#prolly reminds him of comforting his brother
vodkaslyme · 1 year
It's late at night and I'm making self indulgent fanart again and my OC is miserable
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phyrestartr · 5 months
Icarus Drabbles (Pt.2) | Sukuna x M!Reader
W/C: 3.7k [#Modern AU, ABO dynamics, bottom!reader, top!sukuna, Mob Boss!Sukuna, Alpha!Sukuna, Street Doctor!Reader, Omega!Reader, toxic relationships, age gap, sukuna is mid 30s, yuuji gang and reader are mid 20s, sukuna and yuuji are brothers, sukuna has FEELINGS, but he is BAD AT FEELINGS, nsfw, fluff, hurt/comfort, cheating, zenin family mentioned, lightly edited lmfao]
Note: There will prolly be a third drabble thingie lol I just wanted to post SOMETHING
tag: @better-imagination-9
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1. Restless
Sukuna finally bagged you, the omega he pined over and hunted down for over a decade, and knocked you up, made you move in with him to ensure he could keep an eye on you and that growing baby bump. His alpha had rejoiced, running its victory lap around Sukuna’s chest, but then it slowed, yawned, and curled up, satiated. 
Now, his human side was left to its own devices, and it was bored. 
Probably because you were boring. Or, well, you’d become boring–you and your omega seemed more in-tune with one another, both settling down as soon as you both agreed on staying with Sukuna, with your mate. To Sukuna’s human instincts, that meant you were about as exciting and fun as doing his taxes. Yet, at the same time, he couldn’t fathom letting you go. Whenever the hypothetical crossed his mind, that second set of eyes would open and stare, tear bared, anger rippling. And Sukuna would agree with it. He didn’t want to lose you, yet he didn’t always want you either. 
And he was bored. 
“Hey,” you cooed, leaning over his shoulder as he stared into space on the couch. “You okay?”
Sukuna blinked a few times and rubbed his face tiredly, finding himself growing pissed off at the dull delight your presence brought him. “Yeah, ‘m fine. Need something?”
“Well, Christmas’s coming up,” you reminded. “Wanted to make sure we were still–”
“Can’t.” Bitterness rose in the back of Sukuna’s throat. God, he didn’t even want to look at you right now. “Gotta work.” He finally spared you a glance, but only after a long stretch of silence. You didn’t look perturbed or mad, not really sad or disappointed, just…placid. 
You looked at your phone, staring at something just for a moment before returning back to him with a slight nod of acceptance. “Alright.” 
Sukuna's other bristled. “Alright.” 
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“I knew you couldn't really be taken ‘n tied down, Sukuna-sama,” Yorozu cooed as she cozied up into the spot between the man's legs, her hands smoothing up and down his thighs before deftly unlatching his belt and ripping it off. “You're too good for that sort of life.” 
“Don’t you have somethin’ better to do with that mouth?” The nice part of Sukuna asked. The less nice part of him wanted to rip her head off and punt it at the stupid fucking moon. Luckily for her, he was trying not to throw as many things at the horizon these days. 
Yorozu's eyes shone with pure delight. “Oh, of course, of course.” She unzipped his slacks expertly quick and pulled free his half-chub, excitedly stroking it to get him to full-mast. 
Sukuna sighed and sank back in his chair, trying to focus and enjoy the attention and spice he so sorely missed, but it was hard. Well, not hard, which was the problem–his mind wasn't finding this (cheating, getting a blow job at his desk, having a woman with tits on his knees for him) exciting. Thankfully, though, his body reacted in his mind's stead, and decided to not embarrass him. 
He closed his eyes and focused on the small hands grasping his base and holding his thigh–but your bigger, stronger hands held him better, digging in without the lethality of acrylics threatening harm. At least her mouth was warm, her lips soft--but your lips were soft, too, and you knew where he liked to feel your tongue press down. Her hair was silky and thick enough to fist his hand in–but yours was just…better. He couldn't describe it, but–
Knock it off, he growled. He needed a break from you, from how mundane you made everything, that was the whole fucking reason he ditched you in the first place. You were boring. You were making life boring. You–
What were you up to, actually? 
Sukuna sighed, this time in defeat, and snatched up his phone while Yorozu gave him head. He scrolled through whatever socials he knew you had, but saw nothing new, nothing Christmas-y. 
Who the hell is he visiting again? He looked to the side, gazing through the huge windows looming behind his desk as he thought, and then remembered. 
Sukuna tapped open your text thread and grimaced–it was so blatantly one-sided. The sight of his flippant convo-killing responses hit him with a wave of psychic damage that probably couldn't be fully healed for as long as he lived. He wasn't a fan of texting, but he was a fan of you. But-wait, didn't he loathe you?
5:05am went to see my mom for christmas
5:05am getting picked up dw
5:06am hope work doesn't suck too much
Right. You went to see family. Right. Sukuna was supposed to meet your mother. 
“Fuck's sake,” Sukuna muttered moments before fisting his hand in Yorozu's hair and pulling him off his softening cock. “We're done.” He stood and tucked himself away, ignoring the indignant scoff the woman sent his way. 
“Leave.” He sent a text your way instead of tuning in to whatever Yorozu said as she picked herself up off her knees:
10:49pm When should I pick you up?
Of course he was gonna pick you up. He wasn’t about to let someone else take care of you for a second longer. 
“Clearly you're unhappy,” Yorozu finally cut in. 
Sukuna saw a read notification pop up in the chat. 
“Clearly that other one isn't satisfying you fully.” 
He watched the three dots pop up as you replied back. 
“After he has your pup–”
10:52pm you can come now
10:52pm if you're free 
“--you should reconsider your choice in mate–” 
10:53pm Send me the address.
He stepped over her and the pooling crimson on his way to the door, texting Uraume to call the cleaners to take care of a mess in his office while he went to pick up his baby mama. 
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Picking you up had been eventful.
Firstly, Maki and Mai had refused to open the gate for Sukuna in favour of mocking him and exclaiming, “are you kidding me? You're the baby daddy?” while incessantly prodding him for information. You'd managed to bat them aside to let him up to the house, though it took some effort on your part. 
Next, Toji Zenin himself was waiting at the front door, arms crossed, totally unbothered, dressed in his hideous Christmas jumper that his woman had apparently made him wear as punishment for something. Sukuna ribbed him, hiding just how confused he was about the entire thing–he didn't fucking get why there were so many Zenin assholes here. The outcasts, sure, but what the fuck was that about? 
“Oh. Toji's my stepdad,” you said when you had finally squeezed your dragon's hoard of gifts into the car and got in the damn thing to go home. Sukuna left it at that for the time being–he didn't want to think about what the fuck that meant now that the two of you were together. He had time to ask a thousand questions another day.
His mind still whirred in the elevator, though, and when he helped carry your only-child gifts into the penthouse like a servant put under a spell. You said something to him that he only realized a solid fifteen minutes later was, “I'm taking a bath. There's room for two,” and a fire suddenly lit under his ass. 
“Huh, so you can bear to look at me,” you hummed from the bath. It was large and oaken, filled with yuzu thanks to Uraume's thoughtfulness, and it overlooked snowy Tokyo and all its bustling, light-filled glory and–wait, what.
Sukuna scoffed as he pulled off his clothes methodically. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
You watched him undress shamelessly. “It means you still have lipstick on your dick.” You poked away one of the yuzu that bumped into you. “It's not really my colour.” 
Sukuna clenched his teeth and kicked aside his clothes before grabbing the showerhead to wash off before joining you because he was going to join you. No matter the case. No matter the objection. 
But you never objected. You leaned back in the tub and watched him while you rolled another yuzu between your palms. “Did you have fun fucking her?” Fuck, you could be so scary sometimes. And you didn't even have to try.
Sukuna found it hard to answer. He found it hard to even speak. Christ, was this shame? “Look–I didn't fuck her. Didn't even get close.” 
“So she just sucked your dick.”
“Tried. Didn't finish. Couldn't.” 
“So sad. Why not?”
“‘Cause she's not you.” Sukuna finished with the shower and slipped into the bath, sitting across from you with a content sigh. “You give better head.” 
“That went from being somewhat meaningful to annoying,” you grumbled. Still, you scooched over to him and pressed up against his side, clearly in the mood to forgive his stupid little attempted fling. “So. Then you're sure about this.” 
“Sure about what?” Sukuna wondered, suddenly feeling more at ease with the rich scent of you pooling through his senses. He leaned into you when you carefully smoothed his hair out of his face with that usual, simple gentility he'd come to desire so desperately every day. “Sure about you?” 
“Yeah. Us. Everything.” You nuzzled at his neck, dutifully scenting him up with kisses, nips and licks. “You started pulling away like a pussy, so I figured you regretted it.” 
Sukuna had to laugh. “You're callin’ me a pussy?” He half-growled before yoinking you into his lap and squeezing you up against him. His grin widened when he saw you hold back a smile. “I think you should apologize.” 
“You cheated on me with your stalker. Why do I need to apologize?” 
“You hurt my fuckin’ feelings.” 
“Oh. Hm. I see.” Your fingers, bigger than a woman's yet still elegant as a piano player's, danced across his firm shoulders in thought. “I think you need to have feelings for me to hurt them.” 
His hands found their rightful place (on your ass) and kneaded your skin thoroughly, squeezing and pinching wherever he felt most enticed. “You know I have feelings, sweetheart. Why do ya think you're here in the first place, huh?” 
Your scent flared with bashful approval. “Guess that's good to know. These days, you've left me wondering.” 
Sukuna grew placid gazing upon your features, listening to your words. If he really tried, behind that diamond mask of nonchalance most Zenin brats wore, there existed soft, vulnerable skin--tired and ragged, worried and creased. He'd done that to you. Why had he done that to you? 
He lifted a hand from your curves to cup your face gently, his touch breaking through the shields you so bravely put up to tell the world to fuck off. And you leaned into that touch so eagerly, so hungrily, with a sigh that sounded like you just remembered how to breathe. 
“‘M sorry,” Sukuna mumbled. The word felt foreign on his tongue. He didn’t know if he even said it right.
Your eyes squeezed shut just a little tighter, holding onto whatever you could of your crumbling shell as your hand rose to rest on his. “You know I love you,” you said while diamond dust turned to quicksilver.
Sukuna wiped the glimmer from your lashes. “Love you too, runt. Mean it.” Those words still felt strange, too, but he loved those words. He loved the way they made you glow from within, how they solidified you and stopped you from collapsing into a melted mess in the face of his betrayal and swift try at redemption. 
You nodded a little, the hard line of your mouth softening. Sukuna relaxed and hugged you close to him, purring deep in his chest in rhythm with you as you wholly accepted him in return and buried your face into his neck. He did the same, scenting you the way you had him, enjoying your company and weight against him. Because he loved you. He really did. 
So, he said once again, “Sorry.”
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2. Family Matters
“Sukuna,” Wasuke warned. The attention of the younger alpha, leaning against the counter, was on you as you yapped on about this and that with his little brother.
Sukuna grunted and looked over his shoulder at the old man, though, silently and curtly asking, what? even though he already knew what was coming.
“Leave that boy alone.” 
Sukuna stared at his grandfather. It'd become more and more common, the way the young man challenged his elder, maintaining hostile eye contact that threatened the beginning of the end if the older broke first–but he never did. The old fuck was too tough. Molded by whatever his own colourful irezumi put him through. 
Once, when he was younger, Sukuna wanted to know how to break his elder. He wanted to crack him open and rip those secrets from him, find out how he could use that knowledge to his advantage to never feel so small in the eyes of another ever again. He hated it. He hated the dominance held over him, the humility that came with it. 
But, like always, Sukuna broke first, looking away with a grumble, reinforcing his place in the food chain.
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Sukuna sighed. The old house was the same–far too traditional, too plain, too normal. It irked him to his core. Here, amidst all the boring normal shit of his past, his status in society no longer mattered; here, he forfeited first place, and took up second.
“Hey,” came your voice, muffled by the car window separating you from your lover. When Sukuna looked over at you, he saw his little nugget tucked safely in your arms, only half-awake as she nuzzled into the warmth of your chest. 
But then there was you. A face full of confusion, annoyance, and exasperation greeted Sukuna. You went for the door handle to wrench your man out of the car, but he locked it, watching you yank on the handle a handful of times before you knocked on the window incessantly. 
“Get out of the goddamn car, you little shit,” you hissed, looking between Sukuna and the front door of the house frantically. You stared at him hard, then, your frustration building every second your alpha refused to budge and end the embarrassment crashing down on you. 
A terrifyingly calm expression took over your face, before you adjusted the little pup in your arms and fished something out of your pocket. Sukuna didn't realize what it was until you leaned over and slammed your fist into the hood of the car, tearing into it easily with the fucking key in your hand. 
“You gotta be shitting me–” Sukuna scrambled to unlock the door and swing it open. He hopped out and slammed the car door closed. “You little–” 
“Oh, good, you found your balls.” 
Sukuna groaned as he looked at the damage you left. “Baby, you know how expensive this is gonna be to fix? Fucking hell, why're you such a crazy bitch?” 
“Well, look who I'm stuck with,” you said lightly. “Obviously you've corrupted me. It's not my fault.”
Sukuna grumbled and turned to you, grabbing you and pulling you close; but instead doling out a punishment as his past self was so accustomed to doing, he aggressively nuzzled the top of your head, viciously scenting you up and squeezing you against his solid frame while he grumbled and growled. 
“I'm splitting you in half when we get home.” 
You sighed, dramatic. “Oh no. I'm so afraid. But I guess I deserve such a brutal punishment. Sigh.” You nuzzled him back before tiptoeing up to kiss his chin, then his lips when he leaned down to meet you the rest of the way. “Ready?” 
Sukuna took a deep breath and looked over your face, running the back of his fingers against the rise of your cheekbone. He loved touching your face these days (more than usual). You still held onto a bit of pregnancy plushness that filled in the hollow angles of your handsomely beautiful face and other once-bony parts of your body. You'd never panicked about it, but you bitched and moaned, loudly lamenting about the way your clothes fit a little differently or how you just had to keep stealing Sukuna's shirts to replace your own. 
Touka, your little one, mewled from her spot smooshed between her parents. Sukuna sighed as he pulled back to look down at her, hoping she'd take most the heat off of him when he faced his grandfather again. 
“Let's just get this over with.” 
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Yuuji was the one who answered the door. He lived with Wasuke, claiming it was just easier and cheaper than getting his own place, but most knew the younger was a worry wart; he couldn't stand by and let his grandfather get put in a home or quietly tough out everyday life on his own in his elderly years. Yuuji stayed for the sake of family, and Wasuke quietly welcomed it. His brother's goodness nearly struck Sukuna with guilt. 
But any chance at guilt died the moment he met the old bastard's stony gaze. 
“Itadori-san,” you cooed pleasantly, a far cry from the demon that'd keyed Sukuna's car. “It's good to see you again.” 
Wasuke quirked a brow and walked up to you, nudging Yuuji aside so he could get a good look at you and the pup nestled to your chest. Sukuna took a breath and looked away. He didn't need to see the critical stare of the old man while he processed the fact that Sukuna had indeed not stayed away from you. Ugh, the idea of being scolded made the alpha itch. 
“We're far beyond honorifics, boy. You know that,” Wasuke lightly scolded, and you beamed. Sukuna could imagine a little shiba inu tail on you, wagging fast enough to take flight. “I'm glad to see you in one piece after taming my grandson. It must've been a damn ordeal.”
Yuuji cackled impishly, pointing at Sukuna. “Oooh, burn.” 
“Sorry, who got the omega in the end?” Sukuna quipped back, making Yuuji sprout a grumpy look and cross his arms with a mumbled you suck. 
“Quit the fighting and come in,” Wasuke ushered. “And you,” he snapped, looking at Sukuna with chronic disapproval, “Take off those sunglasses. You're trying too hard. Look like an idiot.”
You stifled your laughter as Sukuna grumbled and plucked his shades off. His very cool, very neat, very fancy, very expensive shades.
Wasuke ushered you all inside, gesturing to the kotatsu prepared with food and drinks and starting off on a grumbling rant about the shitty cold mornings and warm afternoons that came with Spring. Obviously, he'd complained to break the ice, and it worked. 
Small talk turned into easier conversation. Whenever Sukuna seemed to struggle with being cordial, you would lean into him more, squeezing his hand tightly whilst purring under the radar. That worked, too. As much as Sukuna was an asshole, he didn't want the afternoon to fall apart. Better he stay quieter than say something to regret. 
“They've calmed you down,” Wasuke said, snapping Sukuna's mind to attention. It was then that he finally noticed Yuuji had effectively kidnapped little Touka and was giving her a tour of the house like she actually gave a shit. 
“Hm?” He grunted, so eloquent. 
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, leaning into your partner more with a sigh. “Words, not grunts, Sukuna.”
He huffed. “You grunt at me all the damn time.” 
“Not at our elders.” 
“Tch.” Sukuna rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Whaddaya mean they've calmed me down, huh?” 
Wasuke, for once, looked somewhat amused. “Your pup. Your mate. They've made you human.” 
“Ha? You're actin’ like I was some four-armed, two-faced freak or some shit.” 
“Some days you acted like it,” Wasuke scoffed. “Doesn't matter if you agree or not, I can see the change in you, kid–that wild thing inside of you is finally settling down.”
You hummed and looked up at him. “I've noticed, too. You're less pissy. More tolerant. Still annoying, but that's just a personality flaw.” Sukuna growled and nipped at you, but you faced him so very bravely and suffered no such nip. 
“I'm glad for you, kid,” Wasuke interjected, breaking up the petty fight that was about to go down. The two of you looked back to the eldest. “You were a real pain in the ass, and you fucked up a lot along the way, but you made things work out. You should be proud.” 
Sukuna would never be able to put his feelings, the utter rush he felt getting his grandfather's approval, into words. 
“So where does this end, kid?” Wasuke asked. 
“What?” He asked before he could properly think it through. 
“This life. Your ‘profession.’ How long're you gonna keep that up, huh?” 
Sukuna could feel you lean into him more, letting more body weight ease your shared worries about the life you shared and the professions you'd taken up. Both unpredictable. Both in the crosshairs of dangerous beasts.
“You think we'll end up six feet under like mom ‘n dad, that it?” Sukuna rasped. He looped an arm around your waist and squeezed you against his side in reassurance as Wasuke's expression grew gloomier.
“You're more like your mother than you know, kid. You don't–”
“‘Course I don't know,” Sukuna interrupted, firm but not vicious. “Mom was a fucking moron ‘n knocked up whoever the fuck she could to get an in into one of those big-name clans. No shit they'd get pissed off and kill the bitch.” 
Wasuke scowled, but didn't argue. It was hard to when his daughter in-law was in the wrong, when she dug her own grave with every child sired before slipping and falling in on her own. A sad story. An incredibly stupid one, too. 
“That won't happen,” you offered mildly. Sukuna looked down at you, suddenly feeling the urge to shoot another baby into you as you spoke up on your own. “I trust Sukuna as much as I trust myself; he's worked hard to create an untouchable empire, and I have the connections to supplement it.” You glanced up at him. “If it's not Sukuna, then it'll be someone else running Tokyo. I couldn't think of a better king.”
A beat of silence passed before Wasuke asked, “And you, kid?” You afraid? 
Sukuna willed his mind out of R-rated territory to look at his grandfather. “You know me,” he started with a troublesome grin, “I can't stay away from what I want.” 
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brooke-likesmusic · 28 days
My outsiders head cannons because idk im bored (warning I’ll prolly misspell things!)
1: When he was younger he used to play in the mud with Pony and soda and they would go back into the house and their mom would kick them out and would have to spray them down with a hose
2: (after the book) Darry and pony had gotten into a argument like brothers do and Darry Couldng handle it anymore and broke down in tears in front of both his brothers.
3: he has nightmares sometimes and they cause him to wake up in a panic and he would always have to check up on pony and soda to make sure they were okay
4: idk why some people like make him seem like a Facebook mom who likes minion memes and dad jokes. HES BARELY 20 YEARS OLD. He would probably say the most unfiltered ass shit in a group chat 😭
5: he gets those random urges to like kick or playfully hit pony or soda (I do that 😣)
6: ate rotten food once and work and got sick and his boss had to drive the boy home since he was so sick
7: will probably work himself till he makes himself sick like he Wont stop himself till someone stops him
8: hates seeming like a parent more then a older brother sometimes when the boys need reminders that Darry is still their brother Darry will start a game of tag and all the brothers will run around the house. (When they did that when their parents were alive they knocked down a special vase and they all got whooped)
9 : likes cats. He has a stray cat at work that he shares his lunch with he named it “kitty cat” sooooo creative righttt
10: doesn’t like ham (idk that just randomly appeared in my mind)
Extra: used to bite as a child and gags when those chunks of food in the sink hits his hands
1: stinks like car oil and pony will not allow him to get into the bed till he showers
2: likes grilled cheeses (me too bro)
3: he once caught Darry having a panic attack and didn’t really know what to do since he’s never really saw his brother like Cry like that so he was awkwardly comforting him😭
4: makes Radom sounds like with his mouth and it’s makes the others tweak
5: gets dates mixed up really easily
6: after Darry slapped pony, soda in a fit of like idk rage punched Darry square in the face.
7: WILL forget to clean under his fingernails.
8: Darry ate his food once and soda ignored him for the rest of the night. Anytime Darry Tried to talk to him soda would give him a snooty face and would cross his arms and say “mhmp”
9: cries when he watches dog movies (like all dogs go to heaven or a dogs purpose or a dogs way home)
10: has the most NASTIEST converse and refuses to clean them
1: can only cook eggs he cannot cook anything else 😭
2: loves chocolate milk (I think that’s in the book)
3: tried Darry’s coffee once and almost threw up since it was so bitter
4: likes to race Darry since they were both in sports that involved a lot of running
5: stole one of Darry’s old sweatshirts and REFUSES to give it back. He loves that sweatshirt it’s like 2 sizes to big for him
6: (after the book) had a huge growth spurt after the book like it wasn’t even funny😭
7: since Darry and soda are such deep sleepers pony once drew like a “rocketship” and all those other things teenage boys draw he drew it on his brothers faces😣
8: chews his nails
9: has/had a crush on a soc girl and got teased by the gang relentlessly
10: (if it was like modern day idk) he would love headphones/airpods
1: got chased by a dog and is forever traumatized from
2: would prolly stink like beer and sweat
3: bro can sleep through a tornado
4: bro prolly has the most greasiest hair
5: bro has a laugh that makes everyone else laugh
6: (before the Curtis parents died) dally finally made Darry sneak out with him and they ended up getting pulled up on by Mr Curtis and they both ended up getting in so much trouble 😭
7: made a your mom joke to the Curtis brothers and ended up getting jumped 😣
8: like those bland ass Cheerios
9: favorite fruit is cherries
10: bro will flip his underwear inside out and backwards since his nasty ass don’t wanna waste the time to wash the clothes
1: gets mad and when Darry doesn’t make chocolate cake 😣
2: bro will make himself at home at the Curtis house that couch practically as a ass imprint from him
3: likes strawberry shortcake (that’s his favorite dessert)
4: has so much beef with ponyboy they diss eachother anytime they get to
5: bro will HOG the bed if you share it with him
(Sorry his is kinda short 😣)
1: lost his Mickey Mouse shirt in the washer and thought he lost it forever
2: has a younger sister (protective brother)
3: knows how to braid hair
4: tried to recreate Darry’s infamous chocolate cake and he failed miserably 😭
5: he was really mad at Darry when pony ran away. When he found out he said straight in Darry’s face “good brother my ass.”
6: favorite Disney princess is belle (idk why I thought of that)
7: when he’s actually like serious the gang like tenses up a bit
8: knows all the drama from his younger sister he had beef with little kids he’s never even met
His lil sister: “yeah and Shelly and David are dating when she knew David was my crush and I told her too”
Two-bit: “I don’t like Shelly or David 🙄”
1: (when the Curtis parents were alive) he once ran to the Curtis house after his father hit him super hard and Mrs Curtis took him in for the night giving him a hot meal and a warm shower and some clean clothes.
2: whenever he needs to crash somewhere he has a designated pallet that he sleeps on in the Curtis house
3: likes m&m popcorn
4: chews the side of his nails
5: can go days without eating
6: bro needs to wash that Jean jacket
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chocopat · 2 years
hey! can you please do rantaro amami x reader general dating hcs? thank you!
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- warnings : pda, i dont think theres anything else LMAO
- this is longer than usual becoz i love rantaro so so soooo much
﹒ 𓈒 𓏸 ﹒ 🍞🐈‍⬛﹒ ࣭ 𖧋 ˚ 𓂋 ﹒
𖥔 the typa guy to tease you every once in a while ARGEGA
𖥔 has the softest hands ever and he loveeeeees holding your hand holy shit im touch starved
𖥔 takes you out on road trips during special occasions or whenever youre both free!!! he even has a playlist filled with his and your favorite songs to listen to
𖥔 made you a playlist filled with songs that remind him of you <3 he updates it every week
𖥔 i feel like he’d know how to play the guitar so he’d play you some cute songs in your native language <3_<3
𖥔 he always has gifts for you whenever he goes out <33333 AND HE GETS YOU JEWELRY TO MATCH HIS OMG
𖥔 calls you suuuuuper cute nicknames or like every nickname possible
𖥔 he loves pda!! he loves holding your hand in public omgogmggomg n he doesnt mind when you want to kiss him in public ( might give you a sneaky kiss too o_< )
𖥔 i also feel like he’d be good at crocheting? he’d prolly crochet you a cute little hat AWW
𖥔 makes you paper flowers with the lyrics of your favorite song on the petals ughhh
𖥔 writes you love letters shut up
𖥔 not much experience in relationships but hes a very romantic man awww
𖥔 hums you to sleep lol!
𖥔 writes you a like 8 page letter about how much he loves you on your anniversary
𖥔 knows how to comfort really well! its the brother instinct :)
𖥔 shares earbuds with you whenever your travelling awww
𖥔 secretly has a diary about his relationship with you! it says things like “ im so glad to be with them “ or “ i dont know how i got so lucky “ awwswjduejdje
𖥔 does silly things with you late at night <3
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leejynz · 2 years
the boyz - younger or older preference | fluff!
*note this is all fictional and just based off of my opinion of the boyz*
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sangyeon | younger
he’s been stuck with 10 younger brothers so he’s definitely used to being the older one
definitely would tease and make fun of his s/o
wants to take bigger responsibilities (man of the house sort of vibe)
big spooning and driving the kids to school
jacob | same age/younger
tbh he prolly doesnt mind age *kevin doesn’t use honorifics for him*
definitely extremely caring to his s/o and will treat you like his queen
he’d take care of you and sleep w/u when you have a cold so both of u can be sick together
will teach you how to play guitar and pat your head when you make mistakes
younghoon | older
even though he’s hyungline, he secretly wants his s/o to be older than him
wants his s/o to comfort him when he cries
teases his noona and gets yelled at for but he enjoys it
younghoon can be shy so having an older s/o can be his perfect half
hyunjae | older
some might disagree but hyunjae would love calling his s/o ‘noona’ all the time
likes to joke around his s/o by calling her full name just to make her angry
sneaky and mischievous and jokes around with his s/o and loves to catch her off guard
wants his s/o taking care of him especially on trips and vacations (putting sunscreen, cooking, setting up plans)
juyeon | same age
i can’t see older or younger idk why?? juyeon definitely wants his s/o to have lots of similarities with him and similar opinions
been together with three other 98liners so he wants his s/o to be his best friend too
he wants to take care of his s/o and be taken cared of at the same time
love at first sight typa vibe.. gets even more attracted if his s/o has more things in common
kevin | same age/younger
at first i thought older but kevin is also on the younger side. like juyeon, he wants his s/o to be his best friend and lover at the same time
would carry you at any random time (with those big ass arm muscles)
panics and starts high pitch screaming whenever his s/o makes mistakes/accidents
calls his s/o cute when she looses in arm wrestles and tries to come up with excuses
chanhee | younger
i’m lowkey contemplating myself on this one but tbh i’ve noticed new gets rlly energetic with the members especially the maknae line
new would find his s/o cute if she was like innocent but immature at the same time
pranks his s/o at a serious situation just to see her reaction after
starts laughing when his s/o cries during a movie but hugs her and comforts her after
changmin | older
changmin def wants his s/o to be more calm and collected (kinda) like his hyungline
loves to see his s/o loose in a bet and does aegyo for the punishment
likes to scare his s/o just like his hyungs and records the reactions
when he sees his “noona” cry but doesn’t know what to do so he lets her head lay on his chest
juhaknyeon | younger
most confident with this one; ngl i thought he was in the hyungline when i first saw tbz
wants to be the “older one” and would teach his s/o english and chinese words everyday
gets mad at his s/o whenever she’d skip meals or gets injured/hurt
during a fight with his s/o, he sees her cry and suddenly worries. puts her to sleep after.
sunwoo | older
no i will not be biasing him or eric bc they r the maknaes
sunwoo is def mature for his age but also a little kid sometimes. s/o def has to match his energy 100%
s/o will put portions of food in his mouth and ask him if her cooking skills are good
will continuously remind sunwoo his daily schedule every single morning
eric | older
eric wants somebody he can lean on to and someone he can learn from.
makes big accidents and pretends nothing happened in front of his s/o (she obvi knows)
whenever s/o starts yelling at him, eric starts joking around and keeps saying he’s sorry
tries to impress his noona with his dancing skills whenever she’s upset (and it works)
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jhynka · 2 years
- failures
genre: angst. hurt/no comfort
pairing: ryohei arisu x reader
synopsis: arisu comes to you to vent on how tired he is, you react in a way he could never imagine
cw: verbal abuse, mentions of death
an: writer's block, writer's block, writer's block!!!!!!!! i tried to post this last night but tumblr crashed on me like 10 times already. anyway sorry if this isn't as good as my other fics the writers block is just so bad. this was originally a request from @a-simp-20 but the of post crashed and it also deleted the req from my inbox (its prolly the new aesthetic I'm trying out). anyway happy reading!
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“You know, if you just listened to me, you wouldn't have become so useless.”
He looked at you, fighting back tears. Out of all the people, you were supposed to be the one he felt the safest with. Not even Karube and Chota should’ve compared to you. He should have felt at ease with you as if he escaped every trouble he had in the world. He had just received his report card from school earlier this afternoon and wanted to vent out how tired and unmotivated he was for school. Expecting comfort, he received confrontation.
“I told you a billion times, it’s not that you're tired, it's because you're lazy. Arisu, look at me seriously. Do you really think you're ready to even be in a relationship if you can't even get your shit together?” You scolded him angrily, annoyed by his complaining. If he just even got off his stupid games for even an hour, the outcome would've been better than this you thought.
“Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't listen to you and now I'm complaining about it, can you please just calm down? You’re scaring me.” Ryohei pleaded, with the tears that finally ran down his cheeks. Hearing you call him by his last name broke you. He had told you how much he hated his last name, he hated it so much because it reminded him too much of his teachers talking about how great his brother was compared to him. Two different Arisu’s, one great and one left purposeless.
You looked down at him, sitting on his room floor looking straight back at you with tears. Even though you felt pity and guilt at the back of your mind, you knew that if he learned his lesson well enough, maybe his future would have some meaning for him. Ryohei wasted his life enough.
“You're such a waste! You have so much potential and you just go waste it all! Do you know how hard the people around you work while you're just sitting there with your stupid games?” You said to him, even more disappointed.
His tears fell harder, he shut his eyes and curled up. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry…” He repeated shakily, not knowing what else to say.
“No matter how many more apologies you say Arisu, it will never fix the fact that you've wasted your life.” You said solemnly. “We're done, I can't stay with someone who doesn't know what to do with themselves.” You followed firmly, trying to walk out and leave his empty house.
“Wait!” He shouted, getting up and pulling your wrist to make you look back at him. “Please, Y/N, don't leave me, you promised you wouldn't. I’ll fix myself, I promise. Please don't leave me alone. Please I'm begging you, I’ll do it, ill fix everything, just please stay.” He begged, crying and sniffling in between sentences.
Flashbacks of the happy memories he had during your relationship spun across his head. He didn't want this to be the end, he didn't want to be blaming himself for another failure. You pulled away your wrist as he walked behind you, and chased you down the stairs begging, pleading for another chance. No matter how much he begged, however, that didn't stop you from slamming the front door on him, as you went back into your car and drove off.
Watching you drive away in the pouring rain, with his tears pouring harder made his world go silent. It was his mother's death all over again. He was the one to blame for you leaving and knew that he would never deserve you or another chance again.
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choconanime · 1 year
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Zinnia relationsip chart:
More details undercut!!
Kei-> Straightforward, neutral, zinnia dislike his attitude though but she's pretty respectful since you know, is her superior.
Yoshino-> Neutral, no strong feelings for each other but their on friendly terms( enough to greet each other when they pass by because zinnia Just doesn't say ass to some.)
Yakou-> Neutral, they don't even talk to each other albeit zinnia a little hater (jealous)and doesn't when greet him.
Ginsei->Neutral but is similar yoshino,she doesn't ignore him even strikes small conversations with him there's a level of mutual Understatement of not wanting to be defined by looks.
Menou-> HATE, just not a mutual hate menou doesn't care and finds it interesting why is she so irritated around him (menou greets her and she greets him back at least but she sounds so done/want to get it over).
Maica-> respect, neutral, only because of Qu (albeit I should mention there's times there's some tension due to backstory reason but zinnia is actively not to you know, add fire to it, so is neutral).
Rindou-> Neutral, zinnia being a little hater part two But this time is because there's part of him that she sees on him and she gets annoyed by it.
Sinju-> Neutral,but since she's been with the team since old starless part of sinju regards her as a friend, zinnia just nod at waves him so it hurts a lil knowing she doesn't.
Nekome-> similar to Menou, absolutely detest him but he doesn't and he likes teasing her to try to get a reaction from her, albeit unlike menou there is some level of respect so she doesn't always ignore
Taiga-> Neutral but curious about him, I wouldn't describe it as orange or yellow as Zinnia not curious about him and more so what are you playing in your phone, Taiga prolly slightly scared of Zinnia
Akira-> Lmao these two care for each other but they don't regard each other as family nor a best friend, zinnia is at times annoyed by his flirty personality but she came to just ignore it (Tbf Akira does keep it low-key when he's around Zinnia, he's not stupid he can tell she's Uncomfortable with flirting be it to her or seeing it), have like dorky friend x grumpy friend dynamic but you can tell zinnia came around to care and so did he.
Kokuyo-> I'm so sorry but I sorta high wired him to be Zinnia big brother, I thought about it as a maybe and then Got to into it, what started as keeping an eye on her back at old starless (she used to be more confrontational ) only because she seem to respect him enough to listen to him, turned into him just regard her as a little sister even and him as a big brother.
On later seasons I can see zinnia starting to call him big brother (she never calls him by familiar terms n neither did he ) just to show how comfortable she gotten around him.
Takami -> Doesn't trust him one bit, hates him reminds him to much of the people that hurt her,Yes I know takami is gentleman and polite, but that's exactly why she can smell the facade, it's to perfect she can't handle it. She's actually scared of him as such Zinnia doesn't ignore him, at least greets him but avoids being same room as him. Takami towards her is neutral.
Sin-> Zinnia has a crush on him ever since they started chatting more because she allow herself to let curiosity win and went after him, to get to know him (is not everyday you met a man that insistently speaks like Shakespeare) just to come around and end up with a crush on him.
Sin didn't deny her advances to get close, To be honest didn't expect to get so close him as she practically was ignoring all starless back then but is not like she was asking for anything crazy either, they would just often chat, within those chats zinnia would just Ask about any tales? Any books? History fun facts? Favorite tea and why? Always something to make him talk, I guess he can't deny the curious eye's trying to decipher his words, lending him an ear to his ramblings and the rare joyful smile she give him just charm him...I guess you could say, zinnia when she tries to be social she has a nag for making you feel special and letting your guard down.
Kongou-> realize I put yellow instead of orange, their basically best friend's a rare win when most of zinnia relationship consist of either being one of the few she trust or a nobody, but is thanks to the fact they see each other the most compared to anyone else because they work on the kitchen. He's kind and not overly polite, everyone knows Kongou is a kind man and while she ignores him at first she quickly came Around seeing she's a. Stuck with him b. He's such a warmth presence in zinnia eye's so she's like yeah fuck it I'll let myself be close.
Heath-> Neutral, he's cool they respect each other, enjoys when she hears how he stand up against kei of all people but not really friend's.
Mizuki-> Very much best friends/ familiar bonds but don't call each other as such, a rare duo considering Zinnia isn't to fond of the to rowdy ones but she couldn't help it, they both were extremely confrontational with each other back then and in a time where zinnia Felt like everyone out to get her, full of lies and deceive, it was nice to have someone so straightforward and rowdy, even reminded her of the friends she used to hang with back home...she missed that, definitely a mediator and second option to call if you want to calm Mizuki.
Lico-> HATE HATE HATE, zinnia LOATHS him, it's mutual too, I can see Lico be more patience around a woman but she hits him right where it hurts( especially after learning he used to work as a host)+ doesn't like flirty personality, he tries to be patient but zinnia actively Lets out some mean remarks at the start of the seasons when he used to be more confrontational thinking about it should had remove the purple n be mainly black and then still put yellow as despite all of that he...sorta felt attracted to her, couldn't come to fully hate her.
Ran-> Neutral but it switches back and forth between zinnia thinks he's cute and zinnia thinks he's annoying but similar to how she got close to Mizuki shes coming around, Ran on the other hand likes hanging with her,small crush/attraction, likes to keep trying to ask her out.
Hari-> Zinnia roll her eyes with his rich kid attitude he had but didn't hate him as he was pretty clear in his goals and was pretty polite around her so she came around to greet him by the very least, nothing much. ( Albeit depending on the au I do feel he does start seeing her Kinda cool due to how bold she is when she doesn't care About you).
Qu-> Oh they like each other alright, is fully red because these two have a long history with each other, between being separated from each other not once but twice and the second one being mainly zinnia fault Yet Qu not being able to come around and hate her but also afraid of trusting she won't just leave again and Zinnia feeling so much guilt when she sees him again but like him she can't seem to stay to long without him, even if it is friends she has to try And Qu very likely feels similar, like she fuck up, there's no denying their old relationship sink when she left but he always was curious of why she just left, she's not one to run,oh no that's him not Her and so they got close be it out of guilt or curiosity(well more like looking for answers) fact of the matter is they quickly got close but you could tell how badly they want to take it to the other level but their so afraid, haunted by the past.
Mokuren-> For once is the other way around, it started he founded her annoying due to How persistent she is about having HIM teacher her how to dance, "it doesn't matter what dance choreography just teach me" just for her to hesitate and be to scared to do what he says a pain in the ass honestly but...he likes her tenacity and she does improve over time so they came around and does feel.. neutral about her...maybe something more but he can't quite put it but hey, she somehow manage to even make mokuren care so win. Zinnia funny enough, regards them as a friend no matter what he says.
Kasumi-> A little hard to say for both of them they are definitely those type of friendships that you know if you push it a little further you'll be close however their not even sure how to get close because both put a lot of walls when it comes to their daily life's but is not like either mind but it does hold them back, Zinnia does sometimes ponder about having a crush around him but she does notice he sometimes teases seeing her as a family so she doesn't ponder much, but neither is set and done their still on this limbo of she's comfortable around him but no common thing to make them close.
Zakuro-> he asked, ONE question that was the wrong time at the wrong moment and zinnia absolutely hated him ever since and she hasn't come around once and he has felt guilty about it as he saw her get close to team C but not him , so he been trying to be close and genuine but Miss prickly bones ain't having it, although I do see them have moments where zinnia does cave in and just let's him have it his way and when that happens, similar to sin feelings he just comes around to care for her but she clearly isn't feeling the same.
Gui-> neutral, he's cute and she's pretty nice, she reminds me to eat/drink people say that's a rarity for zinnia to take a charm out of someone but she prolly doesn't want someone gullible like him fall into the wrong path, god knows she did that once and look how she ended:hurt
Sotetsu -> hilarious ignores him but they respect each other and he's somehow manage to make her laugh, doesn't mind the playful teasing it always felt harmless banger between them, he does lure her in with cheap gossip and it does make the chismosa in her itch,gives in n listen.
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knowlessman · 7 months
k so iirc jeff the killer wrote the little red book of commulism and that's where we're at in the story. I think. bnha s5e15-e19. also hawks has maybe murdered a guy cuz he's a quintuple agent or whateverthefuck. (I know stain is dead… uh, I think… but like still, we haven't heard about him in ages, huh. never did really grasp what his whole deal was, anyway.)
hawks can use his feathers as listening devices? sheesh, some of these guys get so many weird subpowers.
…yeah, endeavor would be able to keep up with deku's complicated power-analysis stuff with the percentages and whatnot in conversation. he's a minmaxer, just ask his kids. guy plays RL like it's Dorf Fortress.
Selkie… maybe B-tier? A-tier? I don't really remember who all was where when I did that list thing, but anyway he's pretty cool. -- "they boarded us? where? how?" "because I'm a seal!" 'XD
ah, uraraka got a grapple shot thing. characters keep, like, noticing when they missed something in this and getting themselves some gadget or technique to cover it so they don't miss the same trick twice. it's neat. it's a whole fricking roster of learning robots.
"they were heading to Otheon" othewhat. …okay, phew, I was kinda hoping it wasn't real 'XD
…a family dinner at the todoroki's. -- calling it, everything's gonna go more or less, idk, stable until bakugo opens his mouth. or that other brother that's there, forget his name, I guess he could start something.
endeavor having his "how do I fix this?" soliloquy again, as if he has any valid moves beyond just disengaging from his family and trying not to fuck things up like that again in the future. kinda wonder if he ever figures that out, or if the writer decides that somehow he does get redemption. any price endeavor could pay would feel far too low. -- like, I don't get "this character makes no sense" vibes from endeavor like I do with bakugo; endeavor and his family feel intelligently-written to me. …remembering that bakugo is in this show, though, makes me worry that endeavor's and/or shoto's storyline could end up going somewhere that, like, won't sit right.
"I'm sure one day… our whole family… together…" the sister is out of her damn mind, but it's not like [people in abusive families being optimistic like that] is unrealistic either -- Natsu. Fuyumi, I think, is the sister? they'll show her name again, I'm sure
deku is dang near whispering to todoroki here about "are you getting ready to forgive him?" and everybody in the entire house can hear him. fucking rice paper walls (probably not actually but they apparently are very thin walls), gawd that's terrifying
okay so they do think toya's dead (toya? touya?), wasn't positive.
who is this The Vulture-lookin-ass mfer in the intro with the green tie and the wineglass, do we know him already?
I keep forgetting this intro is called Merry-Go-Round. only anime intros.
"endeavor! my first impression [of you] was fierce red flames!" no shit sherlock, is that your quirk, that you can see?
'XDDD who the hell is this guy driving endeavor's car, where have you been hiding him? guy's hilarious. kurumada, huh?
Killua! that's who kid touya looks like! thought the picture reminded me of someone
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(re the todoroki family moving out) "but what will you do, dad?" "I'll remain here" my Disney-rotted brain: "all alone, in that big house. with only his MONEY to comfort him. only his millions and millions of dollars"
prolly should cut it there but ehhhhhhh, one more
ohhh, slendervest. kurogiri. forgot they captured him. -- (whole… backstory w eraserhead and present mic and what all) …well, wow.
also dr robotnik ig
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5 Sides of Human
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{Part Twenty-Nine}
Genre: Mixed WC: ~4.4k CW: heavy tension/angst and anxiety, argument/Belphie being an ass, flashbacks, trauma, death mention, swearing, Storm has a stutter but I am not depicting it with written word consistently, prolly lots of typos lol, spoilers for season 1&2, I'm skipping over/changing some things I didn't like in the main story so it will be a bit different from canon! Series Masterlist
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©️ artwork commissioned by @vivi8bit©️
"Belph, don't walk away from me!" Fern snapped, stopping the door to the attic with their foot. "Why are you acting so weird!?"
The youngest brother had immediately taken off after the royals decided to leave, trying to isolate himself in the attic. After being confronted with more intrusive flashbacks to the day he had killed Storm, and the stress of the situation with Lucifer, All he wanted to do was to curl up in a ball and sleep for the next 2 months. Fern obviously didn't feel great either, but they knew they needed his support to keep them from spiraling. He snapped at Fern to leave him alone as he shuffled away from their hold, only making their anxiety about what had just transpired worsen.
While they could tell something wasn't right, Fern had no idea why Belphie was acting so cold and distant. None of the other exchange students knew what Belphegor had done to Storm during the first round of the exchange program, and the brothers preferred to keep it that way. "The incident" was never truly resolved, only buried in the recesses of their brains. Often, it came through in the form of nightmares- something that primarily affected Belphegor, Beelzebub, Mammon, and Lucifer- though they wouldn't talk about it.
"I told you to fuck off, Fern." Belphie growled angrily, rolling his eyes. He continued to hold the door in place, not liking the idea of having Fern so intimately close to him during the horrible flashbacks.
"I want to talk about what just happened." Fern shifted their jaw, not used to airing their emotions like they felt the need to now. "I'm kind of...freaking out? ...and it would be nice to have some support, you know?"
Belphie pushed back against the door, trying to swallow down his sympathy for their concern about both Storm and Lucifer. "I told you- I want to be alone."
"Well I don't!" Fern retorted loudly, finally squeezing in through the small gap in the door. Belphegor sighed, ignoring their plea for comfort by walking away. "I...I need you right now, Belphie!"
"Go bother someone else." Belphie collapsed into the bed of pillows, throwing one over his face.
Fern stopped above where he lay, feeling a twinge of hurt for how he was acting toward them. "Why can't I at least just cuddle with you or something? I really..." They paused, feeling tears well behind their eyes. "I need you right now...and you're acting like a complete dick!"
"I'm busy." Belphie muttered, trying to shut out the horrific images that were passing in front of his eyes.
"Please, Belphie!" Fern pleaded, trying to stop themselves from crying. "I...I'm scared! What if Storm-"
"News flash, Fern, but Storm has made it through worse. She'll be fine, and Lucifer will too. You're overreacting, and it's starting to get on my nerves. Now go away!" He snarled as a flash of the life leaving Storm's eyes flew past his vision. He winced, pulling the pillow tighter over his head.
There was a moment of silence between them as Fern's lip began to tremble. Finally seeing there was no winning in this situation, they turned to leave. Before leaving the room, they paused, digging into their pocket to fish out a rock that Belphie had given them the other day. He had said it reminded him of them, and the adorable way he mused about the mossy green color matching their hair made their heart flip with delight. Now though, looking at it only made a huge pit form in their gut. They squeezed their eyes shut, turning and chucking the rock at where he lay amongst the blankets before stomping out of the room.
Belphie felt the rock collide with the back of his head. He cursed, rubbing soothing circles to ease the ache in the spot where it had hit him. He jerked his body up, ready to unload on Fern for throwing something at him. He paused when he saw the rock, recognizing it as the one he had gifted to them. He frowned, feeling guilt well in his stomach for how he had acted toward them, but still couldn't find the strength to apologize and tell them why he was acting so distant. Instead, he merely rolled over, finally allowing himself to cry quietly into one of the oddly shaped pillows. Between the flashbacks of Storm's death, the shit going on with Lucifer and the chaos of Storm's power, and not being able to be there for his partner, the guilt was about to eat him alive. He squeezed the pillow tighter, closing his eyes as tightly as he could as he tried to even his breaths.
He couldn't tell if it hurt him worse or helped that the pillow smelled just like Fern.
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Fern threw themselves on their bed, not bothering to close the door as they sobbed loudly into their pillow. As much as they wanted to scream at Belphie for how he was acting, and to go find Storm to vent their emotions, they decided both would be a disastrous idea. Not only did Fern not have the energy or confidence in their tone to scold Belphegor, but the last thing they wanted to do was burden Storm with their emotions after what she had to go through today. They heaved, trying to catch the rapid breath that came between sobs. Their heart ached, not knowing what this turn of character would mean for their relationship with the youngest brother. It mixed with the fear of losing someone they'd gotten so close to in a matter of weeks, creating a tangled web of grief that occupied their entire stomach. They cried hard for what felt like an hour, the tears seemingly never-ending.
"Fern..?" Beel poked his head into the room, having heard their pained wailing from the hall as he had passed by. Initially, he was going to find Storm to talk with her about what had happened after calming himself down, but after hearing Fern's woe, he felt anxious about how everyone else was fairing. "Are...you okay..?"
Fern tried to hold their breath, now wanting to just be left completely alone. Unfortunately for them, their attempt at closing off their sobs only resulted in a high pitched squeak, followed by more intense sobbing.
Beel's eyes widened, forgoing his own anxiety to come to Fern's side. He pulled them into a hug, allowing them to cry messily into his shoulder. Squeezing them tightly, he tried his best to sooth the ache of their emotions. After about 10 minutes, when their crying slowed, he decided to try to get them to talk.
"Is it about Storm?" Beel asked sadly, squeezing them tighter when they nodded in confirmation. He paused for a moment, trying to collect himself. He was terrified too, but he knew he needed to be strong for them right now. After all, this is the first time Beel had ever seen them cry like this. "I know you're scared. I am too, and I'm sure Storm is even more scared. But...we'll figure a way out of this. We always do, no matter how bad things get."
Fern clutched his back tightly, feeling more tears well up behind their eyes. "But what if this time's different? I mean, I get that she's powerful n' all...but the way Diavolo was talking made this seem much bigger than just a broken record and some stupid curse."
"Yeah...I know..." Beel sighed, "I'm not really sure how things will turn out...but we just have to believe it'll be fine. Worrying too much will only make everything worse, right?"
Fern shrugged, finally pulling away from the hug and rubbing their mucus from their nose with the back of their hand. "I guess so...I just don't really know what to do, you know? I feel so...like, helpless..."
Beel nodded, giving them a weak smile. "I feel the same way. But we'll get through this...I know it."
Beel gathered them back into a quick hug, before pulling out some candy from his pocket. He pushed his hands toward them, urging them to take some from him. Fern laughed, deciding maybe it would be good to get some food in their system that wasn't Solomon's cooking.
"Thanks, Beel." Fern smiled at him warmly, grateful that at least one of the twins had the emotional bandwidth to comfort them. After thinking back to what had happened with Belphie though, their smile faded. They debated whether or not to bring it up, tossing around Beelzebub's response to talking about Belphegor behind his back. Finally, they decided to ask about it. "Hey...Beel?"
"Mmm?" Beel grunted, mouth completely filled with candy.
"What's...what's up with Belph? He's acting like...really weird, and he's sort of being an asshole..." They bit their cheek, feeling the shift in Beel's energy. He began to look nervous, refusing to make eye contact with them.
"Uh..." Beel swallowed the mouth full of candy, feeling it fall like a rock into his stomach. He knew that Belphie was always anxious and would isolate when anyone would bring up something having to do with Storm's well-being, or whenever she got hurt, but he didn't know how much Fern knew about what had happened between them. "H-how do you mean?"
"He..." Fern paused, remembering that neither of them hadn't told anyone- not even Beel- about their secret relationship. Sure, the others knew they were close, and that they definitely had a thing for eachother, but the fact that they had decided to be intimate partners was only known between the two of them. Fern wasn't sure if this situation would be somehow telling of the true nature of their relationship- or at least, what it had been. They sighed, brushing their hair out of their face after realizing they had been quiet for far too long. "He was just acting like a jerk a little bit ago. When I tried to ask him what was wrong he just got all pissy and told me to fuck off."
Beel frowned. "Really? He said that to you?"
Fern shrugged, chewing on the inside of their cheek.
Beel rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, trying to decide how much to share. He knew how much guilt Belphegor still felt about what had happened, and had witnessed his nightmares several times now about the incident. Deciding that this was a conversation for another time, he decided to give some sort of vague answer.
"Well...I know him and Storm have kind of a...Complicated relationship, I guess. And...he has a really hard time talking about his feelings, so I'm sure he's just scared too and doesn't know how to deal with it, so-"
"But why would he act like such a dick to me?!" Fern snapped, but quickly sucked back in the hurt. They didn't want to take their pain out on Beel. After all, he was trying to help. "I get he's a bag of bricks when it comes to emotions sometimes, but...I thought we were close enough to where he wouldn't act that way with me."
"I'm not sure what to say..." Beel sighed, pressing one of his large hands to their shoulder. "I guess he just needs some time and space to work through it himself? I know that you haven't done anything wrong, though. He just gets this way sometimes..."
Fern swallowed hard, but something about Beel's responses didn't feel quite reassuring. "Yeah...maybe you're right..."
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"I just feel like we should do...something..." Asmo sighed, dropping his face into his hands. It had been nearly two hours since the royals left, and he still felt a deep pit in his stomach about the entire conversation. "Like, Lucifer always does so much for us- we should try to help him get his memory back...I'm just not sure how."
Heart plopped down on Asmo's bed next to him, curling their arm around his shoulders. "I'm not sure either, but I know we could think of something!"
"We could have him sit in a room with Mammon until he annoys him to the point where he'd remember him." Sarah snickered, flopping back onto the floor and observing her nails.
"Now's not the time for jokes, Sarah." Heart shook his head in disappointment.
"Besides, I think that would just cause him to leave." Asmo sighed. "At least, that's what I'd do if I were in his position and someone forced me into a room with that buffoon."
Sarah pouted, but shrugged after a moment. "What about doing stuff with him that he liked?"
"Well...maybe..." Asmo sighed again. "But honestly the only things I can think of that he really liked to do was going to operas, listening to music, drinking, and working. None of that would really jog someone's memory, would it?"
"I guess not..." Sarah sighs too, tapping her nails impatiently on the floor.
"Why not go through baby pictures or something with him?" Heart offered. "I'm sure that could help, right?"
Asmo perked up, a wide smile forming on his lips. "Oh, Heart! That's a brilliant idea!!"
Heart blushed, rubbing the back of his neck as Asmo kissed his cheek aggressively. The two humans watched as Asmo bolted out of his bedroom door, only to return moments later with 6 huge photo albums in his arms.
"Let's go! I bet he's awake by now!" Asmo yipped, pulling Heart and Sarah to their feet. He tugged them along the quiet house, the only noise being some clanking from the kitchen where Storm prepared lunch, and muffled talking from Storm and Fern's room. They all charged into Lucifer's room, where he sat cross-legged on his bed. He was staring at the decorations on the mantel of the fire place and absentmindedly petting Malice, who lay curled in his lap. He whipped his head around as they entered, offering a slight groan when he saw the excited looks on their faces.
"Luciferrr!" Asmo sang, excitedly dropping the books onto the bed. Malice growled harshly, only to be hushed by Lucifer's gentle pats on the side of his head. "We have something to show you!"
"And what might that be?" Lucifer sighed scooting away from Asmo as he squished into his side on the bed. Unfortunately, Sarah squished into his other side, trapping him between them.
"We hoped that maybe we could get some of your memory back by showing you pictures." Heart smiled.
Lucifer sighed once more, crossing his arms. "I believe you when you say I'm experiencing Amnesia, but I'm not certain what looking at some old photographs will do to repair what has been done."
"Oh shut up, Mr. Pessimistic." Sarah rolled her eyes, nudging Malice away with her foot and plopping an album into Lucifer's lap.
Asmo began flipping through the pages, pointing out picture after picture to Lucifer, primarily focusing on himself in the process despite Heart's prodding to inform Lucifer who the others were. Though, it wasn't long before Heart realized that most of the photos consisted primarily of Asmo as the focus.
The first album was photos from just before the first exchange program, which often showed others in the background with the exception of a few group photos. One picture though, Lucifer was especially interested in.
"Oh, this person right here- she's a real treat. This is Storm. She was in the first round of our exchange program, and she's just so lovely!" Asmo beamed tapping the space next to a Storm's photo on her first day at RAD. "Don't get your hopes up though, because she's hopelessly in love with me, just like everyone in the Devildom! Haha!"
"Sueuurre, Asmo." Heart snickered, rolling their eyes. As if they didnt have that intimate conversation last month about how Storm's disinterest in him hurt his feelings.
Lucifer leaned closer, taking a better look at the photo. He recognized her as the small red-haired woman who he had first seen when he woke up in this strange place. She wasn't looking at the camera, instead glancing nervously to the ground. She wore the same uniform he had seen the butler in a few hours before, only hers was adorned with a pastel blue ribbon instead of a tie, a special pin that indicated she was an exchange student, and a knee-length pleated skirt instead of pants. Before he could really absorb her features, Asmo flipped to the next page to talk more about himself.
The third album was photos from when they had been angels, with white puffy wings, halos, and blindingly white attire. Heart watched on in awe as Asmo pointed out photo after photo of himself, now completely abandoning their attempts to get Asmo to focus on the others. Sarah had no interest anymore either, instead listening contently to Asmo's stories about life in the Celestial Realm.
"Oh! And this one is me after having my wings groomed! I would do this every week, and the other angels would trip over themselves at a chance to touch my beautiful wings!" Asmo giggled giddily. "You have to admit, I was absolutely stunning as an Angel, wasn't I?"
Lucifer sat quietly, barely paying attention but nodding politely as Asmo pointed to the page in front of him. He wasn't sure why Asmo was primarily pointing out himself; the only thing he had gotten out of the experience so far was that he was quite vain. He still didn't remember the other two human's names- or anyone else's for that matter- and they did little to remind him of who anyone was to him. He found himself curious over how it was that he had completely forgotten all 6 of his brothers, and even more so that information from so many millennia had been lost with it. What's more, he found himself even more curious about the short red-head who he had seen a few hours prior. Even out of breath and red with exhaustion from running, she was stunning, and the way she was so gentle toward him in comparison to everyone else was intriguing. He heard plenty about his brothers and the future king, but what of her? If Asmo would take 5 seconds to stop talking about himself, then maybe he could get an idea of her outside of the brief description he had given, but...
"Yeah...You were so beautiful..." Heart sighed dreamily, slowly running his fingers over the photo. "But! You're still beautiful now."
"Oh, hush darling. I know that." Asmo giggled, giving Heart's nose a gentle boop. "...But it does still feel good hearing you say it!"
"Show us more Asmo!!" Sarah squealed giddily, bouncing on the bed excitedly despite Lucifer's clear annoyance with her. "I'm so curious about this Michael guy! Do you have any photos of him?!"
Asmo flipped the page, more photos triggering his own memories back from all of those years ago. His excitement at sharing this moment with the other two humans was overwhelming, especially since they both fed into it. He was so entranced in his own ego, that he almost forgot why he dug the albums out of the library in the first place. "Ooh and this! This is me with all the other archangels! Back in the Celestial Realm, we all used to get together and do each other's nails. Ever since then, I've always been the one who does your nails, Lucifer! Remember? You always like yours done in red or black!"
Lucifer sighed, pulling his arms tighter over his chest as Sarah leaned across his lap for a better look. "...No, I don't."
Just as Asmodeus turned the page again, there was a gentle knock on the door. Moments later, Storm entered the room, balancing a large tray on her forearm. She shut the door behind her quietly, shifting the tray into both of her hands for a better grip. Malice immediately leaped off the bed to greet her, tail wagging excitedly as she made her way toward the bed.
Lucifer watched curiously, noting the dogs response to her likely meant that it was hers. The difference in this woman's demeanor in comparison to those Lucifer had met already was quite drastic, and he found himself soothed by her presence immediately, and a curious tingling in his stomach as he watched her set the tray on the end table next to the bed began making him shift uneasily.
"Oh! Hey!" Asmo beamed at her as she adjusted the food and drink on the tray. "Look! I was just showing Lucifer photos from back when we were in the Celestial Realm! Come look with us!"
"Well, so far you've mostly shown me pictures of yourself." Lucifer sighed, trying to get more room between the two individuals squishing him in place. "You know, you don't need to sit right up against me to show me these pictures."
"Aww, but it's so much more fun this way!" Sarah giggled, wrapping her arms tightly around Lucifer. Asmo and Heart giggled as Lucifer tried to shake her off of him.
He scowled, snapping his attention toward Storm as he continued trying to pry Sarah off of him. "Hey, you! Don't just stand there, do something."
"You...?" Storm blinked, her heart dropping slightly at the terse tone Lucifer was taking with her. She knew it wasn't personal, but it still hurt none the less. "I...I have a name, you know."
Lucifer looked her up and down, confused as to why he suddenly felt guilty for speaking to her in such a way. For not being able to remember much, the feeling in his stomach now told him she wasn't someone he liked to see upset. Sarah clung to him tighter, distracting his attention from lingering on the woman. He continued trying to pry her off, ignoring Storm's comment about her name.
"Oh, it's okay Storm. It's nothing against you, don't worry. Lucifer's usual 'Mr calm and rational' act is sort of gone now that he doesn't really remember who he is, so he's talking a little rougher than usual." Asmo gave her a weak smile, urging her to come look at the photos with them. "Lucifer, this is Storm! The person we were telling you about earlier! Remember?"
Lucifer finally pried Sarah off, pushing her completely off the bed with a yelp. He turned back to Storm in a huff, finding his breath catching at the nervousness behind her soft smile that extended through her deep lake-like eyes. She didn't look at him for long, instead turning her gaze down to her feet, similarly to how she had in the photo Asmo had shown him. Lucifer smirked, cocking his eyebrow at the 5th born. "...This is the one? The human who represented humanity in the first exchange program who's hopelessly in love with you, Asmo?"
"Um, what?" Storm blinked, glancing toward Asmo. Sarah cackled from her place on the floor, and Heart shook their head with a giggle. Asmo wiggled his eyebrows at her with a smile, and Lucifer glanced at her expectantly. She sighed, shaking her head with a soft chuckle. "Well, that's not quite accurate."
Lucifer's heart fluttered, the sound of her laugh seemingly striking a comforting cord within him.
"Now, now! Storm, don't say that! There's no need to be shy!" Asmo giggled, waving his hand dismissively at her. "Anyways Storm, come join us! We're trying to jog Lucifer's memory by showing him old photos."
"But all Asmo's really done is show him pictures of himself." Heart laughed, shaking his head once more. "It's like 95 percent of these albums are all photos of him."
"Alright, alright. I get it! I'll go get pictures of the others too. But I don't know where those albums are, so I might need some help finding them. Maybe they're in the attic!" Asmo stood, but quickly pulled Storm aside to talk to her quietly for a moment. "While you're here though, there's something I wanted to talk to you about..."
Storm raised her brow, glancing quickly toward Heart, who had started telling Lucifer about themself. "Sure, what is it?"
"Well, I wanted to say that even if our pact is broken because of everything that's going on, that won't change the bond we share. You'll still mean the world to me. It's just like this situation with Lucifer, right? Even though he's lost his memory, he's still my brother. And you're still basically my sibling too." Asmo pulled her into a hug. "Do you understand? I want to make sure that's clear. I love you, doll!"
Storm smiled and hugged him back, but felt a small ache in her heart at the acknowledgement that the pacts would need to be severed. "Thank you, Asmo. I love you too."
Asmo smiled, turning and pulling Heart to his feet. They skipped out of the room, presumably going to try to find photos to share with Lucifer. Sarah scrambled off the floor shortly after, leaving Lucifer and Storm alone in this bedroom.
There was a moment of silence between them as Lucifer observed her. She was timid, feeling a bit awkward at how he seemed to be sizing her up.
"Storm, was it..?" He smiled faintly as she nodded, the sheepish expression on her face amusing to him. "I have a pretty good feel for who Asmodeus is as a person at this point, since he never stops talking about himself. But I hardly got to know anyone else..."
"Yeah, well...that's Asmo for you." Storm laughed nervously, picking the skin on her arms to lessen her anxiety. Malice nudged her with his nose before jumping onto the bed next to Lucifer, resting his head in the eldest brother's lap. She blinked in surprise at how fond he seemed to be of Lucifer. She couldn't say she noticed when her dog started to grow attached to him, but she was glad he clearly tried to provide him comfort through what was probably a very confusing and frustrating time.
"I'd like you to tell me about my other brothers." Lucifer continued, patting the space next to him on the bed. "I'm the oldest, and the second oldest is...Mammon, I believe..?"
"Mhm." Storm confirmed with a nod, sitting down next to him with a significant gap between them. Lucifer took note of the distance, seeing how much more reserved she was compared to Asmo and the other two humans he'd met. Storm dug her phone out of her pocket, pulling up her gallery to show him photos of Mammon. Lucifer hummed, scrolling through the photos on her phone curiously.
"So...what's he like?"
"Oh, Mammon?" Storm paused, thinking of how to convey the second eldest brother. She smiled fondly as she thought about their relationship. "He's very sweet. Sometimes he can be a bit impulsive, but he's very genuine, caring, and has a good heart."
"A good heart..?" Lucifer shook his head. "And you're telling me he's a demon?"
Storm chucked. "Well, you'd be surprised at how good demons can be. Mammon has done so much for me...I don't think I would have survived my first year here if it wasn't for him. He can also be a lot of fun!"
Lucifer scoffed, but smiled none the less, returning his focus to the photos. Eventually, he stumbled upon a group photo with Mammon, Levi, Asmo, and Storm. He tapped the screen, zooming in on Leviathan's face.
"What about this one? Who's he now?"
"That's Levi. He's the third oldest." Storm smiled, taking her phone to find more pictures of him. "He's quite shy, and tends to do a lot of stuff by himself. He's a bit awkward, but he's also very unique, and really skilled in a lot of ways."
"Hmm..." Lucifer nodded, seeing Storm scroll past a picture of him hiding from the camera. "Sounds like it will take some time to get him to open up, then."
"I suppose." Storm confirmed. "But he's sweet to. All of your brothers are, in their own way."
"What about Satan? What's your impression of him?" Lucifer raised a brow, knowing that- based on Sarah's word- the 5th eldest seemed to have a vendetta against him, and was a bit of a hot-head.
"He's very intelligent. Like, genius level." Storm shook her head with a chuckle. "I swear, he's probably the smartest person I've ever met- he could read anything in a book once and have it memorized."
Lucifer blinked back his surprise at the overwhelmingly positive reviews Storm seemingly had of his brothers. "Is that so?"
"Mhm. He's a bit more reserved and can be kind of neurotic at times, but like I said, he is still sweet, and genuinely very caring."
"Well, what do you think of Asmodeus then? I'm curious to hear your interpretation of his vanity." Lucifer scoffed. "Especially considering he had tried to convince me that you were lovers."
Storm rolled her eyes, but let out a soft laugh. "As vain as he is, he also tends to bring out the best in others when he tries. He's very fashionable and has a lot of knowledge on like...beauty routines. He actually helped me get my hair to stop knotting as quickly after every single brush."
Lucifer chuckled. "That seems like quite the feat."
"Yeah, truly it was." Storm laughed heartily, her eyes closing as she remembered back to when her hair was a complete disaster after every single brush.
While she was distracted, Lucifer took the opportunity to inch closer. "Who does that leave then?"
"Beelzebub and Belphie, they're the youngest." Storm smiled, scrolling quickly through her phone to find pictures of them.
"Ah yes, the twins. Asmo briefly mentioned them." Lucifer nodded.
Storm pointed to a photograph of her and the twins, pointing first to the taller, orange-haired demon. "This is Beelzebub. He's got an appetite that is unmatched by anyone or anything that I've ever seen, but he's probably one of the kindest and most empathetic people I've ever met. He's really strong too!"
Lucifer chuckled. "So a meathead, then?"
"Aw, come on." Storm giggled. "I wouldn't say that...I suppose 'Himbo' is the term that I'd use."
Lucifer and Storm shared a laugh for a moment, Lucifer scooting even closer to her as they did. After they calmed down a bit, Lucifer cleared his throat, pointing to the other individual in the photo. "And I guess that leaves...Belphegor?"
Storm winced, trying to find the words to say without telling Lucifer too much about the trauma she suffered at his hand. "He's very clever, but he doesn't let it show. I think he prefers to keep people's expectations...well...low..? That way he can have the advantage."
Lucifer nodded, curiously observing the expression on her face. "Are you not very fond of him, then?"
Storm shook her head, gesturing in front of her in denial. "No! No, it's...it's not that...I guess, like...he's just a bit more distant from me, is all. He's still has a good heart, and he's dependable- that's for sure."
Lucifer nodded as the conversation drifted into silence. They sat for a moment, Storm anxiously rubbing her forearms as Lucifer rubbed Malice's tummy. He glanced at her out of the corner of his vision, observing her mannerisms. He was curious about the scratching and picking at her skin, wondering what the purpose was behind such a behavior.
Storm jolted, suddenly realizing that she had brought Lucifer something to eat. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I almost forgot- I brought you some food...and some tea...I figured you must be sort of hungry after such a long day...so..."
Lucifer hummed, watching her nervously try to make up his plate. "So...you've told me about my brothers, now what about me?"
Storm was taken aback by the question, pausing her pour. She swallowed hard before giving her answer, a nervous blush spreading across her cheeks. "Well...uh...You're probably the most reliable person I've ever known. You're very compassionate, kind, and generous to others, even if they may not always see that part of you because of the fact that you have to kind of be in charge and create order in their chaos. I think you're very well spoken, and you always give really solid advice on how to handle things. I think you pay really close attention to detail, in a way that I definitely admire. Like, you always give the perfect gifts- and pay really close attention to little things that people do and say...Oh, and you're super organized, which is nice considering so many of your brothers absolutely are not...and you're really smart, and good at magic, and cooking...and-"
Lucifer laughed, interrupting her thought. "My my, such a glowing review. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were in love with me."
Storm's face turned beet red as she whipped her gaze away, unsure of how to respond. "I...uh...I mean...I..!"
"Relax..." Lucifer laughed again, shaking his head. "I'm merely teasing."
Storm sighed in relief, but the wicked smile on Lucifer's face showed triumph in catching her in a gushing state about his positive attributes. She continued fixing his plate before offering it to him and fixing her own. She nibbled on one of the finger sandwiches, glancing at him every so often as he watched her intently. The slow sips of the bitter-sweet tea somehow added to his curiosity about her. Sure, he was only seeing what her response to teasing her about have feelings for him would be, but he'd be lying if he said that part of him wasn't wanting it to be true.
After a moment of silence and finishing their lunch, Storm set their plates aside. Lucifer let his curiosity take the reigns, and decided to ask what he had been pondering about since she walked into the room.
"In all seriousness, I would like to know the nature of our relationship." Lucifer mused, looking her up and down quickly. "What was I to you?"
Storm cleared her throat nervously, averting her eyes from him. "Well...I-I suppose that there's very few people who are dearer or more important to me than you are. I love your brothers, and the other humans here are like a family to me, but with you...I..."
She trailed off, locking eyes with him. Lucifer's irises shimmered in delight at hearing her give such meaning to their relationship, and he was curious to know more. He shifted his position on the bed, his posture showing the intense focus he had on Storm's insight into their relationship.
"And how did I feel about you?? Were you dear to me as well..?"
"Yes, I was." Storm smiled briefly, but it quickly faded as uncertainty began to fall upon her at the statement. "...or, at least I...I think I was."
Lucifer's excited expression fell slightly as the dejection spread to her eyes. They seemed as deep as wishing-wells, and he felt as if he could get lost in the endless blue pools that shimmered in the low light of his room. "What do you mean?"
Storm swallowed, looking away from him. "I guess I...I never really knew how you felt about me. You never really...told me? And sometimes it was...h-hard to tell."
"I see..." Lucifer frowned, dropping his gaze away from her for a moment. He couldn't explain why, but he felt a strong pull in his chest to be close to her. Whoever she was to him, it was certainly much more than his old self ever chose to express. He felt a twinge of grief for his old self, knowing that the woman before him was certainly something special. Had he been in denial of that fact? Or was he perhaps too distracted to realize..?
A sudden knock on his door caused both of them to jump in surprise.
"Lucifer? I'm coming in."
Beelzebub opened the door and stepped through, his own tray of food in hand. He paused when he saw how close the two were sitting, a warm smile spreading across his face.
"Oh, I didn't realize Storm was here with you. I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you something to eat. A sandwich and an apple."
Beelzebub gestured forward with the tray. A glass of water, a single apple slice, and a sandwich were plated neatly on the tray. Storm smiled wearily, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Sorry Beelie, I already made him something."
"That's okay, I'll just leave it here for when he's hungry later." Beel shrugged as he set down the tray on the coffee table.
"I see the sandwich...but there's not much of an apple with it." Lucifer glanced at the tray, and then back to Beel.
Beelzebub blushed, averting his eyes. "I'm sorry...I kinda ate it on the way here...I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened."
Lucifer paused, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Storm and Beel shared a confused glance, never hearing such a roaring laugh come out of the eldest brother. Well, at least not when he was sober.
After calming down, Lucifer breathed a contented sigh. "I see...you must be Beelzebub then? Storm, your description was spot on."
"Uh...you can just call me Beel." Beelzebub smiled nervously, glancing uneasily toward Storm. "What did you tell him about me?
"That you're kind, strong, and have a healthy appetite." Storm forced a smile and shrugged, hoping Beel wouldn't take it as some sort of insult.
Beel smiled widely. "I'm glad you mentioned something besides how much I eat."
"Well, there's much more to you than that." Storm stood, grabbing Beel's hand and smoothing over his knuckles. Lucifer watched on, smiling fondly at how close the two seemed to be.
"Oh, Lucifer." Beel turned his attention toward the eldest. "I know you probably don't remember this, but...Back in the reaper's cave, you gave me a portion of your life essence. I just wanted to say that there's no way that I'll ever forget what you did for me then, and...I'll make sure we find a solution to this problem. I'll protect you."
Lucifer blinked in surprise as Beel wrapped his arms around him. Quickly, he grabbed Storm's hand and pulled her into the hug as well.
"The same goes for you, Storm. If you ever need me, I'll be there to protect you- no questions asked. So...just...don't die, you two...okay..?" Beel sniffled, trying to hold back tears. "...please..."
Lucifer glanced toward Storm before clutching Beelzebub back harder. "Don't worry, Beel. I'm not about to die."
"I'm right here too, Beel." Storm smiled, clutching the two of them tightly. "We'll fix this, and Lucifer will get his memory back. Don't worry. We're not going anywhere."
"Right..." Beel exited the hug, wiping the back of his hand across his face. "We're a family. Our bond is strong, whether we have a pact or not. We'll have each other...always."
Lucifer's heart felt full as he looked between Storm's sweet smile and Beelzebub's grateful gaze. He felt a strong connection to the two of them. He knew that if he needed to, he could rely on both of them to navigate the odd re-introduction he would need to make to the rest of his family.
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majimasleftasscheek · 3 years
This might sound stupid, but how much do you think you’re version of kiryu and majima knows about eachother, when it comes to the deep stuff, like does kiryu know majima got tortured, and does majima know about nishki and stuff
not stupid at all!! I'm happy to answer!
as much as I dunk on these clowns, I can totally take em seriously <3 hope you don’t mind the essay ahead lol
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I think they know the full breath of it, as much as they can relay to each other anyway. There's no way Majima doesn't know everything about Kiryu and I'm sure he understands it to an extent. Everyone's heard about what happened to Majima and maybe it just takes Kiryu a hot minute to put pieces together.
I definitely think they talk about it in a shoot the shit kind of way. Nothing too serious but they get their points across. I think once they pass the threshold of “oops my walls are falling and I don't like that,” they clam the fuck up, especially Majima. I feel like Kiryu is a bit more open about things but he's not good with explaining himself. I very much hc Kiryu as being a wise dude who has the right words for other people but not necessarily himself. He’s always gotta be the strong stoic one at his own expense.
Majima always plays the tough guy and copes with humor which grates against Kiryu's more serious, somber way of dealing with things. Majima can be mean and harsh and thinks you can't escape the evil in the world without becoming a bit like it yourself. They both have very opposing ways of dealing with their trauma and I like to think this makes them explode at each other and then it all comes spilling out - the honesty of it all, the fear, the hesitation to think any of this shit gets better.
they know each other share similar pains and it's quite the scene once they're done pouring their hearts out - vulgarly, messily, half of it being semi-truths and lies that make no sense but they get it. They don't need to know more and that's ok since they know enough. There’s reassurance there’s somebody out there that they can relate to. They’re awkward as shit when it comes to dealing with each other and in a way that’s comforting - that neither of them are good at confronting their personal issues so there’s no expectation to have all the right answers, if they even exist at all. And it’s not even that they want answers. They just want someone who understands what they’re trying to say.
the jabs at each other, little things like karaoke and getting Bun-chans for Haruka, fights just between the two of them in the heat of the moment remind them that they're still here and still alive. It’s a comfort knowing either of them will likely see each other again despite whatever trauma they have to go through. It’s a scary thought that any day could be their last but strength and trust in each other overcomes the fear. Makes the hurt weigh a lil less. Makes what they lose smaller in comparison to what they gain.
I imagine if Kiryu ever talked about Nishiki, he’d have trouble speaking about it. He lost so many people at the same time he wouldn’t even know how to process it. To gain Haruka as the last piece of a life he could have had is all too much and I think he would spiral (I wish we got to see more of that in game tbh). It’d embarrass him to know everyone and their brother knows about it too, how could anyone not know about the Millennium Tower exploding. I think Kiryu has a lot of suppressed anger and Majima of all people would prolly be one of the few people who could handle it. Of course I speak from a shipping perspective but I like to think someone who fights him as often as he does and gets right back up as if nothing happened could certainly handle any lashing out Kiryu would do. Kiryu holds so much back and I think Majima would be someone who would encourage him to let it out because he’s not afraid of him, because he thinks letting loose is cathartic and it could work for Kiryu too. Kiryu would be pissed as shit but he gets that Majima is trying to help. And that means something to him in the long run.
maybe an uncommon opinion but I’ve always imagined the first time Majima takes off his eye patch around Kiryu being very much not at all a big deal. And that bothers Kiryu. He thinks it should be. He thinks it should be this grand gesture of importance Majima’s being so vulnerable around him. But Majima’s pragmatic and is like: “it’s just an eye, ain’t no biggie.” In a way I think it’s humbling and Kiryu wouldn’t really know what to do with that. Majima’s always been one for being extra as hell and being so - subdued and accepting about something so important, so egregiously painful in his history is just unthinkable. There’s a complexity there that Kiryu doesn’t understand but at the same time does. He recognizes the stoicism. I think he’d accept it in the same way Majima would give him space to be strong and silent. They’d slam back some drinks and enjoy each other’s company all the more knowing and understanding of each other in mutual silence. There’s a lot of things to be said but aren’t and that’s just fine with them.
hughghghg I have many feelings about them being forthcoming with each other
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quirkle2 · 2 years
tell me abt warriors I dare you <33
you've made the worst mistake of ur life /lh
(mind the tags btw . might get a lil dicey for some)
TL;DR: im mentally ill.
god where do i even start . fuck.shit .
i think what i like about him most is his Goofiness. he just ? does really silly things solely to get a laugh out of people, even if it makes him look stupid or ridiculous in the process. he Lives to make legend laugh especially, and he's basically always tryin to get a smile out of him someway or another
he's dramatic and cranks his reactions up to a 9 purely to spark some smiles. legend gently kicks him in the shins for making a dumb joke and it doesn't hurt him in any way, but he still yelps and holds his foot and hops around like it's been run over by a boulder. twi playfully shoves him back when they're joking around and wars makes a show of leaning away until his back is on the ground as if the push had really been that strong. wind is sitting in front of him, and wars' drink is on a table behind the kid, so he takes the opportunity to lean forward to Squish wind underneath him, going oh so sorry kid so sorry i'm in ur way it'll just be a second so sorry oughh this sucks doesn't it while he's literally already got his hand around his drink. he's just staying there to listen to wind giggle. he's just a silly guy
he's also just,,, so fucking gentle dude. he's so Gentle w everybody. when he was young he learned all that bullshit abt never showing weakness, never crying blah blah blah Gross . wars thinks that's gross. he was raised on that for most of his childhood, but first, he learned to be gentle and caring from his mom :) she taught him that and he's always stuck to it
he's always so ready to help ? to Fix? he is 100% constantly looking to make sure everybody is okay around him. he lives off of hugs, loves them to death, and is prolly the most cuddly of the chain in my eyes. is always offering them, gets sad when he doesn't get one within like a day VGIEAYVGA and he's always right there to comfort the others; always holding them, always lookin out for them. rly emotionally open i guess ? always happy to listen and happy to comfort. gentle big bro vibes
^ due to all that, sometimes the chain genuinely almost,, forgets he's a captain. he can look scary on the outside if he's fully geared up, but the chain has long-since been desensitized to how dangerous they all look and they see Family there instead of Hero Figure. wars is so gentle and kind and loving and doting that sometimes their memory of what that scarf around his neck rly means fades a bit
that's not to say they don't think he's a good captain—quite the opposite, they think he's an incredible one—but it's just,,, wild to see him hugging people and ruffling hair and being Silly one moment, and then he's a fucking cold, unstoppable force the next. eyes kind and fond at first, but when a battle starts they r Crazed and focused and he's slitting enemies with such perfect swipes that they are cut clean through. it makes them all realize just how gentle he rly is w them ? there is just Something abt that . smth that gets me
^ expanding on him looking out for them, he's really good at spotting when somebody needs a break ? he's . rly good at People. he knows how to read them, how to approach them, what to say, when to say it. and after a while of getting to know the chain, he knows how to look for signs Individually for the different boys. he knows his family very well; if something is wrong, he will likely be able to tell. true to his captain instincts, he keeps them all in his sight, looks after his family closely. a good leader,, good brother :)
he likes to gently remind them to take care of themselves. he's definitely one of those people that mother hen you a bit; he likes to check on everybody, ask if they've drank anything, if they've eaten yet, are they okay, what's on their mind, stuff like that. he needs to know everybody's okay,,, he worries otherwise :(
^ he loves to preach about self-care, and i think one of his biggest flaws w that is that he doesn't follow his own advice at all. he's a huge fucking hypocrite. he knows the consequences of lack of self-care, knows how important it is, and he's even said so most of his life—it's one of the biggest reasons he's such a revered leader in his era, bc he's just,, The Best in terms of tending to his troops and paying attention to mental limits as well as physical. he just,,,, seems to think he himself is exempt from that
he thinks he can just keep working. he thinks he's immune to every type of exhaustion and he will keep going until he collapses. he's got a nasty habit of throwing himself away to keep others standing, and the most concerning part of that is that if somebody points it out or asks if he's pacing himself, he seems to be absolutely clueless to the damage he's doing to his mind and body
. i'm gonna go on a mini-tangent inside this bigger tangent if you don't mind <3: a lot of people tend to characterize him as this over-confident asshole who thinks he's amazing—and that's a perfectly acceptable characterization btw, the freedom of interpretation is a wonderful thing—but i personally see him very differently. i think that characterization tends to stem from that mission in his game, where he gets overconfident after receiving the master sword ?
and to me, that was . a very small fraction of that game. like so small. it was One mission, and then they never touched on it again. and when i think abt that mission, i always remember a line from the start of the game; i don't quite remember when it was said, but at some point the narrator says, "Link did not believe himself to be worthy," in response to him being a Hero ? or smth of that manner. and i think abt that line all the goddamn time.
wars did not have a lot of confidence in himself. he's gotten much better over the years, especially when it comes to combat and leading, but he still doesn't have the confidence he maybe should. when he got the master sword, he felt Power in his hands that he previously had not owned. he'd felt useless before, just a Fucking Guy who suddenly got promoted to Captain and Hero Status, fumbling around and hoping for the best. and then he suddenly had power in his hands. i don't blame him for feeling unstoppable and taking advantage of that—he'd wanted to help, and he finally had a way to do so effectively. he just went too far in an attempt to make things better, and became a little blind to his limits
so he is Not confident. my wars isn't, at least. he has faith in his own combat and leadership skills, but that's pretty much where the confidence ends. he doesn't think of himself as this unstoppable, perfect Heroic symbol. he thinks of himself as Guy Who's Pretty Good At Swinging Swords and Yelling.
and that's ? part of why he thinks he's exempt from all that self-care stuff. he either forgets and gets too caught up in everybody else's problems to care for himself, or he,, genuinely thinks that throwing himself away to keep others up is Okay . like he Deserves that.
i won't get super into it here cuz it's part of his dumb backstory created by my dumb brain, but a lot of that has to do w how he was treated in the army, and his dumbass dad <3 worked him to the ground and pretty much, overtime, made him think that if he wasn't being useful, he didn't have worth. and he's experienced people leaving him bc he "stopped being useful."
so yeah he has abandonment issues . but the chain slowly and surely helps him through those insecurities :] tries to make sure he knows he doesn't have to work himself to death for them to love him,, doesn't completely fix things obviously, and he still struggles w it, but it helps A Lot
another thing w him preaching self-care and then not caring for himself,, he tends to think like that with trauma as well. continuously tells the others that it's okay to Not be okay and that whatever trauma they're dealing w is valid and it's okay to be vulnerable, but then he ,,, goes against all of that for himself.
tries not to "burden" the others w his shit, kinda keeps it locked up, and he tends to think badly abt himself when he's having a tough time. just,, rly beats himself up for Having Trauma, especially when it gets in the way of his productivity and he ends up being "less useful" bc of it. and sometimes he doesn't seem to realize that the chain seeing him like that hurts them a lot, and they're more than willing to console him and try to make it easier on him.
^ over time they Also help him w that,, they help each other a lot. for years, he's tried to repeat the same stuff he tells other people to Himself—stuff like self-care, vulnerability being natural and Okay—but he's never had the self-worth to rly put much stock into it. the chain showing him love even when he was "being useless?" that helped him get over that hurdle
and his constant Care and reminders to take care of themselves r eventually gently reflected back at him—"have you eaten today buddy?" "yeah. what about you?"—just to get wars in the habit of asking Himself the same questions. they do a lot of little things like that in hopes that eventually it adds up to him healing
they care each other they love each other im soso So. ososs ososo ioghugohughgo /pos
wow okay uh im literallyso sorry i just . think abt him lots. this was completely unnecessarily long okay bye
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mewmewtric · 2 years
hey sup? So how do you think Kaeya would deal with having a crush who he gets along with really well and they came back from Inazuma, they had gone for important business and crush eventually talks about how they met someone who reminded them of Kaeya except if Kaeya was a terrible person. Kaeya does simple pranks on people and teasing, but he does a lot to help the community and is actually very nice overall. But this person tried to make his s/o go bankrupt and other really bad things. (Or tried to murder s/o. You pick which). The person had a similar vibe to Kaeya and it just made them really miss Kaeya? (Honestly it puzzles me how people dislike Kaeya just cuz of the sword prank and then they give Childe for trying to murder you and Yea Miko a pass who did way worse to the mc in my view).
Thanks for request! I’m so sorry I took so long for this QwQ This is prolly the longest thing I’ve done so far on tumblr
this will be in Kaeya's POV. kinda wanted to make this kaebedo (my #1 kaeya ship) cuz albedo went to inazuma, but irodori festival did not really appear to give him a chance for such experiences imo, so ig this would be kaeya x gender unspecified reader? although i’d love to do kaebedo fluff someday.
Dim, warm lights.
Bustling voices.
The clinking of glasses and mugs.
But he sits alone at the bar, heart cold and longing. A Death After Noon in his hand, eavesdropping on the conversations in Angel’s Share. 
How long have they been gone? Are they alright?
He flips through the letters you gave him.
“Dear Kaeya, I’m having a great time in Inazuma...”
“Dear Kaeya, you really should see this next time...”
“Dear Kaeya, so I met this guy who reminds me of you...”
A guy that reminded them of him?
They went to Inazuma for some important business... but they never told him what. Just that the Adventurer’s Guild asked they\m to go. Their awkward look on their face when they said that... as if they were worried that it would inconvenience him. But that face melted into a smile. A smile they had when you blew the dandelions around the outskirts of Mondstadt, a smile when they ate his Fruity Skewers... 
A flush creeps up his neck. 
Stop. You’re just a big brother to them.
“Hey Kaeya.”
A familiar voice. One that sends warmth into his body, livening it up, giving it hope.
“I missed you.”
Two arms wrap around his waist. A weight presses onto his back. His hands freeze for a short while, before shifting over to their hands. What was he thinking, to now be carressing their hands that fit perfectly in his with his thumb?
Gently, he shifts around to see they. To see them... in tears? The sight made his heart, just moments ago warmed by their presence go cold and shrivelled again.
They look up, eyes sparkling and wet.
"Do you mind if we take this to a corner of the tavern?"
They nod their head. The sniffles... each one stab him so deeply, yet he could not say anything. He could not. He has to be strong, the reliable big brother.
"One warm Moonlit Alley, please. Thank you, Charles."
Kaeya slides the Moonlit Alley across the table.
"Drink this. It should give you some comfort."
They slowly manage sips through slowly reducing sobs. Trembling hands threaten to spill some of the drink... can he... hold them? Steady them? But you are so fragile now. He should not be as touchy or flirtatious as he usually was.
"Are you... alright? What happened to you in Inazuma?"
"I met someone like you."
Am I really that bad? He wanted to joke.
But it would probably make you feel worse. He knows.
"He was just like you. Friendly, teasing, reliable, slightly cocky..."
The two of them share a little smile. 
"But worse."
Kaeya stopped drinking his Death After Noon.
“He... he was my partner in the Guild’s commission. It was an international meeting for more seasoned adventurers, and I got paired up with him. He was so nice... appeared so reliable... quite handsome too... It was like having you by my side again in a land of the unknown. Especially when a group of us were sent t-to Tsurumi Island to explore the place after the mist was lifted.”
“He was my shoulder to lean on. Teasingly encouraging me to not give up, just like you. That we would find something worthy to bring back to the Guild.”
Their sobs stop, only little sniffles emerging once in a while.
“Then... he tried to kill me...”
They down the last of the Moonlit Alley.
“We found a chamber with a large amount of artifacts. Bringing them back to the Guild office would bring us so much fame and honour and rewards and... I don’t know if he planned it from the start or he was overwhelmed... but...”
They removed the scarf that has been on their neck. A large wound, definitely inflicted days ago.
“I could not say anything. He was very influential in the Inazuman branch. I could only-”
“Say no more.”
Kaeya cannot bear to listen any more. But the words were harsh, and he worries that they would misunderstand him.
“No need to dwell on the past. Shall we talk about something else? How was the rest of your trip in Inazuma? I would love to go there someday.”
“Kaeya. If this is because of him-”
“Huh? Of course not. I don’t need to step foot into Inazuma to make him regret what he did. Come on. I’ll see you to your apartment.”
From the warm tavern to the cold streets, sometimes the change is a little jarring. Mondstadt nights, they can be cold. And they were in warmer Inazuma for quite some time. Kaeya notices their shoulders slightly shivering. They also look weaker than usual, quiet, pensive, unlike their usual chatty and plucky self. 
It matters not what happened to them. That adventurer. He will pay.
“Hey... I’m sorry but I have something to do. Is it alright if you can go back by yourself?”
They sigh and nod their head. 
“See you.”
As Kaeya walks away from the buildings of Mondstadt to the main gate between towering walls, the long bridge over the moat to the wilderness, the last he sees of the inside of the city is their face. Shaken. Dejected.
The wilds are labyrinths of trees and dirt paths, but Kaeya walks with a sureness. He has walked these paths so many times, to meet his people. To relay information. To clear threats. Soon, he reaches a clearing in the wilds. Two Abyss Mages are chanting and circling around hillichurls, the hillichurls seemingly listening intently. 
“A Knight of Favonius. You dare intrude on our procession?”
The mages unleash elemental shields around themselves, the Pyro mage ordering the hillichurls to hide.
Ah... I haven’t changed out of my uniform yet...
“I am no knight.”
Kaeya does not raise his sword or start bending Cryo to his will. Instead he removes his eyepatch.
“My eye? My eye is fine. There's nothing unusual about hiding one's body parts from view. It's the same reason I wear pants... or any other item of clothing, for that matter.”
Everyone believes his lie and do not press further.
But his eye is not fine.
It is a mark of his ancestry, something that shows his status in the fallen kingdom. He sees so much sharper and clearer with it in the night, the eternal night his kingdom fell to.
A purple eye, a pupil in the shape of an unusual four pointed star, and the skin around it cracking to show purple light, the corrosion that befell his people and himself. The skin around it is much paler than his dusky tan.
“A descendant of the royals...” the Cryo mage murmurs.
“My humblest apologies, your Highness. There were rumours of someone with the royal blood of our country living in Mondstadt. We never believed it, b-”
“Spare the small talk. I have a mission for you. Send someone to the Adventurer’s Guild in Inazuma. Ask the office on who paired with...”
The Pyro mage whispers to the Cryo mage, “Are you sure about this? Are we going to answer to someone with a smidgen of royal blood in him? Our great kingdom is long gone, and we answer to the Abys-”
“Has 500 years made you forget the respect you must pay to your rulers?” Kaeya’s voice turned cold, commanding, unlike the refreshing cool breeeze of his usual tone. “In the end, you are a Khaenri’an. You should listen to me over the Abyss.”
“As for whoever paired up with the person I said earlier... make him regret it. Don’t kill him. Let him live. Impede his adventures. Haunt his sleep. Hopefully you have a Hydro mage who can cast a simple illusion in the form of this...”
He pulls out a photograph from his pocket. It was the one close to his heart, the one he saw holding back sobs over a Moonlit Alley. In this photo, they were beaming, hair covered in dandelion seeds, a mud smear on their cheek. It brings a warmth to a cold heart, like his brother before that fated day.
The Cryo mage hesitantly asked, “Your Highness, we require this photograph for a while longer. To allow the Guild to identify the person. Would you be so kind to part ways with this photograph for a few days?”
His grip tightens on the photograph. His treasure. Even more now that they do not smile. The times before then, the times where they would light up his world. Could it ever come back now?
But he will part with this for a purpose. It may not let them smile again yet... but it will quell the dark fire rising in his own heart. One of anger. Vengeance. Conflict. He has the means to bring the Abyss into Mondstadt any time and bring it down, as he was always supposed to do. But for so long he quelled that urge.
Because he ended up caring for the people in Mondstadt. It was not a facade anymore, when he helps people clear threats to Mondstadt, uncover and thwart ulterior motives, or helping the people with everyday life. His pranks? Just something he does to lighten the mood. It means no harm... unlike the scum who tried to kill someone for his personal gain.
"Take good care of it. It is precious to me." Kaeya holds the photograph out to the Pyro mage. He lets his fingers linger on the picture as the mage lifts it from his hand.
"I will, Your Highness. I will make haste now. Glory to Khaenri'ah."
"...glory to Khaenri'ah."
The mages teleport away, leaving an empty clearing that the descendant of Khaenri'ah walks away with a cold, heavy heart.
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
A Study in Identity: Alec McDowell
I recently stumbled across the show Dark Angel and just… Okay, so, I love “The Berrisford Agenda” with all of my heart, but my head is currently completely and utterly fixated on the delectable tragedy that is Alec’s role in “Hello, Goodbye.”  (This is prolly gonna be long, featuring a quick selection of scenes from the show and then the analysis at the end, just btw.)
I mean, first off, you’ve got his very first scene in the episode, which is an interaction between him and Asha at Crash.  Leaving aside shipping debates, it’s canon that, despite Max being infected with the retrovirus, she and Logan were together, and that Asha wanted her own relationship with Logan; it’s also canon that this unrequited affection resulted in her turning to Alec for comfort (leading to them drinking and, were it not for her falling asleep in “Borrowed Time,” sleeping together).  
Their conversation then turns into the two of them essentially breaking up, with a heavy emphasis on the It’s not you; it’s my enemies, since Alec’s still dealing with the events of “The Berrisford Agenda” and everything that happened therein.
The next time we see him, it’s when Max calls him to ask — though that term is generous, since she demanded it more than anything else — that he give a blood transfusion to a recently-infected Logan.
Which is immediately followed by Alec walking out the door to help, only to be arrested for his clone’s killings.  And, while Max does go to help get him out eventually, it’s only because Original Cindy pointed out that Alec being exposed as a transgenic would cause additional exposure for everyone (specifically, Max and Joshua).  The killings continue to be attributed to Alec even after Max gets there — she doesn’t look closely enough at the case to realize they’re Ben’s work and not Alec’s — and she rebukes him for being a cold-blooded killer before being prepared to leave him for White to track down, torture, and kill.
Even once it is revealed that Ben was the killer, even once Max helps Alec get out of custody, she still confesses that at least one reason she treats Alec so shittily all the time is because of how much he looks like/reminds her of Ben.
Then there’s the doubly- or triply-tragic section at Joshua’s.  Despite his canine appearance, Josh had been able to carve out a potential relationship with Annie (who’s blind), but that same it’s not you; it’s my enemies returns with increased public awareness about Manticore transgenics.  Josh breaking up with Annie “because he had to go back home” was already sad, and it’s made sadder when she asks to remember what he looks like by memorizing his face, something he’d never be able to give her.  Instead, he asks Alec to stand in for him, and Alec obliges.
Then, finally, comes the ending, where Logan — who’s been acting rather creepy and stalkerish all episode, ngl — asks Max about having seen her with Alec earlier, having obviously come to the conclusion that she and Alec were together; she does nothing to disabuse him of that notion.
So, in short, the entire damn episode is a study in identity, with the end result being that the entire episode is Alec not being able to be himself and paying deference to other people’s needs.  Asha was using him as a distraction from Logan; Manticore was/is preventing him from pursuing normal relationships; Max is using him for his blood; he’s unfairly taking the blame for his brother’s crimes while simultaneously taking backlash for not being Ben; he’s essentially giving Joshua his face (which, while a willing and kind gesture, still kinda cheapens his own personal identity); and he’s unknowingly being signed up for a role in a fake relationship that Max doesn’t even bother to tell him about for two or more episodes.
And this entire thing is made even worse by the fact that this is exactly what Manticore did.  It took people, turned them into soldiers that subverted their own… well, everything… in favor of doing a job, completing a mission.  They stripped away identity, gave people numbers instead of names, insisted that emotions be buried (and forced that through PsyOps if necessary), and overwhelmingly ensured that they’d all be good little sheep, playing their part… And, for all Max and Logan and the others claim to want to stop that, they’re just as bad about perpetuating it as the people they’re fighting against.
This was a really long post, but I just cannot stop dwelling on the cruel irony of this entire episode, and how nobody in the show seems to notice (with the possible exception of Joshua, since he’s the only one who actually seems to care about getting to know Alec without the information being forced upon him, and his situation was unpleasant all ‘round, so it wasn’t actually his fault).
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dabiscrustyfeet · 3 years
Welcome to i have a few mammon headcannons i don’t know what to do with them so here you go children part 2 this shit long long btw
I feel like mammon has a nesting period and it normally doesn’t happen unless he is upset or is genuinely in the headspace needed for nesting. This guy definitely has some sort of treasure cave type of thing, with all of his priced possessions. It doesn’t have to be money ( theres prolly heaps of gold anyway) but really significant things for example a bunch of weapons that belongs to him and his brothers; a plushie Lilith gave to him back in heaven ; a necklace that lucifer gave him. Ya know , things that don’t seem much compared to the rest of his cave but mean the world to him. Mammon probably will have a bunch of blankets or soft clothes in the cave so that he can sort of sleep or curls into.
Mammon would probably turn into his second demon form which resembles more of a crow , like he’d have the legs of a crow, sharp and long talons and feathered wings. His torso prolly is normal tho.
In this state however, you are not to approach him. Nesting makes him very territorial and vulnerable at the same time so unless he gives you the okay to stay with him he will attack you. No hesitation. Doesn’t care if its his brothers either. Ye.
Anyways the place where he nests honestly depends on where he wants to be or what he be feeling. So he might not be asked to go to a cave to nest, and may just lock his room, or he might feel himself going into a true nesting headspace so he prolly will yeet himself to his nearest cave. He is the fastest bro so can get there before he starts hoarding anything. I feel like his main nesting location is in his circle, cuz he feels comfortable and there isn’t a distraction like his brothers there so he can rest in peace. All he does while nesting is honestly just sleep. And his harpies know when and where he is nesting so he does get protected by them outside the cave. Yes they do leave food and water for him they cant get attacked by him he hardly does.
There was an incident where mammon didn’t steal shit, but obviously got framed by satan and belphie, he apparently stole lucifers expensive wine that Diavolo gifted him and it was “special limited edition” or whatever, everyone ended up finding mams in his layer, nesting of course, and they all barged in the cave to see mammon sleeping soundly. Obviously seeing mammon looking peaceful didn’t sit right with this peacock, so he tried to grab mammon by the ear. He’s walking towards mammon, aaaannnddd would you look at that, mammon is awake and is staring into your soul lucifer, how do you feel? Lets just say that the brothers left the cave and the circle of greed with busted eardrums, broken arms, lots of scratches and a little reminder on who the second strongest is in their dysfunctional household. Ye. Mammon also nests in the winter cuz it cold innit. And birds fly to warmer places so like ye. Anywhos
Mammon and his significance to lucifer
Mammon as most of us know, was the right hand man to lucifer. In a way i feel like lucifer didn’t choose mammon, but Michael did instead. So lucifer knowing mammon honestly was ready to retire. He was ready to give up. Didn’t even give mammon a chance to prove himself. Rude.
Anyways time passed pretty quickly and lucifer still cant get over the shock that mammon can be serious when he wants to. Mammon can multitask pretty well, he knows who to do reports, he knows how to finish his work in detail , he knows how to do a lot of stuff, he just cant be bothered cuz it’s boring same tbh. Mammon ended up getting respect from lucifer, and in turn mammon looked up to lucifer. Mammon became lucifers younger bro, and lucifer did have a soft spot for him, which meant that this dumbass ended up spoiling mammon which, you know started the problem. Now mammon spends too much. It is your fault lucifer.
When it came to the war, lucifer was this 🤏 close to keeping mammon in heaven. He didn’t want mammon to die in the war, yes mams can fight , yes he can defend himself, but lucifer didn’t want to risk it. If he’s being honest with himself, Lilith’s death did break him, but losing mammon would make him fall of the edge. I feel like mammon’s presence was very grounding to him and sorta keeps him calm.
Oh and i feel like mammon will end up becoming way more terrifying if lucifer gets hurt by anyone, be it a lesser demon, a noble or even Diavolo, he will make them regret hurting his big brother. Personally I don’t think that mammon has to use power to show them they fucked up. All he’s got to do , say if it was a noble or a high rank who hurt lucifer, is just make them go bankrupt. They wont know mammon did it, and if mammon decides to tell them he did cause them to go bankrupt, these lot would try to snitch which wouldn’t work. Why? Cuz no one really expects mammon to have a high knowledge of magic or actually do something rash like that. If Diavolo hurts lucifer, well damn i guess the harpies are going to have a party the treasury will probably be in either oblivion or in Queen Liz’s own royal treasury ain’t nobody gotta know.
More harpy head cannons
Harpies also most definitely have a leader, and she’s normally got a different colour on her feathers. So , harpies are all female and they are massive. But they also have blue or black feathers and the only part of their body that has got a different colour of feathers are their chest feather, which are either white or red if they just had food, if you know what i mean.
Anyhoes back to the leader. Because she is pretty much one of the reasons why demons of any kind keep themselves in check including dia she gets to have a lot of the restricted areas in the devildom and in the layers of sin.
The way this absolute abomination of a lady looks is sorta concerning, i mean, y’all thought an average harpy is big- wait till you see this one. She can control her size if she feels like it, or so she doesn’t intimidate any of the kid harpies, so she looks like a 9-11 feet average harpy. But when this lady is in her real size -oof. She’s about 15 feet tall. She basically towers over a lot of buildings. She also has like gold feathers, white here and there, and has blonde hair.
What you don’t want to see, though, is her face. For the longest time, she was told to cover her face by mammon not cuz she was ugly— hell nah. The mask on her face is sort of used as a way to say “okay there is no war, everything is dandy”. If however, her mask is taken off, pack yo bags darling a war is about to break out. If you see her flying in her true height without her mask - goodnight nobody escaping.
The last time that happened was when mammon went into a frenzy and his power went haywire, so obviously ya boi dia had get some help form the rest of the bros and barbs to calm the white haired guy down.
Any gays, her outer feathers seem soft, but they also bullet proof and sort of stick out in defence if needed, cuz there was an incident where some dickhead genuinely thought he could take her down so he tried to shoot her and guess who is now a Facebook post.
Oh yeah and i feel like her voice kinda changes depending on who she is talking to, so she could sound like Lady Dmitrescu if she is talking to her family or Officer Grayson if she be talking to the sins or the royals, in which a certain person gets the horny attack asmo. she can also sound like ten other people who are talking in unison just to fuck with people.
I think imma do a part three cuz i ain’t done yet i have way too many mammon head cannons and my brain is prolly gonna make more fml
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lumpofwhump · 2 years
The Scavenger and the Forgotten, Part 2: Something Like Safety
Summary: While taking shelter in an abandoned apartment on their way to escape a war-torn dome colony, an alien tries to be a good caretaker to a rescued lab subject. "Tries" being the operative term.
Content: Hurt-comfort; post-captivity recovery; nonhuman whumpee; conditioned whumpee; nonhuman caretaker; reluctant caretaker; hand whump; past mouth whump.
Clee returned to the now-formerly abandoned apartment with the promised food and clothing a couple hours later.
"Coming in, so you'd better have a towel on or something," she called out, rapping on the door before abruptly entering. The door made an alarming squeal that she didn't remember from the first time. At least, she thought it was the door. "So you're prolly gonna be swimming in these, but at least they're clean," she said, dumping a bag of clothing out onto the table. "Better big than small, ri -- uh. Radu?"
The former lab subject was curled up in a ball on the recliner, sopping wet but no cleaner for it, still dressed in the now equally-drenched uniform she'd found him wearing. One yellow eye peered out at her, wide with surprise and terror.
How does this guy not know how to take a shower?! was her first thought.
Then she saw the flecks of blood on his hand and sleeve.
"Alright, what happened?" she asked, pulling over a battered metal folding chair to sit a few feet away from Radu. Whether because of the noise or her approach, he shrunk back further into the chair and away from her, flinching like he was expecting her to hit him. "Hey. Hey, it's only me. You know, Clee? The person who you were asking not to leave like two hours ago?" she said, exasperated.
"I'm sorry!" Radu blurted out. "It was only… I only did it twice…!"
Clee blinked, her antennae quirking up in confusion. Apparently begging and making alarming out-of-context statements was just his way of saying hello. "You only did what twice?"
Radu looked away, reminding Clee of nothing so much as her brother's incontinent old fliluk every time the sorry creature had an accident on some handmade item or other. This guy did sort of bear a resemblance to it, now that she thought of it, just with less --
Clee reflexively grimaced, hissing sharply with an intake of breath, as Radu finally, reluctantly, extended his webbed and weathered hand toward her out from behind his knees. It was streaked with mostly-coagulated blood that had been flowing from clusters of uneven puncture wounds.
"I tried not to," he said in a quiet voice, turning his face toward her but looking at the floor. Blood dripped from his mouth onto the beige carpet. "But if you have to, to, to take another one -" Clee wouldn't thought his body could have become any more tense until it did just then, and his voice pitched higher as he continued - "will you at least give me something to eat first? It's been so long now…"
Clee was a hair's breadth away from putting something together that she very much didn't want to think about. "You can eat, but before anything else we're cleaning those out," she said, gesturing to the bite marks. Radu's shoulders sank in disappointment, but he nodded meekly.
"Good." Clee responded with her own nod and got to rushing around the apartment to dig up whatever would work for this. Of course the former occupants didn't leave any medical supplies, and of course she hadn't thought to get them on her shopping run. Finding workarounds and shortcuts was what she did, though. And it helped keep her mind off the kind of problems that she couldn't do anything about. Like Radu's entire life, from what she could tell.
The previous residents had thankfully left behind a few washcloths, some soap, a bowl, and a single bottle of alcohol so shitty that not even civil war or displacement had made it appealing. She filled the bowl with water and set out her equipment, such as it was, on a small tray table that she placed near the recliner.
"This is kinda gonna suck," Clee admitted. "If you'd rather do it yourself, that might make it easier." Too late, she remembered his failed attempt at a shower, and thought that this offer might not have been the best idea, however much she would've preferred it.
Radu seemed to agree. After a moment of staring at the items in front of him, he reached for them, only to pull his uninjured hand back and shake his head mutely.
"Okay, let's get the worst part out of the way first." Clee opened the bottle, frowning as Radu pinned his injured hand down to the table by the wrist with the uninjured one, shaking despite his attempts to remain utterly still. He was looking down at the injuries intently - unblinkingly, even - and repeating something she couldn't hear or recognize under his breath. "Ready?" she asked, causing him to startle and abruptly go quiet. "It's gonna sting in three. Two. One…"
She poured the alcohol over the first few bite marks and waited for the inevitable flinch, whimper, or yelp of pain. But there was none. Radu was completely silent and still, staring straight down at his hand, and looking like he was trying not to so much as breathe. When she soaked the second set of bites, a twinge of pain made it into his expression, but he stayed quiet. She'dve thought that his reaction would be a nice change from his panicking about literally everything, but it actually worried her more.
"Alright, take a breath, then I'll wipe these out with soap," Clee said, using her gentlest, or least impatient, voice. "You're doing really well here. Just a few more minutes, and then… our food should still be mostly warm."
Whether because of the praise or the promise of food, the old genmod stared at her with immense gratitude, eyes wide and a hesitant smile on his face.
Clee returned it uneasily. "Let's finish up, yeah?"
Delicate wipes, light, careful dabs. That was what she'd been going for. From Radu's reaction, though, it was clear she hadn't succeeded. If anything, cleaning out the bites seemed to bother him more than disinfecting them. He kept squirming, nearly jerking his hand away from her. At one point, she unthinkingly reacted to this by grabbing him tightly before he could pull away, her long, uneven nails digging in to his fleshy wrist just short of drawing more blood.
Radu froze immediately, and when Clee looked up, he had a look like she'd gone and kicked him in the face.
Well, fuck.
She loosened her grasp immediately, though she didn't quite let go. "Look, I didn't mean to do that," she told him, sounding sharper and more defensive than she'd intended. Unsurprisingly, Radu didn't relax even the slightest bit. She sighed in frustration with herself. "I just… I got impatient. And I shouldn'tve. I'm sorry, okay?"
She wasn't really expecting that to count for anything. But the look of terror on his face faded into something like confusion.
"Why?" Radu asked, finally.
Clee blinked. "Why what?"
"Apologize. To me," Radu clarified haltingly. "She never apologized when I made her mad, and. And she had to…" He swallowed.
It took Clee a moment to remember, or at least guess, who he was referring to. She shrugged. "Unlike some people, I don't pretend to be perfect. Or knock people's teeth out," she added with a grimace. She immediately wished she hadn't been right about that, let alone said it out loud, as Radu's shoulders went tense and he pressed himself back into the cushion of the armchair. "See? There I go, screwing up again."
Radu looked down. "She… perfect, I don't know. Maybe n -" He couldn't manage to say that last word out loud, and instead swallowed. "Miss didn't do anything I didn't deserve," he finished quietly.
"Okay, but you see how that's fucked up, right?" Clee asked, exasperated. "Not just doing… that, but then blaming you for it. And then making you call her 'Miss' on top of that? What was this lady's real name?"
She couldn't stop digging herself deeper here, it seemed like. Radu squirmed and made a whining sound, grabbing at strands of his dirty hair and pulling at it, his eyes looking back and forth as if trying to make a decision. Or come up with an answer at all.
She sighed. "Never mind, you don't have to answer that," she said, much to his obvious relief. "Either way. I'm not going to hurt you. Or try to, anyways."
Radu nodded, though Clee wasn't sure that he actually believed her on that.
"So. I got maybe three wipes left before I can bandage you up. You ready?"
He nodded again, and extended his injured hand while continuing to pull at his hair with the other one. He made no sound, though, and managed to stay all but completely still as she finished cleaning out the wounds.
Only then did Clee realize she hadn't found anything that could serve as bandaging. She made one last pass, hoping for some clothes or a bath towel or something that could work. What she did find… her own clothes had probably been cleaned more recently, and that was saying something.
So that left her own clothes.
As she took off her coat and roughly tore off the sleeve of her shirt, Clee consoled herself with the knowledge that she'd soon be able to replace them. She hadn't even had to sell off any of the Lycadone vials yet, after all. Just one of those could get her something nicer than she'd worn since she'd left home.
"You don't have to - !" Radu protested, realizing what she was doing.
"Too late for that," Clee answered, wrapping the strip of makeshift bandaging around his hand and wrist carefully. "Here, before I tie it off… too tight?"
Radu flexed his fingers a bit, but took his time to answer. Finally, he gave a slight, uncertain nod.
"Got it," she said, and loosened the bandaging until he could comfortably move them. It made for an awkward fit over the webbing between his fingers, but there was only so much she could do, and he wasn't complaining. He was, though, still visibly anxious, not having completely unfolded himself from his curled-up position or stopped tugging at his hair with his other hand. He was watching her closely, warily, even as she backed away a few steps.
"Still not gonna punish you or anything," she told him, doing her best not to let frustration creep into her voice. "But yeah, I brought back some Wonguun food. Those guys don't have any teeth, so it should be fine for you. Let's see, they have a microwave… I can heat it up for you if -- Iiii would not eat that fast if I were you," she cautioned, as Radu readily took the box from her hand and tore into the food inside.
He wasn't listening to her, though. Oh well. His funeral - hopefully not literally, but even so, she figured there were a lot worse ways he could've gone out. She shrugged and sat down at the table, gesturing toward another chair as she did so. Radu looked a bit startled, but quickly nodded and slid onto it. The thing still looked uncomfortably small for him even after what he'd been through, creaking under his weight, but he didn't seem to notice, focused as he was on the food.
Even at room temperature, the food burned. Shit. Most places laid off the spices when it came to their Girn customers, believing they couldn't handle it, but the diminutive food cart owner had not. Unfortunately for Clee, she fit this particular stereotype. She hissed in discomfort.
Radu, for once, didn't react to her displeasure, or even seem to notice. He was still shoveling the stuff into his face, and after a minute or so she had to assume that the spice wasn't even registering with him.
"So did you eat anything in the last, what, six months or so?" Clee asked after watching this for a couple minutes.
Radu paused and looked up at her, wiping his face self-consciously as he shook his head.
"They really do build you guys to survive anything, huh," she said.
The enthusiasm immediately drained from his face at the thought. "Not everything," he mumbled, shaking his head again. "And some of us…" He stared blankly at the chunk of sauce-coated food he'd picked up for a beat and then swallowed it, almost reluctantly. He closed the takeout box, and slid it back toward her.
No explanation, of course.
Then again, why was she even curious? She'd be dropping this guy off at the first genmod guerrilla outpost she came across. They'd have a better sense of what to do with him.
"Glad you got to enjoy some of it, at least," she finally said to break the awkward silence, ignoring the burning in her tongue and forcing herself to eat another bite of her own dinner. "And the rest'll be there for breakfast. Hells, you can even have the rest of mine if you end up wanting it."
"Thank you, Miss Clee," Radu said quietly, tremulously. "Really. Thank you."
"Eh, it's really no problem," Clee brushed him off with immense awkwardness. "And it's just Clee, got it?"
He nodded, looking down with a muttered apology.
She sighed. "It's not -- I'm not mad at you, okay? It's just…" she stopped herself before she could say weird or uncomfortable, knowing he'd respond in a way that made this more of both of those things. "No need to be all formal with me. It's just Clee, no 'Miss' anything."
"Clee," he repeated, then added, louder this time, "Sorry."
Nope, still weird and uncomfortable.
"Anyways. I'm off to sleep. And since you've claimed the recliner there -" she glanced over at the still-damp chair - "the bed's mine."
She felt a little bad. After all, when was the last time this guy got to sleep in a real bed? Had he ever? She didn't feel bad enough, though, to sleep in a chair that smelled like unwashed genmod.
"You can have the blanket," she conceded reluctantly, removing it from the bed and tossing it on the recliner. It wasn't all that comfortable anyway, she told herself.
This was more than enough to make Radu happy, though. He reached for it slowly, as if she might yank it away at the last minute, then took it in his hands, feeling over the texture as he stared at it with an expression that could only be described as reverent. After a moment went by and she did not in fact take it back, he wrapped himself in it tightly with a stream of "thank yous."
"It's not like I don't have sheets," Clee said, cutting him off as he made a bee line for the recliner, curling up in a ball again under the blanket and rocking slightly back and forth on it. "Hey, you know that you can make the chair fold out, right?"
There was a slight movement under the blankets that she assumed was a nod, accompanied by yet another, now muffled "thank you."
"Suit yourself," she said before slipping under the sheets and turning to face the wall next to the bed. "Also, before we leave tomorrow, you're taking a real shower."
Radu gave an indistinct response that sounded like agreement, then went quiet. The chair continued to rock behind her with a steady flow of two-toned creaks. She thought about telling him to cut it out already, but that wasn't really what was keeping her awake.
Where was she actually going? She'd been so excited about finding her ticket off this hellscape of a moon, and so caught up in taking care of today's other unexpected find, that she hadn't really thought about it much. And she felt… dammit, she felt scared.
What, was she supposed to go back to Girn now? When she'd first been dumped off here, that's all she'd wanted. But with her luck, she'd go home just to find her town wiped off the map, replaced by some stupid overpriced resort for their colonial overlords, and her family disappeared into one of the network of detention camps spread out through the occupied territories. Or she could head down to the southern capital like her cousin had, getting a job with some handsy minor lordling who made sure to lock away his valuables every time she showed up.
No thanks. It was better to stay a xeno in human space than to go back to being a kriv, and worse yet a halfbreed, on Girn. She wasn't inclined to believe the sunshine-and-rainbows version of life on Earth and Mars she'd heard over the years, but if even a quarter of it were true, it'd be better than this. And with her half-decent, if heavily-accented, Sol Standard and enough money to pay a bribe or five, she could make it work. Or survive, at least.
That was a tomorrow problem. The chair had gone still, replaced by soft snoring, and with at least some semblance of a plan, Clee felt herself drifting off too. Soon enough, she was dead to the world, undisturbed by the now-familiar sounds of gunshots, missile launchers, and crumbling concrete at dawn, let alone her new roommate's terrified whimpers and squeaks in response.
She was vaguely aware of the warmth, though, when a heavy blanket draped over her and soft, squishy, slightly shaking arms enfolded her tightly against the body they belonged to. At least in sleep, this felt like the part of home she still missed.
World building by me and @soheavyaburden
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hinagamoizaf · 3 years
Odaiba Memorial Day 2021
My first Odaiba Memorial Day while being an active part of the fandom, and it’s high time I write an essay about my crackhead obsession with Yakari.
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(*There will be some swearing & f-bombs in this post) As a kid, Yamato was like the ‘blue and cooler Taichi’ to me, like he doesn’t exist without being adjacent to the gogglehead. Also my family didn’t have the full Dark Masters arc in our CD collection, so I literally knew nothing about Yams’ emotional meltdown. But now, I adore this overly sensitive dork, and I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. Maybe I’m biased in this reading, but I think Yamato has had to push himself to mature faster than his peers; and he’s very much a mini-adult at a young age. For all these grand monster battles, the main cast are still children; among them Yamato is a kid dealing with a lot of unresolved issues but he’s got a lot of heart, he’s passionate about those he holds dear but he just doesn’t know how to process this. Another thing that goes hand-in-hand with Yamato is the fact he’s a musician. Again, I could be reaching way into my ass here; but there’s this mumbo jumbo real life idea of the ‘depressed creative’, and Yamato works his way out of that dangerously romanticised label. The kid’s got a passion for music, he’s literally been playing the harmonica since Takeru was in diapers .Without spoiling DA:LEK, Yamato still holds onto that flame into adulthood but it’s not something he can actively work on; and that takes its toll. I love Yamato because he’s someone who cares so much about those around him and what he does; and he’s just a kid who’ sorting things out and wanting to better himself and well fuck, if that isn’t relateable. Even with the flaws that the Tri films have, I think it’s a natural progression for Yamato’s character journey. I see people saying how ‘they just turned him into a tsundere’ or ‘he’s so snappish now’. But seeing as most of the Tri cast are in High School and general teenagers are assholes to each other, yeah it’s not unreasonable to see why Yamato’s the way he is now. He didn’t lose his touch with the Crest of Friendship; when the literal world is up in flames, there’s still the same loyal and compassionate Yamato who understands the importance of being there for and with his friends. Yamato’s a big mushy boy who has a hard time conveying what he feels and his needs; Hikari isn’t any better and this was how I grew to love the concept of them being together. She’s not the Chosen Child of Light for nothing, Hikari’s symbiotic partnership with Tailmon is a very shoehorned metaphor of being an angel from Heaven and I absolutely eat that shit up. Fans have pointed out Hikari’s so mysterious with her role and powers as late member of the team, the same can be said for her personality. You see Hikari, you think ‘sweet, little girl’ and in part thanks to the 02 dub, she grows into being this sassy brat. 
A brat who has trouble asserting herself and is prone to literally get dragged into an ocean of depression. Like any respectful human, Hikari cares for her friends and family; but a mixture of that and a tendency to devalue herself is Hikari’s fatal flaw. She’s too self-sacrificing to a fault, and this reflects the other extreme end of her crest. In my own overly pretentious words, I think Hikari has self-imposed on herself for ‘being the light of the team’; like she carries herself as a doll whose job is to bring others out of darkness when she’s still stuck in the shadows herself. Hikari doesn’t allow herself to verbalise her wants, let alone her needs because she doesn’t want to inconvenience others; she just goes with the flow and puts on a mask of toxic optimism. 
I am aware this analyse could be me scraping the bottom of the barrel, but it’s how I interpreted Yamato and Hikari’s character; and now I’ll articulate my brain rot  with how the fuck are these two being shipped.  
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You have these two people who already have this history and experience of being Chosen Children, but there’s also an underlying sub-connection of them being each other’s brothers’ best friend. As many Yakari fanfics have headcanon, it’s not unreasonable to think that Yamato’s at the Yagamis’ apartment frequently because A) Taichi is his best friend and B) The Ishida apartment is prolly empty ‘cause Hiroaki’s out being a workaholic. The Yagamis become the family that Yamato didn’t have growing up, and they welcome him with open arms. At their apartment, things are warm and rowdy, he doesn’t have to be alone with his thoughts and they treat him as a second son. Listen, I've been a diehard Takari shipper too, but I genuinely think Takeru and Hikari can be platonic soulmates. They know each other like the back of their hand, they’re cosmically entwined and their Digimon are in sync; they’re also legit a pair of best friends too. I know early 2000’s fics depict Yakari as being this big drama; but I have a weak heart and I’m here to say Yakari can be cosy and comforting and they’re just two idiots in love who need to be honest with each other.
I imagine their courtship not to be this grand display of fireworks and ‘the chase’, but a very subtle experience with slow burn. For me, Yakari is very much the first blossom of spring. They represent new beginnings and youth, the gentle lull of Mother Nature tending to the earth, something that’s natural but the routine has existed for centuries. Yakari is very much a gentle love, and with everything I’ve said about their characters; these two learn to embrace and nurture the other until they have a whole garden of spring’s blossoms. 
This crackship has the surface-layer appeal of ‘brooding lone wolf’ and ‘sweet angel’, so when you peel the layers to find these two very private characters who just need that one-on-one reassurance/affirmation; this ship is a warm blanket of fluff and yes that’s basically the plot of my fics. It’s the charm of slice-of-life, the endearment of growing and improving yourself with the one you love with the occasional reminder that this is a series founded on puppies evolving into angels. 
I’ve had enough of tragedies and melodramatic love affairs. I write about Yakari because as cliche as this sounds, I want more stories about ‘the light of friendship’. Yes that was a god awful line, but it captures why I have brain rot for this pair. To celebrate my first OMD, I have uploaded a special chapter on my AO3 fic titled ‘Mon ange’; it wouldn’t be August 1st if I didn’t half-hazardly work on this leading up to the big day. It couldn’t fit on Instagram, but this rambling piece is part of a bigger essay on my tumblr, so that’s also up and running. I hold Digimon near and dear to my heart, and I go about sharing that love by gushing about Yakari.
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