ditto-dex · 11 months
Can I request a Gigantamax Cinderace Ditto?
Also, this blog of yours is pure heaven
Check back later :)
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nekomortiz · 2 years
Your Mac and Wukong, then?
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Havent drawn them in a long time LOL
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I really love your art. It's inspiring to me!!
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ya'll really heard "askbox open" and decided to be the sweetest people on the planet HECK
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
German Aro culture is watching the show Sturm der Liebe (which is always about 2 protagonists that love each other and marry at the end of a season) and complaining about all the cliches and romance in it.
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rotten-dan-art · 2 years
Okay: I need to say it!! I REALLY love your artstyle!! It's very unique and I always recognize it immediately. And the expression you draw... just.. I love looking at it... and just recently I noticed that I subconsciously... took some traits from your art and put them into my art... that my artstyle is a bit shaped by yours because I really love yours.
Oh gee //// Thats really flattering!!! thank you so much for stopping to tell me such nice things and also! Im glad that u love my art style so much. I used to think i didn't have a style lmao
hehe feels great to be that kind of inspiration
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skellebonez · 7 months
Hoi, Skelle. I know it's been a while since we've last talked, but nevertheless, I actually wanted to ask how you are doing... though I have to ditch that plan and hope you get well soon, instead.
Thank yooooooooooou. I also hope that I get better soon, I hate being sick like this.
I am not so sick I am bed ridden, but sick enough to miss out on work and a lot of stuff.
I quite literally feel the way this gif looks right now. Moderately uncomfortable, but living.
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v0idbird · 11 months
Trick or treat!
You get a monstera andansonii, aka the Monkey Leaf/Monkey Mask/Monkey Paw Monstera!
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supposedly, it got its name because someone saw a monkey hide behind the leaves of one such plant and peek through the holes, using it as kind of a mask!
Its leaves dont grow as large as those of monstera deliciosa (the large indoor plant everyone usually thinks of when someone mentions the name monstera), and the Monkey Leaf's holes stay 'inside' the leaf, never growing all the way to the 'outside' (like how the famous monstera deliciosa does) :3
there is also a variegated version (you can think of it as plant vitiligo) with very pretty green and white leaves!!
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artemismoorea03 · 2 years
Jiāng Bái's New Friend
Inspired by @princen-monkie’s OC and conversations we’ve had lately :3 they’re a lot of fun and if you haven’t checked them out please do!
Jiāng Bái belongs to Princen-Monkey
Pengu belongs to me
Since coming to Flower Fruit Mountain with MK a lot had changed in Bái’s life. For one, he had a home that actually felt like home, he had freedom to explore without the stress of crowds, didn’t have to worry about villains coming after him, and he could go wherever he wanted to go! Sure, he still ended up spending a lot of his time with MK whenever he came to the mountain, watching their training from a distance or just playing with him. There were times that he couldn’t watch the training or when he needed to do something else to get his energy.
During those times there was nothing Bái liked more than exploring and going on adventures. The mountain was full of trees to climb and swing from, there were plenty of other monkeys to play with, or he could just explore!
Bái let out a giggle as he grabbed a branch with his small hands, wrapping his long tail around it before swinging himself over to the next branch. He then repeated the pattern on that tree, then the next, slowly picking up pace the longer he continued.
Streaks of sunlight peeked through the thick leaf canopy above him, lighting up spots of the ground below. Birds were singing loudly, the occasional butterfly flew past, and he could hear other creatures who made the mountain their home running around and playing. It was peaceful, warm, and comforting.
It was home.
He went to swing to the next branch but then something caught his eye from a fallen tree nearby. There seemed to be a small cave surrounded by foliage, with a small streak of light landing right on the entrance. What really caught his attention though was a small fluffy tail sticking out of it.
He let out a hum, letting himself swing to a stop before he loosened his grip on the branch above his head, lowering him to the ground as he hesitantly approached the fallen log. As Bái approached he slowed down, sinking into a crouch as he made himself even smaller than he already was. He approached some thick roots, peeking up over them at the small cave. The hole was small and what was attached to the small fluffy tail was attached to a naked body about the same size as Bái.
Bái let out a small noise, “Hello?” He called curiously, but the figure didn’t move.
They weren’t dead… right? What did he do if they were dead?
“Hello?” He called again, a bit louder this time.
Still nothing.
Collecting his bravery Bái  began to sneak closer to the figure, kneeling down in front of the hole as he listened. Fears of the person being dead were quickly erased when he realized they were breathing and even snoring softly. They were sleeping? Why were they sleeping in a hole? Didn’t monkey’s sleep in trees? Bái did, so why didn’t this one? What happened to their tail?
“Hello?” Bái said softly, reaching in and shaking the small figure’s shoulder.
They still didn’t wake up.
They weren’t dead, but that didn’t mean they weren’t sick or hurt.
“H-hold on! I’ll get help.” He decided, wrapping as much of his tail around his middle as he could as he dashed through the forest on the way back to the Water Curtain Cave.
The stranger was still there when Bái returned with MK.
“See… they’re sleeping.” Bái whispered softly, “I can’t wake them up.”
MK hummed, reaching in the hole and slowly pulling them out from the hole and into his lap, letting out a quiet gasp when he actually got a good look at the person now sitting with them.
Their skin was all a light gray color and their fur was dark blue almost black in color, their entire body was covered in white and gray spots, including the tips of their ears. They had a white tuft of fur in the center of their chest that matched the white heart shaped mask around their eyes and the lines that traced their cheekbones. Their tail was about as long as their forearm, their hair long, their head long and straight but filthy and knotted, with small hand sized horns coming out of either side of their forehead.
“A demon monkey!” Bái explained excitedly, bouncing on his toes. “I found one!”
“Yeah, you did.” MK said with a nervous smile, touching the strangers cheeks and forehead. “Well, they’re not running a fever, but you’re right they’re not waking up. We should take them to Monkey King, he’ll know what to do.”
Bái nodded, “I’ll help carry them!” He said, determined.
MK chuckled softly, taking off his jacket and putting it over the naked stranger before picking them up and holding them against his chest as he stood up. Bái wrapped his tail around the stranger’s middle to help MK support them then they walked back towards the Water Curtain Cave together.
“Monkey King, we’re back!” Bái called, letting go of the stranger as he jogged to the cave.
“Welcome back, kids.” Monkey King said from the top of his peach tree, his mouth full of peach. “You guys have fun with your ‘strange thing’?”
“Yeah! I found a Demon Monkey!” Bái said proudly.
“What?” Monkey King turned, then gasped, swinging his arms around as he slipped out of the tree, crashing to the ground as he landed on his head. Monkey King then scrambled to his hands and knees, looking at the stranger in MK’s arms as he let out a groan, dragging his hands down his face. “Dammit.”
“What’s wrong?” Bái asked, watching Monkey King slide down the hill as he reached the bottom.
“I know this Monkey, but they’re not a demon… despite how they look.” Monkey King said, taking off his cape and wrapping it around the stranger covering even more of them before gently taking them from MK’s arms.
“Then… what are they?” MK asked, tilting his head.
Monkey King adjusted his hold on the stranger. “Their name is Pengu, or Pen for short, I guess you can call them the King of the Celestial Primates? The creator? Basically… this one , is the one who created me and Macaque.”
Bái’s mouth dropped open and MK’s eyes grew wide.
“Like… your parent?”
“Eh, if Stone Monkey’s have parents then yeah this is probably the closest we’ll get. Come on, lets get them inside and contact Nezha so he can take them home.”
Bái and MK looked at one another as MK held his arms out to Bái. Bái jumped into MK’s arms, wrapping his tail around MK’s middle as the teen carried him into the house after Monkey King. Monkey King stepped inside, setting them down on the couch before going over to a laundry basket in the corner, pulling out two articles of clothing that he sniffed. The clothes he decided on were a shirt and pant pajama combo with the pants being dark purple while the shirt a light purple.
“Did they make me too?” Bái asked and Monkey King shook his head.
“Nah, kid. Demon Monkeys and Celestial Primates are different.”
“Pengu…” MK hummed, “I swear that name sounds familiar.”
“You’re probably thinking, Pangu, bud.” He said.
“Pangu! Right, the Primordial Primate! Any relation to Pengu?”
“Uh, long story.” Monkey King said, putting a blanket over Pengu before he stretched. “Okay, now I’m going to contact Nezha. Come get me if they wake up… they probably wont, but uh… yeah.”
MK shrugged, “Alright.” He said, sitting on the floor as he began to clean Bái’s hair while keeping a close eye on ‘Pengu’ who hadn’t budged from where they had laid them down.
Monkey King stepped out of the room, his tail swishing slightly as he turned the corner and vanished down the hallway.
“Do you think they’re bad?” He asked MK.
“Bad?” MK tilted his head, “Why do you think they’re bad?”
“Well… Monkey King is acting weird.” Bái said, playing with his tail.
“Well if they were bad I thinkin Monkey King wouldn’t let us stay with them, right? So they must not be bad, right?”
“I guess.” Bái hummed, kicking his feet slightly.
Nezha picked up Pengu about two hours later and the small primate still hadn’t woken up. It confused Bái a lot , especially when Monkey King just dusted his hands off proudly and said ‘ Well, that’s that problem solved. ’ But that didn’t explain anything! Who was Pengu? Why were they sleeping under a tree? Why were they still sleepy? How did Monkey King’s ‘parent’ get on the Mountain and why did he act so weird about them? Why wouldn’t Monkey King talk about them if they were so important?
He didn’t understand, and the more questions that Bái asked the more withdrawn on the subject Monkey King became.
“I don’t get it.” Bái pouted that night as he sat with the rest of the Troupe. “Why does our King not talk about Pengu?”
General Ba just let out a sigh, ruffling Bái’s hair. “Who our King does and does not discuss is his choice, it is none of our business.”
“But it’s silly! He knows everything about us but he’s keepin’ secrets.” He pouted, tapping the tip of his tail with frustration.
General Liu pulled Bái’s tail to correct him. “Hush now. It is our King's job to know, it is our job to trust our King. Now, sleep.”
Bái stuck his tongue out at General Liu before he scrambled up a tree, wrapping his tail around the branch before laying down. “ It’s still not fair. ” He grumbled.
Two months later they got a surprise visit once again, but instead of finding Pengu sleeping under a tree they got alerted by General Liu bounding over to Monkey King as they shouted.
“They’ve returned, My King!”
“What? Already?” Monkey King groaned, “Where are they now?”
“At the front entrance!”
Monkey King raised a brow, walking through the cave to the waterfall with Bái right behind him. Monkey King opened the entrance and Bái was both confused and excited to see the same monkey from before standing there. They had a right blue eye and a left purple eye, looking like they were ready for a nap. But, at least this time they were wearing clothes.
If underwear and a white baggy shirt was ‘clothes’.
“Pengu, what are you doing here?” Monkey King asked, crouching down to look at the smaller monkey.
“Hiding.” Pengu said, hugging Monkey King with a sleepy yawn.
“Hiding? From who?” Monkey King wondered, standing up straight.
“ Everybody . They keep wakin’ me up to fix their problems. Xuannu wants help figuring out how to bring peace to more of the world, Guanyin wants help deciding which place needs mercy next, Jade Emperor wants me to help the Court figure out if and when the Heavens will crumble, and I just… so sleepy.”
Bái frowned, that all sounded like a lot of work and Pengu was little like him. Why would the grown ups bully them? They just wanted to take a nap!
“Alright,” Monkey King said with a sigh, “You can sleep here for a little while, but they’ll find you eventually.”
“Mmm, hide me in your storage. Can’t find nothin’ in there.” They pointed out and Monkey King let out a laugh.
Nezha collected Pengu another two months after that.
“Wukong!” Shouted a voice that caused all monkeys to bristle as Bái turned towards the voice while Macaque stepped out of the shadows.
“Mac? What the hell are you-” Monkey King began until Macaque moved his cape, showing a small figure clinging to his back, sound asleep. “ HA! ”
“Don’t laugh at me, fuckin’ help me!” Macaque hissed, “They’ve been glued to me since last night and I can’t get them off!”
Monkey King laughed again, “I don’t know, Momcaque , seems to fit you.”
“I will write every embarrassing they ever did on the billboards across Megapolis, or hide camera’s in your house and broadcast it to National Television.”
Monkey King paled then groaned, “No fun~” He said, walking over, gently prying Pengu’s hands off of Macaque and holding them to his chest. “There, happy you big baby?”
“No! They’re always messing with you or Chang’e, why are they bothering me?!” Macaque hissed.
“I don’t know, sounds like people are getting impatient and want them to get back to full power. But the more they wake them up.”
“The longer it’ll take.” Macaque growled, then sighed and rubbed his eyes. “Obnoxious. Anyways, they’re your problem now. Cya.” He said, then dropped through a shadow.
If Bái saw Macaque’s purple eyes watching over Pengu as he slept over the next few weeks, he didn’t mention anything about it.
Bái was alone the next time he ran into Pengu, who was sleeping on their stomach in a tree near the Water Curtain Cave. They were snoring softly, their face relaxed as they laid there, perfectly content. Bái didn’t understand why they weren’t hiding this time, but he also didn’t hesitate to borrow a blanket from Monkey King’s house to give to Pengu.
Bái then sat with them, not trying to wake them up but also not wanting to leave them alone. Maybe, if he sat with them, people would leave them alone and let them sleep!
At least that was Bái’s thought process, but as it turned out, sitting doing nothing for hours at a time wasn’t fun.
So he started just talking to Pengu. He talked about things he thought were important - like how about some fruits were the best, but only when they weren’t squishy, how he liked to chase lightning bugs on the nights when they were flying around, and most importantly about how Pengu shouldn’t sleep outside all the time because it was getting cold and he could get sick. Important things like that! The whole time Pengu just slept, but they occasionally smiled or flicked their tail.
Bái decided that he liked Pengu… and hoped that one day Pengu would be awake one day and play with him.
Bái let out a surprised noise as MK tossed him into the air and out of the way as the tiger demon rushed at them, the demon swung his front claws, slicing into the sleeve of MK’s jacket when he went to protect himself.  The demon then swung it’s other fist, punching MK in the stomach and sending the brunette flying through the air as he crashed through a tree before hitting a second tree and crumbling to the ground.
“MK!” Bái called, trying to run to him but was instead met by the Tiger Demon grabbing Bái by his tail and yanking him towards him. “NO! Lemme go! Lemme go!” He shouted, kicking and punching at the demon who grabbed him by the back of his neck and shoved him to the ground.
“Well, look at you.” The Tiger Demon purred, “I came for the Monkey Brat, but you might make me just as much money.”
“No! Let go!” He said, tears burning at his eyes.
“Nah, I got a cage with your name on it, brat.”
Bái looked towards MK who was struggling to get up, his arms trembling with effort.
There was a sudden noise that caused all three of them to freeze. Bái assumed that it was Monkey King coming to their aid but they were more surprised when a blur of dark blue, white, and gray launched through the trees. The figure tackled the Tiger off of Bái forcing him to let go of the small monkey who scrambled towards MK, turning to face the fight. Nowthat Bái  had calmed down he could properly recognize Pengu who was fighting the demon.
Pengu was moving fast , only landing for a split second to yawn in the demon's face before dodging another attack and punching the demon in the jaw. The demon scrambled back, picking up a large log off of the ground as he swung it at Pengu, which was when Pengu brought out their second surprise.
They changed size and age, going from about the same age and size as Bái to closer to Monkey King's age and height. They then blocked the log with their forearm, putting their left hand on the log as it seemed to explode under the touch, causing the demon to scramble backwards.
“Sorry, you’re trespassing.” Pengu said, grabbing the tiger demon by their throat as they snarled, eight large fangs in their mouth rather than the typical four fangs that Bái had. “ How about I show you how to get back home? Hm? ” Then there was a high pitched ding before the demon was thrown backwards.
The demon crashed through trees, mountains, and far out of sight.
“Pengu…?” MK questioned as Pengu transformed back to their younger kid form and yawned as they turned and approached the two of them. “Wha…?”
“They interrupted my nap.” They said, swishing their tail before they held their hand out to MK, helping them up. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine… are you okay, Bái?” MK said, then whimpered, holding his ribs.
Bái continued to stare at Pengu with big eyes as the other primate smiled at him. “Teach me how to do that!” He said and Pengu chuckled.
“ So you wanna play with magic? ” Pengu whispered, holding their hands out.
“Yes!” Bái  put their hands on Pengu’s as light began to swirl between them.
One light broke apart into multiple, until it almost looked like Bái was holding the universe in his hands. It was cold like snow that leaked into his very bones, a chill that was weirdly refreshing. The light then exploded outwards in a ring with another loud ding . With the explosion of light Bái could physically feel the bruises on his neck healing and MK seemed to relax and removed his hands from his ribs.
“What…?” MK questioned, then gasped as Pengu’s eyes slipped shut and they crumbled. MK caught Pengu, who put their head on MK’s chest, snoring lightly. “Pengu?!”
No response.
“Kid?! Bái?!” Monkey King shouted as he flew over. “I sensed the magic, I… what happened?” He asked surprised by all the broken trees.
“You have a Tiger on the Mountain who is targeting me and now Bái.” MK said, “Pengu… Pengu saved us. But then he collapsed.”
Monkey King sighed, “Are you two okay?”
“We’re fine, but Pengu-” Bái began.
“Pengu is just sleeping, I promise he’s fine. But are you two okay?” He asked again.
“We’re fine, Monkey King.” MK promised, moving as Monkey King picked up Pengu holding them gently.
“Then everything is fine.”
As they walked back towards Water Curtain Cave Bái decided; Pengu was his friend! And if Pengu needed to nap a lot that was okay, because when they needed help Pengu would be there!
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pink-mac · 2 years
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ohnoanalien · 1 year
Hi hello! So @lunar-wandering's hiccup hijinks trope is hilarious and @princen-monkie had such a great idea to add to it. I mean, growing flowers when he hiccups? Adorable. It wasn't really asked for, more for lunar to write if anything, but I thought you guys might enjoy it! Soooo...leggo!
A silent, warm part of Macaque still wanted Wukong's sunlight. To spend cold nights bundled up between his arms, feeling the soft rock of purring against his un-glamored ears. But those memories and feelings were long gone by now-- or at least, they were supposed to be. It followed him like a curse. It followed him when he woke up. It followed him when MK and Mei showed up at his dojo. And it followed him all the way up Flower Fruit Mountain, tugged along by a favor he owed far, far too long ago to even care at this point.
MK knocked on the door until his fist was a blur. "Sleepoveeer!" 
"Psst! Mac." Mei nudged her elbow to his,  "Pour me the tea! Did you lose a bet? Save the Monkey King from a crazy immortality-killing demon? What gives?"
"...Crushed a peach." Was her old rival’s only reply.
"Crushed a what-now?" Her brow rose, confusion cut off when the door finally opened.
The Monkey King’s energy was a never-ending ball of light. Despite everything, the golden flame inside him never seemed to snuff out. Which made the nervous grin and ruffled fur a strange change of pace. He glanced at the kids beside him. Seems like the flame did shine a little too dimly today, even for the Monkey King's liking.
A large part of him relished at the view. A tiny, insignificant twinge of pain somehow rose above it. "Soooo…what Wukong-brand chaos do we have to deal with today?"
Wukong startled, "Wh-what? Where'd that come from?"
"I dunno," Mei piped up. "You look kinda jumpy.”
"Jumpy? Me? Psshhh!" Wukong waved a dismissive paw, "C'mooon, I'm immortal remember? I'm fi--" He quickly clamped his jaw shut, body jerking silently.
MK narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms tightly to his chest. He circled his mentor for injuries, not missing the way the stone monkey seemed to sweat under the spotlight. "Monkey King."
Sun Wukong winced, chided with all the energy of a disappointed parent. "L-let's just uh. Head inside, alright? I've got snacks."
MK stood silent, holding his ground as his pacing stopped.
"L-look, I'll explain everything. I'm just...I'm still getting used to…" A blush dusted peach-furred cheeks, "Give me a minute. I promise I'll tell--" Another jolt. A paw hovered over his mouth, and glowing pupils darted around the entrance.
Nothing to see here. Yet.
The cub’s concern was lifted with a small smile. "Alright Monkey King. I trust you." The grin immediately widened when a dirty sneaker passed the threshold, bolting inside with a loud whoop. Mei followed suit, energy intertwining in a chorus of cheering. Macaque stepped halfway through the door before slapping the stone monkey's back.
"...Thanks. For inviting me, or whatever." The shadow demon grumbled. Disappearing into the kitchen Wukong stood there, feeling the outline of his old friend's touch burn against his skin. A small hiccup broke the stunned silence and he quickly closed the door behind him, unaware of the patch of daisies that coated the handle.
"Dibs on the Monkey Mech!" Mei cackled, her shadow casting ominously against the light of the old TV. She pressed a button faster than MK could blink.
"Hey, no fair!"
"Excuse me?? You ALWAYS get to play Monkey Mech! You play him in real life!"
"Well! That's! True! But!" MK opened his mouth. Paused. Then heaved a defeated sigh, aiming his sights on Sha Wujing. The Monkey King stayed quiet, but between the jolt of the couch cushions and the claw that nervously tapped his thigh, Macaque felt something familiar brew in his chest.
"Hey." He muttered, "This is kinda against my better judgment but. You feeling alright?"
Wukong flashed nervous fangs, the beat on his thigh tapping ever-faster. "I said I'd tell you guys later and I meant it."
Macaque narrowed his eyes. A sweet, nostalgic scent brushed his nose. It was just on the tip of his tongue, he just needed to--
A newfound spark lit in Macaque's eyes, and the Monkey King froze on the spot. The idiot was absolutely not going to tell MK. He knew this. He knew Wukong knew this.
So, with all the grace and care of a long-dead advisor, he leaned forward, tails intertwining. "Look. I get it. It's embarrassing."
Aaand three.
Wukong's cheeks flared again, pouting. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh c'mon, don't be like that." Despite his smirk, an ink black tail gave its ginger counterpart a small squeeze. "You gotta admit at some point  that you have friends now– no one’s gonna judge you. Diyu knows they’ll actually like you more if you let down your guard for like, what, five seconds?"
It was easy to spill his own guts like this. After all, your performance can be pretty believable when your script comes from the heart.
An old friend’s face practically blended with his face markings. "Nope, no way! I’m the Monkey King, I don’t have flaws!"
"Don’t have flaws? Or can’t have flaws? Oh my, is the great king worried the kids might not like it when you don't act like a god 24/7?"
Wukong's eye twitched. "Stop trying to psychoanalyze me! I'm fi--hic!"
The Monkey King slapped a paw over his mouth just as MK paused the game, gasping at the flower crown that blossomed around his headband.
"Oooh." Mei felt a silky petal between her fingers, "Pretty!"
"Busted." Macaque sang, wheezing at a sharp smack to the ribs.
Worth it.
"Monkey King!" MK flapped his hands excitedly, "You can make flowers?!"
"'Course he can." Macaque cooed teasingly, pinching a still-burning cheek. He relished  the heat between his claws. "He's a perfect, all-powerful deity. Isn't that right, Wukong?"
"Oh, be qui-- hic!-- quiet." He squeaked mid-lecture, freezing up as a small daisy popped on Mei's jacket collar.
"Awww!" She gushed, "You make flowers when you hiccup? That's so cute!"
"I do n-- hic! not!" The flush spread to the stone monkey’s ears as a small arrangement peppered his coat.
"Yyyep." Macaque snickered, plucking a flower from Wukong's tail, earning a yelp. "Flustered or embarrassed and you get a whole garden. Especially for the people he cares abou-- mmph!" A tail wraps around his mouth, smugly meeting an angry glare. Bite completely defanged as he hiccuped again, flowers spreading across the carpet.
"Will you shut up-- ow! You bit me!" Wukong hissed, pulling away to rub at the offending bite mark.
"I dunno what you're so freaked out over. It looks like your little fanboy doesn't seem to mind." The raven-furred monkey hummed thoughtfully, gaze flicking to their audience.
MK stuck out his tongue in concentration as he braided a few into Mei's bushy pigtails. In return she started weaving a flower crown on her lap. "Two headbands are better than one, right?"
Wukong spluttered, eyes wide. He quickly stood up. "I-I. I'll be right back!" Footsteps padded into the kitchen. Macaque's ear twitched as a hiccup traveled through the thin walls, and Mei giggled as a bouquet filled her pockets.
Hearing the squeak of a faucet, Macaque rolled his eyes, hauling himself upwards. He strolled lazily into the kitchen, leaning against the frame. “Water won't help, dumbass. The only cure is telling MK and Mei why you've got ‘em."
Wukong simply stared his warped mirror down, chugging the drink like it was the last drop of water in a desert.
"It's your funeral." Macaque shrugged, earning a pained wince in return. "...Still too soon?"
All at once, the golden flame seemed to flicker and shrink again, and Sun Wukong stared tiredly into the half-empty cup.
Liu’er Mihou didn't like it when he was silent. He HATED when he was silent. The room suddenly felt a little colder, and a shiver ran up his spine. He pried the cup from a shaky grip, replacing it with a gentle paw. He wondered if it would break into pieces if he made any sudden moves.
"Peaches." Mihou took a breath. "I used to blame you for my death. Now I'm questioning...a lot. You don't have to forgive yourself right away. Buddha knows I would. But give me some credit. The wound's still healing, but if you're willing to be patient for once, let me sort my own shit out." He moved his free claws to his partner's fur, scratching gently at the scalp. "And while you wait, you can do me a favor too and stop putting so much pressure on yourself. Deal?"
Sun Wukong swallowed. He opened his mouth to reply-- interrupted by a squeaky hiccup. A flower crown wrapped around Macaque's head, looping over his ears. Hanging around four more that were invisibly fanned out, flicking at the warm sensation.
"Sorry! Sorry, I-I. I couldn't control-- hic! couldn't control it and-- hey! Stop-- hic! stop laughing!"
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kittypancake · 1 year
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Like Night and Day, Moon and Sun
My obligatory side view of these two is now complete! Wanted to try something different for their hair styles, not sure if it worked out or not though
Tere’s a shiny version colored by my wonderful sib @pink-princen-monkey below
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nekomortiz · 1 year
I love Koko Kitty. She looks like she might do lots of musical numbers in her show for kids.
Does she have any friends by her side?
She has a lot of friends! But, they’re all in different series.
So she goes to visit them on her off time!
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 6 months
(Teach Me To Be) Tougher Than Leather, Softer Than Silk is my big comfort read. I've read it so often before going to bed each time I was in the psych ward.
You've wrote such an amazing story, the pace is perfect and I generally love your writing style!
;-; <3 bro thats so sweet of u to say. I'm so glad that fic could be there to keep you company <3 hearing about my writing giving people comfort really does make my day. And OUGH flattered u like my writing style |;A;/ I'm doing my absolute best out here HDHJFJGJ
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shatteredstarsart · 7 months
@princen-monkie gave me a drew to draw and it kinda reminded me of a medieval dress so Macaque is a princess now
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ditto-dex · 11 months
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#0815: Cinderace (Gigantamax Form)
Requested by @princen-monkie
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risewriter · 7 months
ROTTMNT: Distracted
Mikey: I'm glad we could all gather here to see my newest creation- *Glances at the others only to see them all being on there phones*
Mikey: *Clears his throat* Guys-
Donnie: *Glances up briefly* Oh yeah yeah, continue, we are paying attention.
Mikey: *Glares at him and balls his fists*: ...
Mikey: *Takes a deep breath* COULD I PLEASE GET YOUR ATTENTION!
*Raph, Leo and Donnie startle and look up at Mikey, lowering their phones*
Mikey: *All calm* Now that I have your attention- *his phone starts ringing* oh!
Mikey: *Pulls out his phone and swipes away on it, bending over it, cooing* Aaww, does my sweet sweet icecream kitty need food and a bath again?~ *focuses on his phone and types away on it*
Raph, Leo & Donnie: *Looking at each other*...
@princen-monkie Submission! I love your mind so muchhhh!
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