#procurement framework
procurepublic · 7 months
Choosing Excellence: Finding Principal Designers with ProcurePublic’s Framework
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Recognizing the Significance of Principal Designers:
Project Designers play a pivotal role in coordinating health and safety aspects during the pre-construction phase. Their expertise ensures the identification, management, and effective communication of potential risks, contributing to the overall success and safety of a construction project.
The ProcurePublic Advantage:
ProcurePublic’s framework simplifies the process of finding experienced and competent Principal Architects. The platform connects project managers and stakeholders with a pool of pre-qualified professionals, streamlining the selection process and ensuring that only the most qualified individuals are considered for the role.
Efficiency in Selection:
A key advantage of utilizing ProcurePublic’s framework is the efficiency it brings to the selection process. The platform provides a comprehensive database of Principal Designers, complete with their qualifications, certifications, and project portfolios. This transparency enables project managers to make informed decisions swiftly.
Quality Assurance:
ProcurePublic is dedicated to maintaining a high standard of quality among its listed Project Designers. The platform implements rigorous vetting processes, ensuring that only individuals with proven track records of success and compliance are included in its network. This commitment to quality assurance sets ProcurePublic apart as a trusted resource for finding excellence in Principal Designers.
Streamlined Collaboration:
The framework fosters collaboration between project stakeholders and Project Designers. Through ProcurePublic, project managers can seamlessly communicate project requirements, timelines, and expectations. This collaborative approach ensures that Project Architects are aligned with project goals, leading to smoother project execution.
Innovation in Safety Management:
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In the quest for excellence in Project Designers, ProcurePublic’s framework stands as a symbol of efficiency, transparency, and quality assurance. By choosing ProcurePublic, project managers not only simplify the selection process but also ensure that their projects are entrusted to experienced and qualified safety professionals. Elevate your construction projects with ProcurePublic — where excellence seamlessly meets efficiency.
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transcriptioncity · 4 months
Transcription City Ltd Appointed to 'Languages Services' Framework by KCS Procurement Services
For Immediate Release Transcription City LTD, a leading provider of translation and transcription services, is proud to announce its appointment to the ‘Languages Services’ framework administered by KCS Procurement Services, wholly owned by Kent County Council. This framework extends nationwide and offers a full range of language services. “This framework represents an exciting opportunity for…
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businessgateways · 1 year
For a very long time, the oil and gas sector has been a pillar of the world's energy system, supplying countries with energy and advancing civilization. But in recent years, the sector has seen a surge of technical developments and cutting-edge methods that are revolutionizing the way energy is harvested, generated, and used. We'll examine some of the most important areas of the sectors of oil and gas industry in this post, as well as the amazing inventions that are influencing its future.
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eeitonline · 1 year
Corruption in Eastern Europe: A Roadblock to Fair Business Practices by Eastern European Institute for Trade
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by Eastern European Institute for Trade
As the countries of Eastern Europe continue to integrate into the global economy, corruption remains a pernicious obstacle hindering the establishment of fair business practices and sustainable growth. This pervasive issue, which affects various facets of society, including political institutions, public administration, and private enterprises, undermines the region's potential for economic development and investment (Borcan et al., 2018). This article delves into the nature of corruption in Eastern Europe, its implications for the business environment, and potential strategies for addressing this deep-rooted problem (Johnson & Kuhn, 2017; Pellegrini & Radošević, 2011).
Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) consistently ranks several Eastern European nations among the most corrupt countries globally, with bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism being prevalent issues (Transparency International, 2020). These illicit practices can discourage foreign investment and hinder local entrepreneurship, as they create an uneven playing field for businesses and perpetuate economic disparities (Borcan et al., 2018; Pellegrini & Radošević, 2011).
In addition to its direct economic consequences, corruption in Eastern Europe also has a corrosive effect on public trust and confidence in institutions. This erosion of faith in governance can lead to political instability, exacerbating the region's already fraught geopolitical climate (Johnson & Kuhn, 2017). Moreover, corruption undermines the rule of law and the effectiveness of regulatory frameworks, further constraining the potential for fair and transparent business practices (Mungiu-Pippidi, 2015).
Addressing corruption in Eastern Europe requires a multi-pronged approach that encompasses legal, institutional, and societal reforms. Firstly, strengthening the rule of law and enhancing the independence of judiciary systems are critical to ensuring the impartial enforcement of anti-corruption measures (Mungiu-Pippidi, 2015; Pellegrini & Radošević, 2011). This can include the establishment of specialized anti-corruption courts, as well as the promotion of transparent and merit-based appointment processes for judges and other key officials.
Secondly, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability in both public and private sectors is essential for combating corruption (Borcan et al., 2018). This can be achieved through the implementation of robust systems for the disclosure of conflicts of interest, the adoption of international best practices in public procurement, and the promotion of open data initiatives that enable public scrutiny of government and corporate activities (Johnson & Kuhn, 2017).
Lastly, engaging civil society and the media in anti-corruption efforts can be a powerful tool for raising awareness and promoting public vigilance against corrupt practices (Mungiu-Pippidi, 2015). By supporting the work of investigative journalists, whistleblowers, and non-governmental organizations, Eastern European countries can foster a more informed and engaged citizenry, capable of holding institutions and businesses accountable for their actions.
In conclusion, corruption in Eastern Europe poses a formidable challenge to the establishment of fair business practices and sustainable economic development. However, by implementing a comprehensive approach that addresses the legal, institutional, and societal dimensions of the problem, the region's nations can begin to dismantle the roadblocks posed by corruption and unlock their full potential for growth.
Borcan, O., Olsson, O., & Putterman, L. (2018). State history and economic development: Evidence from six millennia. Journal of Economic Growth, 23(1), 1-40.
Johnson, S., & Kuhn, M. (2017). Corruption and economic development in Eastern Europe. Eastern European Economics, 55(4), 261-275
Mungiu-Pippidi, A. (2015). The quest for good governance: How societies develop control of corruption. Cambridge University Press.
Pellegrini, L., & Radošević, S. (2011). Knowledge-based economy and social capital in Central and Eastern Europe. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 44(1), 19-32.
Transparency International. (2020). Corruption Perceptions Index 2020. Sourced from https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2020/index
Read more at the Eastern European Institute for Trade.
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michaelgabrill · 1 year
NASA Launches New Framework for Procurement Ideas, Solutions
NASA is now seeking procurement ideas and solutions to encourage innovation from diverse perspectives, improve reach, reduce barriers, and ultimately meet and exceed agency goals. from NASA https://ift.tt/GnsKzQt
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myprogrammingschool · 2 years
Module: AWS Cloud Acquisition -trailhead Answers
Module: AWS Cloud Acquisition -trailhead Answers
These are the module that comes under the Trail Called “Learn the AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials“. That is given below: AWS Cloud BasicsCore AWS ServicesAWS Application Deployment and MonitoringAWS Cloud SecurityAWS Pricing and SupportAWS Cloud AcquisitionAWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Preparation In this tutorial, we are going to cover the Module called “AWS Cloud Acquisition“. In…
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astrologanize · 3 months
◉ pick a card : how you can make the best of your 2024
*please take a moment to take a deep breath and choose the image you are !most! drawn towards*
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----------for pile 1 ⊹
there is a search for substance in your life, you want something real, something meaningful, and you're not doing anything to create it for yourself. you're secretly, or not so secretly, hoping and wishing and expecting for things to somehow fall into place one day. you keep yourself open to the universe, you keep yourself open to interpretation, and you are so open that you are structureless! how can the universe deliver whatever you're desiring when you don't know what that is? or even who you are!
unfortunately the key to it all isn't going to fall into your lap - you must sort through the emotional gunk that's residing within your inner tank and decipher what it is you want to be, what your values are, what matters to you, so that you can hand-pick the life that you want by having these standards in place. it's easier to take risks and to change your life once you have assurance in yourself and this can only happen when you know what you are vs what you aren't, what you like vs what you don't, etc.
gotta work hard to play hard too! "ugh i just want to travel and have a good time" okay but where are the funds coming from? do you know how to budget? do you know how to set up a trip? do you know how to procure the necessary steps in order to make the shit you want happen? to make the best of your 2024 you need to sort through your gunk and get choosier about your life; in doing so you're going to find your connections with others changing, you're going to understand where you've been lacking integrity, where you have been naive, what's worth adjusting for, what you need to attend to more, and once you have the framework built for yourself you're going to see how exciting life can be. no more waiting for life!
----------for pile 2 ⊹
so i see y'all like to throw everything at the wall until something sticks perchance...well, i mean, i guess you're trying at least? though that is better than doing nothing at all, how about you scale back and look at the big picture? you do all these things but where do they get you? i'm not seeing forward movement amongst all this movement i'm just seeing energy bouncing around in a box not going anywhere. perhaps all this stuff you do is to distract you from things you don't want to deal with. it's giving this meme
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crazily enough, it is often true that less really is more (though in today's society that sentiment is going extinct and needs to be revived). try to stop dabbling in everything - a jack of all trades is a master to none. what activities/hobbies would you like to be an expert at? is there a craft you could or would want to monetize? what is it that you're avoiding in your life with these multitudes of distractions? give yourself a breather so that you can see the big picture clearer. you'll come to understand the value in setting healthy boundaries for yourself, knowing when to extend and when to just relax. sometimes it is okay to hold off and hold back because maybe there is something that needs to be dealt with first, maybe more time is needed, maybe something is just not worth the effort for now
----------for pile 3 ⊹
looking at the image for this pile gave me such a heavy, wistful feeling. why do you insist on fighting the universe so bad, hm?
are you in a job that sucks? seek something better! are you in a relationship that feels like a chore? love yourself! lean elsewhere! are you majoring in something that makes you miserable? is it worth that? i'm seeing that you need to learn how to trust the universe and follow a new, less traveled path that may be daunting with its uncertainty but you never know what could happen...that is both the best and worst thing about life.
thus far you have been traveling down the same path, you are very involved with this life that you have been trying to make work but i don't know if it's working, do you?
i'm hearing "give yourself a try" by the 1975!
you're learning allllll about the possibilities of life this year and why you should not in fact settle for what you are too afraid to leave. your heart is yours to follow
----------for pile 4 ⊹
oh, y'all take things to heart in an unhealthy way and are perpetually dissatisfied as a result. i imagine someone who gets in their feels over something minor that someone said in passing and instead of asking for clarification or reasoning with themselves, they act all woe is me and curl up in their room with the misbelief that nothing and no one gets them.
emotions can be deeply felt and i wouldn't say feelings can be liars per se but feelings can mislead us if we read too much into them. plus, when we focus too heavily on our own feelings we become engrossed in them to the point of self-defeating self-absorption. you have got to learn how to take things less personally, your lesson for this year is to learn how to socialize...how to mingle...how to have acquaintances...how to have a conversation and drop it afterwards instead of reading into every little thing and finding what's wrong with it. learning how to be embrace the more positive qualities of aquarius basically.
you have some misguidings to work through, there is illusory amuck due to you making mountains out of molehills - the melodrama is doing nothing good for you i'm afraid, tumblr girlies do love some tragedy and a feeling-dump post but for now...let's free ourselves i beg. it's not that deep, it's not that serious, get a grip and let it go. get off the internet, limit social media, touch grass, find some people to converse with even if its small talk at a checkout, somethin, otherwise you can continue to wallow i guess.
----------for pile 5 ⊹
nah...this pile gave me such a bad headache because...you're....whew......there's some narcissistic tendencies here i'm afraid. even if you think you're an angel sweetheart birthed from mary the unicorn, i assure you that you can in fact be a nothing short of domineering. there is a diva energy, there is a my way or the highway energy, there is an i'm upset so everyone is going to know energy, there is some area in your life where you are a tyrant.
there is a dire need to learn to take a step back, gather yourself, and consider others before unleashing your control and bulldozing your way through situations. you shall be forced to learn how to chill tf out this year and i claim that for you tbh because giving me a headache from your energy is WILD.
you need to examine your connections and make sure you're being receptive towards others. do you feel like you're a true friend to them? do you think you're supportive? do you hear them out? do you know what they're going through? do you know how they feel? do you attend to them in the ways they want and need? do you know what those wants and needs are?
make sure you're not being demanding and setting unreasonable expectations, especially for others. also look within yourself and make sure you're not overcompensating for any insecurities you may possess by having power trips. care about being a friend this year, play the supporting role and balance yourself out
----------for pile 6 ⊹
you're going in circles in your head and your heart, babes. eventually you just gotta rip off the bandaid and make a decision and let the chips fall where they may.
you're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in your head, you have all these thoughts and ideas, you have all these feelings and sentiments, you have all these things in mind that you want to set up for yourself, and there's so much that you're overloading yourself....there's no way to process all of it at once so nothing is getting done.
make decisions, find answers, get a grip on your feelings, and try to make sure you're not so in your head that you're putting up a guard around yourself. not everything is black & white or a matter of life or death, you're looking at it too extremely! lighten up and just do.
get a cool haircut, get some new accessories, try new boba, talk to your crush, life is meant to be lived!
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kickingitwithkirk · 3 months
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Pairing: Alpha Dean x Omega!Reader x Alpha Sam
Word Count: 862
*Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter
Warnings: A/B/O, non/con elements , dub/con elements, enslavement, pandemic, non/con drug use, collaring/leashing, forced mating, forced breeding, BDSM elements, show-level violence
*Additional warnings to be added
Square filled: @spnaubingo -Dystopian AU
A/N: * UPDATED 3/24 They say the third time is the charm, this will be the last rework of the Prologue.
A/N II: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
A/N III: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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North Dakota
John Winchester slowly drove down the snow-covered drive leading to an old warehouse and parked the ‘67 Impala in the back of its busy lot. All three Winchesters silently climbed out and trudged through the accumulated snow to the front entrance. If anyone had given him the choice between being here or hell, John would have picked hell.
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Eighty years earlier
A virulent disease accidentally escaped a research lab, and the following pestilence wiped out 70% of the Omega population worldwide. At the same time, Alphas and Betas were predominantly immune and rarely died from it unless they had a chronic illness.
As in ancient times, the remaining Omegas were fought over, resulting in countries declaring martial law and rounded up the remaining Domestic Omegas. Several years later, a treatment was developed but the damage was nearly irrevocable. Betas had begun to reproduce to the point the other sub-genders would be extinct within a few decades.
At a hastily convened conference, the world's leading scientists offered the governing bodies with a short-term, yet controversial, solution: obtain Omegas from the remaining Wild Packs for a breeding program.
They presented evidence that introducing their genetics, relatively unchanged since splitting from their wolf ancestors, into mainstream populations would create a natural immunity against future resurgence and rebalance the sub-genders. Many argued the idea was insane. Those Omegas, or O’s, were too feral, still living as their wolf ancestors did and incapable of being domesticated.
The scientists then demonstrated an implant they developed containing multiple benefits. It would dampen O’s natural aggression and induce presentation from sixteen to thirteen. Domesticated Omegas had been bred down to present their early twenties and produced one pup at a time. The implant would also shorten the time between breeding seasons and increase litter size by controlled ovulation hyperstimulation.
The world leaders drew up a preliminary framework for each country that signed the accord to follow. Over the next thirty years, they would procure Wild Pack O’s for distribution from government-managed facilities, with an addendum upon review it’d be extend in certain regions if deemed necessary. In the Americas, it was called the Hibbing Procurement Act.
Over those years, the populus discovered other uses for the O’s descendants, who developed into their distinct designation called House O’s. Unscrupulous individuals elected lawmakers who supported extension after extension, even installing loopholes, such as permitting Wild Pack Alphas to accept payments under the table from those on the fringes for O’s the government deemed unsuitable for breeding, creating an underground network of sellers called The Dealers.
And who would complain if some O’s slated for legitimate sales accidentally slipped through and sold for exorbitant prices on the underground market?
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John knocked on the steel door in a predetermined code. As it slowly rolled open, he glanced at his almost grown pups, thankful they’d taken a dose of rut suppressants earlier because the air was thick with ready-to-breed O scent.
Walking into the building, the younger Winchesters automatically fall back on their training, checking their surroundings for potential danger. John observes to his left buyers on cell phones circling like vultures eight steel cages displaying O’s clad in elaborate silver collars, high-end specimens selling for exorbitant prices.
The rest of the warehouse is an open space with multiple rows of O’s kneeling side by side, leashed to low railings anchored in the concrete floor. They wear color-coded leather collars denoting their monetary value.
“John Winchester, this is a surprise! To whom do I owe the honor of your presence?” The nasal voice of Everett Helms, a black-haired Beta, oozes the fake, cheerful demeanor of a used car salesman approached the trio. Hunters only dealt with Helms because he was reputed to be able to acquire anything they needed..for a price. John had hoped to avoid him, but after eight days of unsuccessful procurement at other facilities, The Dealer was his last option.
Helms held out his hand, and John felt bile rising, not wanting to touch him when a poorly timed footfall caught his attention. “These must be your pups. My, my my, delicious, aren’t they!” Helms remarks as his eyes rove over Dean and then settle on the youngest Winchester calculatingly when a loud, menacing growl fills the air.
Dean's eyes began glowing red, daring the ogling Dealer to make a move on his ever-growing little brother. He felt Sam huddle closer to his back and release his calming pheromone as, judging from their father’s posturing, John was about to tear into Sam for attracting attention after specifically instructing him to stay invisible. Sam quickly averted his gaze down through his shaggy bangs, glaring at his oversized, sneaker-clad feet, again wishing he wasn’t so fucking clumsy with this growth spurt.
Helms turned back to John, acting as if nothing had occurred. “I hear your oldest got himself in a peck of trouble, and he needs an O to stay out of prison. Well, John, may I call you John? You’ve come to the right place. As you can see,” he waved a hand over his domain, “I can supply any type of O an Alpha could wish for.”
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Part I
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared:  @idreamofplaid
Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
WF: @slamminmine
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End to End
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In “End to End,” my new column for Locus Magazine, I propose a policy framework for a better internet: the “End to End” principle (E2E), a bedrock of the original design for the internet, updated for the modern, monopolized web, as a way of disenshittifying it:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
The original E2E marked the turning point from telco-based systems where power was gathered at the center, controlled by carriers, to the packet-switched internet, where power moved to the edges. Under the old model, only the network operator could add new features. If you wanted to create, say, Caller ID, you needed to convince the phone company to update its switches to support a new signaling system (and you probably had to rent a Caller ID box from the carrier, too).
But packet-switching made it possible for new services to be created by people at the edges of the network. Once your device was connected to the internet, it could exchange data with any other device on the internet. If someone set up a voice-calling system and you connected to it, they could add Caller ID to it without asking Ma Bell for permission.
End to end was the core ethic of this system: the idea that the telcos that sat beneath these systems should get out of the way of their users, serving only to deliver data from willing senders to willing receivers as quickly, efficiently and reliably as possible.
E2E was a powerful idea, one that truly treated the telcos as utilities — the plumbing that sat beneath the services, obliged to serve its subscribers by doing their bidding to the extent they could. If you chose to use a internet calling service instead of making phone calls, the carrier’s job was to shuttle those packets around, not to slow them down or block them to funnel you into its rival service.
There’s a powerful logic to this: no one rents a phone line because they want to make sure that the carrier’s shareholders are getting the highest possible return on their investment. The reason we buy network connections is to get to the services we value.
We have no duty to arrange our affairs to the benefit of a carrier’s shareholders. If those shareholders are so emotionally fragile that they can’t bear the thought of network users making their own choices on which services to use, they should get into a different line of work.
E2E wasn’t a law, it was a principle. Principles are useful! They can be embedded in laws (for example, the laws that establish most network providers as common carriers often include an E2E rule), but just as importantly, they can give us a vocabulary for critiquing or designing services: “Ugh, I won’t use that service, it’s not end to end,” or “How can we make this work in an end to end way?”
Principles can be integrated into professional codes of ethics, or procurement rules for public bodies (“Our university only buys end to end services”). Tech groups and publications can use principles to rank competing technologies (“Which network providers are end to end?”).
Network Neutrality is a way of operationalizing E2E: the idea of Net Neutrality is that carriers should be obliged to treat all traffic the same. If you request Youtube packets from Comcast, Comcast should deliver those packets as quickly and reliably as it can, even though its parent company, Universal, owns several competing services.
Net Neutrality can be treated as a principle (“This ISP sucks — it violates Net Neutrality”) or as a regulation (“The FCC is fining your ISP because it violated Net Neutrality”). As a regulation, Net Neutrality has a problem: it’s hard to administer, because it’s very difficult to detect Net Neutrality violations. The internet is a “best effort” network, with no service guarantees, so when your Youtube connection starts to jitter, it’s hard to prove that this is because Comcast is screwing with it, as opposed to regular network congestion.
Which brings me to my E2E proposal: end to end for services. Contemporary services have no E2E. If you search for a product on Amazon, Amazon often won’t show you that product until you’ve looked at five screens’ worth of other products that have paid Amazon to interrupt your search:
If you hoist an email out of Gmail’s spam folder and add the sender to your address book, Gmail will still send that message to spam, or even block its server. It’s incredible that we had a Congressional debate about whether Gmail should mark politicians unsolicited fundraising emails as spam but not whether emails from your reps that you asked to receive should be delivered:
Platform creators are workers whose boss is an algorithm that docks every paycheck to punish them for breaking rules they aren’t allowed to know about, because if the boss told you the rules, you’d learn how to violate them without him being able to punish you for it. Again, it’s wild that we’re arguing about “shadowbanning” (a service choosing not to send your work to people who never asked to see it), while ignoring the fact that platforms won’t deliver your posts to people who explicitly subscribed to your feed:
Alexander Graham Bell’s first telephone operators were young boys who entertained themselves by deliberately misconnecting calls, putting you in contact with people you never asked to talk to and refusing to connect you with the people you were trying to converse with.
As @brucesterling​ wrote in The Hacker Crackdown:
The boys were openly rude to customers. They talked back to subscribers, saucing off, uttering facetious remarks, and generally giving lip. The rascals took Saint Patrick’s Day off without permission. And worst of all they played clever tricks with the switchboard plugs: disconnecting calls, crossing lines so that customers found themselves talking to strangers, and so forth.
Bell fired those kids. Even the original telecoms monopolist understood that the point of a telephone network was to connect willing speakers with willing listeners.
Today’s tech barons are much more interested in charging other people to interrupt your consensual communications with nonconsensual and often irrelevant nonsense and ads. This is part of the enshittification cycle: first, the platforms lock you in by giving you a good deal, including feeds that contain the things you ask to see and search boxes that return the thing you’re looking for.
Then, platforms take away your surplus and give it to business customers. They spy on you and use the data to help target you on behalf of advertisers, whom they charge low rates for ads that are reliably delivered. They insert performers’ and media companies’ posts into your feed, generating traffic funnels that result in clicks to off-platform sites. They offer low fees and even subsidies to platform sellers and creators who produce DRM media, like ebooks and audiobooks.
Users get locked into the platform — by the collective action problem of convincing their friends to leave, by the collapse of local retail that can’t match the investor-funded subsidies of would-be monopolists, by DRM that they are legally prohibited from removing, causing them to lose their investment if they quit the service.
Business customers also get locked to the platform: platform sellers have to sell where the buyers are; publishers and creators have to provide media where the audiences are; advertisers have to run ads on the services they’ve optimized for.
Once everyone is locked in, the platform can fully enshittify, harvesting surpluses from users and business customers for themselves. Platforms can hike fees, charge media companies and creators to reach their own subscribers, block posts with links off-site, insert ads into media (like Audible is doing with paid audiobooks!), and so on.
This is the cycle that E2E seeks to interrupt. E2E for services would dictate that platforms should connect willing speakers and willing listeners. The best match for your search should be at the top of the results — even if someone is willing to pay more to put a worse match there. Emails should be delivered to people you’ve told your provider you want to correspond with — not sent to a spam folder or blocked.
As with the original E2E, there’s lots of ways we can use this principle. It can simply be a term for criticizing platforms (“You aren’t sending my posts to the people who follow me — that’s a violation of the end to end principle!”). It can be a law (“It is a deceptive and unfair practice for ecommerce companies to deliberately return search results that are not the best match they can locate for the users’ query”). It can be a punishment (“The FTC settled with Google today and ordered the company to implement a Gmail feature that permits users to identify senders whose messages will never be blocked or sent to spam”).
Lots of people are pissed off about Big Tech and many have proposed that we could make it better by treating platforms as “utilities.” But I don’t want President DeSantis to run my email provider, or to decide what’s too “woke” for me to see (or post) on social media.
An E2E rule, on the other hand, creates a role for government that doesn’t determine who gets to speak or what they get to say — rather, it ensures that when people speak and to others who want to hear them, the message gets through.
Unlike Net Neutrality, E2E is easy to administer. If I claim that your emails are being sent to spam after I marked you as a sender I want to hear from, we don’t have to do a forensic investigation into Google’s mail servers to determine if I’m right. You just send me an email we observe where it lands.
Likewise for search: if I search Amazon for a specific product or model number, it’s easy to tell whether that product is at the top of the search results or not.
Same goes for delivery to subscribers: if we suspect that Twitter is shadowbanning posters — say, for including their Mastodon addresses in their bios, or linking to posts on Mastodon — we just send some test messages and see whether they are delivered.
Beyond administratability, E2E has another advantage: cheap compliance. Lots of the rules we’ve created or proposed for service providers are incredibly complex and expensive to comply with. Take rules about “lawful but awful” content, which require platforms to somehow determine whether a message constitutes harassment and block it if it does.
These rules require an army of expensive human moderators or a vast, expensive machine learning system, or both — so they guarantee that Big Tech will rule the internet forever, because no one else can afford to launch a new service with better community norms and better practices.
By contrast, E2E is cheap to comply with. Trusted-sender lists for email providers, search engines that put best results first, and content delivery algorithms that show you the things you asked to see in the order that they were posted are all solved problems:
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This isn’t to say that platforms wouldn’t be allowed to offer algorithmic feeds and results. Think of how Tumblr does it: you can choose between a feed called “Following” (posts from people you follow) or “For You” (posts that Tumblr thinks you’ll enjoy). Forcing platforms to clearly label their recommendations and give you the choice of controlling your own feed is a powerful check against enshittification.
If you know when you’re in charge and when the platform is driving things, and if you can toggle away from platform-determined feeds to ones that you design, the platform has to be better than you at choosing what you see, or you won’t choose its recommendations.
Platform owners have hijacked the idea that “freedom of speech isn’t freedom of reach” to justify the now-ubiquitous practice of overriding users’ decisions about what they want to see:
The Old Internet had lots to going for it. It wasn’t perfect, though. While it was easy to find the things you knew you liked, it could be hard to find things you didn’t know you liked. Recommendations, whether they come from an algorithm or a human editor, are a source of endless delights. But when a we find something we like through one of those recommendations, we need to know that we can find more from that source if we choose to.
Sometimes it’s nice to scroll an algorithmic feed and get a string of surprises. But we are forced to use those feeds, they will inevitably enshittify, to our detriment, and to the detriment of the people who make the things that please us.
As ever, the important thing about a technology isn’t what it does, it’s who it does it for and who it does it to. When we control our feeds, we can choose to let a recommender system do the driving. If we’re locked into a recommendation system, it drives us.
Today (Mar 7), I’m doing a remote talk for TU Wien.
On Mar 9, you can catch me in person in Austin at the UT School of Design and Creative Technologies, and remotely at U Manitoba’s Ethics of Emerging Tech Lecture.
On Mar 10, Rebecca Giblin and I kick off the SXSW reading series.
Image: Felix Andrews (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Elephant_side-view_Kruger.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A room full of telephone operators at a switchboard; their heads have been replaced with hacker-in-a-hoodie heads. On the wall behind them is a poster ad for Facebook with the slogan, 'Find Your Facebook Group.' Atop the switchboard stands a small elephant with a bite taken out of its back.]
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ukrfeminism · 1 year
3 minute read
Dozens of women suspected of having illegal abortions have faced criminal investigations from the police in recent years, new figures show.
Information obtained under freedom of information (FOI) laws reveal at least 36 women endured criminal investigations after being accused of having illegal abortions from April 2014 to December 2021.
The data, obtained by National World and based on responses from 35 police forces, looked at recorded crimes for the two charges of procuring an illegal abortion and the intentional destruction of a viable unborn child.
It comes after Carla Foster, 44, was sentenced to 28 months in jail earlier in the month, having obtained drugs to end her pregnancy at 32 to 34 weeks during lockdown.
Dr Jonathon Lord, who represented medical organisations in the case, told The Independent the sentencing of the mother-of-three “brought back the horrors of the 1960s”.
The consultant NHS gynaecologist at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust added: “The really big fear is that we know the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) are sitting on lots more cases - waiting to see whether this one would be jailed and thereby prove a public interest in prosecuting. 
“So we now expect anything between six to 40 proceeding - it is so hard to know numbers as it’s all so secretive. We don't know if these cases will be charged. Another issue is that patients are told to speak to nobody. So one woman had post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for over six months before we heard she’d had a premature delivery that arose suspicion.”
Dr Lord explained the CPS evidence in the recent headline-grabbing case involving Foster included the fact she searched for ways to cause physical harm such as “Can being hit in the stomach cause a miscarriage?”, adding this demonstrates “she was so desperate she was even considering self-harm”.
Dr Lord noted she had been imprisoned under a law from 1861 - “an era when public hangings drew large crowds and 67 years before women were able to vote”.
The latest Home Office data show the number of Britons being investigated by police over suspected illegal abortions has more than tripled in the last decade.
Recorded crimes for abortions surged from eight in 2013/2014 to 27 cases in April to December 2022 so far.
This includes recorded crimes for three separate charges of procuring an illegal abortion, the intentional destruction of a viable unborn child and concealing an infant death pre-birth. While the first two charges are punishable by life imprisonment, the latter carries a three-year prison sentence.
Some of the cases included in the government data could relate to investigations into abusive partners forcing a woman into having an abortion, those who sell abortion pills, and individuals whose violence against a woman or person with a womb causes them to lose their pregnancy.
Earlier in the month, Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard Foster was between 32 to 34 weeks pregnant when she took the abortion pills – with Justice Pepperall saying she felt “very deep and genuine remorse”, was “racked with guilt” and still had nightmares over her actions.
Kate Osborne, a Labour MP who sits on the women and equalities committee, told The Independent the imprisonment of Foster was a “disgrace” and was “perverse” as she called for abortion care to be decriminalised.
“This case shows that the current legislation is unsafe for women and could potentially open the door for more prosecutions,” she added.
Labour MP Stella Creasy, an outspoken campaigner for abortion rights, noted “no other healthcare service sits on a criminal foundation” as warned “it’s time to treat all patients equally and introduce a proper medical framework to guide access rather than use the threat of prosecution to deter it.”
A spokesperson for the CPS said: “These exceptionally rare cases are complex and traumatic. Our prosecutors have a duty to ensure that laws set by parliament are properly considered and applied when making difficult charging decisions.”
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procurepublic · 5 months
Navigating Success: Understanding the Significance of Public Sector Frameworks
In the complex landscape of public sector operations, the implementation of robust frameworks becomes paramount. Public sector frameworks serve as essential blueprints, guiding organizations through challenges and opportunities. In this blog post, we exploring their role in fostering efficiency, transparency, and overall success.
Understanding Public Sector Frameworks
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Definition and Purpose:
Public frameworks are structured methodologies designed to enhance the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of government and public sector organizations. They provide a systematic approach to governance, helping navigate the intricacies of public administration.
Enhancing Efficiency:
Frameworks streamline processes, reducing bureaucratic hurdles and optimizing resource allocation. By defining roles, responsibilities, and workflows, they promote a more efficient and responsive public sector.
Types of Public Sector Frameworks
Governance Frameworks:
These frameworks focus on establishing effective governance structures. They define decision-making processes, accountability mechanisms, and the distribution of responsibilities within public organizations.
Financial Management Frameworks:
Ensuring fiscal responsibility is a priority in the public sector. Financial management frameworks provide guidelines for budgeting, expenditure tracking, and financial reporting, fostering transparency and accountability.
Significance in Modern Governance
Adaptability to Change:
Public sector frameworks are designed to be adaptable to changing circumstances. Whether addressing technological advancements or responding to societal shifts, these frameworks provide a foundation for continuous improvement.
Transparency and Accountability:
Transparent governance is crucial for building trust. Frameworks establish protocols for reporting, monitoring, and evaluation, ensuring that public sector entities remain accountable to the citizens they serve.
Challenges and Opportunities
Challenges in Implementation:
While frameworks offer numerous benefits, their successful implementation often faces challenges such as resistance to change, resource constraints, and the need for extensive training.
Opportunities for Innovation:
Embracing public sector frameworks opens doors for innovation. Organizations can leverage technology, data analytics, and collaborative approaches to enhance service delivery and citizen engagement.
Case Studies: Successful Implementation Stories
Best Practices from Around the Globe:
Highlighting successful case studies from different countries demonstrates how well-implemented public frameworks contribute to efficient governance, improved service delivery, and positive socio-economic impacts.
In conclusion, public sector frameworks play a pivotal role in shaping the success of governmental and public sector organizations. By fostering efficiency, transparency, and adaptability, these frameworks become crucial tools in navigating the complexities of modern governance. As governments worldwide continue to evolve, embracing effective frameworks remains essential for achieving sustainable and impactful outcomes.
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By: Carrie Keller-Lynn and David Luhnow
Published: Jan. 29, 2024
TEL AVIV—At least 12 employees of the U.N.’s Palestinian refugee agency had connections to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel and around 10% of all of its Gaza staff have ties to Islamist militant groups, according to intelligence reports reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.
Six United Nations Relief and Works Agency workers were part of the wave of Palestinian militants who killed 1,200 people in the deadliest assault on Jews since the Holocaust, according to the intelligence dossier. Two helped kidnap Israelis. Two others were tracked to sites where scores of Israeli civilians were shot and killed. Others coordinated logistics for the assault, including procuring weapons.
Of the 12 Unrwa employees with links to the attacks, seven were primary or secondary school teachers, including two math teachers, two Arabic language teachers and one primary school teacher.
The information in the intelligence reports—based on what an official described as very sensitive signals intelligence as well as cellphone tracking data, interrogations of captured Hamas fighters and documents recovered from dead militants, among other things—were part of a briefing given by Israel to U.S. officials that led Washington and others to suspend aid to Unrwa.
Intelligence estimates shared with the U.S. conclude that around 1,200 of Unrwa’s roughly 12,000 employees in Gaza have links to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and about half have close relatives who belong to the Islamist militant groups. Both groups have been designated as terrorist organizations by the U.S. and others. Hamas has run Gaza since a 2007 coup.
“Unrwa’s problem is not just ‘a few bad apples’ involved in the October 7 massacre,” said a senior Israeli government official. “The institution as a whole is a haven for Hamas’ radical ideology.”
An Unrwa spokesperson on Monday declined to comment, saying an internal U.N. investigation into the agency was under way.
Two officials familiar with the intelligence said the Unrwa employees considered to have ties with militant groups were deemed to be “operatives,” indicating they took active part in the organization’s military or political framework. The report said 23% of Unrwa’s male employees had ties to Hamas, a higher percentage than the average of 15% for adult males in Gaza, indicating a higher politicization of the agency than the population at large.
Nearly half of all Unrwa employees—an estimated 49%—also had close relatives who also had official ties to the militant groups, especially Hamas, the intelligence reports said.
In the aftermath of Oct. 7, as Israel has waged war against Hamas in Gaza, Unrwa has emerged as one of the loudest voices decrying the impact of the fierce fighting on Palestinians in the enclave, where authorities say more than 26,000 people have been killed. Unrwa says at least 152 of its own staff have been killed in the conflict.
The agency is also the main pillar of operations to move food aid, medicine and other humanitarian supplies into Gaza.
The vast majority of Unrwa’s 30,000 staff across the Middle East are Palestinian, and Israel and some in the U.S. have long accused it of nurturing anti-Israeli sentiment in crowded refugee camps that have been important recruiting grounds for militant groups, including Hamas.
The Trump administration suspended funding for Unrwa in 2018, saying the agency’s mission was fundamentally misguided. The Biden administration renewed funding in 2021.
The Oct. 7 intelligence reports seen by the Journal identified an Unrwa Arabic teacher who the reports said was also a Hamas militant commander and took part in a terrorist attack on Kibbutz Be’eri, where 97 people were killed and about 26 people were kidnapped and taken as hostages to Gaza.
Another Unrwa employee, described in the dossier as an Unrwa social worker, played a role in absconding with the body of a dead Israeli soldier, which was taken to Gaza, the reports said. He also coordinated trucks and munitions distributions for Hamas before being killed.
A person familiar with the dossier said that after U.S. officials were briefed on the intelligence material, they alerted Unrwa, which put out a statement announcing the allegation that some of its employees were linked to the attacks and saying it had fired the employees involved. It provided no details, and didn’t say how many employees were involved.
On Sunday, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said he was personally horrified by the allegations.
Unrwa commissioner-general Philippe Lazzarini criticized Western nations for pausing aid at a time when Gaza is facing a humanitarian crisis as the war between Hamas and Israel rages. Guterres also implored nations to not suspend humanitarian aid.
It is “immensely irresponsible to sanction an agency and an entire community it serves because of allegations of criminal acts against some individuals,” Lazzarini said.
Unrwa looks after more than 5 million Palestinians in densely-packed refugee neighborhoods across the Middle East, including the West Bank, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. But its biggest operations are in Gaza, where it looks after an estimated 80% of the local population and runs hundreds of schools and scores of clinics.
Israel says it has documented deepening ties between Unrwa and Hamas since the militant group cemented its hold on Gaza in 2007. Unrwa has admitted to finding Hamas weapons stored in schools and Israel has repeatedly said Hamas tunnels run under and through Unrwa buildings as well as other civilian facilities. The former head of Unrwa’s union in Gaza was fired in 2017 after Israel found out he had been elected to Hamas’ top political leadership.
The dossier is the most detailed look yet at the widespread links between the Unrwa employees and militants. It offers telling details regarding the events of Oct. 7.
A math teacher belonging to Hamas was close enough to a female hostage in Gaza that he took a picture of her. Another teacher was carrying an antitank missile the night before the invasion.
One Unrwa employee set up an operations room for Palestinian Islamic Jihad on Oct. 8, the day after the attack. Three other employees, including another Arabic teacher at an Unrwa school, received a text from Hamas to arm themselves at a staging area close to the border the night before the attack. It was unclear whether they went.
A different elementary school teacher did cross into Israel and went to Reim, a district where a kibbutz, an army base and a music festival were attacked.
One of the intelligence reports seen by the Journal said a 13th Unrwa employee, who didn’t have a discernible affiliation with a terror group, also entered Israel. Hundreds of Gazan civilians flooded across the border as part of the Hamas-led attack, Israel says.
Teachers make up nearly three-quarters of Unrwa’s Gaza-based local staff. Unrwa schools, which use textbooks approved by the Palestinian Authority, have come under fire for using materials that allegedly glorify terrorists and promote hatred of Israel. Unrwa says it has taken steps to address problematic content, but a 2019 U.S. Government Accountability Office report said that measures haven’t always been implemented.
Since Oct. 7, Hamas has stolen more than $1 million worth of Unrwa supplies, including fuel and trucks, according to the intelligence report. The intelligence assessment alleges that Hamas operatives are so deeply enmeshed within the Unrwa aid-delivery enterprise as to coordinate transfers for the organization.
[ Via: https://archive.md/nscsC ]
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shantitechnology · 7 months
How to Select the Right ERP Software for Your Indian Manufacturing Firm:  Key Considerations
In the dynamic landscape of the Indian manufacturing industry, the integration of an efficient Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is paramount.  Selecting the right ERP system for manufacturing industry can significantly impact a firm's operational efficiency, productivity, and overall competitiveness.  This article delves into the crucial aspects of choosing the best ERP system tailored for the unique needs of Indian manufacturing firms.
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Understanding the Unique Needs of the Indian Manufacturing Industry
1.         Regulatory Compliance:  Navigating the Complexities
One of the primary considerations for Indian manufacturers is ensuring compliance with local regulations.  The selected ERP modules for manufacturing industry should seamlessly align with the Goods and Services Tax (GST) framework, a cornerstone of the Indian taxation system.  It is imperative to choose a system that streamlines compliance with industry-specific regulations, safeguarding the manufacturing firm from legal complications.
2.         Scalability: Growing with Your Business
As Indian manufacturing firms aspire for growth, scalability becomes a pivotal factor in ERP selection.  Opt for a system that can effortlessly adapt to the evolving needs of your business.  Scalability is particularly crucial for Indian manufacturers aiming for expansion in a market known for its dynamism and ever-changing demands.
3.         Localization:  Aligning with the Indian Operational Landscape
ERP software must be tailored to the nuances of the Indian market.  Look for solutions offering localization features, including support for multiple languages, adherence to regional accounting standards, and culturally relevant interfaces.  This ensures that the Best ERP for manufacturing industry seamlessly integrates into the operational fabric of your Indian manufacturing firm.
Key Features to Consider
1.         Supply Chain Management:  Navigating the Complex Web
Efficient supply chain management is integral for Indian manufacturers dealing with diverse suppliers and fluctuating market demands.  The chosen ERP system should provide real-time visibility into the entire supply chain, encompassing procurement, production, and distribution.  This ensures that your manufacturing firm can proactively respond to market changes and optimize resource allocation.
2.         Production Planning and Control:  Meeting the Complexities Head-On
The intricacies of manufacturing processes in India necessitate a comprehensive production planning and control module within the ERP system.  Look for software that offers advanced features such as demand forecasting, capacity planning, and real-time monitoring of production processes.  This empowers your manufacturing firm to enhance operational efficiency and meet customer demands with precision.
3.         Quality Management:  Upholding Excellence
Maintaining high-quality standards is non-negotiable for the success of any manufacturing firm.  The ERP for manufacturing industry should include robust quality management modules that facilitate adherence to stringent quality control measures.  This ensures that your products meet regulatory requirements and customer expectations, bolstering your reputation in the competitive Indian market.
Best ERP for the Indian Manufacturing Industry
1.         Evaluating the Options
Selecting the best ERP for your Indian manufacturing firm involves a meticulous evaluation of available options.  Consider industry-specific solutions renowned for their effectiveness in addressing the challenges prevalent in the Indian manufacturing landscape.
2.         ERP Modules Specifically Tailored for Manufacturing
Explore ERP systems that offer modules explicitly designed for the manufacturing industry.  These modules should cover essential aspects such as material requirements planning (MRP), shop floor control, and advanced planning and scheduling (APS).  The seamless integration of these modules enhances operational visibility and control.
Customization and Integration:  A Prerequisite for Success
1.         Tailoring the ERP System to Your Needs
No two manufacturing firms are identical, and the chosen ERP system should accommodate this diversity.  Look for software that allows customization to align with the unique processes and requirements of your Indian manufacturing firm.  This ensures that the ERP system becomes an asset tailored to your specific needs rather than a one-size-fits-all solution.
2.         Integration with Existing Systems
The ERP system should seamlessly integrate with existing software and systems within your manufacturing firm.  This includes compatibility with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), and other relevant applications.  A well-integrated ERP system for manufacturing industry streamlines data flow, minimizing redundancies and enhancing overall efficiency.
User-Friendly Interface and Training
Ensuring Adoption and Efficiency
An ERP system is only as effective as its adoption by the end-users.  Prioritize user-friendly interfaces that facilitate easy navigation and understanding.  Additionally, invest in comprehensive training programs to ensure that your team is proficient in utilizing the ERP system to its full potential.  This approach maximizes the benefits derived from your ERP investment.
Cost Considerations:  Balancing Investment and Returns
1.         Calculating the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
While the initial cost of ERP implementation is a crucial consideration, it's equally essential to assess the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over the long term.  Evaluate not only the upfront costs but also ongoing expenses related to maintenance, upgrades, and potential customization.  This holistic approach ensures that the chosen ERP system aligns with your budgetary constraints without compromising on functionality.
2.         Return on Investment (ROI): Ensuring Long-Term Value
Consider ERP implementation as a strategic investment rather than a mere expense.  Calculate the anticipated Return on Investment (ROI) based on enhanced operational efficiency, reduced lead times, and improved customer satisfaction.  A thorough ROI analysis ensures that the chosen ERP system delivers long-term value and contributes to the overall success of your Indian manufacturing firm.
Vendor Reputation and Support
1.         Choosing a Reliable Partner
Selecting an ERP vendor with a proven track record in the manufacturing industry is crucial.  Research and assess the reputation of potential vendors, considering factors such as the number of successful implementations, customer reviews, and the vendor's financial stability.  A reliable vendor ensures ongoing support and updates, safeguarding your investment and providing peace of mind.
2.         Support and Training Services
Evaluate the support and training services offered by the Best ERP for manufacturing industry.  Responsive customer support and comprehensive training programs contribute to a smooth implementation process and ongoing success.  Prioritize vendors that prioritize customer satisfaction and offer tailored support to address the unique needs of your Indian manufacturing firm.
In conclusion, choosing the right ERP software for manufacturing industry requires a strategic approach that considers the unique challenges and opportunities in the dynamic Indian market.  By prioritizing regulatory compliance, scalability, localization, and key features such as supply chain management, production planning, and quality control, you can identify an ERP solution that aligns seamlessly with the needs of your manufacturing operations.  Additionally, evaluating customization options, integration capabilities, user-friendliness, cost considerations, and the reputation of ERP software providers ensures a well-informed decision that propels your Indian manufacturing firm toward enhanced efficiency, productivity, and long-term success.
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megid0nt · 6 days
It just sucks that literally forever I have to convince someone else I'm worthy of being alive or I will no longer get to be! My least favourite thing (justifying my existence) is codified in the rote daily tasks that must be done to ensure I can procure food to eat, and the tension between that and my desire to continue existing leaves me feeling like there's no way to be satisfied and *me* with what frameworks I currently have for feeding myself.
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milijanakomad · 10 months
Product design and psychology: Exploring Gacha Mechanics in Video Game Design
Keywords: Gacha Mechanics, Gaming Industry, Psycho-Manipulation, Player Behavior, Case Studies
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This research paper delves into the intricate relationship between game design and psychology, with a concentrated focus on 'Gacha' mechanics prevalent in the gaming sector. Originating from Japanese toy vending machines, the Gacha system has grown to be a powerful tool in shaping player behaviour. The paper illuminates the conceptual framework underlying Gacha mechanics, emphasizing its capabilities in manipulating player actions and decisions. Through an exhaustive examination, this study presents a detailed understanding of its psycho-manipulative attributes and supports its findings with specific case studies from the gaming industry. The work serves as a comprehensive exploration of the influence and ramifications of Gacha mechanics in contemporary game design.
The Gacha system, inspired by Japanese toy vending machines, stands as a hallmark strategy in the contemporary gaming industry. Fundamental to its design is the 'loot box' principle, where players invest financially with hopes of securing a randomized item, the allure of which varies in rarity. Beyond mere chance-based rewards, this mechanic intriguingly intersects with deep-rooted psychological tendencies, captivating human desires for unpredictable outcomes and rewards. Such mechanics are not mere playful inclusions; they strategically bolster player retention and significantly influence revenue streams. As the following sections will expound upon, the Gacha system is much more than a gaming novelty; it carries potent psycho-manipulative attributes. Through a detailed exploration, this paper seeks to unravel the underlying psychological tenets that grant Gacha mechanics their notable efficacy, further enriching the discourse with industry-specific case studies that spotlight its transformative impact.
Theoretical Foundation of Gacha Mechanics:
Gacha mechanics, now pervasive in the gaming industry, find their roots in the foundational theories of behavioral psychology, particularly the principles outlined by B.F. Skinner concerning operant conditioning. Delving deeper into the theoretical underpinnings of Gacha mechanics, we encounter an alignment with Skinner's variable-ratio schedule—a schedule of reinforcement wherein responses are reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses. This unpredictable nature of reinforcement, as Skinner posited, leads to high rates of response, which persists even in the sporadic or even absent delivery of rewards.
Such a system bears stark resemblance to the operations of Gacha mechanics in games. For instance, in "Fire Emblem Heroes," players use virtual currency—either organically accrued within the game or procured through real-world monetary transactions—to obtain randomized characters. The exhilaration associated with acquiring a rare and formidable character, with its inherent unpredictability, mirrors the principles of gambling, a pursuit universally acknowledged for its addictive qualities. Drawing a parallel, "Genshin Impact" deploys a similar methodology, allowing players to utilize Primogems, the in-game currency, to secure weapons or characters, each acquisition bearing its own element of unpredictability and potential reward.
In essence, these game designs intricately weave the principles of operant conditioning into their fabric, utilizing the powerful allure of unpredictable rewards to foster player engagement. Such mechanisms, grounded in well-established psychological theories, underscore the reason for the profound addictiveness and wide-reaching success of Gacha-based games in contemporary gaming culture.
The Psychological Framework of Gacha Mechanics:
Gacha mechanics can be analysed through the lens of operant conditioning, specifically Skinner's variable-ratio reinforcement schedule. This schedule, characterized by delivering rewards after an unpredictable number of responses, results in a high response rate and resistance to extinction. This parallels the randomized reward mechanism in Gacha systems, which fosters a sense of persistent anticipation and engagement in players.
The Psycho-Manipulative Dimension:
The realm of Gacha mechanics, deeply entrenched in the gaming industry, employs an array of psychologically manipulative strategies designed to maintain player engagement and promote continued monetary investments. Central to this design are mechanisms such as the 'near-miss effect and the 'sunk cost' fallacy, which, when operationalized, tap into core human cognitive tendencies.
The 'near-miss effect is particularly intriguing. It is inextricably tied to the psychological construct of cognitive dissonance, a state wherein players, upon achieving an outcome tantalizingly close to the desired result, experience a tension between expectation and reality. This tension acts as a catalyst, driving players towards further attempts in the game with the hope of reconciling their near victories with an eventual success. The result is an increased commitment, both in terms of time and financial resources.
Complementing this is the 'sunk cost fallacy.' Here, players, having already invested significant amounts into the game, feel compelled to continue their engagement and expenditure to justify their prior commitments. Rather than cutting losses and ceasing further investment, the players become ensnared in a self-perpetuating cycle, driven by the rationale that prior investments must not be rendered futile.
In synthesizing these observations, it becomes evident that Gacha mechanics do not operate in isolation. Instead, they deftly intertwine with key psychological processes, cultivating an environment where players are subtly steered towards continued engagement and, more critically, perpetual investment.
Further Psychological Aspects:
The Zeigarnik effect, where people remember uncompleted tasks better than completed ones, also fuels Gacha mechanics. Incomplete character collections or unachieved rarities compel players to persist. Moreover, the endowed progress effect, where players are more motivated if they perceive they've made some progress, is strategically utilized by Gacha games, often providing a few free pulls or easy-to-earn currencies early on.
Ethical Considerations and Policy Implications:
Gacha mechanics, while undeniably advantageous for bolstering the financial health of gaming companies, stand at the crossroads of significant ethical dilemmas. At the heart of this quandary is their inherent resemblance to gambling paradigms, a feature that holds the potential to cultivate and reinforce addictive tendencies. Such mechanics, with their random reward structures, might not only be captivating but also perilous, especially when considering vulnerable demographics such as minors. Given these potent implications, it is imperative to not only recognize but also proactively address these ethical challenges. As underscored in this paper, there emerges a pressing necessity for the formulation and enforcement of comprehensive regulations and industry-wide norms. Such initiatives would not only safeguard the interests of players but also act as a bulwark against the possible misuse and overextension of these mechanics. In framing these policies, special emphasis should be placed on mitigating potential harm, with particular attention directed towards safeguarding vulnerable populations like minors from the more deleterious influences of Gacha systems.
Case Studies from the Gaming Industry:
Case Study 1: Fire Emblem Heroes
In "Fire Emblem Heroes," the use of the Gacha system has resulted in a highly engaged player base. Players use virtual currency to summon random heroes, with rarer heroes having lower chances of being pulled. The uncertainty of outcomes has been linked to elevated dopamine levels in the brain, thereby creating a pleasurable feedback loop that reinforces the purchase behaviour.
Case Study 2: Genshin Impact
"Genshin Impact" applies Gacha mechanics through its 'Wish' system. The game periodically introduces limited-time banners that allow players to 'wish' for specific characters or weapons. This scarcity principle, combined with the randomized outcomes, effectively exploits the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and the desire for exclusivity.
The Gacha mechanics, deeply rooted within the gaming industry, provide a captivating examination of the confluence of gaming, psychology, and consumer tendencies. This intricate interface goes beyond mere game dynamics, delving into potent revenue-generation avenues while simultaneously raising poignant questions about ethical dimensions and the need for considered regulations within game design. Through an in-depth exploration encompassing theoretical frameworks, real-world applications, and pertinent case studies, this paper has furnished a comprehensive panorama of the Gacha system. Notably, its psycho-manipulative capabilities underscore the dynamic's capacity to both enthral and influence player behaviour. As the research suggests, while the Gacha mechanics illuminate potential avenues for substantial profitability, they concurrently evoke urgent deliberations on the ethical frontiers of game design. Thus, a profound understanding and judicious navigation of these mechanics remain pivotal, ensuring a harmonious reconciliation of business imperatives with paramount player welfare.
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Suits, B. (1978). The Grasshopper: Games, Life, and Utopia. University of Toronto Press.
Hamari, J., & Lehdonvirta, V. (2010). Game design as marketing: How game mechanics create demand for virtual goods. International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management, 5(1), 14-29.
Festinger, L. (1957). A theory of cognitive dissonance. California: Stanford University Press.
Thaler, R. (1980). Toward a positive theory of consumer choice. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 1(1), 39-60.
Zhang, P., & Ren, J. (2019). How gacha design influences the player experience in mobile games. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings.
Hamari, J. (2019). Loot boxes are again linked to problem gambling: Results of a replication study. PLOS ONE, 14(3), e0213194.
Macey, J., & Hamari, J. (2018). Investigating relationships between video gaming, spectating esports, and gambling. Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 344-353.
Zendle, D., & Cairns, P. (2018). Video game loot boxes are linked to problem gambling: Results of a large-scale survey. PLOS ONE, 13(11), e0206767.
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spineinfratechh · 3 months
Crafting Inspiring Workspaces: Spine Infratech, the Best Office Interior Designers in Gurgaon
The plan of a work area assumes an essential part in forming the efficiency, imagination, and generally speaking prosperity of its tenants. In the office interior designers in Gurgaon, where development and proficiency are vital, finding the right office inside the originator is fundamental for establishing rousing and practical workplaces. Enter Spine Infratech, the embodiment of greatness in the office inside plan. In this blog, we dive into why Spine Infratech is hailed as the best office interior designers in Gurgaon, changing office spaces into dynamic centers of efficiency and imagination.
The Substance of Spine Infratech:
Imaginative Plan Arrangements:
Spine Infratech is eminent for its imaginative way of dealing with office interior plans. Their group of skilled fashioners joins inventiveness with usefulness to conceptualize spaces that not only mirror the brand character and upsides of the association yet in addition improve representative fulfillment and execution.
Center around Ergonomics and Prosperity:
Perceiving the significance of worker prosperity, Spine Infratech focuses on ergonomics and solace in their plans. From ergonomic furnishings and lighting to integrating biophilic components, they establish conditions that advance well-being, bliss, and efficiency among workers. Effective Space Use: In a city like Gurgaon where space is at a higher cost than normal, Spine Infratech succeeds in boosting the capability of each and every square foot. Their plans streamline space usage while keeping a feeling of receptiveness and ease, guaranteeing that the workplace design works with consistent work processes and joint effort.
Why Pick Spine Infratech for office interior designers in Gurgaon:
Skill and Experience:
With long periods of involvement with the business, Spine Infratech carries an abundance of mastery to each project. Their group includes old pros who have a profound comprehension of office configuration patterns, space arranging, and tasks the executives, guaranteeing outstanding outcomes that meet the extraordinary requirements of every client.
Customized Arrangements:
Spine Infratech comprehends that each association has its own way of life, necessities, and goals. They offer custom-made arrangements that are modified to line up with the particular objectives and yearnings of every client, whether it's making a cooperative work area, a lively startup climate, or a refined corporate office.
Consistent Undertaking The executives:
From idea to the end, Spine Infratech deals with each part of the task with accuracy and productivity. Their smoothed-out project the board approach guarantees that cutoff times are met, spending plans are stuck to, and clients are kept informed at each phase of the cycle. Obligation to Quality and Maintainability: Spine Infratech is focused on conveying top-caliber, feasible arrangements that go the distance. They source eco-accommodating materials, carry out energy-productive frameworks, and integrate supportable practices into their plans, lining up with the developing interest in earth-cognizant work environments.
Spine Infratech remains a guide of greatness in an office interior designers in Gurgaon. With their creative plans, centered around worker prosperity, and obligation to quality and manageability, they have procured a standing as the best office interior designers in gurgaon. Whether you're a worldwide company, a startup, or a store firm, trust Spine Infratech to change your office space into an energetic, motivating, and useful climate that mirrors your association's qualities and encourages achievement.
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