#pro vaccines
fixing-bad-posts · 1 year
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[Image description: A photograph of a man shown from the nose down, wearing a graphic t-shirt. The shirt has been edited blackout-poetry style to read, "Vaccinated conservative eater." The text is next to three stripes in pink, purple, and blue—the colours of the bisexual pride flag.]
this man eats conservatives; and he's bisexual!
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faggy--butch · 2 years
I think logic and reason are overrated. People have logiced and reasoned their way into being antivax, terfism, nazism, and so on. Maybe logic and reason aint so logical or reasonable?
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opinetheshrine · 2 years
If you’re pro-birth and your argument is:
“ If you consent to sex, you consent to pregnancy.”
Before you run with it, know that this statement is a concept that invalidates your entire argument.
Your argument is inconceivable.
If it’s consent that you’re reducing pregnancy down to, I’d hope you’re of the logic that a pregnancy, as the result of non-consensual sex, aka rape, wasn’t consented to. Therefore, they should have the option to terminate.
Go back to sex-ed, read a biology book, and re-assess the legal system. And how society operates under a law that can ban someone’s right to govern their own body.
And hopefully that will make you question the overturn of Roe v Wade.
There is no consent to biological processes.
Especially pregnancy.
Pregnancy, as a consequence to sex(protected or not), or rape, is not something you choose to go to bed with.
Carrying and birthing a human has a profound effect on women, trans men, and non binary persons-with uteruses. Even if they decide not to become a parent or be pregnant.
There are no preventative measures for pregnancy that are 100% absolute in their efficacy. Hysterectomies, depending on location, expenses, and doctors, can be inaccessible.
And, not every one with a uterus wants to be cut open to have it removed.
Some people also have no choice but to consent to hysterectomies stemming from other health issues. Menstrual concerns, Ovarian cancer, ovarian cyst, vaginal haemorrhaging, even childbirth…etc.
Birth control pills are prescribed and not over the counter. Condoms, however, are situated right next to the shower gel, at my local Coles.
Birth control devices may even not be entirely effective. Nor, are they permanent. Some people’s bodies have, or may, reject/ed them and will result in a surgical removal of the BC device
Birth control can induce illness, physical and mental. The side effects can be so life altering that they have no choice but to go off of it. Suicide, self-harm, depression…etc.
Then of course, pro-lifers will use the argument for vaccine mandates. Which is a separate issue, but if you want some thoughts, here are mine.
I am pro-vax. Although, I have people in my life who aren’t. And, I respect their choice because I understand their reasons. It’s their body to govern and their health.
But, unlike Pregnancy, Vaccines-even when mandated- are a choice.
You’ll possibly be a carrier of a sickness that you’re asymptomatic to and believe your clean bill of health is a right to enter public spaces with vulnerable persons who may be immunocompromised…
But hey, that’s your choice. And I’ll respect that as your individual choice. I only hope you’ll be accountable for the implications it may have on others.
And some sacrifices will need to be made.
But don’t worry, you won’t be forced to give birth to a human being against your own will.
Think about this:
A government, of predominantly men, should never feel compelled to insert themselves into the Bodily autonomy of Civilians! They should exercise their power and authority to help improve healthcare, cost of living, and the judicial system…
Whether it’s vaccines, abortions, pregnancy, or healthcare in general.
The fact we have to pay thousands of dollars for medicine to be “healed”
The fact It costs hundreds and thousands of dollars to raise a family and sustain a livelihood.
The fact the US healthcare system is so fucked that you HAVE to pay thousands of dollars just to birth a baby, in an environment where medical assistance may be required!
The fact a young girl going through puberty can be impregnated by her Rapist…
A child will be forced to birth their sibling, cousin, aunt/uncle…
We don’t consent to pregnancy, because we cannot control whether we become pregnant or not.
And if we choose to permanently relinquish the possibility of pregnancy, it can be a laborious process involving many probable denials by healthcare professionals.
We don’t consent to miscarriage, stillbirth, illness, or other possible life-threatening effects from the cause of painful pregnancies.
We don’t consent to carrying foetuses with developed deformities that can kill them, and potentially us, to full term.
We don’t consent to facing heart failure, having doctors perform invasive and painful surgeries to open our vagina’s for the “crowning”, having our stomach cut open and our uterus aggressively tugged to remove a human;
Heart burn. Nausea. Vacuuming. Hair loss. Neuropathy. Vaginal tearing…I could go on. But I won’t.
I’m not a fear monger. I see the truth and I say it.
Pregnancy can’t be reduced down to an argument. It’s a reproductive process that involves creating, carrying, and delivery.
It’s an impressively massive biological process that we cannot control and we cannot consent to.
Although, one of the things we CAN consent to, that may result in pregnancy , you will weaponise against us. And it began when girls are told to dress a certain way, behave a certain way. They’re told not to chase boys and then in the same breath told “ say yes, it won’t hurt. He seems like a nice guy.”…
Say it: “Abortions are for sluts. Only sluts get abortions.”
“We shouldn’t be raising our daughters to be sluts.”
A ten year old girl, from Ohio, is not a slut because she had to travel to another state to legally terminate a pregnancy as the result of a rape…
She’s a child. She’s scared. She’s traumatised. She’s an innocent. She’s a victim. She’s a survivor. She did not deserve this…
And I hope the perpetrator is held in contempt with a fury, from the court, that they will exercise in a manner which will make them reconsider the entire fuckery of the other possible tragedies that could’ve followed had that girl’s guardians not taken drastic measures to seek a safe abortion for her.
There are laws of consent here in Australia.
Laws that will protect people in retracting consent, or giving consent if they were intoxicated or drugged…
“ No means No.”
So, if it’s consent you’re arguing…
Maybe you need to direct your attention to Rape culture. That’s something that needs your attention and energy, regarding consent, not pregnancy!!!!
So, I’ll respect your right to choose whether or not to be vaccinated. If you choose to respect that uteruses belong to people, and those people have the right to decide whether or not they want to pro-create with it.
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rebelarkey · 2 years
Republicans: All life is precious
Me: Will you get a vaccine to protect others then?
Republicans: No you can’t tell me what to do with my body
Me: You’re telling people with uteri what to do with their body
Republicans: But it’s to save the life of another human
Me: Which is exactly what the vaccines does— it save lives
Republicans: You can’t force me to take a vaccine to save the life of others. There might be complications!
Me: well, then why are you forcing people to have children they don’t want? There are complications with pregnancy and side effects and the possibility of death.
Republicans: fine if you wanna be dead I’m just gonna shoot you with my gun then because my right to bear arms trumps your right to bodily autonomy 
Me: okay then. I have more rights as a dead person than I do as a living one.
Republicans: *shoots me*
Republicans: All lives are precious
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tkk1063 · 2 years
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Oh if anyone has pro vaxx sources/statistics send them my way please so I can successfully form a counter argument against some antivaxx graffiti that has personally pissed me off
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shitchannel4you · 2 years
HI THERE again. I'm sorry för been gone for a wile. God have you been. I have been beasy with both work, education, driving school and my mother. HOW EVER. I have a video I MADE for över 1 YEARS ago. So yeah. It's an old video THERE I recommended about Pfizer Vaccine against Covid-19. Sens It's season for it again. Sens fall/autumn Will return again. However. It's important to be carefull today. BUT Thats Doesn't mean I force you för taking it. It's up to you. Wether You are a pro/anti-vaccine. BUT remain carefully.
Good luck. And Remember. Be carefull. And yes. This video was made last year. So sorry for that. BUT I WILL make a video next time. It Will come.
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visenyaism · 2 years
the main difference between the two sides of the dance of the dragons is that the greens are antivaxxers because alicent is logged the fuck in to larys strong westerosi infowars tracking chip conspiracies and keeps getting ravens from her dad about how the septons and the maesters all believe leeches are the only vegan organic non toxic good way to cure diseases. the blacks are antivaxxers because daemon refuses to let foreign substances touch his pure valyrian blood or whatever but he also does coke
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i may hate needles but i love vaccines more yeehaw
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fixing-bad-posts · 1 year
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[Image description: A facebook comment, edited blackout-poetry style to read, "get vaccinated simple as that". The commenter's last name has been redacted, leaving only his first name: Brian.]
brian says get vaccinated!
Submitted by @orangesideirrational
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cookinguptales · 2 months
I know that I've mentioned several times how I had to go through a period of relearning once I got out of the religious environment in which I'd been raised, and like... A lot of the things I had to research and learn about all over again were fairly obvious, like climate change. My parents and teachers told me that man-made climate change wasn't real, so I believed them. Once I got to college, I realized that I'd been misled, and I had to relearn the whole topic.
But not all of these things were obvious! I went through this period where I didn't even know what part of my education I should be questioning. Like... what do I even research?? Do I actually understand weather? What about history?
One of the reasons I bring up history is because one of the things my parents told me wasn't real was radiocarbon dating. And I don't just mean "well, these are estimations, can't be used for precise dates, and might be somewhat off due to atmospheric conditions." I got the whole "well, this is unprovable* and goes against the history the Bible gives us so you shouldn't trust carbon dating at all."
(*I was taught that anything that wasn't like... observable in real-time was not provable.)
Let's just say... a lot of my childhood was adults around me hedging their bets like "I'm not saying this is fake, I'm just saying it can't be proven and they're asking us to take this hypothesis as fact! I'm just saying you should question things! And not believe those liberal scientists!"
(carbon dating, evolution, the big bang/quantum physics, whether humans and dinosaurs coexisted, climate change, how hiv works, etc.)
And uhhh I went into archaeology (among other things) when I first started college, so you can imagine how this impeded my studies. lmao
idk, I guess I'm not going anywhere in particular with this. I was just listening to a podcast that's currently talking about the paleolithic period and I still had a gut instinctual reaction of "well, you don't know these things are that old" that I had to squash like a fucking bug.
I definitely understand exactly how the "it's good to be curious and read sources critically" to "question everyone, especially experts" to "those liberal scientists are trying to trick you" to "fake news!!" pipeline comes about. ;;
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aj-lenoire · 1 year
holy fucking shit i am losing my mind over the hbomberguy vaccine video
(yes i know it came out almost 2 years ago i only just got into his stuff alright)
like i knew andrew wakefield's original study was bullshit; when i did a module on autism in undergrad, one of the first things my professor said was that this study was bullshit—it was only done on 12 kids, he owned the patent for the seperate vaccines, it was later retracted for being total bullshit and wakefield wankfield lost his medical license; HE IS NO LONGER A DOCTOR
we were not told:
the study didn’t even FIND anything!! even after wankfield tweaked data, lied about what parents said, his conclusions were that he hadn’t found any actual evidence BUT he really thought there might be a link between the MMR vaccine and autism
(that, for those of you not in the know, is not how academia works, you need evidence)
some of the children in the study weren’t even autistic
of those 12 children, only about half of the parents were reported as saying they thought the MMR vaccine caused their kid’s autism (BASED OFF NOTHING BUT SPECULATION, I MIGHT ADD) and at least one of the fathers has said that wankfield straight-up lied about him saying that
wankfield was hired by a lawyer to ‘‘‘find’’’ evidence of autism so that lawyer could launch a class action lawsuit on behalf of like, 12 parents who thought their kids’ autism was caused by their MMR vaccinations
in the same journal edition the original paper was published, there was another paper by other doctors saying that wankfield’s assertions seemed deeply fishy
the parents were not able to give informed consent to their kids’ medical examinations because wankfield didn't list the risks of the procedures on the ‘consent’ forms
let me say that again
the parents were not able to give informed consent to their kids’ medical examinations because wankfield didn't list the risks of the procedures on the ‘consent’ forms
honestly, if you haven’t already, you should probably just watch HBomberGuy’s video. he cites all of his sources and there is so much more insane stuff i’m not even getting into here
but like, i get parents being scared of medical stuff they don’t fully understand, i get wanting nothing but the best for your kid because they’re your kid and you want to protect them, that is a noble and reasonable thing to want to do!!
however. the SLIGHTEST glimpse at this ‘‘‘study’’’ and it becomes painfully, dangerously clear that there is no and indeed never has been any link between vaccines and autism. by refusing to vaccinate your children, you are actually putting them at more risk and in more danger.
if there’s one thing people need to understand about vaccines, it’s that they weren’t created on a whim. measles, tetanus, polio, mumps, rubella, used to KILL hundreds if not thousands of people a year:
the vaccination rate in france for measles fell below 90% around 2008 and it caused an outbreak in the population that killed at least 10 people
the effects of long-COVID are only just becoming apparent, and even young and healthy people are getting seriously harmed by infection
herd immunity is about 95% vaccination in the population, and it is so, so crucially important that everyone who can get vaccinated does get vaccinated, because people with weakened immune systems (like very young or old people, or people undergoing chemotherapy) will be relying on herd immunity to stay safe. so it isn’t just your kid you’re putting at more risk, but other people’s kids, too
and, also, one final lil’ note:
other informative links in addition to HBomberGuy's video below the cut:
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On the off chance there's any fellow victorians following me, reminder the state election's coming up, and you should go check your enrollment's up to date.
Early voting from the 14th, democracy sausage map here as ever (not a whole lot of points yet, for obvious reasons), and the election itself is on the 26th of november (I mean, obviously).
Also postal voting's open for enrollment as of today (2nd nov), though the website seems to be a bit janky atm so maybe try later in the week - ballot packs start being posted on the 14th; enrollment for postal votes closes the 23rd at 6pm.
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you-need-not-apply · 1 year
People can choose.
People can choose not to get vaxed. I will not judge them if it’s for legitimate medical reasons, but I will judge others as they are endangering others and themselves
People can choose to be vegan. I will not judge them if they don’t force their beliefs onto others, but I will when they make their pets vegan and scream at passers by to be vegan
People can choose to not have an abortion. I will not judge them as it’s their right to choose, but I will if they use their situation as a way to say “pro-life” and to force their beliefs on others
People can choose to be religious. I will not judge them as they have a right to faith and belief’s, but I will if they force others to believe the same as them and if they don’t then they hate them
People can choose. But that doesn’t mean I will judge them.
People can choose. But that doesn’t mean I won’t judge them.
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fettiowi · 1 year
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naomiknight-17 · 7 months
Pneumonia vaccine injection site is slightly sore when poked but otherwise fine. Flu shot site and surrounding area intensely sore with even the slightest, gentlest touch
What do they PUT in that thing
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