#probably soon >:)c
expelliarmus · 7 months
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x03 - Bye
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clownsuu · 9 months
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I have no clue if tumblr ate the ask or not (if it didn’t, I apologize for the double posting) BUT
Im glad to see so much art of Robbie getting so many friends who roughhouse with him, especially after the Robbie lore dump (possibly by coincidence? Since it wasn’t here) because he deserves friends who can handle and even match his energy :)))
YEAHHH IM GLAD TOO!! specially for a lonely guy like him,, he’s dumb and sometimes even criminal in what he does, but my golly he’s a really excited and happy guy,,,,,
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
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Harry sits messily on the floor like a delicate flower lay crushed and scattered on the ground, trampled by careless feet. Yet even in his brokenness, there is beauty to be found. Like petals, Harry’s lips and pale skin blend together in a mosaic of soft pinks and red, his glassy eyes blinking slowly as he starts to realize just now Louis is standing in front of him.
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karamazovanon · 9 months
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you cannot exhume a soul
— "Either he will rise up in the light of truth, or … perish in hatred, taking vengeance on himself and on everyone else for his having served that in which he does not believe" (The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky tr. McDuff, p. 837)
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silusvesuius · 1 year
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what two nice kids i wonder what they'll be like once they grow up
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im rewatching my favorite firefighter show in preparation for the new season and ngl i spent the entirety of season one going "where's Eddie. where is he. why isn't he here what happened to him where is Edmundo Diaz and why isn't he in the 118 already-"
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 years
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Francis? Yeah? Here's your belt.
The Darjeeling Limited (2007) dir. Wes Anderson
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kalissimsblog · 3 months
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insufferablemod · 19 days
wowgh.... my first free day in weeks tomorrow.....
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honeydots · 1 month
I would like some teasers about that Xander - Soleil father-daughter support fic please 💖
HEHEHE that'd be my pleasure~~!! i'll put a couple things under the cut c:
the fanart nattie drew for me is from their c-support!! the gist of it is that xander's employing a similar punishment to soleil as he did to laslow for excessive flirting :3 but as they're working in xander's office, they both end up falling asleep, hence the little scene in the art <3
the rest of the support is about soleil lying through her teeth about how she totally isn't flirting anymore so she doesn't get in trouble again, and xander completely seeing through her lie and doing a dad-thing of trying to make her come clean herself instead of directly calling her out !!
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humanmorph · 3 months
post about PAL 41. yeah you know which bit. (I deleted this post by accident and had to entirely rewrite it and I am JUST posting it now. might change some stuff later if need be)
First of all "No, you dont get it Dre. I want you to FAIL" bitch me toooooooo
The Future reveal was extremely good. what a strong visual. after everything else that happened, it's still this that lingers with me... God... And at least to me a complete surprise. It's really great as a parallel to the other side of the game with the Axiom as a being unlike (but not entirely) Divines, precisely because they've excised humans/synthetics from their creation and being... and Future is not that and can't be that but it is able to wield itself, no Elect necessary. (In a different post I once said I wasn't sure if that had ever happened before, and I completely forgot about Liberty&Discovery. I did not this time.) There's a lot of different things going on with Divines this season, and some spanning back from PARTIZAN too - I think it's impressive that nontheless it all coheres. I already saw someone put this in a way I really liked, maybe I'll try to find that post again later.
I have thoughts about Figure going back to/from their introduction in PARTIZAN, but it all feels a little pointless. The crux of it is that I would've found the character/their arc more interesting played in a slightly different way, and Dre didn't want to do that, or they would've. Usual disclaimer it's their character etc. and I do see why this is the way it is and how it fits together... I have a whole bit about it in my notes app somewhere I don't feel like dropping in here, but in the end they're just not my favourite PC. Which feels kind of mean(?) to say when they just died, but it does color how I feel about this...? It's not like I'm particulary sad, and I'm also not happy about it. Kind of grimly saying Hrm!, I guess. And I did really love their bonds to other player characters. Back in PZN too, I really liked some of the conversations with Kalar expecially, and in PAL the Cori-Figure relationship was an absolute standout, and I liked them asserting themself more generally post-Perennial too... And then throughout this season they've also always been intrisically connected to NPCs I either really really loved or found super compelling. And then they blew up I am excited about Cori getting to deal with Yet More Grief! Expecially considering their gravity clocks - she's aware that they saw her as someone to take care of, vaguely parental, and the clock is about that being somewhat frustrating to her. But she's also clearly glad that they care about her, and she does love them too, so... Well. I think it'll be awesome : ) Kind of wondering what Clem is up to but also she's not really on my radar currently. 👍 And Gur. Oooooh Gur is So Fucked. Completely even Beyond being fucked. It's grim. Everytime I thought it couldn't get worse for him, he's really been through the wringer, huh?, it does. it does get worse.
Well with all that. I'm still not sure how I feel about this as an end to Figure's arc. It's sudden, it's senseless, it's cruel... And it does hit REALLY well as a moment/scene, because Friends at the Table knows how to do the damn thing (the song really got me. The way it stops suddenly), I just don't know how I'll look back on it going forward. & It's the same for Gur (moreso, even) in that it's not like I can't see how this is extremely compelling & the way it works. The way they are working at it and how it frames both characters' whole arc and past decisions... It's just that I also am unhappy about it. Emotionally. I generally think it's worth it to think about why that might be and after mulling it over it's pretty simple: this is very bleak and I'm not able to enjoy that right now. I'm happy (well.) to leave it at that for now. And it really does depend on future developments too. I felt a similar way (not quite the same) about Valences death - and I do occasionally wonder about a shape of the story with them (and hell, Chrysanth) in it - but there was a lot of things I really loved that came out of their death, be it character developments or world changes, that in the end, I do quite like it. What doesn't really hit for me is. Or rather... I feel strange about "small wheels are breaking". Deeply sad to me in a way I can't quite say how yet. Maybe I've misunderstood "the Wheel breaks" this whole time, which like, that's on me, but I'm not sure where to go with it. Waiting & curious about "knock-on effects" for now. Perennial.... : (
And gurrrrrrrrr. fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he absolutely cannot catch a break ever in his life/death. oooooohhhh my goodddddddd I do commend Keith for trying. I really do. The moment he was like "Where is real Gur?" I had the tiniest bit of hope. Like yeah PLEASE let Keith do some fucking bullshit. Need that rn. Alas. The dice
Like the world if Eclectic hadn't failed that roll...... fuck the dice for realllllll... [COUNTER/WEIGHT SPOILERS. still about PALISADE though] I JUST listened to Mako grab that damn thing in the C/W finale. A WEEK ago I did that. Oh it's just so cool to put next to each other, both Future itself but also the act of taking it (or failing to do so. And also of course Gur, who himself stole Future) and the way it then so completely shaped itself/it's presence/powers after who carried. That's why it's Zeal for Mako and Ambition for Orth (which I was thinking about the other day when I was looking at the fatt.wiki page... it's titled Zeal and that's literally just the case because Mako grabbed it first. If Aria had gotten it like she was supposed to by winning the auction we would probably not know about that other stuff!). There's even a fun way Future's change is reflected in the mechanics: because they were playing Firebrands there literally wasn't a roll to take it. There was no failure, because it would/could not do anything but be wielded. [C/W SPOILERS end.] Though it's interesting to think about that Future isn't a name given by themself either, though they might've genuinely adopted it. It's the Principality's. I've always loved this bit about Motion from PZN 33:
AUSTIN: [...] These things that we call Divines, whether we think of them as our weapons, or our highways, or our saints or gods or mirrors: they aren't ours at all. No matter how well we shop for names to place on their frames, our words are just ill fitting costumes.
But I don't know!!! I wish they'd gotten to talk to it!! It's so interesting to me the way Austin talked about the Ring (since Keith referenced LOTR) being tired of being worn, the Ring wearing itself. Again, extremely cool to me! Also that it's way to... protect itself (? Eclectic took a peril from Divine Blast & Figure. yeap) is still about the thing they detached itself from, which is what do YOU envision. What could YOU do with me.
I did really like the power of the Divine Opposition going through Eclectic causing an earthquake "it's like a rage boiling up in you, maybe". That was sick as fuck. And I really am so curious about Delegates relationship to Divines... I've said this before... I think it's very interesting that Eclectic doesn't fw it, but what do other Delegates think? How do they feel about weaving magic? Do they know to what extend they even have that power? Keith said Eclectic had never weaved magic before, which isn't true, he did, to get into a bathroom after stalking a random stranger (Connadine) (this is still extremely funny.), but in a sense that really is a very mundane way to use divine magic. And to have this literally seismic event happen because of the power coming from a part of himself that he already doesn't connect with, but DID reach out to in a critical moment in opposition to himself, and he didn't have any control over it at all? That's cool to me!!! I don't really have a neat point to make here, I just really want more about Delegates. It somewhat depends on Eclectic making it to next season or not, since I'm guessing the focus will shift away from Palisade as a place. But I just don't want them as a group to vanish from view, whether we have a player character representing them or not (......... Branched............ If you're out there.................. Call me.........).
Last thing but when the computer smell was mentioned I immediately thought of the Afflictions. Was this just because the other scene prominently featuring a smell ("AUSTIN: But it smells like Valence here. ALI: Shut the fuck up. What are you talking about?") had one of those in it? Yes absolutely. It's also a little wishful thinking, because I like them a lot.
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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pomellon · 10 months
-Vibrates- Yes YES this Dead Space au is good shit! We bein fed! Way later when all six are surviving together and split up, we get some Drunz? Dream venting about he's ready to just eradicate all Unitologists and Punz, having just been involved in this for like a few hours, already on board with it. Like 'Mhm yeah fuck those guys, let's take em out.' Lol. Dream's been dealing with this the longest he deserves a small murder spree. As a treat.
Dream absolutely deserves to go a lil ape shit, and he will def get the chance uwu (I think he would avoid killing humans tho because that’s just gonna aid the necromorph outbreaks, but there are people in Unitology uniforms that have turned necro and he will def feel a lil bit more satisfaction stomping on those >u>)
Punz definitely has some feelings about Unitology too. He’s not too involved with it but Foolish is! He’s a Unitologist but more due to the fact that his family are part of the church rather than believing in most of the teaching himself. He does like the message of unity, and an afterlife and rebirth don’t sound too bad. That is until Foolish is used by the church to help trigger the Sprawl outbreak and realize what “rebirth” actually means, and Punz doesn't take too kindly to his best friend (maybe-sort-of-kind-of-boyfriend) being used like that either.
There will definitely be some Drunz tho! All six of them will end up with bonding time but I am still planning out when and where. Some of them might have to get to know each other when they’re off the Sprawl and on the run/in hiding, and I think Drunz will be one of these pairs. I can see the two of them really growing closer talking about the Markers and eventually start plotting to track potential others down to destroy them. The perfect dates uvu
For now I know I want Karlnap to happen in this second part, due to them bonding over both being easily influenced by the Marker and maybe even sharing delusions. Idk if I would call it Kunz right away but I do want Karl and Punz to be partnered up long enough for Karl to stab one of Punz’s eyes out (he was trying to help okay, the evil alien rock is telling him things!), and that’s sure hell of a way to start a relationship.
I am also tempted to have Punznap partner up for the Tormentor scene (this is a two min clip from the second game, so do keep in mind it’s a horror/action scene with some blood and gore, and it’s a bit hectic) because it’s like my fave sequence of the game and I like to think that both them hate being out in space! So this would be a nice traumatic moment for them to bond over (including everything else that happened in those two minutes like jfc) :D It would however make more sense to have Foolish with either Dream, Sapnap, or Karl in this scene since it’s in the Unitology part of the game, so I’ll see! 
I’ll probably end up writing a proper timeline for both the Ishimura and the Sprawl parts of this au, since they pretty much just follow the in-game events with some tweaks. The third part when they’re all on the run will be for more of the actual shippy stuff and everyone working through their trauma and getting together <3
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Three things I have been learning:
do things that aren't on the internet. with real people. don't get all your opinions online, because it's not a solid depiction of reality. it really really isn't. HOWEVER--don't entirely discount the internet, bc while it is a cesspool of nonsense many times, I have also met all my best friends on it, and I am endlessly thankful for them and legitimately do not know where I would be today without them.
if a song speaks to something extremely deep in you throughout your life, that probably means something. think about it sometimes. try to figure out why it resonates like that, and discern if that means something that could be important or helpful to you.
Van Gogh is my favourite artist for a reason that's about more than just his paintings.
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ravarui · 8 months
//Was sorting through some pictures and thought I would share some of my faves. First is me with my best friend (the one in the blue dress) I just loved our outfits so much that evening Also: Bonus doggo pictures under the cut
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