#printer maintenance
lizadcruzthings · 1 year
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preetdesai · 2 years
Best Maintenance Tips for your Thermal Printer
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Thermal printers are one of the great ways to handle your operations smoothly. Among all types of printers, thermal printers lead the way in terms of growth. In industries like manufacturing, distribution, and retail, these printers are mostly used for labels, barcodes, and tags of various kinds.
For more details, read the full article here:- Best Maintenance Tips for your Thermal Printer
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trickstarbrave · 2 days
My roommate wants a 3d printer and I kinda want one too. My problem is I don’t wanna clean the resin printer that seems rly fucking annoying to do.
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badolmen · 1 year
‘oooo printers are so mean and scary’ rip to you but I’m built different. my printer eats oats from my hand. the printer at work lets me print double sided papers without so much as a whinny. don’t get me started on the office copy machine we have a bond you couldn’t comprehend.
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cappurrccino · 6 months
already suffering in "your budget is $0, make it work" library hell
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thelamebat · 8 months
me, for months: the wipers are weird.. idk why but i feel something is wrong. The pumps aren't doing their job, maybe clogged? idk, boss, please check them out, i dont know enough about this technician: the wipers and pumps arent the proper ones for this machine, the caps are busted and its missing a cover piece me: !!!! I KNEW!!! I TOLD YOU ALL!!!!
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corvuscorona · 2 years
you rly do have to slowly get to know printers like they're horses...
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1674 Highway 395, Suite 203 Minden, NV 89423 (866) 620-2287 [email protected] https://clearchoicetechnical.com/
Ready to take your office to the next level? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with top-notch printer and copier solutions from start to finish.
Contact us today and let’s boost your office productivity together!
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it's really something how so many people literally do believe the idea that automation means that theres no more people being exploited instead of automation meaning instead of hiring a person to do the thing you hire a person to operate a machine that can give the owner statistics about how much time youre wasting operating the machine
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sstechnetwork · 7 months
SSTech Networking is India's Top IT Service Provider, Fulfilling a Range of Needs.
In the quickly advancing universe of information innovation, organizations in India are progressively depending on complete IT solutions to remain competitive. One standout player in this field is SSTech Networking, a main IT specialist co-op that has gained notoriety for conveying a wide range of services, going from cloud computing to computer customization.
Cloud Computing Greatness
SSTech Networking is at the forefront of the cloud computing insurgency, offering organizations adaptable and secure solutions that influence the force of the cloud. From cloud-based capacity to cutting edge computing assets, the organization guarantees that its clients can outfit the maximum capacity of cloud innovation, upgrading flexibility and proficiency in their tasks.
Computer Cleaning and Maintenance
Perceiving the significance of all around kept up with computer frameworks, SSTech Networking gives exhaustive computer cleaning services. Standard cleaning works on the longevity of hardware as well as guarantees ideal performance. SSTech Networking's careful way to deal with computer maintenance assists clients with keeping away from possible issues, adding to a smoother and more solid computing experience.
Custom Computer Building and Upgrades
For organizations with explicit computing prerequisites, SSTech Networking offers custom computer building services. Customized to individual requirements, these solutions ensure that the hardware meets the specific determinations of the client. Additionally, the organization succeeds in computer upgrades, staying up with the latest with the furthest down the line innovation to improve performance and productivity.
Complete Hardware and Software Installation
SSTech Networking's expertise reaches out to exhaustive hardware and software installation services. Whether it's setting up a new computer, designing software applications, or coordinating new hardware parts, the organization guarantees a consistent installation process. This tender loving care assists clients with streamlining their IT framework for most extreme productivity.
Mac Services for Apple Enthusiasts
Understanding the interesting prerequisites of Mac clients, SSTech Networking offers specific types of assistance for the Apple environment. From Mac setup to investigating and maintenance, the organization's experts are knowledgeable in the complexities of Apple innovation, guaranteeing that Mac clients experience smooth and effective computing.
Network and Printer Setup
SSTech Networking goes past individual gadgets, offering master network and printer setup services. The organization guarantees that networks are designed for ideal performance and security, while printers are flawlessly incorporated into the general framework. This comprehensive way to deal with IT framework setup adds to a strong and productive working environment climate.
New Computer Setup and Fast Arrangement
Organizations frequently need to set up new computer frameworks rapidly and proficiently. SSTech Networking succeeds in fast sending, guaranteeing that new computers are designed, associated with networks, and prepared for use in the most limited conceivable time. This assistance is especially significant for organizations going through extensions or upgrades.
Repair and Maintenance Expertise
In case of hardware or software issues, SSTech Networking gives fast and powerful repair and maintenance services. The organization's talented professionals analyze and determine issues effectively, limiting personal time and guaranteeing that clients can continue their activities with negligible disturbance.
Server Support for Vigorous Tasks
Perceiving the critical job servers play in present day business tasks, SSTech Networking offers extensive server support services. From setup to maintenance and investigating, the organization guarantees that servers work at max execution, supporting the reliability and scalability of the clients' IT foundation.
About conclusion,
SSTech Networking stands out as a flexible and dependable IT specialist co-op in India, tending to the different requirements of organizations across different areas. From cloud computing to computer customization, hardware and software installation to server support, the organization's extensive scope of services positions it as a go-to accomplice for organizations hoping to improve their IT capabilities. SSTech Networking's commitment to greatness and customer fulfillment concretes its status as a forerunner in India's competitive IT services landscape.
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question, what happens when your super high maintenance inkjet printer (that the stickers and some prints get made on) loses connection halfway through a print?
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anyone want 3/4 of a gritty???
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bailaconox · 1 year
not two days in a row being ruined bc i'm fighting tooth and nail with these stupid office printers 😭💔🫥
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xivymoonx · 2 years
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bellamygateoldblog · 2 years
gonna dl episode 8 bc im at work but not working on friday so I'll watch it at work 🤣🤣🤣
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abalidoth · 1 year
was doing some maintenance on my printer and realized that "full hotend replacement" is a fun euphemism for bottom surgery
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carionto · 9 months
I like to think the humans ambassador hides black powder weapons around their office instead of Lazer guns or plasma, just walks about with 2 hidden flintlock pistols
You sir or madam or otherwise have given me the biggest grin with that idea, thank you.
(me from after having written it out) I did not know where this idea would take me, stream of consciousness writing will do that.
Every delegate of every integrated species aboard a Coalition governing station in their respective segment of the Galaxy receives full accommodations in the form of an isolated embassy structure.
One day, as per a Human custom, the main delegate - Ambassador Glenn York, invited several other delegates on a tour of his embassy. With some hesitation from a few due to their prey-like ancestry and associated cultural background, but ultimately won over by the Human's eager friendliness, they embarked on this little cultural exchange.
It was a little difficult to move about, as each embassy is adapted to suit the environmental preferences of the respective species, and Humans live on a high gravity and dense atmosphere world, so much so in fact, some of the less physically suitable delegates had to put on an exoskeleton, while many others required a breathing apparatus to thin out the poisonous air.
Once we were underway, Glenn showed us that the Humans were diligent in their work - acquiring information from and learning about all the various species within the Coalition, establishing communication lines with the respective counterparts in the disparately varied local government structures, and most importantly continually updating the translation modules.
In addition, we admired their art they had installed along the barren walls. Most, Glenn explained, was done by the delegates and their staff themselves during free time, and it ranged from tiny contraptions painstakingly assembled within a minuscule glass container (we did not realize they could hone their dexterity to such a precise degree!) to large murals covering an entire wall with the most vivid color and shape combinations one could imagine; from the very clear and obvious to impossibly abstract! Though the music they had to turn down - the vibrations of the thick atmosphere were beginning to overload the dampening systems and one of the delegates almost passed out.
Near the end of the tour, Glenn invited us into his office to show off what his "hobby" is:
"The boys and gals I work with are all talented people, but none of them appreciate the kind of craftsmanship I prefer. It's kind of a ancient art form, you see, high maintenance too, very delicate."
He pulls out a pair of ancient looking projectile weapons, at least judging by the shape, but none of us can quite grasp, aside from the trigger, how it operates. We are all silent as he pours some sort of fine grain from a small bag into the upturned tube then drops a small metal ball and proceeds to jam it further in with a cloth and stick.
"I handcrafted these myself. Sure, I could get a printer to do it and it'd be perfect, but perfection just ain't right when it comes to work of the soul, amirite? I find it therapeutic, to mold the shape, heat the iron, cast the shape, smooth the edges, straighten the barrel, carve the grip, roll the bullets, grind the powder... just..."
He lets out a long sigh of relief? satisfaction? euphoria? as he gazes with great affection at the pair of devices in his hands. We feel the urge to end the tour. Like. Right now. But Glenn insists on a demonstration. We hesitantly follow him to a largely empty room below where he sets up a couple of small wooden block on a pedestal. As he points one of the devices and is about to pull the trigger, he stops, looks back at us and says:
"Almost forgot, you'll want to take a few more steps back and turn your dampeners to max."
Heeding his advice, we do so, and after he appears satisfied with our... safety?... he returns his gaze to the wooden block and pulls the trigger.
We awaken after a short while, the sturdier of our fellow delegates say the rest of us were out for just a few moments, but the ringing reverberation of the shockwave through the Human atmosphere still resonates throughout our bodies. Glenn, worry in his eyes, is apologizing profusely:
"Oh I am so sorry, I didn't think you'd still react so poorly. Is anyone hurt? I even put in less gunpowder than normal, but I guess that's still too potent. I--I'll file an official apology and compensate for any damages I may have caused to any of you. I will take full responsibility for this incident. Please do not think poorly of us as a whole due to the willfulness of one individual, it was never my intention to inflict any injury on anyone."
After a thorough medical examination, it was determined that only a few delegates suffered a minor case of shock, which was alleviated rapidly at their respective medical stations. Ambassador Glenn York was reprimanded and sent back to Earth, a replacement will arrive shortly. The one permanent remnant of the incident is the wooden block that was struck by Glenn's pistol - now put on a small display in one of the inner rooms of the Human embassy. The bullet still embedded half-way and the splinters it shot out arranged in a chaotic manner, befitting an explosion, down in front.
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