revoevokukil · 6 months
There is an old copy-paste moving around the internet regarding discussions asserting the inherent Slavicness of The Witcher, and I will record it here for posterity.
(translated from polish)
-write eight books
-have their main character suffer from otherness, prejudice and erroneous stereotypes
-insert anti-racist references at every turn
-make dwarves into Jews
-and use to criticise anti-Semitism
-criticise nationalist attitudes
-criticise xeno- and homophobia at every turn
-show support for a multicultural society and acceptance of otherness
-describe how victims become executioners
-show how violence begets violence
-make it the central theme of the last three volumes
-have the hero and his lover die during a racist pogrom
-defend the persecuted to the lastHear from every corner of the internet that "a black witcher would be a disaster."
-write thirteen stories
-based three on Andersen's fairy tales
-three more on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
-seventh on an Arabian fairy tale
-mock folklore and folk beliefs in the first one
-but also make fun of them in the story "The Edge of the World"
-mock the Polish legend in "The Limits of Possibility"
-name the main character "Żerard" (Jerald)
-generally use mainly names with Celtic roots like Yenefer or Crach
-and those derived from Romance languages such as Cirilla, Falka or Fringilla or Triss
-a few English names such as Merigold
-and those derived from other Germanic languages such as Geralt
-and Italian
-and even French
-borrow monsters from American games, especially from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
-from Irish, make an elf language
-and from German, make it the language of dwarves
-make the characters celebrate Irish folk holidays
-write an article about where you got your inspiration from
-pour bile on Slavic fantasy in it
-finally write an eighth book
-make one of the key characters a Japanese demoness
Become a champion of turbo-slavism.
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hallowpen · 1 month
I'm still not over whatever is happening with The Sign's Special Episode... Doubly so, because it seems as if the universe just does not want me to see it 😩😩😩
My cousin invited me to go with her to the "Lost in the Jungle Fanmeet" the first time...but I had already bought tickets to "Prem's Private Space" Concert that was happening on the same day, so I couldn't go. That one's on me...fine
Now, after waiting too long for news, I've already booked a flight back home for the summer... but my flight leaves on the 29th, three days after this Encore Event (that I honestly don't want to have to pay for anyway)...
The only thing giving me hope that the episode will eventually become available for fans who cannot attend the event is the fact that they are using The Sign's Special Episode to link to their newest GL series, Cranium [X] in an effort to establish some sort of IDF Multiverse
Sorry for the rant, I'm just frustrated...in a frustration born of my own making kind of way
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codenamesarestupid · 7 months
i know im not immune to propaganda because whatever tomska is doing with the vpn ads is really jamming with me. more advertisements should contain francophobia and incredible violence
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ikari-shinsei · 10 months
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These drawings look really cool, and I'm sure it was an epic moment in the comics, but when I look at these images, I can't help but think 'This feels so empty without Super Shadow there with them.'
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It's like there's a piece of a puzzle that's missing and without it, all that's left is just an incomplete picture.
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astrariums · 2 hours
it's adorable that people think that devs are responsible for every decision in the development process
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successtactics · 3 months
Unleash Your Potential: How to Master Affiliate Marketing Even as a Beginner
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Hey there, aspiring affiliate marketer! Have you ever wondered how some people make a killing online by simply promoting products? Well, let me let you in on a little secret: it's all about affiliate marketing, and you can do it too, even if you're just starting.
So, what exactly is affiliate marketing? It's basically like being a middleman between a product creator and potential customers. You promote someone else's product, and when someone buys it through your unique link, you earn a commission. Pretty cool, right?
Now, let's talk about how you can dive into the world of affiliate marketing and start making some serious cash:
1. Find Your Niche: Think about what you're passionate about or what interests you. It could be fitness, beauty, technology, or even gardening. Finding a niche that you love will make it easier to create content and connect with your audience.
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2. Research Affiliate Programs: Once you've chosen your niche, it's time to find affiliate programs that align with your interests. There are tons of affiliate networks and platforms out there like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, and ShareASale. Do some digging and find programs that offer products your audience will love.
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3. Create Killer Content: Now comes the fun part – creating content! Whether it's a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, or social media account, start putting out content that provides value to your audience. Share helpful tips, product reviews, and personal experiences to build trust and credibility.
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4. Promote, Promote, Promote: Once your content is live, it's time to promote those affiliate products like there's no tomorrow. Share your content on social media, engage with your audience, and don't be afraid to ask for the sale. The more you promote, the more chances you have to earn commissions.
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5. Track Your Results: Keep an eye on your stats and see what's working and what's not. Pay attention to which products are getting the most clicks and conversions, and adjust your strategy accordingly. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things – that's how you'll grow and improve.
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6. Rinse and Repeat: Affiliate marketing is all about consistency. Keep creating valuable content, building relationships with your audience, and promoting those affiliate products. With time and dedication, you'll start seeing those commission checks roll in.
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And there you have it – a beginner's guide to mastering affiliate marketing. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, so be patient and stay committed to your goals. With the right mindset and a little bit of hustle, you can achieve success in the world of affiliate marketing. So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and unleash your potential!
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withteeth2005 · 2 months
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reuzel and liquid death collabed just for meeeeee
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stufflistings · 4 months
How can I promote affiliate products effectively?
Strategies for promoting products, including content creation, social media, and email marketing.
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Hey friend! Ready to turn up the heat in the affiliate arena? You’re probably wondering, “How do I shout out these affiliate products without feeling like a pushy salesperson?” I hear you. Let’s chat about some super effective, straightforward ways to rock the affiliate promotion game.
Build Your Own Hype Squad
First things first, think of your audience as your BFFs. You wouldn’t push products on your pals, right? Instead, recommend stuff you genuinely love, just like you would to a friend.
The Power of Storytelling
Who doesn’t love a good story, right? Share personal experiences with the product. Did it make your life easier? Solve a problem? People connect with stories, and it makes the whole promotion thing way more relatable.
Honest Reviews Are Gold
Speaking of being real, don’t be afraid to drop an honest review. People appreciate the truth. If there are cons, say so. It builds trust.
Strategic Content is Key
Your content is the hero of this story. Whether it’s a blog post, a video, or a social media nugget, make it shine. Deliver value, answer questions, and sprinkle those affiliate links where they naturally fit.
Social Media
Social media is your bestie here. Share your affiliate products on platforms where your audience hangs out. Create eye-catching posts, run polls, and let your followers know why you’re head over heels for these products.
Discounts and Special Deals
Everybody loves a good deal. If you can swing it, negotiate a special discount for your audience. It’s a win-win — your followers get a sweet deal, and you get those affiliate bonuses.
Don’t Forget Email Marketing
Ever heard the saying, “The money is in the list”? Well, it’s kinda true. Craft compelling emails showcasing your affiliate products. Keep it personal, add value, and watch those clicks roll in.
Engage, Don’t Just Promote
Lastly, engage with your audience. Don’t just be a promotion machine. Respond to comments, ask questions, and genuinely connect. The more engaged your audience, the more effective your promotions become.
So, there you have it — your guide to promoting affiliate products like a pro. Remember, be genuine, share your experiences, and have fun with it. You’re not just selling; you’re making recommendations to your digital buddies.
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wseinfratech · 5 months
WSE Infratech is a group of individuals committed to accelerate your development goals and to provide faster, cost-efficient and hi-tech website and software development solutions. We believe that a website is more than just a URL, and leverage cutting-edge technologies like Java, NodeJS, React, Python to turn business objectives into reality.
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r0semultiverse · 10 months
Wait, that last Bleach episode ended with animation playing over the ending song? Is Bleach on hiatus again??? 😭
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At this pacing, we’ll end up with 4-6 cours. 😱
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lisaugcanddigital · 8 months
Would you like a new challenge? Have you got a great idea but don't know where to start? Here's some top tips....
1. Don't wait for permission. You don't need anyone's permission to start a side hustle. You can start today, with the resources you already have.
2. Start small. Don't try to start a big, complex side hustle right away. Start with something small that you're passionate about and that you can do in a short amount of time.
3. Be consistent. The key to success with a side hustle is to be consistent. Set aside some time each day or week to work on your side hustle, even if it's just for a few minutes.
4. Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is a part of the learning process. Don't be afraid to try new things and experiment. If something doesn't work out, learn from your mistakes and move on.
5. Promote your side hustle. Once you have a side hustle up and running, it's important to promote it. Let your friends, family, and network know about your side hustle and what you offer. You can also use social media and online advertising to promote your side hustle.
6. Be patient. It takes time to build a successful side hustle. Don't expect to get rich quick. Just keep working hard and be patient, and eventually you'll start to see results.
7. Have fun! Starting a side hustle should be enjoyable. If you're not having fun, it's going to be difficult to stick with it. Choose a side hustle that you're passionate about and that you enjoy doing.
For more business for beginners, head over to my website to check out my Relatable Business blogs for those just starting out!
#business #affiliate #affiliatemarketing #sidehustle #sidehustlesecrets #marketing #sidehustles #fypシ゚viral #foryou
Credits to Book Troverts & Side hustles Book
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dumpster-fire-deluxe · 9 months
I promise I'm still working on Dark Devotion but I got so tired of this degree that I'm now taking 3rd & 4th year classes at the same time and trying to do my internship in one semester instead of two
This should leave me with only 2 classes next semester so I can either work 4 days and/or follow a course to help me on a different career path
All while participating in writing contests and trying to grow my business (I'm working on a "How to write your first story" workbook that I want to launch in January)
Dark Devotion lives rent free in my head so the next chapter will come eventually, somewhere in October lol
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socialsadies · 10 months
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Vision Holds Power
Behind every major brand is a high volume of digital media targeted towards their audience. Great content builds reputation — and these days, neglecting it is a bigger risk than investing in it. Content marketing gives businesses the advantage to persuade consumer behavior and establish brand trust. Not only does it help generate new leads but it also influences buy-in decisions from outside marketing funnels.
What business will exist in the future without a vibrant social media presence full of eye catching content? None, and in 2023 no industry is exempt!
Not only do consumers expect it, they appreciate it, and they're not afraid to express it or share with others. Content navigates the customer-centric reality that we’re now operating in. Completely changing B-2-B and B-2-C relationships for the better.
Consistent content marketing will bring your brand to relevance. It generates three times as many leads as outbound marketing, drives six times higher conversion rates, and establishes connection. It's powerful and can be used to exhibit your company as a trusted brand in your industry. 
Social media is the new shopfront and with today's scrolling audience, it's important to showcase your business with quality content production.
For more information on how my services could be beneficial to your business, send me a message and get a complimentary consultation.
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seoladyltd · 10 months
Live Event Management Manchester, London and UK Comtec Presentations 45 Years of Conference, Awards and Corporate Streaming
#eventmanagement #liveevent #videoproduction #marketingvideos
From Venue Procurement to Hybrid Video Streaming delivery, Comtec Presentations is poised to provide the Complete Solution.
A history of Comtec presentations, our journey through the past 42 years of media formats serves as a testament to the pace of technological advancement, and a reminder that we must continue to adapt, innovate, and reimagine the possibilities of the Event world.
London, Manchester, UK wide conference and corporate events management since 1982.
Our team offers complimentary event consultations, providing you with creative event solutions for your unique needs. Chat with us on 0161 370 7772 to experience professional event services that extend beyond the ordinary. With over 40 years in the industry, Comtec have been pioneers for almost 50 years. We possess the knowledge, resources, and experience to convert your event, conference or product launch into an unforgettable branding milestone.
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promas24 · 10 months
Live Event Management Mnachester, London and UK Comtec Presentations 45 Years of Conference, Awards and Corporate Streaming
#eventmanagement #liveevent #videoproduction #marketingvideos
From Venue Procurement to Hybrid Video Streaming delivery, Comtec Presentations is poised to provide the Complete Solution.
A history of Comtec presentations, our journey through the past 42 years of media formats serves as a testament to the pace of technological advancement, and a reminder that we must continue to adapt, innovate, and reimagine the possibilities of the Event world.
London, Manchester, UK wide conference and corporate events management since 1982.
Our team offers complimentary event consultations, providing you with creative event solutions for your unique needs. Chat with us on 0161 370 7772 to experience professional event services that extend beyond the ordinary. With over 40 years in the industry, Comtec have been pioneers for almost 50 years. We possess the knowledge, resources, and experience to convert your event, conference or product launch into an unforgettable branding milestone.
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self-learns · 11 months
Nike: Business Model, Canvas & SWOT Analysis
Introduction Nike is a globally recognized sportswear and athletic apparel brand that has captured the hearts of millions of people around the world. From professional athletes to fitness enthusiasts, Nike’s iconic swoosh logo has become a symbol of excellence, performance, and innovation. This article will delve into the world of Nike, exploring its history, business model, marketing…
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View On WordPress
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