#princess leia layouts
hepburnicons · 7 months
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star wars: a new hope (1977) headers
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ephemic · 1 year
Poderia fazer icons de star wars?
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cr. for the first 3 images/arts: columbo
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shironezuninja · 5 months
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My Star Wars Day yesterday had laundry chores in the schedule. My morning music time was also a bit selfish in choosing what I wanted to listen to instead.
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fearlesslybells · 2 years
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Princess Leia Organa icons from the Obi Wan Kenobi series
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wickworks · 8 days
Lancer Tactics dialogue layout crisis of faith
(from this month's backer update)
Every so often, I'll run into something in development that eats away at me until it pushes me to a crisis of faith and I have a breakdown, burn down a bunch of work, and build something better from the ashes. These are moments of transformation and we're almost always able to come out the other side with something much better than what we started with.
This all sounds very dramatic until you take a step back and see the issue in question is just, like, the layout of a menu. But if medieval priests were able to have schisms over angels on pins I can have strong feelings about graphic design, dammit!
This month's episode revolved around how we're doing character dialogue. For reference the plan was to do a standard 4-slot visual-novel talking heads layout. I call it a 4-slot because there's usually four positions that characters can stand; two on the left, two on the right:
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I had it ingame, and it was working. But... something felt off. Do you see the difference between every one of the above examples and this?
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It's all about perspective, baby.
Answer: all the character art in those examples are drawn at a slight angle so they can be flipped back and forth to be made like they're looking at each other.
Trying to do this with the perspective we chose early — straight on — makes for a chorus line of weirdos who are looking directly into your soul as they ostensibly chat with each other. Credulity is strained; the illusion of these puppets interacting in the same space is paper-thin.
(I was skeptical of choosing this perspective for this reason, but we ultimately went with it to make the customizable assets in the portrait maker easier to fit together)
We tried a bunch of different layouts, but they all at least one of these problems:
they'd stare into your soul while ostensibly directing comments elsewhere.
they felt like text messages; this would be fine if that's what we were going for, but we wanted something that could represent face-to-face conversations. (Tactical Breach Wizards was able to pull this style off because they had little 3D dioramas to go along with it)
or, most damning of all, they felt like zoom calls.
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So, my heart aflutter and spirit in want, I spent a day doing a research dive into various dialogue layouts (bless the Game UI Database!) to see if any other games had managed to pull this character art perspective off. I ended up with this massive non-chronological taxonomic tree:
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(fullsize here)
The type of layout that particularly caught my eye was this style where each character had their own little box. These layouts borrow a concept from comic books called "closure" where the space and time between characters are left blank. Freed from the constraints of trying to simulate a single space, these layouts allow the reader to fill in the blanks with something that feels more true-to-life than anything we'd be able to render ourselves.
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I was especially impressed with the dynamism of Tales of Symphonia and The World Ends With You; rather than sticking to single slots they would animate the entire panels moving around to indicate motion an relative position of characters.
So we threw out the old code and copied them. Here's what we've come up with:
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We'll be able to have portraits interact, like smacking each other (I felt like a kid hitting two action figures together, lol)
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We can also apply effects like princess-leia-holograms and full-screen "lighting" effects like warning banners:
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Carpenter and I came up with a number of arrangements that the portraits can smoothly transition between:
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I've also implemented support for choices during a dialogue, potentially leading to branching paths.
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Overall, I feel SO much better about this system than our initial designs. It might feel a little more cartoony, but I think we're making a cartoony game so that's not a problem.
Whew. We bit a lot off to chew with this project. I feel like I just made a second visual novel game engine inside of the first. Fingers crossed that it all ends up worth it.
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djarin · 2 years
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@pscentral​​ EVENT 08: DYNAMICS: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Leia Organa + ELIO’S 2.5K PARTY ★ KENOBI (2022) for @lillard
Princess Leia Organa, you are wise, discerning, kindhearted. These are qualities that came from your mother. But you are also passionate and fearless, forthright. And these are gifts from your father. Both were exceptional people who bore an exceptional daughter. [layout]
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boredtechnologist · 7 months
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"Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" for the Sega Game Gear is an adaptation of the popular Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) title, bringing the thrilling conclusion of the original Star Wars trilogy to a portable format. Released in 1995, this version was developed to deliver the epic storyline and action of its console counterpart to the handheld audience, adjusting its gameplay and presentation to suit the Game Gear's capabilities.
Graphics and Audio
Considering the limitations of the Game Gear’s hardware, "Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" manages to impress with its graphical presentation. The game features scaled-down versions of the SNES game’s sprites, which remain detailed and recognizable, despite the smaller screen and reduced resolution. The backgrounds are simplified but effectively recreate key locations from the movie, such as the forests of Endor and the corridors of the Death Star.
The color palette is well-utilized, with the Game Gear’s ability to display a wide range of colors on screen at once making the visuals vibrant and engaging. This is particularly evident in levels like the Speeder Bike chase through the forests of Endor, where the green hues and motion effects create a sense of speed and danger.
Audio is another area where the game stands out, given the limitations of the Game Gear’s sound hardware. The iconic John Williams’ Star Wars themes are adapted into chiptune format, maintaining the epic and adventurous feel essential to the Star Wars experience. Sound effects, from lightsaber clashes to blaster fire, are effectively recreated, enhancing the action and immersion.
Gameplay Mechanics
Gameplay in "Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" is adapted from the SNES version, focusing on platforming and action. Players can choose from multiple characters, including Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo, each with unique abilities and weapons. The game includes a mix of side-scrolling combat and vehicle-based levels, which adds variety to the gameplay.
The controls are responsive, which is crucial for the Game Gear’s smaller form factor and button layout. The game accommodates the platform with simplified controls that still allow for a good degree of precision, necessary for the platforming sequences and combat.
Innovations and Influence
While "Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" on the Game Gear does not introduce new gameplay innovations, its ability to translate a complex SNES game onto a handheld system is noteworthy. The game demonstrates how well action-packed, multi-genre gameplay can be adapted to a portable format without losing its essence. This adaptation is an early example of how console games could be reimagined for mobile play, a concept that would become increasingly important in the gaming industry.
Cultural and Historical Context
Released towards the end of the Game Gear’s lifespan, "Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" represents one of the more technically ambitious titles for the platform. Its release during a time when portable gaming was becoming more popular showcases Sega’s commitment to providing a diverse library of games, including adaptations of big-name franchises, which helped to sustain the Game Gear’s market presence against competitors like Nintendo’s Game Boy.
"Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" for the Sega Game Gear is a commendable adaptation of a more technically advanced game. By successfully bringing the excitement and narrative of the Star Wars universe to a handheld device, it offers an engaging experience that respects its source material while making necessary adjustments for the hardware. For fans of Star Wars and retro gaming, this game is a fascinating study in adaptation and a testament to the capabilities of the Game Gear.
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oswlld · 2 years
2022: A Summary
Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset from each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
tagged by (1) @hoe-biwan (2) @casualavocados (3) @dramaism (4) @i-got-the-feels & (5) @talays-portkey 💛💛  WOW thank you all for thinking of me, happy to oblige (also gonna plug the one i did last year for edits i made in 2021; idek why i formatted the post that way maybe dont look at it fjslkd just go look at everyone elses)
January most popular — bad buddy ep10 quote set: itll always be the most memorable quote set, since it was the first live ep that i caught after binging it favorite(s) — 1) bad buddy + giovanni’s bedroom: i remember seeing a photoshoot set with this format and knew i wanted to replicate it (prior to this i usually am insp by quotes first, worry about formats/layouts later); 2) bad buddy + hadestown “promises”: because im so predictable and still think about them when i hear the song
February most popular — bad buddy + kaveh akbar quote: the fact that the most popular edit ended up being the valentines day post is so satisfying favorite(s) — bad buddy + pride & prejudice: i actually thought that this was going to be the most popular and it was a close race (eight notes apart lol)
March most popular — bad buddy random screencap #19: a requested screencap that is most beloved by all, what else is there to say favorite(s) — 1) semantic error ep2 set: of all the episodic sets i made for the show, i really liked how this came together thematically; 2) the good place + eleanor quote: i can only count in one hand edits that i’ve thought about making for YEARS before actually making it, but this is prob up on top of the rest, in terms of execution
April most popular — doctor who + the girl who died quote: i think my defining trait in my dw edits is flipping quotes between the two and even though it’s not a new concept to do them, im never not thinking about them and what other moments to edit with favorite(s) — bad buddy + jane eyre: don’t get me wrong, the clara edit is also a fave, but this is tied for best because look at them 😭
May most popular — star wars + leia/padme parallel: not my first sw edit, but the first one ive done while a show was airing; also would like to shout out to the screencap galleries out there for both the sw series and movies, the real mvps favorite(s) — moon knight + head/heart/hands: i have an inside joke with myself with this edit and the tags give it way a bit lol
June most popular — star wars + anakin/darth progression: ofc this is the edit with the most notes overall. hellsite pls never change lol favorite(s) — 1) doctor who + weeping angels: not sure what it about me and making my edits as complicated as possible because it becomes a whole mental marathon, with just me and my phone but im proud of this one; 2) vice versa + series trailer: ive repeated this sentiment in other posts so i wont go into it again here, but this edit will also be so special for me
July most popular — star wars + princess leia: hi, miss you space mom favorite(s) — vice versa ep3 + caitlyn siehl: i think of all the episodic edits, there’s only a fair few that doesn’t carry the flipped/mirrored text effect; all this to say that i am very happy how this one turned out, out of all the versions of the effects (PLUS this quote still makes me teary eyed in hindsight, ugh baby boi i KNOW what youre capable of I KNOW)
August most popular — taylor swift + midnights announcement: i knew that i wanted to make something ts related after having made a few for red tv, so this came together pretty quickly favorite(s) — sense8 + birthday!: i love that a few tags from other ppl pointed out a lack of Will… it’s, uh, intentional lmao
September most popular — the little mermaid + D23 teaser: i still get chills favorite(s) — vice versa ep11 part one: look, i dont miss making these edits each week because, again, the mental marathon i put myself through lol but ep11 [1/4] is now imprinted on my soul and i could not do the ep justice in ONE post (i also made myself cry making the last edit but thats not why its my fav lol)
October most popular — doctor who + regen redux parallel: 50th anniv ep, my beloved favorite(s) — 1) bad buddy + mastermind lyrics: absolutely not my original idea lol but one that i reallllly wanted to make once it consumed my waking hours; 2) vice versa ep12 quote set: its a real color to me
November most popular AND favorite — andor + maarva quote: WHAT A SHOW! WHAT A QUOTE! WHAT A CHARACTER!! I MISS IT TERRIBLY
December most popular — doctor who + google search: it seriously warms my heart that the most popular edit ended being my birthday post and with my most beloved, my url namesake, my queen favorite(s) — reset + best 2022 series: i mean, the clara edit is also def a faaav fav, but i’m so attached to this show and worked so hard to make this for sam lmao (not sure what it is about the two-row sets that are really intimidating to me but thats a whole other matter) very few ppl know how long ive been dyinggg to make this all year, so i was so happy to see that someone requested it. im gonna look at it a little longer before i post this... *sigh*
i think everyone has been tagged at this point, but feel free to make one yourself if you have not been tagged yet and tag me
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gusanator · 2 years
Dear Halloween,
Mother finally returned home yesterday (after 30 days of nursing grandpa), so we immediately binged the latest Spy X Family episodes in Spanish.
She also liked the layout of the living rooms and I got to finish the flower stands for the patio.
Now it's Halloween and I'm without an outfit. The princess Leia outfit we bought was a Extra Small and Hugo lent out the ghost cloak. At least GameStop gave us $120 bucks for 12 retired games (like the original Horizon Zero Dawn and Mafia).
Today was also lots of errands and driving, even now I am 🎧 to ASMR and drifting to sleep. Hopefully i van work on the follow-up tonight though.
1. Apply to Clerical support at the Housing Commission.
2. Exercise. Either my 2 hr route or at home.
3. Read "Legends & Lattes" and do Pimsluer.
4 Unreal sentinel ir Blender.
6. Repair Hugo's PC.
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mondlevan · 3 years
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luke skywalker messy headers
“♡” or reblog if you save/use — follow me.
twt: @szamofada
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imsylwanin · 2 years
Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker, Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005).
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, Harrison Ford as Han Solo and Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1997).
Please, reblog + like if you use it or give me credits on twitter @IMSYLWANIN .
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hepburnicons · 7 months
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star wars: a new hope (1977) headers
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meepmeepmar · 3 years
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Princess Leia heart png icons | Originally done by @616rogue
Liking+reblogging is appreciated but not necessary
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parasiteicons · 3 years
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gutshwn · 3 years
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harry styles x star wars layouts
like or reblog if you used/saved
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gonyuwr · 3 years
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Leia girlfriend material wallpaper
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