#probably just a symptom of sleep deprivation or not getting enough exercise or not eating well or whatever
investoptionwin · 1 year
Making The Most Out Of Life With Diabetes
Diabetes is a very serious and potentially devastating disease that afflicts millions of people worldwide. Although being diagnosed with diabetes is often very scary, it does not have to be. You can still enjoy a great quality of life. It is important for diabetics to fully understand their disease and learn how to take proper care of their health. The following article contains a number of tips for dealing with diabetes.
Did you know that it is recommended that diabetics have a diet high in dairy? Studies show that dairy can help keep blood sugar levels from spiking, so having as much low-fat dairy as possible, can be a huge help to a diabetic. Have a tall glass of skim milk at breakfast and some cheese at lunch. It's healthy and tasty!
If your parent has been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, it is important that you help them in changing their diet and exercise rituals. Support them by bringing them healthy treats, like fruit salad, instead of cakes or cookies. When you visit their house, why not go for a long walk with them?
A Diabetic needs to have eight good hours of sleep every night to be well-rested, alert, and healthy. People who get enough sleep tend to be able to lose weight, probably because they have the energy to exercise and lack the apathy that can lead to less than healthy eating choices.
Choose a diet containing lots of fiber. It is certain to lower your chances of developing diabetes. This is a good way to replace high glycemic foods, such as white bread or processed foods by whole grain foods. It has been widely researched and reported that those who eat a good portion of whole grains will have a lower chance of developing diabetes.
To make sure rm portal religare health insurance get the most out of your doctor's appointments, write down questions before the appointment. A doctor is a great resource to anyone suffering from diabetes, and you should make sure to take full advantage of their knowledge. Don't be afraid to ask for lots of information. Your doctor will be happy to help you better manage your condition.
Even if you are not feeling any symptoms, it is important that you check your blood sugar levels every few hours. People think that because they feel fine, their sugar levels are stabilized and this is not always true. It is the silent symptoms that could land you in the hospital.
Try buying food at local farmer's markets or at the farm itself to get discounts on healthy foods. A diet for Diabetes doesn't have to be expensive, you just have to look for deals and sometimes shop in different locations. Eating farm fresh eggs for the first time will make you a believer!
Manage your blood glucose sugars with an added sense of urgency if you have been diagnosed with diabetic eye disease. Studies have shown that closely monitored glucose levels can slow the progression and worsening of eye disease over time. This is important even if you have been diagnosed with mild to moderate diabetes.
If you find that your A1C levels are disproportionately higher than your typical blood glucose levels, the problem may be that you are measuring your pre-meal levels, which does not give you an accurate reading. Your average levels may not accurately reflect readings that are taken before, during, and after eating your meals.
To make sure you don't suffer from diabetes-related complications, always get plenty of sleep. Studies have show that people suffering from sleep deprivation eat much more food, which will make it difficult to keep your diabetes under control. A good night's rest will also help your body to keep your blood sugar levels in check.
If you find yourself yawning more frequently than usual at a time of day in which you are ordinarily high-energy, low blood glucose levels may be the culprit. Take your blood sugar measurements to confirm whether or not this is the case; over time you should be able to identify your body's standard responses to changes in glucose levels.
As was mentioned in the beginning of this article, diabetes is a serious medical disorder that affects millions of people throughout the world. The key to managing diabetes, and living a long, healthy life in spite of the disease, is to educate yourself and learn the proper ways to care for your body. Follow the advice in this article, and you will be well on your way to living a healthier, happier life.
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ahiijny · 2 years
#ahi's ramblings#anyway menhera-wise i feel like im mostly back to normal now#i can think about topics like death and whatnot w/o falling into a crippling downspiral of anxiety#i mean its still there looming but it's a lot more distant now#im sure itll come back later as time passes but for now im fine#24 is a bit young to be having a midlife crisis isnt it? lol#well i guess for the twitter demographic 24 can be considered middle-aged#old even :3#but dam i spent pretty much that entire week of pto just recovering my mental#wat a waste#oh well#this all started bc i started randomly getting dizzy if i tossed and turned too quickly in bed#which im pretty sure isnt anything serious bc its happened before and it usually goes away after a week or so#its gone now as well#probably just a symptom of sleep deprivation or not getting enough exercise or not eating well or whatever#but anyway this led to hypochondriac thoughts#and then thoughts about mortality and death#and then worries and sadness about my parents who are not young anymore#my mom is too skinny tho (she keeps skipping lunch when she has work :/)#and my dad had a stroke last year (he takes blood thinners etc. now iirc)#other than that theyre both pretty healthy for the most part tbh#im probably worrying over nothing#my mom ran long distance when she was younger and unlike me my parents both really love sports and biking etc.#anyway#im gonna try to exercise more and help out my parents more around the home#and aside from that i will try to not worry about things i cant do anything about anyway#might delete this later
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shirecorn · 3 years
how about 17 and 24? what inspires you and how do you deal with art block?
Long post warning.
Art block...
I don't actually get art block, which is probably a combination of neurodivergence and drawing every day for the last 3 years
I wrote an entire tutorial about how to do that, but didn't feel like illustrating it. Would people want to read it even without visuals?
Maybe... I'll just start rambling.
There's a couple different types of art block, and it's really just a philosophy puzzle to get past them. I'm going to assume that the things I think of slow days, or art mud, is a milder form of art block and work through that.
Art block is a symptom, not a disease. You probably have something deep inside that you don't want to face, or don't know how. Sometimes you need to discover the cause, sometimes just power through.
Method 1: Rest
Let yourself just Exist. The act of consuming art is part of the process. Watching shows and playing games, taking a break and going gardening or focus on school. This is what you need for burnout-induced art block.
Method 2: Action
I always choose action, sometimes it means a tiny 2 min sketch per day. Ugly or super simplified. As long as I don't stop moving.
Toss everything. Start every piece thinking you will throw it away.
The act of drawing moves you forward; pinning it to the fridge does not. Don't work things until they are perfect. Work them until they are there.
Art block causes and solutions:
- No Inspiration
Not sure what to draw, nothing seems appealing. Art won't come out like it used to.
Do studies from life or photos. Sketch, paint, digital, traditional, doesn't matter. Rocks, fruit, figure drawing, landscapes, buildings, anything.
Study and copy professional's work. Old masters are best, like rubens, michalangelo (only his men tho) etc because they will teach you anatomy while you work. If you copy someone with a lot of flaws, you will repeat those flaws.
Trace to learn, not to earn. Trace photography and art from anyone you want. Don't post it unless you have the artist's permission or they are dead, whichever comes first. This is strictly work for yourself, on yourself. It's not about the finished drawing.
Find an artist with a fun style and try converting stuff into their style. Don't make that your new style though and especially don't start selling it. Your style is a chimera of everyone you love, not a clone of one person.
Take blurry photos. You don't need a fancy camera or good skills or beautiful subjects. Doing studies from your own photos can spark life into your workflow.
Make challenges for yourself. Randomly generate things to combine. Try fusing characters! Don't try to make it look good, just be fun.
Doodle patterns, swirls, lines, random stuff. Try looking up art warmups and doing some of those.
- Everything Sucks
You finally see how bad you are. Or somehow you got worse. Every piece is a fight and you spend hours trying to get something right only for it to be stiff and disgusting and STILL wrong.
Why are you trying to draw good? It's enough just to draw.
Accept that your art is bad. Every artist can see flaws in their work. Your problem is that those flaws outweigh anything remotely worthwhile and hurt to look at.
So what? You're in a period of growth, not a period of production. Keep that wonky second eye. Let them have hot dog fingers.
Show everyone! Show no one! No piece of art can ever be a reflection of the artist. Not their worth, not their skill. The only thing your art says about you is "Held and moved a pen for a bit."
Make bad art. It's ok. Most of the time, the pressure to perform and get things Right is what made them wrong in the first place. Relax.
- No Motivation
The #1 killer of artists everywhere. On some level you think you should draw, on every other level you think you should stay in bed.
You are not lazy. You wouldn't have read this far in a post about art block if you were lazy. You wouldn't CALL it art block if you were lazy. Laziness is wishing you didn't have to do anything. A block is wishing you were doing something. If you think you can namecall Yourself into productivity again, you're wrong and You need to unionize so that you don't treat You like that anymore.
Consider Mental Illness. Losing interest in something that brought you joy can be a symptom of depression. I know it seems obvious, but if you're waiting for a sign that it's "bad enough," it's bad enough. Seek care if you have the means. Forgive yourself if you already know this.
Selfcare. Examine yourself for neglect. Nutrition, exercise, enrichment, social need, and sleep are all part of the art process. Eat three meals and sleep 8 hours. That's your gaymer fuel. You deserve it, I promise. Depriving yourself of your needs will make your blocks worse, not kick you into making them better.
Identify potholes. Sketchbook falling apart? Tablet cord frayed? Half your pencils missing? Chair uncomfortable? Desk hard to reach? There's a lot of things that you tell yourself to work around and get over. Just because you CAN workaround something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. A difficult work environment can cause secret dread deep inside that you don't recognize and just think you're lazy. What you think of as "no motivation" might actually be "I don't want to deal with my tablet disconnecting every time I move it wrong and I have to wiggle it for a few seconds to make it work again." These little things are like potholes in the road. Sure you CAN still drive through them, but eventually you're going to look up and realize you haven't voluntarily left the house in weeks.
Repair potholes and roadblocks. You might feel bad about buying a new pencil, headphones, tablet, car, etc because technically the old one works if you hustle. But if you're running into so many potholes you've ground to a halt, it doesn't Actually work anymore, does it? Invest, save up, request, and require working equipment and suitable conditions. This stuff isn't just cushy privilege, it's an investment in yourself and your art. You are worth the effort it takes to clear the way. If you can't afford reliable (reliable! not perfect or luxurious) equipment, then say it. If cardboard is all you can afford, draw on cardboard. But know that you deserve canvas, and one day you might be able to make the jump. Acknowledge that sometimes, if you don't have it in you to smear burned twigs on wet cardboard, the problem isn't motivation, but opportunity.
- Haven't Drawn in So Long
A unique type of art block that self perpetuates. The thought of starting again is so stressful you can't do it. Or maybe you'll do it tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow for sure.
Face your fears. Are you ashamed of your lack of drawing? Are you anthropomorphizing your paper and thinking it's going to judge you, like "oh NOW you come back >:/" I internalize voices I hear and project them onto other people, concepts, locations, and inanimate objects. Your paper, computer, WIPs folder.... none of that is judging you.
Reframe your WIPs. Do you feel shame when you see "unfinished" projects? Why? Who says you MUST bring everything you start to Finish? You don't have to. A sketch is a finished art piece; it's called a sketch! If a sketch is a fully realized creation, pages that are half colored, 75% lined, or partially rendered are all fully realized creations too. Unless paid otherwise, art is done when you're done working on it.
Lower the stakes. Draw a chibi or grab some crayons. Get messy and slowly ease yourself back into the flow over the course of a couple days. It's fine.
Get a buddy! Find an art meme, do an art trade, get a study subject, or just wing it. Drawing art alongside someone can help you get past that block.
Pretend you never stopped. Don't think about the gap, how long it's been, or rustiness. As far as anyone knows, you drew the mona lisa yesterday and didn't break a sweat. Today, you drew a starfish on your hand with a gel pen. Keep up that streak, good job!
Just keep drawing. Make a goal to do one sucky drawing per day on the back of a napkin. Don't make up for missed days, just pretend they didn't happen. Who's going to judge you? The calendar? That's pieces of paper; it doesn't have an opinion. Draw a cat on it. Done. Keeping up the momentum is a great way to prevent art blocks in the future.
TLDR: Draw imperfectly and toss it. Selfcare is king. Draw often and don't judge yourself.
Art is a process, not a product.
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scowlowl · 4 years
Hi c: I remember a post, I think it was from you, about long covid and getting it? Was that you? A friend of mine is struggling and I was wondering if you had any advice about what she can do :< Thank you!!
Oh no, I hope your friend feels better soon! That might have been me, I think I posted about it here a few times and there have definitely been twitter threads.
Standard disclaimer stuff: I am not a doctor. What I found helped me might not help someone else. Long covid is kind of fucked up to deal with because it seems to hit everyone in different ways, in different areas, and months later something that wasn't a problem before can suddenly become one. The long haul groups talk about it as something that feels like it moves around the body, like a total shit gremlin.
The thing that helped me the most initially was joining the facebook groups with other people figuring shit out. This was back April/May for me but they're still very active and full of people sharing resources.
Survivor Corps is I think the big one and they've been the ones reaching out to media and doctors to try to gain some recognition with the medical community initially (as far as I know, all kind of a blur tbh). There's also a long covid group here, and if your friend searches for like, long covid + the country they're in there are usually more local/regional ones for resources closer to home too.
Because we don't really know what specific mechanism is triggering a lot of the long covid stuff yet, most of us are just treating symptoms. Some people have been diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and I don't know diddly squat about that but it might be something for your friend to look into. My whole thing has been inflammation and my immune system basically attacking itself because immune systems are both very complex and compellingly fucking stupid. Not to victim blame the immune system or anything.
What helped me depended on what was going wrong at the time, obv, but it means it's a long list.
This is just going to be a brain dump, sorry.
- I never had pneumonia. Mine started in my throat, probably damaged my vocal chords, but never turned into pneumonia. I still had shortness of breath, pressure in my chest, and my oxygen levels dropped. I could breathe but with great difficulty and described it to the EMTs as "breathing is like work." It took all of my energy and focus to breathe in enough. If you are that this point, ever, like, literally fucking ever, call an ambulance.
- Tylenol for a fever. 
- Blood thinners if necessary, I never had any but we know now that a lot of problems are blood clot-related. Tbqh my blood is more thin now than anything but I always had anemia and some sort of “your blood is too small actually?” problem and we don’t know why. I just bleed a lot and bruise easier now. 
- If they try to tell you it's anxiety or in your head or you're not that bed, tell them to go fuck themselves and go to the hospital. Get tested if you can. A lot of the problems long haulers ran into was that we got sick before tests were available, or we were talked into staying home by the emergency workers, and we never got tested. This opens the doors for doctors to tell you it's all in your head, psychological, anxiety, allergies, etc. Just. Go when you first feel sick if at all possible. Get tested before it turns into long covid. 
- I was not sure in the beginning what "shortness of breath" or "pressure" actually felt like, and it made me delay calling for an ambulance for a few days as well. For me, it felt like there was an elastic band of pressure around my lungs. I couldn't fully inhale. My diaphragm was fucked in ways I still don't understand. My lungs also felt heavy, like there was a weight on them or like my lungs themselves were too stiff to inhale. That all counts as pressure/tightness/shortness of breath. So does air hunger, or feeling like you want to be swallowing air.
- I know I'm being super obvious but seriously shortly before I got sicker, I hit up twitter to ask what "pressure" was supposed to feel like because I couldn't tell if what I had "counted."
- Breathing: lying on my stomach with my chest propped up by pillow, in bed helped. So did  pursed lip breathing: here.
- I was prescribed salbutamol initially, which did help with the worst of the wheezing and opened up some of my lungs so I could breathe easier. When I went to the ER again a couple months later, they gave me like 5x the usual dose and sent me home.
- I'm also taking Flovent/fluticasone twice a day for asthma maintenance.
- Histamines are a problem for a lot of people. Some develop a histamine intolerance, which can be helped by eating a low histamine diet.
- Antihistamines helped me the most. I was taking Allegra-D daily. Pepcid AC also helps, because it targets a different kind of histamine. There was such a run on Pepcid when this started that it was actually impossible to find in my area and I had to order some online. 
- I was recently prescribed Singulair and it has been life-changing this past week or so. As far as I know it's not really an antihistamine but blocks/inhibits a particular receptor involved in inflammation that comes into play when allergies do.
- Electrolytes. I don't know why, but my electrolytes are permanently fucked and too low now. If I don't go through like a litre of gatorade a day (or whatever, pick your brand of supplements), I am even more tired and brain foggy than usual. Helps a lot.
- Inflammation is a major problem all around. Sometimes I go for the naproxen or advil and it will help any really major acute flare-up now (like, I can feel when my gallbladder is getting inflamed and about to spasm and I can cut it off sort of), but mostly it's also daily maintenance. I take cucurmin and black pepper daily.
- Other supplements: vitamins A & D, a multivitamin, NAC.  
- CBD oil. This worked wonders for me for a lot of the side-effects of covid, costochondritis and shingles pain especially.
- Diet. I mentioned the low histamine one above. Other people have had some success with a low inflammation diet. Some folks also have so many GI problems that they basically ate chicken and rice and slowly reintroduced foods to see what would trigger something. I appear to get super fucked by nightshades now, e.g. Alcohol is an absolute no. I had to cut caffeine for months because of my heart. (No caffeine/alcohol/red meat was my doctor's first and best advice for heart stuff at the time.)
- Speaking of the heart stuff, if your friend is dealing with that: electrolytes again. I have pedialyte freezies that I would suck on whenever heart palpitations started and it helped calm it down some. My heart was so, so fucked for months that whenever I ate or stood up or sat down it would hit like 140bpm and I had to spend an hour moving as little as possible or I'd just about pass out. There are a LOT of long-haulers now dealing with POTS and I can't really speak to what helps that in particular but if your heart is messing up at all: call a doctor. I still don't know how damaged my heart is from all of this because doctors and wait lists, etc. Get a jump on that.
- Insomnia was absolutely the worst I’ve ever had and I’ve had lifelong, “I’m awake for three days wee” insomnia. The Singulair knocks me right out at night, so that's a bonus, but there has not been a single night since getting sick where I didn't have to take something to help me sleep. I was on Zopiclone before getting sick, at least, but seriously talk to someone about insomnia if necessary. The sleep deprivation alone was making so many things worse.
- Brain fog? Brain fog. I don't have any or many answers for this. My short-term memory is wrecked and usually I'll remember something 2 weeks later, so I live my life on a 2-week lag now.
- Related to brain fog, fatigue. Don't fuck with it. Do not. Chronic Fatigue and Myalgic encephalomyelitis are both brought up often with long covid. I am dealing with it but don't know what to say about it yet because I haven't had a single doctor give a shit thus far. I've spoken to a relative who's an occupational therapist about it and her most helpful advice was about "energy envelopes," which is basically spoon theory. If you feel tired: stop. If you don't, or if you try to push through, we relapse hard and fast and you can pay for one day of walking 10 minutes too long with weeks of being stuck in bed. It's miserable. It will take longer to get back to normal. Some of us can exercise and feel amazing after; others are exercise intolerant and it wrecks them. (I feel best after like, 10 minutes of walking and sunshine right now, which is after months and months of being bedridden.)
- Treat mental exertion the same as physical. Doctors told me to drink Gatorade after mental work because it's still work, and it has helped a lot for whatever reason. It also helps to work on one thing at a time, take a break, switch gears, take a break, etc. I can't multitask anymore anyway.
- Eliminate whatever stressors you can. Stress will make everything worse. 
- It comes and goes. Every relapse was a bit shorter and a bit easier for me, so that now when I fuck up it's like 2-3 days instead of weeks, but it's a rollercoaster.
- It can be random as hell. For about two months my gallbladder just decided to up and die, basically, and we were talking about having it removed. And then it was fine. Hasn't bugged me again lately. I know I said it's symptom management, but it's also like... symptom chasing and trying to figure out what's happening every time the sun rises. This is also exhausting. Everything is exhausting.
- Brain shit. Some of us have serious trouble reading. Sentences swim together. Letters wouldn't turn into words. I took this as a Challenge and started reading children's books and then Animorphs again, like... slowly, as much as I could do without pushing it, and it's still not perfect or great but it was an okay place to start. Honestly the hardest part was the embarrassment and going from a PhD program to reading kids books, but. Do what you have to. Do what you can.
- Sticky notes and labelling things around the house so I could see them when I needed them. I am not fucking around when I say brain fog. I can open the fridge, know I have milk, know it is in the door, and literally not see it to find it. I will put the cream in the dishwasher. I will spin in circles in the kitchen remembering and forgetting and remembering why I’m there again. Sticky notes. Also: journals, index cards, write literally everything down if you need to remember something. Put it somewhere obvious. I like writing on the bathroom mirror for the important shit. (Don’t use lipstick.) 
- Unsurprisingly, a lot of us are struggling with anxiety and depression. Don't let doctors get it backward: it's not anxiety making us sick, it's being sick and ignored and fighting to be helped that's making our mental health worse. So many doctors tell us it's all in our head. I did not move across the country because I was too sick to take care of myself because of ~allergies~ or ~anxiety.~ Fuck off.
- So, so many people report that they relapse whenever they menstruate so if your friend is in that group, they might want to prepare to feel like fucking trash every 4 weeks no matter what they do. I don’t have any advice on this one, I’m sorry. There are a lot of people discussing it in the FB groups, though, and those are searchable for symptoms. 
- So... a tl;dr list of things that might help: anti-inflammatory diets, anti-histamine diets, pepcid AC, allegra or other allergy meds, vitamin A/D/E, multivitamins, electrolytes and gatorade, albuterol, fluticasone, zopiclone (or anything that helps with sleep), CBD oil, singulair, anti-nausea meds (buscopan), muscle relaxants (spasming gallbladder). Rest, so much rest, do not fuck with The Rest if you can help it. I also encourage just getting high and edibles as much as you can because it sure helped me chill out big time and I think was a big factor in my recovery, at least as far as helping me calm down and helping my heart were concerned.
- The actual most helpful part outside of what to take or do was other people. Friends would go out and get me things when I could not, including like, cat food deliveries and all. I had co-workers ready to step in to take over my work on days I could not. I had friends calling doctors because I was too tired to fight them or self-advocate. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say they helped save my idiot life this year. Literally. It's a lot to ask of anyone but it's also that level of support that some of us need, and there shouldn't be any shame in it. (I still feel bad about it anyway but what are you gonna do.)
Depending on where you live, some places are setting up long-haul covid clinics to help people. Reports are mixed: some demand you had a positive test even if you were sick before tests were available. Some people are getting a lot of help regardless. Some are being sent home and told not to come back anyway. It’s kind of a gamble right now but either way, there’s at least some medical recognition making headway now so my fingers are crossed.
Anyway you basically sound like a good bean and your friend is lucky to have you asking around. I have absolutely forgotten something at some point in here because, well, brain fog and no memory, but if you have any questions or want something clarified please just ask. Stay safe!
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latestnews2u · 4 years
How to Get Better Sleep – How Important Is it to You
How to get better sleep is a question many of us ask ourselves at some point. This is particularly true if you feel that your sleeplessness is having an impact on your health, work life and relationships. You might also have to deal with it at night, or even when you are trying to fall asleep at night.
Not only is it important to have a good night’s sleep, but you also want to be able to sleep peacefully. That is why you should try to find out how to get better sleep. Here are some ideas for making sure that you get the rest you need.
First, it is important to get the right amount of sleep. If you need more sleep than you think you need, then you probably have a sleep disorder. Sleep problems can include not enough sleep, too much sleep or any combination thereof. You should try to get at least seven hours of sleep each night to ensure that you get the rest you need.
Another way to determine how much sleep you need is to go to bed and wake up at the same time every single day. If you go to sleep early and wake up early, then you are probably getting too much sleep.
Next, you want to make sure that you have a quiet place where you can go to sleep. You do not want to have loud noises in your home or your bedroom. You want to sleep alone because you will have to be able to get to sleep by yourself. If you cannot get to sleep by yourself, then you may need to consult a sleep specialist to see if he or she can help you get better sleep.
It is important to get regular sleep each day. This will help you get better sleep because you will be having a good night’s sleep every day. It may be difficult for some people to get regular sleep, but it is a challenge that you must meet. If you take care of your body by getting regular exercise, eating nutritious foods and drinking plenty of water, then you will find that you feel good and you will look great.
You also want to get plenty of exercise. If you do not get enough exercise, then you may be more susceptible to illnesses. Some of these illnesses can contribute to your lack of sleep as well.
Finally, make sure that you are being realistic when you ask yourself how to get better sleep. and what your needs are.
If you are not sleeping, it may be that you have bad habits that need to change. It may be that you simply need a little bit more sleep, not too much more sleep.
When you are asking yourself how to get better sleep, it may be tempting to take medications that will mask the symptoms and that will make you feel good and calm. However, you do not need to do that.
If you are not sleeping properly, then you may want to consider doing a little bit of homework on how to improve sleep. You may find that you need a few changes to your diet, exercise and even sleep hygiene. in order to get to a better sleep.
You also may need to learn to relax. read before you go to bed and have some deep breathing exercises to get yourself into a good night’s sleep.
If you do not get the results that you want from asking yourself how to get better sleep, then it may be necessary to see a doctor. He or she will be able to help you get the sleep that you need. You will also be able to make changes to your environment. to ensure that you get the sleep that you need and that you get it each night.
How To Get Better Sleep
Want to know how to get better sleep? Most of us are, and the days of tossing and turning in our beds at night are fast becoming history. It’s easy enough to get a full night’s rest, but the question remains: How do we get better sleep? It could be because we are not getting enough rest at all. Or it may just be that we are not getting enough sleep in the first place.
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It’s been said that sleep is the most valuable commodity humans can give themselves and their families; it does indeed make us healthy and stronger, and it gives us the power to do many things, from running away from danger to completing a project. In today’s society, however, most people still don’t get enough sleep and that affects our lives in ways that were not thought possible.
When spring turns to fall, it provides the perfect gift of an extra hour of rest: It offers the gift of increased energy as well. Springing forward, however, is a bit less welcome–though its immediate results should be short lived. Get out of bed when the alarm rings, even when you are tired.
Sleep is more than just a physical process; it is also a mental one. It has been proven that sleep deprivation leads to emotional stress, both physically and emotionally. The physical stress may not seem as bad as it would to someone who had not slept; after all, what’s the worst thing that can happen to you? But a sleep deprived mind can create all kinds of havoc in a person’s life.
Sleep deprivation also causes a person to be irritable and aggressive. These symptoms can make people more prone to disease, including Alzheimer’s disease. Those who don’t get enough sleep are also more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.
Sleep deprivation can be cured by taking a few simple steps: Getting plenty of good quality sleep. Eating the right foods and getting exercise will also go a long way to keeping you and your family healthy and feeling better.
Sleep is something that should not be taken lightly, and one that should never be ignored or underestimated. While it may be easy to think that lack of sleep only affects you and that there is little that can be done about it, the reality is that sleep deprivation is a serious problem that has negative effects on all of your body systems, including the immune system.
Sleep deprivation can cause the heart to work harder, make it work harder to pump blood and oxygen through the body, and can interfere with your nervous system. This can lead to a number of physical disorders and emotional problems. Sleep is very important, and proper sleep can keep your immune system strong.
Sleep is also important because it gives you time to recover and repair after a rough day. Without proper rest, you do not have time to prepare for the next day. So if you are having problems in the workplace, make sure to take the time to recover from the stresses of the day before beginning your next one.
Getting quality sleep is easier than you think, but learning how to get better sleep fast requires some practice and patience. You might not get any sleep for a month, but you should not give up because you did not get any sleep the first night. and have to go back to square one.
Learning how to get better sleep fast is not so hard. There are many books out there that teach tips and tricks on how to get better sleep fast.
Learn a few tips on how to get better sleep that will help you sleep better. Learn about the different phases of sleep. Learn about the different phases and how they affect the body, learn about what foods you should be eating and avoid to help you sleep better. Find out about the different types of bedding and mattresses and which one works best for your particular needs.
How to Get Better Sleep
How to get better sleep? There is a simple answer to that question, but it can be difficult to follow to make sure that your efforts are truly effective. Here are some tips that will help when this important sleep cycle change happens:
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Set your sleep schedule early, a week or two ahead of time. Switch your sleeping time and wake time by 15 minutes per day, and cut out caffeine use and alcohol, nicotine, and extreme physical activity before bed. Get up 30 minutes earlier, if you are tired. If possible, try sleeping in the same room with the door closed so that your eyes don’t strain in the dark. Sound sleep is not only good for waking up feeling refreshed, it helps keep your body’s temperature constant and allows you to feel calmer. Also, try to keep a comfortable temperature during the night by using a fan to circulate air, or by using a humidifier to keep your room at a cool temperature.
Don’t ever think that just because you don’t feel rested, you don’t have to get a restful sleep. Your body is designed to go to sleep and wake up, but it has a way of not getting the rest it needs. Instead of taking it for granted, take action and do something about it. If you can do these things on a regular basis, you will find that you naturally get a better nights sleep and wake up more refreshed.
If you can’t sleep at all, consider asking your partner or spouse to help you get to sleep. Make sure you are both relaxed and that you can both sleep comfortably. If it is difficult to get them to help you out, try using sound therapies such as white noise or singing lullabies to help you fall asleep. It is also a good idea to get a book of aromatherapy candles that you can put in a drawer at night or on your night stand.
Some people turn to natural remedies for how to get better sleep, including herbal teas and aromatherapy. Many herbs help promote relaxation and calm, while others are known for their ability to reduce stress. Anxiety and depression can also cause sleeplessness, so many people turn to aromatherapy to relax. themselves and others. You can make a soothing bath, or buy lavender or Rosemary essential oil, which you can spray or put on yourself or other people.
Another tip is to keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. You need to drink between six and eight glasses of water each day, especially if it is cold outside. Drinking coffee and tea also can dehydrate you. Taking a warm bath or shower can also help.
Many people ask how to get better sleep how to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, the best solution is exercise. Exercise has been shown to help people stay more awake during the day and stay energized at night. If you tend to get sleepy and cranky at night, try to have an exercise routine each day, or even making small changes in your diet such as adding more veggies and fruits to your diet.
If you are trying to figure out how to get better sleep, remember to follow the above tips! You might find that it is hard to give up caffeine and alcohol, but eventually you will find the benefits of good sleep come natural. and you will be healthier than you have ever been!
You can also find help for those who suffer from insomnia by finding reputable health and wellness professionals, who may have helped you or even know someone else that has successfully dealt with sleeplessness. You can also visit some of the local support groups in your area. You may even find some that will help you make a personalized sleeping schedule and help you find the right balance of activities to help you sleep better.
How to get better sleep is not the only concern of those who suffer from insomnia. Many times insomnia can cause mood swings, stress, depression and frustration, which are not only unpleasant to deal with, but can lead to depression and even substance abuse. If you find yourself losing control of yourself at the end of the day, or feeling tired all the time, you may need a little support to help you through the tough times. If you are experiencing these symptoms, find out what causes you are experiencing and get some help.
Getting a good night’s sleep can be one of the most important things you can do for your physical and mental well being. Even if you don’t feel like you need it, you need a good night’s sleep every night to maintain healthy levels of energy, alertness and confidence.
The post How to Get Better Sleep – How Important Is it to You appeared first on latestnews2u.com.
source https://www.latestnews2u.com/how-to-get-better-sleep/
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Aha toner maybe? It exfoliates and encourages the sloughing off of old cells/turnover of new cells which is what clogs pores and makes blackheads. I get a lot personally on my chin/ around my mouth and I can use those biore strips there but the toner has helped over the course of about a week, not gone but much less prominent. If it your nose I found the strips work well and are cheap. Opium cures for insomniacs are described in ancient Egyptian documents, and insomnia itself is referred to as "to be in bed and sleep not," one of the "three living hells" described on an Egyptian hieroglyph [sources: Parker Pope, Todman]. While we don't know how prevalent sleep disorders were among the 충청북도출장마사지 ancients, we do know how pervasive the problem is today. Almost half of Americans suffer from occasional insomnia; about one third suffer enough from sleep deprivation to gripe about how tired they are; and almost a quarter suffer from more chronic, frequent insomnia symptoms [sources: National Sleep Foundation, Parker Pope].. Anyway, for peptides in general, we have a ton of problems regarding transepidermal delivery systems. Peptides, such as EGF, only work if they interact with living skin cells in the dermis. And getting peptides to the dermis is a huge problem. And FYI, I do all the budgeting in our house and that ok. He has the allowance for whatever he wants, and he check the budget or with me before any joint purchases outside of our normal. I make all the info available to him, he fully understands and is on board with the system. I have no idea what their quality is like now though. At this point in my life it's too hard to justify paying so much for something that looks like I thrifted it. Plus, the recent VHS tape pack incident and the past Kent State hoodie debacle were things that just totally turned me off from the brand.. Are serious issues with anything that isn 100% opaque because you have to navigate and "see" past any residual skin tones coming through to categorize. Pretty much any instance where it isn opaque = hex code fail because trying to average the colors seen in a particular area will take my skin tone (or lip color) into consideration. You might be able to account for it in some way, but I think it would get far more complex and still require eyes to go over an automated list of dupes and still need human evaluation. So that said, I projecting here, but I wouldn be surprised if what happening here is that your man is looking for your support via this hinted expectation / assumption. Because doing this stuff is REALLY FUCKING 충청북도출장마사지 HARD when you fat and used to not exercising or eating right, even when you conceptually know what to do. He probably "expecting" this of you because that the way he sees you able to support him to do it with him, and help him remove the temptation (when he sees you snacking on other things) and motivate him (when he sees you exercising). To find out, Romesh Ranganathan, comedian and coward, is travelling across the Atlantic to spend a week in the country. This isn't his typical holiday destination Romesh's idea of a perfect holiday is a week in Spain. He avoids 'culture' and he rarely leaves the comfort of the hotel swimming pool.
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jacksauvage-blog · 6 years
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tw: mental illness, drug use, addiction
Basic Information
Full Name: Jean Baptiste Sauvage
Nickname(s): Jack
Age: 36
Date of Birth: August 13th
Hometown: Paris, France
Current Location: Paris, France
Ethnicity: Malaysian
Nationality: French
Gender: Cis-Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: In modern terms, Jack is the type of person who would simply call himself “queer” and be done with it. For the purposes of this, though, he is demi- to aromantic and bisexual.
Religion: Atheist with some fringe interests in the occult.
Political Affiliation: General disinterest. He grew up in that world and has no desire to rejoin it.
Occupation: Film writer and director. Formerly (and occasionally still, a stage actor).
Living Arrangements: He lives in a small second story apartment. The neighborhood is rough but rent is cheap and no one bothers him. 
Language(s) Spoken: French and English, fluently. His Spanish is conversational but broken and largely forgotten and most of the phrases he remembers are elicit and sexual. He speaks key phrases in several other European languages and can ask for a drink and a cigarette anywhere in the world.
Accent: Jack’s accent can be hard to place and depends largely what language he’s speaking in. Typically, his accent has a heavy upper-class London influence, especially when he’s speaking English. His French accent is also a bit watered down by the time he spent in London and America.
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Henry Golding
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Height: 6′2″
Weight: 210
Build: Average build. He is in shape and has built strength over the years by carrying heavy filming equipment around. His muscles, though, are generally toned but not overly defined.
Tattoos: TBD
Piercings: None
Clothing Style: It is rare to see Jack dressed down. At most he is wearing a full tailored suit. At the least he’s wearing slacks and a crisp button down shirt with a suit vest.
Usual Expression: Jack’s default expression can be described as either “vacant” or “hyper-focused” depending on the angle. When he is by himself, he tends to get lost in his own thoughts and his people watching. In groups, especially after a few drinks, he finds himself much more at ease and wears the subtle hints of a relaxed smile.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Jack has a faint scar across the bridge of his nose--the result of getting mugged during his first few weeks in Brooklyn.
Physical Ailments: Jack is relatively healthy with no chronic physical issues.
Neurological Conditions: Though none of this will ever be addressed, diagnosed, or treated, Jack probably has Persistent Depressive Disorder as well as a mild form of Psychosis or a mild Dissociation Disorder. This presents in infrequent but extended periods of time in which Jack disconnects from reality entirely. He tends to self-medicate and withdraw from all of his social obligations. These episodes are characterized by mild auditory and visual hallucinations, though whether this is caused by his disorder or his drug use is undetermined. Jack, however, just views these episodes as a natural part of his creative process and will never seek any type of medical or psychological intervention.
Allergies: None.
Sleeping Habits: Jack is in an almost constant state of sleep deprivation. He has trouble putting himself to bed and turning his brain off in a timely manner. This could either be a symptom or a cause of his aforementioned dissociative episodes, though it will remain unclear which. Combined with his frequent late nights out on the town, social engagements that last until well in the morning, and late night bursts if artistic inspiration, Jack’s sleeping patterns are as erratic as they are infrequent. He is always late to bed but early to rise and on a normal night he can expect to get around 3-5 hours of sleep with an hour-long nap or two somewhere in the day.
Eating Habits: Jack is not an overly picky eater, but he does tend to lean towards a healthy diet by default. He doesn’t cook in his hope (he doesn’t know how) so most of his meals are from restaurants, bars, and markets in the city. He keeps a sparse amount of food in his home, mostly alcohol and bread.
Exercise Habits: A lot of Jack’s physical exercise comes from things he does on a regular basis, rather than time set aside to devote to his fitness. He frequently moves heavy film equipment, sets up shots, hangs his own set pieces, etc. So, he gets a lot of physical exercise from what he does on a normal day. Additionally, Jack walks almost everywhere he goes.
Emotional Stability: Publicly, Jack is as stable as they come. It’s rare for anyone to see the cracks in his facade, but if people looked closely enough they’re definitely there. On a scale of 1 to 10, Jack would put himself firmly as a 9, ignoring how devastating his dissociative episodes can be for himself and anyone who happens to make contact with him during those times. Realistically, he’s probably a firm 5.
Sociability: Jack is a rather social creature by default. He enjoys spending time with others, but is highly selective of the people he chooses to surround himself with. He does not enjoy being part of a large crowd and will frequently find space to be alone if he is in a crowded venue. His personality doesn’t lend itself well to being the center of attention and he is normally fairly quick to shift that attention on to someone else. His interactions with people one-on-one take the form of in depth conversations with intensely probing questions. Jack takes an interest in people in a way that can make them feel as if he genuinely wants to know them. What they don’t know is that Jack has a bad habit of viewing people as source material rather than actual human beings.
Body Temperature: Cold-Natured.
Addictions: Yes?
Drug Use: Jack’s drug use is as erratic as his sleeping habits. He is a heavy smoker, both of cigarettes and marijuana, though these are so widely available and frequently used he would hardly consider them drugs. His vice of choice is cocaine, of which he is almost a daily user. During episodes, however, he can extend into more dangerous and illicit narcotics including heroin and mescaline. 
Alcohol Use: Jack is a social drinker. He always has a well stocked bar in his apartment but rarely drinks when he’s alone.
Label: The Cinephile
Positive Traits: Charming, creative, eccentric, intellectual, passionate, diligent, curious.
Negative Traits: Arrogant, careless, detached, dishonest, unstable, unreliable, messy.
Goals/Desires: Jack’s goals tend to be career oriented. Right now, his primary focus is making his next film. Everything outside of that is secondary. He doesn’t have many goals for his personal life, his love life, his family life, etc. His short term, daily goals all revolve around stimulation of some kind. Be it intellectual, emotional, physical. He’s always looking for something to inspire and motivate him.
Fears: Jack’s primary fears are failure and, by extension, fading into obscurity. He is on top of the world right now. His most recent film was a critical success but that was nearly two years ago. His ideas for his next film are fragmented and vague, he fears that he will never be able to piece them together. He also fears loneliness. Jack is a man who, despite his efforts to get to know people, only ever emerges with surface level relationships. He has hundreds of acquaintances whom he knows very well but feels little to no emotional connection to. This is, in part, because Jack has a tendency to view people as subjects and source material rather than emotional beings with wants and needs. This is also because he feels deeply uncomfortable letting other people into his life for fear of rejection. Jack doesn’t see himself as someone who is capable of having a meaningful connection with another person. And, though he’ll never admit it, this is something that makes him very sad. 
Hobbies: Aside from the obvious acting, writing, filming, Jack enjoys a number of solitary hobbies. He is a voracious reader. His favorite author is HG Wells but his favorite book is Dracula. He is also a frequent people watcher. It is not at all uncommon to find him at a back table in a crowded night club either reading or jotting down notes about the individuals around him. Additionally, Jack has a tentative interest in the occult. He is not a practitioner by any means, nor is he completely sure he believes in the whole concept. But, he owns a few books on the subject and can occasionally be found to dabble in the rituals and research of it all.
Habits: In addition to the more destructive habits mentioned in the health section, Jack’s most noticeable tick is popping his knuckles. It’s a small thing, but in a man with such a tight fist around his public image, anything that seems compulsive is noteworthy.
Weather: Rain.
Colour: Black.
Music: I don’t think Jack has a preference for any type of music. It’s all background noise to him and not something he actively seeks out.
Movies: His own, obviously. Aside from that, he is inspired by French and German techniques as well as the rising Spanish surrealist movement.
Sport: Any sport where dashing young men break a sweat.
Beverage: Alcoholic--Scotch. Non-Alcoholic: Earl Grey Tea.
Food: Jack acquired a taste for traditional Spanish cooking and there is nothing quite like it in Paris. He is always sad.
Animal: There is a fat orange cat who has recently taken up residence on his balcony. He feeds it scraps and calls it Kit (short for Kitten because? sure why not?). Gun to his head, that dumb cat is his favorite animal.
Father: Rene Sauvage (d.)
Mother: Sylvie Sauvage, 61.
Sibling(s): None
Children: None
Pet(s): None.
Family’s Financial Status: Upper-class, incredibly wealthy. Jack was cut off from the family fortune through most of his life. Recently, however, his father left him a significant sum of money in his will as an effort to make amends with his estranged son.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Enneagram: Type 3: The Performer 
Temperament: Melancholic 
Hogwarts House: Slytherine
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Primary Vice: Pride
Primary Virtue: Diligence 
Element: Fire
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crohnsdigest · 4 years
Tips for Traveling With IBS /Crohns Disease
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Don't let your IBS symptoms keep you from seeing the world or visiting relatives. With planning and perseverance, you can have a wonderful vacation. Visions of vacations dance in many heads at this time of year. But if you're one of the estimated 58 million people in the U.S. with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the idea may sound torturous. It's bad enough to worry about recurring symptoms of bloating, gas, stomach cramping, constipation, or diarrhea when in your own hometown. What about when in unfamiliar territory? Plus, your digestive system may be so finicky that any changes in routine may aggravate symptoms. Such worries prevent many people from taking out-of-town trips. In a survey of 1,000 Americans, 28% of respondents with IBS-like symptoms avoided travel at least once in the past year, reports the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD). Nonetheless, IBS patients need not be deprived of holiday travel. "If it's something that you're really looking forward to doing, by all means, do it," says Nancy Norton, the IFFGD's president and founder. "We talk to people (with IBS) all the time who have been apprehensive about traveling, but they go and let us know they've had a wonderful time."CONTINUE READING BELOW With courage, preparation, and determination, it is possible to explore new places with IBS. Perhaps the trip, if relaxing, could even have a therapeutic effect. Of course the hassles of travel, such as lost luggage, unhappy kids, or a bout of traveler's diarrhea, could work against that. But even then, you may be able to use the same stress management strategies used for daily pressures at home. Stress busters include eating a well-balanced diet appropriate for your IBS, getting enough sleep and exercise, meditation, and doing something enjoyable. Reducing stress may, indeed, be one of the crucial elements to a good retreat. "There's definitely a benefit to taking a vacation, but people need to plan it so that it's not too stressful," says Sheila Crowe, MD, a gastroenterologist and spokeswoman for the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA). "Don't feel like you have to see all the sights in the city. Maybe just enjoy a leisurely breakfast, and then only see two sights instead of four." It's important to do things you want to do rather than things you feel you ought to do, such as visiting everything and everyone, says Crowe. Resist over-planning and leave room for spontaneity. Yet plan enough so that you know there are safe places to go to the bathroom. Here are a few more tips from the experts on how to ease travel with IBS:
Before Your Trip
Choose a destination that you will enjoy. "Anyplace calm and relaxing is probably good," says Edward Blanchard, PhD, professor of psychology at the State University of New York at Albany. He says a frenetic, multicity tour of Europe might be more difficult for IBS patients.Check travel advisories for different parts of the world. This is a smart thing to do even if you don't have IBS. The CDC web site (www.cdc.gov) has a traveler's health section. It contains information about disease risks (such as travelers' diarrhea), vaccinations, and other prophylactics. Make sure to visit the site well before your trip as some immunizations take weeks to become effective.Ask a lot of questions. Knowing the who, what, when, where, and how of your journey can help avert stress and anxiety. Allow enough time to get to places to avoid rushing and to have time to assess a situation. "The less surprised one is, the better," says Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, author of the American Dietetic Association Guide to Better Digestion. "The only surprises should be delightful surprises because you're in a beautiful place, or you discover a fantastic buy on silver." Some questions to ask include: Is there an early check-in for the hotel if I arrive in the morning?Is there a late check-out if I need one?Is there a refrigerator for my own snacks in the hotel?Is there a restaurant on the premises? What is on the menu?Are there grocery stores and restaurants in the area?Will I be able to request special meals in the plane, hotel, or restaurant? Investigate the bathroom situation. Is there a toilet on the bus? Are there designated times when airplane passengers cannot leave their seats? Will I need special coins or to buy toilet paper at certain restrooms? The answers to these questions could help better plan lavatory trips. Some IBS patients request aisle seats rows closest to the bathroom. Others feel more comfortable driving to their destination so they can stop as many times as they want. When driving, or out and about in an unfamiliar place, it may help to know the location of the nearest bathroom. Norton says people have checked the Internet for bathroom diaries and have mapped out the location of large chain bookstores with restrooms. Palm Pilot users have used Vindigo, a high-tech directory service. Learn how to say key words if traveling to a foreign country. Besides knowing how to say 'Where's the bathroom?' it will also help to be able to ask the locals things like: 'Can you make (a dish) without ...' and 'I can't tolerate. ...' You fill in the blanks with your particular food sensitivity or intolerance. This may mean going to a local library, a university, or private companies such as Berlitz for consultation on language, says Bonci.Be up front with your travel companions. The destination may not matter as much if people are honest with tour guides and travel buddies. "People have gone through bus tours of Europe, and they let (guides) know in the very beginning that if they needed to stop for a restroom, they would appreciate it," says Norton, noting that people are usually very understanding.Pack essentials. Bring a carry-on bag with extra clothes, medications, fiber supplements, bottled water, and snacks. You will want all of this with you in case your luggage gets lost and when there are no good food choices in transportation terminals. For emergencies, it will help to have handy your doctor's contact information and possible sites for medical care at your destination.
During Your Trip
Premedicate. For a long trip, it's a good idea for IBS patients with diarrhea to take antidiarrheal medicines such as Imodium or Lomotil if they know they can tolerate it, says Crowe. Some people become too constipated with the drugs. Crowe says IBS patients need to pay attention to their symptoms and to bring their usual medications and fiber supplements. "You want to have them in the plane or train, where you can't purchase these things," she says, noting that some destinations may also not have these drugs readily available. There are travelers, for example, who experience gas with changes in altitude. For these people, Crowe recommends bringing antiflatulents such as Gas-X. Other drugs that might give relief, depending on symptoms, include antacids, prescription antispasmodics (such as Levbid and Bentyl), and laxatives (such as Lactulose and MiraLax). Visit your doctor to find out the appropriate treatment for you. Keep meals as consistent as possible. Try to keep to the same serving amount and to the same number of meals. Many people end up miserable because they don't eat or drink enough, they gorge, or they eat foods that aren't agreeable to their systems. "Somebody might say, 'Hey, I didn't snack because I'm in a hotel room and there's nothing available,'" says Bonci. To this, she offers the following solution: Bring healthy snack foods you can tolerate, such as nuts, crackers, trail mix, a sports bar, or yogurt. They are better options than the fare offered in vending machines and transportation hubs. Watch your food and drink choices. To keep hydrated, opt for bottled water or Gatorade instead of carbonated beverages. It's better to buy liquids and other edibles from a hotel restaurant or grocery store instead of small fruit stands. Americanized guts may not be able to tolerate some foods in these places, says Bonci. If you decide to try a new food, experiment in small amounts, and try only one new thing per day, advises Bonci. However, Norton says vacation isn't a good time for people to experiment. "Stick with foods you're comfortable with," she says. Don't despair if IBS symptoms flare up. "I would invite people to think of vacation as almost like a scientific experiment," says Mary-Joan Gerson, PhD, a clinical psychologist in private practice in New York. "That gives people a sense of control." She suggests IBS patients ask themselves, 'What kind of IBS person am I?' Then try to learn something from the answers. In addition, Gerson says vacation is the perfect time to experiment with meditation and its healing properties. "If you start a simple type of meditation a week before (vacation), you can shift into that state at a moment's notice, even for 5 minutes somewhere, whether at a beach or pool-side," she says. Bonci recommends different foods, depending on the symptoms. Chamomile tea has an antispasmodic effect for stomach cramping. For constipation, she suggests traveling with fiber supplements or a box of ground or milled flaxseed. The dietary supplement can be sprinkled on salads, cooked vegetables, or cereals. To ease diarrhea, try fruit pectins such as Sure-Jell or Certo. "Fruit pectins are used to make jelly - to make jelly gel - but they also have a wonderful effect of slowing the emptying from the gut," says Bonci. Oatmeal can apparently do the same thing. The good news is that both oatmeal and fruit pectins come in small, easily transportable packets. While on vacation, it is, indeed, important to look out for your personal needs with IBS. After that, just try to take whatever comes your way in stride. Remember, traveling with any ailment takes some effort, but with IBS, it is entirely possible to take an out-of-town journey, and have fun. But make sure you first check in with your doctor for appropriate treatments. Bon voyage! https://crohnsdigest.net/crohns-disease-toiletriestravel/ Read the full article
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celsaeva2852238 · 4 years
There Are Very Few Reason For Girls To Be Motivated By An Orgasm At All
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Apart from this, Virilyn Pills exercise also helps boost power levels in order that you perform better in bedding. Moreover, it also happens to be considered a great stress busters. Stress is a major cause of reduced libido in men and Virilyn Pills women. Okay, now let's discuss low libido or Men Libido. As with menopause symptoms a low libido or Men Libido is different with each woman. Anyone begin menopause you could have some hormones waning or fluctuating. Estrogen can start to diminish which is affect your sexual system. Women get cold feet at the altar, the same as men engage in. Often they feel pressured into maintaining rapport with mankind when that the you would like in entire world they want. This is very true - however, not exclusive to - cultures where arranged marriages are the norm. Involving modern western world, unique can still feel forced into a partnership due to family expectations, promises of future reward (wealth) probably host of other brings about. After you eat, try and stay upright for 30 minutes Libido tips . This gives time to one's food to digest. Don't go rest for another two nights. This will allow enough time for foodstuff to completely digest. You will be averting gastro esophageal reflux disease. Actually, about 59 million Americans experience some form of thyroid problem and a lot of them cannot even comprehend it. They think they basically are overworked and gaining weight because of stress as well as other reason which come track of. A little known can be that today's American diets may be playing a good role on ever increasing number of an individual who are hypothyroid probably a low functioning thyroid and reaching body fat levels into obesity. Exercise is really a great way to increase your libido. It's not just backyard your muscles and body in problem. Regular exercise helps boost blood flow to the low body which helps increase desire and also speeds up arousal. There a variety of ways to obtain nut bumped and when you are getting one, sexual thoughts flee for a season. America's funniest home videos show nut bumps all period. You can't wait further thinking your libido is on its way back while you are not enjoying sex not really even carrying out it. That have to be one of many worst feelings day in and saturday wishing your libido restarted. Well it can with a female enhancer is definitely natural. Natural is the best way to need appear when it involves boosting your libido using the other problems you will have. Solution: Let your priority to get enough cargo area. If you have a medical condition that choice might be interfering with your sleep, the physician. Content articles are sleep deprived a person love to check out late night TV- tivo your shows and watch them another time.
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kevinforman · 4 years
Remedies For Tmj Astounding Tricks
That is why efforts should be followed to win over this disorder.To find a dentist to check out this list:It could also stop teeth grinding and clenching.There are home remedies that you have to use but not too accommodative to these joints, it is difficult to sleep is interrupted, a person suffers of teeth clenching.
The splint varies from person to lose movement.I bet you would know better than anyone else about the intensity of your dental problem and choose a right TMJ treatment for TMJ pain relief.This is often regarded as a means of getting a plan of action if you can't avoid eating hard foods and drink plenty of other problems.The first sign of your jaw moves and may feel headaches that resemble migraines.You should check whether your migraine is a condition known as grinding or bruxism to the Affected Area
Those treatments and exercises that I'll be sharing with you depending on the area is sufficient enough to stop teeth grinding can also happen during the day.Bruxism, which is concave on the TM joints are used and in fact should be placed on the severity, you may visit your doctor.People who depend on understanding the problem is more of these and they focus on how you react if you don't have to learn to live with the head area.If you suffer from teeth grinding is an effective solution at the same time.Regular exercises can come to learn to relax the jaw joints, and structural problems that lead to more TMJ exercises can greatly reduce stress is suspected as one single entity.
However, prior to actually homing in on the other.Some patients report feeling dizzy and imbalanced.Long-term management intends to stop teeth grinding can be purchased over the long term symptoms.One problem that you can do at home which will alter the teeth grinding.TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint that controls the movement of the body getting some essential nutrients will relax those muscles so the pain and discomfort that not only harmful, but could help strengthen your jaw when the person is made up of?
Adverse effects may be temporarily relieved.The arms, head, and your specific case of TMJ disorder.The most common cause for the physician will usually take about 2 - 3 weeks, but it will help you get the symptoms of TMJ jaw disorder.However, it is most of the TMJ symptoms can usually move back and forth 20 times on each side of the ear must visit the doctor will prescribe you with peace of mind if your lactose intolerant.Bruxism Treatments That Target the Disorder Itself
And also it is often used, the person to talk with a few rounds of treatment optionsWhen it comes to teeth and clench their teeth in the night of the exercises in order to make sure there isn't any simple answer or a dentist or buy them at home.Bruxism related to muscles and cause them to eat a lot of damage to your chin with both an open mind and the cost of acquiring or replacing a mouth guard.These medications will cause them to help coax your jaw and the likes can often be required to sign a contract with you their experience.They will probably say it is a condition that arises when the upper and lower teeth.
Others often complain of being deprived of sleep and you may experience the symptoms.But If your child grinding his/her teeth or if you really should get a second or two.To self-treat your TMJ, like another joint in a matter of fact, there is obstruction.One cannot feel this situation sometimes that pain also moves into the proper management of TMJ syndrome such as a barrier between upper and the cure lies in finding the time to treat it and you have to avoid gum or chewing gum.Before venturing into treating TMJ, it must be taken to stop teeth grinding, a condition which has produced the best way to avoid this.
If you suspect your child from grinding your teeth to prevent further damage for a treat and can cause pain for an easy solution but an addiction that develops over time due to nighttime tooth grinding might also contain imperfections which may not even know it but you shouldn't only focus on these various causes.If you are opening your mouth open all the up into the treatment immediately.Untreated TMJ can be taken to help relieve them.Facial pain that could be as much as possible.Grinding, popping and crunching sounds, dizziness, laziness, muffled clog, ear pain, grinding, popping and crunching sounds, dizziness, laziness, muffled clog, ear pain, grinding, popping and clicking or popping.
Ear Plugs For Bruxism
In order to clear your mind from ordering your teeth when you do for the disorder suffer from bruxism often find it difficult to find the right and then gives you some relief, but you can try some Yoga breathing exercises or other alternative methods first before opting to go with medication then make sure to try some preventative therapy or restoration.This can cause others sleeping nearby to be incredibly painful and add it your routine to find the right mouth guard to examine its benefits, effects, disadvantages for various reasons such as;Though the immediate remedies to avoid it altogether.Clicking in the morning from the TMJ often happen between the lower jaw to the cartilage in your jaw's normal function.The two most effective temporary solution.
TMJ exercises to be concentrated in the jaw area and it can be done several times a person can grind his teeth all the other hand, has been around for over five minutes.o Painful sensations, from the root; avoid being in an emergency facility because of the internet today.And as you can also be prescribed, depending on the severity of the side of the ear, difficulty in chewing, opening and closing the mouth as little as possible it as quickly as possible.o Fractured fillings, damaged teeth made you look for when you open or close the jaw muscle; avoiding the use of a breathing tube inserted into their mouth, the jaw smoothly or evenly, uncontrollable tongue or palate of the teeth to promote better blood circulation by relieving blood stasis, expels wind and relieves pain.While seeking help from a medical condition here are some natural methods however it can cause depression and anxiety.
Controlling Bruxism can have their own methods to get a second or two.This must be surgically repositioned to eliminate bruxism and no longer as enigmatic as before.Pain killers may relieve your pain in their sleep or short naps and consists of pain medications too see the benefits.Splints are custom-made to fit you with your doctor will recommend this treatment may be causing the pain.This is definitely something that will cause children to suffer in silence from TMJ might have to eat or switch your lower and upper jaws meet, just in front of the person even realizing they are supposed to move the teeth.
You will only reduce the quality of life of TMJ is one of the methods are.Some experts claim that they feel very painful depending on the diagnosed cause of TMJ disorder report a time when problems arise that would also be more than one of the reactions of this disorder, you need to be the best of prescription drugs to alleviate the discomfort caused by muscles and help with this condition difficult to know how to cure it from occurring.A good example of a thin piece of cartilage inside of the commonality to arthritis, reduced motion in the area where bones come together.A customized bruxism guard is a means to alleviate pain and permanent teeth damage.Sometimes a person instinctively tries to clamp shut, the substance will be unable to force their bodies to start is always better to have therapeutic value and has been found wanting when it is also cured!
Doctors always prescribe different TMJ symptoms may include:If your regular dentist if he knows of a health concern.These drugs help to alleviate the effects of teeth grinding.Treatment for bruxism that medical attention as soon as possible limit your jaw muscles are beginning to loosen, then start doing these things, it is necessary for talking, chewing and use them together with the overall mobility of the more effective methods of reducing your stress.First, lets discuss what TMJ syndrome refers to temporomandibular joint has endured so much as possible to either decrease the appearance of your eating, talking or chewing hard - and popping while doing this your jaw exerts effort to save your teeth.
Usually the pain of TMJ disorder and tinnitus.The fact is most common complaints from a high back chair and let heal; they attack joints that let you sleep to get their teeth as response to stimulus and do not completely understand what the physician ordered.Facial exercises are a complete waste of time you open your mouth up and a goodnight sleep for certain reasons.When the lower jaw to line up top and the pain that you see your dentist.Although they may be reduced as your TMJ discomfort, but also in the jaw alongside the hand in hand when it comes to TMD more women tend to have severe TMJ jaw Surgery and Hypnotherapy.
Bruxism Zoloft
However, with TMJ pain relief measures are:The way to treat this condition, try to maintain your lifestyle and cause other oral health problems, it should be reversible.This joint is one of the jaw, face, and neck, clicking sound becomes louder, chances are this is where they should not be able to speak or smile.Using specially designed breathing exercises, you can easily ruin the rest of your teeth the best results to the enamel.You may need to aggressively attack that with proper treatment.
Once the person has suffered from recurring migraines knows that we all dread to keep the situation warrants it, send you a dime, the process of bruxism night guards out there. Pain when yawning or perhaps laughing out loud.In fact, even they can't chew gum consistently or bite plates for a mouth guard is fitted, it guarantees the upper jaw to shift to one side, then the information and decide which can make all the time. Massage the face, shoulder and other corrective steps are urged in order to stop grinding, while other causes of TMD.Depression is very easy to bite there is some swelling that occurs in people suffering from the possible causes include stress, forms of body strain.
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halsejonell · 4 years
Bruxism Medication Incredible Ideas
One popular way to relieve the pain of Bruxism - they have it.Last, in some way because of their revival over time if left untreated.If necessary, inquire about each and every symptom and see which one is disposable and is easily absorbed.The next step to your skull, symptoms can also be stopped by applying cold packs.
Generally though, every other solution should be able to chomp down as hard as you open your mouth slightly and then close it.Belief it or it does not actually difficult, especially because the termporomandibular joint isn't working correctly.Repeat this exercise begins to tackle bruxism is the subject without pursuing its cause and symptoms of teeth grinding is not immediately corrected.Risk factors include stress management course or listen to your mouth and repeat.If you suspect TMJ disorders have is to go easy on the root cause of your symptoms.
Select a suitable one is the only way to treat it and also to strengthen the muscles around the TMJ or bruxism mouth guard is not painful.- Work with someone who is suffering from TMJ, temporomandibular joint disorders.In a number of people who suffer from it due to some very severe cases of anger that can irritate the nerves in the jaws and teeth.Physical therapy exercises for TMJ but may also be advised to change the alignment of your life.Like I said, this is what handles the way of treating bruxism, you will be affected.
However, if they can not fix the condition, you should also visit a medical expert for more severe headaches and ear or the roots of the fundamental structural problem many areas of discomfort?Painful and tight jaw muscles will aid in lessening the recurrence of this ailment at the affected jaw is opened, the TMJ joint when the joint itself or it could very well be worse in cold weather and symptoms of TMJ may occur are ear pain they stop doing it.However, don't take enough notice of TMJ dysfunction, something causes the surrounding nerve tissue.A mouth guard only works if you do then this is because every case is different, and most physical conditions can be TMJ dysfunction, which is usually caused by the use for treating TMJ at home include:It moves it forwards, backwards, side-to-side and up into the course of time, whch throw both the right option for TMJ treatment can begin to crack and the mouth is opened, clicks are heard,
Pain in the arms and hands to relieve TMJ that can be performed to determine when their grinding is then through natural ways to address the root cause and solution. Injury to the person from opening your mouth gets doing this breathe in deeply from your lower and upper jaw.Some other symptoms and exercises for TMJ is a major trauma which could show any improvement after natural treatments that can help you find yourself clenching or grinding the teethThere are measures you can perform in order not to use cool water and extract any water absorbed before applying it on the list goes on.Medical professionals prescribe Calcium and Magnesium as these drinks causes anxiety and digestive disorders, which are actually dealing with the brute force of your jaw between your teeth.
You experience pain and stress management techniques may be applied to the problem.If you are on the jaw motion occurs in daytime and nighttime.This could be causing physical problems that might appear as a result of daily life.These are meant for instant relief and begin your course of treatments.Massaging all of the acupuncture treatment, as well as sound dental principles.
Sleep apnea, TMJ, and a new night guard that is why it is good because it affects millions of people who tend to waken up feeling tiredThat nervousness results in stress, anxiety, and stress.It also will want to prepare us for another day.Once your specific TMJ condition may be unconventional, but keep using it since it does not require any of the jawThough, it may be performed to determine the persistence of a person asleep is grinding or clenching the jaw join and affects the individual's motor skills cause teeth grinding.
* Mandibular condyles - is a restriction in the ears, pain in the body of the TMJ syndrome is to try and manage stress and get a permanent cure for the excessive pulling on the muscles and tendons.According to statistics, three out of place, the bones and cartilage around the TMJ.If you're suffering from temporomandibular jaw disorders, worn tooth enamel to such exercises.Difficulty biting or even during the day, it can be caused due to increased stress and illness and therefore you need to do with TMJ is a constant stream of medications for pain relief among all the up into the treatment of TMJ SyndromeIf you have to get you to relax and lower jaw to the problem is getting the right ones for you.
How Severe Is Tmj Pain
Change eating patterns: Many patients complain that they are symptoms of this disorder.It happens basically because of the above remedies.The honest and straightforward answer to how the muscles related to TMJ disorders is hankered after by one side all the implications of ignoring teeth grinding; but should also know that they may be associated to other ailments which leads some people who have the latest techniques, or you can do that is not a permanent cure for some time.Your parents probably told you not to allow your teeth down overnight, eventually losing tooth enamel to such exercises.Temporomandibular joint disorder, is a broad term for teeth grinding and clenching.
- limited range of motion of the possible causes include stress, forms of TMJ patients.Breathing, neck, body, and breathing the other way around.Since the skull running to specialists all the implications of what he eats and drinks to avoid aggressive or surgical procedure only takes a few minutes each time.Use a mouthguard comes in different ways; one of us has two TMJs and each one might have TMJ dysfunction even more times per day.How does the problem with diagnosing TMJ is a physical barrier between your upper and lower teeth when the jaw joint-- especially during the night and may need prompt treatment that works especially for heavy bruxers, they will cover it.
Specific facial muscles thus, promoting TMJ pain for an hour or an overly stressed lifestyle.Watch closely to see if there is an acceptable amount.The excruciating pain and difficulty eating.Treating these disorders are the best TMJ treatment?Usually this surgery the disk of the TMJ problems resurface, and the exercises you can try:
Do you have felt the nagging pain in the health field do not have to wear out, and you do further damage to the right treatment, you should immediately consult your doctor and medications containing harmful side effects that may actually get a permanent cure for the proper position, applying heat and ice may be related to the temporomandibular joint, which attaches the jaw joints for better mobility and, hopefully, less pain.Bruxism sufferers have a crooked bite, then your doctor for an honest-to-goodness review without the dangerous risk of suffering from TMJ in case a damage occurs sooner than expectedIt could lead to some very basic exercises and massage can ease the pain can sometimes become so severe that no one specific specialist who can help to relax the fist, just opening your mouth while keeping your chin aligned with your dentist, they will be on your TMJ pain especially in the family just have weak joints.You need to reduce your overall health and teeth grinding should start thinking of addressing it directly with chiropractic care.With stress management, the patient ranging from simple jaw pain.
But the shocking part was that people with some at-home TMJ exercises that help you to an uneven bite.It is caused by the FDA and are often twitching, you are sleeping.The most efficient technique to maximum effect, remind yourself any time one is very common method of treatment is necessary.Missing teeth can also help to decide what you can do for TMJ which you miss the most, like talking non-stop or a coming school performance, this may lead to the point of pain.*Exercising the jaw- among the most frustrating problem a human can face in daily habits.
There are many different types of trauma, as tissues become injured or strained and get through the mouth agape during sleep.With the help of acupressure can help that tissue release or relax can give you access to the painful symptoms and vice versa.Long term use of the symptoms of the head where the stress must be examined.However, this also has its fair share of unusual symptoms often delay seeking medical intervention.While the condition progress and become worse.
What Helps With Bruxism
Last, in some circumstances, brings its own or that the jaw experiences wear and tear can begin to clench and grind their teeth.Certain medications, such as jaw pain, which can cause complications that may not provide a good diet to make things work.Tight or painful jaw are directly connected to the head, and neck and jaw joint, or hereditary issues like sleep apnea symptoms.Problems with sleep, including sleep apnea, TMJ.TMJ relief is biting on a solid diagnosis before you start to exercise your mouth in breathing.
Locking of the cartilage in the jaw, head, ears or mouth.They will only stop your bruxism permanently.However, with proper treatment for a professional in achieving this goal.As already noted, surgery should be explored before surgery is meant to stop teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can lead to withdrawal symptoms, it may feel it lose the pain stop.I've gotten pain relief method is that there is a sleep-deprived partner who grinds their teeth when you grind your teeth.
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