#professor Granville
bighero6quotebot · 2 months
Professor Granville: Especially you Mr. Hamada, I expect more from you. Fred: What, you don't expect more from me? Professor Granville: All I'm hoping out of you is a haircut.
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multimonorail · 9 months
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“There was a young student, a genius. I believed without limits, he would’ve achieved great things.” -Professor Granville
Hey @lesbian-honey-lemon! I’m your Secret Santa! I know you love young Obake, so I made gifs of one of his scenes!
I hope you have a happy holidays and a happy and healthy new year!
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 8 months
I feel like BH6 the Series could have REALLY handled Karmi better than they did.
They could’ve given her a MUCH more interesting backstory, if she was there the year before (which she would have HAD to be if being the youngest at SFIT was originally her thing) she could have had a very interesting relationship with Tadashi and Callaghan where Callaghan (the dean of students as well as a professor, much like Granville) was much more interested in Baymax than in her work. And it’s not even like Granville because she has the excuse that she’s paying more attention to Hiro because he’s 14 and at college, Callaghan was picking a 20 year old Tadashi over a 15 year old Karmi just bc he’s a robotics student.
And now that Granville’s here, she’s ALSO paying attention to the robotics (and other non-bio) majors over her. Which, as a viewer, is understandable bc Granville herself is more aligned with robotics and tech than biology, but that still doesn’t give her any right to just ignore the other literal child just because she’s a biotech major and she isn’t going to accidentally blow the whole lab up. Granville just dumped Hiro onto Karmi hoping they’d get along, thinking she was unaware of the blatant favoritism going on, hoping Hiro would just adopt her into the nerd gang and make things easier. Granville was completely aware of Karmi’s utter lack of friends and connection from both her peers and any authority figures, and still decided that she didn’t deserve a mentor as much as Hiro did. Which yeah, the bio department should have paid attention to Karmi, but can the fucking dean of students pay attention to more than one genius child at a time? The answer is yes, Granville is fully capable of mentoring more than one student to be functional and ethical people who won’t blow up labs, fight each other, make killer pathogens, or make energy amplifiers.
Meanwhile, Granville didn’t know that the catalyst behind that entire friend group coming together was Tadashi, but Karmi knows this fact very well. She doesn’t want to be with the dead golden boy’s friends and she doesn’t want to be with the new golden boy either. The nerd gang probably wouldn’t want to hang out with Karmi either because she was probably standoffish towards Tadashi too. Or at least, she didn’t acknowledge him if he tried to welcome her into his group. Honey Lemon is probably the only person she would willingly hang out with and talk to (I don’t think anyone can resist her good vibes), Granville should’ve sent her rather than Hiro. Sending Hiro was like rubbing it into her face that she’s not the youngest anymore when it was all she had going for her, even thought Granville didn’t mean that.
Like, they had something good going there with the initial rivalry. Karmi blaming Hiro for Granville favoring him because he’s almost exactly like her old protégé is absolutely understandable. Karmi didn’t know any of Granville’s backstory and probably just thought it was because he’s younger and a robotics major, not because of the whole ‘being very similar to Obake’ thing. But that shit should have been resolved in Season 1. More specifically, in S1 episode 19. She should have had an epiphany in S1 ep 17 that “yeah, Hiro’s not an asshole, Granville and Callaghan had a problem with favoritism of robotics students over everyone else and I should just be fucking mature about it and take it up with Granville instead of picking fights with a 14-year-old over something he has no part in.” They did NOT need to stretch that into S2.
Karmi didn’t deserve to be the series’ punching bag, and she doesn’t deserve to be the fandom’s punching bag either. She’s 16 and at SFIT, she’s just a kid herself, give her a damn break. Of course she’s not going to be emotionally mature about authority figures she deeply respects constantly picking other people over her just bc of their major. She’s 16, of course she’s going to have crushes and write shitty fanfiction, what else do teenagers do?
She’s not some irredeemable bitch, she’s 16 and got fucked over by everyone, the characters, the show, and the fandom.
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look at her. she deserved so much better.
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shan-bunbun · 1 month
Today is something new, I did a story about my OC Bonnie meets Hiro, I been thought of it before it just I didn't know how do it. It's (may) not like other oc and canon bh6 writing so just letting you know. You can read it whenever you want, enjoy!
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-The first meet-
As Professor Granville finished talks about the project and telling the students to choose their partner, everyone did except two students didn't since no other students would choose them. Class have finished, a young teen boy walks toward to his professor and said
"uhh..Professor Granville, I don't have a partner to work with so is it alright if I can work alone?" "No Mr. Hamada, you're going to work with your partner."
as Professor Granville packing her stuffs, Hiro little surprised knowing who it going to be so he ask
"Wait, I have a partner? Who is it?" Professor Granville tells him "Ms. Rivera." Hiro is confused and doesn't know who's Rivera "Ahh..um, who exactly?" Professor Granville chuckles gently "I'm surprised you don't know this student, she's started SFIT few weeks ago. Her name is Bonnie Rivera, that is your new partner."
she looks up at Bonnie, Hiro turns around to see what she looks like. As he did, he looks at her appearance thinking to himself 'She's looks younger, maybe around my age… I wonder she's a genius and what's her maj-' Hiro snap back to reality notice Bonnie caught him looking at her and slightly embarrassed quickly looks away while Professor Granville keeps calling to him
"Mr. Hamada are you listening?" "Ah! I-i'm sorry Professor Granville…yeah, I'm listening." "Very well then Mr. Hamada, I'm expecting you talk to her tomorrow, goodbye."
Professor Granville takes her stuffs and walk to the door. Hiro say goodbye back then sigh and grabs his backpack walks to the door then suddenly Bonnie accident hit Hiro's shoulders she immediately apologize
"Sorry!…"  walks away, Hiro scoffs "Ah…smiles and chuckles softly that's okay.."
knew that she won't hear him. Both of them go different separate ways. The next morning, it's 2nd period everyone going to their partner and Hiro goes to where Bonnie sit at and he saw her, so he sit with her and getting his stuff computer, messy notebooks, and old pencil. This very awkward for them, they don't know if they should say something. Hiro goes first and he said
"Um, hey… do you have a esear I can borrow?" He thought to himself 'really? Is that what you have to say, you could've say someting else! I didn't write anything and I ask her to borrow a esear, great just great…' lucky Bonnie didn't see his writing and give him a esear "Here, I know it's pretty small but that's what I have, sorry." "Oh, no worries."
Hiro slightly smiles and pretend to esear a empty writing then he stops and took a breath to relax and stay calm
"H-hi, I'm Hiro..Hiro Hamada nice to meet you." Rise his hand and light wave, Bonnie turns her head a little "Uhh, hello I'm Bonnie Rivera nice meet you too…" smiles little as she getting her notebook from her backpack "so yesterday that Professor Granville tells about the project, you remember that right? Of course you do that's was a dumb to ask, heh.." chuckles softly and felt a bit embarrassed "It is kinda a dumb you ask, but.. you were just wanna know if I know about the project." "Yeah..that's what I meant and uhh, I'm guessing that you don't have a partner." as he scratching his messy hair "Aha no I don't, I'm guessing same thing with you hm?" Bonnie laugh softly "Well then, do you want to be my partner?" "Sure why not" "Wait really?! I mean.. clear the throat cool"
Bonnie smiles and giggles. Few minutes later class finished, everyone getting ready to leave, now back to Hiro and Bonnie
"Great! I'm glad we both agreed what project we should do. I might say you're pretty smart, curious what major are you in?" "Uhh.. thank you, you were also pretty smart too. Me? It's mathematics." "Mathematics huh, that's cool. So the hardest math major, you must be a genius." Bonnie pause for a second "Huh?!…I-I wouldn't say myself a genius but thank you... I heard that you're the young genius in the SFIT but I never thought I'll meet you." Hiro flustered a bit "Ah, really?.. heh, now you have." "Hehe yeah, it is pretty cool that you're in robotics." "Oh yeah, it is pretty cool." Bonnie hesitate for a second "Um, I was wondering maybe you can show me your work… but that's up to you." Bonnie move her right leg back n forth "Sure I'd like to show my work, how about after our presentation?" Bonnie gasp softly "No way, that'll be great."
They both smiles then it's quite "…" "…" still quite. Awkward. "It's was nice chatting with you but I should be going, see you next week." Bonnie said breaking the awkward slient "R-right, it's was nice chatting with you too, bye."
Hiro see Bonnie about to leave the classroom then Hiro ask her something and walks toward her"Bonnie wait!" She turns around "Hm, What's wrong?" "We should uhh..exchanges our phone numbers so we can do on Saturday if you're not busy." He said while getting his phone. "Oh yeah, we can do that. I don't believe I'm going to be busy on Saturday so I should be good."
Bonnie grabs her phone and switch with Hiro's phone, they put their phone numbers and switch it back
"Thanks, you can meet me up at Lucky Cat Cafe at 8 AM, I can send you the location and the time just in case if you forget about it." Bonnie thought to her mind 'Wow, I never meet someone around my age who's is nice to me, is he usually always nice?…not just that, Lucky Cat Cafe does sound flimiar..hmm' "You're welcome. Thank you, that's sounds good to me a great cafe should be good." "Great, bring anything you think it's important, well that's all you should be going now." "Oh right, um, bye.." Bonnie turns around and hits her forehead at the wrong door "Ahh, ow!" Rubs her forehead and then hiss "Bonnie are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Hiro surprised didn't know Bonnie will get hurt herself, he check on her just in case there is a anything scratches on her forehead he lift her messy bangs then sigh relief
"You're okay, good thing you're not hurt that bad just only ltitle bruise. Oh, I have a robot friend who can…" Bonnie takes Hiro's hand of her forehead gentle "help you…" "I'm okay, really. Don't worry about me there's no need to take me to your friend. Thank you." "Hmm, okay then. Next time watch where you going." Hiro cross his arms "Huh?! Of course I was, I thought the door was opened." Looks away and twisting her hair "Yeah right..." "I'm not lying but for reals I really need to go" Slightly smiles and wave goodbye then left, Hiro shake his head and left too.
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drama-glob · 2 years
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Today marks the 2 year anniversary since “Big Hero 6 The Series” ended and I can’t believe it’s already been that long. ;_; I know so many of us are sad it ended and “The Mascot Upshot” tried to wrap things up WAY too fast and left so many things up in the air like “What about Hiro and Karmi?” or “Who will be on BH6 if Honey Lemon, Wasabi and Go Go leave?” (Globby should automatically be on the team and I will fight you so hard to defend him :) <3<3<3). I did admittedly enjoy “Krei-oke Night” with so many of our favorite characters getting to sing, have fun and hear the epic performance of Professor Granville (which is why she makes up a good chunk of the gifs ;) ). The undeniable love of Felony Carl and Globby was so sweet and I’m glad they had their moment. ^_^<3<3<3 I’m still so sad it ended/got cancelled, but I’m grateful for the fandom still doing what it can to show this show some love and keep it alive. <3<3<3
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Granville: Mr. Patel, I would need to speak to your parents.
Rishi: One second.
(Rishi leaves, and comes back into Granville's office a few minutes later with Hiro and Karmi)
Rishi: They are my parents, Professor Granville!
Granville: ......
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drkineildwicks · 1 year
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More BH6
Yes I am aware that mermay was last month shush this hit me June 1st.
Moving on…ideas for mer-things plus BH6 equals AU—had a concept for mers based on eels/oarfish/lungfish which then ended up folded into one of my preferred types of BH6 AUs (Granville in some capacity adopts Obake).  The particular breed of merran here is a deep-sea merran, also known as a ghost merran due to their bioluminescence and habit of scaring scientists.  On the left you’ve got juvenile, right you have adult, and in the AU what little is known of them is due to having one raised in captivity.
Did this in my big sketchbook which took a lot of doctoring in photoshop due to the fact that it’s too big for my scanner.  Couple of these I definitely feel like coloring, but for now have the lineart for detail work.  And yes, Granville is referencing that one meme. X’D
Find it on eclipse here, as always please reblog and not repost, thank you! :D
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in graphite.
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bigheroes · 2 years
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The Immortals Act 1: Chapter 2, pg. 22 - 24
First - Previous - Next
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gimigimimore · 8 months
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The first half of the ten BH6 allies (Globby, Megan Cruz, Roddy Blair, Heathcliff, Professor Granville)
Up next: The last half of the ten BH6 allies (Chief Cruz, Karmi, The Miyazaki Sisters (Aiko and Regina), Rishi Patel)
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bunnybeansowo · 2 years
Prof. Granville: Why did you kick Karmi??? Didn't you leave to calm down 20 minutes ago???
Hiro: What are you talking about? I just needed a running start.
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najaitspurple · 8 months
Here are the episode titles and synopsis for episodes 1- 10!
1. Back to Reality - Hiro's first day back to school gets awry when his newfound friends accidentally uncover his superhero identity. Meanwhile, someone else has other plans.
2. Friends In-Training - Determined to help their Big Hero 6 friends on a mission, Rishi and Aiko train themselves.
3. Baymax and Rishi - Rishi looks after Baymax while he and his friends prepare for a parade.
4. Dolphin Date/Professors Two:
Dolphin Date - Hiro and Karmi went on a date to the aquarium.
Professors Two - Professor Granville tells Aiko and Megan about how she worked with Professor Callaghan years back.
5. Bad Luck Alley - Regina's friends are worried when she decides to go to Good Luck Alley by herself.
6. Jack Return - When Fred goes on his first date with Olivia, he nearly exposes his superhero identity; The Mad Jacks return to their life of crime.
7. Nega-Globby Strikes Back - After an argument, Aiko and Nega-Globby find themselves trapped in the hounds of Muirahara Woods.
8. Call of the Woods/Tumble Fight: (Takes place after e10)
Call of the Woods - Hiro and Chief Cruz retell the story of how they got stranded in the woods when their vehicle breaks down.
Tumble Fight - When the base gets infiltrated by the Fujitas, Aiko must overcome a looming past.
9. Knox's Revelation - When Hiro visits Orso Knox, he discovers something; Regina tries to fix her friendship with Honey Lemon.
10. Super Sleuth Megan Cruz - When Megan agrees to help the team investigate tech-related burglaries, they discover a new trio of villainous sisters: The Fujitas.
Episode premiere dates: Time depends on when I will be available, and I will post a batch of new episodes (Except the season premiere) every saturday followed by a hiatus.
NOTICE: Due to writing conflicts, episodes 4 to 10 will be delayed until further notice! But I can give you hints for these.
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bighero6quotebot · 8 days
Hiro: I really love the phrase “with all due respect” because it doesn’t specify how much respect is due. Could be none. Go Go: You had a meeting with Granville, didn't you?
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itz-darktrax · 2 years
New Video
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 10 months
do you guys ever wonder how devastated Professor Granville must’ve been after Obake’s accident at SFIT? She obviously blames herself for a decent chunk of it, if not the entire accident. Like, it fucked her up so badly she felt her only choice was to take the fall for it and straight-up resign, even though she obviously loved teaching and loved her other students besides Obake. Do you think she saw herself as more of a parent/really involved mentor role to him rather than a professor? Because I think so.
And then Hiro made the exact same thing that Obake made, it must’ve torn her apart all over again to see her new prodigy, her new protégé who she had been trying to teach limits to because she now knows how important they are, go down the same exact path that Obake did 20 years ago. Like, I am imagining her pain right now, her fear, the sense of failure that she hadn’t been able to save Obake and now she couldn’t save Hiro either (and I have low empathy so it’s SAYING something that I can imagine her pain). And then Hiro lies to her and says he won’t make the amplifier, and she’s relieved, like, maybe she’s actually saved him. Maybe he won’t make Obake’s mistakes
But then of course Hiro actually makes the amplifier and breaks her heart all over again. Also adult Obake showing up and messing with her, pushing the exact button to just destroy this poor woman (“you made me the man I am today”). Like damn, Professor Granville NEVER gets a break in this show.. someone needs to write a fic where she’s happy for once.
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arctimon · 2 years
I’m downstairs on my computer and my sister is watching Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and I hear Jenifer Lewis upstairs on the show and I can’t hear her without thinking of Professor Granville trying to solve puzzles and I don’t know how to operate with this knowledge.
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drama-glob · 2 years
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So today marks the 4 year anniversary since “Countdown to Catastrophe” premiered, the season finale that I think pretty much everyone can agree was the best of the finales. ;) We got to see the culmination of Obake’s plan to destroy the city, his manipulation of Hiro into giving him exactly what he wanted and the moral of just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. I love this finale for all those reasons as well as it is when Globby turns good and we get a surprising turn of events for Obake as he performs a selfless act in the face of his demise. There’s just so much to enjoy whether it be from laughs, angst or heartwarming moments; the look of horror, regret and guilt on Professor Granvlle’s face at what happened to Bob is pretty harrowing too. O_O
(I also can’t get enough of Globby as a T-Rex for the first time as the GIFs here as well as the one I posted yesterday would indicate. XD We also get the “My whole list” line about Felony Carl too ;) ).
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