too:
Look for where the story is published. I won’t get into media bias and my personal opinion on what organisations are trustworthy and what aren’t - we could do that all day. BUT (as a general rule) you want your story to be on the site of an organisation whose primary function is the reporting of news. So, let’s take the imaginary website funnycatstories dot com - it might publish a story about cats being able to get the virus and give it to you. I would not trust that. If they have linked to a news site, follow the link and read the story there. If they have not linked to where they got this information, try a search engine or searching a news app.
What are the sources? Where did the journalist get their information? Are they quoting a doctor who is an expert? Are they reporting what the WHO have said in a press release? A press release is something that is sent out to all the media, with the key information in it that they can then use in their reporting. If that’s what they’re using then it’s probably pretty accurate.
You can always try verifying it by looking for other sources. If I want to say something in an essay, I usually look for at least two academic sources that have written it. Preferably three. You can do that with the news. Is it in three newspapers, with basically the same facts just written down a little different? Then that’s reliable.
Official information: Look... not every Government is going to give you accurate, reliable information. There are some that don’t want their citizens to know the truth. Others are quite open. I don’t really trust my country’s Government but I find my local Government to be pretty reliable and proactive about health information. My university is also very good, and they’ve built up my trust over the last few months by being informative and up front. So, that’s something you have to judge for yourself. But, if you are lucky enough to live somewhere with a Government that does the right thing by its citizens, then one really good mental health strategy is to ONLY look at official advice. That way all the scary rumours and uncertainty isn’t an issue and there’s only what you need to know. That works for a lot of people.
Personally - I follow a medical reporter/doctor who I trust on twitter. I also follow the local health department, and I regularly check emails from my university to see if there’s new information about what’s happening there. Those are my deliberate information sources. If I see something on social media, I do the things I suggested above - look at who publishes them, who writes them and try to verify them.
Having access to the most accurate information reduces my anxiety because then I know what is happening and I have a plan. Knowing how to verify that a story is accurate can help prevent anxiety because many of these fake stories are designed to be as alarming as possible - because they are clickbait and if they are scary, people click on them - so I never get anxious until after I check the accuracy of what I’m seeing/reading.
Also - one of the fake stories going round says you can kill the virus if you gargle bleach and NO YOU CANNOT THAT IS VERY DANGEROUS PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT.
If misinformation is making you anxious, I hope this has helped you some.
- The Slightly Aggressive Affirmer
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liltumgrum · 4 years
I feel the need to ramble.
Ok, my finger brace came in today! and I just have to say, WHATTHEFUCK HYPERMOBILITY!?!? Before I’ve had to use my entire body to press buttons, and it’s kinda painful. Splint one finger joint and Bingo! suddenly it’s takes so much less energy to operate a dang microwave or press the home button on a phone. Just- what the hell. I’m still really weirded out by all the things that I thought were normal but actually aren’t. 
More serious health/our-fucked-up-medical-system rant bellow the cut. If you’re squeamish than I’d recommend not reading. 
Recently I started having some new symptoms (bloody breast discharge) for no seemingly logical reason. My disability comes along with a billion comorbilities, but this for once, isn’t one of them. It’s not much discharge and I have literally no other related symptoms. I’ve already had an appointment about it,  have done a number of test (which so far are all fine), and have an appointment scheduled with a surgeon. Everyone, nurses, doctors, receptionists, have been absolutely lovely. It’s painfully obvious that it’s partially because I’m so young for these sort of problems. They’re so accommodating, so reassuring, so quick to give good wishes. I’m so glad that they do the for people, but where the fuck was it before? Where was it when I was a child and had an actual ORGAN falling out of my body and was covered in open, weeping wounds and unable to communicate with people or see things properly? Where was that when I had to drop out of school because I was in too much pain to stay in the classroom or do work? Where was that last year when I was struggling to walk too the bathroom, or to take care of my basic hygiene, and unable to eat or drink anything without extreme pain, regurgitation, and gagging? Where was that a few months ago when I was seriously considering getting on the floor in the doctors office and begging them to admit me to a hospital even in Corona times? I’ve never gone to someone and shown them pure desperation, and was really not prepared for it to make no fucking difference. 
To be clear, I’ve had a mostly good experience with medical professionals, probably because I'm an objectivly cute, cis, white girl. There’s just something about my specific issues that no one seems to know what to do with. Even if they take ME seriously they don’t take my condition seriously. But now that cancer, especially cancer of my oh so “precious” female body parts is a possibility, everyone is so concerned about getting me help as soon as possible.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to say that cancer isn’t a really really really hard thing to deal with. I know. I was my moms primary caretaker when she had stage III cancer and had a very large percentage of her organs taken out. It fucking sucks and that is a serious under statement. But our society really puts cancer up on a pedestal. It’s amazing to see how well our providers can take care of their patients, communicate with a team of doctors, provide emotional support, and make patients feel important (of course a lot of cancer patients don’t get that. I’m going off of my own experiences). But for some reason they don’t seem to do that for people with any other disease.  Shouldn’t it be standard for chronically ill patients to have a care team? I have one now, thank goodness, but it’s the only one that I know of in the state, and they are totally booked. 
So, the thing that everyone is acting so concerned is the thing that has had absolutely no effect on my quality of life. I have full body nerve pain, but my breasts are one of the least painful spots. It’s just pain. It’s not like a migraine, or GI pain that comes with so many other problems. Basically I don’t fucking care about the discharge. I am going to get it taken care of because better safe than sorry, but its so infuriating that that’s the thing I’m getting so much help for. It’s been two weeks, two tests, and one doctors appointment and they’ve already gotten me into the system I would need to be in worst case scenario. But for all my other issues I’ve spent the last three to four years going to endless doctors, doing so many tests and procedures, and I’m only now getting help? And how much of that time was spent in disabling misery? 
I just feel so infuriated and want to laugh hysterically while crying. Well that’s what I would say if I wasn’t disassociate to all hell. 
thx for letting me rant. I know it will work out. This is all just so ridiculous and wrong. 
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eeereja · 3 years
Don't panic with the black fungus, be careful.
Mucormycosis or black parasite pertains to different ailments brought on by a particular sort of microscopic bacterial disease. Rhizopus species are the most responsible, but other pathogens such as Mucker, Cunninghamella, Aphophyzomyces, Lichthymia, Saxena, Rhizomucer, and other species are also responsible for disease.
Even though the fungus is ubiquitous in water, soil, and air, it's so infectious that only two or one from a thousand people could be contami nated. But when the human body's immune system has been weakened for some reason, the degree of this disease can only grow, which is 20 to 30 individuals per lakh. Patients who have uncontrolled diabetes, particularly people who have ketoacidosis, are at greater risk. Deep skin lesions and burns can also be seen. There were reports about an alarming speed of black disease among patients using a corona in certain sections of India recently, but no illness epidemic was reported in Bangladesh yet.
Although mucus is a mould in the environment, it enters the body and forms hyphae or fibres. As they begin to grow, the fungus' hyphae invade the blood vessels, causing thrombosis and tissue infarction, necrosis, and eventually gangrene. White blood cells or neutrophils in healthy people act as the primary defence against this fungus. Thus people with neutropenia or neutrophil dysfunction (e.g., diabetes, steroid use) are at the highest risk. For the same reason, the rate of infection is higher in patients with AIDS.
  There are six types of myocardial infarction based on the affected organ. Namely: 1. Rhino Cerebral: Infections of the nose, nose and forehead sinuses, eyes and brain or brain. Lung 3. Intestinal 4. Dermal 5. Internal or disseminated, and 6. Others.
The fungus enters the human body through the trachea and nose, with food, or through any skin lesions or inflammation. It is called black fungus because the affected part and the mucus of the nose, phlegm, skin, and eyes are black. Between 50% and 60% of patients with myocardial infarction die if they are not treated quickly and adequately. Along with the departure rate from inner ailments is near 100 per cent.
Diagnosis and treatment
In high-risk patients, it is vital to diagnose and diagnose the disease early in life. Blood tests, X-rays of the chest and related organs, ultrasound, mucus, skin and flesh tissue biopsy, CT scan, and MRI need to do. Treatment should start without wasting time due to fear of high mortality. Antifungal drugs or antifungal drugs should start urgently, and risks such as diabetes control and disease immunity should try to increase. If necessary, the affected limb may have to undergo surgery, or at some point, it may have to be amputated to save lives.
Lately, black fungus or mucormycosis is emerging among the deadly Covid-19 infections in Maharashtra and other states of India. Long-term illness, overuse of steroids, and antibiotics seem to play a significant role. Although there is panic all over India, it is possible to prevent unintended death by suppressing this disease with good treatment at the beginning. There has been an increase in panic in India over the past week due to white fungus infections in Covid patients. Although the symptoms and treatment of white fungus are similar to those of black fungus, caution is needed.
With the proper planning of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and the dedicated efforts of the concerned doctors, including Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, we have succeeded in controlling the global epidemic of Kovid-19 as much as possible. No black fungus patient has been found in our country yet. No cases of white fungus were reported. Hopefully, with caution, everyone will be safe from this disease. Even then, if the infection does occur, there is no reason to fear. We have the medicine for this disease in our hands to ensure the patient's cure by applying it correctly. So caution is needed, not panic.
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armand-dearest · 4 years
with corona virus the loss of smell and taste is separate from nasal congestion, with the flu and colds you can lose your sense of taste and smell with bad enough nasal symptoms like sinus congestion and runny nose due to taste being mostly a nose based sense and so forth. that's what the chart inarticulately is trying to say. covid it's a primary symptom; with the cold and flu it's a secondary one to nasal congestion
That makes a hell of a lot more sense. I'm gonna post this publicly because it's good information. I knew it was more prominent in Covid, obviously, as a primary symptom and all, but the fact it listed it as rare under colds and flu confused me due to the lack of context. If it had put "unrelated to congestion" in brackets or something to make it clear that they weren't talking about it just in general that would have made a bit more sense to me 😭. (Definitely my own fault there with the reading comprehension though lmao)
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3/18/20 corona extra: cracking open cold covid facts
Announcements & Thank Yous
Thank you to everyone who’s messaged me or sent asks! Specific thanks go to:
@ruffboijuliaburnsides​ for their help with Kansas
@marywhal​ for information about Canada and Gritty tips
My husband for the memes
My dad for informing me how the UK works
Twitter users @molly0xFFF and @goblinartificer for their continued help with the Wordpress site
@pullingawaythespooks​ for Oregon info
@elprupneerg​ for Wisconsin info
@theeyesinthenight​ for Pennsylvania info
@adventurecalls​ for Minnesota info
@heartyargybargy​ for UK info
If you have reliable information from a good source that I don’t seem to have, please shoot me a message/ask/pigeon!
Places now included in the newsletter are: Germany, France, Cuba, Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Idaho, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Maine, and West Virginia (with that, all 50 US states are included. Whew.) Please send an ask or a message if you would like a place included!
I have started a website for the newsletter! Find it at coronaextranewsletter.com. If you know me from fandom, please be chill about my meatspace identity. Please.
Just The Numbers
Total cases: 191,127 (+15,123)
Total deaths: 7,807 (+786)
Mortality rate: 4.08%
WHO numbers look a little wonky today because the timing changed on when things are reported/collected. They should be back to normal tomorrow!
Western Pacific: 91,845 cases (+312), 3,357 deaths (+23)
Europe: 74,760 cases (+10,911), 3,352 deaths (+604)
SE Asia: 538 cases (+30), 9 deaths (+1)
Eastern Mediterranean: 18,060 cases (+1552), 1,010deaths (+140)
Americans: 4,979 cases (+2,243), 68 deaths (+18)
Africa: 233 cases (+42), 4 deaths (+0)
160 countries/territories reporting cases, 1 new including:
Montenegro (2)
Italy is reporting 31,506 cases (+3526) and  2,503 deaths (+345)
Spain is reporting 11,178 cases (+1987) and 491 deaths (+182)
Iran is reporting 16,169 cases (+1178) and 988 deaths (+135)
International/General News
Eurovision is canceled. Lovers of sparkles and cheesy ballads weep in the streets.
I’m blasting ABBA in mourning and encourage you to join me
Many places are closing liquor stores, bars, and restaurants. This is very concerning for people who are dependent on alcohol as they are at high risk for withdrawal. Public health measures to mitigate this are necessary
The US-Canada border is now closed. Holy shit. Essential business is still allowed but still. Holy shit.
Cuba is working with China to test interferon-alpha as a potential therapy for the virus. Watch this space for further news.
I’m less optimistic about this one than the favipiravir I mentioned yesterday because interferons are a way less directed therapy but the trials will tell the story!
Vaccine trials continue in Seattle, United States. Authorities of the state of Washington are asking for healthy volunteers to join the trial.
Antibody trials are underway in the Netherlands.
The United States has a major shortage of testing supplies, still.
US immigration enforcement are a bunch of bastards. Still.
Italy has promoted a bunch of senior medical students to start practicing in the outpatient setting so more seasoned doctors can work in the hospitals.
As a senior medical student, this frightens me personally.
Virology Corner
Today’s question is: Why 6 feet of separation? How does that help? How is COVID-19 spread?
Let’s start with how COVID-19 is spread. It’s a respiratory virus, so it is spread by respiratory droplets, aka the garbage you breathe/cough/sneeze out.
A good hard sneeze won’t launch your eyeballs out, but it will launch nasty shit up to 6 feet away from you at a shocking speed. (This is why you should Dracula when you sneeze.)
6 feet is a great rule of thumb to keep people out of each other’s sneeze radius, so they can’t get in contact with each other’s respiratory droplets.
Regional News (if you want somewhere added just let me know. Don’t be shy!! I highly recommend you just skip to your area if you don’t wanna be overwhelmed.)
Australia: last updated 3/18 at 6:30 am
454 cases (+79)
189 cases acquired overseas (US, Iran, Italy, UK)
Community spread not confirmed
5 deaths (+0)
43 recoveries (+27)
States affected include: ACT (2, +0), New South Wales (210, +40), Queensland (78, +10), South Australia (32, +3), Tasmania (7, +0), Victoria (94, +23), and Western Australia (31, +3)
Passengers repatriated from the Diamond Princess are included in their respective states
COVID-19 information line: 1800 020 080
Canada: last updated 3/17 at 8 pm
Total cases: 569 confirmed (+145), 26 presumed (+10)
Symptoms began for these cases between 1/15 and 3/15
12% of cases have required hospitalization (-1%)
74% of cases are in travellers, and a further 11% (+5%) in their close contacts
8 deaths (+3)
Deaths are being reported in: Ontario (1)
Recoveries are being reported in: Ontario (5)
Affected provinces include: Alberta (97, +23), BC (186, +83), Manitoba (15, +8), New Brunswick (8, +1), Newfoundland and Labrador (1, +0), Nova Scotia (7, +2) Ontario (189, +12), PEI (1, +0), Québec (50, +9), and Saskatchewan (8, +1).
Totals here include confirmed and presumptive positives
9 cases in repatriated travellers (+1)
No formal restrictions/closures at the federal level
Recommendation to cancel or postpone gatherings of >50 people
Recommendation to avoid non-essential travel, particularly cruise ships
All international travelers must self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival
Wash your damn hands
Federal information line: 1-833-784-4397
Alberta: last updated 3/17 late evening
97 (+23) cases
Community spread confirmed in Calgary
Affected zones include: Calgary (70, +18), Edmonton (20, +2), Central (3, +1), South (1, +0), and North (3, +2)
No deaths reported as of 3/17 in the late evening
K-12 schools and in-person post-secondary classes/training are closed
Licensed childcare facilities, out-of-school care programs, and preschools are closed indefinitely
State of Emergency declared 3/17
Sit-down restaurants are operating at lower capacity
All events over 50 people are prohibited
Rec centers, bingo halls, casinos, theaters, other entertainment/public spaces are closed
Hotline: 811 is fully dedicated to covid-19 in Alberta
British Columbia: last updated 3/17 at 3 pm
Dedicated phone line: 1 888 COVID19
Self-assessment questionnaire: http://covid-19.bccdc.ca/
Use this if you think you need to be tested!
186 cases (+83), 5 recoveries (+0), and 6 critical cases
7 deaths (+3)
Public health units reporting deaths include: Fraser (1) Vancouver Coastal (2)
Ages of decedents include 80s (1)
Affected public health units include: Fraser (47), Interior (7), Island (12), Northern (4) and Vancouver Coastal (116)
S/o to BC for tabulating numbers by public health units <3
We once again hit the Rhode Island Problem aka I don’t know how many of these things there are and there’s always more than I think
Clusters of infection have been reported at Lynn Valley Care Centre, Hollyburn House Retirement Residence, and Lions Gate Hospital (admin staff).
2 deaths reported on 3/17 at Lynn Valley
An exposure occurred at the Pacific Dental Conference 2020 (Vancouver Convention Centre, 3/6 and 3/7)
All present on those dates are in self-isolation until 3/22
Poor teeth man :(
All hospitals have postponed elective surgeries and are on Outbreak Response Phase 2
Lions Gate Hospital is going to open a dedicated COVID 19 unit and is in Outbreak Response Phase 3 (emergency patients only)
Long term care facilities have restricted visitors to end of life only
Public gatherings & buildings with >50 people are prohibited
All casinos are closed
Establishments with a liquor primary license (bars, nightclubs, pubs) are closed until further notice
Basically if it’s fun it’s closed
Manitoba: last updated 3/17 PM
HealthLinks Line: 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll free)
15 cases, 7 new
Affected regions include: Interlake-Eastern (1, +0) and Winnipeg (12, +5)
Newly affected regions include: Southern Health (2)
Ages of cases include: <19 (0), 20s (0), 30s (3), 40s (3), 50s (3), 60s (3), 70s (2), 80s (1), 90s+ (0)
8 dedicated testing centers are now open effective today, 3/18
Check the Manitoba website at https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/index.html for locations and hours
Hospital and long term care visitors restricted to only exception circumstances (incl. end of life care)
Licensed child-care centers are closed effective 3/20
Casinos are closed effective 3/17
Health care workers and first responders who need child care due to school closures are advised to call  204-945-0776 or 1-888-213-4754
New Brunswick: last updated 3/18 9:45 am
8 cases, 0 new, 0 deaths
Affected areas include: Zone 1 (2), Zone 2 (1), and Zone 3 (5)
This is the only place I’ve seen thus far that has ZONES and it’s kind of fantastic. More places should have ZONES.
Affected ages include: <19 (1), 20s (2), 30s (0), 40s (0), 50s (3), 60s (0), 70s (0), 80s (0), 90s+ (0)
Schools are closed starting 3/16 for two weeks
Non essential businesses and public places are closed starting 3/17 until further notice
Hotline: 811 Telecare
Thank you NB for not actually making me watch daily hourlong news conferences to figure out what’s going on
Newfoundland & Labrador: last updated 3/18
3 cases, 2 new
Sorry that’s all the info I have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m working on finding more but the NL website sucks
Nova Scotia: last updated 3/17
7 cases, 0 new
Affected areas include: Halifax Regional Municipality (2)
Gatherings over 150 people are disallowed
Casinos are closed starting 3/16; VLTs are not allowed in bars
Childcare facilities are closed starting 3/17 through 4/3
Public schools are closed until 4/6
Long-term care facilities are closed to visitors until further notice
All incoming international travelers are required to isolate for 14 days upon arrival
Hospitals are limiting visitors but limitations vary by centre
Ontario: last updated 3/18 at 10:30 AM
189 cases (+12)
5 recovered & 1 death are included in this number
Affected public health units include: Durham (1, +0), Halton (1, +0), Hamilton (14, +5), Middlesex London (4, +2), Niagara (1, +0), Ottawa (3, +0), Peel (4, +0), Sudbury (1, +0), Toronto (11, +0), Wellington Dufferin Guelph (1, +0), York (7, +1)
Only cases from 3/16 on are counted under here based on how the site works
No hospitalizations since 3/16
Deaths are being reported in: Simcoe Muskoka (1, +1)
Ages of patients beginning 3/17 evening: <19, 20s, 30s, 40s (2, +2), 50s, 60s (1, +1), 70s (1, +1), 80s, 90s+
Newly affected public health units include: KFL&A (3) and  Simcoe Muskoka (1)
All schools, restaurants, libraries, childcare facilities, theaters, public venues, and recreational spaces are closed until 3/31
Events over 50 people (incl. parades and worship services) are prohibited until 3/31
Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000
P.E.I.: last updated 3/17 AM
1 case, in Queens County, connected to a cruise, no new cases
Libraries and community events are closed/canceled
Child care facilities are closed for two weeks starting 3/17
Public schools are closed until April 6
General queries: call 1-800-958-6400
Business-related queries: call 1-866-222-1751
Québec: last updated 3/17 at 1 pm
74 cases, 24 new, no deaths
Affected regions include: Capitale Nationale (3, +1), Mauricie - Centre du Québec (3, +0), Estrie (9, +6), Montréal (22, +4), Chaudière-Appalaches (4, +0), Lanaudière (6, +3), Laurentides (7, +4), Montérégie (13, +3), and undetermined/outside Québec (7, +3).
State of health emergency as of 3/13
Indoor gatherings of >250 people prohibited, many public buildings closed until further notice
Daycare/childcare facilities and all schools closed until 3/27
Elections scheduled for 3/15 have been rescheduled to after late April
Non-essential visits to hospitals and long-term care institutions are prohibited
Saskatchewan: last updated 3/17
8 cases (+2), no deaths
Ages affected: 20s (1), 30s (1), 40s (2), 50s (1), 60s (3)
Areas affected: Regina (5), northern SK (1), Saskatoon (2)
Saskatoon is an amazing name, thank you for this gift Canada
Hospitalizations: 1
School K-12 is suspended indefinitely effective 3/20
Gatherings >250 people are prohibited, except for distributed places (malls, universities, etc)
Public gatherings >50 people with attendees who have traveled internationally in the last 14 days are canceled/prohibited
Hospital and long term care visitors are only allowed in end of life care
Saskatchewan has a bad website. I had to read all their press releases for this data. Please, Saskatchewan, we can’t keep doing this.
Cuba: last updated 3/17
5 cases, 1 new
No community spread
Affected provinces include: Sancti Spiritus and Villa Clara
I do speak Spanish but the Cuban government is notoriously bad at internet so this data is from the WHO and news sources. If you know where I can get better data, please let me know.
Cuban doctors fucking rule. They are some of the best trained, most selfless physicians the world has.
France: last updated 3/17 at 3 pm
National hotline: 0 800 130 000
I actually speak French and for once that’s useful. Yay. *twirly finger*
Suck on that, google translate.
I am going to spend like, an hour tonight updating the relevant Wikipedia articles, pray for me
7,730 cases, 175 deaths
7,652 in France and 78 in overseas territories
Affected regions in France include: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (710), Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (549), Bretagne (247), Centre-Val de Loire (103), Corse (145), Grand Est (1,820), Hauts-de-France (612), Ile-de-France (2,177), Normandie (174), Nouvelle-Aquitaine (200), Occitanie (311), Pays de la Loire (126), Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (478)
French regions have more hyphens than my last name
I’ve left these names in their French language forms, if it would be helpful to translate (e.g. Bretagne to Brittany, Corse to Corsica) I can do that, just let me know.
Affected overseas territories include: Guadeloupe (27), Saint-Barthélémy (3), Saint-Martin (3), Guyane (11), Martinique (19), Mayotte (3), La Réunion (12)
I’ve split out France vs overseas territories for both readability and geographic sense. More granular data will happen over the next few days as I get a handle on the situation there.
Don’t get me started on neocolonialism. We’d be here all day and then there wouldn’t be a newsletter.
Germany: last updated 3/18 at 10:30 am
Cases: 8,198 (+1,042), 12 deaths
Mortality rate: 0.2%
9.9 cases/100,000 population
Affected states are as follows: Baden-Württemberg (1609, +130), Bavaria (1,243, +134), Berlin (391, +46), Brandenburg (92, +19), Bremen (69, nice, +12), Hamburg (358, +48), Hesse (432, +59), Mecklenburg-West Pomerania (56, +11), Lower Saxony (478, +153), North Rhine-Westphalia (2,372, +267), Rhineland-Palatinate (474, +32), Saarland (88, +13), Saxony (198, +16), Saxony-Anhalt (105, +47), Schleswig-Holstein (159, +32), Thuringia (74, +23)
Wikipedia tells me this is all of them, I think
There are so many Saxonies
Deaths are reported in the following states: Baden-Württemberg (2), Bavaria (4), and North Rhine-Westphalia (6).
Heinsberg district in North Rhine-Westphalia is designated as an area particularly affected by the German government
Most schools and daycares are closed effective 3/16, this is a state by state basis and I don’t know where to find details. If you know, please message me so I can add it!
Borders with Austria, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland are closed as of 3/16.
Entry for all non-EU citizens is restricted to exceptional circumstances until 4/16
Citizens from the EU, UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Norway are allowed to travel through Germany as of 3/18
And we’re back to the languages Emily doesn’t speak. S/o to Google Translate and also to Germany for translating some of their stuff
Stats are provided by the Robert Koch institute (named for the cool epidemiologist who showed how to prove that a particular thing causes a particular disease, not the shitty evil American capitalists)
This isn’t particularly important I just wanted to share how much I love Robert Koch and his Principles
Greece: last updated 3/18 at 6 pm
418 total cases (+31), 5 deaths (+0)
14 recoveries, 79 hospitalizations, 13 critical cases
Community spread is confirmed
All arrivals to the country are required to isolate for 14 days
Beginning 3/19 at 6 am, the country is closed to non-Greek and EU nationals unless exceptional circumstances warrant
Parliament has suspended all committee meetings and restricted each party to one MP in attendance at a time, and will vote on one bill a week
Businesses are closed starting Wednesday 3/18, with the exception of gas stations, pharmacies, and groceries
Supermarkets are restricting the number of patrons to allow 1 person per 10 square meters
Migrant camps on various islands are on total lockdown for 2 weeks
Religion is canceled until 3/30
An MEP got raked over the coals for panic-buying. Please don’t be a dick and panic-buy. Thank you.
Note: I (still) do not speak Greek, and I therefore am struggling to find official data from somewhere more granular than the WHO. I’m sourcing most of this from the WHO and from Ekathimerini, but if you know where I can find better/more up to date info, please let me know. Thank you!
Ireland: last updated 3/17
292 total cases, 69 new (nice), 2 deaths (0 new)
Community transmission is confirmed
The following regional breakdown is available of the new cases: 48 eastern, 5 north/west, 3 west, and 13 southern
All pubs & bars are closed until March 29. House parties are discouraged.
Schools, colleges, and childcare facilities are closed until March 29
Indoor gatherings of >100 people and outdoor gatherings >500 people are prohibited
State run cultural institutions are closed until further notice
The Netherlands: last updated 3/18 at 2:15 PM
2051 confirmed cases, 58 deaths
346 new cases, 15 new deaths
408 hospitalizations (+94)
Average age of decedents is 79, with a range from 63 to 95
The report of a decedent aged 59 years was in error, this is now corrected
Provinces affected include: Drenthe (22, +5), Flevoland (30, +6), Friesland (18, +4), Gelderland (210, +37), Groningen (15, +5), Limburg (258, +61), North Brabant (728, +94), North Holland (167, +15), Overijssel (58, +13), Utrecht (174, +1), South Holland (232, +57), and Zeeland (26, +6).
There are 84 non-residents/unknown location patients
Flevoland is now known as Flavorland in my house. Does Guy Fieri live there? Uncertain.
I’m mad at the Netherlands for not reporting province numbers anymore and making me do a lot of math for like 2 hours
Schools, restaurants/bars, sports and fitness clubs, sex clubs, saunas, and childcare facilities are closed until April 6
New Zealand: last updated 3/18
20 cases, 7 new
Locations include: Auckland (10), Canterbury (1), Dunedin (3), Invercargill (1), and Waikato (2)
Ages include: <19 (1), 20s (1), 30s (3), 40s (7), 50s (1), 60s (5), 70s (2), 80s (0), 90s+ (0)
Exposures are reported on the following flights and in the following locations within 14 days:
NZ029 3/6, Houston to Auckland
NZ283 3/7, Singapore to Auckland
NZ675 3/8, Auckland to Dunedin
QR160 3/10 Denmark to Doha
QR920 3/10 Doha to Auckland
JQ225 3/10 Auckland to Christchurch
NZ007 3/13 San Francisco to Auckland
NZ828 3/14 Brisbane to Wellington
AA83 3/14 Los Angeles to Auckland
NZ828 3/14 Auckland to Wellington
Logan Park HS in Dunedin
Testing capacity: 770/day, expected to be 1500/day by the end of the week
Anyone coming into the country from anywhere except a small list of other Pacific islands is directed to self-quarantine for 14 days. This started on 3/16 at 0100 and is expected to continue for at least the next few weeks.
New Zealanders currently overseas should register with SafeTravel (https://register.safetravel.govt.nz/login)
Flu vaccines are being released starting 3/18, with extra vaccines being produced this year. The flu shot does not protect against COVID-19 but it does prevent against the flu, which needs to not be bad at the same time please.
Healthline number: 0800 611 116
Norway: last updated 3/18 at 10 pm local time
I still don’t speak Norwegian so if I screwed up lemme know
1585 cases, 6 deaths (+3)
85 hospitalized (+18), 18 critical (+3)
116 new cases during the 24h of March 17
Breakdown of cases by area: Agder (67, +0), Innlandet (97, +9), Møre og Romsdal (20, +0), Nordland (12, +1), Oslo (348, +19), Rogaland (161, +11), Troms og Finnmark (28, +4), Trøndelag (70, +9), Vestfold og Telemark (63, +4), Vestland (147, +6), and Viken (410, +52)
Ages are as follows: <19 (54), 20s (162), 30s (241), 40s (345), 50s (386), 60s (150), 70s (54), 80s (22), 90s+ (9)
The whole country is under shelter in place type restrictions for two weeks. Hang in there, y’all.
Switzerland:  last updated 3/18 at 3 pm local time
3,028 cases (+378), 19 deaths (+5)
Whole country is on lockdown as of 3/16: no entry or exit until further notice (maximum of 6 months)
schools are closed until 4/19
all events are canceled
all personal service establishments are closed
Hospitals are deferring elective procedures.
United Kingdom in general: last updated 3/18 at 9 am
2,626 total cases (+34.7%), 676 are new today
103 total deaths (+48)
Nigel Farage (barf) wrote a really shitty editorial and I hope he gets milkshaked again.
He has a real punchable face, too bad human arms are shorter than 6 feet.
England: last updated 3/18 at 9 am
2,182 total cases, 625 new
Affected UTLAs with at least 10 cases are as follows: Barnet (27, +3), Bexley (17, +3), Birmingham (25, +5), Brent (45, +21), Bromley (32, +9), Buckingham (27, +4), Cambridge (14, +2), Camden (30, +10), Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (10, +0), Cumbria (34, +12), Devon (25, +1), Ealing (42, +21), Enfield (27, +17), Essex (27, +6), Gloucestershire (12, +1), Greenwich (19, +0), Hackney and City of London (29, +7), Hammersmith and Fulham (25, +2), Hampshire (77, +8), Haringey (29, +12), Harrow (40, +25), Hertfordshire (50, +14), Hillingdon (21, +5), Hounslow (24, +9), Islington (29, +18), Kensington (55, +6), Kent (21, +3), Lambeth (61, +18), Lancashire (15, +0), Leeds (12, +1), Lewisham (22, +4), Liverpool (12, +1), Manchester (18, +4), Merton (34, +21), Newham (23, +6), Northamptonshire (15, +3), Nottingham (14, +2), Nottinghamshire (28, +15), Oldham (12, +2), Oxfordshire (34, +9), Slough (13, +1), Southwark (70, +18), Staffordshire (14, +4), Stockport (10, +0), Surrey (39, +9), Sutton (12, +2), Tameside (12, +2), Tower Hamlets (25, +2), Trafford (14, +2), Walsall (14, +1), Wandsworth (59, +38), West Sussex (10, +0), Westminster (68, +10), and Wolverhampton (22, +4)
Newly affected areas or those that broke 10 cases today include: Barking and Dagenham (14), Brighton and Hove (11), Bristol (12), Croydon (32), Derby (11), Derbyshire (27), Dudley (10), East Riding of Yorkshire (10), Leicestershire (14), Newcastle (13), North Yorkshire (11), Sheffield (36), Suffolk (10), Waltham Forest (14), Warwickshire (10), Windsor and Maidenhead (10), and Wokingham (10)
I had to download an Excel spreadsheet situation for this, hopefully it is being updated the way I think it is. Let me know if these numbers are totally off.
Also, tomorrow I am planning to consolidate things into counties so it’s less wall of text.
I have been informed that Nottingham is the city and Nottinghamshire is the zone. Like, The Shire.
I have also been informed that Slough is pronounced like it rhymes with “plow”. My question of “are y’all okay” stands.
Deaths are not being reported by area yet. I’m working on this.
Scotland: last updated 3/18 at 2 pm
227 cases, 32 new
3 deaths, 1 new
Affected health boards are as follows: Ayrshire and Arran (9, +3), Borders (7, +0), Dumfries and Galloway (4, +3), Fife (8, +1), Forth Valley (15, +3), Grampian (24, +2), Greater Glasgow and Clyde (57, +8), Highland (5, +0), Lanarkshire (25, +4), Lothian (33, +3), Shetland (16, +1), and Tayside (24, +4)
Maybe this is all of them? Time will tell.
If anyone knows whether negative numbers are patients dying, being moved, or recovering, please let me know.
Wales: last updated 3/18 at 11 am
149 cases, 13 new
2 deaths, 0 new
Areas reporting deaths are: Swansea (1)
Because every area of Wales is now affected, the Welsh NHS will begin to report cases differently starting 3/19
Northern Ireland: last updated 3/18 at 2 pm
68 cases, 6 new
Health dept is not providing more detail than this at this time as far as I can tell
Apparently enough people have complained and they’re going to provide more information “later this week”
Watch this space!
US in general: updated 3/18 at 4 pm
7,038 total cases, 2,812 new (+66.5%)
97 deaths, 22 new (1.38% mortality rate)
54 jurisdictions are reporting cases: 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands
Shelter in place orders and curfews are coming into effect in lots of places
Alabama: updated 3/18 at 4:10 pm
51 cases, 12 new
0 deaths
Affected counties include: Baldwin (1, +0), Elmore (4, +2), Lee (8, +5), Jefferson (25, +4), Limestone (1, +0),  Madison (1, +0), Montgomery (2, +0), Shelby (4, +0), St. Clair (1, +0), and Tuscaloosa (3, +0).
Newly affected counties include: Calhoun (1)
State hotline: 1-888-264-2256
Alaska: updated 3/17 at 7 pm
6 cases, 3 new
No community spread
Affected regions include: Anchorage (2), Interior (3), Southeast (1)
Arkansas: updated 3/18
33 cases (+11), 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Cleburne, Cleveland, Desha, Garland, Jefferson, Lincoln, Pulaski, and Saline
Exact numbers by county are not available from the state department of health
Newly affected counties include: Bradley, Faulkner, Washington
Y’all have a county called YELL, that’s the best county name I’ve seen yet
State hotline: 1-800-803-7847
Arizona: updated 3/17 at 11:36 AM
27 cases, 7 new, no deaths
Affected counties include: Graham (1, +0), Maricopa (11, +2), Navajo (2, +1), Pima (5, +1), and Pinal (8, +3)
Community spread is confirmed in: Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal counties
“Strong recommendation” that restaurants in areas of community spread close their dine-in services
Recommendation to cancel/postpone gatherings >10 people
Schools are closed through 3/27
State hotline (rolled into poison control): 844-542-8201
California: last updated 3/17 at 6 pm (state website; county websites are updated more recently)
Total cases not including the ones at Miramar (discussed below): 598 (+126), with 13 total deaths (+2)
The following counties report deaths: Los Angeles (1, +0), Placer (1, +0), Riverside (3, +0), Sacramento (2, +0), San Benito (1, +1), San Joaquin (2, +2) San Mateo (1, +0), Santa Clara (6, +2)
The following counties report recoveries: Humboldt (1), San Benito (2)
The following counties report numbers of hospitalizations: Los Angeles (2), San Diego (10, +1), Santa Clara (56, +0), Tulare (1, +0), Yolo (2, +1)
Affected counties include: Alameda (31, +4), Amador (1, +0), Calaveras (2, +0), Contra Costa (41, +2), Fresno (3, +1), Humboldt (1, +0), Imperial (2, +0), Los Angeles (190, +46), Madera (1, +0), Marin (15, +6), Monterey (2, +0), Nevada (1, +0), Orange (42, +13), Placer (9, +1), Riverside (16, +1), Sacramento (40, +0) San Benito (5, +2), San Bernardino (5, +2), San Diego (75, +24), San Francisco (51, +8), San Joaquin (14, +1), San Luis Obispo (7, +4), San Mateo (80, +16), Santa Barbara (3, +1), Santa Clara (175, +20), Santa Cruz (13, +0), Shasta (1, +0), Solano (8, +0), Sonoma (8, +2), Stanislaus (5, +2), Tulare (5, +2), Ventura (13, +3), and Yolo (5, +1)
Note regarding San Diego: The five federally quarantined people are not included in the county statistics. Cases of non-residents diagnosed in San Diego are included.
Unaffected counties include: Alpine, Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Mariposa, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Napa, Plumas, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne, and Yuba
Thank you in particular to Merced County for putting out a press release every single day to say that you still have no cases
Counties with confirmed community transmission include: Los Angeles, Marin, Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and Yolo
Newly affected counties include: Mendocino (1)
New community transmission in: Tulare
Closures/Restrictions by County
Alameda: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Alpine: County activities are canceled, schools closed, no non-essential services
Contra Costa: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Del Norte: Schools closed through 4/20
El Dorado: Schools closed through 3/20
Los Angeles: gatherings >50 people prohibited
Marin: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Mendocino: Shelter in place until 4/7
Mono: Schools closed through 3/30, Alterra Mountain closed, libraries closed through 3/31
Monterey: Shelter in Place beginning 3/18 until 4/8
Napa: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Nevada: Schools are closed until 4/13, libraries closed until 4/12
Orange: Shelter in Place until 3/31
Riverside: Schools & daycares are closed, gatherings >10 people prohibited
Sacramento: Shelter in Place until further notice
San Benito: Shelter in Place until 4/7
San Bernardino: County operated attractions are closed
San Diego: gatherings >50 people prohibited, restaurants are carry-out and drive through only, all schools are closed, and entertainment establishments are closed
San Francisco: Shelter in Place until 4/7
San Luis Obispo: Alcohol sales on site are banned through 3/18
San Mateo: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Santa Barbara: Dining is takeout/drive through only
Santa Clara: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Santa Cruz: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Siskiyou: gatherings >50 prohibited, hospital/LTAC visitors prohibited
Solano: Shelter in place until further notice
Stanislaus: Gatherings of >1000 people are prohibited indoor and outdoor from 3/16 to 3/31
Sutter: Shelter in place
Tuolumne: Schools are closed through 4/13
Ventura: All schools and public libraries are closed starting 3/16 until further notice, nonessential businesses closed until 4/1, and those 75 and older should shelter in place
Yolo: Shelter in place until 4/7
Yuba: Shelter in place
Counties with no closures/restrictions beyond those mandated by the state: Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Madera, Merced, Modoc, Placer, Plumas, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Solano, Tehama, Trinity, and Tulare
Drive through testing is available in Marin County
Colorado - last updated 3/18 at 4:00 pm
183 cases (+33)
2 deaths (+0)
26 hospitalizations (+6)
Counties reporting deaths include: El Paso (1) and Larimer (1)
Affected counties include: Adams (10, +2), Arapahoe (22, +4), Boulder (7, -1), Clear Creek (2, +0), Denver (43, +5), Douglas (11, +0), Eagle (39, +5), El Paso (8, +2), Garfield (2, +0), Gunnison (11, +0), Jefferson (25, +8), Larimer (4, +3), Mesa (1, +0), Pitkin (11, +0), Pueblo (1, +0), Routt (2, +0), Summit (4, +1), and Weld (9, +0)
3 cases are designated “unknown”
Out of state visitors are now included in the tally of the county where they were diagnosed/are being treated
Confirmed community spread
Newly affected counties include: Grand (1)
Drive through testing is available in: Denver and Lowry
Residents of Gunnison, Eagle, Summit, Pitkin are recommended to minimize social contact due to potential exposures
Anyone who visited the Colorado Springs Bridge center in late Feb-early Mar may have been exposed, call the DPH for more information
Public places are closed, restaurants are takeout only until 4/16
Gambling is canceled
Schools are iffy, check your local district news
Connecticut - last update 3/18 at 4:30 pm
96 cases, 28 new
The following counties are affected: Fairfield (69, +21), Hartford (11, +4), Litchfield (5, +0), New Haven (10, +2)
Apparently there’s at least 5 counties
Newly affected counties include: Middlesex (1)
No gatherings >50 people until further notice
Nursing home visits restricted
Schools closed through 3/30 and 180 day school year is waived
Restaurants are carryout/drive through only through 4/30
All “places of public amusement” closed through 4/30
Gambling is canceled until the end of April
Malls are closed 3/19-4/30
AccessHealth Connecticut has announced a new special enrollment period for health insurance. If you are uninsured in CT, you can get insured now. Visit the state health department at portal.ct.gov/coronavirus for more information.
State has put in place increased telehealth provisions
Delaware: last update 3/18 at 3:50 pm
26 cases (+10), 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Kent (3, +3), New Castle (20, +3) and Sussex (3, +2).
Kent reported first cases 3/18
Events over >100 people are encouraged to cancel/reschedule
Schools closed through 3/27
District of Columbia: last update 3/18 at 7 pm
39 cases (+8), no deaths
Public transit fees are decreasing and being waived in some areas
DC Circulator is closed on the National Mall route effective 3/19
Food service/drinking establishments are restricted to <250 people, <6 people/table, no standing or bar seating, and tables separated by 6 feet
Nightclubs etc are closed
Most government stuff is telework so if you want to report a Ponzi scheme you have to email them or call them
Florida - last updated 3/18 at 6:02 PM
328 (+112) cases and 8 deaths (+1)
Community transmission remains unconfirmed but highly likely
Affected counties  include: Alachua (7, +1), Brevard (2, +1) Broward (80, +25), Charlotte (1, +0), Citrus (3, +1), Clay (4, +0), Collier (13, +6), Duval (14, +4), Escambia (1, +0), Hillsborough (14, +5), Lake (2, +1), Lee (11, +4), Manatee (8, +1), Miami-Dade (77, +34), Nassau (1, +0) Okaloosa (4, +2), Orange (11, +5), Osceola (8, +1), Palm Beach (21, +8), Pasco (3, +1), Pinellas (12, +8), Polk (2, +1), Santa Rosa (1, +0), Sarasota (4, +0) Seminole (7, +3), St. Johns (4, +1) Volusia (9, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Gadsden (1), Leon (1), Sumter (1), and Walton
State hotline/call center:  1 (866) 779-6121
Closures/ Restrictions:
Schools are closed until 4/15 at the earliest, distance learning begins 3/30
Georgia: last updated 3/18 at 11:38 AM
197 cases (+51), 1 death (+0)
Affected counties include: Barrow (1, +0), Bartow (19, +9), Charlton (1, +0), Cherokee (9, +2), Clayton (6, +2), Clarke (5, +2), Cobb (28, +3), Columbia (1, +0), Coweta (3, +0), Dekalb (18, +3), Dougherty (7, +0), Fayette (8, +3), Floyd (6, +0), Forsyth (2, +1), Fulton (49, +16), Gordon (3, +1), Gwinnett (7, +0), Hall (3, +2), Henry (2, +0), Lowndes (5, +1), Lee (2, +0), Newton (3, +2), Paulding (3, +2), Polk (1, +0), Richmond (1, +0), and Troup (2, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Houston (1) and Whitfield (1)
USG universities are closed through 3/29 and will be online after that for the semester
Athens-Clarke County has instituted a shelter in place policy until 4/7 and no gatherings over 10 people are to be held in the county until 4/7
Hotline for the state: 844-442-2681
Hawaii: last updated 3/18 at 12 PM
Total cases: 16
Total deaths: 0
Affected counties: Hawaii (1), Honolulu (10), Kauai (2), Maui (3)
State hotline is Aloha United Way: 211
Dear Hawaii, I was going to be mad at you for your website being hard to navigate but then you automatically alphabetized things and I forgave you. Love, Emily
Idaho: last updated 3/18 at 8:30 am
Total cases: 11
Total deaths: 0
Affected counties: Ada (3), Blaine (5), Madison (1), Teton (1), and Twin Falls (1)
Illinois: last updated 3/18
288 confirmed cases (+128), 1 death (+0)
Confirmed community spread
Affected counties include Champaign (1, +0), Clinton (3, +1), Cook (178, +71), Cumberland (1, +0), DuPage (45, +19), Kane (4, +1), Lake (18, +11), McHenry (4, +2), Peoria (3, +2), Sangamon (3, +0), St. Clair (3, +1), Whiteside (1, +0), Will (3, +1), Winnebago (1, +0), and Woodford (1, +0)
Deaths are reported in the following counties: Cook (1)
Newly affected counties include: Kendall (2), Madison (1)
Bars and restaurants are closed (except for carryout and drive through) until 3/30
All gatherings >50 people prohibited
Gyms/fitness centers/clubs/theaters are closed
DMV is closed (yay)
Schools are closed through 3/31 statewide
Indiana: last updated 3/17
C’mon Indiana. C’mon. You were doing so well yesterday with your readable website.
It’s 9:15 PM your time. Update your ding dang website.
39 cases (+9), 2 deaths (+0)
Affected counties include: Adams (1, +0), Bartholomew (1, +0), Boone (1, +0), Floyd (1, +0), Franklin (2, +0), Hamilton (2, +0), Hendricks (4, +1), Howard (2, +0), Johnson (3, +0), Lake (3, +1), La Porte (1, +0), Marion (11, +2), Noble (1, +0), St. Joseph (1, +0), and Wells (1, +0)
Deaths are being reported in the following counties: Johnson (1) and Marion (1)
Newly affected counties include: Clark (1), Fayette (1), Jennings (1) and Madison (1)
Iowa: last updated 3/18 at 5:39 pm
38 cases (+9)
Affected counties include: Adair (1, +0) Allamakee (2, +0), Black Hawk (1, +0), Carroll (1, +0), Dallas (5, +2), Harrison (1, +0), Johnson (21, +3), Polk (3, +2), and Pottawattamie (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Washington (1) and Winneshiek (1)
Community spread confirmed
Schools closed for 4 weeks starting 3/16
Public places closed, restaurants carryout only until further notice
Kansas: last updated 3/18 at 10 am
21 confirmed cases (+5), 1 death
Affected counties include: Butler (1, +0), Douglas (1, +0), Franklin (1, +0), Johnson (11, +1), and Wyandotte (5, +2)
Newly affected counties include: Leavenworth (2)
Deaths are being reported in the following counties: Wyandotte (1)
Community spread confirmed
Schools closed statewide for the rest of the school year
KU and Washburn are fully online for the rest of the academic year
Gatherings >50 people prohibited
Public places must maintain a 6ft bubble
Travelers to affected areas (basically everywhere) must self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival
Phone line:  1-866-534-3463
Kentucky: last updated 3/18 at 4 pm
35 cases (+8), 1 death (+0)
Counties reporting deaths: Bourbon (1)
Counties reporting recoveries: Harrison (1)
Affected counties include: Bourbon (2, +1), Clark (2, +1), Fayette (6, +0), Harrison (7, +1), Jefferson (11, +2), Lyon (1, +0) Montgomery (2, +1), and Nelson (1, +0).
Newly affected counties include: Franklin (1), Kenton (1), and Warren (1).
Restaurants and bars closed to in-person service
State Capitol closed to non-essential personnel
Entertainment/nonessential services are closed
Schools are closed statewide
Phone line: (800) 722-5725 (rolled in with poison control)
Louisiana: last updated 3/18 at 5:30 pm
280 cases reported, 84 new
7 deaths, 3 new
Parishes affected:  Ascension (1, +0), Bossier (2, +1), Caddo (6, +2), East Baton Rouge (3, +2),  Jefferson (45, +10), Lafourche (3, +1), Orleans (196, +60), St. Bernard (3, +1), St. Charles (3, +0), St. John the Baptist (2, +1), St. Tammany (10, +4), Terrebonne (3, +0), and Washington (1, +0)
2 cases are unassigned to a parish
Parishes reporting deaths: Jefferson (1, +1) and Orleans (6, +2)
Maine: last updated 3/18 at 12:50 pm
42 cases, 0 deaths
Recoveries are being reported by the following counties: Androscoggin (1)
Affected counties include: Androscoggin (3), Cumberland (24), Kennebec (1), Lincoln (3), Oxford (1), Penobscot (1), and York (2)
7 cases are unassigned to a county
Affected ages include: <19 (2), 20s (2), 30s (4), 40s (7), 50s (9), 60s (8), 70s (7), and 80+ (3)
Closures/ Restrictions
Bars and restaurants carryout only until 3/31
Gatherings >10 people prohibited
Nonessential businesses recommended to close until 3/31
Schools are recommended to become remote as soon as is feasible
State hotline: 1-866-811-5695
Maryland: last updated 3/18 at 10 am
85 cases (+28), 0 deaths
Counties affected: Anne Arundel (4, +1), Baltimore (10, +4), Baltimore City (4, +3), Carroll (1, +0), Charles (2, +1), Frederick (1, +0), Harford (3, +1), Howard (8, +5), Montgomery (31, +7), Prince George’s (20, +6), Talbot (1, +0)
Community spread confirmed
Exposure risk advisory for Lorien Elkridge
Casinos, racetracks and other gambling situations are closed
Gatherings >250 people prohibited
All schools closed through 3/27
Senior centers closed until further notice
Elections postponed - vote by mail implemented for urgent elections
Massachusetts: last updated 3/18 at 4 pm
256 cases (+38)
Affected counties include: Barnstable (2, +0), Berkshire (17, +3), Bristol (5, +0), Essex (14, +6), Hampden (2, +1), Middlesex (100, +11), Norfolk (45, +2), Plymouth (5, +0) Suffolk (51, +9), and Worcester (10, +2)
4 cases of undetermined location
Newly affected counties include: Franklin (1)
27 hospitalizations (+6)
Michigan: last updated 3/18 at 2 pm
80 cases (+15), 34 hospitalizations (+9), 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Bay (1, +0), Charlevoix (1, +0), Ingham (2, +0), Jackson (1, +0), Kent (5, +0), Leelanau (1, +0), Macomb (10, +2), Monroe (1, +0), Montcalm (1, +0), Oakland (23, +7), Otsego (1, +0), Ottawa (1, +0), St. Clair (2, +0), Washtenaw (7, +0), and Wayne (23, +7)
Wayne County includes Detroit (13 cases, +5)
Two employees of the corrections department have tested positive
Jackson County Probation Office and Detroit Detention Center have both been exposed, contact the health department if you have been exposed
Bars and restaurants are carryout/drive through only
Public spaces (casinos, theaters, etc) closed
Public offices open by appt only
Guns are canceled unless you’re doing hunting
Yurts are canceled until 5/15
(so are other small cabin/camping type things)
Minnesota: last updated 3/18 at 12:00
77 cases (+17)
Affected counties include: Anoka (2), Benton (1), Blue Earth (1), Carver (2), Dakota (7), Hennepin (30), Olmstead (6), Ramsey (6-20), Renville (1-2), Stearns (3-5), Waseca (1-2), Washington (1-2), and Wright (1-2)
We’re still working with some ranges because not all counties provide counts and there’s conflicting news reports. I will continue to try to sort this out.
Community spread confirmed in Hennepin County & the greater metropolitan area of Minneapolis-St.Paul
Newly affected counties include: Martin, Nicollet, and Scott
Anoka County has closed all public-facing county services until 3/30
Dakota County has closed all public-facing county services until 4/1
Hennepin County has closed all public-facing county services until 4/6
Schools are closed statewide through 3/27
Metro Transit (Twin Cities) has suspended service 11pm to 4am
Drive through testing in Carver county is temporarily halted due to nationwide shortages, but the Mayo Clinic is planning to open a bunch of testing facilities
Mississippi: last updated 3/18
34 cases, 13 new, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Copiah (2, +0), Forrest (3, +0), Hancock (2, +1), Harrison (4, +3), Hinds (6, +0), Jackson (1, +0), Leflore (4, +0), and Pearl River (4, +2)
Newly affected counties include: Bolivar (2), Coahoma (2), DeSoto (1), Madison (1), and Perry (1)
State hotline: 877-978-6453
Missouri last updated 3/18 at 7 pm
24 (+11) cases, 1 death
Counties reporting deaths include: Boone (1)
*** NOT UPDATED BY STATE HEALTH DPT SINCE 3/17*** Affected counties include: Boone (1), Cass (2), Cole (1), Greene (4), Henry (1), Jackson (1), St. Louis City (1), St. Louis County (4)
Hotline: 877-435-8411
Montana: last updated 3/18 at 8:15 am
10 cases (+2)
Affected counties are not being reported at this time by the state. Montana has a million counties and due to the Netherlands Spreadsheet Incident of My Entire Afternoon, I didn’t have the time to figure this one out. TBH I’m hoping the state health department does it for me because it’s their job.
Public schools closed until 3/30
Many counties have closed courts & public-facing services
State of Emergency
Nebraska: last updated 3/17
Community transmission confirmed: many locations in Douglas County are potential places where transmission has occurred; if you live or have traveled to Douglas County (Omaha), please check the Douglas County COVID-19 monitoring site at: https://www.douglascountyhealth.com/latest-news.
There were also two exposures in Knox County on March 5, at basketball games at Lincoln Southwest HS and North Star HS.
27 cases (+6), no deaths
Affected counties include: Cass (1, +0), Douglas (21, +3) and Knox (2, +1)
Newly affected counties include: Sarpy (1) and Lincoln (1)
Hotline (bling): (402) 552-6645
55 cases
Community spread confirmed
Gatherings >10 people recommended to cancel
Governor asks Nevada citizens to stay home for 30 days and nonessential businesses to close
Gambling is canceled, sorry Vegas
Weed is now delivery only, but at least there’s weed delivery now?
Nevada wins worst website for a state health department in America and that’s a really fucking low bar
New Hampshire: last updated 3/18 at 9 AM
39 cases (+13), 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Carroll (4, +3), Grafton (7, +0), Hillsborough (8, +4), and Rockingham (17, +3)
Nashua (1, +0) and Manchester (4 new) are included in Hillsborough county totals
Newly affected counties include: Belknap (2), Merrimack (1)
Exposure reported at the Manchester DMV on 3/2, 3/3, 3/4, 3/5, and 3/10.
My desire to avoid the DMV at all costs continues to be vindicated
Governor Sunununununununu implemented takeout/delivery beer and wine
Hell yeah
Telehealth services expanded throughout the state
New Jersey : last updated 3/18 at 2 pm
427 cases (+160), 4 deaths (+2)
Deaths seem to have disappeared from the state website, if you have any information that may lead to the whereabouts of NJ mortality stats, contact your friendly internet Emily immediately.
These are the ones I could find from the news
Affected counties include: Bergen (114, +30), Burlington (10, +5), Camden (8, +5), Essex (45, +13), Hudson (34, +10), Hunterdon (6, +2), Mercer (15, +9), Middlesex (40, +18), Monmouth (32, +10), Morris (19, +12), Ocean (8, +5), Passaic (18, +8), Somerset (16, +8), and Union (26, +11)
Newly affected counties include: Atlantic (3) and Gloucester (2).
No gatherings >50 people
Restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, and other public spaces are closed
Curfew in effect from 8 pm to 5 am, anyone out without a valid reason is committing a misdemeanor and is also a total dick, don’t expose people
This means you, assholes having a wedding with a million people.
New Mexico: last updated 3/18
Total cases: 28
Gatherings >10 people prohibited until 4/10
All nonessential businesses are to close their public-facing activities until 4/10
There’s a new law that says “stop hoarding you assholes”, technically in effect til 4/10 but really valid forever
New York: last updated 3/17 at 7:30 PM
2,382 cases (+1,008), 10 deaths
Affected counties include: Albany (36, +13), Allegany (2, +0), Broome (1, +0), Clinton (1, +0), Delaware (1, +0), Dutchess (20, +4), Erie (7, +0), Greene (2, +0), Herkimer (1, +0), Monroe (14, +4), Montgomery (2, +1), Nassau (183, +52), Onondaga (2, +0), Ontario (1, +0), Orange (32, +17), Putnam (2, +0),  Rensselaer (4, +3), Rockland (30, +8), Saratoga (14, +5), Schenectady (14, +9), Suffolk (116, +32), Sullivan (1, +0), Tioga (1, +0), Tompkins (3, +1), Ulster (9, +1), Westchester (538, +158), and Wyoming (1, +0)
NYC has 1871 cases (+1227) as of 3/18 at 6 pm
Areas/counties reporting deaths are: NYC (7) and Rockland (1)
I can’t find records of all of the deaths. If you have info about deaths occurring due to COVID19 in NY state, please let me know.
These numbers don’t add up with the NYC cases because NYC updates after NY State. Sorry.
Newly affected counties include: Chenango (1) and Hamilton (1)
Drive through testing in New Rochelle, all boroughs of NYC, Long Island, and Rockland County
Bars, restaurants, entertainment venues closed
No gatherings >50 people
Public schools closed until 4/1
Village elections delayed until 4/28
Stop price gouging, assholes
Uber, Lyft, taxis all banned until further notice
NYC turned some hotels into temp hospitals, in an effort to create 1300 new hospital beds
The Navy is sending the USNS Comfort to New York Harbor to provide additional hospital beds.
New legal protections and stuff from the state came down today
Job protection and pay are guaranteed for those quarantined
Permanent comprehensive sick leave policy
If you are a retired doctor or nurse, New York needs you. Like, real bad. Contact the state or local health dept to see how you can help.
No evictions until this outbreak is over
North Carolina: last updated 3/18 at 10:44 AM
63 cases (+23), 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Brunswick (1, +0), Cabarrus (1, +0), Chatham (3, +2), Craven (1, +0), Durham (12, +11), Forsyth (2, +0), Harnett (4, +1),  Iredell (1, +0), Johnston (2, +0), Mecklenburg (11, +4), Onslow (1, +0), Sampson (1, +0),  Wake (17, +2), Watauga (1, +0), Wayne (1, +0), and  Wilson (1, +0).
Newly affected counties include: Guilford (1), Lincoln (1)
Advisory for an exposure at Raleigh convention center on March 8
Please call Wake County if you were there, they are tracking exposures
Schools are closed statewide until 3/30
Events >100 people canceled
Restaurants and bars are closed
North Dakota
7 cases, 0 deaths, 0 hospitalizations
Affected counties include: Burleigh (2), Cass (1), Morton (2), and Ward (2)
Ohio: last updated 3/18 at 2 pm
88 confirmed cases (+21)
26 hospitalizations (+8)
Affected counties include: Belmont (2, +0), Butler (8, +2), Coshocton (2, +0), Cuyahoga (38, +7), Franklin (7, +3), Geauga (1, +0), Lake (2, +1), Lorain (6, +2), Lucas (1, +0),  Mahoning (3, +2), Medina (4, +1), Stark (3, +0), Summit (4, +0), Trumbull (2, +0), Tuscarawas (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Ashland (1), Darke (1), Delaware (1), Huron (1)
Darke County is so goth
Bars/restaurants are closed
Gatherings >50 people canceled
Nonessential businesses are closed
Oklahoma: last updated 3/18 at 7 AM
29 cases, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Cleveland (4), Jackson (1), Kay (2), Oklahoma (14), Payne (1), Tulsa (4), Pawnee (1)
2 cases were identified in Canadian nationals
...Unless Oklahoma has a county called “Canadian”. That wouldn’t be the weirdest name of an American county in all honesty
Oregon: last updated 3/18 at 8 AM
75 cases (+10), 3 deaths (+2)
Counties reporting deaths: Lane (1), Multnomah (1), and Washington (1)
Hospitalization data is no longer being provided by the state health department.
The following counties are affected: Benton (3, +1), Clackamas (6, +0), Deschutes (6, +0), Douglas (1, +0), Jackson (2, +0), Klamath (1, +0), Linn (15, +0), Marion (8, +4), Multnomah (3, +0), Polk (1, +0), Umatilla (2, +0), Washington (23, +2), and Yamhill (2, +1)
Newly affected counties include: Lane (2)
Courts are effectively closed down (Level 3 restriction)
Pennsylvania: last updated 3/18 at 3 pm
133 total cases (+37), 1 death (+1)
Counties reporting deaths include: Northampton (1)
Counties affected include: Allegheny (11, +4), Beaver (2, +1), Bucks (9, +1), Chester (9, +5), Cumberland (10, +0), Delaware (14, +5),  Lehigh (1, +0), Luzerne (1, +0), Monroe (7, -1), Montgomery (42, +10), Northampton (1, +0), Philadelphia (17, +7), Pike (2, +1), Washington (2, +0), Wayne (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Berks (1), Lackawanna (1), and York (2)
Restaurants and bars are closed statewide except takeout/delivery
Nonessential businesses are closed statewide
All liquor stores are closed statewide. This is going to end badly.
GRITTY HAS DONE DARK MAGICKS TO ACQUIRE TOILET PAPER https://twitter.com/GrittyNHL/status/1239998209755357185?s=20
Rhode Island: last updated 3/18
33 confirmed cases (+12), no deaths
Chanston High School West had an exposure; 1700 people are currently quarantined after this exposure
RIDOH is not providing more information than this, if you have more details please send me a tip
South Carolina: last updated 3/18 at 4 pm
60 cases (+13), 1 death (+0)
Affected counties include: Anderson (2, +0), Beaufort (6, +2), Calhoun (1, +0), Charleston (4, +1), Fairfield (1, 0), Greenville (3, +1), Horry (5, +1), Kershaw (25, +3), Lancaster (2, +0), Lexington (4, +1), Richland (4, +3), Spartanburg (1, +0), and York (1, +0)
Deaths are reported in the following counties: Lexington (1)
Newly affected counties include: Lee (1)
South Dakota: last updated 3/18
11 confirmed cases (+0),  1 death (+0)
Affected counties include: Beadle (1, +0), Bon Homme (1, +0), Charles Mix (1, +0), Davison (1, +0), McCook (1, +0), Minnehaha (5, +0), and Pennington (1, +0)
Schools closed week of 3/16
Tennessee: last updated 3/18 at 2 pm
98 (+25) cases, no deaths
Affected counties include: Campbell (1, +0), Davidson (58, +16), Hamilton (1, +0), Jefferson (1, +0), Knox (2, +0), Rutherford (1, +0), Sevier (1, +0), Shelby (4, +2), Sullivan (1, +0), and Williamson (24, +3)
Newly affected counties include: Sumner (2)
Schools closed through 3/31
Expanded unemployment relief as of 3/17
Texas: last updated 3/18 at 12 PM
83 (+19) total cases, 2 death (+1)
Affected counties include: Bell (1, +0), Bexar (4, +1), Brazoria (2, +0), Collin (6, +0), Dallas (15, +6), Denton (4, +3), El Paso (3, +0), Fort Bend (9, +0), Galveston (2, +1), Gregg (1, +0), Harris (10, +0), Hays (1, +0), Lavaca (1, +0), Matagorda (1, +0), Montgomery (3, +0), Smith (5, +2), Tarrant (5, +2), Travis (4, +1), and Webb (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Bowie (1), Brazos (1), Medina (1), Rusk (1)
Should have gone to space, Major Tom
Too soon, probably :(
1 case is pending county assignment
San Antonio has closed restaurants and bars
Utah: last updated 3/18 at 12:45 pm
63 cases (+12)
Affected health districts include:  Bear River (1, +0), Davis County (6, +2), Salt Lake County (24, +2), Southwest Utah (1, +0), Summit County (22, +7), Tooele (1, +0), Utah County (2, +1), Wasatch County (2, +0), and Weber-Morgan (4, +0)
Community spread confirmed in the following counties: Summit and Utah
Exposure at Wasatch High School identified
Schools, Mormonism, skiing, and restaurants are canceled until further notice
The zoo and a bunch of museums are canceled too :(
Now graduation is canceled for public schools & universities
Vermont: last updated 3/18 at 2 PM
19 cases total (+2)
Affected counties include: Bennington (3), Chittenden (4), Orange (1), Springfield (1), Washington (1), and Windsor (3)
County by county data was not updated on 3/17 or 3/18
Hospitalizations are reported in the following counties: Bennington (3), Chittenden (1), Springfield (1), Washington (1), Windsor (1)
No gatherings >50 people or >50% capacity, whichever is lower
Schools are closed starting 3/18
Bars/restaurants are closed until 4/6
Virginia: last updated 3/18
77 cases (+10)
Affected counties/cities include: Alexandria City (2, +0), Arlington (14, +1), Charlottesville City (1, +0), Chesterfield (5, +1), Fairfax (14, +2),  Goochland (1, +0), Hanover (1, +0), Harrisonburg City (1, +0), Henrico (2, +0), James City (13, +1), Loudoun (5, +0), Prince Edward (1, +0), Prince William (4, +0), Spotsylvania (1, +0), Stafford (2, +1), Virginia Beach City (4, +0), Williamsburg City (1, +0), and York (1, +0)
Newly affected areas include: Charles City (1) and Richmond City (3)
State of Emergency declared on 3/12
Washington State: Last updated 3/18 at 3:25
1187 total cases (+175), 66 deaths (+14)
Current mortality rate: 5.6%
Deaths have occurred in the following counties: Clark (3, +1), Grant (1, +0), King (56, +13), and Snohomish (6, +0).
Affected counties include: Chelan (2, +0), Clark (4, +0), Columbia (1, +0), Grant (8, +1), Grays Harbor (1, +0), Island (16, +2), Jefferson (4, +1), King (562, -7), Kitsap (9, +2), Kittitas (4, +1), Klickitat (1, +0), Lewis (1, +0), ,Lincoln (1, +0), Pierce (56, +11), Skagit (14, +5), Snohomish (310, +56), Spokane (4, +0), Thurston (6, +1), Whatcom (7, +1), and Yakima (7, +2).
167 cases are currently unassigned to a county
Newly affected counties include: Franklin (1) and Mason (1)
Closures/restrictions: widespread, will have county-by-county info soon.
Hotline: 1-800-525-0127
West Virginia: last updated 3/18
2 cases, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Eastern Panhandle (1), Mercer (1)
Unclear if Eastern Panhandle is a county but it certainly tells me where the fuck it is in the state, which is about a million times more useful than the 8 bajillion counties named Jefferson or whatever
The DMV limited number of customers at a time, somehow making the concept of a DMV even more hellish
Gambling is canceled
Restaurants and bars are takeout only
Wisconsin: last updated 3/18 at 2 PM
106 total cases (+34), 0 deaths
Recovery is being reported by the following counties: Dane (1)
This is updated every Friday, next update expected 3/20
Affected counties include: Dane (23, +4), Fond du Lac (12, +1), Kenosha (4, +0), Milwaukee (47, +23), Outagamie (1, +0), Pierce (1, +0), Racine (1, +0), Sheboygan (4, +1), Waukesha (5, +1), Winnebago (3, +0), and Wood (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Brown (1) and Washington (2)
Community spread is confirmed in the following counties: Dane, Kenosha, and Milwaukee
Schools closed starting 3/18 for minimum of two weeks
No gatherings >10 people until further notice
West Bend county has closed schools until 4/13
Washington County has closed schools until 4/13
UW-Milwaukee and Madison have gone to remote learning as much as possible
Wyoming: last updated 3/18
18 cases (+7)
Affected counties include: Fremont, Laramie, and Sheridan
Newly affected counties include: Park and Teton
Today’s Hot Tips Make sure you know what your local area classifies as an “essential” business. They vary from place to place.
Hand Washing Song of the Day
If you hate singing happy birthday while you wash your hands, try Waterloo on for size!
Sorry Mom, I’m sad about Eurovision being canceled. You can find a different song you don’t hate.
Sing the first verse and chorus to follow CDC handwashing guidelines! Use soap and water with bad 70s-esque dancing for maximum efficacy and embarrassment of anyone stuck at home/work with you.
Good News, Everyone!
South Korea reports the number of recoveries exceeds the number of new cases for the first time since the outbreak began. Fuck yes!!!
China announced no new local transmission cases today. YELL HEAH!
I’m not sure this is good per se but someone in Spain broke quarantine in a T-Rex outfit and that was pretty funny
Chill Cat Corner Kitten Academy Live Stream: infinite kittens: http://www.youtube.com/c/KittenAcademy/live
About this newsletter I’m Emily, I’m a 4th year med student w/ a degree in molecular biology. I started this because I’m an infectious disease and epidemiology nerd and also all my friends have questions & anxiety. Hi internet! The archive/proper website is located at coronaextranewsletter.wordpress.com. All this info is sourced from regional & national public health organizations, plus the WHO. It’s as up to date as humanly possible. I’ve been beaming information about this outbreak directly into my brain 24/7 but I still miss stuff. Please let me know if I miss something! Most public health departments stop updating their information around 4-5 PM local time on weekdays. That means that the earliest this will come out is around 6 PM Pacific time on weekdays going forward. On weekends things update more sporadically and earlier, so who knows what I’ll do then, but I’ll do my best. The excellent title is courtesy of @marywhal and the Wordpress site is courtesy of @molly0xFFF and @goblintinkerer, thank you all!
For More Information JHU COVID-19 data center: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 List of peer-reviewed publications: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/publications.html WHO FAQ: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses CDC cases in the US: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-in-us.html, this also has links to each state’s health dept
38 notes · View notes
cncpathlab · 4 years
Online Covid 19 Test Delhi
Covid-19 is a highly infectious disease caused by the Corona virus. It poses a harmful impact on the respiratory system in the body and weakens the immune system which could lead to death. 
CNC Pathlab offers efficient COVID-19 test Delhi which provides you a complete health assessment of your body condition. Some of the primary symptoms of the disease include cough, fever, chills, loss of sense of smell and taste, etc.
Book COVID-19 test by CNC Pathlab now and get diagnosed by the trained medical experts. We offer the most affordable prices for detecting the presence of Coronavirus in the body. 
We are powered by the latest tools and technology that enables us to provide an elevated health test experience. Get in touch for online home collection services.
1 note · View note
aalt-ctrl-del · 4 years
it’s so frustrating sometimes. I don’t believe I have all the answers concerning covid and what it does to people, but I follow closely the third-party reports from doctors and those that contract covid - the survivors at least.
Finally got onboard and found the term I was looking for. Corona Virus is primarily a viremia virus (definition here). Update from blood pathogen, to what it is. Though all viruses and some bacterium can enter the blood stream and damage organs - and this is the worst case scenario for ecoli and viruses; basically, you’re chances of survival plummet in this scenario.
Covid-19 is not respiratory, it does not make its landmark in the respiratory tract - though it can infect the lungs, trachea, and other organs in the respiratory transfer system. Covid-19 is and foremost viremia - it infects the blood, it destroys hemoglobin in the red blood cells, that is the organ it feeds and thrives within. The blood.
And you have no idea how bad this is. When your circulatory system is damaged or begins to die, without intervention, your life will end. If your arteries and capillaries fail, that’s it. Game Over. You do not survive without blood circulating through your brain.
I read the list of viruses that can become viremia - it is something any and all viruses can do, but what makes covid-19 unique is that it is absolutely and foremost viremia. A very successful, blood bourn pathogen that is AIRBOURN. Resilient, successful, and thriving in an era of disinformation. Usually most traditional BBPs die once outside the body, such as AIDS. But Covid-19 can survive for 10 minutes, in aerosol droplets.
And how do we determine this virus is predominately viremia in nature? The symptoms and myth of the asymptomatic carriers. Until the body goes into covid distress or complications, Covid-19 is still in the bloodstream multiplying. the virus is systemic, because it is chewing up hemoglobin and red bloods cells. When capillaries can no longer oxygenate themselves and essential tissue they are embedded in, they die. This range of cellular death is exponential - we have plenty of cases wherein those enduring covid-complications lose limbs due to sepsis. When oxygen doesn’t rejuvenate capillaries, tissue dies out, and begins decaying. People have lost arms and legs, hands, due to covid. Many have had to take on lung transplants, or lost portions of their intestines to covid. It just causes mass cellular death, and that adds up. Liver dies, kidneys fail, because capillaries have been decimated. The smallest blood transfers, are most essential in this case,
That should have been the red flag right there. It can be argued that there is obstruction or blood clotting in veins, due to other behaviors of the covid-19 and its ability to corrupt cells capacity to clot correctly, or causing red blood cells to clot prematurely. But I judge from the patterns and information released, this is microbial in nature. It is the smallest increment of damage that is overlooked, which leads to the devastating results observed. It is not a specific area that is damaged in the body, it is the blood itself which is destroyed due to this infection.
And going from that, who are the ones most in danger to this virus? Those who are elderly, with health complications of course. But who else? Those with deficiency in vitamin D levels, this as well. And who else? Why are seemingly healthy people, so devastated by Covid-19 complications?
There are health inconsistencies that these people are unaware of. Health parameters that so miniscule and redundant, they are overlooked - they are not actual health issues, but for the bodies functionality they are. Such as, people with allergies or preexisting autoimmune issues. Gluten intolerance, intolerance to inconsequential elements in their environment. Individuals with ulcers, acid reflex, psoriasis - anyone with minor cellular issues that can be ignored or overlooked, covid-19 will exploit or enhance in its destructive rampage.
This would explain why many treatments elected early on the preserve those enduring covid complications, failed. Covid-19 does not infiltrate a specific and isolated region of the body, it primary food source is hemoglobin and it hijacks red bloods cells for its nutrients. Treating the vascular system takes time, and it takes time - transferring anti-viral medication to the entire body requires time, but unless the body begins producing worthy antibodies to combat this invasive cell, survival is no a guarantee. Meanwhile, the body is attacking its own cells, struggling to purge those cells infected with covid. That is what inflammation is - cells destroying cells to remove a cell.
We are awaiting a vaccine to alleviate the stress and threat which covid-19 poses, because with a vaccine it will in the least prevent covid from replicating to drastic sums within the body. The vaccine isn’t a solve all solution, but it will be the last line of defense if covid is contracted. Which is why masking and maintaining our current safety measures will insure our continued quality of life and survival.
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exeggcute · 4 years
glad to know you are mostly recovered from covid! if i may ask, could you describe how where your symptoms or at what pace you got them? the information i've got from both medical / govermental sources in my country is contradictory at times. also, what would you recommend drinking if i found myself to be with covid?
first off: WATER!!! drink water!!! I mean you can probably drink whatever as long as it’s moderately healthy and you’re staying hydrated (my drink of choice while sick is red gatorade. it has to be red or it doesn’t work though) but water is always a safe bet
also I’m happy to share my experience, just know that (1) I am not a doctor, just a professional Sick Person and (2) I never officially got tested thanks to a shortage of coronavirus tests in my area, but I’m pretty damn sure my symptoms were aligned with covid-19, so take that as you will
the first thing I noticed was a sore throat... but I have sore throats allll the time because of my other health issues, so I didn’t think much of it. I did start to notice my sore throat was getting better (from a previous mystery illness that knocked me out for a few days, and which I initially thought was strep but was probably just a bad cold) before suddenly getting bad again. I also had a day where my sore throat was especially pronounced and I had that Really Tired Feeling you get when you’re sick. I guess we can call that day one, but at this point I definitely didn’t think I had corona
that night I noticed some chest tightness, which I initially wrote off as an anxiety attack (and considering my extremely anxious personality and the fact that we were battening down the hatches for a pandemic, that seemed like a fair assumption) but using my inhaler didn’t help--in fact, it made the pain worse! but it did pass eventually, more or less, and I forgot about it
(side note here that if you think you have corona, do NOT use your albuterol inhaler or any kind of steroid inhaler unless you’re having a legit asthma attack with wheezing and all the works. using your inhaler can make the corona symptoms worse, but obviously if you need to use it then it’s important to keep using it. consult your doctor. also another similar note: if you think you have it, stay away from most NSAIDs if you can, as those can also make things worse. tylenol is okay though as long as you’re careful about the dosage--not as a corona thing, you just always need to be careful with tylenol dosage. and it’ll help keep your fever down, which is important!)
then over the next day or two I noticed the chest pain flare-ups but wrote those off as well. they were short-lived and mainly seemed to happen at night, but the inhaler always made them worse. around this time I also started experiencing some general GI upset for a few days (not to get too into that...), but I have a very touchy digestive track and was taking antibiotics at the same for other unrelated reasons, so I was like “well it’s probably nothing” but was starting to get worried.
then about five days later, the chest tightness really made itself present. like, it lasted all day and was constant. I was concerned but not immediately freaking out, and it was really windy that day so I kind of chalked it up to allergies, but as a very allergic person I’ve never had chest tightness like that from allergies (and my other allergic symptoms have improved considerably since I started allergy shots, so it would be weird to have a new symptom crop up out of nowhere like that).
then the next day, and the next day, the tightness wasn’t going away. this was clearly not allergies. I started to seriously think about corona tests, and I even called my primary care doctor, but she was extremely dismissive (all she did was call in a prescription for an old allergy drug that never even worked for me in the first place) and it was downright impossible to get tested. I was freaked out, but not entirely sure.
it’s about day seven at this point, and the chest tightness is in full swing. when I first wake up, the pain isn’t really present, but after about an hour of wakefulness my chest starts to get tight, congested, and kind of has that rattle-y feeling when it’s full of mucus and crap from the postnasal drip. not much congestion otherwise, but I’m so hopped up on antihistamines at all times that I don’t really get congested in general. the best way I can describe the chest tightness is that it feels like when I exert myself and my asthma makes my chest seize up and it’s hard to catch my breath (aka every single PE class I was ever forced to take as a kid), but my inhaler doesn’t do shit. my throat is still hurting pretty bad too and I feel vaguely fevery, but I don’t have a working thermometer at home. overall I just feel shitty, like that feeling you have when you know you’re sick (and I get sick a lot so I’m pretty well-versed in that lol). for quarantine purposes, this is the day I’ve been counting as the “first day” of having obvious corona symptoms, but it was really predated by the things I described above.
several days pass like this, I keep trying to get tested and call all sorts of places but it’s all dead ends. I also develop a slight cough, which mostly comes in bursts or when I speak/eat. by day twelve I manage to get a primary care appointment, and they do an EKG to make sure it’s not cardiac pain (the EKG came back fine) and a throat swab to see if it’s something bacterial (it’s not). they do confirm I’m running a slight fever, although my body temperature is usually so low that even a fever of 99 is high for me. my primary care doc basically tells me to fuck off and stay home, which I was already planning on doing. she also didn’t even wear a mask or gloves to look into my throat, despite the fact that all the other nurses in the practice were wearing masks and gloves when they interacted with patients... so I’m not exactly full of confidence in her judgement here.
the night of day thirteen, the day after seeing my doctor, I have a night where I can’t sleep because my airway feels restricted (both in my chest and my actual throat being swollen from pain). I used my inhaler, like a fool, and when the inhaler didn’t help the first time I tried using it two more times. big mistake! I ended up lying awake gasping for air, taking huge gulps just to feel like I was getting the teeniest bit of oxygen, and feeling stabbing pain when I took these deep breaths. I was too afraid to sleep and almost made my girlfriend drive me to the ER but I hate going to the ER so instead I just tried to calm down until I got exhausted enough to fall asleep around dawn. I also kept alternating between sweating buckets and shivering to death, no matter how I kept adjusting the temperature and my blankets, so I assume I was having a crazy fever that night.
the next day, roughly day fourteen, I decided to suck it up and go to the ER to get a chest x-ray. they said my x-ray looked fine, which was encouraging (hopefully no permanent lung damage there), and they took a flu swab and a strep swab just to rule those out (both negative, of course). at least two other people were there with me in the ER complaining of similar symptoms, but they didn’t have any tests for us so the doctor just told me to go home, act as if I had it, and keep taking tylenol and drinking water. this doctor is also the one who told me to stop using my inhaler--and the fact that my inhaler kept making the pain worse is one of the things that really tips me off here that I probably had it.
things are pretty much uneventful for the next week: still having a tight chest, a fever that seems to come and go, sore throat, cough. no more crazy attacks like that one night.
by day nineteen (yesterday) I start to notice a bit of improvement in my chest pain. it’s not gone, but it’s not as bad and I’ll have slight reprieves from the tightness. today is day twenty (more or less, my numbers are a little rough here) and I actually felt okay most of the day. by the evening the tightness returned and I’m still coughing every now and then, but far less often. I think the fever is gone and my throat doesn’t hurt too bad, either! I’m well past the point of being contagious, so I actually went to the grocery store today and got a few things. I’m not totally out of the woods yet, but I think (knock on fucking wood) the worst has passed.
anyway, I hope my anecdote is helpful for you, and I hope you stay safe and healthy!
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