#proclamation of the kingdom of god
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justana0kguy · 11 months
2023 JULY 12 Wednesday
"Go rather to the lost sheep [...] and as you go, make this proclamation: 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'"
~ Matthew 10:6-7
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grandsouldream · 2 years
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Readings for 6 July
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devourable · 1 year
♛ the princess
sfw | tags : fem!yandere x gn reader (only prn used for reader is ‘you’), yandere behavior, stalking mentions, power dynamic, manipulation
the last of my ladies for now! althea, the meanie princess <3 sorry if this is kind of a mess but yall know me by now lol. i can finally start working on my nb yans now 🥹
this one goes out to all the girl likers following me. mmmwah
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“i’m gonna marry you one day! we’ll always be together!”
little althea made the claim over and over throughout your childhood, so often that it was normal for you to hear. having lived in her castle since your parents began working for hers, you were the only other person her age that she had to play with.
to say she was attached to you was an understatement. she adored you!
but little you was oblivious to all of her proclamations, assuming it to all be pretend. just a game! sure, it got a little weird when she continued to say it even when you grew into adolescents, but there was no harm in it, right?
you hadn’t the slightest clue to just how serious she was.
see, althea always, always got what she wanted. she was the princess, after all! and the sole heir to the throne. new clothes, the finest food, and the most lavish castle to live in — all of it was hers, the moment she asked for her. but none of it could ever satisfy her the way your presence did.
her adoration for you kept your family employed and her parents happy. she clung to you like a vice, always insisting you dressed up together and went to all of her classes and such. you kept her tantrums at bay in a way no one in her family had ever seen before.
and when you weren’t around, or something (or god forbid, someone) dared to take your attention away from her? she was a nightmare. a fussy, loud, violent nightmare that wouldn’t be anything but a purposeful nuisance until you were returned to her. so it was always in everyone’s best interests to ensure you were together. words of appreciation and gifts from everyone within the castle was a norm for you, incentives to convince you to stay by the young princess’s side.
it was how it had always been, even as you developed. you figured althea would grow out of her clingy behavior toward you — and to an extent, she did. as you aged and developed individual personalities, everyone was relieved when the princess grew out of her cranky attitude and into the sweet, delicate young lady that was expected of her. the ideal princess who spoke in a gentle tone and expressed love toward the people she’d rule in the future. you could ignore how she always held your hand a little too tight when you were alone together, or how she insisted on kissing you on the lips every day (“it’s normal for us,” she’d claim! neverminding how she’d always seem to ‘accidentally’ leave your face smeared with her lip gloss). she had become a better person, so you could indulge her, right?
because of the change, though… no one had any clue that althea couldn’t care less for the kingdom. no matter how much she was taught to cherish those she’d rule over, she saw them all as little more than a responsibility that she was created to care for later in her life. it irritated her to no end and her only reprieve was you. you kept her going, kept her motivated to be the good little lady she was supposed to be, kept her from shirking her duties and whisking you away like she had fantasized about doing countless times.
despite the seemingly positive impact that growing up seemed to had made, everyone was still quite surprised when althea allowed you to leave the castle to live your own life years later. you were hers, didn’t you know? but you weren’t royalty, so you saw no point in staying — besides, you wanted to see the world beyond the castle walls. so she bid you goodbye, kissed you on the lips once more, and waved you off as you left the home you had shared up until then.
however… when you tried to make a name for yourself on your own, it felt like nothing ever went your way. you never noticed how there were always a few of the palace knights lingering around every public building you went to afterwards. nor did you really pick up on why most places you applied to work at turned you away. and why did you always get kicked out of your hostels after just a few nights’ stay? it was like life was rejecting you as soon as you tried to enter it. but kind, gracious althea was always there to pick up the pieces for you, loaning you money when you needed it and lending you a space to stay when you had nowhere else to go.
she’d never directly ask you to come back full time, oh no. she was willing to play the long game. to let you learn on your own that you needed her to survive.
it got to a point where you didn’t know how long you had been away from her. months? weeks? a year? the world was just so cold and harsh when you didn’t share it with althea! you were in and out of jobs, homes, and was only known as the princess’s former friend rather than your name. you couldn’t take it. you couldn’t live like this, who could? so the day you finally stumbled back onto the palace doorstep, shaking and soaked from a storm you had gotten caught in, althea welcomed your return with open arms. she cleaned you, clothed you, and fed you the food you were used to eating.
silly you, trying to leave your future fiancee. she wished she didn’t have to let you go through all that you did, but you had to learn one way or another! and now that you had, you’d never have to do it again.
you’ll stay right by her, in the castle, till the very end.
after all, she did say you’d always be together, didn’t she?
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87cupsofjoe · 2 years
A fanfiction. Its title? Regicide. Regicide is the act of killing a monarch. (You can guess where this is going.)
Princess Peach has decided to do away with Bowser once and for all, and she sends Luigi to commit the act. Why Luigi? Because he is kind, meek, and sensible. She believes he could earn Bowser’s trust and take him down after doing so.
And she’s right. He does earn Bowser’s trust. And his respect, his adoration, his love. Eventually, Luigi does what no good assassin should, and he falls in love with the very man he’s supposed to kill. Peach expects the job to be done before the end of a six month time period, but now, Luigi doesn’t know if he can go through with it.
If he doesn’t, then he will be proclaimed a traitor to the mushroom kingdom and will be publicly executed. If he does, then he’ll lose Bowser forever.
With a fast approaching deadline and a growing feeling too powerful to ignore, Luigi needs to make a decision; his kingdom, family, and friends, or the love of his life.
It will be sad, it will be angsty, and there will be plenty of digital tissues to go around. (For your tears of both happiness and absolute despair.)
Have fun.
Edit: if u wanna take this idea and make something of it, please go ahead!!! I love seeing your guys’ ideas and creations in the reblogs it makes me happy. also I have writers block so I can’t make anything myself lmao :)))) GO FORTH AND BE WILD MY FELLOW LUWSERS!!!! 💗💗💗💗
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lilacartsmadsion · 18 days
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Apoditic Wizard Cookie.
Most Commonly Known: God of Wisdom.
Other Known Domains: Knowledge, Truth, Foresight, Blacksmiths, Wonders, Messages, Triumph, Storm, Wind, Rain, Sky, Poetry, Education, Battle, Glory, Commerce, Law, Science, Riddles, Winter, Work,Obscurity, Logic, of the Ostracized, Military, Justice, Time, Thunder, Governance and War.
‘The Apoditic Wizard Cookie does not gain his title through Self-Proclamation. He who seeks all realms of knowledge, reigns with his mighty Witch’s Wand. The god of wisdom speaks in tongues, for knowledge comes at a price. Those who cannot comprehend his will may fall prey to the roots of darkness. Wizard Cookie is a strict yet benevolent deity who rules with order and governance. He who seeks knowledge not trusted towards them, shall suffer the consequences of the god of wisdom.”
Popular places of Worship: Vanilla Kingdom, Faerie Kingdom, Parfaedia and The City of Wizards (Has a new origin story.)
Symbols of Worship: Hourglass, Wizard Hat, Wand (His wand) Book, Isotoxal Star and potions.
Inspirations for Wizard Cookie’s godly design:
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(Thank god one of his costumes had long-haired Wizard)
Also yes, his wand looks like his costume in the image just add the little lollipop wrappers.
I will make like a sort of, full-body design so you can see Wizard from the front.
Now you see, this might be a problem for Stormbringer Cookie, but don’t worry! I have a very very reasonable explanation for that, that will come up eventually when I finish all of their designs.
As for why I just took the dripping Prune Juice Cookie Hat, It’s related to the actual Wizards who barely stood a foot on Earthbread. Wizard Cookie is the main catalyst for that.
Also the reason Wizard sounds more ‘intimidating’ is because again- The Oven Breakers got a HUGE boost in magic because they absorbed the Witch’s magic, however unlike the rest, Wizard was the most affected.
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monsterboysrp · 23 days
the tie//henri & jon for @royal-descent
If it had been anyone else, Jon might have been offended by the sudden proclamation of his impending marriage. His sisters had had their pick of the boys in neighboring kingdoms, even his elder brother had had a say to whom he'd been betrothed, but Jon had simply had it thrust upon him. Then the explanation had been given -- that the human kingdom to the north was offering a marriage in exchange for political boons and elven magics. And they were offering the eldest, the one that would be king... which would also make Jon a prince-consort, and their firstborn would be first in line for the throne.
Still, it wasn't until the elven procession had made it to the palace gates, and Jon had laid eyes on his betrothed, that he let go of the resentment he was feeling about the ordeal. Henri was the very thing one pictured when one imagined a prince: tall, golden-haired, radiant in gleaming armor and a sunburst doublet. Well, he thought, maybe this won't be so bad after all...
He didn't get to see Henri at all until they were meeting at the altar due to the whirlwind of preparations. Garbed in silken robes of pastel green, with vines and flowers forming a train and encircling his head, his smile was genuine as he exchanged vows -- he didn't mind that the gods he vowed to weren't his own, the words were still honest. And while the kiss was chaste and polite, he hoped the grip of his hands on Henri's showed he was genuine.
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The reception was well underway, the courtiers and aristocrats dancing the night away while the royals toasted the union; the guests of honor were seated in gilded seats raised from the audience. Jon's hand rested gently on the back of Henri's -- as propriety dictated, being his new prince-consort -- and he smiled, enjoying the music and the spectacle.
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fairskyangel · 5 months
Highlights of todays abdication and accession to the throne.
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Queen Margrethe II leaving the Kingdom in the hands of her son after signing her abdication and giving the seat at the end of the table to his majesty King Frederik X.
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"Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II has abdicated. Long live his majesty King Frederik X" - Mette Frederiksen, prime minister of Denmark. There are no coronation in Denmark. Instead, the prime minister will make a proclamation on the balcony of the Danish Parliament, Christiansborg. She will say the words three times before the entire kingdom will shout "Hurra" (Hurray) nine times.
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The police of Copenhagen had estimated that about 150.000 people would make their way to Copenhagen where most of them would be at Christiansborg Castle to witness the proclamation
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The Royal family from left to right:
Princess Isabella, Crown Prince Christian, King Frederik X, Queen Mary, Princess Josephine and Prince Vincent.
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The King receiving applause and thanking the Danes by putting his hands on his heart.
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The King and Queen receiving the love from those many thousands of people who celebrated and congratulated them on this historical day.
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The King and Queen leaving Christiansborg castle and making their way to their home at Amalienborg Castle in the carriage Queen Margrethe II arrived in.
Truly an amazing day with an indescribable love from the entire kingdom of Denmark 🇩🇰 Greenland 🇬🇱 and the Faroe Islands 🇫🇴.
As the incredible Queen Margrethe said before leaving the room.
God Bless the King 👑
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tinyshe · 4 months
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The Five Joyful Mysteries (said on Mondays and Saturdays) 1. The Annunciation 2. The Visitation 3. The Nativity 4. The Presentation 5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
The Five Luminous Mysteries (Said on Thursdays) 1. The Baptism of Jesus 2. The Wedding at Cana 3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God 4. The Transfiguration 5. The Institution of the Eucharist
The Five Sorrowful Mysteries (said on Tuesdays and Fridays) 1. The Agony in the Garden 2. The Scourging at the Pillar 3. The Crowning with Thorns 4. The Carrying of the Cross 5. The Crucifixion
The Five Glorious Mysteries (said on Wednesdays and Sundays) 1. The Resurrection 2. The Ascension 3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit 4. The Assumption 5. The Coronation
(Note: we say the Sorrowful Mysteries during the Sundays of Lent and the Joyful Mysteries on Sundays in Advent.)
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nerdygaymormon · 4 months
I get that the church needs to be more inclusive, but how can it move forward with the proclamation hanging out there?
Why would the Proclamation on the Restoration stop the Church from being more inclusive?
I know you meant the Family Proclamation, but I decided to reference the most recent proclamation to show that proclamations don't define or restrict the Church.
Proclamations are not binding, they are not scriptures, they are not revelations. They are simply statements made to the world as opposed to statements or declarations which are aimed at members of the LDS Church.
Plus, there's a big difference between how the Family Proclamation has been used and what it actually says. It doesn't reference queer people even once! There's even an opt out for queer people: "circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation."
I wouldn't be surprised if one day we look back at the 25 years when the Church focused on the Family Proclamation as a big distraction when we should have been focusing on the Savior and the commandment to love. Above everything we are to love other people.
There's been 6 official proclamations, do you know any of them other than the Proclamation on the Family?
1841 - Proclamation to the Saints Scattered Abroad - Announces the creation of the city of Nauvoo and encourages all church members to move to the city
1845 - Nine months after the murder of Joseph Smith, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issued this proclamation to fulfill a January 1841 revelation directing Joseph Smith to "make a solemn proclamation of my gospel" to "all the nations of the earth." This proclamation announced to the world that God's kingdom had been restored to earth and called upon all to repent and embrace the restored gospel
1865 - This proclamation corrected doctrinal errors about the nature of God and officially announced the First Presidency as the sole source of any new doctrine. It was a rebuke of Orson Pratt, who then encouraged everyone to destroy things he had written which were alluded to in the proclamation
1980 - A Sequicentenial Proclamation - Issued on the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Church, and is a testimony of the restoration
1995 - The Family: A Proclamation to the World - This is a statement on family, marriage, gender roles, and human sexuality. It is by far the most well-known of all the church's proclamations, it has been referenced many times during General Conferences and filed in amicus briefs, and members were encouraged to hang it in their homes. It was created in response to the possibility of gay marriage becoming legal in Hawaii
2020 - A Bicentennial Proclamation - Issued for the 200th anniversary of the First Vision, and it's a declaration that the restoration is ongoing with continuing revelations. This proclamation was made with much fanfare, including a video from the Sacred Grove and asking all members to join in the Hosanna Shout, and then it quickly faded into obscurity. I don't think I've ever heard it referenced in Sacrament Mtg or Sunday School
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thoughtfulfoxllama · 8 months
I kinda struggle with the "Family Proclamation," but not in the way most people do
"By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families." It's a small thing, and when I see quotes from the Proclamation, it skips this part over. But I can't
I'm left wondering "what's wrong with me." I want to be a good Father, and a good Priesthood Holder (neither of which I had growing up), but I want to be the parent staying home. Me & my wife discuss, and we go back & forth on this issue, but we won't even have kids for a few years. It shouldn't be an issue then, but it is
I love cleaning the house, making dinner, and all those those activities that would've been called "women's work" in the savage ages. I have trouble holding down a job, no matter how much I like it (in fact, I try harder when I dislike it, for some reason). And this leads me to ask "how can God love me as much as other people, when he made them according to his divine design, but makes me against it." It's like when I realized I was attracted to my best friend (who was also AMaB), and wondered why God made me that way
It's kind of a stupid thing to get hung up on. I was able to keep my testimony from the worst slander the Baptists could throw at me (and I mean dig deep for stuff like "Adam-God" or "Blood Atonement"), from my own discovery of bisexuality, from my Liberal politics, from literally being told I couldn't go to the Celestial Kingdom because I didn't want to be sealed to my abusive mother (fun fact, I first met my wife when I was crying about that particular gem), but I struggle with this!? And I still believe the Book of Mormon is true, and Joseph Smith was a Prophet (as well as Brigham & having the Apostolic Authority, reinforced by the Savior visiting Lorenzo Snow). So, is this a case of God wanting me to suffer, or the Church getting it wrong?
And there's ways around it. My wife says we fall under "Disability, death, or other circumstances," which "may necessitate individual adaptation" (I have ADHD, Autism (which is just self diagnosed for now), and Depression). My father says I'm "providing for the necessities by making sure my wife is able to not worry about home." Both, while possibly true, just don't strike with me. But why can't I accept them!?
Whatever the answer, I hold on to the Testimony I have, that men are that they might have joy. Not joy in some far off future, but here and now. That we are called to build Zion, and I will do my part (even if the part of Zion I'm called to is only found in my home. Or even if it's across the world). That the Savior is my perfect example, whether I stay at home, or go abroad
But, I'm hoping for an answer sooner rather than later. Obviously, I'm looking for Work (Amazon is firing me because their Health Leave policy is crap, and they should obviously make a guy who is regularly passing out work but heavy machinery that has killed people before), because damn it, I don't want my kids to survive, but thrive. I'll work as much as I can to save up for them, and for mine & my wife's retirement. But if we ultimately decide, when we have them, that I'll be the parent staying home with the kids, I don't want to be constantly consumed with thoughts that I'm defying God's will
(And I do understand how heartless this may sound to the Queer Mormon Community. I'm in a Straight passing marriage (to someone I'm actually attracted to), and will hopefully have kids one day. In the Church where we're constantly told that's the ideal. I am not trying to be whiny, or take attention from the issue of Queerphobia in the Church, because it is an issue, and people are obviously struggling more than me. I hope it doesn't come across like I'm entitled or trying to say I'm suffering on the same level as some other people. I'm sorry if it does, and I'll do better next time)
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trexx666 · 1 year
SATAN, our Father, who art in HELL !!!
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I arise today through the strength of SATAN for worship Him, for loves Him, for belong Him… SATAN, my Father in Hell, hallowed be thy Name and thy Sign 666 !!!
Powstaję dzisiaj dzięki sile SZATANA, aby Go czcić, kochać Go, należeć do Niego… SZATANIE, mój Ojcze w Piekle, święć się Imię twoje i Znak twój 666 !!!
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Lord and God SATAN fill my soul by your Unholy Spirit, and enlighten my mind and heart by thy Light of Evil and Sin… SATAN, my Father in Hell, come your Helish Kingdom to me and to my life here and now, for me to come to your Infernal Kingdom in Hell in my eternity !!!
Panie i Boże SZATANIE, napełnij moją duszę swoim Nieświętym Duchem i oświeć mój umysł i serce twoim Światłem Zła i Grzechu… SZATANIE, mój Ojcze w Piekle, przyjdź do mnie i do mojego życia tu i teraz, ze swoim Piekielnym Królestwem, abym i ja w wieczności przybył do twojego Piekielnego królestwa w Piekle !!!
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Lord SATAN, bless and guide me as I go to do thy Holy Will, which is Evil and Sin and Hate itself… Align my life with your Infernal Will… your Holy Will is my will, my unholy will is to do your Will … SATAN, my Father in Hell, Thy will be done in my will, in my heart, in my mind, in my soul and in my spirit !!!
Panie Szatanie, pobłogosław mnie i prowadź, gdy idę, aby czynić twoją Świętą Wolę, która jest Złem, Grzechem i Nienawiścią samą w sobie… Dopasuj moje życie do twojej Piekielnej Woli… twoja Święta Wola jest moją wolą, a moją bezbożną wolą jest czyń twoją Wolę … SZATANIE, mój Ojcze w Piekle, bądź wola Twoja w mojej woli, w moim sercu, w moim umyśle, w mojej duszy i w moim duchu !!!
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Instruct and prepare me in this day, in all my life, to Eternal Damnation myself in Hell… Lord SATAN, my spiritual food is Condemnation, my only and holy Communion is Condemnation, this is my holy bread that nourishes my soul and body, my mind and heart and fills me with you, Almighty… SATAN, my Father in Hell, feed me this Bread of Damnation, feed my soul by Damnation… SATAN, who are in Hell, give me daily and in eternity this Bread of Damnation, give my soul your Communion of Damnation. Nema !!!
Poucz mnie i przygotuj mnie dzisiaj, w całym moim życiu, na Wieczne Potępienie w Piekle… Panie SZATANIE, moim duchowym pokarmem jest Potępienie, moją jedyną i świętą Komunią jest Potępienie, to jest mój święty chleb, który odżywia moją duszę i ciało, mój umysł i serce i napełnia mnie tobą, Wszechmocny… SZATANIE, mój Ojcze w Piekle, karm mnie tym Chlebem Potępienia, karm moją duszę przez Potępienie… SZATANIE, który jesteś w Piekle, dawaj mi codziennie i w wieczności tego Chlebie Potępienia, daj mojej duszy twoją Komunię Potępienia. Niemka!!!
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Almighty, Highest and Ineffable SATAN, possess and lead me into thine Unholy, thine Impiety… teach my mind and heart Evil and Sin against the holiness of god, teach my soul Hate and Contempt for what is good and holy in god, teach my spirit to HATE and BLAME god, teach my soul to DEVASTATE and PROFAN jesus, teach my soul to CURSE and DESECRALIZE the holy spirit… god in heaven I, with my HATRED, three times: HATE, HATE, HATE, challenge you in Satan's Name and I proclame that: god you are my and Satans opponent, christ you are my and Satans adversary, the holy spirit you are my and Satan`s contradictor… three times I BLASPHEME the holliness of god, three times I BLASPHEME his "holy, holy, holy"… SATAN, my Father in Hell, let me FUCK god, FUCK jesus, FUCK the holy spirit, that my Mortal and Final SIN may never be forgiven by god and never deserve forgiveness by christ and mercy by the holy spirit !!!
Wszechmogący, Najwyższy i Niewysłowiony SZATANIE, posiądź mnie i prowadź do twojej Nieświetości, twojej Bezbożności… naucz mój umysł i serce Zła i Grzechu przeciwko świętości Boga, naucz moją duszę Nienawiści i pogardy dla tego, co dobre i święte w bogu, naucz mojego ducha NIENAWIDZIĆ i OBWINIAĆ boga, naucz moją duszę NISZCZYĆ i PROFANOWAĆ jezusa, naucz moją duszę PRZEKLNAĆ i DESEKRALIZOWAĆ ducha świętego… boże w niebie ja, z moją NIENAWIŚCĄ, powtarzam trzykrotnie: NIENAWIŚĆ, NIENAWIŚĆ, NIENAWIŚĆ, rzucam ci wyzwanie w Imię Szatana i ogłaszam, że: boże ty jesteś przeciwnikiem moim i Szatana, chryste ty jesteś przeciwnikiem moim i Szatana, duchu święty ty jesteś przeciwnikiem moim i Szatana… po trzykroć bluźnię świętości boga, trzykrotnie BLUŹNIĘ jego „święty, święty, święty”… SZATANIE, mój Ojcze w Piekle, pozwól mi JEBAĆ boga, JEBAĆ jezusa, JEBAĆ ducha świętego, aby mój GRZECH ŚMIERTELNY i OSTATECZNY nigdy nie został przebaczony przez boga i nigdy nie zasługiwał na przebaczenie przez chrystusa i miłosierdzie przez ducha świętego !!!
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Glory to you, SATAN, my One LORD who leads my body to SIN, my One Father who leads my mind to DARKNESS , my One Creator who leads my heart to EVIL, One God who leads my spirit to BLASPHEMY, my One Savior who leads my soul to HATE !!! Praise by to SATAN who saves me and leads me to Damnation in Hell !!! AVE SATANAS !!!
Chwała Tobie, SZATANIE, mój Jedyny PANIE, który prowadzisz moje ciało do GRZECHU, mój Jedyny Ojcze, który prowadzisz mój umysł do CIEMNOŚCI, mój Jedyny Stwórco, który prowadzi moje serce do ZŁA, mój Jedyny Boże, który prowadzisz mojego ducha do BLUŹNIEŃSTWA, mój Jedyny Zbawicielu, który prowadzisz moją duszę do NIENAWIŚĆI !!! Chwała SZATANOWI, który mnie wybawia i prowadzi na Potępienie w Piekle !!! AVE SZATANIE I!!!
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Almighty Lord SATAN, day and night I pray to you:
Fill my souls with the Infernal Power, strengthen me with the Unholy Spirit, that I may persevere in my service to you, as a vessel of your sinner will... Let me to feel your devil presence; manifest to me as you will with your almighty sin and evil... Enlighten me in every way with your Blasphemy and Deny of god, christ, holy spirit... Satan, let me to tread upon your devil path Darkness directly to damnetion in your Infernal Abyss... This I ask in your Unholy Name, Almighty and Ineffable Satan, my One Lord and God, who liveth and reigneth forevermore with His Unholy, Condamned Demons in Kingdom of Hell !!!
Potężny Panie, SZATANIE, dzień i noc modlę się do Ciebie:
Napełnij moją duszę Piekielną Mocą, wzmocnij mnie Duchem Nieświętym, abym wytrwał w służbie tobie jako naczynie twojej grzesznej woli... Pozwól mi poczuć twoją diabelską obecność; ukarz się mi, jak chcesz, ze swoim wszechmocnym grzechem i złem... Oświeć mnie pod każdym względem swoim bluźnierstwem i zaprzeczaniem bogu, chrystusowi, duchowi świętemu... SZATANIE, pozwól mi kroczyć po twojej diabelskiej ścieżce Ciemności prosto na potępienie w twojej Piekielnej Otchłani... Proszę o to w twoje Nieświęte Imię, Wszechmocny i Niewysłowiony SZATANIE, mój Jedyny Panie i Boże, który żyjesz i królujesz na wieki wraz ze swoimi Nieświętymi, Potępionymi Demonami w Królestwie Piekła !!!
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COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Denmark’s prime minister proclaimed Frederik X as king on Sunday after his mother Queen Margrethe II formally signed her abdication, with massive crowds turning out to rejoice in the throne passing from a beloved monarch to her popular son.
Margrethe, 83, is the first Danish monarch to voluntarily relinquish the throne in nearly 900 years.
Many thousands of people gathered outside the palace where the royal succession was taking place, the mood jubilant as the Nordic nation experienced its first royal succession in more than a half-century, and one not caused by the death of a monarch.
Wearing a magenta outfit, Margrethe signed her abdication during a meeting with the Danish Cabinet at the Christiansborg Palace, a vast complex in Copenhagen that houses the Royal Reception Rooms and Royal Stables as well as the Danish Parliament, the prime minister’s office, and the Supreme Court.
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Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen next proclaimed Frederik king from the balcony of the palace before thousands of people — subjects of a kingdom where the trappings of royalty are mostly symbolic in today’s modern era of constitutional democracy.
Frederiksen read the proclamation three times, which is the tradition, as Frederik stood beside her wearing a ceremonial military uniform adorned with medals.
He was then joined on the balcony by new Queen Mary and the couple’s four children, and the crowd spontaneously sang the national anthem.
“My hope is to become a unifying king of tomorrow,” Frederik said. “It is a task I have approached all my life.”
“I want to return the trust I meet. I need trust from my beloved wife, you and that which is greater than us,” the new king said.
Frederik then kissed Mary and another great cheer rose from the crowd.
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The abdication document was earlier presented to Margrethe as she sat at a massive table covered in red cloth around which royals and members of the Danish government were seated.
Frederik sat beside her.
After signing it, Margrethe rose and gestured to Frederik to take her place.
“God save the king,” she said as she left the room.
The abdication leaves Denmark with two queens: Margrethe keeps her title, while Frederik’s Australian-born wife becomes Queen Mary.
Frederik and Mary’s eldest son Christian, 18, has become crown prince and heir to the throne.
Christian handed Margrethe her walking stick as she departed from her abdication ceremony.
Citing health issues, Margrethe announced on New Year’s Eve that she would step down, stunning a nation that had expected her to live out her days on the throne, as is tradition in the Danish monarchy.
Margrethe underwent major back surgery last February and didn’t return to work until April.
Even the prime minister was unaware of the queen’s intentions until right before the announcement.
Margrethe had informed Frederik and his younger brother Joachim just three days earlier, the Berlingske newspaper wrote, citing the royal palace.
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People from across Denmark gathered outside parliament, with many swarming streets decorated with red-and-white Danish flags.
Several shops hung photos of Margrethe and Frederik, while city buses were adorned with smaller Danish flags as is customary during royal events.
Many others across the kingdom of nearly 6 million people followed a live television broadcast of the historic event.
The royal guards’ music band made their daily parade through downtown Copenhagen, but wore red jackets, instead of their usual black, to mark major events.
Copenhagen resident Rene Jensen, wearing a replica of a royal robe and a bejeweled purple crown on his head, said that he expected Frederik to be “a king for the nation, representing us everywhere.”
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The last time a Danish monarch voluntarily resigned was in 1146, when King Erik III Lam stepped down to enter a monastery.
Margrethe abdicated on the same day of January that she ascended the throne following the death of her father, King Frederik IX, on 14 January 1972.
Denmark’s monarchy traces its origins to 10th-century Viking king Gorm the Old, making it the oldest in Europe and one of the oldest in the world.
Today, the royal family’s duties are largely ceremonial.
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Australians also turned out on the streets of Copenhagen to celebrate one of their own becoming queen.
“I think it’s good that she’s not from royalty and has a normal Australian background. We can relate more to that, because she’s from a middle-class background, and we are too,” said Judy Langtree, who made the long journey from Brisbane with her daughter to witness the royal event.
A survey — commissioned by Denmark’s public broadcaster DR — published Friday showed that 79% of the 1,037 people polled by the Epinion polling institute said that they believed Frederik was prepared to take the reigns and 83% said they thought his wife Mary was ready to become queen.
The survey margin of error was 3 percentage points, DR said.
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albertfinch · 8 months
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We must not look at the pressures of our times as though they were obstacles set to restrict us. For in the hands of the Almighty, these are the very tools He is using to perfect us.
But the same Spirit that predicted the perilous conditions at the end of the age also forecasts that, in spite of difficulties and battle, the Gospel of Christ's love will be proclaimed worldwide to all nations (see Matthew 24:14). The Lord also said that the "crop" of last-days Christians will reach full stature (see Mark 4:28-29), and that those who know their God will be strong, do exploits, shine like the stars and lead multitudes to righteousness (see Daniel 11:32; 12:3).
In every age God requires that we walk as overcomers. To position ourselves as overcomers we must ask, seek, and knock (Matthew 7:7) until we come to understand and begin carrying out God’s purpose for our life. We are not to surrender the vision that God has put in our heart to advance and bear fruit that remains for His Kingdom (our Christ calling)), regardless of whatever temporary setbacks we may face.
We must ask ourselves, is our focus upon the enemy's flood?
Or are we bearing fruit that remains for His Kingdom, in the midst of the onslaught of evil, through moving from glory to glory in His calling on our life?
We don't forget that even when darkness covers the earth and deep darkness the peoples, the promise of God is that His glory shall rise upon us and His presence shall be visibly seen through us!  The  Lord promises that, at the end of the war between light and darkness, "nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising" (see Isaiah 60:1-3).
Our fight is the fight of faith: Do we believe, affirm, and meditate on what God has promised to build up our spirit each and every day? Our war is against principalities and powers: Do we believe the report that Christ shall "sprinkle [that is, cleanse, and bring forgiveness and transformation to] many nations" - (Isaiah 52:15) as we co-labor with Him to advance His Kingdom in the earth?
His Word is not just a comfort to us in times of trouble but a sword that we wield in times of spiritual war.  His faithful Word is what we proclaim over our Christ CALLING, our family, our church, our city and our nation!  Consider His proclamation: "So will My Word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it" -  (Isaiah 55:11). No matter how the battle rages, God's Word shall not return to Him void.
Consider also His commitment: "I am watching over My Word to perform it" (Jeremiah 1:12).
"The Word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart' – that is, the Word of faith which we are preaching" -  (Romans 10:8).
The Lord does not want us worrying about the future; He wants us to create it through the knowledge of His will for our lives (our Christ calling), through the vision He puts in our heart, through the proclamation of His Word, and through our yieldedness to the power and leading of the Holy Spirit.
And then He promises, "Whoever believes in [Me] will not be disappointed" (Romans 10:11).
He assures us, "All things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23). Let's break the bondage of a passive spirit. Let's take up the sword of the Spirit and embrace the fight of faith!
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It's a highway to hell but, oh the things we do for love (2)
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This fic is a Greek mythology au. This fic includes: betrayal, attempted human sacrifice, violence, choking, character death, cursing, forced marriage, mentions of nightmares, references to Greek mythology, enemies to lovers, and manipulation.
Tagging: @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky, @greep215
Chapter 2
Needless to say, once Hades’ words sunk in, you did not take the god’s proclamation well.  Midway through your tirade, the god held up a hand with a quick look in your direction and disinterested expression on his face before returning his gaze to a pocket watch that sat in the palm of his large hand. 
“It’s late and I have other pressing matters which demand my immediate attention.” You felt your anger rising again at his casual dismissal of your words.
“So then, Your Majesty,” your tone was mocking.  “What do you suggest we do to resolve this situation?  I’m certain that you don’t want to be in this situation any more than I do.”
“It is a bothersome situation,” the King agreed, pocketing his watch.
“Bothersome is not the word I would use,” you seethed.
“Do you really think that it is wise to antagonise the only deity who has the resources to help you?”
As much as you wanted to reply that until roughly fifteen minutes ago, you had no idea that the god standing in front of you even existed, you held your tongue because although you were reluctant to admit it, he had a point.  The faster you accepted his terms and help, the faster this whole marriage business could be dealt with and you could return to your normal life.
“I am glad to see that you are capable of seeing sense.”  Hades held out his hand.
You inhaled, counted to ten and placed your hand in the king’s.  You also pretended not to see his impatient demeanour.  Your surroundings started to spin slowly but they gradually picked up speed until the colours blurred together so quickly that you were forced to squeeze your eyes shut otherwise you thought you would be sick.
When you felt the world stop spinning, you cautiously cracked one eye open and upon realising that you weren’t in any immediate danger, you opened the other.  The king promptly withdrew his hand from yours as if it was poisonous.
Hades waved his hand and a suit of armour appeared from thin air, “Yes, my king?”
The god faced you, “The spell binding us together in marriage will be weaker here.  This suit of armour will guide you to the room that you will be using for the duration of your stay here while I attend to my kingdom’s matters.  Do try and keep up with it; it will not stop to wait for you.”
With that, the king strode in the opposite direction.  At the same time, a series of clanging noises alerted you to the fact that the suit of armour was indeed moving down the hall without you.  Gnashing your teeth and balling your hands into fists, you ran after the suit of armour.  It was moving surprisingly fast.
After you caught up to the suit of armour, you slowed down to a walking pace and it seemed as if you were walking for hours and hours but in reality it was probably only five minutes.  Just as you were wondering how you would navigate these corridors in the future without a guide because the idea of being cooped up in your temporary quarters didn’t appeal to you at all, there was an incredibly loud scream and a whoosh of air that knocked you backwards off of your feet and onto the ground.  At the same time, there were several bangs and bits of armour fell around you.
“Well, that’s just great.  There goes my guide.”
There was a second whoosh of air.  Then a third.  The fourth whoosh of air was less intense and the fifth whoosh of air was about as intense as a tiny gasp of wind.  
You raised yourself into a crouching position and then pushed yourself onto your feet.  A doorway appeared in what was once a blank section of the wall on your left and a small girl walked through the doorway.  The girl couldn’t have been more than ten years old.
She had a round face, shoulder length dark hair (you noticed that it was the same shade as the king’s) and multicoloured eyes that constantly changed colours.  One minute they were brown, the next they were golden and then within a heartbeat they had changed to a light grey.  The girl clutched a stuffed dog in her tiny hands.  The stuffed dog looked like it was modelled after a mastiff or a Great Dane but the toy dog had longer ears than a Great Dane and a leaner body than a mastiff, so you couldn’t say for certain what breed of dog the toy was modelled on.
The girl rubbed her eyes with her free hand and then her nose.  Tears rolled down her cheeks and splashed onto the ground below her.  You stepped forwards because you wanted to comfort her but the girl shrunk backwards and cradled her toy dog to her chest.
You held up your hands and stepped back.
“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to scare you.”  You knelt down with one knee touching the ground so the both of you were the same height.
Still cradling her dog to her chest, she focused on your bent leg.  Gradually, her eyes moved upwards until they met your own.
“Lo,” she managed in a wavering voice.  “My name is Hecate but you can call me Abigail.”
“Hello Abigail, my name is (Name).”
“Can you take me to the king?  I had a nightmare.”
“I’ll do my best.  I just arrived here so I might need some help finding my way.” 
You meant that you would try and find another suit of armour to guide you to Hades but Abigail interpreted your words differently.  She lit up.
“We can play a game!” She uttered enthusiastically.  “I’ll guide you through the corridors by saying hot or cold.  Come on!”
She held out her hand and you took it.  Your guide eagerly led you through three corridors before she stopped at the entrance to the next hall.  You had hoped that there would be some clue that you were going in the right direction but unfortunately all of the halls and corridors looked exactly the same.
Abigail let go of your hand and nodded at you, “I’ll catch up when you get warmer.”
You started to walk down the hall and from behind you, you could hear Abigail calling out.
“Cold, cold, cold, warm, cold, cold, cold, frozen.”
She had just finished saying the n for frozen when you reached the other end of the corridor.  Perplexed, you spun around to face her and saw that she was shaking her head.
Frustration overtook your confusion and you walked back to her.  “Cold, cold, cold, warm.”
This time you stopped the second that she said warm and you looked from side to side.  There was nothing on either side of you that indicated that you could reach the king of the underworld by walking in that direction.
Abigail let out a giggle, “You can’t take anything for granted here.  This realm has magic and it obeys its own laws.”
The second she said that you remembered the doorway to her room that had appeared in a blank stretch of wall.  You looked from side to side, trying to choose whether you would turn to the right or to the left.  On an impulse, you chose the right side and you pivoted on your heel so that you were facing that side of the wall.  With your hands raised, you stepped towards the wall and just when you thought that your hands would make contact with the wall, they passed through open space.
You swivelled your head so that you were gazing at Abigail who was grinning.  “What way are you going to go now?”
“To the right.  I’ve got a good feeling about the path to the right.”
The girl ran towards you and grabbed your hand again, “Let’s go!”
In no time at all, you reached a set of large ornate doors.  Even without Abigail informing you that this was Hades’ throne room, you would have guessed that this room was important especially since there were three suits of armour guarding the doors.  The way that they stood, the suits of armour formed a triangle with their backs towards the heavy doors.
As you approached, the suits changed position.  They turned their backs to you and the two suits on either side of the middle one reached for a thick metal bar while the suit in the middle grasped the knockers.  They pushed in unison for a couple of seconds and then the two suits on the ends let go and the suit in the middle continued pushing the doors until they were completely open.
Once the doors were open, a suit of armour stood in front of the left door with another suit mirroring it on the right.  The suit of armour that had pushed the doors completely open stepped towards the suit on the left in order for you and Abigail to enter the room.
“What is the meaning of this?”  Hades inquired.  You felt a brief stab of annoyance at the fact that he wasn’t disinterested with Abigail’s appearance like he was with your attitude in the cave but then, you reminded yourself that Abigail was a child compared to him, he’d known her for longer and you were being a bit mouthy in the cave.
“I had a nightmare and I wanted to come and find you.  I met (Name) along the way and we played a game.”
The king met your eyes with an interested expression, “Oh?  What game was that?”
You smiled, “Abigail taught me to navigate the halls by saying warm and cold.”
“I taught her that.”
“And now I taught (Name).  Can I have a story?  Pleeease?  You tell the best stories and I have no problem sleeping after.”
It felt like your heart was melting as you watched Abigail behave like a child, forgetting for a moment that she was also a powerful goddess.
Hades let out a low chuckle, “Very well.”  He sat down on the throne in the middle of the room and Abigail immediately jumped onto his lap.  You edged forwards until you were level with the stairs that led up to the throne.  You didn’t want to push your luck so you sat down on the bottom step and gazed up at a content Abigail and a Hades that appeared less like a god and more like a man.
“So you are aware, I will not carry you to your room if you fall asleep during my story.” 
 “Just when I was starting to like him.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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Nebuchadnezzar’s Letter
1 From King Nebuchadnezzar:
To all peoples, nations, and languages that dwell on the entire earth:
May your peace and prosperity increase.
2 It seemed good to me to declare the signs and wonders that the Most High God did for me.
3 How great are his signs! How mighty are his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and his dominion extends from generation to generation.
Nebuchadnezzar Seeks the Meaning of His Dream
4 When I, Nebuchadnezzar, was carefree in my house and prospering in my palace, 5 I saw a dream that frightened me. The images I saw while I was on my bed and the visions in my head alarmed me. 6 So I issued a decree to bring before me all of the wise men of Babylon so that they could give the interpretation of the dream and make it known to me. 7 Then the magicians, the spell casters, the astrologers, and the diviners came, and I told them the dream. However, they could not make its meaning known to me. 8 Afterward, Daniel came before me (whose name is Belteshazzar, like the name of my god, and a spirit of the holy gods dwells in him), and I told him the dream.
9 Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, because I know that a spirit of the holy gods dwells in you, and no mystery is too difficult for you, take a look at the dream I saw and interpret it for me. 10 I was seeing visions in my head while I was on my bed:
There was a tree standing in the middle of the earth, and its height was great. 11 The tree grew and became strong. Its height reached to heaven, and it was visible to the ends of the whole earth. 12 Its leaves were beautiful, and its fruit was plentiful. On it there was enough food for all. Under the tree the wild animals had shade, and the birds of the air lived in its branches. All living creatures fed themselves from it.
13 I was on my bed, watching the visions in my head, and I saw a watcher, who was a holy one, come down from heaven. 14 He called out loudly, and this is what he said:
Chop down the tree and cut off its branches. Strip its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the animals flee from under it, and the birds from its branches. 15 However, leave the stump with its root in the ground, with an iron and bronze band around it. Leave it with the grass of the field, and let it be wet with the dew from the sky. Let its place be with the animals among the plants of the earth. 16 Let its mind be changed from that of a human, let the mind of an animal be given to it, and let seven times pass over it.
17 The proclamation is a decree of the watchers, and the matter is a command of the holy ones, so that all the living may know that the Most High rules the kingdoms of men. He gives them to whomever he wishes, and he appoints the lowliest men over them.
18 This is the dream that I, King Nebuchadnezzar, saw. Now, you, Belteshazzar, tell me what it means, because none of the wise men of my kingdom are able to make the meaning known to me. But you are able, because a spirit of the holy gods is in you.
Daniel Explains Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
19 Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was horrified for a moment, and his thoughts troubled him. The king said, “Belteshazzar, do not let the dream and its meaning trouble you.”
Belteshazzar answered, “My Lord, if only the dream were about your enemies and its meaning about your foes!”
20 The tree which you saw grew and became strong. Its height reached to heaven, and it was visible to the whole earth. 21 Its leaves were beautiful, and its fruit was abundant. On it there was food for all. The wild animals lived under it, and the birds of the air lived in its branches.
22 You are the tree, Your Majesty. For you have grown, and you have become great. Your greatness has increased and reached to heaven. Your dominion reaches to the ends of the earth. 23 And you, Your Majesty, saw a watcher, who was a holy one, coming down from heaven, and he said, “Chop down the tree and destroy it. However, leave the stump with its roots in the ground, with an iron and bronze band around it. Let it be with the grass of the field. Let it be wet with the dew from the sky. Its place will be with the wild animals, until seven times pass over it.”
24 This is the interpretation, Your Majesty:
It is a decree of the Most High that has come upon my lord, the king. 25 You will be driven away from humans, and your dwelling will be with the wild animals. You will have to eat plants as bulls do, and you will be wet with the dew from the sky. Seven times will pass over you until you know that the Most High rules the kingdoms of men, and he gives them to whomever he wishes. 26 Because they said to leave the stump with the roots of the tree, your kingdom will remain yours when you acknowledge that Heaven rules.
27 Therefore, Your Majesty, let my advice be pleasing to you. Break away from your sins with righteousness and from your guilty deeds by showing mercy to the poor. Perhaps your prosperity will be extended.
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Is Fulfilled
28 All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. 29 At the end of twelve months he was walking on top of the palace of his kingdom in Babylon. 30 The king said, “Isn’t this the great Babylon that I built for a royal residence by my mighty power and my majestic glory?”
31 While the word was still in the king’s mouth, a voice came down from heaven. It said, “It is announced to you, King Nebuchadnezzar: The kingdom has been taken away from you. 32 You will be driven away from humans, and your dwelling will be with the wild animals. Grass will be fed to you as grass is fed to bulls, and seven times will pass over you until you know that the Most High rules the kingdoms of men, and he gives them to whomever he wishes.”
33 Immediately the word was fulfilled against Nebuchadnezzar, and he was driven away from humans. So he ate grass as bulls do, and his body was wet with the dew from the sky until his hair grew long like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds’ claws.
34 At the end of the set time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my reason returned to me. So I blessed the Most High, and I praised and glorified the one who lives forever, because his dominion is an eternal dominion, and his kingdom lasts forever and ever. 35 All of the inhabitants of the earth are considered to be nothing, and he does as he wishes with the army of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth. So there is no one who can hold back the hand of the Most High and say to him, “What have you done?” 36 At that time my reason returned to me, and my splendor and glory returned to me for the honor of my kingdom. So my advisors and nobles looked for me. I was reinstated over my kingdom, and I became even more majestic than I was before. 37 Now, I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt, and honor the King of Heaven, because all his works are true, and his ways are just. All those who walk in arrogance he is able to humble. — Daniel 4 | Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV) The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version®, EHV®, © 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 40:12; Genesis 41:8; Genesis 41:15; Genesis 41:24; Genesis 41:38; Exodus 18:11; Numbers 23:19; Deuteronomy 9:1; Deuteronomy 33:2; 2 Samuel 12:7; 2 Chronicles 33:12-13; Ezra 4:17; Job 14:7; Job 40:11-12; Psalm 30:6; Psalm 77:19; Psalm 83:18; Proverbs 29:23; Ezekiel 31:3; Ezekiel 31:6; Daniel 2:1; Daniel 2:18-19; Daniel 5:21; Daniel 8:13; Daniel 11:13; Matthew 3:10; Matthew 13:32; Luke 1:33; John 4:48; Acts 8:22; Romans 9:19-20; Romans 13:1; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 4:9-10; Revelation 14:8
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