#procrastination sucks
strongestbanner · 3 months
I hate brainstorming and feel like I don’t have enough time to do all of it. I just do what I can 🙃
(I know there is no rush with this but my fear is losing all the inspiration I currently have and then not being able to create anything)
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burntcheerio · 1 year
staying home sick from school always gives me the mindset of "oh ill do all the work i need to finish by tonight!" and then i either just watch movies & tv, doomscroll, or just sleep. it never ends up being productive.
but today im gonna try!!!
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wulflynn · 1 year
Army of a Family
I’m the eldest (28) of four children, my sisters are 21 and 22 and our brother is 9. I know, what was Mama thinkin’, right? Anywho..
My mother sent my sisters and I a group text this morning, saying our brother has had a project assignment all month to create twelve items that can be sold at his school for Warrior Bucks (some kind of currency thing they use at the school, I don’t really know any about that). Well, bro picked these little rubber band bracelets but hasn’t worked on them at all, and they’re due tomorrow, so she’s asked us to each make a few and it will save time. 
While we all talked some good-natured smack about him procrastinating, we agreed to do it anyway because our entire family is very ADHD and we all procrastinate and understand the struggle. The youngest of my sisters said that our brother “is lucky that he has an army of a family to come together and do his homework for him,” and it just made me laugh. 
We have had our family drama, and have had plenty of times when we were all at each other’s throats about one thing or another, and politically/religiously, we definitely don’t all see eye to eye. Some of us have gone months holding a grudge and not speaking to each other in the past. Yet when some external circumstance arises for one of us, the rest are always there to offer aid, even when we’ve fucked up. My brother, sisters, parents, myself, are all indeed lucky to have each other when times are tough. 
And I know not everyone has that sort of family dynamic.. But I wish for it for everyone regardless. Doesn’t have to be family by blood--I certainly have some relatives I hope I never see again--, just friends close to their heart as a chosen family, someone to have their back. 
I don’t know why I felt compelled to even make a post about this but my heart is just full and I wanted to share.
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andreafmn · 2 years
Hey y’all. Just wanted to pop in really quick and let you know if you wanted other spaces to bombard me with messages about stories you can absolutely do so here and in my Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok about writing [andreafmnwrites]. I post about the books I’m reading and my writing frustrations 😅. Would love to be more involved with my followers and keep you up to date with my writings, if you’re down.
If you do follow, send me a message that you’re from tumble and I’ll give you a follow back ☺️ for anything else my other handles are andrea_fmn or andreafmn 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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stolen-notebook · 2 months
I havnt truely drawn anything in like 2 years, I just been sporadically drawing. Tbh i haven't done much of the stuff I enjoy. It's like I have overall creative block or something, probably due to procrastination and bad scheduling. I have to fix this 😭
Ill do a daily drawing challenge for myself or something
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mylittlesecrethaven · 3 months
I'm 3 fucking paragraphs in.
I started it 2 weeks ago.
But then I got distracted.
And I hate myself for it.
I'm in paaaiiinnnn
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naenaex0xx · 6 months
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 11 months
I need to start, finish, and submit my project tonight and I am so fucking tired omg🙄
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icondor15 · 2 years
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wawataka · 4 months
oh my god i forgot i made this last year
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anyydidi · 2 years
Im supposed to read the bible of all things for my czech class, but instead im stalking other people’s blogs because im procrastinating.
Im so sorry if i scare someone with my 2-seconds-after-posting replying but im bored and i have literally nothing better to do (instead of the bible of course, but its not something im really excited to do).
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imababblekat · 10 days
Simon sees you sitting curled up in a chair, eyes peering lost at the sketchbook and computer before. He knows that look. It’s a look you often get when the team finally gets some time off, but you brain is stuck in this void of being unable to commit to any hobbies you once enjoyed. You told him about it once, it was offhandedly and you hadn’t delved much into it with due to still being fairly new and not wanting to bother the apparent cold stone lieutenant. Simon paid attention though, and this detail about yourself had been added to his mentail folder of his teammates.
A deep breath huffed out your nose, head drooping into your folded arms, when your ears picked up on the sound of light footsteps entering the kitchen area you resided.
“The usual?”, came Simons gruff voice, large hands reaching into the cabinet for your and his mugs.
“The usual.”, you mumbled in reply, staring at your phone and resisting the urge to start doom scrolling.
It was a battle you lost as you reached out to open an app and scroll mindlessly through its feed, the light clinking of Simon making you both tea behind you. You’re not sure how long he had taken, too lost in the endless information of peoples lives and other nonsensical things scrolling past your dulled eyes, not registering a thing you watched or read. At some point though, your phone had been snatched from your hands, replaced by a warm cup of your favorite tea, Simon pulling out the chair beside you to sit with his own.
You couldn’t even bother the smallest fuss at the large soldier for taking your phone, simpling taking a sip and then blindly staring into the liquid void.
“That bad today?”
You nod with a groan, putting your cup down to splay your hands out at the objects you once enjoyed before you.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I thought maybe I was bogged down by knowing I had chores to take care of, but even after finishing those I still can’t get myself to do any of my hobbies!”
Simon sipped his tea, dark eyes glancing up at your downtrodden expression. You thought nothing of his silence, having known him for a while now that his silence was him listening. If he truly wasn’t interested, he would have left, hell he wouldn’t have even bothered to make you a drink.
“I just. . .”, you hold your head in your hands, “I don’t feel myself. I finally get a break, and I can’t do anything I wanted to do. What’s the point of having hobbies if every time I try one of them, I immediately become disinterested?”
The Brit beside you stares down into his own mug now, thinking on your words, a silence filling in besides the muffled sound of Johnny bellowing songs in the shower upstairs. Before, he wouldn’t give two shits about something like this, leaving you to figure it out or not all on your own. Of course, being apart of the 141 it was only a matter of time before you became apart of this oddly dangerous family of sorts, and Simon found himself caring for you just as much as he did for the other three, even if he ever expressed it.
“Maybe doing nothin’, is what you’re suppos’d do.”
You quirked a brow at him.
“You? Telling me to do nothing?”
Simon rolled his eyes, sitting back against the creaking old dinning chair.
“Yeah, shocker I know, but trust me, after years of doing this shit, sometimes you jus’ gotta kick ya feet up and do fuck all.”
You look back to your tea before taking another sip, thinking on his words. He had a point though. As frustrating as it was, wanting to engage in activities that would normally bring you joy, it was only natural to not always be motivated to do them, especially with the grueling type of work you all did.
“Welp,” you shrug, closing your lap top shut and throwing your sketchbook atop it, “guess I’m doing fuck all today.”
A light, deep chuckle came from Simon, him always finding it kind of funny when outlandish vocabulary came from your lips. You never came off as the type to say such words, but then again you also didn’t exactly fit into the picture of the intimidating guys you were so close to.
“Good. Relax, ya earned it.”
You smile up at Simon, your eyes crinkling in the corners something that brought him some warmth.
“We earned it, Simon.”
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bylertruther · 1 year
haiii you can turn this into a chain if you want to idk. rb n let me see ! (or don't, i'm not your ma 😳)
picrew + what genre of fan (mis)interpretation are you?
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turbineface · 2 months
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freaky rattrap and terrorsaur from JUST NEOOOWWW!!!!!!!!!! :333
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
Also, are you on the "Peri's a bit more magically powerful but suppresses it bandwagon"? Because I noticed that Wanda and Cosmo have regular human ears while Peri doesn't.
Eneways Have a Good Day!!
YOU KNOW WHAT I actually hadn't heard that headcanon yet when I made the animatic but the more I think about it the more in love I am with the idea.
I would be so ironically tragic if part of Peri struggling so much to look human was a direct result of how powerful his magic is and having to suppress it ♥
POV the one thing you want most in the world ia specifically unavailable to you and you only because of something many would call a gift
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chaoticaesthete · 2 years
a procrastinator who wants to: get good grades, read books, have a proper sleep schedule, complete stuff on her watch lists, have fun occasionally with her friends, and still want her down time. a fucking vicious loop for an eternity.
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