#probably ended with sl or immediately after
springlock-suits · 5 months
I already mentioned this before but god I love that the fnaf animatronics have a toy theme and I so wish they did more with it
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
Thoughts on the dynamic between TIES Tango and BB Jimmy? Or even the silly rivalry they have in SL? There’s just so much adorable fluffy potential there and I’m just 💭
- 🧚🏼‍♀️
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YOU'RE RIGHT THERE IS AND I LOVE THEM. SL ranchers are SO cute and precious its off the charts. Limited Life however...
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Ok drawing that hurt a bit so I'm immediately following up with this
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Limited Life is so carefree in general it's SO fun and probably the least angst material out of any of the Life series to me (of course there is still plenty, can't underestimate the traffic fandom's ability to find angst in everything) including Tango and Jimmy. They're so fun and you're right that it's a lot of fluff potential, mostly because Jimmy being a "bad boy" is so funny. BUT THE, MAN. TH The fact that this is the one after DL, after Jimmy so desperately wanted to apologize to Tango for how they went out and who knows if he got to do that or not. I love the idea of them reuniting in some temporary afterlife game or dark void following their deaths, but also what if they didn't get to talk... maybe it was only Tango's distant messages "you're still here? It's over. Go home. Go" that reached him and then he just didn't dare to talk about it other than the one time he instinctually called him "rancher" again. I can't help but be filled with angst when I think about LimL ranchers but I trust that where there is angst, hurt/comfort is sure to follow.... If not then I just die I guess
The bad boy sunglasses are very convenient to hide the look with which he gazes upon Tango from a distance... But then oop Tango hops through the nether portal on top of bad boy mansion and Jimmy decides to go for it, to try and harken back to how they used to be to gauge how Tango will react when he goes "The boogie's being chosen, you're here with us now, we have to look into each other's eyes!" (paraphrasing) and then he's like "oh Impulse is here too" lmao and then that's just kinda it. And then TIES blows up bread bridge and auughhghhh you know??? I'm so bad at expressing how I feel, sorry this is a ramble. But I love them so very dearly and I could absolutely imagine inconspicuous moments between them. Like whenever I think of potential LimL rancher fluff my mind goes to this one fanfic about Jimmy being sleep deprived and he just kinda ends up at TIES and Tango puts him to sleep. Stuff like that
And idk what more to say about Secret Life. Their little rivalry is so funny and literally idk if it's the fanart that has absolutely fucked with my head but every time I think about them I imagine them awkwardly flirting on complete accident and just being kind of weird but. very lovable. They had only two notable interactions and those two interactions left me permanently deranged
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sturniololoco · 4 months
Could you do a little sister fic where they find out she’s in an abusive relationship? (Maybe Chris goes to fix his hair and she flinches)
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
warnings: toxic/abusive relationships, flinching, etc.
Note: This is based off of a couple different requests, but I’ll put them at the bottom just incase so there’s no spoilers!
I love him. Don’t I?
That was what I was thinking on my way back from Luke’s house today.
He kinda snapped at me before I left today, which was normal, but what really threw me off was when he smacked me on the leg, hard. It caught me so off guard, so I started crying, which only made him even more upset.
It was my fault, I’m too sensitive. I should have just agreed with him when he was talking to me the first time. I should have just-
“Someone’s quiet today. What’s on your mind kiddo?” Matt asked me, breaking my train of thought. He picked me up from Luke's house today, and we were now headed home.
“Uh-yeah, yeah I’m fine.” I say, as we pulled up to the house.
Nick made chicken Alfredo pasta for dinner tonight, and I could smell it as soon as I walked through the door.
“It’s about time you slow pokes showed up! I’m hungry!” Chris wined, banging his fists on the table like a child. Nick smacked him lightly on the shoulder, rolling his eyes as he set plates of steaming pasta in front of us.
After about two hours of eating dinner and talking on the couch, I decided to call it a night and head to my room to shower. I grab my towel and turn on the water to warm it as I undress.
I pull down my cargo jeans, but I find a big purplish-red mark on my thigh, right where Luke had hit me. The mark had a big blue circle in the middle, probably from his ring. I didn't mind the pain though, I was being too sensitive.
It's kinda like I have a piece of him with me now, I thought.
My shower was done and my hair was brushed, but I couldn't help feeling like something was wrong.
I should call Luke and apologize.
I went to his contact and FaceTimed him. No answer. I tried one more time. I heard the line pick up, but before I could start talking, I heard a voice that wasn't Luke's say,
"He's busy." Then ended the call.
I stared blankly at the screen, so many thought that I did.'t even comprehend going through my brain.
Who was that? Why was she with him? Does he have a sister? No.... Is he...is he cheating on me?
I feel tears well up in my eyes at that last thought. I quickly wipe them away, clearing my throat, thinking,
"What is wrong with you?! Do you know what he would do if he knew you thought of him that way?! You are so disloyal! You don't deserve him!
I pinched myself, hard, right next to the bruise from Luke.
He's probably just busy like she said.
I woke up the next morning to a text from Luke, and I immediately felt relieved.
Luke❤️: Picking you up @ 9 be ready
I sent him a thumbs-up and began to get ready, throwing on some leggings and a crew neck. I put my hair in a ponytail and threw on some mascara, then walked downstairs.
"Morning SLS/N!" I hear my brothers say. Nick had some bagels laid out. I quickly grabbed one and threw my Uggs on while eating it. As I finished I stood right by the door and stared out the window, waiting for Luke's truck to pull up.
I wouldn't wanna make him wait!
I shouted a quick, "Love you boys," to my brothers before climbing up into Luke's truck.
It reeked of perfume, one that I would never wear.
His Mom must have been in here recently.
"Why do you look so sloppy today?" Luke asked me, looking my outfit up and down as he pulled away from my house.
"Oh, I just thought-" I began to say, but Luke grabbed my ponytail and yanked my head towards him, shouting,
"I didn't ask for you to talk back!"
I quickly apologized and winced at the pain in my head. He let go of my hair and rubbed the side of my head. I leaned into his touch. he chuckled then let go.
I've been at Luke's house for about two hours, but all he's done is play his video game while I sat pretty on the bed, hoping for some of his attention.
"Luke?...Hey Luke?" I began to say his name hoping he would notice me.
He muted his mic and slammed his headset on his table, briskly walking over to me.
He crouched down in front of me, and just when I thought he was about to give me the attention I'd been waiting for, he smacked me on the side of the face.
"What is wrong with you? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something really important right now?" He yelled in my face. I feel the tears well up in my eyes I mumble an apology.
"Oh my gosh, now your gonna start crying like I'm the bad guy! I-" He started to yell again but was interrupted by a call. He pulled out his phone, checked who it was, and then answered it while stepping into the hallway.
Luke came back into the room, slipping his phone back into his pocket while saying,
"You need to get your brother to come pick you up. I've got someone coming over soon." He said, before going back to his game.
I quickly gathered my things and went to give Lke a goodbye kiss, but then thought better of it.
I called Matt as I walked outside and sat on the curb. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hey, can you come pick me up?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't ask questions.
He did.
"Why" Matt asked.
"Oh he-uh... had a meeting he forgot about and doesn't have time to pick me up," I said. It wasn't a complete lie, he was meeting with someone.
As Matt and I drove out of his driveway, a white jeep pulled in. A blonde girl, with long fake lashes and nails, stepped out of the jeep and walked inside.
My brothers and I got Pizza for dinner tonight, so we decided to watch a movie while we ate. I had changed into some PJ shorts and one of Chris's hoodies for the occasion.
I was in between Nick and Chris on the short part of the couch, drinking a Pepsi. As I was reaching to put the can on the coffee table, I accidentally spilled it on the floor.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chris put his hand up. I immediately crouched down, putting my hands over my head to avoid being smacked. I waited for the contact to hit but it never came.
I look up to see all my brothers staring at me with shocked and confused faces.
"Did-did you think I was gonna hit you?" Chris asked me, reaching a hand out to help me up. I cursed myself for flinching at that too.
"I-I...Well-you see I" I began to say but Nick cut me off.
"I need you to be honest SLS/N. Is Luke hitting you?"H said, giving me an I already know kinda look.
"N-no! He loves me, there is just a little love tap! He-"
"Then what's that giant bruise you've been pretending not there from?" Matt questions me.
I look up at him. And then it dawns on me.
Luke has been hitting me. And cheating.
At this I break down into tears, finally letting all of my bottled-up emotions out. Chris leans down and picks me up, bringing me into his lap and cradling me.
"Shh, your okay. Your safe here with us. We won't ever let anyone do this to you again. we gotcha kiddo." Chris says into my ear softly. Matt and Nick scoot closer and join us.
My thoughts change.
You never deserved him? Ha! More like he never deserved you. He used you, hit you, abused you. Fuck him.
All of these thoughts finally added up, and now they will never change, because my brothers will always be here for me.
"We gotcha kiddo."
So Sorry this took so fucking long! Here are the other requests! And I'm sorry if the story didn't completely line up with what you were asking, but if you drop another request I can try and mak a whole new one with that just by itself!
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pickastitch · 2 months
how pearl really got those extra hearts after beating the ender dragon
aka sl!shiny duo ficlet (469 words)
Pearl really didn't know how she ended up fighting the Ender Dragon on a server with no natural regeneration. Well, that is partly a lie; she knew exactly what, or more accurately, who convinced her to come here.
The session started off fairly normally, a question passed around The Mounders to start off the session before they all got their tasks. Her task deemed her the butler of Impulse, and she was so excited that it was him and not someone more reckless.
Or so she thought because when Gem asked Impulse and herself if they wanted to go defeat the Dragon. Impulse agreed immediately. Pearl can still see his smug look when saying yes, knowing full well she would have to come with him. She did consider failing the task just to avoid almost certain death, and she probably would've if anybody but Gem was asking her.
After all she did outright tell Pearl, “You are the most capable one here. I believe you would do a good job,” and who is she to argue with Gem?
So now she is stuck in The End with Impulse and Bdubs until either she or The Dragon dies. There were a couple of close calls which led to her ending the fight with two and a half hearts, but Bdubs got the final hit before The Dragon took her first life. They were free; he handed her the dragon egg to thank her for the work, as it seemed Impulse did a suspiciously low amount of damage, they all hopped into the portal to return back home.
Pearl woke up back in her little dirt mound, and she was thankful for her block choice; the smell of the dirt and just Earth itself was so pleasant. She didn't realize how much she missed it. There were voices right outside; it seemed like Mumbo and someone else talking, she got up to investigate.
She finds a pumpkin mask right outside her mound. “You did it! You did it!” Gem chants the moment she opens the door. Pulling her out of the doorway, Gem hugged her so tightly and spun her around as Mumbo spoke congratulations. Instead of the physical contact reducing her health, the hearts shot all the way back up to thirty, and Pearl wanted to stay in her arms forever. She didn't realize how deprived of touch she was in the name of survival, but she loved the embrace; she got to forget about the whole death game situation, the stress of the tasks, and the chaos that she had just arrived from.
But Gem finally let go, pointing them both to the Taskmaster. Pearl sighed as she figuratively and physically stepped back into the chaos, but deciding it could at least be bearable with Gem by her side.
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clover-doodles · 5 months
GUH I wanna ask stuff so bad about the Watcher Scar au but idk what to ask, uhhh
I would like to think though that Scar returned to season 9 just before it ended, where from a lore standpoint Grian panicked and made Xisuma switch the seasons so he could take Scar somewhere safer, where the Watchers wouldn't immediately know?
Idk lol I really like your au
I feel this would actually happen cause when scar returned Grian could probably sense a watcher’s presence before he even saw scar and panicked and maybe Pearl would be near by see Grian panicking he would then tell pearl that he senses a watchers presence and head straight to Xisuma and come across Scar along the way then Grian realizes Scar is the watcher he’s be sensing and panics even more then he did before because first Scar wins SL and then doesn’t return with then rest of them and when he does he’s now a watcher (and Grian’s been running away from the watchers and now they know where he is) so Grian just rushes the reunion and just drags scar with him to see xisuma and when he’s gets to xisuma Grian is just goes “we need to leave” with barely any explanation after Xisuma gets an explanation from pearl on what she thinks is going on they prepare to change seasons and once they are in season 10 the reunion and hurt/comfort begins
I’ll probably make a comic about this and then just ramble about my confusing ideas 😂
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jewishbarbies · 10 months
the way swifties will go out of their way to put down women (esp POC women recently) in order to hype up Taylor is appalling.
For example,the Camila Belle situation is so frustrating because swifties either refuse to acknowledge that an actual person was referenced in better than revenge or they harass her to be ok with it, as if being sl*tshamed by Taylor swift is a badge of honor (hypocritical considering her reputation and how "there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women"). Taylor has MASSIVE influence- ofc camila doesn't want to accept her mistreatment, but swifties ofc will be delusional. Who even cares about one lyric being changed?? It's 10 seconds, just listen to the song and be done with it.
Also regarding ice spice, when her collab with Taylor came out, swifties were ragging on ice spice and her stage and song presence, saying thst she "ruined" the song- as if she was the one who forced Taylor to include her on the track?? Taylor's a huge musician, her and her team know what they're doing, the song being bad wasn't ice spices fault at all. It was especially annoying because NO ONE seemed to realize how weird it was that Taylor was doing this right after her then bf was caught saying slurs about ice spice. Swifties act as if Taylor isn't a multimillionaire pop star with her own pr team controlling everything behind the scenes (although now they're not as subtle as they used to be). The song being rushed and bad still managed to work out thought for taylor, because it deflected from Taylor's racist bf
Recently i even saw swifties criticizing zendaya for not associating with Taylor anymore. There was a rumor zendaya left Taylor's friend group bc she didn't agree with her during the whole kimye scandal or something (which, yeah, i acknowledge probably isn't even one of the better reasons to stop being friends with Taylor). But the way people in the comments were reacting was disgusting- everyone was talking about how zendaya was so fake, how she was a backstabber, I even saw someone saying that if Tom Holland had a rumor start about him she would break up with him immediately because she only cares about her image... WHAT. No one knows what zendaya (nor Tom for that matter) would do or be like in their normal lives because they know how to maintain privacy with their fans, unlike taylor , who shares everything with her fans regardless of how harmful it could be considering the sheer amount of influence she has. Plus, zendaya was still up and coming in the industry at the time of the scandal- she likely had other reasons to stop working with Taylor (such as wanting to not be overshadowed by her) but ofc swifties only care about how poor Taylor was affected (as if she doesn't have a circle, which consists primarily of white women, to back her up)
Sorry for the long rant but this has been on my nerves for months. Taylor's hypocrisy seems to have rubbed off on her fans, and I seriously wonder if this entitled behavior affects them in their real lives and personalities as well. I truly don't understand why people would have such an obsession with someone they don't know and who doesnt care about them, elevating her to some sort of deity like figure who can hurt others yet still need to be protected in the end
At this point, I'm sure they're willfully ignoring Taylor's controversial behavior in order to keep supporting her because I don't see how anyone could be clueless about her intentions after the mess that was this past year for her.
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sweeter-innocence-fics · 10 months
She Has No Idea (That I’m Even Here) - Chapter Four
Pairings: Steve Harrington x reader, one-sided Billy Hargrove x reader, side Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley
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Work Summary:
Steve Harrington x reader Summer Camp AU with a side order of Billy Hargrove being a dick.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4387
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye @nix-rose @fandom-princess-forevermore
Taglist info
Previous Chapter
Final Chapter!
warnings for slut shaming, bullying, slight ED themes, Jason Carver being a dick, Billy being slightly less of a dick, little bit of fighting/violence, ronance <3, jealousy, being kinda attracted to billy despite him being a dick, sex mentions, boner mentions, weed, (potentially underage?) drinking, hellcheer friendship, mentions of roofies (nothing dub- or non-con happens though), protective stevie, chrissy cunningham deserves to be happy, mentions of homophobia
The last couple of weeks of camp went by in a blur. Billy had avoided you since your awkward moment in the cafeteria, but you’d been so busy with activities and a surprisingly bustling social life that you hardly noticed.
Most evenings after dinner, some combination of Steve, Eddie, Jonathan and Argyle came to hang out in your cabin, which eventually got dubbed ‘the party cabin’. The staff turned a blind eye.
A few days before the camp closed at the end of summer, you and your cabinmates, plus Steve and Eddie, were playing a card game on the floor of the cabin. The windows were all open due to the sweltering heat.
Over the sounds of cicadas chirping and Steve shuffling the deck, there was a knock at the door.
“Probably Jonathan and Argyle,” you said, about to get to your feet, but Eddie was closer to the door so he made it there first.
It was not Jonathan and Argyle. On the doorstep was Jason Carver, flanked by his friends. He seemed taken aback to see Eddie.
“What the fuck are you doing in my girlfriend’s cabin, freak?” he snapped.
“I’m in my friends’ cabin, actually,” said Eddie. He didn’t back down, so Jason shoved past him to get in. Steve was on his feet immediately, blocking Jason’s path. You couldn’t help but notice that he’d positioned himself between Jason and all the girls in the room.
With considerably less grace, you got to your feet too.
“What’s your problem, man?” asked Steve, raising both hands placatingly.
Jason glared back at him. “Stay out of this, Harrington. I’ve been hearing whispers around camp that guys have been coming and going from this cabin a lot. I’m not okay with my girlfriend hanging out with other guys without telling me.”
“Without your permission, you mean?” you snarked back at him.
His gaze fixed on you then. You felt like he was trying a bore a hole right through you with his eyes. “I never said that.”
“Regardless. Chrissy isn’t only person in this cabin. We’ve all been hanging out with our friends in the evening. Chrissy hasn’t done anything wrong.”
“Oh, so all of the guys are here to see you, are they?” He scoffed, looking you up and down. “Running a train on Y/N every night? I gotta tell you, it doesn’t surprise me that you turned out to be a massive sl-”
Jason didn’t get to finish his sentence, because Steve launched himself at him, pinning him to the wall.
“You keep your damn mouth shut, Carver,” he growled at him. Chance and Andy began to advance on Steve, but you stepped into the space between them. You could feel Eddie coming to stand at your other side.
“You need to get out of my cabin, right now,” you said.
Jason glared at you. “Or what?”
“Or I throw you out,” said Steve, redoubling his grip on Jason’s shirt. “You don’t get to just come into the girls’ cabins without asking, even if your girlfriend is staying there, asshole.”
Jason shoved back at Steve, who stumbled back, letting go of his shirt. Straightening up, Jason dusted himself off, a look of disgust on his face.
“I’m here because Chrissy has barely been talking to me, and now I know why. All you little satanic freaks have been poisoning her mind.”
“Jason.” Chrissy’s firm tone cut through the air. The room fell deadly silent. “They’re not freaks. They’re my friends. You need to leave now. I can’t date someone who acts like this.”
Jason’s face went white as a sheet. “Baby, wait-”
“Don’t ‘baby’ me. It’s over, Jason.”
His brow furrowed. He pushed Steve aside and made for Chrissy. “Baby, please, let’s talk about it.”
You stepped into his path. “She said it’s over, Carver. Move on.”
“This is none of your business, slut.” He barged past you, knocking you off balance. Steve caught your arm so you wouldn’t fall, and Eddie stepped in front of Jason. Steve was poised, ready to fight, but you put out a hand, trying to calm him.
“I’m not trying to steal Chrissy away from you, Carver,” said Eddie. “She doesn’t want you here anymore. So you should get lost.”
Jason looked over his shoulder at his friends for backup, but they looked uncertain. “We don’t want any trouble,” said Patrick. “Maybe we should leave?”
“I’m not going anywhere without Chrissy.”
“Jason… We should go.”
With his friends backing away, Jason didn’t seem so tough anymore. Both Steve and Eddie were taller than him, and it was clear that if it came down to a fight, Patrick, Andy and Chance weren’t going to get involved.
He glared at Chrissy, and then at Eddie, before turning on his heel and walking out the room. The door slammed behind him, making the whole cabin shake. You let out a shaky sigh of relief.
Behind you, you heard a strangled cry. You turned to see Chrissy with her hands over her face, shoulders shaking. Eddie knelt down beside her and put a tentative hand on her arm.
“It’s okay, he’s gone, you’re alright,” he said, and she shook her head, moving her hands. She was laughing. It was a strange, hysterical laughter, but it was better than her crying.
She wiped a stray tear away with the back of her hand and said, “I’ve been wanting to do that for weeks.”
Nancy put her arm around her and squeezed. “Proud of you.”
A moment later, there was another knock on the door. You tensed, but this time, it was only Argyle and Jonathan.
“I just ran into Carver and he told me to fuck off,” said Jonathan, sitting down next to Nancy. You watched Robin’s eyes dart between them.
“Thought you were gonna get schmacked,” said Argyle, grinning hazily.
“I just broke up with him,” said Chrissy, and then she giggled.
“I’ll cheers to that. Sounds like you’re in need of a celebration.” Argyle pulled out a little baggie of weed, some rolling papers and a grinder. Eddie not so subtly sat down next to him.
“You okay?” Steve murmured to you. “Thought Carver was about to start swinging.”
“I’m okay. Are you okay?”
“Wouldn’t be my first fight,” he said, smiling at you.
“I reckon you could actually take him.” Unlike Jonathan. Unlike Billy. You hadn’t been present for either of those beatdowns, but you’d seen the aftermath.
“Thanks for your faith in me.”
On the last evening of camp, after a day of activities, there was a party for the kids. The cafeteria tables had been rearranged to make space for a dance floor, and the whole place was decorated with streamers that you and Chrissy had spent hours meticulously putting up.
The tables were laid out with pizzas and soda, and a stereo had been brought in to play music. Nancy had been in charge of putting together a mixtape for the party; Eddie had also volunteered, but had been overruled.
Even though it was for the kids, it was fun. You ate pizza until your tummy hurt, sitting on the sidelines with Eddie and Chrissy, watching the kids doing their ridiculous dances in the middle of the open space.
Jason sat across the cafeteria from you with his friends, watching Chrissy instead of the kids that they were supposed to be chaperoning. It surprised you that Chrissy didn’t seem all that bothered by it. She just sipped on her soda and clapped along, encouraging the kids to dance.
You even managed to persuade Erica Sinclair to dance. Despite her confidence, she was pretty inhibited. She was afraid of seeming ‘uncool’ for even a second. So you stood up with Eddie and Chrissy and did a few ridiculous dance moves of your own, until you noticed her out of the corner of your eye, challenging her older brother to a dance off, the winner of which was highly contested. Mission accomplished.
Once the kids had all been sent back to their cabins – full of food and sugar and caffeine – the counsellors had a celebration of their own. Your ‘party cabin’ wasn’t big enough for everyone, so you gathered in a big clearing in the woods.
Argyle brought the weed, while Eddie had managed to source a crate of beer and a couple of bottles of vodka. Nancy had squirreled away the leftover soda from the kids’ party, which meant you could have mixed drinks. Steve and Robin had built a campfire, bickering about it the whole time. Even so, it turned out pretty well.
The staff had all turned in early for the night (though you suspected they may have been having their own party in Hopper’s office) and as such, you weren’t worried about getting caught. There was no music – no one wanted to risk drawing the attention of the campers – so the air was filled with the sounds of people talking and the campfire crackling.
You were glad to see that, while Jason’s three friends were here, Jason himself was not. You imagined that he was sulking in his cabin, pining over Chrissy. Good.
There was a big, smooth-looking rock at the edge of the clearing. You squatted down and dug your hands under it, trying to lift it. It was heavy, so you only managed to get it about a foot off the ground before one side tipped to the ground again.
“Need a hand?”
You looked up to see Billy standing over you. You straightened up immediately, letting the rock fall back into its original position.
“It’s fine.”
“Come on.” He gave you a half-smile. “Where were you trying to put it?”
“Near the fire.”
“Okay.” He bent down and heaved the rocked into your arms with considerably more grace than you had. His arms and abs clenched with the effort. “Show me where you want it.”
Feeling a little embarrassed, you led him back over to the fire and pointed to the spot you’d been eyeing up (close enough to feel its warmth, but not close enough to be bothered by the smoke). He lowered it into position and even straightened it up for you. You had a perfect little bench for one.
It was a warm night, so you slipped Steve’s hoody off your shoulders and lay it down on the rock for you to sit on.
Billy cleared his throat awkwardly. “What are you drinking?” he asked.
“Uhh… vodka lemonade?”
“Alright.” You watched him walk over to the tree that the drinks were being stored under and grab you a cup.
Normally, you weren’t sure you’d trust a drink prepared by Billy Hargrove, but you had just watched him make the whole thing, step by step. Besides, you knew that Nancy, Robin and Chrissy would never let you wander off with Billy even if he did slip something in your drink.
“What was the point of me bringing this all the way over here if you’re not even gonna sit?” he asked, gesturing at the rock good-humouredly. He had a beach chair under his arm and a can of beer squeezed in the crook of his elbow. “Or you could sit on this. It’s actually designed for sitting.”
“I prefer the rock. It’s more rugged.” You sat down and he passed you your cup. With a hand now free, he unfolded the beach chair, sat down and cracked open his beer. As he took a sip, you watched a bead of condensation roll down his chin.
His attractiveness was undeniable, but it was at times like this that you realised that he was beautiful. If he hadn’t treated you so badly for all these years, you probably would’ve thrown yourself at him that night at the cafeteria, in spite of your feelings for Steve. Unlike Steve, you were sure that Billy liked you.
But in the real world, Billy had spent years finding little ways to poke and prod at your insecurities, chipping away at your self-esteem. Had he liked you back then? Or did saving his life make him see you in a new light? Was his bullying all some kind of strategy to make you feel like you couldn’t do better than him, or had he been in denial, taking out his confusion at his own feelings on you?
It didn’t matter. He was an asshole. An apology, a drink, and moving a rock weren’t enough to make up for years of ill-treatment. Could you like him in the future? Maybe, but there was a lot more work to be done before that.
Steve had been an asshole once, and now you were head over heels for him. It stood to reason that, if people could change, your feelings about them could too.
“Are we gonna talk about what happened that night at the cafeteria?” you asked.
“I’m gonna need more beers before that.” He started to stand up, but you grabbed his forearm, and he froze.
“Sit down and start acting like an adult for once.”
He met your eyes and slowly lowered himself back into his chair. “What’s there to talk about? I got the message. You hate me.”
“I don’t hate you, Billy.”
In spite of everything, you found it hard to hate him. You knew that he’d moved out of his dad’s house as soon as he turned eighteen, and at that point, he’d changed. He wasn’t nearly so violent and volatile as he had been.
Of course, you’d never witnessed it yourself, but there had been rumours about his dad. That he’d hit him. And sometimes Billy would come to school sporting a shiner, and he’d tell everyone that he’d got into a fight, but you hadn’t been quite sure.
Maybe people are all products of their environment. Steve was only ‘King Steve’ in high school, surrounded by adoring admirers who were too sycophantic and cruel to tell him when he was being an asshole. Without those admirers, he was kind and caring and sweet and protective.
Maybe Billy was Billy because of his dad. But that didn’t change anything. He’d still done everything he’d done. He’d still tormented you for years and beaten the crap out of Steve and threatened to hurt Lucas for dating Max, and probably a lot of other stuff you didn’t know about.
Maybe someday he would stop being the boy who did those sorts of things. But he would always be the boy who had done those things.
“I don’t hate you. I just don’t want to date you. You’ve spent years making me feel like shit. How could anyone build a relationship out of that?”
Billy sighed. “I know I’ve fucked up. I know I have. But I’m trying to make it better.”
“Well, keep trying.” You took a deep swig of your drink. You were pleasantly surprised to find that Billy had even put ice in it.
“Alright, you don’t want to date me. How about we just have some fun? I could show you a real good time.” He leered at you, but you now saw this for what it was. He was falling back on a defence mechanism, acting like a perv to try and push you away. Or maybe he just really wanted to fuck you. Either way you leant back in disgust.
“No thanks. I’m not interested in having a ‘good time’ with you.”
“Because you’re in love with Harrington.”
“This has nothing to do with Steve!” you snapped, far too loudly. There was a lull in conversation as people turned to look at you. Your face was hot, from the fire, the booze or the embarrassment, you weren’t sure.
“You should probably tell him that. He’s been staring at me like he wants to kill me for the last five minutes.” Billy took a sip of his beer and nodded towards the edge of the clearing. You followed his gaze and saw Steve leaning against a tree, crushed beer can in his hand. When he saw you looking, he quickly looked away.
“I’m man enough to know when I’m beat. I hope he makes you happy,” said Billy. And with that, he stood up and patted you on the shoulder.
You realised with horror that he was walking over to Steve. Steve visibly tensed, but Billy just said something to him, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at you. Steve looked up and your eyes met. While you were looking at Steve, Billy tossed his beer can on the ground and walked off into the trees.
You had told Billy that none of this had anything to do with Steve, but you wondered if you had been wrong. Steve had been a constant presence this camp season, always there to feed you that little bit of hope that maybe you had a chance with him.
If you had truly believed that nothing could ever happen with Steve, if he hadn’t showered you with compliments and carried your trays and lent you his hoody as well as a hundred other little kindnesses, would you have let Billy kiss you?
There was a time when you had felt desperate to be loved. Billy had fueled that, with all of his insults and teasing that made you believe no one desired you. Maybe in another world, you would’ve been desperate enough to let him kiss you, and fuck you, and take whatever else he wanted from you because that’s all you thought you were worth.
But in this world, there was Steve. Steve let you know that it was okay to hope for better. To want someone who made you feel like you were worth wanting.
A moment after Billy disappeared, Steve pushed himself away from his tree and walked towards you. Your heart was starting to speed up. You drained the rest of your cup nervously.
“You want another one of those?” he asked you.
“Sure. Vodka lemonade, please.”
“I know. I watched Billy make it for you.”
He took your cup and went over to the drinks. Your eyes scanned the rest of the party, looking for your friends. Chrissy was smoking a joint with Eddie, Argyle and Jonathan. Her hair, normally tied back in a tight ponytail, hung loosely around her shoulders. She looked happy.
You looked around for Robin and Nancy, but couldn’t see them anywhere.
As Steve slid into the seat next to you, you asked him, “Have you seen Robin?”
He looked around and then leant closer to you. “She snuck off with Nancy a few minutes ago, after I told her to stop being such a dumbass about it. She had to take a couple of shots, but she did it.”
“You know about Robin?” you asked in disbelief.
“I’m the first person she told.” He grinned at you, looking proud. That surprised you. You knew that her and Steve were close, but you couldn’t imagine her confiding something like that in him. You supposed you knew them both less well than you thought. “And a couple of weeks ago, she told me that she’d told you too. She’d been so nervous, but she said you took it well.”
“Robin is my friend, no matter what.”
“Good. ‘Cause she’s my best friend, and I can’t be spending time with anyone who’d hurt her.”
“I’ll cheers to that,” you said, mimicking Argyle as you clinked your cup against his beer can.
“So, I see you gave Billy the bum’s rush.”
“I was nice about it!” you protested.
“Nicer than he deserved, I’ll bet.” His fingers tapped against the arm of his chair. You wanted to put your hand on his, but you were nowhere near drunk enough.
“He, uh… He tried to kiss me a few weeks ago. I didn’t let him.”
Steve swallowed a sip of beer, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the motion. After a moment, he said, “Good.”
“Why’s that good?” you asked, hoping that you knew the answer.
“Because he’s an asshole.” Your heart sank a little, but then he said, “And you deserve better. You deserve someone who makes you feel you could tell them anything. Someone who won’t turn around and use your insecurities to hurt you.”
“Uh-huh. You got someone in mind?” You had almost finished your second drink now, and you were starting to feel a little bold. As Steve opened his mouth, a wave of anxiety overcame you, and you got to your feet. “I’m gonna go get another drink. You want one?”
You expected him to wait for you, but after a moment, you realised that he was following you. As you poured a more generous helping of vodka into your cup, he said, “Can we talk? Somewhere more private?”
Afraid of what might come out of your mouth if you spoke, you just nodded.
You followed him through the trees, wondering how the fuck he managed to navigate through the thick foliage, until the two of you emerged into a familiar clearing. The big wide stump was waiting for you, looking enticing under the moonlight.
Steve didn’t sit down though. He took a big swig of his beer, swallowed, and then said, “I’ve been kinda messed up over you all summer. It’s been a long time since I felt this way about anyone.”
Your heart stuttered. Under the moonlight, his eyes were big and dark and bright as they stared into yours.
“Robin said I was being an idiot. And a hypocrite, because I was always telling her to shoot her shot with Nancy. Every time I was alone with you, I’d get so close to telling you how I felt, and every time, I clammed up. I was scared to make a fool of myself, which is stupid because I’ve been making a fool of myself in front of girls for years. Just ask Robin. She used to keep a tally of all the times I struck out. I wasn’t scared to put myself out there. But with you, it’s different. I was just so terrified that you’d turn me down. So I chickened out, every time.”
“Steve…” you breathed, unable to believe what you were hearing. Steve Harrington had thought you would turn him down. The world was upside down.
“But then you rejected Billy and I thought that maybe… well, maybe you might like me too? Even though every time I got close to you, you’d end up backing away. You were always the one who left first.”
“Because I was scared,” you said. “Scared that it was all a joke. Or that you were just being nice. Scared that I’d get too close and become too clingy and you’d think I was a gross creep or something.”
“I’d never think that.”
“Steve…” His name came out as half a laugh and half a sigh of relief. “I’ve had a crush on you since, like, fifth grade.”
The invisible bar that had been holding you at arms’ length from him seemed to collapse, hitting you right in the stomach. Steve crossed the distance in one stride and cupped your face in his hands. He kissed you, and you felt like stars were bursting inside you.
It was a sweet, gentle, chaste kiss at first, but you were a little tipsy and a little horny from the way Steve was touching you, so you kissed him back sloppily, licking at the inside of his mouth.
He responded in kind, hands touching you everywhere, trailing kisses down the column of your throat as you gasped for breath. He manoeuvred you both until your butt was pressed against the tree stump, his hands sliding up the outside of your thighs until they reached the hem of your shorts.
You kissed until you ran out of breath, and then you leant your head back, letting Steve nibble and suck at your neck. The moon stared back down at you, almost full. You wondered if the moon was making you crazy, or if it was just Steve making you feel like this, desperately grinding on him in the woods.
You hooked one leg over his hip, tugging him closer.
“We need to stop,” he panted, fingertips sliding up under your t-shirt. “Or else I’m gonna have a problem.”
“Feels like you already have a problem.” And it was true that you could feel him through his shorts, half-hard and pressed up against your leg.
He stilled. “As tempting as the idea of fucking you in the woods is,” your stomach swooped at the suggestion, “I want to take my time with you. Somewhere where no one is going to interrupt us.”
You swallowed and nodded. “Okay.”
A smile flitted across his face. “When camp is over, do you wanna go out with me?”
“Yeah, I really do.”
When you finally managed to drag yourselves away from each other, you helped each other straighten your clothes before heading back to the main party.
Nancy and Robin had re-emerged, sitting on a log by the fire, thigh to thigh and both looking very giggly. Nancy’s hair was messier than you’d ever seen it, and you thought that maybe you could see the trace of a hickey on Robin’s neck.
Your eyes met hers, and she stared at the way Steve’s arm was slung casually over your shoulder. She grinned at you, and you grinned back.
You passed by Eddie, who looked at you both with wide eyes and an excited smile. He was about to say something, but Steve raised a hand.
“Don’t you dare,” he warned, and Eddie raised both hands in surrender.
Steve’s hoody was still on the rock where you left it. You tried to offer it back to him, and he looked positively offended by the suggestion. He picked it up and draped it over your shoulders, and then sat down on the rock himself. You were about to sit in the chair beside it when he tugged you down to sit sideways across his lap.
“How are people gonna know you’re my girl if you’re not wearing my hoody?” My girl.
“Well, I think the fact I’m sitting in your lap right now might be a clue.”
“You’re so smart,” he said, grinning at you dopily. You couldn’t help but giggle. “My girl’s so smart.”
Thank you for reading <3
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blueeyedheizer · 2 years
Can you please do #2 & #9 with Eddie ? Can you make it to where the reader is in a relationship with Steve but after meeting Eddie they have some sort of affair and agreed it was a one time thing but Eddie is falling for reader. Add whatever else you would like, I really enjoy you're writing ! <3
#2 "This is a one time thing”
#9 "Don't go [on that date/mission/business trip/ to *destination*...]." "Why?" "You know why." (nsfw - smut under the cut 🔞 mdni)
tw: cheating, smoking, ooc eddie??? idk why but i'm kinda struggling to write him show accurate :((( reader is a bit of a bitch🏃🏻‍♀️i wouldn't wanna be steve
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Your hands were resting flat against Eddie's chest, both your heavy breaths and moans filling the room as you rode out the last of your orgasm, slower and slower with each passing second until finally your hips came to a stop, your head falling forward in exhaustion.
With one last sloppy kiss to his lips you flopped down on the sheets beside him, eyes closing in bliss as you regained yourself, your body relaxing.
"We can't keep doing this, Eddie." you spoke through panted breath, breaking the comfortable silence and opening your eyes to stare at the ceiling.
"You said the same thing last time, sweetheart." He replied, reaching for the pack of cigarettes that was on his bedside table. He lit one up and pressed it between his lips, taking a deep drag. "...and the time before that."
"It was only supposed to be a one-time thing. We have to stop."
"Or... you could break up with him."
A couple seconds of silence went by and you let out a sigh, running a hand through your disheveled hair. You knew this conversation was bound to happen at some point, but you didn't want to face it.
"I can't." you muttered, taking the cigarette from him.
Eddie held himself up on his forearm, his free hand coming to run through your hair lovingly. You tilted your head to meet his gaze.
"Why not?"
"Because I love him, Eddie." you snapped, your tone harsher than you intended. Eddie's hand immediately stilled in your hair, taken aback. He didn’t say anything for a moment, his eyebrows slightly narrowed. "I love him." you insisted, holding his gaze. "And— And I can't just throw away a five years relationship because of a couple of months of messing around with you." you mumbled, inhaling and blowing the smoke through your mouth before passing the cigarette back to him.
Eddie chewed on the inside of his bottom lip for a moment, clearly biting back his words and fighting the anger rising in him.
He laid back on the bed without a word, an uncomfortable awkwardness settling over you the longer the silence went.
Eddie's cheeks flexed when you eventually scooted closer to him and cuddled against his chest to break the tension, tracing lines and circles on his tattooed skin with your fingertips, the gesture contradicting every word you'd just spilled out to him. Eddie had managed to bite his tongue for this long, but as he felt the warmth of your body against his, he reached his breaking point.
"That's fucking bullshit and you know it." he spat. You looked up at him, your fingers stilling. "If you really did love Harrington you wouldn't be here right now."
And deep down, you knew he was right.
Steve was a good boyfriend; the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. He was kind, understanding, loving. He made you feel things you never thought you'd feel, so much that the thought of starting a family with him had often crossed your mind throughout the years. In other words, you were convinced Steve Harrington was the love of your life.
And yet, despite having the seemingly perfect life with the perfect boyfriend— here you were, in Eddie Munson's bed, the 'town freak' and alleged cult leader everyone warned you about while Steve worked his shift at Family Video, probably looking forward to the end of the day so he could come home to you and then take you out on your weekly date.
'This is a one time thing', you and Eddie had agreed that night you slept together for the first time, promising you would never mention it again and move on with your lives first thing in the morning.
But before you knew it one night turned into two, then three and four, until you lost count. And this could only mean one thing: your love for Steve could not be as strong as you thought it was. Because what you were doing with Eddie was wrong, so wrong, but you didn't want it to stop. You didn't want to stop seeing him.
Still looking up from Eddie's chest you reached your hand out to touch his cheek but he flinched away, reaching his arm to stub the cigarette into the ashtray as an excuse to get a little further away from you.
"Eddie, please. Look at me." you tried again, and this time he let you. You tilted his head and leaned in for a kiss. "I'm sorry." you murmured against his lips, your thumb rubbing over his skin softly. You kissed him again, and what was supposed to be just a simple kiss turned into something different as Eddie returned for more, your hand sliding from his chest to the back of his neck to keep him close. You moved to straddle him again, keeping your lips together, the kiss growing needier each second.
"Don’t go on that date tonight.” he panted against your lips, leaning up for another quick peck. He traced the outline of your face with his fingertips, staring at your slightly swollen lips.
“You know why.” He grunted and pulled you down by your neck to press your lips together again, his eagerness making you moan into the kiss.
“Say it.” you taunted, reaching between your bodies to take his hardening cock into your hand. You began pumping him in long and slow strokes, watching as his brows furrowed in pleasure and his lips parted to let out heavier breaths. "Say it, Eddie."
"Because I fucking love you, Y/n."
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stargazer-dreamer · 1 year
character: reigen arataka
reader: gender neutral
content warnings: sexual content, at the end
notes: also on ao3. 2k word count. unreliable narrator. companion piece to ghost box; it’s recommended to read that one first but it isn’t necessary
There was no room for a romantic angle in any of your current relationships. You didn’t want that. Even in your online communities, there wasn’t really anyone you were interested with in that type of manner, content to stay as just friends, just acquaintances, coworkers and space-sharers.
So you tried the popular dating app.
Reigen thinks it’s only appropriate, for a business, to branch out and follow the latest trends—to come up with new ways to put himself, and his name, and his office out there. Yes, he’s stood out on the street and handed out flyers, made a website, shot peace signs at passing cameras, but he still found that business was slow lately, boringly so; only emails and articles to fill the time.
When it was only him and Mob, a quiet day at the office usually saw him sending the kid home early. Now that he had an additional name in the lineup, there was only so many times a week he could send Serizawa to reorganize the massage oils before the man would mutter that there wasn’t much left to do. The fact of the matter was: there hasn’t been much of anything to do for quite the while, and Reigen was starting to get just a tad bit worried about how he was supposed to pay the upcoming bill.
He decides to download a dating app. That seemed new and innovative enough to gain a decent attraction. Plenty of people used those platforms to form various types of relationships, not just of the romantic kind. So he’s heard, that is—it’s not like he’s ever actually used a dating app before.
Successfully, anyway.
Besides the point—Reigen entered his login information and got to work rebuilding his profile; spending a lot of time scrolling through his camera roll to find the most appropriate photos to use and typing up the best imaginable pitch for the office he’s ever come up with. It took an entire afternoon—“Sl-slow day isn’t it, sir?”—but by closing time, he got the account up and running. It was under his name, with his face, but he figured it would do well to get potential customers well acquainted with his physical appearance—so they could associate him with his brand, of course. There was no Spirits and Such without the greatest psychic of the twenty-first century, after all.
He spent the rest of the night and most of the following day swiping right. Statistically speaking, if he set his range at the largest possible amount and liked every account that came his way, he was bound to get at least a couple of matches. And once he did, only a handful of those would actually interact with him, and out of those, only a fraction would come to see him. That had been his previous strategy with the app, anyway. It would have been, if he had ever used it before, of course.
His hand was starting to cramp when Mob asked him—“What game are you playing, Master? You’ve been playing it all day, is it that interesting?”
Suddenly, it felt extraordinary hot in the room. His back was wet, like he ran ten marathons and was about to start another one immediately afterwards. His mind went blank, and he found that he was lost without words. This was a very uncommon occurrence for Reigen—for you see, he was able to talk himself out of just about any situation he found himself in, and was quite known to be capable of talking a mile a minute if he really wanted to—so to be left so utterly tongue-tied without an idea on exactly why he felt such a way burned him up. Badly. Like he needed to throw his phone against the wall, fast, before it was too late.
This was about the same time that Serizawa found his voice. “I probably have the same game…do you want some tips?” And when he started to lean in over his shoulder to see what exactly was on Reigen’s phone, the device did, in fact, find its way across the room; crashing against the wall opposite, ricocheting around, before bouncing to the floor, where it clattered to a stop at the foot of his desk.
Silence filled the space. It felt like a record-breaking summer.
Finally, like a switch had been flipped, he regained some of his bearings. “Oops!” he exclaimed, “I dropped my phone! How clumsy of me!” He laughed, getting up to retrieve the device; and it was an achievement in itself that the two psychics in the room couldn’t have stopped the phone in time—but to have them both so stunned by his behavior that they didn’t pick it up for him was award-worthy, truly. He outdid himself this time.
A quick inspection found nothing amiss, so he snapped it shut, and slipped it into his pocket. He swiped at his bangs—to wipe away the lingering sweat—and smiled. “It’s just some gatcha game I saw an ad for. I was grinding for crystals so I could do some more pulls.” A wink to Serizawa saw the man blushing and turning away, so he didn’t catch the thumbs up he gave him. “You know how it is.”
“I-I do—I do. Good luck, sir.”
“Oh,” was all Mob said, and nothing more; and they left it at that.
It took about a week before he got his first match. He was so ingrained in typing up an email one-handed while using his other to simultaneously consistently swipe that he almost missed the notification. He scrambled into the chatroom.
[[ hello!! ]]
He waited.
He waited all day, but got left on read.
This happened six more times over the course of the next month before he actually got a reply. It took another two for him to realize that he couldn’t wait for a reply back to start his spiel, he had to lead with it instead. That got some conversations going, but no one actually agreed to come out to see him. He was getting traction, but stumbled halfway out.
This was familiar. Achingly so. 
The day after he matched with you, he was about to shut the whole venture down and come up with a new one. Maybe focus more on the website, maybe find some bulletin boards and scatter some posters in the local area. He was laying in bed, contemplating some ideas when you messaged him.
(( Hi ))
He stared at the message. He had already sent the pitch beforehand; such a simple response must mean that this was a potential future client, surely. A quick look through your profile was enough to tell him he should take the friendly approach.
[[ hello!! ]]
[[ how may i help you? ]]
The friendly approach included lots of emojis. According to research, frequent amount of emoji use made people appear more sociable and less intimidating. He hoped he wasn’t overdoing it, less he appeared corporate instead.
The symbol indicating you had seen his messages popped up, and he gripped his phone a bit tighter.
(( You’re a psychic? ))
[[ yes i am!! ]]
There was a pause. He felt himself gulping, despite himself.
(( Do you do curses? ))
In the privacy of his own bedroom, he allowed his tongue to click. If this was where your mind went after seeing the word psychic, he better let you down as quickly as possible, as easily as possible.
[[ i’m afraid i don’t offer curses ]]
[[ i do offer evil repellent charms if that’s something you’re interested in ]]
Hopefully, that would satisfy you enough. It usually worked as an alternate option for clients; it had to be presented before they got too worked up, though. People who craved curses tend to latch on to ideas quickly and refuse to let go, kicking and screaming.
(( That sounds interesting. Tell me more? ))
Over the course of the following week, you were the only one he had matched with. That was a negative. A positive, however, was that your curiosity seemed to grow the more you spoke to each other—and he found himself messaging you throughout the day. You would ask him about his business. What sort of methods he used and what kind of spirits he’s faced. If he was successful, what he would do in hypothetical situations. Easy to answer questions, and even easier to embellish answers.
It was on the seventh day that Mob spoke up. “Master, have you been messaging clients?”
Once more, the office turned into a sauna. From his desk, he stared blankly at his student.
“Because if you are, I don’t think it’s working.” The kid always had such a way with words, truly. “We haven’t had many jobs lately.” It was the truth. Spoken clearly, if not confidently.
He wondered why Mob assumed he was messaging a client specifically, and not someone else. Not a personal matter or another acquaintance of his, family or friend. But when he thought about it, and he looked into his student’s eyes, partially obscured by his cropped hair, Reigen didn’t like the conclusion he got to. Not at all.
“Ah, well,” his hands flew around him, pointing and gesturing to nothing in particular but his vague point. And what was his point? Why was he so flustered? “I set up a messaging line on the website, is all. So I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately. That must be why we haven’t had many walk-ins this week—my online advice is just that good! I impress even myself sometimes, really.”
He was glad Serizawa had class today. He was sure the man would have checked the so-called messaging line on the spot. Mob, for his part, just took his word on it.
“Oh,” he said, and nothing more; and they left it at that.
The dating app strategy worked. He hit a breakthrough, and over half of the customers coming in over the following month were those he had matched with—and a good chunk of the other half had been word of mouth from that demographic. Business was flourishing. The safe never looked so good. Clients and curiosities flooded in; his schedule was booked for the first time in ages. He had several interviews with news sites and even a small television segment. The dating app strategy truly was innovative, and he started running across other small businesses during his swiping sessions—he was a trendsetter.
Reigen Arataka, the headlines said in big, bold letters. Greatest Psychic of the Twenty-First Century.
Of course, with the raise in popularity, the truth eventually came out to the rest of the office. Mob labeled him a genius. Serizawa was happy for him. He didn’t know why he was so embarrassed to begin with.
He delegated all the duties of the app to himself. It would be much easier if he had help—but he didn’t want them to see your messages. His face still burned at the thought of it, so he split up the rest of the workload evenly, to keep up with the demand.
One day, in the office, between appointments, in the lull of papers shuffling and a lunch-run, Reigen held up his phone in front of him. The shutter noise was turned all the way down, so Serizawa didn’t hear the photo of himself he took. He was feeling pretty good. Better than he had in weeks.
He sent it to you.
Your curiosity seemed to have peaked a while back, but you had never once come in. You had admitted that the conversations you shared were pleasant and, on a day very much like this one, Reigen was careless, and gave you his number. He enjoyed talking to you, too. He found himself checking his phone more often, these days. And when you sent a photo of yourself back, he felt his heart skip a beat.
He couldn’t leave it at that; and he cleared his schedule.
The day you finally came to visit him was the day he finally got to touch you. Your moans underneath him was all he could ever ask for, and the fact that this was his workspace didn’t matter much to him at all. Not when your lips parted like that, and your back arched for him. Not with the scent of you, and him, and the oils and incense around you, so much that it made it hard to think. Intoxicating, driving him further and further off the edge, higher, rapidly—
He buried himself deep, and you gasped, writhing across the massage table, panting and blurry-eyed. In the moments following, his mind cleared enough for him to realize a thorough room cleaning was in order. And with that thought came another: it didn’t matter what happened—if you would have him, he’d be happy to clean up later.
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
since reqs are open, can you do headcanons for kei, itsuki, shogo, and toma comforting s/o who’s feeling a bit left out from theit friend group? if ur uncomfy then it’s totally okay!! -🦋
Writer's corner: Hii anon-🦋 I'm so happy to see you here again! Also of course I can do that! Don't worry, I'm not uncomfy about it at all, actually I kinda relate to this one (since I've experienced something like this when I was attending high school-) soo.. hope you like it! If not, please let me know and ask for something else, so I can make another one for you! (Also, sorry but I think I'll do it gn!, since you haven't told me about the gender.. hope it's fine! If it's not, let me know, so I can change it!) Enjoy~
Warnings: sad and ugly sl**ts-- (sorry for the bad word-)
⋆𝒦𝑒𝒾, 𝐼𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾, 𝒮𝒽𝑜𝑔𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒯𝑜𝓂𝒶⋆ 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑔𝓃!𝓈/𝑜 𝓌𝒽𝑜'𝓈 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓁𝑒𝒻𝓉 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝑔𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓅
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⋆Kei seems and maybe is a little bit introverted, but he actually really cares about his closest friends, Itsuki and Rokuta, so I'm sure he'd be even more caring about his dear s/o.
⋆He would immediately notice if there's something wrong and try softly to ask his s/o.
⋆"Babe.. Are you alright? When you close the door behind your back I've felt a little bit of frustration... Do you want to talk about it?"
⋆If his s/o is too shy or maybe doesn't want to bother Kei and prefer to keep everything to themselves, then Kei won't force them to explain and decide to give them some seconds to think.
⋆If they don't want to talk about it, it's their own decision. They will be the one to decide when to explain what's going on to him.
⋆Maybe they will never, but Kei would try to make them realize that they are not alone by staying beside them.
⋆Otherwise if s/o tells Kei everything about their feelings and the fact that they feel a little bit left out from their group friends, then Kei will stay there, sitting beside them, holding their hands and listening closely to each words they are saying.
⋆He probably really knows how important is to have someone to speak to in bad situations or, simply, when a person is overthinking and end up building up unpleasant thoughts.
⋆But he also loves them a lot, so he'd try hard to keep them as closer as he can.
⋆Kei would definitely lie down beside his adorable s/o and listen to some tracks with them.
⋆Maybe he would also share one of his cute airpods with a soft smile.
⋆"Listen to this, babe.. It sounds good, don't you think?"
⋆Perhaps he'd try to make them feel better by hanging out with them!
⋆They can go to relaxing places, like the beach or the park at sunset! Why not? S/o would surely feel calmer and relieved after that, wouldn't they?
⋆If they'd burst into tears while talking about their frustration, though, Kei would immediately do something to calm them down.
⋆"Babe.. Look at me..", he'd hold their cheeks gently and look at their eyes.
⋆"You're a kind person.. You're probably the only genuine one I've ever met.. Seriously.. There isn't any kind of wickedness in you. You've that colour in your soul that nobody else has, neither your friends do... If they keep you out of their group, then it's because 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒾𝓂𝓅𝓇𝑒𝑔𝓃𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝒷𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒸𝑜𝓁𝑜𝓊𝓇."
⋆After that he'd close his eyes and hug them tightly.
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⋆Itsuki and feelings are like two parallel lines: they never meet!
⋆If Itsuki's s/o came back home after hanging out with their friends and felt some frustration and sadness because they've the presentiment that their friends are leaving them out of the group, then Itsuki would immediately understand his s/o's expression's change.
⋆At first he'd wonder why they've changed their facial expression and they seem sad.
⋆He'd surely keep an analyzing expression, just trying to understand them by scanning their movements and behaviour, just as a scanner would do with a sheet of paper.
⋆"Your eyes are so sad, s/o... You seem also frustrated. Has anything bad happened today?"
⋆As for Kei, if s/o prefers not to talk about it, then Itsuki would just nod as response and then come back to read.
⋆Of course he'd be at least a little bit worried and decide to keep an eye on them, just in case.
⋆"Hm.. Alright. I respect your privacy, s/o. Feel free to tell me later, if you want to."
⋆He may not be good with feelings, but I'm sure he'd be great at making others feel appreciated, especially his s/o.
⋆Itsuki would definitely buy or cook s/o's favourite food only to make them feel better.
⋆"I've made some researches and... I've found out that, weirdly, food manages well to make people happy, so... I thought to give you this.."
⋆On the other hand if s/o is comfy enough to tell Itsuki about their worries, then Itsuki will listen closely, still metaphorically scanning each of his dear s/o's movements and looks.
⋆But he'd surely keep wondering about feelings a lot, like...
⋆Why does s/o feel so sad about his friends letting them out of the group? They are smart and nice, they can make friends with other people and then create another friends group! So... Why?
⋆After a while, though, s/o would grab Itsuki's hands, maybe to feel him closer. He'd let them do it, of course. He wouldn't mind it at all.
⋆He'd even hug them if it's necessary.
⋆Itsuki can't understand emotions and usually wonders about what's the meaning of them. But he's smart and knows what people feel.
⋆Sometimes he even makes fun of feelings and thinks that they're not so important, but.. he knows they can hurt people and he can't stand when they hurt s/o.
⋆"Are you sure your friends did it on purpose or even did it?.. Did you ask them and clarify the situation? Please, s/o, do not jump to conclusion, or your heart will hurt without a reason... 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒸𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌 𝒾𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝑜 𝒷𝒶𝒹.."
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⋆Shogo is such a kind-hearted guy!!!
⋆He'd surely be so worried because of his s/o a lot!
⋆Like, I really imagine him following s/o to their room when they come back home only to ask them what's going on.
⋆"Honey!! Oh my god, what's happened?! Why are your eyes so red?! Have you cried!? Who made you feel this way?!"
⋆I headcanon he's also touchy, so he'd be there holding s/o's face and wipe their tears away.
⋆If s/o doesn't want to talk about it, then Shogo would be even sadder and more worried.
⋆I think he'd keep his eyes on them or even approach their room only to be sure that they're fine.
⋆Imagine him being behind his s/o's door, trying to hear if they're crying.
⋆I totally think he'd also buy some gummy bears and let them behind their room's door with some small flowers and some "I love you" notes.
⋆If s/o tells him what's going on, though, Shogo would be there for them, lying down with them on his chest and caressing their back.
⋆Those fools... s/o is perfect, how can they treat them like that?
⋆He'd give them the best cuddle, thinking and especially hoping to make them feel better.
⋆"They're stupid, honey... You're the best person I've ever met.. I love you a lot."
⋆He'd be the one to grab his s/o's hand and hang out with them in order to make them feel better.
⋆They both would go to a convenience store to buy a lot of gummy bears!! Why not??
⋆"Ohh. There are some gummy bears of your favourite flavour, honey!! Let's buy tons of them!"
⋆Maybe at the park together, buying some ice-cream or cotton candy?
⋆I'm sure s/o would feel better with Shogo, because he'd try so hard to make them feel better.
⋆Shogo knows that s/o's friends do not deserve his adorable s/o's tears! They're just fools who are losing the greatest treasure there is on the world: s/o.
⋆If while they're out together s/o starts crying again, Shogo would immediately wipe those tears away and kiss them softly.
⋆"You don't deserve to cry, s/o, so don't do it.. They don't know you and maybe judge you the wrong way. It's you the one who really knows who you are. Your actual friends, Toma, Aoi, Kantaro... they know who you are. I know who you are, I know your true essence.. 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝑒 𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒."
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⋆Toma can be narcissist, but he really cares about his fellows Visty and is probably the one who keeps them cheerful, since he's described to be also funny.
⋆But he really cares also about fashion and look, at least his one.
⋆He'd be so concerned to see his s/o sad or even worried and try hard to know what's happened and what made them feel that way.
⋆"Darl? What happened? You look so sad... Even your eyes are red.. Have you slept last night?"
⋆If s/o doesn't talk about it, then Toma would definitely try at least once again to know what has happened.
⋆He'd be very curious and concerned!
⋆"Come on, babe! Tell meee!"
⋆After a few failed attempts, though, he'd stop asking but keep his eyes really close to s/o..
⋆But so really closeeeeeee....
⋆I mean... they'd see him also entering the bathroom while they're having a bath and say: "Just needed my face mask, darl." and then go away closing the door.
⋆He'd do it actually to show them that he's there for them, to listen to them, to comfort them...
⋆But if s/o decides to tell him, Toma would feel so happy, because he'd realize that his dear s/o trusts him a lot.
⋆Also he'd let them sit on his lap and start caressing and brushing their hair, maybe even making some braids, while listen to them.
⋆When he know the reason, he'll be so angry, like.. he'd surely stand up, putting his hands on his own hips and look at them angry.
⋆Like... how those stupid losers dare to treat them?! Don't they know that his sweet s/o is beautiful and amazing?!
⋆Toma would surely do his best to make them feel better.
⋆He'd make them some face masks or take care of their hair.
⋆In short he'd cuddle them with this kind of things and, who knows? Even actually cuddle them, kissing their soft cheeks and caressing their hair until they both fall asleep, like if they were in a beautiful fable.
⋆If he sees s/o crying about it, he'd get panicked at first but then decide to do something.
⋆He'd grab his s/o's shoulders and lead them to the mirror.
⋆Then he'd surely stay beside them and ask: "Look at the mirror... What do you see?"
⋆After a while, though, he'd hug his s/o tightly, getting lost in their marvelous scent.
⋆"I see a beautiful, unique and strong person who doesn't deserve to cry... seriously, s/o.. they're only stupid and envious because of your beauty.. I love you! Stop crying, 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝒸𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝓂𝒾𝓁𝑒!"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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scorpiolight-ships · 17 days
PLEASE tell us more about AdriMike 🙏🙏🙏
I don’t really know how to talk about stuff without being asked specific questions but I’ll give it my best shot!!!!!
So in my lore? I guess is the word? Mike and my S/I met during the FNAF 3 era (technically a little while before FNAF 3 starts, but while he’s working at Fazbear’s Fright). We’re coworkers, he’s the security guard while I’m a set designer (though I kinda do a little bit of everything because the manager (phone dude) is a cheapskate and knows he can just make me do it)
But also this takes place after SL, so he’s been scooped and is trying his best to avoid people and live in the shadows. The only reason he works here is because he’s trying to track down his dad.
So it kinda takes a while for us to meet, since we’re both the avoiding-people type. But eventually the manager has me install some stuff in his office (probably the manual reboot panel, since it’s likely there have been a lot of problems in the building that would require that) and we finally meet. I get a crush on him, like, immediately, and he’s kinda. hdhsh. Interested in me I guess? And he’s only supposed to work the nightshift but he starts spending more time at the attraction. He tells himself it’s to do more digging on where his dad might be, and in part it is, but also he just wants to spend more time with me (😳)
So that goes on like that for a while, but the more he starts to develop feelings the more he starts to panic, because he feels like he destroys everything he touches and if he gets too close to me he’ll ruin me and get me hurt, not to mention he feels like he doesn’t deserve good things. So he starts giving me the cold shoulder, which leaves me super confused because I thought we were growing to be friends.
So I go and try and ask him what’s going on, and he ends up lashing out, trying to scare me away. I just kinda freeze, leaving him to storm out pushing past the manager, who thinks he’s gonna quit.
The next day is Night 1 of FNAF 3.
The day after that, I get called out to investigate a lead the manager found, leading me to unearth the old Springbonnie animatronic from the old abandoned Fredbear’s Diner. Not knowing what’s inside, I bring it back to Fazbear’s Fright.
While looking it over in a supply closet, Michael spots me with the animatronic, and completely panics. He knows almost instantly who’s inside, and knows that if he finds out how Michael feels about me, he’ll kill me for sure. He needs to think of a way to get me out of the building, and fast, so he ends up yelling at me, telling me he doesn’t want me around him.
It works to get me to leave the area, but not the building, as my RSD is flaring up, and finding out that someone I thought liked me actually hates me is literally my worst fear, so I break down crying by the front door. And of course, Springtrap’s not stupid, he can see through his son’s ruse, so he makes a beeline straight for me.
Michael sees Springtrap attack me on the cameras, and freaks out, drawing him away with the audio lures before running to come get me. He brings me back to the security office, and we spend a very tense and stressful six hours together.
At 6AM, Springtrap stops moving, and Mike’s been through this song and dance twice before, so he knows it’s safe to leave, and offers to drive me home. Confused, injured and still a bit scared, I agree.
He offers to give me first aid once we get to my apartment, and again, I agree, but I make him explain what the hell’s going on while he does so. Reluctantly, he does, and admits why he said he hated me, and that he’s actually in love with me.
Uguvuhhh yeah there’s some more after that obvi buts that’s the more set in stone stuff I have so far. Sorry it was kinda angsty lmao
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aspenforest732 · 6 months
Mortem ad Wrens Chapter 17: For the Freedom of Those Our Nation Denies
tw: scars, trafficking mention, gang involvement, domestic violence shelter, abuse mention, unhoused, spousal abuse mention, muzzle adjacent device Stain from afar and rescue race
Me: Akira’s never had a stable adult in their life, have they Akira: there’s the gang! Me: eeeeh ‘text’ JSL Text thoughts
As they geared up for the third day’s evening patrol, Akira kept trying to adjust their capture weapon, something causing it to sit askew. After a moment of trying to undo a lump, they directed it to unravel and saw a small lizard napping in it. Grinning, Akira took a picture of it and sent it to their class group chat and Lizzaro once Taishiro happily gave them her number. Akira scooped the lizard off the scarf, being careful to detangle its tiny claws, and set it on their now-empty costume case.
An hour into patrol, everyone’s phone sounded an alarm as Hosu was attacked. Akira blanched and quickly texted the class group chat, “Those in or going to Hosu, stay safe. Don’t do anything illegal.”
Shoto liked their message, but they weren’t expecting Ida to see it for a while. It’s the thought that counts, right?
“Any friends in Hosu?” Taishiro asked gently.
‘Mini Ingenium’s interning there, and it looks like Shoto is heading there with Endeavor,’
“We’re too far out to send people, but the backup evening team will be ready to deploy if they need more people that badly.”
Akira nodded and put their phone away, hoping their classmates would follow protocol for once. Mortis helped a cat down from a tree, letting the poor thing ride in their capture scarf as they carefully climbed back down. Fat Gum discretely took a picture, chuckling at Mortis’ half-hearted glare that was tempered by the cat nuzzling under against the mottled scar across their throat.
“Nejire is also responding in Hosu with Ryukyu,” Suneater said as the group quietly patrolled. Even Fat Gum only tried to lighten the mood a couple times, keeping an eye on the HN for updates.
Half an hour later, Mortis’ phone vibrated. They immediately paused with a roll halfway to their mouth and pulled it out. ‘Deku’s caught up in something, and it looks like mini Ingenium is at the same location.’
Fat Gum sent out a Hero Network alert with what little information they had, two interns either separated from their mentors or with injured mentors in an alleyway. Mortis quickly messaged the group that the alert had been sent to the Hero Network and pinged Shoto in case he hadn’t seen it yet.
The trio waited tensely by the sushi shop as Endeavor and Manual added themselves as responders along with a few of the flame hero’s sidekicks. The minutes ticked by until it was marked as resolved with no casualties but two students moderately injured, one pro and one student severely injured, and Stain severely injured in custody.
Akira sighed in relief and frustration, ‘I’d bet my savings mini Ingenium got there first, and Deku swooped in to help. He wouldn’t have targeted Manual, so Native is probably the injured pro.’
“Native? What makes you say that?” Fat Gum asked.
‘There is a list compiled by people with similar ideologies to Stain of people who need to be taken down in some way. Native is on there for racism, multiple counts of assault, and helping to cover up crimes against indigenous people.’ At Fat Gum’s confusion, Mortis gave their theory on why Ingenium was attacked and not killed.
The three went back to a quiet but tense patrol as it seemed everyone was waiting on news from Hosu. Towards the end of their shift, Fat Gum took the group a little off their patrol route and smiled at Akira’s confused head tilt. “On Wednesdays, I like to check on the battered spouse and community shelters. No matter how much we promote education and therapy for abuse, there are a few who slip through the cracks.”
‘And the community shelters?’ Mortis asked. ‘Are they just a nicer term for unhoused shelters?’
Suneater smiled slightly, “No, anyone from the community or who ends up here can have a place to stay with warm meals, education, and a counselor. The shelters have an emergency foster license they can employ at their discretion, and since we implemented those, we’ve found runaways or abuse victims are more likely to reach out when something’s wrong.”
Fat Gum let one of the intake people take them on a tour of the battered spouse shelter. As they spoke with some of the staff in each wing, a few residents would occasionally approach who had an issue with services. Some were also curious about Akira as his newest, albeit temporary, addition to the agency.
As the tour was wrapping up in the birthing person ward, Akira hesitantly asked, ‘Do you have any protections in place for spouses of pro heroes or villains?’
“Why yes, we have a Tinker on staff who has a support license to help protect the building against most quirk-based attacks. We also have evacuation plans in case the facility is attacked.”
The community shelter left Mortis wishing they had something like it in Musutafu. While the warehouses were protected, a place where you could continue education, not have to worry about your next meal, and start saving money would have made a world of difference when Mortis arrived. They found themself easily talking with the kids, encouraging their dreams and letting them share their interests. The adults still made them a little wary, visually and subtly verbally checking the kids for abuse, but they all seemed to be thriving as best they could in the circumstances.
Eventually heading back to the agency, Mortis signed, ‘Thank you. If U.A. wasn’t so far away, I would wish I stopped here instead of going to Musutafu.’
A few days later, Mortis slipped into base, giving an exhausted smile to Au as they made their way to the back. Most people were making deliveries or deals or sleeping, so Mortis took silent steps until they were just outside Boss’ door, knocking for the first time in ages.
“Mortis, good to have you back. How was the internship?”
‘Good, Fat Gum updated my nutrition plan, and I’m working on a new skill. Unclear yet whether it’ll help on this side of my life, but we’ll see. Also, Fat Gum and Sun Eater are aware of my situation and are willing to help with and recruit for Plan A.’
“Unexpected but noted. Are they aware of us?”
‘Not by name, but they are aware I’m in a gang. With how quickly Fat Gum figured out my bio family, I doubt it’ll take him long to find out which gang I’m in if he decides to look into it.’
“Will they be a problem?” Boss groaned.
‘No, they work with gangs in Esuha, albeit with a tighter leash.’ Akira took a steadying breath, script set in their head. ‘I want to go on security duty. The new nutrition plan is going to take two and a half times what I’m currently making off deliveries. I know we’re still down people since the USJ incident, and I can be the shadow cloak or overwatch. I can intercept Eraser Head and draw off other heroes-’
“Done. Just stay out of the line of fire unless the muscle gives you the signal.”
Akira grinned, ‘Thanks, Boss. If everything goes well for once, you’ll be looking for someone new around October. Also, I’m gonna need to use the kitchen for a couple hours once a week.’
The next day in class, everyone was sharing their internships, and Akira resisted rolling their eyes at the trio saying Endeavor saved them. Riiight, definitely not a cover story. Bakugo seemed pretty happy in his own way with Mirko’s internship, and Kaminari seemed hyped for the alternate way of thinking Present Mic worked on with them. Akira was surprised by his admission of thinking Stain was cool, at least for his drive, and they carefully scanned the room for agreement, only to find disdain towards Kaminari and concern towards Ida. Shinso looked a little disappointed but mostly an emotion Akira couldn’t quite place.
Shinso’s capture scarf was now comfortably settled around his neck, and Akira grinned at the aesthetic choice. ‘Some hell course, huh? You look even more like Eraser now,’ they teased. Shinso just looked smug and nuzzled the fabric, drawing a laugh out of Akira and Koda.
Tokoyami was brooding more than usual, so Akira doodled a few stick figure Hawks getting doused in water and other pranks they’d heard of during homeroom. After passing it to Tokoyami during the break, Akira grinned at his small smile.
As the group made their way to Gym Gamma for rescue training, Akira kept glancing at Shinso’s new addition to his costume. Catching their eye, Akira signed, ‘Are you really okay with that?’
Shinso’s hands ghosted over their half mask as understanding sparked in his eyes. ‘It’s the most effective way to help advance my quirk, and Loud Cockatoo worked with me on the design and structure to avoid triggering. I need a lot of practice with the settings and with mimicking inflections, but yeah. I’m okay.’
Akira nodded hesitantly, worry still gnawing at the back of their mind over the muzzle-like contraption.
After Midoriya’s surprising demonstration of control, Akira went in the second rescue group for heroics with Jiro, Tokoyami, Shoto, and Shinso. Akira immediately heard the sharp tinkling of Shoto’s ice and warped onto the nearest building, surveying the terrain a moment before darting across the pipes. They could just make out Shinso in the distance using their capture weapon and Tokoyami using Dark Shadow’s hover to assist with larger jumps over top. Without an easy way to the canopy, Akira almost felt bad for Jiro being restricted to the ground.
Tokoyami, Akira, and Shoto were neck and neck, steps sure and quirks propelling them forward. Just as the twinkling stopped and Shoto activated his left side to propel the last few meters, Akira tapped All Might on the shoulder as they made their clone lose its footing. They winced as Tokoyami dove to catch them, only to dispel it with the force.
As the others caught up, Shoto bewildered, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow glared at Akira. “Don’t scare us like that! Give a warning next time.”
Akira smirked sheepishly, ‘If I warned you, you could’ve pulled ahead. I’ve been working on continued motion.’
Shinso lit up as they arrived. “You actually got it? That’s great!” But it wasn’t Shinso’s voice. It almost sounded like Tokoyami, but something was distinctly off.
‘That… I see what you’re going for, but you need a little more edge and intone.’
“How long have you been standing here?” All Might asked, handing the sash to Akira.
‘About 30 seconds before I tapped you. I’m still working on clone control.’ Akira signed as Anii interpreted, although they could tell All Might was starting to catch more of their signs in the moment.
Anii added to Akira, ‘You did good, kid.’
Jiro finally jogged up, looking pissed. “Of course, I got paired with aerial people. Who won?”
“I’m not aerial,” Shoto looked mildly confused.
“Yeah, but you might as well be with your ice,” Jiro snapped.
‘To answer your question, I won.’
Jiro scowled and stalked back to the class as the other four shrugged and made their way back, too.
“Are your clones new?” Shoto asked.
‘No, but how they work is. Fat Gum and Sun Eater helped me figure out how to direct them during my internship. Fine motor control and number of clones is still an issue, but that’ll come with time.’
What’s the purpose of the lizard? None, I just thought it’d be cute. It’ll probably make an appearance in that collection of short stories. I used a random number generator to get the second rescue group based on the seating chart and immediately got three of the four members of Mad Banquet XD Also here's the first fanart I did of Akira! Technically they'd have their yellow contacts in, but I wanted to draw their cool eyes. Akira helping cat Next week things start heating up :D
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54 for the drabbles <3
54. "We can try ghost hunting our house!"
An SL drabble, since the mansion is definitely haunted.
Ámbar, Luna, Simón and Nina were sitting in the living room.
"It always feels so much chilly in this room when it's late," Ámbar said, "Even when I am alone here, I never feel... alone."
"I feel the same," Luna said, "It's like someone is always watching..."
"Well, this house is haunted." Nina shrugged. Everyone turned to her curiously. "What?"
"Nina, you're the last person I would think would believe in ghosts," Luna said, "You're the person that would be the most likely to find a logical explanation to the most supernatural happenings."
"A lot happens when you spend time in Mora's house... and after what you've told me about your dreams... I really feel like this house... yeah, there is some spiritual activity."
"There is!" Simón exclaimed, "I've felt it too."
"We can try ghost hunting our house!" Luna suggested.
Ámbar shrugged, "Yeah, why not. I've experienced shit since I was a kid, so I know some hot spots."
"Ok, what hot spots are there?" Simón asked.
"My room, for starters..."
Everyone stared at her.
"When I was five... I started talking to a woman in the corner of my room. I thought it was super normal, cause the woman was kind, but the second I mentioned it to Sharon, she barely let me in there. It was actually the only time she actually stayed with me until I fell asleep..."
"Wow..." Luna said. "You don't think the woman you saw... was..."
"Yes. It might've been."
"Since Luna's biological parents always show up in her dreams," Nina said, "They must be around."
"Yeah, unless there's another spirit who somehow ended up here." Ámbar said.
"I doubt it..." Simón said, "But it would be cool if there was a random ghost here too."
"Yeah... should we go to Ámbar's room?" Luna asked.
"Let's go!" everyone said.
They headed up to Ámbar's room and Ámbar immediately turned all the lights off.
"Ghosts usually show up in darkness, don't they?"
"Ok, but we can have one light on," Nina said, "So we can see a little."
Ámbar nodded and turned on the light on her nightstand. "Ok, now what?"
"Now, I think we need to summon the spirits. Cause I don't think we would be lucky for them to just show up at random."
"How do we do that?" Luna asked.
"Let's... sit in a circle, maybe?"
They did. Nina then took a deep breath.
"I'm just gonna do like Mora does when she's feeling activity in a room. Ok... is there anyone here with us?"
No reply.
"If anyone here is with us, can you make a sound?"
Again, the room was quiet.
"Yeah, that's probably not gonna work," Ámbar sighed.
But all of a sudden, the light in the room started flickering. Everyone looked at it with frowns.
"That was a little weird..." Simón said, "Why would it flicker?"
"Maybe the lightning bulb needs to be changed," Ámbar suggested.
"The light bulbs never flicker, though." Luna said.
"Yeah, I guess that is weird..."
Suddenly they heard a large thud coming from downstairs. They all immediately ran back down.
"I thought we were home alone?" Luna said, "Mom? Dad? Grandpa?"
No reply.
"We seem to be home alone." Ámbar said.
"So what was the thud?!"
"I don't know!"
"Guys..." Simón said, "Why is the picture on the floor?"
There was a picture frame of Sharon on the fireplace, which had now fallen down on the floor. It didn't break, but it was weird how it could have even fallen. Someone must've thrown it or managed to knock it over.
"Ok, there's no logical explanation for this..." Nina said.
"What are the odds," Luna said, "That a picture got knocked down..."
They all felt like something really was off. They decided to end their ghost hunt there.
That night, Luna dreamed about her biological parents again. This time, all three of them just sat in the couch, chilling. Then Lili stood up and picked up Sharon's picture from the floor.
"Was it you who knocked it down earlier?" Luna asked.
Lili smiled, "You should know that, sunshine."
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vicknicholson4 · 2 years
Options For Auto Glass Repair
A common cause of basement water coming through poured wall foundation is produced by water coming through a crack in the wall membrane. Unfortunately, almost every wall in every basement incorporates a crack in it.yes all four walls. The good news is not every crack will leak. If your basement is already finished and your carpet is to get wet first check to be assured your sump pump is operating properly. Of course, that runs the chance of the hacker doing a similar swap simply by you mix this together with upper and lower case, you've just exponentially increased the issue of cracking even a short password. The first step is finding the right kind of concrete crack repair filler. We suggest a self leveling caulk like Novalink SL. It's important to do this for the reason that if do not want use a self leveling caulk, the caulk won't flow on to the crack and develop a permanent secure. You will want to steer further from foam crack filler as it is often not easy to make on a clean fix as well as the end result looks very bad. The initial step is usually are step to obtain done the right way. Those that don't use a self leveling sealant will not be happy their own results. I'm explaining this for to ensure that you understand posting and success of this. Every customer is various and I interest to make sure Probably your visions. If you are the type who always be annoyed by any visible defects or distortions which might be present after a crack repair, you should think about replacing value of good glass. Do It Yourself - Repair Of Wrought Iron Railings within a certain building hardly affect or lower its usefulness. They should have a look at to masonary professionals so that could be cured at the right some amount of time. There comes a time in the life of every fiat currency (currency not backed by actual, physical resources like gold or silver) where enough people decide that the currency probably won't hold its value for significant time span. When that happens, that can a rush for the "exits," and the currency rapidly, and with an accelerating pace, loses market price. Germany, from 1919 to 1921 could very well be the most well-known example. Purifies modern-day example is Zimbabwe, which subject to the IMF experienced inflation of over a sextillion percent before had been declared very. Ironically, the currency gained some value upon its cessation as your national currency-because the government stopped printing so high of it. What might i do now that can assist me? Get yourself moving by physical action to start your momentum toward the most efficient. Talk to someone, call someone, read something (like the publication you're reading now) to your problem, start brainstorming. Fortunately, windshield crack repair is a simple process that you may get taken care or immediately. Factors That Come Into Play When Seeking Glass Repair , depending on his or her size of the crack, consider as few as 30 minutes and cost anywhere from $50 to $75. Windshield crack repair gives you almost instantaneous results and quickly makes your windshield strong again. Procrastinating and putting of windshield crack repair just doesn't make logic. Not acting quickly, will only cost you more once time had passed.
0 notes
gamerwoo · 2 years
[SVT Imprinted] Soonyoung: Sick Days (Spin-Off)
Anonymous asked: For your imprinted series could you either have Soonyoung take care of a sick Y/N or both him and Y/N take care of sick Kaito??
Tumblr media
Characters: Soonyoung x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, all fluff, mentions of vomiting (lmk if i missed anything!!!)
Word count: 3,537
Summary: After you get sick and need Soonyoung to take care of you, your brother gets sick and has to be taken care of by you and your mate.
Tags: @psshwa​​​ @uglyratlmao​​​ @brokenbutchocolate​​​ @shra-vasti​​​ @killcomet​​​​
Unable to tag: @junuoyi
a/n: i wrote this years ago before covid was a thing and re-reading it now........this did not age well lmao (also i know the junhao part was supposed to be before this but there’s been so much smut in this series and i need a fuckin break lmfao)
Imprinted Masterlist
It started out when you were sick early Monday morning, rushing out of bed at 3am to the bathroom before profusely throwing up in the toilet. Soonyoung, as groggy and half-asleep as he was, still managed to wake up from the commotion of you struggling to untangle yourself from the sheets to get to the bathroom on time. He felt wide awake when he heard you vomiting, and rushed to the bathroom to hold your hair back.
Immediately, both of you knew who had gotten you sick. Faye recently came back from a trip to America to visit family, and she had brought Kira with her. While Hansol’s mate managed to avoid any sort of sickness, Wonwoo’s wasn’t as lucky. She tried her best to stay away from the pack as to not spread germs, but you still managed to catch whatever it was that she had.
Soonyoung heard a bedroom door open, and then he carefully sniffed the air before his eyes narrowed, “Lila-Faye Johnson!”
Your mate could hear the foreign girl pause on the stairs when Soonyoung had used her real full name instead of the ‘full name’ that Wonwoo had given her. The pack only called her by her real name was she was getting scolded.
“I just got up to pee, how am I in trouble?” she croaked from the stairs.
“Soonyounggie, I’m fine,” you insisted while Soonyoung was feeding you soup as he sat at the edge of the bed.
“Why can’t you just let me take care of you?” he pouted, dropping the metal spoon into the bowl. “Let me be a good boyfriend.”
“You are a good boyfriend! I just don’t want you to get sick, too.”
He just shrugged, “Who cares if I get sick? Then I won’t have to go to class.”
“Soonyoung, that’s not a good thing.”
“Listen, I’m the adult today, so shush and eat your soup.”
It wasn’t that you were surprised that Soonyoung took such good care of you – come on, he was the most amazing boyfriend you ever had, but that was probably because you two were quite literally made for each other – but you were surprised at the lengths he went. You were only allowed to travel from place to place throughout the house while being carried in his arms or on his back, he gave you constant tummy rubs because he figured that just maybe it would help you feel a bit better, and you weren’t even allowed to think about school. He just wanted you to rest as much as possible, and focus on getting better.
As if that wasn’t enough, he kept you quarantined from the rest of the pack. You had to wear a face mask when you were outside the bedroom, and he kept making everybody use hand sanitizer for so much as being within five feet of you. You understood he was just trying to keep everybody – including yourself – from either getting sick or spreading germs, but you’d never really seen Soonyoung so frantic before.
Then again, he’d never seen you sick before.
At the end of the day, he ran you a bath, insisting that it would make you feel better and help you sleep. Instead of getting in like he usually would, he sat outside the tub on the floor, his arms resting on the edge of the tub as he stared at you. Everything below the waterline was covered by an excessive amount of bubbles, but even then, Soonyoung’s gaze was serious and slightly worried. He’d never had his mate get sick before so he didn’t really know what to do. He never was the one to take care of any of the pack when they got sick, but he was responsible for you.
“Do you feel better?” he wondered softly, staring at you with innocent-looking golden eyes.
You gave a little nod as you laid back against the tub, “Yeah. You did really well today, Dr. Kwon.”
Soonyoung chuckled, shaking his head, “Don’t call me that around Josh or Aya. They’ll get offended.”
“Knowing you, you’ll just tell them it’s some weird roleplay thing we’re doing.”
“…Wait, can we actually do that sometime?”
Tuesday, the same thing happened. You were sick early into the morning, and Soonyoung kept you in bed all day as you tried to figure out how you could’ve gotten sick. Faye was incredibly smart despite her odd sense of humor and the strange situations she let the wolves get her into, so how did she manage to get you sick when she was so cautious? And why was it just you?
“It doesn’t seem to be the flu, and there’s no fever,” Joshua shrugged, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. “I really don’t know what to tell you, Soonyoung. I don’t even really know what Faye had, either.”
Of course, being your concerned mate, Soonyoung immediately thought you were on the verge of death. He called Joshua to come check you out since Aya was out with Bang Chan, but even the resident doctor couldn’t tell what was wrong with you. He assumed it was just some sort of stomach bug, and recommended some drug store medicines for you to take to settle your stomach.
But Soonyoung was also upset with himself for not making you better the day before. You had said he did a good job, yet you were still sick. He kind of felt like this was on him; he didn’t help.
“Do you think this will actually work?” he muttered more to himself than anybody in particular as he read the labels of the two medicines he held in his hands.
“Well, they’re not going to kill me,” you chuckled. “Just don’t give me both at the same time.”
Soonyoung raised his eyebrows suggestively, only hearing the innuendo rather than what you were actually trying to tell him. Even while he was worried for your health, he managed to act like a perv. Soonyoung never ceased to amaze you.
“I wonder if you’ll feel better if--”
“No,” you stated firmly, cutting off his dirty thoughts. “Mingyu might’ve convinced Bomi, but you’re not fooling anybody.”
By the third day, you were at least starting to feel better. So when your parents asked you to come back home to babysit Kaito while they went out, you agreed just because it had been a while since you’d seen your brother. You knew to wash your hands constantly, wear a mask, and you even carried hand sanitizer with you. You were going to make 100% sure that you didn’t get your little brother sick, so you followed all the steps the two American girls took to not spread germs around the house.
However, the next day, you got a call from your parents.
“What was that?” Soonyoung wondered, staring at the unamused expression on your face.
“Guess who got sick?” you sighed, running a hand through your hair as you put your phone down on the bed.
“Oh no…” Soonyoung groaned. “How’s he holding up?”
“Oh, that’s not all of it,” you laughed dryly. “My grandparents are coming to visit, and they’re going to be staying at my parents’. They don’t want Kaito getting them sick, so–”
“Oh no!” your mate groaned louder, tossing his hands onto his face. “We have to take care of a sick three-year-old?”
“Do you think the pack will be mad?” you wondered quietly, nervous you would anger them.
It didn’t really matter if they were angry or not, though. There was nobody else to take care of Kaito, so you had to. The pack understood Kaito would still sometimes be your responsibility when your parents couldn’t care for him.
As Soonyoung expected, Seungcheol and Juri understood. Jeonghan wasn’t too happy to have to deal with a vomiting child, but Aya reminded him they’d have to deal with it all the time at some point. Most of the pack didn’t really mind since everybody loved Kaito, although a few of them said they were staying as far away from the child as possible as to not get sick themselves.
“He won’t be anybody’s responsibility but mine,” you swore.
“And mine!” Soonyoung spoke up, though he knew he really didn’t have to help.
But hey, it was good practice for the future.
So Thursday evening, Kaito’s things were packed up when you went to your parents’ to pick him up. Juri was the one to drive you there to get him, while Soonyoung sat in the backseat and excitedly bounced up and down. If there was anything that got Soonyoung excited, it was seeing your little brother.
However, Kaito wasn’t excited like he usually was to see the pack. His eyes were puffy and red and watery, his skin was pale and his face was flushed, and he looked like he was going to pass out at any minute. His nose was dripping, and your mom had to constantly wipe it with a tissue because Kaito didn’t care at all. The poor kid looked awful.
In your household, you only spoke in Japanese, but Soonyoung still understood what you were saying to each other. Juri’s Japanese, however, was still a bit rusty, so she didn’t interject.
“I’m so sorry, Kai,” you frowned, looking down at the sick child.
Instead of replying, he held his arms out to be picked up. Soonyoung already had his mask on, so he picked up the small boy and held him on his hip. Yours was pulled down to your chin to properly speak with your parents.
While you spoke with them, Kaito laid his head sleepily on Soonyoung’s shoulder. “Hoshi?”
“Yeah, Kai?”
“Do you get sick, too?”
Soonyoung chuckled, rubbing Kaito’s back, “Of course I do. I deal with it the same way you do, too. I feel not-so-good for a few days, and then I’m all better.”
Kaito nodded, feeling a little better knowing the creatures he thought were so cool dealt with sickness the same as him. He always wanted to be exactly like the werewolves – more specifically your mate – so he wasn’t as upset now.
While Juri used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe Kaito’s nose – she’d wiped blood off of injured wolves before, so this was nothing – you said goodbye to your parents so you could get Kaito in bed. It was obvious he was drowsy, so it was best to tuck him in quickly and hope he slept throughout the night. You got him into his car seat before Juri drove the four of you home.
Soonyoung decided it would be best to let him sleep in your shared room while the two of you squeezed onto the couch together. Getting your brother to fall asleep was easy, as he was already halfway there while sitting in the car. It was just a matter of making sure he slept throughout the night.
But once Kaito was tucked in – Yerin was the one to do it because Kaito preferred her quiet demeanor over his own sister since you were the one who got him sick – the pack decided it was best to call it a night as to not wake up the toddler.
“And nobody start fucking each other,” Jeonghan stated, giving a stern look to each person in the room. “If that kid wakes up crying because he heard some weird shit, I’ll kill you.”
So the house was completely silent, save for the TV playing at a low volume. You and Soonyoung laid on the couch together and watched whatever was on until you felt tired enough to sleep. Fortunately, it happened quicker than you thought, because you two were fast asleep before midnight.
Soonyoung’s sleep, however, was short lived. With his impeccable hearing, he could hear Kaito crying and sniffling from upstairs. Quickly and smoothly, he got off the couch as to not waking you before he made his way up the stairs to his room. To his surprise, it was Jeonghan that was already in the bedroom, holding Kaito in his lap.
“Look Kaito,” Jeonghan told him softly when he saw Soonyoung slip through the cracked door. “Hoshi’s here to make you feel better.”
It was kind of a shock to see Jeonghan there when he was completely against handling the sick child, afraid he’d get himself sick. But at least someone got there before Soonyoung so Kaito wasn’t just alone and crying.
“What’s wrong?” Soonyoung cooed, going to sit beside Jeonghan.
However, Kaito made no movements to leave Jeonghan’s lap as he clung to his neck, “I d-don’t feel g-good.” he sobbed, sniffling and wiping his nose with the back of his arm.
“I’ll go grab some ginger ale and medicine,” Jeonghan said, handing the boy off to the younger wolf.
Soonyoung took Kaito in his lap, wiping his nose with his sweatshirt sleeve, “It’s okay, Kai; shhh.”
Soonyoung softly rocked the crying child back and forth, rubbing his back in an attempt to stop the hiccupped sobs that left his body. He remembered that being sick as a child was always scary, and so was waking up in the middle of the night because you were sick. Kids never knew why they felt awful, they just knew they didn’t like it. That, mixed with the confusion of waking up in the middle of the night; Soonyoung understood why Kaito was so upset.
When the door opened, letting light from the hallway stream in, Soonyoung expected to see Jeonghan. Instead, your sleepy form appeared as a shadow in the light behind you as your feet padded across the floor. You rubbed your eyes tiredly as you sat down beside Soonyoung.
“What’re you doing awake?” Soonyoung wondered.
You shrugged, “I noticed I wasn’t being squished into the back of the couch anymore.”
As you watched your brother closely instead of looking at your mate, you noticed his face contort into something that looked almost like pain or confusion. Quickly, you grabbed him and brought him to the bathroom. Right as you lifted the toilet cover up, Kaito threw up into the toilet. Soonyoung was right on your heels, impressed that you saw the signs of Kaito about to get sick.
Now that his stomach was empty, it didn’t hurt as much, so Kaito stopped crying other than his watering eyes from throwing up. You patted his back to make sure he got everything out before he sat backwards, landing in your lap like he knew you were already sitting on the tiled floor behind him.
“How’d you know?” Soonyoung wondered, crouching down behind you.
You shrugged, “When he’s about to throw up, he makes a certain face.”
He just chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your temple, “You’re going to make a great mother someday.”
While you blushed at his compliment, Soonyoung got a damp cloth to clean off Kaito’s face. Then the two of you brought him back to your bedroom where Jeonghan was placing a cup of ginger ale and Kaito’s medicine on the nightstand. He smiled softly when he noticed Kaito was no longer sobbing.
“Doing okay?” he asked, rubbing Kaito’s arm as he walked by to the door.
Kaito nodded, “Thank you, Hannie.”
“No problem. Go to sleep, okay?” he told him warmly before leaving the room.
Once he closed your door, Soonyoung looked at you, mumbling, “Didn’t think he’d want to help after the fuss he made earlier.”
Soonyoung grabbed the cup of liquid from the nightstand, offering it to Kaito. He took it without complaint, sipping the ginger ale through the bendy straw placed in the cup. While you stroked Kaito’s hair back, Soonyoung started to measure out the liquid medicine to give to your brother, which you knew would be a pain in the ass to get him to take. It was supposed to be bubblegum flavor, but the aftertaste made your brother throw a fit, so he never liked taking it.
Your mate turned back to the child, holding the little plastic cup out, “C’mon, Kai, take your medicine so you can go back to sleep.”
With the straw still between his lips, Kaito shook his head.
“Kaito, you have to,” you frowned, taking the straw and cup away from him.
“No!” he whined, puffing out his lower lip. “I wanna go to sleep.”
“You can after to take your medicine.”
“No, I don’t want it!”
Luckily, Soonyoung quickly learned just how to convince Kaito to do almost anything. He knew your younger brother wanted more than anything to be like the werewolves, so he just had to use that to his advantage – and he used it for everything. If he didn’t want to sleep? Werewolves need a lot of sleep from all the energy they burn off. If he didn’t want to take a bath? Werewolves need a lot of baths to not smell like sweaty dog – maybe that one wasn’t completely true, but it worked.
“You know, I was sick last year; like, really sick,” Soonyoung began, looking into the clear cup at the pink liquid. “I think I was about as sick as you, Kaito. Well, I didn’t want to take medicine either, but Faye made me take something because she knew it would make me feel better. And you know what? It did make me feel better, and I was an even stronger werewolf afterwards.”
Kaito’s eyes lit up at Soonyoung’s story, taking in every word he said. So, since he wanted to be like Hoshi, he took the plastic cup when it was handed to him, and downed the pink liquid faster than you’d ever seen your brother take medicine. He made a face afterwards, reaching for the cup you were still holding.
“Good job, kid,” Soonyoung grinned, setting the plastic cup back on the nightstand. “Ready for bed?”
Kaito nodded, letting you take the half-empty cup once more. You handed it off to your mate to put on the nightstand before you tucked Kaito back into bed. However, his whines for you to stay had you both laying on either side of him, snuggling into your comfortable bed that you missed so much after those few hours on the small couch.
“Will I feel better in the morning?” Kaito wondered quietly.
Soonyoung hummed before replying, “Maybe not completely great, but you’ll be getting better.”
“Will I be stronger like you?”
“We can test it,” the werewolf chuckled. “Goodnight, Kaito.”
“Goodnight, Hoshi.”
In the morning, Soonyoung awoke to Kaito asleep on top of him, face-down as he breathed through his open mouth. You were curled into Soonyoung’s side, tucked safely under his arm. He smiled to himself, wondering if this is what it would be like when you finally had your own child together.
He refused to move until the both of you woke up, which wasn’t until 11:30. He didn’t mind though, as he just listened to the sound of your even heartbeat, and softly shushed Kaito whenever he started coughing or squirming.
Kaito was still sick, but he wasn’t as sick as he was the day before. He spent the day in bed, so Soonyoung carried the TV up the stairs so Kaito had something to do. That also meant that most of the pack that wasn’t busy for the day had to find something else to do, but they didn’t mind since it was for the toddler’s sake.
Between watching TV, coloring, and telling stories, Kaito didn’t cry or frown once all day. He enjoyed spending all day with his sister and her mate that he looked up to so much.
By the time the weekend was over, Kaito was completely over his sickness and was excited to be strong like Soonyoung. However, there was only one way to test it in Kaito’s mind: arm wrestling.
The two boys sat near each other by the coffee table, resting their elbows on it. Since Soonyoung’s arm was significantly longer, he had to adjust before taking Kaito’s tiny hand in his. Chan held their hands, trying not to burst into laughter at how seriously the two looked at each other.
“On g,.” the pup nodded. “One…two…three…go!”
Once Chan lifted his hand, Kaito pushed with all his might. Soonyoung resisted to make it seem like a fair fight, but he slowly let his hand drop back further and further. The pack was yelling as they cheered for Kaito to win, though they knew Soonyoung could easily slam the kid’s hand on the table and call it a win. But it was the pack, and they would never do that.
Soonyoung really played it up, too. He was grunting and groaning like it was difficult to win. And in the end, the back of Soonyoung’s hand touched the surface of the coffee table, and Kaito giggled and squealed in victory.
“You’re so strong, Kai!” Juri told him as she picked him up and spun him in a circle. “I bet you could take on the alpha someday.”
Kaito nodded excitedly, “I wanna be just like Hoshi!”
Soonyoung, still sitting on the floor in defeat, couldn’t have been happier.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
3. I have no idea if this time line would work, but MYX and XY get attached to each other, so when the time comes that MYX and XY need to leave Koi Tower, JGY helps them get married in secret and run away to Dongu. Anyways, a few years latter, JGY has a kid that needs to go and people in a removed location that owe him favors! Isn’t that a wonderful combination! A Jin(?) Rusong raised by Uncles Mo and Xue, or whatever they go by these days, would be very chaotic. Bonus: they start a relatively safe demonic cultivation sect, maybe with some guidance from the Nie (has NMJ never been killed by the Jin in this Au?), or more specifically, Huaisang. SL and XXC who got a happy ending decide to check out this no blood line sect (it looks slightly dubious, but surely can’t be to bad! Right?) A-Qing at least is enjoying her new friend -🟪🦋
Should Have Been Listening - ao3
“Let go of me.”
“I won’t,” Mo Xuanyu said, clutching Xue Yang’s arm. “I won’t, I won’t! You’re my only friend here!”
Xue Yang looked down at him in what he thought was mostly exasperation, but might have also been a little fondness – after all, if it’d been anyone else who’d grabbed him, he’d have stabbed them.
He still didn’t know why he didn’t stab Mo Xuanyu, too, but in all honesty, he wasn’t that interested in exploring it. He did what he wanted, and right now, he didn’t want to murder Mo Xuanyu.
Irritating as he sometimes was.
“Little brat,” he said. “I have important business to go do.”
“It’s not something that he ordered, though!”
“So what?” Xue Yang bristled. “I don’t just do what hetells me!”
“But that means he won’t cover for you, and that means you’ll get in trouble!” Mo Xuanyu argued. “How can I let you go all alone to get in trouble? You have to take me with you! What will you do without me? Who’ll keep you entertained and sneak sweets for you if not for me?”
Xue Yang’s lips twitched. Okay, maybe there was a reason he kept the brat around.
“You don’t understand,” he said. “This is something I’ve got to do – something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I’m going to kill a lot of people and get into a lot of trouble, more trouble than ever before. I’ll probably lose my life. How can I possibly take you with me?”
Mo Xuanyu scowled up at him. It was a very weak scowl – barely more than a pout. “You think that’s going to make me not want to come with you?”
Xue Yang’s eyebrows went up. “You cry at the sight of blood!”
“I cry at a lot of things!”
Xue Yang wasn’t sure how to respond to that. It was true, Mo Xuanyu cried at a lot of things.
“Maybe if I come with you, it won’t be so bad!”
Yeeeeah, Xue Yang wasn’t going to count on that.
“Or maybe you don’t have to go…?”
“I have to go,” he explained. “If I don’t go, I can’t get revenge, and I have to have revenge.”
Mo Xuanyu blinked up at him.
“I don’t really understand, but okay,” he said, and tugged on his arm. “Let’s go together, then. I promise I won’t cry!”
He cried.
He cried a lot.
“Stop fucking crying.”
“Just – ugh. Listen. You’re ruining the mood.”
“If you can’t stop crying, go away. Now. Or I’ll stab you!”
“Okay, see, look, I just killed the leaders, see? Just the old men. Everyone else is just locked in their rooms. Once the sect leader comes back, I’ll kill him too, and that’ll be all. Okay? Everyone else lives. I promise. Now stop crying, okay?”
“I don’t want to know,” Jin Guangyao said when they got back. “I don’t want to know at all.”
“Good,” Xue Yang grumbled. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Enough people heard about the reason for what you did that opinions are mixed as to whether your actions were the Chang clan’s just rewards for their former misdeeds or if they were actually wrong,” Jin Guangyao said. He looked irritated. “But you still killed high-ranking members of a sect, and you left enough alive that they’re demanding your head on a platter. You’re going to need to run away.”
Mo Xuanyu hesitantly gestured as if he wished to speak.
“Yes, you can go with him. Now that my father is dead, no one cares where you are.”
Mo Xuanyu beamed.
“You’re just going to let us go?” Xue Yang asked suspiciously. “That seems unlike you. What’s in it for you?”
“Oh, I’m not just going to let you go. I’m going to give you money, too,” Jin Guangyao said. “And all you need to do for me is one little tiny favor –”
Pity that that was when Xue Yang stopped listening, too busy staring at Mo Xuanyu’s delighted face and counting all the way he was in for it now.
“I’ve always wanted to take care of a baby,” Mo Xuanyu said happily.
“Good for you,” Xue Yang said darkly as he stalked through the streets.
He would rather that Jin Guangyao had needed a body buried and a death covered up or something – and judging by the baby’s perturbed expression, it probably agreed with him. Fuck, maybe Jin Guangyao had meant for them to murder the baby once they got it far enough out of the way. It was just as plausible as Mo Xuanyu's assumption that they were supposed to take care of it.
Damnit, maybe he should have been listening.
“Listen, neither of us are equipped to handle a baby. Go find a woman to help us – someone poor and helpless who doesn’t have any other choice.”
Xue Yang shut his eyes. “What exactly,” he said slowly, “did you think I asked you to get us a woman for, exactly?”
“To…watch the baby?” Mo Xuanyu guessed. “When we’re busy or sleeping? Anyway, what’s wrong with A-Qing, anyway? She’s nice!”
“I’m not nice,” A-Qing said. The damn brat was smirking – and for once it wasn’t his damn brat, but some blind brat with a cocky expression. “I stole your wallet and you burst into tears and it was really embarrassing.”
“He does that,” Xue Yang said wearily. At least he’d noticed the theft this time – all of his lessons in ‘how not to be a sucker and get constantly taken advantage of’ were maybe having something of an impact. Maybe. “For some reason I’m apparently into it.”
He couldn’t explain it any other way.
“I will stab you,” Xue Yang threatened. “I don’t care if you’re blind.”
“Won’t someone tell me why A-Qing isn’t a perfectly good babysitter?” Mo Xuanyu demanded. He was holding the baby in his arms again – the baby liked him more than it did Xue Yang, which meant that between Mo Xuanyu and the baby, the baby had better self-preservation instincts – and he was trying his best stern scowl which was of course barely more than a pout and a so-called ‘fierce’ expression that made Xue Yang want to laugh.
Not even Mo Xuanyu’s horrific make-up skills could make thatface intimidating. Or maybe it was just that the person behind the face was just so completely unthreatening that there was no help for it?
“Well? Tell me!”
Xue Yan opened his mouth, then shrugged and shut it again.
A-Qing patted Mo Xuanyu on the shoulder. “I’m too young. No milk.”
“You know. The thing babies eat?”
“…milk,” Mo Xuanyu repeated, only now he looked absolutely heartbroken at having failed the mission that Xue Yang had assigned him almost entirely just to get him out of the way while Xue Yang collected some spare cash and threatened their way onto a ride out of this piece of shit town.
“It’s fine,” Xue Yang said hastily. “We’ll just get a goat or something, I don’t know.”
“Okay, I actually only came here to laugh at you,” A-Qing said. “But now I’m legitimately worried about this baby. Don’t you two know anything? How’d you even get a baby, anyway?”
“Stop laughing. It’s not that funny.”
“Seriously. Stop laughing, or I stab you.”
“Don’t worry, A-Qing,” Mo Xuanyu said. “He doesn’t mean it! Threats are just how he expresses affection!”
“It most certainly is not.”
“That is absolutely amazing,” A-Qing said, wiping her eyes. “Best thing I’ve ever heard., if by best I mean worse-but-hilarious. I mean. If that’s what he considers affection, what must his flirting be like?”
“No one is flirting with anyone!”
“Are you going to leave at some point?”
“Obviously not,” A-Qing said. She’d caught the same ride as them, using Xue Yang’s cash no less – Mo Xuanyu had insisted that it was the least they could do after the whole milk misunderstanding, which was stupid, she ought to be paying them for wasting their time. Xue Yang couldn’t wait to get rid of her, although he had to admit that she’d been pretty useful in terms of putting on the ‘poor sad blind girl and her two brothers all alone in the world’ act to get them a room at the inn at prices even Xue Yang felt comfortable paying. “Are you joking? This is so much funnier than walking by myself. Anyway, I enjoy watching people crash and burn.”
“Aren’t you too young to be such a bitch?” Xue Yang hissed. “And, I don’t know, blind?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I don’t care what you –”
The sound of crying came from the other room.
It was quickly followed by a second set of crying.
Xue Yang felt the onset of a headache.
“…truce?” A-Qing suggested sweetly, as if she knew exactly how much it pissed him off and thought it was the funniest thing ever, which was…probably accurate, actually. “I’ll get the baby to stop crying if you do the same with Mo Xuanyu.”
Yeah, that was definitely a headache. The sort of headache called why do I like that brat.
Mo Xuanyu owed him so much candy for putting up with this shit.
“Fine,” Xue Yang said begrudgingly. “Truce. Temporarily. And then you leave!”
“So we live here now, huh?” A-Qing said, looking around the house they’d claimed. “That’s neat.”
“Why do you live with us again?” Xue Yang asked her, though by now he barely even meant it. A-Qing was clearly another one in the same mold as Mo Xuanyu: you just couldn’t say no to her…or, rather, you could, at length and top volume and with threats, only it just didn’t stick. “I definitely did not recall asking you to stay.”
Though it was nice to have someone else around that wasn’t going to get immediately ripped off by literally anyone who came their way. Mo Xuanyu’d started getting conned by the literal infant that they were taking care of – he was completely hopeless.
Also, questionably blind or not, at least A-Qing had no hesitation about beating people with her stick if they struck her the wrong way, which was a life approach Xue Yang agreed with wholeheartedly.
“She’s going to learn to cultivate!” Mo Xuanyu chirped from where he was applying his make-up. “Demonic cultivation, too! We had a whole discussion about it while you were out getting groceries!”
That made a certain amount of sense, Xue Yang supposed. You didn’t need talent to be a demonic cultivator – technically speaking, given his bloodline, Mo Xuanyu was more naturally gifted in cultivation than Xue Yang, which was just wrong on all sorts of levels – and it was certainly more effective a defense mechanism than A-Qing’s stick. If there were two of them, they could protect Mo Xuanyu and the baby more effectively, taking shifts when needed, and Mo Xuanyu, who was also going to learn demonic cultivation no matter how many times Xue Yang had to hammer it into his head, could be the last line of defense, largely since no one would ever expect him to be able to do…anything…and they’d be right, too.
So it wasn’t the craziest idea in the world, only…
“…who is she going to be learning from, exactly!?”
“Have you ever considered charging for your skill in teaching cultivation lessons instead of your skill in stabbing people?” A-Qing asked one day. They were lying on the ground and having the corpses they’d raised fan them to try to reduce the temperature – it was that sort of day. Also, Mo Xuanyu, who might’ve objected, wasn’t around. “You’re not actually that bad at this. Might be more profitable, and less work. Just a thought.”
“Shut up. I’m great at stabbing people.”
“Yeah, but then after a while we have to move because people get annoyed at that, and it’s getting a little annoying to have to pack up all the time.”
“We’d have to move anyway. We’re wanted criminals, remember?”
“We could be wanted criminals with a house. Besides, wouldn’t you like to be called Teacher Xue?”
“What? No. Gross.”
“So you see, it turns out that they were teaching demonic cultivation in a safe and organized fashion,” Xiao Xingchen explained enthusiastically. “They’d even gathered up their own little sect! And of course everyone heard what the Chang clan did, so there’s no need to worry about them going around and murdering people at random – it was a targeted revenge scheme.”
“We’re working on teaching them regular cultivation,” Song Lan agreed, nodding. “To help mitigate the negative effects of demonic cultivation…well, we started out by just teaching them.”
“It turned out that they’d been secretly teaching all of the local delinquents, too, or at least Mo-gongzi had been teaching a few and Mistress Qing was teaching a few others, and even Sect Leader Xue had a few disciples,” Xiao Xingchen said, politely omitting or possibly having not noticed the fact that Mo Xuanyu had been teaching his ‘friends’ (read: scammers trying to take advantage of him), while A-Qing and Xue Yang had each been trying to form competing gangs and/or obtain lackeys. Xue Yang didn’t mind the oversight, largely on account of the fact that A-Qing had been winning, damn her – he’d kept getting distracted by inventing new things. “And a few of them had real talent – and you know that Zichen and I have always wanted to start a sect of our own, with no bloodline ties –”
“We’re joining their sect,” Song Lan said. “We’ll be leading the orthodox side, while they lead the demonic cultivation aspect – safely, of course.”
“I guess it’s better than them being crazy,” Jiang Cheng said. He sounded dubious. “I don’t like it, but at least all the demonic cultivators can be in one spot, you know?”
He made it sound like they’d be dropping off new ones there in the future.
Like they’d opened up some sort of pet rescue and were taking in unwanted puppies or something.
“Agreed,” Nie Mingjue said. “To the extent that they aren’t causing active harm, containment seems an appropriate remedy here. Who seconds the motion?”
“I do,” Lan Xichen said, and smiled at the newly agreed-upon sect. “Welcome back to the cultivation world, Sect Leader Xue.”
“I don’t want to know,” Jin Guangyao said, glaring.
“Don’t worry,” Xue Yang told him. “This comes as much of a shock to me as to you.”
The glare intensified, but that was fine. Jin Guangyao’s facial expressions, however minor and generally overlooked, had been the only thing getting him through that awful, awful meeting just now where people kept trying to salute him and make him salute back and if he didn’t then he was letting down Mo Xuanyu (who would send him a sad look) and A-Qing (who would hear about it from Mo Xuanyu later and then find a way to step on his foot right when he was concentrating on something).
Not to mention their two new resident lovebirds, who looked so righteous and proper from the outside but who also may or may not have accidentally full-on actually resurrected some dead asshole cultivator more or less the first time they’d joined Xue Yang in his demonic cultivation laboratory – which would have been fine, you know, that happened in demonic cultivation though not normally to quite such a wow-is-he-actually-alive extent, except that the guy’s intermittent moments of clarity suggested that his two new sect members might have just brought back the Yiling Patriarch himself, which was going to make all of them wanted criminal again the second anyone found out about it.
Being called sect leader was completely not worth this shit.
Xue Yang comforted himself with the reminder that later today he was planning on publicly introducing Jin Guangyao to the Xue sect’s head junior disciple “Xue Song” and announcing loudly that the brat needed some lessons in manners, that he’d heard that that was Lianfeng-zun’s specialty, and nominating him to take care of the kid while they were visiting.
See how the fucker liked that.
“I always knew Xue-gege could do great things!” Mo Xuanyu said, clapping his hands as A-Qing rolled her (by now, Xue Yang was almost definitely sure not actually blind) eyes behind his back. “As long as I went with him!”
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