#probably gonna make enemies with this but i dont care
im already tired of the 'man vs bear' debate. it went from actually meaningful discussion about sexual assault and how men need to do better to just purposefully ragebaiting incels and nothing of actual value. and that's not even getting into the fact that the discourse only focuses on survivors who are cis women, and less focus on trans survivors, enby survivors (and even male survivors for that matter). hell, transphobes have already started to invade the conversation. we need less rhetorical questions about abuse, and more actual uplifting of survivors and actual education about abuse (for all genders for that matter!)
the man vs bear topic has done nothing to help survivors, and i will die on this hill.
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throwback to when someone got mad and blocked me for ranting in the tags of their post abt how making stede nice to izzy for the sake of steddyhands or stizzy content is ooc (which is totally fair, i didnt have to go off on their post, i probably shoud've just left them alone) but like
this is the HARMLESS thing i get mad abt. this is literally me being annoyed and petty over something stupid. i rant abt it bc it's nice to rant abt something the fandom does that annoys me but isn't like, actually a big deal. i dont ship stizzy or steddyhands or anything so it's not like i'm looking for in-character fics abt those ships and getting mad i cant find them. i'm not dying on this hill, i'm just standing on it yelling for a while until i get bored
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chisatowo · 2 years
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chitcharlie · 1 year
I'm genuinely losing hope I'll get rid of this pain, truly
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
Mars In The Signs’ 💫
”All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack we must seem unable. When using our forces, we must seem inactive. When we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away. When far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy; feign disorder and crush him.” -Sun Tzu. The Art of War.
-Based on people ive met’-
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These people have a tendency to walk fast. They might be extremely easily irritated in general but especially by slow people. Never walk infront of these people if you are gonna walk slowly. They might turn red easily, especially when irritated. Ive noticed them to lack patience when it comes to people they consider stupid. The best part of these people is that they are all up in your face when angry unless they got Mars aspecting Neptune. They wont pretend to be fine and later plan your revenge like a Scorpio Mars, no these people are straight and honest. They might also be easily angered but they also forget it just as fast. Physically they might look athletic even if they dont work out and they usually have the most amazing eyebrows and gorgeous lips. The headshape is usually very beautiful and prominent and especially the hairline. They can have a very angry walk so people might mistake them for being in a mood. Most Aries Mars people ive met had a love for animals. This is a cardinal Mars and cardinals value respect. Aries Mars have a hard time being patient with people they dont respect.
These are the little kids who tell their parents they want to sell some of their toys for money. Super good with money. From a young age. Probably started saving early. These people usually have gorgeous skin and gorgeous necks. Model looks. Very soothing voices too. Their bodies seem to be very nice and the fat on their bodies is evenly distributed. They are very good at getting money even without having a job, but most times they work from a young age. These people are the most likely to only own brand name stuff not because of shallow reasons but because these people care about worth. They see instantly what something is worth. They will feel know instantly when a fabric is of bad quality. These people dont get angry easily but when they do they can hold a grudge for a very long time since they are a fixed Mars. These people have a softness to them that makes them very popular with their prefered sex. Usually known for having style or being good looking.
These people use their mouth as a weapon. They know what to say to get to you. Very sneaky. They can be especially good at coming up with sneaky comments so that you will know they are dissing you but nobody else in the room will notice. They have something young and teenage like to their appearance and personality. Might use a lot of slang or a lot of funny phrases. They have this ”naughty” expression like they have a secret but they wont tell. The nose can be very pointy and there might be this bird like quality to them. They usually have a very youthful voice with a high pitch. There is a tendency to gossip here tho, especially when they dont like someone and if their Mars is very afflicted they might lie for fun or gossip just for the same of gossiping, so This can be a real mean girl placement, especially since these people are ”forever young”. There is this flirty quality to them even when they dont mean to people might thknk they are flirting. They are good at the social game, especially at small talk which makes them a lot of fun to be around. People tend to underestimate them because they come across as so funny and happy go lucky all the time that you dont notice how calculating they can be.
What I love about these people is that they are loyal and the ones most likely to defend you when you are not there to defend yourself. But they can be very passive aggressive. These people might have some intense moodswings because of their sensitivity. They can be very passive aggressive and very rude when in a mood. The interesting part with these people is that they dont like aggression and will avoid it when it comes to themselves but when it comes to defending someone else they are way more aggressive. Its like messing with ”their people” brings out the crazy in them. can have a curvy look even if not curvy. Like they just look ”plump”. Very sweet and they usually have sweet voices. The best at comforting someone. They usually have a good looking breast area. They can have very sensitive skin especially skin thats sensitive to being in the Sun. Might have a lighter skin tone than others from the same cultural background, even when living in a warm country. They like familiarity and might have had the same friends since they were little kids while other people change company a lot during the years. Super nostalgic and you can see how they completely light up when they bump into an old acquaintance from old times. They never forget a person.
These people are the kings of the jungle and that is seen on how they dress and in how they walk. They have amazing style. These people value popularity and appearance but dont mistake me, they are not shallow at all. Loyal and protective over those they love like a true lion. Their ego can become an issue tho. They love being the center of attention and might make jokes and act a little silly to make sure they are. If Mars is very afflicted there is a risk of them making a joke of someone else to draw focus to themselves and to feel big. They might make some innappropriate jokes in group settings to show whos the king of the jungle. But most times these people are quote amazing and if mixed with positive aspects can be extremely loyal and a real knight in shining armor. Their hair is important to them and tied to their ego so these people make sure to always have freshly cut hair, or they can be the type to never cut their mane because they want it as long as possible. A lot of them are on the curvy side from what ive noticed. Might come across as very bitchy or arrogant at first sight but as soon as they start talking you hear how kind they are. They love brand name clothes. If they feel threathened or sad they will act arrogant.
Ive noticed that these people are very picky with their appearance. AND others. But Im a virgo so I understand. They are very helpful tho and will do anything to help you out in a situation if they really like you. They want to ”fix” people. The kind of person to start cleaning someone elses room. They usually look younger than they are and they look clean and fresh. You can see on their appearance of perfectionistic they are. There is this ”prude” quality to them. They look like they would never do something crazy, but they would. They look like they would be disgusted if you did something innapropriate infront of them. These people have sensitive stomachs and needs to be very careful with what they eat. They have great work ethic because they have a strong need to feel productive. They tend to have very clear skin and tend to be on the petite side. They have a hard time with anger because they dont know how to express it, its not that they are scared its just that they are not the kind of person to start screaming and they dont like to show emotion. So they usually end up nitpicking instead. Ive heard a lot of these people mention someones appearance when angry. Or say something hurtful just like Gemini Mars do. The more insecure they are the more picky they become towards others.
These people do not like conflict and confrontation which is why they can be very passive aggressive. The kind of person to quietly say something rude and then be like ”oh no nothing” when you asked them what they said. Some people with this placement can start to hate this quality about themselves and start acting all overly aggressive to not be seen as scared but it only looks worse honestly. This placement is just not made for aggression and beef at all unless aspecting pluto. These people tend to have a beautiful and social aura that makes them well liked. They have a very alluring walk and very feminine movements. They are romantic and prefer to be in a relationship. Ive noticed they tend to be very ”perfect” socially and personality wise, they are not too shy but not ”too much” either, they just are. Not too polite and not rude either. Perfectly balanced. And they come across as super friendly. They usually have really nice skin. The downside to this placement is that they can have a hard time confronting people and a hard time picking sides, they dont want to upset anyone: So dont count on them to stand up for you or to help you fight someone unless they got like a Cancer Moon or something, because they wont.
These people have a very strong need to put people in their place for any minor inconvenience. They never forget when someone disrespects them. This is the ”they must be destroyed” placement. I bet Stewie from Family Guy would have this placement. They usually have darker tones to hair and skin no matter cultural background. Usually darker skin around the eyes. There is this intense energy to them like they constantly need physical outlet. Might look like they will explode in any second. These people are usually not physically aggressive at all tho, they are the kind of people who will email your boss to get you fired. They want you to suffer long term. They know that throwing a fit will only make them look bad. In their younger years they can be very fake and manipulative just for fun because being sneaky makes them feel powerful and power is extremely important for them. They are social climbers too. Being mad at someone awakes a very nasty side of these people. Anger consumes them. These people are known for being very good in bed but I actually think its more their sexual energy making them come across like that and not the sexual act itself. Not saying they are NOT good in bad, just saying sexual energy which these people possess a lot of makes someone come across as better in bed than they actually are.
These people can become very reckless when angry because Sagittarius is a sign that does not think about consequences. Ive noticed that these people have this ditzy ”bimbo” aura like they dont know what they are doing which makes them charming. This is dangerous to others tho because nobody will see these people coming. They come across as dumber than they are. But these people can be very vengeful and very aggressive when angered, remember that the sign is literally holding a freaking longbow ready to shoot. When they get angry they get really angry and they have no problems with confrontation. These people can easily be recognized by their amazing legs and butt. They are usually very athletic and this is seen specially on their legs. They love to walk or run. I know some Sagittarius Mars people who seriously walk everywhere instead of taking the car. Almost always good looking and super charming. And this is not the polite kind of charming. Its more the ”I dont know what im doing” kind of charm like Neptunians have. They have a tendency to be very clumsy tho but this only make them even more funny. They usually prefer a partner from a different cultural background than them. And they learn new languages very fast.
These people are usually calm from what ive noticed but they vare A LOT about social status. Dont trash their name ever. These people are attracted to status and power. They know how society works and they know how to get respect. Respect is extremely important for you. They are very impressed by well respected people. They have this calm and collected charm and behaviour, they behave almost like they were trained like the people from royal families are. Everything from how they greet you to how they sit makes them look well off. They are usually very money oriented and just like Taurus Mars they get their first job at a young age. This is the placement most likely to be the boss of a company. They are high achievers and only want the best of everything. They want the best job, the best education, the latest clothes, the fastest car, the finest wine and the most popular partner. They can come across as cold but they are not, they just dont have time for drama because they are busy taking over the world. They are very reliable and if they say they will do something they will. Physically they tend to have attractive bone structure and they are always well groomed. They take good care of themselves because they know how shallow this world is. They know how this world works. They know how to play the game. Tend to come across as older than they really are.
Mars in Aquarius can be very argumentative because they think outside the box, but sometimes the need to be different is taken too far and they start talking back only to talk back. This is still one of my favorite placements because they are humanitarian and very open minded. But if afflicted they can become the opposite instead. They are free and they do what they want and like who they like. They wont dislike you just because other people dislike you(unless they have capricorn influence). They are rule breakers which is what makes them so fun but this can also make them dangerous. These people turn cold when angry and they have no issues with breaking the rules to get what they want. Its easy for them to detach and it can even be their coping mechanism when life gets hard. They absolutely love anyone and anything that stands out. Ive noticed so many Aquarius Mars people who got android instead of iphone btw. Since they are a fixed sign they will hold a grudge no matter how carefree they might be otherwise. These people love a good debate, they are very intelligent and they love to show it. If afflicted or conjunct Mercury they can be a real besserwisser. They have a very striking appearance. And can have a very penetrating look to the eyes.
These people can be very shy which is one of their cutest qualities. They do have a tendency to lose themselves in a dream and focus too much of that willpower into something that wont happen. Physically there is something very cute about them like Heath Ledger. Like this cute fluffiness to them. They are very romantic and a lot of them started dating early but probably online because of the shyness. They are very sensitive and prefer to stay away from aggressive people unless they have Mars aspecting pluto. These people can lack sense of reality and see other people as worse than they actually are. Ive seen men with this placement have beef with women because they were afraid of other men. People with this placement unfortunately stay in relationship where they are not treated right for too long because they refuse to let go of the fantasy. Sex with these people can be addictive because they are so gentle and sweet and make you feel love, i dont know how gen z pisces mars people act tho since they have it square pluto. These people can make you feel so beautiful and cared for. Some people with this placement can be VERY passive aggressive and instead of fighting you themselves might get someone else to do it. They are very likely to fight using other people. They might go for a partner whos very dominant and who can do the heavy lifting in the relationship.
House placement and aspects to Mars are not taken inte consideration in this post so not everyone will relate. ✨
©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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luvyunjinxo · 5 months
merry christmas, nerd. g!pyunjin x fem!reader
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~ a/n note: HI GUYSS its been so long since I wrote a fic and as a Christmas present to you guys I came up with this ‼️
CW: not proofread, bully yunjin, blackmailing, humiliation, spanking, lmk if I missed ,, cuz I probably missed a lot:(
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December 20th, 2023
UGH. how much you hated huh yunjin. the "it" girl of the school.
you hated her with all your life and she was your enemy ever since you transferred schools. the school was a rich neat looking school, but yet not enough to your liking. neither were the students. you thought everyone was just a snobby rich kid so either way, you avoided everyone. you only had one best friend.
kim chaewon ☺️.
she was the sweetest and purest girl. yes friends with everyone, but you both were THE duo. you weren't the most popular in school but you had hidden beauty. chaewon acknowledged that and immediately came your friend.
anyways, it was around the holidays and yes I guess you could say you and chaewon were a thing. it wasn't serious but yet you two were not friends but not lovers. it was more of a situation ship and you both dont know how you ended up like this.
only ONE person knows about you two.
small hints,, they push you around in the halls & pours water on your head
call you a "whore" even if you haven't lost your virginity and even make you do her homework half of the time.
how did this all happen & how did she find out? it happened when one day you and chaewon were making out in the bathroom out in the open like nobody would even enter. yes you guys were still in a situation at the time but who cares????
huh yunjin walked in, in pure shock. before speaking she snapped a few pictures and shouted.
"YAH I KNEW IT." and you two would have to obey yunjin and do whatever she says, because you know damn well shes using that for blackmail. that just made her want to bully you more.
fast forwarding to present day,, December 23rd, 2023. the tormenting, the bullying and the humiliation you kept up with. you were a strong girl and was not gonna give up easily. tonight was the night of the christmas party for seniors. of course yunjin is gonna be there.
you showed up in your red dress with a bow in front and bow ties in your hair giving 🎀. you looked stunning. you got picked up by chaewon and left the house asap.
I thought everyone were joking about about the amount of people coming to the party, BUT OMG they were wrong. it was way more than the amount they expected and the place was packed.
colorful lights beaming from upstairs toward the crowd, the loud speakers draining all the sounds out, and just everyone having a good time in general. you were usually scared by these things but tonight was your own time to shine.
you purposely started to dance next to yunjin and her friends,, whyd you do this? to prove her wrong. to prove you are strong and shes not all that.
grinding up against chaewon, teasing her, and for some reason yunjin was watching all that. it was what you expected but why is she staring at you with lust? she was dancing as well but started to get lost into you and chaewon.
she walked over to you two and cleared her throat. now all the attention was on her, you, and chaewon. her friends were watching and there seemed to be a small little crowd.
"wtf are you guys even doing you look like dumbasses". she lied. she just wants to get a reaction out of you.
"shut the fuck up and mind your own business. if you dont like what me and chaewon are doing then move else where because honestly im so fucking fed up with your bullshit!." you exclaimed.
and that was the first time you stood up for yourself. never did you ever dare to talk back to her. she was in shock too. you were never like this and that made her mad as fuck.
she was frozen. so was chaewon and everyone else in the crowd.
"shut up, come with me." she finally spoke.
"no ew im not going anywhere with you."
"y/n." she said in a stern voice. in her head she was wondering why were you acting like a brat. she was fed up and angry she did not want to lose it in front of the crowd. that would ruin her whole popularity status in general.
she suddenly walked closer to your ear and whispered
"stop acting like a fucking brat,, come with me or ill show the whole school what you and chaewon were doing in the bathroom." she backed away leaving your neck all tingly from her hot breath on your neck. you simply just nodded with tears in your eyes threatening to fall any second now.
she took your wrist forcefully and dragged you out to the nearest room immediately. chaewon stood there and couldn't do anything because yes, she did not forget about the blackmail and was too scared to go. she wished the best for you and tried not to worry so she danced with her other friends. the crowd completely forgot about the two of you and started partying hard again.
"s-shit yunjin! whats your problem!" she locked the door and practically pushed/threw you onto the bed. she was more mad than ever it felt like you should actually stay quiet.
"get on all fours, dont make me repeat myself and just do it."
"no fuck you."
"why are you being so fucking stubborn y/n!" she shouted and forced you on all fours herself.
"it wasn't that hard and this would go more easy for you if you just listened." she flipped up that thin dress of yours and started to drag her fingers along your hole and cunt. "how would chaewon feel about this hm?~ seeing her current situationship about to get fucked by another girl."
you whined by her words and earned one smack to your ass. she tied your hands up with her belt.
"f-fuck you!" you managed to gasp out.
"you wont be saying that once im done with you. your gonna learn to be put in your fucking place y/n."
you earned ten hits to your ass and your already practically begging. for mercy, and for her to stop. she slid two of her fingers in for one second so you could feel what was coming for you. "please .. hngg~ i want m-more." well you werent saying that a minute ago weren't you? ugh how bad yunjin was turned on by the sight of seeing you this fucked out already. you guys haven't even started and your hair is messed up and tears rolling down your eyes.
"arent you ashamed or embarrassed? your bully is fucking you and your begging for her? suddenly you wanna be touched by me yeah?"
she flipped you over aggressively and started to bite on your earlobe whispering dirty little nothings into your ear. "be a good girl for me tonight and maybe ill let you come." the feeling of her breath fanning your neck again, ugh. leaving trails of kisses along your neck and leaving a few marks,, kinda everywhere. fondling with your breasts as she just kisses every little spot.
she started to eat you out. kitten licks on your clit, teasing it in anyway she could and looked at you while doing it. "eyes on me, dont close your eyes." she continued to circle your bundle of nerves with her tongue as two fingers slid into your wet cunt. "y-yunjin! I c-cant .. ughh.. take i-it" you were a virgin. but you knew about all of this because you read fics by yourself at night and watched explicit things when you felt like it. you were a dirty ass girl and you knew it.
"this is a better side of you isn't it? such an obedient girl,, not being all up on chaewon."
"hngg ..!" all you could groan out. you threw your head back in pleasure and tried to cover your mouth but yunjin didn't tolerate it. it felt like you were being overstimulated. the pleasure going all to your clit felt like so much you started to cry again.
"I c-cant hold it in yunjin."
"you can and you will." she says speeding up her fingers as you threw a pillow on your face and screamed. "fuck I really cant take this!" .
it was all too much for you. her pinching your sensitive tits while finger fucking her. she pulled her fingers out and you whined louder than you ever did before cuz of the loss of pleasure. "relax slut you'll get what you want."
she told you to close your eyes so you couldn't see a single thing and you obeyed. you really didn't open your eyes because you cared for the surprise. you just heard unzipping .. and clothing being tossed around. you felt a tip going into you and .. oh my gosh was this her?
she pushed further in and you waited for it to stop but she put her whole into you. fuck she was so deep into you. "you can open your eyes now." oh what a sight. yunjin was fully undressed with her hair up into a ponytail and her thick ass cock inserted into you.
she slowly started to move and you were already whining. "nggh .. faster yunjin~"
she started to trust into you more aggressively as if she wanted it and was desperate asf. beast mode yunjin?! ..
she gave it all and put all her energy in you.
"y/n what if chaewon saw you like this for me .. mmh .. right now? disappointed r-right?"
"your such a fucking obedient for me and only I can make you feel like this."
she smacked your inner thigh as you both were almost there. she was hitting the right spots that got you weak in the knees literally it was impossible to stop making sounds now.
"chaewon cant make you feel like this cant she? she can never be me."
you cried out to her "g-gonna come!~" and thats what you did without no hesitation or no permission, she was okay with it though. your fluids dripping out of your wet cunt and she was still needing to come,, leaving you to be overstimulated.
"fuck y/n! y-your fucking mine remember that. ugh .. im almost there." she threw her head back and came in you.
you both smiled at each other for once and you were so worn out you couldn't even move,, if you even tried to get up you would collapse.
"merry christmas, nerd." she put on her clothes and left. leaving you soaked in your own mess. you hated her so much ugh. you finally checked your phone and read,,
*63 missed calls from chaewon<3*
from that day on you were yunjins. she made you stay away from chaewon at all times.
A/N: this was not proofread AND IM SORRY IF THIS CRINGED YOU OUT OR THIS WAS JUST NOT IT. im really hungry please spare me bro 😓✊.
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hazerun3 · 2 months
I just saw your post about the difference between passive and swan. I'd like to ask the difference between young swad and dream?
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shittier doodle this time cuz Im getting tired but the ramblings are probably more unhinged
I dont have particularly strong feelings on dream so this is gonna be mostly younger swad and comparisons to dream when needed
-Views social interaction as inherently transactional and as a game that he can learn to play (he doesnt realise that in the village he was never going to be a player on equal ground, this is why after his ascension his persona is more deity ified rather than a king or smth like nm cuz he wants to be Above it all and in control.)
-Been obsessed with swan even as passives (His Duty to help people got drilled into him, the village feels entitled to his help and swad slowly grows tired of them, but his little brother is always kind to him and doing things for him feels so much more rewarding [tho eventually the village tries to stifle any attempts swad does to get something nice for his brother which frustrates swad so much and swan not asking for anything and just being happy to see him and trying so hard just to make swad happy, even as hes hurt fuels this.] so the mix of the sense of duty, him being the older brother so self imposing a sense of responsibility and swan being nice to him leads him to adopt a mentality where Swan is the only one whos special and actually cares about him not just what he can do for him, but with the way hes raised by the village he tries desperately to try and do something for swan in return cuz he still feels like hes failing in his part of the social bargain)
-Also the cult village placed sooooo much value on stuff like never being angry, always being happy :), youre not allowed to be mean, you Must be hardworking all the time, visibly showing that youre sad is Evil. And swad seethes constantly cuz no one in this fucking village follows that and the one person who embodies all these values the most is swan (who everyone still hates for reasons inexplicable to swad, who believes theres still a way to get swan out of his outcast status if the village just realises that swan is the kindest soul in this rotten place.)
-Dream maintains a more "child" status in the village even as hes older than when swad fights to "adult" status, seeing it as a way to get more social power cuz he picked up that Adults have more power than Children but lol not for him, he just gets to have more responsibilites, the expectation to cut off swan and no money OR gifts for his work cuz gifts are for children doing chores not working adults and since its both swads duty and the fact that he doesnt have anything to spend it on that wouldnt be spending it unwisely they just dont pay him at all! and also hes an object not an adult to them so rushing to try and be an adult backfired miserably
-Swad loves listening to swan read stories to him, reallly wants to be the Prince who saves the damsel and sets his enemies on fire and he projects that persona
-Both he and dream were taken hunting I think, but dream didnt take to it (he had a knack for archery but as soon as he was told to turn that arrow on an innocent bunny he couldnt do it, his more "child" status helps him get out of it) swad was also aprehensive at first but since he places a lot of importance in being the Older Brother and being responsible (also he wants to kill people) so he shoots the bunny, he feels bad and cries about it to swan but he cant let go of the feeling, the smell of blood, the idea of that being someone who hurt swan
-in my head he killed people already lol (used the hunting trips as cover but his hit list is soooooo long and he gets less and less opportunity...)
-he loves shiny things so much but being materialistic and greedy is one of the sins, swan cant get him anything but he does press little flower ornaments for his brother and so much flower jewlery so that swad can roleplay being a prince.
-he hates everyone soooooooo much <3
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majorproblems77 · 3 months
Hello LU fans! I'm back with another LU update analysis! :D
Are you ready cause there's so much to unpack I'm gonna be here a while. Like last time I'm gonna put a timer on lmao, see how long this takes me.
As always grab your popcorn and drink of choice, cause we need hydration in this life.
all art belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, and if I pull panels from any other pages I'll let you know where it's from! :D
Obviously spoilers for Dawn 8 :D
And a note, I've not played TP or WW, you'll see why thats important later.
Let us begin, shall we!
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Man, Poor wild, he's probably beating himself up like there's no tomorrow right now. He looks HORIFIED.
Probably because in technicality, he failed.
I love how he's holding his sword here too. Kinda acting as a shield to the conversation.
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Same expression as wild. He also looks horrified. Infact the resemblance between these two in uncanny.
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Man time really is the dad isnt he. Unimpressed dad look at 12'oclock. Jokes aside he doesn't look angry about it. He looks like he now gathering information from those who finished the fight. As we know once he left with Twilight he was the only other one to not make it back to the fight.
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Thats a fair sentence, thinking about it, I think the only other game where Iron Knuckles appear is in one of Hyrule's games? I'm surprised he's not mentioned anything about it.
Most of the others do have armoured enemies though. So while the others dont have direct experience I assume they have the basics.
All but, Sky and Wars None of them fight armoured enemies like that in their games.
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I assume because he's defeated this thing like it was a guardian (Stasis and then wailing on it cause that's what i would do lmao) He assumed it was defeated when it exploded into pieces. Like guardians are prone to do. tbh he was probably gonna go back to look for loot at some point.
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You tell them Wind. The small hero, underestimated by everyone BUT Time. Was correct thank you.
Justice for the windy boy.
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God Wild really is beating himself up about this. I love the fact that we see four's reaction to this statement. As to be honest. Over the last few nights, Four and Wild have had plenty of bonding moments. These guys are gonna become best friends.
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And now we get Time.
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The way he's looking over these panels. That look. He know's he's the leader of this group but something that Time isn't used to is making Permanent mistakes.
He has the Ocarina of Time, and when he was back in Termina every time something went wrong he could just play the song of Time and restart the three-day cycle with no trouble at all.
Time, as a person. Isnt technically used to failing.
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This panel is stunning. It's what I assume is going on inside his head. It's so pretty. It's so detailed it's just oh man easily one of my favourite panels.
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now you know i had to talk about panels with my beloved blorbo in.
first off he's so pretty. Jojo has really outdone herself with just how amazing these updates have looked. The lighting the shading its all just so incredible.
The first half of this panel with Sky's face. He, He is beating himself up about the injury. He had nothing to do with it but he cares so much about the rest of the group he feels bad. He kinda looks like he's thinking about it. Like he can see it. Like time did but we dont see inside Sky's head.
Makes me think about what exactly he saw.
And Twilight's face, he looks so sad. His little pout. Poor wolf boy, which we can now call you properly as the rest of them know now.
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And to be honest I'm glad he's standing his ground. Mr, My injury isn't that bad before falling over. the stubborn ranch hand strikes again.
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The parallels from this frame and the one from later have been mentioned elsewhere but I'm just gonna post the frame here as it's turned up. Run you coward lizard. Run.
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Captain link is back. Poor warriors, he's still showing signs of being stressed. He's one of the only one's who hasn't been able to rest over the downtime that they've had. He's been busy being in charge of the group while Time was out.
I can only assume it's only a matter of time before this comes back to get him. Maybe he is next on the chopping block? (Pun kinda intended) Something could happen and he messes up and gets hurt of causes someone to get hurt.
oh and also
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None of us did, Hyrule.
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The boys ever, I'm glad they are talking about this like this. And that it's legend who's starting to throw ideas out there like this. As the one who's got the most experience in the group, it makes sense that he would be the one to start offering ideas as to Why not just how.
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Because you pissed it off Sky. Because half of you pissed it off. In fact I do believe he had a bunch of panels in Shifting Shadows pt2 where you indeed pissed it off.
The entire reason it started running from you and Twilight had to track it was because of FI's reaction to his sword.
Wait... that explains the guilt. It is actually potentially Sky's fault. Or if he's anything like I think he is. He remembers that fight with the shadow and knows.
He knows.
Also, with clenched fist Sky is ready for a fight. Next time the shadow turns up I assume he's gonna go after it when it's inevitablebly goes after Twilight/Wild. Maybe he'll jump in after being told not too because the Master sword appears to be the only thing as of right now that can fight the red stuff that comes off the shadows sword.
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did you hear Warriors shiver? I did.
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And you'd know all about that wouldn't you Four. :D
Mandatory Sky appreciation picture
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Him's my beloved blorbo. He's wonderful. Such a lil guy. Bestest bean. My beloved. /pl
Anyway moving on
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Oh yeah, the amount of power that the items list contains We've seen the arsenal that they have between them (in the December art).
We saw what just Time could do.
Now add the rest of them and the enemies dont stand a chance. They've just gotta figure out how to either avoid the weapons of each other or work as a team with the arsenal in hand to fight better.
Like imagine if Twilight used his gale boomerang to send Wild into the air.
(Writer brain go brr, gonna write that down)
It's basically Revalis Gale.
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This man is so damn dramatic I love him
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And here's the parallel frame
the shadow running towards Warriors vs running away from Twilight.
You know thinking about it... Shadow didn't shapeshift until Twilight did. The push towards Warriors was when shadow thought they were on level footing.
But when Twilight went after Dink, he was the one who had to flee because he lost his advantage.
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The man is pissed that Shadow hurt Twilight. He is so damn mad and I think that he is saying what he would assume Fi would. (With more emotion because well, Fi)
Also that last frame.
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time is looking towards the master sword. And he looks angry. This will absolutely have gone unnoticed by the others because if they saw he was angry it was probably just because of the conversation topic.
god I love the dynamic here and I'm excited to see if it goes anywhere
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Him's I love his simple way of agreeing its wonderful.
I approve to wind let's go blow some stuff up!
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Hyrule shows the group why he is called the traveller. The man just wants to go on his adventures let him go!
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Sky is so proud of himself
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this face says 'Look guys I didn't give it to the weird toilet hand! :D'
I love this man a healthy amount.
One last thing before I go
I love this update as a whole, seeing the group gear up and getting to see the layers of the armour and straps and fastenings being put on while they are having this discussion is amazing.
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I'd give you a collection of pictures but Tumblr is being rude and I can't post more than 30. So you can have these as all four panels show what I'm talking about.
Twilight adjusting his gauntlets warriors adjusting his scarf.
Hyrule attaching his shield to his back and putting his sword strap on.
God, I love this update so much. It was amazing and I very much enjoyed it. Let me know what you think! :D
Thank you as ever for reading my rambles i appreciate you :D
Have a wonderful day and dont forget to hydrate! See you next time!
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jazzyblusnowflake · 1 month
OMG hi…I really like your art and was wondering if you wanna be mutuals??????????? Also tell me about your MD ships :3c
honey we are dating- .....okay yknow what- HI PRETTY & TALENTED LADY- yess i will absolutely love toooo 🙈💕💕💕💕💕
also lets see uhhh okay this is an excuse for me to just... expload-
keep in mind not every ship is meant for all of you so dont badger me about stuff that ISNT CANON or YOU DONT SHIP. contrary to whatever you believe, when somone posts about THEIR ships, nobody wants to hear about you NOT shipping it on THAT EXACT post.
hang in there, this gon be a long one >:p
First off we are starting strong with Nuzi- Biscuitbites obviously thats a given- these two just have too much to be said about why and how they make eachother the best version of eachother, whether they ever became canon or not- they fit like puzzle pieces- they lessen eachothers negative traits by being their for eachother.
next is Vuzi- Violentviolet, they are my favorite kind of enemies to lovers 😔 but its also tragic smh. kinda pissed off at how V always does something good in Uzis favor only when she is LITERALLY PASSED OUT- either in the camp ep on the bus or in Alices lab. like damn ofFUCKINGcourse Uzi wouldnt know she cares about her 😭😭😭
envuzi- Violentbitingbiscuits, i love these goobers with all my heart- they deserve the best 😔💕💕💕💕
envy - [does this poor ship just NOT have an exclusive FINDABLE tag name??? im calling them GoldenMemories...], i like to think that if they were in the manor still, and nothing bad had ever happened, these two would be comforting eachother in the healthiest way possible. V needs someone like N and N is just adorable like that uwu
Next we have JxTessa/Jessa- [calling them Fancyblades cuz why not-] J deserves some closure for the shit shes gone through smhhh 😔, its a tragic yuri of J loving and wanting something she probably already accepted she couldnt have, and even then she gotta deal with Ns ass being the favorite one regardless of how hard she tries to be perfect... sighhh i wanna imagine them in a future where Tessa was spared as the only human and J could save her 😭😭😭😭 Tessa might have loved doing mechanical stuff or wore black to hide grease/oil stains on her clothes from her parents and wore gloves to hide her oily stained hands- i want her to have a scene of wiring drones back to life and saving them and saying something like "hey there, you made it! dont worry, ill take care of you, youre my friend now :3" or something //dies//, also before anyone says it- even if Tessa was a teen in the flashbacks- romance is not exclusive to ADULTS, teens can love eachother without having sexual stuff involved. no she was not their MOTHER figure, she was their FRIEND who liked to fix robots for herself to not be alone in a house where her own parents literally chain her up as punishment. i dont even know why im arguing about this, people headcanon or make aus about characters NOT being dead all the time and if Tessa was alive for as long as J thought she was, Tessa would have been a perfectly fine adult either way. so counting this, yes shes canonically considered an adult when Cyn tries to imitate an adult humans body 🙄 makes as much sense as everything else i guess-
next ones i got is NorixYeva/Neva- Solverlilies- i just think theyre neat 😭😭😭 and once again, like everything else in this franchise- they are tragic yuris 😔 damn liam im finding a pattern over here 🤨 anyway, i like to think they either got closer in the lab experimentations or were already close when they were working as WDs in the campsite area for the humans. obviously canonically they were probably straight or just not into eachother romantically- [Nori either u have the worst taste men or Khan just fucking lost it after you died-] but also on the other handddd.... they have 2 hands and they are robots, i want them to kiss like two barbie dolls and im gonna make them do just that-
DollxLizzy/Dizzy- Bloodypink, wost fucking ship names ever, i cant find shit on them with these tags and it makes me angry >:/ at this point 2/3s of my ships are just tragic yuris smh, Doll did not deserve any of the things handed to her, even if she went about doing some things the wrong way i wish Lizzy didnt just abandon her- but then again, Doll did kinda abuse Lizzys trust and Lizzy got scared of being close to a serial murderer so.... morality calls this a draw? 😭 im crying... i wish someone was there to help Doll... sigh... i like to think Lizzy would have waited for Doll to just come back at some point... oh well, thats why AUs exist :"3 //sobs in the corner//
DollxUzi/Dollzi- Bloodybats, this ship is so underrated to me... they could have been... so much more. but why weren't they? did Yeva abandon ever getting close to Uzi when she was a kid after Nori died? did Uzi and Doll just never play around together as kids when their mothers were so close? were they ever close and something went wrong as they grew older? at worst they could have been like sisters together, and at best maybe more than friends. i just dont know what happened here, like Yeva could have tried to keep an eye on Uzi, maybe Uzi could have found Dolls powers so cool before having them too- i dont know theres literally tons of possibilities- but if Doll deserved to be saved or cared for by anyone, at least one of them should have been Uzi... sigh.
ThadxV- Killingblonde, yall this is... the cutest shit... ever???? like from here on out we kinda go into the more or less crackship territory but these two are adorable- Dumbass yet wholesome jock boy that just wants to keep his queen happy 😔👌👌👌 He and Uzi would have so much to talk about on "crushing on literal murder bots that stabbed and almost ate us" its literally love at first stab smhhh 😫💕
ThadxSam- Smokyjock ???? for some fucking reason??? i dont know what my brain did here man- i just like the trope of someone getting under Thads skin- like pair up the healthy sports loving gym boy with the lazy but wholesome dumbass that does drugs or is always just sleep deprived and Thad is always trying to just... take care of his ass and make him take care of himself but he just WONT SMHHH-
okay some more or less crack ships down here:
ThadxN: it speaks for itself. its too adorable and youll go blind from the light of wholesomeness-
ThadxNxUzi: Uzi will die here from the overwhelming wholesomeness... oh bonus if its just a 4s polycule of ThadxNxUzixV i mean i know im pushing my luck but.... random crackships go brr- V and Uzi will complain but love their dumbass golden puppy partners-
ThadxUzi: i think they could have been close and Thad caring about her as a childhood friend turned crush sounds just too cute for me 😔
LizzyxUzi: another random ass rivals to lovers or some shit idk what this is, Lizzy would pay Uzi to kiss the fuck out of her i dont make the rules-
ThadxLizzy: in some cases where they are NOT headcanoned as siblings or cousins, i think they have a good energy of wholesome jock bf and girly queen cheerleader lol, Thad is just a good bf eitherway-
DollxUzixLizzy: the gals would not leave a single second of silence for the small gremlin i swear to God- [Uzi is gay as FUCK for her gfs, absolute girloser unit with her gorgeous but crazy gfs]
okay for the end i have some characters that arent ships but i wish they could have become closer as friends or work out their issues...
J and N- too much abuse and toxicity here, i wish they could talk together more and see they have a lot of things in common- maybe a full line of dialogue from J without threatning N in every sense of the manner would be nice for a change =_=
Doll and V- again, a bit morally ambiguous to ship a character with the murderer of your family, esp when said murderer hasnt expressed regret lmao, but i wish they could at least be friends... Dolls disdain for the murder drones pushed her to end up the way she did. maybe if she didnt do it alone she would have been alive by now. so i like to think what would have happened if she and V could have made up- not necessarily Doll forgiving her- but at least having the space to grow and understand why they did they things that happened.
Cyn and literally ANYONE- i want the solver to be SEPARATE from Cyn- i wish Cyn would have still existed somewhere down there and was savable- i wish this poor child AI had a happy ending to her by connecting with the others as ACTUAL siblings... goddamnit 😔
aaaand thats it for this fine ass day 🫡 yall are welcome to ask about any of these- boy the tags are gonna be.... a lot.
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 8 months
Could you do the mercs with an s/o who is like- almost comically short?
Oh boy wouldn’t it be a shame if this anon asked me to do a size difference nsfw headcanons one next? Wink wink.
Mercs with an S/O who’s a small menace to society
WARNING: Older bigger men bullying the ever living shit out you. (kinda hot though?)
- Scout will not hesitate to make fun of you at every given moment. He’s a decently tall dude so he’ll manhandle you a lot. Holding you in his arms like a personal teddy bear. Overall walking around with you in his arms.
- You bite his arms when you’re bored and he flinches and goes “Ow! What are you? A fuckin’ goblin?!” (Doesn’t he know? The smaller you are, the closer you are to hell.)
- “I could probably slug you into the stratosphere y’know.” He says. You don’t want to test that theory.
- When he’s upset he’ll pick you up, go into his quarters and lay there with you in his arms. Just like the aforementioned teddy bear analogy. If you’re screeching and biting like a fucked up chihuahua that doesn’t deter him.
- Keeps giving you petnames like “Boot.” “Little one.” “Rat bastard.” (Ignore that last one.) and cheesy shit like that. Treats you how a rich middle aged white woman would treat her teacup pig. You’re being strapped to his back in a baby carrier while he rocket jumps.
- Gets incredibly rough with you on purpose. He likes seeing your squeaks and angry reactions. This guy definitely has a height difference thing. Throws you at enemy lines at like mach 20 knowing full well you’ll shred them like a fucking gremlin. Or stuffs you into his rocket launcher. Pick your evil.
- Lies about you being younger in order to pay less in restaurants. He somehow gets away with this 90 percent of the time. Spy is kind of envious that he didn’t even think of that.
- “NO! WAIT! DONT SHOOT! HANGFIRE! CHILD ON BATTLEFIELD!” He raises you above his head. You’re unbelievably pissed. You’re a grown ass adult. But the enemy lines somehow hesitate which abides him time to blow everyone up. He has no reason to be this smart about your height.
- The first time he saw you he burst out laughing. Really hard. Like nearly fell over and shit. He couldn’t stop laughing like actually. It took him days to even approach you properly and finally call you adorable.
- Picks you up when you can’t reach something off the top shelf and instead of helping you get it, he just sits you atop the shelf and leaves you there. They have to call either Heavy or Sniper in order to get you down.
- You take advantage of your height and perch on his shoulders like a parrot. The other mercs don’t understand why Demoman has a pet gremlin.
- “Er’ is my crotch goblin Y/N. They’re gonna bite your dick off if ye cap this point lad!” You can’t say you disagree with that.
- A romantic partner whose tinier than him? Sign him the fuck up. Cradles you like a baby and kisses your head. Bounces you on his lap to soothe you. Expect a lot of sitting outside on the rocking chair at night while he rocks you in a blanket.
- You make grabby hands to him for uppies and he feels like he’s not allowed to say no. “Aww, sugarplum…” He cooes, setting down whatever he was working on and lifting you up into his arms. He might tickle your tummy if you’re fine with that :)
- Picks you up by the scruff of your uniform like a mother cat when you’re misbehaving. He will stare in amusement if you struggle.
- “Careful outside on the Badlands, darlin.. Never know when one of ‘em damn condors might be circling you.” You can’t decide if you want to kiss this man or kill him.
- You’re literally so small he’s scared of accidentally stepping on you or something. Always has to wiggle his way around you in the base corridors and mutter what you assume to be an apology in Russian. What you don’t know is that he’s actually cursing out the Administrator for hiring such a tiny Merc. What if you get squashed by falling debris or something?
- Treats you like a fucking stress ball. scoops you up in his hands and squishes your cheeks. Lays you on his lap like a small kitten belly up. No amount of biting or awful demon noises will ever convince him to do otherwise. Chuckles lovingly at your tiny anger. “Little, little, little. Tiny like the ant.” He baby talks you.
- Due to your height it’s impossible to bother him. Unlike the others. You can gnaw at his ankles and scratch at his chest but he remains unmoved like a large boulder. Threatens to splat you against the wall like one of those rubber toys and turn you into a pancake.
- In his point of view you’re actually terrifying. He doesn’t know why. But you stand out from the rest in their beloved Pyroland. You’re a creature from the primordial depths of hell that has come to eat their soul. You’re uncanny as shit.
- When they meet you for the first time it takes for godamn ever for the Mercs to finally figure out why Pyro was behaving so erratically and out of character. Engineer finally convinces poor Pyro to speak to you and it doesn’t end up in vain. You’re actually a pleasant scary monster.
- Spies don’t scare them. Pyro can kill spies with no effort. But you? Holy shit. Sometimes he doesn’t hear you come up behind them and this usually leads to Pyro spontaneously crying because you startled them. (Your team’s Spy is VERY envious of this.)
- You think this is great! You decide to play a prank on them by crawling on all fours down the dark hallway. Pyro looks like a deer in headlights. All tensed up like a cat attempting to look bigger. Two seconds later the entire base is on fire. You have to explain yourself to the other Mercs how this happened and it’s embarrassing.
- Whenever you kill someone on the battlefield it’s horrific shrieking mixed in with fleshy eating sounds.
- Calls you stuff like “Baby bear.” Mostly because he purposely holds you like a mama koala in his camper van’s bed and in the sniper nests. You cling to his lap and listen to his heartbeat while he scopes out the window.
- Same as scout to some extent. Carries you around wherever he goes and holds you like a plush doll. “Easy there on the lil’ daggers, mate.” You keep digging into his skin to hold steady.
- Growls at you when you bite him. Something about you both is evil and animalistic. Bites you back on your “scruff” when you bother him too much. He wants to shake you around in his teeth like a fucking chewtoy but he knows full well that might accidentally kill you. Has straight up cute aggression around you.
- Sniper your furry is showing. Helen, get yo fuckin dog bitch.
- “Well it seems you stopped growing at a certain age. That typically is due to genetics and other factors.” He says after looking at X-rays of your finger bones. Tracing his finger over the image of your growth plates as he squints to see better. He fixes his glasses back up on his nose and scratches his chin.
- He gives you a mischievous side smile. It’s unsettling. He secretly finds the size difference incredibly attractive. He tells you to take the lead vest off and waves his hand dismissively when you question his creepy expression. “What?! It is just my usual smile. I always look like this.”
- You’re not convinced. You take the vest off and straighten your team uniform a bit to get yourself situated. Without warning he grabs you by the wrist as you attempt to leave. “Ah-ba-ba-ba! I didn’t say you could go yet.” He pulls you against his chest. Forcibly. His natural heat was causing your heart beat out of your chest. He kneeled down and wrapped his arms around you. Cupping a hand over your mouth. You couldn’t move.
- The way you were (in theory) powerless was exhilarating for him. He placed his free hand on your chest and marveled in your heartbeat. Really? That’s all he wanted? Medic let out a long pleasured sigh. “Oh, that’s gooood.” He feels like he could potentially hold your tiny heart in a cute little decorated specimen jar but that would kill you, sadly. Can’t have that.
- Has unimaginable amounts of trauma from his father figure and you help him cope with said trauma a lot by being small. He deeply regrets passing by the chance of raising Scout. That in-and-itself was also a traumatic experience for him. Whenever it isn’t romantic lovey dovey adult time you lay in his arms and he looks over your adorable small body with adoration in his eyes.
- He rubs your small cheek and although he’s still frowning like always — you know full well this man is losing his mind on the inside. This was oddly healing for him. He felt butterflies in his chest as he gave you the love that his family never gave him. Jesus christ, somebody get this man a silicone baby or some shit. And a therapist. Mostly a therapist.
- He has no idea how to baby you to be honest. No fucking clue and he isn’t great at this. He does what he’s seen people do before in public. Wrap you in a blanket and pats your back. He says nothing as he does this. “There’s a scared little boy behind that mask isn’t there?” You ask him lovingly.
- He avoids eye contact after you say that. Looking away shamefully. His mouth twitches. You put your head under his chin contently.
- He stalks you and monitors you on the battlefield. Ready to stab the ever living crap out of anyone who overpowers you. In a particularly rough situation with an enemy heavy he risks his own life to backstab the opponent. You batter him for being too bold and exclaim that he could’ve killed himself. But Spy side eyes you, fixing his tie and cloaking away. He was secretly proud of himself that he had finally managed to protect somebody smaller than him. To make up for all the times he wasn’t there for Scout.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 10 months
new universe - y. welt
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summary; while you didn't mind playing hsr, you didn't want to be in hsr!
genre/extra tags; headcanons, isekai! reader, father figure! welt back in action, fluff, angst???
[platonic] [16 years old! reader] [gender neutral! reader]
a/n; never wrote for isekai'd reader but im down to try. this is probably gonna be unintentionally angsty bc idk abt u but no matter what world im waking up in, im gonna lose my shit too.
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you played quite a bit of hsr
you had your fair share of liking a bunch of characters, gambling on them just for that 0.001% chance of feeling joy that you finally got that character
and you liked the story and all
but you didn't want anything more than that
so imagine the absolute panic of waking up like you were trailblazer.
march's face near yours sending you into freeze rather than flight or fight
"march step back, give them time. they just woke up."
you literally go through the 5 stages or grief as you slowly realize, oh shit, im not home anymore
and then it sinks in again
and then you start crying.
you're stuck in denial as you cry your eyes out
you're stuck in a fantasy space world where you are just as powerless as a citizen npc and you know there's a bunch of enemies in game that look really painful to deal with
you dont even realize that you've been taken to a room to wallow in peace.
welt's room to be specific.
you calm down after a while, sitting down in embarrassment bc oh fuck you just cried in front of some of your favorite character but to be fair you might be stuck in this world which does almost send into another panic
but welt comes in at the right time
"i'm sorry we didn't wake you when we found you, but we wanted to make sure that you weren't injured. do you remember anything of what happened?" he speaks calmly, making you feel calm in return
"i only remember my name.." you're really lucky to know that you speak the common language in this universe, or maybe they just know it. "i don't know what happened and..." your body shakes, feeling overwhelmed. "i don't know... 'm sorry."
he shakes his head. "you did nothing wrong. we didn't think or account for this. it's okay. it's okay to be scared. we're here to help you."
and it kind of breaks your heart bc you don't think there's a way to get back to your real home.
"would you like to know how we found you?" he hands you some water to drink.
you nod weakly, drinking the water.
and he explains how they found you in a different planet and stuck in a forest. "so you don't remember anything else?"
you hesitate. "i don't..i-" you close your mouth. "i don't think you'd believe me."
"it's okay if you don't want to tell me. but are you sure you don't know where your home is?" at the mention of home, you feel your eyes water.
"my home isn't where you think it is." you whisper weakly.
you don't elaborate and he doesn't expect you to elaborate.
"thank you for telling what you wanted to tell. i'm sure you're still scared and worried. and that's okay. but this does mean, you don't have a home.."
and he ends up taking you in.
you stick with him for a long while. it takes you a long time to get used to everything.
eventually you do get somewhat accustomed to it all.
with welt by your side you feel a bit more safe and less scared.
but on those nights where you remember that your normal is not the normal of this world, you find yourself looking for welt.
it's just silent comfort, just having his presence around you makes you feel better as you lay down by him as if you were a younger kid.
you just let him read his books as you wait for your body to make you sleep.
"thank you welt." you can't help but mutter.
and his reply is just a gentle pat on your head, a sign of him always listening to you and caring for you.
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
hello, can You please make a second parte of luffy's one shot after the time skip? sorry if My request bothers you
this req doesnt bother me at all :) i would love to do it -------- BUT !!! dont eat me guys !!!! but im not gonna post the pt2 of it because i fear it would too much replicate what i want the actual events to look like in keep safe (the ff that the tender one shot was based off of).....DONT EAT ME IM SORRY but heres a little snippet i wrote for the pt. 2 since i feel bad because we probably wont see this ^ happen for quite a bit of time
womp womp time
"all those times [name] had practically put his life on the line to protect luffy and his crew and their dreams, they all amounted to luffy not even being able to protect him.
his eyes were blown white as silent tears fell from his eyes. and then his jaw dropped down and a scream erupted from his chest that made rayleigh, kizaru, and kuma all still.
a raw, genuine shout of pain escaped luffy’s lips. he stared up at the sky that was painting a sunset and screamed, screamed until it felt like his throat was victim to a thousand cuts.
“[name]!!!” he shouted into the air, pain and fatigue being the only tangible emotions on his face. “where did you send [name]?!”
kuma flinched at the tone luffy had taken with him, but he obviously didn’t answer.
“bring him back!! bring him back, now! i want him back right here! bring [name] back!!” luffy shouted, hands repeatedly punching into the dirt beneath his body as his tears turned the soil into a softer substance, “bring him back, bring him back, bring him back!!”
“i fear that that is not possible,” kuma said, walking over to luffy with his paw outstretched, “it is better if you were to…forget all about that boy,”
now this made luffy’s head snap up in nothing but pure, unadulterated anger. he felt rage consume his entire being. forget about [name]?! forget him?! the one man that had always stepped into danger for him, the man who had showed him what soft care and love was…forget him?
luffy grit his teeth, trying to control his breathing. but why would he need to control himself when his mortal enemy was right in front of him. if anything, letting go of all of that anger he had been caging inside of himself would be the right answer. when else would he get to do something as reckless and violent than right now?
forget [name]…?
what an infuriating suggestion."
this is only a snippet I FEAR we will have to just wait until we get to this part in keep safe for the whole thing to be published IM SORRY LMFAOAO
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pebiejeebies · 4 months
Spoilers below!! Watch iii18 <33
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*sry for these two agh—*
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Ramble below if you’re interested <3
Okay but let’s be fr, we all collectively got angry from Nickel in this scene right?? RIGHT????
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I admire your care for them Nickel, but actually fucking wake up. Like please, get over your blindness and realize that literally NOBODY saw his arc and how he changed
WOOH. That was a slight vent there lmao.. guess who hates nickel guys…
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*ahem look at balloon here aweee <3*
Maybe I love seeing myself (a cabby kin) get recognition after all the struggles she goes through, but let’s be fr, Balloon? Not really, SILVERSPOON?? HELL FUCKING NO.
That’s why BOT and YINYANG WERE FRUSTRATED!!!! They’re all blind to his fucking ‘Inner flame’ or whatever, which then led his wife, and probably Mephone into so much more fucking trouble. And that infuriates the two that literally lasted so long and saw her grow from each challenge!
They’re frustrated because the obvious option is being pushed away by silver-spoon, again, with the manipulation and the tricks! AGAIN!! to try and win something that you don’t deserve (which is nothing, so like yeowch) is kinda frustrating
As much as I want cabby to win, what will she win? After all this struggle she went through, watching everyone villainize her, as she thought she was genuinely caring to help her team, and to barely survive the votes with yinyang, which then got eliminated, she then struggled to fix her friendship with bot, who both shared an equal struggle with testtube
The actual fact that bot is literally fighting their mom is wild, EVEN FAN EXPECTED THEM TO FORGIVE EACH OTHER!!
But after all of this, she really didn’t win anything
if we remove her boyfriend, (yinyang) and bff forever and ever (Bot) she sorta doesn’t win much, which really sucks
But hey, even balloon has someone to talk to, imagine being silverspoon
Even if he wins, he will LITERALLY win nothing, and good golly gosh Test tube and Paintbrush I’d like to hear why the hecking heck you’d vote for him?? Seriously? All that flattery worked THAT well?!
I’ll gladly fight with yinyang and bot for cabby‼️‼️‼️
Alright thanks for listening to my Ted talk. Farewell, and do tell me on what you think if you have something to share :D
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lackofbrains · 6 months
i dont really know how to work tumblr posts and im not really a good writer but i wanted to write a velvet x reader story since theres hardly any on here
story info:
its kind of angst but like ends with fluff or whatever its called
so basically you’re like a pop artists along with velvet an veneer, and you’re like almost more famous than them and velvet gets really jealous and starts to hate you, but in the end she realizes she doesnt.
y/n's POV
"so y/n your new song is at the top of the charts!" the interviewer fred or whatever his name was said, i honestly couldnt care to remember his name. "yeah. im so greatful for everyone who listens to my songs i wouldn't be here without all of you!" i replied directing the last part towards the audience in front of me. they all cheered in response and i smiled a bit, loving the attention and thankful for the fans. "awww, thats so sweet! so we need to know, is there any new songs in the making?" he asked me really prominently on the need part. "welllllll" i drug out my word trying to thing of a good response. i get really awkward and anxious around huge crowds, kind of a bad thing for a pop star but. "i may be working on a new song, look out for teasers on my instagram." im so excited for the new song to release its definitely gonna be one of my best songs yet "okay we'll make sure to check!" he glanced down at his watch, i guess the interview was finally over thank goodness. "well, y/n. looks like our interview is sadly over, it was great having you thanks so much for coming" he said "no, thank you! this was great-" i stood from the comfy sofa i was on "and thank you all for coming!" as i said that the crowd went crazy, mount rageons screaming all over the place. it was kind of overwhelming so i probably walked faster than i needed to off stage, as i got backstage i blew out a sigh of relief, thankful for the opportunity to spread my music but also thankful it was over.
                                velvets POV
"ughhhhhhh" i groaned "i cant stand her and her goody two shoes self, shes so annoyinggggg" i complained to my brother, veneer. "shes not annoying velvet, she seems really nice." he replied to me, i abruptly took my feet off the coffee table they were on and turned to him. did he really just say that to me. "why are you defending our competition!" i basically screached at him, "sorry, velvet. i wasnt lying though, you just like to see the bad in people" he sighed, crossing his arms like the sassy twink he is. "i cant stand you sometimes! its like you want us to be second best." i really did not understand why he was defending someone thats trying to take MY crown. i got up off the couch and walked away from him, i mean yeah she may be nice and pretty but shes trying to take whats mine and that cannot happen."
(time skip to some award show thingy that i just made up bc it helps the plot)
                                y/n's POV
looking around i see so many different singers, some well known, some not as much and probably werent even invited in the first place. as my eyes scan the crowd of celebrities, looking for my friend, f/n, they land on no other than veneer himself, standing with my mortal enemy, velvet. the green haired twins were my competition and i had to beat them. i honestly didnt mind veneer too much, he seemed like a nice guy. velvet on the other hand, i had a totally different opinion on. ever since she basically said my music sucked in an interview of hers, and no i don't just watch all her interviews(yes you do dont lie), i havent liked her, thats an understatement. i cannot STAND velvet.
as i was in my own little word of dislike towards the prettier twin, i didnt notice someone standing right in front of me. i looked up expecting the brown caring eyes of f/n, only to be met with cold blue eyes. i sharply inhaled, to be honest scared out of my mind "y/n!" "what are you doing here?!" the green haired girl shriecked, "i was... invited..?" i replied in a hushed tone, not being able to find my voice. "well you shouldnt of been, your music sucks, and overall you dont deserve any award." she replied, flipping her hair asif i wasnt even there? "okay... well my song on top of the months best pop song chart says otherwise" i said turning around and walking away before she could hear the last part of that, she had really pretty eyes..
"y/n!" i hear from behind me, this time from a more scruffier voice. i turned around recognizing the voice was coming from f/n. "there you are! i was looking for you everywhere." "i saw.. i also saw your run in with the twins. tell me everything!" i groaned at that last bit "no f/n it was scary enough i dont need to repeat it." i replied also turning away from him "attention! all invited pop singers, please make your way to the stage!" 'finally' i thought to myself, ive had to wait an hour and a half through the rock, country andddd rap awards.
im going absolutely insane, why did i have to be seated RIGHT NEXT TO VELVET. its like torture, i could feel her eyes on me for the whole 10 minutes it took to introduce everyone, it was awful, but sort of nice in a way.
(time skip to the actual awards bc im a horrible writer and cannot care enough to try and fill the gap with sappyness)
"andddd the award goes to-" his eyes widened as he read the slip of paper with the award winners name on it "velvet and veneer-" he was interrupted once again only this time not by himself, but by the crowd behind him going crazy "wait!" he said and they all quieted down just enough to hear him, i looked beside me and velvets smile dropped hearing him say that "AND y/n y/ln!" the crowd went even louder this time, i gasped hearing my name "well dont just sit here come get the award..s?" all three of us walked torwards him, i looked to my left towards velvet and she actually smiled at me, and not even a condescending one! we both took the awards, as we walked back to our seats, velvets arm brushed against mine, i got so flustered i had to turn away so she didnt see me blushing. i dont know why i was acting so weird i hated her... right? "congratulations to the winners of this months most amazing pop stars!!" the crowd hadnt stopped yelling yet, i was fidgeting uncomfortably in my seat, picking at my hands, feeling a panic attack coming along, when suddenly i felt a hand on top of my own, locking fingers with me. i was so shocked i didnt even wanna look because i knew the amazingly pink painted nailed hands belonged to.... velvet.
she had held my hand the rest of the show, which in reality was about 10 minutes but felt like hours with her hand in mine, her hands were so soft.
(time skip to like after the show but like not left yet bc thats so unsexy an doesnt fit my amazing plot)
i was standing around the desert table talking to f/n, well it was really him talking about how much i deserved the award and how great my music is. he really knows how to make someone feel special. i looked around for velvet spotting her talking to her brother, i really wanted to speak to her, my "hatred" for her had turned to love in less than 3 hours.
"yeah you were obviously winning the awar-" f/n was cut off mid sentence by the green haired girl that i couldnt get out of my mind "hey y/n can i talk to you?" she asked me, her cold demeanor still up but i felt like there was something under her coldness, i followed her after muttering a quick "sorry" in f/n's direction.
we finally got to a deserted hallway when she finally spoke "are you okay?" she asked, cold demeanor slipping as soon as we were alone "y-yeah why wouldnt i be?" i asked stumbling over my words abit because of the close proximity between us..
velvets POV
her stuttering was kinda cute. "because you seemed like you were gonna pass out, babe" i couldn't catch myself before the pet name slipped out, i guess its out there that i dont reslly hate y/n now. i guess i just didnt like the idea of not being on top, but now that we're both on top its kinda nice. "oh yeah that..." she trailed off, blushing a bit, either from embarrassment or the pet name, probably the latter if we're being honest. "sorry, i just get a bit overwhelmed with thr crowds and loud screaming, which i know is weird since im a pop star- so i basically signed up for this-"y/n" "and they probably saw me too and they think i hate them now- and im gonna lose the award-"y/n" "and im not gonna be able to write music anymore because everyones gonna hate me, and ill have no money- and ill be homeless and-"y/n!" i finally got her attention finally silencing the rambling girl "sorry.." she looked really upset "its okay y/n, you dont need to apologize. you did nothing wrong i promise." i replied tucking a loose strand of hair behind her hair, finally noticing how close we were. "velvet" y/n whispered, as i cupped her cheek "hm?" i hummed leaning in a bit waiting for her to initiate what was about to happen(consent is sexy) "are you sure" she muttered "mhm" and with that she finally closed the gap, her soft lips meeting mine. when we finally seperated we were both panting from the lack of air. "that was..." "great" i finished her sentence. "would you wanna maybe, you know. go out tomorrow?" i asked, still a bit flustered from the kiss. "like a date?" she said teasingly "y-yeah. a date." "of course, what time are you picking me up" she said with a smirk "is 8 good?" "see you at 8 velvs" and with that she gave me one more peck and walked away.
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spacexseven · 2 years
(2/4 sorry realized dazais was super long split it into two its 4 parts now) ur sooooooo right about dazai and this scenario SO right the fucking bastard probably does this to randoms for fun on the weekends. sidenote im going with mafia dazai for this just cuz he has more room to be Evil and i also dont think kunikida would allow ANY of these antics if he was there. warning hes gonna be SUUUPER mean i kinda softboy-ed aku but i cant bring myself to do the same to dazai </3
darling is just some civilian with ties to an enemy syndicate or works somewhere they need access to as an average employee with a convenient amount of security clearance, no one really that special on paper, and he’s pissed. he’s stuck with some no-name loser for the foreseeable future? how demeaning. this work is so beneath him as an executive, can’t he make one of his subordinates do it?
he’s amazing at the flirty coworker persona, and even BETTER at the loving boyfriend schtick. scarily so, when you consider that he spends a lot of his downtime thinking about how much you bore him and he cant wait to get rid of you. similar to what he does to chuuya in wan, every perceived slight you commit against him is put down to paper so he can get his appropriate vengeance when the time comes. you hummed and it got on his nerves, he’ll be sure to break  your jaw. you touched his hand today, for that he’ll rip your fingernails off one by one. stuff like that.
he starts to warm up to you as time goes on. the surefire way to dazai’s heart is to give him unselfish care. something as small as packing him something for lunch since he only eats crab out of a can; to something as big as nursing him through a drug or alcohol induced stupor after one of his many attempts on his own life. he wakes up the next morning clean, comfortable, and with a very minimal headache due to the cold washcloth you put on his head. why did you bother doing that?
yea i don't think ada dazai could do half these things and get away with it either so we'll stick to pm dazai!! i do have a question tho, can you find crab in a can? is it edible?? it sounds strange to me i only eat tuna (lol) out of a can...lol this got much longer than i planned for, sorry in advance!!
cw: yandere character, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, dazai is an asshole, mentions of violence and murder, manipulation, deceit, emotional abuse, jealousy, kidnapping, imprisonment.
ask continued: (3/4) good news: he’s attached now! at the hip! hes a little obvious, really. dazais always flirty, but now hes CLINGY. and JEALOUS. he seemed so Above being affectionate or possessive of you, before. much too self-confident, you supposed. but now you’re lucky if you can manage to get out of bed without having to escape the IRONCLAD GRIP hes got you in, and do NOT even get me STARTED on how he reacts to ANYONE so much as looking at you! you’re his! his his his his HIS! you both love each other, so you belong to one another! simple as that!
bad news: you have recently figured out that you shouldve been scared of him. of course, you find his little notebook, and something inside of you is SCREAMING at you to read it, and what you find shatters your view of him forever. you brushed off the really weird vibe you got from him initially, cuz he was so nice! attentive! you never really got attention like that from anyone before, it was all too easy for him to get you caught up. stupid stupid stupid. 
worse news: he notices, when you start to pull away from him. you’re making excuses not to see him, not to sleep in the same bed as him. you get all stiff when he gets too close to you, and you wont kiss him back. doesnt take him long to figure out what happened. takes him even less time to come up with a plan to make sure you cant run away from him. don’t be scared, he loves you so much! he’ll show you how sorry he is for saying all those mean things!
it's not like dazai was new to the whole leech-out-information-from-an-unsuspecting-victim-and-kill-them-after routine, but he definitely didn't like this part of his job. it's so terribly boring as compared to his go-to way of getting information (interrogations! torture! shorter and less effort needed!) it takes too much effort to make sure his target likes him enough to lower their guard around him and spoonfeed him the information he needs. it takes even longer to safely send back acquired information to the pm without anyone suspecting him to be the mole, and usually these missions take months if not years. he doesn't want to invest to much time in something like this, especially when he knows his target is the most boring person to walk upon this planet.
if he was assigned to the leader of some crime syndicate, or maybe the secret mastermind behind a revolution, or even a top-level military agent, he might find the thrill somewhat entertaining. after all, there's something quite wonderful in wrapping an untouchable person around his finger.
but you...
you were painfully ordinary. he understood why it had to be you, a somewhat 'regular' member of the ability group, trusted enough to have access to information that would be useful, but not too high up in the ranks. not to mention, you would eventually be moved up and allowed access into even more highly guarded secrets. if he didn't get to you now, he might never get you at all. if you were too important you'd never trust anyone, and you'd be too paranoid to let slip even seemingly unimportant details. it had to be you, and now.
and he was good at his job. he was charming but not suspiciously so, and not so well known that he would be identified. still, as he watched you before his infiltration had officially started, he realized that you were a fool. too trusting, too smiling, and far too friendly. even akutagawa would have been suited for this job, you wouldn't have suspected a thing. maybe you'd even like the whole grumbling outcast thing he had going on. but no matter how much he whined or complained or groaned, nothing was done about it. he was stuck with you until he finished the mission.
it was probably his hatred towards you that caused him to act so recklessly, and moving the relationship so quickly—from strangers to moving in together within a month. it wasn't hard to have you eating right out of his hand, with some saccharine smiles and soft looks, gentle stroking and—you practically had stars in your eyes. what a fool, he thought, ignoring how the softening of his eyes when you cheerfully ran into his arms happened somewhat naturally. you must have been desperate if you so eagerly accepted his sudden advances.
he still hated you, of course. he recorded your wrongdoings so he could unleash his fury later, when you were no longer of use. that time you ran your fingers through his hair, he swore to break each and every bone in your hand. and when you dragged him out on dates he planned out the appropriate punishment, same as when you touched him or kissed him or smiled up at him with so much warmth it made him sick—you made him sick, and you'd pay for that, eventually.
surprisingly, despite his overall sleazy and cruel demeanor—he never paid for dates (even though he was given the funds), and never bought you presents after the third one. he never initiated any physical affection, and straight up ignored your calls sometimes—after you were officially dating you still seemed to like him. you probably idolized him, after being starved of affection for so long. any crumb of affection he gave you, whether it was a fake smile or a stiff pat, you'd eagerly eat up. it was so pathetic he almost felt bad for you. even know, this relationship wasn't real, but you were a fool who thought you found love. not like this arrangement was anything you should be mourning.
were you hoping he'd turn back to the charming guy you met all those weeks ago? did you really have no clue that you fell in love with a lie? or maybe, you just couldn't comprehend someone using you. after all, you weren't very wealthy or connected to anyone influential. all you had was your job, and that was meaningless to most people. perhaps you thought he was most people, because it was so easy to get things out of you. at night, when the two of you were awkwardly lying down in bed, he just had to roll over, throw an arm around you and whisper into your ear, asking about your day. and then everything came pouring out. you weren't so stupid as to directly admit you worked for an ability organization, but the details were still correct. you'd tell him about the planning you had to do for a company event nearby, and just as you said, a week later the group he was targeting was there for something. it was so easy, now, to intercept all their plans. you were annoying but...somewhat useful.
and then...it happened.
dazai didn't realize there had been a last-minute change in plans. your group had come onto the meeting spot earlier than you had said they would be, and he was caught red-handed inside the building. to his surprise, you, without even stopping to consider his intentions, immediately shot up to defend him, excusing him saying that he probably just stopped by to visit you. your coworkers relaxed and slowly agreed. they, too, thought dazai didn't know about the 'company' you worked for, and thought he was just being a considerate boyfriend. it couldn't be farther from the truth, but he didn't care what they thought.
you saved him.
and it wasn't the only time, either. there were the times you've nursed him back to health after yet another one of his stupid stunts, the times you've waited hours for him to turn up for a date, complaining but never actually mad, the times you've made him something to eat, knowing he didn't care much about eating healthy. it infuriated him how genuinely selfless you were, even to an asshole like him.
you cared about him, like you cared for everyone else in your life, even though he knew he didn't deserve it. it was so nice, though, as much as he hated admitting it, to be cared for. to be looked after and loved genuinely despite his shortcomings. sometimes he wondered if you'd only love him more if he cleaned up his act. the more you smiled at him and gently nudged him awake and asked him if he ate and showed him things you thought he'd like, the more he realized he was getting a little attached to you.
and then, he came to a decision.
you were far too nice to him for him to just leave you to die after this mission. and you were far too kind to have such a terrible boyfriend. he could at least try to completely win you over now before you inevitably found out about his true intentions and then, you'd really hate him since he would have killed your friends. he decided you would stay with him, regardless of how the mission went.
he probably should have considered your confusion when your usually aloof boyfriend suddenly became a completely new person. you'd wake up and get ready to leave when an arm suddenly wraps around you and dazai whines at you about not leaving. whines! the same man who'd rarely say a word to you until breakfast was acting so...clingy all of a sudden, though you'd be lying if you said you hated it. suddenly your days were filled with constant kissing and an arm always around you, dazai showing up at your workplace more often to grab lunch with you and boldly flirting with you. sure, there was something quite terrifying about the way he glared at your coworkers, his eyes so blank it was eerie, but you forgot all about it once he snuggled into your neck and placed a kiss on your collarbone.
and then there was his insistence that you were being overworked when he normally wouldn't have cared what time you came home, as long as you did come home, going so far as to contacting your boss to demand you get more time off. of course, everyone laughed it off as your boyfriend simply being concerned for your health and your boss complied, shortening your hours and granting you a long overdue break. your life was just so perfect now. and to think you were worried about him wanting to break up. whenever you asked dazai why he was suddenly so expressive, however, he would only give you a vague answer about realizing it was unfair of him to let out his anger by treating you coldly and wanting to fix things. because, as he said so often, he loved you.
"nobody could love you as much as i do," he would say, "seriously, i think i could die in my love for you. you're everything to me and i love you so much."
maybe you should have noticed how...intense his feelings were then,
it all came crashing down one day when you saw a text on his phone—someone asking him to gather more information about the ability users in the group you were in. he wasn't supposed to know about that, and by the looks of it, he had been using you to steal intel the entire time. though you felt stupid now, you were more concerned about how you could put an end to it now, especially because you were in so deep with him. at least a while back you could have quickly ended things with him using the reason of being a terrible partner, but now, it would only raise suspicion with him and your coworkers. how were you to explain your boyfriend had been spying on you the entire time to anyone? what would they do to you, and worse yet, what was he planning to do to you once he had no use for you?
the only logical thing to do, in your eyes, was to slowly drift away and eventually break things off with him. his only source of information would be closed then, and you would be safe. the problem was, it was pretty much impossible to leave him. he was always by your side, held you tight as you slept, dropped you off at work and even knew all your friends. how were you supposed to explain to anyone that your boyfriend was going to kill you once he destroyed your group?
as you already figured out, dazai wasn't stupid. it was about time you found out, but now his plans had changed. no more killing you. he could keep you with him permanently now, after forcing you to quit. he didn't need your help anymore for the next part of the plan, which only required him to eradicate the group since they weren't willing to comply to the port mafia's demands. it wasn't like he expected you to sit down and hear him out after finding out he was sort of using you all along, but still, it hurt when you scowled at him and screamed at him. oh well. he could figure it out.
as he smiled down at your bound figure, your eyes wide at the blood soaking his coat, realizing what he had just done, he decided he would stop at nothing to convince you of how much he loved you.
really, he wouldn't trade this for the world.
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doomed-era · 2 months
also. i was going to ask this before but i didnt know how to word it: any zelda tropes you like/dislike? stuff like fairies being guides for link or the concept of sages/Legendary Sword or how link and zelda are always depicted or reoccurring characters like impa or beedle or epona. though theres probably not. a lot of tropes considering most games are vastly different from each other. uhh yeah if youve got nothing . things that were done from a zelda game that you liked?
OOH. tbh I had to think about this a bit (my gripes are usually with the fandom and how they depict the tropes as a Strict Narrative Rule) but! I do have some
UH ONES I HATE. this is gonna be long no matter what so it's going under a cut
Number one has got to be making link into a super special boy for basically no reason!!! being from a special type of knights is. so irrelevant to everything else about alttp link that I think a lot of people legitimately forget this. it barely ever comes up and it's honestly not that important to the story except as an excuse for why link's the only one that can grab the pendants and pull the master sword, which. why not just have him be the one to do this because he's just really determined? Ocarina of Time...tried this, sort of? almost completely irrelevant AGAIN. in twilight princess and wind waker they are just some guy basically and this is the best direction they could have gone with his character. except they ruined it in botw and ss and I will neverrrr forgive them for this. botw link beats up grown men at five years old he's like superbaby instant knight and I HATE it. it's just stupid. I don't even care that it applies pressure to him as a character and seems to affect him; they could have just made it an in-universe lie and it would have had the exact same effect so genuinely screw that trope
number two is calling random soldiers knights stop fucking doing this. i dont care that its fictional fantasyland it annoys me
number three! the 3D games' great fairies! I hate almost all of them the oot/mm great fairies are freaks, botw ones are so pretty but they're creepy as hell, and twilight princess is just a naked lady and it's stupid I hate her. wind waker minish cap and alttp fairies are gongeous though
number four. everyone thinking link is cool and or hot. I hate this in universe and in the fandom. I don't care that the devs wanted to make him """"cool"""" he's 100% always a LOSER!!!!
number five I hate the hijacked by ganon trope in zelda games so much. STOP ffs please let ganon/ganondorf take the spotlight we all love him. or let another villain be the main baddie
ok now for ones I like :)
number three...I love random gods and spirits that are just hanging out because. keaton malanya zephos satori light spirits what have you. theyre great I need more of that.
number four incredibly weird npcs. need i say more
number five soldiers being extremely incompetent and dumb or getting possessed. soldiers as enemies or easily corruptible people
number six that one character that doesn't like link. you know what i mean (revali. groose. mido. iirc ralph? maybe? I haven't played much of the oracle games)
number seven hyrule with a dark and bloody past. and not only that but a fairly simple presentation of it that's clearly hiding a more complex underbelly. its just neat to see simple, clear-cut writing tell you so much with so little. it's a big reason I love alttp; it's simple but there's so much grief in it
number eight uh. clawshot/hookshot :] good stuff
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