#professor sten
I'm so talented 😍
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bangtanloverboys · 1 year
dragonpants & winterflame // jjk
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summary - your professor assigns you to look after and help get the new kid, jungkook, settled in. you’d think it be easy, but he’s nothing like any of the other students
pairing - new student!jungkook x wizard!reader
genre - fluff; wizard 101 au
word count - 5.0k
warnings - dip’s made up lore, friendship, gay bears (oops a double entrendre), tending of the wounds(tm), nick jonas
guide - pyromancy = fire magic; thaumaturgy = ice magic; grizzleheim = viking bear, wolf, and raven world
author’s note - behold my last w101 au! i've had so much fun working on this and it's my pride and joy. thank you all for enjoying (and i'm sorry to the w101 fans who've had to deal with this in the tags 😅)
the seven schools of ravenwood masterlist
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Life in Wizard City was never something that you had expected for you, having grown up on the far edges of the spiral in Grizzleheim. All you’d ever known were the harsh winters of a world full of bears, wolves, and ravens. No one quite knew where you’d come from only being found the burnt remains of Draugarth as an infant. Sten and Bo Silverwood of Clan Ironclaw were the ones who took you in and raised you, calling you their hairless cub.
Growing up, you knew you were different. You didn’t have fur like a bear or a wolf, nor feathers like a raven. You were something else, even beyond your physical appearance. Despite having no fur, your skin bore to the elements, you were never cold. Chilly, yes. But in the cold winds that enveloped Grizzleheim, you never once shivered. But your Papa and Bubba never made you once feel as if you were an outcast, they loved you as their own and that’s all that would matter. 
As you reached your fifteenth year, more peculiarities began happening around you. Your body would grow warm, becoming unbearable to the point you’d wear the thinnest of your clothes in the midst of snow storms. When it was your turn to make dinner for your fathers, you’d burn the meat to charcoal, eventually banning you from the kitchen. However, the worst was yet to come.
You were huddled near a hearth in Northguard, knees pulled up to your chest as you stared into the fire. You watched the flames flicker and change, almost as if they were forming into small figures; you’d see bears and wolves talk amongst themselves, laughing heartily, ravens fly across the sky, and creatures of myth you’d heard as a young one. Creatures like dragons, imps, and centaurs. You’d thought you were only seeing these things in your mind's eye as you watched the fire, but as you focused more on the dragon, you watched as it grew larger. You rubbed your eyes, thinking it was a trick of the light, but it wasn’t. The fiery depiction of the creature grew and grew, spitting out flames from its mouth, catching onto the roof of a nearby hut. You screamed for help, but with each panicked cry, the fire grew larger and larger. Quickly, the clan rallied to put out the fire, but with each bucket of water thrown over it, it did not settle. Only when your papa had wrapped you into his arms, calming you down did the fire finally die. 
“This cub is a demon! We must free ourselves from it!” Kol Shadowsong accused, singling you out. The clan leaders gathered in the Great Hall to discuss what should be done with you, as you nearly burnt Northguard to the ground. Your fathers stood beside you, refusing to back down to let you stand alone. 
“Your Majesty, see reason! It’s clear they have no control over this affliction! They meant no harm! They’re practically still a cub!” Your papa shouted at King Valgard. 
“And that cub nearly burnt this stronghold to the ground!” The king growled. “If they cannot control it, they are a danger to the rest of us. I cannot allow them to endanger the rest of the clans.”
“But what if they could learn to?” Your bubba countered. 
“I know.” All attention was turned toward a new voice, Bauldur Goldpaws, the trader. “I’ve heard of this affliction in my travels. It’s called pyromancy! The ability to control fire and summon creatures of that nature. It can be controlled, but only through hard work and training. There is a school that teaches how to control and master this very affliction. Ravenwood in Wizard City.”
You’d only vaguely remembered hearing those names. It sounded familiar, yet you did not know or understand why, like something from a dream.
“That’s halfway across the Spiral and the World Tree connection was severed centuries ago! How do you intend to even get there?” Your papa questioned. 
“The skyways, as our ancestors once did.” Bauldur turned to face your fathers personally. “King Valgard has already tasked me with the honor of re-establishing our trade routes. Wizard City is one of those stops. With your permission, I will ensure that your cub will get there safely. They will be enrolled and they will learn to control it.”
“Do they look like me?” You found yourself asking. All attention was returned back to you, and you felt small under everyone’s gaze. “These pyromancers. . . are they like me?”
Getting down on one knee, Bauldur met your gaze. “Yes, child. There are many that look like you. You will be safe and taught to control this,” he gestured to your hands. 
Looking between your fathers, you met their eyes. Papa clearly not wanting to let you go, to keep you safe by his side and protect you from the world forever. But Bubba, he knew. He knew this was what was best for you, best for the clan. Looking back to Bauldur, you nodded. “I’ll go.”
The trader looked back to the King, who sighed. “Fine,” he waved his hand. “Your cub may go and learn to control this. . . pyromancy. But they may only return, once they’ve mastered the ability. Then and only then may they return to Grizzleheim. Dismissed.”
Your fathers walked out of the Great Hall, bickering between themselves as you looked up at Bauldur. “We leave at first light, pack heavy. We’ll be traveling for a few moons.”
It was hard to say goodbye, having never left home before and to be gone for so long. . . You were scared. You didn’t want to leave, but you knew you had to. It was for the good of the clans. You packed all your belongings into several chests; your robes, your boots, helmets, hats, and swords. Anything you might’ve needed, you were packed and ready for. 
“Be good,” Papa said as he squeezed you tight against him. You buried your face into his fur, trying to memorize every last detail of him. 
“I will.”
Bubba hugged you just as hard, if not harder. He knew this was coming, that one day you’d leave, just never imagined it so soon. Pulling away from you, he placed his paw on your face and smiled at you. “My little cub, be proud of who you are and where you’re from.”
As Bauldur said, it took many months to reach Wizard City. Had you gone in a direct route, you might’ve gotten there faster, but unfortunately you were just a ride along. Bauldur had a job to do, re-establishing the long lost trade routes amongst the other worlds of the Spiral. You’d see places you’d never even imagine seeing; the evergreen world of Mooshu, the ancient sand covered temples of Krokotopia, and the endless fields of Zafaria. Until finally, Bauldur and landed at the edge of the world in Wizard City! 
Dozens of wizards gathered as the ship weighed its anchor against one of the stone towers. You’d been used to whispers and stares all your life, but this was different, you felt isolated and singled out, as if you were being peered at under an eye-glass. You hid behind Bauldur once he was beside you on the grass.
“Who goes there?” A man with hair on his face and dressed in strange armor questioned. 
“I am Bauldur Goldpaws, and this is my ward, Y/N Silverwood. We seek your Headmaster.” 
The guard looked between you and Bauldur, “Follow me.” Was all he said before he stiffly started walking towards a tunnel, burrowed deep into the cliffside. 
The Headmaster, Merle Ambrose, was stunned to learn that you were there to enroll. No one had ever traveled so far in order to attend. It was a first. But nevertheless, you were enrolled in the School of Fire. Professor Dalia Falmea took you under her wing, giving you private lessons until you’d caught up to your age group. You were a bit of an oddity at first, being the only one dressed in furs rather than the colored robes your peers wore. You’d even shocked everyone when you’d been able to pick up thaumaturgy as a secondary school. But eventually the intrigue and mystery died away as time went on.
You’d been at Ravenwood seven years now, almost finishing your mastery classes. You’d held onto this moment for years. Finally, you’d be able to go home! To see your fathers once again! You’d kept up correspondence with them, sending letters through the trade route you’d helped Bauldur set up. So they knew you were in good health and they were also happy for you. At least up until the past year, the former death professor unleashed monsters onto the city streets endangering the students and their livelihood. Papa almost wanted you back then and there, but there were also growing tensions amongst the clans (at least so you’d heard through Bauldur, your fathers did every attempt to keep it from you) so you stayed in Wizard City. However, none of you could’ve predicted what else was to come. 
It was like any ordinary day, you’d just finished your class with Professor Falmea when she called you up to speak with her before you could leave. Shouldering your pack, you walked up to her on the platform. 
“Yes, Professor?”
“Ah, Winterflame. You’ve advanced much in these past few years, becoming one of my star pupils.” 
Your face grew warm at her compliments. “Thank you, Professor.”
“And as my best student, there’s something I need to ask of you.” She motioned toward the door, glancing behind you, you watched as a bright red haired guy about your age walked in, dressed in red and orange robes. “This is my newest student, Jungkook Dragonpants.”
You furrowed your brows at the name, “Dragonpants?” Did you hear that right?
“Yup, that’s me,” the wizard winked at you. 
You’ve never met a student with a lastname like that, the weirdest one you think you’ve heard was Frogtamer. You were going to have to ask him about it later. You turned to Dalia to finish talking.
“Winterflame, I’d like you to help get him adjusted to life in Wizard City. In fact, Headmaster Ambrose suggested it, considering you know how it feels,” she explained. While you knew neither of them meant no ill will, it still felt slightly targeted. There’d been dozens of new students and transfers to Wizard City since you. But maybe he was from far out in the Spiral too, and there was the fact he was also a pyromancer.
“Okay,” you nodded before turning to Jungkook. He was near bouncing on his heels and his eyes. . .His eyes kept wandering around the room, between the professor, the walls, the chalkboard, the cauldron, everything. Okay, you could relate to that, seeing it all for the first time. Trying your best to hide your smile, you nodded to the door. “Come on, let’s go.” The two of you walked out of the school house, and still Jungkook was looking at everything. Bernie, Torrence, Bartleby, Arthur Wethersfield. You remembered being like that, taking everything in all at once. “So on either side of the tunnel are the dorms, yes it’s one door. But your key is what opens the door to your own room, specifically. You get your key from Lincoln,” you said, gesturing to him as he wrote in his booklet. “I can give you a more in depth tour later, so you’re getting the dry run. If that’s alright with you.”
“Yeah that’s fine,” he said, smiling as he looked up at the World Tree.
“So, where’re you from?”
“Oh, I’m from Eeeeerrrr. . .”
“Eeeerrr?” You raised a brow.
“It’s some place far away with a name you wouldn’t know or how to pronounce,” he waved his hand, trying to hand the subject. “What about you? You from around here or elsewhere?”
A bittersweet smile crossed your face. “Grizzleheim, a world tucked away in the farside of the Spiral.”
“Woah, that sounds. . . cool. What’s it like?”
Again, you were confused. How did he not know what Grizzleheim was? Since your arrival and the trade route was re-established, almost everyone knew what Grizzleheim was and how far it was. “It’s cold, a lot closer than here. It rains or snows most of the year, don’t get a lot of sun. But it’s beautiful and it’s. . . it’s my home.” You found yourself stopping on the sidewalk, reminiscing.
“Do you visit often?” 
You shook your head. “No, I haven’t been since. . . since I enrolled. It’s-it’s a long story.” You weren’t about to get all nostalgic with a stranger. “But anyways, are you a transfer? Novice, what?”
“I’m new.”
“. . . Are you in class with people our age or younger?”
“Oh, I’m not in class. Ambrose said I can do independent studies to help catch up. Like helping out around the city and anyone who needs it. Speaking of which, where’s Unicorn Way? I was told to go there as soon as I could.” He asked, his head glancing about, this time with intention rather than curiosity.
“Unicorn Way is crawling with monsters, are you sure you were asked to go there?”
Jungkook held up a letter, addressed to Private Connelly in the Headmaster’s handwriting. It was off, but if it was Ambrose. . .
“Through the Commons tunnel, turn left, go down the street, over the bridge, Unicorn Way is right there.”
“Great, thanks,” he smiled as he patted you on the shoulder. “Talk more later?” He asked as he started toward the tunnel. 
“Yeah, just uh, meet me in front of the Library, noon!” You called out after him.
“Awesome, see you then!” Then he vanished into the shadows. He was odd, but you were intrigued nonetheless. 
A few days later was your rest day, and you typically liked spending it in Olde Town,  sitting on the grass at the edge of the cliff, where Bauldur dropped you off. He wasn’t there, it wouldn’t be for another few weeks before he made his rounds back to Wizard City. When he was there, you’d catch up, then trade the dozens of letters your fathers would write to you and give to Bauldur yours. But days like this, you’d just sit and stare out into the skyways.
“Hey!” A voice pulled you out of your thoughts. Turning your head to the side, there stood the new kid, Jungkook. His face was littered with fresh cuts and bruises, but he still held that same cheery demeanor he had when you first met him. “Whatcha doing out here?”
“It’s my off-day, what happened to you?” You rose to your feet, immediately going to check his injuries.
“Oh, these? Just finished clearing up Unicorn way,” he said with a proud smile. 
His words took you aback, “You- you did what?”
“Well it’s not cleared up permanently. There’s still some ghosts, but the skeletons and dark fairies are all taken care of for the most part.” He shrugged as if it was no big deal. “But Prof Falmea said I’m almost to the level of her apprentice level class with how fast I’m progressing.”
“In just a few days?” You were baffled, no one has ever advanced that fast before! At least not without prior schooling.
“I’m a fast learner,” was all he said. “But really, why are you here on your off-day? Are there not a lot of exciting things to do around here?”
“No there are. There’s the Shopping District, Fairgrounds, dueling. . . But I like coming here, it’s where I first stepped foot in Wizard City.” You smiled softly at the memory, you felt so small then. Now no one even bats an eye at you, just another student walking the grounds. “But anyways, how are you finding it?”
“Well, I’ve done a lot of back and forth lately between places, but everyone is nice, given the circumstances. Sorry I had to rush off the other day, but the Headmaster said it was urgent. But I’m seeing a lot of the city, and this place is pretty cool.” He turned to look up at the cliffs of the city, and you followed his gaze. Just barely, you could see the overhead branches of Bartleby. Both of you stood there for a moment, enjoying the view. 
“Hey, I’m sorry if this is a weird question but how did you get Dragonpants?” You asked. It’s not exactly a common question to ask, but you were curious. You always were anytime someone gave their name. 
“What do you mean?” He furrowed his brows. 
“I mean how did you earn Dragonpants as a last name? I got Winterflame because I’m one of the few pyromancers that has thaumaturgy as a secondary. I know a guy broke his wand and earned his last name, another summoned Humongofrog. So how did you get yours?”
All Jungkook could do was stare at you blankly. “Uhhh, I- uh. . . that’s an interesting story. Oh, look at the sun! I need to rush to Firecat Alley. I’ll definitely tell you that story later. Bye!” He then ran down the street, but instead of Firecat Alley, it was towards Triton Avenue. 
And that’s not most of your interactions with Jungkook were. You’d see him randomly on the streets in between classes (in between quests for him), he’d always have a new cut or bruise somewhere on his skin. But he was advancing quickly. Every time you saw him, he was further and further along in his independent studies. Last you checked, he was nearing the adept level courses. Despite his quick advances, battles were getting harder and more difficult. So he started asking you for help, which you did. You helped him in Firecat Alley, Triton Avenue, and Cyclops Lane. Dueling beside him was incredible, he was focused and valiant. He didn’t let the enemies get to him, no matter how cruel their taunts grew.
“Doesn’t it ever bother you?” You found yourself asking, as the two of you tiredly made your back back towards the Commons.
“What do you mean?”
“What these- these villains are saying to you? Surely, it has to get under your skin sometimes?”
Jungkook paused, dark eyes almost hidden by his reddish-pink hair. “Sometimes. In the beginning, it did a lot. But the more I fight them off, it’s just becoming more and more. . . annoying than hurtful.”
“Annoying?” You asked, almost chuckling.
“I mean, yeah it’s annoying!” Jungkook’s face broke into an exasperated expression. “‘You won’t get away with this, Young Wizard!’, ‘Malistaire is coming!’,’No puny wizard has ever defeated me!’ Puh-lease! As soon as they start saying stuff like that, the more it motivates me to win out of spite.”
That had both of you peeling over in laughter, earning a handful of odd looks from your fellow students and passing citizens. 
The two of you grew closer and closer, but no matter what, he didn’t say much about his past. Nothing on where he was from, or how he got his last name or why he wasn’t properly enrolled in school. Nothing. It didn’t bug you much, you could understand not wanting to answer pestering questions about where you were from, so you didn’t ask. But with each quest the two of you completed, you only had more and more questions. You just felt out of the loop. 
However, once his quests started taking him outside of Wizard City, he had to continue going out alone. You didn’t have permission to leave the city, only Jungkook and a few select transfer students were granted that permission. You did your best to keep in touch still, he’d stop by your dorm and ask odd questions about Kroks and other things related to sorcery. You directed him to the library. There wasn’t much else you could do to help, as you had your own studies to focus on. 
The last time Jungkook came over though, it was the worst of them. It was already late at night, but you were still up, cram studying for your final mastery exam in two days. After re-reading the same sentence over and over about the differences between sunbirds and phoenixes, there was a harsh knock at the door. 
With a yawn, you walked over to the door, opening it to see Jungkook, battered and bruised. His left eye was dark and near swollen shut, his lip was busted, and he was leaning on the door frame for support. “H-hi.”
“Oh my stars!” Your body immediately woke up, helping him into your dorm. You set him down at your desk as you rushed to your trunk, digging through it for a healing potion. Instead you found an old salve from home. It would have to do for now, you hadn’t had a chance to stock up on potions. Jar in hand, you made your way over to Jungkook. Opening the jar, you dipped your fingers in and took out a small glob. “This’ll feel a bit chilly.” Jungkook winced as the balm touched his skin, but he remained still as you continued to apply it to his wounds. 
“Smells kinda funny.”
You chuckled at that. “Yeah, it does.”
“What is it?”
“It’s a yarrow-marshmallow salve. Honestly, I forgot I had it. My bubba probably packed it away for me.”
“Your bubba?”
You paused. You didn’t talk much about your homelife to anyone, no matter how much they asked. This was the first time you ever willingly brought it up. With a shaky breath, you continued. “Yea, he’s one of the men who raised me. They’re the only family I’ve ever known.”
“You weren’t raised by your parents?”
You shook your head. “I was found in the remains of an old village, it was attacked by these creatures called grendels. I was the only survivor. I was found, tucked away in a burnt down shack. Sten and Bo Silverwood, my papa and bubba. They found me, took me in, and raised me as their own. Don’t know who my birth parents were, all we could figure is they were pyromancers and traveling across the spiral, probably traders. But we’ll never know,” you shrugged. “And I’m okay with that, I love my dads. And I wouldn’t change anything about how I was raised.”
“You said you can’t go home.”
“Yes and no.” You huffed. “It’s not easy to get to Grizzleheim, it’s months of traveling the skyways. But even if the world door worked, I can’t go back. I was. . . I was a danger to the clan. I had no control over my magic and the king had no choice but to order me to attend Ravenwood until I learned to master it.” As soon as you started, you couldn’t stop. All these years, and you never shared your story with anyone, not outside Professor Falmea. “But my pyromancy mastery final is in a couple days. And next week, Bauldur Goldpaws will return to Wizard City and I’ll be able to go home again.”
Jungkook was quiet for a moment, his eyes downcast. “I’m also from far away but. . . I don’t think I’ll be able to return home.” You’re silent, waiting for him to continue. “I’m from Earth. Where I’m from there’s no magic or talking animals, or anything. It’s just people. Then one day, I almost set fire to my house with my bare hands. I don’t know what to do so I start running. And I ran, and ran and ran until my legs felt like jelly. It gets blurry from there but next thing I know, I’m in the Headmaster’s office.”
“You don’t know how you got here?”
Jungkook gnawed on his lower lip. “I can’t really talk about it. Ambrose said so.”
Orders from the Headmaster, so you let it drop. Maybe in time he’ll tell you in time, but until then, you’ll take what little answers you can. “Can you tell me about your last name?”
That had Jungkook break out into a grin. “He didn’t tell me there were reasons behind last names, just wanted me to have one to blend in. I just chose a random one, thought it was funny.” Now it was your turn to laugh. You smacked your hand over your mouth, trying to muffle your laughter. “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. I’m dumb I know.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just, you’re-you’re going to endure weird looks for the rest of your life, you know that right?”
“I signed myself up for it, I just need to make up a convincing story for it.”
Once your laughter died down, you just smiled at Jungkook. With the salve applied, it was slowly bringing down the swelling and discoloration. Running a hand through his red hair, you sent him off. “It’s late. Get some rest.” He did as you were told, walking off toward his own dormitory. 
The next morning, you stopped by to check on him, wanting to see how he was faring the day after but he was gone again. That poor boy is gonna get dragged all over the Spiral if he doesn’t learn to say no to a favor. But Jungkook was the farthest thing on your mind as your exam date was coming up. Your nose was stuck in a book or a scroll, you didn’t have time to think of anything else except acing this test and finally going home. That was your sole motivation. 
The day of your final, Jungkook was outside your door.
You cut him off before he could even begin. “Sorry, I really don’t have time.” 
“Listen, Jungkook, I really don’t have time. I really gotta go, I’m sorry.” You gave him a sad smile as you made a beeline for the School of Fire. 
After three long agonizing hours of going through the different types of blade and shield combos, and the various types of spell casts from firecat to meteor strike to inferno salamander and their historical origins. You finally made it out. You answered every question to the best of your ability, and now all you had to do was wait for the results to be posted. 
As you left the school house, Jungkook was waiting outside, sitting on the steps of Professor Falmea’s office tower. 
“Jungkook, what are you doing here?”
“The door is open.”
His words puzzled you. “I’m sorry, what?”
“The door! You said the door to your home world was severed years ago yeah? Well it's open again.”
“Ambrose just told me that the door to Grizzlehiem just opened, no one knows how or why, but it is. That’s what I tried telling you this morning!” He said, smiling. “You can go home.”
Dropping your items, you bolted. In the back of your mind, you knew that King Valgard wouldn’t be happy you weren’t a titled master yet, but damn him. Damn the technicalities, you knew you were a master. You just wanted to go home again. You pushed past all the other students as they entered the World Tree, not listening to their complaints as you rushed towards the door (you could vaguely hear Jungkook apologizing on your behalf as he ran after you). 
Hand on the nozzle, you thought of Grizzleheim. Home. The smell of the pines, the crisp snowy air, the laughter of the bears in the Great Hall. You could see it all perfectly in your mind's eye as you opened that door. And there you were, on the other side of the rainbow bridge, at the world tree door. 
“Oh, wow,” you heard Jungkook breathe out from behind you.
You took one step out the door; your boots crunched on the dirt beneath your feet as you stood there, taking it all in. “Papa! Bubba! I’m home!” You burst into another run, down the rainbow bride and towards the village, shouting at the top of your lungs. “Papa! Bubba! It’s me! I’m home!” Back on solid ground, you made your way towards your childhood home. Not one thing about this place changed, it was as if you’d stepped back into a memory. 
“Little cub?” Your papa’s head poked out from the hut. He looked older, white hairs gathering around his snout and ears. But it was still every bit your papa. 
“Papa!” You squealed, adrenaline pumping through your veins so hard, you couldn’t feel your lungs as they burned or how your legs ached with each step you stook. Your papa saw you in the nick of time, opening his arms wide enough for you to jump into his hold. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you dug your face into his chest.
“How- how can this be. . ?” 
“Bubba!” You turned to see your other father, standing speechless in the kitchen. You jumped into his arms next. He returned your hug instantly, with your papa returning to hug you from behind once again. Tears were now freely rolling down your cheeks as you held your dads tight as you possibly could.
“I don’t understand, how- what?”
“The world tree door has been re-opened. I- I don’t know how but, I- I needed to come home. It’s been so long.” You cried, your hands gripping tightly onto Bubba’s fur. “I can control my powers. I did it. I learned. I can come home now, yeah.”
“Oh cub, of course.” Papa answered. “You did as you were told by the king. You can come home.” The three of you said nothing further after that, crying and holding each other. Relieved to finally see each other again after seven whole years.
From behind your group hug, you could hear someone clear their throat. “Oh,” you pulled away from your dads, seeing Jungkook standing awkwardly in the door frame. “Bubba, Papa, this is Jungkook Dragonpants. He’s my friend.”
“Dragonpants? What kind of a name is that?” Your Bubba asked, voice low.
“Bubba,” you groaned.
“It’s my name, sir,” he said, not backing down from your father’s clear intimidation attempt. He certainly was brave, very few could stare him in the eyes and not back down. 
“Any friend of our cub’s is a friend of ours,” your papa said, narrowing his eyes at his husband. “Come in, tell us all your stories. Everything you left out in your letters.” With a smile, you nodded, turning back to Jungkook who was looking more outside. Wrapping a hand around his arm, you pulled him inside.
“Wait, hang on, is that Nick Jonas?”
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fmarkets · 1 month
The markets are in green on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, with numerous stocks making headlines. Here are today's key updates: Western Digital Shows Resilience Amid Market Volatility In a climate of fluctuating stock performance and competitive innovation, Western Digital Corp. (NASDAQ: WDC) finds itself at a crossroads, showcasing both resilience and vulnerability in the face of market challenges. Recent Stock PerformanceOn August 6, 2024, shares of Western Digital inched up by 0.68%, closing at $57.38. However, this modest gain did little to bolster the company's overall market performance, which underperformed relative to the broader SandP 500, which had risen by 1.04%. This trend seemed to reflect a broader struggle as, just a day earlier, the company had endured its third consecutive day of losses, highlighting a degree of volatility that investors cannot ignore. Tevogen Bios Amplifies Innovation with Prof. Sten Vermund?s Appointment In a groundbreaking announcement, Tevogen Bio Holdings Inc acknowledges and congratulates Professor Sten Vermund, MD, PhD, for his recent appointment as the esteemed dean of the University of South Florida (USF) Health College of Public Health. This remarkable milestone not only propels Professor Vermund?s distinguished career but also marks a new era of innovation and advancement for Tevogen Bio and the broader field of public health. Professor Vermund?s extensive expertise and contributions to the medical and public health realms have garnered him immense recognition and respect in the industry. This recent appointment further solidifies his influential role in shaping the future of healthcare. GlobalTech Corporation Establishes Advanced AI Center in Pakistan In an exciting development for the tech industry, GlobalTech Corporation has announced the establishment of its highly advanced Big Data and artificial intelligence (AI) Center of Excellence in Pakistan. Scheduled to be completed by the first quarter of 2025, the center will be housed within the premises of WorldCall Telecom Limited, a subsidiary of GlobalTech. By choosing Pakistan as the location for this significant venture, GlobalTech aims to leverage the country?s immense talent pool and foster a culture of innovation in the region. ADMA Biologics Announces Partial Paydown of Revolving Credit Fa https://csimarket.com/news/news_markets.php?date=2024-08-14T16294&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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remember when cooking mama for the nintendo switch came out and they immediately took it off shelves/the nintendo store and then there was like a week of reporting of whether or not it was removed for bitcoin mining but it was actually because the developer had violated their contract with the cooking mama ip owners by using mama in advertising and the reason it ran really slow was because the developers hired first time programmers for everything and they just didn’t know how to optimize the game? top ten college moments for me was entering level design (igme 420) and having our profession plug this game he was doing the models for and it was cooking mama for switch and we all had to explain to him what had happened and that we literally could not buy it we had to break it down piece by piece and didn’t learn anything that day. only thing that compares was getting to eat bagels in the computer labs during a final.
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ringneckedpheasant · 3 years
no one asked for this but i’m trying to weave a delicate web of how all the dragon age companions + my ocs know each other in a modern au
here’s what i’ve got so far:
rhian is a mechanic who works with alistair at an auto shop. he met josephine—a wedding planner—when her car broke down and he pulled over to help her. rhian and kiernan, obviously siblings. kiernan and solas met bc solas is a grad student and a TA at the college kiernan goes to and kiernan had a bug display up for a school event that solas went to. leliana and josephine are friends who met in college.
uh what else. ehsaan is a physical therapist who met bull when he was recovering from a knee injury. he and anders worked at the same hospital. and probably wynne but i honestly forgot she existed until i typed that sentence. anders and ehsaan are friends, and anders is dating fenris, so fenris, ehsaan, and bull know each other. anders and fenris work at a gender clinic together, where kiernan was in a youth program when he was younger. ehsaan volunteers for some of their events. anders and my hawke meet bc they’re both Anarcho Communists. all of my ocs are commies except gavyn but noel is the most likely to be Involved in a local anarchist scene or what have you.
anders and rhys know each other because [ ] so he also knows alistair, and rhys and rhian would know each other even if he wasn’t married to alistair bc they’re both observant dalish people living in the city and they go to the same synagogue. also fenris, velanna, and merrill go there. kiernan doesn’t usually go to services with rhian but he shows up often enough that he’d know these people’s faces at the very least. also oh my gd kiernan and merrill interacting is a Concept. merrill runs a flower shop and she’s josephine’s go-to for wedding flowers. her and isabela are together. alistair goes to synagogue with rhys. if you have a dalish oc who would go to synagogue i want them to be friends with rhian and kiernan and rhys. sera has been dragged with great force to shul exactly Once.
varric owns a bar, cole is his adopted kid who is Also a student who IS in one of the classes Solas is a TA for, and cole and kiernan have had classes together + probably met in some like. autism support group that rhian pressured him into going to. sera is a bartender at varric’s, she and meraad work together and start dating after a while. they have a Thing with dagna but idk if they ever end up becoming a triad. isabela also works there. i’m stealing this idea from @queerspacepunk but sera should be in roller derby. bull and the chargers are regulars of the bar.
dorian is a hot young professor at kiernan’s college, so he knows kiernan, cole, and solas. vivienne should be the dean. this is not an original idea but it would suit her.
cassandra is a pastor at a semi-progressive chantry. gavyn is a youth pastor and they have a torrid affair that ends up getting them both fired bc it’s only a semi-progressive chantry. but they find a new one, where leliana leads the worship team. leliana and toshie are together, idk how they meet. sebastian also works there. KFKEJGJKSKFKD GD I BET GAVYN WORKS IN THE ANDRASTIAN EQUIVALENT OF CRU NAD THATS HOW THEYVE MET KIERNAN AND COLE. gavyn i love you so much but you’re my most cringe oc. sebastian is DEFINITELY in cru as well. this is by extension how gavyn and sebastian know dorian, solas, and vivienne. it’s not a very big college.
zevran and luria are dating, not sure how they met. luria, toshie, and anders were in the same circle. can’t have zevistair in this au but zevran and alistair definitely know each other and zevran delights in making alistair flustered. this is not an original idea either but it’d be fun if alistair worked for like. a medieval reenactment group. IF HE AND BULL DID IT TOGETHER….
i still have no idea how dorian meets ehsaan and bull. fucked up.
i’m still missing nathaniel, sigrun, carver and bethany, and sten. and blackwall. (and ogrhen but like. who cares)
aveline is a cop. can’t decide if i dislike cullen enough to make him one as well.
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trans-advice · 4 years
The Social Democratic minority government plans to add the terms gender identity (kønsidentitet), gender expression (kønsudtryk) and sex characteristics (kønskarakteristika) to section 266b of the criminal law code – commonly known as the ‘Racism Paragraph’.
Newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad, which was first to report the proposed law change, writes that it would be made with the intention of preventing hate speech against trans people.
The law change would mean that hate speech against trans and intersexual people would be treated as a crime on the same basis as all homophobic and racist speech.
The proposal is supported by left wing parties the Red Green Alliance and Socialist People’s Party, with the Social Liberal party also in support in principle. As such, it has a theoretical parliamentary majority in support.
Denmark’s racism paragraph was originally enacted in 1939 in an effort to prevent antisemitism.
Given the cultural value placed on free speech in Denmark, it has traditionally been interpreted in a way that still allows pointed statements to be made in public debate without these being judged as racist, according to an expert on the law.
“The paragraph works well,” University of Southern Denmark law professor Sten Schaumburg-Müller told Kristeligt Dagblad.
“You have to reach a certain level of offensiveness before statements break the law, and this is out of consideration for free speech,” he explained.
“For example, you would have to say that a particular group are cancerous tumours or rodents that must be exterminated in order for it to be criminal,” the professor elaborated.
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screenviolense-a · 4 years
muses incoming:
cat chandler / cw’s beauty and the beast (s1 based while i watch through the rest)
jt forbes / cw’s beauty and the beast
illuminata / rune factory 4
a dragon age inquisition oc who’s an animal handler and trains the soldiers how to use mounts
a pair of newsies ocs: a kid working and their grandmother who often feeds many of the other working kids in their neighborhood who don’t have homes to go back to
hershel layton / professor layton
victor / fallout: new vegas
pike queen lucy / pokemon
muses i used to have that i might add back:
wynne / dragon age: origins
sten / dragon age: origins
liv moore / izombie
mei ling-zhou / overwatch
anya (custom corrin/kamui) / fire emblem: fates
hana / fire emblem: fates
jenny calendar / buffy
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winebleeds · 4 years
sample scenarios & plots based on common themes & tropes i’ve seen on tumblr. may help with interactions & ease into plotting, though each of the muses have their own verses found in their main bio pages that can be found in the navi link on the pinned post (raleigh’s, liz’s, and jamie’s verses are completed, but i am still working on maddie’s, so you can pm me for that). i’ve numbered these where you may reply with said number for this post, if interested, or mention them in the other verses comment in the interest tracker. I am putting this under a read more since it’s long & i may updated this occasionally when ideas comes to mind. you can also message on discord, with that on the pinned post as well. 💖
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G1.    🌌space🌌 in our favorite rocketship  G2.    but especially relating to kohalto, a lore that i can go more in depth with private chats without having the entirely of the lore written out yet. kohalto can also be a dystopian society that’s located on earth. G3.    raleigh, liz, & jamie being part of the same crime syndicate instead of doing their own small scale crimes, either base on your muses lore or one plotted out. they could also be part of a rival syndicate from your muse or the three person crew is getting in the way of your muses crimes.   G4:    more on ellesmere, which can be from your muse riding on the ellesmere trail or the first time on the property. honestly this is more of a setting piece. G5:    speaking of the ellesmere setting, a regency / victorian era plot where ellesmere is in england. could be br*dergton or a*sten based. or just any historical plot with the spencers being equestrians. really just anything in historical periods, from the 80s or ancient. G6.    of course the ever so cliché of  your muse is friends, rivals, or acquainted with raleigh/jamie/liz/maddie & your muse meets jamie/liz/raleigh & either has a fling, relationship, or one sided crush on jamie/raleigh/liz. because liking a friend’s sibling is spicy apparently. G7.    an au where the four spencers work at a restaurant or café. this can be flexible in terms of being in competition with your muse’s place or your muse being a customer / working with them (either with your muse as the owner or working under the spencer business). for the positions themselves, raleigh & liz would be the co-owners/manager as they split tasks (raleigh with employees while liz with accounting, ie), though liz could also serve as a bartender, then jamie as a chef/barista, and maddie as a hostess/server/barista.
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R1.    most likely to be a teacher, either with primary, secondary, or uni. probably teaches biology or any science related field. R2.    most likely to pay for your muse coffee or drink at a cafe. or just paying it forward in general. also the most likely to venture into cafes getting his tea or going into a library / bookstore to get a new book. R3.    he likes exploring different areas and, while not believing in any supernatural, would be the most likely to investigate with your muse in haunted places or supernatural things, if only for his curiosity or looking at that nice ivy. outside of supernatural, he’ll just venture in nature. R4.    ANYTHING WITH HIS DOGS. R5.    if he does anything pertaining in the celebrity world, he would be a director or writer. and he would hate the limelight & he just wants to be creative. R6.    most likely to be the oblivious one that won’t realize there’s a relationship. so ig slow burn. and anything awkward or friends to lovers. but also most likely to talk to any ex’s again, for anything romantic. R7.    someone to talk nerdy to him. or influencing his chaotic side & doing dumb things together.  for more platonic or general relationships.  R8.    would offer his space if someone needs somewhere to live or stich up close. he’s a gentle mom friend when someone gets close enough to him. can be supportive of younger muses.
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E1.    most likely to be a lawyer or politician aide. any position that her father would prefer her to have over an engineering. E2.    most likely to be part of your muses’ own business if she’s shooting for a higher position within it, like cfo or ceo or just the executive board. mainly for fashion design but anything in general. E3.    for any of her older verses, then she could be a CEO, politician (senate), or a professor for a uni with engineering. E4.    for her becoming a celebrity, then a musician similar to... yeah. so country to indie pop & has a reputation similar to her modern. maddie probably writes the lyrics for liz though. i just can’t see liz getting into acting rip, though she could produce. E5.    horses. neigh. that’s all. but even an au where she runs ellesmere or has a horse pasture herself... with her own winery. E6.    mostly likely for slow burns & rivals / enemies to lovers, for anything romantic. also the most likely to have one night stands or just ghost your muse. E7.    most likely to have wine nights with your muse. or being someone that, while blunt, your muse ends up talking to because liz listens. or your muse just sees through liz’s icey bs & befriends her.  E8.    also the most likely to “adopt” or being extra supportive your muse if they need a home, physically or emotionally. or just needs someone to remind them to finish that resume & proofread papers. the most stern mom friend, but a caring mom friend nevertheless. 
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J0. his name is benjamin james spencer, & his nickname was benny but now is ben (because i love you charlie) J1.    most likely to go into acting once his football career vanished.  J2.    most likely to be a firefight too, especially if his cousin nick had more inspiration with jamie. J3.    most likely to fight your muse if your muse is confrontational & filled with testosterone. so someone fight his ass. OH, could even be a boxing au if jamie is like, forgetting about his own physical health. but this easily fits in modern if you muse ever ticks jamie off. J4.    so jamie is actually the biggest animal out of the four, so him going to animal shelters or horses or dealing with his cat or your muses’ pets. would definitely get his softer side here. could even be him running ellesmere. J5.    BODYGUARD AU. J6.    also the most likely to fall into the fake dating trope. can have one night stands as well, but doesn’t like them as much anymore. J7.    your muse being someone that jamie felt he wronged in his younger years, such as being a jerk in college or having puked on your muse then blaming them for it, you know, his darker period. and, now, he’s reconnecting in order to apologize about the things he’s done wrong. could go swell or angsty. J8:    most likely to be the one your muse has to “adopt” or support whenever he does dumb things. someone tell him not to get into fights. so having a paternal / older sibling figure.
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M1.    her being a known bassist / rock star with her band & has that celebrity status within the alternative / rock / metal genres. but she could also be part of your muse’s band or genre sphere. M2.    most likely to be in college with your muse, where maddie lives in a dorm instead with liz or have classes together... though likely to skip those classes. M3.    most likely to be a tattoo artist or running a flowershop. M4.    is the one that likes being around artists, being an artist herself.  M5.    mostly likely be a waitress or bartend, practically when she doesn’t go to college. M6.    being part of her cousin’s motorcycle gang. M7.    most likely be to accept your muse as an older platonic figure or even like a sibling to her. someone to guide her in life as she grows into her own.
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pikapeppa · 4 years
Author Interview
Tagged by a number of lovelies: @mrscullensrutherford​ @dafan7711​ @hellas-himself​ @mythicaitt​ @crackinglamb​​ @rpgwarrior4824 - I think that’s it?? I’m so sorry if I missed someone, I was ignoring tags for a couple of days there! 😭 
Tagging forward to @elveny @midnightprelude @faerieavalon @cornfedcryptid @johaeryslavellan @solas-disapproves @serial-chillr @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @lostinfantasies38 @alyssalenko​ @modernagesomniari​ @novamm66​ and anyone else who wants to play - truly, go for it and grab this if you see it and want to play!
Name: Pikapeppa. You can call me Pika!
Fandoms: I write/have written for Dragon Age, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Mass Effect. 
Where You Post: here on Tumbles, and on AO3 as queenofkadara.
Most Popular One-Shot: Baby, Come Back And Fight With Me, which delves into Fenris and Rynne Hawke’s first time together, including when he leaves her [sob]. This one’s got almost 4k hits.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Lovers In A Dangerous Time, i.e. Fenris the Inquisitor, with over 13k hits. I’m so thrilled this is the most popular since it’s also the story that’s closest to my hort. Stormbirds and Stalkers (Aloy/Nil from Horizon Zero Dawn) is close behind at nearly 13k hits.
Favourite Story You Wrote: Lovers In A Dangerous Time, for sure. It’s my longest story and the one I poured the most of my heart into. I also really loved writing my and @schoute​‘s pirate AU, Where The Winds Of Fortune Take Me, partly because it was a great challenge to write a semi-original plot and to fully develop two romances in a single story, AND BECAUSE I LOVE SCHOUTE AND IT WAS SO AWESOME WORKING ON THIS JOINT PROJECT. 😭 ❤️
Story You Were Nervous to Post: my current WIP, The Love That Grows From Violence (Felassan x Tamaris Lavellan). I had so much fucking trouble getting this fic started. I wrote 6000 words of a first chapter before realizing I hated it, scrapping it, and reworking the idea into its current form. I’m still nervous about certain parts of it but I’M SOLDIERING THROUGH.
How You Choose Your Titles: They’re often either song titles/lyrics, such as Baby Come Back And Fight With Me or Lovers In A Dangerous Time, or a play on a piece of canon dialogue/lore such as Fall Into The Tide (Sten x Yara Mahariel) or The Love That Grows From Violence.
Complete: Most of them...? It’s easier to just list the ones that are incomplete actually LOL
Incomplete: Dancing In The Moonlight, which is a modern AU Piper Lavellan/Cullen gift fic for @schoute (which we’ll work on more someday!), and my current WIP, The Love That Grows From Violence (Felassan x Tamaris Lavellan). 
Do You Outline? Yeah boi. The outline changes and morphs, but I absolutely outline. I am much more of a planner than a pantser.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: OKAY SO. 😂
Witcher AU Piper Lavellan/Cullen and Rynne Hawke/Fenris fic with @schoute. Pending ME ACTUALLY PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME.
I have had a crack idea for a humour/horror modern AU with @schoute‘s Piper and my Rynne Hawke and their boys for a while, based entirely on a hilarious Messenger conversation we had a year ago bahaha.
Professor Solas modern AU, encouraged/enabled by the wonderful @elbenherzart. If I do it right, it’s actually going to end up covering three intertwining ships: Solas/Nare Lavellan, Abelas/Athera Lavellan, and Felassan/Tamaris Lavellan. I’M VERY SCARED AND HORNY FOR THIS ONE. 😂
Do You Accept Prompts? I do, but it’s been a long time since I filled one. SORRY SORRY I’M SO SORRY. 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’ve been really into The Love That Grows From Violence (Felassan x Tamaris Lavellan) recently! I’m focusing only on this fic right now because I’m really enjoying it!
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freethemages · 4 years
Thought since I’ve never done so, I’d list all my favourite DA ships (though inevitably I’ll forget some). Multi shipper here ofc.
Mains are in bold
Featuring one of my OCs:
Tristan Amell x Alistair Theirin
Garrett Hawke x Anders (Handers)
Tristan Trevelyan x Cullen Rutherford (Cullevelyan)
Mahanon Lavellan x Dorian Pavus (Pavellan)
Asharel Lavellan x The Iron Bull
Asharel Lavellan x Josephine Montilyet
Tristan Trevelyan x Dorian Pavus (Pavelyan)
Tristan Trevelyan x Alistair Theirin x Cullen Rutherford (Cullistairvelyan, OT3)
Tristan Amell x Zevran Arainai
Cullen Rutherford x Alistair Theirin (Cullistair)
Alistair Theirin x Zevran Arainai (Zevistair)
Cullen Rutherford x Dorian Pavus (Cullrian)
Anders x Nathaniel Howe (Nanders)
Anders x Karl Thekla (Kanders)
Carver Hawke x Isabela
Carver Hawke x Alistair Theirin (Carvistair)
Isabela x Merrill (Merribela)
Dorian Pavus x Anders (Dorianders)
Dorian Pavus x The Iron Bull (Adoribull)
Cassandra Pentaghast x Varric Tethras
Josephine Montilyet x Thom Rainier
Anders x Hawke x Nathaniel Howe
Anders x Alistair Theirin (Anderstair)
Honourable mentions:
Anders x Fenris (Fenders)- I don’t actually ship them, but a lot of the content is so damn good I love it anyway.
Garrett Hawke x Varric Tethras
Jowan x Anders
Jowan x Amell/Surana
Cullen Rutherford x Amell/Surana
Maric Theirin x Fiona
Sten x Shale
Single characters that I love and just want more stuff of in general:
Bann/Arl Teagan Guerrin
Warden Commander Duncan
Lace Harding
King Cailan Theirin
Finn Aldebrandt
Krem Aclassi
Professor Bram Kenric
Avvar mages!
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L’arte di rimanere attuali, 19 anni dopo. Go to home
Con oggi sono dieci giorni, tondi tondi, di reclusione a casa. E’ un controsenso lamentarsi, ora, che tutti possiamo stare a casa dopo esserci lamentati per una vita del lavoro, della frenesia del quotidiano e del non aver tempo per far nulla. Ma ora che abbiamo tutto questo tempo, che stiamo facendo effettivamente? Assolutamente nulla, se non lamentarci del fatto che dobbiamo stare in casa. La paura più grande resta comunque per il futuro. Che cosa succederà dopo questa dannata epidemia? Personalmente spero di riprender quanto prima il mio lavoro, spero di tornare presto alla quotidianità e al contatto di tutti i giorni con l’arte.  Penso un sacco a quello che effettivamente ho perso in questi dieci giorni, all’abbandono della mia città, Matera, per tornare al paesello e star vicino alla mia famiglia, ma penso anche al futuro, sperando di tornare alla solita routine quanto prima. Il modo migliore per continuare ad affrontare questa situazione è pensare a quello che in questi anni è diventato il mio lavoro, ma anche il mio motivo di felicità, ovvero l’arte. Riflettendoci, la tematica portante dei miei pensieri è la stessa che accomuna la ricerca di un artista a me molto caro, ovvero Adrian Paci.
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Nato a Scutari in Albania il 28 gennaio del 1969, è attivo a Milano dove vive dal 2000. Ha frequentato l'Accademia delle Arti di Tirana dal 1987, studiando con il Professor Edi Rama (ex sindaco di Tirana e attualmente primo ministro albanese) e formandosi su corsi di arte figurativa, gli unici insegnamenti d'arte possibili, poiché imposti dal regime vigente in quegli anni in Albania.Nel 1992 ha frequentato, grazie ad una borsa di studio, il corso ‘Arte e Liturgia' presso l'Istituto Beato Angelico di Milano. Quando nel 1995 è ritornato in Albania, ha insegnato Storia dell'Arte e Estetica all'Università di Scutari solo per un breve periodo, infatti nel 1997 a causa dei disordini nello Stato si trasferisce con la famiglia a Milano.Nel 2006 a Modena è stata inaugurata la sua prima personale italiana all'interno di uno spazio pubblico. La personale giunge dopo l'affermazione alla cinquantunesima edizione della Biennale di Venezia e i numerosi riconoscimenti internazionali, tra cui i momenti espositivi al PS1 di New York e una presentazione dell'opera al Museum of Modern Art di New York.Nel 2010 ha partecipato al simposio Lost in Translation (da cui poi è nato il premio Arte, Patrimonio e Diritti Umani) organizzato alla Triennale di Milano da Connecting Cultures.Fra le mostre personali recenti si ricorda la mostra itinerante Vite in transito allo Jeu allo Paume di Parigi (2013), al PAC di Milano (2013), alla Röda Sten Konsthall di Göteborg (2014) e al MAC, Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal (2014).Adrian Paci è rappresentato dalla galleria kaufmann repetto, Milano, e la dalla galleria Peter Kilchmann, Zurigo.
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Paci realizza le sue opere servendosi di svariate tecniche e materiali, senza prediligerne uno in particolare, determinando una notevole libertà di espressione e stile, nascono dipinti fotografie, sculture e video. Nei suoi lavori prende spunto da vicende umane vere che conosce e sono a lui familiari, traendone il significato della vita stessa, toccando i sentimenti più profondi.  Dopo aver lasciato l’Albania nel 1997 per trasferirsi in Italia portando con sé un carico di speranza e futuro, reso incerto e difficile dalla fase storica che caratterizzava la sua terra. Nel 2001 realizza “Home to go”, opera iconica dell’artista, che consiste nel calco in marmo del suo corpo nudo che porta sulla schiena un frammento di tetto; da quest’opera nascono una serie di immagini che lo ritraggono.  L’opera rappresenta oggi la sintesi perfetta dell’attuale crisi che attraversa il mondo occidentale, incapace di dare risposta ad una libera e naturale esigenza di libera circolazione delle persone fuori dal confine del proprio stato e fuori da costrizioni e condizioni fisiche e mentali.
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Non so voi, ma in quest’opera rivedo tanto di quello che stiamo vivendo tutti noi in questo particolare periodo storico. Penso che con quest’opera Paci abbia portato a compimento in maniera perfetta quello che è il lavoro dell’artista. Dovremmo essergli tutti un po grati!
Valerio Hank Vitale
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I draw it on miga world
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moderndragonage · 6 years
Dragon Age meets Modern Age [Sims4]
So I'm looking at making an entire Sims 4 neighbourhood of just Dragon Age characters. I've already got some ideas from the DA community at Reddit but I'm looking to bring it into Tumblr with images and possibly videos.
Cullen: a man and his dog (mabari). Eventually becomes a personal trainer. Works out a lot.
Sten: becomes Oghren's bouncer at his bar/pub/dive bar after leaving the military. Chooses to live in an apartment alone.
Morrigan: lives alone in a small house surrounded by wildlife. Has lots of booms
Dorian: split decision whether we go for rockstar or techno-whiz (magic replaced by tech). Either way he looks fabulous and wears a lot of jewellery. Also has a huge library and has bookworm trait
Varric: friends with everyone in the world. Writer. Still has the same hairstyle and golden hoop.
Solas: racist professor who rubs everyone up the wrong way
Sera: technophobe criminal with the prankster trait.
Anything else?
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amralimesoti · 6 years
OC Info Meme
tagge by: @befooled
tagging: @seablrd @sternenstaub28 @my-da-phase @theweepingstar @inquisitorialbusiness @dragon-tooth-collection if you’ve already been tagged in this then just disregard it xD
B A S I C S:
Full name: Amrâlimê Surana of Clan Valur
Gender: hermaphrodite
Sexuality: pansexual
Pronouns: he/him
O T H E R:
Family: {Biological} Mother - Daremora | Father - Unknown | Brother - Farain [all deceased] [•] {Adoptive} Mother - Bella Surana | Father - Anders | Sister - Ma’Sera | Brother - Alistair [•] {Children} Son(s) - Valik (Am/Jowan) and Kieran (Am/Morrigan) | Daughter - Unnamed (AmCer).
Birthplace: Somewhere near Tevinter, possibly to the North West.
Job(s): Warden Commander, Inquisitor, Scholar, Eventually Professor.
Phobias: Abandonment, Failure, Outliving those he loves, Forgetting.
Guilty pleasures: Pranks, Avoiding Political Obligations, Reading, Dressing in fine clothes, Food. All food, Music, Sex.
Hobbies: Academia/Arcane Studies, Long walks, Sewing/Tailoring.
M O R A L S:
Moral alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sins:  Lust/greed/envy/Gluttony/pride/Wrath/sloth
Virtues: Charity/chastity/Diligence/humility/justice/Kindness/Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T:
Introvert / extrovert
Organized / disorganized
close-minded / Open-Minded
Calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / In-Between
Patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved / Circumstantial
Leader / follower / flexible
Empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / Realistic
traditional / Modern / in-between
Hard-Working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
OTP: Amrâlimê/Jowan | Amrâlimê/Zevran | Amrâlimê/Cullen | Amrâlimê/Nathaniel.
Acceptable ships: Amrâlimê/Cerise, Amrâlimê/Seabird, Amrâlimê/Haleir, are the Top 3, but ngl my kid isn’t picky. In fact, he’s a shameless flirt. Please just throw your OC’s at him. He’s got big arms, he’ll catch them!
OT3:  Amrâlimê/Sten/Zevran, Amrâlimê/Nathaniel/Zevran - honestly just anything plus Zevran really.
BROTP:  Amrâlimê/Alistair, Amrâlimê/Morrigan,  Amrâlimê/Leliana.
NOTP:  Amrâlimê/Sera and Amrâlimê/Blackwall maybe.
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musingmycelium · 6 years
da 20 questions
i was tagged by @goblin-deity thanks dear <3 and i’ll tag @lyrium-lovesong @raymurata @pegaeae @veridium-bye and @crystal-grace <3 no obligations of course <3
01) Favourite game of the series?
ooooghghghghghgh Origins is my Favorite, the Story........
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
i recieved a copy of inquisition as a gift, became immediately immursed but i didn’t dig more into the series for a good half a year or so? at which point i discovered the other two games and went Oh Fuck
03) How many times you’ve played the games? 
oh, uHHHHHHH, Far Too Many. i’ve sunk over 1k hours into dai alone, origins and da2 probably have about 1k combined?
04) Favourite race to play as?
i’m always a slut for elves 
05) Favourite class?
me, a staff wielding bisexual: i’m Mage, all the way. though i don’t mind rogue if i mix things up [which is like, i think i have three or four rogue play throughs out of all of them?] i NEVER play warrior bc i’m a bottom i’m not about that life
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
i play in character! so i’ve got some Wildly different world states depending on which playthrough/oc i’m on
07) Go-to adventuring group?
for my Canon world states i’ve got origins gang: sten, zevran, morrigan. da2 gang: fenris/aveline, anders/merrill, varric. dai gang: dorian, bull, solas/sera  i sense a theme...... 
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
oh god, ellanis and noure are my most fleshed out origins kids, wren and galahad are less fleshed out, sorta, but i Love them, idrilla and da’ean are pretty fleshed out as well -though linayel and mithra are also fairly fleshed out i just never write about them 
09) Favourite romance?
ZEVRAN -god i love him so much hhhhhHHHHHHHH he’s got Everything, everytime i play ellanis and he goes ‘the grey wardens die here’ i’m Fucking Lost Already man. hhhhhoooohhghghghghghgh i’d go on but i’m running on cough syrup and midol so it would be even less coherent than ususal
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
lmao i own all the books but i haven’t been able to finish them because My God are they poorly written. LIKE good Characters, good characters, shit prose.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
the one i’m furthest along in rn is stolen throne so i’ll go with that one
12) Favourite DLCs?
jaws of hakon -holy shit as an archaeologist grad student i cannot tell you how much i Fucking Loved the lore dump in site form that was jaws of hakon JUST OH MY GOD it was AMAZING the first time you talk to professor what’shisface with the hot accent and he starts talking about chronologies via buckles i was fucking lost in nerd heaven
13) Things that annoy you.
homophobia and transphobia and racism. the games are Rife with bad correlations between real people and grey morality and poor handling of sensitive contents, though i don’t know if it was all done for ‘woke’ points or if some came from legitimate good intentions, most of my problems lie in those areas. fandom also hits a lot of my annoyances but that’s what block is for
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
antiva bitch
15) Templars or mages?
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
same one! ellanis is my canon hof but noure is a part of his backstory and they meet during the blight [ellanis frees noure from a sentence of tranquility and conscripts them, uh, temporarily] noure leaves the group after like a week?ish and goes to nevarra. wren and galahad are twins, wren being the older one and the main rabble-rouser hawke. da’ean is the only quizzy but idrilla, linayel, mithra and a handful of other lavellan ocs all exist within the clan -idrilla and linayel and a few others come to skyhold after clan lavellan handles the unrest in wycome with da’ean’s help [my canon there is a bit wonky as of yet as i’m still working out the kinks]  
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
this is the part i suck at, i think ellanis named the mabari something after the flower that saved him? but i don’t remember tbh, and that’s the only one i cna think of rn too lkjlkjlkjklj
18) Have you installed any mods?
oh yes. ohhh yes i have an extense amount of mods on all three games, mostly cosmetic ones but a few gameplay ones
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
ellanis didn’t no, he thought warden’s were a bit of reality mixed with myth. when duncan shows up he’s more skeptical and curious than anything else, and his joining is less than enthusiastic but he makes the most of it for a good five years, before he fucks off to do his own research in antiva in seclusion -he just leaves, with an encripted note for nate making him warden-commander of ferelden while he’s gone and tells him not to tell anyone where he’s gone. only nate and velanna know where he is in the wardens
20) Hawke’s personality?
wren is a purple hawke! she knows what she wants and she is not afraid to go after it, although she does care deeply and shows her affections loudly. she’s a fucking chaotic stupid mess and i love her.
galahad is blue throughout. a natural big brother, super loving and patient and caring. he’s always looking to help, though when things go wrong he tends to blame himself only, he’s more together than wren though. 
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
....yes.......  my inquisition is a fashion disaster, everyone has a palatte but i do complimentary colors for my parties and lis Of Course
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
yes, ellanis would go back and kill the shems before they could crash the wedding -to prevent shianni from ever having to live through what she did. he would still have probably been conscripted by duncan soooo not too big a change for him but, for shianni it would be huge. 
ellanis has another but it’s tied up with noure’s: noure would go back and ambush the templars before being captured and then run for their life. without ever having lived in the circle i don’t, know exactly how noure would come out -probably happier, less jagged, less terrified and paranoid. but probably not by much if they had to live their life constantly looking over their shoulder. they may have ended up in nevarra this way too, but they wouldn’t have ever made it to kirkwall and they never would have met anders or karl, they may have never fallen out of love with ellanis via distance/assumed death, it would be far different than what happened.
wren and galahad both would go back and save bethany. doesn’t matter how, or what the cost to themselves would have been that’s their little sister and they would do anything to save her if they could.
da’ean’s is much the same. his biggest regret, the thing which haunts him the most is ashalle’s [not dao ashalle lmao] death. he was supposed to protect her and after what happens in that field and that month, da’ean blames himself for how his sister died. though he isn’t the one to blame, and later [far, far later] he is able to come to terms with what happened. though he never Truly shakes the guilt.
linayel would probably try to save his mother’s sight. he would tell her to stay with him by the fire, or would try and find a cure faster for her. the illness wasn’t his fault and he knows it wasn’t but given the chance he would save her sight if he could.  
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
lmao canon? never heard of her, a shitton of what i write is either me taking canon and making it Good/Useable or me shitting on it and saying this is My Castle Now
24) Who did you leave in the Fade?
this choiice always pissed me off, or it did after i knew who they were. when i first played i had no idea who hawke was or who the grey warden contact was [stroud for my first couple of play throughs] at all. so i would flip flop between them without care really. 
now, in my canon alistair stays behind while hawke physically drags da’ean out because he was going to stay and fight or find a different way out. i still think its shit and a naratively piss-poor meta punch though
25) Favourite mount?
i’m a dirty gatherer so i don’t actually use any mount. the only time i Have used a mount was the royal 16 for screenshot purposes, which i lost when my harddrive crashed a couple months ago D:
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droil · 7 years
modern au: an addendum
morrigan: country swamp goth
alistair: boarding school baby jock
zevran: dark web hitman with the worst screenname you’ve ever seen
leliana: nun on twitter
sten: the worst tourist
wynne: professor emeritus that does twice the work of active faculty
oghren: an unstoppable divorce meets an unmarryable object
shale: boston dynamics
dog: dog
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