#prince oikawa
maddieg0531 · 1 year
Our Little Secret Pt. 1
Prince! Oikawa x fem! reader
Fluuuuuuuff, some angst but not in this chapter
Warnings: Idk if there are any. Lemme know if I'm wrong.
Synopsis: You're a noble, he's a prince. What will happen when your lives become more intertwined than you ever thought possible?
A/N: I FINALLY FINISHED IT! Y'all this mess took me months to do because I have no motivation 🤪😭 anywaaaay, please enjoy. I haven't been active in a hot sec (again no motivation), but I am going to post a bit more (hopefully). Thank you for all the love and support. It means a lot.
Masterlist pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 epilogue
Prince Oikawa Tooru: you either love him or hate him. Prince Oikawa is flamboyant, a flirt, mischievous, some might even say immature. All of the girls in the kingdom swoon over him. The villagers love him. Nobles who are friends of the royal family tolerate him. However, most nobles hate him. Your father being one of them. Anytime a story circulates about Oikawa you get an earful from your father about how he is “immature” and “not fit for the throne.” And you? How do you feel about him? Honestly, you aren’t sure. From afar it seems like your father is right. That he is immature and childish, but you also know that it is not the whole story. People distort stories to fit their own narrative. You want to humiliate the prince? Tell everyone that you saw him goofing off with some girls. You want to bolster his ego? Tell everyone that he donated his life savings to the poor. Around here, rumors spread like wildfire. So while Oikawa may seem childish, you aren’t quite sure that’s the truth. 
Oikawa is tired. Tired of being stuck in the castle. Tired of not being able to leave without being recognized. Tired of stupid rumors that continue to spread about him. But most of all, Oikawa is tired of his father, the king. Oikawa can’t go one day without hearing something about how he needs to find a wife or he needs to be more serious. He is serious. He wants what is best for his country. He wants to be the kind of king who can relate to his people. Not one who stays shut up in his castle, making decisions about things he knows nothing about. That is why Oikawa travels out to the villages so much: to meet his people. But he has to stop because of all the stupid rumors. It’s not his fault girls cling to him left and right. So now, he is stuck in the castle being forced to follow his father around. Aka. sit around in the throne room most of the day. 
As Oikawa sits in the throne room, like he has been for the past hour, his patience starts to fade. He decides he has had enough. He gets up to leave but his father interrupts him, “Where do you think you’re going?” His voice booms through the large room.
“I’m going back to my chambers.” Oikawa continues to walk away, not giving his father much of a choice.
“You are to stay here and learn the duties of a king.” His father stamps his foot. 
“Wow, sitting in the throne room for hours on end. Yeah, that’s really hard to learn.” 
“Do not use that tone with me!”
“Yeah okay.” Oikawa gives his father a wave from behind as he exits the room. 
“Iwaizumi, follow him and make sure he does not leave the castle!” Oikawa’s personal body guard, Iwaizumi, follows Oikawa back to his chambers. 
Oikawa trudges down the hallway, his heavy footsteps echoing behind him. His bodyguard and friend follows close behind, “Can you believe him Iwa-chan. He is so annoying!” Iwaizumi does not respond. One wrong word and he’s done for. When the pair makes it back to Oikawa’s room, Oikawa slams the door like a child throwing a tantrum. He jumps face first onto his bed and groans. “Why did I have to be born a prince?!” Again, no response from Iwaizumi. “Is it so much to ask to want to go to the village? To have some fun?” 
“When you ask, yes.” The first words Iwaizumi speaks in this conversation.
“What is that supposed to mean?!” Oikawa rolls over on his back.
“As much as you hate it, you do have duties as a prince. Besides, by going out in the village it only causes rumors to spread.” 
Oikawa springs up from his moping position, “Not if people don’t know who I am.”
“What are you saying?” 
“If I disguise myself, then no one will know who I am.” A mischievous glint sparkles in Oikawa’s eyes.
“Unless you plan on changing your stupid face, it won’t work.” Iwaizumi is the only person who can call the prince stupid. 
“Iwa-chan, you’re so mean! I can cover my face.” 
“And how do you plan on doing that.”
“Well, I don’t know. You could help give ideas, you know.”
“Help you break the rules? No thank you.”
Oikawa gets up and starts rummaging through his clothes. Why do all of them have to be so bright and fancy? As he throws his nice clothes on to the floor, he comes across some old clothes. They are the clothes he used to wear to sleep. They are borrowed from an old servant who used to be in charge of him. Perfect! “Ah ha! I’ll wear these!” He stands tall, very proud of himself.
“Yes. I’ll wear these and use a cloak to cover my face.” Oikawa immediately starts changing. 
“You do realize I can’t let you do this right?” Iwaizumi stands in front of the door. 
“Come on Iwa. You can just say that I got the better of you. No one will know.”
“Yeah, because people will believe that.” “Please Iwa!”
“What happens if someone does recognize you and no one is there to protect you?”
“Simple, you come with me.”
“I don’t think so.” 
“Come on. You can just wear some normal clothes and come with me. Then you can protect me.” 
“No.” “Please” Oikawa brings out the biggest puppy dog eyes he can muster. 
“That’s not going to work on me.” Iwaizumi crosses his arms and looks away.
“You are my best friend who has been there with me through thick and thin. I just want to go out for a bit. You wouldn’t abandon me would you?”
Iwaizumi sighs, “You are going whether or not I come, aren’t you?”
Oikawa winks, “Bingo!”
“Fine. But if even the slightest thing happens, we are coming back. AND you don’t leave my sight.”
“Come on Iwa-chan. What are you? My mother?” 
Iwaizumi glares daggers at him, “I can go and tell your father about this little scheme you know?”
Oikawa shrinks back, “No no, I’m sorry. I’ll stay in your sight and behave. I promise.”
With that, Oikawa and Iwaizumi get ready to set off into the village. 
Noble families have servants for a reason. They buy the food, cook the meals, clean the house, tend the garden, and so on. But you always insist on doing it for them. It’s gotten to a point where they don’t even argue anymore. Once a day, you get to chose one thing you want to do around the manor. Today, you choose to go to the market. Going to the market is your favorite thing to do. All the people, smells, and sights. It makes you feel alive. You and your personal maid, Ren, are tasked with buying food for the house. You recently had people over, so you are running a little low on supplies. You and Ren decide to split up in order tackle the long list of supplies. As you walk along the bustling streets, you can smell all of the different vendors: the freshly baked bread from various patisseries, the sweet scent of freshly picked flowers, and the vibrant smell of various spices. The crowd swirls around you with vivid color and lively noise. If you weren’t so familiar with the market, you would surely get lost. Your basket slowly fills up with the required supplies and you feel the weight taking a toll on your arm. You make your way to a vegetable stand to attempt to find ripe tomatoes (which are proving to be a challenge today) when you run head first into someone. “Oh I am so sorry.” You look up to address the hooded figure and end up making eye contact with none other than the prince himself. You gasp, “Your highness!” He immediately covers your mouth and pulls you into a small, unoccupied alleyway. You struggle against his grasp.
“Shhhhh” He attempts to fight back against your thrashing. Once out of sight, he releases his hand off of your mouth.
“What do you think you are doing!” You yell, causing him to slap his hand back over your face. 
“Would you quiet down. I’m not going to hurt you, jeez.” You lessen your struggle against him. “Are you gonna quiet down now?”
You give a small nod and he releases his hand again. “What is the meaning of this?” You whisper.
He sighs, “I’m trying to stay hidden, but you are making that increasingly more difficult.”
“What?” You question, straightening out your dress and picking up your dropped potatoes, “Why would the prince need to stay hidden?”
“Because if people recognize me then I will be forced to go back to the castle.” He bends down to help pick up your lost food. 
You look over at him, “The great prince Oikawa stooping down to help a mere citizen like me? How scandalous.” 
He smirks, “You are pretty bold to talk to a prince like that.” “Something tells me that you don’t mind.” 
He lets out a small laugh at that, “Very perceptive.”
“Why is a prince such as yourself afraid of going back to the palace?” You stand up, having picked up the remnants of your food. 
“So curious.” He stands, stretching his back like an old man, “If you must know, my father doesn’t want me going out into the village.”
“I wonder why.”
He peers at you, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, it isn’t a secret that you enjoy messing around. That can be damaging for any princes image.” 
He heaves a sigh, “Those are just rumors. They are actually the main reason I have to hide. Anytime someone see’s me outside of the castle, some new rumor circulates. ‘Prince Oikawa caught flirting with all the girls.’ Or ‘Prince Oikawa gambling away his fortune.’ It’s stupid. I’ve never done any of that.” 
You cock an eyebrow, “You are telling me you have never flirted with a woman?”
“I didn’t say that. It’s just that people make me out to be some playboy who has been with countless woman, which is not true. I haven’t ever been with a woman!” He says that last part a little too loud.
You giggle at his silliness. Oikawa feels his cheeks blush and warmth fills his body at your laugh, “Well then, we better not let anyone see you. Wouldn’t want them to find out your secret.” 
“We?” He teases in attempt to make you blush as well. 
“Of course, you owe me replacement potatoes for the ones you dropped.” 
“Oh, right.” He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, “Sorry about that.” 
He secures his hood and you both sneak back into the crowd. Oikawa offers to carry your basket. You hand it over and look away, attempting to hide the slight blush on your cheeks. You know people say that the prince is charming, but you didn’t expect it to be true. You clear your throat, “So, what is your highness doing all alone, shouldn’t you have guards or something?”
“Quiet down. Call me Tooru. I don’t need anyone recognizing me.” He looks around to make sure no one heard you.
“I’m sorry but I can’t do that. It wouldn’t be right.” 
“Come on, don’t be so formal. You already insulted me, remember?”
You feel a twinge of embarrassment from that, “Okay, Tooru, what are you doing alone?”
“Well, I had a guard with me somewhere, but we seem to have gotten separated. He won’t be happy with me so we better keep our distance.” He winks as if he didn’t just imply that a royal guard is hunting you two down, “What is a noble like you doing buying her own food?” 
“How did you know I was a noble?” 
“It’s obvious. The way you carry yourself, your boldness. A servant wouldn’t dare talk to a prince the way you did.”
“You don’t know that.” You cross your arms.
“Trust me, I have plenty of servants. I think I know. Plus your dress is way too nice to be anything but a noble.” 
“Oh.” You look down at your dress. You didn’t think it looked that fancy, “If you must know, I actually enjoy shopping. I go every week with my maid, Ren.”
“And your family lets you?” 
“My father doesn’t like it but I don’t really give him a choice.”
“I get that.” As you both walk through the market, finishing your list, you fall into easy conversation. Making jokes here and there, getting to know each other. Who knew the prince was so easy to talk to. Oikawa stops at every other stand, marveling at all the “cool things.” You laugh at his childish behavior. As you near the end of your shopping trip, you take a break to sit down on a bench off to the side. You had bought some strawberries for you two to share. “Who knew that the market would be so fun?” Oikawa says, mouth half full of strawberry, “And these taste exquisite.”
“She sells the best strawberries.” You giggle and Oikawa feels that warm sensation again
“So you know the vendor?” 
“Of course I do. I come here every week. It would be rude of me not to know the people that I interact with.” 
Oikawa is stunned by your answer. He has servants in his palace that he barely remembers the name of and you know all of these vendors names. You are remarkable. “This is nice.”
“What is?” You question.
“Spending time with you.” 
You almost choke on your strawberry, your cheeks matching its color, “I thought you said you don’t flirt with random girls?” 
“You aren’t random.” He says, turning towards you
“You don’t even know my name.” Oikawa’s eyes widen. He never asked your name! How could he forget. He hits himself on the head. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.” 
“Agh, I’m so stupid. How rude of me.” There he goes again with his child-like behavior, “Tell me, what is your name?” His voice does a 180, becoming sultry smooth. His beautiful brown eyes stare into yours. A small smirk lines his lips. 
“I’m Y/N Curtis, from the Curtis nobles.” You stammer.
“Y/N,” Your name rolls of his tongue, as if he has been saying it for years, “What a beautiful name.” 
You feel your body filling with heat, your lungs having a harder time breathing. The sound of a cart rolling by is heard and Oikawa breaks his gaze. You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. Oikawa gets up to check on the noise. 
“Where are you going?” Your voice is filled with much more concern than you meant it to be.
He smirks, “Worried I’ll leave? Don’t worry, I’m just making a small purchase.” He walks off after the cart and you can’t help feeling worried. What if he doesn’t come back? It’s not like he has an obligation to. He is the prince for crying out loud. Your mind is put at ease as you see him walking back, his hands behind his back.
“What do you have?” You tease.
He pulls out a bouquet of flowers, “Something almost as beautiful as you.” 
You take the flowers and use them to hide your red face, “Thank you. They are lovely.” As you pull the flowers down to look back at him, you are met with nothing. The spot he was just in is empty. Where did he go? You turn to look for him but there is nothing. He vanished. You feel your shoulders drop at the lack of his presence. You go to put the flowers in your basket and see a note sitting in the arrangement. You unfold the paper to see a note; meet me at the central bell tower, same time tomorrow ;). You feel a blush creep up your cheeks once more. You can’t help the stupidly large smile that spreads across your face. You put the note in your pocket and go to meet Ren at your rendezvous point. 
As you approach the corner you meet her at every time, she notices your change in demeanor, “My lady, what has you so happy?” 
“Oh nothing,” Your grin clearly betraying you, “Just a good day at the market.”
“Why did you get flowers? We could have made an arrangement from the garden.” She points out, “Unless someone gave them to you?” 
“No, I just liked the look of these.” You aren’t sure why you don’t tell her about what happened. Maybe you are trying to protect Oikawa. Maybe you didn’t find it necessary information to share. 
Or maybe you want to keep it your little secret ;)
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torusdove · 1 month
These men are simple creatures.
They love whenever you doll yourself up for them.
They revel in the moments when you grace them with your presence, adorned for another enchanting evening together.
Wrapped snugly around your curves, the sleek black dress clings to your form, as though molded by a gentle heat, caressing your skin in a tantalizing embrace.
Your visage adorned in delicate artistry; a graceful sweep of eyeliner extends into a wing, adding an air of mystery to your eyes. Kohl delicately traces your lower lash line, lending an alluring depth. The subtle contour on your cheekbones chisels your features, softened by a flush of crimson blush. Your lips, adorned in a velvety crimson hue, beckon him with an irresistible allure.
With each step, the stilettos echo a rhythmic cadence, accentuating the curve of your calves, igniting sinful fantasies within his mind, promising perhaps to be fulfilled as the night unfolds.
One certainty looms: those heels will inevitably exact their toll, and he will willingly carry you through the rest of the evening, your elegant form cradled in his arms, like a cherished possession..
Like his doll.
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, Takuma Ino, Naoya Zenin & Choso.
Tōru Oikawa, Rintarō Suna, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya, Hajime Iwaizumi, Issei Matsukawa, Keiji Akaashi, Eita Semi, Shinsuke Kita, Tetsurō Kuroo, Keishin Ukai, Daichi Sawamura & Kōshi Sugawara.
Michael Kaiser, Rin Itoshi, Sae Itoshi, Seishirō Nagi, Ryūsei Shidō, Chris Prince, Eita Otoya, Oliver Aiku & Rensuke Kunigami.
Al-Haitham, Ajax (Childe), Diluc, Kaeya, Neuvillette, Ayato, Dainsleif, Dottore, Kaveh, Wriothesley & Zhongli.
Aki Hayawaka, Miri Sugo, Kishibe & Hirofumi Yoshida.
+ your fave!
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jasscheeks · 9 days
the emperor-to-be ; oikawa tooru
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pls pls plssss don’t flop its cute y’all i promise drop a like or a repost ty 🙏🏽😞
pairings: crown prince!oikawa x princess!reader
word count: 3,012
late at night, you’re visited by the crown prince, aka your husband-to-be
idk if this accurate but this is in honor of the new bridgerton season <3 and i tried my hardest not to make the ages weird ✅
my ao3 saw this before tumblr did so this is a repost
m.list | ao3
thank you for reading!
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"good lord your highness, have you gone mad?" she whisper screamed into the night, her frantic eyes scanning behind her for any signs of movement from her chamber doors. but she was quick to rest her attention back on the boy who was scaling the palace walls to her window. "you cannot be serious right now!"
for as long as she could remember, he'd always been rough around the edges, smart and calculating as such, and always out training or playing sports with his kingdom's knights. he knew how to have fun, and how to make his royal life a bit more interesting than usual. as the emperor's son, his rambunctious and outgoing behavior caught her off guard. if anyone was to imagine the emperor's son, to imagine the lineage of the cutthroat and remarkably powerful emperor of aoba johsai, they were to think of the spitting image of the emperor himself, someone who is as distinguished and capable as him.
the prince only scoffs stifling back a grunt as he struggles to lift himself up and over onto her balcony's railing. nevertheless, he succeeds, his eyes finally at the same level with hers. "i suppose if i've gone mad, surely it's because of your presence," he cooed in that sly voice she said she despised so much, yet her knees still buckled beneath her. "for i'd only go mad for someone as mind-boggling as you, (y/n)." but oh, did he have a way with words. even after all these years of bantering about with him, he still somehow made her yearn for his affections, even if he was as insufferable as when she first became acquainted with him, if not more.
he grunted, struggling to hold his body weight up. "now princess i am in dire need of your assistance, i fear i'll plummet to my death in the next second or so," with his hasty word and breathless tongue, "a little help?" the princess was quick to help him up onto her balcony, afraid he'd fall and turn into crown prince mush in the palace gardens tens of feet beneath them.
still her questions only piled up now that he stood in her chamber, catching his breath as though he hadn't breathed in hours. as winded as he is, what business could he possibly have in here? she asked herself.
during her stay at the imperial palace, he was always planning masterful pranks, his devious plans always seeming to grow bigger and well-executed when his cousins came around. as soon as her family finalized her engagement to the prince, in a month's time she was moving to reside into the neighboring kingdom. as the weeks went by, she'd seen and daresay partook in some of the crown prince's tricks. nothing too bad but always contrasting based on the person.
"your highness, if someone were to catch you here, you'd be done for, we'd both be involved in a scandal," she stated sternly, her arms crossing over her chest as she scanned him from head to toe. in his current state, he didn't look like he was to be emperor in a few weeks with his tattered trousers and his grass stained button-up. as she walked away from her balcony and into her room, he followed closely behind her, as if her mere presence was his life source. "and by the looks of it, you didn't come from your room either. where exactly have you been?"
"please (y/n), i've told you before, call me by my given name in private settings," he chuckled as he inspected himself, dusting off whatever dirt he could as he walked. "and can't a gentleman such as i partake in...a nightly jog?" so when she finally turned to look at him he paused before he looked up at her, flashing that same cheeky look she's seen all her life. he expressed himself in many ways and one of those consisted of getting on her very last nerve. "and why, never mind scandal, are we not to be wed in mere weeks? you already worry for me as a married couple should." a smile curved its way onto his lips, the looks of it twisting and turning her insides into knots. she'd always found him rather attractive, even when he was teasing her like this, she never ceased the feeling of butterflies in her stomach.
once again, she turned away from him, clutching onto the silky soft fabric of her nightgown, her back growing hot knowing he was watching her every move. "but we are not married, yet, now are we? i am still the princess and you, your highness, are still the crown prince." she moved farther into the room until she stood at the edge of her bed, her lack of manners others would deem as disrespectful. "and i know better than to address the crown prince by his name, it would be unjust of me, no matter my status," she knew she should be looking him in the eyes as she utters these words, she knows her mother would reprimand her for such behavior if she were in this very room. although, in this moment, she can't seem to meet his gaze.
"but (y/n), you are just as much as my fiancé as you will be my wife," the warmth from his body loomed over her semi-exposed back, his presence sending chills down her spine as she felt him graze his hands over her hips. his large, strong hands, the callouses gained from climbing the wall shown on his palms, placed upon her waist and held her steady against his chest. "the same applies to myself as well, you are mine as much as i am yours," his breath fanned across her shoulder, his lips just merely grazing her skin. almost as if she was put under a spell, her whole body set ablaze from the outside in.
prince tooru oikawa, the future emperor of japan, and her future husband. it was hard to fathom that this boy she'd grown up with, was to become the emperor and her husband all in one day. and the mere fact that she would become empress alongside him, none of it felt real.
she casted her eyes to the ground, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to contain the ever growing yearn inside for more. because she knew that's exactly what he wanted, for her to call for him, ask for more of him. "am i not, my lady?" there, his lips pressed into her skin, the patch where he laid soft yet blazing kisses with a desire left untold.
with knees weakened under his mere touch, she was melting for him like always. "your highness, this is unbecoming of the future emperor," she uttered through a shaky breath. no matter how much she denied his advances, there was no room for her excuses in the way she reacted to his touch. "y-you must retire to your chamber, we cannot continue any further than this." turning her head away from his, he could have sworn his heart wilted watching her shy away from him.
as gently as he could manage, containing a desire he knew he couldn't control for long, he hooked a finger underneath her chin guiding her to meet his eyes. "princess, can't you look at me when you're addressing me? it's wounding my heart not being able to see your eyes," and finally now she could see the look on his face, her heart pounded against her chest. for once, she could sense the pain in his curved eyebrows and sad eyes. had she really caused him so much trouble from avoiding his gaze? "now, can you explain to me why it is unbecoming of me to spend the night with my fiancé? what is troubling you so that you evade my touch?”
she grew quiet, as she drew in a shallow breath. already she was assuming the worst when the words "spend the night" fell from those lips of his. she'd only ever heard of one type of night spent between a man and a woman, and quite frankly the ones before marriage usually ended in misfortune. "surely you don't mean to consummate our engagement do you, your highness?" her voice dimmed, suddenly feeling the embarrassment that followed her question. despite the warmth in her cheeks, she could see a tinge of something different on his face when the honorific slipped so smoothly from her lips, but before she could say anything, it was swiftly concealed with a smile as he snickered.
"only if my lady so desires to as well, then we shall, i suppose the night of our wedding does seem far..." he jested, the sarcastic lilt in his voice brought a smile to her features. before she knew it his arms were wrapped fondly around her, hugging her close to his chest. yet she didn't say a word, nor did she realize. the feeling was so familiar, so warm and inviting, she felt no need to acknowledge it with hostility. instead, she found herself cuddling back into his strong arms, placing her hands atop his.
"i pray you're only teasing me," she pleaded, her eyes shining with that hint of mischief he distilled in her every time she was in his presence. his influence on her was strong, he was most likely the only one who could make her come out of that perfect princess act by just a glance.
his laughter filled the air around her, her heart swelling with adoration for the sound. "i would never do anything my lady advises me to abstain from." he snuggled closer to her, his lips once again pressing into her skin, spreading his affections over her neck and cheeks. "now if only she would confide in me over what ails her so..." he murmured against her cheek, his kisses reaching her other cheek, her forehead, and chin now as she turned in his arms now.
"tooru, you're still dirty!" she giggled out loud, her hands clutching onto his larger ones that held her firmly against him. as much as she squirmed and squealed, he ceased to stop until he deemed his work satisfactory. "it's nothing, nothing is bothering me!" she squealed once more before he backed away, his playful gaze meeting hers.
he stared on for a few beats, looking as if he was scanning her each and every feature. and what felt like an eternity of staring he finally pulled a smile on his face. "it seems she's also a terrible liar." he mused.
she can never remember exactly when her relationship with the prince became so physical. perhaps it was the night of her 18th birthday, when he'd teased her for being a late bloomer despite having turned 18 a month prior. she does remember that was the same night he confessed to her for maybe the billionth time, leaving her with a kiss goodnight, or rather a few kisses goodnight. she can still remember the sweet words he whispered to her, wishing her a happy, happy birthday as his lips met hers. that night she finally realized how much he'd grown up, how mature he really was. nonetheless how well he was filling his clothes, he stood taller than her with his broad shoulders that she found herself daydreaming about running her hands over. that was the first time she finally recognized him as a man and not the pesky prince who loved to annoy her.
his first time confessing to her was at none other than at her debut into society once she'd turned 16. a grand ball was held in her family's countryside manor, the hall was completely transformed into something that reflected that of a perfect princess. bouquets of yellow jasmines, camellias, and white magnolias sat prettily in every pot, giving off the impression of pure perfections. her mother's plan of society perceiving her as such was finally put into motion, and by the end of the night her mother had compiled a long list of suitors for the two of them to look over. well, for her mother to look over, considering she didn't have much interest in the boys of the gentry. but of course, her mother still pulled her every which way to introduce herself to every single guest, to mingle about and acquaint herself with the ton, she almost believed she wouldn't see the crown prince because of how busy her mother kept her.
but just before the night ended, he was able to whisk her away from everyone's prying and judging eyes giving her the chance to finally breathe and let loose. it seemed with oikawa she could finally relax, she didn't have to play some role in front of him because he'd known her since the day they were declared royalty as tiny babies. everyday he continued to be her breath of fresh air, her taste of something real, someone real. that night he somehow snuck in how beautiful she looked, how jealous he felt watching every possible suitor fawn over her, and how he wished she would choose him over them all. although startled, her answer has been made up in her mind for years, she just hadn't come to terms with the truth yet.
just by her reaction to his confession, it set off his need to remind her of how strong his feelings were every time he saw her. so now that she looks at him, youthfully aged 23, in just a few weeks she'd be there with him, she can't believe how long she's waited to tell him how she felt. maybe she hadn't loved the prince for as long as he has loved her, but from 18 to 22, the most crucial years in coming to terms with her feelings for that pesky boy. the moons light cascaded over his handsome, princely features, revealing the love he held in his gaze towards her. those same eyes were glancing at her lips, longing for that soft feeling against his.
with a touch that was as light as a feather, he caressed her cheek, his fingers gliding over her skin. "do you trust me, princess?" he whispered, his arm that wrapped around her waist tightened as he brought her closer. as he moved his touch further away, she found herself following him all the way up until the point where she held his hand to her cheek, smiling at the laugh he let out.
titling her head, she recalled every instance where he has gained her trust. in fact, he might've had her trust from the very beginning, from the moment they both began to think for themselves she'd always declared him as a trust worthy person. "how could i not trust you?" she murmured in that same soft tone he used as he pressed his warm palm against her skin.
"if that's so, then may i...?" he whispered before he leant in, his eyes cast down to her lips as his eyelids nearly shut. she didn't have to answer as the two of them met in the middle, sharing a kiss as delicate as the night sky. butterflies blossomed in her heart and insides as she pressed deeper into him, yearning for more of him. even as his lips curled into a sneaky smile, neither of them stopped for a second.
her chest finally met his as she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him as close as he could possibly be. kissing his majesty always transformed her into a different woman, it had always felt like she was bewitched by his presence. "my lady..." he breathed out, his long and slender fingers finding the bow that kept her nightgown together and wrapped around her body, "you're so sweet..." he sighed as he basked in your whimpers and small moans to the hot kisses he left along her neck. he itched to undo the flimsy thing, show her how sweet she really was, but he knew she wouldn't want that, not now at least.
"tooru," she stuttered, awakening something below for him. his breath hitched hearing her call his name in such a manner, his lips pressing a kiss under her jaw. her sweet voice rang through his ears and he knew this is where the night needed to end before he couldn't contain himself any longer. "please, i—,"
"i like when you say my name, princess," he smiled, knowing exactly what you wanted to say. but it's too soon, the wedding is in mere weeks, they'd both get to have each other then but damn nobody told him it'd be this hard to resist. "in 3 weeks time, we'll have the whole night to ourselves, my love," he lifted her chin so her pouty lips could reach his once more, "and don't think i'll let you sleep for even a second of it..." he gave her a sly smirk before pressing one last kiss onto her plump lips.
but that wasn't enough for her, even as he backed away she wasn't satisfied. "how do you expect for me to be happy waiting when you've left me all high and dry?" she muttered, possessed by the lustrous presence the two of them left lingering in the air.
just by the way he snickered, she knew he wasn't going to comply to her wishes, not this time at least. "my, where has my sweet and innocent (y/n) gone?" he shook his head, "like this my lady," he angled her head down to press a loving kiss to her forehead. meeting her eyes once more he chuckled, the look in them insatiably sharp but she still couldn't resist him. "surely you don't mean to consummate our engagement tonight, my love?" he whispered to her, earning a grunt in return.
"i despise you," she mumbled, as she crossed her arms but he only smiled in return, understanding her bitterness all too well.
"and i love you,"
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knight!iwaizumi x princess!reader is on the way 😈
thank you for reading! happy pride!
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monstrsball · 6 days
he/they butch lesbian iwaizumi. amen 🙏
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ranscutedoll · 2 years
Taking a bath with him. There is a yellow light illuminating the room, a couple of plants around the bathtub and soft music playing in the background as the steam is rising and covers the room. He is seated behind you and you are leaning on his chest as you are sat between his legs. Nothing sexual going on. The two of you talk about your days, and gossip about your coworker who thinks is better than everyone else. It's all very intimate and sweet. He hugs you to him, and and kisses the side of your head.
Rindou, Ran, Draken, Baji, Kuroo, Oikawa, Kita, Suga, Keith, Leon, Sariel, Silvio(?)
Bonus: Chevalier would do that too, but instead of gossiping he would talk to you about historical events he read from his books and analyze the situation from all perspectives
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melsuki · 2 years
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prince!oikawa tōru x princess!reader, 0.9k tw. one slight curse word ? pt1 ish
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"found you."
you whirl around, loose hair whipping your cheek as you prepare to confront the intruder that dared to step foot in your personal gardens. especially when you were in, what your governess would call, an ‘improper state’: your hair loose, free from its usual artful updo, and your skirts wrinkled from sitting on the roots of a large oak tree. but as you meet a familiar pair of eyes sparkling with mischief, your anger fades and instead simple annoyance settles into your frown. you didn’t particularly care if oikawa tōru, crown prince of your allied kingdom, seijoh, sees you a little ruffled— he’s seen you with with grass in your hair and dirt on your knees (albeit you were both about six years old, but it was still you one and the same). 
“how did you get in here?” you ask flatly, crossing your arms at him. you were meant to have guards up at the entrance prohibiting absolutely anyone from coming in. especially when you were in the garden yourself.
he ignores your question and a grin creeps up on his lips as he makes his way towards you with those stupidly long strides and the frown marks between your furrowed brows only deepen as he comes closer. you hate that grin; it’s filled with a knowingness, an arrogance, a tease that he knew something you didn’t and it gave him power. 
“so-“ he walks beyond you and your skin prickles as he brushes past, “this is where you run away to.” he slowly looks over the greenery, strolling purposefully through the flower bushes.
you couldn’t help but feel a bit self conscious- this was your garden. your little hideaway that you built for yourself from when it was nothing but yellowing grass. 
you were younger and had finally become sick of constantly having to mingle with facetious aristocrats, so you stole this little abandoned part of the palace gardens and cradled it near to your heart. working close with the royal gardeners, you learned how to sow seeds, how to choose what flowers would go where depending on what time of the year it would bloom, how to identify and pull out pesky weeds. you've spent hours upon hours toiling away in this little garden burning under the sun, and it’s become your very own sanctuary away from the shrill giggles, and calculating eyes. it’s a part of your very being, and oikawa was just… there. standing in the middle of it all.
but if anything, he looked far from out of place. 
for a period of time oikawa simply stood and examined the green around him, the pale sunlight kissing the caramel of his hair. you didn't know what to say, what to think even. everything felt far too fragile, and you despised the way your throat constricted as he turned on his heel and began to stride towards you, clear brown eyes catching yours like a hook, disallowing you to look anywhere else but at him. 
oikawa halted much too close to you, and your hands fisted at your sides as your chest tightened. you wanted to scream and yell at him to leave and get out and to not come back, but you stood stock still, jaw wired shut, afraid that you would shatter the air between the two of you, afraid that your voice would break if you tried. oikawa lifted his gloved fingers to your chin and tilted your face to look up at him, and you could do nothing but let him. “you did this all by yourself?” 
it was an innocent question. it should have been, but the way your heart seems to be beating out of your chest and the fluttering in your stomach says completely otherwise.
“you’re not meant to be here.” you manage to choke out; and you were right. aside from the fact that this was your personal garden, he really wasn’t meant to be here- if anyone caught the two of you together without a chaperone-
“it’s beautiful.” he breathes, and you didn’t miss the way he glances down at your lips for a fraction of a second.
you couldn’t help but search his eyes for any sign of mischief or malice or cunning but, to your horror, there was none. nothing, but those beautiful amber eyes staring deep into your own with an intensity you could crumble under. neither of you made any moves, both frozen on the spot, not moving any closer nor moving further away, his finger still hooked under your chin, tilting your face up to look at him. the only sign that you both haven’t been reduced to marble statues is the gentle lifting of stray hairs tickling your cheeks from the delicate spring breeze.
“you’re a bastard.” you whisper, without an ounce of your usual venom coating your tongue. and you know he notices because a smile lifts the corner of his pink lips, and it infuriated you. it aggravated you to feel heat bloom in your cheeks. it absolutely maddened you when he let go of your chin, and your eyes followed him like a idiotic lovesick schoolgirl as he strolled right past you, walking neatly towards the white arches marking the entrance to your secret garden with his hands held behind his back.
“don’t forget we’re having tea with your mother at three.” oikawa glanced back, giving an innocent smile paired with a wink that would make any other lady flutter her fan to her neck.
you say nothing. you wouldn’t dare let yourself speak for the fear that your words would betray your racing heart, so you settle with silence.
“and y/n?” he pauses right underneath the honeysuckle garden arch, and kept his face forwards.
you hated the way your name from his lips sounded like music to your ears.
“you look pretty with your hair down.”
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leawesomesloth · 11 months
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Some July crabs appreciation :D
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humanoidtiephoon · 9 months
Okay BSD and JJK has left me in shambles, hmm maybe I’ll watch some sports anime to cope.
The sports anime:
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mindsafe · 6 months
name two or more things that oikawa can't leave the house with! regarding illumi's terrible driving, what bumperstickers would he have lmao?
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flamboyance && perceived frivolity aside, oikawa is ( to the surprise of many && knowledge of few ) PRAGMATIC, when it suits him. he prefers to travel light when he can. phone: ✓ keys: ✓ wallet: ✓ but every genius has their quirks. oikawa is not a genius oikawa is no exception to this rule; however, oikawa is fortunate in that his quirks fit nicely in his pocket: - a travel-sized tube of sunscreen that spreads smoothly && evenly across supple skin, leaving a lightweight barrier that resists the unforgiving elements; he'll apply a layer to his face every morning before stepping outside but insists on having it on his person regardless - a small tin of styling gel, nothing extravagant - the brand he likes costs just under 3000 yen altogether. natural beauty ( whatever the hell that means ) be damned. nothing worthwhile in life is EFFORTLESS - not skill, not appearance, && definitely not his hair.
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illumi does not remember ever getting his driver's licence; illumi only remembers the cold sensation (?) when tsubone, towering over him, had handed him the keys to the white sedan && relayed his father's will. ❛ — you are a man now, illumi. you no longer need a chauffeur. now go. ❜ a couple weeks later that white sedan had been totalled. a pity. he liked that white sedan. it almost felt like a gift. years later, && illumi has his pick of all available cars on the estate. lately, whenever he goes on a mission, he finds himself drawn to the black bmw. maybe it's habit; maybe it's the leather upholstery && ample leg room. however, he has yet to notice that someone has taken it upon themselves to embellish the back of the vehicle.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
monster high/ever after high aus are hard bc like. do i want to separate them so that i can have all the characters together in each universe???? or do i do that thing where it’s canon that you can go from one to the other in which case i’d have to divide the hq ensemble up between the two of them?????
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maddieg0531 · 1 year
Our Little Secret Pt. 2
Prince! Oikawa x fem! reader
Synopsis: Go read part 1
A/N: Sorry it's a short chapter. I needed filler space for set up.
Masterlist pt.1 pt.3 pt.4 epilogue
“Ow ow ow” Oikawa whines as Iwaizumi drags him through the crowd by the ear. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Iwaizumi yells.
“Would you stop it! You’re hurting me!” Oikawa whisper yells, attempting to avoid as much attention as possible in this situation. 
“Good!” Iwaizumi veers off into an alleyway. He slings Oikawa around and throws him against the wall. 
“Ow! What is wrong with you!” 
“What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you! What happened to not leaving my sight, huh?”
“It’s not my fault you aren’t fast enough.” Oikawa shrugs turning away from Iwaizumi. SLAP! The sound of Iwaizumi’s hand hitting Oikawa on the back of the head echos through the alleyway, “OW! I can have you arrested for this.”
“Not if I kill you first. What do you think you are doing? Frolicking around with girls? Giving them flowers? Do you want more rumors to spread?” 
“First off, it was one woman and second, I wasn’t ‘frolicking’. I was having a good time with her.” 
“Yeah and if anyone else saw your ‘good time’ you would be doomed.”
“You don’t get it Iwa! I wasn’t messing around with some random girl. She is different. She is a noble but was doing the shopping for her manor. She recognized me when others didn’t. She reminds me of you, but she is way more beautiful.”
“Snap out of your daydream!” 
“Yeah, that tone. She is the only other person who has been bold enough to speak to me that way. I helped her pick up potatoes.” 
“Potatoes! I knocked them out of her basket on accident. She knew her way around the market and knew the vendors. She cares enough to take time to get to know them.”
“Wow, human decency.” Iwaizumi turns and walks out of the alleyway towards the palace.
Oikawa runs to catch up with his fast stride, “It’s not that simple. You know how many nobles care to know their servants names. I don’t know half of our kitchen staff. But she takes time to know random villagers. She is kind and funny and beautiful and her laugh,” Oikawa lets out a dreamy sigh that Iwa almost gags at, “Her laugh is like honey to the soul. It is smooth and sweet, yet it has a vibrance to it. It invades your whole body, winding its way through your veins, warming your entire being.”
“Since when did you become a poet.” Iwa snorts.
“Since I met someone worth writing about.”
“You were with her for like an hour. You can’t seriously be this entranced.”
“If you were with her, you would understand. She is something different. She is like…like…ugh! I don’t even know what she is like! She is intriguing, vivacious, enchanting. I need to know more about her.” 
“Well too bad because you have to go back to the castle.” 
Oikawa spends the rest of the walk describing you to Iwaizumi and if they weren’t best friends Iwaizumi would actually beat him up, but he will wait until they are back at the castle. 
The next day, you stand under the central bell tower. As you lean against the brick tower, fidgeting with your dress, you keep looking around. Why isn’t he here? Did you come early? Or maybe he didn’t want to come. Of course he doesn’t. He is a prince for crying out loud. Why would he have any interest in you? You heave a sigh, ready to give up and go, when you hear a voice from behind, “Sorry I’m late.”
You whip around to see the familiar hooded figure from yesterday, “Gosh, don’t scare me like that.”
He lets out an oddly attractive laugh, “I don’t know. I think you’re cute when you’re flustered.”
A blush spreads across your cheeks, “Shut up. Why are you wearing that cloak again?”
“I told you, I have to stay hidden.”
“Well, it looks stupid.” You laugh. 
Oikawa’s smile grows bigger at that sweet sound, “Excuse me for not having a custom made disguise.”
“You should be more prepared next time.” You both laugh at your sarcasm, “So, uh, what did you plan to do today?” 
“Come on, I’ll show you.” He grabs your wrist and leads you away. You make your way past houses and head towards the farms. Right before you reach the outer roads Oikawa takes a left. You enter a beautiful enclosed courtyard. There is a small, black, metal gate that you enter through. The brick paved ground is old and mossy. There is a bench in the center that is clearly very old but still beautiful. All of the flowers and plants are overgrown, vines covering the surrounding walls. From above hangs wisteria and vines. The place is aged and winsome. It takes your breath away. 
“Wow, what is this place?” 
Oikawa pulls down his hood, his soft brown hair falling perfectly, “This is a courtyard built in honor of my great grandmother. My great grandfather built it after she died. She loved to sit in the garden and admire the flowers. So he made this private courtyard in her honor. I found out about it when I was a kid and would come here a lot. But most of our family completely forgot about it, so it has gotten a little out of hand.”
“I think it’s beautiful.” You sigh, taking in the beautiful courtyard.
“Yeah, it is.” You turn to look back at Oikawa, only to see him looking at you with a soft smile. Your breath gets caught in your lungs, as your cheeks turn a shade pinker. “So, tell me more about you.” He asks, sitting down on the bench 
“Me?” You ask, breathlessly, “I’m not that interesting.”
“I’ll be the one to determine that,” He smirks.
“Uh, okay. What do you want to know?” You join him on the bench
“Tell me about your family, if it isn’t a touchy subject.”
“Okay. Well, I come from a noble family. I love my family very much. My mother is kind hearted and beautiful. My father is honest and confident.”
“I see where you get your traits now.”
You smile, “They prefer I do as a nobles daughter should do, learn piano, embroidery and what not. And while there is nothing wrong with those things, I don’t want to be shut up in the house all day. I like to walk in the garden and go to the market. My father says that I am not allowed to go to the village more than once a week, though.”
“But he let you come to see me?” He smirks.
You rub the back of your neck awkwardly, “Haha, no. He doesn’t know I’m with you. He…doesn’t like you very much…”
“Oh…” His face drops, “Well, what does he think you are doing?”
“I told him that we forgot some things at the market and that I needed to go back today.” You smile sheepishly.
“Tsk tsk” His signature smirk is back, “Lying for me?”
“Well what about you? You are doing the same, aren’t you?” 
“Yeah, I guess you are right. But it is okay, you are worth lying for.” 
There he goes again, making you blush, “Why don’t you tell me about your family.”
“What is there to know? My dad is king, obviously, and he is a pain in the neck. He never lets me leave the castle. He barely lets me walk in the garden…the garden! Anyway, he keeps telling me about learning these ‘kingly duties’ but I don’t see the point. Great, I can read a map and order people around, but what is that going to do for our people? What about the actual problems? Excuse me if I want to know more about our citizens, help how they need it. He thinks I’m just being frivolous, that I don’t actually care. When in reality, he is the one who doesn’t care!” Oikawa didn’t notice that in his anger, he stood up. He sheepishly sits back down, “Sorry. That was probably more than you wanted to know.”
“No, don’t be sorry. I’m glad you can be open.” You lay a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. The simple action sends sparks through your body. “That sounds hard. All that pressure can’t be easy. Have you tried talking to your father about it?”
“Yeah and he just keeps saying that I don’t understand and need to learn.” He huffs.
“Have you ever considered it from his perspective?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Well, he is your father and so he probably just wants you to be prepared so you can be a good king. And while you don’t see eye to eye, he is helping the best he knows how. He just wants to see you succeed.” “I-I never thought about it that way…”
“Why don’t you try talking to him in a calm manner and explain that you understand he is trying to help. And say that you will try things his way if he will try some things your way.”
“Uh, yeah. I guess I could try that.” 
You give him a small smile, when you hear the chime of a distant bell tower. You shoot up from the bench, eyes wide, “I have to go.” 
“What? Why?” Oikawa matches your stance.
“I told my father I would be back by noon. I am running late. I-I have to go, sorry.” You start to run out of the courtyard.
Oikawa grabs your wrist, halting your movement, “Wait! When will I see you again.”
“Whenever you want.” You wink, breaking from his grasp and sprinting away, “Goodbye! Thank you for the nice time!”
“Goodbye!” He calls, waving as you run away. He laughs at your flirtatiousness; his cheeks heating up at your previous comment. 
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yyuuraii · 2 years
i commissioned my irl to design a cpurpled keychain for me and when i told her a bit about his lore + space/galaxy theme she just nods in understanding and said "you like oikawa tooru and ren zotto so that makes sense" I am losing my mind
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justinther0ck · 1 year
Interesting/Uninteresting character types in sports anime/manga (part 1?)
Uninteresting: Stoic dark haired foil for protagonist
Tokugawa Kazuya (New Prince Of Tennis) & Itoshi Rin (Blue Lock)
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They both filled the same roles in their respective series: the top guy of whatever environment they were in (u17 world cup tryouts for New POT and blue lock for blue lock) and just placed as the ultimate stepping stone for Echizen and Isagi respectively. I found their characters insanely boring and any attempts to flesh their characters didn't work imo.
Interesting: Unknown genius
Akira Sendoh (Slam Dunk) & Toru Oikawa (Haikyuu!!)
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They both served as the secondary foil to the respective main teams of both series. Both of these characters usually played second fiddle to the strongest team in their prefecture (Maki from Kainan and Ushijima from Shiratorizawa) and because of that fact, their teams never made it out to the National Tournament. As such, their desperation against Sohoku and Karasuno was shown beautifully and also depicted the biggest tragedy as well. Both these players are experts in their crafts, both players that are national level yet never made a name in their countries. This dynamic with the protagonists was always interesting to see. Akira Sendoh did come first but Oikawa's character was given certain twists such that I felt his story was more tragic than Sendoh's. All in all, both had amazing stories to tell and this trope was really well done both times it appeared.
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seaorbit · 11 months
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worth waiting for
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• GHOST OF YOU | tsukkiyama, 20k, complete, ghost x human! au
• COFFEE RUN | tsukkiyama, 5k, complete, magic! au
• MYSTIFIED | tsukkiyama, 10k, complete, magic! au
• BLOOD RUNS BLUE | iwaoi, 27k, complete, detective/publicist! au
• KEEP YOU WARM | daisuga, 31k, complete, apartment neighbors! au
• PANIC IN THE CITY | tsukkiyama, 12k, complete, superhero! au
• NIGHTS LIKE THESE | tsukkiyama, 20k, complete, american college! au
• READY TO RUMBLE | kagehina, 50k, complete, boxing! au
DEAD BY DAYLIGHT | iwaoi, 50k, complete, detective/journalist! au
lips, teeth, tongue
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forever / you and i
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lovers in the night
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JUST AS USUAL | daisuga, 40k, complete, teacher! au
NO ONE LIKE TOORU | iwaoi/ensemble, ongoing, sitcom
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soranihimawari · 2 years
Vines that Bind
pairing: prince/royal! oikawa x sorcerer!reader
prompt inspiration
word count: 6k
rating: 17+ for suggestive content//OTF & Hanamaki T Fluff [[HTF]]
warnings: seijoh 4 described as knight, apothecary, prince, & cleric//scars, scarring// abandonment at an early age (oc, naran)
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Outrage is the word of the day apparently. A royal is called forward by his father into his advisory court. The queen mother is away tending to her ailing sister this year, but considering this was a ‘needs to know’ case. A few knights who were read into the meeting details were charged with bringing the heir apparent to the chambers. Of course, his father sits at the helm explaining an invasion tactic he was known for. A problem learned and adapted by Cesar himself. There is a taboo subject that no one is willingly jumping toward, however it is plausible for those who are more logical thinkers to not catch the clues laid in front of the various maps. Five kingdoms which borders the outskirts of a mighty forest and bog area do not interfere with the happenings there, but when the prince walks by, his eyebrows raise since he had viewed it upside down. The king swings his arms like a child boisterous about his new treasure. 
“Boy, listen to me,” his father grips his son’s shoulders. “This forest here is where I first encountered a game of my own fancy. The knights and gameskeeper I had a terrific time trying to locate the owners of this land; it eventually became an annual skills test among our neighbors under the guise of founding the lands which eventually developed into the kingdom.”
“We already know this father,” the son proclaims, glancing back at the map. He sees the angle and now a supposed path makes itself known just to him, so he tries to memorize the path the best he can. “So what do you propose I do?”
The old man laughs heartily as do some of the higher ranking knights stating that in three days' time, his son is tasked with an exploration detail comprising three people: an apothecary, a clerical healer, his knight in arms, and well, himself. 
“Small and efficient,” the son says when he kneels in front of the king at the next court proper when his mother had sent word of her return. 
“Indeed,” the king’s adviser whispers something into his father’s ear before nodding. “I shall allow it, but wait until your mother returns so she may send you off with an embrace.”
“Hai,” the son stands and bows. He blends into the background after the official announcement has been made, a ton of women flock to the bachelor’s side praising him in illustrious wonder. The prince thinks about bedding which one and in order too, but alas his knight and charge guard escorts him elsewhere away from the girls who frown. 
“You know better than to be fucked right before a battle,” the captain scolds.
“Aww, c’mon, at least I remember to show up to the sparring grounds,” the prince jokes. “‘Sides, I already have my father's blessing to go on this campaign, what more do I need?”
“A brain,” the lieutenant says, joining them before snickering with the captain. The prince pouts before the trio chooses to play a party game.
His mother had come home to a man and a father before her boy left for this expedition. She cups her son’s face and bids his good luck. Later on, once the prince had retired to his chambers, the queen mother storms back and forth crossing the bed where her husband lays upon.
“You’re mad sending the heir into that place,” she is apprehensive. “You know my brother and father had lost their lives protecting your foolish father.”
“Darling,” the king sighs. “The boy needs to learn to take risks if he were to be king.”
“Risk his life? For a mad king so close to losing his mind?”
“No. Not for me.”
The gears in the queen mother’s head come to a grinding halt. Of all nineteen years her son had walked amongst this earth, she gives her husband a rightful slap saying it’s incredibly naive to think their son would have blindly gone on an expedition to find love. Well, if it’s any indication of what the king had proposed, this was indeed a mad task indeed to teach his son about the meaning of sacrifice. 
“You worry too much, come wife,” he tries to be sweet to her. 
“I am the heir’s mother, of course I worry…”
Day 2 of the Prince’s Journey:
During a routine stop, the horses were brought to a stream by a thicket. The prince was enjoying an apple he had plucked from a tree earlier that morning while going over the plans of the surveyed areas thus far. The trip is supposed to take ten days. Four of which were meant for travel. The other six, much like what he had begun to do, was for research purposes. The apothecary took samples from plants and other berries that grew around them. Eventually as the sun moved across the sky, the knight who had traversed these parts before last hunting season makes it a point to say they ought to make it to the next checkpoint where a clearing was conveniently located. A five hour ride has the men chase nightfall and only stop a few stones throw away from the clearing. The prince is told to stand aside until the knights with him have deemed it safe several moments later. Once the fire and meat stew had been eaten, the tarps are lain down and the young men talked about their aspirations all because one prince was curious to learn about his company a bit more. 
“And you, your highness?” the apothecary’s gruff voice cuts through the chuckles. “What tales do you have about women sneaking out of your quarters?”
“A kitchen maid said she found you in a state of undress just last week,” the cleric blushed at the comment he made.
“How would you know?” the prince sits up aghast. 
“Confession is still a rite I tend to, prince.”
He laughs and the prince, blushing profusely, says his good nights. True, the kitchen aid did catch him in a state of undress, but it was because he had thought it was the tailor who was scheduled to arrive promptly after breakfast. 
Day 4.5 further north:
Perhaps his forefathers were wrong to tamper with this veil of vines. A volcanic like area filled with graying ash and hardened earth from eons ago has some signs of vibrant plant life. The apothecary consults his books, the cleric, his texts. High above the four birds flap their wings in the desolate land. 
“I do not like this,” the knight says. “We could be ambushed at any moment.”
A stone is picked up by the winds and is heard tumbling away. It is enough for the Prince’s horse to be quite disturbed, though the beat calms down thanks to its rider. 
“Do you think we are being watched?” The young man asks his guard.
“Perhaps it's best we keep moving,” the knight states. 
An arrow this time is heard whistling through the arid landscape seconds later. It does not injure anyone, but the horses buck and whinny and none of the riders can quell their distress. 
“Did anyone see where it came from?” the prince quickly regains his mind for a moment. Anything could happen here, they could die and no one would know what had transpired; blaming circular paths meant to lose feeble minded enemies thus making them lost wandering souls for eternity. 
“I did,” a voice soothing as the sea makes its owner's presence known. Cloaked in a peculiar shade of blood orange, their face remains hidden as their hand picks up the arrow. As if raised by dancers, the stranger moves their hand to manifest a glass bow and thus the archer sends the arrow back to its sender.
“You should run now princeling,” the orange cloaked figure warns the trespassers, patting the horses’ neck. One does bray before galloping past, carrying the knight further East, the others follow. 
The figure retreats sits atop the hardened volcanic stone, angry their apparent dumb luck had given the company enough proof the forest is alive. Sighing they depart wondering how they’re going to explain to you, a founder, a prince might have seen them in the volcano.
“Sire, Naran came back,” an older woman stated. She was the head housekeeper of your estate and though she finally had come to terms with you wearing comfortable attire, the robe did little to hide your curves. 
“What news do they have about the riders?” You inquire. 
Naran is seen pulling back their hood. A large raven is perched on the sill as you expectantly listen to your scout’s story. 
“The princeling donned ice blue, the knight’s sigil a flower from the desert, an apothecary was with them as was a man of the cloth,” the orange fabric kneels as they recounted more about the exchange. 
“I see,” your eyes scan the room. “And tell me, did you lead them here? Can you be sure of that?”
“Yes, your eminence. I did.”
“Good. Well, you heard Naran,” you make a circle in the air with your fingers. “Time to have some fun with these invaders.”
The housekeeper just smiles and nods as she and Naran exit together to spread word of the most elaborate game to be had. No one has come this close to reaching this oasis in the forest in nearly a century, so of course it was a welcome change to the rather hidden kingdom. 
Galloping horses eventually do run out of stamina, be it as it may, the knight’s horse had driven them way off course. The prince grabs hold of his friend’s reins to have the horse stop all together. The cleric and apothecary are not far behind. 
“The hell just happened captain?” The prince is highly displeased at almost losing a friend and though he doesn’t say it, the knight knows his prince like a brother. 
“We got bested by a cloaked hunter,” the cleric suggests. The apothecary shakes his head.
“We didn’t get bested,” the apothecary reasons. Their prince, still holding the reins in one hand, returns them back to the rightful owner after more nonsense is spewed. 
“Doesn’t matter now,” the prince sighs, rubbing his temple. “We’re too far off course for the maps to be useful. Any suggestions on navigating us back to the clearing?”
Hours left in the day were spent either making marks in trees or collecting any other signs of valuable life but with evening approaching, the four men drew stems to deal with the order of keeping watch. 
“What are you lot doing?” a familiar voice startles them all. An orange fabric weaves past the knight. They grab his chin much like a lover would, shaking his head this way and that to see if any injuries had made itself seen. “Aw, why the long faces? I didn’t mean to get you lost, honest.” 
“And you make a fool out of a trained guard, are you happy now?” the apothecary speaks up. 
“No, he’s not really my type,  medicine man,” the fifth person states. “But you might be.”
The prince chuckles. 
“Oh, right,” a rolled scroll with a wax seal none of them recognize is pulled from the cloak’s sleeve. “My master comes with a message: glad tidings to you all. I am sending you my most formidable baron to guide you back to our lands. From what I understand this was an error in my judgment, but since you come from afar, I shall hope you will accept an offer of lodging? Have Naran here show you the way. We can discuss routes for you to return when you arrive.” 
The sporting crown the royal wears is adjusted by his hands before shrugging his shoulders making a comment about how much more lost can they become? The cleric sides with the knight in terms of thinking it could be a trap, but if it were, the apothecary surmises they would have already been dead; Naran arches an eyebrow them all saying they were a weird bunch saying your name by accident.
“Who is ‘yn?’” The prince pressures Naran to describe their master as one who is refined, but a bit crass when it comes to speaking with handsome strangers. 
“Ever heard the phrase, flattery gets you nowhere?” the prince’s sarcasm makes the lot laugh, Naran included. 
“So, are you with me or not?” Naran stifles their laughter just as quickly as the others do.
Meanwhile you have two of your maids and one butler in your office choosing a casual outfit to wear in the court to welcome your guests. Your hair is loosely tied when a raven flies to its perch cawing affectionately as your servants try to spruce your features a bit. Surely you were handsome and beautiful to some, but alas a facial scar from a childhood accident seemed to have been a convincing reason to not keep a lover for long. You’re used to spending such time alone, much to the dismay of the advisors in your care. Alas, you too were lacking in a lesson on love, so maybe listening to Naran pitch this plan on a night when you weren’t really listening, you blindly agree. Now you’re stuck making amends to a pretty powerful bunch of players in a kingdom who at one point, had been obsessed in conquering this land. 
The herald announces the arrival of Naran as you enter the throne room. You stand behind a wooden chair when Naran speaks your name clear as day. 
“Hello Naran,” your voice is solid like iron, but when the others with your scout bow as they were taught, you tell them to relax and stand as they please. Naran steps aside as you settle in your chair, curious as to why the lads stare at your physique. Then you recall who was in charge of your wardrobe this hour and you curse them out in your head. Naran knows you hate dressing up in fanciful attire if it is not necessary, but seeing you in your family’s regalia made you seem a bit rigid. You and your scout exchange a series of phrases with just your eyes before you blink past Naran’s shoulder. They whisper the titles of the men visiting and out of keeping civility, you ask their identities aloud. “Who are your friends?”
The men take turns, first starting with the cleric, Mattsukawa, the apothecary, Hanamaki,  the knight, Iwazumi, and lastly the prince who just coyly keeps his family’s name out of your ears. 
“It has been quite some time since we received company from Seijoh,” you tilt your head to one side. “Last time we did, I probably met your nanny boy.” 
Naran chuckles at your joke, saying you must be exhausted from using your energy to uphold the secrets of this ancient place. You remind your scout they are friends regardless of who had sent them here. 
“My father,” the prince blurts out. 
“Hmm?” You raise a hand to stop anyone else from speaking. “Go on princeling. Explain your answer.”
He readjusts his stance, wondering how to approach this problem without so much as causing more offense toward you or your people for that matter. 
“It was a test,” he balls his hands into fists. They rest on either side of his torso by his pants pockets. “An old practice to teach the heir apparent the value of—”
“Combat, knowledge, religion, country, and correct me if I’m wrong,” You rise out of your chair and lock eyes with the young man not much older than you. “Love?” 
Naran sits at the top of the stairs where you stand in front pondering what to say next, but alas you instead dismiss the others in the room not visible to everyone else until they move. 
“What an interesting ruler you’ll make,” you observe. “Naran, I’m sure these travelers have had much excitement for one day. Have Aoi show them to their room. You stay a while longer there, prince. Don’t worry guard, he’ll join you soon. I just wanted to converse more. Is that a crime?”
“If you kill him it is,” Naran teased.
“I will do no such thing,” you say matter of fact. “He reminds me of my first friend outside these walls: back then he was a prince too. I’m glad I met his grandson though.”
As you were left alone, you let him guess what you are. He named monsters from the musical to the divine. You tell him he is half right.
“An Immortal?” 
“To a degree, sir. I came to be when magic was dying, the enchanted ones were driven out not only your kingdom, but the allies you have as well. Those who had many family afflictions cured by my kind chose to leave and live here too in case their children or children’s children developed any newer ailments.” 
“And yet you’ve seen them born and die?”
You nod. “Life and death are a part of being mortal.”
“May I ask something?” 
You can tell he is thinking of way to not come across as rude when he asks the former.
“Who gifted this to you? This title? This land?” 
Watching your expression go through complex emotions, you bite your bottom lip when you lean back. 
“I won’t judge your answer,” he whispers. 
You make it a point to say that he might, but he keeps an open mind. Maybe an open heart too if you were to ask the butler in the room (old man had heard this story before even as a child when you told him the same answer). 
“No one. I found it myself. The land was sad so I helped it grow, people joined me, then they just started calling me King. I don’t know what to tell you.”
The prince holds your hand saying it’s alright; he apologizes for prying, but he was curious as to how you maintained tranquility. Your response makes his heart flutter a bit: “because spent being angry is pointless in the long run. time spent learning about the accuser and the accused softens the punishment, don’t you agree?”
Both of you talk for a little while longer until he attempts to stifle his exhausted expression more. You make a sign for one of the butlers tending to a rip in the curtain wall behind where the prince and you chat on the grand staircase, your throne abandoned, to escort the prince to the room the others were in. 
Contrary to popular belief, but much to the relief of the other men, the room was quite large. It was a suite with enough material accommodations for them. There were spare tunics, silken rags to bathe and dry themselves with, refreshments born from the gardens under their balcony. Honestly, having your cousin’s room facing the gardens be kept clean on a constant basis had paid off. When the prince returns the others are fast asleep. The fire still burns its embers while he finds a seat on the nearest chair and there he finds sleep. 
The morning star wakes him with a blinding purpose. There are notes from his men saying breakfast was delayed since even Naran had some trouble waking their host. The prince laughs quietly to himself reflecting on the conversation he held with you. Conversation with you is easy, his thoughts wander around how effortless it was to be himself. You weren’t some unchecked ruler, no. You had your own ideas you abide by, and you obtained peace as best you could—you tried to cure ailments of your subjects' children when they first settled in this realm. You truly were an altruistic person. Maybe you were meant to be found, neither by his grandfather nor his father, he muses as he picks up the tunic and slips it over his body. Shaking his head with a short chortle, he fastens his crown on his head and asks the staff to point him in the direction of the dining hall. As he walks there, the reality sets in as he remembers today is the day they are scheduled to make their way back home. 
Although you were the last to arrive ten minutes later, you apologize for not being punctual hence your rushed attire. A ribbon in your hair is twisted down and behind an ear. Today, you look a bit like a warrior, though you did explain you have a sparring session with Naran later. 
“Great with a bow, but yn’s more skilled with a blade,” Naran blows you a kiss. You share the same look of disgust as the man on your left, the knight. Although, in an odd turn, you see the apothecary and cleric flirt with Naran in front of the cut fruits on the table. Silly shapes and all, Naran says the apothecary intrigues them with talks of visions being had by a specific fungus called “mushroom.” 
You nearly choke on your laughter when the prince scolds his men, who just laugh it off. 
“Naran, did you have some before coming here?” you asked in between wiping your tears from laughing too hard.
“Nope, but they’re in my room,” they reply. 
“Is there an antidote?” you turn to apothecary who says it’s best to let the affects runs its course. “Listen here you Puck, Naran is already who they are, it might be best to take those back and give them something a bit more…how do I say this?”
“Pointy,” Naran offers, mentioning they are an archer by trade. 
“Or why not give the ones that don’t produce hallucinations?” The knight offers a strict, but fair compromise. 
“Very well,” Naran pouts. The apothecary nods approvingly. 
“You, cleric,” you put down your bread before handing it to him. “Care to lead the meal with a sense of grace? I’m sure you can tell we aren’t tied to one faith.” 
Suffice to say breakfast was quite an interesting hour. You send word to the stablehand to ready their horses not long after. 
“You have quite a journey ahead of you,” you explain. 
The others understably agree as they go to pack their things. The satchels they had were replenished and also additional sacks with various proof of their exploration here make their way into those. 
Naran makes a generous offer to ride with them when they are outside the initial gates of your estate, “only if my master rides alongside us.” 
Though the others think Naran is good enough, you concede and concur, mentioning it’s been a good while since you rode. Naran fetches the orange coat while a maid brings you your riding cape. The other two additional steeds are brought round, along with the raven from your room. 
“Aramis,” you nod to the bird who flies ahead just as you mount your horse. “Go tell your brothers to grant us safe travels.”
“The sigil of our people,” Naran explains as the bird takes flight high above, cawing out to its family. 
The knight leads the way and you fall
In line with the others. Naran does a final once over before picking up the reins. 
Upon arriving to the clearing from before, the horses fall into a steady trot. Naran tells jokes that even make the cleric blush. You’re curious if perhaps the peaceful days of the past are circling back; you keep the thought buried in the corners of your mind. The knight and his prince went to go procure a boar for tonight’s roast, you were busy setting up camp and instructing the apothecary to find decent herbs: “take naran with you, they know the ones that would not kill you.” 
A few beats of silence follows after their abrupt departure. You’re left with the cleric, it was time for a high holy discussion. 
“Mattsukawa,” you drop the formalities along with the octave in your voice. You sound monotonous as the stilling air around the field. He hums post arranging the stones for the roasting spot before giving you his undivided attention. 
“Tell me the truth: does his Majesty, the king, truly believe in making his son learn these lessons regardless of the consequences?”
“…perhaps,” the man resides. He studies your movements, weary of the nature of the sudden change in your rather fluid demeanor. “Why do you ask?”
“Because of those the princeling rides with, you are weary of me and Naran.”
“Wouldn’t you be if you were us?” 
“How peculiar. Tell me are all your subjects this naive?”
“Just the ones that are shy of turning a century.”
It takes a second for the cleric’s face to morph into a mysterious mix of confusion, wonder, and awe. 
“Magic is dying,” you explain with a fond smile. “My subjects’ kin are finding homes in the surrounding kingdoms though they know they are welcomed back to keep up appearances with old friends. Naran hasn’t left though they dream of exploring the world outside these lands the staff in the estate choose to stay because it is tradition, though I tell them I’ll be fine on my own.” 
“I don’t want them to love their lives for the sole purpose of keeping a half-immortal company,” you cross your arms over your chest. “So, what do you recommend, holy man?”
He instructs you to sit down as he gives you the clerical answer versus his opinion. Five minutes is dedicated to each and essentially you take the core lesson of one and the message of the other to yield your answer: “do what makes you stand with pride.”
“You are wise,” you hide your laughter with, hand over your mouth. 
“Thank you,” he replies, taking a short walk to relieve himself in a thicket out of your line of sight. Only to be caught by the knight and the heir apparent. The young men whistle and catcall the already embarrassed cleric who in turn waves a hand exposing an offensive finger at them. You hear the commotion only to join in the ruckus of the other two; Naran eventually comes back with the apothecary carrying several herbs and berries. The slain boar was substituted for a stag instead. You ask Naran for their dagger and you begin to clean the animal. Naran watches before they join in skinning the carcass and finally rubbing the herbs and spices on the outside. The organs were tossed out all but the heart and the brain for a rite of thanks led by the scout who recites it in the ancient language of your people. 
You clap your hands over the stone ring and the brush and debris there spat and hissed until the first red flower blossomed into a mighty ivory and sapphire flame. 
“Sorcery? You can do that?” the prince stares mystified at you. If he was falling in love, he doesn’t let it bubble to the surface at all; rather, he coughs into his hand when you lean in a bit only to have him repeat his previous statement. 
“My lord, haven’t you heard?” Your voice hides the ghosts of your ancestors with such ease. “Sorcery had been outlawed for centuries. You have your forefathers to thank for that.”
“If I offended you, I’m sorry,” he whispers, clasping your shoulders.
“Sorry isn’t going to bring back our loved ones from the gallows or the guillotine,” you explain. “But kindness amongst strangers is a good place to start.”
“Prince Oikawa is not quite well read in knowing his family’s history,” the knight speaks. “There is an age restriction on his history lessons until his formal announcement as ‘heir apparent.’”
“You could ask either of us any time,” Naran says, attempting to soothe any other wounds. “YN isn’t the only one who lost people.”
Naran’s stiff smile matched your dropping shoulder when you went to rotate the stick where the legs of the stag were bound. 
“Then are you two orphans?” the apothecary inquires much to the dismay of his brethren. The others apologize for his bluntness, but you rub off the paste your maids placed in your face revealing the harsh scar on a rather pristine face. 
“Abandoned and left for dead,” you said. “Mountain cats are quite strong, but I’m quicker.”
You pretend you don’t hear the gasp the prince elicits; it’s not his fault. Truly, he knew of the scars that can happen in battle, his uncles had told him once, even his own father had a few from winning the affections of his mother when the pair were younger. His dark candied eyes were taught not to stare at the deformity, but if his subconscious were to speak his mind, it would say something foolish like, ‘you’re very brave, showing your real face to us,’ or, ‘you’re still thousands of souls prettier than the last one to share my bed was.’ This was dangerous territory for the prince’s heart to be in, even the knight, his appointed best friend since boyhood glances from one royal to the other, residing his opinions to himself for who is he to stand in the way of how they are magnetically linked. 
“And you?” the knight asks instead, looking past Naran’s shoulder when they spot a familiar blooming bush in the distance.
“Sold for bread after my father couldn’t pay his gambling debts,” Naran laughs. “Silly man thought my life was cheaper than wheat. Does that surprise you?”
The young men shake their heads, but the apothecary speaks up before grabbing Naran’s hand: “he shouldn’t have wagered something so priceless.”
“Hanamaki, you forget people are greedy for the smallest things,” Naran scoffs. “As long as my siblings were fed, what our father did can only be forgiven once he arrives in the afterlife.”
“So, don’t give us your pity,” you stand up straighter now after rotating the stick once more. “We’re a little too familiar with each other; we might as well be extended family—thrice removed.”
This comment makes the cleric laugh a bit and the knight stares at you in bewilderment. You touch your cheek a bit saying you think you had an aunt who might have fallen into the matriarchal role in the knight’s heritage. “She had skin kissed by the sun gods themselves and eyes the color of the stems, so yes, totally plausible, Honorable Iwazumi.”
Erupting in a fit of chuckles, you let the underside of the beast cook a little longer. The herbs that were gathered started to waft through the air whetting the pallets of  the riders finding solace in one another. More stories were told about each other, like the time when the knight was but a squire and he had been tasked with not losing the prince in the night market in fear he’d be abducted into a harem– The fire spits and sputters as a few droplets of the venison’s fat drops into the hearth. You relinquish the cooking of the beast to the men who have slain it, making it a point you haven’t learned to properly cook that particular meat yet. The cleric whom you exchanged words with sits with you on a medium sized boulder after tending to the resting horses a few paces away. 
“You didn’t have to go that far,” he bows his head. His hands want to steady your trembling ones. 
“Yes I did,” you study your riding boots for a moment. “I don’t want him to return back home without a lesson in learning to differentiate between fascination and love.”
“You fear the future king loves you?”
When you don’t say anything, the cleric pats the back of your hand resting on your knee. 
“Give him time to sort it out. He’ll be asking more important queries of the scholars and his tutors when he arrives home,” is all the holy man says with a gentle squeeze of your fingers. “But if he would quit staring daggers into my chest, I would have no problem taking you in if you ever need an out, gorgeous.”
He stands, bows his head respectfully, and then walks back to the group. A cleric, who has taken his vows in learning a plethora of rites, has come to comfort you and how your heart races because when you return to the hearth, you see what those storybooks reveal in time: the look of a man in love is light chasing fireflies in the night; his face will be aglow with admiration for his love to endure throughout time. And it was that night you decided to turn a blind eye to what would transpire.
After you had said your evening salutations and ate your fillings, you informed Naran that they should go to bed soon. Well, you did mention to make it count, so the young scout decides with a small smile turning round to face the already sleeping apothecary, a rather intimate sleeping arrangement.
“Just don’t be too loud,” you warn before seeing your best friend skip off into the night. The quarters of the way there, they turn around to tackle you with a hug whispering for you to secure your happiness. You watch as Naran eventually wakes Hanamaki with a start, only for him to welcome their presence. 
“You’re staring,” a voice startles you and you jump back. Though you are prepared to trip on a branch, you realize it’s not one at all, however the owner of the voice which had startled you steadies you with his arms wrapping around your middle for balance. Closing your eyes in a half-wince, you see a flash of bronze atop a set of dessert-inspired hair. 
“Didn’t mean to give you a fright,” he chortles. “Honestly, I thought you heard me through the trees.”
 The prince sets you back upright with an embarrassed expression. Both of you attempt, poorly mind you, to look elsewhere. Your hair is a bit disheveled hiding the scars from the claws of your past, but when quaint and quiet, ‘may i?’ is heard from the gentleman on your side, you do not stop his hand from turning your chin to face him. Your eyes have trouble focusing with how close he is leaning over you. He is curious in the way his fingers gingerly trace over the lines on your face, but he does take care to tread lightly until the ministrations subside minutes later. 
“You’re staring,” your lips downturn until they pout at him. 
“You’re worth my undivided attention,” he smiles when his forehead touches yours. 
“If you don’t move first, I might have to be bold,” your lips hover over his cupid’s bow, sliding your hands up to feel the fabric of his gifted clothing. 
“You can tease me,” breathing the same air with you is driving his heart mad. Mad enough for him to press his lips against yours. His other hand slides to the side of your head, brushing strands behind your ear. The one that had traced your scars moves further southward, tugging your waist forward. Your hands themselves tug on his tunic, for him to stay in place. You can feel his pursed lips curve higher into a smile and you reciprocate almost immediately. 
“Say you’ll be mine,” he presses kisses between your facial features when he grants you a moment to breathe. Peppering kisses down your neck, he asks you again, the words fan across your pulse point when you hear yourself give him a disillusioned answer.
“Mmhm,” his lips stop bruising the space below your ear and neck for a moment as he lifts his head to take a peek at the blush the moon highlights for you both. You don’t even have the heart nor the willpower to tell him you can’t leave the forest when he reaches the border of his kingdom where he first entered. Naran can’t either, you realize, so you lie again.
“I’ll be yours if you’ll have me,” you return his affections, eager to enjoy his company. I’ll be yours so long as you tell me you love me.
“Then hold on to me,” his voice uplifts your spirits as he does pick you up in a swift motion, causing you to do just that. Twirling you around his forehead teases your temples with a warmth which resides in your souls. It goes without saying, tomorrow’s light will bring heartbreak most foul. And when it does, the prince chooses his heart over his station much to the surprise of the butler who guides him to the solarium.
“Is the tea rea—Tooru?” you stand abruptly, knocking the chair completely backwards, when you round your desk.
“Yes,” he pats down his hair.
“You’re late,” you state, cupping his face.
“Five years, five or take.”
“Blink of an eye for me.”
His laughter is more mature, his features more angular. You make a snide remark about his hair being cut when you remove your hands from his face and place them on either shoulder.
“You don’t hate it?” his lips jut into a feign pout.
“No, I don’t,” you shake your head. His arms wrap around your waist bringing you a half step closer.
“I know this is delayed, but I think you deserve a break,” he has a mischievous need to satisfy a different fire this time. You dismiss the servants for the day until nightfall.
When the head of housekeeping passes by the solarium, the older governess blushes profusely when she hears your voice cry out a name everyone ought to get used to hearing.
And as for Naran and the apothecary Hanamaki? They did always mention they wanted to build a business together at the marketplace selling rare flowers as basis for healing salves. Eventually the cleric too joins them in blessing the herbs they create with a new science called alchemy; Iwazumi gives himself another year of training the newly knighted men before permanently retiring in the estate where his best friends are busy preparing for a union ceremony.
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aizawasecretlover · 2 years
This is a new story that I came up. Its a AU of wolf girl and black prince hope some of you like it.
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"No big deal. It was a lot of fun." Walking side by side with another man. "I was worried since we ended up in a different school" Girls were looking at them with a deep blush as they walk past.
"I've never done anything to justify you worrying about me." One girl gasp when she look there way. "Well, I've got to stop here." He pointed to the spot where they part way.
"Oh, sure." His black-haired friend then walk away leaving the other standing there. As he turns around to leave.
There was a camera flash.
                                  /Early that day/
A h/c girl was walking with her friend. "Look, look! san!'' She turned toward her friend and gave smiled.
"Huh?" Her friend gave her a confused look.
"A Smiling practice! You think I can make friends like this?" The h/c woman asks her friend then gave another smile.
"Probably not, (Y/n)" Her black haired friend said as she walked past you.
"Hey! AT least give it some thought before you answer!"
Not far from them a boy screams "Let's go!"
"Making friends is an important part of high school life. I shall not be a loner anymore!" You had a fist up in the air screaming.
"Maybe so, but you shouldn't force yourself. Remember what happened last time in middle school?"
"Was not my fault damn, he had it fucking coming."
"Hmm, You're right he did but be careful this time." she gave you a side look while walking past a court.
"I will make more friends this time! If the three years to come are happy life in heaven and miserable life in hell!" you got in front of your friend with your declaration.
"Life in Hell?"
"I'd sooner die than live a lonely high school life!" she looks at you like some dumb ass.
"Haa, then instead of practicing smiles, You should think of things to talk about, right?" She walks off leaving you in your miserable life.
"Ya, that's right, But the only things girls could be talking about is who has a better boyfriend or girlfriend.
not far the kids had other plans on how to end your life with a simple ball.
"Next up the knuckleball shoot."
"You can do that?"
Kiyoko looks back at you "Don't say that, just-"
You got knocked the fuck out!
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