#promnis week
thewaxwingsings · 7 months
So you know that project I suddenly dumped 5000 words on at the beginning of the month? THIS ISN'T IT
Yeah, this is something completely different and is supposed to be SHORT but has at least two chapters, so I guess we'll seeee... It's yet another venture into the omegaverse...
Rating: Teen & Up
Category: M/M
Relationships: Prompto/Ignis
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Loss of Control, Arranged Marriage, Unjustified Guilt, Misunderstandings
Status: 1/??
Summary: Ignis Scientia isn’t the kind of person who WANTS to get married.
Being the Hand to the Prince of Lucis is his devotion. He was selected at a young age, sculpted to the position, in the expectation that he, like his parents and their parents as well, would present as a beta and be the perfect cool, collected mind to guide and advise the young Lucian prince.
But now it's clear. He is no beta. And if he wants to continue in Noct's service, he will have to find someone to marry. Now.
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larkawolfgirl · 2 years
Promnis Week- Dance
Prompto has never felt more out of place. He tugs at the tight fabric of his tux sleeves and tries to blend further into the shadows. Ignis helped him tailor it to a custom fit, but it feels more like a vice than an attachment, and he knows he must look silly in it despite Ignis calling it "befitting." The outfit probably costs more than his entire yearly rent and no amount of hair gel can hide the fact that he could never afford it in a million years. He's honestly still bewildered why Noct even thought it worth wasting his money on this tux just so that Prompto could attend this gala when Noct doesn't have the time to spare him. Nobels of all kinds flock to him, asking him to dance and making forced conversation. Unlike Prompto, he looks right in his element. He was literally born and raised for this.
Prompto hadn't wanted to even come, but Noct had argued that all three of them would miss him if he didn't. He doubts that. Gladio is dressed to the tens and socializing with drones of women, but he's still on duty (although Prompto assumes he's always on duty in the abstract sense) and can't move too far from Noct's side. Ignis is also a close shadow. While Gladio is obviously flirting, Ignis' demenor is nothing but polished dignitary. He speaks with whom Prompto can only assume are council members and dukes and the like.
Prompto is the one with the freedom but he chooses to remain hidden in the corner. Nothing is stopping him from mingling with them, but who's he kidding, he would die on the spot. He can't talk to a barron or whoever. And who's he to interrupt Gladio while he's on the prowl. And Noct? He's the center of attention. He doesn't have time to babysit his best friend. So, Prompto stays put, tugging at his tux and wishing he was home playing King's Knight instead.
"May I have this dance?"
Prompto’s head snaps up to see Ignis extending a hand to him. He chuckles at the gentlemanly display. “Heya, Iggy. Don’t worry about me. I know you probably need to keep chatting it up with the nobels.”
Ignis thins his lips. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Huh?” Prompto stares at his still extended hand. “You really want to dance with me of all people?”
Ignis’ lips turn up. “Why not with you?”
“Because,” Prompto uses his arm to gesture at the entire crowd, “there are at least 100 people to choose from who are way better than me.”
“Posh.” Ignis takes his hand and pulls him into a closed dance position. “There is no one here that I would rather dance with.”
Prompto can feel his face heating up at the compliment. “Y–you’re exaggerating.”
Ignis doesn’t break eye-contact as he begins to move them back and forth in a measured pattern. “Not at all. I like you quiet a lot, Prompto.”
Prompto gulps. “R–really? You don’t find me annoying?”
“What could I possibly find annoying about you?”
“I’m unconfident and nervous. I’m a commoner without any money and low ambitions. My parents barely even spare me the time of day, why would you?”
Ignis’ hand tightens on his back. “Oh, Prompto. You belittle yourself way too much. I see a charming man with great potential. You have no privilege, which means that everything you have earned you have done so with your own efforts. You push through when situations become tough. You treasure your friends more than anything else. I couldn’t have wished for anyone better to be Noctis’ best friend.”
Prompto’s gaze falls to the ground. “What about your own friend.”
Ignis lets go of his hand, using his hand to turn his chin up so that he will meet his eyes again. “I already have the two best friends I could have ever asked for.”
“Oh,” Prompto whispers.
“You, dear Prompto, are everything I could have asked in a partner.”
Prompto nearly trips from surprise. “What?”
Ignis steadies him and chuckles. “I would like to ask you out on a date, if you would be agreeable.”
“Oh, course!” Prompto nearly shouts. He is sure he is red in the face.
Ignis’ entire face glows with endearment. Prompto tries not to blink in case it turns out he is just imagining it. “Lovely. How about tomorrow after your class has finished?”
“S–sure thing, Igster.”
Prompto feels a bit lightheaded as they resume dancing. Is Ignis now his boyfriend? Is he dancing with his boyfriend? If so, he can’t work his head around how he went from eating fast food alone in a cold, dark apartment, to befriending the crown prince and dating his advisor. Perhaps he won the Astrals blessing by some means or another.
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what the hell day is it *does math* Day 355? No, 354. No? *checks* Yeah. 354. Guys I can't count past like 40 without getting lost, this is really hard for me says the accountant XD
ANYWHO, I have done things! And stuff! And I keep adding unnecessary details to this bed, but the more I add to it the more it looks exactly like every bed in every shitty motel/cheap hotel I have ever stayed in and I'm having fun, so do I care that the detail being added is unnecessary? No I do not. Besides, something other than Iggy's shirt needs a fun texture and I don't get to use the wood grain brush very often :P
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jooliart · 2 years
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promnis week babey
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lemon-plort · 2 years
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Absolutely adored the outfit @jooliart drew Prompto in for promnis week, so I just had to draw it <33
Seriously though if you're able to check out her account I'd recommend it, her art style and fashion sense is top notch and I hope I was able to do it justice!
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clockwaysarts · 2 years
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Aaah managed to get some art done for @promnis-week~ Using the color palette back from day 2. Tried a looser style with this one.
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jai-prompito · 2 years
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"Of course I consider you my friend ... You are very dear to me."
A piece I did for Promnis Week! @promnis-week
The themes were first kiss, royalty and gloves 💜
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crosshatchedaces · 2 years
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Promnis Week 2023: Day 6: Feather
This ship can be so soft for the soul
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clockwayswrites · 2 years
Forty-three Days, Seventeen Hours
Promnis Week 2023 Day 3: Streamer AU Part 1
Prompto was nervous. He’d been nervous for forty-three days and a handful of hours. Okay, forty-three days and seventeen hours. He knew the length he’d been nervous down to the hour. (He refused to give in to calculating it down to the minute.) The hour was easy to remember; the nerves had come barreling in and settled in his stomach right after one of his standard Tuesday streams. Even now, on the train to Insomnia, Prompto couldn’t believe that his ‘standard’ Tuesday streams now included Ignite’s very own Ignis Scientia.
It had all started off innocently enough. Prompto had doing a casual AMA one Saturday while playing ‘Satisfactory’, and it had gotten on the topic of Prompto’s favorite content creators to watch. He had a handful of other gamers that enjoyed and collabed with often. His audience knew about his photography work so the few art or tech channels he enjoyed weren’t a surprised. Then there was Ignite.
Prompto wasn’t a cook, he confessed as much, but had gone on about how encouraging Ignite was. Prompto loved the absolutely insane things that Ignis could create on his channel when he dedicated himself to his monthly masterpiece. Ignis exploring old, lost recipes and trying to recreate them in his other series was fascinating. But, Prompto admitted, some of his favorites were the weekly episodes where Ignis covered a basic topic and then walked his viewers through using it in a dish.
And maybe, maybe Prompto had gone on a bit long about how helpful he found those videos and how he loved that Ignis always approached it without judgment or impatience.
So someone, of course, had clipped it and suddenly Ignite was being tagged in it across social media and Prompto just wanted to die of embarrassment. One could practically see the hearts in his eyes as he talked about Ignis which, like, parasocial much? The dude didn’t usually show more than his hands (and those really, really nice vests) in the videos. And maybe Prompto was a little too fond of the times that Ignis rolled up the sleeves of his crisp button down and secured them with stays, but no one else needed to know that. He didn’t want to be a creep. Mostly he just loved the guy’s content.
A few days later, the clip of Prompto turning beat red when Ignis had actually shown up to see one of his streams had also been clipped. It was a meme for all of a week. Worst week ever.
But also the best week ever. It turned out that Ignis was just as polite and put together as in his videos— something Prompto found out when Ignis popped into this DMs after the stream to apologize for making a scene. Apparently, he had underestimated how much of an effect his presence would have. Prompto was quick to reassure him that it was all good; he was glad that Ignis stopped by.
Then they talked again next week.
And the next.
And then suddenly Iginis was joining Prompto for streams. It started with them playing ‘PlateUp!’ together (they failed, a lot) and moved to other cooking games and then into whatever interested them that week. Ignis wasn’t a gamer, he was up front about that, but the dude had amazing hand eye coordination and learned quickly. Really, it was just fun to play with him. His dry wit left Prompto in stitches and there was always something to fill dead air with. Prompto especially treasured the times when Ignis would linger after the stream ended and they would just talk.
It was a nice, easy rhythm until forty-three days ago. Then someone had asked when the two of them were going to collaborate the other way and have Prompto cook something. Prompto had laughed it off, saying no one wanted to see the mess he made of a kitchen, but after stream Ignis brought it up again.
“If you came here to film, I would keep you from making too much of a mess. It would be no trouble to look after you,” Ignis had said in that buttery smooth voice of his, as if that didn’t make Prompto’s heart skip a beat.
And before Prompto knew it they had a charity stream planned with the reward that Prompto would fly to Lucius and film a series of cooking videos with Ignis. Some would go up on Ignite, some they’d stream, and they even agreed to do a live AMA when they blew their original goal out of the water.
So forty-three days and seventeen hours (give or take some minutes) Ignis had casually suggested they meet, and Prompto’s nerves hadn’t calmed down since.
Prompto gripped the arms of his seat as the train’s breaks hissed under them. His grip had been incrementally tightening since the lights of Insomnia had first com into view. The city really did earn its name, he figured, with how it shown out of the dark.
After the first wave of people had hurried off the train, Prompto slung his backpack on, dragged his suitcase down from the overhead, and headed out onto the platform.
For a moment Prompto was struck by the rush of everything. Gralea was no small city, but Insomnia had a whole different feeling about it and Prompto felt caught up in the flow of the crowd. Before he knew it he was into the stations central hub and the creeping nerves were swiftly turning into panic.
“Prompto.” His name cut through the cacophony of the station.
Prompto spun and his eyes caught on a sign. His name written on it in crisp, black letters and it was held in a very, very familiar pair of hands. After a breath, Prompto managed his eyes up from the nimble fingers to the rest of Ignis, and immediately lost the ability to breath all over again.
Ignis was gorgeous.
Prompto really regretted not stopping by the bathroom first to try to get rid of the worst of the travel weariness that clung to him. He had to look like an absolute mess in comparison.
“I didn’t know that you wore glasses.”
Fuck if that little subtle smile of Ignis’ wasn’t going to do Prompto in.
“I um, yeah,” Prompto said, stumbling over his words. He forced himself to finally suck in a breath. “I mean, I wear contacts normally but I wanted to be able to catch some sleep on the trains and ferry and not have to worry about it.”
“You should wear them more, they suit you.”
Oh. Yeah, yep, Ignis was going to be the death of him.
Prompto ducked his head. He hoped wasn’t blushing as much as he feared he was blushing. “Um, thank you.”
“Of course. I was thinking that we would continue to my place first, so that we could drop off your things, before continuing on to find somewhere to eat? If you wouldn’t be opposed, I have some places that I would like to show you,” Ignis said. He reached out and took Prompto’s roller bag from him before he had any chance to protest.
“I, yes, anywhere you think is good,” Prompto said, working to keep up with Ignis’ long strides any the easy way that he navigated the busy station.
If he was honest with himself, Prompto had been wondering how much of the other’s easy elegance was just his on camera persona, but Ignis really did just move like that. It was a bit distracting to watch the other out of the corner of his eye.
Ignis flashed him a smile and Prompto found himself ducking his head again.
“It is lovely to finally be able to meet you in person, Prompto.”
“I think that’s my line,” Prompto said. “I still can’t believe I’m here. I’ve always wanted to come to Insomnia. And… it’s even better that I get to meet you.”
“Well,” Ignis said. Prompto could almost believe that the other was faintly blushing. “I hope that I can help make this trip everything you wanted and more.”
“It’s going to be great, I know it,” Prompto assured him. “Where are we going today?”
As they wove their way out of the station, Ignis explained the restaurant that Ignis had a reservation at. And then about cafe that he wanted to take Prompto to tomorrow— as well as some of the sights they would see along the way. More than a bit of it went over Prompto’s head, without the context and history to place some of the information, but he hardly cared when he could just listen to Ignis talk.
He was so far gone, he knew that, but he refused to make things awkward. He refused to make Ignis uncomfortable. He could behave.
He had to.
Confessing his crush wasn’t worth losing Ignis as a friend.
AN: Aaah I wanted this all done and up on ao3 for today, but alas, I've been ill and haven't been able to handle screens well the last week or so. So have the first part! Hopefully it won't be too long before I can do the second part~
Done for @promnis-week!
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ffxvficrec · 1 year
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You can also check out the collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/promnis_week/works
We’ve listed additional pairings, archive warnings, and ratings, but please remember to mind the tags!
Fidelity by GingerEl
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis knows what Prompto needs, even when he doesn't.
Guide by Ren_Luna
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
"Follow my voice." In this situation, what choice does Ignis have? Written after the battle at Altissia has ended and Ignis is recovering. Will he and Prompto be alright?
more than friends by queenhomeslice
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
“Yes, I can have those documents reviewed and emailed over the weekend,” Prompto hears Ignis say. “I’m occupied at the moment, but when I’m free, I’ll--hm, what? Oh, I’m just having a much-deserved bite to eat with a friend,” Ignis continues; And Prompto’s head snaps back to look at Ignis so hard, it aches.
at another place in time (you were infinitely mine) by canis_argentum
Teen Rating
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Phoenix downs come with a price: each time they are used, the user gets a glimpse of a different life, alternate to the one they're saving. None of Noctis' retinue are quite ready for the horrors of the open world after the Fall of Insomnia, so Prompto's seen more than a couple lives. In each of them, he's with Ignis. …Except this one
Your Friend, And More by EzraTheBlue
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
After the harrowing encounters with Titan and Ramuh, Ignis and Prompto find that they have to come to terms with something that has been quietly building between them.
meat cute by queenhomeslice
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
The shop phone jolts him out of his weird self-deprecation cycle; Ignis fumbles for the wireless landline and hits the green button. “Thank you for phoning Literary Libations,” Ignis says smoothly. “Ignis speaking. How may I assist you?” “Ignis?” Ignis pauses, because he knows this voice. Only, it suddenly sounds like his sweet deli boy has swallowed several frogs, and inherited the lungs of a lifelong chainsmoker. “Prompto?”
The new guy by MiraNjell
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lady Lunafreya comes to visit Insomnia - and Ignis is smitten by the newest member of her retinue.
Promnis Week 2023 by Larkawolfgirl
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Oneshots written based off the prompts for promnis week.
Overdoing It by EzraTheBlue
Mature Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis has had another late-night, last-minute assignment pushed onto him, and Prompto frets as he watches Ignis delve into his work and too many cups of coffee. Way too many cups of coffee.
Never Seen You Before by DistractedDream
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis makes a discovery - and ruins breakfast.
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larkawolfgirl · 2 years
Promnis Week Day 2: Caffine Overdose
Ignis could feel a headache coming on and took a sip of black coffee. The beverage was hot on its way down, and the heat helped cool his rising temperament. He should be used to this–his job description might as well read “never-ending headache.” Still, some days were worse than others, and this one was proving to be one of the worst in a long time.
Noctis had snuck out unattended–an ill-advised but not uncommon occurrence by any means. However, the reckless, underage prince had snuck into an adult store using a fake ID. If that wasn’t bad enough, the shopkeeper had recognized him as the underage prince when he was attempting to purchase notably “gay” themed sexual devices. Not only had Ignis had to intervene to convince the shopkeeper not to file a direct complaint with the kingsguard, but now he had to fight the press on the matter. Noctis hadn’t even bought the toys, but the press wouldn’t care about that. They wouldn’t care that he was a regular hormonal teenager. He was the prince, thus he was supposed to live up to pristine standards. They were also surely going to have a field day over the “revelation” that he was gay. Because they would never assume that he could be bisexual or have been buying toys for a girlfriend. The truth mattered little to Ignis, but he was disappointed that his friend hadn’t trusted him enough to ask him to buy them for him so that they could have avoided this whole mess.
Ignis had a long night ahead of him.
He took another sip of Ebony and stared at the string of emails flooding his inbox.
Good thing he had plenty of coffee in stock to keep him awake.
Ignis woke up to a kink in his neck. He sat up and rubbed the area, noticing that he had fallen asleep at his work desk. Luckily his laptop had been plugged in. It was still lit up, displaying an irate email from one of the council members. Ignis had never liked the man, but now he could fully channel that into hate at the man’s overly homophobic comments.
Ignis pinched his nose and took a deep breath. He was not ready to jump back into the fray just yet. If he didn’t take a step away, he was bound to say something ungentlemanly.
He glanced at his depleted supply of Ebony on the table. Perhaps a fresh, gourmet coffee was just what he needed.
Not half an hour later, Ignis found himself at a quant little coffee shop that he sometimes frequented. The atmosphere was cozy, the staff friendly, and the coffee divine. When he walked in, the barista of the day, a young man around the same age as Noctis, greeted him with a smile as radiant as the shade of his hair. Ignis returned his smile.
“Hello,” he greeted. He wished he remembered the man’s name, but thankfully it was written on a golden nametag. “Prompto.”
“Hiya, Iggy.”
Ignis flushed. How had he managed to remember his name? It wasn’t like he came here that often. “It is nice to see you again. A black coffee, please.”
“Coming right up!” Prompto pressed some buttons on the register, then turned around to begin to prepare his order. “How’s your day so far?”
Ignis was surprised that he was interested enough to make small talk. “So far it has been far better than yesterday, but I am not hopeful that it will stay that way.”
“Aw,” Prompto whined exaggeratedly. “Why’s that?”
Ignis sighed. “Because yesterday’s events have piled a huge workload onto my plate. It is not the sort of work I can easily sort out either.”
“That’s a shame.” Prompto glanced over his shoulder. “I was going to ask if you had any plans today, but I guess you’ll just be working all day.”
“Unfortunately, yes.” His curiosity was definitely piqued. “It sounds as if you were going to make a proposition.”
Prompto chuckled and grabbed a lid to pop on the top of his steaming coffee. “Yeah, it doesn’t matter now, though.”
Ignis took his offered coffee. “No, I’m interested in what this proposition was.”
Prompto leaned forward and stretched his arms across the countertop. “Weell, I had thought maybe you’d be interested in seeing my show.”
Ignis raised a sculpted brow. “Your show?”
Prompto pushed himself back up straight, beaming like the sun. “Yeah. I’m in a band. Nothing special. We’re playing at Tony’s tonight at 7.”
Ignis curled his hands around his coffee. He was struck with the intense urge to attend. But with work…
It would most surely be tight, but he was sure he could make it work if he worked non-stop, asked Gladio to drive Noctis home in his stead, and gave Noctis the green light to order takeout for his dinner.  
“I’ll be there.”
Somehow Prompto’s smile widened even more. “Really? Sweet!” Then he suddenly floundered nervously. “It’s not a big deal, though! Your work totally takes priority.”
Ignis smiled. “Naturally, but I am almost positive that I can manage to prioritize both.”
Prompto’s smile returned and he waved enthusiastically. “Bye! Don’t work too hard! I can’t wait to see you there.”
Ignis chuckled and lifted his coffee up high. “Thank you. Don’t overwork yourself either.”
Prompto scoffed. “Me? Never.”
Hours later, Ignis could feel his fatigue hitting him. His hand reached out for another Ebony but came up short. Groaning, he messaged his throbbing temple. It would take far too long to drive all the way home to grab some. He could take his laptop with him to salvage some time, but he still didn’t think it would leave him enough time to finish everything by 7. His only real options then were either to deal with the abysmal coffee at the Citadel cafeteria or return to the coffee shop. The decision was obvious.
Prompto was still on shift when he arrived. The man looked a bit worn out, but otherwise just as sunshiny as before. “Oh, hey, Iggy!” he called when he spotted him. “Taking a break from work?”
“Yes, unfortunately. I need the caffeine to keep up my trajectory.”
Prompto frowned. “You shouldn’t drink too much coffee.”
Ignis pursed his lips. He was used to this conversation, and he never enjoyed it. “I can make my own decisions,” he snapped.
Instantly, he regretted his outburst when Prompto’s lip began to tremble. Sighing, he said, “I apologize. I just tire of other people trying to dictate my habits when I have so much on my plate.”
Prompto shifted uncomfortably, most likely unsure how to respond to that. “Another black coffee?” he asked.
“Yes, thank you.”
This time Prompto made his order in silence. Ignis took a sip and closed his eyes. It was so good. He opened his eyes, ready to take another sip, but the world seemed to be spinning slightly. He steadied his footing using the counter before slowly walking to a table.
Ignis could see Prompto eying him while he downed his drink. For some reason, he felt just as thirsty after having finished it all.
He stood up, but the room began to spin again, and he had to clutch onto the edge of the table.
Seeing his momentary stumble, Prompto rushed over and put a hand on his back. “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” Ignis said. He tried to take a step but stumbled slightly.
Prompto frowned. “No, you’re not. I’m guessing you’ve drank way too much coffee today.”
Ignis tried to wave his help away. “Nonsense. I always drink this much coffee.”
“That’s even worse! Wait here!” He rushed off behind the counter and came back with a bottle of water. “Drink this.”
Ignis took the water and drank a small sip. His thirst took over, and he ended up chugging the entire bottle.
“How do you feel now?”
“Still a bit tired and dizzy, but better.”
Prompto sighed in relief. “Good. Let me help you get home.”
“No,” Ignis said immediately. “I need to get back to work.”
“Oh no,” Prompto said. “You need to rest. Look at those circles under your eyes. Did you even sleep last night?”
“If I get back to work right now I might just finish in time to make it to your concert.”
Prompto flushed slightly. “Forget about that. Your health is way more important.”
“Thank you for the concern, but I will be fine, I assure you.”
Prompto pouted. “No way. I’m not letting you out of here until you let me take you home or someone else does.”
Ignis met his challenging gaze for a long time before finally giving in and taking out his phone. Ignoring several new email notifications, he pressed two on his speed dial. It only took two rings for Gladio to answer.
“What’s up?”
“I need you to pick me up at the coffee shop on Golden Avenue. I believe I pointed it out to you once.”
“The one with the cute logo with a chocobo in a teacup?”
“Yes, that one.”
“I’ll be there in ten.”
Those were some of the longest ten minutes of his life. Prompto watched him like a hawk the entire time to make sure he didn’t check his phone. He was under order to sit and rest. Ignis could not even remember the last time he had simply“‘rested.” He was not used to it, and the stillness was making him fidgety.
Finally, Gladio arrived. “What’s the problem, Ignis?”
“Nothing,” he answered.
However, since there were no other guests to attend to, Prompto immediately added, “Your friend here is suffering from a caffeine overdose.”
Gladio looked Prompto over. Then he blinked. “Well, I’ll be damned. You’re Prompto, right?”
Prompto looked surprised. “Wait. You’re Noct’s bodyguard, aren’t you?”
Gladio crossed his arms and smirked. “Glad you recognized me.”
Prompto eyed him up and down. “I mean, it’s a little hard not to when you look like…that.”
Gladio smirked. “Yeah, well, it’s my job to remember how you look.”
“Hold on,” Ignis cut in. “You are associated with Prince Noctis? You are that Prompto.”
Prompto looked down, seemingly embarrassed. “Oh, uh, yeah. I’m guessing you work for the crown then? Sorry, I didn’t know your work was that important.”
Ignis shook his head even though that just made him even dizzier. “No need to apologize. Now that I have had time to clear my head, I realize that I have been far too impractical. I am not any help to anyone if I end up incapacitated.”
“Damn right,” Gladio said. “I’m taking you to Noct’s so we can keep an eye on you.”
Ignis chuckled. “I can’t say I blame you. I suppose a pizza does sound more appealing than cooking right now.”
“Pizza?” Prompto asked, sounding hopeful.
Ignis smiled. “I thought you already had plans for the evening.”
Prompto twisted his hands. “I mean, I do, but…”
“When does your shift end?”
Prompto glanced at the clock. “In like 10 minutes?” he said as if it were a question.
“Gladio, do you mind sticking around so that we might surprise Noctis with his best friend?”
Gladio plopped down in the seat next to him. “I suppose not.” He looked between the two of them. “I am guessing you’re expecting me to drive him to whatever these plans he has are then?”
Ignis smirked. “How perceptive of you. Although, perhaps, we could all go together.”
“Only if you feel better by then!” Prompto ordered.
Ignis chuckled. “Yes, of course.”
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Day 351, backgrounds are hard ): So I'm procrastinating on figuring out what the background is gonna be by giving Ignis his gloves back and doing tiny fiddly fixes >.>
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promnis-week · 2 years
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Just one week until Promnis Week begins! We hope you’re as excited as we are!! 💛💜
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gingerel · 2 years
wane | promnis
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Read Wane on AO3 written for @promnis-week
They never broke up, not really. They just stopped.
Ignis withdrew, Prompto didn’t know how to reach out. Noctis was gone and Gladio was never good at playing mediator, couldn’t think up the soft words they both needed to start talking though Prompto knows they could have gotten a happier ending if they could just find any kind of beginning.
“I was angrier than I could admit, about what happened. To myself—to you and Noctis. You needed kindness,” Ignis whispers. “A softness I was not yet capable of offering.”
“I needed you.”
“I’ve been right here,” Ignis says. 
“You sent me away,” Prompto argues.
“You asked if I thought you should go.”
Alternatively: It’s been six years since their last kiss, but Prompto’s feelings haven’t changed.
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kalypartemis · 7 months
Fun fandom answer
It's been a long time since I've filled out one of these things so since @fishylife tagged me in one recently, I decided to fill it out <3
3 Ships You Like: It's always changing and be warned before you read further that, while I keep it separate, I do consume/write rpf and will be including that in this answer - my #1 right now is xiuhun(Xiumin/Sehun) (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘). I was and still am a huge Promnis (Prompto/Ignis) fan. And uhhhh..... lets throw it old school. I adore Duo/Wufei from Gundam Wing. In conclusion, I was destined to be a rarepair shipper.
First Ship Ever: Honestly, I'm not sure if I remember my true first active ship? I'mma go with Max and Tyson from beyblade. But if we're going with my first ship I actively sought out and consumed fic for, I believe it was Nicol and Athrun from Gundam Seed.
Last Song You Heard: Currently listening to Moonbyul's new album, on Dark Romance as I type this sentence
Favourite Childhood Book: I think, based on my age, we can take an educated guess as to what series I loved. And while I'd never revise history and deny it, I'm going go with another book I really loved and still own a copy of - Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel
Currently Reading: I actually just finished No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai and I've yet to decide what to start next. It's a tossup between Heart of the Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan and Ithaca by Claire North. Maybe someone wants to help me decide? :3
Currently Watching: Jumping around 5 different shows as always tbh. However, for the past few days it's been another watch of Bob's Burgers. I've been suffering maybe the worst anxiety dread I've ever experienced and it's always been the best show to keep me from spiralling into a panic attack.
Currently Consuming: Coffee coffee coffee. (well, and apple juice. Yknow the saying - one for energy, one for hydration, one for fun/taste)
Currently Craving: All the food I've looked up over the last few days..... I'm traveling to Toronto this week for the Stardew Orchestra and, even though I already have a bunch of places saved, I've been looking into a bunch of restaurants I want to try. I'm going to have to be rolled back onto the plane. Not going to tag anyone as I'm not even sure who to tag, so if you want to do this please steal it from me~~ I tag everyone <3333
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clockwaysarts · 2 years
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A little bit of art I did for @promnis-week event I’m helping run! We just announced today and opened prompt submissions so go check it out in the pinned post on the account!
I went through a few different ideas for the header image, but in the end settled on this little hand hold since it’s a ‘simple’ visual but still very distinct!
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