#production of carp fishes
kisanofindia · 9 months
Carp Fish: पूरक आहार से बढ़ेगा कार्प मछलियों का उत्पादन, जानिए इसे खिलाने का सही तरीका
कार्प मछलियां दूसरी मछलियों का शिकार नहीं करतीं
कार्प मछलियां दूसरी मछलियों की तुलना में तेज़ी से बढ़ती हैं। ऐसे में अगर उन्हें पूरक आहार यानी सप्लीमेंट्री फ़ूड दिया जाए तो और तेज़ी से वृद्धि कर सकती हैं और जिससे किसानों की लागत कम और मुनाफ़ा अधिक होगा।
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मछली पालन किसानों की आमदनी का एक मुख्य ज़रिया है, क्योंकि इसकी मांग हमेशा ही बनी रहती है। कुछ मछलियां समुद्र में तो कुछ मीठे पानी यानी नदी, झील आदि में रहती हैं। कार्प मछली मीठे पानी वाली मछली है, जो दूसरी मछलियों की तुलना में जल्दी बढ़ती है और अगर उनका पालन सही तरीके से किया जाए, इन्हें पूरक आहार सही समय, तरीके और मात्रा में दिया जाए, तो इससे किसानों का मुनाफ़ा और अधिक बढ़ सकता है।
आइए, जानते हैं कि कार्प मछलियों को कितना पूरक आहार और किस तरह से दिया जाना चाहिए।
कार्प मछली क्या होती है?
ये मीठे पानी में रहने वाली मछली की एक प्रजाति है, जो सर्वाहारी है। ये बदलते मौसम के हिसाब से खुद को ढाल लेती है। इन मछलियों के शरीर की औसतन लंबाई 12-24 इंच होती है, हालांकि ये और भी ज़्यादा बड़ी हो सकती हैं। ये मछली पानी की निचली सतह से भोजन लेती है। ये फरवरी से अप्रैल और अक्टूबर से नवंबर के दौरान अंडे देती है। व्यावसायिक तौर पर इसको पालना आसान है। इसे किसान चाहें तो छोटे टैंक, तालाब या घर की छत पर भी पाल सकते हैं। इन मछलियों का वज़न तेज़ी से बढ़ता है, इसलिए ये फ़ायदेमंद होती है।किसानों को मछलियों के आहार का ख़ास ध्यान रखने की ज़रूरत होती है।
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क्यों कार्प मछली के लिए ज़रूरी है पूरक आहार?
मछलियों के अच्छे विकास के लिए उन्हें प्रोटीन, कार्बोहाइड्रेट, फैट, फाइबर, विटामिन, खनिज मिश्रण जैसे पोषक तत्वों की ज़रूरत होती है और पूरक आहार (सप्लीमेंट्री फूड) संतुलित मात्रा में होता है। आमतौर पर कार्प मछलियां प्लवक वनस्पति और जीवों को खाती हैं, मगर ये पर्याप्त नहीं है। उन्हें चावल की भूसी, सरसों, मूंगफली, सोयाबीन आदि की खली पूरक आहार के रूप में दी जाती है, जिससे उन्हें पूर्ण पोषण मिलता है और उनका वज़न तेज़ी से बढ़ता है। मछली के चूर्ण के साथ पूरक आहार का मिश्रण करके मछलियों को उनके आकार के हिसाब से दिया जाता है। पूरक आहार की ख़ासियत ये है कि ये आसानी से मिल जाता है और मछलियां इसे आसानी से पचा लेती हैं। इससे प्रदूषण भी कम होता है और ये जल को स्थिरता देता है।
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आकार के हिसाब से आहार की मात्रा
स्पॉन से पोना साइज़ तक की मछलियों के बीज को उनके पहले हफ़्ते में शरीर के वज़न का 4 गुना और दूसरे हफ्ते में वज़न का 8 गुणा आहार दें। पोना से लेकर अंगुलिका तक पहले महीने में शरीर के वज़न का 6-8 प्रतिशत, दूसरे महीने में शरीर के वज़न का 5-6 प्रतिशत और तीसरे महीने में शरीर के वज़न का 3-4 प्रतिशत आहार दिया जाना चाहिए। अंगुलिका और व्यस्क मछलियों को पहले महीने में शरीर के वज़न का 3-5 प्रतिशत और दूसरे महीने में शरीर के वज़न का 1-3 प्रतिशत आहार देना चाहिए।
और पढ़ें......
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yyjcw1 · 1 year
爱吃鱼肉要收藏,学会草鱼这种做法,麻辣鲜香,一大锅都不够吃Homemade Grilled Fish, Spicy Delicacy
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i-should-have-studied · 2 months
Mod 2 General Topics
Types of Fins
Fins are thin, broad folds of integument internally supported by fin rays, they aid in locomotion in various ways depending on the type of fins.
There are 2 kinds of adult fish fins: unpaired median and paired lateral.
Unpaired median fins include 1-2 dorsal fins along the mid-dorsal line, a ventral anal fin behind the anus/cloaca and a caudal fin around the tip of the tail.
Paired lateral fins include pectoral fins anteriorly and pelvic fins posteriorly. Pelvic fins are called thoracic when located below the pectoral fins and abdominal when located just above the anus. Absent in some.
Under unpaired fins there are many types of caudal fins. Caudal fins are well developed in most fish because of its important contribution to forward propulsion during swimming. The 3 main types are: diphycercal, heterocercal, and homocercal.
Diphycercal Fins:
The most primitive, not exhibited by many living fish.
Vertebral column extends straight back to the tip of the tail, dividing the fin symmetrically and equally into the dorsal and ventral lobes.
Occurs in cyclostomes, primitive sharks, and lungfish.
Presence of diphycercal tail in developed fish is due to secondary modifications.
Heterocercal Fins:
Intermediate type.
The caudal fin is strongly asymmetrical.
Vertebral column bends upwards and reaches up to the tip of the more prominent dorsal lobe.
Characteristic in bottom feeders with a ventral mouth, the stroked of the large dorsal lobe directs the fish downwards.
Occurs in modern sharks.
The opposite, a large ventral lobe, is found in flying fish to propel them upwards. This type of fin is called hypocercal.
Homocercal Fins:
The most advanced type and the most common.
Characteristic of most higher bony fishes.
Externally symmetrical but internally asymmetrical.
The original dorsal lobe or epichordal is suppressed, the original ventral love is developed into a single or 2 symmetrical lobes.
Characteristic of fishes with a terminal mouth, its strokes force the fish straight forward.
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Types of Scales
There are 5 types of dermal scales: Cosmoid, Placoid, Ganoid, Cycloid, and Ctenoid.
1. Cosmoid Scales:
Does not occur in living fish, only fossilized fishes.
2. Placoid Scales:
Characteristic of sharks.
Each scale has a backwardly directed spine arising from a round or rhomboidal basal plate embedded in dermis.
Spine is enamel-like and basal plate is of dentine-like bony material.
A pulp cavity inside the spine opens through basal plate.
Placoid scales are closely set together in skin; giving a sandpaper like texture.
3. Ganoid Scales:
Thick, rhomboidal, or diamond shaped plates closely fitted side by side. Tile like, provide a bony armor to the fish, might overlap in some.
Characteristic of holosteans.
4. Cycloid Scales:
Thin, flexible. translucent plates. Circular in outline and thicker in the center.
Marked with several concentric lines of growth which can be used to determine age.
They overlap each other, each scale is embedded in a small pocket of dermis.
Found in lung fishes, carp, cod, etc.
5. Ctenoid Scales:
Similar to cycloid scales in form, structure, and arrangement.
But is more firmly attached, their free hind parts with are not overlapped, bear numerous small comb-like teeth or spines.
Characteristic of modern higher teleosteans like perch and sunfish.
There are some intermediate types of scales found in between cycloid and ctenoid, and some fish like flounder have both.
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Neoteny and Paedogenesis
Neoteny refers to the retention of a larval or embryonic trait in the adult body. For example the retention of larval gills in adult salamanders.
Paedogenesis refers to the development of gonads and or production of young by an immature larval animal. Examples are scattered in several groups or animals such as gall fly, liver fluke, and salamanders.
Neoteny emphasizes the retention of larval traits in the adult body while paedogenesis stresses the development of adult like gonads in the larval body.
The best example of neoteny and paedogenesis is ambystomata. Normally they live through an aquatic larval stage and transform into an air-breathing terrestrial adult. However, under certain circumstances, the larvae does not undergo metamorphosis, retains it's gills and aquatic nature, but becomes sexually mature. This sexually mature larval stage with external gills is called an axolotl.
For a while axolotls were thought to be an entirely separate genus, Siredon.
Environmental factors affect metamorphosis in many ways. Abundance of food, cold temp., and insufficient iodine may cause failure of metamorphosis and paedogenesis. This is known because drying of swamps, lack of food, and rise in temp induce axolotls to metamorphose. When treated with thyroxine or TSH, they lose their gills and become adults.
There are 3 types of neoteny, partial, intermediate and total.
Partial neoteny is then metamorphosis is delayed due to temporary ecological or physiological changes, seen in tadpoles over winter.
Intermediate neoteny is when the organism is sexually reproductive and can undergo metamorphosis under the correct conditions, seen in axolotl.
Total neoteny is when they remain larval throughout. Even after treatment of thyroxine, they fail to metamorphose. Seen in Siren.
Parental Care in Amphibians
Parental care is the act of looking after the eggs or young until they are independent enough to defend from predators.
Amphibians exhibit various types of parental care in two broad groups: Protection by nests, nurseries, or shelters and direct caring by parents.
Protection by nests, nurseries, or shelters:
1. Selection of site: Many amphibians lay their eggs in protected moist microhabitats. Some frogs and toads lay eggs on land near water. Many tree frogs lay their eggs on leave and branched overhanding water by gluing their eggs, they fall into water free of predators when hatched. Some tree frogs deposit eggs in water that accumulates in epiphytic tropical plants, free from aquatic predators.
2. Defending eggs or territories: Male green Rana frogs maintain territories and attack small intruders to protect the eggs. Both male and female Mantophryne frogs guard the eggs. The male actually sits over and holds the gelatinous envelope containing 17 eggs.
3. Direct Development: In some frogs such as Hyla, the eggs hatch directly into little frogs, thus avoiding the chance of larval mortality. In the red backed salamander, the hatchlings are miniature adults.
4. Foam Nests: Many amphibians convert copious mucous secretion into nests for young. Japanese tree frogs dig a hole or tunnel into which eggs are left in a frothy mass to avoid desiccation. During rain, the hatching tadpoles are washed down the slopping tunnel into pond or river water for further development. Some frogs lay eggs in nests of foam floating on water. The female emits a huge amount of mucus that she can beats into foam with her hindlegs to lay eggs in. When tadpoles hatch they drop from foam into water.
5. Mud nests: Brazilian tree frog, Hyla, the male frog digs little holes in the mud of shallow water for the female frog to lay eggs in. The nest is 30cm in diameter and 5-8cm deep. Tadpoles hatch within this safe place and develop until they are large enough to defend themselves.
6. Tree nests: The South American Tree frog, Phyllomedusa, lays eggs in a folded leaf nest with margins glued together with cloacal secretions. The tadpoles when formed fall straight into water below.
7. Gelatinous bags: Salamandrella, a small aquatic salamander, deposits 50-60 small eggs in a gelatinous bag which is fastened to aquatic plants.
Direct Carrying By Parent
1. Coiling around eggs: In certain caecilians like Ichthyophis, the female lays large eggs in burrows in damp soil and carefully guards them by coiling her body around them until they hatch.
2. Transferring tadpoles to water: Some species of small frogs in tropical Africa and South America deposit their eggs on ground. Once the tadpoles hatch, they fasten themselves to the back of one of the parents with their sucker like mouth so they can be transported to water.
3. Eggs glued to body: Many amphibians carry the eggs glued to their body. In the Sri Lankan tree frog, the eggs are glued to the belly of the female. In the European midwife toad, Alytes, the mall entangles the eggs around his hindlegs so he can carry them with him until they are ready to hatch. When the time comes they release the tadpoles into the nearest water body.
4. Eggs in back pouches: In a group of tree frogs called marsupial frogs, the female carries the eggs on her back. Either in an open oval depression, a closed pouch, or individual pockets. The eggs develop into miniature frogs before leaving their mother's back.
5. Organs as brooding pouches: Males of the terrestrial South American Darwin's frog, Rhinoderma, pushes at least 2 fertilized eggs into his large vocal sacs. There they undergo complete development to emerge out as fully formed froglets.
6. Viviparity: Some anurans are ovoviviparous. They reatain eggs in the oviducts and the female gives birth to living young. For example African toads give birth to little frogs.
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subiysu-chan · 4 months
Dark Fantasy
I decided to add to my main capital a good production of fungiculture, (because it cannot otherwise sustain a 600 000 urbain population with only 11 farming villages surrounding of 920 total). Probably Paris mushrooms, although it's not necessarely consistant with the tech level (although, it was already a year-round crop for Paris in the XVIIIth century). I think the simpliest way to solve this issue is to add domesticated cattails to their typical crops, and add add 9 more villages, which would still have a rather unsustainable farmer to non-farmer ratio, but because of imports, it would even out the amount of food the capital is getting. The eastern side of the province have some good wetlands, which tend to have demographic blackholes prior to modern medicine and a food production.
I think that, with four harvests per year plus the mushroom growing, plus imports, would allow the capital city to have all the food it needs.
The province of Penbre has a surface area of about 110 , 344 km from bird's eye view, which is on the smaller side, but it doesn't take the difference of elevation and the various hypothenuses this creates. I changed it to have 20 farming villages, creating a population of very roughly 601 000 individuals, a denity of around 5.4 inhabitents per square kilometer, most concentrated around the rivers with an almost empty back country. The region is well-known for it's production of clay, salt and wool. Because it is a capital, it's upper class creates a demand for the most beautiful pottery and tablewear the world has to offer in a booming bone porcelaine, earthwork and faïence artisanal production. Most houses are built out of stone with terracotta flooring in the city, but some walls of the particularly wealthy prefering brick and plaster, and out of wood and beaten earth in the country side, although some are made out of brick.
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Being a capital city near the coast line, it benefits from many imports that trickle down to the villages.
The mountain with the square has an undergrowd Drow and fay city, and the lake houses also a fay population.
The local cuisine is comprised of soft-tasting bread with a nutty or sour undertone, birch-sap products of various kinds, butter, broths, broth-based sauces, stews, freshwater vegetables, cheeses, nuts (cedar and hazel) and cranberry wine. Because of the mer population off the coast, access to many sea-products is more diffecult, but freshwater mussles, crayfishes and carps are an important part of the diet, as well as some salt-water fishes, crabs and oysters. However, the most frequent meats are pork and pigeon. A particular cultivar of domesticated cattails and humidity-tolerant peas are cultivated locally, as well as small radishes. Shallots and rowan are the main condiments.
In the capital, due to the amount of imports, they add buckwheat, honey, wheat, rye, apples, grapes, blueberries, tea and coffee to their diet.
The province of Penbre would be surrounded by those of : Yaune to the East, Aulbec to the South and Lanye to the North. Lanye is the Northern Limit fo the country, but further east is the province of Lennes and further south is the province of Avalbre. Those compromise the entirety of the North-West region.
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plaguedocboi · 9 months
Just so you know. Ranchu and other similarly-shaped goldfish are a product of heavy abuse in Fish Breeding and should not be supported. They're inbred and misbred for this round quality that makes them more likely to suffer due to their rounded spines, lack of substantial tail structure, and outright are more likely to have swim bladder diseases, pox, and other diseases and illnesses that make them suffer.
Don't support breeders of this type of fish- it's abusive, exploitative, and anyone who does it, and makes profit off of it, is lying to you on the sake of that profit.
Hi, I’m a biologist and have kept many breeds of goldfish on and off for many years. Ranchus, and most fancy goldfish for that matter with a few exceptions, are not unethical or abusive to breed. Yes, they are bred for a short body and that can make them prone to swim bladder problems, but diet can help prevent that and responsible breeders don’t breed fish with congenital heath issues. Every breed of goldfish, just like every breed of dog, carries potential problems and needs that must be accommodated for but that doesn’t mean it’s inherently abusive to produce them.
Also they definitely don’t have a higher likelihood of carrying carp pox or other illnesses than other goldfish. Some breeds of goldfish may be more sensitive to stress and water quality and thus higher chance of catching those diseases when placed in an improper environment, but they don’t come as a diseased fish. You’re way more likely to buy a sick fish at petco than from a fancy goldfish breeder.
There will always be irresponsible breeders who produce bad-quality fish but the same is true about literally any domesticated animal. Ranchus and other short-bodied fish just have different needs than a common goldfish, just like a corgi has different needs than a husky. But there is nothing to suggest that (most) fancy goldfish have a poor quality of life due to their breed. They are overwhelmingly very happy, healthy, active fish when kept by someone who knows what they’re doing.
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You may remember Xi Van Fleet. She's the Chinese immigrant who gave a speech to Loudoun County Public School warning about the teaching of concepts relating to Critical Race Theory and seeing alarming similarities to her experience with the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
The history of the 20th century is full of examples of countries that set out to redistribute wealth and ended up redistributing poverty. The communist nations were a classic example, but by no means the only example.
In theory, confiscating the wealth of the more successful people ought to make the rest of the society more prosperous. But when the Soviet Union confiscated the wealth of successful farmers, food became scarce. As many people died of starvation under Stalin in the 1930s as died in Hitler’s Holocaust in the 1940s.
How can that be? It is not complicated. You can only confiscate the wealth that exists at a given moment. You cannot confiscate future wealth — and that future wealth is less likely to be produced when people see that it is going to be confiscated. Farmers in the Soviet Union cut back on how much time and effort they invested in growing their crops, when they realized that the government was going to take a big part of the harvest. They slaughtered and ate young farm animals that they would normally keep tending and feeding while raising them to maturity.
We have all heard the old saying that giving a man a fish feeds him only for a day, while teaching him to fish feeds him for a lifetime. Redistributionists give him a fish and leave him dependent on the government for more fish in the future.
If the redistributionists were serious, what they would want to distribute is the ability to fish, or to be productive in other ways. Knowledge is one of the few things that can be distributed to people without reducing the amount held by others.  That would better serve the interests of the poor, but it would not serve the interests of politicians who want to exercise power, and to get the votes of people who are dependent on them.
-- Thomas Sowell on the Fallacy of Redistribution
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Free stuff doesn't come from nowhere.
"I have never understood why it is 'greed' to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money." -- Thomas Sowell
One of the big myths about Thanksgiving is that the starving pilgrims were saved by the natives teaching them to farm. That's untrue.
The first Thanksgiving was a celebration of abundance after a period of socialism and starvation. The members of the Plymouth colony had arrived in the New World with a plan for collective property ownership. Reflecting the current opinion of the aristocratic class in the 1620s, their charter called for farmland to be worked communally and for the harvests to be shared.
You probably will not be surprised to hear that the colonists starved. Men were unwilling to work to feed someone else’s children. Women were unwilling to cook for other women’s husbands. Fields lay largely untilled and unplanted.
Famine came as soon as they ate through their provisions. After famine came plague. Half the colony died. Unlike most socialists, they learned from their mistakes, giving each person a parcel of land to tend to for themselves. The colonists threw off the statist intellectual fashions of their day.
The results were overwhelmingly beneficial. Men worked hard, even though before they had constantly pleaded illness. Fields were not only tilled and planted but also diligently harvested. Colonists traded with the surrounding Indian nation and learned to plant maize, squash and pumpkin and to rotate these crops from year to year. The harvest was bountiful, and new colonists immigrated to the thriving settlement.
Think about it. Imagine you're in a class, and the teacher says that every student will get the same grade, the average of all students. The low-performing students will be thrilled and won't do much. Why should they when they're going to score as high as the best students? The high-performing students will realize they're being dragged down by everyone else and not bother putting in the effort, because they're being exploited and carrying the weight for the whole class. The average will drop dramatically compared to the class total if each student had been able to keep their own score.
Equity means forcing everybody into poverty - whether that's academic poverty, intellectual poverty or literal poverty.
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awkwardnoob · 1 year
Animal Parade: Make More Money with Cooking
How to get more cash in the crop, animal, fish, and ‘other’ categories.
Crops: Some crops benefit from being cooked. Potatoes for example. Putting one potato in a pot makes potato stew. Potato stew sells for 260g. Perfect Potatoes? Sell for 240g. So every potato quality but shining can be cooked to make them sell for more, if you’re looking to squeak out a little extra cash. And since boiled potatoes only contain potatoes? It falls under the ‘crop’ category.
Strawberry jam ups the price of most strawberries, except for shining and perfects. Except combining a decent strawberry and a perfect strawberry still gives you profit on the jam.
Check out crop prices on fogu, look for recipes that require that crop as an ingredient, and do a lil math.
Animal: You can make ‘egg salad’ on the cutting board with a boiled egg (boil and egg in a pot) and mayonnaise. Buying decent mayo and eggs from Horn Ranch is 260g. Egg salad sells for 517g. A decent egg is 100g and a boiled egg sells for 120g. If you have a mayo maker? You can save 60g a piece by doubling your egg purchase and converting half into mayo yourself. And since both mayo and eggs are animal products, egg salad goes into the ‘animal’ category.
This is basically double profit, give or take on if you have the mayo maker.
Need to buy milk from Horn Ranch for something? Save money by going for sheep’s milk over cow’s milk. We’ve been trained to view cow’s milk as ‘correct’, but the game doesn’t care!
Fish: “fishing sucks, some fish sell for 7g so it’s a waste of-” Almost all fish can sell for 80g with this neat little trick: Turn the bitches into sashimi with the cutting board.
Weird things like squad and octopus do not apply, but the 7g pond smelts and the carps in your farm pond? 80g per bitch. I love spending the rest of my day just fishing in the farm pond, then converting to sashimi when I’m done.
And the catfish can ALSO make you profit this way. At base, catfish sell for 106g, but the thing is: Sashimi has qualities.
Decent Sashimi sells for 80g, so the pond smelts and carp (and a lot of other fish too tbh) benefit from just using 1 per sashimi to up their price.
Good sashimi requires using a total of 300+g in fish. 3 catfish? 318. Clears it easily (but not too much), while good sashimi sells for 400, giving you 82 profit.
And since Sashimi is only fish? The profit goes right into the ‘fish’ category.
Other: Need to sell 300,000g worth of ‘other’ items but mushrooms fucking suck for cash? You’re supposed to do it with cooking. But cooking items with only crops or only animal products go into crops and animal categories respectively. “So how the hell do I make cooked items that count as ‘other’?” You need to mix products, like in cake.
But getting animal products in large quantities can be a pain. I know I’m impatient as hell to wait for them to stock pile. Plus, the varying qualities can be annoying to store because they take up multiple spaces. There are things you can buy and process yourself to still make a profit.
Mushroom Soup: Sells for 333g. Buy Sheep’s Milk from Horn Ranch for 240g, and use a foraged common mushroom (they’re EVERYWHERE, and I usually give away 6 a day with oodles of mushrooms to spare). Mushrooms count as ‘other’, which means mushroom soup will not fall into the ‘animal’ category (at least it shouldn’t)
“I want something a little more expensive-” Cheese Cake. Sells for 1155g and you can buy all the ingredients for less than that at the shops.
Small disclaimer: While you WILL make A profit, the profit sucks. This is not the ‘oodles of money from nothing’ money maker dish (that’s egg salad), this is the ‘I want to sell 300,000g worth of other things and upgrade that fucking shop quickly’ dish. The profit you will make for cheese cake is only 75g by buying all the stuff from the shops.
You will need: Level 3 Horn Ranch (50,000g in animal stuff sold and ring the green bell. If you need animal funds sold, egg salad is your friend. Selling about 99 of them will clear the 50,000g mark.) Level 2 Marimba Farm (30,000 g of crops sold) Level 2 Barn, with cheese and butter maker.
Buy: 1 Decent Wheat from Marimba Farm. 1 Decent Egg, and 3 Decent Sheep’s Milk from Horn Ranch. (So buy your wheat and eggs in multiples of 1, and your sheep’s milk in multiples of 3. If you wanna make 3 cakes, you’re buying 3 wheat and eggs, and 9 sheep’s milk.)
Convert: Decent Wheat into Decent Flour in the watermill. Don’t bother waiting for a snowy day in winter to make the flour better, the quality is going to disappear in the cake. Do not try to minmax your flour.
Then take 1/3rd of your sheep’s milk, and turn it into butter. Another 1/3rd into cheese, and the last 1/3rd stays milk.
Combine: Flour, egg, milk, butter, and cheese in your oven. Viola, 1155g of instant ‘other’ category cash directed directly into your profit screen. You will need to make 260 cakes to go from 0 to 300,000g in other (with 400 bonus g left over)
But psst: If you make ‘ultimate’ in the ‘animal’ catagory (100,000 g, so about 200 egg salads), you’ll get 90 shortcake as your title reward. Sell them and you’ll get 100,000g in ‘other’ because it’s a mixed product recipe. (but sometimes we don’t wanna wait that long, so cheesecake and stuff can still be your buddies. Definitely just try to ult rancher and get the other category passively while you have other stuff to do tbh, if you're doing something like a new game)
Cons: You can only cook one thing at a time, so tbh, min maxing thru cooking will make you hate yourself.
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hyunsoolgc · 4 months
-ˋˏ ◡  𝑩𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑪𝒂𝒇𝒆
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You are cordially invited. Held on February 2nd, 2002.
⸻ 고구마 라떼 ; korean honey sweet potato pureed with milk and steamed, topped with a creamy layer of sweet foam, a sprinkle of candied walnuts, and a dusting of cinnamon; caffeine free
⸻ 붕어빵 ; simple carp bread filled with a smooth vanilla custard with a sweet red bean paste swirl; served warm.
Lee Hyunsoo experiences an undeniable excitement on his birthday. He is thankful to be alive—grateful for having another day to feel the earth beneath his feet. ( And he knows years ago he wished he could not. ) He always smiles when the clock turns to midnight; just enough to put the small dimple by the corner of his mouth on display. With each year he grows older, he feels his fingers claw the dirt overhead away. He reaches for freedom.
But he pauses in his jubilation when he follows his manager into the filming location. Cameras point at him, draw his vision to the pristine marble countertop in the middle of the kitchen. He offers a stiff bow to both the baker and the barista, hiding his briefly nervous expression with the dipping of his head.
"Hello, everyone," he croaks out alongside a nervous chuckle. He keeps his hands at his sides and shuffles to stand at the marker on the floor. "I am here today to make a nice menu for those of you who are graciously giving me your support this whole time!" The concept of having fans in the first place goes well beyond his capable comprehension. He understands how, but fails to grasp the true reason why.
"Instead of trying to... come up with something new, I would like to share two items that bring me the most comfort, especially during this time of year," placing hands behind his back, he offers a serene smile to the camera. "I think that simple is best."
That is not without saying there will be a touch more flair to it—his own little twist that adds more of a hint of his ideas.
He starts things off with the beverage. He opts for a drink that would be free of any caffeine but taste just as smooth as a standard latte. It is a bit of a staple to his winter days.
"Goguma lattes have become a bit popular. They have a unique, comforting taste and it really does taste like biting into a freshly grilled sweet potato," even now, his mouth waters at the thought. "For this one, we decided to use a honey sweet potato for a richer taste. It will be pureed and steamed with milk. Then, when it's all prepared, it will be topped with a thin layer of sweet foam with a sprinkle of cinnamon and candied walnuts!"
After moving aside for the barista to allow her to show off the finished product. He would take a sip later when it cools off a bit more.
"Next is something I consider to be my favorite food... bungeoppang!" His stomach rumbles at the thought, the smell of the batter cooking. He covers it up with a tepid clap. "It is incredibly versatile. For this option, my favorite filling flavor, vanilla custard, will be mixed with an extra smooth sweet red bean paste. When you bite into it, it will be very satisfying and rich. I guarantee leaving the birthday cafe will have you feeling full!"
A nervous laugh escapes him as he drifts closer to the chef. It's notable that his eyes are intense watching him pry one of the fish shaped breads from the press. He can only stand still while he pulls it apart, greeted with the pillowy shell. When offered a piece, he rather enthusiastically grabs for it and takes a bite. His eyes brighten, and he nearly forgoes his calm composure.
Hyunsoo has gotten lost in the moment. He clears his throat and turns back to his task at hand before giving a polite bow.
"Thank you for being with me up until now. For everyone who is supporting me and graciously celebrating my birthday, if you do decide to attend the event, make sure you are safe and to have fun. Um..." His eyes drift to the items. "Please enjoy the items I picked out! I hope you will be able to have this be a nice memory like I will."
And with that, he offers a wave to the camera.
"Thank you for loving me."
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exhausted-archivist · 5 months
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Raw Ingredients
Updated: 2023/12
As of now, this list is updated with everything found in media released as of Oct 2023.
Like the original, this contains all raw ingredients; edible plants, fruits, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, spices, and vegetables. If known to a specific region it is marked next to the item in parentheses, if it is not, it is either unknown or universally consumed.
For Other Food Posts
Dishes, Sauces, and Sides
Prepared Ingredients
Canonically Possible Foods and Drinks
Food and Drink Master Post
Though real life plants may be listed here as edible, it is for fictional use only. This is not intended to be used as a reference nor guide for what plants are edible or safe to eat. Please do not use it as such.
Fruits, Mushrooms, Nuts, and Vegetables
Edible Plants
Fern Fiddlehead (Avvar)
Lichen (Dwarves)
Black Lichen - Toxic unless properly cooked.
Moss (Dwarves)
Pungent Leaves - Unspecified leaves. (Avvar)
Rose (Orlais)
Rose Petals
Stripweed (Tevinter)
Sugar Cane (Orlais, Tevinter, Rivain)
Vine Leaves (Tevinter)
Watercress (Avvar)
Fruits and Nuts
Applewood Apples (Orlais)
Golden Apples (Orlais)
Green Apples
Le Pomme Vie et Morte - Apples that grow by the gallows in Val Royeaux. (Orlais)
Red Apples
Windfall Apples
Par Vollen Banana
Rivain Banana
Blackberry (Ferelden)
Black Currant
Elderberry (Ferelden)
Strawberry (Ferelden)
Caper (Antiva)
Black Cherry
Sour Cherry - unspecified variety(ies)
Sweet Cherry - unspecified variety(ies)
Cocoa/Chocolate (Donarks)
Coffee (Antiva)
Date - A purple and red fruit with a pit, it has a sweetness and tangy taste. (Tevinter)
Fig (Tevinter)
Red Grape (Orlais)
Pine Nut
Antivan Olive
Orange (Antiva, Orlais, Tevinter)
Blood Orange (Nevarra)
Passion Fruit (Antiva)
Pomegranate (Tevinter)
Pomegranate Seeds
Fereldan Barley
Pot Barley
Rolled Oats
Rice (Antiva, Rivain)
Ryott (Ferelden)
Durum Wheat (Rivain)
Whole Grains
Deep Mushroom
Field Mushroom
Unspecified Fungus - Used to brew Dwarven ale.
Unnamed Glowing Fungus
Wild Mushroom
Vegetables and Legumes
Bush Beans (Free Marches)
Green Beans (Orlais)
Pale Beans (Orlais)
White Beans (Orlais)
Purple Carrot (Orlais)
White Carrot (Orlais)
Chickpea (Rivain)
Checkered Corn
Golden Corn (Orlais)
Yellow Corn
Eggplant (Antiva, Ferelden)
Fennel (Orlais)
Red Onion (Orlais)
Sweet Onion (Orlais)
White Onion
Peanut (Antiva, Seheron)
Antivan Pepper
Green Pepper
Hot Pepper
Hot Red Pepper
Red Bell Pepper (Rivain)
Sweet Pepper (Orlais)
Daikon Radish (Ferelden)
Rhubarb (Ferelden)
Marrow Squash
String Squash
Turnip - aka navet
Turnip Greens
Wild Greens
Yams (Ferelden)
Animal Products
Heavy Cream
Cow Milk
Goat Milk
Halla Milk
Ram Milk
Soured Milk
Chicken Egg
Fish and Seafood
River Herring
Cave Beetle (Dwarven)
Giant Spider (Dwarven)
Snail (Avvar)
Wood-burrowing beetle larvae (Dalish)
Bronto (Orzammar)
Cat - mentioned to be eaten in Orlesian alienages by those most desperate (City Elves of Orlais)
Dog - mentioned to be eaten in Orlesian alienages by those most desperate (City Elves of Orlais)
Giant (Tevinter)
Liver - General name given, animal isn’t specified.
Pig’s Feet
Pork Hocks
Pork Saddle
Rat - mentioned to be eaten in alienages by those most desperate (City Elves of Anderfels, Ferelden)
Wandering Hills (Anderfels)
Poultry and Reptiles
Poussin (Chasind)
Deepstalker (Dwarven)
Dracolisk (Tevinter)
Dragon (Nevarra, Orlais)
Gurgut (Avvar)
Lurker (Avvar)
Wyvern (Avvar and Orlais)
Dragon Blood (Nevarra)
Druffalo Dung
Miscellaneous Ingredients
Baking Ingredients
Elfroot Ash
Hardwood Ash (Dalish)
Baking Powder
Yeast Cake
Fine-ground Salt
Rock Salt
Sea Salt
Clay (Avvar)
Pine Pitch (Alamarri)
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Herbs and Spices
Basil - Mentioned to be grown in Serault, Orlais.
Dried Basil
Bay Leaf
Elfroot Leaves
Royal Elfroot
Lavender (Orlais)
Anderfels’s Mint
Dried Oregano
Prophet’s Laurel
Verdant Spindleweed
Antivan Cord-seed
Cinnamon (Rivain, Seheron)
Cumin Seed
Deep Mushroom Powder (Orlais and Orzammar)
Dill Seeds
Eastern Spice - Unnamed
Fennel Seeds
Dried Ginger
Hot Pepper Powder
Hot Red Pepper, Crushed
Mustard Powder
Mustard Seeds
Nutmeg (Seheron)
Grated Nutmeg
Ground Nutmeg
Black Pepper
Black Peppercorn
Spice Ball - A variety of mixed spices wrapped in a cheesecloth
Star Anise
Vanilla (Rivain)
(If you want to find the direct links or page numbers, check out the Wiki's Food and Ingredients page.)
Primary Sources:
Dragon Age: Origins (Base and DLCs) Dragon Age: Awakening Dragon Age 2 (Base and DLCs) Dragon Age: The Last Court Dragon Age: Inquisition (DLCs + Multiplayer)
Dragon Age Tabletop RPG Core Rulebook Dragon Age Tabletop RPG: Blood in Ferelden Dragon Age Tabletop RPG: Game Master’s Kit: Buried Past World of Thedas Vol. 1 World of Thedas Vol. 2 Dragon Age Official Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights
Short Stories:
Short Story: Paper and Steel Short Story: Paying the Ferryman
Silent Grove Mage Killer Knight Errant Deception
Codex Entry: Feast Day Fish
Codex Entry: History of Soldier’s Peak: Chapter 3
Codex Entry: In Praise of the Humble Nug
Codex Entry:A Tattered Shopping List
Item: Abyssal Peach
Item: Brandy
Item: Carnal, 8:69 Blessed
Item: Mosswine
Item: Rare Antivan Brandy (Gift)
Item: Sugar Cake
Item: Sun Blonde Vint-1
Item: West Hill Brandy
Item: Dragon’s Blood
Codex Entry: On Avvar Cuisine
Codex Entry: Bottles of Thedas
Codex Entry: The City of Starkhaven
Codex Entry: La Pomme Vie et More
Codex Entry: Mad Emperor Reville
Codex Entry: Plant vs. Corpses
Codex Entry: Ram
Codex Entry: A Scholar’s Journal
Codex Entry: Spindleweed
Codex Entry: Surviving the Western Approach
Codex Entry: Waterlogged Diary
Item: Wedge of Destiny
Note: Betta’s Travel Journal
Note: The Gilded Horn’s Drink List
Note: Knight-Captain’s Orders
Note: A Note from the Skyhold Kitchen
Note: The Rusted Horn’s Menu
Note: Scribbled Note
Wartable Mission: Inspire
Wartable Mission: Plant Crystal in Venatori Headquarters
Last Court Cards
Atop the Tower of Lights
The Elegant Abbess
Flames of Freedom
The Glassblowers’ Anger
Go Hunting
Good Neighbor
The Next Course
The Purveyors of Tea
An Unofficial Meeting
The Wyvern is Cornered
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old-archivist · 2 years
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Foods of Thedas: Raw Ingredients
These are all the canonically mentioned raw ingredients. By that I mean Ingredients that don't require processing like caramel, dried or salted meats, or jam. But the ingredients that go into making such things. As with the previous posts, I didn’t include any of the potential items that could be used, just to prevent confusion should you go looking for the source of any of the items on this list.
For Additional Food Posts
Dishes, Sauces, and Sides
Prepared Ingredients
Cannonically Possible Foods and Drinks
Master Post
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Fruits, Mushrooms, Nuts, and Vegetables
Edible Plants
Fern Fiddlehead
Pungent Leaves - Unspecified leaves used in Avvar cooking of baked fish.
Rose Petals
Sugar Cane (Tevinter, Rivain)
Fruits and Nuts
Applewood Apples (Orlais)
Golden Apples (Orlais)
Green Apples
Le Pomme Vie et Morte - Apples that grow by the gallows in Val Royeaux.
Red Apples
Windfall Apples
Par Vollen Banana
Rivain Banana
Caper (Antiva)
Cocoa/Chocolate (Donarks)
Coffee (Antiva)
Black Currant
Date - A purple and red fruit with a pit, it has a sweetness and tangy taste. (Tevinter)
Pine Nut
Antivan Olive
Orange (Orlais, Antiva)
Passion Fruit
Pomegranate Seeds
Pot Barley
Rolled Oats
Ryott Flour
Wheat Flour
Whole Grains
Whole Grain Flour
Deep Mushroom
Field Mushroom
Unspecified Fungus - Used to brew Dwarven ale.
Unnamed Glowing Fungus
Wild Mushroom
Bush Beans
Green Beans
Pale Beans
White Beans
Purple Carrot
White Carrot
Checkered Corn
Golden Corn
Yellow Corn
Red Onion
Sweet Onion
White Onion
Antivan Pepper
Green Pepper
Hot Pepper
Hot Red Pepper
Red Bell Pepper
Sweet Pepper
Marrow Squash
String Squash
Turnip - aka navet
Turnip Greens
Wild Greens
Animal Products
Cow Butter
Goat Butter
Halla Butter
Herbed Butter
Nug Butter
Ativan Smoked Cheese
Blue-veined Cheese (Orlesian)
Brie Cheese
Brined Goat Cheese
“Dalish” Cheese - An ill described item as it is unclear if it is actually cheese. One thing is for sure it isn’t Dalish.
Feisty Cheese
Goat Cheese
Halla Cheese
Pecorino Romano (Antivan)
Ram Cheese
Spiced Cream
Thickened Cream
Whipped Cream
Cow Milk
Goat Milk
Halla Milk
Ram Milk
Soured Milk
Chicken Egg
Egg Whites
Egg Yolk
River Herring
Cave Beetle (Dwarven)
Giant Spider (Dwarven)
Snail (Avvar)
Wood-burrowing beetle larvae (Dalish)
Rump Roast - A cut of meat from the hindquarters
Deepstalker (Dwarven)
Liver - General name given, animal isn’t specified.
Lurker (Avvar)
Pig's Feet
Pork Hocks
Pork Saddle
Wandering Hills (Anderfels)
Dragon Blood (Nevarran)
Druffalo Dung
Miscellaneous Ingredients
Baking Ingredients
Elfroot Ash
Hardwood Ash (Dalish)
Baking Powder
Yeast Cake
Fine-ground Salt
Rock Salt
Sea Salt
Clay (Avvar)
Pine Pitch (Alamarri)
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Herbs and Spices
Dried Basil
Bay Leaf
Elfroot Leaves
Royal Elfroot
Lavender (Orlesian)
Anderfels’s Mint
Dried Oregano
Prophet's Laurel
Verdant Spindleweed
Antivan Cord-seed
Cinnamon (Seheron)
Cumin Seed
Deep Mushroom Powder (Orlesian and Dwarven)
Dill Seeds
Dragon Blood Powder (Nevarran)
Eastern Spice - Unnamed
Fennel Seeds
Dried Ginger
Hot Pepper Powder
Hot Red Pepper, Crushed
Mustard Powder
Mustard Seeds
Nutmeg (Seheron)
Grated Nutmeg
Black Pepper
Black Peppercorn
Spice Ball - A variety of mixed spices wrapped in a cheesecloth
Star Anise
Vanilla (Rivain)
Sources: ( If you want to find direct links or page numbers check out the wiki’s Food and Ingredients page.) Dragon Age: Origins (Base and DLCs) Dragon Age: Awakening Dragon Age 2 (Base and DLCs) Dragon Age: The Last Court Dragon Age: Inquisition (Base, DLCs + Multiplayer) Dragon Age Tabletop RPG Core Rulebook Dragon Age Tabletop RPG: Blood in Ferelden Dragon Age Tabletop RPG: Game Master's Kit: Buried Past
World of Thedas Vol. 1 World of Thedas Vol. 2 Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Short Story: Paper and Steel Short Story: Paying the Ferryman
DAO Codex Entry: Feast Day Fish Codex Entry: History of Soldier’s Peak: Chapter 3 Codex Entry: In Praise of the Humble Nug
Codex Entry: A Tattered Shopping List
Item: Abyssal Peach Item: Brandy Item: Carnal, 8:69 Blessed Item: Mosswine Item: Rare Antivan Brandy (Gift) Item: Sugar Cake Item: Sun Blonde Vint-1 Item: Wedge of Destiny Item: West Hill Brandy
DAII Item: Dragon’s Blood
DAI Codex Entry: On Avvar Cuisine Codex Entry: Bottles of Thedas Codex Entry: The City of Starkhaven Codex Entry: La Pomme Vie et More Codex Entry: Mad Emperor Reville Codex Entry: Plant vs. Corpses Codex Entry: Ram Codex Entry: A Scholar's Journal Codex Entry: Spindleweed Codex Entry: Surviving the Western Approach Codex Entry: Waterlogged Diary Note: Betta's Travel Journal Note: The Gilded Horn's Drink List Note: Knight-Captain's Orders Note: A Note from the Skyhold Kitchen Note: The Rusted Horn's Menu Note: Scribbled Note Wartable Mission: Inspire Wartable Mission: Plant Crystal in Venatori Headquarters
Last Court Cards Atop the Tower of Lights The Elegant Abbess Flames of Freedom The Glassblowers' Anger Go Hunting Good Neighbor The Next Course The Purveyors of Tea Thieves! An Unofficial Meeting The Wyvern is Cornered
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dramarec · 1 year
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The East Sun Building – Karen Taylor
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▲ Sun Myung Moon and Kamiyama with a fishing boat in production
March 19, 2001
The East Sun Building was my prison for nearly two years. Not only did I work there in building the Good Go sports fishing boats, but I also lived there, as did all the Master Marine members. I believe that it was considered cheap and convenient to keep us in that huge, cold and dark hulk of a place. Eventually we were moved to the New Yorker Hotel due to Fire Department inspections. Of course, it was completely illegal and hazardous for us to live in the building, but like the Blues Brothers, we were on a mission for God!
The East Sun Building was located directly across from a large housing project. It was a very dangerous area with the predominant occupants being black and Hispanic Americans. To venture out at night was to tempt fate, but I have walked to the East Sun Building from the Long Island City subway station quite often during daylight hours without incident.
I felt like a prisoner in the place and I refer to my time there as “repaying my debt to society” or “my Danbury sentence”. We were never taken anywhere for Sunday outings while living in the place and the brothers had awful living conditions. Their living quarters were an enormous windowless dark room on the 2nd floor with a bed platform built of plywood that ran the entire length of the room. It had been promised by Mr. Kamiyama that the platform would be carpeted, but that never occurred.
The handful of sisters that were sent to work in the place had much better living conditions, but we all felt trapped and there was a heavy atmosphere of unhappiness in the building. Many members who were considered problematic were sent there from different church departments, particularly CARP. The East Sun Building effectively became a dumping ground.
One CARP member was sent to work in Master Marine who had been discovered during an aggressive witnessing campaign. Bobby was a 16 year old runaway. This boy eventually broke into the Master Marine office one night, stole about $12,000, and vanished into New York City. He knew that he would not be pursued since he left a note clearly indicating that he would contact the Dept. of Immigration and reveal how many illegal immigrants were working for Master Marine if we pressed charges. Smart kid.
I loved Mr. Kamiyama’s (TK) explanation to Master Marine members that this was indemnity to prevent a serious injury to one of the boat builders. The truth is, TK had already been instructed by Rev. Moon that the boy should go home, but nobody took action, even after I spoke to the production supervisor about Bobby’s bad behavior. This theft was preventable. I would call this “indumbnity”!
We were visited by Rev. Moon fairly regularly and I have had a unique experience or two with him while working there.
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donut-cloud · 2 years
Lifesteal incorrect quotes
Rek: How was the honeymoon? Branzy: Clown got drunk and tried to destroy our marriage certificate. Branzy: He said, “good luck trying to return me without the receipt”. Branzy: I love him.
Zam: Leo was banned from the buffet place, so we had to go out of town to get food.
Leo: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it.
Zam: Leo, you ate a chair.
Ashswag: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Rekrap: Those are wanted posters
Ash: You're pretty bad at this.
Red: Thank you!
Ash: Wha- That wasn't a compliment!
Red: I've decided to focus on the positive aspects of life now!
Red: So you just called me pretty!
Ash: Wth
Parrot, to Rek: There are two types of people in this group. Observe.
Parrot: The floor is lava!
Vortex: *quickly helps Ro, Zam and Woogie onto the counter*
Mapicc: *pushes Spoke off the sofa*
Parrot: See?
Subz: If we die, I'm going to get Vitalasy’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play music, so I can annoy the hell out of your ghost.
Clutch: I'll just hire Oasis's ghost to kick your ghost's ass.
Oasis: My ghost won't associate with your ghost
Zam, texting: Leo, there’s a spider on the outside of the bathroom door. Can you get rid of it?
Zam, texting: Leo?
Leo, texting: Leo is dead. You’re next.
Leo, texting: love, The Spider.
Branzy: Can I have some water?
Vitalasy: *starts chugging his water bottle* Vitalasy: *chokes from drinking too fast*
Vitalasy: *spills water all over himself* Vitalasy, coughing: I don't have any water for people that betray purple duo >:(
Mapicc: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Rek: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Mapicc: Not when you’re playing with Ro, it’s not. They put words like “carpe diem” and I put “dog.
Zam: Why are you like this??
Ash: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since
Spoke: What if the 'g' in 'gif' is silent?
Clown: Get the fuck out of my house.
Spoke: What gif I don't want to?
Clown: Fuck You
Zam: What if I pour coffee in my cereal instead of milk?
Don, walking by and taking the coffee pot: And what if you don't?
Zam: That's okay we still have orange juice!
Spepticle: It’s so nice to feel wanted, you know?
Branzy loading a crossbow: NOT BY THE LAW!!
Ashswag: I am not out of control! I'm a law abiding citizen!
Reddoons: Really? Name one law.
Ashswag: Don't kill people?
Reddoons: That's on me. I set the bar too low
Ashswag: *appear*
Reddoons: Ah, we meet again, my old arch enemies.
PrinceZam: I thought I was your arch enemy?
Reddoons: I have a life outside of you, Zam
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
Clown: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
Branzy: Sweet dog you got there. Police: Yes, this is our new drug sniffing dog. Branzy: Still training huh? Police: What do you mean? Branzy: Branzy: Never mind.
Branzy: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products! Branzy: *sprays hairspray in their mouth* Branzy: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.
Branzy: I would do anything for money. *later* Branzy, covered in blood: THE STATEMENT STILL STANDS!
Spoke: So according to the cease and desist order I got, apparently you can’t ‘legally’ be a lawyer if your license is ‘cut out of a cereal box’.
*the TV is freaking out* Branzy: Don’t worry, you have to treat an electronic like you treat a patient on life support. *unplugs the TV, then plugs it back in again. nothing changes* Branzy: Yeah, that didn’t work with my grandma either.
Mappic: So I can either do something dumb that could very well get me injured or I can listen to Ro and not do the thing, Mappic: Well there’s a clear right answer here. Mappic: *proceeds to throw five packs of mentos into a barrel full of diet coke
Spoke: I lost my fish, can you help me find it? Parrot, cooking the fish: What? I couldn't hear you, please speak up.
Subz: I trusted you! Vitalasy: Why
Subz: What is wrong with you? Vitalasy: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Vitalasy: How does one turn their emotions off? Subz: Okay, so first go to settings. Subz: I'm a fucking idiot, I thought that said emojis at first. Vitalasy: No, I'm still willing to try this, go ahead. I'm at settings, what do I do next?
Vitalasy : I am literally evil incarnate. Vitalasy : I’m not actually, I just enjoy being evil. Vitalasy : Which I think actually makes it even more evil because I’m making a conscious effort.
Subz: We’re all in this together. If one of us falls, we all fall. Nobody is expendable on this team. Vitalasy : Sounds fake but ok.
Clown walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Branzy, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK. Branzy, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Zam: Hey, I see those leaves, where are you from? Don: Canada. Zam: AAYYYE, I KNEW IT! ME TOO! Parrot: Did you just identify a country by looking at its leaves
McClutch: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this. Vitalasy : Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!
Vitalasy : Ashswag, we're hungry! Branzy: Ashswag! What's for dinner? Subz: We're hungry, Ashswag! Ashswag, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams*
Clown, confused and exasperated: Branzy, how do you plan on telling a bear to go vegan? Branzy: Politely
Reddoons, very tired: Can I sleep in your bed? Ashswag : *half asleep* Red, this is a queen-sized bed. That means it’s for *gestures vaguely to himself* the Queen.
Reddoons: Hey, can you do me a favor? Ashswag: Sorry, I have to go do literally anything other than this. Reddoons: You don’t even have a legitimate reason? Ashswag: Oh, no, I do. Reddoons: Well, what is it? Ashswag: You see, I simply don’t give a fuck.
Parrot, smugly, after security arrives to escort Branzy and Ashswag out: So, do you wanna walk out of here or do you wanna be carried out? Branzy, in defeat: Let’s go. Ashswag: Wait. Branzy: What? Ashswag: I’d kinda like to be carried out...
Vitalasy : Adults are the most insanely stupid people I have the displeasure of interacting with. Branzy, referring to themself and Subz: Even us? Vitalasy : Especially you guys. Subz: Branzy: Subz: Petition to kick Vitalasy out so he stops insulting us. Branzy: Seconded.
Branzy: I just found out that humans are capable of fitting a light bulb into their mouth with ease but can’t take it out without shattering it, and now I have to physically restrain myself from putting a light bulb in my mouth
Branzy: Come on, Ashswag! How any times do I have to apologize? Ashswag: Once! Branzy: ...No.
Vitalasy : So we're gathered here today for a very special reason and I think you'll all agree with me here. Vitalasy : And if you don't well then fuck you. Vitalasy : I'm looking at you, Subz, you jealous mop.
Reddoons: When I see  attractive people like Ashswag, I just laugh because I know if we lived in the Aztec culture, they'd be sacrificed for their beauty. Vitalasy : I mean, that's one way to cope with not being attractive. McClutch: Works for me.
Branzy: I warned you. Branzy: I'm perfect.
Ashswag: I'd make fun of your height but there isn't enough to make fun of.
Vitalasy : I just wanna be called cute 21/7. Branzy: Why no 24/7? Vitalasy : Snack breaks.
Branzy: So I got this amazing plan! Rekrap : We fail almost every time you say that. Branzy: Well this is the same! But with a chicken involved.
McClutch: I wouldn’t put it in those words exactly. Branzy: Why not? McClutch: Because I don't know what they mean.
McClutch, as a child, reading their school assignment out loud: I love my library because... McClutch, mouthing words while writing: I love reading, fuck you.
Vitalasy: I hate you. Branzy: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Clown: I love you. Branzy: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that. *Clown and Branzy kiss passionately* Rekrap, to Chief : You owe me 20 dollars.
Vitalasy : I'm usually that person who has no idea what's going on.
*out grocery shopping* Subz: *takes a free sample twice* Subz: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
Subz: You... you saved me. You're not a beast at all. YOU'RE A HERO, AN UGLY UGLY UGLY HERO! Ashswag: Call me ugly again, and maybe I will eat you.
Ashswag: I am an expert at identifying birds. Reddoons: Okay, what about those ones flying over there? Ashswag: Yeah, they're all birds.
Ashswag: Ugh, there’s always that weak bitch in the group who isn’t down with murder. Ashswag: *glares at Spepticle* Spepticle: Well, sorry I have morals!
Vitalasy , seeing a banana on the car seat: What the FUCK?? Vitalasy , buckling the banana up: Fucking buckle UP, it’s the LAW!
Clown: Branzy, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason. Branzy, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than their size: Spooky.
Branzy: Protip is you do not feel good about yourself after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce. Vitalasy : What's wrong with you?? Branzy: I literally JUST said I ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce?? Pay attention. McClutch: No, they mean other than that. Branzy: Ohhhhhh. Branzy: I haven't slept in 4 days.
Vitalasy : What's worse than a heartbreak? McClutch: Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Vitalasy: I have been tricked, I have been backstabbed, and I have quite possibly been bamboozled.
Parrot: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done. Spoke : When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real. Parrot: They're not. Spoke : Haha, very funny. Parrot: I'm serious. Didn't you hear? Spoke: No... what happened? Parrot: ...Why would you fall for this again-
Reddoons : I intend to stay pissed at you forever. Reddoons: Even if I seem helpful. Ashswag : Then you're in luck. Ashswag: Because you don't.
McClutch: What happened to Ashswag? Subz: They died. McClutch: They what? Subz: They died, but they’re okay. McClutch: …Can you please clarify? Ashswag: Clarification is for the weak.
Branzy: *pitches an idea* Chief, impressed: Huh, there might be something here! Rekrap, under their breath: Yeah, a lawsuit.
Rekrap: Isn’t a bit dangerous? Branzy: Rek, please. We’ve in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt. Rekrap: ... Branzy: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt. Rekrap: ... Branzy: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves in the way home.
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goodwin-carp · 2 years
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My Grandad used to be the bailiff here many years ago. Stunning natural old quarry. First outing for my new Shimano Power Aero reels too spoiled with PB Products control 24lb line which is only .35mm. Together with my trusty ND2 BaitBoat and Delkims I am ready for the session. Bring on the fish!! #shimanofishing #newdirectiontackle #delkimltd ⁠ #carpfishing #fishing #carp #monsterbaitsofficial #carpangling #angling #carpe #karp #photo #carpology #carplife #bigcarp #carptalk #hookedinfrance2 #carpy #karpfenangeln #fishinglife #fish #angling #mirrorcarp #thatscarpy #karpervissen #carphunter #bigcarp #karper #carping #carpwatch #carpfishinguk https://www.instagram.com/p/ChpC4bhjK9D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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psitrend · 7 years
The Ahxia walking marriage of the Mosuo People, Lugu Lake, China
New Post has been published on https://china-underground.com/2017/05/07/ahxia-walking-marriage/
The Ahxia walking marriage of the Mosuo People, Lugu Lake, China
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Lying in the mountains between Ninglang County of Yunnan Province and Yanyuan County of Sichuan Province, the Lugu Lake (泸沽湖) is 69 kilometers from the Ninglang county town.
The Mosuo People, who live on the Lugu Lake shores and belong to one branch of the Naxi People, still retain the matriarchal custom of “Ahxia walking marriage” (摩梭人的婚姻习俗), in which males and females are not bound to get married and keep a cohabitation relationship. For this reason, the Mosuo wedding tradition is considered to be the “living fossil” of the matriarchal society.
Lugu Lake map
Basic Information
Geographic location: Lugu Lake is located between Ninglang County in Yunnan and Yanyuan County of Sichuan. It is 72 kilometers away from Ninglang County. Scenic status: a provincial level tourists resort Tour time: 2 days
Travel Tips
Tourists can stay at the Luoshui village, as well as the Lige village at Lige Island. Compared with Luoshui village, Lige village is less commercialized but is more difficult to access.
Recommended Tour Route
Overview of Lugu Lake → a visit to Mosuo family (customs of Mosuo people) → go boating on the lake
Key Points
“The Females’ Kingdom”, “Lugu” means “falling into the water”, matriarchal society, “Axia” relationship, matriarchal-lineage, “living fossil of the matriarchal society”
In the sublime Xiaoliangshan Mountains of Yongning District of the Ninglang Yi Autonomous County inlaid a shimmering pearl —— Lugu Lake. It is the native place of “the Females’ Kingdom” composed of the Mosuo people, a branch of the Naxi nationality. In Mosuo language, “Lugu” means “falling into the water” (“hu” means lake in Chinese), hence the name of the lake.
Lugu Lake is located between Ninglang County in Yunnan and Yanyuan County of Sichuan. It is 72 kilometers away from Ninglang County. Its total area is 51.7 square kilometers, the space within the precincts of Yunnan being 27.6 square kilometers. It is 2,685 meters above sea level, counting from the surface of the water, and is, therefore, the lake with the highest altitude in the province. Its average depth of water is 40 meters, the greatest depth being 90 meters. Among Yunnan’s lakes, it stands only second to Fuxian Lake in terms of depth of water. The water of the lake is generally clean and green, with different shades of color: turquoise blue, sapphire blue, white-gray, simply beyond one’s imagination. On the lake are the “pig-trough boats” (“zhucaochuan”) specific to the place. Teeming in the lake are fine-scaled fish, carps, and other species. The lake waters flow eastwards to the Yalong River and finally into the surging Jinsha River.
Lugu Lake is surrounded by high and verdant mountains that are snowbound for over 3 months every year. Since the lake is rather deep, a definite regulating influence is exerted on the temperature of the lake shores. Therefore the surrounding mountains abound in forest resources that afford exquisite beauty, much fresh air, and charming scenery. At present, it is one of the places in China which is least damaged by human efforts and best preserved in its natural features.
Up to now, they still keep remnants of matriarchal society
The lakeshore is inhabited by Mosuo people who have peculiar customs. Up to now, they still keep remnants of a matriarchal society. Men and women are not united by wedlock, each living at the mother’s home respectively. Yet they keep a casual cohabitation relationship. Thus the place is called “A Quaint Realm of Matriarchy”. The male and female youth of the Mosuo people, having fostered mutual love in the long period of productive labor and social activities, begin to reciprocate “tokens”.
The male party, in accordance with his economic conditions, presents the female party with gold or silver ornaments, jade bracelets, beads and silk threads, etc. The “tokens” returned by the female party are generally some personal accessories that the other party likes. Given such affection on both sides, the seniors of the male party would bring some “loquat meat”, and some tea, sugar, or wine to pay a visit to those of the female party. Once an agreement is obtained from them, an Axia (spouse) relationship is established for the two. However, such a relationship can also be fixed without going through the above procedure.
After this, the two parties continue to live in their own homes. The male “Axia” labors for his home in the daytime, and goes to the female “Axia” at night for cohabiting with her in her bedroom. The family of the female “Axia” looks upon the male as one of its own members. During the busy farming season, the male “Axia” goes to the home of the other party to help with farm work. Those who have fixed their “Axia” relationship call each other “Azhu”, which means “dear companion”, but never husband or wife. Therefore, it is not appropriate to speak of “father”, who instead is only referred to as “maternal uncle”. The female is predominant and is, therefore, the leader of a family. All family members are descendants of the same matriarchal lineage.
Scholars have come to the conclusion that the Mosuo matriarchal culture has, to a certain extent, solved major problems troubling today’s modern society, such as social positions of both sexes, sexual harassment, deterioration of relationships, family feuds, the maltreatment and loneliness suffered by old people, and last but not least the harmony between mankind and nature. With the Mosuo’s goddess worship and the remnants of the matriarchal period, the Lugu Lake area is indeed one of the rare specimens of “the Female’s Kingdom” in the world and a “living fossil of the matriarchal society”.
Words and Expressions
the Females’ Kingdom 女儿国 the “pig-trough boats” 猪槽船 fine-scaled fish 细鳞鱼 to reciprocate “tokens” 交换信物 loquat meat 琵琶肉 “Axia” relationship 阿夏关系 “Azhu” means “dear companion” 阿注即“亲密的伴侣” the remnants of the matriarchal period 母系社会遗风 “living fossil of the matriarchal society” 母系社会活化石
Images: Oliver Huang
#LuguLake, #MatriarchalSociety, #MosuoPeople, #Yunnan
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kaitothefirst · 7 days
May 14- Ueno Park/Tokyo National Museum and Akihabara
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Today seemed to mock yesterday in terms of a chill sightseeing morning followed by an afternoon breakoff in a shopping district. Ueno Park was beautiful with its lake scenery contrasting from the surrounding crowded skyscrapers. I was rather happy to go to the museum and finally have the chance to look at products of non-architectural Japanese history up close. Out of all of those on display, the artifact that stuck with me the most was surprisingly the water dropper in the shape of a carp created during the Edo period. I guess to a certain extent it is understandable that such prestigious individuals as calligraphers would use classy materials to create their art. However, I just found it so interesting that somebody would take the time to make something that could easily be made purely utilitarian into an art piece simply because of its relation to water. It makes me feel that the Japanese did not only create things to be used. They created even items as small as this to be artistically appreciated in relation to the other greater aspects of their culture (in this case, a culture that stems from a society heavily reliant on fishing). Ameyoko was also a very fun experience. I extensively walked up and down those streets many times and even tried out some of the arcades. When we went to Akihabara, I was actually very interested to hear about the historical significance of Radio Kaikan as the former “core” of Akihabara’s electronic stores. I feel as though today had the perfect balance between new and old Japanese culture and natural and urban areas.
Academic Reflection
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The provided articles explain kofun tombs that were constructed during the Kofun period and haniwa clay figures that were often found in such tombs or general burial grounds. As the text describes, haniwa came in many different forms (that reflected Japanese society during the Kofun period), including animals, houses, and humans. One interesting example that I found at the museum was a haniwa of a mother carrying her child on her back. The idea of this being placed at a gravesite during the Kofun period led me to question whether the crafted haniwa were specific to the experiences of the individual being buried (such as this individual being a mother). There were also plenty of animal haniwa, as the article describes, at the museum, including a horse and a chicken that were found in a large exhibit room full of many human haniwa. Its interesting to understand that one of the greatest archaeological gateways into Japanese society during the Kofun period is the structure of their burial figures.
The readings associated with our trip to Akihabara largely covered the societal significance of otaku and the ways in which their associated media has evolved in recent years. I was reminded of Saito’s distinction between otaku and maniacs while seeing people engaging in the pursuit of their intangible interests around Akihabara. Many individuals were clearly making fiction into “their own fiction” by working in ordinary stores while wearing full-on cosplay. Along with this, Azuma’s described typical elements of moe understandably had many real life examples while walking around Akihabara. This included figures of characters with antennae hair, such as Konata Izumi from Lucky Star and Itsuki Nakano from The Quintessential Quintuplets. Many other figures featured characters wearing typical moe outfits, such as Yui Hirasawa from K-On! wearing a maid outfit. Overall, I loved the new perspective provided by the readings on the actual social makeup of a hobby that occupies a lot of my free time.
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