#promotion: youtube livestream
kokiafans · 1 year
The trailer for KOKIA's 25th anniversary concert is now online on her official YouTube channel!
The one time only free stream of the entire concert will be held on July 22, 20:00 JST. Optional tickets available via livepocket.
Songs featured in the trailer:
Fukurou ('Owl', from Animal Kingdom vol.1) The Cells (new song) Hoshi no keiji ('Star revelation', from Pieces 2) Dragon (from Animal CD vol.4) The Lighthouse (new song) Kisetsu hazure no sakura ('Late blooming cherry blossoms', digital single)
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badoccultadvice · 6 months
Livestreaming on Youtube at 2pm PST!
Felix will be drawing Lord of the Rings characters* based off descriptions
Shadow will be playing Mindustry & describing the characters
Felix & Shadow's friend Peri will also be helping Shadow describe characters LINK HERE!
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snallavanta · 17 days
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ironaparrot · 7 months
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Today's livestream on YouTube
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boxingnewsnetwork · 1 year
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starlitfunkster · 1 year
Go to this Poll, it's important for the Livestream on the 28th: https://strawpoll.com/wAg3A7R8Wy8
If you don't know what it's for, it's for Yugioh. I found a way to stream games through my Playstation emulator. Cannot wait for Halloween now!
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johnbrand · 2 months
Screen Froze
Podcasting had become inescapable in recent years. Everyone seemed to have an opinion on...well everything. Politics, world sports, cooking, an obscure movie from 1978 only released in a now-extinct language. If it could be covered, it would be. And one could find this content anywhere across the internet. Youtube, social media, even streaming services promoted their podcasters. Everyone was watching everyone talking. 
Of course, with so many different podcasters flying about, it was difficult to actually spot out talent. And from a sociologically micro perspective, it was even harder for individuals to find podcasters discussing the content they actually wanted to hear about. The more unique the niche, the less people one could happen upon to be talking about it during their recorded stream of consciousness. It was a simple formula, but it forced individuals to browse for hours or even days to find what they were searching for.
Sometimes though, people could not hold such patience. They would not wait for their new hero, a disciple preaching their values and morals to audiences around the globe. They would skip past one livestream discussing the economics of green villages in Switzerland to the next debating the potential existence between a minor character in two separate fandom universes. They could even perhaps land into a podcast like Sean’s.
“Most people just don’t understand the Soviet Union’s impact on architecture,” the measly, pale nerd innocently commented. A little shy in front of the camera, he was only able to relax a bit when discussing his favorite topics. Sean dressed in theme too, wearing a brutalist-like business casual outfit, a trait his small but dedicated fanbase adored.
“There were a lot of architects that really shaped this movement from all around the world,” Sean continued. “But today, we are just going to focus on those from the USSR.”
So what happened when one’s patience dried up? Well, everything was brought to a halt.
DragonHeart49: anyone else’s screen freeze? superduperloverboy: mine too <3bitsandmore: sean, I think ur glitching out
With the screen frozen, our impatient soul could now get to work. If one could not find the podcast they were looking for, then why not just create their own? Obviously, this did not mean constructing a podcast themselves, but rather alter the fabric of reality and completely realign another’s being to their preferred state. That was much easier.
Physical modifications were made first. A much larger body was necessary, something that demanded confidence and respect from others. Juicy pecs, rippling abs, sturdy legs. There was always something unreasonably fun in bloating the podcaster’s feet up a few sizes. An imposing frame to be craved by others, even when hidden underneath clothes, was priority. And speaking of clothes, those were quickly stripped down to less formal articles. Expensive branded tee, athletic shorts so small that boxer-briefs were visible, classic white Nike socks, all of it much more respectable than a button-up and tie.
This was not the impatient soul’s first time altering a podcaster to their liking, nor would it be their last. Physically at least, each of the end products were a little different. All alpha males, but just enough variation to not warrant any unnecessary rumors. This particular podcaster had his pre-American heritage redirected from France to India, the features in the screenshot tanning accordingly as a dark stubble acquainted itself along the sharper jawline. Of course, the bulge was accurately enlarged for geographical standards too.
Mentally however, all the podcasters could be considered copies. They each spoke of the same rhetoric, theories, and ideologies that our impatient soul wanted to hear. No matter how “backwards” or “hateful” their discussions were deemed as, nearly anything could be said by hulking bodies with undeniable charisma.
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“These homos have no idea what they’re talking about!” Sanjay raged as the podcast restarted, his deep voice cocky and assertive. "Sure bro, I was just thinkin’ about a girl’s rack I saw earlier today but there's more to a girl than big tits. There's a tight pussy too!”
The chat section lit off with encouragement, their fates too having been altered.
MassiveFART69: you tell them fags bro! LOL XD crassmassschlongnator: we want to BREED THEM TOO!!!! <3TITSGALORE: JUST TALKIN ABOUT IT ALREADY GOT SANJAY GRABBIN HIMSELF AGAIN
Sanjay vacantly looked down, finding himself already subconsciously scratching at the thick bush within his shorts. He let out a hot protein fart followed by a laugh, his scratching slowly extending into groping his fat 8 inch babymaker.
“God, that was WET bros!” Sanjay applauded himself, his free massive hand swallowing the mic. “Anyway, I’ll catch you on the flip side dudes, gotta go hit the gym. Bros for life!”
There was a reason the traditional masculine movement was becoming stronger. Maybe it was because men were slowly aspiring to become the alphas’ equals, or because fags were beginning to submit to their nature. Or possibly, it could have been because each time a screen froze, reality was altered one click closer to traditional, normal masculinity.
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kokiafans · 1 year
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July 22 free YouTube stream - 25th anniversary concert 'you and me'
KOKIA updated her official YouTube with an upcoming stream: on her birthday this July 22, 2023, starting 20:00 JST, she'll host a one night only exclusive free stream of her recent 25th anniversary concert, 'you and me'!
The stream will be viewable via this link, where you can click the bell to be alerted when the stream starts. As with previous free streams, this one also has the option for you to buy optional tickets to support KOKIA via livepocket.
(I'm once again quickly updating on my phone, so I'll clean this up and get to her blog entries asap!)
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badoccultadvice · 5 months
Bad Occult Livecast is live on YouTube! Right now!
Join us!
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andy-wm · 4 months
Do you think Jikook took a break from each other last year? What do you think was going on?
Hey Anon, i know you asked this a couple months ago. Sorry that i took a long while to answer ... i thought about it a lot. Not because I was thinking about if they took a break, but because i was questioning what would prompt a person to think they did.
Maybe you didn't see all the things i saw?
If you did see it all, maybe you're more sceptical than i am?
I wondered if maybe I am too much of a romantic, or if i was seeing things that aren't there.
Did I read too much into all those livestreams JK did to hype Jimin when he was promoting FACE last year? All the times he watched the promos with ARMY and then watched the youtube compilation of BTS teasing Jimin, and then sang Jimin's songs.
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Was i too taken in by the comments back and forth on Weverse last year when Jimin was recording his music shows, or the fact that Jimin went live in the car on the way home from Inkigayo and spent the entire trip chatting to JK as though ARMY wasn't there.
Did I misconstrue the fact that Jimin and Jungkook made TWO trips overseas together last year without any apparent reason. (Yes there are rumours about a camping trip and other content but that seems like an excuse rather than a reason )
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Did i misunderstand JK's visit to Jimin's dance practice, or the glum comments jimin made in his live about JK working too hard, or the fond way JK spoke about Jimin on Suchwita?
Did i see too much significance in JK begging Jimin to do a livestream with him while naked, in bed, and flexing his biceps shamelessly?
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Did i place too much emphasis on the fact the JK sang backing vocals for Jimin's hidden track on his album, in a song that was very clearly a love song for ARMY.
Did i overestimate the importance of the half naked photo of the two of them that Jimin posted for Jungkook’s birthday?
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Did i misunderstand what made JK come directly from his workout to join Jimin’s Production Diary viewing, or that JK was completely prepared to sit there next to Jimin if he was needed (or to leave if he wasn't).
Did i get carried away by the idea of them spending Chuseok together on a yacht?
Did i jump to conclusions about them enlisting in the military as companions and taking a post in one of the most inhospitable and dangerous units just so they could be together?
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To be objective, and because I'm the first to admit that we honestly dont know what they do when there's no camera around, i will say maybe they did have a break. It's entirely possible they spent a few days apart. Maybe even a week?
All couples need time apart. All people need personal space and the opportunity to be alone with their thoughts.
It's part of having your own identity.
It's heathy to have time to rest and recharge no matter how much you love someone.
Don't ever be afraid of having your own space, and time to yourself, anon! It will make the time you spend with your partner even more rewarding 💜
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lyinginbedmon · 2 years
Oh lordy is there bad things going down across the VTuber space right now so I’m gonna try and unpack them for ease of comprehension.
Real quick: A VTuber is essentially just a regular livestreamer but instead of a facecam they have a custom model (usually made of layered images but also often a full 3D object) that tracks their face and such. Big tiddy anime girl representation to say the least but it’s a very creative space.
Next: Silvervale, Silver for short. Silver is one such big tiddy anime (wolf) girl, who is part of a corporate group of VTubers called VShojo. I probably don’t need to describe much more for the purposes of this post.
Hogwarts Legacy is a video game based in the bigotry-entrenched universe of the Harry Potter franchise by notorious face-of-transphobia Joanne K. Rowling. Since its announcement in 2018, trans individuals and groups have quite rightly highlighted numerous ethical and moral problems with the game ranging from the inherent bigotry of the setting, to the involvement of literal far-right YouTubers in its development, to just the basic stuff like its success greenlighting further instalments all while Rowling pockets royalties to (expressly) further fund her anti-trans projects (which includes her writing Literally being read into record to quash things like the Equality Act).
The general advice, which would be true regardless of your actual thoughts on the game or franchise, was to just not play it. That way Rowling makes less money, fewer future games are made, and nobody gets hurt as a result. You end your day $60 better off that you can spend on some other big game that isn’t basically radioactive.
To say the Video Gamers did not take that advice well would be an understatement, but things get really ugly when a streamer who otherwise professes to creating a calm and friendly atmosphere, who makes claims to being an ally, gives in and plays the Wizard Game. I’m not going to say that people haven’t been harassed for playing it, almost certainly someone has, but I just don’t have the data to be certain that it goes much further than just posting “trans rights” in chat.
Enter Silvervale. Despite half a decade of advance warning that she shouldn’t play this game, she played it anyway. Live on camera. The community she’d fostered for years didn’t take this well either, and the stream ended early amid purported harassment from the chat. Silver wasn’t the first VTuber to play the Wizard Game, but she was one of the first English-speaking ones.
Things could have just quietly ended there, but Silver then returned to streaming with more of the game and a statement that she had been “harassed” by “freaks and degenerates” on Twitter. Not her best choice of words, but the damage was done.
Because of the 5-year leadup to the Wizard Game releasing, the right-wing mob had already noticed the controversy around it and had made Huge investments into buying and promoting the game as well as spewing vitriol against anyone who even slightly suggested that doing so was in poor taste. They naturally then flocked to Silver’s defense and, following her unfortunate description of “marginalised people making their discomfort known as they had declared they would Years in advance” using language straight from 1930s Germany, started directly attacking any streamer who voiced their intent not to play the game however detailed their reasoning.
As a brief aside, there’s some confusion over how Silver’s chat moderation is set up, seemingly blocking such phrases as “trans rights are human rights”. Some say it’s an overzealous automod, others that her moderators are actually blocking the phrases, it’s unclear and not hugely worth focusing on here. But I mention it because it’s one of the common points made as people state their side on this issue.
This has essentially made Silver the face of transphobic bigotry in the VTuber community, whether or not she actually considers herself aligned with such bigots. Multiple smaller and independent trans VTubers have completely stopped streaming because of the bile being spewed at them by people with the likes of #IStandWithSilver in their bios. The overlaps between accounts on social media posting in her defense and numerous far-right hate movements is as undeniable as it is unpleasant to catalogue.
And boy that’s just the foundation of this whole sorry affair.
Another VTuber who is part of the same company as Silver, VShojo, is Apricot (more commonly called Froot). Froot not only decided to vocally not play the Wizard Game, but to post a tweet saying that she would personally donate to UK trans children’s charity Mermaids for every like the tweet received. She added that her brother is trans and she supports him immensely.
So the bigots that leapt to Silver’s defense very predictably started calling Froot a paedophile and child groomer, which is more or less what they label every pro-trans individual ever these days. Froot had to lock replies on her charity post and her post about her brother as a result, though the tweets remain up.
Most recently, a third peer in VShojo called Ironmouse came to Silver’s defense specifically in opposition to the alleged harassment she received which, again, anyone could have seen coming in the last 5 years by googling the Steam page for this game.
And honestly, at this point, whatever actually happened to Silver in that first stream is completely irrelevant because she’s become the rallying cry of people who actively want to exterminate the entire trans community from cradle to grave and literally beyond. And so much of it could be resolved or at least get the wind out of its sails if she took 5 minutes to just apologise for and disavow everything that happened in her name after she decided to keep playing the Wizard Game.
But, and I say this with no disrespect to Silver, I’m not holding my breath.
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
credit to @gloomy-prince for indulging in this hc with me but im imagining a little while after famous comedian richie tozier randomly went MIA for a few weeks, then returned to social media with an announcement of his new boyfriend, that richie begins doing livestreams on instagram.
he mostly starts doing it to promote his new show and upcoming tour, he'll answer questions and tell stories- and it's during these livestreams that his fans begin to learn more and more about eddie kaspbrak, richie's new boyfriend.
the first time eddie made an appearance was accidental- richie was in the middle of talking about his long day on set, when the door behind him opened and a man walked into the room, looking down at his phone as he asked, "richie, have you seen my-" before the man looked up and noticed that richie was streaming. he begins to apologize, and starts backing out of the room, but richie stops him, wheeling back in his chair and grabbing the man's arm, pulling him close to the camera and announcing to his followers, "everyone say hi to my boyfriend!!!"
after that, eddie starts to make regular appearances on richie's livestreams. sometimes eddie will just pop his head in to say hello, sometimes he'll sit with richie and answer a few questions, sometimes he'll just be in the background of the video doing his own thing. but there is one thing that is consistent with every livestream- and it's that richie's fans adore eddie. richie gets hundreds of dms asking him to livestream with eddie again, eddie's instagram account goes from having 17 followers to 20k, and whenever eddie makes an appearance on the livestreams, the viewer count always seems to go up.
but it doesn't stop there. now that eddie has a small following of his own (for a reason that eddie cannot fathom), his followers start asking him, "hey we love you on richie's livestreams, you should also do livestreams!!" and of course eddie is confused he's like "guys, i appreciate the support, but what on earth would i livestream about. my life is not that exciting." but his fans don't care. and so, that's when eddie kaspbrak does his first livestream: a 3 hour stream of him sitting at the desk in his home office, typing away at his computer and drinking coffee, in complete silence other than the sounds of his keyboard. he doesn't interact with the chat, he doesn't even look at the camera the entire time....... but his followers seem to love it.
and so, eddie continues. he mostly does streams of him working- now that he's working from home while recovering from his derry 2.0 injury, he spends most of his days at his desk, typing away on his computer. but sometimes he'll stream other things, like when he's putting away dishes or cleaning the house....... and that's how eddie kaspbrak accidentally becomes an asmr/relaxing video livestreamer.
all of his fans love this for him. and while he started off with a majority of his followers being richie's fans, it's not long before eddie gains some followers of his own, who are following him solely for his content. he even has some fans of his own who love his boyfriend, and get excited every time richie makes an appearance on stream.
and now that both richie and eddie have their own little niche followings on the internet, it's quite amusing for the both of them to watch their followers' reaction every time they post about each other on social media. you've got eddie's fans who are surprised to learn that this random asmr livestreamer is dating celebrity comedian richie tozier, and on the other hand you've got richie's fans who are surprised to learn that richie tozier is dating that popular asmr youtuber.
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captainpansparrow · 5 months
My thoughts on Watcher Entertainment
They messed up. Not by wanting to be paid for their content but by how they went about it. People have been supporting the Ghoul Boys since their early days on Buzzfeed Unsolved. When they launched their new solo YouTube channel they took a risk and luckily had it pay off when their fans followed them.
They started their channel on April 2019. Their channel as a whole does not produce enough content. With a total of 377 videos and 19 playlists their average upload rate is unsustainable for a third party subscription platform. Many of their content has not been updated in more than 2 months.
In comparison to Try Guys who started a year before them, 2018, and have over 850 videos. With twice a week upload and livestreams with subscriber participation.
They had the option to promote their Patreon. Create YouTube memberships with exclusive content. Ask for follower opinion and support to transition to this new platform instead they drop a bombshell and leave people wondering what they’re doing to be getting in return.
I do not agree to putting the blame solely on Steven Lim because they’re all adults who have a say in what they want their channel to produce and promote.
But with a staff of 25 people and new hires in their way it’s really disappointing to see them only being able to put out one video a week. Making this whole $6 third party subscription platform not worth it.
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robynochs · 1 year
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Happy International Asexuality Day! IAD is a coordinated worldwide campaign promoting the ace umbrella, including demisexual, grey-asexual and other ace identities.
Learn more at internationalasexualityday.org IAD has several livestreams lined up today on their youtube page: www.youtube.com/@InternationalAsexualityDay/streams
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monsteraficionado · 2 years
So, are you new to Watcher?
Whether you just discovered the dudes from Buzzfeed Unsolved premiered a new ghost hunting show or you stumbled across Ghost Files without having ever seen Ryan and Shane before, perhaps you find yourself a bit lost regarding Watcher.
So here I present a not-quite-short (yet I hope comprehensive) guide to Watcher Entertainment!
What is Watcher?
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Back in 2019, three ex-BuzzFeed employees (Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej from BuzzFeed Unsolved and Steven Lim from Worth It) joined forces and announced they were launching a new production company and YouTube channel called Watcher. They toiled at it for an entire year and their new channel premiered on January 10th, 2020 with seven shows, the first of which was Puppet History (but more on the shows later).
They started with a grand total of five employees: the three cofounders, Brittney Lee (Production Supervisor) and Anthony Frederick (Creative Director of Post Production). Now, Team Watcher has grown to include several more people, including some ex-BuzzFeeders like Katie LeBlanc (who used to produce BFU and Worth It, today is Head of Development at Watcher), Annie Jeong (who you may know from Worth It and the Berry Boys video featuring Ryan and Shane, now a Senior Creative Producer) and Mark Celestino (cameraman for BFU, now Senior Creative Producer at Watcher).
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Currently, Watcher presents a new episode of whichever show it's currently in season (right now it's Ghost Files of course) every Friday at 12 PT. Between shows, or sometimes on Wednesdays, they might air One-Offs, which are smaller, well, one off videos. Over at their Patreon you can find more content including:
Early Thursday access for Friday videos
Watcher Weekly+, a weekly talk show featuring any combination of cofounders and/or Watcher crew, where they answer fan questions and sometimes open fan mail. NOTE: for a taste of these, you can refer to their now-extinct Watcher Weekly show, formerly airing on Wednesdays over at YouTube dot com.
For higher tiers, a monthly livestream also featuring any combination of cofounders where they shoot the shit for an entire hour
Also for higher tiers, audio commentaries for select episodes
And for the highest tier, Discord AMAs with different members of Team Watcher.
Onto the shows:
Watcher has many shows. A whole lot of them. Ryan, Steven and Shane are very creative guys and it shows. When they first started, they began with a new episode of a different show every week, which was for some people very confusing. They've settled into airing whole seasons now, so after we're done with the premiere season of Ghost Files, we'll move onto a new season of Puppet History and then onto another show.
Because it's so many shows, I'll only describe the ones that are still being produced, along with the shows that premiered for the first time in 2022, in chronological order.
Puppet History
Helmed by Shane Madej, this was the first show that appeared on Watcher and the host, a puppet named The Professor (played by Shane) has become the de facto mascot of Watcher. If you liked the Hot Daga and Ruining History, this is essentially its spiritual successor. Here, The Professor leads Ryan and a different guest through a journey of a wacky historical event, while they compete to see who will become History Master. The lore gets really deep.
Top 5 Beatdown
A Ryan Bergara concoction, Shane and Ryan debate asinine topics ranging from the hottest Disney cartoon characters to top dog breeds, comparing top 5 lists and often fighting about it. When they do not fight, the duo showcases their one shared braincell. In every episode, they have a guest who knows more about the topic than them.
Are You Scared?
Also created by Ryan Bergara, Are You Scared? began as a Zoom show and evolved to being shot in person after pandemic restrictions eased. Ryan tells Shane one of the spookiest stories from the internet, and they both laugh over it. In a way, the format is similar to Unsolved, and the promotion campaigns for it are hilarious: once, Ryan pretended he'd been kidnapped by The Professor and made an entire photo shoot about it.
Too Many Spirits
From the galaxy brain of Katie LeBlanc, this was the first show shot in person during the pandemic, and also the only Friday show to feature all three co-founders. Ryan and Shane gather in a backyard to read ghost stories submitted by fans, but they get drunker and drunker every episode. They start off very normal, but by the fourth and last episode of each season, they are absolutely unhinged. By the way, the drinks? Handmade by Steven Lim himself, who turns out, is a (not) wonderful bartender. In the most recent seasons, we get an actual professional bartender, Ricky Wang, who has a very special working relationship with Steven.
Dish Granted
Created by and for the suffering of Steven Lim, Dish Granted is about love and food and friends. In each episode, Steven sets out to grant a friend of his their dream dish, even if it costs Steven his own sanity. Currently, the episode with Simu Liu holds the honor of being the Watcher video with most views. I love it, and you should too.
Worth a Shot
In each episode of this show hosted by Ricky Wang (of Too Many Spirits fame), he creates a special cocktail for a different guest. Ricky definitely knows what he is doing, and so, this show has a very soothing quality to it.
Eat Like Me
Also made by Steven Lim. Join Steven as he learns more about different cultures and/or lifestyles as he eats for one day as someone else. In the pilot season, he discovered the joys of the diet of a Korean college student, the woes of British people, and the pain of a professional eating competitor.
Pretty Historic
Created by Selorm Kploanyi and directed by none other than Sara Rubin, Pretty Historic looks at history from another point of view: beauty and makeup. It is an incredibly pretty show, the aesthetics are top notch, and it dives into really interesting subjects. I am begging for y'all to watch this.
Ghost Files
Finally, Ghost Files doesn't really need an introduction. Ryan Bergara's baby, the official successor to BuzzFeed Unsolved, and in the words of Shane Madej (to which I subscribe wholeheartedly), the perfect ghost hunting show. Only an episode and it's corresponding Debrief have been released until now, but it's so good. So different from BFU in a much, much better way, while still feeling incredibly familiar. Wow. The Ghoul Boys have done it for real.
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However, Watcher has a vast catalogue with even more shows than those, plus all of their one-offs. My personal favorites and recommendations to you are Weird and/or Wonderful World (with Shane and Ryan) and Homemade (hosted by Steven). Homemade particularly feels like a work of art that I don't feel gets appreciated as much as it should.
Also, I greatly recommend watching Ryan and Shane Eat Everything Boysenberry (Again): Bless Annie for doing this for us. Berry Boys 2, once again taking off at Knott's Berry Farm.
So where can I keep up with Watcher?
If you aren't following them in at least one of their social media accounts, you might want to do that:
Their YouTube official channel
These are the bare essentials to getting into Watcher, but I hope it's useful to at least one person. If you have any questions, ask away! Imo, the fandom is incredibly nice and would love to help any newbie find their way through.
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