#probably yells at ben 'A CRUSH IS NOT A REASON TO EXCUSE THAT!!!!!!'
dani-luminae · 5 months
Random brain idea I dunno what to do with:
Good to be Bad: A Disney Descendants Twisted Tale-verse; Descendants and D2 but what if Jamie existed the whole time?
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md-confessions · 4 months
this is just a response to red-mage28's comment on my CodeGold confession, I don't ignore the abuse I read/write stories where the abuse didn't happen. J might still yell at him but in the same way Uzi might yell at him for being a tsundere, not in a malicious way. Again, this is very easily done with minor changes to J's character, something that tends to be done in a lot of fics she's in purely because she doesn't have much to work with due to the lack of screentime. Her main character traits are aggressive business woman workaholic.
I'm also curious why a lot more people are okay with modern Envy than CodeGold. I know V hasn't insulted N nearly as much as J has, but she's still ben extremely horrible to him and still does insult him like in ep 3 and, while this is more mean to antagonize Uzi, she still insults him by making fun of him making friends with rocks. There's probably other examples but I just can't think of them at the moment. I know she's beginning to make changes, but you'd think people would be disgusted by Envy like CodeGold up until like, either end of ep 4 or ep 6. And again, I know V is changing, but J hasn't even had the chance to change due to the total of like, 6 minutes of screentime, half of that being the pilot final battle.
I think the reason people are okay with Envy is because it was set up in the pilot with N having a crush on V, but I don't really see how that excuses it really. N's crush goes away pretty quickly once he realizes Uzi is just so much nicer to him.
Also, I'm not dogging on Envy here. While I don't ship the two on their own, Nuziv is my otp and Envy is obviously a part of that. I'm just curious why so many people are okay with it.
-- TSM
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All The Hurt - Chapter 1
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: ANGST, Peter was an ass, reader is a hurt and petty bitch, fluff to make up for the angst, curse words, lots of “coincidences”, description of an explosion and blood.
Summary: Peter Parker. What a dick. It wasn’t always like this, but once he just got up and gladly left you for an unknown reason, you decided to bring hell down on him by publicly ridiculing him whenever you got the chance. However, when you accidentally find out what he's been hiding, conflicted feelings begin emerging, causing you to wonder if you could ever forgive him — especially when he saves your life.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/n: this came to me in a fucking dream so you bet I had to wake up and write this. It’s already completed hehe. I’m going to be posting the parts every day so stay tuned :D
Never in your entire life would you have thought that there’d be a time when you’d willingly side with Flash. When you’d join him in bullying Peter, your best friend that you’d known since the both of you were shitting yourselves in diapers. Not a night goes by in which you don’t ask yourself why.
Why did he decide to break you?
The day he told you he didn’t want to be friends with you anymore was a day worse than finding out your father had cheated on your mother, prompting her to abruptly exit both your and your father’s lives when you were eleven. In all honesty, it felt like Peter took notes about suddenly leaving when you cried to him about your mother disappearing and used them to his advantage the summer before freshman year.
It was a pain like no other, a wound so hurtful your tear tank was constantly emptied every time you were alone in your room. There were too many nights where you’d lie awake with an ache in your chest - like someone dropped an avalanche on your heart and left it there to crush it.
Friendship breakups hurt like hell.
The days seemed to move slow and the nights even slower. You didn’t know how much time had passed when you’d blankly stare at your collection of photos of the two of you with tear stricken cheeks.
You constantly wondered if he regretted it.
And if he did, you told yourself you’d forgive him. You’d go back to him, because you were sure he didn’t mean it. Excuses began piling up in your mind, each one not having enough evidence to be proven true; maybe he was going through something he didn’t want to talk about. Maybe someone in his life died, like when Uncle Ben suddenly passed away. He didn’t speak to you for a week and didn’t show up to school, and when you went over to check on him, he broke down in your arms as he apologized for ignoring you, but you understood.
You always did.
So, you waited, and waited, and waited. Waited for a call, a text, something. But nothing ever came. No phone calls — he ignored yours — no apologies, no explanation, nothing but radio silence. It was almost like you never existed in the first place.
Day by day your hope slowly faded, and by the 56th day, all of it was gone. You didn’t know how to feel. You were furious at him for abandoning you. You were heartbroken. You told yourself you were being overdramatic — it wasn’t like you were in a relationship together, no matter how much you wanted to be.
All he ever saw you as was a friend. But that was before it all happened. Now he probably didn’t see you as anything but a stranger.
A stranger with memories and secrets revolving him.
Hot anger was quick to take control of your mind, and soon you stopped your crying and tore down years worth of captured memories and pinned birthday cards he made you - all reminders of how much you loved him - and threw them into a box. You shoved it to the back of your closet, along with your dignity and love for him.
Four months after your ‘breakup', you came back different. Newfound confidence shone out of you with every step you made down Midtown’s hallways. Your smile radiated happiness as you felt everyone’s eyes lay upon you. You were able to fool yourself and others around you that nothing happened. Your heart knew better, but soon it’d turn to stone.
And you convinced yourself that you preferred it that way.
You moved on, found friendship in others, and although they never lived up to him, they were enough to fill part of the gaping hole in your heart.
Flash making amends with you was probably the most surprising and unexpected thing to have ever happened in the school. You two got along well, almost too well, and about halfway into the school year, you became good friends. You two weren’t as close as you and Peter once were, but you bonded over your absent parents in ways you didn’t know were possible.
You felt understood, and he the same.
Still, that didn’t stop you from seeing Peter in the hallways. You made it a point to walk past him like you didn’t know him — because apparently, you didn’t.
You kept watching him from a distance.
You watched him make goo-goo eyes at Liz while rolling your own.
You watched him dart out of school at exactly two forty-five every day. You saw the anxiousness in the way he bounced his leg during class, the tapping of his pencil on the desk, the constant glances he threw at the clock with every minute that passed. You wanted to ask, but you didn’t.
On a particular day, the same day you overheard him and Ned making plans to meet up at his house to build Legos, you decided to go to Delmar’s to grab a bite. You hadn’t been there since the breakup, as you were always too nervous in case Peter ended up going there at the same time, and now that there was a clearing, you took it. Even if he was there, you didn't care.
You don’t.
When you stepped into the store, you were immediately welcomed by the one and only Mr. Delmar. He looked good — happy and content, and that’s why you absolutely adored him. It wasn’t fair that you cut off ties with him because of Peter, but he didn’t seem to take it personally. He went on and on about how much taller you’ve gotten and reminisced about how little you were when you and Peter got your first flattened number five sandwiches with pickles.
He must’ve seen your smile falter at the mention of Peter, because his eyebrows furrowed in concern not a moment later, “Did something happen to you kids? I never see him come with you anymore.”
So he’s been coming without you.
Ouch. That’s another stab to the heart.
Your palms began to feel slick as you rubbed them on your jeans with a strained smile and a shaky voice, feeling as if the walls were closing in on you, “Uh-we-“
But you never got to finish. Mr. Delmar’s eyes widened at something behind you, and in a split second, he yelled, “Get down!” followed by a string of Spanish curse words.
A scream left your mouth as a purple wave of something ripped through the bodega, nearly missing you by a strand of hair as you ducked. Shattered glass scattered everywhere, digging into the skin of your arms in a multitude of places. You hissed at the burn you felt below your eye, feeling a heavy liquid (which you assumed was blood) trail down your cheek and neck. You felt intense heat near your legs and your vision became blurred, ears ringing as all other noises besides your breathing became muffled. You coughed and coughed, feeling like your lungs were closing in on themselves from the fire that surrounded you.
The light above you flickered as you attempted to shout Mr. Delmar’s name, praying that he was all right.
But your voice never left your throat.
Your legs were trapped below two giant shelves that collapsed on them, and you weren’t strong enough to move them no matter how many times you tried to. The fire slithered like a snake as it began climbing to where your legs were being held below the rubble.
“Help.” You weakly whispered in between your coughs. The air around you felt heavy and limited, and it was starting to feel like you were choking on the fumes. You didn’t know how much longer your lungs could take.
It was hot. So fucking hot.
Your eyes shut and your head fell back on the ground, chest heaving in fast paces as you felt your body give up already, a burning sensation spreading all over you, like your insides were set on fire.
Your face trickled with sweat that dripped down to your cheeks, mixing with your tears.
Just when all hope was gone, just when you thought you were done for, you felt the weight lift off of your legs in one sudden movement, and an arm slide beneath your knees and on your back, holding you tightly.
You looked up at your savior, and who else could it have been other than Spider-Man, New York’s knight in shining armor, and apparently yours, too. You heard part of what he seemed to be saying as he looked down at you: “…got…I…you” and you could’ve sworn you heard your name.
But then again, you were on the brink of death, so you were no doubt hearing things.
You laid your tired head on his chest, wheezing into his smooth suit as he ran and jumped away from the fire until he reached the outside. He gingerly placed you on the ground and made you lean back against a parked car, and you breathed in the cool night air as he crouched down to rub your back while you practically choked.
In front of Spider-Man.
How embarrassing.
You felt your head heavily fall back as you clutched your arm in pain, the distant sound of police sirens audible now. Your eyes landed upon his covered face that turned away when you looked at him - like he was staring at you until you caught him. You could see that he wanted to go somewhere in the way that his spidey-eyes were expanding and shrinking at the destroyed bank across the street. You moved to touch your legs, and by some miracle, they were just a little sore. You could manage on your own.
“Go,” you breathily said, making Spider-Man look down at you, “I’m okay.”
He hesitated for a moment and pivoted his head to your legs. You breathed out half a laugh, coughing again, “Dude,” you placed a hand on his shoulder and jutted towards your legs as you began moving them, “they’re fine. I’m fine. I know you wanna go somewhere. Just go after it.”
He stayed. For a long minute, just watching you breathe and tilt your head at him. You wondered what was going on in that brain of his, wondered how old he was, wondered where he went to school - if he even went to school. You were trying to formulate a way to thank him for saving you, but you didn’t get the chance to. He nodded and quickly he sprung away, making way for the paramedics and cops to inspect the scene.
You didn’t go to school for a whole week after the incident, as you were too busy reflecting on what had happened. You went over multiple scenarios and “what if’s” and tried not to dwell on the fact that you had to have your driver pick you up from the hospital, not your father. He was probably out of the country, like he always was.
When you finally returned to school, you had stitched up three areas, including one below your eye, and were bombarded with questions and a large group hug from your friends. Your phone was no doubt a goner, so they had no way of contacting you. Even when they tried to come over, your housekeeper, Jane, always the responsible adult, told them the doctor needed you to rest alone.
She knew you couldn’t handle people, and needed to recharge on your own. She was like the mother you never had. Even when Peter left, she stayed by your side and tried to cheer you up. She knew how strong your feelings were for Peter, but she didn’t question you, instead allowing you to grieve the way you wanted to - alone.
Your friends asked you about what happened, and their eyes sparkled when you told them the Spider-Man came to your rescue, their excitement cutting short once the bell rang. They all left to go to their classes after wishing you a quick recovery. All but one.
Flash stood in front of you, nibbling on his lower lip with a wobbling chin and glassy eyes.
“Are you..crying?” you squinted at him, lips twitching into a smirk.
“Shut up,” he mumbled, wiping the stray tears before attacking you with a tight hug. You sighed deeply, feeling a nostalgic warmth spread through your chest as you placed your chin on his shoulder, arms circulating him and squeezing in a way that said "I’m here."
In class, you felt hardcore stares — stares that came from one person and one person only. You saw them from the corner of your eye, tracing the scar on your face. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think they were laced with worry. But perhaps you hit your head too hard.
During gym class, the last class of the day, you were excused from exercises due to your near-death experience, so you watched and cheered Flash as he climbed the ropes, attempting to break his own record.
“48 seconds.” You stated, pausing the timer as he jumped to the ground and planted his hands on his knees, breathing hard.
He looked up at you with a deep frown, “Seriously? How did I get slower?”
You shrugged, “Maybe you should change your nickname, Eugene.” You smirked, taunting him with the name you knew he hated.
He breathed out a laugh as he shook his head. He was about to say something when Ned’s voice overpowered everyone else’s with one sentence: “Peter knows Spider-Man!”
Everybody went so silent you’d think the queen of England had just walked in.
The sound of balls being dropped and shoes squeaking echoed through the gym as all heads turned to Peter Parker, who nervously looked around and quickly stood up, “Uh, no! No, I don’t. I-I mean..”
He clumsily made his way over to Liz (go figure), whose face remained expressionless.
“They’re friends,” Ned said as a matter of factly.
“Yeah, like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends,” Flash said, making a couple of people laugh, including you.
“I’ve met him, yeah, a-a couple of times. But it’s um, through the...Stark...Internship. I’m not really supposed to talk about it.” He gritted through his teeth as he threw daggers at Ned with wide eyes.
“Well, that’s awesome!” You piped in, your loud sarcasm breaking the silence that settled over the gym, "He’s a pretty cool guy, I’m sure Liz would love to meet him. Hey, maybe you should invite him to her party.”
“Yeah, I’m having people over tonight, you’re more than welcome to come.” Liz sweetly admitted, almost like she wanted him to come.
“You’re having a party?” Peter said breathlessly, as if that wasn’t what you just said.
Flash gave Peter a snarling smile, “Yeah, it’s gonna be dope. You should totally invite your personal friend Spider-Man.” He suggested, derision oozing out of his words.
“Um-“ Peter stammered, helpless eyes searching for assistance in your own. But you wouldn’t give him any sympathy. Not anymore. You stared back, cold as ice, and you knew he saw that. You merely gave him a raised eyebrow, challenging him to say something.
“It’s okay,” Liz said, breaking you and Peter’s eye contact, “I know Peter’s way too busy for parties anyways so..”
“Oh, come on, he’ll be there. Parker wouldn’t ditch.” You said, voice dripping with venom as you maintained eye contact with him and walked past Flash until you reached him. You stopped at his side, just enough to give him a deadly stare, “Right?”
You watched his Adam’s apple bob and eyes dart across the ground as his fingers tangled with one another to conceal his shaking left hand. You studied his face, ignoring something that looked like a fading bruise on his jaw. The school bell rang, and with that, Flash walked to you, raising his hand for a fist pump. You bumped yours with his with a smirk and walked out the gym doors, ready to call Peter out on his bullshit once more tonight.
Next Chapter All The Hurt Masterlist Main Masterlist
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chaoticparker · 4 years
The Bite
Peter Parker x reader
w/c: 3.7k
warnings: swearing, blood, broken glass, tiny bit of angst but mainly fluff
a/n: Let me know what you think <3
“All right everyone off the bus and wait inside the lobby!”
Everyone sprung off their seats on the bus and ran to the door. Today everyone was visiting Oscorp, Norman Osborn’s lab, it was some sort of publicity thing so Norman would get elected mayor of New York. 
You and Peter were sitting next to each other during the bus ride, it was early in the morning and you had to wake up much earlier than what you would of liked to, so you both were still half asleep. “You ready to go?” You looked over at Peter who was still sitting in his seat, staring off into space. “come on Pete get up.” You pulled Peter up which seemed to snap him out of his trance. “You ok?” 
“Yea, I just spaced out sorry.” Peter got up and walked into the aisle with you close behind him. Once you got outside the air was crisp and cold, making you and Peter shiver. You ran into the building to get warm and meet up with the other students.
“Where’s Ned?” Peter asked, you swore you saw him get onto the bus with you this morning, but you’re not sure who he sat with. 
Eventually you spot him in the corner talking to someone, “He right over there, but who’s he talking to?” You turned Peter around and inconspicuously pointed to him and the girl.
Peter took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes and the lenses and put the back on to get a better look. “Thats Betty from the schools morning announcement team I th-”
“Thats Betty?” You whisper shouted. “Ned kept bringing up a girl named Betty and I swore her name was Annie, I mean, she looks like an Annie. But I thought Ned just made her up, I didn’t think she was real” You looked over to Peter who was looking a mixture of shock and surprise. “I am so stupid.”
“First off how did you not know Betty’s name we have homeroom together? And second how did you know Ned had a crush on her?” Peter kept his voice down so he doesn’t draw attention to you both, not wanting Flash to overhear and ruin Ned’s chances.
“I think just have a knack for knowing when someone is in love.” You joked
Only Peter didn’t realize you were joking, “Wait what-” Peter started but was interrupted by Mr. Harrington by splitting the groups in two.
“Groups 1-7 on the left and groups 8-15 on the right! AND REMEMBER TO STAY WITH YOUR BUDDY! I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE ANOTHER KID” He yelled, followed by the women working there having a shocked face and her hushing him. 
You and Peter were group 7, you caught Ned’s eyes and he pointed to the right while you pointed left. Ned also pointed to Betty with a big smile on his face, followed by Peter giving him a thumbs up. 
Peter was worried about what you said, you had a ‘knack for knowing when someone was in love’? What did you mean by that? Peter started to worry that you knew he liked you, and you’ve never confessed anything to him because theres nothing to confess. 
No No No, don’t think like that Peter, he thought, trying to hype himself up, if she knew you liked her why is she still around? Surly if she did not feel the same way she would of left. Or she simply does not know. There is still a chance. 
Peter was snapped out of this thoughts by you tugging him on his sweater, “come on the groups about to leave.” Peter and you speeded walked to the rest of the group so you were with the group but just in the back. “Are you doing ok Pete? You seem distracted.” You looked at him worried. Sure, Peter was an anxious guy, you even talked to him about if he wanted any professional help, but he assured you that he’s fine, just a tad overwhelmed, but this? He seemed so much more stressed and anxious, not to mention the constant spacing out.  
Peter cleared his throat and put his arm around you, “I’m sorry, I guess theres a lot on my mind and I’m not too sure why.” Of course he knew why, he was stressing over the fact you might know he likes him! And also the fact that you might never love him and it was all too much for him too handle. 
“Ok, but you know you can talk to me right?” You said as you gave him a side hug, “We’ve known each other for forever and the most important part of us being so close is that we can talk to each other.” You hoped Peter caught what you were trying to say. In complete honesty you’ve loved him for a long time. Ever since you saw him with his oversized glasses and his star wars shirts. But how could Peter Parker, the selfless, kind person ever love you? And how could you ever love someone so sickeningly sweet? 
You don’t deserve him, you thought, he is completely in love with Liz and never will be with you.
“I know that,” Peter pulled you out of your thoughts, “I just don’t know whats wrong. I just kind of have a weird feeling.” 
Peter hoped you would drop the conversation at that point. He didn’t want to spill his guts to you especially on a school field trip, where you were stuck together. But you just nodded and you turned your attention to the man walking you through the tour. 
“And this here is the bio testing.” He pointed towards a room, “everyone needs to put on goggles and a lab coat-”
“Can we keep the lab coats?” Flash asked.
“No, you cannot keep the lab coats they are not complementary. Now hurry up everyone! If we are lucky we will be able to see the lab techs at work!” 
Everyone started to quickly put their coats and goggles on, and people started to take photos on your phones. One of the people was you and Peter, “Smile!” He said and you both gave a cheesy smile. “I’ll send it to you.”
“Everyone please put your phones in here.” The tour guide handed out a white buckets and everyone groaned. “It is apart of Oscorp's privacy policy. No recording in certain areas such as the testing rooms.”
Everyone gave quite mumbles about how ‘stupid’ and ‘bullshit’ this was, some a little louder than others, and soon enough you were going thought the door with Peter on your side.  
“And here is where we research different animals.” The tour guide showed off the different animals including, snakes, birds and- 
“S-spiders” Peter was stunned, he hated spiders. He claimed that how they just don’t make sense, they can climb onto walls, shoot webs and for some reason are strong? He learned everything about them so if he was ever faced with one, and aunt May or Uncle Ben was not around to get rid of it for him, he would know how to get rid of it himself and stay alive.
“Come on Pete, they are harmless. But it is weird in here, it doesn’t seem like there is any research work, more.. testing.” Why were they testing on animals? Oscorp had branded it’s self on being cruelty free, but the again they did say they help the environment, which was a HUGE lie. 
You grabbed Peter’s hand and shoved in front of of everyone to the front of the group, “excuse me but what exactly do you do with the animals here?” You ask as a man in a dark suit appears behind a door.
The tour guide starts but the man interrupts him, “And whats your name dear?”
“Well, Y/n, we do research on the animals to see how we can use some features they have, replicate it, and use it.” The guy is clearly mansplaining, his attitude was intolerable.  
“But the equipment you have around here looks like your testing on the animals?” You started but then Mr. Harrington stepped besides you.
“Y/n, I’m not sure if Mr. Osborn can answer your questions thoroughly, lets just continue looking at the animals.”
“Ah, yes thank you. And please make sure not to touch anything.” And with that the man, or apparently Mr. Osborn left. 
It shocked you that you were just talking to the founder of Oscorp, and how blatantly rude he is. 
“Wow whats that” Flash yelled near the window. You, Peter and the rest of the students all ran toward the window to see what was so cool. In the process a kid knocked over the glass container. As the tour guide saw he pressed the emergency button. “EVERYONE OUT NOW!” 
Everyone ran out bumping into each other. Flash bumped into you causing you to trip and fall. “Fucking hell” you groaned. Your whole body was hurting at this point, you started to get up but you cut your hand on the broken glass. “Fuck” Another groan. 
“Y/n? How do you feel?” Peter kneeled besides you trying to help you up but ended up slipping on the glass too cutting his hand and causing his glasses to break, “fuck, come on we need to leave.”
He moved his hand let out a small scream, “PETER ARE YOU OK WHAT WAS THAT?” You completely ignored the pain of your hand and helped grabbed his shoulder.
Peter was shaking his arm violently, “The spider just bit me and it fucking hurt.” Peter quickly got up and you both ran out of the room. You followed the others back to the lobby, the tour ended with Mr. Harrington giving your a band-aid thinking that would help and all of the students were pushed onto the bus.
You were bothering Peter with questions asking if he’s ok, “What about your glasses? How bad is your vision? Does your head hurt? My head would hurt hen I couldn’t see.” You looked over at Peter who sat down in his seat and was tapping his foot.
That question took him off guard, his vision was perfect, like he had contacts in. “I can see just fine, but what about you? How’s your cut” He reached for your hand and looked at you. The cut had stopped bleeding but the cut still looked sore.
“At least we have matching cuts now, hows yours?” You reached for his hand, you saw no cut so you looked at the other, also no cut, “didn’t you get cut too?” 
“I thought i did, maybe it just grazed me, and not enough to actually hurt me. You should probably rest, you fell pretty bad.”
“Your the one that got bit with by the spider I should be asking about you, i’m surprised you aren’t freaking out that a spider was on your hand.” 
“Don’t worry about me I’m fine, do you wanna listen to music?” Peter held up an ear bud and you nodded taking it.
Truth be told everything was too much for Peter, it was like he could feel everything. He felt like he just had 10 red-bulls mixed with 20 cups of coffee. He tried his best to ignore what was going on and sleep but he soon learned he could never ignore what was going on with him.
When Peter thought he got these powers, he did nothing with them, sure he used them to his advantage, maybe to show off at the schools weight room, but other then that he didn’t. If anything his powers made him more confident with himself, he thought that maybe this was a sigh that if he could get powers, he could ask you out.
But all of that changed when we saw Uncle Ben die.
Peter started to be more closed off, he overworked himself to the bone. 
As he started to become Spider-Man, in the process he was losing Peter Parker. 
Peter lost some of the few friends that he had. His friend circle mainly consisted of you, Ned, and MJ. He only saw MJ at decathlon practice and lunch, Ned and him still had their playdates with building legos but he was clearly not as cheerful. 
And with you, he started to text you less and less. You were there when he lost his parents but he was not 6 anymore. He understood death more than anyone else, he saw death happen right before his eyes. You thought that he just wanted some space, maybe you reminded him of him when his parent died. But it got to the point where you were starting to lose your best friend.
You stoped walking to school together, and it hurt. Although you would never admit this to anyone, you felt as though you were losing a part of yourself. Peter was your other half, you completed each other, or thats what you used to think.
You decided to throw yourself into your hobbies. You were trying your best to forget about Peter. Maybe he just outgrew you. Maybe he didn’t need you.
But you need him.
And you hate needing someone. 
But Peter felt the same way. When he decided to become Spider-man, he wanted to make sure no one would get hurt from it. And he even made a costume that would hide his identity. 
And it was far from good looking.
“Peter dude come on you love her! You’re gonna lose her if you keep pushing her away!” Ned was on the phone with Peter, he didn’t know what was going on with him, no one did. He just wanted his friend to be happy, and thats why him and MJ devised a plan. 
“Y/n come on I know you are sick and tired of not talking to Peter! I even think you like him!” MJ yelled on the phone. “You need to talk to him it’s destroying you.”
“She’s the one who’s pushing me away! Im just respecting her wants!” Peter yelled back.
“MJ you’re not listening! You need to realize that Peter grew out of me! He does not want to see me and I don’t know why! I don’t want to hurt him anymore than what i apparently did!”
MJ and Ned had a whole script planned out. They knew how to push you both just right so that you would fall onto the trap. 
“Peter just listen to me! When you next see her confess your feelings! If she does not feel the same you will get closure and nothing else will really change from whats going on! You need to talk to someone with whats going on with you. Tell her everything” Ned delivered the final push, almost done then we can get our friend group back he and Mj thought.
“Y/N! Go find Peter and get your closure! Please, if not for you do it for him! You know how he’s acting weird and you are the only one that can get him to open up! SO GO DOWN ON YOUR FIRE ESCAPE AND KNOCK ON HIS WINDOW AND CONFRONT HIM! NOW!”
“Fine Ned, next time I see her, I’ll tell her.”
“Fine I’ll go see him, bye”
And with that everyone hung up on their separate phone calls. 
You climbed out of your window and onto the fire escape. It was weird how even though you lived so close together you felt so far apart.
You climbed down one, and looked inside. He was walking around his room, being all stressed, which for some reason was relaxing to you. 
You knocked, nothing, so you opened the window and fell into his room with a big thump. “ow”
“Y/N? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU OK?” Peter rushed over to you helping your get up.
“Yes I’m fine Peter but what is wrong with you?” You didn’t mean to sound harsh, but you needed to be. “Why did you stop hanging out with me?” You looked up to him and finally met his eyes. It was refreshing to see him, anytime either one of you caught a glimpse of the other, you ran. “Why did you stop being my best friend?” You voice was quiet now, you didn’t want Peter to know that your voice was cracking. 
It really broke Peter, he was just trying to protect you, but in the end - as cringe as it sounds - he just pushed you away. 
“You seem completely different, you’re not even wearing your glasses anymore. And fuck Peter I just miss you and your dorky glasses. Did you meet someone? Did you get a girlfriend? Did she not like that we were close?” You were just spitting out whatever came to mind, and this scenario was one you were thinking of all the time.
Peter jumped back at your words, “What no! I would never want to date someone if it ment that I could never see you again.” 
Just tell her everything Peter thought about Ned’s words. Everything was a lot. How is he suppose to answer this, just spit it out?
Might as well start with the basics, “I’m Spider-man” Peter blurted out.
“What, you mean like you have a crush on him? Peter thats nothing to be embarrassed of, you know you can talk to me, you know i go both wa-”
“NO I MEAN LIKE I, PETER PARKER, AM SPIDER-MAN!” Peter shouted. Honestly it felt good to say it out loud the first time and he just wanted someone to know. And what better person than you.
“So in the month that you have been isolated from me thats your best excuse you could come up with?” You were appalled by his unbelievable excuse.
“I swear please believe me, like ummmmm HERE” Peter got his ‘suit’ from the  space in his ceiling and gave it to you. “Thats my suit.”
“you and every other fanboy has this.”
“What about... this!” Peter went over to you a picked up. 
“what the fuck put me down!” You did not look impressed, Peter was looking around to see how he could prove to you that he was not lying. 
“Remember that day we went to oscorp and how you questioned Osborn and when you fell?” You nodded, it was your last time you really hung out with him, how could you not? “I got bit by the spider and they were doing radioactive testing on it, which caused me to be well... spider-man.”
Then an idea sprung in his head, he quickly move past you and went on the fire escape and you followed. “Here, if this does not prove it, nothing will.” Peter jumped onto the railing with one hand on the wall.
“Peter what the fuck you’re gonna get yourself killed please I just want you to be honest with me and talk” You reached for Peter but he jumped off the railing and towards the wall and somehow... did not fall and stuck to it?
“Peter what the fuck?”
“now do you believe me?”
“If i say yes will you come back inside?” Peter nodded, “then yes i believe you”
Peter jumped on the side of the building and back onto the fire escape and you pushed him inside and you followed behind him. 
“So since you really are spider-man, why were you so distant?” You finally asked. You were now sitting on opposite ends of his bed, and you were hugging and pillow trying to explode with everything you just learned. Peter fucking parker was spider-man? Nerdy little parker saving everyone, stoping cars with just his body, and defeating criminals? But, he did just stick to the side of his building, thats pretty damn good proof.  Your Peter Parker was Spider-man, the spider-man. 
You thought this was just a dream but you didn’t want to wake up because that would mean Peter and you were still not talking.
“I wanted to protect everyone around me. When Ben died,” Peter took a breath and you reached over to squeeze his hand, “When Ben died, I had my powers but I did not do anything. I could of saved him, but i chose not to. So I decided I would become Spider-man so no one else would get hurt. And if anyone found out that you knew spider-man you would be in danger. So i thought if i pushed the people closest to me away, they wouldn’t get hurt.”
It was all too much for you to process. You felt terrible for feeling angry at him when he was saving lives. 
“Why were you so distant from me?” Peter looked back up towards you and it was a fair question you both avoided one another.
“I thought I reminded you of your parents deaths. Other than Aunt May, I am the one person that has been in your life since their death and I thought you didn’t want to see me because of it. I also wanted to give you space to grieve.” You felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders by telling him. It was calming. “I also didn’t want to hurt you more, so i thought i would wait for you to open up to me like we normally do, but i should not have been so relaxed about all of this. I just didn’t want to ruin what we had” You took one last deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
You glanced up toward Peter and he leaned in and kissed you. It was shocking at first, it took you a second to process what was going on but then you felt light as you melted into the kiss. You felt as though you two were the only ones left in the world. 
Peter pulled back to take a breath, “Ned told me to confess my feelings towards you. I’m sorry I didn’t me to spring it on you-” Peter was interrupted by you hugging him, rapping your arms around his waist and your face on his stomach. 
“I feel the same way, Pete. Just please, I don’t want to do that ever again.” Peter at this point was now hugging you back. You missed this, but there was also something knew, and it made you smile.
“I never will, I promise y/n”
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
Excuse! You cannot just say this: (there’s a heartbreaking moment where Five thinks that because Ben had Klaus back he’s going to kick Five out which they both hug it out over), and then not elaborate.
(ben saves the day au: post one, post two)
here’s the thing: Ben knows how to handle Five. Sort of. 
Funnily enough dealing with 58-year-old Five in a 13-year-old body is actually remarkably similar to dealing with actually-13-year-old Five, not that Ben would ever say as much within Five’s hearing because he quite likes being alive, thanks. 
The thing is, despite what some of their other siblings would say, Five is not selfish. If he even thinks something is for his sake, then he runs the other way or puffs up like a kitten trying to be intimidating. Five rarely does anything with himself in mind, as much as that breaks Ben’s heart.
So Ben tells Five that he was lonely with no human company. He tells Five that he likes cooking and that it’s nice to have someone else to cook for. He tells Five he doesn’t have anyone else to argue over physics in the morning while brushing his teeth. He tells Five he missed reading nights and having someone to pester about the characters in whatever series he’s currently consuming.
So Ben probably shouldn’t have been surprised by the impending disaster that starts brewing when Klaus pops up like an impossibility and moves in with them.
(He’s still surprised though, because he thought he’d shown that he loves Five. That he wants Five around. But Five walks around like he’s expecting his family to drop him like a hot coal, like he’s expecting to be hated and thrown out and abandoned. 
One day, in the future, they’ll have a fight over this. They’ll yell and scream and there will be tears and then when Ben has Five bundled up in his arms in the fiercest hug possible he’ll ask Five why.
Ben doesn’t actually know who the Handler is, or even if she’s still alive, but she better hope she never crosses paths with vengeful big brother Ben.)
Ben knows that Five is fifty eight. He knows Five spent something like four decades surviving in an apocalypse with his only company a mannequin he treats like a real person. He knows Five ate cockroaches and almost starved to death a dozen times. He knows Five was scooped up and told his escape was conditional. He knows Five was an assassin, that his brother killed countless people in his quest to finally get home and save his family.
Five is broken, with jagged edges and wary eyes. 
They’d been making progress. They’d been making progress. And Ben will never regret Klaus showing up, Klaus being alive, and getting that second chance. But he does wish that Klaus showing up hadn’t caused a backslide with Five.
(Ironically, Klaus is much less fragile than Five. He’s been dead for something like thirteen years, following his siblings around and dipping into the afterlife to pester God before dipping out again. 
Turns out ghosts aren’t interested in other ghosts, only people who are alive who can see them. Klaus got a reprieve, got a breather, and got sober. He hated not being able to talk to his siblings, hated that they grieved him, longed to touch them, to hug them - but even dead he still had powers. Such as being able to slip between lingering and the afterlife.
When he was tired and exhausted and hurting, he’d slip into the afterlife and argue his case for being alive again with a little girl who was getting really tired of Klaus being able to find her no matter where she was. He’d go hang out with a squad of Vietnam soldiers who were achingly young for having died such violent deaths. They’d all ruffle Klaus’s hair and regale him with war stories before he goes back to shadowing his siblings.
Klaus knows he should be grateful that God finally listened to him, finally restored him, finally let him touch his siblings and speak to them and tell them how much he loves them and didn’t blame them and - 
He just wishes he could have had both his family and his friends. 
It’s not fair.)
Ben is distracted, because Klaus is back and it’s so unexpected and there’s so much to do to prepare. Of course Klaus is staying with them, because Ben says so and because he loves Klaus.
Except to Five it looks like he’s being replaced. Which is silly, because Five is their brother, too, right? Except out of the two children who vanished and miraculously came back, Klaus is clearly the better option. He’s older, he smiles more, he makes Ben laugh. Everyone seems to tear up and draw Klaus into a hug and babble at him that they were so glad he was back, that he was alive. 
(Five can’t help but remember that only Ben and Vanya had seemed to miss him. The others all had lukewarm reactions to his return, didn’t seem to really care. No one cried because he came back. 
Admittedly, no one witnessed his ‘death’ - for all they knew he’d just run away. All but Vanya - and Five - had witnessed Klaus’s death, bloody and terrible and traumatizing. They’d held grief in their chests, blamed themselves where they never had for Five. It made sense. 
It didn’t make the uneasy feeling in Five’s stomach any less strong.)
Five hates the fact that he’s jealous. Hates it because he’s also glad Klaus is back, he also gripped Klaus’s elbow tight and wouldn’t let go for hours when he’d first woken up to realize that yes, Klaus was there and alive. Five loves Klaus like everyone loves Klaus - Klaus is exceptionally easy to love.
(Five is not.)
So Klaus comes back, and suddenly Five realizes that all of those reasons Ben gave Five to justify Five coming to live with him? Klaus can fulfill all of those. Five isn’t needed. So he starts to withdraw, and Ben doesn’t notice because he’s distracted.
And it all finally comes to a head with Five packing his things (just a few changes of clothes, his toothbrush, as much food as he can stuff in there from his hoard stash, and Dolores) and heading out to hike to Vanya’s place. Because logically if he’s being replaced with Ben, he needs somewhere else to stay and Vanya is the only other sibling who he can think who he would want to house him.
(If Vanya won’t take him, that’s fine. He spent decades in the apocalypse - spending five on the streets until he’s officially ‘old enough’ to get his own place is nothing. But he’s going to leave before he can be kicked out, because he’s not sure he could take that rejection.)
Except when he finally arrives, Vanya is on the phone and looking frantic and when she sets eyes on him her body sways with relief. “It’s okay,” She says into the phone, voice shaking just slightly, “He’s here. He just walked in the door. Yeah. Of course. I’ll see you in a minute.”
She hangs up the phone and turns fully to Five who is standing there looking confused as she puts her hands on her hips and takes a deep breath. “What,” She says, pausing to take another deep breath, “Do you think you are doing.”
Five shifts, his grip on Dolores tightening. He’s a grown ass man and Vanya’s tone shouldn’t be making him feel like a scolded child. “I need - you said when I went to live with Ben that if it didn’t work out I could stay with you.”
“I did say that, yes.” Vanya says, nodding without her eyes leaving Five’s face. 
Five shifts again, “I’m? Cashing in?”
“Why - you know what? Don’t answer that.” Vanya pinches the bridge of her nose and takes another deep breath. “Go sit on the couch, Five. I’m going to make us some tea before Ben arrives.”
“Ben’s at work.” Five says slowly as he shuffles in the direction of the couch. 
“He was.” Vanya clarifies, “Until Klaus called him saying that he couldn’t find you anywhere and that you’d vanished while he was taking a nap and that Dolores was gone.”
Five looks down at Dolores in his grip, suddenly feeling a little guilty and not quite knowing why. “He didn’t have to leave work. I made it here okay.”
“That’s not the point, Five.” Vanya says, voice sharp and cold. It makes Five flinch slightly. But before he can even ask, she’s turning on her heel and opening cabinets to pull down some cups and the kettle. She clearly considers the conversation over, and even though Five bristles at being treated like a child he also doesn’t want to hear Vanya use that tone again, so. 
Silence falls between them until there’s loud footsteps in the hall and the door is being flung open and there’s Ben, in scrubs and gasping in air like he’s just run a marathon. His eyes find Five and he’s breathing “Thank god” as he strides forward and grabs Five and - 
Pulls Five into a crushing hug. 
“I was so worried.” Ben whispers where his face is pressed against Five’s hair, arms strong and firm and warm. Without his permission, Five’s eyes start tearing up and he doesn’t even know why. 
(It has something to do with the fact that he hadn’t really thought that Ben would care that he’d left. He had Klaus now, after all - and Klaus was a much better brother than Five was.)
And then Ben withdraws (Five pretends he doesn’t mourn the loss) and holds Five at arms length, “What were you thinking!” He exclaims, “You can’t just run off like that!”
And Five’s knees go weak, and suddenly he comprehends why exactly Vanya is angry and why Ben was worried. He’d vanished again, like he had back then. He hadn’t even thought about it - he’d known that he was just on his way to Vanya’s house after all. He’d known he wasn’t vanishing. But his family clearly hadn’t known. 
“I wasn’t running off.” Five says, because it’s important they know that. Vanya leaned against a counter with a cup of tea looking unimpressed. “I wasn’t. I was just coming to Vanya’s. I should’ve left a note or something I just - ” Thought Ben wouldn’t care.
Ben takes in the bag, takes in Dolores, looks over his shoulder at a grim looking Vanya and then back to Five. “Why were you coming to Vanya’s?” He asks, looking soft and wounded all at once. He’s already put the pieces together, but he wants to hear it from Five.
“It’s okay.” Five assures Ben, “I get it, don’t worry. Klaus is - he’s a kid and I’m not. He needs you. It’s okay, I don’t mind moving out. It’s fine.”
“Five,” Ben chokes out, and there are tears in his eyes and Five can’t help the panic that goes through him because he can’t handle people crying. He made Ben cry, he’s the worst person in the world. “Five, why on earth would you move out?”
Five hesitates. “You don’t need me anymore. You have Klaus to keep you company.”
“Of course I need you.” Ben says, like he can’t imagine why Five would think anything else. “Five, just because I want Klaus around doesn’t mean I don’t want you around. It doesn’t work like that. Love isn’t - it isn’t some kind of pie that gets divided between everyone, and loving Klaus doesn’t mean I love you any less. I love both of you.”
“Oh.” There really isn’t much Five can say to that, is there? He can’t help the stinging behind his eyes and the tears that are suddenly spilling down his cheeks as something shatters in his chest, like ice breaking as spring comes. 
Ben reels Five back in for a firm hug, and Five winds his arms around Ben and clutches at him like if he lets go Ben will disappear. 
“Come home, Five.” Ben breathes, soft and pleading, “Please.”
“Okay,” Five sobs against Ben’s shirt, “Okay.”
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Kaspbrough + "Yeah but I'm your idiot", please?
Read on Ao3
Warnings: None
Words: 2881
Send in any quotes/prompts and I’ll write a fic
The Losers Club’s first crush was Bill Denbrough, even Ben who is straight and head over heels in love with Beverly. Nobody knew why it was Bill maybe because he was the group’s leader. One by one they all moved past their love of Bill.
Richie went onto Eddie (of course), his little cutie short stack with the fanny pack.
Stan went onto Mike but when Mike got a girlfriend in senior year of high school, Stan soon moved onto Patty.
Mike moved onto a girl named Frankie but she dumped him when he got into Yale. He later figured out that he’s better off being asexual.
Ben and Bev found each other and have been together since Junior year of high school.
But Eddie? Eddie couldn’t move past the novice writer. Well he did, he liked Richie back in high school, but when Bill opted to do college part-time and focus solely on his writing, Eddie went straight back to Bill. He was beating himself up over it since there was no way that Bill liked him back, he was becoming a hotshot writer. Eddie was just a mechanic working in his dad’s shop and doing a business major online. It was almost like having a celebrity crush, you know you don’t have a chance with them.
Little to Eddie’s knowledge, but Bill liked him too.
It wasn’t just Richie that loved a boy with a fanny pack and a feisty attitude, it was also Bill. It shocked Bill when he took one look at Eddie one day and couldn’t stop thinking his lips on his, his hand in his own and those tiny red shorts from back in middle school … they didn’t just affect the Trashmouth in the way that the Trashmouth mostly talks about, you know, boners/hardons, whatever you want to call it. Eddie was like Bill’s wake up call mentally and sexually, he was the reason that Bill found out he was Bi. He thought he was straight after he kissed Beverly in the Summer of ‘89 but then he couldn’t get the image of Eddie in those goddamn red shorts.
Of course, Eddie had gotten new pairs of track shorts each year and each time both Bill and Richie found their mouths watering at the sight. Stan only rolled his eyes at Richie since he was always more forward with his flirting but Bill wasn’t but Mike knew well enough and always smacked Bill on the head, snapping him out of staring at Eddie.
Now as adults though Eddie no longer wears those track shorts, now only wearing jeans, it still causes problems for the two men.
At Bill’s first-ever book signing, all the Losers gather in the front row in the Derry library anxiously waiting for his fans to arrive, Eddie excuses himself to the bathroom walking straight past Bill and Richie. Bill does the unthinkable, he smacks Eddie’s ass and pinches it lightly. He had seen Richie do this on several occasions, but now he knows he’s gone a step too far.
Richie smirks as Eddie freezes, “Richard Tozier!” Eddie bellows turning right around to face him. His face red, chest puffed, Bill thinks it’s hot even though Eddie is mad at the wrong person.
“Wasn’t me,” Richie answers, putting his hands up in surrender. “I swear to God.” Eddie must’ve given Richie a look because Richie subtlely points towards Bill.
“Seriously?! I expected that from Richie but you?” Eddie cries.
“What? You’ve got a good ass, Eddie,” Bill smirks, Eddie puffs out some air in a huff and continues towards the bathroom.
The other 4 losers (and 1 honourary Loser), watching the 3 of them, smirking knowingly. Stan thinks he’s the only one that notices the look in Eddie’s eyes. It’s a look that symbolises his hope, because no matter how mad he was at Richie … then Bill, it gave him hope that maybe just maybe Bill likes him too.
Bill goes up to get ready to talk about his latest book, pulling out his speech from on his blazer’s many pockets and Eddie comes back, his face still red and his sleeves are now rolled up past his elbows, shirt unbuttoned slightly. Bill forgets where he is for a moment, staring intensely at Eddie, a very unsubtle move on his part because next thing he knows, he’s in a room full of people and he’s saying nothing.
“Yo Bill, quit staring at Eds,” Richie yells, Bill finally looks up from Eddie only to be met with 50 pairs of eyes staring up at the author, waiting, both, patiently and impatiently, for him to start with his speech. Eddie’s blushing slightly, considering his face is already red from the anger that’s still protruding out of him.
“Right, um sorry. How’s everyone doing today?” Bill starts and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. The audience can only grumble in response awaiting for Bill to make a start on his speech about his book. The Losers even showing some impatience, the only one who isn’t bouncing their leg or checking their watch is Patty, the honourary Loser. The only one who truly knows about Bill’s persistent crush on the hypochondriac, mechanic.
Even though Bill had never told her, she could see it; surprised that Stan couldn’t figure it out.
After reading some of Stan’s bird books, Patty’s observational skills went through the roof. She was noticing the small details of everyone’s behaviour; their ticks, idiosyncrasies. One that took her by surprise, that she didn’t see before, was Bill. His movements around Eddie are more restrained than Richie’s, everyone knows that Richie likes Eddie including Eddie himself, but Bill is subtle. Patty often catches a look of admiration that to the untrained eye, would look normal. Like Richie, he sat facing Eddie and Eddie only, he never properly faced any of the losers when they spoke to him if Eddie was there. He always smiled more at Eddie than anyone else.
Patty wants nothing to do nothing more than tell Bill to tell Eddie because Eddie is crushing hard on the writer.
“Babe, see the way Bill’s looking at Eddie and only Eddie?” Patty whispers almost inaudibly to her boyfriend, Stan nods, “it’s obvious he fancies him.” Stan nods again, “should hook them up?”
“I agree, can’t stand Eddie’s pining any longer,” Stan whispers.
Bev also noticed, having a keen eye for details. She thought it was quite obvious that Bill likes Eddie and Eddie likes Bill. Eddie always paid more attention to Bill than anyone else, sure he ‘flirted’ with Richie often but that was out of pure fun. The hypochondriac also flirted with Bill, making up random excuses to hang with or touch Bill more. Bill is just as bad, the flirtatious comments, constant touching, compliments and the smiling. It’s painfully obvious but she doesn’t want to tell them herself that they both like each other, not wanting to get in the way and making thing awkward. Especially since she knows about how madly in love Richie is with Eddie.
A few days later Patty and Stan get to work, with Richie’s aid, considering he has a 'P.h.D’ in “Understanding Edward Kaspbrak”. So the three of them set up a double date, Stan and Patty with Bill and Eddie, going exactly where Eddie likes having lunch, occasionally. It’s a hipster type cafe, that’s completely organic and mostly vegetarian and vegan though you can get meals with bacon, chicken or steak if you wanted. Eddie likes it because it’s generally quiet and their pumpkin salad is literally to die for, sometimes he’ll get the honey glazed chicken with it if he isn’t in the full vegan mood.
This cafe is like Eddie’s fortnightly treat. Working hard in the shop and on his college work he treats himself by splurging on a nice salad, a cup of coffee and a vegan chocolate cake with sorbet. he often uses it as a way to meet other guys or takes dates there but none of them works out and he ends up going home alone and doesn’t ask for a second date.
Eddie arrives minutes before Patty and Stan show up wanting to grab a good table and disinfect it before the others arrive and so that he doesn’t scare this guy off with his need to be germ-free. “Hey Eddie, excited?” Patty asks as she and Stan sit down.
“Sort of, more nervous than anything,” Eddie replies.
“Don’t worry about it, you’ll love him,” Stan reassures the hypochondriac.
“Guys, how did you know that I like this place?” Eddie asks.
“You just seem like the hipster type,” Patty replies.
The door dings and in walks the blind date, Eddie doesn’t look. If he looks he’ll probably walk out in fear of rejection or some other bullshit reason he can think of. So he focuses on his hands that are intertwined on the table, feeling the slippery table underneath them, from the disinfectant.
He feels the floor vibrate as the footsteps of his date walks toward the table. Finally gaining the courage to look up, he’s met with Bill’s brown eyes. “What the fuck?!” Both men exclaim towards Stan and Patty.
“You two are clearly pining for each other so here we are,” Stan sighs with the roll of his eyes. “Now, shut it. Patty and I will be over there if you need us.” Stan drags Patty to an empty table a few meters away, taking Eddie’s confidence and lifeline away.
Bill sits down hesitantly and looks at Eddie intently, trying his best to read him but he isn’t Dr Richie Tozier with the P.h.D in “Understanding Edward Kaspbrak” but he tries his best. “Eddie? We don’t have to,” Bill says.
“I want to. Maybe this was the push I needed,” Eddie replies. “I’ve liked you since 1989.”
“I liked you a few years after when you started running track, those booty shorts were definitely a wake-up call.”
Eddie blush profusely, this is the exact reason he stopped wearing them, opting for a pair of overalls, jeans or anything that didn’t show his ass or too much of his thighs. It wasn’t until his first visit with Richie at the University of California that he opted for baggier pants just because he felt insecure about his ass no thanks to Richie. But now as a working man, jeans and overalls are his top clothing choices as their comfortable and so his legs don’t get covered in cuts, bruises, petroleum and grease etc. Even now, considering he came from work, Eddie’s dressed in his overalls with a yellow t-shirt on underneath, there are only small patches of dirt on the right and left knees since he was kneeling on the dirt to get a better hold of a tire.
“Shall we order then maybe go for a walk or something?” Eddie suggests.
“Sure,” Bill says.
Eddie waves over a waitress and the pair quickly order wanting to get their order through before a large table of teenagers, celebrating a birthday, order.
After their lunch, the two decided to walk to Eddie’s house and place of work. Considering it’s an overly large block, Eddie has two large sheds out the back, filled with 4 cars each. Ever since his transition from Derry to Seattle, he wanted a large block of land where he can live on his work site. He wanted to be close to his friends, so when his dad passed he moved his dad’s business across the country. Sure it had cost a large amount of money but there was more than enough to do it, although Sonia wasn’t too thrilled Eddie didn’t care, he wanted to be near his family and he got it.
No one had ever been inside Eddie’s home let alone the sheds where he worked.
It seems fitting that Bill is the first one though. Doesn’t it?
As Eddie unlocks his door and steps inside he moves slightly over allowing his date to follow him in. Bill kicks off his shoes, because it’s Eddie, and the mechanic leads him down the hall to the kitchen. Eddie’s walls are lined with newspaper clippings about his business and photos of him and his dad as kids as well as photos with the Losers. It’s clear to Bill what Eddie is most proud of and that is the business. As he looks out the window while Eddie prepares some Ice Tea and vodka, Bill sees the sheds, two massive sheds with two dirt driveways leading toward the front of the house. The doors were up and there was a young kid, no older than maybe 18 working on an old car may be from the late 80s to the early 90s.
Eddie had told the Losers about the kid he hired, he was 17 or 18, Bill can’t remember, he works hard and knows a great deal about cars. The kid was taught by his grandpa on how to fix a car so that in case he ever broke down, he’d be able to fix it. Everyone loved the idea of Eddie taking a teenager under his wing, giving him experience and cash, Richie was a little jealous at first but warmed up to the idea.
“Wanna go see the sheds? I need to check on Hamish anyway,” Eddie says passing Bill his drink.
“Yeah sure, would love to see them,” Bill replies, drink in hand, and follows Eddie out of the house.
The feeling of the gravel under his feet made Bill cringe ever so slightly but Eddie showed no sign of discomfort. The gravel is hot and moved uncomfortably under the weight causing Bill to want to move a little faster to get to the smooth concrete of the sheds.
“Thought you’d be used to this considering you’d walk bare feet around Derry,” Eddie says as he notices the discomfort on Bill’s face.
“I haven’t been there for 10 years,” Bill states, “I’ve forgotten how to walk on this sort of surface without shoes.”
“You’re such an idiot,” Eddie chuckles.
“Yeah but I’m your idiot?” Eddie stops only meters away from the shed. “Sorry was that -”
“No no, it’s just … I don’t know.”
Eddie and Bill blush slightly and continue to walk towards the shed.
The young boy, Hamish, that Bill had seen working on an 80/90s car model had now moved to a newer car model, replacing what Bill notes, is a battery. Eddie walks over to him to make sure he’s down all the tasks for the day, to which he responds with a yes, all except for the battery that he’s currently replacing. “Hamish, before you continue, I’d like you to meet my friend, Bill Denbrough,” Eddie says waving Bill over.
“Hiya Bill, nice to finally meet you, Mr Kaspbrak talks about you and the others all the time,” Hamish says, holding his greased up hand out to Bill, “Sorry it’s a little dirty.”
“It’s fine, I’m sure Eddie’s told you all about our adventures as kids, a little gas and grease won’t kill me,” Bill says shaking Hamish’s hand. Hamish laughs and Eddie stands there a little awkwardly, Bill isn’t sure why maybe because Eddie just called him his 'friend’ not 'date’ or 'boyfriend’ but 'friend’.
The boy goes back to work and Eddie shows Bill the cars that he and Hamish have been working on, explaining the problem of each of the 8 cars in holding. Needless to say, Bill’s impressed, Eddie has come a long way from being the hypochondriac, now he’s simply a partial germaphobe, only caring about where strangers hands have been, using hand sanitizer after shaking someone’s hand and wiping down benches at a restaurant, bar or cafe. Cringing when someone doesn’t cover their mouth when sneezing or coughing.
“I really hope we do this again Eddie,” Bill says.
“Same here,” Eddie replies. Bill places his now finished drink on the bench beside Eddies.
Bill goes to take a step towards the shorter man but Eddie beats him to it, taking Bill’s face in his hands and lips in his, in one swift movement. Just as Bill had imagined, Eddie’s lips are soft and plump.
Eddie, on the other hand, is thinking that this is way better than he imagined. Bill’s hands are placed firmly on Eddie’s ass, his lips are soft and needy against Eddie’s but as soon as Bill lips Eddie’s bottom lip, he pulls away panting. “Wow,” is all Eddie can say.
“Wow, indeed. Richie wasn’t kidding,” Bill says.
“Really, you had to bring up Rich?”
“Sorry but damn, he said you were good but you’re even better than he described.”
“He did what?!” Eddie buried his head in his hands. “I should’ve known, I complained about not having my first kiss so he opted to be my first. Why did I trust him when I knew he liked me?”
Bill hugs the mechanic and feels Eddie vibrate beneath him. Panic surges through him and quickly looks down but is relieved when he sees that Eddie is laughing. “You’re such an idiot,” Bill says.
“Yeah, but I’m your idiot.”
“That you are, boyfriend.” Eddie leans up in Bill’s arms to kiss him again, passionately.
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glamrockmonarch · 6 years
The Flu: Ben Hardy Mini Series
Part 2. Not Meant To Be
Mini Series Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 3
Words: 4335
Summary: You are an actress and worked with the boys in BoRhap, after the premiere and press tour you wind up working on another project with one of them; Ben. As your roles are tied together you find yourselves spending more and more time in each other’s company, becoming closer than ever and developing feelings. Ben cannot bring himself to ruin what you have with another one of your friends by acting on these new found love until you get sick out of the blue right in the middle of the production and this sparks something between the two.
A/N: I tried my best but I think this one is a little rushed due to the number of events I wanted to get in here (we don’t even get to the good Mozzarella Sticks bits yet!)  without making it too long... anyway, I would love your feedback on this and maybe you could help me decide if a fourth chapter would be a good idea. Let me know, and ENJOY!
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You stared at Ben with tearful eyes, he looked down and licked his lips before his blue eyes full of sorrow found yours.
“I’m afraid not.” He reached up to put his right hand on your cheek.
You took a step back, a tear escaping the corner of your eye.
“We are to move to New Zealand. Your father has given his blessing and you are my wife now.”
Ben stepped closer to you and cupped your face, your chest heavied trapped in a tight corset. You felt a slow stream of tears slide down your cheek, met by his thumb. You fail to turn away to his touch although it is written on the script.
“Goddamnit!” You think to yourself. “Maybe if I tense up my neck?”
“I -“ you stuttered, “I don’t want to go.” You admitted.
Ben blinked and his eyes fell on your bright pink lips.
“CUT!” The director yelled from behind the camera, “Y/N, he is the man making you leave the love of your life, leave your home and family, you are about to leave the country forever! Is this the energy you want to give me?”
Ben stepped back and the two of you turned to look at the director.
“I guess not....but she was raised to be quiet and hold back!” You reasoned, trying to extend your back in your costume.
“Exactly!” The director grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you, “forget all that, convince him to stay! Go wild!”
Turning to look at Ben you saw him squinting at the director.
“And you,” Ben straightened up, “get out of your head, this is a tense moment. Make it count! Jack’s a villain in this moment!”
You struggled to look annoyed and uncomfortable around Ben, so the director had to intervene. You ended up ditching some parts of the script in favour of more dramatic lines.
Henry, the man directing, told Ben to go with something a lot harsher.
“Bring Percy into it.”
It was a simple instruction, but it made the biggest difference. Once the cameras were rolling again Ben was almost scary.
“I -“ you stuttered again, “I don’t want to go.” You admitted in a small voice.
Ben’s hands dropped from your face and his jaw became tense.
“Because of Percy. Right?” He stepped closer to you and you blinked in confusion.
Of course, your character was in love with a farm boy who worked for her family but she had to cut all ties to him in order to marry Mister Everleigh - Ben’s role.
“I do not know-“ you started, taking a step back.
“Oh, please Miss Jones! I am not a fool!” Ben licked his lips. “You clearly love him. Do tell me, were you expecting to have an affair with him?”
“Excuse me?” Your eyes widened. “I am offended! Mister Jones, I assure you-“
Ben cut you off again.
“I will manage my family’s business in New Zealand. And you will come with me as my wife.” He said harshly. “This... Percy boy will not be around. So forget about him. Forget about your dirty little farm and your country boy. You are Gwyn Everleigh - my wife, and you will come with your husband to New Zealand.”
You stared at Ben with tearful eyes, imagining your character’s heart to be breaking at these words coming out of his mouth. Gwyn Jones would feel her soul crushed under this burden, becoming an Everleigh and getting on that ship...traveling to another country without her family to bear some evil man’s children. Gwyn would have felt like screaming, but she would hold back because she was taught to do so.
“I understand Mister Everleigh.” You said with your voice cracking, looking down and excusing yourself before leaving through the hall with cameras following your every move.
The director cut and you let out a loud scream outside of the set. You were still in character when Ben ran outside to see what was happening with you.
Not having heard the director say cut, once Ben approached you, you lashed out.
“Don’t! Don’t touch me...” You slapped his hands. “I didn’t ask for this!”
Ben frowned, unable to understand you hadn’t heard you were not rolling anymore.
The blonde tried to touch your arm and as he did you slapped him across the face, half the crew gasping at it.
“I said don’t touch me!” I cried out.
“Y/n! Y/n!” Henry intervened while Ben held his cheek in his hand.
He blonde would hate to admit you were quite strong for your size.
“Oh, my!” You covered your mouth with your hands. “Ben, I’m so sorry!” You apologised and went to check on him.
“I like that, can we shoot that?” Henry turned to one of the producers.
You sighed and looked away from Ben.
“Shit, I’m sorry! I didn’t hear him, I just...” you admitted, “I hate it!”
Ben was confused and looked around for help, not knowing what to say. You pressed your palm against his cheek and gave him an apologetic smile.
“It got better for Gwyn,” he tried to console you, “Jack is a good man, he just...he was jealous...” Ben explained.
The director watched you talk about the scene you had just improvised and heard you go on about your character.
“She was scared!” You cried out, dropping your hand from his face, “Gwyn doesn’t even know Jack! She thought she would at least have her sisters to turn to! Now Jack is jealous? Jealous?! Of what!”
You turn to Henry and shook your head.
“And then he pretty much rapes her the second they arrive in New Zealand!“
“Hey, hey!” There was little to defend there but Ben still felt as attached to his role as you did. “He watched her kiss Percy!” Ben explained. “He didn’t mean to hurt Gwyn!”
“Well, he did!”
Before things could go any further, as usual, Henry had you go back to your marks to keep working.
“You two are gonna be fun to work with on the press tour!” Henry pat both of your backs.
It was a long week of shooting, the last one. The last scene you shot was one with Trine Dyrholm, who played your mother. It was a somewhat easy short scene, but you had to repeat it a few times before the director got all the shots he wanted.
“It’s a wrap ladies!” You were happy to hear Henry congratulate you and Trine.
You celebrated later when the whole production wrapped. Craig and Ben filmed their last scenes together and the crew cheered and clapped.
“It’s a wrap!” Everyone repeated.
You were still in costume when the boys made their way behind the monitor to hug you. Craig was the first to wrap his arms around you, having met you during readings before shooting started, he was glad to be done and promised to stay in touch with you after this.
“You better call me, Craig!” You warmed him with your eyes widening.
He laughed and turned to see Ben joking with Beth.
Everyone in the crew and cast seemed to know you and Ben had something going on between you, whether you knew it or not was something they couldn’t decipher.
“Y/N!” Ben wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up, making you hold on to his shoulders for dear life. “It’s a wrap!”
“It’s a wrap!” You grinned at each other in excitement.
Everyone was happy and sad, it was a big mixture of feelings around the set. The crew was glad it was over because they were proud of the work that they had put into the film, as the cast was too. But there was a melancholic vibe around that nobody could deny; this was the realisation that you would never be together like you had been for the past few months ever again. If there was a second part to this film, which was something possible, the crew would probably not be the same, only the main characters would get called back to take their roles and that if the characters were not written off or grown older - which could mean re-casting. It was time to face it for everyone; the production was over.
That night you had the wrap party, where you got to hang out with everyone and have a bit of a farewell. Henry, your amazing director made sure to thank his employees and you had a great time, besides, the next morning there was something to look forward to... shaving Ben’s sideburns.
Although you partied till well into the am, you woke up early and made sure to text your friends.
Gwilym was happy to hear you were free from work now, at least you would be for a couple of weeks now until you had a date for your meeting with some executives for your next big project.
“Hi, how are you?” Gwil called.
You and Gwil had been very close during the production of borhap since you played the part of his wife.
“Great!” You replied honestly through the phone and asked how he was doing in return.
Gwil had a way of speaking that seemed to soothe people, for you it was like standing in front of the calm waters of a river; hearing him talk about his projects and plans for the next few days made you feel some sense of normality, even though you felt out of place standing in your kitchen at 10 in the morning while you had been running around set at this same time for the past few months.
“I heard you are going to this fashion show next week.” Gwil inquired, he was aware thanks to Joe that it was an important trip and since Joe was his friend he had been asked to get some information from her.
Joe was nervous about asking you out, he wanted to for a long time now, ever since you were in New York earlier in the year he had been sure about his feelings toward you. Joe missed you, he wanted to talk to you, listen to your voice, see you smile, hold you, kiss you… and he knew that if he wanted to take this relationship to next level he had to get a move on. So he asked his friends to lend him a hand. Ben was supposed to get you to go where you had to go, Rami and Lucy were told to keep people away while Joe talked to you, and Gwil was given the golden task of asking if you were even interested in Joe like that.
“Yeah, Ben and I are flying there together.” You announced, your face lighting up without you noticing. “It’s a shame you aren’t coming, we will miss you!” You said.
“Aw, I’m sorry, I’ll be in America for once!” Gwil explained. “I guess it will be nice to see Rami and Lucy...and Joe…” He tried to be smooth.
You giggled at the mention of Joe; he had been adorably annoying since he heard you had confirmed your assistance to the fashion show in Paris.
“Yeah, I think Joe will tackle me the second he sees me…” You predicted, to which Gwil chuckled. “I wouldn’t blame him, he lives across the pond! Don’t we all miss his chaotic energy around?”
Gwil agreed. “Sounds like that’s gonna be a hard goodbye.” He commented.
“I mean…” You heard a car outside, “Joe’s lovely to have around, but so are the rest of you. I think I might just hide in someone’s luggage and see where that gets me…” You rambled absentmindedly with your eyes scanning the windows to look outside and see who it is.
There is a knock on your door and you apologise to your friend.
“Why don’t you text me later, we should go out for coffee or something, could tell Lucy and Ben too.” You proposed as you left the open kitchen area to go to the door.
“I’d love that.” Gwil sounded pleased.
“I’ve got to go, Gwil...but seriously, congratulations on Top End Wedding.” You reached out to the doorknob. “I’ll see you soon! Bye!”
“Thanks, bye!”
Hanging up the phone you turned the knob and waited to see who it could be on the other side of the door. Not too surprisingly, you found Ben there and let him in without saying anything. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and you gave him one back, stepping aside so he came in and closed the door behind himself.
“Time to get rid of this thing!” Ben announced once you turned to him.
He rubbed his jaw and touched his sideburns.
“Guess you couldn’t wait then.” You said.
Ben was unable to refute you, he was eager to get rid of the hair, it was starting to become too much, so he wanted the sideburns gone and a haircut to go with his polished look. You extended your hand and Ben handed you a small bag with the necessary utensils to shave. Together, you walked down the hall and into your small bathroom.
“So when are you leaving?” Ben asked from his improvised seat on the edge of the bathtub.
You prepared everything on the counter next to the sink and tried to count the days.
“I think I’m going back home next month.” You announced.
The truth was, you were not used to living in London. You just went there regularly, but you still had your home in Cardiff.
“I’ll miss you, you know?” Ben said, biting his tongue after, mentally cursing at himself for admitting this.
“I’ll miss you too, Ben.” You turned to him in your pajamas and offered him a side smile.
You noticed Ben wore a pair of trainers and sweatpants. He nodded his head and his expression mirrored yours.
Clapping your hands and sighing, you got to business and grabbed the razor to shave the sides of his head. You were careful and kept focused on not cutting him, your eyes on his face and one of your hands cupping his cheek while you run the razor down his face. Ben did not dare speak, so he wouldn’t distract you or make you move the blades wrong. It was not possible to avoid, Ben put his hands on your hips while you stood between his legs to shave the rest of his face. Once you were done you pressed the lotion on his skin and ran your fingers along his chin.
“Served, mister.” You smiled down at him and caught him staring.
Ben’s hand did not leave your hips and you were made aware of the contact as you dropped your hands on his shoulders. You remained like this for a few minutes before you gathered the courage to move.
It had been enough, too long since you deciphered the meaning of the fluttering in your stomach when you were together. You ran a hand through Ben’s hair and leant down to press your lips against his. Ben did not move, too scared, too involved to pull away.
He let you kiss him and even worse, he kissed you back. Moving his lips against yours and breathing in the sweet scent of coconut coming from your hair. You cupped his face and Ben’s arms wrapped around you to pull you closer. He would later regret it, but now he could not deny: your lips felt like heaven and he was craving for more. You parted your lips and let his tongue come in contact with yours, it was much more than it had been when you were on set. This was not a pretend kiss, this was real and it felt like it too. You moved your legs so you could straddle Ben and once you did, Ben’s arms tightened around your middle, his hands finding the small of your back and your neck.
As you pulled away for air you pressed your nose against Ben’s cheek and suddenly it all came crashing down on him.
Ben was not supposed to kiss you, he was meant to stay away from you. Joe had told him how he felt about you, this was a horrible thing to do to a friend… so ben did what he had to make it right to his friend because he owed him at least this. He pushed you away and rushed to pick up his stuff.
“What-what’s wrong?” You jumped back as Ben put everything back into his little bag.
“This.” He said, shaking his head. “Y/N, I...I’m sorry.” He blinked because he had to say things he did not feel, but he needed to make sure you would forget about this. Ben could not stab Joe in the back like this. “This is wrong… I’m sorry if I led you on…”
“Lead me on?” You frowned, “Ben…”
“You are my best friend,” Ben reassured you, although he was trying to convince himself. “You are, and I want it to be that way.”
You were shocked, embarrassed...terrified! What had you just done?! It sounded like Ben meant this, you were fooled. He looked serious, you were unable to tell if he was mad, but he did not look like someone who was making this up.
With a hand on your mouth, you nodded and then you looked away. How could you make it right with a friend who you had just kissed under the impression that your feelings would be reciprocated? You felt all colour leave your face and a sudden need to run and hide settle in your stomach making your hands shake.
“I’m so sorry, Ben!” You rushed to explain, “I...I…” You covered your mouth again. “It won’t happen again!” You frowned.
Your voice was small and shaky. Ben looked at you over his shoulder and felt sick to his stomach. Your concern was visible. He looked away again, picked up his stuff and sighed.
“Please don’t go?” You whispered.
It was too late, you had ruined everything. Ben gave you one last glance and mumbled something about seeing you later before he stormed out of the house. You were heartbroken and felt tears stream down your face the second you heard the front door close.
Ben decided he would act as if nothing had happened when he met you a week later at the airport. You did not speak about what happened, in fact, you did not even speak for days after the bathroom incident. Ben was feeling guilty about it and you were sure that if you tried to talk about it with him you would only ruin your friendship - which you felt was hanging by a string.
Without making a big deal out of it, Ben assured Joe that he would be fine asking you out and when the time came to meet up at the airport, you were past the initial shock and made no effort to bring up the topic of your status.
It was clear to the two of you that friendship was all there would be between you, even if it broke your hearts, but you dealt with it as you sat together on the plane. The flight was short and you spent the whole time talking.
“This haircut really suits you,” you said to him and then touched your own hair, “I think my manager is sending me to the hairdresser soon, honestly I wouldn’t mind.”
Ben chuckled.
“You look beautiful as it is, no need for any changes.” He assured you.
Knowing better than to take his comment as a compliment bigger than it was supposed to be, you made a mental note not to blush.
“Thanks,” you changed the topic, “I am going to New York next week.”
Ben frowned, intertwining his hands on his lap as he heard you. He waited for you to elaborate and when you did he felt his heart sink. Of course, once Joe heard of this he would be thrilled. And he himself was happy for you, although his stomach turned to the thought of you being so far away for what would probably be a long time.
“I am being offered a roll by Netflix. I’m meeting with the producers and maybe signing before coming back.” You smiled. “It’s a series, but I think…” You nodded, sucking air through your teeth, “I think it could be big. I like the script very much.”
Ben blinked and forced himself to smile, reaching out and squeezing your hand.
“That’s great! You’ll do amazingly, Y/N! You are very talented, I bet you’ll snatch some awards soon.”
You blushed at that and looked away, raising your brows and squeezing his hand back before leaning your head on his shoulder. You sighed and closed your eyes.
“I know you’ll make it big soon.” You mumbled, “so I hope we can both have what we want.”
Arriving in Paris things became hectic. You were separated from Ben to go to your hotels, an assistant helped you with your things and after a quick lunch at a local café, you were whisked away again into your hotel to get ready for the show. A “glam squad” ready for you.
You had your hair done and your eyebrows waxed, your toes pedicured and your dress ironed to perfection. With your hair and makeup all done you were helped into a dress by the same designer you were seeing that evening.
“Alright, alright, we need to go!” Your assistant said once the car stopped outside the venue.
Looking around you could not see any of your friends, so you walked through the hall on your own. Some cameras shot pictures of you and you offered friendly smiles at them, not knowing what was coming your way…
“Would you take the picture?” A voice you knew too well said behind you as the weight of an arm was placed around your shoulders.
Your brows shot up with your eyes widening. Turning your head you saw the dark hair and the long nose. The friendly smile made you feel better about everything, your confidence boosted and your still sore heart felt slightly lighter and warmer.
“Joe!” You giggled and wrapped your arms around him, letting him hold you too while the camera flashes went wild. “Oh, I missed you!”
Joe chuckled and kissed your temple before pulling away, he grabbed your hands and looked down at you, pointing at your outfit.
“You look beautiful…” He brought a hand to his chest and his brown eyes looked into yours. “Come on, we should be goin’ in there!”
You nodded and turned to wave at the cameras. Joe’s hand found yours and you smiled back at him while you walked into the showroom together. Your seats were right next to each other so while people poured in you two had a chance to catch up, ignoring everyone around you. As you laughed with joe you forgot to catch up with Lucy and Rami, although they knew of Joe’s plans and did little to still your attention.
The show passed you by in a flash. The show was great, while Joe made smart little comments on your ear and made you bite your tongue to keep from laughing out loud you set your eye on some of the pieces, ready to ask if you could wear them later for events, maybe during promotions for projects or appearances.
“Y/N, how long will you be in Paris?” Lucy wondered after the lights went down once the show was over.
Being on the front row, the smartest move from you was to wait till the people left the room before you even attempted exiting.
“I’m leaving on Monday morning, you?”
Lucy giggled and intertwined her arm with Rami’s as he talked to Ben, who had not said a word to you all night except for a weak “hello” from earlier.
“Me too… we should go somewhere! Rami is trying to find his mum a gift, thought we could help him.”
“Are you sure?” You frowned and mimicked her but with Joe instead of Rami. “Won’t I be third wheeling?”
Joe put his chin on your naked shoulder and pouted. “‘course not! I could go to…” he said smoothly, “make it a double date instead!”
You laughed at that and watched Lucy bite her lip.
You sensed the air change and tilted your head to the side to put your eyes on a curious looking Joe.
“Mozzarella Sticks,” you used his nickname, “are you for real?”
Joe had turned to Lucy when Ben explained to him that he was going to be late to the show, he was supposed to help him as you out, but he backed out last minute, so yes, he turned to Lucy for help. And here you were, caught off guard and surprised.
Still, Joe felt confident looking at the way your eyes lit up.
“I am.” He straightened up and put his hand on your thigh with the palm looking up.
His eyes fell to his hand and yours followed. With your heart shrinking, you remembered how embarrassed you had been after Ben rejected you. How could you reject Joe?
With a small smile, you told yourself that there was nothing to lose. Joe was your friend, the one who made you laugh without fail. He had made sure to ask how you were doing when you got sick and he even sent you a big bear when he had the chance, although by the time it had arrived you were back working.
“Well...” You put your hand on his and watched your fingers intertwine. “I’d like that.”
An excited looking Joe leant forward to press a loud kiss to your cheek while Lucy clapped in the background, Rami mumbling a “finally!” and a quiet Ben nodding at his friends with a forced smile.
taglist: @shanetoo @artemisiaarm @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @wint-er-voices @onceuponathreetwoone @imamazzellhoe @mrsmazzello @kyleetheeditor @godessforyou @gwilymswife
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harry-hook-me · 6 years
Off Screen Secrets
Writer - @harry-hook-me (myself)
Request - @andy-blur
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Descendants characters or scenes from the movies, all credits goes to the creators and producers of Disneys descendants.
Summary – y/n is dating Mitchell hope but Thomas has a crush on her, when he tells her, he discoverers the feeling is mutual
Warnings – literally one swear word
Word count – 1353
Prompts - “I’m so madly in love with you”
“Shut up and kiss me”
“Don’t test me sweet cheeks”
“Have a hopeless crush on a person I don’t have a chance with”
Sorry took so long I’m coming off my hiatus now however posts may be slow for the next two weeks whilst I finished my exams xx
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Thomas’s POV
So there’s this girl. Her name if Y/n, I’m in love with her but… She has a boyfriend.
Working on the Descendants 2 movie has probably been one of the best experiences of my life, I’ve met so many incredible people and learned so much. My character Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook has a bit of a crush Harriet, Daughter of Hades, played by Y/f/n; who I, in real life, happen to have a crush on. As I’ve been working so close with Y/n, I’ve gained incredibly strong feelings for and oh how I wish she could be mine, but she can’t. And worst of all, her boyfriends on set, every day, and it breaks my heart seeing them together because that should be me. Mitchell Hope, who plays Ben. Every free moment they have, their together. It hurts. Like hell.
Y/n’s POV
It’s an early Wednesday morning, walking through set with Mitchell to get to makeup, I was utterly exhausted. Lately we’ve been working so hard nonstop and I’ve been lacking sleep. I drop Mitchell off at his trailer, giving him a quick kiss goodbye then making my way to my own.
“Morning” I call stepping into the makeup trailer, Thomas and Booboo were sat getting their hair and makeup done, “morning sunshine” Thomas called to me in a sarcastic tone with a big cheesy grin. I copied that grin back to him and sat in my chare ready to get my wig on. “So Y/n/n, how you feeling this fine morning” Booboo joked, knowing full well how tired I was. “I’m doing just fine and dandy, ready to start my long, hard day of work” I fake cheered, the three of us chuckling lightly. My makeup artist begins my look for the day, as I lean back in my chare, “Hey Thomas, any chance you know what scene we’re shooting today, I never got round to checking” I ask looking over at my acting partner smiling lightly. He was slightly blushing looking down in his lap, “Urm, we’ve got the kissing scene today.” He replied sounding almost nervous about it. I nodded back and started playing some music on my phone, same as every morning.
Thomas’s POV
I stepped out of the wardrobe trailer, fully geared up and ready to go. Dylan and China with me. “So when are you going to tell her dude?” Dylan asked, somehow full of energy, “I can’t, she’s with Mitchell. I have a hopeless crush on a person I don’t have a chance with. It would ruin our friendship and I don’t want that, there is no point when I know for sure she does not feel the same way.” I answer slightly frustrated. Dylan and Chine have been trying to persuading me to tell y/n how I feel about her ever since I told them I have feelings for her. But I just can’t, we have a really great friendship and I wouldn’t want it to get ruined because I like her. She loves Mitchell and there is no way that she would leave him for me. “To be honest” China spoke up, “I think she may also have feelings for you too, I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Yes, I know she’s with Mitchell, but maybe if you said something, well there may be a chance” chine explained, my head hurt. “Chinas right Thomas, you never know if you don’t try.” Maybe they were right, maybe I should just tell her.
“Harriet, my love. It’s late, what are you doing still up?” I asked the blue haired goddess stood with her back turned to me, “watching the stairs, I couldn’t sleep so I came out here to talk to my aunties and uncles in the clouds.” Harriet smiled, looking up to the dark night sky where half of her family lived. She turned around and looked at me. Her lips curled into a smile, so beautiful, so perfect. “Sweet heart, you’ll freeze to death.” I said with caution of how cold it was whilst she was only wearing her pyjamas: a vest top and shorts. “I feel fine” she replied, walking over to me, I embraced her in to a warm and protective hug. “When is it going to be our turn harry?” Harriet asked me, half her face pressed against my chest with her eyes closed, “When will we get to leave this place, why don’t we get the chance at fresh start. We aren’t our parents Harry. We deserve a life, a good life…” She looked up at me, her y/e/c eyes shining up at me “Together.” she finished. “Soon my love, I’ll get us away from this place, have faith in me” and with that our lips connected, it felt warm, loving, it felt right.
“Cut! That’s a wrap on this scene everybody” Kenny called. My lips felt slightly tingly from the kiss, y/n smiled at me, turned and began to walk off when… “Hey y/n” I called, she turned back around, “yeah” here we go. “Can we talk about something real quick?” I asked, shaking slightly. “sure, want to go for a walk?” I nodded and off we went.”
Y/n’s POV
“So what’s up?” I asked Thomas as we stepped outside. “I – uh – it’s just that – uh” he stuttered, I could tell he was really nervous. I look his shaking hand and smile at him, trying to calm him down. “Thomas, calm down, what’s wrong” I asked with a calm and hushed tone. “I – I like you y/n, like a lot” he managed to get out, my smile dropped, it was replaced with a look of shock. “w – what?” I asked confused, this time I was the one stuttering. “the thing is, it maybe be more than just the case of liking you, I’m sorry but y/n, I think I’m so madly in love with you” he added. I stepped back, shock and confusion taking over me completely. “Thomas, I. I don’t know what to say.” I sense on anger waved over me. “Why are you saying this, you know I’m with Mitchell, I love Mitchell… at least I think I do. What, were you just expecting me to leave him and come running to you.” All my calmness left my body, I don’t know why I felt so mad at him. He can’t help his feelings, I just had the need to yell. “Well excuse me for having basic human emotions. You know what y/n forget about it, I was never expecting you to leave Mitchell. In fact I didn’t even feel like telling you how I felt, and now I wish I never did” Thomas began to walk away. Fuck, “Thomas wait” the anger I felt had vanished, “please” he stopped in his tracks and turned to me. I walked up to him. I for some unknown reason, I had the need to kiss him. So I did.
Our lips connected in a passionate, loving and warm kiss. This felt right, like it was meant to be. Fate. We pulled way, both of us slightly out of breath, I looked up into his crystal blue eyes, surrounded by Harry’s black eyeliner. He was looking back down at me, his arms wrapped around my waist. Nothing but lust evident in both of our gazes. “Thomas, I” I choked on my words. “I think I love you too”, he moved backwards, “don’t test me sweet cheeks” he whispered, not believing me. “No Thommy please” I said walking towards him, wrapping my hands around his neck and pulling him down so our four heads were touching. “Thomas, I love you” I repeated, “Y – you do?” he questioned, I nodded and smiled at him. I realized at this moment that I always did. There was always something there, something between Thomas and I, a connection. “I – I love you too, so much y/n I – ” he began to ramble. “Just shut up and kiss me” I cut him off. And he did, and it felt so right, now all I have to do is tell Mitchell.
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Challenge 7 part 2
I sat in a big chair in the women's room flipping through a book called Red Queen that I had found in the library. I was starting to get frustrated at this common trope. A girl whos supposed to be with a boy (i.e in a selection to compete for his hand at marriage) is distracted by some other side boy who she ends up either being endgame with or cheats on boy A with. (i.e getting a crush on said person’s brother). I grumbled as I was starting to get annoyed at Cal and Mare. JUST STICK TO THE RIGHT BOY GIRLS.
I huffed and put the book down before I heard yelling from the outside of the room. It sounded like Ben and Wyatt? I considered getting up to go over and talk to them since it’s not like they can come into the wome- oh they’re in.
“Don’t tell me what I want or don’t want, Wyatt!” Ben yelled. Oh they’re fighting. Does Ben not know where he is? This isn’t really the place to have a fight. I felt like it would be rude to watch but wouldn’t it also be rude to not? To just read a book like nothing at all was the matter?
“What’s even the point of keeping this going when clearly no one wants to? Danielle said herself she barely liked me, that I was fake and annoying and—” My eyebrows furrowed. I didn’t know Danielle that well but she didn’t seem outright mean. It doesn’t seem like something she would mean or at least say without taking back. My eyes shifted over to her for a moment before I decided it would be rude to stare so I looked down at the ground and listened.
““I’m obviously not enough to keep the girls around. Or keep them safe.” He added. He shouldn’t blame himself for that. If he was referencing the attack. No one really could have prevented it, we didn’t know it was coming.  
“Half of them left me for other people they met in the palace.” I felt my heart drop as Ben said that next part. If he knew that I liked Wyatt that would mean I was hurting him. I didn’t want to hurt Ben that’s why I hadn’t told anyone and why I wasn’t planning on doing anything with my feelings. I just wanted everything to stay as it was till I left. Wyatt being my friend, us having funny conversations. I didn’t want him to go further away from me nor for us to get any closer in our relationship.
“And one of them wants you,” He added which caused my heart to jump and my eyes to widen. Did Ben know? How did Ben know? Please- just let it be some other selected.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you and Gabriella. How do you think that makes me feel?” My stomach churned as I felt my heart drop again. My face flushed as he had called me out now in front of all of the other selected, he told Wyatt I have feelings for him. I bit down on my bottom lip. Fuck- I didn’t want this. I didn’t even want Wyatt to know let alone for him to find out like this. I breathed a little shaky as I tried to keep myself together.
Don’t respond Gabby, don’t do anything to give yourself away. You can convince them both later that Ben guessed wrong as long as you don’t crack now. I felt a lump in my throat. I wanted to cry. He told Wyatt. There was no way I could put our friendship back together after that. I wanted to run and just bury my face in bed and cry my eyes out until I packed my bags and left.
I never wanted this. I wanted to stay with Wyatt for as long as I could. To laugh and to be happy and not to think about my impending doom in a career I hate to make my mother happy, I be stuck heart broken yet again because of some boy that just didn't want me. Because honestly, I mean who would want me? I’m just some idiot doof who can’t even keep her feelings hidden. I never should have applied for the selection. I should have just stayed home.
Staying home would have been easier. I didn’t have any strong friendships here. I mean I had talked with Ophelia and Viv but they were closer to each other than I was them. Danielle and Darcy seemed nice but I didn’t know how to approach them. Zara seemed content on her own. I like Natalya but here I am alone. The only one I have is Wyatt and now I don’t even have that.
I wanted to just keep my life, but the better version. This was the better version. Here with Wyatt, laughing, having fun, just being together and forgetting about the rest of the world and the mess that was my life.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Wyatt mumbled before he continued,  “I didn't— you know I—” Wyatt wouldn’t do that to Ben. Neither of us would. We both cared about him, Wyatt clearly more so, but he was my friend too and I never would intend to hurt him. We hadn't been together in any way that was weird, we’ve just been talking like friends. I’ve been trying so hard to be careful. How did Ben figure it out? Why was he spilling this now?
I looked around, there were guards outside of the room, maids in here. I bet at least one wont be able to hold their tongue. I shifted my attention back to the two of them and made eye contact with Wyatt for just a split second. Don’t back down, don’t look away, don’t get flustered. You need to act like you don’t like Wyatt. You’re not embarrassed to make eye contact.
Wyatt was quickly the first to turn away. “Please, just—” He continued,
“NO,” Ben yelled firmly as he took another step into the room. I bet he still hasn’t noticed where he is. “No just anything! God the one time in your life you do something for yourself it’s with this? The only thing that’ll truly matters besides my coronation during my reign?” That made me feel sour. This? He thought this was the most important thing besides his coronation? I mean not like his whole reign? Controlling the lives of hundreds of thousands of people? That's so much more important than a dating game show.
“If every obstacle is telling me to end the Selection then maybe I should listen. Go be happy. Take your stupid photos and be with anyone you want. I don’t care anymore. Just leave me alone.” Ben said saying everything he never should have said.
Wyatt considered all he had said for a moment before turning, “ okay…” He said and left. Ben watched for a moment before turning to further enter the room then seeing us all and realizing he had just made quiet the scene. He quickly left to go chase after Wyatt. He regretted it that was clear.
I stood up with a huff, pissed. How dare he? How dare he?  It was not his right to tell Wyatt that, it was not fair for him to blame Wyatt for my feelings, it was not fair of him to push his problems and his anxiety onto his brother. Ben was being a little shit. I don’t care if he regretted it, he’s a 21 year old not some 10 year old who’s excusable for his bad temper.
I walked out of the women's room each of my steps almost being a stomp. Good thing my ankle was better and I wasn’t in heels because I’m very sure the heels would have snapped from my rage walking. I wanted to fight.  
I couldn’t punch or tackle anyone now. I was mad at Ben. I wanted to kick him in the shin, hit him right across the face. Hurt him in some way for payback. I took a deep breath knowing I couldn't.
Even if Ben weren't the prince I’m still old enough that by now I should be able to control my own temper. I need to stop resorting to violence. I went back to my room and changed into one of the swimsuits I had, put a coverup on and made my way to the beach. I hadn’t officially gotten an okay to go swimming again but I was furious and needed to be outside. I needed to hear the waves again which were always so calming for some reason.
I got into the water which was thankful cold against the hot air, I had asked for a surfboard so I had one with me as I went out. I hadn’t really paid attention to the weather outside but the waves were rougher today. Good. I wanted to be thrown around. It would give me something to fight and take my attention off of all of the drama.
After I bit I walked back to the palace. My hair was dripping but I didn’t really mind the cold droplets on my back. As I walked in I felt happy. I felt clean and fresh and a little tired from all of the moving. I’d probably shower then take a nap. Then my eyes caught Ben and it was like 93% of my rage returned. I quickly turned my eyes away to try and just walk by him.
I heard him walk over to me and I knew my escape plan of intimidation and ignoring had failed, “Gabby.” My name sounded horrible in his voice. I didn’t want to hear it. I wish he had kept his mouth shut and let me go on.
I looked up at him still pissed, “Benjamin.”
He glanced away from me for a moment before he returned looking tired. He probably hasn’t gotten much sleep lately, with all the press and now this, fighting with a sibling is horrible too no matter who’s in the wrong. No Gabby, he wronged you, you’re mad at him.
“I only wanted to say I’m sorry for what I said. I had no right to say what I did, especially in front of everyone else.” Great I’m getting some copy and paste apology he can use on every girl.
“Sure,” I rolled my eyes.
I wanted to leave but a question had been hitting at my head, “How'd you figure it out? I figured distancing myself from you would help you get the idea that I wasn't super into you anymore but I don't see the jump from that to Wyatt.”
He ran a hand through his hair, “I don’t know. I saw you guys look at each other one day and it sort of... clicked I guess.” I couldn’t help but feel a bit bad for him. I had wronged Ben too. I was here for him. I liked him for a bit too, he must have liked me somewhat or else I wouldn’t still be here. It wasn’t nice of me to go off flirting with his brother.
“I should apologize to you too. What you did really hurt my feelings, especially because I hadn't even told Wyatt how I felt and wasn't planning on it because I liked where we were of just getting to be friends without drama or dealing with the hypothetical ethics of it all, not to mention I'm very sure he just sees me as a friend and I'm not really fond of rejection- anyways I'm getting side tracked-” I mumbled, “-this is why I got blackout drunk a few nights ago.” I sighed then tried to gather my thoughts to properly apologize, “I miss not having to think, but again, anyways even though you were a massive ass you're probably also stressed and having a selected like your brother wasn't a help. I mean I never intended to every do anything with it so you really shouldn't have stressed because I had planned for no one but me to know so it's not like the public would find a way to criticize you for it, but you didn't know that so I individually added to your stress so I'm sorry for that.”
He looked sad at my apology. Why? It was better than his copy paste one, “You don’t have to apologize. I know I was an ass, a huge one. But you- if you guys wanted to be together, maybe not now but…” He looked off to the side before turning his attention back to me, “in the future? You should. I’d only want the both of you to be happy.”
I chuckled a bit finding his careful dealing with the topic a little funny, “Well, I'm very sure he doesn't feel the same way. I'm planning on talking to him later and am fairly sure I can convince him you guessed wrong. Just to let you know so you don't talk to him again about me liking him. It's just easier to not deal with all that other stuff.”
“I know Wyatt. He- well, I’ve revealed enough about him already.” He frowned mostly to himself. I wonder why he’s still so sad? His garbage apology worked. Well probably because his brothers upset at him. “I’ll let you two figure it out.” The hell is that supposed to mean. There’s nothing to figure out.
I paused for a moment before thinking about my rage from earlier, “You're very lucky that you caught me right after I went out, this will probably be the first time since I was eight that I will have been as mad as I was and not ended it in physically fighting someone. To be fair it is normally, highly justified. But fortunately for you, you got to keep your nose not broken unlike the last fellow.”
We talked for a bit longer about my history with violent interactions and outbursts. Really it was just two. I was 10 and like 16 so they weren’t that serious. And I felt justified in both of their cases.
I went up to my room. Washed my hair, then took a nap. I crashed onto the bed and just let everything out. Regardless of Ben’s apology, Wyatt knew now. I wasn’t sure if that was something I could fix. I wasn’t sure if everything had just fallen apart and I’d lost my only friend here. Granted I don’t think I’ll be staying much longer now that Ben knows I don’t like him.
I kept thinking about Wyatt and how much I wanted to stay. How much I liked him and wanted to be with him. But there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t and wouldn’t ruin our friendship, or even risk it.
Plus there was the whole ethics aspect of this. Ben, I would technically be cheating on him if I tried anything with Wyatt. As long as I was in the selection I was supposed to be loyal to Ben. Dating Wyatt would be incredibly risky. I doubt Ben would follow the law and have us executed if we got together, but if anyone else caught us there wouldn’t be a choice in the matter. The people would be livid and you have to listen to the people.
Not to mention this meant I would go home soon. Back to a place where I have to act. Play a character. Someone who hates surfing, a good daughter who wants to learn. A three. Someone with the brains to play the part. To make it through life with a plan. A strict plan. A plan with no fun where I’m stuck working everyday inside some cubical or a classroom. Reading papers, organizing, or color coding. To be my scaredy cat self again who’s too fearful to talk to the people I life. To live my life shut in a cage with no hope of escape.
That or I face the war. I ruin Elliana’s childhood. I turn her into me. Always fighting to keep her family together as her older sister selfishly goes off to follow her passion not giving a damn about the damage she leaves behind her--about her sister who she left behind her. About the wreckage of her parents fighting and screaming behind a shut door but their voices are so loud that the world shakes with each hateful word they throw at each other as you just hope that maybe tomorrow something will change but it never does.
I can’t give that to Ellie. I can’t be Riley. I can’t hurt everyone around me to pursue some stupid hobby. I’m not even good. I pulled the blanket over my head as I tried to keep everything inside.   
I took a deep breath shut my eyes, and tried to go to bed. I really couldn’t I spent the night going in out of fits of crying then back to sleep, crying, sleep, repeat. Till finally it was morning.
The next day I waited for the afternoon then went to fix things. I needed to be composed. I needed to seem convincing. Unfazed. I didn’t like Wyatt so Ben spilling my secret wouldn’t bother me because it wouldn’t be true. So I had to see like I was only upset because he hurt Wyatt. Which I was but that was in addition to him hurting me.
I stood outside his door and considered knocking but decided that he may not let me in if I had so instead I went for the more direct option and just opened the door. I stumbled in prepared to talk but saw Wyatt in bed, asleep. I walked up to his bed to be sure and looked down at him for a moment. Sad because he's sad. Then I noticed the trashcan full of his pictures and frowned more. I  walks over to the trashcan and carefully took them out and smiled at them because they're cute and have happy memories. Like Ellie being a sadist and forcing me into the weirdest pose for a picture. I then walked over to his desk to set them down by his camera.
Suddenly I heard the beeping of his wrist watch. He was laying on his chest so when he moved his arm and turned his head slightly to turn the alarm off he hadn’t seen me. He then flopped his face down onto the pillow.
“You should probably wake up since I assume you set that alarm for a reason.” I said and leaned against his desk.
He jumped from the bed, sitting up and looking over at her, eyes wide open in shock. But then he looks at he opened door and blinked staring back at me, “How did you- Were you-were you watching me sleep?” He asked utterly alarmed. Normally I would have laughed but I just wasn’t in the mood. I hadn’t slept well from all the crying after all.
I shrugged, “No. I came to talk. I really just got here, then I saw you had thrown your pictures away and got distracted” I said and motioned to the pictures.
His eyes went to the box and he pressed his lips together, shifting to let his feet touch the floor and reaching for his shoes—not facing me, “You should’ve left them where they were.
”I shouldn't have that's not where they belong. Why are you putting shoes on?” I asked.
“Am I required to stay barefoot during our conversation?”
“I mean a lot of people just don't like wearing shoes when they're in their own area. You can wear shoes if you want.” I paused for a moment and decided I should get started on fixing things,
“I don't like you like that by the way. I don't know where Ben got the idea from but it's not true.” He clenched his jaw.
“Well, obviously I like you as a friend but not like romantically. That would be unethical and not correct. Sorry if I did anything to make him think that since he yelled at you for that for one thing.” I said mumbling the rest after my first sentence.
He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees and sighed, “Gabby..”
God, I annoyed him didn’t I? “Huh? Sorry, I don't mean to bug you I just wanted to clarify that.”
“I see.” He replied and stared at me. Wyatt hadn’t really been like this with me before. It’s because he and Ben are fighting I’m sure. Riley always closes off to me when we argue.
“Oh well I wanted to talk to you about Ben too. I'm sure I don't fully understand how you feel or the fight, especially because the closest thing I've had to this with my siblings I acted more like Ben, but you should hear him out. People say things they don't mean when they're mad because they get defensive and try to hurt the other. They can be especially good at it if they know the person because they know where to hit. Ben seems really sorry from what I've heard. Talking to him will help you move past this as opposed to sleeping in your room and pushing him away.”
“I’m not avoiding him.” Yeah and I’m mature. A total lie. He mumbled, “I just need some space... and that’s what he wanted anyway so”
He trailed off, chuckling softly but not it of amusement. He stared at his hands for a moment, then shook his head, “Look, he’s going to feel bad about what he said, there’s no way around that. I’m not- I’m not mad at him. But I don’t want him to keep lying for my sake.” He swallowed and rubbed the back of his neck, “I understand if he doesn’t want to put up with me anymore.”
I understood how Wyatt felt. At least a little. Riley had pushed me away before, not wanting to deal with me being her little sister. Especially when she was a teen and I was still a child. She didn’t want to hang out with me. But I also feel the other way around. I was always picking up after Riley. Fixing things with mom. Keeping everything together while she chased her dreams. I have said some nasty things to her before out of frustration at always having to deal with her.
This was different though, Wyatt hadn’t done anything wrong. Ben attacked him without reason. Ben needed to apologize point blank. And I know he has, but Wyatt needs to listen. So I need to think about who I was in those times where Riley was sick of me for once. To try and relate. This was the first time I had really seen Wyatt upset and I already hate it.
“If you talked with him you'd know that's not how he feels at all. He was just mad and had an outburst. Like when a kid says they hate their parents.” I mumbled a bit to the side, “Which really he did act like a child.” I then focused back on him, “Anyways, he didn't mean it and taking a depression nap and throwing away your pictures isn't going to fix anything. Which by the way they're great pictures he just went for a low blow.”
“It’s not a depression nap. I didn’t sleep much yesterday. And I know he was lashing out. I know how he gets. I was hoping I could get to him before that and, we’ll, clearly I didn’t succeed. But what he said...a part of him must think it’s true.” His breathing got shaking and he rubbed his eyes, “Heck, I think it’s true. I didn’t throw the pictures away because I think they’re the worst. I threw them away because they’re not that special. Which is why I don’t do photography as more than a hobby. There’s no point. I take pictures because I want them. I’m not sharing them with the world. Especially not to your dad like they’re some great gift. He actually wanted to pay for them.”
I plopped down on the bed next to him. I knew a bit of how he felt. With my surfing. I wasn’t anything special but I loved it. Though, Wyatt’s different because he’s special. He’s good at it, “You're a good photographer. Plus you seem to really like it. Since you like it so much you should continue regardless of the quality. Which by the way your pictures are again great. Even if sometimes you don't think they look the best everyone else loves them so just try to think about that when you can't get yourself to like them.”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment but then mumbled, “I like them.”
“That's good then. Because you like them and everyone else loves them. So no more pictures in the trash, okay?” I asked.
He glanced at me and the hint of a smirk appeared as he muttered, “I’m not a little kid.” But then he looked at the floor again, “Thanks..”
I chuckled and decided to make the mood lighter, “If either of us are the little kid it's me, my temper is as uncontrolled as a ten year old's. I got very close to deciding to go tell Ben to be ready to ball up.”
He genuinely chuckled, “Are you going to defend my honor, Cupcake?”
I smiled happy that it seemed I was getting through to him, I then leaned back on the bed with one arm behind me and held up  the other up and smirked, “Of course, what else would I do with these perfect guns.” My other arm being up was for showing off.
He hit me gently with the pillow that was next to him, still smiling a bit, “Be careful. Ben bruises easily.”
“I talked with him earlier so I think now I've calmed down enough that I can just verbally defend you honor. Though, I will keep that in mind in case we ever square up.”
He nodded and thought for a bit, “Did he apologize to you?”
“Yeah he did. I suspect he's been doing rounds to apologize to all the girls. He looked absolutely horrified when he finally realized what room he had been in.”
“That’s good.” He said then fidgeted with a button of his cuff and then spoke ”You didn’t have to come here but um, I appreciate it. Next time knock though.
I chuckled, “Right sorry. I was worried you would be like "Leave me alone angst angst angst, somehow death glares through the door.
He laughed, “ I would never sound like that! And that’s physically impossible.”
“I'm not quite sure what's possible with you and that glare. Sometimes I feel like it's like you've put a curse on me. Or that I'm already being murdered. It's intense. Though, Ben said earlier that when I glared at him it was good enough to scare children.” I crossed my arms proudly.
“So that means you scared him?” Wyatt asked as he must have heard me call him a child earlier.
I laughed, “I actually did scare him. Though, he still talked to me so it didn't have the total effect I wanted. You'll have to teach me the death glare.”
“It took me years to master. Besides, you’re too cute to ever be convincing.”
I felt my cheeks flush. He called me cute. Oh my god he called me cute. Probably in a non romantic way but still HE CALLED ME CUTE *blasts off like Rudolph in the movie* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm94FmRX6c0
“wouldn't think you'd be good at death glares since you're such a dork but I'd be wrong. Who knows maybe I'd do great at them.” I replied as I tried to hold in my giddiness.
He cleared his throat as I said dork for some reason, then looked at the ceiling, “I don’t know, you’d look like an angry chipmunk.”
I looked back at him and saw him looking at the ceiling then reached over to turn his head to face me and I tried to glare, “Did it work?”
He turned red as I suddenly realized the proximity of our faces and turned red myself, “Nope, sorry to disappoint.” He pulled back quickly, and rubbed his nape awkwardly and looking away.
“I should probably head back to my room now. My maids will want to get me ready for dinner and I'm sure you have whatever you set an alarm for.” I said totally embarrassed and wanting to go. I was supposed to be convincing him I didn’t like him. Not pushing out faces two centimeters apart.
He cleared his throat, “Sounds about right.” He quickly stood and offered me a hand.
I took his hand and got up, “See you at dinner, table mate.” I excused with a thumbs up then turned to leave.
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justlistenuniverse · 7 years
Jaylos Headcanon #1
Headcanon where Carlos wants to be a cheerleader - but in Auradon you can't be one when you are not a girl
So he asks Evie for help and they dress him up as a girl (after she said he should just talk to Ben and make it happen that way but Carlos thinks that he has to dress up for some reason)
So he dresses up as "Carly" and auditions for the Cheer Squad and the Cheer Coach Phoebe is baffled at how good that new girl is
The other girls quickly grow to like Carly since she's surprisingly strong and super flexy and she was born for flips
Audrey is first a bit bitchy but she also grows to like Carly and soon the two of them become quite close as they help each other with routines and talk about school and boys
Carlos loves all of it, even the talks with Audrey (she's surprisingly sweet and tough and he likes her), but it's getting hard to hide from Jay (who still buys the "I'm learning" "I've got a project" "I'm going to the library" excuses but he is not dumb, he'll notice!)
Plus Jay, Carlo's long-time crush, best friend, and roomie, starts to flirt with Carly and at night, when Carlos is doing his homework and Jay is laying on his bed, Jay tells Carlos about how great Carly is and how cute and yes, the boy got a crush on Carlos' female identity. How bad is that?
Meanwhile, Audrey starts to develop a crush on Carly too
When she asks her out though Carlos breaks and tells her that he is Carlos and not Carly and that there is no Carly. And he also tells her that he is most certainly gay.
Audrey gets super angry and she's so hurt and storms off but then she thinks that it all adds up now. how Carly just disappeared into thin air whenever practice is over and all the girls walk to the locker rooms and that she always skipped girl's night with some lame excuses and Carlos was still so sweet to her and never made fun of her and she will probably miss him as a friend
So she walks to the boy's dorm and knocks and when Jay opens the door she smiles and asks if Carlos is there and if she could talk to him
Carlos is so shy and silent when they walk through the school that it hurts. But when Audrey tells him that yeah, she's hurt and it was a super dumb action of him, she will help him out. Because she likes him as a friend and he's unbelievable good at cheerleading and she knows about that stupid "no male cheerleader" rule which she still doesn't get
They also talk about Audrey's new found orientation and why she doesn't need to hide it and how Carlos grew to be comfortable with his sexuality. Audrey happens to be less insecure than he was when he noticed but she's still not ready to tell anyone else (she might have a late-night phone call with her mom though)
The next day, Carlos Evie and Audrey can be seen sitting around a table at lunch, talking and laughing and pointing to some of Evie's sketches for something
But even with Audrey's help, Jay and Mal start to get suspicious
Carlos is always disappearing, appears to be super sweaty when he finally enters his and Jay's room, never attends any Tourney games anymore (which bugs Jay more than he'd like to admit) and since when is he good friends with Audrey of all people?
Mal finally confronts Carlos when he's coming from practice (in sweatpants and a loose shirt but still drenched in sweat bc he never showers with the girls), chatting to Audrey (who's all clean but in soft clothes because it's the evening and after practice and that's her new best friend next to her) and he tells her everything, even making Evie show Mal the Cheerleading costumes and the wig she's created for him
Mal tells him that he needs to come clean because he can't play a double-game any longer. People will start to notice that Carly is never in any classes and they already started asking her if she's related to Carlos since they both look so alike
A week later, the finale Tourney game of the season starts and Auradon is playing their hardest enemy yet and the boys are nervous as fuck
When they walk out the first thing they see is the fans and then the cheerleaders and that's when Jay does a double take because is that Carlos in a male cheerleader uniform doing flips with Audrey?
Carlos sees Jay stare (and with him half of the team and most of the students including the other team) and just smiles and waves and prays that Jay won't be angry
It's a tense game and Carlos does his best to cheer for his team, performing really cool looking routines with his girls whom he talked to before the game (they were all a bit angry and weirded out but when Audrey talked to them about how Carlos never entered the locker room and never touched them in a sexual way they calmed down)
But during half-time [is there a half time? I don't know], one of the other players makes a loud and more than rude comment about Carlos as a male cheerleader and how Auradon only has fags around and everyone loses it
Audrey is yelling at the guy, telling him to back off her squad or she'll forget her good manners while half the team is trying to hold back Jay but when the guy shoves Audrey they let the thief free, watching as he barrels into the other man
but then there's Carlos. Small, ordinary, genius Carlos, stepping in between the boys, making Jay immediately stop (because hurting Carlos? not an option) and hissing at the other boy to get lost or he'll show him what a fag like him can do to a prince who has muscles but doesn't know how to use them
Coach tells the Auradon boys to calm Jay down while the coach of the other team yells at his boys for being intolerant immature assholes
When the second half starts Carlos is still on the cheer squad after Fairy Godmother and Ben decided that the gender is so not important
And when they win he makes sure to wink at the guy that pushed his friend, hurt Jay and bullied him (the guy turns white immediately and leaves the field)
At the party they throw for winning the championship Carlos watches as Jane womans up and asks Audrey to dance (and he also catches them making on the balcony later on)(he might also show his girl a thumbs up when she beams at him) when Jay walks up
"Should've known it was you."
Carlos laughed and nodded.
"Yeah, you should have. But you didn't, which is okay by the way. I am awesome at playing a game like this."
Silence. Carlos sipped at his punch while Jay tried to muster up the courage to say what he really wanted to say.
"So... would you like to, maybe, like, go on a date with me?"
Carlos nearly spits out his punch. He stared at Jay with huge brown eyes, not believing what he just heard. But there he was, his best friend, his long-time crush whom he might even love, looking amazing in a dark red waistcoat and black skinny jeans and with a hopeful look in his eyes that couldn't be an imagination.
"But... I'm not Carly."
"Yeah, well..." Jay blushed and rubbed his neck with that adorable little smile he always got when he turned a bit insecure. "Maybe the reason that I flirted with Carly was that she looked like you. And that I fell for Carlos long before I fell for Carly but thought I wouldn't stand a chance with you."
Carlos spends the rest of the evening dancing with his might-be-boyfriend. And when Jay has to go for some weird winner ritual the auradon tourney team has, Carlos dances with Audrey and Evie and Mal and all his girls, having the night of his life.
Carlos being fiercely protective of his Squad, even back when he was still Carly
Audrey randomly walking into the boy's dorm to talk with Carlos. They spend hours on his bed, both in soft clothes, talking about everything. Some weeks into their habit, Evie joins them. It's never too girly but Carlos can be talked into painting nails (never his own though) and he has a great fashion sense. Jay mostly spends those nights with Mal who welcomes that change into her life. It gets boring being a princess all the time and if there's a better way to get rid of that boredom than climbing up to the roof and talking to her best friend or planning pranks, she hasn't found it yet.
Everyone, even Chad, telling Carlos that he looked damn good in that skirt (he knows)
Ben lifting the gender-specific rules around the school and suddenly there are more boys trying out for the cheerleaders, a mixed R.O.A.R. Team and girls who even try out for Tourney (Coach ends up letting Mal in because with her and Jay playing together? No one will be able to beat them)
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seventhtower · 7 years
FRANK REVIEWS A MOVIE: Issue #3 - IT (2017) Part I
                So, here’s the thing: this movie sucks. But in order for me to accurately convey how much it sucks, I’m gong to break this review down into several parts: 1) The movie by itself, 2) The movie compared to the TV mini series, 3) The movie compared to the novel. I think it’s pretty important to address each in its own category and not mesh the three together. That way we can all see why “It” (2017) doesn’t stand up, no matter what the excuse is.                 But before we delve too deep into the sewers of Derry, I want to start off with things I DID enjoy about the movie. They’re few, but they are note worthy:                 - Some subtle things: There were a few things in the movie that were genuinely creepy to me, because they were so subtle. Like the kid show playing on all the TVs. Or my favorite part of the movie when the creepy old lady in the background of the library stops and stares at Ben reading the Derry history book. However, as much as I liked these bits, the movie always had a way to fuck it up and go overboard.                 - Neat visuals: I liked some of the design to a few things quite a bit! How the kids floating around the tower of junk, Pennywise’s blood floating upward when he was hurt, Pennywise’s “deadlights”, even the clown suit started to grown on me even if the makeup didn’t. I applaud some of the concept design, because it was pretty cool sometimes. And the cinematography is included here, because there was a lot of awesome shots. Like Stan fixing the askew painting on the wall, also fixing the camera’s perspective. Neat!                 - Funny: Some of the kids were great in this movie! Ritchie was hilarious, Bill and Stan were acted great, and Ben was adorable. They did splendid!
Alright, that’s about it for the stuff I liked. Moving on.
Chapter One: “IT” (2017)
                DISCLAIMER: I am a VERY big fan of the novel. You will often find me saying it’s basically my bible. A lot of questions I will be asking in this section I already know the answers to. What I aim to show is how an average viewer who is not privy to the novelor has any or no memory of the tv series can have these questions, and can be left wondering. I’m taking myself out of my fan shoes and putting myself in silly ass clown shoes, if you will, and will review this objectively.                 One of my friends streamed the entire opening sequence on her Snapchat before I saw the film myself and I was able to catch a sneak peak. And what I saw was dreadful. I think the entire film can be summed up with that whole pre-title section. Bad pacing, bad editing, not scary. Something like this:                 The story starts off with two boys in a room making a boat. The walls are littered with 80’s movie posters (trying hard not to pretend like I haven’t seen that aesthetic recently). Our lead child actor (?) (I’ll be honest by the end I’m not sure if there is a leader of the bunch), Bill, sits in bed sick, while his younger brother, Georgie, waits to be handed the boat. But first he must get the wax to it wont sink. But the was is in the basement! Reluctantly, he trugs down the dark basement stairs and finds the wax. During this slow climb downward a very loud, obnoxious, blare of his walkie-talkie cuts in: his brother reminding him to hurry up. Was that noise supposed to scare me? It didn’t even make anyone in the audience jump. Hmm. He eventually finds the wax and is stopped by a pair of shinny eyes staring at him from the darkness. He shines a flashlight on them and they turn out to be. . . I’m not sure exactly, but they were not belonging to monster. Que loud “scary noise” and a bit of thunder, and Georgie bolts backup the stairs to have some small chat with his brother before he’s off down the street chasing the boat in the rain. I’m not sure how this next part happens, because the camera clearly shows us, from his perspective, that there are two barricades directly next to each other. But he dips under one, and on his way up its revealed there’s another one (even thought they already showed us that) and he smacks his head and collapses. This kids kinda dumb. Anyway, he loses his boat in the sewer and this is where things start to get worse. We’re introduced to Pennywise, the villain of the movie here, as he greets Georgie from inside the sewer’s opening. Why is this kid talking to such a scary as clown? Just listen to it. It’s sounds like psychopath. This kid is dumb. The unfriendly clown chats it up with the not so bright child for a bit, then it cuts away to a woman and her cat opening her porch shutters. Why take the focus on Gerogie and the clown? Why was this so important enough to cut to? She doesn’t do anything. Back to the kid, and he’s about to take off, when Pennywise offers him his boat back. Come on. This clown is legit drooling. And is it cock-eyed?! What in the world. . . No way a kid is going to find this appealing enough to talk to. But, as established, this kids dumb, so he reaches for the boat, and the clowns face warps in a horrific toothy monstrosity of CGI effects. I’m not even frightened about all the fangs, I’m more scared about how bad it looks. Then we snap cut to a close up of It biting down on Georgie’s arm ripping it off. Something tells me that’s going to be the pattern here. . . Loud low scary noise, snap cut to close up of a scary thing. We’ll see. After having his arm bitten off and not passing out from shock or blood loss in a few seconds flat, the kid manages to crawl away yelling, before being drug down into the sewer. The old lady seen before notices the large amount of blood pooling in the rain. Did they really need a shot disrupting the flow the kid and clown just to show this old lady ahead of time? They could have cut that other part out and just shown her here and it would have worked fine. Man. The title comes after in a blaring cacophony of children laughing. And that’s that.
                The movie follows this formula pretty tightly. ESPECIALLY when it comes to the scares. Every one of them has a kid in a scary situation then the “loud spooky noise” happens, it cuts away to a close up of a gross face. I thought it was a coincidence the second time I noticed. By the end of the movie I was rolling my eyes. Jump scares lose what little effect they have when they’re predictable. There wasn’t a single thing in this movie that frightened me. There was the creepy bits mentioned in the cool stuff section, but nothing long lasting or made my heart quicken. And it’s not that I can’t be scared at all. Because I can be. But this movie didn’t even get close. The only part that could have potentially made me squirm was when Pennywise jumps out of the projection on the wall. But it is ruined by the weirdly paced slide effect. It kept cutting out to blackness for no reason. It wasn’t like he was slowly getting closer all creep like every time the light went back on. That would have been awesome. But he was already charging at the kids. It felt like a normal scene that had the cut always thrown in as an afterthought.                 And this is my main problem with this movie. It’s lack of subtlety. Once they have something going for it they ruin it by throwing a million other ideas into the scene. Ben reading the book in the library with the old woman in the background would have been great by itself. But they had to add an over the top chase scene. Instead of creating a sense of unsettling fear build up they opt for loud noises, cheap jump scares, and horrible CGI.                 And what’s with Pennywise running at the camera all the time? Almost every single instance of him creating the scare for the scene it’s him running head long at the viewer, usually having a weird epileptic shaking fit! How is that scary? And why does it look so awful? It looks as if were designed to be viewed for 3D but didn’t translate at all to 2D. Everything's blurred and frigidity. Isn’t he supposed to be the scariest part of the movie? Then why is he the least scary? Also, the voice It has is a little annoying to me. Its like a weird Jack Nicholson/ Heath Ledger mix. Its both growly and whiny in the span of a few words. I’ve seen a lot of people applaud his acting, but the most I saw him do of worth was drool. But I’m not going to hand out gold stars for physical acting for drool.                 To destroy the terror, or lack there of, are the Losers Club. The one with the glasses was pretty funny. But sometimes the humor gets a little out of place. Once again, lacking in subtlety. Then kid with the pills, was also the funny one, too? So, there’s two jokers, I guess. But his acting started to get annoying over time. It felt over the top and unnatural. By the way, that kid’s arm was NOT broken when he fell on the table. They show his arm clear as day and it aint broke until the next time they show him. Bill was played well, but his character was written poorly. He must be as dumb as his brother if he thinks he’s still alive to be found. And is his motivation to find his brother, or to kill It? That wasn’t really clear. Bev, I thought was pretty cool. Tough, strong female. Until she’s taken and used as the damsel in distress. Guess she wasn’t that tough. Ben, as a chubby kid at heart myself, was relatable. He was probably my favorite of the bunch. Kind of a nerd, with all the history stuff, secretly in love with a childhood crush. But he probably got it the worst out of all of them. He got it the worst from Henry, the bully, by having his name almost engraved into his stomach, and he also got it the worst from It by having his stomach slashed opened. The later was a bit odd to me, because no one seemed to really care that his stomach was literally ripped open. Not even him. And it wasn’t just a scratch. It was pretty bad. Dude, go to the hospital for that. Then there was the Jewish kid. I like that actor a lot. He had this natural inevitability to his character that was really nice. But he didn’t really do much. Then there’s, what was his name, Mike? Mark? The black kid. He wasn’t even In the movie for a large amount of it. And that’s kinda sad. Because I can see has the potential for some acting chops. And its even worse that all the bonding the kids do in the film, he isn’t a part of. He genuinely had no role other than to provide the gun thing. By the way, I don’t know if he should pay more attention to his Grandfather or something, but I don’t know how he got “I’m an outsider. I should stick to myself.” Form the speech he was given in the beginning. That’s a bit of a stretch.                 The subtlety knows no bounds even in the end, where the kids literally beat their fears into submission. But they still seemed kinda scared of them though, so, I’m not sure if that worked or not. But to be fair, I probably would have beat that clown, too, after doing that lame ass jig of a dance. Was that supposed to be humorous? I have no idea. But it was dumb. And I saw Ashlee Simpson do it better on SNL.                 All in all this movie is a cluster fuck. Things feel out of order or timed weirdly. Like why are we told what a leper is like half an hour AFTER we see a leper? All the scenes have no flow or rhythm to them. They feel like small shorts tied up with a very thing thread. For instance, they help Ben and in the next scene they’re friends. It just feels like stuff was missing to explain everything better. There are so many questions out in the air without any explanation. Here are a few:                 - Why does it keep showing “Silver” on Bill’s bike? Is that important?                 - What is that tubular building they kept showing? The one on the postcard? Is THAT   important?                 - Why does the Mark see multiple set of arms crawling out from behind the door when it was just his mom and dad that died in the fire?                 - Ben mentioned a “Bradly Gang”. What’s that? They never mentioned it.                 - Why is Pennywise a clown in the first place? Is it because Ritchie is scared of clowns? But he was a clown to everyone else, and before we even find that information out.                 - Was it actually a turtle that brushed by their feet in the lake? Was that important?                 - Why does Beverly cut her hair? Something her dad did? Didn’t I see that in the new Power Rangers movie too?                 - Why is Stan scared of the painting? I get that he IS scared of it, but why? They could have set that up better. And didn’t I see a similar painting escapes the painting is in the room thin the new Conjuring movie too?                 - How does Bev come to the conclusion that thembeing all together is why they were able to hurt It? They don’t know that. They never tried hurting it without them all together.                 - Does Ben have parents? And seriously, why doesn’t anyone care about his stomach slashed open?!                 - Why does It attack Mark with mantis hands(?) during the final fight?                 - Why does It turn into a mummy to attack Ben during the final fight?                 - Why does It turn into Bev’s dad when we all know she just practically killed him not too long ago.                 - If It can just capture them all one at a time like he did Bev, why are the rest of them even a threat.                 - Why does It turn into the demigorgon form Stranger Things? What are those weird lights in its mouth? Why does it make Bev into a psychic?                 - Why does this remind me of Stranger Things so much?                 - There are four bullies; why can I only remember two of their names? Who are the other two? Why weren’t they given names?                 - Why were the bullies even relevant? They didn’t do much that couldn’t have been taken out with no effect on the story.                 - Is Henry dead at the end?                 - Why did Henry need to kill his dad?                 - Henry’s dads the cop from the beginning of the movie? Were we supposed to know that?                 - How old are these kids? They look so young, but come out of Derry High School.                 - Why is Henry “looking” for Ben when school lets out?                 - Did they actually hurt It during the final fight? He doesn’t appear to be wounded, just wet.                 - Why does his head disintegrate before he falls?                 - Does the gun thing actually hurt him when Bill shoots him?                 - How did the kids get out of the sewers?                 - Why didn’t they try to get more adult help?                 - Why can’t Bev’s dad see the blood in the restroom?                 - Why do those old people in the car ignore Ben’s cries for help? Was the balloon supposed to mean they were actually Pennywise?                 - Why does It have a lair in a such an obvious spot? Anyone can just find the hole in the ceiling and look down and see all the kids floating.                 - Why did they all cut their hands in the end? Was it like a blood oath?                 - It feels like there's a book that would explain this stuff better. Is there a book?                 As you can see, this movie made me have a lot of questions. And some of this stuff felt like it was forced in with no explanation on purpose, but I’m not sure why. And half of those questions had nothing to do with the main story, so I’m really scratching my head on why they were included.                 In summation, I think this movie had a lot of potential going for it. It could have been pretty neat. But the lack of control to hold back left it bloated with too much junk. The scares weren’t scary, the clown wasn’t clowny, and the kids, while some were good, were somewhat ever the top.                 I give it it 4/10 Tim Currys.
Continued in “Part Two: ‘It’ (2017) vs ‘It’ (1990)
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aberratedaberration · 8 years
Not exactly sure why I thought about this, but it’s on my mind so inc little rant/rambling, which means it’s a fucking wall of text~
Actually, probably just because I wanted an excuse to listen to old Nightwish albums that doesn’t involve logging into Bns at the moment because I am too tired for that shit
Last altercation I had with someone, and again no idea why this particular part popped into my head, after shit talking the fuck out of me on tumblr and tagging my personal blog in it, thought it was absolutely hilarious that Ben went and commented about it, reblogging the post and writing how juvenile and childish it was to write a shit post (and then claim to be anti-bullying). She stated that it was (paraphrased) hilarious that I had to get my boyfriend to fight my battles for me. Even though I had already acknowledged the post myself, reblogging with a thoughtful Lol, and that was my peace with it. I had already exchanged a final message previously with this person countering all of their arguments, and told them the simplest solution would have been to just flat out come up and tell me “Hey Chloe you’re treating me like a piece of shit and I think that’s fucked up.” Especially if they’re my friends, I am 100% not above apologising for treating someone like shit. Sometimes I don’t even realize it, and at that point I need people to confront me to tell me I’m being a piece of shit. Anyways, I digress.
The reason I bring it up is because of the fact that someone found it that funny to try and belittle me for “having my boyfriend fight my battles for me.” Then I also found it amusing she insulted him by staying that I shit talked him. As if I hadn’t told him already all the things I said. He knows I think he’s a sack of shit (but I still love him) so that’s completely beside the point. What I don’t understand is why it’s supposed to be insulting to have someone who obviously cares a lot about me stick up for me. Isn’t that what people are supposed to do? 
I have stuck up for so many people. Some of them are perfectly capable of defending themselves, others aren’t. I have stood up for myself and have had others stand up for me as well. Why, then, is it such a fucking insult to tell others, “Lmao you have to have someone else stand up for you”? Really fucking why is that an insult? The only way I can think of is because it’s insinuating that someone isn’t strong. Then the question becomes why the fuck is it so important to always be so strong?
I had a friend who endured tons of emotional abuse from a girl who claimed she loved him. He can be a strong individual, but certain things, certain instances, certain people, certain times in his life he isn’t as strong. At that point, he was so vulnerable and so desperate to not be lonely and to feel loved that, despite how much I told him I loved him and valued him and would always be there for him, he allowed this girl to take advantage of him and use him, then tear him down in the worst way possible. This guy could not have defended himself from her. WHY, then, is he somehow less of a person because I stood up for him, because I told that girl she could fuck herself and she’s a horrible fucking human being for tearing someone’s trust like she did, and then blame everything on him...Anything he said to her, she’d always have a shitty comeback with how everything was his fault and he was the one making her feel bad. (Well, he was making her feel bad because he was trying to discuss their problems in a healthy way, but she didn’t want to deal with it and instead emotionally abused him.) 
I had a person with a deep...well I’m not sure he had an infatuation with me, because it’s not as obsessive as infatuation sounds, but he had a huge crush on me. I told him I respected and admired him as a friend but that’s all I wanted us to be; I didn’t feel it was necessary to tell him I was still picking up pieces of a broken heart and couldn’t lend it to anyone romantically at the moment. While I completely understand rejection sucks, I was willing to do whatever he wanted in order to get over me as quickly as possible. He, in turn, started giving me daily updates on how hard his life was because I had rejected him, which stressed me the fuck out, and no matter how much I tried to be polite but tell him he needed to get over me, he still didn’t understand. See, that point I was perfectly capable of standing up for myself. And guess what, it had no fucking affect on said person. The only time it seemed to sink in was when another friend, after so many rant sessions, went and told him, as gently as I did, that maybe he needed to lay off because he was stressing me out. 
Another time, a person I have had a ridiculous time dealing with, going back and forth (like, dislike, like, dislike) between being okay and absolutely despising, after our first major set of altercations, Ben actually went, without my knowledge, and defended me in front of this person. I had no idea until a month after the fact when he said he and this person were no longer friends. Then, after I had had enough of the passive shit talking (from both our ends, I know), I personally confronted this person myself and we actually patched things up for a time. Then by the second time our relationship blew up, no one involved had any interest in actually talking to me about the issue; it was only assumed I was doing hurtful things to a mutual party because I was perceived in the past to be a psycho nutjob (even though I and several other neutral friends have told me I handled it better than most). I couldn’t have defended myself at that point. I had already been written off, and several other people were swayed without even bothering to know my side of the story (even though they were friends with me as well). At that point, I actually had to beg some of my friends to stand up for me. I felt betrayed and disappointed in people that I, while not close, considered friends. The few mutuals we had, who were nice enough to listen to me and tried to help me calm down, I acknowledge that in one sense they did help me, but in terms of confronting the other person, there was nothing in the world I could do or say to make her realise her small generalizations about my whole character were completely wrong and she screwed me over because of a ton of assumptions...I couldn’t do it. I had to beg a couple of them to stand up for me. Even if I had the mental capacity to stand up for myself, this is a situation where no matter what I said, it wouldn’t have any effect on the whole situation; all my words would have either been twisted or fallen on deaf ears. 
All of this is to give examples of different experiences I’ve had where both I and others have experienced others standing up for us. And all of this has taught me it’s fucking okay to have someone stand up for you, it’s not a fucking insult.
I am a fierce protector, especially of people I consider friends or family; this is one way I show people I love and care about them. It is in my nature to immediately want to stand up for other people; hell I even give people shit for yelling at pugs in dungeon runs when they don’t deserve it. I know exactly how it feels to feel like no one cares about you, enough to tell others to fuck off, and I’ve seen how other people feel when no one defends them. It’s heart breaking. Yes, Ben has gotten on my case before when I jump down someone’s throat for being a stupid cunt, and I agree sometimes there is a time and place for it, but at the same time I don’t believe it should ever be considered negative. The fact that I did yell at this guy for shit talking my friend, even in something as trivial as a pug yelling in dungeon run in Bns. Maybe I shouldn’t have jumped down the guy’s throat, maybe my friend is perfectly capable of defending themselves, but in no way should the act of wanting to defend be considered negative. What I need to learn then is discretion. If my friends don’t want me doing it, they are more than welcome to tell me thanks for defending me but fuck off and just ignore them next time. That’s perfectly fine to say. But at the end of the day, being ready and prepared to defend a friend isn’t a bad thing and it’s certainly not something that should be considered insulting.
If you’ve read this far, congrats you’re at the end.
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Babysitting - Ron Anderson
Request: Hey could you write a Ron imagine were you two are best friends and you like each other and when he wees you take care of Sam he get's the courage to tell you how he feels Warnings: fluff, minimal swearing A/N: thanks for requesting anon :) p.s: I probably won't edit this but I hope this isn't just gibberish, im also hella sick so sorry if this sucks --
Tumblr media
Additional A/N: i couldnt find anymore ron anderson gifs for some reason so im probs just gonna start using Ben Starling ones too.
You had been asked to babysit Sam Anderson while Jessie Anderson did some work with some other residents in Alexandria. You didn't mind much, as much as Ron would complain about how much Sam was annoying, you didn't think that he was even that annoying one bit. The kid had grown on you, but what you wouldn't admit to yourself is that his older brother had grown on you too.  It was a crush nonetheless, in the midst of this whole apocalypse you had formed a crush on the older Anderson boy. He was nice to you, funny, and he never failed to make you smile when you thought about how the world went to shit.  You walked up the porch of the Anderson house, your hand reached up and knocked on the door three times. After about thirty seconds, you heard the lock come undone and you were standing face to face with Ron.  "Hey, my mom already had to leave. She said that I could watch Sammy for a couple minutes before you came," he laughed softly -and you could have sworn that you saw a light blush tinge his cheeks before he turned and let you inside the house.  Silently, you closed the door to the house, turning the lock before walking behind the older Anderson to the living room. There sat Sam, who was playing with some kind of toy car that one of the adults must have gotten him. He looked pretty encased in whatever he was thinking because he didn't notice you walk in until Ron patting him on the head and told him to look up. "Y/N!" Sam screamed softly as he ditched his toy cars and ran up to give you a hug, his arms wrapping around your torso.  "Hey Sammy. See? I promised I would babysit you again. I know how much you don't like to be home alone with Ron," you looked up at Ron as you spoke, he had a fake pout on his features.  The way that Ron was looking at you and Sam almost made you want to melt on the spot. He had a slight smile on his face full of adoration, his eyes were lightened up, and he looked to be just downright happy with the sight that he was seeing.  But it wasn't any different. Sure, Sam would hug you from time to time, you loved taking care of the kid, but maybe it was just because Ron wasn't around to see you take care of Sam.  "Y/N? I'm hungry. Can you make me macaroni and cheese?" It was an odd question, you didn't know that they had macaroni and cheese. "They just gave us some, and I really want it please?"  Nodding, you set off to the kitchen, hearing some footsteps behind you which you thought were Sam's, but when you turned around Ron was standing behind you.  "I was just gonna tell you where they were," Ron said, brushing past you and going in one of the many cupboards and taking out a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. He handed it to you, his hand brushing up against yours.  Both your cheeks lit up like a Christmas tree, his hand moving back away from yours as if yours had sent him an electric shock. Your hand just kind of stayed there as you looked at him in the eyes. There was a longing sense between you, some kind of tension that you had never felt before. Maybe this was a sign that Ron liked you too, or maybe the tension was all you, you were just making it up and Ron was in the middle of it all. What could you say? Ron was your best friend, he had been since you had came to Alexandria. You two did everything together, but it wasn't until now that you felt some tension between the two of you. It felt like tension that had been there for a long time.  His eyes slowly trailed down to your lips, you wouldn't have noticed unless he had moved closer to you. His eyes just stayed on your lips, his brown eyes got bigger almost.  But you needed to get the macaroni in first, you didn't want Sam to be in the middle of this tension. That’s the last thing you needed, the little 12 year old making it more awkward between you and Ron. "Excuse me I need to get one of the pans," you mumbled. He moved away but you kept on looking at him with some kind of adoration and care. Then you moved, reaching down and getting a pan before putting it under the sink. Once the water was in, you set it on one of the burners and turned it on high. Slowly, you turned back around and got the box of the pasta, tearing the top seal off and dumping the pasta into the water.  You turned around and looked at Ron, walking forward so that you could feel his breath on your face.  "You know, I saw how you were treating Sam and I couldn't stop thinking about how much I want to be with you." Ron had said the thing that you had been thinking since well, forever.  "Best friends don't say stuff like that to each other Ron." "Well what if I want to be more than best friends?" "What if I lose you? What if I start falling for you more and then you die?" Ron walked over so that your chests were pressing up against each other's and his hands went to your waist.  "Don't think like that Y/N."  His lips went down to meet yours, you couldn't help but lean up so they met halfway. Your lips worked with each other's until you two were sent apart with your bodies yelling at you to get air.  "Does this mean that you like me too?" You asked quietly. He looked down and laughed.  "It wasn't obvious at all that I've fallen in love with you Y/N?" He asked. "No, it wasn't. But at least you don't have to hide it anymore."  He pulled you in for a hug, his lips on top of your forehead as he sucked in your sweet scent.  "I've been wanting to tell you for a while. But yeah, at least I don't have to hide it anymore. But before you decide to kiss me again, you should check on the macaroni, I think it's starting to boil over." Indeed, you could hear the bubbling of the water about to boil over the edges of the pan. "Shit," you mumbled as you took a spoon and started to stir the pasta, taking down the heat of the boiler so that it wouldn't try to boil over again.  You heard running footsteps coming into the kitchen, and you knew that Sam came in to check on the pasta. 
"Y/N? Why does Ron look redder than a tomato?" Sam asked, sending you into a laughing fit, looking at Ron who got even redder by the minute. All was good.
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josidel · 7 years
Woman, George H.W. Bush Groped Her When She Was a Child
The alleged incident happened in 2003, while she was photographed standing next to the former president. "My initial reaction was absolute horror. I was really, really confused," she told TIME, speaking publicly for the first time about the encounter
NOV 13, 2017 9:50 AM EST
Roslyn Corrigan was sixteen years old when she got a chance to meet George H.W. Bush, excited to be introduced to a former president having grown up dreaming of going into politics.
But Corrigan was crushed by her encounter: Bush, then 79 years old, groped her buttocks at a November 2003 event in The Woodlands, Texas, office of the Central Intelligence Agency where Corrigan’s father gathered with fellow intelligence officers and family members to meet Bush, Corrigan said. Corrigan is the sixth woman since Oct. 24 to accuse Bush publicly of grabbing her buttocks without consent.
“My initial reaction was absolute horror. I was really, really confused,” Corrigan told TIME, speaking publicly for the first time about the encounter. “The first thing I did was look at my mom and, while he was still standing there, I didn’t say anything. What does a teenager say to the ex-president of the United States? Like, ‘Hey dude, you shouldn’t have touched me like that?’”
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Corrigan said the incident happened while she was being photographed standing next to Bush. Five other women have made similar claims against Bush in recent weeks. Seven people, including family members and friends, confirmed to TIME that they had been told about alleged groping by Bush of Corrigan prior to the other recent allegations.
“George Bush simply does not have it in his heart to knowingly cause anyone harm or distress, and he again apologizes to anyone he may have offended during a photo op,” Bush spokesperson Jim McGrath said in a statement to TIME. Previously, McGrath said Bush “has patted women’s rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner,” additionally attributing the act to his diminished height after being confined to a wheelchair since 2012. Bush was standing upright in 2003 when he met Corrigan.
Corrigan said that to this day, some of the responses she gets to her story are dismissive but she said she feels emboldened to speak out after seeing other women come forward, and hopes more will do so after hearing her account.
“I don’t know, maybe it never really hit people that I was a child at the time and that goes beyond a guy being inappropriate in the workplace to a peer or somebody in his age range,” she said. “I was a child.”
Corrigan, who had heard Bush give a speech at a conference held at the George Bush Presidential Library at Texas A&M University earlier in November 2003, asked her father, Steve A. Young, if she could leave early from her classes at The Woodlands High School and join him at the planned visit by Bush. After Bush addressed the CIA gathering, which included agency personnel and their family members, Corrigan had the opportunity to take a photograph with Bush, alongside her mother, Sari Young.
Ryan Trapani, a spokesperson for the CIA, declined multiple requests for comment regarding Young’s employment and Corrigan’s allegation against Bush.
“As soon as the picture was being snapped on the one-two-three he dropped his hands from my waist down to my buttocks and gave it a nice, ripe squeeze, which would account for the fact that in the photograph my mouth is hanging wide open,” Corrigan said. “I was like, ‘Oh my goodness, what just happened?'”
Roslyn Corrigan in 2017Courtesy of the Corrigan Family
Her mother, Sari, said Corrigan told her about the encounter as soon as Bush stepped away.
“When he left, my daughter Rozi said, ‘He grabbed me on the rear end.’ And I said, ‘What, what?'” Sari said. “And she said, ‘Yes, he grabbed me when they were taking the picture. He grabbed me on my butt.’ And I was like, ‘Oh my god, are you kidding me?’
“I was really, really upset — she was very upset, she was really, really mad,” she added. Sari said she would have tried to take action “had it been just some Joe Blow or something. I’d probably chase him down and yell at him.”
“But, you know, it’s the president. What are you supposed to do?” she said in a Oct. 28 interview. “And you’ve got your husband’s job that could be in jeopardy. I mean, you just didn’t then. You should—you should have always spoken up, always—but we didn’t.”
Within the next few days, Corrigan told her childhood friend Chelsea Wellman about the alleged groping as well, Wellman told TIME on Oct. 27.
Christopher Yarbrough, who was married to Corrigan from 2010 until their divorce the following year, said on Oct. 27 he learned about the incident about a month after they started dating in 2005. One day, the two were going through scrapbooks at Sari’s house, he said, when they flipped to a page revealing the photo with Bush. He said that Corrigan then told him about the encounter with the former president.
Tristan Voskuhl, who went to Sam Houston State University with Corrigan, said Corrigan first told her about the incident in 2006 when they were 19 years old. Bob Unseld, a family friend, said Sari first told him of the incident in 2013. “She didn’t say it just once. She told me this several times that he had done this to Rozi. It made her very mad.” Paul Weins, Unseld’s husband, also said he heard Sari’s account of the incident in 2013.
Bush, who from January 1976 to January 1977 served as the CIA’s director of Central Intelligence—the former title of the agency’s highest-ranking position—is one of a number of prominent figures to be accused of sexual assault since news of alleged past assaults committed by Harvey Weinstein broke early last month.
Actress Heather Lind was the first to openly accuse Bush of groping her while they posed for a photo during a promotional tour for her AMC series Turn: Washington’s Spies in 2013.
“He didn’t shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side,” Lind wrote in a now-deleted Instagram post on Oct. 24.
On Oct. 25, New York-based actress Jordana Grolnick told Deadspin Bush groped her in August 2016 at a Maine theater where she was performing. She said that Bush came backstage with Barbara during the intermission of the play, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and gathered with the cast for a photo.
On Oct. 26, best-selling author Christina Baker Kline wrote in Slate that Bush groped her during an April 2014 photo op at a Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy fundraiser in Houston.
Amanda Staples, a former Maine Senate candidate said in a private Instagram post on Oct. 26 that Bush groped her in 2006, the Portland Press Heraldreported.
Liz Allen, a retired Erie Times-Newsjournalist, said in an Oct. 26 Facebookpost that Bush touched her from behind at a local business association event while taking a photograph with the former president in Erie, Pa. in 2004.
Bush’s spokesperson, McGrath, declined a separate request from TIME to comment on Staples and Allen’s allegations, which they said occurred when the former president was standing up.
Corrigan said that Bush’s response to Lind and Grolnick’s allegations, which cited his use of a wheelchair, bothers her because the “excuse for his senile, old man antics… is not true.”
She said that recently, she was listening to an episode of a podcast hosted by Ben Shapiro called “Is Everything Sexual Assault Now?” Allegations against Bush were discussed on the show.
“When I heard that was the reason, like, ‘Oh, he’s just an old man and he doesn’t know any better and he’s just being harmless and playful and it’s just where his arm falls… I just burst into uncontrollable sobbing,” Corrigan said. “I just couldn’t sit with that. I can’t. I cannot sit with that. I can’t sleep anymore, because that’s not true, and it’s not an excuse.”
On Nov. 1, former first lady Laura Bush, wife of George W. Bush, told CNN that the alleged incidents against her father-in-law were “very innocent.”
“I’m just sad that we’ve come to this,” Laura Bush told the network. “That was something that was very, very innocent that he’s been accused of. But I know he would feel terrible.”
Corrigan said she doesn’t see it that way.
“It completely floored me. I was actually there to be taken seriously, and I wasn’t,” she said. “I thought, he’s a career politician, almost 80 years old or something like that, if anybody’s going to take me a little bit seriously or at least try to pretend he’s interested in what I have to say, it would be this guy. And he didn’t. All he did was grab my butt.”
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