#probably just an issue with image size or something gay like that
brainsickening · 1 year
wish i could post anything on here without tumblr shitting the bed processing my posts 😭😭 been wanting to post a lot more that i have but it never lets me
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chrimsonfoxdon · 6 months
Would you be willing to rank the konoha 12 from worst to best?
Actually yes I would LMAO!! I assume you mean like… my own personal favorites between the konoha 12, rather than something like which I think are the strongest.
I do wanna also state that I don’t hate or dislike any of the konoha 12, in fact I kinda like them all?? So please don’t think that I don’t like the lower rated characters. But if I have to rank them, from least favorite to most favorite… (list under the cut!)
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12. Shino Aburame
(Sorry tumblr limits me to only 10 images so the lower ranked ones aren’t getting pics I’m sorry)
I… I just don’t really feel that attached to him?? I’m sorry 🫠 his insect and bug abilities can be pretty neat tho.
11. Kiba Inuzuka
It’s kinda a similar thing as Shino. Just not that attached to him as I am to other characters. He does have a dog though, which is almost always a positive point for me not gonna lie.
10. Ino Yamanaka
She also just doesn’t leave much of an impression on me in general. I’m kinda sad that her jutsu is just… kinda lacking?? BUT she seems like she’d be a good friend and fun to hang out with. Also she’s pretty.
9. Sasuke Uchiha
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Fun fact when I first started watching Naruto he was my favorite during the land of waves arc! But then we saw Team Gai and the way I threw him to the side SO FAST 😭😂 I do still kinda think he’s a jerk for abandoning all the people who care about him for power. Is it because I take the Sasuke retrieval arc personally?? Maybe. BUT he was right about the konoha elders. In general I just find him very fun to bully. But I GUESS he’s strong and such…
8. Naruto Uzumaki
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He’s the main character so I feel like he just gets points with us just being exposed to him the most in the series. I do find it kinda harder to like… I don’t know, be attached to him the farther in Shippuden we get. I guess it’s cuz of the constant power creep, but that’s more of a shonen issue than anything to me. Rewatching the series as an adult, his backstory definitely breaks my heart 🥺 poor kid just wants to be loved and doesn’t understand why the village hates him. It’s hard not to root for him honestly. I cried when he became hokage even though I wasn’t watching the series at the time I can’t lie.
7. Sakura Haruno
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I used to not like her much, but that’s cuz Kishi can’t write women let’s be honest. I’ll always be super impressed with her growth as a ninja herself, particularly as a medical ninja. The Kazekage Rescue Arc really shows how amazing she can be and what she’s capable of. I loved her fight with Sasori. I also relate to her constantly wanting to catch up to her teammates and just feeling like dead weight. Girlie I love you and you deserve happiness 💖
6. Hinata Hyuga
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SHE’S A SWEET GIRL SHE’S DOING HER BEST SHE’S TRYING TO FIND HER PLACE IN THE WORLD AND I!!! SUPPORT THIS GIRL!!! She’s also super cute with one of the best designs in the series. Her fighting Pain is so emotional like. She’s risking her life for the guy she loves and admires most in the world. I gotta give her props for that. She’s not the strongest obviously, but I do enjoy her character a lot.
5. Shikamaru Nara
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My brother’s favorite, so I feel a lot of secondhand happiness about Shikamaru!! His shadow jutsu is… well, basic, but very versatile (I kinda wish ino’s jutsu got a similar treatment). His strategies make him a really fun character to watch from start to finish. His arc with Hidan was so cool. Very good character in my opinion.
4. Choji Akamichi
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Ok so not gonna lie he’d probably rank lower on my list when I was younger, but again, rewatching as an adult I just love the guy!! He’s such a kind soul and works to protect his friends. His backstory also just kinda speaks to me as a kid who was often excluded from activities with my peers (sometimes also cuz of my size). I’m so glad he found shikamaru and is best friends with him. He deserves so much love. He’s a good lad!
3. Rock Lee
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GODDDDDDD HIS CHARACTER IS SO GOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!! I remember liking him even as a kid, but now that I’m older, it’s just amplified. To see someone with uh… no natural talent whatsoever get so far as a shinobi is just so satisfying to see, especially since I can relate nowadays. If anything, seeing him struggle and still fight for what he believes in has made a bigger impact on me now than when I was younger. I REALLY wish he had more fights though. Fights where he won mainly on his own. Also his fight with Gaara in the chunin exams is ICONIC YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND THE WEIGHT SCENE CHANGED MY 9-YEAR-OLD BRAIN CHEMISTRY!!!
2. Tenten
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I!!! LOVE!!! THIS!!!! GIRL!!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!! There’s just something about how her strategy is to overwhelm her opponents with so many powerful ninja weapons that just… speaks to me. Her design is cute, I find her personality fun, and she’s my favorite female Naruto character. I wanna be her friend so bad. Also her journey in letting go of a childhood dream just… HMMMMM SPEAKS TO MEEEEEE as a very depressed adult. She makes me smile and laugh and cry and I just want her to know how amazing and special she is. She’s… a 10/10 😎
1. Neji Hyuga
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WOOOW OMG WHAT A SHOCK RIGHT??? Man what can I say about Neji that I haven’t already. He just really awakened something in me way back in the day, and he still occupies my mind to this day. I think there’s just something about seeing a character suffering quietly for so long and taking it out on others (and himself) grow into a person who tries to better himself and look more so on the bright side of life, despite what life has thrown at him. (Again that’s kinda something that means more to me as an adult than when I was a kid) he deserves so much love and happiness and I am so proud of him Neji Hyuga I love you so much
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irenedubrovna · 4 years
A post regarding Euphoria for the benefit of myself and basically no one else
So, it really bothers me when people say Euphoria is groundbreaking, progressive media. Here’s a dissection of why I don’t think it is, because this is what I feel like doing at work:
The character of Rue is objectively great. She by far receives the least overt sexualization, and is treated neutrally in terms of active sexuality. She’s treated like a normal teenage girl with mental issues and an addiction to drugs. She falls in love with a girl who she pines for and places on a pedestal. The reason I think she is written this way is because she is a Sam Levinson proxy. She written with gender ambiguity and with little regard to the experiences she’d go through as a black gay female, probably because Sam Levinson has no insight to that aspect of life. Her performance is heightened of course by Zendaya, who breathes unique life to the Sam Levinson’s artistic extension, and without her performance this show would not get even half the acclaim it gets. Attribute that to Zendaya of course, because the director has done little to deserve this acclaim.
The rest of the females, sans Lexi, are pornified to a disgusting extent, not only due to the fact that they are supposed to be underage, but also because their existence as people is treated as being absolutely secondary to their sexual appeal. They are foremost presented in terms of their relation to sex. Cassie, Maddy, Jules, and Kat cannot be removed from their sexuality without disrupting the plot or their journeys in relation to the plot. Why are the females so intrinsically linked to uber fetishized versions of female sexuality, or uber fetishized versions of blossoming female sexual identity?
Maddy is presented not only scantily clad 90 percent of the time, but also dressed in a precariously unattainable sexual fashion. At any given time she is styled to look straight out of, simultaneously, a high fashion editorial, and a “barely legal” porno. She is airheaded and profane, and promiscuous, her mannerisms dictated by the adult films she’s “studied” in order to project an image of perfect hyper sexual femininity. She’s complacent in becoming a prototypical housewife because it will earn her a comfortable place as a trophy wife. She has no aspirations beyond that. So, let’s unpack all of that. Maddy’s role in the show is mostly passive. The most active thing she does in the plot is revenge fuck a man in the pool of a party. Nearly everything else she does in the show that is plot relevant is of someone else’s volition. Even less of what she in the show is related to anything other than a man. She is abused and then pressured into framing another man for said abuse. She has no agency as a character. The only notable difference to this rule is when she takes drugs at a carnival, knocks a pot of chili over, and calls her ex’s mom a cunt. Removed from her active sexual life and carefully cultivated aesthetic, she’s a trite stereotype of an unambitious girlfriend who gets treated poorly. I see people call Maddy iconic, but if she wasn’t gorgeous and well dressed, I doubt anyone would even think twice about her, let alone create fancams and Instagram pages dedicated to her. She exists as a plot device, and as pretty set dressing to build up the shows aesthetic. Her emotions are not well explored, her motivations are sexist, and she is often there to be demeaned, objectified, or to say a bad word. The most damning part of her involvement in this show is her episode where it is stated that she, as a fourteen year old girl, lost her virginity to an adult man, and it is stated she was in control of the situation. This is a dangerous thing to say about a character, to any audience, but especially a young one. To imply that a precocious young girl was in control during her first sexual encounter with a much much older man implies things that frankly border on rape apologist ideology. This show states this unflinchingly and with no further elaboration. If there’s one thing that tells you that Euphoria is a bad show, let it be that. Also, if there’s one thing that tells you about Sam Levinson as a person, and the way he views girls and women, let it fucking be that.
Jules is a young trans girl. She also likes to have sex with men as a means to “conquer femininity”. Scratch that, she likes to have degrading sex with older men in order to “conquer femininity”. This mindset is shown to be toxic, of course, but I think the problem with this idea in general is that there’s no deeper exploration for what this mindset means. It implies that she believes women are the sum of their intrigue and degradations. This mindset I can only assume would be a cultivation of dysphoria and internalized misogyny, which this series is absolutely not prepared to address in a tactful manner. Jules is a teenager with mental illness, trauma, and is undergoing an identity crisis. There’s something powerful in her character, something worth saying, however we only get trimmings of those meaningful things, and are ultimately left with a hurtful depiction of a trans girl because all of her musings on womanhood and identity are incomplete, and they fail to reach beyond the surface of their thesis statement. She wears colorful clothing, is overtly feminine and artistic in her presentation. Everything about her screams insecurity over her own womanhood. That is the crux of her character. Now, I think we should ask ourselves, is trans person who is insecure about their identity peak representation? Is this what trans people deserve? Is it “groundbreaking “? If this show was run by someone else, I might be inclined to say that there’s nothing insidious about this, but this is the guy that made Assassination Nation, so I think we know what he thinks of young women, the way they should be portrayed (that is, for the capitulation of a man) and realize his inclusion of a trans woman in his cast is no more meaningful than the inclusion of any other woman. Women to him are made to be categorized and should, at the end of the day, be easily palatable for the capitulation of a man. The device of having Jules being interested in older men and rough sex for identity reasons is transparent. Trans women are exploited and objectified with a similar fervor to cis women, the caveat being that they are “a forbidden fruit” of sorts to straight men. Jules is sissified, her presentation fetishistic. Her role in the plot is more involved. Her relationship with Rue is sweet, though toxic on both sides. She is ultimately betrayed, blackmailed, and snowballs into something of a manic episode, all well portrayed by Hunter Schafer, but I don’t think her inclusion in the show absolves it of any of its many sins.
Let’s talk about Cassie. Cassie is the Eurocentric beauty standard exemplified. She is the blonde haired blue eyed girl next store, and her boobs are of course always on display. She is notably promiscuous, something I say right off the bat because that’s how she’s introduced, as a so called slut through the words of the devil (Nate Jacobs). She is a girl with daddy issues, which we are all familiar with at this point. Her sexual boundaries begin and end at the whim of her partner. The terms of her consent are much like the terms of consent of many young girls brainwashed by society and the rising tide of degradation porn: everything is alright as long as you provide them comfort and affirmation afterward. You can touch them roughly without asking, you can use them as a tool to affirm your masculinity. This is the way men prefer their women now: just broken enough to say yes to anything they want. It’s become a joke at this point. Men like girls with issues, but only the ones that will feed their own desires. Cassie Howard is meek. Her inclusion in the plot I suppose ties to themes of drug addiction and how it divides and destroys the people you love. It doesn’t show what it does to her beyond shaping her sexual encounters, which is no surprise. Overall I’d say Cassie is in this roster of females as the most traditional categorically, in relation to how men view women and further how they sexualize them. She has a relationship with someone who doesn’t really love her. That mostly what she does here. Gets used. Doesn’t drive the plot or conflict much. More pretty set dressing. More aesthetics. How this show consists of so many women but is driven so much by men is unsurprising, and, again, very enlightening in the grand scheme of things.
Lastly we touch on Kat. I’d like to begin with the fact that self actualization through sexual exploration, in a show run by a man, is just a cloak for a woman to gratify the audience with her sexuality. Regardless of whether or not she is plus sized, this is overt objectification. She is on this show to be sexy. Beyond that, the fact that a minor using sex work as a form of liberation is disgusting. Whether or not she is portrayed as “owning” her sexuality is negligible, and speaks to the same mindset discussed with Maddy. Minors cannot fucking consent to sex, sexual acts, or anything within the confines of such. It’s crazy that this occurs with two different characters in such a similar way. It has echoes of “Well, she looked older..” and “Well, she wanted it..” or “She’s advanced for her age”. Never, not once in the events of the series is there meaningful introspection on what doing this kind of thing does to a minor. Moreover, these acts are explicit, and made clearly for sexual gratification. None of these things are absolved by the fact that she’s plus sized. If anything, her body type is fetishized in this context. It’s also another case of a “good girl to bad girl” transformation, which are archaic and, of course, sexist. With the rise of adult websites targeting minors for explicit content, this is even more reprehensible. Once again, in terms of representation, is this really what speaks to you as progressive? Groundbreaking? A girl gains control of her own narrative by having sex with lots of men. She gains control by being sexy. She gains control by dehumanizing and objectifying herself. No she doesn’t. Media controlled by men will tell this story to you thousands of times, don’t listen because she’s bigger than a size four.
I won’t go further into the plot, other characters, or the structure or the episodes for sake of brevity, but I felt compelled to air my thoughts on this to the void. I can only hope I was critical enough that Sam Levinson will one day see this and cry because another bad feminist thinks something that he made sucks
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
Why I Believe Angel and Husker Will (or Should) Be Endgame
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As a shipper and a writer, I pride myself on finding the meat in shipping material, and despite how little official content for it is available, Hazbin Hotel’s juiciest pairing (by my observation, and not counting Charlie x Vaggie cuz that’s already canon) is Huskerdust or Angelhusk, the main mlm pairing in Hazbin Hotel between Angel Dust and Husker. While I’m a big fan of any mlm pairing no matter how small the serving size, this one is an absolute feast, and I want to explain why I think that is, because Angel flirts with multiple men in the first episode, namely Sir Pentious, Alastor, and Husker. So he just comes across as a relentless flirt, but I believe his destiny truly lies with the grumpy sourpuss bartender.
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Given what we’ve learned about Angel Dust from the Addict music video and the prequel comic, it’s becoming clear that Angel doesn’t exactly love his situation. He pretends it’s fun and glamourous for his image, but it’s all an act. In the very last pannel for the comic, we can even see a box of dildos in his room with the words “for fun” crossed out, and the box being relabled as “work stuff”. I believe that Angel’s arc and character growth will be strengthened by having a love interest who cares about Angel as something beyond a sex object. Travis and Valentino clearly only see Angel as a piece of meat. Even Tom Trench one of the... less horrible denizens of Hell we’ve met, only recognizes Angel as a porn star, implying that he too only values Angel for his body. The creators have even verified that Angel will have a love interest in the series. So, that’s the easy part. Angel’s very clearly a gay man, and him having a love interest will help put the romance back in relationships with men for Angel. No surprises there. So why will/should it be Husker who fulfills that role as Angel’s redeeming lover?
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In the simplest terms, it’s because their needs fit together perfectly. Angel needs someone to care about him romantically that also values his emotions, mind, and autonomy instead of just his body. Husk has likewise pretty much spelled out the flaw he needs to fix. He lost the ability to love years ago. Whether he just shuts out his emotions, someone broke his heart and now he’s jaded and bitter, or he freezes out his feelings so he won’t get hurt again, Husk has rejected love and his feelings. Learning to love and open up to Angel helps Husk to overcome those toxic coping mechanisms. Especially because his other vices such as drinking, are an extension of his core issue. His hang-ups with love. He drinks to forget and suppress. Overcoming his issues with his emotions will help Husk free himself of other sins in the process. Now the important issue though, does Husker even like boys? Yes, he does. Husker was confirmed by members of the crew to be pansexual, so he is capable of finding Angel attractive. Also, on a related note, Alastor is both Asexual and Aromantic, so he’s very unlikely to give Angel the core thing he needs, the tender appreciation of his romantic partner. That’s not to say Asexuals and Aromantics can’t date, it’s just less probable. And all the other males are either villains, or objectify Angel already. Which kind of leaves Husker as the best candidate for Angel’s love interest, at least currently. In fairness we know very little about Baxter, but that’s the thing. Without knowing anything about him, we can’t really weigh him against the other options.
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Character design is very important, as it can provide visual cues about a character. Looking at these two, they share a lot of similarities. Starting from the top, while not visible here, there is a heart-shaped spot on the back of Angel’s head, and this heart appears as well on Husker’s forehead, palms, and wings. More importantly, I may be wrong, but I believe the only characters with hearts in their design are all connected to Angel. Only Travis and Val share this heart motif, two men Angel has had sex with, though in Valentino’s case, it's not always willingly. They share their wearing of a bow tie, but to be fair, Charlie wears one too, as does Sir Pentious, so it’s a weak connection. Color theory also matters. Firstly, they are Yin and Yang. Angel is mostly white with a few dark accents, while Husker is mostly dark gray/black with white accents. Angel’s left eye, bow tie, and shorts/skirt are also the same color (or pretty close) as Husker’s darker fur patches on his forearsms, ankles, ear tips, and whiskers. The stripes on Angel’s top also repeat in Husker’s ears. Finally, while not repeating on Angel’s design, Husker’s fur on his ankles resembles spats, a fashion trend from the early 1900s. Although this trend was pretty dead in widespread use by the 1940s, it remained popular with gangsters and mafia, so much so that it’s almost a streotype of mafia. Angel’s family was an Italian crime family involved with mafia dealings. So while it makes little sense for a man who died in the 1970s to be wearing spats, it connects him to Angel’s ballpark of time as well as drawing connections to Angel’s past and his family.
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Hazbin Hotel has Instagram accounts for the characters, and using Husker (bar_cat75) Angel Dust (angie_fluffy_bootz) and Niffty (babyfeathrdustr), we can put together further developments in their relationship off-screen. Starting with one of Husker’s posts, we see Angel leaning on the bar offering him a ticket to his “peep show”. The next post shows Husker still at the bar, but now there’s drool on the counter, and we can see the back of one of Angel’s legs and the red smoke from the Addict video trailing behind him with the line “Fuck, I passed out. Did I miss something?” Next, there’s a post from Niffty of Angel leaning on the railing smoking as he does in the post-credits sequence of the Addict video. Granted, I can’t tell how much of Addict is prequel and how much is happening in real time following the pilot, but we know at least the ending is canonically after the pilot episode. Seems like Angel wanted Husker there (we don’t know if he offered tickets to anyone else) and he seems bummed that he didn’t go, with a later message from Husker (that I can only seem to find in Tumblr posts) with Husker realizing that he missed Angel’s show and feels bad about it. As “owing” Angel a favor for missing his show, Angel leaves his beloved pet pig Fat Nuggets in Husker’s care, who proceeds to eat all of Husker’s limes and cherries. Now it is very important to point out that Fat Nuggets seems to fill the dual role of “purse dog” and emotional support animal for Angel, so leaving him in Husker’s care shows a lot of trust because this animal means a LOT to him. There’s also apparently rumors that Alastor keeps trying to eat Fat Nuggets which... I haven’t found a credible source for. But if Angel is worried about Fat Nuggets’ safety, him trusting Husker to protect his pig only further demonstrates his trust in the grumpy old booze cat. Upset about all the fruit Fat Nuggets ate (because it’s not easy to get in Hell) Husker wants Angel to pay to replace what the pig ate, but Angel argues that because Husker owed him a favor it’s not his responsibility. Angel says he’ll pay him if Husker agrees to come to his next show, and they compromise to get milkshakes instead. The creators said Husker was a Tsundere, and it shows. Someone called their outing a date, and Husker was QUICK to shout that it wasn’t a date, just settling up on a favor. This almost plays out like an episode 2, turning the Addict Video into the jumping off point for a second story in the hotel. I don’t know how many full narratives will come out of the Instagram accounts like this, but it’s really cool how they’re approaching this almost like a multi-media story, and I’m curious to see if this will continue when the show starts airing on television. One last thing of note is that in Angel’s latest post, there’s pictures of Fat Nuggets, Cherri Bomb, and Husker on his bedroom wall, much to Husker’s annoyance. In all of these Instagram posts, Angel seems to now be training ALL of his attention on flirting with Husk, to the point that unless another character sweeps Angel off his feet or causes Angel to start flirting with them instead of Husker, I think this pairing is sailing quickly and unopposed toward the canon zone.
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I hope I’ve provided sufficient proof to back up my wild accusations, but I sincerely believe all of the building blocks have already been assembled to create a compelling romance between these characters. The flaws they need to overcome interlock with each other perfectly, their designs draw connections between them, and their Instagram accounts weave together a narrative for a soft Episode 1.5. I believe all of this together points that these two are meant to become a romantic couple, and if they aren’t, then maybe the showrunners should consider it.
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cyoc49 · 4 years
Auto Pilot
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James was 18 and already shaping up to be a disappointment in life. After spending four years of high school slacking off, doing drugs, and not caring about anything, he now found himself a freshman in college with little prospect of where to go. He was attending the local community college - he hadn’t even wanted to do that, but his parents threatened to kick him out and cut off funding if he didn’t do some higher education. Now he found himself wandering aimlessly around campus. He had no idea what his major would be, no plans of any kind, really. He wanted to stay as distant from this college experience as possible.
To be honest, James did sometimes think about his lack of aim in life. The truth was he truly did fear committing to anything in life, for the risk of making the wrong choice, and so invented a “don’t care” persona to cope with his lack of place in the world.
James arrived at his dorm, and made his way upstairs to his room. He shared it with some guy, Clide. They didn’t talk much. As he got to the door of his room, he noticed a package sitting in front of the door. He picked it up and inspected it. Relatively small, lightweight, addressed to him. Odd. Usually this type of thing would be sent to the mail room. As James entered his room, he put the package down on his desk. Clide wasn’t there, he was probably at class.
“Might as well check this thing out,” James said to himself as he opened the box. Inside was a big red button reading AUTO PILOT.
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Whatever he had been expecting, it certainly wasn’t that. It was one of those comically oversized buttons like you saw in movies. He had never seen one this big in person. And what did “Auto Pilot” mean?
Looking back into the box, James found a small booklet labeled “User’s Manual”. He picked it up and read the contents:
Life can be exhausting. School, jobs, bills, food, house troubles, and countless other decisions have to be made and executed every day. At the end of the day, is all the grind really worth it? Wouldn’t you rather take the easy route? The better route?
The Auto Pilot button is simple. Press it, and your life will be set to “auto pilot”. We’ve spent decades studying the behavior patterns of successful people, and have created a formula by which we have the correct response to every obstacle and issue you will ever face in your life. Job troubles? You’ll always be a hard worker who knows how to get what he wants. Social issues? You’ll have the right line for every occasion. You’ll be more outgoing, more ambitious, and best of all: you don’t have to do any of it. When you’re on auto pilot. You can sit back and watch as your body makes all the right decisions for you. One press is all that’s needed.
Enjoy your life on auto pilot!”
James checked the back to see if there was anything else. He didn’t know what to think. He almost wanted to laugh. It had to be a joke, but the tone of the pamphlet was so certain that it could also be the delusions of some eccentric billionaire. Ah well, at least he finally had something to go on his barren desk. He slid the auto pilot button to the back corner of his desk, then paused. He pressed down on the button, just to see what those big red buttons really feel like.
Unfortunately for James, one press is all that’s needed.
As the button clicked down, James’ body slumped.
His eyes went dead.
And then he suddenly smiled.
And he kept smiling.
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James was 22 and life was looking pretty great. After pressing that button his freshman year, James completely turned his life around, as if overnight. He suddenly started paying attention in all his classes. He began going to the gym, and joined an intramural soccer team. By the end of his freshman year, James had gained 25 lbs of muscle, going from a boney 150 to a beefy 175. He also ended his year, with a 4.0 GPA, and used it to apply to the local state school. It just offered him more opportunities than community college, and had better networking circles. James got in handily, and that fall found himself moving across state to university.
Almost as soon as he landed on campus, James continued his life climbing. He declared majors in international business and finance, knowing the money opportunities that lay there. The course load was nothing for James, as he always worked on homework at maximum efficiency. In fact, he had time left over to join a club lacrosse team.
Through his finance classes and lacrosse practices, James came to realize the social circle he needed to join if he wanted to get ahead: The rich preps. They were the ones who exuded the aura of success he wanted to project, and the ones with the connections to jobs after college. He modeled himself after them. He began to dress like them, in khakis and pastels, and leather loafers. Vineyard Vines, Ralph Lauren, and Brooks Brothers invaded his closet. He began to manage his hair, combing it into a neat side part every morning with pomade. He researched golf news, followed stock market trends, so he would have topics to talk about with these preps.
Slowly, by bringing up the points he now new about with classmates, and by projecting the image of a successful young preppy professional, James came to be accepted as one of their own. One of the boys. His ultimate dream. From that point it was easy: James was Mr All American, effortlessly witty and charming. By the time he was a senior, James was on fire. He had served as captain of his lacrosse team for the past 2 years, was top of his business classes. He had met several of his new friend’s fathers (all of them CEOs), and in most cases the fathers ended up liking James more than their own children. James was a professional in all aspects, and he did it all with a bright, mindless smile.
The one thing James hadn’t accomplished in college was finding a girlfriend. Of course he’d had several offers, but he never took a woman to call his own. Every once in a while he found himself staring at the guys on the lacrosse team while they changed, but these were only fleeting feelings. Certainly not the most efficient way to live his life.
But this didn’t matter to James. In just a few months he would be graduating top of his business program, and thanks to the father of a friend he had a job lined up at Plexicorp, one of the biggest marketing chains in the nation. James was only 22 and he was a consummate professional. Is this what a perfect life looks like?
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James was 30 and on top of the world. After graduation he went right into work at Plexicorp, and immediately assumed the stereotype of a “young urban professional”. His work ethic was tireless, and through a mixture of countless golf matches and the perfect water cooler humor, James quickly became the most popular guy in his office, and the model employee. He rose in the ranks quickly, and was now a regional manager with a six figure salary at only 30.
With extra cash to spare, James had gone to work giving his life an upgrade. He bought clothes from extremely expensive brands, though sticking to his preppy classics. He got salon quality pomade for the classic styling of his hair (which had only gotten lighter over the years), and routinely had dermatology and dental work done to keep his face looking as fresh as possible. He bought a serene little cookie cutter McMansion out in the suburbs. Even with all this going on, he perfectly worked time into his schedule for gym and nutrition, keeping his body in peak shape even as he got older. At age 30, James was quickly approaching a DILF.
With the perfect job, the perfect clothes, and the perfect body, you’d think James would have quickly found a suitable wife, or at least someone looking for a QoL upgrade. But even over the years, James still never found himself fully committed to women, even though he knew starting a family young would be most productive in the long term. In a particular night of conflicting emotions, James made his way to a leather bar on the outskirts of town, where a nice 50 year old man with a beard and a harness taught James what he had always known. He was gay. And he loved it.
There must have been a hole in the Auto Pilot system. Certainly heterosexuality would be most efficient for a successful life, but somehow James’ base feelings came through. Of course he had no way of knowing what was going on in his body. All he knew was what was most efficient, and what felt best were in opposition to each other right now.
Eventually, with a smile, the straight James won out. After his encounter with the leather clad friend, he quickly found himself not thinking about sex at all. A life of chastity was certainly good enough for him. Letting sex be for pleasure hardly worked out, as we see. Sex should be for utility. Creating the family. And to get a family, he needed a wife.
The following weekend James took a trip to his local country club, and after a bit of scouting, chatting, and brown-nosing, James was introduced to Amber, an interior decorator. She wasn’t the most brilliant with a conversation, but she was single and looking to marry and that was enough for James. They went on several incredibly vanilla movie and dinner dates, where hand holding was the most action either of them got. After 8 months, they married and moved in together.
Now standing here at 30, James looked in the mirror. He felt his decently-sized chest push against the cotton undershirt and mint green button up sitting on top. His rotund and muscular ass was perfectly wrapped by his khakis. He looked down at the counter of his bathroom. Marble. With plenty of space. Even with his tricky sex situation, James had to admit he had a great body and a great life. He had made (almost) all the right decisions, and was reaping plenty of the rewards. As far as living life, this was a pretty good way to do it.
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James was 40, and life was perfect. The shareholders of Plexicorp were so impressed by his keen business instincts and impressive management, and at only 32 offered to make him the youngest shareholder in the history of the company. From there he went from “pretty well off” to “disgustingly wealthy”. James knew how to invest his money well, and from the moment of that promotion never worried about money again. He moved into a mansion in the nice part of town and upgraded his wardrobe to suits, suits, and more suits. Now that he was one of the elites, he had to project as such. He kept his appearance as clean and refined as possible at all times. He loved to flash off in a khaki suit (a nod to his preppy roots), and with his now perfectly-blonde hair, he was the absolute image of refinement. He had certainly aged like fine wine, and there was no doubt about it: James was a DILF.
The only sore spot in his life has been Amber. After years of trying and failing to conceive due to lack of excitement, Amber eventually asked to file for divorce. James knew he had to grant her this, and handled the proceedings quietly (and generously) to let go of her gently. At 35, James was finally meeting a dead end that his Auto Pilot skills were unable to find a solution to.
Until he had an investment meeting with a local stock analyst named Robert
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Robert was an image of success, beauty, and sharpness that James had seen in only one other man: himself. It was almost unnatural how beautiful and crisp Robert was. His perfectly parted hair. His well-fit gray suit and polished dress shoes. As James eyed this man up and down, it dawned on him. Robert must have made every decision perfectly in life to look like an image of success in his his 30s, because he did. Robert had help from Auto Pilot too. And judging by the lack of a ring on his finger, and the way he was eyeing James in the exact same way James was eyeing him, James had a suspicion that Robert had the same problem he had.
Robert was someone whose every value, choice, and lifestyle matched up with James’.
James knew exactly the right decision to make.
The two flashed each other perfect smiles and firm handshakes, and although the topic of their first meeting stayed on stocks, it was clear there was a mutual spark between the two. They quickly decided that weekly investment meetings would be best, which turned into lunch meetings twice per week, which turned into dinner, which turned into something much more. The two took it slow, to be safe, but it was clear they were disgustingly perfect for each other. On Tuesdays and Thursdays they met up at the gym at 6AM to exercise together. They had quickly learned they wore the same suit size, and exchanged looks on several occasions. Robert taught James just how he achieved his razor sharp part, and James taught Robert how to match pocket squares to outfits. After a few years of dating they married in a picturesque countryside summer wedding, and both knew this one would last.
Now standing here at 40, James could genuinely say life was perfect. He had gone from an aimless place in his life to the top of the world, and although it had been a bumpy road, he was now with the perfect partner living a life of gentility. Checking his suited image in the mirror one last time, James left the bathroom and walked to the front door where Robert was waiting. The two had plans to attend an orchestra show and get dinner at the nicest restaurant in town.
James flashed Robert the perfect smile, and Robert returned the favor.
“Ready to go, darling?” James asked the man of his dreams.
“Of course, love.” Robert replied in a smooth tenor. The two briefly joined to kiss, before heading outside where the driver was waiting to take them into the city for another wonderful night.
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nhlandotherimagines · 3 years
So I’ve been thinking a lot about something lately and I just wanted to put it out there for anyone willing to put some thought into.
This post is regarding the “Hockey boys only date pretty blonde girls” comments.
I would like to warn this may get long, and is not meant to offend anyone nor is it meant to place any blame on anyone in particular. So if you want to hear the opinion of why I (a white, blonde hair blue eyed, female hockey fan) believe these comments are problematic see below the cut 🤷🏼‍♀️
WARNINGS: talks negative body image and unhealthy beauty standards.
So let’s start with the real issue here: the comments aren’t exactly false. It’s been instilled into the brains of young people for decades that these “model type” women are the definition of beauty and therefore if you can pull one you are successful in life. And although these women ARE incredibly beautiful and any man (or woman or anyone for that matter) who gets to marry/date them should feel very lucky; “beauty” does not equal success. Every person on this earth no matter their ethnicity, hair colour, eye colour, wealth status, or anything else; is beautiful and deserving of love. It’s plain and simple.
Now the real reason I wanted to make this post was for anyone, but specifically straight women, who have those “beautiful” characteristics. Blue eyes, thin figure, white skin, and blonde hair. Or variations of that.
This is not specific to hockey players, but just humanity in general. I’ve been told from the time I was 5 years old that because I am skinny, have blonde hair, a pale complexion, and blue eyes that I will have boys and men falling all over me forever.
You may be thinking “Wow, Jessie that sounds like a real confidence boost and you complaining about this and playing the victim here is terrible. So many women have it so much worse”, and you’re mostly right. I am incredibly privileged, and I try my best to remind myself of that every day. My intention is not to cry about having it worse, because I do not. My intention is to only show how telling girls, or anyone really, these things can be harmful even though you feel like it’s a compliment.
So to get back on track, I was told all guys should want me and that I will be fighting them off for my whole life. Well guess what, I am 21, I have not once in my life had a serious boyfriend, and I have never had to “fight them off”. In middle school, I convinced myself that the only plausible reason boys didn’t like me or find me appealing was because I was a lesbian. I later on learned that I was not a lesbian, and no matter how hard I tried to be I was still attracted to boys. (I’m bisexual)
So by the time I was 18, I learned that no, it’s not because I’m gay that boys aren’t interested. So what was it? I’m not blonde enough? Died my hair and that didn’t work. My acne? Worked on that, not perfect but still no one. Not thin enough? Tried to lose weight and become more fit, and BOOM! IT WORKED!!!
Except, it didn’t. Because I was so desperate for a man, any man, to pay attention to me, I allowed myself to get played. He was not interested because I was pretty, or blonde, or thin. He was interested because I was easy. Because I was broken. When I turned 19, I was heartbroken, and completely disgusted by myself, and yet I continued to be told “it doesn’t make sense, you’re too pretty.”
So if I am the “perfect” candidate, and still no guy is willing to even flirt with the idea of dating me, why am I still single? If it’s not my looks, it must be my personality right? I must be so boring. Maybe my laugh is obnoxious. Maybe I’m actually a really terrible person.
I spent the first half of my life worrying I didn’t “look” the part, and now I feel like the problem isn’t that I don’t look the part, it’s that I can’t play the part. Perhaps I’m unlovable. Maybe this sounds dramatic, and it probably is. I’m working on it, on myself. Trying to work on myself, and realizing that I don’t have to be anyone other than myself. I do know this though, if I’ve felt this way, I’m not the only one. So before you try “complimenting” someone by telling them you “can’t believe” they’re single, or “guys must be falling all over you”, think about what you’re implying. You can compliment people in many very nice ways, and I think we all should try to keep our assumptions and biases out of compliments. Stick to the facts. That shirt looks fantastic on you. You have really pretty eyes. I love your smile. You are so funny. Simple, and honest.
I don’t know if any of this makes sense, but if you take one thing from what I’ve written let it be this: beauty is not defined by how desirable you are to anyone. No matter your body shape or size, your ethnicity, your hair, your eyes or any other attribute; you are beautiful and worthy of love. Let’s lift each other up, it’s what we ALL deserve.
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finestoftheflavors · 3 years
You Can’t Label Yourself Without Defining the Labels 2
The question is bullshit. The real answer lies in how you interpret the labels. That’s the whole point: Eliciting your definition of “from“.
You know, like a shibboleth.
Good point! I really like this. Though, you still need two points of data to interpret the response, you need to know the material situation I’m describing and you also need to know how I prefer to label things.
I think you’re gesturing towards the idea that this is all about choosing sides. So my original question of ”where are you from” means this: Supposing that we all gather under city banners to beat the shit out of each other, which city’s banner are you going to report to? So, in one sense, this resolves my original issue by saying that no, there is no concrete factual matter that I’m being asked to identify when I’m asked where I’m from (i.e. it’s not about where I was born etc). But, in another sense, it means that there is a concrete factual matter, and that matter is my choice of what banner I’d fight under.
I’m going to switch from talking about “where are you from” because it’s not something I really care about, but also because (ironically) I think sexuality would actually be a simpler topic to discuss for this purpose. Let’s bring in the Kinsey scale, it gives us a situation with numbers we can talk about! Here’s the first result of an image search I just did for “Kinsey scale”:
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Let’s take a moment to observe that whoever produced this particular image chose to label only K3 as “bisexual”. I probably would’ve thought to label K2 through K4 as bi, but whatever. Anyway, if I ask you whether you’re bi or not, then it’s relevant where you draw the boundaries, yes? The size of your LGBT population depends on where you draw lines like this!
Let’s imagine four kinds of guy:
K1, identifies as straight
K2, identifies as straight
K1, identifies as bi
K2, identifies as bi
So, on the one hand, we could say that Guy2 is “gayer” than Guy3, right? Because he’s more attracted to dudes. But on the other hand, we could say Guy2 has chosen to see himself as a cishet normie whereas Guy3 has chosen to see himself as part of the LBGT community, and maybe that matters more than any fact of the matter of what turns you on?
Case study: The archetypical closeted-gay preacher. We all know this story. Evangelical preacher, family man, gives homophobic sermons, inexplicably gets caught looking to hook up with dudes. Is this dude “gay” or “straight”? What do you think? Me, naive dumbass that I am, I’d normally say that his behavior pretty clearly indicates that he is sexually attracted to men (evidence: he sought that out at great personal risk) and therefore he is by definition Not Straight. But the self-identification concept throws out arguments by definition and gives us a different answer: He says he’s Straight, so he’s Straight. That is the side on which he has chosen to fight, and that’s what matters.
Anyway, uh, I guess my point is that this would explain why nobody ever wants to clarify what they mean in any discussion, because what they’re really talking about is who’s on who’s side, and that part of what they’re saying is already clear?
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bxdcubes · 4 years
Hello, I hope you're doing well. I just have to say that I positively love your writing. By any chance could you write a Steter for “Who hurt you?”
thank you! I hope you’re doing great as well!
this is probably not how you might have expected the prompt to go, but i went for a hs au :D also, i stared at the doc until i got a word over 1k :D
warning for bullying and some biphobic behavior
Normally, Peter would meet up with Stiles in the parking lot after school, once both of them finished classes, practice, or detention. Though the latter they usually shared. 
And okay, usually Peter wouldn’t be caught dead riding around in a piece of junk car like Stiles’ Jeep, but they were friends and Peter had a weak spot for Stiles the size of the Great Canyon. 
Plus his parents took his car keys after the detention he got last week. Honestly, letting out all the frogs wasn’t even his idea, all he did was get caught because Stiles got caught on the lookout by Finstock. 
He did get an apology Reeses’ Pieces Peanutbutter Cup out of it and got to ride to and from school with Stiles so it all worked out in Peter’s favor in the end. So what if Talia teased him about his crush every day when Peter would smile at the sound of Stiles’ car approaching. Peter liked Stiles, they were friends, and Peter would manage to ask Stiles out before prom. 
He just wanted to make sure Stiles liked him that way first. 
So Peter could and would take advantage of the fact they spent an additional hour with each other every day this week.
Today though, Stiles’ lacrosse practice seemed to run late so by the time he finally emerged from the building, Peter came up with at least a dozen ways of asking Stiles out, all of them discarded once Peter noticed the blooming bruise on Stiles’ cheek. 
Peter was at his side in a second, though Stiles just continued walking to his car, ignoring Peter’s, “Stiles, what happened?” until they were both inside the Jeep.
He didn’t start the engine though, just sat in the driver’s seat looking pensively out the window, something clearly on his mind.
It took Peter leaning in and taking Stiles’ chin between his fingers, gently guiding him to turn his face so Peter could inspect the bruise, and asking “Who hurt you?” for Stiles to finally reply.
Stiles heaved a sigh, but met Peter’s gaze head-on, “Jackson.”
The answer took Peter by surprise because while it wasn’t any secret that Jackson and Stiles got on each other’s nerves routinely, Jackson wasn’t stupid enough to actually raise his hand at Stiles. Not only was Stiles a good fighter, but he also had Peter and Boyd to back him up. 
“We had a bit of a disagreement.”
Peter arched a brow at Stiles, not amused in the slightest by the dodgy reply, “Apparently.”
Stiles sighed again, looking resigned as he did, and nudged Peter’s hand away, gently forcing him to finally let Stiles’ face go. He wasn’t looking at Peter anymore. He hunched his shoulders a little as if preparing for a blow, which confused and worried Peter even more.
He had no clue what was happening and he vowed to himself that the revenge he’d enact on Jackson would be something the guy would remember for years.
“Over you.”
Peter’s heart did something strange at that because what.
Stiles worried at his lower lip before he continued, which was awfully distracting, but not distracting enough for Peter to miss what he said next, “Well, or rather my feelings towards you.” 
Peter probably looked ridiculous right then, eyes wide, and lips parted in shock, his heart thumping ridiculously fast because this is what he wanted for months, a confirmation that Stiles liked him the same way Peter liked Stiles. And he’d wrap his head around it in a second, but Stiles getting hurt over this took precedence. 
Especially since Peter thought that Jackson would be the last person to attack someone due to them preferring men. 
“But he’s friends with Danny.”
Stiles looked at Peter, his eyes searching for something, even as he replied, “Well, it looks like he doesn’t have any issues with anyone being gay, but bisexual people rub him up the wrong way. Guess he’s repressing some stuff. Danny is supposed to have a chat with him later. I don’t really care.”
“But I do,” Peter replied, a little huffily because Stiles should know that Peter would do a great many things for him. 
It was Stiles’ turn to give him a look, “That’s sweet, but he got out of it no worse than me.”
“Maybe, but it doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on him.” 
“What about me?” Stiles asked, avoiding Peter’s eyes again, focusing instead on brushing off nonexistent dirt from his jeans. 
“Hm?” Peter asked, confused by the turn the conversation took, still preoccupied with the mental image of maiming Jackson. 
“Are you going to let me down easy, too?” Stiles questioned, looking at Peter from beneath his lashes, his voice small, “Now that you know that I, you know, like you.”
“I don’t know,” Peter replied, feeling elated once again, Jackson forgotten. He couldn’t help teasing Stiles a little because that’s who he was, that’s what they did. But he paused only long enough to reach out for one of Stiles’ hands, lacing their fingers together, “How do you categorize asking you out on a date, is that me going easy on you?”
Stiles laughed, short and startled, but pleased, and shot back, “Well, it depends. What would you being hard on me entail?”
Peter pretended to think about it even as he let Stiles use their joined hands to tug him closer over the gear shift. “Going on at least a few more dates first.”
“Deal, now c’mon, kiss me better,” Stiles said, wiggling his eyebrows in exaggeration, which should not look as endearing as it did, considering the bruise on his cheek. 
Then again, Stiles looked perfect to Peter even during lunch, with greasy fingers and ketchup in the corner of his mouth. 
It just showed how gone Peter was on him already because all he could do was smile fondly, say, “You’re insufferable,” before kissing Stiles, the press of their lips soft, a little clumsy, first of many to come. 
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elecman108 · 3 years
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Man, I forgot to post 90% of my art here for the past while. I’m gonna do an art dump in this post under the cut. Enjoy the bonk emoji if you don’t click the read more, and man am I dumb and forgetful lmao.
Includes: OCs getting names, a Sonic impression, a D&D map, homosexual energies, a sheep floating in the astral sea, a birthday drawing I already posted, Hex Maniac Ender, D&D Characters, D&D Characters as Miis in Miitopia, Little Hater Axel, local Demon in the consciousness of my D&D character yelling at him, illegal plants, a necromancer being cute, an actual event that happened in a D&D game two days ago, and Mermay drawing.
That’s everything in here as a TL;DR, I guess. Enjoy your day!
I’m gonna try and sort of have them in chronological order, oldest first, but I may end up putting them in the wrong order. If I do... Whoops, I guess?
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[04/14/21] - This isn’t really new art, but I started to work on giving the four OCs of mine without a full name full names... I have not finished this bit, though. So Hunter and Akira have full names, and Warlock and Assassin only have temporary names. This may end up like Seven where I put in their names as a temporary name (7th OC I’d made at that time) and it just kind of... sticks. Lmao.
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[04/20/21] - Alone on a Friday Night? God, you’re pathetic. I didn’t colour this one because it was a half-attempt at a meme image I still like it, though, so I might end up colouring it. It’s gonna appear again whenever I do my “unfinished drawings art dump” at some point probably in... June? I know I said I’d post them last month but forget it, lmao, it’ll happen eventually.
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[04/20/21] - A D&D Map! This was to help me visualize the layout of my D&D character’s ship he used to be on. Also for my DM if they ever put us aboard the ship. The little fella in the corner is just there to vibe. This map is made of free to use assets from This Website, so while I’m gonna say DONT USE MY MAP WITHOUT PERMISSION, feel free to make your own!
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[04/26/21] - Lesbian Day of Visibility drawing of yours truly, the disapointment! That’s... really all I have to say about this, honestly. It was just for that one day and that was it, lmao. I mean, I accidentally lined it in dark pink, so.. .That’s different, I guess?
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[04/30/21] - Do Astral Seas dream of Ensorcled Sheep? Does the City know what Sheepleb is going to do? What crimes he may commit? Who knows! This was fan art of Critical Role ep. 134 if I remember correctly, right at the end when they jumped into the portal into the astral sea and Caleb was a sheep. Using my knowledge of the German language, I knew the word for “shit”, and had to use it.
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[05/07/21] - This was already posted, but it’s going in here to dilinuate that it was drawn at this point. Also, aside from playing Miitopia, this is all I have to show for myself until the 12th.
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[05/12/21] - Hex Maniac Ender challenges you to a Pokemon Battle! WIll you win against my team? My sis, who loves fairy types, pointed out to me that there’s a fairy girl and hex maniac duo, so I’d be the hex maniac. I spent... Over a week drawing this, because I basically had to redraw the Hex Maniac art from scratch in a higher quality size, and then draw myself over it. So... You can excuse the low-effort background for once. It was basically this, and then my birthday doodle from May 1st to May 12th, and then I took a break to draw up several D&D characters quickly for fullbody references.
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[05/12/21] - Remember this art I made several months ago? I finally added my other two completed characters! I have three more named but without character sheet D&D characters, so for now this is just Kara, Axel, Golden Shadow, Kau, Cecillia, and Miri. Kress, Tempest, and Melia will have to wait until I make character sheets for them to be posted, and... For when I probably make more D&D characters. I have at least 9 additional, incomplete character ideas floating around, so... I’m never gonna be done this art, huh?
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[05/12/21] - Speaking of D&D characters, did you know I’ve been making them as Miis in Miitopia? So here is their finished full body art next to their Miitopia self! Some of them look a little off (Golden Shadow, Cecillia) because of limitations of the editor and shading issues, some of them look a little off (Kau, Kress) because this is a human face canvas that I’m using to make a non-human face, and some of them (Melia, Axel) look REALLY GOOD. Common traits among my D&D characters include green eyes and tall. You wanna know why? Because I am tall and... despite having red eyes, I do have green eyes under the coloured contacts.
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[05/15/21] - More D&D stuff! This is based around my D&D group’s current Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign where our Goliath Fighter, Nioh, ends up getting a little bit of hate for being cocky, and our little (well over 6′) hater, Axel, is just a man full of irritation. These are the tallest two characters of the group at the moment. Someone send help. Nioh belongs to one of the other D&D players, Axel (and his stupid additude) belongs to me.
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[05/15/21] - This is what me playing D&D feels like. Me, the demon entity trapped inside the head of my D&D character, yelling at them to do things while the dice decide that they’re gonna get bopped a hundred times by a yeti and somehow still survive. This is also a reference to our first or second game where I just ran off like sixty feet to one side of the battle map to fight a Crag Cat and was just in Gay Baby Jail until like two turns later when I could run back to the others. I also drew him not in his winter gear even though this is a bit from when we were atop Kelvin’s Carin in an icy cave, so maybe that’s why he’s at low HP.
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[05/15/21] - Melia has good gardening tips, such as Use A Mars Mii Trap To Hide A Body Because They Are Endangered And It Is Illegal To Dig Them Up. I love her a lot, because she’s the youngest of four, all four sisters based around the different seasons. She’s based around Autumn, so she’s all orange and yellow and brown and is so cute. Also she’s Chaotic Neutral, as if she didn’t need to be mildly more threatening.
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[05/15/21] - Cecillia is my Tiefling gal who lived in a very northern town plagued by cold weather and snow, and Axel is my Pirate guy who spent most of his time further south on the high seas and warmer weather. So, naturally... I’ll use the guy more acclimatized to the hotter weather in the campaign where we spend 99% of it in the snow. She uses Tarot Cards as her spell focus, and I decided to sneak my other D&D characters onto her Tarot cards so naturally, Axel is The Hanged Man, given his backstory and personality. She’s a very cheerful and friendly Tiefling Necromancer of the Hexblade, so she’d for sure take care of those around her to ensure their success. Especially if they’re on her Tarot Cards, and their spirit comes to her aid when she asks for them.
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[05/16/21] - Content Warning; Ryma thinks too much into local stupid moron’s lack of knowing how to answer a question and thinks too much into the reputation of Pirates. Poor Axel, man doesn’t know how to socialize with people who aren’t pirates and is used to being hostile towards everyone, so when he’s asked a question that his answer to is “uhh... no?”, he panics and ends up making a mistake that leads him to think that Ryma can read his mind. Ryma belongs to another of the D&D players. I guess me drawing all those spicy Cow Costumed OCs earlier just brought me to drawing Axel being a bottom in this, huh?
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[05/16/21] - It’s Mermay, which means more OC drawings! Here’s Theo after drinking some potion that turned him into a mermaid, and Seven, tiredly, collecting his stupid boyfriend so that Lailah can fix the fact he’s turned into a mermaid. Mer!Theo is based around his sword’s colours of indigo-purple with red accents, which looks a little weird since Theo is the Blue one of the group, but... it looks cool, I guess. Seven’s just the same outfit as always, just no gloves this time.
And that’s it for the art dump! This was, frankly, MASSIVE. I’ll try and remember to upload both on Twitter and Tumblr at the same time, but... Ah... I have been drawing a fair bit. Just mostly sketches and linework that I haven’t finished and may not actually finish. If they’re not completed, I’ll dump them all into something at the end of the month or whatever. Maybe you’ll get the old sketch of the Axel face in panel 3 because in the sketch phase it was an Ahegao face, in the clean sketch it was a lip bite, and in the linework and final it’s just horny face. lmao.
Top ten things I have to remember for drawing: AXEL HAS A SCAR AND GREEN EYES. I remember his eye colour now, but if you look at his fullbody ref, he’s got brown eyes. And, naturally, I keep forgetting to put in his scar. He has more, but most of them are located in areas covered by his clothes. So if I ever draw him shirtless I guess I’ll have to place them somewhere.
Also maybe finish the reference sheets I have left to finish so I can post more of them, since I have two “Pets” completed (Roko and Mona’s nameless pet), but I have to do up Hunter, Warlock, Assassin, Akira, Myuut, and Stella. I’m betting when I do complete two more, it’ll be Hunter and Akira. Those two are the most fun to draw, at least.
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Is there any fluffy Nando and Quinn(quindo??) facts that you could provide because I'm extremely gay and I haven't been able to stop thinking about them for the last few days
Oh, anon, you’ve just unlocked such a category of information. Thank you for enabling me. Yes. Let’s talk. I will give you all the Quindo information your heart desires.
- First, let me take you through a little explanation of what happens between this fic and the next one I’m going to write. Slight spoilers, but I’m going to skip just a little time and go ahead to when they become official. I won’t share how or in what context that happens; just know that that fic is on its way.
- In the period between those two things, here’s what goes down: they text a good bunch, grab a few meals together, hold hands like soft gay dweebs, and have this one cuddle session in Quinn’s dorm room where they watch a movie but then end up talking for, like, an hour after the fact. This spans approximately a week and a half.
- Then they make it official, even though they’ve in effect been together for like two weeks already. (They’re useless and gay, okay? Plus, there’s something else rather important that hasn’t happened yet.)
- Okay, so after that. Once they’re boyfriends for real. (Under the cut!)
- One of the most obvious things you may have already noticed from the fics I’ve written with them is the fact that they have a seriously significant size difference. Nando is like 6’3, chunky and stocky, and Quinn is maybe 5’6 on a good day, stick-thin without an ounce of buff on him. Each of them is very satisfied with the size difference between himself and his partner. Nando loves being able to essentially manhandle him, in every soft way possible, including lifting him clean off his feet, which he will do frequently and without hesitation.
- I mean, like. He can throw him over his shoulder. He can do the bridal carry thing. I think his favorite is probably the legs around the waist facing each other hold. As you can tell, I’ve thought about this.
- Quinn’s resolve is a little bit stronger than Nando’s, but there is absolutely no part of him that isn’t 100% into having this huge soft jock boy who constantly towers over him/snuggles him/smothers him in hugs. Nando’s lap? Free real estate. And by the way, so are his sweatshirts. In particular, his official SMH sweatshirt with his name and jersey number on the sleeve. And also the one he’s wearing in this art.
- When Quinn wears one of his sweatshirts, it literally goes halfway down his thighs. And he gets sweater paws. This causes Nando’s brain to short-circuit every time.
- These boys are so so snuggly. Their favorite way to spend an evening is just curled up in Quinn’s bed in his room, maybe watching something or maybe just sitting there. They talk sometimes, but other times are quiet; Quinn will turn off his hearing aids and they don’t need to talk to be comfortable. Sometimes this leads to falling asleep. Quinn lays on his chest like a human weighted blanket. It’s the best.
- By the way, and this is very soft, Nando is a big boy— he has quite a bit of chub— and Quinn loves it. I dare not utter N*te’s name in a post about Quinn and Nando, but Nando has struggled all his life with self-esteem issues related to body image, because he’s been picked on both in and out of hockey for being a little chunky. He doesn’t disclose this directly to Quinn right away, and kind of worries that Quinn is going to dislike it and maybe not want him as much because of it, but Quinn will literally just rest his head on his belly or give it kisses or just put his hands there, et cetera, and it’s just as soft and loving as you can imagine. Why am I crying?
- Anyway. Not to sound like Rhodey, but Nando is whipped as fuck. In this Quinn facts post, I point out that Quinn… can be a little bit of a pain in the ass. He’s bossy and kind of prissy, not even for any particular reason but just in the way of liking things a certain way and always wanting to plan things out. Dare I say he wears the pants in the relationship? Nando is just along for the ride, and totally absolutely hooked on this boy.
- The most notable way I can think to explain Quinn’s pain-in-the-assery to you is like this: sometimes, if Nando chirps him, or gets particularly mushy in public, or does something really frat-ish and gross, or sets him off for another reason, Quinn will swat him and go, “Sebastián!!!!”
- Now, here’s what you need to understand. This becomes a meme. Rhodey is the one who turns it into a meme. He witnesses it happening several times, and then he starts to say it when Quinn isn’t around and Nando does something that would warrant that kind of outburst should he be around. So it’s like this:
(Breakfast table.)
Nando: (Finishes his chocolate milk and burps.)
Rhodey: (In his very best Quinn voice.) sEbAsTIáN!!!!!!!!!!
Touille: (Falls off his chair laughing.)
Nando: (Stares daggers at Rhodey.) I’ll kill you.
- The thing is that the entire team catches on. It’s one of the many parts of the saga of Making Fun Of Nando Because He Is Whipped As Hell.
- It’s not his fault. He’s soft.
- They go to each other’s stuff all the time— Quinn at games, Nando at shows. More on that later.
I can provide Quindo facts as long as you guys keep asking for them. I’ll stop here for now, to save some stuff for future dates. Watch for the next fics in the ongoing series! And thank you very much, anon, for asking.
Ask me anything about the crickets (& company)!
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blog-sliverofjade · 4 years
Hearth Fires 10: The Meaning of Pack
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Pairing: Remi Denier x OFC
Summary:  Lorel Maddox just wants to live as a human, run her bakery in peace, and forget. Unfortunately, the alpha of the local leopard pack has very different ideas.
Remi Denier doesn’t know what to make of the female Changeling who wants nothing to do with him or the RainFire pack. He does know that he has a driving need to protect her. Even if it’s from herself.
While they’re embroiled in a battle of wills, there’s a war brewing on the horizon. The outside threat could not only destroy everything they hold dear, but tear apart the fragile new bonds of the Trinity Accord, plunging the world into bloodshed to rival the Territorial Wars of centuries past.
Word count: 3318
Content warning:  Contains racial assault on an interracial (human and changeling) gay couple. Singh doesn't mention homophobia iirc in the series, so I left that possible element out because I felt that I couldn't include both adequately. I wrote Stian as submissive because I'd like to see more of them- and a dominant would've pounded the humans into paste- not because he's gay.
Hearth Fires Masterlist
Beta read by the transcendent pandabearer
      “Lo’el!”  A cheerful cry pulled her from daydreams of apples crisp, tart, and bright green baked into galettes and strudels.  She turned from the pie display she was re-stocking in time to catch a tiny whirlwind in her arms.
      “Hi, Jojo.”  The girl’s deep brown skin was flushed with excitement.  Her black hair was pulled back on either side of her head, French braids running along the top, and terminated in two high bobbly buns that looked somewhat like ears.  Operating on deep-seated instincts, she hitched the girl on her hip. The warm weight of her little body tucked against her own felt right in a way she’d never experienced before and she allowed herself to take comfort in the sensation.  “What’re you doing down here?” she asked.
      The small downtown park was bustling with shoppers looking for fall produce, pumpkins, or in the case of the highly organized, holiday gifts.  It seemed like the whole town came out to enjoy one of the last open-air markets of the season before moving to a smaller indoor version for the winter.
      “Pun’kins!”  She flung her arms in the air like gourds were the best thing ever and Lorel quickly put a hand on her back to help steady the girl, but she needn’t have worried.  Jojo was a cat and had the requisite balance.
      “Are you here to get pumpkins or were you hoping I’d giving you something that looks like a pumpkin?”  As she talked, she turned to check on her newest employee, Irena, who was already competently handling the steady stream of customers.  Her predecessor, a cousin of the blonde Madison, had quit after the Incident, as Lorel was calling it, in solidarity with her relative.  Crows weren’t considered birds of prey and therefore exempt from the rules regarding predators sharing territory.
      Jojo’s eyes slid to the sugar cookies cut in the distinctive shape and decorated accordingly.  Long, angelic lashes batted beatifically up at her and she had to fight a smile even as her heart melted in the face of such cuteness.
      “Careful, if you feed them they’ll never go away.”  Angel, the unbelievably handsome man from RainFire, strolled up in Jojo’s wake.  A boy not much older than Jojo orbited him, looking like a miniature version of the man in matching jeans and a red flannel shirt.  He even had tiny coordinating work boots. The combination of gorgeous man and darling munchkin was too much for one poor bystander.  Lorel winced in sympathy when the other woman walked into a pole.
      Taking the teasing warning as permission, she gave cookies to all three of them, received unprompted thank yous, and she happily participated in the routine exchange, knowing that consistency was important for cubs.  It took her a second to correct her mental wording to the more appropriate “kids.” Hanging out with changelings was giving her bad habits.
      “No cookie for you?”  An adorable frown from Jojo.  Lorel’s poor heart couldn’t take it, she cast about for some excuse that wouldn’t plant the seeds of body image issues in a young psyche.
      “I don’t want to spoil my lunch.”  That appeared to mollify Jojo, finally taking a bite of the treat, and she jumped out of her arms.  Lorel’s heart stopped for a moment. The organ stuttered back to life when the girl landed easily and lightly on her trademark purple boots.  She and her friend wandered to investigate the blown glass suncatchers at the booth a few feet over; Angel turned to keep them in sight, his stance relaxed, but she had no doubt that he’d turn lethal in an eyeblink at the sign of any danger.
      “Did you come down for the market?” asked Lorel when she could properly breathe again.
      “The pack has a booth.”  Angel nodded his head towards what she assumed was its general location.  “Jojo had to come say hi to you, probably because she’s figured she can scam you out of cookies.”  He shot her a smile that would have made any other woman swoon, but Lorel liked her men a little rougher, less pretty and more rugged.
      “I’ll have to be careful in case she tells all her friends and they decide to gang up on me for the mother lode,” she laughed.  The ocelot, which was sedate to the point of laziness for once, laughed at the idea of being swarmed by cubs nearly as big as it was, and they’d probably love it, too.  “What do ya’ll sell?”
      “Pumpkins, mushrooms, leafy green stuff, things people have made.  You focus on local vendors?” She followed his gaze to the sign on the table that proclaimed as much.  “If you’re looking for a supplier, we have berries, too: blue, black, elder, currants... I’m sure we could cut you a deal.”
      Damn cats were worming their way into her life.
      The boy wandered back and tugged on Angel’s pant leg, who crouched to hear what he had to say.  A man across the way stared at what must have been an exquisite derriere because he spilled the sample of apple cider he was pouring for a potential customer.
      “Can we go play in the water?”  The boy twisted his body back and forth the way that kids do when they need to lay the cute on thick to get what they want.
      “I suppose it’s the quickest way to clean you cookie monsters up.  Or I could just toss you in the river.” Using his thumb, he wiped an orange crumb off the boy’s chin, who giggled at the teasing
      “Can Lo’el come, too?” asked Jojo.
      “Oh honey, I have to stay here and help Irena,” she began, gesturing at the crow who was refilling a sample plate
      Twin pairs of innocent eyes stared up at her in appeal.  Seriously, they should be considered deadly weapons and she was looking down a double barrel.  Looking to Angel for help did no good, he just tucked his hands under his armpits and shook his head with a grin.  It looked like she was on her own.
      “And who are these cuties?”  Having come over at the sound of her name, Irena eyed the trio of cats, stopping on Angel and then coming back for seconds.  Apparently, she preferred her men pretty.
      “Irena, meet troublemakers one, two, and three.  Known aliases are Jojo, Angel, and peeshwank,” Lorel pointed at each of them in turn.  She didn’t know the boy’s name, but she’d overheard Remi call him that the other night.  Sometimes having acute hearing was actually useful.
      “I’m Darin!  Only Remi calls me peeshwank,” he giggled and revealed a missing front tooth.
      “They’re trying to get me to play hooky.”  Hands on her hips, she mock scowled. None of them appeared the least bit fazed.  If anything, the kids turned the charm factor up a notch, something she wouldn’t have thought possible.
      “Go play with the cublets, I’ll be fine here.  Like you said, the breakfast crowd’s already come through so I won’t have to beat off the ravening hordes,” the traitor smiled reassuringly and made shooing motions with both hands, then leaned in close to whisper, “As long as you get me his phone number.”  The slender brunette pulled away with a wink.
      Lorel sighed in feigned resignation and held out her hands like she was about to be handcuffed.  Two soft, little hands took each of hers and dragged her into the throng of shoppers, Angel close on her heels.
      “Don’t worry, I won’t give her anything without your say so,” she said to him over her shoulder.  Bumping into someone, she had to return her attention to where she was going.
      “Thank you,” came the quiet response.
      Where the kids’ smaller size allowed them to dodge easily, she was pulled into obstacles, but she didn’t let go for fear of losing them.  The thought that they might get lost or hurt had her tightening her grip and bracing herself against the jostling.
      While she was just over five feet tall, she was far from slender and never would be, to her grandmother’s chagrin.  She was acutely conscious of her ample hips knocking into people and she did her best to make herself as small as possible.  Each bump, no matter how brief, had her ocelot snarling in irritation and it took all of her concentration to remain in control.  The crowd pressed in around her until all she could see was Darin and Jojo in front of her. Her palms grew clammy, but the kids didn’t seem to mind.  A dull roar filled her ears, allowing only the loudest sounds through, and those were sharp and intense. Throat tightening, she fought for each breath.
      The ocelot pressed hard against its cage, sandwiching her between it and the pressure of the crowd.  How she managed to arrive at the splash pad, even though it was only fifty meters away, without going clawed, she had no idea.  More than anything, she was glad that her tiny guides didn’t have so much as a scratch on them. Angel probably would have torn her to pieces for harming them.  And she’d let him.
      The kids stripped down to swimsuits underneath their clothing.  Darin was so eager he forgot to unbutton his flannel shirt and ended up stuck with it around his nose.
      “Help!” he pleaded, turning to Lorel, his arms above his head and his face obscured by red-plaid.
      Moving automatically despite the strange sensation of not feeling fully present in her body, she crouched and carefully helped free the boy.  Once released, he beamed and wrapped his soft arms around her neck. She froze with one hand tentatively curving around his back. A wet kiss against her cheek and he was off to run through the water spraying from colourful flowers sculpted from metal.  Some of his packmates were already there and greeted him with shrieks of welcome, their happiness no longer piercing to her senses.
      A large, warm hand settled on her shoulder.  It felt strange and soothing all at once and she couldn’t bring herself to shrug it off.  Angel helped her to her feet and opened his arms wide in an offer of a hug.
      The leopards were so relaxed and comfortable with one another, sharing platonic hugs and kisses, casually holding hands.  It hurt to look at them like they were a blazing fire and she was stuck out in the cold darkness, looking in. And now one was extending that comfort to her.
      Although she wasn’t raised to accept casual physical contact, even platonically, from men, she stepped into his arms.  It was like a long, cool drink of water after working for hours in the hot sun without a break. The sudden absence of a deep-seated pain she’d learned to deal with long ago made her nearly sag in relief.
      This had nothing to do sex.  She didn’t feel any attraction either to or from him, yet she needed the chaste affection and she soaked it up as long as he would allow her.
       “We aren’t meant to be alone.  Sure, some of us are more solitary than others, but we’re not meant to be cut off from our kind entirely.  I can’t think of a worse life for a changeling.” He rubbed large circles on her back and she fought back a purr.
      “Maybe it’s a nature vs. nurture thing.  If you’re raised in a pack, of course you wouldn’t do well on your own.”  Even she didn’t believe her own words.
      “And how do you know you won’t be better off in a pack?”
      A knot of packmates moved out of Remi’s way as he burst into the emergency room.  The triage nurse took one look, recognized him, and hit the button that unlocked the security door that led into the depths of the department.  The door shut behind him with a metallic click as he strode down the sterile, off-white hallway to where Theo stood guard outside of a cubicle.
      A lean blonde man lay on a narrow bed, his normally bronzed skin was ashen and spattered with carmine.  Catching sight of Remi in the doorway, he gave a crooked smile around a split in his lip and raised his hand in greeting.
      “What the fuck happened?” Remi growled at the sentinel.  The bad-tempered demand earned him a sharp look of reproach from Finn as he worked on the injured male in the treatment room; the wounded non-dominant didn’t need any more stress, least of all from his fucking alpha.
      It seemed like his vocal chords were stuck in a semi-shift for the past two weeks and everything came out a snarl.  That was part of the reason why he’d been running along the eastern border, channelling excess energy and inspecting the new security precautions, instead of sleeping.  
      Taking a deep, calming breath, he forced his voice into a more normal register.  “What happened?” There, that sounded a little less like he was about to go on a murderous rampage.
      “Stian and Leandro were leaving Acapella when they got jumped.”  The lounge was popular with most segments of the population, even the psy who were exploring life outside of the emotionless discipline of Silence.  While the telepathic race couldn’t drink since alcohol wreaked havoc on their abilities, Acapella was known for their extensive mocktail menu. The trendy venue was hardly known for drunken brawls.  As far as Remi knew, the most violent incident that had occurred there was a spat two years before between a couple of drag queens over stealing someone’s routine.
      “There were four or five human guys.”  All RainFire members were trained in at least basic hand-to-hand combat.  Five human men shouldn’t have been able to take a leopard, even a non-dominant.  And Leandro, while human and untrained, was bigger than Stian.
      “First one jumped out of the alley and hit him in the face with a baseball bat, breaking his nose.  The wind was blowing the wrong way for him to catch a scent.” Claws pricked at Remi’s fingertips, the urge to hunt boiling to the surface.  
      “This was planned.”  That time he didn’t bother to keep the cat out of his voice.  “A group of drunks looking for a fight don’t use tactics designed to circumvent our sense of smell.”
      “And they weren’t playing baseball at one in the morning, either,” agreed Theo.  The man who was gentle with their most vulnerable and loved to play with the cubs was gone; only the lethal predator remained.  A passing nurse started to admire him until they caught the dangerous aura he emanated, then quickly scuttled past even though his eyes hadn’t even flashed cat.  The hindbrain of every creature knew how to recognize a predator no matter what skin they wore. “They took him down while he was stunned. One kicked him, possibly with steel-toes, while the other used the bat, and the rest went after Leandro.”
      “Leandro, he ok?”  The human male wasn’t one of his, but he was important to Stian.  Finn did something that eased the grimace on Stian’s wan face and Remi’s urge to kill something eased down a tick.
      “A little beat up, but he’s ok.”  Theo blew out a breath and scrubbed an eyebrow with a thumbnail, then his quiet bass dropped to barely a whisper too quiet for Stian to hear.  “You know his family wasn’t thrilled he was dating a changeling? This was too much on top of that, apparently.”
      Remi turned the air blue.  “Any witnesses?”
      “No descriptions, either,” Theo shook his head.  “Dark, non-descriptive clothing and hoodies obscured their faces on CCTV footage.”
      More cursing.
      “Thanks.”  He clapped the sentinel on the shoulder.  “We’ll talk later, this shit ain’t your fault.  Go, be with the others before they storm the place for an update.”
      “It’s not your fault either.”  He fixed Remi with a firm look and then strode down the hallway, pressed the button that released the door for those exiting, and went to give an update to the waiting packmates.
      Maybe not, but he could’ve at least fucking been there when Enforcement was getting his statement instead of brooding in the woods in the middle of the night like a fucking wolf.  Next thing he knew, he’d be howling at the goddamn moon.
      Cell reception could be spotty in the mountains, texts were the best method of communication once he was within range.  Theo’s message had come in when he was on his way back, which meant Remi made it to the hospital soon after Stian’s statement had been taken.  The distance, the adrenaline, and the fact that there wasn’t a bloodbond between the two of them combined meant Remi hadn’t felt the assault. Although he definitely felt it when Finn pulled energy from him to heal the worst of Stian’s wounds.
      An alpha was supposed to be there for everyone in his pack.
      Comforting others didn’t come easily to him; it was difficult to give something he didn’t have much experience receiving.  With the cubs it was easy since they were easy to love and care for, the same way he’d been loved and petted when his mother was still alive.  Steeling himself, Remi rapped on the door frame of the cubicle as he entered.
      “How ya feeling?” he placed a hand on Stian’s shoulder, grounding him with the touch of pack, of his alpha, while Finn continued stitching up a cut on the other man’s side.
      “Like hell.”  A faint smile that didn’t disturb the deep purpling bruises that mottled his face.
      “You look like it.”  Yeah, it was definite: when it came to compassion, he definitely was the worst.  “But you’ll be back to your pretty surfer boy looks in no time.”
      Snorting, Stian scratched at his close-trimmed beard where a patch of dried blood stained the blonde hair rust red.  Pale, almost colourless, eyes dropped to the blanket tucked around him.
      “I’m sorry about Leandro.”
      “Yeah, well, other fish in the sea,” he shrugged, then winced when his body protested the movement.  “I can’t really blame him, the garbage they were spewing…” He shook his head. “Those assholes called him an ‘animal fucker’ and ‘race traitor’ like it’s 1982 and not 2082!  But I can blame him for breaking up with me in a text message.”
      Remi placed his other hand over the male’s, which was fisted in the blanket; small nicks, scrapes, and more bruises from defending himself marked his lightly tanned skin.
      “I can’t even tell you what they looked or smelled like.  I’m s-sorry.” Big fat tears that he’d been holding back spilled over to roll down his face and soak into his beard. The salt in his split lip had to hurt like a sonuvabitch, yet he didn’t wince.  “T-they were wearing d-dark hoodies.”
      “Hey, look at me.”  Keeping his tone gentle, Remi moved his hand from Stian’s shoulder to the side of his neck.  Those icy blue eyes filled with anguish turned to him. “They used tactics to avoid identification, they were prepared.  You survived, that’s all you had to do.”
      “I c-couldn’t protect him.”
      “That bastard didn’t deserve it anyway.”  A laugh that was part sob. “At least, tell me they messed up his face, too.  Lark’s coming to keep you company. I told Angel to stay home, having him around right now would be adding insult to injury.”  More shaky laughter in nervous relief.
      “Whatever you need, you ask for it, ya hear me?”  Remi clasped Stian in a careful hug and wondered how he was going to hunt down the fuckers who’d done this.  He fucking hated feeling helpless, especially when one of his people were hurt, but he could do nothing less because otherwise that meant he couldn’t protect his own.
      And an alpha who couldn’t protect was no alpha at all.
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ateanalenn · 4 years
The Untamed / MDZS, resources post, stuff I needed as a writer
ORIGINAL POST AT DREAMWIDTH! (and updates will be there too and maybe on tumblr, if I remember)
(this is a copy paste, the formatting might not survive)
(also available on AO3)
The Untamed / MDZS, resources post, stuff I needed as a writerApr. 11th, 2020 05:46 pm ateanalennFinding info for this show / how to write about / pitfalls to avoid was a pain :( I guess that's part of having fandom on Tumblr. Since Tumblr's search function only works by selling a kidney and sacrificing a goat, I had to rely on Google. Which, not great. Anyway, useful stuff I found to understand this fandom: • MDZS on Dreamwidth: theuntamed_mdzs (active) mxtx (community focused on all the works by the author Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. Not active, but it's there) theyilingweisect (community sharing fics, meta, discussions. Not active either since jan 2020) • MDZS aka Mo Dao Zu Shi (book) aka Grandmaster of Demobnic Cultivation / The Untamed (drama) (there's also an audio drama, a manhua, a donghua, ...) - the novel's en glish fan translation at Exiled Rebels (complete ) As far as I know, this is the most popular translation, though I would like to know if anyone has another translation that they think fit best. - the drama is streaming on Netflix, Viki, WeTV & Youtube. From what I heard around, Netflix and Youtube are the most accessible, obviously, but Viki has the best subtitles (and a whole lot of annoying pubs though). I think that I heard somewhere that there are fan subtitles made, will update if I find the link again). • About names: • The Untamed: A Primer Basically an overview of what is this drama, a few spoilers (but under arrows to open so less risks to see something you didn't want to see). Useful list of titles for the main charas! (ex: Wei Wuxian:    Young Master Wei    Wei Ying (use of this name denotes “I feel affection for you”)    The Yiling Patriarch (use of this name denotes “I think you are evil”)    A-Xian / Xianxian (use of this name denotes “I am your loving older sister, have some soup”)    Lan Wangji:    Second Young Master Lan    Lan Zhan (use of this name denotes “I feel affection for you”)    Hanguang Jun (use of this name denotes “I respect you, and you are also famously very beautiful”)    Wangji (use of this name denotes “I am your older brother and I wish you’d make a friend”) ) • Another primer tumblr by sonickitty with a few where-do-I-find links • Alexandra Rowland explains What Is The Untamed twitter (with pics) • How Ancient Chinese Names Work - Learn from The Untamed Detailed explanation of what's going on with the names (aka Lan Wangji, Lan Zhan, Hanguang-jun) • Dramatis Personae for Modao Zushi the book dw (another detailed who's who/names list) • Names again, Chinese/Mandarin conventions twitter (aka ex the accents aren't necessary, they're there for pronunciation and some explanation of who would use full name/shortened name) • Infographic: birth name vs courtesy name vs title vs respectful address  twitter • Quick table / honorifics guide tumblr by cleyra • Mo Dao Zu Shi | 魔道祖师 The various adaptions tumblr by gravitydefyingtears • A list of MDZS FanFic Common Misleading tumblr by kazeki • A conversation about linguistic register, Lan Wangji, and I guess Wei Wuxian can come too tumblr (pretty important text to understand how lwj speaks) • Writing Lan Wangji's speech patterns (aka say the most in the least words) and the follow up Lan Wangji moving into the lowest, most vernacular linguistic register to try and get through to Wei Wuxian tumblr by hunxi-huilai • Using "You/I" vs "Title-as-you" tumblr by hunxi-guilai • Sword names tumblr by hunxi-guilai • Honorifics: jun vs zun tumblr by hunxi-guilai • THE spreadsheet: Mo Dao Zu Shi Character Name Chart, recced by flamebyrd (of who uses what for whom) • Misc Info: • 59 slides of awesomeness by chatcolat. Who's who, plot summary, humor. Beware, so full of spoilers you'll cry if you want to keep some mystery, but! concise recap of what happens in the show to keep the timeline in mind. • Everything about those cultivation sects in ‘The Untamed’ Quick who's who of the various sects (Gusu Lan, Lanling Jin, Yunmeng Jiang, Qishan Wen, Qinghe Nie. Protip: first word is basically the location, second is the sect/clan name). • Reference for Modao Zushi Writers: Chinese terms ao3. "This is to provide a reference for writers who are unfamiliar with Chinese literary conventions or terms used in canon." • Resource list dw: Libitina's twitter links for Meta, Linguistics, Costumes, Food, Edits, Art. • Actual drama title vs English drama title twitter • How "Mo Dao Zu Shi" became "Chen Qing Ling" became "The Untamed" tumblr by hunxi-guilai • Very necessary meta about why the novel/extras seems to have so many sex consent issues and how translating to English potentially gives a very different overall feel to the scene (ex: ExR = "you're too much, you're way too much" becomes chiaki_himura's "you're good, you're too good", becomes bigbadredpanda's "you're amazing, you're the best"). Also, Chinese language enables to shorten sentences which makes stuff implied, 's your job to see context clues.) • hunxi guilai's master list of various detailed topics re-Chinese language/customs tumblr • "Wangxian" is such a clever portemanteau tumblr by untamedconnotations • Song Lan didn’t just say that Xiao Xingchen was “nice-looking,” he basically said that Xiao Xingchen was smokin’ hot except like, in two characters and blanketed with literary respectability. tumblr by hunxi-guilai (this is only relevant because xxc IS the most beautiful person, really and needs to be protected at all cost) • The Unclean Realm isn't "unclean" has in dirty/bad, it's most probably to show the difference of way of cultivating vs the other sects tumblr by hunxi-guilai • WuJi, the love song's fan translation tumblr by iarrod • Timeline: • 59 slides of awesomeness by chatcolat. Who's who, plot summary, humor. Beware, so full of spoilers you'll cry if you want to keep some mystery, but! concise recap of what happens in the show to keep the timeline in mind. • A google spreadsheet, via mihanada's GoDC timeline wip (Year/Event/Notes/Ages/...)     • MDZS Timeline, that meta AO3 post on speed by TheWickling. Useful if you want all the details, a bit difficult to navigate/understand when you just landed in the fandom. Still very useful. • And the sequel: On Character's Ages  ao3 "A collection of meta on the possible ages for different  characters in MDZS and what ages they would be during key events in the  timeline." • Modao Zushi, birthdates/timeline dw Dirthdates starting with 0 = wwx's birth year. Succinct & useful. • Maps • Fan made mdzs / untamed worldmap twitter • Places of The Untamed - Where They Are in The Real World • IRL sect locations reddit • Google Map of clan locations in Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation tumblr • Lotus Pier really is one of the most underrated but beautiful places. twitter • Gifsets and images: - Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed drama character guide! deviantart picture = name, who's who in pics. - The Untamed sect sigils - In Which LWJ Gives Not A Single Shit, A Thread #LanWangji #WangXian #cql #TheUntamed SPOILERS for most of the show twitter - The various stages of hairstyles + accessories twitter - SongXiao are in love, got married, are living happily ever after,(FITE ME) twitter by shenweiss - Realizing that wwx is wearing lwj's silk undershirt and the follow up: Qiren's face when he notices xD twitter - gingersnapwolves's Untamed tumblr tag - thewickling's mdzs tumblr tag - hunxi-guilai's cql tumblr tag - compilation of wangxian just being gay and making everyone feel like a third wheel twitter by weiwxngji - wwx swoons a lot and he's gorgeous twitter - Alexandra Rowland explains What Is The Untamed twitter (with pics) - grinding ink requires great patience, often represents that one is willing to wait for another’s feelings twitter - sad compilation of wangxian gazing into each other’s eyes that no one asked for, you’re welcome twitter - This frontal view of Wei Wuxian laying on Lan Wangji’s lap is everything. twitter - Lotus Pier really is one of the most underrated but beautiful places. twitter - Sometimes you see something, a picture, a video, just a snippet of a short moment, and you SEE the love. twitter - CQL’s working title was hot murder husbands twitter (this is amazing) - Lan Wangji just looks a thousand times more intimidating with golden eyes twitter - #TheUntamed’s spinoff webmovie #FatalJourney posters twitter (yessss, nhs, one of my fav) - Don’t you love how exactly 0.5 seconds of this video is Lan Zhan explaining that only spouses are allowed to touch the headband and the rest of the entire 2(!) minutes is a complication of Wei Ying touching it anyways... he said I wanna marry you. twitter • Fic Recs: - DW guest Post: Untamed Fic Starter Pack (a few fics for each subject (ex post canon, juniors centric, ...) - Twitter thread starting with Alexandra Rowland asking for fluffy MDZS/Untamed fic recs. (good new-fandom starter too!) - That twitter thread collecting a list of lady-centric Untamed/MDZS fics Which, good, because as much as I love the fandom, once again women don't exactly come out on top. How many are still alive at the end? I can think of one previously Jin sect lady, but that's it on top of my head, soooo. - Libitina also has posted a lot of mdzs fic recs dw - A "they're students in lockdown and socially distancing" WangXian ficlet tumblr by besanii And bonus: a capybara enjoying a good scritch because I love those dog-sized guinea pigs, seriously, that twitter account is my daily dose of cuteness Also, have some guinea pig on a cutesy bridge PS: I thought that this would be fast because I didn't have that much info to collect at one place, buuuut. It's been 5 hours and it turns out that I did lol.   Still, if you have anything else of potential interest, don't hesitate to leave a comment, please :D
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intellectualshield · 5 years
spencer’s natal chart information. 
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The Sun
The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality, and outward-shining creative energy.
                                          THE SUN IS IN SCORPIO
Scorpios are known for their intensity. They are determined folk that absolutely throw themselves into whatever they do -- but getting them to commit to something is rarely an easy task. In fact, it's better not to even try to "get them" to do anything. Solar Scorpios absolutely have their own mind. And, their primary motivation is unlikely to be prestige (like their Capricorn friends), or even authority (Leos can have that, too)--it's real power. Their power can absolutely be of the "behind the scenes" variety, just as long as they have it.
To others, Scorpios seem to have plenty of willpower. They probably do. Scorpios do know what they want, and they won't go out and grab it at the wrong moment. They simply sit back, watch (quite expertly), and then get it only when the moment is just right. This apparent patience is simply their powerful skills at strategy at work. Scorpio isn't afraid of getting their hands (their bodies, their minds) dirty. The darker side of life intrigues them, and they're always ready to investigate.
Scorpios simply never give up. They have tremendous staying power. They're not in the slightest intimidated by anybody or anything. Confrontations are not a problem. In fact, talk to any Scorpio about their lives, and you'll probably be in awe at all they've gone through. Trauma seems to follow them wherever they go. When Scorpio learns optimism, instead of expecting the worst, they'll find that they possess amazing regenerative powers -- the power to heal, create, and transform.
Short description:
Physical energy and courage. Strong passions. Regeneration and improvement. Strong sexual powers.
Potential issues: He is suspicious, defiant, extremist; he is sometimes vindictive.
                                        SCORPIO WITH ASCENDANT CAPRICORN
Sun in X: The Sun is in the tenth house
The urge to work toward a goal, for success and accomplishment, and/or for power is part of your make-up. You are uncomfortable in any position in which you must "take orders" from someone else. Recognize your ambitions and your need for authority without going overboard. Seek out a career that allows you to manage, rather than be managed, if possible. It is crucial that you accept the part of you that is ambitious, but take pains not to over-identify with an image that is not really you! Successful career is guaranteed, but may sometimes come late.
269 Sextile between the Sun and Mars
You are enterprising and have powerful stores of energy that you can draw upon when needed. You respond to problems or challenges with a spirited and enthusiastic confidence that is admirable. You are naturally competitive, and this trait is generally well-received by others simply because it is unforced, unaffected, and sincere. You truly believe in fair play, and you seem to be in love with life. When you are expressing competitiveness and courage, it's easy for others to smile and accept these traits as positive ones rather than being rubbed the wrong way. You have good physical vitality. Although competitive, you are not naturally combative. You may enjoy sports or games that are competitive, but not violent. Breaking the rules of a competitive game is particularly upsetting to you. You are more able than most to control your desires, aggressions, and instincts. You know how to be fair, and you expect others to be fair. As such, sneaky behaviors, uncontrolled impulses, violence, and rage are offensive to you.
The Moon
The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image. The Moon represents the emotions, and the Moon sign shows how a person expresses themselves when at home, at ease, and comfortable.
                                      THE MOON IS IN SCORPIO
While others may find security and comfort in material things, Moon in Scorpio people seek out emotional intensity. No matter what, there is something very intense about Lunar Scorpios. They are diggers when it comes to the world of emotion--they can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. This ability to "see" what isn't obvious to the rest of the world can be intimidating to others or wildly attractive, depending on the audience.
Their deep-seated need for transformation and rebirth can manifest itself in the lives of Lunar Scorpios in different ways. Most have powerful, emotionally intense lives. Some feel like it is beyond their control -- these natives seem to attract emotional upheaval, and their lives appear to consist of plenty of dramatic ups and downs. However, when accepted as an emotional need, rebirth and change doesn't need to be so dramatic and overwhelming. In some way or the other, Moon in Scorpio natives seek out intense experiences. If their lives are regular in any way, there can be an unconscious need to test their own strength and stir up emotional excitement. Self-awareness and acceptance is probably the best way to handle this deep need for emotional drama.
Doing things halfway or having meaningless relationships simply doesn't fulfill them. Lunar Scorpios want all or nothing. Moon in Scorpio people often have a strong fear of betrayal. They seek out commitment, and feel the need for a partner to give up something for them. Some will put the people they love through a series of tests, and these are not always conscious. Their apparent suspicion can be trying for the people who love them. However, once committed, Moon in Scorpio people can be the most loyal and protective partners around. Even the shy ones have enormous presence. Their lives are emotion-driven, yet many Moon in Scorpio natives spend a lot of time controlling and mastering their emotions. Their intuition is enormous, although it is sometimes self-serving.
Moon in Scorpio people radiate strength. Even in the absence of experience, they seem to "just know" things. It would be difficult to shock or scare away Lunar Scorpios in the face of emotional honesty and power. Some people instinctively want to lean on them, and other less brave folk run a little scared. Lunar Scorpios have exceptional "radar" that allows them to size up a situation--and a person--quickly and expertly. This ability to understand human motivation and nature can be too close for comfort for some, and enormously comforting for others. Many Lunar Scorpios are intelligent and astute. Those that use their enormous powers for intimacy and honesty are the happiest, and they make the most interesting and rewarding friends and lovers.
Short description:
Courageous, brave, independent, not a fearful nature. He is attracted to sensual erotic partners.
Potential issues: excesses of pleasures, difficulty letting go.
Moon in X: The Moon is in the tenth house
Changes of situation. He is frightened of getting old and tends to hark back to the past. Perhaps more strongly influenced by the father. Success often due to help from women.
This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for recognition, popularity, acknowledgement, and achievement. You can be quite charismatic. You are at your emotional best when you lead a structured and responsible life, but it can take time to get there. You may change your goals and ambitions, and/or your profession frequently in an attempt to find the perfect fit. You may worry about living up to your image, or the expectations of your family. Decisions may be too emotionally biased, or you might act on emotional whims far too often. Learning to set your own heartfelt goals is the challenge here, as it is unlikely you will find true happiness if you follow or adopt the expectations of others, which you are especially sensitive to. You can take on a nurturing or managerial role, quickly adapting to trends.
49 Sextile between the Moon and Ascendant
He has a good influence on the family, and the family usually gives back, loving and helping in return. He likes travelling, movement, change. He likes contact. Open to other people. Very sensitive, observant, adaptable, likable, and somewhat of a chameleon.
Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.
                                                   MERCURY IS IN LIBRA
Usually quite diplomatic and tactful, he evaluates and weighs things up endlessly, often to the point of indecisiveness. Of good judgment, he expresses himself clearly. Before coming to an opinion on a subject, he listens to the opinions offered by various people and can compare them before making up his own mind. Mental affinity in his relationships is paramount. He is good at compromising and always tries to put himself in others' shoes. Some mental laziness.
Mercury in IX: Mercury is in the ninth house
His thirst for knowledge is never satisfied. He is mentally active. He may undertake exhaustive studies, always studying for pleasure. Can very much enjoy journeys to faraway places, and may go to live abroad.
You are eternally curious and hunger for knowledge. You enjoy studying and learning, and do it not because you have to, but because you want to. You enjoy exchanging ideas and personal philosophies with others. You can be especially buoyant, enthusiastic, and even inspiring in your communications. While you may not pay enough attention to details, you are skilled at finding a quick solution to problems. You readily see the bigger picture and enjoy sharing your opinions and ideas. You get off on how information affects people's lives, and you take great pleasure in learning that something you have shared or taught has inspired others to take action, experience something new, or make changes in their lives. Some of you might be too quick to offer advice, however, that might be lacking in thoroughness and practicality, or that you yourself don't follow.
95 Sextile between Mercury - Venus
He looks on the bright side of life. He is gay, agreeable, optimistic, sociable. He enjoys speaking and writing, and he does both with charm and artistry. His intellectual pleasures are very much influenced by his feelings. He is amorous and sensual. He likes beauty, the Arts, travelling, frequent changes of scenery. Aims always for diplomacy. Very charming.
235 Conjunction between Mercury - Jupiter
He is intelligent with big ideas: He is tolerant and has a strong sense of justice. He has good judgement, good sense and has his feet on the ground. He has the "gift of gab," fully enjoys literature and learning. He is erudite and will usually be successful socially.
446 Conjunction between Mercury - Saturn
He is precise or strives to be mentally organized. He is able to study, concentrate, and focus, and often has the patience to work towards a goal slowly but surely. He may take time to get communications "just so" and prefers step by step directions. Respects tradition and rules, preferring a sense of order.
21 Sextile between Mercury - Neptune
He can put down in writing everything that his imagination and intuition dictates. A wonderful storyteller.
134 Conjunction between Mercury - Pluto
He has a great sense of observation and quickly grasps and sizes up the situation. He is crafty, subtle, and perceptive.
-16 Square between Mercury - Ascendant
He may criticize and gossip, arguing frequently and often nervous. Without even realizing it, he might look for or instigate a verbal battle, and can be provoking.
Communication is very important to you, and your mind is sharper and more creative when you have a partner you can bounce your thoughts and ideas off of. You are an excellent conversationalist and can fascinate your partners with your sharp mind. You love to debate issues just for the mental exercise, even if you don't feel strongly about the position you argue! You play devil's advocate often, and your ideal partner understands that your debates are, in fact, mental exercises--certainly not attacks! You are also prone to exaggerate or stretch the truth when trying to make your point, especially when it comes to your own background or experience.
In your close relationships, your partner serves as a mirror, reflecting your thoughts and ideas back to you from a different perspective. You are rather independent and will not allow anyone to restrict your freedom, but you love to talk things out before arriving at a decision. Truth is, you won't always take others' advice! However, you do enjoy looking at problems from all sorts of different perspectives. You may choose partners who are considerably younger than you, or who are not as academically smart as you. Conversations with you are always stimulating and lively. The ability to share your thoughts with a partner is vital to your sense of fulfillment in a close personal relationship.
Venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange, and sharing with others.
                                          VENUS IS IN SAGITTARIUS 
When Venus in Sagittarius people are in love, they need to feel they can grow and expand their horizons through their relationship. They want to learn new things, and experience everything together. These are idealistic lovers who want you to appreciate their beliefs, visions, and ideals. They can be a confusing mix of the lighthearted and serious. They are roamers and seekers, and don't commit in their relationships as easily as others. Venus in Sagittarius people turn others on with their big smiles and laughs, their jokes, their grand schemes, their dreams, and their friendly, flirtatious behavior. They pride themselves on their open minds, but you may notice they can be judgmental too. They are threatened by inhibitions on the part of their lover, dullness, and emotional overkill. They are restless, and won't put up with lovers who dwell on any one thing. When the going gets tough in their relationship, they have an overwhelming need to run away. Usually this only means getting out and experiencing something new before they come back, but sometimes it can be for good. They are attracted to people in love with life. You don't need to be refined, polished, or graceful to win their favor.
Pleasing Venus in Sagittarius involves allowing them lots of room in the relationship to grow. Avoid getting stuck in a rut, and understand their need to move on. Learn to laugh, but take their rants and raves seriously. Avoid criticizing their beliefs, join them in debates, and philosophize along with them. When they feel the need for more experience, join them! Learn to look past their clumsiness with you and your feelings, and avoid cornering them or forcing them to commit.
Venus in XII: Venus is in the twelfth house
He is devoted to those less fortunate. Can thrive in the medical or social professions. He likes animals, tranquility, peace, and solitude. He may have secret love affairs (*from his team, not from his partner. spence is not the type to cheat).
You are big on romance and you tend to live and breathe your partner once you're hooked. Not the best at defining your boundaries -- where your needs and your partner's needs separate -- you can get hurt in love rather easily. You can also feel used quite readily. You are attracted to people from all walks of life, finding a partner who has an unusual background or quirky personality most attractive. Partners who mistake your compassion for weakness can take advantage of you. Being openly affectionate and trusting often doesn't seem safe to you. You may feel your love won't be appreciated or reciprocated. You may get involved in secret love affairs or fall in love with a person who is quite unavailable to you at different points in your life. Love and sacrifice often seem to go hand in hand for you - having to give something up to be with the one you love, or having to relinquish some person or some aspect of an important love relationship. You value a certain amount of self-sacrifice and a giving attitude in a partner, as you embody these traits. You can be quite mysterious to others, even if you don't mean to be, because your romantic needs are kept hidden. Although you are quite naturally drawn to relationships that are unusual, secret, challenging, and unequal, do take the time to examine why this may be the case. Be certain that you are not, in some way, punishing yourself because you don't feel worthy of an equal and public relationship. Because Venus represents attraction, and the twelfth house is associated with the feet, your feet may be especially attractive and/or erogenous zones!
141 Sextile between Venus - Jupiter
He is good-hearted and generous, possessing a good character. He likes well-being, comfort, a life of ease, without problems. He has good relations with his social circle. He is easy to approach. All the same, he may fall in love easily. He has a successful partnership and professional life. People usually trust him.
322 Conjunction between Venus - Neptune
His professional life can be creative or inconstant. He has a taste for the Arts, can be a dreamer, and may be easily influenced and romantic. He is emotional and very sensitive.
Romantic, creative, gentle, and adaptable, you naturally express the finer qualities of mysterious and dreamy Neptune in your love relationships. Your imagination is rich and your fantasy world well-developed. You are turned off by rudeness and crudeness, and are drawn to beauty in its many forms. You are very giving and generous, but may be a little on the submissive side, or sometimes downright lazy, failing to take the initiative when situations call for it.
68 Sextile between Venus - Pluto
His emotional and sex life can be powerful and rich. He lives out truly passionate love affairs. Extremely resourceful, he is also excellent at determining the worth or value of material things. He can help others to discover their own worth as well. He is naturally attracted to relationships that transform him, that are growing and evolving, and that are intense. He can use his strong intuition and understanding of others for good or for bad, and this depends largely on other aspects in the chart. He can be highly devoted and passionate to the things (and people) he loves. He can be quite persuasive.
Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.
                                                MARS IS IN VIRGO
These productive and busy people are goal-oriented, practical people. Although they can be a little scattered at times, simply because they are doing so many things at any give time, Mars in Virgo natives get things done--quite well! They have a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once, and a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time. Most Mars in Virgo natives are not particularly aggressive by nature. Although they can be a little hard-nosed and critical at times, they rarely resort to pushing others around. Still, an annoyed Mars in Virgo native can be difficult to be around! Arouse their anger and they turn into complaining, over-critical nags. Generally, these natives don't make themselves nuisances, so this stage is unlikely to last for very long. It is a sensitive position, however. It doesn't take much to make these people nervous.
Mars in Virgo people are quite protective about their "system" for getting things done. Although rather humble in a general life sense, they can be quite particular about their methods--how they organize and accomplish their goals, mostly with work. Theirs is a nervous energy. Although they have some staying power, they can be restless and are not given to sticking with the same projects for too long. These natives derive plenty of energy and life force from the things they do--their work, hobbies, and any kind of projects they take on. An idle Mars in Virgo native is a sorry sight, indeed. Fidgety, nervous, worried...all of these things are a sure sign that Mars in Virgo people have either too little to do, or far too much on their plates. There is a perfectionist at the heart of all people with this position. They'll be the first to deny this, but it's there! They worry when they are not producing anything, and they worry about whether what they've produced will measure up.
An earthy and sometimes nervous sexuality generally characterizes people with this position of Mars. In a sense, their performance in bed is similar to their work. These people want to be good at what they do. They will generally be open to experimentation, if only to feed their curiosity and to feel savvy. There's often a shy and humble side to Mars in Virgo in any area that involves putting themselves out there and letting go (areas ruled by Mars). But experience and knowledge are important to these natives, and this drive generally wins over their natural reticence.
Mars in VIII: Mars is in the eighth house
Sexually very powerful, he is also capable of tremendous focus and hard work. Sexually intense and deep. May be adept at professions requiring research, strategy, uncovering truths, and analysis. Arguments may occur over inheritance.
-6 Square between Mars - Uranus
He is full of contradictions. He is original, tending to the eccentric, headstrong, impatient, and sometimes irascible. Erratic energy levels, needing to be fully inspired to apply energy to a matter. He will fight to the bitter end to overcome hurdles, and has the strength to overcome them.
-53 Square between Mars - Lilith
Love affairs are tempestuous with quarrels, crises, great passion after the storm.
Jupiter represents expansion and grace.
                                            JUPITER IS IN LIBRA
He attracts the most good fortune when he is fair-minded, treats others with equality, bends without being a doormat, is gracious, and uses his talents at promoting and mediating. Values people and relationships, and might succeed best in partnership. Relating as equals is important to him. The arts, architecture, law, math, mediating, and politics are possible avenues for success. Use of charm and grace to reach goals.
Jupiter in IX: Jupiter is in the ninth house
Deeply intelligent, he is tolerant and sincere. Professional success can happen abroad or in connection with foreign countries. Faraway voyages are profitable. Very optimistic, philosophical, hopeful, humorous.
78 Conjunction between Jupiter - Saturn
He is serious, patient, honest, hard-working, orderly. His judgment is good and he is inclined to think things over. He pursues his objectives to the bitter end, usually knowing when to choose the right moment. He is upright, usually law-abiding and respecting order.
112 Sextile between Jupiter - Neptune
He is very generous and altruistic, helping people in difficulty. He knows how to listen or, at least, how to give that impression to make others feel heard. He is a dreamer with imagination to spare, fully enjoying the Arts.
221 Conjunction between Jupiter - Pluto
He likes to direct, he is intelligent and an organizer of the first order.
Saturn represents contraction and effort.
                                              SATURN IS IN LIBRA
Recognized for his seriousness, moral qualities. He is respectable, conscientious.
Weaknesses: may not be open to new ideas.
Saturn in IX: Saturn is in the ninth house
He is studious, patient, rigorous, austere. He likes reflection, meditation. He carries out all the plans he makes. He can be a stay-at-home.
22 Conjunction between Saturn - Pluto
He perseveres, achieving his projects through hard work.
-35 Square between Saturn - Ascendant
His life can be difficult and cramped. He is hard-working, but success takes time. He may have problems with being open, without self-consciousness. He may accept solitude rather than look for solutions. Family problems.
Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.
                                          URANUS IN SCORPIO
Intelligent and subtle. Usually he adores research, inquiry, investigation. Very sensual. May want to explore new ways to connect with others.
Uranus in X: Uranus is in the tenth house
He must have an independent career with little in the way of dull routines, and that satisfies his need to move around, travel and that must in particular have an element of excitement, uncertainty, creativity, or risk attached. He can be eccentric.
61 Conjunction between Uranus - Lilith
He lives through marvellous adventures - without much follow-up, it is true, but these leave happy memories. He can have many such adventures and fantastic love-at-first-sight encounters.
Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.
                                               NEPTUNE IN SAGITTARIUS
May especially enjoy long voyages, things foreign, being close to water. Altruistic, broad spiritual vision, humane, spiritual.
Neptune in XII: Neptune is in the twelfth house
He likes isolation, a withdrawn life, dreams, and meditation. He has has little desire for action. The healer, but it may take half a lifetime or more to recognize this.
38 Sextile between Neptune - Pluto
He is perceptive and able to see layers to a situation. He is naturally drawn to learning what makes himself and others tick.
Pluto represents transformations, mutations, and elimination.
                                                PLUTO IS IN LIBRA
May look for new ways to relate to others.
Black Moon Lilith represents our darker, deeper natures that may be repressed or buried.
                                            LILITH IN SAGITTARIUS
He may have felt uncomfortable or even ashamed for his curiosity, questions, restlessness, the need to challenge and question life/facts/beliefs, or the need to get away, expand, and seek meaning. He may feel uncomfortable around people who are expressing these Sagittarian traits, not quite trusting them! Learning to accept and even embrace these traits without apology can be empowering. It can also help end a cycle of going to extremes with these traits.
0 Trine between Lilith - Lunar Node
This aspect sometimes means a troubled sex life until he learns to feel more comfortable expressing and integrating this side of the personality.
North Node-South Node
The South Node represents our overdeveloped character traits. We are talented here but if we overdo this area of life or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we may stagnate. The North Node points to the qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance and fulfillment.
                                   TRUTH NORTH NODE IN CANCER
He is excellent at managing, overseeing, and organizing. He is learning to work on his inner foundation, accepting his need to nurture and be nurtured. His path is to moderate his tendency to over-manage his life and to relax his standards of achievement. As he does so, he discovers he more easily achieves his goals. He also learns to trust his instincts. Qualities to develop: willingness to be cared for or supported, subordination.
North Node in VII: North Node in the Seventh House
He tends fall back on depending on himself when cooperating with someone special can help him succeed and bring him better luck. The goal should be to involve others more and build diplomacy and cooperation so as to gain perspective and share the load. His path is to listen to others instead of falling back on his automatic response to do everything on his own and call the shots. Qualities to develop: finding a middle ground, cooperation, harmony.
The Houses
House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.
                           SCORPIO WITH ASCENDANT CAPRICORN                                         ASCENDANT IS CAPRICORN 
There's a seriousness to Capricorn rising people that is unmistakable. Even when they're joking around, it's of the deadpan variety. In fact, plenty of very humorous people have Capricorn Ascendants. It's all in the timing...and the fact that they don't giggle before the joke is over. Capricorn Ascendant people project competence. They simply ooze it. They're generally very image-conscious people--the clothes they wear and their manner are a big deal to them. They want to appear successful, and they generally succeed! Often the Ascendant persona is the one that was forced upon us by family conditioning. For example, parents may label their Libra Ascendant child the "nice" one; their Aries Ascendant child the "independent" one; and their Pisces Ascendant child is generally the space cadet of the family. We adopt these roles as familiar ones, and often carry them with us as our defense mechanisms, in some way or another, for the rest of our lives. In the case of Capricorn Ascendants, these were the children who were considered the responsible ones. Sometimes, it was they themselves who looked around them and felt the need to be the structured, dependable, and responsible members of the family. So, often, Capricorn rising people adopted a strong sense of tradition, family, and responsibility at a very young age.
Capricorn rising people are generally big on family, and forever worry about security--for themselves and their dependents. They come across to others as hard-working, competent, and dependable people. What others may not see under that cool, even suave, exterior, is an inner struggle: they often ask themselves, "Am I doing enough?", "Do I deserve all of this?", "How can I make things better?" They worry a lot about the future. If success seemed to have come easy to these folks, it hasn't. They just made it look that way with a patient, hard-working, driven personality. Some Capricorn rising people practice some form of self-denial. They know how to do away with the frivolous. Still, they'll spend money on the clothes they really want (the ones with the right labels, that is), and other status symbols. Although they're rarely showy, their quiet air of success is often a result of conscious effort. More often than not, Capricorn rising individuals are success stories. Their childhoods may have been difficult, but they slowly but surely turn their lives around. Saturn rules this Ascendant, and this generally means a kind of backwards way of living--as children, they are serious and bear a lot of responsibility; and as they grow up, they age beautifully, learning how to loosen up.
House II - the second house - is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.
                                         AQUARIUS ON HOUSE II
Success in professional life won't take place without the help of friends and protectors. While he may earn enormous amounts, he can lose almost as much. Best financial success through networking with others. Might succeed in business on the internet. Most profitable businesses may be unusual or innovative ones. Efforts should be made to better organize finances.
House III - the third house - is the area of social and intellectual learning.
                                             ARIES ON HOUSE III
Straightforward in speech. Lively intelligence. He is ambitious. He is always ready for any initiative requiring change or novelty. Sometimes, this position suggests an only child, or competitiveness amongst siblings.
House IV - the fourth house - is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.
                                          TAURUS ON HOUSE IV
Can make a good father. He may prefer to be at home, with the immediate family for company. He appreciates comfort, peace and quiet, and simple but good food! Will take care of what he owns wisely.
House V - the fifth house - is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling.
                                          TAURUS ON HOUSE V
A pleasant home, a charming partner, loving and sweet children, nice little meals, pleasant evenings with the loved one -- the good life.
House VI - the sixth house - is the area of learning by material transaction.
                                          GEMINI ON HOUSE VI
Good assistant, sales rep, jack of all trades. Weak point: the nerves, sometimes also the lungs.
House VII - the seventh house - is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.
                                         CANCER ON HOUSE VII
This can point to a rather strong marriage or partnership, a nice little family. The partner may not always be easy to live with due to moodiness.
House VIII - the eighth house - is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.
                                             LEO ON HOUSE VII
He should probably watch for a tendency to want to control joint resources, but he can be generous with others. Proud. It's wise to have regular check-ups on the heart and arteries.
House IX - the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the identity.
                                           LIBRA ON HOUSE IX
He likes justice, honesty, loyalty. Would make a good lawyer.
House X - the tenth house - is the area of material action. The Midheaven represents the work one will do in one's life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older.
                                           SCORPIO ON HOUSE X
He likes professions that involve a certain risk. He likes to investigate. He is curious by nature, taking risks and fighting to succeed.
House XI - the eleventh house - is the area of search for social and intellectual security.
                                         SCORPIO ON HOUSE XI
He likes to debate endlessly with friends who don't share his ideas. The discussion can lead to words or even verbal sparring.
House XII - the twelfth house - is the area of education and of emotion. This is where we meet our karma, deal with endings, and sometimes where we bury things.
                                     SAGITTARIUS ON HOUSE XII
Problems abroad, or with foreigners, or flight abroad, exile is possible in extreme cases.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Abby doesn't understand smoldering glances(i.e. Mia and Darren's wedding shot referenced earlier), because she never had them directed at her. It's sad actually, because she seems smart and cute, but very very broken...
Yeah...I think that is the problem. She admitted once that she had never had a boyfriend. It is sad but she knows right from wrong and everyday she when confronted with the chose to do what is right or wrong, she choses wrong. She has followers- young followers- whom she reminds with regularity that she is a lawyer- who are learning from her how to be full-fledged misogynists whether it’s blaming Mia for Darren’s drunk song 
Just once, just once, I would love for them to prove me wrong and show her being a responsible adult. Some videos should be kept private and are just so unflattering and continue to confirm what we know.  
I assume they will use R/oyalties as a vehicle to make her appear to have a career, but years and years of reminding us of how much she parties all the time is not helpful to the cause.I get it was a wedding, but it is constant and all the time.  
He was cute but clearly intoxicated. Again some videos should be kept private.
But she’s the one who looks out of her mind wasted. They want to change her image, clearly get her a job, but it’s impossible. She can’t get out of her own way. And the friends don’t help.
and this 
@souly I actually have no issue with the D clip. he looks like he is having fun and as you said, it is rare. I don’t think it should have been posted, but we all know they desperately want to lower him to her level.
She on the other hand is continuing to exhibit exactly who she is.  With her this is the rule and it is constant and there is nothing to back it up
Don’t believe her followers are learning the lessons she and Cassie teach, here is anon Cassie got today;
Anonymous asked:
Well I’m sure everyone has seen the fallout from D’s defiance yesterday? D’s apparently drunk serenade plastered all over SM. Smells like a set up to me. Wow! With friends and loved ones like these - who needs enemies? Thoughts?
She teaches them that they are entitled to denigrate and disparage a complete strangers wedding and of course it is all the brides fault-never the groom. Today’s rant is the souvenir cup from the wedding 
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I see the wedding souvenir, just like the rest of the sham mockery, was keeping things real classy….And the A/udra connection, fascinating, I would say someone dialed in a favor and that someone is not D but another mutual friend:)
Anonymous asked:
At least the wedding souvenir portrayed her accurately, with a drink in each hand.
ajw720 answered:
Pretty much and of course the use of the classy term “mot..fucker” So awesome.  I can hardly contain myself at how sweet that sentiment is.
I wonder if Ce/rina has her wedding souvenir proudly displayed in her house where her friends grandkids can see it.
I 🤔 ……….Probably not!!
What mom wouldn’t want a memento like this? She probably takes it off the mantel daily and wishes she had something as romantic and classy as this to commemorate her own wedding. There really is no bar too low is there? I am embarrassed on his behalf.
@klaineownsmysoul I wonder if she stairs fondly as she mixes herself a Period Sex using the sex club’s recipe?  So so so proud…..
She must be so, so proud of her boy and his “bride”…….
Those rants are all just from today. 
She teaches them that vaginas are nasty dirty and can contaminate a bar through clothing (while shoes are fine) and even emboldened one to make a Yelp review that mimicked her talking points exactly. She teaches them that a gay couple should be ridiculed for adding their chosen family member (Ashley) to their lives. She teaches them to shame diamond ring sizes, to feel bad about female sexuality, to lie egregiously and that cyberbullying and stalking are normal behaviors for 40-something yo lawyers who went to Ivy League undergrad.     
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eversoslinky · 5 years
Boobs... my love/ hate relationship with my body.
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Here's an image of a beautiful Brunette, DD breasts bursting out her bra, teeny, tiny waist. She's every straight man's (and gay woman's) fantasy. She's flawlessly perfect and natural looking at the same time. This woman and many others like her the reason I struggle with my body everyday and why I hate my breasts.
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Here's an image of a flat chested girl. (I had ALOT of trouble finding this image on the internet!... I typed in double A and triple A breasts and still got some gorgeous photos of glamour models... not quite what I'm looking for, I guess the word "breasts" goes hand in hand with "huge" on the search engine) Grown women can be small busted too and I'm never going to feed into the fantasies of disgusting perverts by posting images of pre teen girls in bikinis. At 30 I was just beginning to except who I am, I'm on antidepressants and have been for the past three years... as a result, my weight has fluctuated I've gained weight on my thighs, hips and midsection... my chest, however, that's stayed the same. I excepted it and in a weird way learnt to love my body... until I met someone who messed up my head and made me hate my figure.
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I "used to" have a female friend with triple D boobs (a size I didn't know existed until I met her) She was very proud of her naturally big chest and rightly so but the problem with people who are blessed with what mother nature has given them is they seem to think they can shame people who have cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks. And that's not cool. Not cool at all. It's the same with men who gush over their favourite female celebrities and their "perfect" bodies. I've got something to tell you here that might upset you a little bit... those bodies are probably surgically enhanced! So don't you dare make a woman feel bad for wanting a boob job! It's frustrating and so god damn awful when your boyfriend or partner tells you he doesn't like big boobs and prefers your natural double A chest but then is watching videos of women with DDs. What you really mean to say is you like natural big boobs? Oh and a girl with a perfectly toned figure who never goes to the gym... I hate to break it to you but those "perfect" girls you love looking at.... their surgically enhanced and they probably work really hard at the gym and watch what their eating to stay looking that way... so sorry to burst your bubble right there...
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Being a small busted girl has its plus points though, a few things I'll miss but hopefully they wont be an issue for me when I have my own (ten years in the making breast implant surgery in the new year) The biggest plus is probably that I really enjoy exercise and in particular getting on that bike in spin class and cycling my little heart out. I can lean forward to do push ups on the bike without any "pop outs" accuring (!) The thing I will probably miss most of all is the fact my boobs are my "ugly card." everyone has something which is deemed as "not very attractive" but is in reverse the greatest blessing to them cause it gets rid of shallow fuckers. I get alot of unwanted attention from men, I say this because I look alot younger than what I am and I'm slim, big blue eyes, full lips and high cheekbones. With makeup on I can look quite attractive but this often means that I can attract idiots, fuck boys, creeps and men who haven't read a book since high school and can't have a conversation with me. An guy on a dating site once said to me "I want a girl with blonde hair who wants children." I was moved to finally have met someone who wants a family like I do. I love kids so much. He ruined this by saying "she's got to have really big boobs too!" He kept going on about how I was his ideal woman and I shut him down by telling him I'm flat chested but I wish him all the very best looking for his "perfect" girl. Instead of the correct answer which would be "the size of your boobs doesn't matter to me, you're a nice person and I want to get to know you better." He responded with "A boob job will sort that out... then I'll marry you." Disgusting vile human being. I'll bet you any money, after I blocked him he was probably scratching his head as to why he offended me so much.
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When I do get my implants done I'm getting them done for ME. NOT A MAN. ME. Without sounding big headed here: I've not had any trouble attracting a man. No one has ever been put off by my small chest. The type of man I want to attract won't care about the fact I'm tiny on top and got a big curvy backside to rival that of Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce. He'll love it. As for the girl who used to be my friend I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, the one with perfect natural triple D breasts who shames women for wanting to enhance their bodies. She's single, she acts clingy and needy with men and "needs ALOT of attention" I'm so sorry but no matter how hot your body is but no man will put up with that. I think like a guy and I know I'd rather have someone who was independent, ambitious and had their own life going on. Someone who is funny, quick witted and might not return my calls cause their busy doing something fun that doesn't involve me. That's ok.
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Last but certainly not least is the fact that people have told me throughout my life that in order to get bigger breasts I must "eat more calories" DO NOT listen to anyone who tells you this shit! It's irresponsible. Firstly not every woman is built the same, weight goes on different places on different bodies. I tried last year eating ice buns from a local bakery, pancakes coated in maple syrup and tea cakes... this was just my breakfast! Every meal had a pudding and everything was covered in salt, sugar and sweeteners. I did this for three months last summer until I realised I had no energy, my depression got a thousand times worse and I gained inches in all the places I didn't want them to go. The people who told me over the years to "put on weight" where nothing but jealous women who didn't like the fact I was trying to improve myself. If you are wanting to gain weight please see your doctor, nutritionist or personal trainer. They will advise you on a sensible safe approach to your healthy weight gain. DON'T eat ice buns for breakfast (like I did!) It won't make your breasts bigger, it will only make you gain weight round the middle.
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