#property developer richie
punkdawg-25 · 2 years
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Randy Reference Sheet
Name: Randolfo "Randy" Rossi
Age: 23
Build: Lean and Skinny
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Ice Cream man, wanna be professional guitarist in a Heavy Metal band.
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Personality: Despite his look as tough guy due to his rocker attire, Randy is a very generous kind of guy. He is altruistic, introverted and doesn't talk much in general. He is patient, reliable and with a good sense of responsibility. He has a soft side he shows mostly to animals and to his loved ones. He suffers from anxiety and panic attacks. His personality changed a lot from his teen years to his twenties. He used to be very indecisive, unconfident and carelessly reckless before the accident with his step sister, then he became quite over protective, especially in her regards.
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Randy lost his father at the age of 10. His mother had then to get two jobs to be able to make ends meet, so the young boy mostly spent his middle school days on his own and without a proper parenting figure. During his last months of middle school, his mother started dating a friend of his late husband and the three of them moved together in his hometown, Trenton in New Jersey.
Randy attended High School in Trenton, but his insecurities only grew stronger because of the new town, new school and foreign language and country. For the first two years he had no friends and troubles fitting in, while at home he could not find himself able to accept his step father, even though the latter was a very nice man who just wanted the best for his step son.
Things got even worse when his step sister Violet was born. Randy quickly grew jealous over all the attention his little sister was receiving and he started acting more recklessly and angrily. His change in behavior was noticed by some of his classmates, who decided to introduce him in their group. Randy finally felt like he belonged and he considered them as family, following them everywhere and embracing their attitudes. His group of friends often threw parties where drugs were often used. But Randy's life drastically changed after a dramatic event. He was supposed to look after his 3 years old sister Violet, for a night, but he decided to throw a party with his friends. They brought a lot of marijuana with them and his sister accidentally ingested a good quantity of the drug and had to be taken to the hospital with urgency. She survived but the event shocked Randy, who was then taken to rehab and followed by a shrink. By the time he started college, he was past his drug addiction but he had developed anxiety and panic attacks for which he was prescribed meds. His step father persuaded him to work part time in an ice cream shop and to pursue his passion for music. Randy learned how to be responsible and more self assured and was giving the chance to live on his own in one of his step father's properties, where he now lives with a rescued dog, two rescued cats and a python.
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He has a husky/collie mix called Richie who’s a rescue dog. He also has two maine Coon brothers. A black one named Slash and a Red tabby named Axl, also rescue cats. And he also has a ball python he rescued from an high school friend named Cinderella.
He is a big dreamer and dreams of starting his own rock band, which he'd call Row Ice.
He is socially awkward and suffers from anxiety.
He labels himself as bisexual but everyone knows the truth...
His music is his therapy, without it he would be lost.
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Glam Metal
Playing his guitar
Veggies and Fruits
Junk Food
Flying insects and ticks
Italian Comedies
Animal Abusers and bad people in general
Theme Song:
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qnewslgbtiqa · 6 days
PrideVis initiative to improve security for Oxford Street
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/pridevis-initiative-to-improve-security-for-oxford-street/
PrideVis initiative to improve security for Oxford Street
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A new street security initiative aimed at improving inclusivity and safety has been introduced in the heart of Sydney’s Rainbow Precinct just in time for Sydney Pride Month.   Bars and pubs along Oxford Street have come together in a united front against homophobia and transphobia by encouraging security staff across the precinct to wear “PrideVis” security vests.    The PrideVis vests are a safety initiative by the Surry Hills Liquor Accord supported by the City of Sydney, NSW Police, the Oxford Street Pride Business Charter and the Rainbow Precinct.   Featuring Progress Pride rainbow flag emblems, the vests are a symbol for safe spaces, and security guards wearing them can be approached with safety issues or concerns.   The vests also signal to the wider community that Oxford Street is an inclusive neighbourhood, where venues stand firmly against homophobia, transphobia and antisocial behaviour.
The PrideVis initiative is part of a broader campaign to ensure Oxford Street remains a haven for people of diverse sexualities and genders with a variety of safe, visible and celebrated venues.
The City of Sydney has also refurbished its rainbow walks and crossings with the Pride Progress flag.   Participating venues and security staff have access to extensive training resources jointly developed by the City of Sydney and the Oxford Street Pride Business Charter.   Online diversity and inclusion training is offered free of charge to charter members to help with staff awareness of LGBTQIA+ communities and how to be an inclusive business. Diversity and inclusion training is also offered to security guards at Oxford Street venues.   “It’s important we protect the identity and culture of Oxford Street, while ensuring that locals and visitors always feel safe and welcome,” City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore said.   “For this initiative to work effectively, we encourage security in all Oxford Street businesses to participate. Wearing the PrideVis vests will demonstrate that they are committed to the safety and support of our communities, with zero tolerance for homophobic and transphobic behaviour.
“Oxford Street is unique to Sydney and we want to build on its reputation as an iconic precinct hosting activities both day and night, with thriving businesses, creative industries and culture. The charter is a grassroots, community-led approach to keeping the precinct safe and inclusive.   “Membership is open to all businesses – property owners, arts and community organisations, and educational institutions operating in and servicing the area – and it signals the expectations of our communities, to current and future operators, that Oxford Street should remain lively, diverse and inclusive.”
“Thanks to the City of Sydney’s funding, we’ve been able to make this safety initiative a reality,” Richie Haines, chair of the Surry Hills Liquor Accord, added,   “There is a great community of bars and pubs in the Oxford Street precinct that come in all shapes, sizes and colours. It is great to see this community rally together with a common goal – that members of LGBTIQA+ communities feel safe, included and supported everywhere, especially in the Oxford Street precinct.”    The City of Sydney is also working closely with the eSafety Commissioner’s office to provide social media defence training for LGBTQIA+ communities. The training seeks to address violence, discrimination, vilification, harassment and abuse in real life and online.   Since its launch twelve months ago, more than 60 businesses have become members of the Oxford Street Pride Business Charter.
The charter was established to ensure the area’s rich history and queer character is maintained and celebrated into the future.
-For the full lineup of Sydney Pride Month festival events go to www.sydneypride.com
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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unpack-my-heart · 5 years
Above, Beneath, Betwixt, Between - Chapter 8
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@eds-trashmouth @constantreaderfool @violetreddie @xandertheundead @tinyarmedtrex @moonlightrichie @deadliten @burymestanding @annoyingtozier
 Read on AO3 HERE
Richie doesn’t tell Eddie about the letter. He debates throwing it in the bin, tearing it into a thousand tiny pieces so that the words are no longer readable, so that Eddie will never discover the secret that gnaws at Richie’s gut. He’s leaving. It’s an inevitability. The sort of inevitability that feels distant but immediate all at once. When he leaves, part of him will wither away, the part of him that exists when he’s with Eddie, the part of him that’s soft around the edges, the part of him that has been nurtured by cold Scottish air and Eddie’s laughter. But he’s leaving. It’s out of Richie’s control, and no matter how much he feels for Eddie, no matter how much wants to squash his inhibitions deep down into a box labelled never open again, he knows there’s no point.  
He’s leaving. In less than three months, he’ll be walking through the airport concourse, bag in hand, and Eddie won’t be with him. He’s leaving. He’ll be climbing the metal staircase, boarding the plane, collapsing into his assigned seat, asking the hostess to bring him three of those miniature bottles of whiskey that are no bigger than his thumb, because he’s leaving. The thought that all of this was temporary, an ephemeral ripple in the ocean of his life, turned the cornflakes Richie was eating into razor blades. The spiky edges of the cereal clawed at Richie’s throat, leaving it raw. Eddie sits opposite him, wearing one of Richie’s fleeces, far too big on his smaller frame, and he blurts it out before he can stop himself.
“You need new clothes”
The because I’m leaving, and soon you won’t be able to borrow mine goes unsaid.
Eddie blinks, hand frozen in place half way between his bowl and his mouth, and Richie watches the milk slosh off his spoon in slow motion.
“New clothes. Clothes of your own, so you’re not always borrowing mine,” Richie says, and it’s robotic, a cool and metallic sound that feels foreign in his mouth.
“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to – I didn’t realise that you minded. Of course, we’ll get me my own clothes. I don’t have any money though…”
Richie feels like an ass. Eddie’s completely abandoned his bowl now, cereal condemned to become soggy and forgotten. Richie shoves his own bowl to the side, and leans forward across the dining table, desperate to push himself into Eddie’s space.
“No, I just thought you’d be more comfortable in clothes that feel more … you”
“I suppose you’re right,” Eddie replies, his voice brusque, and before Richie can say anything else he’s pushing away from the table.
“The money problem still stands, though. I haven’t got any to pay for these new clothes so--”
“I’m paying, obviously. I’ll pay. I want to pay, Eds. I’ll drive us to Edinburgh and we’ll pick you out a fancy new wardrobe and you’ll look …”
The sentence gets stuck between Richie’s teeth. Eddie looks at him strangely, head cocked to the side, a dog who has misunderstood a command, and Richie just shrugs at him.
“You’ll look like you”
“Do I not already look like me?” Eddie says, but he’s laughing now. Not laughing exactly, but his eyes are crinkled at the edges, an indication that Richie has learnt means that any second now, Eddie Kaspbrak is going to bare his teeth and dazzle the world with a smile that looks like sunshine on a winter morning. The smile comes, and Richie basks.
“You look just like you”
“You’re being weird, Richie”
“I know” Richie mutters, but it’s muffled by the top of Eddie’s head.
They come together like magnets. An invisible force that tugs them together, that neither can see but both can feel. On the couch in the evenings, sprawled across each other, in the kitchen, dancing around each other, hands on waists, in the garden, watching the lake glitter in the moonlight, with hands clasped and eyes closed. Now, in the dining room, Richie’s standing over Eddie, arms wrapped around his shoulders.
Eddie pulls away, just barely, and looks up at him and Richie’s stomach flips, oh God, oh God, oh God, he’s going to do it, he’s going to lean up, he’s going to –
But of course, Eddie doesn’t kiss him, he just smiles again, but that’s practically the same thing.  
– X –
The drive to Edinburgh goes less than well. Eddie panics when they hit the motorway, hands gripping his knees, knuckles white and straining against his skin. Richie reaches out to grasp his hand, an attempt at comfort, but Eddie screeches at Richie to keep both hands on the wheel in such a melodramatic way that Richie erupts into snorting laughter. Eddie glares at him, but, out of the corner of his eye, Richie notices that Eddie’ knuckles have shifted from white to pink.
They park up in a small town on the outskirts of Edinburgh town center, and get the tram. Sitting together, close enough that their knees knock and their thighs blend into one, Eddie whispers into Richie’s ear of times gone by, about how he used to get the electric tram with his mother when they’d travel into town, and about how they’d sit on the top deck and Eddie would watch the world spin by. Richie closes his eyes, letting the dulcet tones of Eddie’s voice pull him back, back to Eddie’s first life, and wonders whether, if they’d met back then, in a world so different, so hostile, if Eddie would still look at Richie with stars in his eyes.
It doesn’t take long for Eddie to discover that he loves jeans. Richie watches him walk amongst the aisles of clothing, fingers brushing the different fabrics and textures, before he disappears into the dressing room, clutching a bundle of clothing to his chest. He emerges, dressed in slim fit black jeans and a tight bottle green sweater and Richie chokes.
“I feel rather like a movie star, Rich,” Eddie says, looking at himself in the mirror, smoothing a hand over his front.
“You look like one, holy fucking hell, Eddie,” Richie breathes, and it’s too much,  of course it’s too much, and he expects Eddie to flinch away from his reverent compliment but he doesn’t. He smiles.
– X –
They’re wandering around Old Town when it happens. Eddie’s practically bouncing along the street, waving his arms wildly, regaling Richie with tales of his youth when Eddie’s eyes lock onto a large memorial at the top of one of Edinburgh’s many hills.
A huge piece of stone juts from the earth like a limb, engraved with hundreds of names. Wordlessly, Eddie drops the bags he was carrying neatly to the floor, and then he’s gone, half-walking half-running towards the monument. Richie watches him slam into the stone, body ricocheting off like a bullet. Richie watches Eddie drop to his knees, finger scanning the names like a toddler learning to read, and then Richie watches Eddie’s face collapse into sorrow.
Richie doesn’t need to ask, when he sidles up behind him, what Eddie has found.
The name is tiny, a small scratch on the side of the monument. But Richie knows that, for Eddie, the wound is Promethean, a brutal gash across his stomach, open, bleeding, oozing. Never healing. Never closing.
“Is this your Rupert, Eds?”
“My Rupert,” Eddie wails in agreement, a siren call to Richie’s bleeding heart. Richie crouches, pulls Eddie’s head against his chest.
“I thought maybe they’d lied to me,” Eddie hiccups, “that he hadn’t died, that they’d just found out about us, or something. That he’d survived and moved on, but that he’d lived. I didn’t – he’s dead, Rich. He died”
“I’m so sorry, my love. I’m so fucking sorry”
Eddie disappears into introspection for several days after that. He floats around the house, looking so much like his spectre self that Richie finds himself touching Eddie more than usual, grabbing his hands or scrubbing a hand through his hair, to check that Eddie hasn’t drowned in sorrow in his room.
The day after they get back from Edinburgh Eddie doesn’t smile at all. The day after that he laughs quietly when Richie falls into the lake by accident, the day after that he smiles in sleepy thanks when Richie brings him mug after mug of tea, and the day after that he hugs Richie first.
“Thank you for being patient with me”
“Aw, shucks, Eddie Spaghetti, you’re all mushy”
Eddie swots at Richie’s shoulder but he doesn’t move.
– X –
“Have you ordered the slate yet?”
Richie blinks.
“The slate?”
He can practically feel his father roll his eyes.
“Yes, the slate. The slate you were supposed to order last week, that I’m coming over to help fit in 6 days? We talked about this when we were on skype a few weeks ago and you had to show me how to make the camera work”
“Oh… Oh fuck. Yes, the slate. I have ordered the slate. The slate is a thing that is coming, I rang the man and spoke to the man and --”
“You didn’t order the slate, did you.”
“I did not order the slate.”
“Are you okay? You’re even more sieve brained than usual. Has something gone wrong with the house? Have you hurt yourself? Are you sick?”
“Jeez, dad, I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m just … tired. It’s a lot of work”
His father seems to believe him, probably because it’s not entirely a lie. They agree that Richie will meet his father at the airport and drive him back to the house, before they say their goodbyes and Richie hangs up.
“Who was that?” Eddie asks, walking into the kitchen.
“Oh, uh, my dad”
“Your dad? Your dad’s coming to visit?”
“Yeah, I sort of … forgot? We agreed that he’d come help me do the roof and … Yeah. He’s coming in six days”
“Oh. Should I go and stay with Mike?” Eddie asks nonchalantly, but he’s scrubbing at a dish with so much force that Richie fears it’ll shatter in his hands.
“Mike’s? Why would you go to Mike’s?”
“To give you space with your father. You probably don’t want me rattling around your house when he’s here”
Our house. it’s our house, Eddie. Mine and yours, Richie wants to say, what’s mine is yours. You could take my still beating heart just because you said that you wanted it, and I’d let you, but he doesn’t say any of that. He just says, “Oh.”
Eddie turns around, abused dish discarded in the sink, leans against the counter, arms crossed against his chest, and stares at Richie. It’s a challenge. Richie knows that, he knows that Eddie’s waiting for him to move first, a cat who bats a mouse, not interested in the kill but enjoying the game. Your move. Richie knows that he should tell Eddie to stay, that he should grab Eddie’s hand, and admit …
Admit the thing that he’s been sure of since Eddie stumbled out of the house, alive, alive, alive.
(I love you.)
But he doesn’t.
“Do you want to ring Mike or should I?”
Eddie huffs, and Richie knows he’s lost.
– X –
The crickets are chirping, the sheep on the hills are bleating their midnight songs, the spring rain falls into the lake, a tinkly sound that echoes around the valley, but it’s still too quiet. Eddie’s been at Mike’s house since six that evening. Six long hours ago, Mike’s truck rattled down the driveway, and rattled away again, Eddie in the front, twisting in his seat, waving at Richie frantically, as if for the last time.
One day it would be.
The hours had passed slowly, like black molasses, thick and bitter. The house stands cold and quiet behind him like an empty skeleton, entirely bereft of any life. Three coffees down, and Richie’s sat on the porch, feet kicked up on the wooden railings. Fireflies dance in the moonlight, tiny flecks of luminescence copying the stars. Without warning, Two larger bulbs of light appear at the end of the track. Richie squints, watching the lights get closer and closer and closer until he realises it’s Mike. Mike’s truck trundles down the driveway, and before it comes to a stop, Richie’s up, striding over to the truck, banging on the driver-side window.
“Mike! Has something happened? Is Eddie hurt? What’s going on? What did you do to him?”
Mike kills the ignition, and winds his window down.
“What did ah do to hem? More like what did he do to me! I have an entire bathroom to fit tomorrow and he kept pokin’ me in my sleep askin’ if ah thought ye were lonely or scared or missing hem. He smashed seventeen of mah mugs, Richie. Seventeen mugs,” Mike grumbles, raising an eyebrow.
“Mike, don’t exaggerate,” Eddie says defensively, “two of them were bowls”
Richie turns to Eddie, who has now climbed out of Mike’s van and is standing in the moonlight in his tartan pyjamas with his arms crossed protectively over his chest.
“Are you okay?” Richie asks, voice soft, “what happened? Were you scared?”
“I think I was just a bit homesick,” Eddie says and Richie can feel his heart preparing to catapult itself out of his chest and into Eddie’s hands.
“I’m bringing him home. I can’t bear seeing the wee sod wandering around looking so lost. Ye’ll just have to invent some story to yer dad about who he es. Goodnight Eddie,” Mike says, and then he’s gone, truck bouncing down the path, disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.
“I feel like such an idiot,” Eddie says, shattering the silence that had descended around them.
“You’re not an idiot”
Neither of them speak as they take long, slow steps up towards the house. The house that had looked ghoulish mere seconds ago, the house that now welcomed them in with open arms, and a I’m so glad you’re home. Eddie wanders into the living room, and perches on the sofa demurely, like he hadn’t spent the last few days sprawled across it, legs up on the arm rest, hands restlessly running fingers through Richie’s hair, scratching at his scalp, as he shouted at some dumb quiz show on the television.
“What time are you picking your father up?”
Richie checks his watch, “I’ve gotta leave in about three hours”
Eddie nods. “What are we going to tell him about me?”
“We’ll just say that … you’re my lodger. A lodger in this … unfinished house. That makes sense. Total sense. It’s sort of not even a lie”
“Is that what I am? Your lodger?” Eddie shoots back, sharp as a tack.
“Well, what do you think you are?”
“Dead,” Eddie deadpans, before snorting at his own joke.
“Not anymore, my love. Not anymore”
The pet-names had become routine, words that came as easily from Richie’s mouth as Eddie’s name. A ‘baby’ here, a ‘my love’ there, once a ‘sweetheart’ but Eddie had recoiled so viscerally Richie hadn’t dared to use that one again.
One in the morning comes and goes, and Richie knows that he should sleep. But he doesn’t. Instead, he drags his duvet down the stairs and constructs a blanket nest on the couch, patting the empty space next to him, an invitation. Eddie flops down into the empty spot, and tucks his legs up underneath him. They talk in hushed tones, until the gaps between Eddie’s replies grow longer and longer and then Eddie’s snoring softly in Richie’s ear.
The phrase ‘commitment-phobe’ had been thrown around a lot in his last relationship, but that wasn’t it. Before now, Richie would have readily admitted that he’d never known contentment. He was plagued by a constant restless itch at the soles of his feet, an inability to be still, to stay safe in the same place for too long. But now, with Eddie’s head resting heavy on his shoulder, puffs of breath tickling his neck, Richie was sure that he finally knew contentment.
Eventually, Richie must have fallen asleep, because he wakes up to the beeping of his alarm, with a crick in his neck and a dead arm. Eddie’s curled himself around Richie in his sleep, head practically in Richie’s lap. He notices that Eddie’s snores had become purrs during the night, small vibrations of pleasure rumbling through both of their bodies.
“Huh? Rich? Wha’ time’zzit?”
“It’s really early, Eds, go back to sleep,” Richie whispers, trying to manoeuvre out of Eddie’s grasp, but Eddie just holds on tighter.
“Stay here with me”
“I can’t, Eds, I’ve gotta go pick up the old man. I don’t wanna leave you, though. I’m scared for my mugs,” Richie says, aiming for jovial but ends up sailing right past and landing on affectionate.
“I’m gonna come with you,” Eddie slurs, voice thick and croaky with sleep.
“You’re too tired, stay here,” Richie tries, but Eddie shakes his head.
“Don’t wanna stay. Don’t wanna be alone in this house, it reminds me … well, being alone here, without you, it feels like all the life gets sucked out of the house and I’m … I don’t want to feel dead again, Richie”
“… Shit”
Eddie pauses, obviously embarrassed. Richie doesn’t know how to chase the embarrassment away, but before he can try, Eddie speaks first.
“I’m gonna go get dressed,” Eddie says over his shoulder, already half way out of the room.
– X –
As soon as they hit the motorway, Eddie’s asleep. Richie keeps his eyes on the winding roads, twisting and turning through the Scottish landscape, like old faded scars. When they’re an hour away from the airport, Eddie sits up with a jolt.
“What’s this song called?”
Richie blinks.
“Uh, I think it’s called smooth? Turn it up if you wanna”
Eddie reaches out towards the radio hesitantly, like he’s waiting for a spark of electricity to jump from the radio to his outstretched finger like it had before. The look of apprehension on Eddie’s face so painfully reminded Richie of how he’d looked before, how his see-through-but-not-really face had twisted in something that looked like pain every time he was jolted by electricity. Richie reaches out, grabs Eddie’s hand, and guides it towards the volume button. They press it together and their hands fall down, still connected, and Eddie gives Richie’s hand a squeeze before he lets go.
The music swells, filling the car, and Richie sings along dramatically, fudging most of the lyrics, but it makes Eddie laugh anyway.
“D’ya think you could swing dance to this then, Eds? Break out some of that fancy footwork?”
“Oh, no. Not to this song, I think this song needs … a different kind of dancing”
Richie shoots a quizzical look at Eddie, and is delighted to discover that Eddie’s face has become a deep flushed red.
“Oh? What kind of dancing would that be?”
Eddie coughs, “Um… well, it’d have to be a bit … saucier”
Richie barks out a laugh, “Saucier? Jesus, Eds. I always forget you’re practically 105”
Eddie scowls at him, and Richie shimmies his shoulders in response. Just as they’re pulling into the car park of the airport, Eddie starts to panic.
“Rich, I think we made a mistake. Maybe I shouldn’t have come, this is all very … intimate”
“Intimate?” Richie questions, hopping out of the car. He walks around to the passenger side, opening the door for Eddie.
“Yeah, I … I’m going to meet your parents, Richie. That’s … wow,” Eddie says, climbing out of the car.
“Well, parent, singular. You’re only meeting the old man”
Eddie avoids Richie’s eyes as they walk towards the arrivals entrance.
“I never met Rupert’s parents”
Oh. The realisation slams into Richie like a freight train. Eddie never had that awkward first meeting with his boyfriends parents, never had to be on his best behaviour in front of two sets of judgemental eyes, never had to go out to dinner at a restaurant no-one liked and play nice. Not until now. But is it the same? Does meeting Richie’s dad strike that very particular anxiety deep into Eddie’s gut? They’re dancing around it, whatever it is that they have. They’re purposefully, pointedly, not naming it. It’s everything and nothing at the same time, it exists and it doesn’t. It’s unnecessarily long eye contact and hand squeezes. It’s coffee in the morning and walks in the hills in the afternoons. It’s watching reality TV on a Saturday evening and getting ice-cream in Portree on a Sunday. It’s everything, it’s almost real bit not quite. Schrödinger’s love.
A cacophonous voice wrenches Richie out of his introspection.
“Oh holy Christ”
Richie watches as his father runs over to him, arms outstretched. “Eddie, brace yourself”
Wentworth Tozier collides with his son at the speed of light, sending them both staggering backwards.
“Gerr’off you brute!” Richie protests, but his arms snake around his father’s midsection.
Went presses several smacking kisses to the side of his face, and Richie rolls his eyes playfully, sending an exasperated look at Eddie, who laughs.
“You’re never too old to love your father, kid��  
“Stop showing off for Eddie”
Went releases his vice-grip immediately, spinning on his heels.
“Eddie, ey? Who is this strapping young lad?”
Eddie sticks out his hand, and smiles shakily.
“Edward Kaspbrak, Sir. A Pleasure to make your acquaintance”
Went ignores Eddie’s outstretched hand, and pulls him into a hug. “Well aren’t you a fancy one! You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend, Rich, and a very polite one at that!”
Eddie pulls away immediately, face red.
“No, no, we’re not – I’m not – it’s not like that, sir. We are … I’m …”
At Eddie’s fumbled protestations, Went shoots Richie a puzzled look, that Richie can only return as a shrug. Luckily, his father is distracted by the need to collect his luggage, and he trots off to the baggage reclaim carrousel. As soon as Went is out of earshot, Eddie corners Richie.
“You told your father that you’re … that you like men?” Eddie hisses, quiet enough that Richie has to strain over the noise of the airport concourse to hear.
“Uh, I mean, I didn’t so much as tell him as he found out organically when me and one of my ‘study buddies’ were caught doing a little bit of extracurricular activity, if you catch my drift”
Eddie’s face stays blank, and Richie rolls his eyes, pulling Eddie closer to whisper in his ear.
“My father walked in on us when my ‘study buddy’ had his cock inside me”
Eddie snorts, and shoves at Richie’s shoulder.
“Oh my gosh! That must have been mortifying”
Richie shrugs, “Well, it taught the old bugger to knock before just waltzing in”
“I imagine it did. Oh, I could have just about died when he asked whether … if I was … if we were …” Eddie trails off, gesticulating uselessly.
“If you were my boyfriend? So go on, am I your boyfriend?” Richie jokes, knocking Eddie’s shoulder with his own, trying to coax a laugh out of him but Eddie’s shoulder stays stiff, and he doesn’t laugh.
“Richie, you know I –”
Before Eddie can finish his sentence, and give Richie the answer he so desperately craves, Went comes bounding back over, tugging a ridiculously oversized suitcase behind him. Richie has never been so disappointed to see his father.
– X –
“So you’re a doctor? Oh, isn’t that just brilliant. It’s every parent in laws dream isn’t it, my son and the doctor!” Went gushes, twisted around in his seat to face Eddie, who was currently cowering in the back of Richie’s car.
“Father, if you do not stop harassing Eddie I’m going to throw you out of the car”
Quiet settles over the car. Richie knows that Eddie isn’t really asleep, because his breathing isn’t deep enough, and that he’s probably got his eyes closed as a self defence mechanism. Went babbles on in the front, quizzing Richie about the Scottish landscape, how many hikes he’s been on, whether he’s tried haggis yet, and whether he owns a kilt. Nearly five hours later, Richie pulls down the dusty track that leads to his little house on the moor. As if by magic, Eddie chooses that moment to sit up.
“Are we home already?” Eddie yawns, cracking the bones in his neck. Richie shudders. It’s a habit Eddie got into almost immediately after he became physical again, absentmindedly cracking his joints at random points throughout the day.
Richie kills the engine and they all pile out of the car. Richie pops the boot and hauls his father’s suitcase out, “did you bring the fuckin’ bath tub with you? Jesus this thing’s heavy”
His father isn’t listening, though, having immediately sprung into architect mode.
“Oh, oh, Rich, she’s gorgeous”
“I know, right?” Richie says, puffing his chest slightly, “she’s a real peach”
Richie follows Went into the kitchen, watching with amusement as his father flits around the room, providing a running commentary about how he’d replastered all the walls, torn down the old ceiling beams and installed new ones, and how Eddie had spilt paint everywhere. After twenty minutes of enthused chatter from his father, Richie can feel his eyelids grow heavy, and he’s now yawning more than talking.
“This plumbing work is seamless! Who’s your plumber? This work is immaculate, how much do you think I’d have to pay them to move to the states to work for me?”
“Mike Hanlon, and I think you’d have to give him your entire company and your first born son to get him to move. Look, Dad, you’re welcome to carry on snooping but Eddie and I are knackered, we’re gonna go to bed”
“I swear to god, Dad, I will drown you in the lake”
“Oh! I forgot about the lake!”
“It’s out there,” Richie says, pointing out towards where the lake glistens in the afternoon sun, “I’m going to bed now”
Went captures Richie in a hug before he can escape, pressing a kiss to the side of his face.
“I’m so fucking proud of you, kid”
– X –
The evening sun bathes Richie’s bedroom in soft light that pools on the floor, and he groans as he turns over, shielding his eyes. The alarm clock on the bedside table reads 7:04pm. With aching bones, he hauls himself out of bed, throwing his ratty old dressing gown over his shoulders, before padding over to Eddie’s room. The door is open, revealing a perfectly made bed.
His father’s booming voice filters up from the kitchen, striking fear into Richie’s soul. He can hear Eddie’s hooting laughter rising through the house like smoke, and Richie catches himself smiling dopily at it, before he remembers the cause of that laughter and he sprints downstairs, socks sliding on the wooden floors.
“Please tells me you’re not telling Edward about the time I urinated in aisle seven of Walmart when I was one?”
“Of course not!” Went says, eyes shining, “I’m telling Edward about the time you pissed in aisle seven of Walmart when you were four”
Eddie’s cackling now, great gasps of laughter that erupt like lava from his body. It’s infectious, and Richie can’t stop himself from laughing too, and before long all three of them have dissolved into hysterics.
After they’d come down from their laughing high, Went immediately demanded that they start fixing the roof. Climbing onto the roof was terrifying enough – having to balance precariously on a ladder leant against the side of the house wasn’t Richie’s idea of a good time – without Eddie fretting and wringing his hands, occasionally yelling with fright when the ladder wobbled under Richie’s weight.
“Eds, I’m fine, honest! I’ve climbed ladders taller than this and I’ve only fallen off maybe six times in my life”
“That doesn’t make me feel better, Richard!”
Went is a speedy, efficient worker, and gets through his pile of slate shingles at double speed, leaving Richie in the dust. They talk quietly as they work, drinking the endless cups of tea that Eddie brings them, climbing the ladder one handed, two cups balanced on a small tray, face scrunched in determination.
“You’ve got a good egg there, bambino,” Went says when they’re taking a break, drinking their fifth cup of tea.
“For the last fucking time, he’s not my egg”
Went sends his son a questioning look. “Do you want him to be your egg?”
“More than you’ll ever fuckin’ know. It’s … complicated, though”
“Try me”
“Well, he died in 1940, and I hired an exorcist wizard person to bring him back to life after he haunted me for three months and we slow danced with oven mitts and I fell hopelessly in love with him”
They stare at each other, until Went makes a face, a are you shitting me? kind of face and Richie smirks.
“C’mon, what’s really going on?” Went asks, poking his son with the handle of his hammer, but Eddie interrupts them.
“Would either of you like another cup of tea?”
“Oh, I like you, Edward. I like you a lot. I could go for another. The tea here really does taste better, who knew”
– X –
They’re sat at the dining table when it goes wrong.
They’re eating the dinner that Eddie had cooked, tea towel flung over his shoulder, sleeves of his maroon button-up rolled up to the elbow. Richie had drooled at the sight of both him and the hot pot that he’d spent hours slow cooking.
“So, Eds,” Went says around a mouthful of carrot, “are you thinking of buying the house when she’s finished?”
“Um, buying it? I thought it was Richie’s house?”
“Well yeah, I mean when he flips it, puts it on the market, y’know, when he moves back home”
“Home?” Eddie says, and Richie swears that his heart explodes right there. “What do you mean home? I thought this was his home?”
Thankfully, Went realises that something isn’t right, and makes his excuses.
“I’m just going to take the rest of my dinner outside, y’know, al fresco. Leave you boys to … talk,” and then he’s gone. The kitchen door swings shut behind him, and they’re alone.
“What the fuck’s happening, Richie? Wh – what’s going on?” Eddie asks, voice calm but evidently scared.
“Look, there’s something I haven’t told you. When I moved here, it was never going to be a forever thing. This is sort of what I do, buy dilapidated old houses, do them up, flip ‘em, and move on”
“Sort of what you do?” Eddie parrots, “what does that even mean?”
“I’m a property developer. I do this for a job, I make money from selling houses I’ve done up. This one,” Richie gestures around, cringing when Eddie flinches, “this one’s no different. Or, it was supposed to be no different”
“What’s different about this house then? Not good enough to flip?” Eddie spits. Richie shakes his head vehemently.
“You. You’re different, all the other houses, they didn’t have you. I’ve – I got a letter a few days ago. A week ago, maybe. It was from the immigration office”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I have to leave in just over two months”
Eddie gags at that, before he scrambles out of his chair, runs to the sink, and vomits. Richie springs up, and runs over to Eddie, with the intention of rubbing his back, but Eddie swats him away.
“So you’ve known all this time that you’re leaving me. You let me go through all that shit with Stan, all this … all this with you and you’re just leaving”
“Eddie” Richie sobs, clutching at his chest as if to stop his heart from shattering, “I didn’t mean to fall – I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t do it on purpose, I just …”
“You just what?” Eddie challenges, wiping at his mouth roughly with the back of his hand before turning to face Richie, “you just what?”
“I didn’t mean to end up caring this much about you,” Richie whispers, because it’s now or never, it’s time to open old wounds, time to wrench open his chest and see if Eddie will pluck his heart from his ribs.
“You care about me?” Eddie says, so innocently, so ridiculously, that it makes Richie laugh.
“Care about you? Are you blind, Eddie? Are you honestly telling me right now that you didn’t know? That you’ve been entirely blind to how much I – how much I –”
The sentence dies in Richie’s throat like a flame, extinguished by fear.
“Richie,” Eddie cautions, voice low, “Richie, if this is because you’re feeling guilty, you’ve got to tell me, if this is all a big ruse that you’re going to regret when you –”
Richie charges forward, propelled by a force he can’t control, and collides into Eddie. Their mouths lock instantly in a messy, off-kilter kiss that is simultaneously too hard, too bruising but not hard or bruising enough. They come together, in the middle of the kitchen, like magnets.
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Prank gone wrong
Prompt number: 19 “I can’t do this anymore”
Fandom: It
Paring: Richie Tozier x reader (aged up to 17 or 18)
Rating: T
Word count: 2.6k (this was supposed to be short!)
Warnings: Swearing. Bullying. Mentions of domestic abuse/domestic violence- nothing graphic. asshole Richie. Angst but ends fluffy
A/N: Oof I’ve been gone for ages, I’m sorry guys. But here’s day one of fictober, so hopefully I’ll be able to keep up and this will motivate me to write regularly again. I’m not sure if I love this one or not. I liked the idea when I started and then it took some turns and this is what I ended up with while writing between zoom classes, so sorry if it sucks. I added the second gif cause it’s closer to the age in the story. 
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It all started as a stupid prank, a way to get back at Greta for years and years of torture, you never thought it would end in you losing a friend. Just over three months ago Richie agreed to Bev’s plan, take Greta out on a few dates and then publicly humiliate her- give her a taste of her own medicine. But to everyone's surprise, it lasted way longer than a few dates and there was no end in sight. Worst of all it seemed that Richie was actually falling for her- he would defend her any chance he got and even started ditching the losers to spend time with her and her friends. 
It was no surprise to you that Greta fell for Richie, he’s funny, sweet, and he’s aged well. His head has grown into his coke bottle glasses, he still wears hawian shirts but now he has a leather jacket over them constantly- a leather jacket that the two of you picked out together. There is no better than one Richie Tozier, and your feelings are getting harder and harder to deny. Your crush on the trashmouth developed back in middle school- the summer Pennywise reigned terror, but through the years your crush turned into something stronger- by senior year you knew you loved him. Halfway into said school year every loser, besides Richie of course, knew of your feelings for him. The pitied glances they would send your way were almost suffocating. 
Richie is late to lunch yet again, probably making out with Greta in the hallway, so each of you are using this time to talk about the personal hell her and her friends have created for each of you today. You go last, quickly giving them a rundown of your encounter with her in the bathroom, where she threatened you to stay away from ‘her Richie’ and that you would live to regret it if you didn’t. She even ripped one of your textbooks out of your hands, dropping it into the disgusting toilet water- calling you a worthless slut on her way out. 
“Greta is such a bitch!” you complain to your friends, mindlessly pushing around the mush they call lunch at Derry high with the cheap plastic spork they provide. 
“I’d prefer if you didn’t talk about my girlfriend that way,” Richie’s voice is calm and even- lacking the normal excitement and joking lilt to it. Your eyes widen in horror at him having heard you, then they narrow at how genuine his defense of her is. 
“Richie, c’mon, let it go,” Eddie pleads, glancing between your shocked and hurt face and Richie’s angry one. 
“No Eddie, I’m so sick of (Y/N) talking shit about my girlfriend!” you whip around in your seat and look at him in shock. 
“Richie what the hell?” you rise out of your seat so he won’t look down on you literally and figuratively anymore. He cocks his eyebrow, head dropping to the side as he crosses his arms and lets out a huff of annoyance. “Ya know what? I can’t do this anymore!”
“Do what anymore?” Richie doesn’t drop the cocky attitude, making the next words out of your mouth slightly less painful. 
“Be your friend,” there’s a collective gasp from your friends. Richie’s face morphs into shock and sadness for a split second before hardening and sending you another glare. “Not when you’re dating her. She’s changing you Richie!” 
“Greta was right about you, you are a bitch,” your breath catches in your throat and you fight the tears that well up in your eyes. Richie’s glare is unflinching as you stare him in the eye, a tell-tale sign that he doesn’t regret a single word that he said. The murmuring from the table behind you stops the moment the words leave his mouth, they all stare at their friend in shock. 
“Fine, then you’ll never have to deal with this bitch again,” you spin around and grab your backpack and lunch tray. “Fuck you Richard Tozier!” you dump your tray of mush into the trach on your way out of the cafeteria nad away from that stupid boy you somehow fell for. 
“What did you just do?” Stan is the first one to regain the use of his voice, he’s glaring at Richie as the boy takes your recently vacated seat. 
“I’m sick of her attitude towards Greta,” he tries to defend, shocked when all of his friends level him with matching glares. 
“W-wh-what h-ha-ha-happen-ned to th-he pr-pr-prank-k?” Bill’s recently improved stuttering growing worse as he grows anxious at the turn of events between his friends. 
“Greta isn’t the bad one here, we’ve been rude to her all of these years!” Richie once again tries to effectively defend his girlfriend.
“She wrote loser on my cast!” Eddie practically screeches before he goes into an anxiety attack, beleving it’s an asthma attack he takes two puffs from his inhaler.
“Her and her friends dumped wet garbage on me,” Bev adds, quieter than Eddie. 
“That was in middle school,” Richie rolls his eyes, leaning back in his seat. 
“I thought you were in love with (Y/N) before the whole prank, that you did it to get over her,” Eddie says slowly this time, having calmed down from moments prior. 
“Greta helped me realize I never loved (Y/N), I was doing what was expected after years of friendship,” the losers stare at him- open mouthed and gaping at Richie’s stupidity. 
“She attacked (Y/N) in the bathroom this morning,” Mike tries to reason with his brainwashed friend. 
“No, (Y/N) was lying to you guys. She attacked Greta earlier, not the other way around. She screamed at Greta to break up with me or she’d regret it, and then dumped her books in the toilet and called her slut.”
“Greta did that to (Y/N), you dumbass!” Bev grows increasingly angry, at Richie and herself for coming up with the stupid prank. “I was in there with her, Greta’s convinced (Y/N)’s in love with you so she wants to rip you apart. Do you honestly believe (Y/N) would do something like that?”
“Shit!” Richie slams his fists on the table, causing most of the cafeteria to turn and looking at him briefly before going back to their individual tasks. Everything Greta had blamed on you in the past three months comes rushing back and he realizes that they’re all out of character but in character for Greta. Somewhere along the way he convinced himself that Greta was telling the truth so he had a reason to stop being in love with his best friend- he was too scared to tell you because you’re the only person that could actually hurt him. 
“(Y/N) (L/N) to the principal's office immediately,” the voiceover the intercom cracks showing the age of the ancient system. 
“Richie?” Stan isn’t sure he wants to know the truth as he asks the question. 
“I told Greta to tell the principal,” his voice is oddly quiet and broken, definitely out of character for the jokester trashmouth. 
“You fucking idiot!” Bev seethes, staring Richie down. They’re the only two that know the truth about your father. 
You quickly get up from your place in the library and walk down the empty halls to get to the principal's office. Once you arrive the secretary gives you a dirty look, causing you to sink back and the pit of anxiety in your gut to grow. Greta sends you a triumphant smirk before going back to fake sobbing as she walks out of the principal's office and past you. 
You feel like you're going to vomit as you walk into the principal's office behind him, the look on his face says you’ll get after school detention for at least a week! Whatever lies Greta told about you are clearly being believed by him and the secretary. 
“You’re a good student Miss. (L/N), so why have you been harassing Miss. Keene?” he crosses his arms over his chest, they rest lightly on top of his bulging gut. 
“I haven’t-” you try to defend, but he puts up a hand to stop you. 
“She alleges it’s because you have feelings for her boyfriend Mr. Tozier and you’re upset that she chose her over you.”
“That’s not true-” his glare cuts you off this time. 
“Today alone you threw her books in the toilet, threatened her for being with Richie, and called her a slut,” the words today alone stand out to you, how many lies did she tell? 
“She did that to me! Not the other way around!” you try desperately for him to believe you. 
“Then why didn’t you come to me?” he raises a brow much like Richie did in the  cafeteria, Greta has both of them wrapped around her finger and against you. 
“Because no ones ever done anything! She’s been torturing me since we were in grade school and she’s never got in trouble! A freshman came to you last week saying Greta was bullying her and you didn’t do anything!”
“I’m afraid I’ll have to suspend you for the rest of the week.” he says firmly, no room for negotiation or pleading. 
“That’s four days!” you cry out incredulously.
“Do you want to make it longer?” when you don’t respond he continues talking. “Your father is on his way, go get your books from your locker and leave school property.” 
You hear someone call your name from down the hall as you grab all of your textbooks from your locker, trying to shove all five thick books into your bag. You ignore the voice up until it’s right next to you and you realize it’s Richie trying to plead for forgiveness. 
“Lose my number, and while you’re at it forget my name. Stay the fuck away from me Tozier!” Your outburst grabs the attention of the other students walking to their next class, everyone shocked by the inseparable duo of Tozier and (L/N) fighting. You slam your locker shut with a loud bang, heading for the door and away from him calling your name.
Monday comes agonizingly slowly, but when it does you're sitting with Bev in the bathroom during third period, both of you telling your teachers you don’t feel good. 
“How bad was it?” she flicks her lighter and lights her cigarette, standing next to the window so she can blow the smoke outside. 
“Worse than it's ever been,” you feel ghost pains on your back from where your dad's leather belt met your flesh for the past six days. “Since Richie didn’t sneak in to help clean them this time I think I may have an infection.”
“He broke up with Greta,” Bev changes the subject, she knows you only trust Richie enough to see the damage your father inflicts, so she doesn’t bother to ask to check on it.” 
“Good for him,” you stare down at the gross linoleum tile under your beat up Chuck Taylor’s. Richie had promised to take you away from your father the moment you two graduated, he’d been promising it for years, even while he was with Greta, but now you aren’t holding out hope for the promise. 
“He’s been miserable without you,” the bell signaling the end of the period saves you from formulating an answer. Bev quickly flushes her cigarette butt and the two of you head to the cafeteria, you’re a little worried about sitting with the losers after your fight with Richie. Bev grabs your hand and gently pulls you to the table when she notices your hesitance. You catch up with the rest of the losers, minus Richie who isn’t in the lunchroom which you’re oddly sad about, finding out about tests and break ups you missed while you were suspended. The loud ear splitting sound of feedback causes the entire cafeteria to cover their ears and look to the microphone stand in the front of the room. Richie is standing in the front holding the microphone, cringing slightly at the loud sound. No lunch ladies run to grab the microphone from him, meaning he got permission to do whatever it is he’s about to do. His wild curls bounce as he nervously shifts from foot to foot as he looks around the cafeteria until he locks eyes with you. You can’t look away from him so you miss the smiles the losers give each other and the high five Bev and Ben share. 
“(Y/N) I don’t know what I could ever say to you to get you to forgive me, I can never forgive myself for hurting you,” he talks into the microphone, everyone looking between the two of you, but neither of you seem to notice anyone but each other. “I know I embarrassed you, so maybe if I embarrass myself in front of everyone you’ll forgive me a little bit. (Y/N), I never meant to hurt you, I only agreed to the prank because I wanted to forget you. No- fuck that doesn’t sound right.
“I’ve been in love with you since middle school and I knew you could never love me too, even when Ed’s told me you did I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to forget my feelings for you because I never wanted to hurt you, so I agreed to the prank. But I hurt you anyway because I let Greta get in my head, so I even failed the damn prank. But I love you so fucking much (Y/N) and I’m sick of running from these damn feelings. All I want to do is take you away from this hellhole after we graduate, and go to NYU together like we’ve planned since Freshman year. I love you (Y/N) (L/N), and I’ll spend the rest of my life apologizing to you about how shitty I was if you give me a second chance.” 
Your body stands up on autopilot, and you don’t realize you’re walking towards him until your face to face. Lifting your hand you gently push a curl that fell in front of his eye away and tuck it behind his ear, he leans his head into your hand as a lunch lady comes and takes the microphone out his hand grinning largely at teen love. You struggle to find words, so you wrap both your hands around the lapels of his leather jacket and pull him into a kiss. It isn’t your first kiss, Bill had dared you two to kiss sophomore year in a game of truth or dare in the barrens, but this kiss is different. These aren't two kids afraid of the adult feelings that were overcoming them, these are two almost adults finally giving into the most powerful and amazing feeling in existence. Richie makes sure to keep his hands away from your back, he’ll clean out your cuts later, instead he tangles his fingers into your hair pulling you in deeper. Before the kiss can go too far you pull back giggling as Richie follows your face trying to kiss you again. 
“I love you too,” you rest your forehead on his, turning your giggling face into a mock serious one. “But you’re on thin ice mister.” 
“I love you more,” he caresses your cheek and you grin happily, laughing at his antics when he starts speaking again. “Than I love Eddie’s mom.” the entire cafeteria is whooping and hollering at your kiss, but non louder than your losers. Well, everyone except Greta, who lets out a high pitched huff and storms out of the cafeteria. 
“I think the prank ended up working out,” you giggle, lightly nipping at Richie’s thumb as it grazes over your lower lip.
Permanent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
SethKate for the ship questionnaire!
So...I got a little wordy on this one. Under the cut!
How did they first meet?
Well, Kate almost ran Seth over her family's RV, if we want to be technical, where she called him, "just some weirdo", not knowing that she's going to one day become...his second wife! (I will never be able to stop myself from referencing we don’t make the future, we just know it). But actual real meeting was when Richie dragged her back from the Dew Drop Inn pool at gunpoint and found Seth in the hotel room with her dad and brother.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
So Kate had a moment of "oh shit I just had a sexual awakening and I don't know what to do" when Seth punched out the doorman for being a creep (which, also, she had another one of those when Kisa had Richie drink tequila off her foot, so like, it was a VERY long day for Kate and she didn't really have time to explore any of THAT, what with the whole, vampire of it all) and Seth just had NO clue why he was so drawn to Kate during the Longest and Worst Night Of Their Lives TM.
All the same, I think Seth felt more, real, "oh shit, Kate is my forever PERSON" feelings first, during the Mexican Honeymoon and it SCARED THE FUCK OUT OF HIM, because she was taking to criminal life like a duck to water and was like, the most perfect partner he could imagine outside his brother, which then sent his brain on a tailspin because Richie was supposed to be his only ever perfect partner. Which was a big part of why he thought it was right to send her away for her safety in 2x02.
And while Kate definitely had feelings at the time, more of her feelings developed after she died and was fighting off Amaru in her body, and she saw Seth's soul when Amaru tried to kill him, and then saw all the efforts he was making to save her after he found out she was alive.
You! Made! Them! Into! Heroes!
Like, that's when she KNEW she was totally and completely done for.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Hahahaha SO MUCH. Like I said in the last answer, Seth liked Kate so much it scared him enough that he thought the best option was just to send her away for her safety (forgetting that she's so fucking stubborn and is basically the human form of the "fight me" emoji--which, was probably because of the heroin fucking up his what little complex reasoning skills he has.)
And Kate definitely resisted any feelings back in Mexico because of the heroin and she was NOT going to ever commit herself to a junkie.
Who initiated their feelings first?
(yes, I'm referring to 3x04)
It was Seth with his actions throughout season 3, especially once he confirmed that she was actually still alive in 3x04. But it was Kate who said the words first and hit him with the metaphorical 2x4 before she walked through the gate in 3x10.
Who said “I love you” first?
Like I said, it was Kate in 3x10 before she walked into the gate. I also think it's Kate, AGAIN, post-canon, because Seth loves Kate so much he doesn't have sense, but also has a martyr complex a mile wide and is too scared to make a move because...did she mean in general? was she just talking to Scott? did she mean like love in the romantic sense or platonic???? why couldn't she be more clear it's not like we were facing the end of the world or anything.
And Kate had to be like "yes I actually love you, you donut"
Who gets jealous easily?
While Kate may have some insecurities about Seth's history and the women he's been with in the past, Seth really doesn't like other men who are closer to Kate's age to talk to her, especially at Jed's. He's not a caveman about it, but there are times where he'll get a little huffy about it until Kate sets him straight. It's not something that happens often, and it helps that Kate doesn't look like she was just recently a teenager thanks to the red hair.
Who is more protective?
Seth is SO protective. SO protective. A lot of it is because of what Kate's gone through and Seth really wants to shield her from having to deal with anything even remotely like what she went through over those two years. But at the same time? NO ONE fucks with her boys and gets away with it. Kate can be pretty vicious when she wants to be. Do no harm, but take no shit. And Seth LOVES it.
Who remembers the little things?
Seth feels like he can't afford to forget anything because of everything that happened to them since they met. While they both remember like, all the things, Seth is the ones who brings it up the most, like off-hand comments that Kate made in Mexico about things she likes or dislikes, and it always throws her when he remembers things that she didn't expect him to remember.
Who talks about their feelings more?
Kate is the one who instigates the conversations because Seth can kind of be emotionally constipated. He always feels like he feels WAY more than she does and doesn't want to overwhelm her, and Kate's just like, "shut the fuck up, I'm so stupid about you its almost embarrassing".
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
Seth, 1000000%, because he loves him some old movies and can't help but quote them. And then he dies a little on the inside when Kate doesn't understand that reference. But she likes the pickup lines all the same.
(Richie, on the other hand, is disgusted by them both.)
What does a first date look like for them?
Because of, you know, everything, they don't really do a traditional first date. They just go from not together (because she was dead, and then possessed) to extremely together, very quickly. The first time they go on a traditional date is probably one night on a trip they take to Galveston some months after season 3. Seth's like, oh shit, we haven't actually gone on a DATE, and Kate's like, whatever you want to do sounds nice (partly because she doesn't want him to feel obligated to do traditional relationship things since from what she knows about him, he's never been about that life), but Seth pulls out all the stops (really nice restaurant out by the beach, brings her flowers, etc) and it's awkward for all of five minutes because they feel like they should be doing traditional early-relationship date things, until they remember everything they've gone through together and Kate makes some comment about Richie which reminds Seth of a funny story about them and one of their early heists and suddenly it's all back to normal.
What do they like to do together?
Crime. They both saw the potential of what they could be as partners with the mercado heist, but of course didn't have time to think about it all what with everything that happened after, but when Seth let himself accept Kate as a partner, it opened up Los Tres Geckos to a hell of a lot more successful and lucrative crimes to pull off. Kate's REALLY fucking good at crime, and Seth loves it.
(Richie, on the other hand, is kind of disgusted by how much Seth loves how good at crime Kate is)
Which one gets angry the most, leaving the other to calm them down?
Kate is definitely the one who tends to be more even-keeled, especially with her "violence is not the answer" upbringing. She knows better than to let Seth get lost in his own head for too long, and with them being together Seth gets a lot better at handling both his anger and his anxiety.
Do they like PDA?
Seth is much more comfortable with it than Kate is. Kate is just really not a fan of how their culebra family and staff have heightened senses and like ALWAYS KNOW thanks to pheromones, so she tries to be as even-keeled as possible and PDA-free around them. Seth doesn't always let her get away with it.
(This may or may not play into the events of House Hunters: Culebra Properties Edition....just saying.)
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
More often than not, Kate is the big spoon, but it also depends on who's having the worst nightmares and when. Kate just tends to sprawl, and most of that sprawling ends up being on top of Seth.
Does one like the cuddle more than the other?
Seth Gecko is a WORLD CHAMPION CUDDLER. World. Freaking. Champion. Kate is a little surprised by it, but she's super into it. They're pretty much always touching in one way, shape, or form when they're around each other.
Who hogs the blankets?
I don't think either, so much as Seth runs so warm at night that he tends to kick the blankets off both of them and he uses his both heat to keep Kate warm at night.
Who’s more likely to initiate sex?
Seth, 10000%. Kate's always into it, because Seth is DAMN good at what he does, but he tends to initiate more.
Who’s the kinkiest?
Kate is 10000000% not aware of her kinks because of her upbringing, but she finds she's pretty much into whatever Seth suggests. It's all pretty vanilla, but there are some positions that Kate never would have thought of and she's here for it.
Who is the top and bottom in their sex life? Are they interchangeable?
Seth is usually the one who takes control of things, but the times where Kate's in charge, well, are some of the best sex that Seth has ever had.
Who likes giving and who likes receiving oral?
Definitely both. Seth does it more because he doesn't like to let Kate, and also prefers to finish inside her, but Kate is also very good at what she does, on those times.
Can they last more than one round?
Oh definitely. Y'all, despite the fact that Seth started going gray in his late 20s, Seth is NOT that old. He can keep up.
Which one is a morning person?
Kate is slightly more of a morning person compared to Seth, who is absolutely NOT, but considering their lifestyle is mostly nocturnal, but tend to stay up pretty late.
Do either of them like to cook?
Seth knows how to cook fast food-type food from his time at Big Kahuna, and Kate likes to bake more than she likes to cook. But Kate does know how too cook thanks to her upbringing in Bethel and "traditional woman things". They'll split the difference for breakfast, but most often lunches and dinner are either brought in or eaten at Jed's.
If they get married, who proposes first?
This is one of the times in Kate's life where she is pretty traditional, and lets Seth do the proposing. It's also a lot more of a traditional proposal than she expected, with Seth setting up a fuckton of candles on the balcony of their beach house in Galveston and surprising here with takeout from her favorite restaurant and getting down on one knee before dessert.
What kind of wedding do they have?
It's small, and not technically legal since they're all technically dead. Richie officiates, Scott shows up with his culebra girlfriend, and Kisa comes with a very nice gift that Seth is kind of a dick about accepting from her, because they're very much those antagonistic type of friends and he feels awkward about any sincerity from her and being sincere in return. He's also not comfortable with how much dancing Richie and Kisa do together at their small reception, which Kate thinks is hilarious.
Does anyone object to their relationship?
Freddie isn't a fan, but he doesn't get a vote. Scott doesn't like Seth because of how their families first came together (kidnapping is kind of a bad first impression, I guess), but grows to accept their relationship especially after all the efforts Seth took to get Kate back and how Seth did ultimately save Kate's life while Scott was busy freaking out in the church.
Do they have any kids?
Their lifestyle isn't conductive for children (read: crime is illegal), and also Seth is terrified by the idea of treating any potential children like his dad did, or fucking them up in some way. Along with her fears of potentially going through what her mother suffered before she died, Kate is also scared of passing on any potential leftovers from Amaru. They just mutually decide to pass on that.
They do end up taking in the newly turned culebra teenagers that come their way, because Kate has some experience with encountering culebras at a young age, and Scott is always available for consults as an eternal 16-year-old. They stay at Jed's for a while to acclimate before moving on. It ends up being a handful every year, and Kate always keeps track of them and stays in touch. It's as close to motherhood as it gets for her, and she loves it.
Do they have any pets?
One day, Seth finds an injured cat in their backyard, and just like that, they have a cat. Once she recovers, she becomes the queen of the house, and she loves cuddling with them both on the couch in the evenings.
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rustandruin · 4 years
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humble pie by avocadomoon 
Eddie often felt like he and Richie were two magnets, repelling each other fiercely until one of them twisted the right way and suddenly they were slamming together brutally, yelling (and laughing, or yell-laughing, or what was the difference anyway?) at the top of their lungs. Eddie wanted to be around him all the time, just like when they were kids, but the feeling felt violent. Like when you see a cute baby or a puppy and you feel so savagely endeared that you want to take the adorable little thing in your hands and just fucking crush it. 
I love looking at key art for new shows or movies because it’s a really cool way to see design in action and how media properties try and capture your attention while staying as true to the material as possible. Hence, I was inspired to try and make some HBO-esque title cards for Richie’s new show from the fic, which is meant to be a riff on Parts Unknown, but not exactly. It was really fun putting this together and conceptualising what the title/logo of the series should be, and finding pictures of Bill Hader that matched the description in the fic, but also how Richie feels as the story develops. I had a lot of fun coming up with the captions, hence my decision to include the extra more minimalist one, even though I’m not sure it makes a lick of sense or tells you too much about what the show is about. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Sopranos’ Best End Credit Songs
There are so many legendary aspects of The Sopranos that it’s hard to pick just one. Between masterful storytelling, deep character development, and uncanny acting, everything comes together to create a show that has been enjoyed for over two decades now. The most artistic aspect of the package, however, may just be the use of music, specifically the unique songs curated personally by creator David Chase that run during each episode’s end credits. 
Ranging from oldies, foreign ballads, jazz compositions, and pure instrumentals, the variety is stunning and can keep you exploring the track list of the series for days. We’ve decided to narrow all of the end credit songs down to the best 15 in the series, listed in chronological order of airing. Enjoy! 
Season 1 Episode 4: Meadowlands 
“Look on Down from the Bridge” by Mazzy Star
The nice father-son moment between Tony and A.J. at the closing of this episode is accompanied by this beautiful track from Mazzy Star. A.J. sees his dad in a whole new light after Meadow tells him that he’s in the mafia, but a simple smile and wink from Tony reassures the youngest Soprano child that he certainly will still “look on down from the bridge” and see his family as the only priority in his life, no matter what criminal occupation he tries to hide on a daily basis. 
Season 1 Episode 7: Down Neck 
“White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane
This one follows the pattern of the show choosing to play a song earlier in an episode and then again during the final scene and credits. The Jefferson Airplane hit refers to drug use and being intoxicated, therefore changing as a person in the process. The song plays when Tony is taking prozac mid-episode and during the final scene in which Tony and A.J share an ice cream sundae and some whip cream together. No matter how much the therapy and the meds try to alter Tony’s life, he’ll remain the same man: a depressed mobster and a father who softens for his children. 
Season 2 Episode 10: Bust Out 
“Wheel in the Sky” by Journey
If you haven’t noticed by the time you’re done watching the show, The Sopranos loves to point out how trapped all of the characters are in the lifestyles they have either chosen or been forced into. Tony has betrayal surrounding him at every corner at the end of the second season: Richie and Janice plotting his removal, Carmela falling for a painter who is working in the family home, and Pussy’s FBI informancy reaching a climax. Still, the “wheel in the sky keeps on turning”. Tony finishes the episode having some fun with A.J. on the Stugotz, and he doesn’t “know where he’ll be tomorrow” but he’ll enjoy the time he has in the present. 
Season 2 Episode 12: The Knight in White Satin Armor 
“I Saved the World Today” by the Eurythmics
Tony returns home after disposing of Richie Aprile’s body because Janice shot him to death over a domestic dispute. After informing Carmela of the night’s bloody events, she quickly moves on to the list of chores and homemaker responsibilities she is going to lay at Tony’s feet for the next week while she goes on vacation with Ro Aprile. This apt song from the Eurythmics exemplifies everything Tony has to be in the lives of friends and family around him: always there to save the world for them.
Season 3 Episode 4: Employee of the Month 
“Fisherman’s Daughter” by Daniel Lanois
This Dr. Melfi-centric episode is one of the most deservedly acclaimed hours in the drama’s history. When the final scene gives her a chance to let Tony loose on the monster who assaulted her, she powerfully takes the moral route and declines his services. The camera pans to black solemnly with this haunting instrumental track by Daniel Lanois, a perfect backdrop to allow the audience to ponder everything that just happened and why Melfi was able to maintain strength that so many others wouldn’t have mustered. Anything with singing would have detracted from the environment the writers were trying to create, so this is a great song choice. 
Season 3 Episode 12: Amour Fou 
“Affection” by Little Steven and the Lost Boys
The penultimate episode of the third season features the climax of the relationship between Tony and Gloria, in which the crazy affection that they have for one another boils over into violence. Yet another of the brilliant musical choices this show made was to use the same song twice: once earlier in an episode, and then again in the final scene and credits. This tune, sung by Silvio Dante (Steven Van Zandt) himself, plays with Tony and Gloria spending time together mid-episode and then again at the end credits. 
Season 4 Episode 4: The Weight 
“Vesuvio” by Spaccanapoli
Another example of double dipping on the same song in one episode. The above scene between Carmela and Furio dancing and falling in love right underneath Tony’s nose uses this romantic Italian track by Spaccanapoli, and then uses it again in the final seconds when Carmela is daydreaming about Furio while having sex with Tony. So sensual and heavy, the audience knows that Carmela is going down a path she can’t see through to the end, but the music signifies the passion that she will inevitably entangle herself in for the time being. 
Season 4 Episode 7: Watching Too Much Television 
“Oh Girl” by The Chi-Lites
When an assemblyman starts an affair with Tony’s ex-lover, Irina, there is quite a bit of jealousy and ownership that exudes from the mob boss. This classic from the Chi-Lites plays in the car on the way over to the assemblyman’s house as Tony drives over to confront him about “taking” his mistress from him. It is a song which causes deep reflection and nostalgia for a lost love, and prompts Tony to get emotional listening to it. Wonderful acting by Gandolfini and superb use of in-world music that plays over to the credits, something the show got down to an art and a science simultaneously. 
Season 5 Episode 10: Cold Cuts 
“I’m Not Like Everybody Else” by The Kinks
No, Tony Soprano is certainly not like anybody else. He insists that Janice see anger management counselors at the beginning of this episode, and when she actually improves her mood because of it, his narcissism makes him antagonize her until a typical Soprano family fight breaks out at dinner. Tony walks out of the house with a despicable smile on his face to the tune of this intense rock anthem.
Season 5 Episode 11: The Test Dream 
“Three Times a Lady” by The Commodores
In an episode in which Tony spends 20 minutes literally dreaming about past and future problems in his life, culminating in the murder of Billy Leotardo by Anthony Blundetto, The Commodores soft romance hit plays us out. Tony calls Carmela to report about said dreams, part of which were repeat ones that have happened previously in Tony’s life. It’s nice for the audience to see these two having a tender exchange rather than the tense arguing that normally characterizes their marriage, especially because this was when the two were still separated previously throughout the fifth season. 
Season 6 Episode 4: The Fleshy Part of the Thigh 
“One of These Days” by Pink Floyd
Paulie Walnuts is a fan favorite for a myriad of reasons. Between his gray-haired wings and his immature one-liners, many forget that the mobster had one of the scarier violent streaks in the show. After discovering that his mother was actually his aunt, Paulie gets jealous of Jason Barone’s mother trying to protect him from the mafia after selling the sanitation business that serves as a front for the DiMeo crime family. This psychedelic, hard-rock snippet from Pink Floyd that blares in the credits after Paulie threatens Jason’s life at the end of episode is a strong reminder to the viewer that this is a character who borders on sociopathic most of the time. 
Season 6 Episode 12: Kaisha 
“Moonlight Mile” by The Rolling Stones
Unlike other iconic dramas, The Sopranos loved ending their season finales (and “Kaisha” is technically a season finale with season 6 split into two parts) with relative closure and absolutely no cliffhangers. The family has an enormous Christmas gathering at the Soprano residence, marked by A.J. bringing over an older girlfriend and Meadow’s rare absence from family time. This classic from The Rolling Stones that describes the feeling of trying to get back home off the road fits lovingly with the rare moment of calm before the storm that is the final season of the show.  
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Season 6 Episode 14: Stage 5 
“Evidently Chickentown” by John Cooper Clarke
This closing piece by John Cooper Clarke is actually considered a poetry performance, and the anger and fury that it inspires as Phil Leotardo laments being taken advantage of a few too many times is palpable. This is when we knew that war in New York was going to be bloody. The song also symbolizes the perpetual frustration both Christopher and Tony have with one another when they hug at the former’s baby’s baptism. The final season was certainly kicked up a couple notches as these final credits rolled. 
Season 6 Episode 17: Walk Like a Man 
“The Valley” by Los Lobos
This somber piece plays alongside Christopher picking up a tiny tree in his front yard after Paulie had attempted to destroy everything on his property as revenge for a violent incident. After Christopher thinks they’ve made up, Paulie and the gang start making fun of his infant daughter and laughing in his face. It is at this point that Chris understands he is forever an outsider, not loved by a single person on the planet. He will just trudge along and try to keep upright, which are themes displayed in this chilling and melancholy song of choice. 
Season 6 Episode 21: Made in America 
“Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey
The most famous song in the show is also the final one that plays right before the screen goes to black and Tony Soprano’s fate is left up to our own imagination (kind of). It’s technically not an end credits song, but there’s no way it can be excluded from this list. The song represents the nostalgia of sharing one final family meal together, the simplicities of the Soprano family when you strip away the mobster lifestyle and the murder, and it encourages the audience to never stop believing their favorite mob boss is still alive if that’s what they so choose to desire. A special ending to a legendary show!
The post The Sopranos’ Best End Credit Songs appeared first on Den of Geek.
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ballsandeligiblemen · 3 years
Ghosts: CBS Begins Production on Pilot Based on Hit BBC Sitcom (Bleeding Cool)
'The CBS pilot of Ghosts, a US remake of the hit BBC sitcom, has begun production. The pilot was originally greenlit for production in February but was delayed by the pandemic when the whole Film and TV industry shut down. The American pilot features Rose McIver, previous from I, Zombie, and Utkarash Ambudkar in the leads as a 20-something couple who inherit a country mansion only to find it's full of ghosts from different periods of history.
Asher Grodman, Danielle Pinnock, Richie Moriarty, Sheila Carrasco, and Román Zaragoza round out the rest of the cast with fellow co-stars Rebecca Wisocky and Brandon Scott Jones. The pilot is by writers Joe Port & Joe Wiseman in a co-production between Lionsgate Television, BBC Studios, and CBS Studios.
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The American Ghosts
Grodman plays Trevor. A finance bro who died in the late 1990s, Trevor's life was "sick" and his partying at a "high level." Limos, bottle service, Hamptons parties with B-list celebs. He's incredibly frustrated that his ghostly roommates don't get how awesome he had it. But, Trevor died as he lived: partying at a drug-fueled rager, and now, he walks around for eternity with no pants.
Moriarty plays Pete, a 1980's era scout troop leader. Kind, earnest and sincere, he's the self-appointed Activities Director for the house who loves to organize games, lectures, etc. for his fellow ghosts to help stave off the boredom of eternity. Pete was teaching archery to his son's scout troop when one of the boys accidentally shot him through the neck with an arrow. This is a US version of a character originally in the British version. He might be the only ghost carried over from the BBC original.
Carrasco is Flower, a 1960's era hippie who died when she wandered onto the property while attending a nearby music festival and, while under the influence, tried to befriend a bear. She has a philosophical bent; loves love and hates rude people.
Pinnock will play Alberta, a Prohibition-era lounge singer. In her time, she dated a bootlegger and has "seen it all," and is a bit of a diva. Though tough and not one to take crap from anyone, she has a maternal streak and often acts as the protective den mother to the "family" of ghosts.
Zaragoza is Sasappis. Sarcastic, droll, and over it. Being trapped in a never-ending in-between world is bad enough, but for Sasappis, being trapped with these other idiot ghosts makes it even worse.
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Ghosts was developed by Lionsgate through its deal with BBC Studios. Port and Wiseman executive produce with Mathew Baynton, Jim Howick, Simon Farnaby, Laurence Rickard, Ben Willbond, Martha Howe-Douglas, Alison Carpenter, Debra Hayward, Alison Owen, and Angie Stephenson.
We are not always optimistic that an American remake of a hit British sitcom will be good. In the meantime, people in the US can stream the original two seasons of Ghosts on HBO Max, another good show that the streamer does not bother telling the public it carries. The BBC will broadcast a special Christmas episode this year during the holidays.'
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adams · 4 years
the only time i feel good falling (is when i'm falling fast and hard for you) // stenbrough // ao3 // for lil <3 // playlist
The year is 1994, and Bill Denbrough is going to ask Stan Uris to the prom. That is, if Stan doesn't ask Patty Blum first.
part one of two: saturday january 29, 1994
The year was 1994, and the Loser’s Club was in full swing, screaming along to grunge rock and alternative pop at the top of their lungs, all piled on each other’s lap in Mike’s truck, spilling popcorn all over the seats in crowded movie theaters, swapping sodas, and kicking each other out of the hammock in their clubhouse. The seven of them (eight, when Georgie insisted on being included) were inseparable. You could always find at least a pair of them tangled up together, napping on the broken down couch that they had found and dragged into the clubhouse or swimming and splashing around in the cold water of the quarry in early spring before the sun has time to warm the water for the season.
The year was 1994, and the Loser’s were seniors in high school, planning for their futures. They were in the final stretch of the school year, taking the last of their public school classes. Some were making up for lost credits, like Richie and Beverly, who had both missed more than their fair share of biology lessons to go out back and smoke hand-rolled cigarettes in the Derry Senior High’s tennis courts, while other Loser’s were working on obtaining as much extra credit as humanly possible. Eddie was interning with the local hospital, well on his way to earning a CNA degree before even finishing high school first, while Mike spent countless hours volunteering at the Derry Library, where he aided the regular librarians in cleaning, organizing, and developing children’s programming, even bringing in some of his grandfather’s ranch animals on occasion. Ben had found himself a pastime at the gym, gaining muscle, confidence, and the attention of many girls across the campus, though he famously, and kindly, turned down anyone who asked him out. He only had eyes for one girl, and Beverly knew how lucky she was.
Though they were all growing up and finding their differences from one another, they were close as they ever were, and then some.
The year was 1994, and the Losers had steadily climbed the rungs of the social ladder, so that by the time of their senior year, they were ready and willing to date. Mike, handsome and charismatic, had dated a handful of girls by that point, and was seeing a sweet girl by the name of Hannah Bishop. She was a blonde on the track team with Ben, but most importantly, she got along well with the rest of the Losers, making her the longest standing of Mike’s girlfriends.
Richie and Eddie had gotten their heads out of their asses by sophomore homecoming, when Richie had finally let himself come out to his friends, and Eddie practically leapt into his arms to kiss him on the spot. They kept the PDA down to a dull roar at school, still nervous of other kids’ reactions, but were still inseparable at the heart of it.
Bill and Beverly had long since broken up, reaching an amicable end partway through freshman year. They felt too young to settle into something serious, and still got nervous attempting to kiss in front of their friends, and knew they weren’t meant to be.
Bev had no trouble moving on, though, and after finding out that her most beloved possession, the Derry postcard with the sweetest poem written on the back that she had found after one of her most cherished memories, a day at the quarry with her boys, was written by none other than Ben Hanscom himself, she wasted no time in claiming him for her own, as if he had ever been anything but hers. Bill, though, had never seemed to move on in the same way. The vast majority of the school assumed he was still fixated on his redheaded friend, but most of the Losers knew better.
It was 1994, and Bill Denbrough was in love with Stanley Uris.
Stan, once an uptight, strange child, had grown into an uptight, strange young man. He was smart, in the running for valedictorian, and funnier than even Richie sometimes, with his quick wit and dry sense of humor. His unruly curls grew longer, framing his face and moved gently around him when he laughed or shook his head, disparaging as a disapproving parent, but always with the glint of humor in his eyes. The Losers never had to explain themselves to him; he always seemed to understand his friends almost better than they did themselves, which is why it infuriated most of them to no end when he insisted that his best friend and fearless leader Bill was still in love with Beverly Marsh, even three years after the definitive end of their relationship, if you could ever really call two fourteen year olds too shy to hold hands for fear of their friends’ mocking a relationship.
Even after the end of everything, though, Stan never made fun. The other Losers liked to tease Bill and Beverly about their sandbox romance, with even Ben throwing in a joke or two occasionally about having “stolen Bill’s girl,” Stan didn’t play along. He’d roll his eyes and move the conversation along, having settled into the much needed role of babysitter when it came to hanging out with the Losers. Even Mike was childish and liked to throw paper balls that once came in the shape of long-lost love letters around the clubhouse, but somehow, the ever-present Peter Pan syndrome never stuck to the most stoic member of the group when it came to the romances and heartbreaks of his friends. It was the kind of tact that Bill admired about him. Bill admired a lot about him.
One of his oldest friends, Bill knew Stan like the back of his hand. He knew which buttons to press to get him to shout and jump like a fool with the rest of them, he knew exactly which pleading look to give to make Stan roll his eyes and grab Bill’s hand, letting the tall auburn-haired boy pull him into the bed of Mike’s truck that Eddie was always fixing up right before the designated driver for the night sped off onto the highway, looking for some sort of fun. But most of all, Bill knew that Stan was different, like the rest of the Losers.
The day River Phoenix died only a few months before hit the group like a ton of bricks, but none of them cried, except for Stanley, who had a secret copy of My Own Private Idaho on tape hidden on his bookshelf between ornithology journals that no one except for Bill knew about. None of the Losers cried over the tragic death of a young celebrity except for Stanley, the strange and uptight boy who loved a strange movie a little too much to be a coincidence. Bill thought that he had put the pieces together, he thought that it meant that maybe, just maybe, Stan was different like him, like Richie and Eddie were different. Bill thought that he may have a chance to be with the boy he was in love with, and immediately began planning the most romantic and devastatingly cheesy set up in the history of Derry Senior High, starting with asking Stan to prom in early February. That was the ideal time, he thought, since it was early enough to get a head start, but not so early that Stan would be blindsided.
Bill knew that he had a chance with Stan, or at least he thought he did, until the last Saturday of January, when Stanley asked Patty Blum to prom.
Saturday, January 29, 1994, Three Months to Prom
“Richie, I swear to all that is holy in this world,” Beverly said, waving her hand with a not quite yet lit cigarette held between her fingers, “if you make me late to chemistry again tomorrow morning, I’m going to end your life.”
“I didn’t say that I’m actually going to go make out with Eddie in the locker room after his gym class, I just said it would be hot,” Richie said, waggling his finger like a chastising mother, “There’s a massive difference.”
“Not if Eddie agrees with you!”
“And I didn’t agree with him!” Eddie shouted, sounding guilty already, as though if given the chance before Bev piped up he would have agreed.
The group was in Bill’s backyard, huddled around a small bonfire near the back edge of the property. It was unusually warm that afternoon for a winter day, so they decided to make smores and hope that certain members of their exclusive club couldn’t find anything to catch on fire, either purposefully (Richie) or accidentally (Bill). They had all gathered only about 45 minutes prior to the locker room conversation, with Mike arriving earliest after dropping his girlfriend off at home, and Stan being the latest arrival, as he had… still not arrived. Bill pretended not to notice too much, but as ever, he wore his heart on his sleeve and looked over his shoulder to the gate door next to the house every few minutes, hoping for Stan to arrive soon.
“Stop being so antsy, Bill,” Ben said, nudging him with a stick to get his attention. “Stan will get here when he gets here.”
Bev draped herself across her boyfriend’s lap and put a hand against her forehead and spoke in a poor imitation of Bill’s voice, complete with the distinctive stutter that he was slowly growing out of, “I just c-can’t live wih-without him near me, Ben. Stan is muh-my light ah-and stars.”
“Hardy huh-har har, Bev,” Bill said, straight faced and unamused, “I just wuh-want to get stuh-st-started on the s-smores already.”
He might have convinced his friends if his face didn’t immediately betray him by lighting up when he turned around at the sound of the gate swinging open, making a sudden noise as the wood door smacked into the side of the fence as Stan drug his bike into the backyard. Stan’s face was red, and so were his gloveless fingers, but his face was broken into an uncharacteristically wide smile as he dropped his bike to the ground and jogged to where his friends were gathered around the fire.
“I wish you had called me for a ride,” Eddie’s disapproving tone was cancelled out by the concern on his voice when he took one of Stan’s icy hands in his own and rubbed his knuckles to warm him up.
“You won’t care about how cold I am when I tell you the good news,” Stan said, pulling his hand back and holding it over the fire.
“What g-good news?”
“I’m taking Patty to the prom.” Stan’s voice was proud, almost smug, and the yard got very silent for just long enough to hear a pin drop, when Beverly pulled at Stan’s arm and turned him to face his friends in excitement.
“Patty Blum? Since when!?”
“Since next Monday, officially,” he blushed and dropped his stare to the grass.
“Monday?” Mike asked, sounding as confused as Bill felt. Bill’s head was spinning and every sentence was like a bucket of cold water over his heart.
“Technically I haven’t asked her, but Karina is on the speech team with Patty, and on the debate team with me, and she told me today that Patty wants me to ask her, and I really, really want to.”
Bill’s heart dropped out of his chest and into his stomach.
“How do you know it isn’t a trick?” Richie’s question was next, “Like that time Sam Ferris asked Eddie to formal?” He wrapped an arm around his boyfriend and planted a kiss on his temple, as if to apologize for bringing it up. Eddie did look a little peeved.
“It’s not.” Bill said, finally. He knew it couldn’t be a trick, because Patricia Blum is a nice girl, and because he knows all too well how easy it is to envision a date to prom with Stan Uris.
Stan shot him a smile.
There’s another moment of silence, where Bill can feel the prickle of eyes on him and he doesn’t even glance to his side to know that he’s right, that Beverly is giving him a look full of reserved pity. He speaks up again.
“Good,” he says, “You deserve a pretty girl like that.”
And the spell is broken. The Losers all start chiming in with what they think Stan should say, and how he should dress, and what a striking couple the two of them will be, Stan standing tall and lean with the impossibly thin and honey-blonde haired Patty Blum on his arm, dressed to the nines in a sweaty gym, classing up the place just by being there, smiling together. Bill could see it clear as day.
“I’m going to g-go get some more chuh-chocolate, now th-that Stan is here,” he smiled a tight smile and stood up to go into the house. Even if no one else wanted smores, Bill somehow felt a greater need for stuffing his face full of chocolate than he had ever experienced before.
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unpack-my-heart · 5 years
Above, Beneath, Betwixt, Between - Chapter Six
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@violetreddie @tinyarmedtrex @xandertheundead @constantreaderfool @mrs-vh @eds-trashmouth @burymestanding @annoyingtozier
Read on AO3 HERE
“This won’t hurt a bit”
Eddie flinches, face twisting in horror at Stan’s outstretched hand.
Richie scrunches his hands into fists, fingernails digging deep welts into the soft flesh of his palm.
He knows that Eddie’s scared. Even though his face looks as it always does, solid but not quite, flesh-coloured but not really, Richie can tell that he’s scared. He’d grown quite good at reading Eddie now, like an old paperback, dog-eared and over-read. Mike’s outside. He’s watching Mr. Chips frolic in the lake, chasing sticks and stones and his shiny red ball that Mike keeps chucking into the water. Richie watches the dog out of the corner of his eye, and, if just for a moment, he forgets.
But then Eddie makes a noise, a choked sort of noise, caught half-way between a whimper and a cough, and he remembers. Of course he remembers.
Eddie. Eddie. Eddie who had looked at Richie with pleading, insistent eyes, muttering “Rich? I -- I don’t know if I can do this without you” when they’d been sat outside on the decking, moon watching, stars listening.
Stan had erected what looked like a large metal tube in the centre of Richie’s living room. It was almost as tall as the ceiling, and Stan had babbled the whole time that it took him to build the device, hair swept off his face with a thick elastic headband, eyes sparkling. Eddie hadn’t moved for hours, just stood in the corner of the room, watching Stan like a rabbit watches a fox. Cautious, ready to skitter away into the safety of the undergrowth at a moment’s notice. Richie crouches down next to Stan, leaning close enough so that when they speak in hushed tones, Eddie won’t hear them.
“Are you sure this won’t hurt him?”
Stan didn’t look up, and continued fiddling with one of the cables.
“I told you. He can’t feel pain, at least, not yet”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean! Not yet,” Richie hissed, scandalized.
“Well, he might feel a, well, he might feel a tingling sensation if this works”
“What do you mean if!”
Stan looked at him, face a careful mask of cool indifference.
“I told you. This is never a guarantee. Energy is -- look, energy is complicated. It’s far more complicated than you could ever imagine. Manipulating it, it’s hard. It’s more than hard. It’s almost impossible. It doesn’t always work”
“What happens if it doesn’t work?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Should I know?”
Stan put the cable he was holding down, and stood up, wiping his hands on his jeans before offering one to Richie. Richie accepted it, and let Stan haul him to his feet.
“Richie. I want you to be prepared, for … for the worst possible outcome. There are three outcomes, as I see it. Three outcomes I’ve seen before, anyway. The one we want, the one that will probably happen is that this process works and I can pull him through and he’ll be corporeal again. It could go a bit wrong, though. Bits of him might … not convert. He might be, missing things”
“Missing things?” Richie whispered, voice faint.
“Maybe. Maybe missing things. Probably not.”
“What’s the third outcome?”
“Well, the third outcome is that I lose him”
“Like, you misplace him?”
“Sort of. The worst outcome is that he gets absorbed into the reaction and I can’t stop it in time to pull him back out again, if that happens, we need to, you need to --”
A shrill beeping noise cut through Stan’s words.
Richie grabbed his phone off the table, and glanced at the screen.
From: Mike Hanlon (Plumber):
Calm the fuck down, Rich. Breathe. I can tell that you’re freaking him out from out here.
Richie looked up, and locked eyes with Mike, who was still outside with Mr. Chips but was now gesturing wildly at Eddie, who still hadn’t moved.
“I’m calm, Staniel. I’m calm as a fucking serene stream in Norway. Explain to me again how all this works?”
Stan huffed, “I’ve told you this about fifty times now. The accelerator is a large circular metal chute, sort of like a waterslide, or an inside athletics track. We fire electrons into this chute, and they accelerate around a magnetic field. So, once they reach around three-hundred thousand kilometres per second, they shoot out of a small opening, bounce off a small slab of gold, and smashes into Eddie and, hopefully, he’ll be recorporialised!”
“So it’s based on luck?”
“It’s not nothing to do with luck!” Stan snapped, stalking over to the control panel of the device, “it’s not anything to do with luck and everything to do with science. If my calculations are correct, and they almost always are, it’ll go without a hitch”
“And what if your calculations are wrong?”
“Well, I suppose the absolute worst case scenario is that I might accidentally create a very small black hole,” Stan said, breezily, as if he hadn’t just admitted that this process could cause the end of the world as they knew it.
“A black hole?!”
“Well, I’ve never created one before, so I have no reason to think I’ll create one now”
“So I assume you’ve done loads of these reanimation things before then?”
“Recorporealisations,” Stan corrects, “and I’ve done … enough. Enough to know I won’t create a black hole”
“How many is enough?”
“I have done six”
“SIX!” Richie practically screeches, a noise so high it scratches at the back of his throat.
“It’s six more than you’ve ever done! Look, I need you to stop second guessing me, Rich. I’m good at this. I know exactly what I’m doing. You’ve gotta trust me if you want this to work”
“I trust you”
Both Stan and Richie turn around in shock. It’s Eddie. Eddie who has barely spoken for the past seven hours, Eddie who Richie was half-expecting to disappear through the floorboards, his new favourite trick, and never appear again. Eddie, who Richie had grown … used to. Eddie had become a fixture of Richie’s life in a split second, swift enough that it was unnoticeable. As reliable and constant as the tide.
– x –
They’re standing outside Richie’s house. It’s dark. The house is silent and still, a statue in the fog. Stan’s stood next to the kitchen tapping away on a thing that looked like a circuit-board. Mike caught Richie’s hand in his as soon as they’d stepped out into the garden. Eddie was inside. Eddie was inside, alone, standing inside Stan’s homemade electron collider, and Richie wasn’t with him. Richie had allowed himself to be ushered outside, like a sheep, to await further instruction.
He’d left Eddie alone, inside what was for all intents and purposes a large metal box, waiting to have electrons slammed into his chest at hundreds of thousands of kilometres an hour.
“Are we doing the right thing?” he asked no one in particular. Only the wind responded.
Stan was shouting through the living room window, and Richie could hear Eddie’s replies, voice floating on the breeze like autumn leaves. Scared, shaky but sure.
“Now, when I yell ‘hold your breath’, that’s when you’ll know the machine has been turned on”
“Do I actually have to hold my breath?” Eddie responds, and Stan grins.
“Yeah, if you breathe out you might expel some energy and then you might wake up with no lungs!”
Richie’s stomach drops. “Stan?” He asks, voice and hands trembling.
“It was a joke! Eddie, Eddie, I’m joking, you don’t have to hold your breath, you’re going to be fine. We all good? We all ready? Alright then, gang, wagons roll! EDDIE! HOLD YOUR BREATH”
– x –
Nothing happened.
Richie expected a repeat of earlier, with the huge blooming mushroom of light, the fire in the sky, the noise. Instead, his nerves were rewarded with silence.
The silence stretched until it was thin and flabby, until it had wrapped its way around his throat multiple times, constricting, suffocating, until he could take it no longer.
“Did it work?”
“We haven’t been sucked into a black hole, so it worked in that respect”
Richie ripped a handful of grass out of the sodden earth and threw it at Stan’s head. A ridiculous display of rage.
“You know full fucking well that isn’t what I meant”
“We have to wait fifteen minutes. It needs to cool down, Eddie needs to … Eddie’s going to be in a lot of pain right now, his body is … unstable. He needs to fight it alone”
“He’s in pain?! If you don’t want more grass shoved down your fuckin’ oesophagus you’ll get the fuck out of my way”
Mike immediately yanked him back, a strong arm wrapped around Richie’s heaving chest.
“I know yer scared for him, kid. I know. You gotta trust Stan, okay, if he says we cannae’ go in, we cannae’ go in. He’s fine, it’s gonna be fine,” Mike muttered into Richie’s ear, low and steady.
“Richie, if you touch him, he’ll explode. His body isn’t stable. You’ll kill him,” Stan said, plainly.
Richie wrestled against Mike’s arm, occasionally yelling Eddie’s name fruitlessly into the night.
Fifteen minutes came and went. Stan didn’t move.
“What are we waiting for, Stan? I wanna go get my boy”
“Let him come to you, Richie,” Stan said, staring through the living room window, an odd expression on his face.
Richie was about to ask what was wrong, when the door swung open. A man stood in the door way. A man who was entirely naked, apart from a sheet he’d draped over himself in a sort of makeshift toga. A man with wild hair, strong shoulders and one arm.
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bishkebab · 4 years
People on social media talking about l*ndl*rds be like “I learned Marxist theory on tumblr within the past 2 years and now realize that this institution that has been firmly entrenched in our society for hundreds of years is inherently problematic. But actually doing anything to work towards dismantling capitalism is too much work so despite the fact that the two are directly entwined I’m just going to post on tumblr about how anyone who has ever been involved in this system is an Evil Bourgeousie Capitalist regardless of their actual socioeconomic status and circumstances. Also I’ve never been to a rural area so I assume anyone who OWNS a PROPERTY is a richy mcricherson”
In general people who developed their political views from the internet be like “YOU are not as radical as ME therefore you might as well be RIGHT WING because you don’t want to MURDER RICH PEOPLE. You BOOTLICKER” and then not vote because they’re busy “doing political activism” (posting on social media)
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1863-project-art · 5 years
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OC-tober: Day 24
Steph Bases Some Of Her Characters On Double Acts: Richard Feversham and Edmund Oxenbrigg, The World Turned Upside Down
Yeah, like nobody noticed this one. I even named them Richie and Eddie.
As anyone who’s been following the development of The World Turned Upside Down has likely been aware, I’ve been having way too much fun doing this. It lets me use slapstick. It lets me use explosives. It’s the first time I’ve really been able to work with two characters who are willing to put each other through almost anything if it’ll be funny, and there’s just an unbridled energy to it that makes it so much fun to do.
When I started really thinking about what sort of things I could look to for a piece set during the utter chaos of the English Civil War period, it hit me that a period of upheaval in comedy would work really well for inspiration for a period of upheaval in sociopolitical and religious thought. I looked to the alternative comedy of the late 1970s and early 1980s, and it worked surprisingly well - in both cases there was a group of rebellious spirits standing against the current order of things and pushing for changes that the people in charge weren’t quite ready for. In both the 1640s and the 1980s, there were leaders in charge that made some incredibly unpopular decisions (one of whom, Charles I, was eventually flat-out decapitated in January 1649, only to be replaced by what really became a military dictatorship when Cromwell followed his lead and also dismissed Parliament). Richard ranting about how both King and Parliament are betraying the common people and there shouldn’t be a government as Edmund tries to blow something up right next to him absolutely has shades of Rick Pratt and Vyvyan Basterd in the 1980s, and it’s 100% intentional.
Material-wise, I had a good 25-30 years to work with, and I got to pull inspiration from a wide variety of places. The penchant for sheer property destruction and explosives comes from the Dangerous Brothers (and Vyvyan), Richard’s hatred of government is a nod to The Young Ones, and the sheer slapstick the two engage in is an undercurrent throughout, although it’s arguable that Rik and Ade perfected the art with Bottom in the early 1990s (the source of the image above, which I referenced to redraw Edmund and Richard doing the same poses). But the most fun I had was giving Richard and Edmund that real-life friendship under it all, where “bastard” is a term of endearment and they genuinely find each other really freaking funny.  Everything just fell so neatly into place within the world of the story that it clicked instantly and if you read the script it’s pretty clear these two are upstaging everyone every time they’re on the page, just like their inspirations did in real life. It just works.
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teddy-feathers · 5 years
look my problem with the au megamind where Roxanne is the alien and megamind is the reporter is i cant stop thinking about what i want out of that and how its probably not what other people want out of that which should mean 'oh shit i gotta write it' but really means 'in the next couple of months im going to rewatch megamind and be extremely frustrated because idk how to write these people as is let alone in an au'
but here are some thoughts
Itd have to take place on megaminds home world so like. have to develop that culture and frame it as the usual and other things as oddities
metroman still shows up at the same time the baby human does
roxan richie and metromans rivalry is less of a game and more of a metroman one up'd her ome to many times so now shes gotta take him out
its fine not because shes incompetent- in fact her death rays and pointy sticks are ingenious and have 0% public property or civilian causalities - but because metroman is not only impossible to kill, he adapts to anything that gets close (anything that doesnt kill him makes him stronger literally)
i guess this means theres a good chunk of the story that is centered around human adaptability vs perfect hero dudes adaptability
Roxanne Ritchie is actually a noted scientist or something at the local research facility - i figure blue people planet is really advanced and everyones at least a little technosmart but while it doesnt come as easily or naturally to Roxanne her way of thinking is really unique n shiz and shes an asset to every team....
but if you see her in a mask with some project from the lab macguivered into a gun trying to kill metroman well, no ones getting hurt and humans need hobbies and everyone respects the mask desptie the fact shes the ONLY human on the planet so its not like its hard to figure out who she is
she does spend a lot of nights having to rebuild projects and apologizing and such but basically everyone plays the plausible deniability card and asks her questions abiut what went wrong and okay so the masked menace failed after you let them steal our project but lets pretend for a moment the goal was to fix crops how would you say this did? and grumply shed revamp the guns weird side effect into an alien pollinating crop duster or whatever
got carried away when REALLY all I WANTED to say was
Whille Roxanne Ritchie is adaptable ingenuity and gets away at the last minute NOT because no ones trying to catch her but shes just that CLEVER and thinks ahead and shiz....
Megamind is the guy trying to interview her in the middle of a fight like he thinks he's cute - i mean he is but shes chasing after metroman and skids to a stop because this jerk stepped in for a comment. or shes lining up the perfect shot but theres a close up of megaminds reporter bag in the way
the thing is that maybe... blue people arent violent. a natural disaster hit recently and theyre coming back from it and if the two adopted alien kids want to play extreme tag well no ones getting hurt and Roxanne Ritchie will grow out of her competitiveness no doubt caused by just how superior EVERYONE on the planet is by finding her own niche and metroman will grow up and stop bating her because maybe he IS still better than everyone else and thats met with "oh very nice we're proud" but it doesnt really validate him or make him feel special because its just treated as a special thing he can do by everyong but Roxanne Ritchie and once he's found something that makes him feel good regardless of the attention or lack of it he'll stop playing too
but megamind? megamind has an imagination that loves drama and blowing things out of proportion and thats part of why his reports are so popular? like yeah everyones treating this super hero showdown with indulgence but megamind is good at framing theatrics so that this news story is actually a compelling narrative? and also everyone can see the tension is going to have one of these three "kids" confessing live someday
and maybe he gets carried away. one of those 'aw well next time you could do x or y' or has some technological creation that accidentally actually makes Metroman flinch during an interview
and Roxanne Ritchie starts paying attentionto him for the first time.
and minion warns him but he doesnt listen. minion is lower class and is afraid of being replaced like a pet like some people do but Roxanne Ritchie Ritchie doesnt have a minion and even if she did theyre Best Friends not like those other blue people minion uperclass people.
and he carelessly says something unforgivable and Roxanne Richie uses his ideas and actually succeeds in killing metroman
so she goes to prison - a place they had to build just for her because this hasnt happened since stars knows when
and somebody else is doing the camera because minion left just is gone and megamind looks defeated but testifies against her and is quiet and subdued and stpps being a reporter for a bit
and.... idk. i feel like we'll have to resolve the whole class system so minon goes underground and finds other minons who are unhappy with the way of things and if theyre ALREADY rebuilding society after that huge natural disaster that DIDNT blow up their planet thanks TO a minion well ehy cant they fix this too?
so theres a rebellion going on and theyve got a secret weapon to make blue people listen and idk but i feel like it's Metroman
and... how do stories like this go ive forgotten
minion wouldnt tell megamind or he would
metroman would break Roxanne Ritchie out of prison during the first riot of the minion revolt?
they talk and compare why they hated eachother and slowly work together and are actually a great team?
and then they need a reporter to make themselves heard as something other than minions going crazy
and so of course they go to megamind for help getting the story out
something something megamind is minions sidekick for this adventure
"Roxanne Ritchie was raised by the planet and turned against it and instigated civil unrest and killed a person who was also the good child etc etc instead of just growing up to face your problems"
"actually im alive and i finally found my place? helping out the real heros?"
"i mean i did try to kill him, but he forgave me and we're kinda working together because planet of moms and dads that raised us? yall actually are the ones who need to grow up and let go of the traditions that dont serve etc etc"
and megamind does a huge public apology to minion
and... uhhhhhhhhh fuck i really dont know how these storyies go
the blue people start making amends
metroman basically becomes a social worker for minion childern because finding their original families is a bit hard and most of these kids are just going to end up being raised by super dad but at least the rebellion minion families are actually geting to be their own family units and in a couple gens thatll be normal
Roxanne Ritchie goes back to being the token human in the lab and hangs up her super suit and is generally dissatisfied with this
until one night a hero breaks into her apartment to make her answer for her crimes and so for a legit hot second theyre fighting and megamind says something and Roxanne apologizes and then fighting stops being an argument and goes into banter flirting
the worss "where theres evil good will rise up to fight it" peob comes up a lot in this fic in different iterations
anyways megamind isnjust basically like hey wanna do this like. for the rest of our lives dramatic battle showdowns like its entertainment but like no theyre doing this for real?
the answer is hell yeah
and its a polyship and sometimes Roxanne is helping with the kids and then Megamind bursts in to "save" the family from her evil clutches and 90% of the time everything is improve
megamind kidnaps Roxanne to make metromind save her and a good half of the conversation is that hes an idiot for coming shes tried to kill him three times this week and hes bitching because do you know how hard it is to find a sitter for 30 odd minion kids this short notice and they better make it up to him
Roxanne is not superdad but the 30 odd minion kids adore when she comes over because they mob the villain so hard until finally mega comes to save her because hes actually very good with the kids
of course this poly ship isnt complete without minion and at some point minion and mega realize theyve actually been married for years and Roxanne and metro tease them shamelessly for it
minion and his race need a real name obviously
when Roxanne was a... graduate her senior project theses thingy was essentially "im going to go back to planet earth itll be great ive figured out were im from and how to go there in a reasonable amout of time" and everyone had to sit her down and explain that unlike metroman they knew where she was from the planet was just destroyed.
they never figured out where metroman was from because his direction sharply changed to follow baby Roxannes course and mirrored her coding despite very obviously how he had originated from elsewhere
this is important because his race is basically coming to conquer the blue people planet soon - the group finds out - and will download all the survival upgrades metroman has gotten to become unkillable and then just come down to the surface and be unstoppable taking the place over and whiping out the planet like theyve done many many times
a good chunk of the time trying to figure out how to stop them when this planet is REALLY against murder war and violence for good reason and even if they WOULD do that its impossible over looks some alone time that leads to megamind and metroman figuring out how to like kill him so when the bad guys show up theyll go "whelp better not fuck with them" and leave but between roxanne and minion they manage to not only stabilize metroman (Roxanne blood transfusions maybe???) but they manage to scare the aliens so bad they tuck tail and leave speading rumors that these are the scariest mfs in space (go minion)
metroman never lets Roxanne live down saving his life
eventually space humans show up to check the place out
megamind loves everything human despite most of the planet thinking theyre primitive and showing it
roxanne is reluctant to meet them at first but then really relates to them?
for a good long while it REALLY seems like megamind and Roxanne are just going to go on space adventures with the humans leaving metroman and minion - who really doesnt like them and also they kinda rub him the wrong way because he's non bipedal and they kinda make fun of him in a 'we totally dont mean anything by it lighten up' sort of way.
they don't go of course but they may have stolen a lot of atar charts n shit and who hasnt wanted to take a road trip through space with 30 odd childern who will need names and personalities and may be chopped down to a slightly more reasonable number by this point?
metroman loves space karaoke and his natural abilites mean he learns languages fast but no he still cant carry a tune
megamind and Roxanne still duke it out on various alien cityscapes
minion usually breaks them out of jail if theyre not to be let out the next day because nothing was actually damaged that didnt belong to them.
one memorable occasion it was metoman in a fight with megamind and they wont say what its about but both look very put out and minion looks smug
it doesn't matter in the end because Roxanne teams up with the childern to propose to them first
apparantly i had a lot more ideas about this then i meant to? i mean its not well thoughout out and despite the drama a good half the fic is just going to be cute relationship building stuff between the four of them
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trevorbarre · 4 years
Some thoughts on Mike Barnes’ new book on early- 70s ‘’Progressive Music’: Part One
I got an early copy of Mike Barnes’ no doubt soon-to-be-essential A New Day Yesterday: UK Progressive Rock and the 1970′s a week or so ago, and have just finished it, so feel the need to reflect on this huge tome, a work that has been long in the waiting. My own immersion in this music lasted from around 1970 to 1972, but Barnes sites it from, essentially, 1969 to 1974. It’s a shame that the author doesn’t make this more clear in the book’s title, as single years marked significant developments and changes in this period, By 1975 and thereon, the seeming fluidity of the early years had ossified somewhat into what became known as ‘Prog Rock’, ‘Jazz Rock’, ‘Art Rock’, ‘Free Folk’ and other fanciful terms, contemporary and retrospective, often proving to be unhelpful and reductive.
First of all, this book is massively researched by an experienced journalist, who has produced what is, so far, the definitive biography of Captain Beefheart, Its factual and descriptive heft is considerable, and it is unreservedly recommended to anyone with an interest in the subject. It coincides with my crucial teenage years, from 14 to 19, and it is wonderful to read a work that should really have been written decades ago. There have been a few books on ‘Prog’ and ‘Fusion’, but none, as far as I can ascertain, on the so-called ‘underground’ British scene that followed on from psychedelia and the more baroque pop music of the late 60s (1966-69). 1966-1979 was arguable the years of the most accelerated developments in popular music since the arrival of Elvis in 1955 (also the year of my birth). Crucially, the music started taking itself seriously, for good and bad, and becoming at the same time ambitious in the extreme at certain points in the story.
If I were to write my own version, I would differ from Barnes in several respects, and these variations, having given the book a more than enthusiastic thumbs-up from the get go, take up the rest of these blogs about the book. Firstly, I feel that there were several precursors, in the 1966-69 period, that deserve fuller exploration and acknowledgment than they get in Barnes. Certainly. at the time, these bands/individuals were seen as critical, subversive (’underground’) facilitators of these forward-thinking (’progressive’) sounds.  This list of these below is far from exclusive, some are now mostly forgotten, but most have places in the rock Hall of Fame:
Led Zeppelin: now seen as Heavy Metal in excelsis, but their early albums were a real smorgasbord of invention and risk-taking, most famously the middle passage of Whole Lotta Love, which ‘blew the minds’ of ‘heads’ everywhere in 1969.
The Nice: it’s great to see this important ‘transitional’ band getting full attention in the book. Emerson’s Hendrix-influenced Hammond organ mayhem was a signature live experience at the time.
Guitar mayhem was another thing, and the following three bands featured it abundantly, and all had ‘progressive’ aspects to their studio and live presentation.
The Jimi Hendrix Experience/The Who/Deep Purple - in the frilly-shirted figures of Hendrix himself, Pete Townsend and Richie Blackmore. The late 60s was a great time for Marshall amp providers/repairers (auto-destruction dated as far back as 1967 with the first two). Even a cursory look (not enough room here for further examination!) at the end-of-decade works of these three bands demonstrates their spirit of adventurousness and willingness to move beyond the norms of conventional, three-minute pop tracks.
Cream: should have featured much more in Barnes’ narrative, as they were crucial both to the burgeoning ’heaviosity’ of the new rock, and the co-writing of exceptional baroque pop songs (Badge being just one example).
Black Sabbath: ‘Heavy Metal’ came years later. In 1970, the shtick of their first album, with its occult suggestiveness and cover, put them up there in Aleister Crowley territory (along with the likes of Jimmy Page, Kenneth Anger and Dennis Wheatley).
Ten Years After: now a footnote in history, this band, basically a blues outfit, became briefly a major player, after the Woodstock Festival of 1969. The 1970 album Cricklewood Green features 50,00 Miles Beneath My Brain, a space-rock invocation worthy of Sun Ra. The ‘mind-manifesting’ properties of LSD affected even the most plodding 12-bar exponents.
Chris Welsh was allegedly the first journalist to use the term ‘progressive rock’, in 1967, but said “we didn’t use the term all the time - it was just “current bands”. I have a feeling the phrase was used rather more later” (page 364). It’s almost comparable to, fifty-odd years later, the multi-faceted dance music scene loosely agreeing on the tongue-tripping term ‘Electronic Dance Music’ (EDM) to yoke its disparate elements together.
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rangercommand · 4 years
The POWER RANGERS: UNLIMITED POWER Era Begins with MIGHTY MORPHIN #1 in November 2020  Two New Series. Two New Teams. A New Beginning For All Power Rangers Is Here!
LOS ANGELES, CA (July 13, 2020) – BOOM! Studios, under license by Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS), today announced an exciting new series premiere, MIGHTY MORPHIN #1, from superstar writer Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and rising star artist Marco Renna, as they launch the first of two all-new series with two all-new teams in November 2020.
A new Mighty Morphin team has assembled to take on the deadliest threats to Earth – but who is the All New Green Ranger by their side?
The new Mighty Morphin team is on a collision course with an even deadlier Lord Zedd, who has a new mission and a new motivation – one that will change everything you thought you knew about our heroes! But even if the Mighty Morphin team can find a way to survive Zedd and their mysterious new enemies, they may discover the greatest threat to their future is the shocking secret of Zordon’s past! A new Mighty Morphin epic begins here, perfect for longtime fans and new readers alike.
New York Times bestselling author Ryan Parrott is a comic book and screenwriter based out of Los Angeles. A graduate of Chapman University, Parrott has written for television series NBC’s Revolution and Hulu’s Chance. Parrott is also known for his work on DC Comics’ Batman: Gates of Gotham, IDW’s Star Trek comic book series, including Starfleet Academy, Boldly Go, and Manifest Destiny, Dynamite’s Death to the Army of Darkness, and his creator-owned projects Volition, Oberon, and Dead Day with Aftershock Comics. He is currently the writer for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with BOOM! Studios.
“This is a brand new beginning for an all-new Mighty Morphin team featuring characters you know – and an all new Green Ranger. This book is a chance to explore the past, present and future of the team in ways you’ve never seen before,” said Parrott. “Coming out of Necessary Evil, there seemed like an opportunity to not only start fresh but focus the story in on our new MIGHTY MORPHIN team like we haven’t before.”
Marco Renna is a comic artist from Italy who made his debut with Action Lab Comics. After winning the Top Cow Talent Hunt 2016, Renna became the main artist of Fathom Vol.6 and other Aspen Comics series. He has also worked on some short stories such as Sandokan for Star Comics and Muhammed Ali for Petit à Petit. He also collaborated with Dynamite Entertainment on James Bond.
“I’m really happy to have the opportunity to work on Power Rangers. I used to watch the TV show every day and being able to draw these characters is a dream come true,” said Renna. “I feel honored to be part of this fantastic team and I am excited to go into this new adventure. I really hope you enjoy my art.”
Currently, Power Rangers is celebrating 27 continuous years on the air, making it one of the longest running kids’ live-action series in television history with nearly 900 episodes aired to date. Created by Haim Saban and launched in 1993 with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the franchise celebrates its 27th season, “Power Rangers Beast Morphers” currently airing on Saturdays at 8 a.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon in the U.S.
The hit comic book series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers launched in 2016 at BOOM! Studios, outselling nearly every other comic book in its month of release. The series went on to launch numerous hit spin off series like Go Go Power Rangers and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The series concludes in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #55, on-sale in October, which also features the first appearance of the All New Green Ranger.
“The UNLIMITED POWER era is all about new beginnings for two new teams of Power Rangers as they meet new allies, new enemies, new secrets and an all new Green Ranger,” said Matthew Levine, Editor, BOOM! Studios. “Both of these new series will be critical for long time fans and present an exciting jumping on point for new readers who will learn that the true history of the Power Rangers isn’t what they expected.”
Fans who attend the BOOM! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Future is Now Panel on July 25, 2020 at 1:00 pm PT on the Comic-Con@Home website will get a very special preview of never-before-seen art as well as behind-the-scenes information about the series and what’s in store for readers! More details at www.comic-con.org/.
Print copies of MIGHTY MORPHIN #1 are scheduled to be available in November 2020 at local comic book shops (use comicshoplocator.com to find the nearest one), or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers like comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Madefire.
Softcover collections of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, and other Power Rangers releases from BOOM! Studios are available now, everywhere books are sold
For continuing news on the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS series and more from BOOM! Studios, stay tuned to boom-studios.com and follow @boomstudios on Twitter.
For more on Power Rangers, please visit www.powerrangers.com and follow Power Rangers on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
About Hasbro Hasbro (NASDAQ: HAS) is a global play and entertainment company committed to Creating the World’s Best Play and Entertainment Experiences. From toys, games and consumer products to television, movies, digital gaming, live action, music, and virtual reality experiences, Hasbro connects to global audiences by bringing to life great innovations, stories and brands across established and inventive platforms. Hasbro’s iconic brands include NERF, MAGIC: THE GATHERING, MY LITTLE PONY, TRANSFORMERS, PLAY-DOH, MONOPOLY, BABY ALIVE, POWER RANGERS, PEPPA PIG and PJ MASKS, as well as premier partner brands. Through its global entertainment studio, eOne, Hasbro is building its brands globally through great storytelling and content on all screens. Hasbro is committed to making the world a better place for all children and all families through corporate social responsibility and philanthropy. Hasbro ranked among the 2020 100 Best Corporate Citizens by 3BL Media and has been named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere Institute for the past nine years. We routinely share important business and brand updates on our Investor Relations website, Newsroom and social channels. Learn more at www.hasbro.com, and follow us on Twitter (@Hasbro) and Instagram (@Hasbro).
About BOOM! Studios BOOM! Studios was founded by Ross Richie in 2005 with the singular focus of creating world-class comic book and graphic novel storytelling for all audiences. Through the development of four distinct imprints—BOOM! Studios, BOOM! Box, KaBOOM!, and Archaia—BOOM! has produced award-winning original work, including Lumberjanes, Once & Future, Something is Killing The Children, Giant Days, and Mouse Guard, while also breaking new ground with established licenses such as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, WWE, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Cartoon Network, and The Jim Henson Company properties. BOOM! will also bring their original series to life through unique first-look relationships with 20th Century for film and with Netflix for TV. Please visit www.boom-studios.com for more information.
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NEWS – The POWER RANGERS: UNLIMITED POWER Era Begins with MIGHTY MORPHIN #1 in November 2020 was originally published on Ranger Command Power Hour
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buttonholedlife · 5 years
Carl Cox gains DJ Mag Leading 100 DJs 2019 Highest Techno award
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Carl Cox has won the Best Techno award within this year's DJ Magazine Top 100 DJs survey. The famous UK DJ landed the No. 35 spot in general.
"I haven't ceased since 1988," Coxy says to DJ Mag. "May you imagine if I arranged each and every gathering I have actually ever before carried out, the map would certainly be actually riddled with pin-drops all over - it would certainly be a complete rash of activities that I've carried out."
For someone that is actually indicated to become decelerating a little, it still seems like Carl has actually possessed quite a year. "Can you picture my lifestyle? I am actually trying to take it easy, put my feets up as well as consume alcohol some pina coladas as well as listed below I am cracking up a match on the dancefloor," he says, describing the match he had to split recently from the stage at an Athens club-night. "My life is actually definitely incredible in one sense, and nutty in others. Yet it is actually everything about the songs at the side of the day, regarding I'm interested."
He has a kind of international ambassador part nowadays, but that's certainly not to point out that Carl isn't still bruise to partner along with all the most up to date techno missives as well as coupons sent individually from producer close friends from all over the world. Being actually elected the Highest Techno DJ in the survey once again is actually statement to a DJs still positively at the top of his game.Carl speaks
readily about his new label Awesome Soundwave, for which he's only signing live digital shuck and jives. "There's a thousand DJs currently," he mentions, "however I desire individuals to see that in our electronic globe there is actually folks who can really do online, can really participate in things you find in face of 'em. So I've generated an electrical outlet, a system. I desire to observe additional live artists-- our company might view the next Prodigy out there. That's the entire nature of the tag."
The DJ Magazine Leading one hundred DJs poll is back as well as much bigger than ever before. In yet one more record-breaking year, a whopping 1.3 thousand folks cast their elect their preferred DJs, that is actually up 100,000 on last our 2018 poll. As soon as once again Top one hundred DJs partnered with UNICEF, the globe's reputable kids's organization. Thanks to the kind gifts of electors as well as DJs over recent 3 years, our team have actually now raised over EUR112,000 for UNICEF. Using this loan UNICEF has actually had the ability to offer 150,000 lifestyle sparing shots to little ones in danger.David Guetta dives
up 2 places to profess the bronze medal, as well as Armin van Buuren holds stable in 4th location, making this his 18th consecutive year inside the top 5 as well as stating the Best Trance award once again in the method. Responsible for him comes covered up DJ Marshmello, climbing up all the technique from No. 10 to create his very first appearance in the leading 5, as well as Don Diablo-- once again the Highest Possible Future Home DJ-- is actually up one more spot in to 6th. Dutchmen Tiësto and also Afrojack both decrease places but stay in the best 10, as well as Steve Aoki finish off the checklist through climbing back up one location. The most significant modification is actually Hardwell, that loses nine areas down to No. 12; however, provided he is actually presently on sabbatical, spending some time for themself this isn't therefore surprising, and also offered all the talk of around psychological wellness and the stress of prestige this year our team wish him all the best.Moving down the survey and also Brazilian preferred Alok is actually up two to No. 11-- will he finally damage the top 10 following year? R3HAB, W&W and Shed Frequencies each drip areas, while KSHMR and Eric Prydz both climb three locations. The rest of the teenies is developed of 3 new add-ons in the type of Timmy Trumpet(up a massive 20 areas to No. thirteen, his highest possible placement yet), DJ Snake(up 8 to 16)and also Scotsman Calvin Harris (up 21 to 19th location ). Skrillex is unmoving at No. 21, scooping the Highest possible Bass honor once more in a year that is actually viewed him open his
presently bustling internet of partners also further. Brit hypnotic trance trio Above & Beyond are actually right responsible for him, transporting themselves up a massive 29 locations, while NERVO continue to be the highest placing girls in the chart at No. 24. At the tail-end of the twenties, Headhunterz keeps on to his Greatest Challenging trophy despite falling one spot-- his nearest rival, Angerfist, this year down to 34th place. In 35th happens the mighty Carl Cox, taking the Best Techno gong once again. Coxy is up 18 areas, leading the cost for
a brand new influx of property as well as techno artists. In simple fact, 2019 observes additional house and techno performers in the Leading 100 than there has been actually in almost a decade. Somewhere else, Drumcode supervisor Adam Beyer is actually up 31 areas, merely pressing into the leading 50, while Claptone is up four and also takes Highest Property for the 3rd year straight. Nina Kraviz climbs up a substantial 37 areas right into 60th, while Richie Hawtin, Marco Carola, Paul Kalkbrenner, Solomun stay in the survey also. South Africa's Black Coffee makes an appreciated return after yet another prosperous time at Hï Ibiza, and also there's a bunch of new add-ons: raucous tech-house boys FISHER-- this year's Highest New Entry-- as well as Solardo join the survey, as perform Belgian techno content spinner Charlotte de Witte, South Korea's Peggy Gou, and also concealed German Boris Brejcha.The addition of de Witte and also Gou present one more step in the correct path when it pertains to gender range in the Leading one hundred. Mariana BO and MATTN have actually both pushed on swiftly this year-- going up 19 and 21 spots, specifically-- and also Aussie-born bass DJ, Alison Heaven, asserts this year's Highest possible Climber award after scampering up a stupendous 52 places.Other performers bring in double-figure leaps up the survey consist of ATB, Mike Williams, Ferryboat Corsten, Breathe Carolina, Deorro, Carl Nunes, Cedric Gervais, Lucas & Steve, and Andy C, that takes house Highest Drum & Bass the moment again. Swedish Residence Mafia are up 21 places too, though Steve Angello has actually taken a smash hit and also Axwell Λ Ingrosso have actually lost out altogether. Overall, there are 11 brand-new entries(one more than in 2018), 6 re-entries-- the highest possible being actually Belgium's Yves V, at No. 56-- and 5 non-movers. Votes was available in from 179 various nations, with the best ballots videotaped from the UNITED STATES once more, adhered to through landmass Europe-- the UK, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany leading the fee. Latin United States is close behind, where fans coming from Mexico and South america
, particularly, have been enacting wents. In enhancement to Facebook as well as Google, the SMS voting mechanism remained to open up recommending to anybody with a mobile phone, along with around 15 %of all ballots originating from this login in 2019. This is actually perhaps most effectively reflected in the rise of voters from China, which is actually right now 2nd responsible for India in phrases of Asian ballot areas. In other places ballots came in from nations including Monaco, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, and Iraq. 35. Carl Cox credit dan reid 2.jpg DJ Mag Best one hundred DJsTop 100Carl Cox The outcomes for 2019's Best one hundred DJs poll have actually been announced News Most recent Top 100 DJs
This content was originally published here.
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