#Nike business model
self-learns · 1 year
Nike: Business Model, Canvas & SWOT Analysis
Introduction Nike is a globally recognized sportswear and athletic apparel brand that has captured the hearts of millions of people around the world. From professional athletes to fitness enthusiasts, Nike’s iconic swoosh logo has become a symbol of excellence, performance, and innovation. This article will delve into the world of Nike, exploring its history, business model, marketing…
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precautiononline · 10 months
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augustinewrites · 2 years
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in the years bakugou katsuki’s friends have known him, they have learned that despite his loud and brash personality, he was a notoriously private person. he seldom posted on social media, rarely did interviews or showed up on talk shows. the media still ate him up, his evasiveness about his life outside of hero work only leaving people wondering just what he was hiding.
“are you sure this is the place, denks?”
he kept his private life hidden so well under wraps that he didn’t even tell his bestest friends in the whole wide world that he’d moved apartments. they’d found out by accident.
kaminari checks his phone again. “yeah! this place is on shinsou’s patrol route. i don’t think bakugou knows, but shin and i have seen him walk in here three times this week!”
simply entering a building on its own wouldn’t be enough to rouse suspicion. the first time, shinsou had reported that he’d seen bakugou wearing his uniform trailing behind a woman in a suit - someone from legal or pr, he assumed - and kaminari had thought it was for a witness interview and brushed it off.
the second time had been a little more unusual. it’d been bakugou on his own, dressed casually with his cap tipped low and his backpack slung over his shoulder. kaminari hadn’t had much time to think about that one because he’d been helping an old lady cross the street, so he’d just assumed he was visiting a friend or something.
the third time had been downright suspicious, because he’d seen bakugou dressed casually and carrying two bags of groceries in his arms. this occurrence had been downright suspicious, and had prompted kaminari to make a groupchat to share his findings.
kirishima glances around the busy street, humming. though it’s one of the wealthier districts in musutafu, the street is quiet, sleepy, dotted with small shops and street vendors. the closest agency is three blocks away, and it isn’t even bakugou’s. “it’s kinda far from our agency, don’t you think? it’s way off our patrol area, and his job is basically his life. why would he live here?”
“that’s what we’re here to find out,” kaminari shrugs, pocketing his phone. there’s a doorman stationed outside the building, sending the pair a polite grin as he holds the door open. “swanky place though, don’t you think? maybe i should get myself a nike deal too! then i can finally get out of shin’s place.”
katsuki’s just gotten out of the shower, stirring idly at the pot on the stove when he hears a knock at his front door. he flicks the heat down a notch before heading for the door to peek through the peephole.
that’s when pro-hero dynamight, number two on the hero billboards, and a role model for children everywhere, leans back and mutters, “fuck.”
another knock, a little more insistent this time. “hey, bakugou? you home? denks, if this isn’t his place this is gonna be real awkward.”
“fuck. fuck,” he glances over his shoulder at the bedroom, then back at the door. this wasn’t how everyone was supposed to find out. especially not ei and denki of all people, whose mouths were bigger than their combined iq.
he lets the analytic hero side of his brain assesses the situation first. the obvious answer is that he could just…not open the door. it’s a good, quick solution in the short term, but will still come back to bite him in the ass later. when it comes to his personal life, no wall (or door, in this case) could withstand the nosiness of his friends.
his other option was to, well, open the door. just a crack, of course. feeding the vultures a half-truth would placate them for the time being, so he could retreat and come back with a better plan.
“hey! bakugou!” kaminari cheers when he begrudgingly opens the door. “so you do live here!”
“last time i checked, yeah,” he huffs, staying planted firmly in the doorway. he treats this like he would any interview, shutting down any unwanted questions with blunt, half-answers. it’s usually enough to deter most reporters, but his friends have learned to shrug off his hostility simply because they lack any self-preservation skills.
“can we come in?” kirishima asks hopefully. “we wanna see your new place!”
he rolls his eyes at their identical pouts. “why not?”
“because i can’t trust you both near things that can stain.” he gestures to the hall. “now can you please get out of here so i don’t burn dinner?”
“ugh, fine,” kaminari relents with a louder than necessary groan, which katsuki immediately finds suspicious, especially when the blond places a hand on his shoulder. “i gotta admit, this is a nice place, man, you did good. i’m proud of you.”
katsuki feels it a second too late– the light tingling that often precedes–
he curses through clenched teeth as kaminari shocks him with a voltage just shy of a taser, body folding as it fights the current. his so-called friends take the opportunity to push past him and into his living room.
“awe, look!” that electric dipshit coos, picking up a picture frame. “It’s a picture of all of us at graduation!”
“and look at this one! this one is of him and–” kirishima’s expression shifts into genuine surprise. “this is the head of our legal department…and you’re kissing her! on the mouth!”
of course it’s then that the bedroom door opens, three heads turning to see you walking out, toweling off your wet hair. “katsuki?”
the pro, still crumpled in the doorway, looks away as his friends do a double take, then fix him with wide eyed stares.
“katsuki!” you gasp, rushing to his side. “oh my god, are you okay?”
“‘m fine,” he coughs, letting you help him to his feet. “aside from the two ass clowns in our living room.”
“oh, ignore him,” you simper, pressing yourself into his side. “he loves you guys, but right now…i think he’d prefer to love you from afar. at least until our housewarming party!”
“housewarming party?!”
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octuscle · 17 days
Hey I have a situation I’m wandering if you can help me with. I’m on this long flight from New York to London and there’s this trust fund business bro on the same row as me. He’s acting all smug and is taking up space and being so rude and loud. He’s also being so mean to the flight staff acting like he’s so above them. Any way you can humble him a bit on this flight and make it a bit nicer for the staff and the rest of us passengers?
I'm a bit out of practice. But I'm currently filling in for a friend during his vacation… So let me see… To give you all quick relief, I'll send the loudmouth straight to sleep. Then he'll finally stop playing with his cell phone and laptop… Instead of his annoying, self-important drivel, you'll just hear snoring. Sonorous snoring. And a bit of drool running out of the corner of his mouth. It drips onto his expensive tailored suit. And it starts to change. The fabric starts to shine. Stripes appear on the sleeves and legs. And the fabric gets tighter and tighter. And with the fabric, the body of the pain in the neck is squeezed. The slim body of a lad emerges from the expensive personal trainer's steel body. The smell of expensive aftershave dissipates. A mixture of sweat and cheap deodorant comes from his corner. Shit, you love that smell. A fit lad in the changing room after school sports. And after a few moments, the face of the former Wall Street wannabe also appears. An 18-year-old scally in an Adidas tracksuit with an expensive haircut. We'll fix that too. His red hair has been styled by his Turkish barber for five pounds. Now get rid of your laptop, laptop bag and Louis Vuitton weekend bag. Your dirty clothes are now in a Nike backpack. Where the laptop was, there is now a bottle of beer. And his cell phone is an old model with a scratched display that slipped out of his hand in his sleep.
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Now the guy isn't annoying you anymore, now he's making you horny. A little English chav who's obviously having a hot dream. His boner is building a magnificent tent in his trousers. And your cock is getting hard like steel… You reach into his crotch. He wakes up and looks at you with wide-open eyes. “Do you want to earn ten pounds, you little fag?” you ask him. He looks deep into your eyes and says, “Only if I get paid in advance.” You make your way to the airplane bathroom. This isn't the first time he's done this, and he follows you at a respectful distance. Thanks to his slim build, he has no problem kneeling on the floor of the cramped bathroom and skillfully freeing your cock. Dude, whatever he normally charges for cock-sucking, he deserves every penny! And he really does swallow every drop you cum. Changing positions is challenging. But you also do your best to return the favor on his boner.
You have no idea how he does it. But by the time the seat belt signs come on, he has earned almost 80 pounds. He asks you after landing if he can crash at your place. He doesn't feel like going to his parents' council house. Dude, today really is your lucky day.
I've set his transformation so that he has to cum 2,500 times before he realizes that he's in the body of a very talented hustler. I didn't exactly count, but the customer approaching him from behind could be that guy. Don't be surprised if he comes home a bit agitated in a minute. You don't need to tell him that he has to cum another 2,500 times before he gets back into his real body. But I'll give you my contact details in case your best hustler wants to get back into his hot body.
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Welcome to the shitshow
We have:
A ✈ sighting. No pics.
The MPC live, scarce details. No rings. Spartan decor. Suntan and out of Bonnie Scotland. No further details on destination, which might or might not be the same as the flight. Mark me, I think it is - he is in Gran Canaria and for a very precise reason: keeping his part of the deal and his Onlies on tenterhooks.
C is seen in Marseille, hullaballoo ensues. We pinpoint some coincidental details. I was expecting the shite to hit the fan in 4, 3, 2, 1...
And it did. With both sopranos hinting at the same person, but only one brave (or rather foolish enough) to push a name out there. Disingenuous, to say the least - but oh, how convenient for any given agenda. Because it's too easy, when you give out a name to a thirsty crowd to say: 'well, of course it's because of the shippers! They did this or that (sky is the limit)! They are to blame!' (excuse me?) and 'well, of course they won't say a word, now' (how convenient if the thing does not stick, eventually).
That was, IMHO, a strategic mistake and the petticoat is showing across the pond.
Around the same time, I started to get a different kind of Anon, day after day after day. Very brutal. Foul-mouthed. And...with some intel. I answered the first, but then when things started to 'happen', the coin dropped very quickly that: a) I did hit a nerve and b) someone or some people wanted me to push this particular agenda - remember when...?
For reference:
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And then today, just in time for the long, boring, chilly and even snowy (depending on your location) week-end, the bomb dropped and the cargo was juicy:
A name. A woman. A gym. Not one, but three suspicious videos: the one with the leg, the one with the clear voice (unmistakably S!) and the one with the dog (and more S voiceover). How nicely connected. How fucking perfect.
An Airbnb close to the gym. What would a single woman traveler do in a three-bedroom gargantuan villa all by herself, when you are in Winterbird Central with a bajillion other accommodation options, is beyond any logic. So easily and lazily - OMG, date!
Unless you conveniently forget some details:
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Not one, but three different promos/endorsements, with a discount code to boot - 10% off, how nice!
The one that has been discussed by just about everyone:
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The one that provided the discount code for new subscribers: Gymshark, a fitness attire manufacturer (https://eu.gymshark.com/).
And the most important one, hiding behind a humble hashtag: #metcon. Now I don't know you, but I'd rather digress about tea parlors and bookstores, and so had no fucking idea Metcon was, in fact...
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Yup. Nike. A very recent model - expensive and sure, in need of immediate product placement/promo:
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And so, for tax reasons, she just had to (mandatorily) include the #ad (as in advertisement, lest we'd not have naive Anons again!) hashtag.
Also, this, posted along the short reel with S's voice (but who cared, all 👂were there and only there):
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That woman was working. She has, after all, 450k Insta followers. If she and S met at a gym in a winter destination very sought after by Scots should be none of our business. If they met again or have a regular training schedule does not mean they fuck or that we're going to look out for Remarkable Week-end 2.0. If they met in Hyrox GLA - so what? What is this, I beg your pardon, Gilead? People just can't hang out, like ever, I mean men and women?
But.. but... the gargantuan villa...?
Och. Sure enough, the place is correctly identified. You can check chez Marple. I am not posting it, because I do not want to and by now, I trust just about everyone has seen those pics. But this time, I am not going there. The name of that villa, even, made me laugh like a drain. I mean how more in your face can they be?
Who footed the bill of this rather comfy PR shitshow, reminiscing of Ha-wa-wee, 🐰 and whatever else you could think of? SRH?
Perhaps. But what if Nike did, as a freebie to a very good promoter? They sure can spare the dime and, to be honest, as we speak, there is no sign S and her share anything else than a gym schedule. What tells us with absolute certainty, at least at this moment in time, she is not there with friends, family or even a group of fellow promoters, Avon-style?
Oh, and the world is definitely a handkerchief, especially in GLA, it would seem. Wanna know who also follows her on Insta?
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Paul Donnelly. Nope, not the chef. This Paul Donnelly:
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The one who literally owes S a shitload of cash. A post that earned me a report (I was just explaining, if I remember correctly, that S would have been wise to legally secure that hefty loan, nothing more).
And now you know what? That post is gone, vanished, poof and I have no idea why. I surely did not take it down, I never do this.
And surely enough, just before I started writing, Filthy Anon came back and warned me there was more (pics, 👅👄) about McFitness. Surely enough, the same info (albeit toned down) was picked up by *urv in her comments' thread, about twenty minutes after Anon dropped by.
Agenda, anyone? God forbid!
You draw your own conclusions. I can only very honestly say:
Welcome to the Shitshow - the Winter Edition!
This page is not going to follow blindly your script, whoever you are. This page simply hopes to cleverly hit a nerve every time it considers necessary. Other than that, big effing deal, really. Ship on.
Sorry for the length. I was never good at summing up.
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Several Shots Later (Pro!Sero x Black!Chubby!Fem!Reader) 
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Pairing: Pro!Sero Hanta x Black!Chubby!Fem!Reader (Strangers to Lovers) 
Synopsis: In which you go on a vacation in an effort to relax and feel more confident, but find yourself falling for the sexy stranger who sends you a drink across the room and also happens to give you some firsthand dance lessons and a night you’ll never forget. 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Aged Up!Sero (he’s in his late 20s); Chubby!Reader; Black-coded!Reader (but anyone can still read this); Marijuana/Alcohol Use; Sero Speaking Spanish; Petnames: (Baby, Mama, Mami); Skinny Dipping; Strangers to Lovers; Drunk Sex; Exhibitionism; Public Oral; Shotgunning; Dirty Talk; Daddy/Papi Kink; Rope Play; Spanking; Spitting; Facefucking; UNPROTECTED PIV Sex; Mild Choking; Mild Degradation; Cum on Body; Aftercare 
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: HAPPY B-DAY WEEK TO MY FAVORITE LATIN KING SERO!! I typed this from his bed btw. Posting it early cuz this weekend, I'm gonna be soooo busy. Anyway, I had this idea after listening to "She's Hot" (the song above) & thinking about dancing to it with Sero cuz y'all know damn well he can MOVE. Enjoy! -Jazz
P.S. If my Spanish is trash or inaccurate, please PLEASE let me know! I used Google Translate lol
Read on AO3 here!
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He’s been staring at you all night, ever since you sat at the bar twenty minutes ago. If he continues to do so, you’re sure to soak the stool you’re sitting on.
You’ve never been stared at in such a way before––so brazenly and intimately. Though the lust is hidden beneath the surface of his charcoal eyes, you can tell that this isn’t all that is there. You’re used to being lusted after, but this feels different. More…romantic.
And all just from one look! You know you’re probably looking too deep into it though. After all, you haven’t even spoken to the man. But fuck, do you want to, ever since you caught a glimpse of him when you stepped into the resort’s nightclub twenty minutes before with your two friends and vacay buddies. 
The man is the definition of “fine”.
Though he was sitting down when you first saw him, you’d place him at a good height over yours. He is all lean muscle, but not overly so, all of which you can see straining against his black polo shirt that he leaves unbuttoned to expose the sliver of chest and a gold chain underneath. His arms, which you’d love to feel wrapped around you, are roped in tattoos, his fingers adorned in rings and his wrist encased in a Rolex watch. The man must got money.
He sits back in his seat now, his shot of rum in his lap and his thighs open wide as if not aware that every woman (or man) could be staring at his crotch in those tight-ass jeans. 
You’d never thought you’d ever see a man make a mullet look good either. He rocks it perfectly, several strands of black hair hanging in his alluring eyes that continue to stare you down, making you feel hot all over. His eyes sparkle just as his lip ring and silver hoops along his ears do, his long lashes making you think of a doll’s. He’s so, so beautiful. 
You don’t know what he does, but judging by the watch and the Nike Air Forces on his feet, you’d guess he could be a singer. Maybe a business owner or CEO of some company? Maybe even a model? Regardless, he could have any woman in here just with one look and a smile. Why is he so entranced with you? What is it with you that he wants? 
“Girl, you’ve been staring right back at him,” Mina chuckles from beside you. “If don’t hop on that man, I will ‘cause he’s fine.”
You side-eye her from your spot between her and Uraraka, watching her sip on her second cocktail of the night in her little pink mini-dress. “Why don’t you just go over and talk to him like a normal person?” she snickers. 
You turn away from her and the beautiful stranger, staring down at your half-drunk Mojito. “You know I don’t make the first move,” you sigh. “I don’t even know how. Plus, I didn’t come here for a man. I came here to relax and find some confidence in myself.” 
“That’s what a hot guy like him is for!” Mina argues, nodding at the stranger. Though you’re sure he has looked away from you by now, your body still burns as if he is still watching you, waiting for you. “No,” you protest. “That’s what the beach, the spa, and endless drinks are for. I’m not here for sex after the last time a hookup went wrong–which was only a month ago.” 
You huff, stirring your drink around before sipping on it to calm your nerves and push those memories away. You came here to get away from all of that, after all. A month ago was the last straw when it came to dating and hooking up, especially with men online. You had been on Match for months but always seemed to run into men who either had a fetish for plus-sized women, and only that, or ghosted you as soon as they saw you outside of your pretty profile picture. 
The last hookup you had seemed to break your spirit completely. You and the guy had been talking for a couple of weeks before he asked you out for dinner. Though you were excited, you felt that nabbing feeling in your gut that something would go wrong the moment he saw you in your dress, all of your rolls and jiggly parts on display.
But surprisingly, when you met with him at the restaurant, his smile didn’t even falter. He hugged you and kissed your cheek as if nothing was wrong. You even started to believe that this would be fine...until it wasn’t.
Until you invited him back to your apartment after one too many glasses of wine and got him out of his clothes. Until he stripped you, spread your legs wide eagle, and attempted to go down on you but didn’t. “I can’t do this,” he had sighed, already moving to grab his shit to hastily put back on. “Look, you’re pretty and all, and I thought I could handle you, but I can’t. You’re just too…big.” 
To say you were hurt was an understatement. You said nothing to him as he profusely apologized; said it wasn’t your fault but just his preference; that he knew you’d find someone that would be attracted to you. If only he knew that this hasn’t been the case in years. If only he knew that most men only saw you as an object of their fetish and kinks; not their affection. 
You weren’t asking for the fucking moon here. Just some love and affection. Just some intimacy. Just some good ol’ big dick. But you always seemed to lack in those departments because of your shape and size. There are times you wished you looked like your friends–so small and socially acceptable with their flat stomachs and breasts that didn’t sag. They could wear tight-skin dresses and crop tops without getting ridiculed or laughed at. You couldn’t. 
This is why you took the offer for this trip to the beach resort on the coast of [Insert Country Name Here]. It was a short five-day trip that Mina and Uraraka had been planning to get away from your home in the US for a while and escape the sweltering heat.
When they offered you a spot and a ticket, you took that shit. You knew that this was your chance to finally gain the confidence you were missing and get away from the problems and men your city brought for a while. So far, it’s been working. Ever since you flew in this morning, you’ve been wearing all the bikinis and sundresses you want without getting side-eyed or gawked at. It feels damn good! But getting eyed down by that stranger feels even better. 
“He was just a porn-addicted asshole,” Uraraka huffs, crossing her toned legs over each other in her pretty, flowery sundress. “He wasn’t worth your time. As much as I understand your reluctance, Y/N, you’re not behind a screen this time. You’re sitting here, looking sexy as fuck in your mini skirt, and he’s eyeing you down like he wants all of you.” 
“She is right, babes,” Mina agrees. “The way that guy is staring at you is making me kinda jealous.” She smiles at the way you bashfully advert your eyes to stare down at your outfit. They forced you to put on the shimmery mini skirt that hugs your ass and the low-cut top that exposes your cleavage for tonight’s activities. 
“What’s the point of being on vacation if you don’t indulge in hookups with hot people?” she giggles, sipping suggestively on her straw. You raise your brows at her, more than happy to correct her.  “Vacations may be about that for you two, but I’m more about sleeping till the afternoon, lounging by the beach, and drinking my bottomless mimosas.” 
Though the sexy stranger makes you think differently, you know that you’re never going to find the courage to get up and talk to him, no matter how much you drank or how sexy your friends said you looked. You wanted to get away from hookup culture and just find confidence on your own without looking for it in sex with a nice-looking guy. You just want to relax! But Mina and Uraraka aren't taking no for an answer.
Mina downs the rest of her drink before staring at you pointedly. “And that’s about to change tonight.” You gawk at her, laughing in disbelief at her stubbornness. “It’s only the first day!” you laugh. 
“Exactly!” she agrees. “And we’ve got about five days left here at this resort. You know time flies extra fast while on vacation, girl.” She winks at you, encouraging you to go through with catching a body for the night. But you hum disapprovingly to yourself, stirring your straw around in your glass. “I don’t know, girls,” you sigh. “It just doesn’t seem right to use a guy just to boost my confidence and have a good time.” 
Mina dramatically scoffs, rolling her golden eyes. “Please! You’ve got men in here who would gladly give their left lung to do all of that for you and more. Probably even that hottie with the mullet.” Though her words are encouraging, you still feel that roil of fear and uncertainty in your gut. What if he refuses you? What if he says yes but then changes his mind once he gets a look at you under your clothes? 
Uraraka’s soft hand on your knee pulls you out of your head. “How can you know if you don’t at least try, Y/N?” she soothingly asks. “You deserve to have a good time, including getting some great sex if that’s what you want. And from the way you’ve been staring back at that stranger, we can tell it’s exactly what you want. So go on and get him!” 
Mina places a hand on your shoulder, the smell of her fruity perfume overtaking your senses. “What happens on vacation stays on vacation,” she giggles. 
And you realize that they’re absolutely right. You can never know what will happen if you don’t at least try. Plus, even if it goes wrong, there are plenty of other men at this resort you can try to snag, even if for the night or the remainder of this trip. You came here to not only relax, but to find confidence and let loose. Maybe you can do all of that in one night with a hot stranger with no strings attached. 
“Maybe you’re right,” you say, suddenly feeling a boost of confidence in your body. “Lemme just finish this first.” You reach for your Mojito and down it, already feeling the effects of the alcohol in your body. You feel warm and tingly; sexy and powerful like you could take over the whole world. You’ve got this. You’re a sexy ass bitch. 
Uraraka cheers you on when you slide out of your stool, pulling down your skirt over your stomach and thick, jiggly thighs as you do. “Go get him, girly!” Mina shouts encouragingly. “Let us know if you need us to push him into the pool.” 
You giggle, feeling nervous yet excited. You can’t believe you’re really coming out of your comfort zone like this. But as you turn in the direction of the sexy stranger, you find his seat open and him gone. “Oh,” you breathe, disappointment blooming within you. “He’s gone.” Mina and Uraraka look around in disbelief. “Where’d he go?”
Uraraka huffs, her bob as she turns her head from side to side searching for the mystery man. “He was just right there!” Mina puts a comforting hand on your arm. “Well, don’t fret, babes. There are plenty of other fine-ass men in here who would gladly give you their undivided attention.” She begins to look around, squinting into the flashing lights on the dance floor despite your disinterest. “Let’s see…what about–“ 
“Excuse me,” someone says from behind you. You turn, finding the bartender holding another delicious-looking Mojito. “This is for you, miss. It was already paid for.” You and the girls stare at the drink in shock and suspicion. “Already paid for?” you parrot, baffled. “By who?” 
“Well, it was supposed to be by your secret admirer, but I think I fucked that up comin’ over here.” A light chuckle leaves the lips of a man you already know is fine judging by his voice–it’s raspy and laced with a slight accent you can’t quite decipher; very pleasant to the ear. A real panty dropper. 
When you and your friends turn, you swear to nearly drop dead right there in the club. There, standing behind you with a smile playing on his pierced, plump lips, is the hot stranger from across the room. And he’s even sexier up close! From this angle, you can see the ink on his chest peeking from out of his collar and how clean his nails are. Not to mention his scent––so sweet yet musky. It’s intoxicating. You and the girls stand there like idiots, silently drinking in the fine-ass stranger. “Oh, shit, he’s even finer up close,” Mina whispers to Uraraka, earning a shush in response. 
The man smiles, two dimples popping on his cheeks. You love dimples. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he sheepishly says, and you catch a glint of something shiny in his mouth. A tongue piercing. ‘Oh, fuck me,’ you think. This man is trouble.
“I’m sorry if I am, but I couldn’t help myself. You just look too good tonight.” His charcoal eyes are planted firmly on you though you see them falter to trail down your form. You have to hold onto the stool behind you to avoid falling out. Your knees suddenly feel too weak to hold you up. “I thought the drink would’ve been a good icebreaker, but maybe that was kinda douchey,” he wonder aloud, rubbing the back of his neck. His bicep bulges as he does so, making you picture yourself running your fingers over it. 
“U-Uh…” You desperately try to find the words to speak, not wanting to come off as a weirdo. But your mind is completely blank, all except for some naughty images of this man’s hands on you and his cock buried deep inside of you as he bends you over the bar. “No,” you reply, finding the words to finally speak. “It was sweet of you. Thank you…for the compliment too, not just the drink.” You cringe at yourself, realizing you’re babbling.
The stranger laughs lightly, the sound like sex to you. “I’m Sero,” he says in his sexy, raspy voice. “Sero Hanta.” He sticks his hand out for yours and you take it. As soon as your hands make contact, you feel an electric current soar through you as if you’re being shocked from the inside. His hand is big and calloused as if he’s been using them for years. You’re not sure if he feels the same zing that courses through you, but his eyes do trail to your mouth. 
“I’m Y/N,” you timidly reply as your hands drop. “L/N. These are my friends; we’re on vacation.” You turn to your friends that you find leaving their posts, guilty smiles on their faces. “And we were just leaving,” Mina replies. “We’re just gonna go on the dance floor. Text us if you need anything!” 
“Very nice to meet you!” Uraraka shouts with a wave before she and Mina hurry to the dance floor. 
“Wait!” You hiss, but they’re already moving out of earshot. You watch them skid off to the dance floor with the sharpest glare you've ever given a person. If looks could kill, they would be dead. Now it’s just you and Sero the Sexy Stranger.
Though you’re not exactly alone, you may as well be the only two people standing in the room with how awkward and tense the air feels. Sero isn’t immune to it either. He stands rather rigidly, his arms behind his back and his eyes looking anywhere but at you in fear of making you feel uncomfortable. Knowing you can’t stand here all night, you clear your throat and pat the stool next to you. “Uh…did you wanna sit?” Sero shrugs, a sheepish smile on his face. “If you’re cool with it.” 
You nod and slide into your own seat while he hops up next to you. “So you said you ladies are here on vacation?” he asks, giving you a friendly, warm smile that eases your nerves. You nod, lacing your fingers together to give them something to do. “Yeah, for five more days. We just flew in this morning all the way from the US.” 
Sero’s charcoal eyes widen in shock. “The United States?” he gasps, making you giggle. “Shit, that’s a long way. Where are you from?”
You tell him, including the state. You may as well also tell him the capital and the population of your city with how much you’re babbling, but it’s hard to keep calm in the presence of such a sexy, sweet-smelling man. Sero is full of questions, his curiosity adorable. “What’s it like there? Is the food good? I heard they’ve got the best tour sights too!” 
You tell him everything, from the food to the museums to the entertainment there for tourists along with the weather, your neighborhood, and how you’ve been living there ever since you were young. “I met my friends back during college,” you explain as you sip on the Mojito that Sero bought you. “We decided to take this trip to get out of the city for a while.”  Sero nods, his attention firmly on you and only you. It makes you blush and you thank God that He made you a Black woman.
“Well, you ladies picked the best place for a vacay. I’ve been coming here for years ‘cause I’ve got family down here.” He waves a hand, flagging down the bartender. “Are you from here?” you curiously ask. 
He shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips. “Nah; I was born in Musutafu, a city in Japan. My mother is Latina but my father is Japanese.” Your interest in him piques here as you have a big soft spot for mixed men. “So are you bilingual?” you giggle. “That’s pretty cool. I’ve been trying to learn Japanese forever ever since I started watching anime.” 
Sero turns to face you, one muscled arm slung across the bar. “You’re an anime fan, huh?” he asks, interest and the flashing strobe lights in his black eyes which you now realize aren't charcoal at all––they’re a very dark brown, almost like dark chocolate. “What’s your favorite? And if you say Naruto, I’m leaving.” 
“What’s wrong with Naruto?” you laugh, gaping at him. 
“Everyone says Naruto!” he complains, rolling his eyes dramatically. “If not DBZ! Those are the two anime shows that reached the mainstream and everyone knows about.” You decide to leave your obsession with Naruto in middle school on the back burner for now.
“Well, I’ll give you my top five,” you giggle. You give him each one, most of them being very underrated and less popular than other anime. Sero looks impressed when you finish. “Daaamn, girl!” he praises. “You’ve got taste! I didn’t think anyone knew about your fifth pick. It’s more of an underrated one.” You nod, agreeing. “Yeah, but I’m into mystery. The twists and turns make each episode so fun to watch.” 
He nods in agreement, a strange smile on his face. Though it doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable, it also feels…weird. You’re not used to being smiled at in such a way, like what you’re saying is so interesting and intriguing. You turn away to sip your drink, hoping more alcohol will make you feel less weird and take you out of your head. 
The bartender suddenly returns to your side with a tray of multi-colored shot glasses and tiny bowls of salt, lemon, and lime on the side. “Here you are, Mr. Hanta,” he says. "On the house.” Sero gives him a look as he lowers the tray in front of him. “I keep tellin’ you to just call me Sero,” he sighs, pulling out a twenty to tip the bartender. “I ain’t my dad.” 
When the bartender scurries off with the bill, Sero fills you in on why he got the order of rounds: “They give me free shit every time I come in here but I still tip ‘em well. Probably because I know the owner. He’s a good friend of my dad’s.” He takes one of the shot glasses and downs the contents inside with ease, not even sucking on a lemon or lime slice as a chaser. You don’t realize that you’re staring at him until he raises a questionable brow at you. “Want one?” he asks. Flushing with embarrassment, you shake your head. “You sure? They’re rum shots. Some are just plain, some are apple, and some are coconut.” 
Your eyes flick from him to the shots, slowly becoming seduced by the different flavors and the idea of letting even looser. “Just one,” you say, giving in to defeat.
Sero passes you a shot before picking up another one of his own, giving you a white-toothed smile. “To an amazing vacation,” he says, raising his shot. You do the same and clink your glass with his before downing your rum at the same time he does. Though you taste the hint of apple, the rum is incredibly strong and nearly burns your tonsils. You gag as he goes down, making Sero laugh behind his hand. “Don’t laugh!” you pout. “This shit is stronger than the stuff you find in the US.” 
Sero snickers as you take a lemon slice and vigorously suck on it, chasing away the strong taste of the rum. “Yeah, I bet,” he chuckles, nodding at the shots. “This is straight rum, mama. Definitely not to be played with. Lemme order you some water.”
He leans over the bar, raising his muscular arm, and you don’t know if it’s you or the alcohol starting to speak, but his arm looks very appealing to you right now. You picture wrapped around your waist or your tummy, maybe on your side while his cock is plunging in and out of the wet, gummy walls of your pussy over and over again, his sweet, raspy voice whispering in your ear. 
You blink, alarmed. ‘Where the fuck did that come from?’ you think. The alcohol is definitely talking now. You have to try to act as normal as possible and not like you’re a horny mess when the bartender returns with a glass of cool water.
But you don't touch the water. Instead, you go for another shot, determination flooding within you that is only conjured by the alcohol. “You wanna try again?” Sero snickers. “Be my guest. It always goes down better the second time around. Don’t drink it too fast, now.” He keeps his intense eyes on you as you down your next shot. He’s right: it does go down a lot easier. While you feel the burn as he slides down your throat, it settles into your tummy nicely, making you feel warm and tingly. 
Sero downs his third shot of the night, as do you. Soon, the room is starting to get hotter and seems a little fuzzier than before. The music is sharper, Sero seems a lot sexier, and you’re having trouble focusing. You know that you are only another shot away from drunk, so you decide to take a couple of sips of your water. Unfortunately, your being tipsy means that you have zero filter. “Uh…so what do you do?” you randomly ask Sero. “Like, for work?” 
Sero stares at you, perplexed, his pink, pierced lips wrapped around a straw to his glass of water. You flush with embarrassment and go to apologize for being too personal, but his smile eases your nerves. “Relax,” he chuckles. “It ain’t like you asked me what my social security is.” You return the smile, becoming accustomed to his humor and laid-back attitude. “I’m a house renovator, so I fix up houses for people to rent, buy, or put on the market. I’ve got my own business back in Japan. I’m also a dance instructor on the side.” 
Your ears perk at his hustle. So he’s got money and he can dance? “So you’re extremely talented, basically.” It could be the trick of the lights, but you think you see Sero’s cheeks grow pink. “I try. What about you?” You tell him your job along with what you do all day while working at it five days a week. His handsome face scrunches in pain. “That’s a great job, but it sounds time-consuming. You ever get bored or have time for yourself?” 
You discard your water and sip on the rest of your Mojito, nearly forgetting it was there. “Time for myself is what the weekends are for,” you joke. “But in all seriousness, some of the time I get tired of it. That’s why my friends and I booked this trip as a way to relax and boost my confidence.” 
Your eyes widen when you realize what you just said. 'Fuck!’ you think, panicking. Goddamn, the alcohol! Why does it have to make your tongue so loose and you so dumb?
Sero’s eyes flash with interest. “Boost your confidence?” he asks, quirking a brow at you that makes him look increasingly hotter. “How so?” He leans in as if to kiss you, a secretive smile curling onto his lips. You avert your eyes, hoping he doesn’t see the fear in them. You hope he doesn’t push this. You couldn’t bear the thought of telling a stranger all about your problems with your body and dating. 
“I’m kidding,” he finally says, probably noticing your change in demeanor. “You don’t have to tell me, but you could’ve fooled me ‘cause the outfit is certainly doin’ its job.” His eyes trail across your form in your outfit, making your body feel like it just got stuck in an oven. “Does that confidence-boosting also include dancing like your friends are?” he asks, nodding at the dance floor. There, you see Mina and Uraraka on the floor, twirling their hips and sipping on their drinks, carefree and beautiful. 
You don’t think you could be that carefree with so many eyes on you. It’s different in the comfort of your own home, but here? It’s just too harrowing of an idea. “I-I don’t dance,” you timidly admit to Sero. “Not ‘cause I can’t, but I just…don’t.” 
Sero scowls confusedly at you, his brows furrowing. “Why?” he asks, sounding absolutely baffled. “When the music is this good, it’s just too good to not move! You know how to salsa? Or bachata?” You stare at him, gobsmacked. This man can really move like that? “You teach all of that?” you ask, suddenly even hotter knowing this. You can only imagine how his hips can move in bed. 
Sero smirks proudly. “Damn right,” he chuckles. “And I’m gonna teach you. You’ve got the best in the business, baby.” He takes his hand in yours and helps you down off of your stool. But before he can lead to you the dance floor, you pull him back. “Wait!” you protest. He peers over his shoulder at you and you feel your stomach flutter with butterflies. “I-I don’t know if I’ve got dancing shoes.” 
The sexy stranger turns around to face you, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “Really?” he asks. “That’s the best you’ve got?” You stare down at your shoes, even more apprehensive. It’s bad enough that you’re afraid of how you’ll look, but you’ve never had a man ask you to dance with him on the floor before. You’ve never had a man pursue you in such a way. You’re not sure how to handle it or what you’re even doing. 
You’re aware of Sero getting closer to you until all you see is his chest in your face. He leans down to whisper in your ear, his cologne fogging your senses and self-control. “If you’re worried about what you look like, don’t. You’ve got people in here who dance worse and if you step on my toes, I’ll just act like it didn’t happen.”
At this, you smile though hesitantly. “There’s that smile,” he coos, interlacing his fingers with yours. “C’mon, before the song ends.” 
The song playing now is one you recognize from TikTok from the Spanish guitars and Latin beat pumping through the speakers that you’d roll your hips into a mirror to. The strobe lights have now brightened to a seductive red that makes the dance floor look like it’s on fire. Sero leads you to a space on the dance floor between the grinding club-goers and stands in front of you, his height blocking the others dancing behind him. 
You rigidly stand with his hand in yours a good distance away from him. You can already feel yourself wanting to run. The confidence that the alcohol provided you is starting to fade. All you want to do now is go back to your hotel room and go to sleep. ‘No,’ you think stubbornly. ‘You’re not doing that. You came here to find confidence and this man is trying to help you with that.’ 
Sero smirks jokingly at you. Unaware to you, he thinks your shyness is the cutest thing in the world. He’d fuck you right here in front of the whole club if he could. “You’ve gotta stand a little closer than that,” he chuckles. With some hesitation, you move an inch closer to him, barely toe to toe with him.
“Closer,” he teasingly repeats. Maybe it's the guitars in the song or the intensity of his gaze on you, but you find yourself moving closer to him like a moth being beckoned by a flame. Suddenly, you’re close enough to kiss him, your nose nearly brushing his chest.
“Perfecto,” he whispers, and it has your heart racing like it’s trying to win a track race. “Now you put one hand on my shoulder.” Keeping one of your hands interlocked with his, you raise your free hand and place it on his broad shoulder. 
Then his hands are on your hips, secure and…nice. This feels nice. “Is it okay if I hold you like this?” he asks, his lips at your ear. You can barely speak––your throat is dry and your mind has gone completely blank. “Give me your words, mami,” he demands though not aggressively. The pet name, along with his accent curling around the almost-forbidden word, has you blushing profusely and thanking the Lord that He made you a Black woman. 
Sero tenses as soon as the word flies, pulling away to apologize face to face. “Sorry,” he says embarrassingly, a blush coating his cheeks. “No,” you protest, shaking your head. “I-I like it. And it’s fine…you holding me like this, that is.” A beaming smile crosses his lips; one that makes you smile too and seems to ease the awkwardness of the situation.
“Now just follow me,” he instructs you. “When my foot goes back, yours goes forward, like this.” He puts one foot back and you timidly bring yours forward. “Now vice versa,” he says before bringing his foot back to the front. You pick up on things quickly and press your foot back. “Good!” he praises you. “Now let’s try it with the music. It goes 1, 2, 3…1, 2, 3…just like the beat. Listen to the beat.” 
You do as he says and listen to the music, trying to match your foot movement with the rhythm. Sero is a natural at this, as he should be since it’s his side hustle. He moves like he is the damn music, his body turning into water. His moves are loose and languid but not out-of-beat or uncontrolled. His back is straight, his shoulders are squared, and his hips? They roll like fucking waves.
You find yourself wanting to touch them; roll your tongue against them and the washboard abs you know are just up under his shirt. He never lets you go as you attempt to copy his moves and his confidence. And yes, you step on his feet a few times, but he never loses that patient, kind smile. Soon, you start to feel more comfortable and your moves grow looser than before. 
Sero feels your body relax and his eyes gleam with excitement. “There we go!” he laughs. “And you said you were worried about havin’ the wrong shoes. You’re a natural at this.” He twirls you twice, making you giddy and dizzy with joy. You are hot and sweaty, and your makeup has probably seen better days, but you don’t care. You feel good, all because of the man you're dancing with tonight. 
Suddenly, a newfound confidence blooms inside of you that could either be from the alcohol or from the closeness of this fine-ass man. One that has your hand moving from his shoulder to his chest, just briefly caressing it. “I guess it helps to have a good teacher,” you say in a tone that you’ve never heard come out of your mouth before. It is low and sensual. 
Sero notices it immediately. His kind smile turns into one that is more secretive like he is hiding something you don’t know about. He twirls you once more, causing your braids to fly around you and a laugh to burst from your mouth. Then he’s yanking you to him, emitting a surprised gasp from your lips when you find yourself chest-to-chest with him. One of his big hands moves to caress your lower back while the other still holds yours. He stares deep into your eyes as he begins to move his hips against yours, rolling and grinding his body into your own.
Suddenly, like a cliche romance trope, everyone disappears and all that is left are you and him. You only see him. You only know him. From somewhere on the floor, Mina and Uraraka shriek, hyping you up. “Yaaaasss, Y/N!” Mina screeches, much louder than Uraraka and the music. “Get it, girl!” 
Before you even realize it, you’re grinding right back onto him, rolling your hips into his. He twirls you around once more, but doesn’t allow you to face him again. Instead, he presses his front against your back and grinds against you from there. His hands grip your hips, coaxing you to wind your ass back into him. You get lost in the music and in him, feeling safe in his arms despite only knowing him for an hour or so.
“You’ve got it,” he laughs into your ear, making your inner thighs tingle. “You were so scared to do this, and now look at you. I bet every man in here is jealous that I get to be the one to dance with such a pretty thing like you.” 
Those words are what do it for you, and before you even realize it, you're looping your arms around his neck to bring him closer and turning your face to kiss him. It is a quick kiss, but it’s enough to have your heart hammering even faster and your stomach twirling. When you pull away, Sero's eyes are wide, a shocked expression on his face.
You immediately jump away and cover your mouth, horrified. “I’m so sorry!” you immediately apologize. “I-I don’t know why I…” You trail off, suddenly feeling disgusting and awful. Your confidence is gone and the effects of the alcohol are waning. "I should go,” you whisper, on the verge of tears. 
But as you turn to storm off the dance floor, Sero stops you by grabbing your wrist. “No,” he says, a silent plea in his eyes. “Don’t go.” 
Before you can even process what’s happening, one of his arms is looping around your waist while his hand gently cups your cheek. His lips are then on yours, planting one of the softest, hottest kisses you’ve ever had on you. His lips are smooth and soft, his piercings tickling your bottom lip. Your lips dance against his until you give a soft moan of longing as your arms move to wrap around him, hugging him close. Your parted lips allow him to slip his tongue into your mouth, the taste of rum and mint there as his tongue gently swirls with yours. You hold each other, kissing among the sea of people. Once again, you feel as if there is no one but you, him, and the throbbing of the music above. 
Unfortunately, the moment is interrupted when the club-goers surrounding you begin to annoyingly scream and whoop over you and Sero. “Oh, shit, they 'bout to fuck on the floor!” someone obnoxiously screams over the music.
Sero pulls away from you, eyeing the faceless voice. “Let me join!” another shouts. 
“Fuck off!” Mina yells from somewhere behind you. “Leave them alone!” You’ve never been so thankful for your friends than at this moment.
Sero smirks down at you, arms still around your waist. “We’ve got ourselves an audience,” he whispers. “Not that I mind some eyes, but I’m more interested in getting you somewhere more…private.” 
His accent makes the word sound like sex to you. Even if that isn’t on the table, you’ll still go anywhere with him. “Where’d you have in mind?” you breathlessly ask.
He trails his fingers from your waist up your arms to lace through your fingers. “Well, if you want the bedroom now, I’m down for that,” he says, making your pussy quiver excitedly beneath your skirt, “but there’s also a cabana on the beach that’s screaming my name right now if you wanted a good view and some quiet.” 
‘Yes!’ your body screams. ‘Do it, bitch!’ But even you know that you can’t give it up to him that fast. All good things come to those who wait, after all. “I’d love that,” you shyly answer. “Can we finish the shots first though?”
You nod at the bar to which Sero chuckles, raising a brow at you. “If you’re dying to get beat by me at my own game, then sure.” 
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The sea is by far the most especially thing you’ve ever seen. It looks even better while drunk. 
After downing two more shots and guzzling down water (and taking a trip to the bathroom beforehand), Sero swoops you away to the seashore right outside the resort where the ocean stretches out for your eyes to behold under the big, white moon that looks so much bigger in the sky tonight. It hovers over the water, making the waves crystalize like diamonds below, just as the stars in the ink-black sky do.
“Oh, wow,” you gasp, in awe at the beauty laid before you. “This is beautiful! Look at the moon and the stars!” 
You stand at the top of the sandy shore, pointing at the sky with your heels in your hands. The sea breeze wafts your hair and cools the sweat on your body from the club. You feel good away from the people and activity now, the serenity that the beach provides is too nice to put off. 
Sero is settled down beside you in one of the many cabanas lined up on the beach that are currently empty. He sits on the bed there with his shoes off and an almost-dazed look on his face as he stares at the ocean. “Look at the stars,” he softly sings. “Look how they shine for you…” His cheeks turn red as he stares up at you sheepishly. “Sorry, I’m a little drunk.” 
“Me too,” you giggle. “I need to sit down.” You put a hand to your head, feeling light and slightly dizzy from the alcohol. Sero pats the empty seat next to him, smiling up at you. “Feel free, mama. This cabana is open for two.” You flush with heat despite the coolness of the salty, sea breeze as you sit beside him, feeling flustered at being so close to him. Now you don’t have the shots or the music as buffers. There is nothing but the sea and the empty beach. 
However, the silence isn’t awkward––it’s rather peaceful and serene. You dig your toes into the sand while Sero hums to himself, digging into his pocket. He then pulls out a ziplock bag of a few pre-rolled blunts and a lighter. “Mind if I smoke?” he asks, pausing to look at you for an answer. You shake your head, giving him the green light to do his thing. You watch as he works, entranced by his veiny hands as he takes out a blunt and ignites the lighter to lit the tip of it. 
You wish his hands were working you instead. 
Still entranced by him, you watch as he wraps his lips around the blunt and takes a short tester puff before putting the lighter away. He takes a deep inhale before exhaling all of the smoke out of his mouth, a peaceful look on his face. “I love doing this on the beach,” he contently sighs. “Nothing like a view of the stars and saltwater breeze while you puff on a blunt.” He gazes at you out of the corner of his eye. “And sitting with a pretty woman.” 
“Whatever,” you tsk, gently smacking his thigh to hide the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “You’re just sayin’ that to make me feel good.” He takes another hit of his blunt, though short. “Well, yeah,” he admits, "but also ‘cause it’s true. You are pretty. Did you see the way the security guard was checkin’ you out when we left?” 
You retrace your mental steps to try to remember, but come up short. “Uh…no,” you respond, not sure if you believe him. He laughs at this, smoke billowing from his mouth. “Exactly, ‘cause you were oblivious to it, but not me. You had eyes on you like bees on honey.” He then holds the blunt between his thumb and forefinger out to you. “Want a hit? You smoke?” You look down at the blunt, slightly intimidated. Then, for some reason, the thrill of trying something new floods you. “Not really,” you admit. "But there’s a first time for everything.” 
You take the blunt between your thumb and forefinger before trying to imitate Sero’s actions. You wrap your lips around the end of the blunt and inhale only to nearly hack up a lung when the smoke invades your lungs. Sero laughs at you while patting you on the back, helping you out. “Take it easy, mama,” he chuckles. “Second time’s the charm as I say. Do it slower.” 
You do as he says and inhale the smoke much slower than before. It goes down easier the second time and you’re even able to hold it in your lungs for longer before exhaling. “Theeeere we go,” Sero praises with a laugh. “I love a girl who doesn’t quit.” 
He lets you puff on the blunt for a few minutes longer, gazing out at the starry sky and sea. He then glances at you, an unreadable expression on his face. “Please tell me if this is too personal, but I’m curious about you coming here to boost your confidence. I’d think a woman as beautiful as you are would have plenty of confidence in herself.” 
You can already feel the weed beginning to work its magic. You feel relaxed and kind of sleepy, but not enough to pass out. All of the insecurities and uncertainty you felt before have washed away. You pass Sero the blunt and sit back on your hands, exposing your jiggly tummy a little more. “Well, the reason I’m here is after a hookup gone wrong where this dude told me I was too fat and left in the middle of sex with me. I was gutted by it, so when my girls told me about their trip, I took that chance and came here.” 
You inhale the sea breeze and exhale solemnly, catching Sero’s attention…not that you didn’t have it already. “Finding love when you look like me,” you confess, running a hand over your body. “Like the dating pool isn’t built for girls like me. I’ve tried dating so many times, online manly, but as soon as a guy gets a view of me from the waist down, they want nothing to do with me. If I’m not seen as some extra pushin’ for the cushion, I’m not seen at all.” 
You’re aware that you’re oversharing, but the alcohol, weed, and Sero’s warm personality have all made it where you’re like an open book now. “Not that I mind being perceived sexually,” you reiterate, “but I feel like that’s all guys see when they look at me. I’m a fetish; not a woman who is worthy of affection as well as desire. I deserve better, y’know? I’ve got a good job, a car, an apartment, a pretty face…like everything I have should be worthy to get me a good partner, right? But it’s not. All because of…of…this.” 
You grip the jiggly fat of your stomach, huffing frustratedly to yourself. “I don’t hate being in my body, but society does.” Instantly, like a slap in the face, you realize you’ve fucked up. “Sorry!” you immediately gasp. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I said way too much.” 
Sero is staring at you like he just realized you’re a person and you feel even worse. “Look, I don’t mean to pile this all on you, but you’re so easy to talk to and this weed is gettin’ to me and–“ You abruptly stop when Sero suddenly stands. He takes another puff on his blunt before dropping it into the sand and stubbing it out with his foot. 
He then proceeds to kick off his shoes and socks, strip himself of his shirt to reveal his beautiful body, and reach for his belt to loosen his pants. When his pants fall, you can’t help but admire how good he looks in his briefs. You stare at him, confused, hot, and bothered by the gorgeous view. “What are you doing?” you softly ask. 
“Let’s take a dip,” he says huskily. You stare at him, dumbfounded. Is he serious, drunk, or just high as a kite? “But…I don’t have a bathing suit.” Sero raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “Who said anything about that?” Now you know that this man is gone. There’s no way he is seriously considering skinny-dipping…and there’s no way that you’re actually thinking about it! He must see you fighting with yourself because he runs a comforting, soft hand down your arm, his touch making you shiver. “I’d like to see you,” he murmurs, “if that’s okay.” 
You search his face to see if he’s joking or daring you only to laugh at you when you do so, but you find no indication that he’s playing with you. There is a molten tenderness in his gaze that has you shivering in pleasure and anticipation, wondering what else he has in store for you.
So you strip. You start with your top and then your skirt, biting your lip at his sharp intake of breath at the sight of your underwear. Then you’re stripping off your bra, letting your full breasts fall from the cups and against your stomach. Sero’s eyes widen at the sight of you as if you are a piece of art he is admiring in a museum. “Hermosa (beautiful),” he whispers, completely in awe at your body.
You’ve taken enough Spanish in school to know what this word means and it lights your body on fire. He then offers his hand which you take, giggling when he pulls you along to the ocean. “Come on,” he laughs. “Vamos, before the water gets too cold!” 
You want to ask him what the fuck he means because the water is like you stepped into the damn Arctic Ocean when your semi-naked body finally makes contact with it. You gasp as the water shocks your body out of its tired state from the alcohol and weed. Sero keeps his hand in yours despite the crashing waves that roll against your bodies the further you wad into the ocean. Finally, you two settle and just let the water caress you. You sigh in contentment as you tip your head up towards the sky, admiring the stars twinkling above. 
“Nice, right?” Sero chuckles. You lazily nod, wanting to stay here forever––among the water, stars, and him. You don’t realize how close he’s gotten to you until you’re suddenly staring at his upper torso and the water beads that drip down his abs. “Can I hold you?” he gently asks. You peer up at him through your lashes, afraid to speak in fear of ruining the moment. 
You nod and he slowly wraps his arms around you, engulfing you in them. You let yourself be pulled into him, sighing when your head meets the crook of his shoulder. You embrace him back, crushing your breasts against his hard chest. There, you two stay, bobbing in the water, linked with one another. “This feels so nice,” you drunkenly confess. “Like a fairytale.” 
“I’d hope so,” he murmurs to you. “You deserve it, mami.” And you start to believe it. After a few silent seconds, he pulls away from you, his eyes as dark as the night sky. “Can I kiss you?” he asks, his gaze hopeful. “I know I didn’t ask in the club and I feel bad about that, so I wanted to ask you now and–“ 
You don’t hear the rest of what he has to say because you’re too busy planting your lips on his. This kiss is hungrier now. Your lips move against each other’s like you both are starving for one another. You can tell Sero wants the same thing you want when his hands move below your waist to squeeze your ass, the feeling making you moan into his mouth. He replies with his own moan and pulls away, his eyes glazed over with lust.
He wordlessly kneels before you in the water and takes both of your breasts into his hands, kneading them gently. “Shit,” he softly hisses to himself, amazed at the sight of your hanging fruit and brown, hardened nipples. 
You softly whimper at his calloused hands caressing your sensitive breasts causing him to move on to other matters. He leans in and latches his lips onto one of your nipples where he begins to suckle on it. You throw your head back to stare at the endless sky, your mouth open in an O as pleasured moans fall from your lips. You can’t yourself, especially when Sero begins to suckle and flick his tongue along the sensitive bud of your nipple, his hand kneading your other breast in the process. 
Then he switches, giving your other breast the same treatment. Your hands find his hair, your fingers aimlessly wandering through the black locks of his hair. You’re ruining his mullet, but he doesn’t seem to care. He is more concerned with nibbling along your nipple, making you sharply inhale before your voice chokes on a broken moan.
You can’t take this. All of this is going straight to your pussy which is now throbbing and begging for attention between your thick inner thighs. “Please, Sero!” you whine, gripping his hair. “I need you to touch me.” Understanding immediately, Sero stares up at you, looking uncertain. He then stands, his body dripping in water, making your pussy throb even more at the sight of his glistening muscles. “You sure you want this?” he asks, his voice low and hushed. 
You practically throw yourself at him, giving him a deep, passionate kiss that nearly takes his breath away. “Yes,” you plead. “Yes, Sero, please. I don’t care, just please touch me.”
You grapple for his shoulders, gripping them in desperation. You don't care how much you come off as desperate or slutty to be sleeping with a man you just met. You need this right now. And Sero is willing to give it all to you. “Okay, baby, okay,” he shushes you, pressing a chaste kiss to your waiting lips. “Let’s get us out of the water first.” He takes your hand and helps you navigate the waves as you make your way out of the water. Once you’re out and standing naked on the shore, you realize the gravity of what you just asked and initiated. Especially when Sero leads you to the cabana. Your eyes flit up to the resort yards away, realizing anyone could come out and see you two naked. “Will anyone see us?” you timidly ask.
“They may, they may not,” Sero replies, a devious smirk on his face. “If they do, they’re in for a treat watchin’ a gorgeous woman gettin’ her pussy eaten.” He then sits you down on the bed and kneels down in front of you. He gently pries your thighs open, revealing your sobbing, wet pussy. You watch his face change from playful to downright feral as he stares at your cunt. You flush at his expression, still feeling weird about this despite how hot and bothered you are. “But what if–“ 
He shushes you, leaning forward to press wet kisses along your inner thighs. “No more talkin’, mami,” he growls against your inner thighs. “I want my name on your lips if not those pretty moans I heard in the water earlier.” He continues to pepper your thighs in kisses while his hands pin your legs apart, his hold on you firm. He doesn’t want you hiding from him despite your cellulite and stretch marks, and rolls and imperfections. And it feels good. 
You don’t stop him when he dives right into your pussy, first peppering your lips and clit in open-mouthed kisses as if he’s making out with them. You can’t believe the way this man works his mouth! Especially when he starts to flick his tongue along your clit. His tongue swirls around it and flicks it gently depending on how you respond. And shit, are you responding well! Your body can't help but react pleasantly to the sensations––your toes curl; your back arches; your eyes flutter closed; your mouth falls open into an O as moans and gasps fall from your lips. 
Sero is not only good with his tongue, but also with his hands. He reaches up and plays with your titties, tweaking and pinching your nipples according to your verbal cues. “H-Harder, please!” you beg to which he pinches the hard, brown peaks a little harder, the bursts of pain making you gush all over his lips. “Fuck, Sero,” you moan. “That feels so good!” 
Sero moans approvingly into your cunt, the vibrations making your clit quiver pleasurably. “Keep feelin’ good for me then, mami,” he says in between wet flicks of his tongue on your rosebud. “Lean back and wrap your thighs around my head. I can handle it.”
He pauses to stare up into your shocked eyes, a grin on his face and a pussy-drunk look in his eyes. You’ve never had anyone ask that of you before. Plus, your thighs really are on the thicker side. What if you suffocate him? Before you can even agree or refuse, he is already pushing you back onto the bed, emitting a squeal from you. 
He stands on his knees for a moment, taking you in. His lust-blown eyes trail up and down your naked form, drinking in every part of you that you either like or dislike. Then he inhales deeply as if struggling to process the beauty in front of him. “Tu cuerpo es un país de las maravillas, mami (your body is a wonderland, mami),” he huskily says. You have no idea what to say to that. All you can do is shyly smile up at him as he smiles down at you, both of you enchanted with each other. 
Then he’s ducking back down and throwing your thighs across his shoulders with ease, wrapping your legs around his head. This gives him better access to your pussy so he can easily tongue-fuck you. As soon as you feel the wet muscle entering your wet folds and his nose brush against your clit, you are in heaven. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and your hands find his hair, gripping the black locks as your hips begin to grind shamelessly into his face.
“Mmm-hmm,” he hums approvingly, keeping up the pace. He doesn’t pause or slow down. He continues to work your pussy just how you want, making you see stars behind your eyelids and cry to the moon above. 
It doesn’t take long for that feeling of release to dawn on you. You can’t help it. His tongue just feels too good! Plus, the atmosphere and the whole idea of getting caught in such a risqué position turns you on more than you’d like to admit. Sero must realize you’re close because his jaw starts to move faster, accompanying his tonguefucking with porn-worthy moans of his own that nearly throw you over the edge. “Fuck, Sero!” you whine. “You gotta stop or I’m gonna cum!” 
“Mmm-hmm!” he eagerly hums into your pussy. He pulls his tongue out of your hole and proceeds to suck on your clit while his finger begins to stroke the outside of your slit, barely touching your insides. But it is enough to push you further and further down that road to orgasming all over him. His darkened eyes flick up to yours, staring you down between your thighs. “Ven por mí,” he demands. “Cum for me, baby. Don’t fuckin’ hold back a damn thing.” He grins up at you, his piercings glistening in the moonlight. “I can take it; I’m a big boy.” 
He attaches your mouth to your pussy again and runs it until you can't help but fall over that edge. “Ven por mí,” he moans into your cunt, becoming gradually louder as your moans reach higher pitches. “Ven por mí, ven por mí, ven por mí!” 
And you finally do. That tight knot in your core finally snaps and a wave of euphoria washes over you as you cum all over Sero's face and eager lips with a loud moan that would shatter glass. You see the entire galaxy and beyond as your pussy gushes, your body shivering and shuddering. Your back arches and your hips wind into Sero’s face, trying to keep as much of the feeling going as possible.
When it finally fades, you’re left feeling tired, spent, and oh-so-good. Sero eagerly cleans you up, taking extra care to not overstimulate you as he runs his tongue over your sensitive, twitching pussy. Then he lifts his head up away from your thighs, giving you a peak of his chin and mouth shining in your juices. With the moon in his glazed eyes, he hums to himself. “You taste better than the rum,” he sighs. 
Something in that sentence and the way he looks at you brings something out of you––a passionate, raging fire that can only be tamed by him. Slowly, you bring yourself to sit up in front of him and grab his face to smash your lips against his. He moans into the kiss, surprised at the suddenness of it, but soon melts into it the more your lips move against his. Finally, you pull away and stare into his eyes. “I take it you liked it?” he breathlessly asks. 
“I loved it,” you purr, running your hands up and down his tatted chest. “Now I want to thank you in my way…if that’s okay with you.”
Your eyes trail down to the bulge in his briefs that has only gotten bigger. You also notice the visible wet spot soaking the fabric, meaning the guy was secreting precum when he was eating you out. The idea of this makes the fire inside of you grow. You may as well have told him you want to give him a million dollars with how fast he scrambles up on the bed, ready for whatever you want to do with him. You giggle, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before laying him down on his back. 
Keeping your eyes locked with his, you slither between his thick, muscular thighs and finally, finally, getting at those briefs. You gently pull them down, being careful to not scratch him with your nails, and gasping softly when his cock springs free from its trap. It pops up like a Jack-in-the-Box, hard, thick, and veiny. There is nothing but smooth skin down there, Sero’s pubic hair completely shaven. He notices you looking and blushes. “I sweat a lot down there in the summertime,” he sheepishly explains. “So I shaved…it isn't weird, is it?” 
You don’t even answer him. You just wordlessly take his dick in your hand, your pussy throbbing at how heavy it feels in your palm. You feel him tense at the feeling of your soft hand on him which coaxes you to begin stroking him, just seeing how he feels. He is soft and smooth, his skin stretching back and forth along his dick as you stroke him.
You pay attention to his body language, peering up at him every so often to see how he’s responding to your touch. He lays with his hands fisting the cushions underneath him, his bottom lip caught between his teeth, and his eyes closed. Deciding you’ve got him right where you want him, you spit into the palm of your hand and continue to stroke him, lubing him up.
Once his dick is shining in your spit, you attach your lips to the top half of him while your hand busies itself with the bottom half. “Fuck,” Sero sighs when your lips wrap around his shaft. “Tan apretada (so tight)…” 
You hollow your cheeks and open your throat to take him easier, realizing how big he is the moment he enters your mouth. He practically stretches your throat! How would it feel to get him inside of you? The thought makes you curious to take him deeper. After a few slow test runs where you slide your mouth up and down along his head, you begin taking him deeper. Sero’s hand moves to your head while his other arm moves behind his head, his hooded eyes gazing down at you.
“Easy, mama,” he coos. “Take your time. Don’t take any more than you think you can.” You do as he says, only taking as much as your throat will allow. You gag around his cock as you begin to bob your head up and down along it, emitting orgasmic groans and swears in Spanish from his sinful lips. “Mierda! (Shit!)” he hisses, his hand tightening on your hair. “Lo estás haciendo tan bien…you’re doin’ so good for me, baby.” 
He continues to whisper praise as you gag and bob around him, using as much of your skill as you can. This includes using your free hand to stroke his balls, tugging on them when he begs you to. You ignore the ache of your knees in the sand and the tears pricking at your eyes, no doubt fucking up your eye makeup. The control he allows you makes you want to give him the best neck of his life, hopefully causing him to nut deep down your throat. You’ll gladly take all of it. 
Soon he begins to thrust into your mouth, his hips bumping against your chin as his cock fucks your throat. “Still doin’ okay?” he asks, to which you nod, emitting a moan from him when the roof of your mouth slides along his dick. “God, you look so good with my cock in your mouth,” he whines. Wouldn’t it be somethin’ if someone came out here and saw me fuckin’ that pretty throat of yours?” 
You tilt your head up to look up at him better, loving the view of his body as he bumps your hips against your face again and again. Spit drips from your lips the sloppier your head gets, only making him fuck your face harder. “You like that idea, don’t you?” he chuckles breathlessly. “Naughty girl. What if that someone is one of your girlfriends? What if it’s a resort worker? You wanna be seen on your knees with dick deep down your throat?” 
‘Yes,’ you think, your pussy crying beneath you. ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ You want that more than anything. You don't care how slutty that makes you. You want to be his slut tonight. You want to be his everything and more, if just for one night. Before you can eagerly finish him off, he slides his wet cock out of your mouth, sighing as he does so. You look up at him, confused. Doesn’t he want to cum down your throat? 
“You can say no if you want to,” he says, his chest heaving, “but I’m gonna be real with you: I wanna fuck you. I don’t care if it’s out here or back at one of our rooms, but if I’m gonna cum, I wanna feel that pussy wrapped around me first.” His words cause your pussy to gush desperately around nothing. You’ve never wanted someone inside you more. “I want that too,” you breathlessly answer, hurriedly getting to your feet. Sero does the same, taking your hands in his. “We can go back to my room, if you want. If the girls are there, we can go to yours.” 
Sero is more than happy to agree with that judging by how his cock twitches between his thighs. 
After gathering your clothes and other items, you both hastily dress in the resort robes to avoid getting kicked out of the lobby for entering nude before hurrying to the resort and through the lobby for the elevators. You use your key card to get upstairs, giggling at Sero’s wandering hands along your hips and his lips on your neck. When you finally make it to your floor, the man carries you–carries you–to your room. When you’re finally at your door, you press a finger to your lips, signaling for his silence. You’re not sure if the girls are back yet. 
Carefully, you unlock your door with the card and open the door to find your hotel room still quiet, dark, and neatly cleaned, meaning only the floor maid was in here. You’re going to feel so bad for ruining her nice work later, but you can’t bring yourself to feel bad now.
When the door finally shuts, Sero is on you instantly, his hands ripping off your robe and his lips hastily moving against yours. You’re no better. You can't stop yourself from tossing his clothes off too, revealing his naked body and hard cock in the silver moonlight that pours through the window overlooking the resort’s pool and beach in the distance. “I need to fuck you,” he huffs against your lips, his hands squeezing your ass. “Is it okay if I do that? It’s okay to say no if you don’t–“ 
You silence him with a kiss, gently sucking on his tongue and exposing yourself for your oral fixation. “Shut up and fuck me, Sero,” you purr to him. “I want you to take me to my bed and fill my pussy up the way I know you can.” You then pluck the robe tie from the floor, dangling it in his face. “And I want you to use this on me…please?” Despite feeling emboldened to talk to him in such a demanding manner, that shyness still peeks through. 
Sero looks stunned at your naughty request before a smile creeps onto his lips. “I should’ve realized how freaky you were,” he murmurs before pressing a wet, passionate kiss on your lips that makes you think of his mouth in other places. “Let’s waste no more time then.” He takes your hand and leads you to your bed which is right across from Mina and Uraraka’s. You were so happy that your room came with separate beds since you like to sleep with your panties off. 
As soon as you plop down on the bed, Sero is hovering over you, his knees on either side of your body. He holds the rope in his hands, staring down at you questionably. With a nod and a reassuring smile, you raise your wrists towards him. Take me.
He doesn’t need any other confirmation that this is what you want. He takes your wrists and wraps them in the tie before attaching them to your headboard so your wrists dangle. “Good?” he asks. You move your wrists around, testing out the new binds. Not too tight but not too loose either.
You nod and he pecks you on the lips before prying your thighs apart. You raise your hips up to meet him, gasping when his cock begins to slide against your slit. His eyes, hooded and hazy with lust, tick up to meet yours. “You still want this?” he huskily asks. You nod, whimpering with need and already yanking helplessly on your binds. 
“No,” he firmly replies. “Don’t just nod. I need your words, mami. Tell me you want me.” He slides his cock up, nudging the head against your clit. “Tell me you want all of this dick inside of this pretty lil’ pussy.” You moan in pure desperation, going crazy with need. “Yes, I want you!” you cry out, tears pricking your eyes. “Please, Sero! Please just fuck me, Papi!” 
The word slips out before you realize it, but Sero catches it immediately. You see his eyes widen an inch and then, in a flash, his entire personality shifts. As soon as he finally slides his cock head inside of you, you know that this is a different person in your bed. He is no longer the sweet, upbeat, concerned man you met earlier at the nightclub, but someone more dominant. Someone who has no problem breaking you completely and then putting you back together again. It’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever experienced.
“Say that again,” he growls, beginning to roll his hips, sliding his cock head in and out of you at a slow, teasing pace. “Call me that again.” 
Weak moans leave your quivering lips as you struggle to stay still, afraid he’ll stop if you move. “Papi,” you whine, “please, please fuck me. I can't take much more of this. Please, please just–“ 
Your pleas are silenced when Sero slides in a little deeper, filling you up. A mutual gasp leaves your lips as your pussy walls tighten around him, keeping him nice and snug inside of you. He keeps up the slow thrusts, letting you get used to his girth. “That feel good, mami?” he huffs. “You like this?” 
As if he can’t see your eyes rolling into the back of your head and hear the moans coming out of you. “Yes, papi!” you sob. “Yes, I love it! Please go deeper!” Sero does just that, his hands gripping your hips as he begins to bump his hips against you a little faster now, never going any harder than you want him to. It is just the right speed and pressure to slide against your G-spot, causing you to cry to the ceiling. 
“Yeah,” Sero laughs, staring down at you. “You like this. You love gettin’ filled by a stranger’s dick, don’t you?” His hand finds your throat, applying a bit of pressure and emitting a gasp from you. “This was all you needed to give you that confidence boost, right? Just to get slutted out the way you need to be.” 
“Sero,” you groan, your pussy squeezing and clenching around his cock from his words. He leans down close to you, his lips nearly grazing yours as he continues to fuck you into the mattress. “But only I could’ve done this job right,” he whispers. “Only I can fuck you good like this. Right, princessa?”
His hips move faster, harder, his pelvis bumping against your throbbing clit that is close to exploding from the amount of stimulation and care it’s receiving. “Sero!” you loudly sob, gripping the tie around your wrists for dear life. Without a warning, Sero suddenly tosses your legs up to your ears so he can sink in deeper, causing you to nearly scream out as you see heaven’s light before your eyes.
“Tell me,” he grunts, his eyes posted firmly on yours. “Tell me only I can fuck you right like this. Tell me how good it feels!” Whines begin to leave his lips the more rapidly he fucks you, causing your titties to jiggle and the bed to rock. 
“So good!” you babble as your pussy squelches and clenches around him. “You’re making me feel so good, papi! I’m gonna cum soon!” You can feel your orgasm beginning to rise the more he grinds his cock into you, filling you to the brim with him. 
“Me too,” he groans. “Dios mío (my God), you just feel to fuckin’ good. And you look so pretty stretched around my dick.” He takes his hand off of your neck and strokes your cheek, his thumb swiping against your bottom lip.
“Eres tan bonita (you’re so pretty),” he murmurs, staring down at you in utter adoration. “Eres mia…you’re mine now, honey. I don’t give a fuck if it’s just for the rest of your vacation. I’ll make you mine again and again, every fuckin’ day and night, so you won’t even look at another man back at home.” 
He begins to fuck you right into the headboard where luckily you have a pillow to cushion the blows. The feeling of him hitting that spot again and again without fail is so intense that you can’t help the noises that escape you––screams, cries, and sobs of pure, molten pleasure that you know you’ll never get again. He knows it too and that’s why he begins to slow down, working his hips the way he did on that dance floor. It’s too much on your body, too much on your pussy, and you can feel yourself beginning to reach your limit. 
Sero leans down to your ear, nibbling on the flesh of your earlobe. “I want you to cum with me,” he whispers into your ear. “Cum around this dick. Cum for me, mami.” He repeats the same line in Spanish, his husky voice filling your ear as his cock kisses your G-spot and his fingers move down to rub your clit, bringing you closer and closer to the brink of no return. 
It doesn't take long for you to finally burst around his cock the way you want to. You cum with a long, loud moan that tears out of you as your orgasm washes over you. The moment your pussy clenches around Sero’s cock is the moment he cums too. He grips your hips and swears in Spanish before he pulls out.
It doesn't take long for him. He rapidly pumps his cock in front of your face before his nut spurts all over your body. You gasp as his moans bounce off of the walls, his cum feeling warm on your skin. When you look down, you find it the creamy substance coating your breasts, thighs, and jiggly tummy. There’s even some on your ass due to how high he has your legs up. You are completely covered in him and his scent. And you love it. 
Finally, after he feebly gropes one of your breasts and presses a kiss to your foot, Sero unties your wrists and pulls his flaccid cock out of your tender, sensitive pussy, emitting a soft, weak moan from you. Then he’s rolling off of you and plopping down beside you on your bed, exhaustion overtaking him. 
The two of you lay there in silence for a moment, basking in the afterglow and processing what just happened. You just had sex with a total stranger. You let him tie you up and fuck you. You let him see your naked body. What shocks you is though you feel stunned at the whole thing, there is no ounce of shame or embarrassment anywhere inside of you. If anything, you feel satisfied with what just transpired.
You turn to Sero, realizing he’s looking at you already, his eyes shimmering in the slant of moonlight pouring through the window. “I meant what I said, you know,” he says, sounding out of breath. You blink at him, confused. “I want to be here with you, every day and night.” A blush coats his cheeks. “I’d like to spend your vacation with you…if you wouldn’t mind.” 
You blink at him again, stunned to silence. You have to be dreaming. You just have to be. There is no way this fine-ass man that you just met and gave up your pussy to is really talking about willingly spending the rest of vacation with you. He could have anyone he wants with that face, voice, and body, but yet here he is, laying in your bed, completely pussy-whipped for you and enthralled by your body.
Suddenly, for the first time tonight, you think to yourself, ‘Maybe I am that pretty. Maybe I am that sexy bitch he sees. Maybe I am beautiful.” 
“Is that okay?” Sero timidly asks, becoming nervous. Instead of verbally answering, you lean forward and press a long, passionate kiss to his lips that draws a purr of approval out of him. You pull away, staring up into his eyes. “Sero, you’re acting like you didn’t just give me the best two orgasms of my life,” you giggle. “Why wouldn’t I want that?” 
The biggest, brightest grin stretches across Sero’s lips at your answer and he leans in to bring you into another open-mouthed kiss that has you craving more. “You know what this calls for, right?” he murmurs, a smirk playing on his lips. Heat pools inside of your core as your mind goes to other places. ‘Please say more sex.’
“A smoke,” he answers, giving you a wink. Though that isn’t the answer you were hoping for, you also know that you have plenty of time to persuade him for another round tonight. He gets out of bed to get his jeans and retrieves his baggie of blunts from out of his back pocket.
Then he swiftly gets back into bed with you and prepares a blunt for you to share. He does the test smoke first and you watch, aroused and entranced, as the smoke billows from between his pink lips. He then passes it to you and laces an arm around your shoulder, watching you lazily as you puff on the blunt. The silence that surrounds you is serene and comfortable as you pass the blunt back and forth between one another. 
When you pass the blunt back to Sero after your turn, you flush with embarrassment as naughty thoughts run through your head. “You think we can try something?” you timidly ask. Sero raises a brow. “I’ve…never shotgun with anyone before,” you softly confess, catching your bottom lip between your teeth. 
Sero lets out a laugh that you weren’t expecting. “And you wanna do it with me?” he asks, his smile teasing and playful, making you flush even more. “I think I’m honored and turned on.” He presses a chaste kiss to your lips before passing you the blunt. “Here, you inhale first.”
You do as he says and inhale the smoke, letting it fill your lungs. He slowly leans in with his lips parted as if to kiss you, silently coaxing you to blow the smoke into his mouth in one slow, steady rhythm. You feel even more relaxed now–not just because the weed is working on you, but because you realize that Sero is a man who doesn’t judge.
He accepts every single part of you, inside and out. The thought of leaving him when vacation is over almost pains you, but you’re not going to think about that right now. Tonight and the next fun-filled days here are all that matters. 
“Feel good?” he chuckles, admiring your hooded eyes. You slowly nod, a smile creeping onto your lips. “Now it’s your turn.” He takes the blunt and puffs on it pinched between his thumb and forefinger. “Come here,” he murmurs, and you’re helpless to resist him. You lean in, but he takes you by surprise when he firmly places his hands on your hips and flips you onto him so you’re now straddling him. 
You slowly part your quivering lips for him and nearly moan when he blows the smoke into your mouth in an indirect kiss. It is just as addictive and as sexy as a direct one, but nothing beats Sero’s lips on yours. You lean in and devour his mouth, swirling your tongue around with his. He tastes like weed, mint, and rum. You find yourself nearly shoving your tongue down his throat which he groans at, his hands grabbing your ass and giving you a smack that has your pussy crying. 
When you pull away, a sheen line of saliva connects to your bottom lips. “Round two then?” he asks, staring up at you with hooded eyes.
Before you can say yes or even plant your pussy on his cock that you feel hardening beneath you, you hear the hotel door unlock. Your heart leaps as you immediately jump off of Sero and hide under the covers while he sits up, hiding you from the strangers behind the door. 
In walks Mina and Uraraka, drunk and hyped up on attraction judging by the two hot strangers trailing in behind them. One is tall, buff, and redheaded with a toothy grin and his hand in Mina’s while the other is shorter but just as fit and sexy with platinum-blonde hair and crimson eyes that you know have panties dropping. His hand is on Uraraka’s lower back, his fingers toying with the little strings keeping her dress together. 
“So this is our room,” Mina giggles, inviting the men inside. “We have three different beds, so we can–“ She stops when her eyes land on you and Sero, naked under the sheets and staring at the four like deers in headlights. Uraraka gasps, covering her mouth and going as red as a tomato. 
“Looks like your room is preoccupied right now,” the redhead chuckles, grinning at Sero. “See you finally got her, man!” The blonde rolls his eyes, his hand still on Uraraka’s backside. “It’s about fuckin’ time,” he grumbles. “He’s been eyein’ this woman down the entire night like an idiot.” 
Sero looks at Mina and Uraraka who look like they want to shoot themselves. “I see you met my friends, girls,” he chuckles. “You’ve got good taste.”
The redhead winks at him and wraps an arm around Mina's waist. “Y’know, why don’t we go back to our room? We’ve got a hot tub, a minibar, and a great view of the beach. We could give these two some much-needed privacy, too.” 
Mina quickly nods and practically pushes the three out of the room, winking at you on the way out. The door shuts behind them, leaving you two alone once more.
Sero turns to face you and slithers his hand up your thigh. “So,” he purrs, “we still on for round 2?” He could’ve asked for five rounds and you would’ve given it to them. 
The rest of the night is spent in bed, with kisses, touches, snuggling, and endless pleasure that make you want to miss your flight at the end of the week. 
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luneengene2 · 8 months
Andteam and what would their major be please??
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&Team Members and Their College Majors (+Their 'behavior' at college)
I already made the Enhypen version, and now I'm going to make the &Team version (+fulfilling requests)
• A/N : I made this based on my opinion (+their MBTI if I wasn't sure about my opinion).
• Warnings : Contains grammatical errors
|| Faculty of Arts, Design and Music ||
|| Modern Dance Department ||
- Will become a teaching assistant because his dancing skills are the best.
- Often sought after by juniors when there is a dance event on campus.
- Most likely apart from studying, he will join a J-Pop or K-pop agency to become an idol.
- The student group is well-known and has many followers on social media.
- The most skilled at creating choreography and becoming a trend on campus.
- One of the outstanding students on campus and is often sent to national and international dance competitions.
- Most likely he would have become an idol while he was still a student on campus if he was debuted by his agency.
- (This is random), but his girlfriend could be a beautiful ballerina who is also in the same faculty as him.
|| Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences ||
|| Department of Sports Education ||
- He became a student that girls wanted because apart from being tall and muscular, he was also very handsome.
- Often seen on sports fields, both outdoor and indoor.
- He is also known to be quite rich because his father is a gym owner.
- His clothes are identical with t-shirts, jogger pants, varsity/baseball jackets and Nike shoes.
- Member of the American football club on campus who has the position of captain.
- Apart from being a member of the American football club, he is also often sent by his campus to several sports competitions. His quick mastery means he always brings winning trophies to his campus.
- Became a teaching assistant because he was superior compared to his friends, both in practice and theory.
- He is also often seen at the campus gym and is often teased by girls who have a crush on him.
- (Random again), His girlfriend could be a beautiful cheerleader.
• Wang Yixiang / Nicholas Wang
|| Faculty of Art, Design and Music ||
|| Photography Department ||
(Addition: My imagination is more vivid about Nicholas who is very suitable to major in Photography compared to Fashion Design / Stylist)
- Has a very high fashion sense and often wears luxury items.
- Before entering university and starting the world of study, he already had his own photo studio which of course led to business.
- Often go around the university to photograph several objects.
- Opening up internship opportunities for friends who are in the same major as him.
- If there is an event on campus, he will often be called for documentation.
- Apart from being the best photography and student in his department, he also often helps his models to choose clothing styles that suit them.
- Has a target to enter the modeling industry by becoming a photographer.
- Often rumored to be dating girls who have the title 'Face of Campus' / 'Beautiful College Girls'.
- Has a part-time job as a model.
• Byun Euijoo
|| Faculty of Mathematics and Science ||
|| Mathematics Department ||
- The student is handsome but tends to be nerd and bookish (not an insult), because he often spends his time in the library and even takes extra classes.
- There are quite a lot of girls who have a crush on him, but most of them are reluctant to approach him.
- Often wears a shirt, carries a medium-sized backpack, carries a thick book, and wears glasses.
- Classified as an outstanding student who was able to enter the university because of his mathematics and science awards.
- Participating in an academy acceleration program so that he can more quickly proceed to master's level.
- He rarely gets together with his friends because he is more active in studying (Introvert).
- Despite being an introvert, he is also good friends with several medical students.
• Nakakita Yuma
|| Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries ||
|| Marine Engineering ||
(Addition: Do you know why I think Yuma would be a good fit for the Marine Engineering Department? Because one of the emojis represents him😭)
- Rarely seen on campus because he often practices directly, whether at the port, dock, or even directly at sea.
- Always the most updated with news about the sea in his country.
- He is very concerned about marine technology. And will also focus on creating solutions and developing marine technology.
- Will choose an internship in an offshore oil mine.
- Always communicate well with his lecturers regarding maritime issues in his country.
- Even though his major does not study marine biota, he also masters marine biota science.
- Often argue with students in the architectural department if the marine building designs they make do not suit his abilities (difficult).
- Make friends with civil engineering students and sometimes discuss development conditions on land and at sea.
• Asakura Jo
|| Faculty of Art, Design and Music ||
|| Fine Arts Department ||
- If there is an arts event on campus, he always takes the initiative first to participate and always wins.
- More talented in painting, but that doesn't mean he's not good at other subjects.
- His work will often be bought by lecturers on campus who like paintings, and the price is definitely expensive.
- Always gets the best rating in its class if there is a project about design or making complex sketches.
- Always wanted to do an internship at a museum or painting exhibition center and had a target of having his work displayed at the museum or painting exhibition center.
- One of the students who had a business before graduating from college opened a painting service.
- He often hangs out with students in the architectural department because he is interested in the building designs of architectural students.
- He always carries a sketchbook wherever he goes, and even while having lunch he always gets inspired to paint.
- (Random again), his girlfriend could be a student majoring in literature.
• Shigeta Harua
|| Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences ||
|| Department of Pediatrics (Master's degree or equivalent) ||
(Addition: After graduating with a medical degree, he will specialize in pediatrics, aka continuing his Masters studies)
- A student who is soft-hearted because he likes children.
- He has a friendly nature which makes him a lecturer's favorite.
- During his internship, he will choose to do an internship at a children's hospital.
- If there is a vaccine event on campus for children, he will be very enthusiastic, even buying gifts with his own money to distribute to the children to make them happy.
- Children will always be happy to meet him because Harua is always friendly and always has kind words.
- He is good friends with psychology students.
- (This is random) in his practice uniform pocket, he often carries a stuffed bunny.
- Dating a female dental student.
• Takayma Riki
|| Faculty of Social, Law and Political Sciences ||
|| Journalism Department ||
(Addition : Taki is an ENFP, so I think this major suits him)
- The most updated about the latest news because the department is also assigned to search for and discuss the latest news.
- Have good public speaking skills (ofc).
- Has his own blog and is often assigned by his university to create the latest news about his campus.
- Relatively rarely seen on campus because he often interviews various sources.
- Have high analytical skills.
- Often wears glasses, a plaid shirt, often carries notes and carries a camera and small microphone.
- Prefer to do an internship at a television station and become a reporter there rather than become a news writer.
- Always a 'group' together with students in the photography department because every time there is a campus event, several photography and journalism students are always part of the documentation makers.
• Maus Riki / Hirota Riki
|| Faculty of Social, Law and Political Sciences ||
|| Department of International Relations ||
- His excellent ability in several languages ​​made him choose this major.
- He often experiences UN meetings because his campus often chooses him to go directly to UN meetings.
- Classified as a very rich student (+his parents are one of the biggest campus donors to his campus).
- The target of girls at his university because he is rich, handsome and authoritative.
- Often the focus is also on voicing women's rights, whether at UN meetings or other international meetings.
- It is relatively rare to see at universities because they are often sent abroad for direct practice.
- Most likely to get a scholarship to study abroad.
- Dating a female student in the law department.
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
(candy vault) : alexander mcqueen shoes, nike off white and yibo’s missing mole 🤍
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this fandom has lots of candies in the past years and there are ones that fall through the cracks or things that i simply wanna talk about. also for the benefit of new turtles who probably missed it & a good trip down memory lane for those who’ve been here for a while. i made other posts similar to this before and i haven’t done a good old mini compilation so here ya go. ^^
2/23/2021 WYB was in Beijing, participating in the recording of CCTV’s Lantern Festival program in the evening. The actual broadcast was 2/26/2021.
In the materials initially sent out by YBO, for the photos, you couldn’t see AM shoes. Maybe the shoot was better off focusing on his face, which I totally agree, but it was like they didn’t want to focus on it that much. We only saw the shoes when they released the BTS video where it would be tricky to crop it out.
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During the actual performance he changed into a more comfortable looking Jimmy Choo shoes. He was wearing AM outfit so it made sense that the shoes should match too. This should’t really be a big deal or even a CPN, only because changing shoes is sort of normal at events like this. Maybe he was more comfortable with the Jimmy Choo, although the choreography for this performance is not that complicated like his other routines. The way I remember it, WYB usually sticks to the shoes he has on.
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The CPN alarm bells started going off tho when ZZ flew from Beijing to Shanghai wearing the same style McQueen shoes. He had shooting back in 2/24 and there were some talk that he was more than a half hour late as planned on set. So going by our collective galaxy brain, they could have spent some time together during late 2/23 and some time on 2/24 which is after the CCTV shoot. WYB probably lent the shoe to him or he just got it from their shared closet lol. This is why ZZ was sort of late, because he was with WYB. The pattern of ZZ being later than usual on set when he is with WYB is something that still happens this year. I’m not implying that he is slacking off when he is with WYB but more of just adjusting his schedule so he can accommodate the love of his life. they both deserve that in between their busy schedules.
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maybe this is why YBO didn’t want to highlight that on the materials they released 2/26 ; because they knew where the shoe went 😂😂😂
While we’re in the subject of shoes, let’s take it further back with their matching nike off white in 2018. It’s one CPN that is often given as an example but I haven’t discussed on here.
AAAAAHHHHH! I miss the days when they could still wear Nike shoes. Oh well….
Looking through the airport pictures of ZZ before joining the CQL group from 2016 to 2018, there are no pair of Nikes that could often be seen in pictures of him. There are 2 back in 2017. Before CQL, ZZ had quite a variety of shoes, including a few pairs from Adidas. Like WYB, it is obvious that he likes to buy Nike co-branded products, likes to grab the latest models, and even buys more for collection.
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Now let’s focus first on the shoes, it’s a collab of Nike air vapormax X off white. There are two shoes of the same style but in different colors. The black model will be available at 3/30/2018 and the white will be available at 4/18/2018. We know that at the time, WYB will surely have what’s new when it comes to NIKE. It’s either it will be sent to him cause he has a relationship with the brand or he will buy it himself. He is known to always wear the latest designs released. He is also a collector, so he most likely bought the black and white version.
WYB wore the white version on 4/28 and ZZ wore the black model on 5/8 based on photos.
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As for ZZ, he was recording an episode for a show and he also used this shoe for the rehearsal. It is the same show where he had to dance and the choreography was taught by WYB. We’ve seen this in the BTS and ZZ talked about it himself.
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WYB was seen again with the pair during PD101 on 5/10. It’s funny cause this is the same day where XZ was filmed candidly behind the scenes and he said he hasn’t seen LWJ all day.
These two. Honestly. They only formally “met” and then started shoot 4/16 and it hasn’t even been a month but they already have a couple shoe and ZZ was out there emoting about missing LWJ/WYB? It’s a common discussion that leads to alternative timelines like DT or 2017 or it could just be that it’s one of those rare instance where you connect with someone so quickly.
I have 3 possible explanations:
1. It’s totally unrelated. They bought their pairs separately since they like the style and collab.
2. WYB gave the shoe to XZ. I am a fan of both of them giving gifts to each other. And if you are someone who believed XZ gave him a lego set even before they started filming as a gesture of goodwill then this should make more sense to you. Also WYB is known to give gifts and that includes shoes ( for example SDC 3, he gave out multiple pairs ). This reasoning is not necessarily a CPN of them being boyfriends, but more of being close enough to give each other gifts. and not just the usual one you would give to a colleague cause if WYB only has the white and XZ has the black, it’s a couple shoe. WYB low key hinting at the prospect if them being a pair and XZ accepting it.
3. They bought it together, as you would when you’re with a friend and are scrolling through shopping apps together. I think there are fake rumors of that, the two, in between takes scroll through their phones and buy each other stuff or same style clothes. Again, it doesn’t necessarily mean boyfriend behavior, but more of being close enough to do that.
A clue for that is WYB was seen with the black pair during CQL filming around early 6/2018. You can clown that he is wearing ZZ’s shoes or he did buy the 2 kinds for his own and ZZ got the black only.
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Lastly is the stolen mole!!!!! ♥️
Since cpfs are obsessing over WYB’s very visible mole from the Bazaar shoot.
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It’s one of my favorite fake and it basically says, The reason why WYB cares so much about ZZ’s mole under the lip, is because WYB also had one like this when he was little. The elders in the family said it’s something good and it means he will have a happy life. However the mole disappeared. Or i guess in his case it’s not as prominent and has faded instead.
While filming, GG has scenes where he didn’t have make up or it gets taken off because of the heat. WYB looks at him closely and points out his lip mole, saying that he had something like that before but it disappeared. GG then added that his mom told him that his mole appeared only after a while when he was young.
That’s when WYB said GG stole his mole. When it disappeared, the mole transferred to GG 😂😂😂
Maybe this is why WYB is so fixated with his mole that he even includes it in his drawing of XZ/WWX.
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chelseachilly · 1 year
THIS LOVE - chapter four | you can hear it in the silence
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pairing: ben chilwell x reader
rating: T
word count: 2.2k
summary: you try to keep your distance from ben after italy, but after a terrible day, there's no one else you'd rather be with. i wonder why that is...
A/N: sorry it took longer than usual to update guys, it's been a very busy week for me! this one's a bit short as well but the next will be longer. i'm so happy the prem is back and we're getting so much good ben content though, the chelsea media team is keeping us well fed (and inspired one line of this chapter lol). title is from you are in love by taylor swift 🙈
previous chapter | view all chapters
Your plan when you got back to London seemed almost foolproof at the time.
You picked up a bunch of shifts at work, more than you would ever normally take on in one week. If you’re constantly working, then that gives you 1) an excuse not to attend any more events with Ben and 2) a good distraction from the developing feelings you’re experiencing for him.
The facts are simple.
He is your best friend in the world. He most certainly doesn’t return whatever weird feelings you’re having. Nothing is going to happen.
You’re sure it’s just a weird side-effect of this fake dating you’ve been doing, but that’s just playing pretend. 
Seeing him return to his usual ways - that perhaps he never left - of sleeping with beautiful models, firmly planted you back in the real world. 
And there’s nothing that can help you snap out of your fantasy life than a double shift in an East London emergency department. 
By the end of the week, you’re burnt out, exhausted, and you’re coming off what might be the worst shift you’ve ever had. Everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong, and it takes all your energy just to make it home on the tube and get yourself up the stairs to your flat afterward.
You don’t know whether you want to cry, scream, sleep, eat, or something else entirely when you finally make it to your couch and collapse into it. 
Some time passes - you’re not sure if it’s minutes or hours - without you moving a muscle, your face buried in a pillow as you try to forget about your nightmare day. You’re snapped out of it when there’s a knock on your door. 
You’re not expecting anyone, but you reluctantly force yourself off the couch and trudge your way over to open it. 
And there stands Ben, who you haven’t seen or really spoken to except a few texts in a week and a half. Perfect.
“Ben, what are you doing here?” 
You’re aware it’s not the most polite greeting, but you don’t really have much more than that in you. 
“Are you alright?” Ben asks as soon as he has a moment to take you in, his eyes scanning your face. “You didn’t answer my call yesterday or my texts this morning, I was worried.”
Although you missed the texts because your phone was off at work and haven’t had the energy to check your messages since, you did dodge his call. 
“I’m fine, I just had a long day at work and I-“ You pause as it dawns on you what day it is, as well as the fact that Ben is dressed a bit more smartly than usual, in black trousers and a nice leather jacket. “Oh, shit. The Nike thing. I completely forgot.”
You had agreed weeks ago to attend a big flashy party for Nike as Ben’s date tonight, but as you focused all your energy on work this week it completely slipped your mind. 
“I’m sorry, just give me a few minutes to get changed and I’ll-“
“Hey, hey,” Ben says softly, stepping into your flat and closing the door behind him. “Forget about the party, is something wrong?”
You shake your head. “I just had a rough day at work.”
Ben nods, gesturing for you to go on, and something about the sincere worry in his eyes makes it impossible for you to remain closed off from him.
“We were really understaffed, and it was just one thing after another and then I lost a patient and I just-“ 
You cut yourself off as you feel that you’re about to cry, the sheer weight of your awful day and week catching up with you, but Ben can see it in the way your lip is trembling slightly and you’re avoiding eye contact with him.
“It’s alright, come here,” he says, stepping closer and pulling you into his arms before you can insist that you don’t need to be comforted. You definitely do, and there’s no better comfort on earth than Ben’s hugs. 
He holds you close against him, letting you hide your face in his chest, and you can’t resist letting out a few sobs now that he’s opened the emotional floodgates. 
“Shh, you’re okay,” Ben says so softly that it almost makes you cry harder. “I’ve got you.”
Slowly, and never breaking contact, Ben shuffles you both backward until the back of your legs hits the couch and eases you both into a seated position. He pulls you even closer so your legs are draped over his lap and your face rests in the crook of his neck, his hands slowly rubbing your back as your sobs taper off into quiet whimpers.
You can feel everything bad and stressful about today slowly leave your body with every soothing murmur and stroke of Ben’s warm hand against your back. 
He’s like an instant cure for everything wrong with the world, and it occurs to you that a big part of your terrible mood is probably the result of not seeing him for longer than usual. 
Now that you’re back in his presence, in the strong arms that have held you when you were eight and you scraped your knee falling off a bike and when you were sixteen and a boy broke your heart for the first time, you never want to leave. 
You’re no longer crying when you finally find the strength to pull away from him and look him in the eye. 
Ben releases you but keeps his hands firmly on your arms as he examines your face with worried eyes and a creased brow. 
“Are you alright?” he asks barely above a whisper. 
You nod, wiping the tears from your cheeks. “Sorry, I guess this week was just a bit overwhelming.”
“You’ve been working a lot lately, yeah?”
“Yeah, well, have to pay the bills,” you shrug, as if that’s the only reason you’ve been drowning yourself in shifts on purpose. 
You do regret the comment slightly as Ben’s mouth opens and you know what he’s going to say before he even says it. 
“Y/N, if you ever need money, you know-“
“Ben,” you interrupt. “I don’t need money, I’m fine. It was just a stressful week, but I’ve got a few days off now.”
You’ve had this dispute before, with Ben freaking out whenever you seem overworked and insisting on covering some of your expenses. You never take him up on it, obviously. You do mostly love your job and helping people, and Ben knows that. He just worries about you. 
“Alright, fine,” Ben accepts. “Now why don’t we order some food and pick something to watch?”
You blink at him in confusion. “What? What about the Nike thing?”
Ben shrugs. “I’ll skip it. No big deal.”
“Y/N, you had a shit day, you’re not going to some dumb party, and I’m not leaving you alone.”
He says it so matter-of-factly, like it’s his job to take care of you when you’re sad. Like he’s more than just your friend.
You can’t help but smile at his sincere expression, and how he’s gently rubbing your calf that’s still draped over his lap, as if you touch each other like this in private all the time. 
“I thought you said it would be a fun party?” you raise an eyebrow. “Or were you just trying to trick me into it?”
Ben laughs. “Well, it might be alright. A couple of the boys are gonna be there. But not as fun as watching a film with you.”
There it is again - that damn fluttering in your chest that is equal parts exciting and terrifying. 
Suddenly, doing anything with Ben sounds pretty good. Even a dumb party. 
“You know what, let’s go,” you say, wiping any remaining tears from your cheeks. “There’s no point in this whole fake dating thing if we don’t commit, right?”
“Are you sure?” Ben asks, frowning a bit. “We really don’t have to.”
“I’m sure. Let me go get changed.”
You get ready fairly quickly, putting on your go-to little black dress and comfiest heels, because you did just work a 12-hour day. You make your hair look presentable and apply a bit of makeup.
It’s nothing special, but the look on Ben’s face when you walk out of your bedroom says otherwise. 
The stress of your day continues to fade away to nothing as you and Ben make your way over to the party. Ben drives as they have a match Sunday so he won’t be drinking anything, and he loudly sings along to the Taylor Swift song on the radio in a clear attempt to cheer you up. It’s definitely working.
The party is a cool, lively affair at the Nike HQ. There are loads of athletes there, some that you recognize from television and some that you know through Ben. 
As you navigate the party, chatting with some Nike execs and some of Ben’s past and present teammates, Ben maintains some kind of physical touch with you. His fingers intertwined with yours as you walk in; his arm around your waist as you talk to his mates; his hand rubbing gentle circles on your lower back as you order a drink. 
You don’t know if it’s the fact that this is an event hosted by one of his biggest sponsors and he wants to play up the “man in love” thing or if he’s still trying to comfort you, but you can’t help hoping it’s the latter. 
After a while, Ben is approached by someone from Nike asking if he can do a short interview for social media. 
“Your girlfriend is welcome to join too,” the woman says nicely, flashing you a smile.
“You don’t have to,” Ben whispers in your ear, but you just shrug. 
Normally you would shy away from any press, but maybe a part of you doesn’t mind being called his girlfriend tonight.
“I’ll do it,” you say with a small smile at the interviewer. 
Ben keeps his arm protectively around your waist as the interview begins, glancing at you from time to time to make sure you’re alright.
They ask him a few questions about football before diving into the personal stuff, which you know is juicer for social media. 
“So, Ben, we see you’ve brought your lovely girlfriend Y/N here tonight,” the interviewer says. “How does she keep you grounded during the hectic football season?”
You tense a bit as you wonder what Ben is going to say, or if he’s going to be able to come up with anything on the spot, but he barely takes a second to respond.
“She’s such a calming presence in my life, really,” Ben says, squeezing your waist slightly. “She’s a nurse, so her job is infinitely harder than mine, and she still supports me emotionally whenever I hit a low point with my career. She’s…just the best person I know.”
Your heart is beating so wildly that you’re worried Ben is going to be able to tell, but you don’t have much time to stop being flustered before she’s directing a question at you.
“Y/N, I’ve heard that you two have known each other for quite some time before your relationship began,” she says. “What’s your favourite thing about Ben?”
There are a million things that come to mind right away, most of which feel too personal to share. 
You love how he takes care of the people in his life without expecting anything in return. You love how he cries every time you watch Marley and Me together, even though he’s seen it a thousand times.  You love close he is with his family and how he calls his mum every Sunday night just to chat. 
You love…
“I love how positive he is,” you say after a moment when you realize it’s taking you too long to answer. “He’s overcome a lot of adversity in his career, but he always has a smile on his face and makes everyone around him feel better by being in his presence.”
While you try to keep your answer somewhat football-related, since this is a work function, it’s also completely true.
And when Ben looks at you with that same bright smile, you think he knows that.
“Well, it seems love is in the air at Nike HQ tonight,” the interviewer swoons. “I hope you both have a nice evening, and we wish you all the best this season, Ben.”
As she leaves you standing there alone with Ben, trying to process the weight of your feelings, he turns to smile at you and tightens his grip on your waist.
When you meet his gaze and your stomach churns, you know two things for certain.
The first is that you’re in love with your best friend. It’s absolutely terrifying, due in part to the fact that you think you may have been in love with him without realizing it for a long time, but there’s no disputing it anymore.
The second is that you’re going to have to end this fake relationship before someone gets hurt. 
You just hope it’s not too late.
a/n: let me know what you thought, predictions, etc!! love chatting with all of you and your comments/asks make my day! <3 tag list: @lunamelona @kathb59 @captainwans​ @amandaaa1025 @bbygrlllllll @cinderellawithashoe​ @batmansb1tch​ @ncentic​ @myheartgoesvroom @chillymountsjess @babygirlbenji @delicateearthquakellama @joyfullyswimmingface @xxenia14 @chaotic-taco-collector-blog (let me know if you would like to be added or if i missed you!)
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Under Your Spell
model!Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Summary: You're a photographer and just landed a big job. You try to stay professional, but the model you are working with is quite the distraction...
Warnings: almost nudity, tattoos, piercings, thirst, fluff?
Word Count: 2,1k
a/n: Yep, you read that right... model!Tom... 😏 Well... @multifandom-worlds texted me a few weeks ago and gave me the inspiration for this oneshot. 😁 We regret nothing. 👀
Tagging: @lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @eleniblue @muddyorbs @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @mochie85 @chantsdemarins @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @loki-laufeyson-1054 @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @the-princess-of-loki @acefeather2002
Part Two -> Still Under Your Spell (written by @multifandom-worlds )
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(Credit for the picture goes to @multifandom-worlds 😁)
"Got a new job for you." Sam, your boss turned friend said, making her way over to you. You were currently in one of the studios, cleaning up after the photo shooting you just had. You were a professional photographer, working for a quite big agency. Turning to face Sam, she stood beside you now, grinning broadly. "And a real big one at that." "Sam, if that's another joke-" "This time it's not! I swear! This is real!" The blonde, curly haired woman giggled, lifting her hands in surrender. Sam tended to prank you from time to time, telling you that you've got a big job; hired from someone like Prada, Gucci or even Nike or Adidas. Well, it never was the case... Until today. You crossed your arms over your chest, looking at her expectedly. "You might want to sit down, 'cause it's going to blow your mind." "Sam, please, I don't have to sit down, just because-" "Calvin Klein, male model." "Ohhh gods. Okay, yep, yep, I-I need to sit down." Sam laughed, guiding you to sit on one of the stools. You wouldn't say it was one of your biggest dreams to do a photoshoot for Calvin Klein, but it was definitely in the top five. You needed a second to process this, taking a deep breath. "Sam... Really? Like... Really, really? The Calvin Klein?" Your boss giggled, nodding. "Yep, really really. The Calvin Klein." "Wow... This is... wow..." Sam smiled, knowing very well that this was a small dream coming true. "Congrats, sweetie. You deserve this." You returned her smile and couldn't help but to hug her. "When is the shooting? Where? And oh gods, who is the male model? Do I know him?" You had turned from a stunned girl into an excited energy ball within seconds. Sam laughed once more. "Friday next week. I don't know where yet. I'm still waiting for the management to tell me that. And the model... Well, I don't think you know him, 'cause he's pretty new in the business." "Well, who is it?" "Name's Tom. Tom Hiddleston."
Ten days later, you were pacing around the spacious, yet cosy looking room, preparing everything for the photoshoot. You had arrived over an hour earlier, checking on everything twice - just to be on the safe side. You wouldn't want anything to go wrong. Not on such an important shoot. After all, this could be the chance to prove yourself. The stepping stone into a big, successful career as a professional photographer.
You were readjusting the tripod, totally lost in thoughts, when a deep, yet smooth voice brought you back to the here and now. "Hello?" You spun around at the voice, a hairsbreadth away from knocking over the tripod with the camera. "Apologies. I didn't mean to scare you." The voice spoke up again. "It's okay, I-" You turned around without an incident this time, facing the man to whom the sensual voice belonged - and almost fainted right then and there. Before you stood a tall man with deep blue eyes and a charming smile on his face. His blonde-brown hair was short and curled itself in soft waves over his head. His facial features were utterly defined, with a razor-sharp jawline and high cheekbones. A tattoo adorned his neck. From underneath the white shirt he wore, peaked out another black tattoo as well. He was absolutely gorgeous.
You swallowed hard, tried to regain your focus. "S-Sorry, hi. I, uh, was so in thoughts and... You must be Tom, right?" His smile widened a bit, as he stepped closer. "Please don't worry. I should've knocked or something... And yes, I'm Tom." A smile like his could light up the whole world. You were sure of it. Tom stretched out his arm towards you. Your eyes fell to his outstretched hand. He has such big hands, you thought immediately, biting your lip, before you took his kind and polite offer, and watched how his hand swallowed yours whole. "Y/N." "Very nice to meet you, Y/N." You gave the man a smile, trying to cover up your nervousness. "Likewise, Tom." Your hand left his again, and to prevent an upcoming awkward silence, you spoke up again. "Shall we begin?" "I'd love to."
Sam joined you no minute later, informing you and Tom about the details of the shooting, before she went on her way again, leaving you and Tom to work. While the man went into the adjacent locker room in order to get changed - or well, rather half naked (After all, it was an underwear commercial photoshoot.), you checked your camera one last time.
You knew from the first look at Tom, that he was definitely born to be a model, with the breath-taking good looks he had been gifted. But what you saw when he emerged from the locker room, your heart seemed to stop beating for a moment. You had expected a lot... But not this. Not what your eyes witnessed in that very moment. Tom was naked, of course, except for the grey Calvin Klein trunks, which sat snugly around his hips... And crotch. You swallowed hard, tried not to focus on this, of course. Like you had already recognised before, he had tattoos - but not just the two you had seen. Oh no... Tom had a lot more. In fact, was almost his entire body covered with tattoos, starting with that tattoo on his neck. Although, his upper body was not entirely covered, but mostly. Flowers climbed all over his torso, starting at the waistband of the Calvin Klein trunks, up his hips and sides, kissing his left pec and spreading all over his shoulders and arms. It looked stunning and utterly beautiful. You understood to 100 per cent, why Tom became a model.
Tom's legs were covered with a few flowers as well. You could see a flower tendril on both legs, winding itself upwards from his ankles over his calves and knees, ending on his muscular, thick thighs. Speaking of muscles... Tom's body was well shaped. You could tell that already by the blue shirt he had been wearing. Biceps bulging underneath the soft fabric. His shoulders were broad and strong and you could definitely see the fade outlines of his abs, forming into a sixpack. That, combined with the smattering of fine hair in between his pecs and down his belly button was enough to almost got you hyperventilating. You had photographed a lot of people by now, but nobody had swept you off your feet like Tom did. Not just because he looked like a prince, straight out of a novel, written by a woman, no... Because he seemed to be such a nice, kind and charming man.
Though, the tattoos and his utter good looks weren't the only things which caught your attention... Although he looked like a sunny boy with all those flowers, he had something to balance out the 'bad boy image'... Piercings. Tom had a black, curved barbel piercing on his left eyebrow. His lower lip was pierced as well with a black labret piercing. You even caught a glimpse of his tongue piercing, when he licked his lips, which got you thinking about how good it would feel to kiss him with those piercings.
And you weren't just talking about the three on his face... Oh no... There was more. When your eyes wandered lower to his chest, you could see that Tom had both his nipples pierced; causing you to almost drool on your t-shirt. For fucks sake, Y/N! You internally screamed at yourself. Get a grip! This is work! Not a strip club! Stay professional! You swallowed hard, "Alright!" and took a deep breath, hoping that Tom didn't notice your wandering eyes and lusting stare. "Are you ready, Tom?" The handsome man rubbed his hands, smiling and nodding. "I am ready when you are." "Perfect. Let's start."
You had prepared something for the shooting, of course, trying to implement your customers wishes and perceptions. On the left in front of the big white screen stood a rather old, almost vintage chair and on the right a pallet, turned bed, with a soft mattress, some pillows and a white duvet. "Chair first?" Tom asked you, pointing towards the furniture. "If you'd like, sure." "Alright." He smiled, walking over to the chair. You repositioned your camera, thinking you'd start with the bed first, but well... In the end, it didn't matter.
"What do you want me to do? How should I position myself?" You instructed Tom to brace himself with one hand against the chair first, making him stand sexy, but chilled. After that, you told him to sit down, but the wrong way round, so that he sat with spread legs on the furniture, facing the back of the chair. He placed his arms casually on said back, bending his spine slightly. You had positioned the old chair to stand a bit skewed, so his trunks were clearly visible. After all, this was an underwear photoshoot. Well, you were glad that your direct gaze was shielded. Unless you probably would've been expired already. Cause of death: Sensory overload.
When you were done with the first item of the photoshoot, you told Tom to move to the bed, which sent a tingle down your spine. You couldn't deny, that photographing Tom in a bed got you quite a bit hot and bothered. This was a whole new level, causing you to lose concentration and focus slightly once again. You literally couldn't take your eyes off him - and luckily you didn't have to. You were supposed to look at him, weren't you? As the photographer?
"What would you like me to do in here?" Tom asked with a smile, referring to the bed, of course. Take off your trunks and then my clothes. Wait, what? You blinked, shaking your head slightly and hoping Tom didn't notice how you were struggling to keep a cool head. "U-Um... Feel free to try any position you like." He did notice. The man wasn't stupid - and you were bad at hiding your visible attraction. A soft smirk graced his lips; feeling utterly flattered. "Okay, whatever you say, boss." He firstly sat down at the edge of the makeshift bed, placing his elbows on his knees, getting into a kind of thinking position. You quickly snapped a few pictures, watching him change into another few positions. After taking another photo, you looked up at him and said something you regretted afterwards. "I like the way you pose, but I think we should do one more. Perhaps one in which the trunks are very good visibly? Kinda... on full display?" Whoops. You realised immediately how sexual this just sounded, causing you to stumble for an explanation. "I-I mean not that, uh, Calvin Klein complains, because their product isn't to be seen, y-you know? S-Sorry…" You added a small, awkward giggle, hoping your cheeks weren't that red. Tom smiled, shaking his head. "No, I understand. Don't worry. You are probably right." Like you said, you regretted saying this, because Tom took this very seriously...
He returned back to the bed and got on it. Placing himself towards the camera, he laid down on his side, propping his upper body up on his elbow, while he spread his legs, placing one foot on the mattress, so that his leg was bend. The trunks were on full display now. And you? You had to swallow very hard, fighting so hard against yourself to not look. Though, you could swear it looked at you first. Shit.
His thick thighs were perfectly outlined by the grey trunks, causing them to even look stronger. The waistband stretched around his torso deliciously, desperately holding on. "Is this position alright?" "U-Um, yes, sure." With shaky hands you took a few pictures, trying hard to stay professional. Why must he be so sexy, though?
The rest of the photo shooting was absolute torturous for you. Knowing that you were allowed to look, but not to touch. Oh and how you would've loved to touch... You were kind of glad when Tom was dressed again, but also very sad at the same time. "It was a great shooting, thank you. You are a very good, talented photographer." You couldn't help but blush at Tom's words. "Vice versa. You're a remarkable model." The man chuckled. "Well, thank you, Y/N. It was a pleasure working for and with you. Hopefully we get the chance to... work together again." He winked at you, causing your knees to almost give in. Gods, why was he like that? "Well, I-I hope so too."
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tyuninthemirror · 1 year
— she looks so perfect: k.th
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— pairing: idol!taehyun x model fem!reader — genre: fluff — word count: 1049 — disclaimers: mentions of insecurities, mentions of food. taehyun being too pure for this world. — synopsis: taehyun wasn't biased or anything, but you were the kindest and most beautiful person he has ever met. your insecurities were spiraling out of control and he knew he had to put an end to it. — series masterlist
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— author's note: this is by far my most favorite work. i hope you all love it as much as i did ♡
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As you reach your front door, you repeat your mantra in your head. 'I am beautiful. I am beautiful.'
Today was a bad day. The weigh-in at work had been humiliating, with your manager scolding you in front of everyone for being bloated due to nearing your period. And then there was the GENTLE MONSTER BOLD Collection photo shoot, where your manager threatened to remove you from the lineup. As if that wasn't enough, you overheard one of your 'friends' laughing about your bloating in the changing room.
You let out a deep sigh as you enter the apartment you share with Taehyun. Removing the cooling packs from under your eyes and sliding them into your pocket, you quickly check your reflection for any signs of tears before calling out to Taehyun.
"Taehyun-ah, I'm home," you say, forcing yourself to sound cheerful.
"Welcome home!" Taehyun responds, poking his head out from the kitchen. "Dinner is almost ready!"
You are Y/N, a successful runway model who seemingly embodies perfection to others. But deep down, you struggle with insecurities about yourself. Days like today only make it worse when surrounded by models who seem to have it all together. But you try your best to hide it from Taehyun.
"What's up, Y/N? Are you okay?" he asks with concern as you both sit down to eat the meal he prepared. You don't want to burden him with your problems, so you brush it off.
"I'm fine. Just tired from work," you reply weakly, flashing a smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes.
"Okay," Taehyun says reluctantly. He can see right through your pretense - how puffy and red your eyes are from crying and how little food you're actually eating. It breaks his heart to see how much your career success has taken a toll on your mental health.
Taehyun remembers the first time he met you. It was at Seoul Fashion Week, where TXT had just debuted and you were walking for Nike as a new model. Beomgyu teased him endlessly for his obvious admiration of you. But after sneaking backstage and getting your number, the two of you became inseparable. He has watched your career skyrocket from a newbie to walking for top designers in Milan.
But with each step towards success, Taehyun has also watched as your insecurity grows. Despite his attempts to talk to you about your mental health, you always assure him that you're fine. He knows better though - he can see how much of a toll it has taken on you. But knowing how busy he is with his own career, you don't want to burden him with your struggles.
The faint sound of weeping greeted Taehyun as he walked into the apartment a week later. As he followed the sound, his heart sank at the sight of you sobbing in the living room.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" he asked, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You turned to him, tears streaming down your cheeks as you threw yourself into his arms. His embrace was warm and reassuring as he rubbed your back soothingly.
"They're cutting me from the Jimmy Choo collection because my pinky toe keeps sticking out of the heels," you managed to say through sobs. Taehyun's heart clenched at the sound of your pain, his own eyes stinging with tears.
"I'm so sorry, baby," he murmured, holding you even tighter. "Don't listen to them, Y/N. You are beautiful just the way you are."
"Why do I have such ugly feet?" you continued to sob. "I'll never be as perfect as Janey. She always gets the best gigs because she's smaller than me."
Taehyun's expression softened as he pulled back and cupped your face in his hands, looking deeply into your eyes. "Y/N, don't ever think that about yourself. You are absolutely stunning, and nothing can change that. Remember when you modeled that garbage bag for the raincoat collection? Even then, you were breathtaking."
You blushed at his words but felt comforted by them nonetheless.
"I know it's hard when other people's opinions weigh so heavily on you," Taehyun said gently, wiping away your tears with his thumb. "But remember that only your opinion matters. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."
"It's not that easy," you whispered, barely audible. "I'm constantly surrounded by these judgmental people and I feel like I'm not good enough."
Feeling his own emotions bubbling to the surface, Taehyun pulled you back into his arms. You could feel his heart beating against your chest as he tried to hold back his tears.
"Y/N, you deserve so much better than this," he said, his voice breaking with emotion. "You don't have to keep putting yourself through this kind of stress. You don't have to keep modeling if it's making you unhappy. You deserve to be happy."
You were speechless, never having considered the possibility of quitting modeling before.
"But what would I do if I stopped?" you whispered, finding solace in Taehyun's embrace and feeling grateful for him in that moment.
"You could go back to school, remember? You wanted to study digital marketing or become a news anchor?" Taehyun suggested. "Or maybe pursue voice acting like you did in the Trolls movie? You were amazing even with just two lines."
"Babe, that was nothing," you chuckled.
"Exactly! And you nailed it," Taehyun defended with enthusiasm, bringing a smile to your face.
"Or…" he continued, a mischievous glint in his eye. "We could buy plane tickets to Hawaii right now and hide out there for a few days. Sipping coconuts on the beach sounds pretty good, right?"
"How lucky am I to have someone like you in my life," you sighed, pulling away to look at Taehyun, studying the face of the man you loved more than anything.
"You're lucky? Then I must have saved lives in my previous life to be blessed with someone like you."
Taehyun's words make you realize that maybe he's right. Maybe it's time for a change in your life and to distance yourself from the superficial people you've been around lately.
As you lean into his embrace once more, you're grateful to have someone who loves and cares for you, flaws and all.
"I love you, Kang Taehyun."
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getjoys · 9 months
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Dazzling Daisy Bloom: Her Internet Fame Journey
Some people are born to shine, and Daisy Blooms is one of them. The 22-year-old social media sensation has captivated millions of fans with her radiant smile, uplifting posts, and generous spirit. But how did she go from being a regular girl named Daisy to a dazzling celebrity known as Daisy Blooms? In this article, we will explore her remarkable journey to internet fame, and how she uses her platform to spread joy and positivity to the world.
Birth, Parents and Education of Daisy Blooms
Daisy Blooms is not her real name, but a stage name that she adopted for her social media career. Her real name is Jameliz Benitez Smith, and she was born on June 9, 2001, in the United States. She is of mixed ethnicity, as her father is African-American and her mother is Puerto Rican. She has a younger sister named Jazmin, who also appears in some of her videos.
Daisy Blooms grew up in a musical family, as her father is a rapper and her mother is a singer. She was exposed to various genres of music from a young age, and developed a passion for singing and dancing. She also learned to play the guitar and the piano. She attended a local high school in the United States, where she was popular among her peers and participated in various extracurricular activities, such as cheerleading, drama club, and choir. 
In 2019, she completed her high school education and made the decision to pursue her aspiration of becoming a social media influencer. She then enrolled in an online college to study business and marketing. She enrolled in an online college, where she is studying business and marketing. She hopes to use her education to expand her brand and reach more audiences.
Rise to Social Media Stardom
Daisy Blooms started her social media career in 2022, when she was only 18 years old. She created an Instagram account under the name @jellybeanbrainss, where she posted photos and videos of herself wearing colorful outfits, posing with flowers, and sharing positive messages. 
Daisy Blooms quickly gained a dedicated following due to her cheerful personality, unique style, and motivating captions. In addition to her successful Instagram account, she also established a presence on TikTok under the username @daisyblooms. Her content on this platform included dance, lifestyle, and modeling videos set to popular rap and hip-hop songs. 
Daisy rose to fame on TikTok after a video of her dancing on top of a car went viral and amassed over 2 million views. As a result, she became one of the most influential and well-known celebrities on social media, with millions of followers across various platforms.
Daisy Blooms has collaborated with other notable stars such as James Charles, David Dobrik, and Emma Chamberlain. She has also secured endorsements from major brands including Nike, Sephora, and Coca-Cola. Her success has also been recognized by various magazines such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and Teen Vogue. 
Daisy Blooms is a social media star who has not revealed much about her relationship status. She does not share any videos or photos that indicate that she has a romantic partner, nor does she refer to anyone in her captions or comments. She seems to focus on her career and her fans, and does not disclose much about her personal life.
Social Media
Daisy Blooms has a presence on Instagram.........Read More
Source: Getjoys
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invisiblequeen · 2 months
For Anyone's Bachelor/ette Challenge: FOUR New BC Hopefuls
1. Posy Valentine
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Age: 26
Pronouns: She/Her
Aspiration: Music Producer
Traits: Tender, Creative, Music Lover
Bio: Once upon a time, not long ago, Posy was a contestant on Love Island: Tartosa. She thought she'd found the one and left in high spirits. Five years later, she's a popular producer for some of your favorite artists, she's a style icon on trendi...and she's newly single. As scarred as she is from the breakup, you'd think she'd never open her heart to another again...
2. Julian Bayly
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Age: 25
Pronouns: He/Him
Aspiration: Master Actor
Traits: Arrogant, Foodie, Mallrat
Bio: Julian Bayly is one of the most successful child actor-turned grown movie star of this generation. From playing the mischievous little brother in the sitcom "Mamily Fatters" to the lead role of the horror film "Lot Nike Us," Julian has proven his versatility and skill in a wide variety of award winning roles at a very young age. Which is probably why they say he looks older than he actually is. A life that busy and hectic is bound to leave you stressed and lonely, without the right person to come home to...
3. Evion Gary
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Age: 22
Pronouns: He/Him
Aspiration: Social Game Enthusiast
Traits: Smug, Fashion Show Model, Proper
Bio: Evion Gary is the one to book for your runway show if you want attention on your clothing line. He's confident, unique, mysterious and a style icon off-the-runway as well. Those that truly know him--a select blessed few--know that his true calling is social games. Every single group activity available at the table, with cards, chess pieces or jenga blocks, Evion dominates, having honed his skills since his father taught him the ways of Don't Wake The Llama. You'll have to beat him at his own game to truly match his heart...
4. Elise Agro
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Age: 24
Pronouns: She/Her
Aspiration: Fount Of Tomorangi Knowledge
Traits: Child Of The Village, Foodie, Chic
Bio: Elise spent her college years traveling the entire world, looking for her purpose in life. After years of living in everyone else's shadow, she was ready to get out of town and broaden her horizons. As wild and fun as it's been, Elise has started to miss home, and just moved back into a small apartment to find more of herself without anyone's expectations looming over her. Maybe she'll find her special someone there, too...
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Sam Delgado at Vox:
Over the last century, people have started demanding more from the businesses where they shop. Whether it be a pair of jeans or the food on their plates, consumers want to know that what they’re buying isn’t just good quality but also ethically and sustainably made. In the early 20th century, groups like the National Consumers League and the now-defunct League of Women Shoppers organized consumers to take advantage of their power in an effort to improve labor protections and the rights of workers in the United States. Today, ethically minded consumers are also motivated by climate change and animal rights, as the consequences of our overconsumption have become clearer.
Fast-forward 90 years and the global marketplace has become exponentially more complex. Globalization has remade how and where corporations make products. If it was difficult for activists at the turn of the 20th century to identify ethically made products, the challenge to the modern consumer is even greater. You might think regulations or legislation could compel companies to produce more ethically made goods. But ultimately, no one government is responsible for a supply chain that crosses borders and oceans. In a globalized economy, nobody is in charge. So “corporate social responsibility” — or the idea that companies can hold themselves accountable — emerged, responding to this consumer demand. In practice, corporate social responsibility can look like companies donating to charities every year, committing to net-zero emissions by a certain date, or focusing on labor practices. To prove they’re doing this work, companies will partner with nonprofits or hire third-party consultants to audit their supply chains, and then measure and report their progress in annual reports, press releases, and on their websites.
[...] Corporate social responsibility went mainstream during the new wave of globalization and the growth of multinational corporations that followed in the second half of the 20th century. As these businesses expanded their reach and production speed, they sought to cut their costs by contracting cheaper labor in other countries with weak worker protections. This idea of outsourcing wasn’t necessarily new. Businesses in the US already had a history of moving to Southern states where they knew corporate regulation was more relaxed and labor would be less expensive, made possible by the racist legacy of slavery and Jim Crow laws. A century later, new technology — particularly the internet — made it even easier for companies to scale up and outsource their operations. By moving overseas, companies could obscure unsafe working conditions from American consumers, who might’ve known very little about how their products were being made.
But public awareness of the costs of globalization started to grow in the early 1990s, thanks to stories and reports from human rights organizations and newsrooms that laid out the abysmal working conditions and standards of major brands, often in their factories overseas. Nike, the world’s biggest shoe seller, faced backlash after multiple stories came out about grueling conditions and the use of child labor in its contracted factories, sparking boycotts and protests against Nike from consumers and activists alike. Businesses saw how consumers could rise against them if they weren’t careful about what went on in their supply chains, leading to more companies developing their own voluntary corporate social responsibility initiatives to address their environmental and social impacts.
Today, corporate social responsibility programs are widespread. They often refer to commitments a company makes toward a particular area of social impact, like diversity, ethical sourcing, or the environment. It usually looks like this: A company will set goals around one or more of these areas, assess its progress, and then publish its results. To legitimize these programs, companies will hire social auditing firms, seek certifications from multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) like the Fair Labor Association or Fair Trade to show they meet certain standards, or develop codes of conduct around labor and human rights. Such programs matter to consumers, and they’re willing to pay more for sustainably made products — and hey, if something is good for both the world and for business, what’s the harm?
Corporate social responsibility in practice
Corporate social responsibility is everywhere today, driven by consumer demand and a growing socially conscious workforce. One 2023 study found that over 80 percent of companies are increasing their budgets for sustainability initiatives. Chief sustainability officers are now common, and more companies are disclosing the exact factories their products are made in and the reported conditions. But it’s hard to know how honest or effective these programs really are at protecting labor and the environment. Part of the issue is they’re voluntary. While companies must comply with local, federal, and international laws, that’s the end of their legal obligations. Beyond that, there’s no requirement for corporate social responsibility programs to show their methodology or metrics for calculating their progress and no obligation to release all results from a social audit. A company can change its corporate social responsibility programs at any point, or drop them entirely. [...]
The rise of worker-driven social responsibility
Around the same time that corporate social responsibility was taking off in the 1990s, a group of farmworkers in a rural Florida town called Immokalee had a meeting that would challenge the status quo, from the bottom of the supply chain all the way to the top. The farmworkers were Mexican, Guatemalan, and Haitian migrants, and they harvested buckets of tomatoes in grueling conditions for as long as 12 hours a day, receiving poverty wages for providing crucial produce to US grocery stores and restaurants. The fields they worked in were rife with verbal and physical abuse, sexual harassment, wage theft, and, in the worst cases, involuntary servitude. Tired of the exploitation they encountered in the fields, the Immokalee farmworkers discussed how they could really change the way things were done. This 1993 meeting marked the beginning of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and, later on, the first ever worker-driven social responsibility program. Lucas Benitez, one of the founders of the CIW, told me that, at first, the farmworkers thought their employers, the tomato growers, had all the power. “Then we came to see and recognize what was essentially an invisible hand that was putting that pressure further and further down on the supply chain,” Benitez said via an interpreter. “That started at the top, because it’s those retailers that fundamentally dictate to growers the conditions under which that food is being produced. And so that’s really where the power lay, and so that’s where we turned.” In 2001, the CIW set its sights on Taco Bell and called for a boycott over the reportedly abysmal conditions in its tomato supply chain. Four years later, Taco Bell signed an agreement that included vital demands from the CIW: Taco Bell would pay a premium for its tomatoes that would go directly to workers’ paychecks, it would only buy from growers who met the code of conduct that protected workers, and this would be monitored and enforced by an investigative body with help from the CIW. It was all backed by a legally binding contract. A binding contract is crucial to worker-driven social responsibility, a sharp contrast to those toothless corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Vox takes a look at the worker-driven social responsibility trend.
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harlowtales · 1 year
Group Chat in Chaos 😭😭😭 💀 Urban Edition
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Jack: ????
Urban: Yes?
Jack: Naw bro like WTF? In Nikes no less 😒
Urban: Bettering myself with knowledge
Sunni: What book were you reaching for? Hoe of the Highlands 5th Edition?
Javonte: Reach King Reach! 😏
Urban: See? Javonte appreciates learning
Jack: He’s supposed to appreciate it
Copelan: Yoooo serving a helping of cake my boy! 🍑
Druski: It’s kinda cute and round 🫣
Jack: Bro What?
Trap: What’d I miss?
Sunni: Nothing just a full moon
Javonte: Yes and it’s bright 😀
Phil: It’s sad the way you try to compete bro
Nas X: 👀👀👀👀 🍑❤️🤠
Urban: It’s an acquired taste
Jack: What your ass?? 🤢
Nas X: 🍑😋
Druski: It’s giving desperate
Sunni: He’s secure in his masculinity. I fuck wit it
Urban: Thanks bro 💪🏻
Trap: Wait…you can read? 😱
Urban: I read plenty
Copelan: GTFOH What’s the last book you read?
Sunni: A Tale of 2 Titties
Jack: Looks like a no titties situation to me 🙅🏻‍♂️
Urban: If you had any game you’d know that’s my come here face
Jack: Ok I’ll let you believe that
Phil: None y’all bitches got game tbh 🥱
Clay: Bruh my boy wants your number
Urban: Oh yeah? I like soccer legs
Copelan: Dafuq?
Javonte: Really???
Twiggy: Yoooo your cheeks are trending. Nice work
Urban: Thank you for being a real one bro
Jack: A real what
KBT: Urbbbbbyyyyyy nice humps
Urban: 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Jack: Ok clearly I’m the only one that wants to see this guy fall off a ladder STAT
Nas X: More like a stairway to heaven if you ask me 😇
Javonte: Ditto 😛😘
Urban: Well fellas….and haters😒 I have a date so kiss my cheeks goodbye 😘🍑
Jack: Me too doorknobs I gotta thing seeya
Copelan: 🫡
Trap: Later
Druski: 🤡
Nas X: Urban you busy later bro?
Clay: Wait…I just got here
KBT: Yo Jack wait up….I need that Phocus sponsorship
Sunni: How come you never ask me to model?
KBT: I gotta go bruh
Sunni: 😔
Phil: I’m going to the library 🤓
Quiiso: Yo
2Fo: Oh ok I see how it is…soon as some real men come up innis bitch y’all finna bounce
Sunni: You missed the cake bro
Quiiso: There was cake? 😋
@jacks-daycare @killatravtramp @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @jackmans-poison @comehomeimissyou @creme-delacreme @spicypiscesthings
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pink-ttes · 1 year
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a semi-brief overview of the popularity ranking within pinkalicious and the solo activities that each member has. (ib. @/moirtre)
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001. ∬ ˚ ⋆ ࣪  CHARMEINE YU
Coming in at the most popular member, Charmeine was favored before even debuting. She is one of the wealthy heiress’ of the well-established LEE FAIMLY. She’s also the cousin of already debuted Lee girl, BRIAR LEE, who got her musical start in 2016 under TROUVAILLE. Due to her already having a following before THE PINK TAPE aired, her name being mentioned skyrocketed viewer ratings and anticipation for the show. That popularity only took off even more after seeing her on the show, getting a taste of her many talents. She regularly trended during the survival shows airtime for her dancing skills, vocals, and stage presence—not to mention her variety skills. It was no surprise that she made it into the lineup, winning the entire show and being crowned QUEEN PINK. Following her debut, Charmeine’s popularity failed to fade, only growing.
Over her career, Charmeine has had a plethora of solo endeavors, to the extent that some people may even recognize her as Charmeine Yu rather than Charmeine from The PINKETTES. Being the third member to debut as a solo artist and easily the most successful, she came out with her first solo album in 2022 which was a hit instantly. Her promotions for the solo were incredibly iconic, pushing her further in popularity by miles. She became a global ambassador for CHANEL in 2019. She also went on a number of variety shows solo, her most memorable appearances being: THE MANAGER, AMAZING SATURDAY, and her labelmates podcast/talk show, CHATTY WITH ADDY.
She also went onto model for other brands such as ALEXANDER MCQUEEN, MARC JACOBS DAISY, and UNDER ARMOUR. Aside from brand deals, she’s also earned quite a few musical features from artists like Ravana’s KYRIE. It’s safe to say that Charmeine is booked and busy.
002. ∬ ˚ ⋆ ࣪  TANA KANAROT
Majority would thank TANA’S heritage for her popularity, ranking at the second most popular member. Her mother, being a famous model and her father being a well-respected industrial designer with lots of money, her name was already in talks. She is constantly battling with CHARMEINE for most popular but it’s more common for Charmeine to win. A part of her lesser popularity with fans and the general public can be accounted to her likability. She’s had a history with Netizen’s criticizing her attitude, often accusing her of having “Celebrity Sickness.” That isn’t to say that Tana hasn’t had a successful solo career, becoming one of VERSACE’S global ambassador in 2020 and the second member to debut as a soloist in 2021. Her solo was a commercial success, surpassing LONDON’S solo. However, her fans were upset when Charmeine’s solo outperformed hers statistically—charts, streams, and sales.
Taking after her mother, most of Tana’s solo activities, if not all, consist of modeling gigs. She’s posed for brands like NIKE, ARMANI, and HERMÈS BIRKIN.
003. ∬ ˚ ⋆ ࣪  BAE YOONA : LONDON
Most known for her likable personality and Girl-Next-Door image, LONDON ranks in at third most popular member. She was quite popular during THE PINK TAPE, even beating TANA in popularity. The general public favored her being “down to earth” and sweet. They also praised her visuals, likening her to an Angel and even giving her the endearing nickname NATIONS ANGEL. However, this popularity seemed to turn against her with a large few of Netizens slandering her for her relationships with male idols. Though she’s never had a public relationship with any, she’s friends with a lot of male idols and they’ve never shied away from showing their appreciation and admiration for her publicly.
Majority of her solo promotions come from her reputation as a TV personality, becoming a beloved MUSIC BANK MC, making appearances on THE RETURN OF SUPERMAN, HOME ALONE, and RUNNING MAN. However, she has dabbled into the pool of sponsorships, officially becoming a global ambassador for CARTIER in 2020 and is frequently receiving gifts from them all the time. London also accumulated deals with the likes of DIOR BEAUTY and INNISFREE.
The first to do so, London debuted as a soloist in 2020 which received high-praise from the general public.
Although not really publicized, a large majority of Pinkalicious’ discography is credited to London. She has a considerable amount of writing and producing credits under her belt, working with a plethora idols that the public wouldn’t even think. She also plans on publishing a book some time in the future. She has her hands in a few things.
004. ∬ ˚ ⋆ ࣪  KANG MIKYUNG
Due to a cesspool of attitude scandals, MIKYUNG only sits at the fourth most popular member of the group. From the moment she was revealed on THE PINK TAPE, Netizens bashed the girl for her “narcissism” and labeled her as a diva. What Mikyung viewed as self-confidence, others looked at as unattractive arrogance. The general public went on a witch hunt with her, which continued even after her debut—which only fueled their hatred for her, seeing as she still made the lineup in spite of her personality.
Twitter and fans in general have a ball demonizing her. She still managed to garner fans, mostly praised for her dancing talents, unique visual, and stage presence. Aside from this, she doesn’t have as many solo promotions compared to the members ranked above her, although she still was chosen as an ambassador by MIU MIU in 2020. She has been a loyal ambassador for the brand ever since, regularly sporting Miu Miu purses and attending fashion shows covered from head to toe in Miu Miu. She’s also posed for them countless times, often being named the FACE OF MIU MIU. Additionally, Minkyung teamed up with BLUMARINE, MICHAEL KORS, and JACQUEMUS.
Almost all of her variety show appearances are with a group or another member. The most variety time she has is if she posts a vlog in the groups official YouTube channel, which is usually either about dancing or her trips overseas. Occasionally, she’ll go live either by herself or with a member and stream mediocre but funny gameplay and interact with fans.
005. ∬ ˚ ⋆ ࣪  CAI ARNELA : NELLY
Easily the most blatantly disliked member, NELLY is ranked last in popularity. She was never really noticed or given any real attention during THE PINK TAPE from viewers. There were the occasional comments about her being pretty or “they hope she still debuts,” because they just knew she wasn’t making it in the lineup. When she did, however, all hell broke loose. Initially, there was only supposed to be the top four making it into the group. But Nelly, ranking at five to everyone’s surprise, was added to the lineup at the last minute. Everyone already had looked at the top four as THE CORE FOUR, and essentially the best lineup to come out of Pinkalicious. So Nelly’s addition was riddled with comments such as “rigged,” “unnecessary,” and “filler member.”
Safe to say, it’s hard coming across a BFF that doesn’t at least have a little animosity toward Nelly. Especially considering songs were swiped from their debut rollout, allegations about Nelly not being able to keep up with the others labeled as the reason why.
Putting aside all of the controversies, Nelly was still able to bag her title as a global ambassador for CALVIN KLEIN in 2022, becoming the last member to become an ambassador for a brand. She doesn’t attend variety shows without the members and she rarely gets solo CF’s, however, in 2022 she filmed a CF for MCDONALD’S and appeared in a TOYOTA advertisement.
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