#probably should've done the garden but maybe that will be next!
madeline-kahn · 4 months
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A Filmic Tour of Hatfield House: the Marble Hall
The Favourite (2018) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos Shakespeare in Love (1998) dir. John Madden Enola Holmes (2020) dir. Henry Bradbeer Bridgerton (2020 - ) The Flash (2023) dir. Andy Muschietti Get Him to the Greek (2010) dir. Nicholas Stoller All The Money in the World (2017) dir. Ridley Scott Batman (1989) dir. Tim Burton Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) dir. Jon Watts Orlando (1992) dir. Sally Potter Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) dir. Shekhar Kapur Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) dir. Burr Steers Rebecca (2020) dir. Ben Wheatley
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allfearstofallto · 6 months
How easy it would be to escape them
Yandere! Genshin Men x Fem! Reader
Ft: Diluc, Childe, Scaramouche
TW: Yandere Themes, Stalking, Mentions of Punishment
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Diluc - Difficulty Level: Very Easy
Do you think he doesn't regret what he's done? That he doesn't stay up all night, fighting internally with what he thinks he should do with you? Taking you was a spur of the moment thing, something that happened without a lot of thought put behind it. He just knew he needed you close. He needed you to be near. He needed you with him.
Because of this you're already able to push him around a fair bit. He gives you almost everything you want except for freedom, pure red eyes practically begging for your forgiveness.
He won't let you go if you just ask, he's not that lenient after all, but if he were to wake up one morning and you were not there, he'd go through so many emotions at one time. The manor would be searched from top to bottom, every nook and cranny searched for you. When you're not found a part of him feels calm, it feels satisfied. He stole you without your permission, so he's happy that you're finally free like you wanted. But there's also a tragic, gripping pain in his chest. You're gone, and he knows that he has no right to ask for you back. If you manage to leave Diluc, you'll probably never see him again.
Childe - Difficulty Level: Medium
His playfulness is simultaneously a ploy and his actual personality, such is the nature of him. He's so easy going most days, so funny and kind that part of you forgets that he's forced you into this. Until he has one of those bad days and you see the true strength and fury of a harbinger.
Even before you were stolen by Childe, you found him rather strange. Maybe it was the lack of light in his eyes, or how he casually talked about fighting and killing like it was nothing. Those should've been red flags, signals to stop talking to him, but his charm was laid on thick and suddenly you were stuck in his home in Snezhnaya.
Do you think you escaped because of your wit or because he let you? You'd never truly know the answer, but you thought it strange that you were able to leave his house without a single maid alerting him, without a single guard chasing you.
That sigh of relief you breathe when you're finally home may be the last one you get. Suddenly you feel so afraid constantly. You chalk it up to paranoia, but you can't stop looking over your shoulder. And then you start seeing traces of him. Fatui foot soldiers and letters with that familiar wax seal on them.
When you eventually see him, smiling at you casually like nothing is wrong, your heart practically shatters. You find yourself asking again, did you truly get away or did he let you? He always mentioned loving the chase.
Scaramouche - Difficulty Level: Very Hard
Good luck getting him to even trust you enough to let you roam the gardens without him. His home is a maze of eyes and watchful gazes, the only person you can rely on is yourself. There isn't really much you can do to get away from him, the house is guarded like a prison and Scaramouche himself is a tough man to get along with.
He loves you, he knows he does, that's what that painful feeling in his chest is, but he can't bring himself to even give you a taste of freedom. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Because of that you often spend time sitting next to windows, longingly looking outside at the world you're convinced you'll never see again. Not without him breathing over your shoulder.
Let yourself get away if you dare, you'd better hope your plan is air tight. Scaramouche won't fall for the same tricks twice. Fool him once, shame on him, but fool him twice and you'll learn how truly kind he was being to you before. Hope and pray to whichever Archon you worship that when you get away, he won't find you. But getting away is just the beginning. Staying out of his reach is the hardest. His home isn't the only place where he has eyes everywhere.
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eirianerisdar · 4 months
For the director's commentary thing: I would love a director's commentary for Icarus on what went on in Red Bull HQ after Daniel came back, specifically when he went on the sim for the first time and it all went so horribly wrong- what happened that we didn't see in the story afterwards, how did Simon and the rest of the team cope? And how did Max react when he came back, did Daniel or Christian tell him what had happened?
Hahaha this is asking more for a Director's outtake rather than commentary, but I don't mind.
For the unaware, Icarus is a platonic maxiel wingfic where Daniel is pressured into trimming his wings for speed in McLaren, and has a long, slow fall before anyone notices. Much Maxiel angst and hurt/comfort and fluff.
Have an outtake from Max's POV that would have slotted directly after chapter 28 of Icarus:
It's late when Max reaches Christian's country estate at last. He guns his engine and takes the imposing driveway up to the mansion at twice the proper speed limit, manicured trees blurring past on either side.
He's probably ruining the cobblestones. He doesn't give a fuck.
He should've insisted they delay Daniel's sim session until his flight landed. He should've-
Max steps back from the door, his hand smarting. He hadn't planned on banging at the door like that. He'd planned on ringing the doorbell. But every fibre of him is screaming for his flock; his wings feel like they are on fire.
One of the house staff opens the door. "Mr Verstappen-"
Max shoulders his way past. He's probably being rude but he doesn't care.
A moment, where he stands in the cavernous, marbled entryway, with sweep of the grand staircase up to the second floor and heavy oak doors leading in every direction.
Daniel. Where's-
"Max," a voice calls softly. "You're here."
Geri. Max snaps towards her. "Where's-"
"They're in the garden," Geri says, tilting her head towards the back of the house. "I think Daniel's alseep." She doesn't seem to mind the dirt Max is tracking into her house. But maybe she has people for that.
Max moves through the house like a dream. Entryway, living area, kitchen; through a set of french glass doors and into the back garden. The garden itself is dim, but there is a bonfire in the fire pit casting the grass in ruddy reds and yellows. Silhouetted in the flickering light are two winged figures - one with golden eagle wings crouching to tend to the fire, the other bundled in a blanket on a lawn chair, bandaged macaw wings painted sanguine by the light of the fire.
Christian stands as Max rapidly approaches. "Shh," he says quietly, holding a finger to his lips. "He's sleeping."
Max's ignores him. He drops to his knees next to Daniel's lawn chair, reaches out with a shaking hand to brush Daniel's curls out of his face.
Daniel looks paler than when Max saw him last a week ago. The firelight makes the shadows under Daniel's eyes look bruised.
Daniel shifts in his sleep, leans into Max's touch. Even in sleep there is pain on his face.
Max twists to look over his shoulder at Christian.
"Explain," he says accusingly. He needs to understand.
Christian had promised he wouldn't force Daniel's healing wings into the sim before they were ready. Christian had promised that the team would treat Daniel with the care and respect he deserved after what that other team had done to him. After he'd almost lost his wings.
"He reopened his wounds in a couple of places," Christian says. His eyes are fixed on Daniel's bandaged wings. "But the hospital said he'd be okay. They've stitched him up."
"What the fuck does that mean," Max hisses. "How did it even happen?"
Christian puts up his hands. "Simon tells me he pushed himself," he says. "Went through the break without stopping, and he wanted to get back in the sim so we could perfect the setup for Brazil-"
"Fuck off," Max hisses. "Don't - don't fucking tell me he was bleeding into the sim and nobody noticed."
Christian looks at him. There is grief and guilt in Christian's eyes, but over it all, bitter, seething fury.
"Max," he says. "None of us noticed for a whole fucking year."
All the air is punched out of Max's chest.
It's true. Max hadn't noticed his own flock slowly fading to nothing as Daniel hid his trimmed wings from the world. Max hadn't noticed Daniel entering a wing crisis that fateful week before Monza, either.
Daniel shivers under Max's palm. His breath comes short against Max's knuckles.
Max takes a slow, shuddering breath, takes up Daniel's hands in his own to warm them. They feel like ice in the cold night air, so Max sets a hip on edge of the lawn chair and pulls Daniel into his arms. He wraps his trimmed wing as far as he can around Daniel's shoulders and drops his chin into Daniel's hair.
Daniel relaxes. His breath evens out.
Max inhales, breathes in the warm woodsmoke of Daniel's hair. "I'm taking him home."
Christian frowns. "Don't be ridiculous," he says, and he is Max's boss again, sharp-tongued, effortlessly efficient. "It's late. Geri and I'll put you up."
Max gathers Daniel closer. "I'm taking him home," he says. "Back to my apartment in Milton Keynes. We'll fly back to Monaco in the morning."
Max's apartment in Milton Keynes; the spare room that has slowly morphed into Daniel's, with Enchante merch in the closets and preening brushes in the living room, a place that smells of flock.
Christian rolls his eyes. "Max, don't be-"
"Daniel," Max whispers, pressing his forehead to Daniel's temple. "Daniel, it's time to wake up."
Daniel stirs. He blinks up at Max, brown eyes turned muddy with painkillers.
"Oh," Daniel slurs. He scrabbles at the sleeve of Max's jacket. "Maxy."
"Yeah," Max says. His heart is expanding and shattering at the same time. "It's me. I'm taking you back to my place."
Daniel blinks rapidly as his bandaged wings shift behind him. His face blanches with memory and shame. "I'm sor-"
"No," Max says. "You can apologise later. Let's get out of here."
Christian stares between them. "You're fucking serious," he says disbelievingly. "Both of you."
Max doesn't bother looking at Christian. He pulls Daniel's arm over his shoulders and gets to his feet, dragging Daniel up with him. They make their slow, swaying way back through the house, Daniel's head lolling on Max's shoulder and his breath gusting over Max's chin.
Christian is talking rapidly with Geri now, but Max doesn't care. He brushes aside Geri's well-meaning hands and hoists Daniel down the front steps and into the passenger seat of his car.
"You know what? Fine," Christian is saying from the front door. "I can't stop you two being idiots. Fucking goodnight, then."
"Christian!" Geri admonishes. "Goodnight, Daniel, Max."
Daniel acquiesces for Geri to pat his cheek, and Max shuts the door as soon as Geri steps back. He moves past Christian as he circles the car to get to the driver's seat. Christian doesn't say anything, which is good. Max doesn't want to talk to him.
They pass the stupid marble fountain and pull out of the driveway proper, on past the artificially manicured trees and into the Oxfordshire night.
The motorway is nearly empty this time of night. Max takes up a steady pace towards Milton Keynes.
Daniel wraps his blanket more tightly around himself. Max reaches over wordlessly, threads his fingers through Daniel's.
Daniel sighs as Max's thumb moves over his. His breath evens out slowly, slows into sleep.
Max doesn't let go of Daniel's hand the entire way back.
For the uninitiated, you can read more of Icarus here!
Send me an ask with a scene or set of lines from any of my fics and I'll give you a director's commentary! Or, send in a ⭐star⭐ to have me select a section I've been dying to talk about!
(This particular ask ended up being an outtake, but director's commentary is more in the vein of explaining choices in wording or scenes, or explaining narrative choices)
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zyrafowe-sny · 1 year
while our bones keep looking back (this will be the one moment that matters)
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Sol sees Dys out on the ridge and they feel their heart race in anticipation of what (probably) comes next.
(There were at least a couple lifetimes when they tried "she" and maybe "he", but with all the similar-but-not-quite-identical dreams memories "they" feels more accurate.)
They were right — the conversation follows a familiar pattern, maybe with some slight variations. (The song itself never changes. They wonder what would happen if they share a song of their own.)
Eventually, Sol stretches out next to the boy. As always, the ground is hard and the alien native grass does little to cushion their back. But chronically withdrawn Dys (finally) opening up matters more than comfort.
For a while they're able to lose themselves in the moment, but here with Dys it's too easy to remember when they completely failed him.
It must have been one of their first lives.
They — Sol thinks it was "they" that time, despite the long hair — had just discovered the truth about the plague. Tang even offered to go to Lum with them to try to stop its implementation, but Sol had been too overwhelmed by the fresh knowledge and asked her to wait.
They didn't want to believe their suspicions were correct. They didn't want to believe that Tangent and Instance really would have wiped out all native life on Vertumna. They didn't know if Lum would listen — if two teens could somehow change the trajectory of the world. (He would have put a stop to it, Sol later learned to their immense horror. They wouldn't have even needed to test their underdeveloped persuasive abilities.)
So in their ignorance, after their disturbing conversation with Tang, they went to her twin. Who was just as appalled as Sol and immediately set into motion an irreversible plan to prevent the plague.
The research was gone for good. But so was the boy.
Sol never stopped watching out for him, hoping that against all odds he'd survived. They surveyed and foraged and explored. When they were forced to rest, they "relaxed" on the walls — with a good pair of binoculars.
But there was nothing.
With every new life, Sol always means to focus on other friendships and stop clinging to Dys — they've never (yet) had a future past where she/he/they and the boy both live to a ripe old age together. (That's not quite true — they did once, just not as humans.)
But there's still that niggle of doubt. Of hope. Maybe this time it'll be different. Maybe this time he won't be lost on an expedition before he even reaches forty. (Or maybe he doesn't actually die, and joins the Gardeners instead. Or maybe Sym never did get killed by manticores and Dys finds him. While Dys has loved Sol fiercely in some lifetimes, the locals — and one Gardener in particular — are also capable of capturing his heart.)
Sometimes they fall just short of persuading Dys to stay when they're both eighteen and rebellious and unhappy with the direction of the colony. It's agonizing trying to figure out what they should've done differently. They were too focused on saving Tammy and Tonin and Governor Eudicot and their parents. Too focused on staging a coup in order to try to make a better world. Would a few more medicinal roots have tipped the scales?
Sometimes they don't know if him leaving is a worse or better end. If it's worse for Sol but better for Dys, they'll accept it — the boy named for sadness deserves all the joy in the world. (Their own memories of joining the Gardeners weren't exactly unhappy, but they weren't particularly happy either. Content, perhaps. Endless, bland contentment. And content is certainly a step up from desperate and lonely and misunderstood, but it lacks the thrill of discovery they would sometimes see in the eyes of the boy who never felt fear.)
They can imagine (and sometimes remember) dozens of possible futures that can fork from this point. Perhaps it's a little selfish, but they want Dys to stay with them this time.
And so (once again) they hook their pinky finger through the boy's as they listen to music under the stars.
Thanks so much for reading! You can leave kudos or comments on AO3.
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Sarah Stiles as Mimzy ...
...Now where do I know that-
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Worst possible thing that could've ever happened. Least favorite character in Hazbin Hotel officially clocked just for- No wait.... Okay . I think I just changed my mind in real time ...
Because I'm listening to "Drift away" off screen right now and without the association of this stupid cringe arse character that I never wanted to see or think about or have big name weebs in this fandumb who have no life or frame of reference outside of their next cartoon craze and harry potter try to associate with me again... (Spinel). Sarah's voice actually very pussy cunt cunt slay and I can see her voice actually working for Mimz.
I am also closing my eyes and re-imagining the song to be Mimzy singing about her and Alastor's failing sex life and it's hilarious.
"Here in the garden, let's play a game..."
"Come here Darling... And let Daddy show you how it's done!"
"Happily wondering, night after night, is this how it works? Am I doing it right?"
Girl, no. He's a self loathing, chubby chasing beanpole of a man who just used you to experiment with a latent stuffing fetish that he doesn't want admit that he has and although there are other controversial reasons why you should've probably been retired as a character the second Al was confirmed ace, and maybe that just happened because someone realized that it was controversial to have you as a coupling in the first place, so they chickened out and claimed he loved no one instead of fully committing to having him fuck a fat flapper chick like they should have ... You deserve so much better, girl.
Another good thing about having a Steven Universe cast member join the Hazbin Hotel cast I guess, is that the overlap in casting officially proves that ~"Criticals~ calling Hazbin things like shitbin, trashbin, and Hazmat are officially as unhinged, if not terminally more so, then the ~"Criticals"~ calling Steven Universe "Shitvin". 💀
I guess this means that petitprincess1 can officially kiss my body rolls now and I want all the gray faces who can't reach me to know that I am stuffing cheese fries into my mouth as I said that. Bitch. 💀
Oh... and specific to this casting news this also means that aside from making this one post about it, I will also be blocking getting overly excited about Sarah in the tags and cross posting for her previous work on a now long finished kids show just like I'm doing with all the posts in the tags about Jeremy Jordon because you all need to calm the absolute fuck down. 💀
Also, in the spirit of killing everyone's joy and being as unlikeable as Mimzy herself is in this fandom, this is my official announcement that I personally will not be fully accepting of having the word of god say that Alastor is ace or aroace until his sexuality is explicitly mentioned, shown,or explored within the canon text. Why? Because controversial or not I've always felt as though going from having Alastor being in love with the only fat character in the narrative back then to just loving no one at all as having this strange undercurrent of fatphobia to it to begin with even if it might've been someones well meaning attempt at fixing a problem and I love Mimzy, and since she's gonna be voiced by Sarah now and people are probably gonna make the inevitable angsty association between the song "Drift Away" and Almimzy as a pairing like I just the fucking did, the whole undertone of "I'm Ace because I didn't like fucking this fat chick" is just gonna become an even more glaring issue for as time goes on, even if it isn't there, unless we get a canonical explanation as to why Alastor is ace that doesn't have anything to do with their relationship. And even then, we still don't know how Mimzy will be treated by the narrative, let alone by Alastor, and there's still no guarantee that Al's aceness WILL be explicitly explored or if it's just gonna be another "Princess Marco Turdina" Situation, even if it's word of god this time round or not, and I can still respectfully disagree with some aspects of the way this is handled and interpret word of god in my own way. And some of you are like, militantly overprotective of a fictional serial killer to the point where you're past being obnoxious and it's become concerning and you're probably gonna throw a tantrum for being dissatisfied with what you get anyway and end up dropping the show, so...
I'm not sorry that for Al and all his boys and his girls and his Mimzy, I just choose love ... Bye! 🤭🌹 X.O
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alia-the-wintergirl · 3 months
monday, july 8 2024
breakdown of my day and what i ate + did + feel bad/good about
mango - 7oz - 129 cals - for the fiber, although i do feel i ate more (maybe an ounce or so) than i should've
peanuts - 3/4oz - 129 - for the fats, same thing as mango
review: overall okay. felt guilty about the number of mango and peanuts i was eating, so wasn't made happier by what i ate. but nothing super unhealthy so it's a win, albeit almost a tie.
LUNCH: 276
vegan miso soup, mcdougalls - 1.9 servings (to match my calorie app's info to the nutrition information on the back of the packaging) - 190 cals - main part of lunch, for the slight protein and feeling satisfied, yummy!
baby carrots - 4 - 14 cals - for the fiber and color in my soup
tofu, firm - 1 1/2oz - 36 cals - for the protein and texture
chocolate non pareils - 2 pieces - 36 cals - for dessert.
overview: good! it's what happened after that i regret.
"DINNER": 386
here's where i faltered.
power crunch triple chocolate protein bar - 1 serving - 220 cals (logged as 226 because my calorie app has it listed as 200, which it most certainly is not) - eaten for protein before fencing practice, let's see what happens next!
pretzels, mini bags - 1 serving (logged as 1.2 because of issues with listing in the app) - 60 cals - supposedly for the salt, actually because i was weak and didn't resist.
soft & chewy granola bar - 1 bar - 100 cals - was at fencing and felt like i was about to faint. fainting in a public space is a no-no, because i am not trying to get sent to the doctor, so i ate one of these that was available (for free at least) at the front desk of the fencing place i go to. was not happy to eat this but was worried about the possible consequences of not doing so.
overview: this is a study in weakness and poor planning. jiminy crickets. i ate the protein bar too early and didn't actually receive its benefits during fencing, only before, making me (unnecessarily) eat the pretzels, and requiring me to eat the granola bar. not happy with this :|
wrigley's spearmint gum - 1 stick - 10 cals - remember how i said i was going to give it away? well that didn't happen. i'm not mad at it though because it helped stop me from buying a high cal snack at a student store on-campus, and gave me a reason to tell my mom as to why i wasn't getting a snack. +1 point for the gum.
gerber's lil crunchies, tomato flavor - 16 pieces - 35 cals - was hungry, at the store, and knew these bad boys were only 2.2 cals per piece. not mad about this at all!
chocolate non pareil - 1 piece - 18 cals - wanted a sweet treat. this is bad because i had it at 9pm, way past my set end time of 7pm, and because it shows a lack of self-control.
EXERCISE: 116 cals burned
walked a lot today - not logged due to counting towards my 'somewhat active' daily activity
fencing practice - 2 hours - logged as 25 mins of fencing - 116 cals burned - i tend to take a lot of breaks during fencing, because we do cardio and plyometrics for the first hour, and i like to take my sweet time putting my gear on. 1 hour is subtracted on principle of counting towards daily activity, and 35 minutes are subtracted because i didn't do much during roughly a quarter of the time there.
the pretzels and the granola bar. if i had been stronger it wouldn't have happened.
the last non pareil. again, lack of strength, and it was way past 7pm.
my poor planning in terms of timing the consumption of the protein bar. if i had done it later i probably wouldn't have wanted the pretzels and/or the granola bar, and would feel better now.
my time in the student store, where i didn't buy any food at all. top-notch work here, because that was what my mom expected me to buy, but i didn't. huzzah!
the flavor i bought for the lil crunchies. i got garden tomato, which i don't hate but i definitely don't like. this helped me stick to the 16 piece serving size, when usually i can clean out a whole tin of the white cheddar flavor (and then feel like shit about it). i think i'll continue buying that flavor, because i know i don't like it.
went to fencing!
self control is not exactly present here. it'll be a top priority in future days.
i have my metabolism day tomorrow, so i will probably ask my mom if we can go to subway (she knows i like it and might even be suspicious if i don't ask) and will have a smoothie that i'm known to like (and i do like it, it's just 290 cals so off-limits!) that day too. no snacks though, to work on self-control.
fiber today probably could've been better, but i logged 36.2 grams of protein (admittedly down from yesterday).
ate 983 cals today, minus 116 for exercise. 333 under my (stated to the calorie app) goal of 1200.
wish everyone the best on their 4n@ (or just weight loss) journeys!
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pandrewlin · 11 months
Just sum no context/might give context writing that ive done for my fav and current save in rimworld.
"You are a waste of her gift" Anya snorts and intentionally pressses one of his wounds harshly.
"I am trying my best ya know, with only my hands and no weapon or armor. You were rushing me to pack up to find this stupid weapon and i couldn't even find my own."
"Still to end up having to soil your pants and stripped by the enemy is entirely too much. Then you couldnt even win and ended up having to be saved."
Wade gets into yet another fit of anger after trying to conversate with Kurthos and turns to Anya and says
"Anyania where'd you meet this guy? This twerp keeps speaking as if you picked him up at a mental hospital!??"
And Anya just calmly responds back in full seriousness
"How'd you guess? He was such a cutie that i couldnt pass him up!"
(Anyania is Anya's full birth name and she hates it but allows only her uncle to call her it. Kurthos knows better to not use the name and all the help and servents know better to not try to piss Anya off or else their head will be on the stakes outside)
"Shes gonna leave with our maid if we dont do something about that" Kurthos twidles his fingers nervously.
"And do what you nimwit, we told her the walls would keep her safe and she went out to pick fucking berries! As if she doesnt eat half the food she cooks and more if she thinks nobody sees her!" Wade cannot believe what he is hearing. Especially when he already knows that the one who will have to do 'something' will be him.
"I dont want to have to clean those big rooms myself. They wouldnt listen to me when i told them to stay still and clean after themselves earlier. The walls laughed in my face." Kurthos frowns slightly
"Honey could you be a dear and tell them to stay clean. They listen to you rather better."
"Of course my love. Though I'd rather just find some other forsaken person out past the hills to come clean up the premises for us."
15 of Septober
Rangly dirty middle aged man falls down from the sky. Wade runs to try to catch him but forgets we built a thick high wall and then proceeds to try to climb it to get to before said dirty middle aged man.
Im sure that my goddess only blessed him because of his blood and not his brains. Even though he doesnt fully believe in her yet but soon he will.
Anyway when Wade got to the dude I realized he had brought the midtech medpacks with him and although I probably should've stopped him, I just let him since we did just get a full stack of glitter medpacks last week.
Nvm we should throw Wade out of the walls and let the raiders have him. HE PUT THAT DIRTY OLD MAN IN MY BRAND NEW BED AND WHEN I TRIED TO TAKE HIM OUT AND PUT HIM SOMETHWHERE ELSE HE CRIED AND SAID "OH NO HE'S INJURED." Oh how i wish the goddess would just leave him for dead next time!
The dirty man has woken up and has since been in a frenzy talking about how his daughter is some baroness in the empire and she is waiting for him. Yadda yaddo doo if you ask me. I wanted to keep him as our new maid/butler but my dear husband also agrees with my uncle and says we should let him return since he has family. :(
I cant deny my sweet darling though so Wade wins this time and ONLY this time.
12th of Decembary
Update the stinky man died:)
I might've closed and locked the bedroom that we put him in.🤷🏽‍♀️ Wade has the keys though. He could've opened it but apparently his nice charity act leaves once one of his research projects takes up his time again.
13th of Decembary
Our gardener died:(. Now Kurthos has to plant and harvest all by himself. He is happy to pick up the work though so maybe its for the best.
14th of Decembary
We manged to hire 2 new servants. A doctor and a crafter/miner. I will have the crafter start making up some statues as i want to decorate the place. Also the new house has been built and floored. I am working on setting up some lights in the hallways and rooms as sleeping in the dark is never good.
The very first thing our crafter does when he gets here is apparently flirt with our doctor.
4th of Aprimay
Some feral child is wandering near the northern walls. Looks saurid and probably about to enter preteen age by the looks of it. Kurthos wants to go out and convince him to stay because in his head "then our child can have a play date to grow up with". Im not totally against the idea but he seems a little old and I've known saurids to be aggressive.
6th of Aprimay
A muffalo hit one of the same damn traps that Wade hit earlier. Lucky that we have that mj girl she has a god's touch for repairing skin and bones. Throw some glitterworld medicine and she could heal the dead probably. Unfortunately the muffalo died before she got there but thats okay we have a few left.
9th of Aprimay
Wade has been mostly out of commision since the trap incident due to his injuries and an infection. But he apparently managed to use his hurt and frail body to woo our doctor, MJ. I have pulled her aside to let her know that even though she works for us and theres a bit of a power gap, that if she's being forced to like him then i could slip her some money and a pack animal to run away with.
She kindly smiled at me and just said that he is interesting and his love for cooking wowed her. Huh guess he's got sum charm then ig. Dont know if they're gonna stay together but if they are serious then we can convert our old bedroom turned hospital room into a couple room again.
Got the lights working in the new house too. Adding a few in the dining room just to make sure it stays lit. Tried to set some up in the old house but the power grid over there collapsed because the batteries kept breaking.
10 of Aprimay
Its 2 in the morning and someone is chatting over the intercom about needing a place to stay for 6 days. Got a group of 4, leader named Kisaki, old caravan robbing and nothing and nowehere to go.
Wade is on his charity behaviour again and says we should take them and for once.....i agree. We need some new hands around here because the whole MJ/Wade situation has me making a plan to turn the old house into a boarding house so then any new servants dont have such awful rooms and can have a little luxury.
Forgot to get them some rooms before they got over here but thats the wonderful part! They'll be making them!
I asked them about their skills and needs and adjusted them to job work accordingly.
1st of Jugust
Been a while since ive written. The refugee group of servants has left now and this is all they've done since they got here-
Move most of the rocks to the new place for a possible stone workshop.
A series of 3 bedrooms were made. They will be converted into guest bedrooms.
Mined most of the unnecessary rock forces away.
Also huilt the second entrance to the outside but its mainly just for raiders
3rd of Jugust
Wade and Mj have recently announced that they are engaged. Wade is going around smirking and smiling, i hope MJ rethinks this. Glad to know divorce isnt a sin to our goddess. Also i have recently noticed neither are formally members of our religion so i have tooken it upon myself to change that.
I have told her now that since the relationship has progressed so far, she is no longer a servant but she still has to listen to me as i am the master of this house and field. Kurthos is happy to build another double bed for the couple.
6th of Jugust
My pregnancy is nearing the end now. I can feel it. My stomach is wide enough where opening doors takes longer and walking outside the walls takes half the day because of limited speed. Kurthos asks that i stay near the house and chill for the upcoming days and at this point im eager to listen to my dear. My days are filled with walks and looking at fish and playing horseshoes.
Oh however MJ stepped over a trap earlier and although we tried to save her life at first, she died. The goddess has accepted her although MJ hasnt though so she isnt dead dead. She will get used to the feeling of death being further.
9th of Jugust
I have been feeling like I've forgotten something over these passing days and i finnally remembered this morning. There was a boy that i wanted to recruit outside the walls but i forgot with all the other stuff that was happening in the walls. I was curious if he died or finally passed the area and i found my answer when wade came back after searching the near grounds. The poor boy apparently got too cold during the spring and had no where to go so he slowly froze and died. He wouldve loved this heat wave we are recently having.
Speaking of heat wave I've had Kurthos be a dear and set up some passive coolers for some rooms around the house even though he swears its not that hot. Apparetly only me and MJ are feeling the sweltering heat as all the men(even Leikvoid!) have sworn that its normal heat outside. How odd.
10th of Jugust
My wife is in no condition to continue writing for right now so she asked me to finish it. The baby was born healthy and oh so cutely. Named him Michelangelo. He's a cutie patootie.
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sweetiesicheng · 2 years
jun - royalty
word count : 616
"your highness, prince junhui is here to see you," one of the servants mentioned while standing in the entranceway.
you looked up from your book to look at the servant. "you can tell him to come here," you said to her.
the servant bowed before leaving. you returned to reading your book, turning to the next page.
you were sitting in the garden in your home, the castle of your town. the season had brought beautiful flowers out and about for everyone who ventured to the castle to enjoy for themselves.
you had been reading all day since after breakfast, enjoying a book that your boyfriend had bought for you.
while continuing to read, you heard footsteps walking closer and closer to you. you glanced up for a second to see your boyfriend walking up to you and smiled, closing and setting the book down beside you.
"hello there," you spoke as jun approached you.
"hi," he greeted you. "are you enjoying the book?" he asked and sat down next to you.
you nodded, "i am," you answered. "when did you get here? you should've told me you were coming here."
"my father is here to meet with your father in regards to the security for the wedding. i tagged along last minute so i could come see you," jun replied and kissed your forehead.
the wedding he mentioned was for the marriage between a highly respected person from his kingdom that wasn't in the royal family to your older sister. their wedding was scheduled to occur in three weeks.
"it's going to be held here, right?" he asked, mentioning to the garden you two were in.
you nodded, "yes, it will. the gardeners and other helpers will start decorating soon. i overheard some of the plans for the decorations for the wedding. it’ll be quite beautiful.”
“yea, i can’t wait to see it in person,” he replied. "would you like me to bring you more books the next time i see you? i've read one lately that you would probably enjoy," he asked you and put the book you were reading earlier onto his lap.
"if you don't mind me borrowing your own books. i plan on going to my favorite merchant once i finish this one," you said, putting your hand on your book and patting it twice. "did you read this one?" you asked.
he nodded and smiled, "i bought myself a copy and read it within a few days. interesting, isn't it?" he asked.
"it is, but you buying it for me makes me love it even more," you replied to him. "i brought the other books you got me out as well," you mentioned and picked up the two other books that were sitting in the table next to you. "i didn't have anything to do so i figured that i could at least start one of these later," you added. "would you like to go inside?" you asked him, unsure of what he wanted to do.
he shook his head, "let's stay out here. you can continue reading if you want," he said, handing back your book.
"are you sure? we can do something else instead," you responded.
"i don't mind," he replied, "i can read one of these while you finish that one. you're almost done anyway." he grabbed one of the two other books, "maybe we can go walk around after you're done," he suggested.
you nodded in response, "okay.”
the two of you started reading the books and enjoying each other's company in your castle's garden together. after some time, you leaned your head on jun's shoulder and he responded by kissing the top of your head.
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readyplayerhobi · 3 years
Flower | Drabble 5
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, slight angst
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: Another little drabble! It's hard to give this couple up 🥺 this is also a scene that was basically deleted from the main series, so it's been given a time jump! I didn't want people to think it was a cliche moment (it kinda is) but...I think this gives some good clarity on how the MC has grown! Unedited as on mobile.
"Do you think your mom will like this?" You query, brows farrowing together as you turn the elegantly decorated plant pot around in your hands. It would match her current living room decor and she loved gardening.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah...why?" Hoseok asks with a distracted tone, his attention grabbed with the collection of fake plants. The two of you had come to a home decoration store as you wanted to redecorate your bedroom. He wasn't hugely interested in how it was done and you were pretty sure that he was here just to spend time with you.
Which was sweet and you loved that he was content to just be with you, but he wasn't being very helpful right now.
"...her birthday? It's next week, we're taking her out for dinner, remember?" He pauses for a moment before his lips turn into a circle.
"Oh yeah, shit. I need to book the table for that." Before you can say anything else, he's pulling out his phone and tapping away on it.
Sighing, you place the pot into the cart and begin to look with an eye for your bedroom. You wanted to inject more plants into the house but Kasumi just tried to eat real ones, so you were stuck with fake plants.
"How about C'est Bonne? Wait no, she doesn't like French food. Hmmm, Italian feels boring though. Do you think she'd like Thai, I think that'd be alright." Hoseok is muttering to himself as he scrolls and you smile affectionately.
To say he'd completely forgotten, you weren't surprised that he was throwing himself into it now.
"Hoseok?" For a moment, neither of you respond. You, because it wasn't your name and so you weren't conditioned to respond to it, and Hoseok because it wasn't your voice.
His head jerked up in confusion, gaze going to you first before looking around. The voice calls again from your left and you turn to see who it is, wondering who was calling out your husband's name.
What you didn't expect is for Hoseok's face to open in surprise, shocked recognition taking over his expression. Like, real shock and you're even more confused and intrigued.
"Yoona?" He asks, his tone slightly unsure and you realise it's obviously someone he once knew. You've heard him mention the name at some point, but you can't remember why you know it.
"It is you! Oh my god, it's so good to see you. How long has it been?" The woman in question, Yoona, smiles brightly and you observe that she's pretty. Very pretty with the kind of hair you see in commercials.
She's wearing plain black jeans that conform to her legs alongside a subtly flowered shirt. Her black pea coat tops it off with a matching deep purple scarf and beanie to cope with the colder weather.
"Err...a while." Hoseok laughs, his hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck and you recognise the awkward movement. He's a little uncomfortable and your stomach turns as you wonder if this is one of his hook ups.
Surprisingly, you'd never met one of them given how prolific he'd been. Though you did wonder how many of them had also been drunk and probably didn't remember him at all.
Still, you feel the urge to comfort him and move closer, resting your hand on his back in assurance. He straightens a little at the touch before relaxing into you, his arm coming to wrap around your shoulder and hugging you into him a little more strongly than you'd anticipated.
"Oh, Meeps this is Yoona, the girl in college who got me to sort my shit out?" Hoseok's brows rise as his voice turns dry before he looks back at Yoona. "This is Y/N, my wife."
Her eyes flick over to you and surprisingly enough, she doesn't give you a once over. You almost expected her to view you as some kind of threat or rival, but the reassuring smile she gives makes you realise how silly that would be.
"Really? Oh my god, Hoseok! I'm so happy for you, and for you, Y/N! I always knew he had the makings of a good partner, even if he couldn't see it. I'm glad you finally took my advice." Yoona says before reaching out to shake your hand politely.
Surprisingly, it's not nearly as awkward as you'd think to meet one of your husband's ex-flings. Especially one who'd had such an influence on his life.
"Erm, thank you. Hoseok's talk about you sometimes, thank you for helping him back then." You say shyly, feeling your stomach twist uncertainly as you take your hand back and play with your fingers.
Just like he always has, Hoseok instinctively knows when you're not comfortable and he reaches for one of your hands. 
"I've told her lots of things over the years," He grins before kissing your forehead. "My therapy was very good, I promise."
That's directed to Yoona who laughs sweetly and nods in appreciation.
"Good, good, I'm glad. Anyway, I've got to be going but...it was nice to see you! And I'm really happy that you've found someone. I'd love to get to know you better but I'm sure you're amazing. Gotta be to have captured this guy's attention." She smiles and gestures towards you, causing you to feel hot with embarrassment.
"Erm, thank you." You mutter, unsure of how to react. But you're surprisingly okay with her and don't feel any form of threat, even with her important history with Hoseok. It was clear there were no feelings between either of them and you genuinely felt that she was a good person.
Before either of you could say anything else, she said her goodbyes and headed towards the cashiers at the front of the store. There was a brief moment of silence as you both tried to compute what had happened and Hoseok recovered quicker than you did.
"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, his words laced with concern that matched the worry in his eyes. You knew why he was feeling like that - Yoona was beautiful, once upon a time he'd slept with her and she'd helped him realise how to move forward. Or at least take the steps there.
If this had happened in the first year of your relationship then you probably would feel disconcerted, unsure what to think about this blast from his past. But you weren't that girl anymore, and whilst you still had your anxieties, you had full and complete faith in Hoseok.
Plus, he'd been as blindsided by her as you were. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. It was nice to finally meet the famous Yoona, she seemed nice." You comment, slipping your arm through his and leaning against him as you both walked towards the bedroom section. Bring so close to him meant that you could practically feel him relax at your words.
"Good, good. I didn't...well I didn't know what to think, really. I was worried you'd be upset or something." Hoseok admits, trailing his hand down your coat sleeve until he can grasp your fingers between his own.
"No, I know all about your history and it was only a matter of time before we met someone. And like I said, she was sweet." There's still some uneasiness in his demeanour though and you squeeze his hand before gently poking the back of it with a finger.
The movement makes him smile and you feel relief at him looking a little happier.
"Seriously, I'm okay. Are you okay?" It was probably a big thing to accidentally meet up with such an important fling, but but could understand why he wasn't comfortable with it all.
That was a part of his past that he wasn't entirely happy with colliding with his very happy present. So you just held on to him as he worked through his feelings.
"Yeah...yeah I am. It was just weird to see her, you know? Never expected that." He let's his free hand trail over a soft, velvet cushion idly and you hum in contemplation.
"I get it. But don't fret over it, okay? I'm fine with it all and...well, it was nice to meet the woman who helped to bring the Hoseok I know to life. Or at least, started the process. Without her, we wouldn't be here."
Hoseok is silent as he considers that, his lips twisting before he licks at his lip ring and nods.
"Yeah, you're right. She's the one part of my past that I'm okay with you seeing in person. I should've thanked her…" Muttering, he sighs before shrugging with a lopsided smile.
"Oh well, let's carry on shopping. Your decorations await! And I need to finish booking that table...I'm actually thinking of maybe trying that Lebanese place…"
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Anon said: tried to read through all your request rules, but I didnt specifically see which Characters you write for. If you do, could you write for Porco helping his S/o sleep? I have super bad insomnia most days, and I just really want something fluffy with Porco...just cuddles or stories or something. If you dont write for Porco though could you switch it with a AoT character you do write for, I'm not really picky. Thank you so much in advance! 🥺💗
Porco helping you sleep
{Porco x reader | tw:none | sleep help, fluff | canon }
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{ "The Night School" C.1660-C.1665 By Gerrit Dou 1613-1675 }
Unmoving shadows cast into the empty white walls, slightly flickering with the flame on the white candle sitting on the nightstand. Half lidded eyes observe their small movements for they're the only interesting thing in this empty hotel room you've been assigned. 
Your beige uniform tucked into the small closest with a single hanger inside, the armband hanging on the closest door for easy reach. The squeak of the spring mattress chirping up whenever you moved to flip your too stiff pillow. 
Judging by the amount of melted wax collecting on the bottom of the candle, you've been awake for far too long. 
This isn't the first time this has happened, you're used to getting acquainted with the room's walls and shadowy furniture.
Sleep has abandoned you long ago, its friend insomnia visiting you daily instead. Only leaving every week or so to remind you of what you could never have, taunting almost.
You've tried to force yourself to sleep really, did every known trick in the book, you even tried mediation like Zeke has been preaching to you about, but to no avail. so you've started making peace with the thing, you know at least using the night time to get things done since you're not getting rest either way.
Books were your first friend, for staring at the walls could only be entertaining for so long, but now with your stash of books miles away back home, you're left with nothing else to do.
The nightstand drawer only contained an emergency gun with several bullets inside, and the pocket knife under your pillow wasn't interesting enough.
Getting up from the bed, you picked up the candle before slowly inching the creaky door open. Maybe a glass of water could help, who cares that this is your third time going for water in the last hour? Well hydration is important after all, or so you tried to bargain for an excuse to stretch your legs.
Attempting your best to glide through the old wooden boards without as much as a squeak, you headed towards the kitchen, passing through several other bedrooms in the process, probably all deep in dream land already.
Everything was too quiet, the sound of water filling the glass was the only thing interrupting the silence, its cool feeling going down your dry throat helped you a bit.
Drinking down what you can, you decided to take the rest with you back, a good excuse for a trip to the bathroom later. Although as you turned, a figure was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and staring at you.
"Isn't it too early for breakfast?" Porco said, covering his mouth with his hand as he yawned, "you should get some rest while you can, we're getting thrown in the front trenches tomorrow." 
Just the mention of it made your stomach roll at the thought of staying in a muddy hole for days, the smell of gunpowder and yelling of soldiers, not to mention the crowded train rides back home.
"I know, it's just…" you stared at the water moving inside your glass while tilting it, "one of those days, you know?" 
eyes narrowing with his eyebrows pulling down in concentration, even Porco's sleep clouded mind could recognise the heavy bags under your eyes. The ride here used all of your energy and now you're too tired to even sleep.
Feeling an unpleasant weight on his chest, he wasn't sure what to say as he approached you, awkwardly leaning against the sink, a heavy sigh left him.
"You know, you should bother me more often, I don't mind it." His gentle tone was followed by a melancholic smile, "let's just...go to bed."
With that his hand wrapped around your wrist, loosely at first like he was reluctant about it, before it got more secure once you didn't pull away.
The old door gave out a creek as it closed behind you, the room dimmer than you left it with the candle you're carrying almost burning out. 
Looking at the small bed with a single pillow, you wondered how the two grown people would fit in it and judging by the frustrated look Porco was eyeing it with, he must be thinking the same.
Looking at him, your mind wondered back to all the battles you've fought together. For some reason the superiors always seemed more strick and harsh with him, especially after the paradise mission was launched.
Belitting and nagging, carelessly throwing him in risky situations.
Your grip tightened around the water glass, feeling growing thickness in your throat. "Hey...it's okay you can go to your room, you need sleep." You said moving past him to sit on the bed, "I'll be fine."
"Should've thought of that before waking me up, now scoot over." He said, rising an eyebrow and stepping closer.
"I didn't wake you up, you're just a light sleeper." Laying down, you stretched your limbs filling the bed, "there's no room, it won't fit."
Silence filled the room for a while, you could feel his eyes roaming over you, "Oh really? Well…"
One second, you were laying on the mattress while staring at his stubborn expression in confusion, the next a pair of arms was lifting you up as he stole your place before dropping you on him. His arm circled your waist not trusting that you won't pull away
"I made it fit." he looked at you with smugness in his eyes
His warm skin felt comforting against yours, contrasting with the cold room air, you could hear his slowing heartbeat with being so close to his chest, your legs slowly tangling to fit under the blanket covering you.
Apparently that's as far as his genius plan went, because after that an awkward silence filled the room.
"So...you made it fit huh?" You couldn't help but say, a grin slowly spreading on your face. 
Porco blinked in response, tilting his head, before his eyes stilled as his ears flushed. "Fucking god, you're such a-" his attempt to scold you was interrupted by a chuckle escaping mid-sentence.
Having a contagious laugh, soon enough you too joined him.
After it died down, the atmosphere was replaced by a much more relaxed one as his hold on you softened, more intimate than the previous one. 
"When I was a kid, i used to have trouble sleeping- well more like i was too stubborn to fall asleep." Porco said, trailing his finger up your back soothingly, "and since Marcel was stuck sharing a room with me, he'd tell me stories to get me to fall asleep."
"What kind of stories?" 
"...if you tell this to anyone I'm reporting you to the higher ups you for treason, they were flower stories." Clearing his throat, you could feel his heartbeat rising under you, 
Closely watching your reaction, Porco continued after some seconds. "now I'm not calling you a kid nor do i think it's as simple, i just think...we should give it a chance." 
With the heaviness of the blanket above you and warmth of his body underneath you, it was hard to refuse his request, especially with the way he looked at you so earnestly. 
You agreed, and felt his other hand reach to pull up the blanket more, tucking you protectively between his body and the soft fabric. 
"This first one is called...well i don't remember what names Marcel gave them, but it's about poppies."
Crimson red bringers of eternal sleep, their crumbled petals and dark centers often found in the ancient tombs of soldiers.
As the mother of nature, Demeter, mourned and grieved from the betrayal of Zeus, it wasn't only the mortal realm in which death loomed at every corner, for her own mind was a tormenting prison of never ending suffering.
And so a droplet of her blood sprang and flourished to create a six petaled flower, easing her heartache if only for a moment as the poppy put her to sleep, numbing the pain.
Following in her trail was a red carpet of poppies, soon enough death and sleep themselves wore the flower, red crowns resting on top of Thanatos's held up head and one almost slipping from Hypnosi's leaning one as he dozed off. for eternal sleep was only another name for visiting the underworld. 
A symbol of peace in resting and condolence for the loss of a loved one, became the poppy's role. 
"This is why you'd often see them in people's front pockets whenever we return home." Porco said, the light slowly vanishing from the room as the candle burned itself out, the flame snuffed.
You've never questioned why a delivery of poppies would always be on the requirements in each returning celebration, it's just always been there. 
Slow and easy breathes flew through you, lazily stretching your arms up till it met something soft. Porco seemed to tense as your fingers loosely combed through his hair, leaning into the touch after a while.
"Don't stop." He murmured, sleep clear in his voice as another yawn left him.
"Do you have any other stories?" Drowsiness sweeping through your mind, you buried your hed deeper against his neck, eyelids fluttering shut.
"Yeah just…" his hand stilled from behind you as he looked into space attempting to recall a memory, soon enough the soft stroking returned. "This one is about peony."
Named after none other than Paeon himself, these flowers lived up to their reputation of healing and honour, for they have their own story to tell.
How the peony came to be declared king of flowers.
During the Tang dynasty, empress Wu Zetian strolled through her garden. Frowning at the empty field of green covered in thick white blankets of snow, the harsh season not showing mercy for the plants.
With a new goal in mind to flip this dreadful looking graveyard of a garden, she set to defy nature for she is the ruler of the land and her word is law.
Per her majesty's order, all flowers shall bloom in the midst of winter's visit.
As the word travelled far, all the fairies in the land couldn't believe their ears, how could such delicate fragile petals grow amidst the storm and snow. For flowers only bloom in spring, how could we go against mother nature?
While merciless mother nature was cruel, she couldn't compare for the empress's strong rule. For the fairies feared for their wings as their knees shook in her presence.
When the sun shined again, it welcomed colourful fields of different flowers in full bloom. The empress was pleased with their sweet smell and proud colours, each one rivaling the other.
And yet, she stood still near one flower bed, eyes wide. The peony deified her words and stubbornly refused to open, only sticks and brittle leaves left in their place.
In a fit of rage, the empress banished the flower to a far away city, striping away their status.
Living up to their stubborn nature, the peony bloomed that spring the most beautiful flowers humans have ever seen, turning the city of Luoyang into a heavenly soft land as their petals danced through the wind.
But their beauty couldn't last long, for a hungry fire swallowed them all, under the order of the empress who turned their green to coal.
And yet to everyone's surprise, when the earth circled the sun again, the peonies were back in bloom. Springing from the ashes were their mesmerising big petals and soft colours. 
In their respect, the fairies crowned them for their bravery as the ruler of the flowers, for wasn't it for their sacrifice the flowers wouldn't have been freed.
"They stayed on the right way, even if it meant going against the world." Porco's slurred words were half muffled against the pillow, head buried in it, his eyelids seemed to get too heavy for him to force them open again.
Turning his head to the side, you felt his lips press a light kiss against your forehead before whispering a goodnight, his hold still comfortably secure around you as if you might slip away. 
Soon enough, you too drifted into sleep as only his soft snoring filled the room. The moon watching over both of you through the windows as her light barely reached inside. 
And at this instant, you didn't think there was anywhere else in the world you'd rather be. Thoughts of what the future holds were pushed to the back of your mind next to the past, for the present is now and what a waste it would be not to bask in these rare moments of peace in this horrible world
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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🛋 I Wish I Didn't Care All The Time 🛋
F.W.B AU! Klarker
Clark Barker x Jack Kline
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Many people have many opinions on F.W.B , but one opinion that is mainly seen and heard is that at the end it tends to blow up at your face .
Jack wasn't one to get involve into some shit that he will regret . On the other hand , his best friend Clark has done some shit that have gotten both of them in trouble .
Keep in mind half the time Jack wouldn't be involved and he somehow get caught red handed . He blames it all on Clark , well that's his excuse cause he doesn't want to get the wrath of his parents .
Sure he can ignore the raven man and hang with his other friends and live a simple , relaxing life . The problem is that Jack doesn't quite have other friends . He just has his older sister Claire . And her friends only talk to him out of pity .
He met Clark in high school when the guy tried to convince him to do the class project all by himself . From then on they sorta clicked , they were inseparable.  Many people thought they were dating .
He wasn't blind , his friend was attractive and by all the times Clark had told him he was hot . He could see why people thought that they were a couple , the latter was quite touchy .
And it wasn't like it never crossed his mind , but the thing was Clark is basically fuck boy . He doesn't do relationships , the only thing he can commit is to drugs,  food , and music .
On the other hand he didn't have a problem with commitment issues , but all his relationships just never seem to work out . The problem mainly being Clark , that's what his exes would tell him .
" Fuck them , they dont know what their missing out , And being honest she was annoying . " 
That was always his response , pointing out what he didn't like about the person .
" you don't like no one " it was like a relative
thing . He wasn't lying when he mentioned about his failed attempt at love .
" I like you , don't I " Rolling his eyes , as the raven haired holds him close . All he can do is take in the somehow soothing smell of cigarettes and cologne .
Being in college is frustrating , mainly being filled overload with homework , essays , projects , and you can't forget anxiety . Jack was just overwhelmed , he just wanted to go home to his dad's and listen to them bicker . Have a fight with Claire about anything , help his father with his garden and watch the bees .
He wants to spend time with his uncle Sam maybe playing football , even he's terribly bad at it . Laugh with his aunt Eileen,  when Sam and Dean get competitive over who's actually winning .  he just wants to be with his family .
Thank God break is coming soon , if not he would've exploded . When he mentions it to Clark,  he just say he's probably frustrated because  he hasn't gotten any action . He usually just throws his pillow at him .
..... ...... .....
It wasn't the first time he seen his friend drunk , it was after all was a constant thing he would do . Watching as his friend struggle to take of his jacket and stumbling to go lay down , it wasn't no surprise when he had fell down . He also couldn't help but laugh along with Clark.
" seems like you had a fun night , here let me help you " Helping him stand up , he starts to remove his jacket .
" Fuck yeah I did , you should've have gone . You could've released some of your pent up frustration . "  Clark spoke as he looked at the blonde .
" can you not , just be glad you did . God you reek of ciggaretes . I don't know when your gonna learn when to stop smoking .
Hold on I'm gonna help you change , please try not to fall . "
removing the other boy shirt , he walks to the drawer taking out what he needs . returning to the now slighty naked drunk .
" I missed you "
" i missed you too . you should lay down.  " turning around to lay down , he was stopped .
" can you lay with me tonight . please . "
 Clark asked still holding on to his wrist . as they both layed down , he didn't know why his heart was beating so fast . Maybe it was the way his friend was looking at him or how all he can think of how was to kiss him . But there was that warning bell
going off his mind warning him to not cross the line . but by the time he was gonna acknowledge it , Clark had started kissing him .
He wasn't the one to be blamed , if you were being kissed by the same person who was incredibly a good kisser you would also ignore all the warning signs .
His lips tasted like beer and cigarettes.  Clothes were thrown across the room . Darker hands roamed gently across soft pale skin , Holding him down firmly . As he racked his nails down the ravens back from the pleasure he was receiving.  And he should've known everything wouldn't be the same after that night .
.... .... ....
The morning after , Jack got his ass up from the bed and quickly left as he could . Scared he had to face him . cursing himself for being so weak , he shouldve have stopped . He knew he should go back to his dorm and got talk to Clark,  but it didn't mean he couldn't avoid it for a few more hours .
walking in the dorm , he expected to see the latter in the room but he was nowhere to be seen . So he sat down and waited . minutes after minutes then  turned to hours . Might as well get started with his paper that was due this week .
It was dark when he heard the door open . looking up from his computer , watching as Clark walk in . Obviously ignoring him , he went straight to bathroom . They didn't spoke at all , just Jack watching him change . but he didn't once look at him .
Right he was about to step out , he just quickly spoke and left .
" I'm going out , don't wait up "
The silence didn't quite helped him feel better .It made him feel like shit , it just made it worse when he started to cry .
.... .... ....
All he can see was darkness , he kept glancing at the clock . The time was just there mocking him as if it knew he was waiting for someone that might not come . checking again it was still 2 : 00 AM like it was two seconds ago .So he just turned on the lights .
Coming to the conclusion that the raven haired  was probably in someone else's bed . He gets out of bed  to turn off the lights , the door opens .
" your awake , I thought you were asleep already ."  a surprised look coming across his face .
" I was going to , I was just ......... " silence overtook the conversation .  they just standed for a good minute until Clark spoke but didn't even look at his direction .
" alright . night . "
Shame crept up in his skin , he knew he should've kept his mouth shut . but the words just tumbled out his mouth .
" you had fun ? I mean by looks of it . "
finishing getting undress , he responds by shrugging . not being able to stand the cold shoulder , he tries again but unfortunately that's when his tears started to come in .
"  Jack ,  are you crying ? "
startled by the voice , he looks up. He didn't even notice when his friend came closer.  He latches on to the older boy ,not wanting the other to leave him . feeling Clark hold him tight and giving him a kiss on his temple made him calm down .
Later that night they talked and both agreed it was an  amazing beautiful mistake but both knew it would affect their friendship . So they agreed to move on , keep going with their life's. 
Unfortunately , Clark haven't been able to sleep with anyone else after night. It seemed nobody was good enough for him . It just seemed pointless , and he doesn't want to remember when he try to have sex but he couldn't get it up .
So it lead him to masturbating and smoking . But he couldn't do it because he didn't have time to do so . And it seemed both him and Jack were playing a game that they didn't even know the rules to .
All broke loose when he saw a guy try to give Jack his number in front of him . HE was just boiling and it was like the blonde knew what it was doing to him . He started flirting back with that dumbass .
When they both got back to the dorm , they locked the door .
The next day they both went to find the guy and jack had to explain to the guy he wasnt interested , not because what had happen in that same day .
And if Clark had a smug smirk all day nobody mentioned it
.... ....
They agreed on a Friend with benefits agreement . There were rules that had to be followed so at the end their friendship wouldnt get ruined .
* 1 . Don't tell anyone
* 2 . once feelings start to form they had to call it quits
* 3 . They're aren't allowed to sleep with anyone else 
( Jack agreed with that one right away , he wasn't trying to catch a disease or something . well that's what he kept telling himself .)
* 4 . They can stop whenever the other doesn't want to continue .
* 5 . Always ask consent !
Jack was really proud he came up with that , even if Clark retorted
" I think when your all over me it should be more clear that you want me to F- "
covering his mouth he ends the conversation to point out their first time .
 " you were the one that had  asked me the first time .:
And well they couldn't quite finish the list , because one kiss lead to another and well how can you blame Clark when the blonde was smiling at him like that .
When both come to the conclusion that had fallen way before they had come to the point they were . The blonde tries to show the other , how maybe they didn't have to be just friends . While the other pretends , it all just distraction like playing a board game .
Even if it broke Clark's heart having to remind himself , it was just that and nothing more .
...... ..... .....
there should be more klarker fic
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 4 years
The Truths Found On Petram Viridios IV (2/?)
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A/n: I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Read Part 1
Chapter 2: Getting Along
There was so much you still had to learn about mice and Salamandrian men; minus the mice part. You were surprised by V'gha's chattiness. Why, it was no sooner when you two had taken a seat that he began asking about your culture, interests, as well as to what you did for occupation. It seemed that he was fascinated by how both you and Zeta-7 lived; being that you were the only human he's officially met, he wanted answers for the questions which his home world's databases could not answer. You couldn't fool him when it came to your acquaintance with Rick as his neighbor, but you played it off by saying that he was the local mad scientist that everyone knew of but gave little importance to; it hurts you to say this, for he was worthy of the highest praise, with his extraordinary mind and his winsome personality, but V'gha was more familiar with Zeta-7 then you had known; it seemed Rick had a bigger reputation then you had thought, and the chemist hoped that he could make his acquaintance once all this was over; how he could be interested after all your initial rudeness was inspiring and in its own right.
You found his straightforward nature refreshing, albeit at times coming across as nosy, but first impressions at times gave allowances for this; to discover that despite how one may come across in passing, is not always the sincerest, true version of oneself. There was no malice or ill intent in his inquiries or reactions to your answers, and while you had redirected many of his questions, he didn't seem to mind; whatever you shared gave him delight. Over and over you wondered why Rick couldn't have been seated at this table, for this creature could have shared all that fascinated him with a fellow scientist and they could have debated in peace over theories and experiments; for your part, you would have sat there raptly, admiring the like-minded individuals who might or might not have been jealous at one point or another over understandings, discoveries and what not. As you two talked, you scanned the garden with your eyes, and searched for Rick, but couldn't spot his bowl cut anywhere; you trusted that he'd show up one way or another, but you hoped for sooner rather than later. In the meantime, you two discussed how fascinating the planet and its inhabitants were while making remarks on the flavor of the food  "My soup is thin and looks as though I stuck my foot in it, but it tastes like honey." you commented as you set your spoon back down. "I'm not sure whether to drink it or to jar it."
"Neither. It's what your utensils will go in once you are done eating."
"Oh, I probably shouldn't have tasted it then."
"No harm will be done." he chuckled, which exposed his fine, sharp rows of teeth. "I've taken the liberty of scanning it to make sure."
If Zeta-7 had been here, he might've tried the utensil cleaner on purpose in the good ole' way of tasting the chemical when he should've tested it. Yet, since he wasn't here, you were ready to admit that you found V'gha a bit more intriguing then you had anticipated. When you had initially boarded the ship and met him upon entering a cabin, you were determined to despise him for you didn't want to appear weak in front of strangers, but it melted away as he decided to apologize once you two had reached your assigned table. Sure, you weren't really into reptiles, but whether it was how his skin glistened in the starlight, his intellect, or how his bright oval eyes seemed to bore into you as you spoke, it was somewhat flattering; you thought only Rick could make you feel this way; hopefully, it was his simple charm and newfound politeness, and nothing more. To ease the anxious thoughts which were building in your chest, you glanced at the empty third chair. "Do you think Noathamas is in trouble?"
"I'm not sure." he confessed in all seriousness. "After all, he did violate one of their laws which was not to eat any of the guests. I don't know what came over him, but hopefully, whatever consequences come his way, will simply be disciplinary action and nothing more."
"Yeah, that would be good."
Though, you blamed the fact that the knight had returned from battle not long ago, and might've been triggered by something done or said; you hoped he'd survive. To distract yourself further, you stabbed your synthesized meal. It was a mass of congealed worm meal, and you pretended to eat it, but you weren't really hungry; it was supposed to be calcium-rich if you were correct. "So," you wondered as you pushed away your dish. "where you're from, do you do stuff like this?"
"You mean attend formal gatherings where I'm not allowed to have fun? Or meet total strangers that I'd rather study then stand next to? Hmm, more often than I'd like. It does have its perks. I'm highly respected in my field and get paid well, but I don't get out much unless it's work-related. A majority of my free time is used to study journals or to sleep. Occasionally both."
"That's a bummer. Not the studying part, because that can be fun if it's a topic you're passionate about, but you strike me as someone who enjoys good company. I'm surprised that at this point you haven't mentioned hanging out with friends or family."
The pause in conversation didn't seem long enough for your liking, but neither was it short enough to keep its natural flow. There seemed to be a distant, far off look, as though he were staring through you, at someone else; longing; one which would've gone without notice if you hadn't been used to reading people who were like Rick; intelligent, curious, lonely people who were less like normal men, but were no less mortal, and not quite a machine. When he started, you hadn't expected the familiarity in his words. "I consider my lab as my friend and my lab samples as my family. It's where I am most of the time."
Before you met Rick, would he have said the same? Almost, for his inventions and things bought, made, or salvaged held meaning; he was very sentimental but desperate to cling on to good feelings; maybe, these two weren't so different. "I used to feel the same way about the characters I wrote," you started, wondering if this was a good idea. Yet, now that you've shared this much, you couldn't stop now. "and the stories which I typed for others consumption and entertainment. It's as though you spill and pour a bit of yourself into these dreams and passions. As a famous singer once sang, 'You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.'"
"What a way to put it. I think I might've heard the song you quoted some years ago. I believe my satellites picked up the transmission."
You smiled at that. You had heard the stories, read the theories, and admired man's will of wanting to make contact with the unknown; if only they would have known what they were getting themselves into. It wasn't all bad, and could very much be as Star Trek would put it, 'To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!' And to watch an intellectual man like Zeta-7 to almost wax poetic about the marvels and atrocities which were in the depths of space, and listening to how an alien admired what was in another quadrant of space, why it warmed your heart. "That's neat. It's funny," you admitted a bit quietly at first, then you raised your eyes towards him. "I'm not used to these kinds of events, but I gotta admit that it hasn't been so bad. You've made an otherwise tiresome task a joyful one."
You had long since noticed that his face was very stiff when it came to expressing emotions, but he still managed a smile that was no less winning. And unlike most of the evening there was an unaccountable silence. Till now, it seemed nothing could stop the Salamandrian from talking, but whatever had come over him went away as a danceable tune began to play, and you felt a subtle shift as he stood and wondered if you cared to dance. Keeping in mind the strict rules of this planet, you raised a brow, but he seemed to know what to do. "Come, I'll show you how it is done."
With a nod, you followed him all the while keeping a fair distance. Beneath your feet, you felt the bumpy path through your thin flats and relished the strong gust of wind that whipped your hair about. If you had closed your eyes, you could almost imagine yourself back home in Rick's backyard, remembering one of the first times you urged him to dance under the moonlit night, admiring how he colored when you realized it was a first for him; reluctant he stood on the patio unsure of what to do, but you smiled at him and told him there wasn't much to it because it was simply more romantic. Oh, how your heart ached for those days, but there wasn't much time to continue reminiscing, for you were dragged back to reality by the candor of the chemist's voice. "We're here."
On a raised platform was a honeycomb pattern of tiles, which illuminated when stepped on. V'gha took his place and stood very still until a see-through chamber enclosed him in. There was no panic or surprise, which led you to believe that he had done this before. In like manner, you followed his lead and took your place a few feet away and stood still until a chamber rose to encapsulate you in it. You felt a tightness in your chest, and took deep breaths in order not to panic, but a new tune began to play and it struck you with a sense of deja vu. 
A glance at the stage revealed the appearance of a tall, veiled figure surrounded by six guards. You pressed a hand over your heart, feeling it quicken as he swiftly, but gently passed his fingers over a golden orbed plant which had very stiff leaves, and when it detected movement, it vibrated, and this, in turn, caused it to emanate a sound a little more delicate than that of a kalimba. Its melody seeped into your bones, buzzing against your skin, and in it you felt a sense of belonging and warmth to a moment. Along with the veiled figure was the being made of pure energy, whose voice added body to the already beautiful tune; flowers bloomed at high frequencies, and thread-thin roots spread along the stage and dance floor; illuminating at rhythmic intervals.
You imagined yourself dancing with Zeta-7, on a plane of nothingness; submerged in a viscous sweetness then rising to the surface; floating, falling, losing yourself in a funny world, with every intrinsic, idiosyncratic, and inviting thing in your path; laced fingers, shared breaths, surrounded by his warmth, secure in the nearness of him, and sure in his grasp; he was incandescently happy, and he was as much yourself as you were of him. "C-can you hear me princess?" he whispered.
You could hear him, but you couldn't answer. Lips ghosted over yours, whispering phrases you thought you recognized; haunting you; trying to tell you something of the utmost importance, but the song ceased, and the figure was gone; breaking the trance you hadn't known you'd been under. When the chamber returned from whence it had come, you followed V'gha back to the table; confused, embarrassed, lost, but with a sense of knowing. You thought to yourself that the veiled figure could've been Rick, for who else could evoke such feelings except for Rick; that or it truly was a tune which was out of this world. "You're quite a dancer." he commented, which interrupted your thoughts.
"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything."
Taking a sip of his murky beverage, he explained. "There is no physical dancing done on this planet, except to those exclusively done by royalty and that of the Milleannos guardians. What the rest of us did, including yourself, was dance with our soul. None of us can really discern what the other is dancing to, which makes it appropriate and is in line with the laws, but while the others might not have understood what you were about, I could tell from the bliss which you exhibited on your face when we came back this way. It made me conclude you had enjoyed yourself. Call it instinct, but I believe this is the happiest you've been all evening."
Again, he wasn't wrong. Yet, how could you not know? It's possible that Zeta-7 didn't know it would take place either. You remembered how you felt, how real and tangible it seemed, but if that was the case, were you really dancing with Rick, or the idea of him? Did it matter? 
The music now, albeit stimulating, was light and nearly silent as though someone was lightly humming. It was not as provoking as the tune earlier had been, but perhaps the experience you had was exclusive to your own feelings. "I did enjoy myself," you replied. "did you?"
"It was fascinating," he admitted smoothly. "but I much more prefer the view of all twenty-nine of this planet's moons. I cannot study the intangible thought of a feeling."
"If it helps, I much would've preferred regular dancing, but the experience...it's… it's one I wouldn't mind trying again." 
One you wouldn't mind trying again, but only with Rick.
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