#protagonist tas
bright-red-sunsets · 2 months
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Warriors / Wolves
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spaciebabie · 2 years
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okay i keep thinking abt this specific arc in two that i think is gonna end up being my favorite arc n i keep thinking of kat specifically
she goes thru SO MUCH in this arc, and throughout it all she wears a brave face as horrible situation after horrible situation is thrown at her until she's barely taking care of herself and in one of the few moments of her down time she finally looks at herself in the mirror.
and she see's her hair. now idk how other ppl feel abt their curly hair, but for ppl like me (biracial and/or black) our hair means a LOT to us n im thinkin abt this moment where she realizes she has let her hair get to a point beyond repair. its too long to manage in her current situation, its matted, tangled, and she hasn't washed it in weeks and she realizes she can't take care of it anymore.
and its such a small thing right? hair grows back? but its not a small thing. she worked for YEARS to attain the length, ta get it looking the way she wanted it to and this is her breaking point. where, she has had almost EVERYTHING taken from her, and NOW-
she has ta take one more thing away from herself.
and suddenly everything comes crashing down on her. the sleepless nights, the mere scrapes w/death. how is this fair? the one thing she is able ta control in her life. and she has ta cut it off.
can you have brainrot for your own story?? auduahduahd short hair kat is gonna ruin me
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yumemiruuuu · 5 months
Chu Wanning if he couldn’t make wontons (ft. the uncooked batch in the background) 🥹👍
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Hi yes this took SO LONG to make, and I was missing quite a few of the ingredients (like the Black Vinegar and Garlic Chili Sauce) so I had to improvise 🙇🏻‍♀️ I also didn’t have the wonton wrappers so I had to make them from scratch which was PAINSTAKINGLY time and stamina consuming (but hey, living the canon Chu Wanning experience)
Definitely messed up and it looks nothing like the picture in the RanWan wonton recipe I used but it was super fun to make and I hope my friend and I can enjoy it
Link to the RanWan wonton recipe ↓↓↓
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bunny-xoxo · 17 days
elle !!!!! whose your favourite bllk man so far !!!!!
Oh fawn I want to put isagi in a little jar and let him out to run loose on my desk when I think he deserves it.
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thepurplewombat · 1 year
The Audience: Oh what a nice-looking book from the Young Adult section of the dystopian hellscape that is Amazon!
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Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat, on Page 1: Okay but listen, I need you to know this. My protagonist? He fucks.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
As someone who's been wondering why there've been so many senseless, needless arguments online about a hypothetical derth of purity in fiction and how it affects people negatively (it doesn't), now learning from several friends who are teachers (with the oldest being a uni professor) that Gen Z (27-11 yo) and Gen Alpha can't read, have poor media literacy, and soley seek fiction to reaffirm their own worldviews without curiosity and with judgement (and a lot of it). I say this as someone who is Gen Z. I'm only 26 years old, but I'm also a TA right now while I'm in grad school. it's not just the middle school and high school students. College students who should be able to do simple literary analysis cannot. Sure these issues (puritanical thinking, absent/poor parenting, lackluster curriculum, etc) have always existed, but with this in mind, it absolutely makes sense why there's so much dumb discourse over things in media that anyone with sense could separate from reality. Even simple things that you learn in elementary school at 6 years old, like "just because the story is focalized through a specific character, doesn't mean they're correct/the protagonist≠morally righteous/you're not always supposed to agree with the POV character or main characters." Maybe it really is the case that, sure some people are being deliberately obtuse, but there are also others who probably don't know.
I've seen it explained to people in fandom and on tumblr with popular series people have read or seen. No, you're not supposed to think Light Yagami is a good guy or a hero. "L is the straightforward hero in Death Note the whole time" isn't clever. It's the main text. No, you're not supposed to agree with Eren Jaeger or military fascists. "SNK is pro military and pro genocide" is just inaccurate. All the characters exhibiting those traits are killed to signal the flaws in their rhetoric. It's actually really unambiguous in that regard, not at all subtle. No, x shoujo/YA fantasy/Ya romance isn't advocating for middle school or high school girls to date men in their mid-20s. Teen girls have always fantasized about adults they find attractive, and these stories (made for and marketed to teen girls) fulfills that desire while protecting them from the possibility of that reality (an adult returning their feelings). No, it's not weird that mythological gods (but I see people mostly complaining about Greek and Egyptian ones) are related. It's purposeful. They're all related concepts and personifications of nature, which is all connected. Get over yourselves. No, it's not weird that gothic stories have incest in them. It was a common practice among aristocracy and nobility all around them world (so, not just a "white people thing"), and it typically symbolizes the decay as social norms. If you feel discomfort, then the story was successful.
On the one hand, sure. It's purity culture, ignorance, misogyny, etc. On the other hand, do the people who harp on about these actually know how to interpret stories? I'm often told "They can't read" as an explanation by others. I'm starting to think it's true, and I don't know how to combat that as someone who may be an educator down the road myself while also being involved in fandom.
I'd say it's about 50/50 the usual The Kids These Days scaremongering and a genuine shift.
Reading comprehension can be taught. I was taught to analyze passages in school. Students have to be open to learning, but it's not like some critical language thing you need to absorb before the age of two: a college student who's actually interested in getting better can perfectly well do so, possibly with some help or possibly just with experience.
Plenty of it is anxiety about being wrong and immoral and hurting people too. It's fundie thinking where listening and engaging means capitulating. Lots of people do slowly get over this. Many will calm down about it if they ever get the anxiety meds they so desperately need. Some would probably benefit from ceasing to self harm via social media doomscrolling or exclusively consuming attention span-destroying, FOMO-inducing garbage.
...I say as I answer tumblr asks instead of getting out of bed to start my New Year's resolutions.
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So, basically according to TA... What the fans "want":
A well written story;
Likable characters with a tangible character growth (no resets);
Sympathetic villain (wants to bring Emilie back for Adrien's sake);
Main couple has chemistry in all versions of themselves (Marinette/LB has feelings for CN unlike in the show, Marinette can actually talk to Adrien, and he's in love with "the girl behind the mask" not just LB);
Ladybug and Chat Noir being equals and working together to defeat Hawkmoth;
Adrien standing up to his father and telling him how he feels;
Chat Noir being in the final battle against his father!;
"Ladybug doesn't exist without Marinette", her powers are not what makes her special;
Gabriel's love for his son being more powerful than his hatered for Ladybug and Chat Noir;
Marinette and Adrien know each other's identities before getting together (no lies);
The heroes winning in the end and saving the world.
What the fans "need":
Thin-as-air badly written story full of retcons;
Obnoxious female lead with obsessive stalker tendencies (that are rewarded at the end);
Male protagonist that is not allowed to take charge of his situation and is nothing but a trophy for the female lead (TA described Adrien as being Marinette's "Ken", so... he's canonically just an accessory for her character. That's... nice...);
Badly written villain (inconsistent as the rest of the plot, they wanted him to be sympathetic, but ends up coming across as just selfish, then downright deranged in s5);
Unhealty dynamics (Marinette stalking Adrien, CN not taking "no" for an answer, pictures of their person of interest on walls and pc) and there's only interest for one of their personas, Marinette-> Adrien, Adrien-> Labybug (Marinette is not interested in CN and Adrien doesn't show romantic interest in Marinette up until s5);
"I don't need Chat Noir for every mission. He's just like any other temporary holder". LB is the only leader (everybody is beneath her, even CN);
Chat Noir (one of the titular characters) not being in the final battle against his own father;
Adrien never learns the truth about his family or himself, meanwhile Marinette does (thus having more power over him... once again.... *cough* Chat Blanc) and still dates him;
Marinette has all the power, she's the bestest ever and she can do everything by herself (CN not needed);
Villain wins, destroys the world and recreates it to his desires;
Ladybug fails as a hero.
You know what? I'm pretty sure no one "needs" that. I'll stick with the movie. Sure, it's not perfect, but it's lightyears better than the show.
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toxic-yaoi-tournament · 9 months
Toxic Yaoi Tournament Round 1: Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist (Persona 5) vs. A-ya/C-ta (Shuuen no Shiori Project)
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wrdn-tabris · 10 months
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So, you're interested in the Batman of the future! A series which takes place in the far off year of... 2039? Listen, the original show came out in the nineties, you gotta give it some slack.
Hopefully here I've compiled a nice list of the comics, as well as any extra appearances of Terry, Batman of Neo-Gotham.
Who is Terry McGinnis?
Terry McGinnis is our seventeen year old protagonist. He meets Bruce Wayne after the old man helps him in beating back a gang who take after the late Joker, and in helping Bruce into his manor discovers that he was formerly Batman. After his father's murder, Terry steals the hi-tech batsuit in order to hunt down the people responsible for his death. In doing so he sees Gotham for how corrupt it really is, and becomes the Tomorrow Knight and Batman of the future.
Where to start?
The best place to start is with the 1999 animated series of the same name. It takes place firmly in the DCAU, alongside Batman: The Animated Series and The Adventure continues, Superman TAS, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.
The show goes over three seasons, with cameos in a spin off called The Zeta Files (which only ran for a season) Static Shock (ep, Future Shock) and Justice League Unlimited (The Once and Future Thing; part 2, Epilogue) and a movie, Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker.
While the cameos are more optional, you don't really need to watch them, though Epilogue is treated as the 'end' of both JLU and Batman Beyond. ROTJ also has two different versions, a censored and uncensored one.
You can watch it on WatchCartoonsOnline, though I'd be a little careful with using that site. If you also have MAX, it should be available for streaming on there.
Comics wise, I apologize for not putting individual issues. I've also included links to readcomicsonline for each comic.
DCAU Tie-In Comics
These tie in directly with the show, and as far as I know, were released at the same time.
Batman Beyond I
Batman Beyond II
Superman Adventures #64
Unlimited and 2.0
The unlimited and 2.0 comics take place post show, and are in the same universe as the DCAU so I personally consider it canon to the series.
Batman Beyond: Hush Beyond (2010)
Batman Beyond: Industrial Revolution (2011)
Batman Beyond: 10,000 Clowns (2012)
Batman Beyond Unlimited
Batman Beyond 2.0
Justice League Beyond
Justice League Beyond 2.0
(and optional, the Superman Beyond comics. I think Terry only has some cameos, but it's always fun to hang out in the world a little bit with different characters)
Superman Beyond 2011
Superman Beyond 2012
N52 Futures End and Rebirth
Futures end is... personally, I'm not a fan. While Terry isn't Batman for the entirety of 2015, 2015 takes place in the aftermath of futures end, while Rebirth is the aftermath of 2015, only a few months later.
N52 Futures End #1-17 #18-30 #31-48
Batman Beyond (2015)
Batman Beyond Rebirth
A reboot of BB, Urban Legends #7 and Neo-Year set off as Terry's own personal sort of 'year one' as Batman, one without Bruce. I'm personally highly enjoying it so far, and I feel like it does treat his character very well. Neo-Gothic is currently on-going.
Urban Legends #7
Batman Beyond: Neo-Year
Batman Beyond: Neo Gothic
Optional Individuals and Cameos
Batman #700
Superman/Batman 2010 Annual #4
Milestones 30th Anniversary A story with Static and Terry
Batman 2016 #135
Countdown #21 (Just a brief cameo)
Justice League vs The Legion of Superheroes #3
Batman: Beyond the White Knight
This is as comprehensive of a list as I can get, including almost every appearance of Terry's that I can think of. I hope that this helps anyone who is interested about Terry, he's personally one of my favorite characters and I think he's really fun and compelling.
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alexcutecolly · 5 months
The Tenor
Greatly inspired by that anon asking about preds putting on a musical number before eating their prey, I wrote this short story!
Warnings: some cursing, fearplay, unwilling g/t vore, uncaring pred.
Mainly NSFW vore accounts DNI!!
Words: ~2.1k
Your head feels heavy as you start regaining consciousness, your vision all blurred and confusing before your eyes focus on your surroundings.
W…where am I?
It looks like you’re in the backstage of a massive theater. No kidding, every single equipment around you is gigantic compared to your size. The curtains are still closed, and the dark engulfs everything. The only exception being a single, big reflector casting its beacon of light before you.
Looking down, you realize you’re all tied up to a chair of your own scale.
“Uh???” You can’t move an inch, and any attempt at budging is vain; plus you can feel the ropes almost digging into your sitting form.
W… what happened? I was waiting in a queue to buy a ticket for Mr. Biggs’ next performance-
“Is… anyone there?” you call out, your voice resounding in the seemingly empty room.
“Oh! There you are! It took you longer that I thought to wake up!” a booming voice breaks the eerie silence, coming from above but behind you.
This voice-
“The Titanic Tenor…? Mr. … Mr. Biggs? Is… Is that you?”
He chuckles, moving from his previous position to face you.
“That is me indeed~”
“Mr. Biggs, w-what’s going on? Is… is this a joke?” you ask him, doing your best not to make a puppy-eyed face as you look straight at him.
“Oh, not at all! You see… you’ve been randomly picked for an unique, extraordinary event involving the one and only me!” he exclaims, putting his arms out with theatrical emphasis.
You raise an eyebrow.
“Ooookaaaay…? Aaaaand… Why does it require me to be bound to a chair, in dim light, in the backstage?” you question him, wriggling a bit in place.
“Oh it’s rather simple.” He grins menacingly.
“I’ll give you 60 seconds to escape. If you don’t make it, I’m going to eat you. How’s that sound?”
“I won’t repeat myself. The ropes are tight. I’m just sure you’ll come up with something” he says, keeping the same excited grin.
“But- this is absurd!!”
“Oh yeah it is! Absurd, that I haven’t done this before!”
You gulp nervously.
“And in the meantime, allow me to perform a cavatina dedicated to your despair only. It should last for the perfect amount of time as well.”
“B-but wait! Why do you want to eat me? I’m just a random spectator from your usual audience! Also… Aren’t tenors supposed to play the heroes, the good guys in operas? Not that we’re in a play right now but-“
“First of all. Although you’re technically right, there are some interesting exceptions in 19th century plays where the tenor plays the bad guy, and the main male protagonist/hero is played by a baritone. Just check out Giuseppe Verdi’s ‘Rigoletto’, so you’ll know what I’m talking about” he responds, moving his hand in the air as to shoo your doubts away.
“And for the reason why I’m so eager to make a meal out of you… Why can’t I? Shouldn’t I enjoy a snack every once in a while?”
“You can’t be serious-“
“Ta-ta, less complaining and more working on those ropes, or the only symphony you’re going to be listening to in a minute will be my belly’s. C’mon, the play is starting!”
“Just wait-!”
“Oooooh~ oh my dear preeeeey~
You should’ve walked awayyyy~
From the moment you feeelt
Your impending dooooom~”
The giant tenor is ignoring you now, his back turned to you as he starts to sing his malicious song.
Great, just great. You sigh.
So you begin wriggling and struggling, with your hands doing their best to release your wrists first.
Shit, he wasn’t lying about the ropes being tight, you think with a grunt.
“… And whaaaaat
are you going to doooo
once you’re all settleeed
inside my guuuut~… ”
Ugh, shut up.
His eyes meet yours, when he turns around as he continues with his mocking cavatina. He licks his lips for just a moment, causing you to flinch and look away from him.
Clenching your teeth, you feel a small wind of relief when you finally manage to untie one of the knots. The ropes feel a little loosened now. You don’t stop, and keep insisting on the other knots. Thankfully, it seems there’s only one remaining.
“… 20 seconds… is all that’s leeeeft~
Before you’re plunged
Down into my chest~…”
You curse under your breath, your sore fingers now attempting to undo what remains of the thread binding you to the chair. It’s all been wrapped around you, which makes it even harder to make it come off.
Eventually, you pull the rope and it finally releases you from your sitting position, and that’s when you toss it away and run for your life.
But that’s when you realize…
Wait… I’m not on the ground! He placed me on a fucking table!! Or… Is it a… stage?
“Was… was there not an escape route the entire time?” you ask yourself, horrified at coming at your conclusion.
“Nonono, there has to be one-”
“Oh my dear prey~
Your time is uuup~
And now you will be
He lets out the last word with a nice, prolonged High C before approaching, rubbing his hands together at your sight.
“Wait, nonono, I refuse to be eaten!” you say, standing up to him with your fists clenched.
“Oh c’mon sweetheart, you’ve had your chance. Now, give up and accept it.”
“’My chance’ your ass, you’ve tricked me! You made me believe I could run away in safety, but… How was I supposed to get down from here?” With a stern look you point at the edge of the table, which is at least 3 feet in giant size.
The tenor sighs. “Gorgeous. The actors aren’t supposed to leave the stage until the curtains are pulled! Don’t you know that?”
“B-but… we’re not in a play right now.”
“Says who?” the opera singer asks rhetorically, grinning from ear to ear.
“Y-you didn’t correct me before! When I said the same thing!”
“I didn’t, yeah. Aren’t you happy, though? You’ve been promoted from mere spectator to main acting role!”
“A-as if this is what I was waiting in line for! I’m- I’m done with your stupid game!”
“Oh yeah sure, feel free to complain to the big boss if you’d like, then! And that is…”
He does a little twirl, turning around before doing a theatrical pose with his arms stretched out wide.
You have nothing else to say. The situation is already crazy enough for your understanding. Plus it feels so demeaning, it’s like your mind is detaching itself from your body.
“Anyhow, I hope you’ll behave now. Because…”
He leans forward with the usual wicked smile plastered on his face. You instinctively take a step back in fear, looking up to the famished giant.
“You’re going to be the spotlight of my lunch.”
You shake your head. “N-no please! Have mercy!!”
“And I will! Plus it’s not like you’re going to die, you silly goose!” he says loudly, reaching out towards you with his large hand.
You almost dodge his fingers, but they manage to grab the back of your jacket at the very last second. And so you’re lifted up in the air, wriggling in the caging fist of your captor.
“Ha-have you taken into account the fact that maybe I just don’t want to be eaten by you?” you wheeze out as you attempt to free yourself from his grip.
“Oh, I have. I just decided not to care.”
He raises you above his head, his lips slowly parting to reveal the teeth and the inside of the maw.
You shake your head again, as to wake yourself up from this terrible dream. But when reality sinks in, all left for you to do is a desperate attempt at reaching for the fingers that are holding you up in the air.
Though Mr. Biggs doesn’t waste any more time, and he drops you right into the wide, very welcoming opening below.
Letting out a scream, you land right onto his spongy tongue. Covered in saliva already, you cough and immediately try to slip away towards the front, but the giant keeps you in place by pressing you even more into his taste buds with his index.
“MMMMMM!!~” the tenor hums loudly, rubbing your body up and down to get more and more of your peculiar flavor. And you must taste amazing, because more and more pools of saliva are accumulating fast all around you.
After a while though, he retracts the finger to close his mouth and seal you inside. As soon as the light goes out, the muscle underneath you pins you to the palate, unperturbed by your struggling; and as if it wasn’t enough, it brushes against you tirelessly to gather even more of your taste.
In the end, there’s nothing that doesn’t make you feel like you’re being sucked onto like a tiny piece of candy.
On the outside, the giant can barely contain his appetite. Oh, to have a feisty snack like you before any of his shows!
Once he’s grown tired of having you stuck to the roof of his mouth, he starts swirling you around, moving you from cheek to cheek. His continued humming makes the whole damp cave vibrate, which you’d find even soothing in a totally different situation. And it only gets worse when he picks up the snarky song he was singing before, his purring another way to taunt his poor victim.
Having fun with your part, morsel? I can keep going for as much as I like-
All of a sudden the alarm on Mr. Biggs’ watch goes off, reminding him of the incoming performance.
Humpf. Nevermind, I guess. Almost forgot about that, he huffs, quite annoyed to interrupt his vicious snacking.
Welp. Every story must come to an end, sooner or later, after all. What really matters is enjoying the ride, right~?
And that’s when he begins to tilt his head back.
In the inside of his maw everything shifts incredibly fast. Not that it has was all peaceful up until this moment, but if you were laying horizontally on his tongue just a few seconds ago, now you’re sliding straight towards a new dark chasm- his throat.
“N-no, wait!! D-don’t swallow!!” you shout, wiggling and doing the best way you can to hold onto something- anything-, that prevents you from falling into the bottomless pit in the back.
But with all the fleshy interiors coated in saliva, your hands hopelessness slip, slip and slip. So you what you actually manage to accomplish, is to just stare as you pass through the hellish gate and go down the hatch.
The tenor gently presses his big hand to his neck as he feels you travel down, deeper and deeper inside of him until you disappear behind his collarbone.
“Mmmmm, I needed that~ some entertainment before the great show, you know?” he speaks, as if you could actually listen to him.
The descend towards his stomach is tight. So so tight. It’s giving you claustrophobia. The heat is unbearable, and you’re not even in the main chamber yet. His heart is hammering somewhere very close to you, undeterred to your despair. And when you’re finally released in the stomach, it feels like your troubles are over for the moment.
If Mr. Biggs is true to his word, you’re going to be safe. For a while, at least.
“Aaaah~ That hit the spot~” Mr. Biggs sighs, feeling your small but filling presence inside his belly. He smirks at your puny wriggling, rubbing your spot with more glee than annoyance.
“Mmmmm, don’t be shy and struggle more if you’d like~” he says, poking his middle again in hope to get more active reactions from you.
“In the meantime, the rest of the audience is waiting for me for the real play! Make yourself at home, you’re definitely not coming out for the next few hours~” he says, chuckling to himself.
Before going back to his dressing room though, he gathers the tiny chair and the discarded thread from the stage - more like a table to him - ‘borrowed’ from the non-giant singers and musicians. Thankfully nobody has walked in during the events that have just transpired, or that’d have been pretty weird - if not embarrassing - to explain.
Oh well, you think, getting more comfortable as you crawl up to the nearest stomach wall to lay against it. Your eyes growing heavier from exhaustion and the excruciating warmth.
At least I’ve got front row seats to a free performance.
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bright-red-sunsets · 3 months
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It's hard to believe you'd want someone like me, partner
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ash-and-starlight · 6 months
Books of 2023
the list nobody asked for <3
My reading habits had gone a bit stagnant in the past couple of years so this year i made the effort to engage in reading again and wow books really are good!! who would have thought! Sharing this year's book log with the small reviews i did while reading yeah i am That kind of list lover if u feel like being nosy, (and maybe even help mi crowdsource reading recs based on my likes 👀🤲?)
The left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin Ursula i Need to know your thoughts on omegaver- [gunshot] THAT ASIDE yeah. mrs Le Guin you've done it again. I can see why everyone got their brain chemistry altered by this book.
The Membranes - Chi Ta-Wei another brain chemistry altering book. would love to discuss it with a gender studies major lmao
Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie its a v atmospheric and poignant story, I know I would have loved it more if I was familiar with the rich religious/cultural background it draws from
The Masquerade Series - Seth Dickinson Crazy insane in the membrane about this series. one of the most compelling worldbuildings I've ever seen, and most importantly it features one of the most crazy wet pathetic scrunkly meow meow protagonists i've ever had the pleasure of reading about.
Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides i liked the writing style of this book a lot! idk how well it holds up re: intersexuality topic, but its a very engaging read.
Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers: Monstrosity, Patriarchy, and the Fear of Female Power - Jude Ellison, Sady Doyle The title says it all honestly, its a beautiful, thought provoking and engaging essay, spanning eras, pop culture phenomenons, and real life events on the topic of women and horror.
The cat who saved books - Sōsuke Natsukawa this was so cute and heartfelt, it will really make you go Ah Yes, this is Why we Love Books <333
The Locked Tomb Series - Tamsyn Muir now when people say there is a girl who is the cursed sacrifice of 2000 infants who falls in love with the sleeping embodiment of the soul of the Earth (barbie) and also another girl who is the only survivor of the aforementioned sacrifice and is. a Jesus metaphor? and also the two girls become one at some point. and every book is a different genre. and god is bisexual. and memes survived the nuclear apocalypse. I can just nod and say so true.
The Area X Trilogy - Jeff VanderMeer Rotating this series in the microwave of my mind at the speed of light it's soSO GOOD!! the movie doesn't even come close honestly u NEED to read the books. and then go touch grass and be aware of every strand in a completely new way.
The Dawn of Yangchen - F. C. Yee nice read! I was more invested in the worldbuilding crumbs than in the actual story lmao, I will forever think about the HEATED airball rivalry between the air temples and about the swt greetings / bethrotal armbands.
Inuit Stories of Being and Rebirth: Gender, Shamanism, and the Third Sex - Bernard Saladin d'Anglure starting w a disclaimer bc I feel like the topic of native colonization was ignored when it should have been way more prominent when talking about the context of where and when these testimonies were collected?? That aside it was very interesting and well put together, with first account testimonies of Inuit elders about their myths, lifestyles and beliefs.
Pachinko - Min Jin Lee i read the book after having seen the tv series (which i also rlly recommend). Very moving story about a family and its generations, from Korea under Japanese colonization to modern day America.
Her body and other parties - Carmen Maria Marchado sometimes I go about my day then I remember this book exists and stare at the wall for 30 minutes.
Dictionnaire de l'impossible - Didier Van Cauwelaert big miss. this collection of articles about "strange impossible phenomenons" sounded so quirky and interesting but i sure would have loved if the author hadnt so clearly picked a side. and also way too much church for my tastes.
He who Drowned the World - Shelley Parker Chan Im not even gonna speak about this one if you've followed me since july you know what pits of insanity and despair i'm in
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow - Gabrielle Zevin Sometimes!! the book with pretty covers put in the "famous on socials" bookstore section!! are good!! It's about being othered it's about connection it's about diaspora it's about love and friendship and most of all it's about viddy games.
Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel reading this post-covid and learning it was written in 2017 was A TRIP. Psychic damage at every page. still feeling very normla.
The Mask of Apollo - Mary Renault Ugh i desperately wanted to like this book because the setup is so interesting and full of potential, but the end result was just. flat. flat story flat characters the plot focusing on the wrong things at the wrong times i was so DONE when i reached the end otz.
Babel - R. F. Kuang LOVED the worldbuilding in this, the "lost in translation" system of magic is one of the most interesting things ive ever read. I think theres something about the writing in general that didn't win me over completely?? but all in all a very good
Red Ocean - Han Song This sure is a Book. That i've Read. its so profundly strange and unlike anything ive come across that i dont even know what to feel about it. i think 90% of my confusion comes from Not Getting Cultural References so if someone has a "red ocean explained" essay plz send it my way bc i couldnt find one.
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[CN] Victor’s Cold Winter Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 凛冬之约, that is yet to be released on the global server! ♡
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[Translation under the cut]
【Subbed Video】
[anika’s notes]: I do very very very highly recommend to watch the video for full immersion + absolute god-level voice acting + the gorgeous music pieces!!! ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
I behold  My homeland disappear in the daylight, and emerge in the night.  I behold  The everlasting power engrain within the vast blood of my people.  I behold  A snow-white rose bloom in the winter,   And I behold as it withers in the winter – each petal sailing across the ocean,  To a kingdom no one can reach. 
【Chapter 1】
As the night gradually deepens, the heavy curtains in front of the window are drawn by the attendants, veiling the silvery, meandering moonlight. 
I take a deep breath and push open the doors to the royal bedchamber engraved with a luxurious imperial coat of arms. 
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Inside the bedchamber, my newly wedded husband, King Victor, is fast asleep. 
Not long ago, at the behest of my father, Duke William, I was betrothed to Victor.  
Regrettably, before the ceremony could be held, my parents died of ailing health. 
However, the wedding was not delayed due to the unexpected tragedy, and the ceremony proceeded as scheduled, with the Church as witness. 
After all, to those people, what mattered the most was not the protagonists of the wedding, but the wedding ceremony itself. 
–– That’s right, it’s not just me; even the king, Victor, is not held with significance in their eyes. 
After all, it’s known to everyone in the capital that the royal family’s influence is eroding with each passing year. And since Victor succeeded to the throne, he remains in a coma all year round and is merely a puppet in the hands of the Church and nothing more. 
The elusive fragrance of beeswax pervades the air in the room. I step on the soft woolen carpet and draw closer to the bedside. [1] 
Lately, the capital has been shrouded in a haze of doubts and suspicion regarding the disappearance cases, and it was not the appropriate time for grandeur. Therefore, after the hasty wedding, I was ushered into the imperial palace. 
And tonight marks the third night I’m spending alongside His Majesty, the King, who’s been in a state of perennial coma. 
Victor is still in a deep slumber. 
The light from a few candles illuminates one side of his profound features, while the lingering shadows dance across his face as if with fondness. 
Throughout the generations, the kings have always been in robust health. But during Victor’s reign, his health has been continuously plagued with illness. 
It seems even the gods cannot bear to be too cruel to him. His illness has only brought a touch of frailty but has not marred his looks. 
I inhale softly and sit on the edge of the bed, propping my chin up as I gaze at Victor in his slumber. 
MC: ...why are you still sleeping? 
I’ve already started to grow accustomed to this— the bedchamber echoing only my own whispered monologues. 
MC: I thought the Church was so wary of you because you had some secrets that were unknown to the outsiders.
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MC: Now it seems your biggest secret is that you were born this good-looking. 
I crack a joke to myself, which also lightens my mood considerably. 
MC: When I think about it this way, being married to you is far better than being forced by the Church to marry one of those evil, rotten old men. 
In addition, within the palace, at least, there are no hypocritical relatives and those ever-watchful eyes— 
I have enough space to contemplate my plan for revenge. 
MC: Revenge... revenge...  MC: But how can I go about taking revenge on the Church... 
Clutching a corner of Victor’s blanket, I cover my face with it in anguish. 
The Church conspired to murder my parents. 
Because my father was a leader of the reformist faction, they extended their malicious hands targeting my family. 
And this marriage, which was arranged by my parents, is now being wielded as a means to threaten my life. 
As I ponder on this, the resentment in my heart swells. I heave a sigh, deciding to change my mood and say something interesting. 
I sporadically recount some happy and entertaining anecdotes from the past, treating Victor as a well-behaved “sleeping beauty doll.”
MC: ...in autumn, you know, there wasn’t much to do. Winter, in comparison, was way more fun.  MC: When I was young, what I loved doing the most was building little snowmen in the courtyard of the duke’s mansion after it snowed. Look, I could make them this big— 
Of course, Victor can’t see any of this, and there’s no hope for a response either. After mustering the spirit to prattle on for a while, all I am left with is endless emptiness. 
I tug at the corners of my lips, forcing a smile, and as if driven by some strange impulse, I reach out and poke Victor’s face, wishing to get him to have the same expression as me. 
MC: Sigh, it’s no fun. I won’t say anything more.  ??(Victor): Why won’t you say anything more? 
An icy voice suddenly sounds in my ears, carrying with it the raspiness of just being awakened. 
I turn my head and nearly let out a scream. 
MC: Y-Your Majesty... when did you...! [2] 
I’m not sure when, but Victor has regained consciousness at some point. Leaning on a soft pillow, he rubs his temple with one hand.
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Victor: I’m conscious, not revived back to life. 
MC: ... I’ll sincerely obey Your Majesty’s command! 
In a low voice, I respectfully offer him a curtsy. Victor seems to find my behavior amusing, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 
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Victor: The term of address was “you” even just a moment ago. A certain someone changed her tune rather quickly. [3]    MC: I’m not “a certain someone,” I am...    Victor: I know, Duke William’s only daughter.    MC: [surprised] Eh...? 
Victor: At the age of seven, you received a scolding for building a snowman with the servants. When you were nine, you had a quarrel with a parrot and suffered a crushing defeat–– 
MC: Wait a minute, you... you heard all of that? 
Victor: You’re too noisy. It’d be hard not to hear, [breaks into a coughing fit] cough, cough... 
His words are cut off by a cough. I hastily pour a cup of water and offer it to him under his scrutinizing gaze, keeping silent. 
I can’t help but break into a cold sweat. 
Could it be that... all the past events I casually mentioned, all those self-deprecating remarks, and even... did he really listen to everything? 
But, two days ago, when I plucked up the courage to poke his face, he didn’t react at all... So, when did he actually become conscious? 
A vague, looming sense of oppression involuntarily makes me shrink my neck, and I tentatively open my mouth. 
MC: ...you know about everything regarding me? 
He tilts his jaw slightly upwards, studying my features. His eyes are submerged in the shadows cast by the candlelight, reminiscent of a predator in the dark night. 
A good while passes before he eventually accepts the cup, speaking in a tone that is neither amiable nor impassive. 
Victor: I do. 
I nod and, after a rapid mental calculation, make up my mind. I take a step forward, wearing a small smile on my face as I speak. 
MC: Including the fact that I was sent as a spy by the Church? 
Victor: [seemingly chokes on water] … 
Victor: Are you aware of what you’re saying?
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MC: Yes, I’m aware. 
I wish to work together with the king to bring down the Church. 
And when working with a person like Victor, being transparent and honest is the first principle.
I crouch down at the edge of the bed, looking up at Victor from below. 
MC: Your Majesty, I don’t want to hide anything from you. 
MC: Prior to our nuptials, my parents were brutally attacked by the Church due to their advocacy for the reformation of the Church. 
MC: The Church, to exploit my worth, spared my life and assigned me to spy on you. 
Victor arches an eyebrow, clearly still assessing the credibility of my words. 
Victor: Continue. 
I press my lips together and lower my head, trying to convey my utmost sincerity. 
MC: ... I’m unsure of to what extent you know about me, but I’ve never once considered surrendering to the enemies who murdered my parents. 
MC: Now, in terms of both sentiment and reason, we are a family, and I cannot betray my husband. 
MC: So... Your Majesty, will you take me under your wings? 
I blink my eyes at him with a pitiful look, not knowing whether Victor would buy into it. 
Victor: … 
As if in need of a moment to compose himself, Victor seems to momentarily avert his eyes before he turns them back to me again. 
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Victor: Family... you seem to have accepted your new identity quite readily. 
MC: Besides you, what else do I have to rely on? 
MC: On the contrary, even after hearing my confession, if you’re unwilling to help me, I don’t have anything to lose. 
I flutter my eyes at Victor. 
MC: Your Majesty, I’ve already got nothing left to lose. 
Victor holds a straight gaze on me. In his eyes, while there is finally a hint of recognition, it’s more as if he is peering into the past through me. 
Victor: ...I will help you. 
His well-defined hand sweeps my loose hair strands back for me. But before I can breathe a sigh of relief, the next second, my chin is cupped and pivoted to face him. 
Victor: The prerequisite is that you can offer sufficient value to me. 
His grip is surprisingly strong for someone who has just regained consciousness. As our eyes interlock, his penetrating gaze intently scrutinizes my innermost thoughts. 
Victor: In your eyes, your husband, whom you’d never met before, is nothing more than a puppet who remains in coma year-round, isn’t that right? 
Victor unfolds his hand to me, revealing a gem as vividly red as the human heart in his pallid palm, and then he encloses his hand— 
In the blink of an eye, the signs of illness are shed off his face, and a rosy hue colors his cheeks, and he seems to be bathed in a divine light. 
MC: This is... do you know witchcraft?! 
Victor places the gem back in its case, then casts a brief look in my direction, apparently turning a deaf ear to what I’ve said. 
Victor: This doesn’t concern you. 
He slowly curls his lips, and his pupils, akin to the deep sea in the darkness, are as profound and enigmatic. 
Victor: There’s a set of clothing on the bedside table. If you want to prove that you’re not just a noble canary— 
Victor: Tomorrow morning, change into it and accompany me out of the palace. 
[1] Beeswax is often considered a symbol of “eternal love” in Eastern cultures. 
[2+3] During her monologues in the 1st quarter of the date, MC was addressing Victor by “你” (informal ver. of ‘you’) pronoun. But the moment he butts in, i.e., gains consciousness, MC immediately switches to “您” (courteous/ respectful ver. of ‘you’) and the respectful address “Your Majesty,” which he teases her about here, haha. 
Point to be noted: MC doesn’t switch back to the informal terms of addresses until the 3rd chapter of the date, when they’re already in love and inseparable for the time being. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ 
【Chapter 2】
While I’m still struggling with myself, Victor has already closed his eyes again. 
Victor: You can sleep anywhere you want; just don’t make any noise. 
MC: ...Yes, Your Majesty! 
The idea of having this mysterious and aloof king sleeping next to my pillow feels more chilling to me than freezing in the cold itself. 
I don’t hesitate at all. I swiftly grab a pillow from the bed and get prepared to spend the night on the sofa. 
But it turns out I actually overestimated my ability to withstand the cold. Before the clock hands have even moved a few notches, I quietly tiptoe back to the bed, hugging the pillow. 
MC: [to herself] It’s just that the weather is too cold. I just want to feel a bit nice and warm— 
With a huff, I murmur in a soft voice and gently lift the coverlet to slip inside. 
Once I’ve got my body settled comfortably, I cautiously look towards the person on the pillow next to me. 
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Victor isn’t awakened by my movements. Even in the darkness of the night, his skin is luminously white, his features handsome— he is reminiscent of a sculpture crafted from snow. 
Considering this person’s track record of feigning sleep, I simply watch him quietly without making any more rash moves. 
As I continue watching like this, my mind inexplicably begins to wander. 
Although just moments ago, I kept addressing him as “my husband” repeatedly, when I look at Victor’s cold and handsome demeanor, I always find it difficult to connect him with that identity. 
In my impression, the image of a husband and wife is like that of my parents. So, in the future, will Victor and I also be joined at the hip and inseparable like that? 
Thinking about that reserved and unsmiling face, I can’t help but get chills. 
In his eyes, I seem to be nothing more than a “useful person.” But what value can I provide for him? 
The more I ponder, the more my head throbs, and it’s not until the horizon starts to turn slightly pale that I eventually drift into sleep. 
With the break of dawn, I promptly get out of bed and change my attire. Victor has woken up as well. 
Seemingly noticing the dark circles under my eyes, he arches an eyebrow, lifts his hand, and tosses a cloak over to me. 
Victor: It seems like while your courage is not at all small, your confidence sure is lacking. 
MC: I just don’t wish to unnecessarily show off in front of you. 
I fasten the cloak tightly and purposely straighten my neck. 
MC: Your Majesty, please lead the way. 
We exit the palace through a small gate, cross through the commoner’s district, and Victor leads me straight into a small house. 
Going from the small house into the cellar, and after navigating through a labyrinth of winding pathways, the cramped field of view suddenly opens up to a wide panorama. 
Everyone: Your Majesties. 
I never anticipated that the entire hall would actually be filled with guards, all standing in a perfectly ordered formation. 
— To pull together an assembly of so many armed personnel, Victor must have spent a substantial amount of time, hasn’t he? 
I’m hardly able to restrain my inner shock as I think back to the frequent news in recent years of nobles associated with the close-knit sects being removed from power or inexplicably meeting tragic ends. Now, it seems... 
Every single person, myself included, severely underestimated this “dying” king standing before me. 
At this moment, Victor picks something up from the long table, and it’s only now do I notice that there are all kinds of torture equipment laid out on the table. 
The appearance of these torture instruments is menacing, and at their tips, dried blood remnants are still visible. 
Practically, the moment I get a good look at them, the reeking of blood and rust assaults my nostrils. I subconsciously cover my nose and mouth, tightly gripping the cuff of my sleeve. 
Subordinate: Reporting to Your Majesty, these are the “refining” equipment we found at the scene. 
Subordinate: But those people are as cautious as rats at dusk; we’ve only found these pieces of material evidence so far. The remains of the blood sacrifice are still being sought. 
Victor nods calmly, and once the arrangements are made, the guards depart in an orderly manner through various secret passageways. 
Victor and I are the only ones remaining in the large hall. I make a conscious effort to restrain myself from looking at those torture instruments, regulating the rhythm of my breathing. 
MC: Your Majesty, did you bring me here to witness something so horrifying to disclose some kind of truth to me? 
Victor: Face has turned pale, but still got some courage. 
A smile tinged with what appears to be praise appears on his face, as he takes out from his bosom the gem that resembles a human heart from last night. 
The crimson light radiating from the gem spreads across his cheeks, eerie yet bewitching. 
Victor: The purpose of all these blood sacrifices is to provide energy for this “Blood King Crystal.” 
My eyes widen in incredulity as I stare at the pulsating vivid red in his hand, sensing a faint inkling of what it might signify. 
MC: When you hold this Blood King Crystal, your complexion appear rosier, and you don’t cough as much... 
MC: Could it be that the Church officials want to extract energy from commoners to enhance their physical strength? 
Victor: Not the Church; it’s the Royal Family. 
Victor doesn’t shy away from nodding his head. He stares fixedly at the red gem that provides him with strength, but in his eyes, there is only icy coldness. 
Victor: The vitality and longevity of successive kings across the dynasties were all due to their possession of the “Blood King Crystals” that were assembled from the lives of countless ordinary people. 
Victor: The Church refines it, and the Royal Family uses it, thus resulting in the Royal Family being controlled by the Church from then on. 
Victor: And anyone who uncovers this secret will die. 
My thoughts go back to my parents, as well as the reformist cabinet ministers— could it be that they all had...? 
My heart immediately falls into a valley. 
I close my eyes for a moment, then fix my gaze firmly on the unwavering king before me, a king who has endured extreme hardships and made sacrifices to stand where he is now. [4] 
MC: Your Majesty, currently, there is a significant following of the Church among the populace. We must find the evidence of the blood sacrifices and bring it to light for everyone to see. 
MC: I will carry on my parents’ legacy and work alongside you to find evidence of the Church’s blood sacrifices. 
In those forever serene eyes of Victor’s, I see the glint of a smile. 
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Victor: [assuredly with obvious happiness] It appears you’ve perfectly inherited the chivalry and wisdom of Duke William. 
MC: Well... it’s not entirely that. Whether in public or private matters, it’s only right that I stand by your side. 
I wink at him, half-jokingly breaking the somewhat somber atmosphere. 
MC: After all, I’m not only the daughter of Duke William. I am your wife and, more importantly, the queen of this country. 
Victor: Is that right? It doesn’t seem to me that a certain someone possesses the temperament of a queen. 
MC: Regarding that... I will work hard, so you can’t keep teasing me all the time. 
Victor laughs in spite of himself and reaches out his hand, gesturing for me to take his arm. 
Victor: [laughs helplessly] Very well. My Queen, we should return now. 
After coming out of the subterranean passageway, we follow the same path back. We were in a hurry when we came here. It’s only now do I take notice of the surroundings. 
In the nearby roadside, peddlers are selling fresh produce, while in the distant square, a group of less fortunate are circled around a fire, warming themselves and singing songs. 
The streets in the commoner’s district are intersected, narrow, poverty-stricken yet bustling with life, in stark contrast to the overwhelming dead silence of the royal palace. 
I hardly ever left the mansion, so I find myself unable to resist taking in the surroundings repeatedly. 
Victor: Does the Duke’s daughter find these things interesting? 
MC: ...no, no, I’m just looking around in passing, that’s all! 
Victor’s hand offhandedly adjusts a corner of my cloak. He takes a long stride, veering from the route back to the palace and heading in a different direction. 
Victor: That path is too narrow. Let’s stroll this way and get some fresh air. 
We slowly stroll along, taking in the surroundings as we walk. Not far ahead, there is a dilapidated small tavern. Victor gestures for me to take a look. 
Victor: I just suddenly recalled that you mentioned being curious when you were little and licking the snow with a fork. 
Victor: During winter, the iron cups in the tavern also have an element of sweetness. You should try it some other time. 
My scattered thoughts, fluttering around like wild and untamed grass, suddenly drop to the ground, and I can’t help but choke. 
MC: ...Your Majesty, are you teasing me? 
There is a slight curve at the tip of Victor’s brow as he gently curls the corners of his lips into a smile. 
Victor: [laughs softly] Perhaps I am, or perhaps, it is a sincere recommendation. 
MC: Could it be that you’ve drawn that conclusion after experiencing it firsthand? 
Victor: You could say that. 
Seeing him take the bait, a massive smile spreads across my face. 
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MC: So, speaking of, does that mean that you’ve also stuck your tongue to an iron cup in the past? 
Victor seems to choke on his words for a moment. He shoots me a wordless look and walks forward, paying no mind to me. 
MC: [teasingly continues] So, did that really happen? Did it happen or not... 
We’ve almost circled the area surrounding the palace. Victor is tall and has long legs, but from the beginning, he has maintained a matching pace with me, making it so that I can always touch his shoulder by simply turning sideways. 
The weather is very cold today; my hands and feet are freezing, yet I deeply breathe in the bitingly chilly but liberating air. 
Even though I cannot purchase any dubious items to bring back to the palace, and even though I know the end of this path leads to the imperial palace that holds me captive— 
But perhaps because I have someone walking alongside me, I feel surprisingly at ease. 
In my sight, obscured by the chilling breeze, I see Victor squatting down and petting a skinny kitten at the corner of the alley. 
The cat stretches its body and lays down lazily under Victor’s hand, meowing. Victor smiles, and both of them then look at me together. 
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Victor: [extremely softly] The winters in the future won’t be as chilling anymore. 
[4] The idiom used here is “越王勾践,” which came to life from the true story of King Goujian. I’d encourage you guys to just even google and see the small wiki on him if you can. This idiom in and of itself is the essence of the date in terms of Victor’s perseverance, and how he imposes suffering on himself for the constant reminder of what it is he’s fighting for by refusing to use the “Blood King Crystal.” 
【Chapter 3】
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Victor soon announces the news of him regaining consciousness to the masses, sending waves of shock to everyone across the country. 
Amidst the reigning turmoil among the Church and the nobles, he proposes visiting the prominent noble households. 
In my capacity as the queen, I rightfully visit every noble residence with him, where we find numerous correspondences implicating the collusion between the nobles and the Church. 
The nobles kept the letters for the purpose of blackmailing the Church, both sides engaging in mutual exploitation, but they never once considered that there could be one day when they’d have to face the consequences. 
Using the letters as a starting point, a series of pivotal evidence regarding the Church’s blood sacrifice is unearthed through Victor’s thunderous methods. 
I, on the other hand, use my identity as an orphan of the reformers to help him win over the newly elevated nobles. More and more people begin to rally to our side... 
When a former subordinate of my father hands me a letter, as if in tacit agreement, both Victor and I simultaneously realize that the final piece of the puzzle has fallen into place. 
It’s about time for the verdict to be pronounced. 
Tomorrow, Victor will convene a National Convention to expose the crimes of the Church to the masses. 
I can’t fall asleep, so I rise from the bed and pace around the bed chamber in my nightgown. 
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Victor: [laughs helplessly] If memory serves me right, the person set to address tomorrow is not the queen; it’s the king. 
He is lying in bed with drowsy eyes. Turning towards me, he speaks in a low, raspy voice, infused with a teasing tone. 
MC: ...I didn’t realize I’d wake you up despite the carpet being so thick. I guess I’ll just go outside and sleep elsewhere. 
As I drape on my outer garment and am about to head outside the chamber, my wrist is suddenly gripped from behind, pulling me back onto the bed. 
Victor: [in an overwhelmingly sensual tone] You’re the queen. Where do you plan on sleeping when you look like this? 
Tangled up in my thoughts, I have tousled my hair, causing it to become disheveled. Victor sighs, who then picks up a comb and sits behind me. 
Victor: [switches to an overwhelmingly tender tone] Dummy. What is there to be nervous about? 
The moderate pressure on my hair pacifies my restless heart. I rub my ears, which have heated up, trying to shift the topic of conversation to conceal my shyness. 
MC: In the past, when my father would go to visit the king, my mother would become anxious like this and often wouldn’t even be able to eat anything. 
Victor: So, what would happen next? I’m afraid the duke probably wouldn’t let his duchess remain in a constant state of worry. 
MC: Mm-hmm. Whenever this kind of situation arose, my father would always hold my mother’s hand... 
As I speak, I immediately begin to regret it a little. It feels like I’m sending a rather awkward hint. 
Without waiting for me to dwell on more embarrassing thoughts, Victor’s hand has already enveloped mine, and the warmth from his palm flows to my icy fingertips. 
His temperature is reminiscent of dandelions in a garden, floating gently, landing on my face and neck. 
We are the puppet king and queen, husband and wife in name only. Even though we reside together in the same bedchamber, we’ve never been this intimate. 
I feel a sensation as if a feather quill is caressing my throat, making it impossible for me to conceal the true feelings harbored in my heart. 
Reflexively, I tighten my grip on Victor’s hand and turn to face him. 
MC: Victor, to be honest, even though I never mentioned it before, I used to think you were quite unfeeling. 
Victor: There was no need to say it; it was written all over your face. 
Victor: Also, not addressing me as “Your Majesty” anymore? 
MC: In any case, you are not going to hold it against me now, will you? 
MC: During this period of time that I’ve spent with you, running here and there together, I’ve come to realize in every passing moment that I hardly knew anything about you before. 
MC: For instance, in the case of those Church henchmen, according to the old laws, their families should have been exterminated, but you chose to exercise your discretion and grant amnesty to those who were unaware. 
MC: And regarding the commoners who have fallen victim to the blood sacrifice, you’ve been supporting their families with long-term financial aid. 
MC: You always project an image of keeping people at a thousand-mile distance, but in reality, there is also a tender side to you. 
A flicker of astonishment crosses Victor’s eyes, but he simply tightens his grip on my hand. 
Victor: [with a very evident hesitation in his tone] It sounds like... getting to know me is something that brings you joy? 
MC: Yes, it does. I wish to know you even better— the past you, the present you, and the future you. 
I gaze deeply into his eyes. 
MC: But you’re so encumbered by everything. I can only utilize the little time you set aside for me each day to learn about you amidst the calls of the people. 
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Victor: ...MC. 
Victor’s eyes tighten, and a heartfelt and regretful emotion swirls within them. 
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MC: I don’t wish to rob you of your time because of my selfish desires. 
MC: So, after the National Convention concludes, and when you’re no longer so busy... 
I draw in a breath, low and slow. And like that, just like the first time I met him, I lay bare all my yearnings and affections before him. 
MC: Reserve some time for me, will you? Not in your role as the king, but as my husband. Share your stories with me. 
MC: Will you, Victor? 
All my thoughts translate into clumsy words, pouring out like the way winter grass eagerly awaits spring rain, confessing everything I have in me. 
Victor continues gazing at me like this, until that gaze of his becomes infused with almost sorrow and a reluctance to part. 
Before I can decipher those cryptic code words, he has already cast his eyes downward, veiling the emotions within. 
Is this a silent rejection? I exert myself to force a smile, intending to crack a joke to ease the situation, but then he speaks first. 
Victor: [if a person’s voice alone could shatter one’s heart, I swear this would be it] There’s no need to wait till later. Let’s do it now. 
In astonishment and jubilation, I look up, locking eyes with his sincere gaze. 
On the night before the pivotal moment in destiny, I finally witness Victor’s wordless confession. 
The following day, the National Convention proceeds as scheduled. 
Attired in royal robes, Victor stands at the forefront. Below the platform, countless eyes, some treacherous and others devout, are all converged on him. 
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Victor: In my capacity as the king, I stand here only to declare one thing. 
Victor: The mysterious disappearances in the capital over the years have all been caused by the Church. 
The earth-shattering statement stirs up a commotion among the people, and the followers of the Church appear visibly unsettled. 
Victor: The Church extracts energy for the “Blood King Crystal” through the massacre of civilians in blood sacrifice rituals. 
Victor: As for the particulars, I will leave it to the Knight Commander to elucidate. 
The attendants toss numerous sheets of paper into the crowd off the platform, each containing records of clear and unmistakable evidence. 
In a matter of moments, the crowd transitions from initial silence to restlessness, ultimately erupting into an agitated uproar. 
It turns out that the matter of the true culprit behind the disappearance cases has been an enduring emotional anchor for the people, completely overturning everyone’s cognition. 
Some hurling curses, some wailing, and some even charging to express their scorn at the Church... 
Amidst the chaos, only Victor’s voice, his calm and powerful words, continues forward with a steady resolve. 
Crowd: Overthrow the Pope, give us back our people! Overthrow the Pope, give us back our people! 
As the chants and shouts cease and amid the furious uproar of the crowd, the Pope, who is ringed, calmly casts a glance in Victor’s direction. 
The Pope: Silence. Dear Compatriots. 
The elderly Pope walks slowly to the center of the platform, an inscrutable and chilling smile playing on the layers of wrinkles on his face. 
The Pope: His Majesty speaks the truth. The Church does indeed extract energy for the “Blood King Crystal,” and the blood sacrifice of civilians has truly occurred. 
The Pope: However, all these casualties and deaths stemmed from the demands of the royal family! 
The Pope: Throughout history, every king has relied on the “Blood King Crystal” to survive, and even our righteous and dignified king, His Majesty, is using it at this very moment! 
The Pope: The very purpose of the “Blood King Crystal’s” existence is to secure the longevity of the king. Without a king, who will lead the country? How can the kingdom have a future? 
The Pope raises the scepter high, directing it towards Victor. 
The Pope: Your Majesty, the Church has been faithful and devoted to the Crown for all these years. As you pronounce judgment on the Church’s sins today, do you not feel a sense of guilt? 
The wrath of the masses below the platform has no outlet after his manipulative and distorted speech, and their eyes shift to Victor. 
Silent inquiries and judgments flood the eyes of the crowd, prepared to tear everything to shreds at any second. 
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The noble king, however, has maintained his impassive demeanor from the beginning. He lapses into a moment of silence, gazing into my eyes. 
Amid the scrutiny of the spectators below, I lock my eyes with him, and in that gaze, I see the very same expression of unwillingness to part that I wasn’t able to discern last night. 
But at this moment, I seem to understand its meaning. 
Holding back the bitterness in my eyes, I take a step forward and speak in a loud voice. 
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MC: What the Pope said is true. The kings of the previous dynasties colluded with the Church for their personal gains, resulting in the slaughtering of civilians. 
MC: However, the Blood King Crystal has never been a precious treasure, but rather a curse. 
MC: As each king became more reliant on it, the health of the royal descendants suffered increasing repercussions, which led to an even deeper dependence on the Church. 
MC: His Majesty has been working tirelessly to put an end to these nefarious activities, solely for the sake of the future of this country. 
MC: As for the Blood King Crystal... 
I close my eyes, my eloquent speech coming to an abrupt halt. This elicits puzzled murmurs from the crowd off the platform.  
At this time, Victor walks to the forefront of the stage. 
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He retrieves the vivid red gem from his bosom, and the blinding luster falls on his chest, projecting an image as if blood were coursing through. 
Victor: Behold, the Blood King Crystal. 
Before anyone can comprehend, Victor swiftly exerts a slight force with his fingertips, and the Blood King Crystal instantly disintegrates into fine fragments in his hand. 
Pope: You...!! 
Countless crimson red powder, reminiscent of blood, streams out from between his fingers, and his complexion has already turned a shade of pallor. 
The elixir of immortality, amassed from the sacrifice of countless human lives across generations of kings, the venomous sac upon which the Church depends for survival, has been completely eradicated before the eyes of everyone. 
Victor: Those deserving of being brought to reckoning, not a single person will be spared. 
Victor: That includes the Church, as well as the Royal family. 
He unfurls the hand that holds the Blood King Crystal. His palm now only holds a thin layer of gemstone powder, and he allows it to be carried away by the northern breeze. 
Victor: Henceforth, dust will return to the earth, and blood will be bestowed upon the people. 
Victor: I shall personally redeem the filth that has accumulated for far too long. 
【Chapter 4】
In the wake of the National Convention, Victor instigates a series of reform policies to root out corruption, setting off a massive surge across the country. 
He works tirelessly day and night, paying no heed to my attempts to dissuade him. There is an urgency in him that I don’t want to understand, a rush that drives him to get everything in order. 
Throughout this time, I’ve been seeking out renowned physicians from everywhere, but all I’ve received are negative answers filled with a mix of dread and despair. 
Until one day, he slips back into a coma again, and even the duration of his coma seems to be stretching longer and longer as the days elapse. 
And all I can do, or more accurately, want to do, is simply to remain by his side. 
With his eyelashes hanging low, a gentle shadow falls upon that beautiful yet pallid face, and it seems even his breathing has become very light. 
As I gaze at Victor’s side profile in deep slumber, I can no longer find the same relaxed and carefree state of mind I had when I first stepped into the royal bedchamber. 
He is no longer someone who could have confined me, the husband I had never met before, but rather my beloved with whom I have been through thick and thin together. 
My only wish is for him to open his eyes and look at me, share some dry jokes, and then walk with me through the streets and alleys again and observe how people are living nowadays... 
Victor’s life began wither away the instant the Blood King Crystal was shattered. All he can do now is expend every ounce of the remaining warmth. 
He knew the consequences better than anyone else, yet he still orchestrated his own ending with his own two hands. 
I remain by the bedside, tightly holding onto his hand. I can’t tell whether I’m trying to comfort him or myself. 
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MC: [sobbing] Victor... 
Tears well up and stream down my eyes. A hand reaches up to caress my cheek, gently wiping away those tears. 
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Victor: Why are you crying? 
Victor has woken up at some point without my notice and is now frowning as he looks at me. 
Quickly, I wipe away the tears in a haphazard manner, the corners of my eyes stinging from the abrasion of my forceful fingertips. 
MC: I’m alright. Are you hungry? What would you like to eat? 
Victor doesn’t answer. Instead, his gaze passes over my shoulder and settles on the view outside the window. 
Victor: It’s snowing. 
It’s only now do I take notice that the imperial palace courtyard has already been blanketed in snow, transforming into an expanse of pristine white. 
Victor: Weren’t you most fond of building snowmen when you were a child? Why not give it a try now? 
MC: But your health... 
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Victor: [in an even tender and heart-wrenchingly weaker tone] It’s just building a snowman. 
I press my lips together. The truth is, I have long grown to despise winter, and I don’t like building snowmen anymore. 
After the death of my parents, the attendants who had been my companions from childhood to adulthood were all substituted with the informants from the Church, and the duke’s mansion became eerily cold and desolate. 
The winter season I once loved became increasingly colder as time went on, and I no longer had the desire to go out. Warmer seasons began to become more likable to me. 
But none of these are worth mentioning to Victor. Because this winter— it is marked by the moment I met him. 
I nod. 
MC: Of course. 
MC: In that case, I must show you the snowmen-building skills I’ve honed since childhood! 
I force a smile and step outside with Victor after donning our outer garments. He tucks my hand into his cloak. 
Victor: A certain someone was shivering in the cold during the last outing, and she still forgot to bring her gloves this time. 
MC: I did it intentionally. Otherwise, how could I get Your Majesty to help warm my hands? 
With this said, I slip my chin into my cloak, and the smile at the corner of my mouth instantly fades away. 
Victor’s hand is much colder than mine. Taking a deep breath, I grip his hand even tighter, and together, we step into this pure white world. 
The chilly breeze howls as Victor and I tread through the snow, neither of us uttering a word. [5] 
Reminiscent of a wanderer losing its way, the mist hangs over the frigid ground and eventually dissipates into the pale grayish expanse above. 
Victor suddenly loosens his hold on my hand. 
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Victor: Didn’t you want to showcase your skills to me? Why aren’t you going yet? 
I cast a brief glance at the mounds of snow under the trees, nod in silence, and reluctantly let go of his hand despite my heart breaking. [6] 
MC: Well, Your Majesty, please wait for just a short while. 
I tighten Victor’s cloak for him, then dash to the snowdrifts and begin building a snowman. 
My hands move at a blazing pace. There is only a single thought circling in my mind right now, and that is to swiftly end this time-wasting game and return to his side as fast as possible. 
To add to my woes, the newly fallen snow proves challenging to shape, much like bleached wool. Despite my vigorous efforts to press the snow together time and again, the snowballs continue to fall apart, each and every time. 
A mix of vexation and restlessness churns in my heart. I have nearly exhausted all the strength left in my body to mold the snowballs, and both my hands are now aching from the cold. 
Victor: [with endless helplessness] Dummy, no one is competing with you for first place. There’s no need to be in such a rush. 
Subconsciously, I pause in my movements, turn my head, and find him gazing at me with a serene expression. 
The urgency and anxiety in my heart seem to find equilibrium, and my hands unconsciously settle into a steadier motion. 
Regrettably, the snowman I end up crafting doesn’t even qualify to be described as “adorable.” Even so, Victor earnestly lowers his head, observing it with the bearing of a connoisseur appreciating a gem. 
Victor: To create this shape without it falling apart is indeed a testament to skill. 
His teasing remark elicits a chuckle from me. I pick up a twig and walk over to him. 
MC: There’s still one last step, but it requires Your Majesty and me to complete it together. 
Placing the twig in his hand, I then hold onto his hand, and together, we draw eyes and a mouth on the snowman’s face. 
Victor chuckles softly, and conversely, he grasps my hand, guiding it to make strokes. 
Victor: You’re holding so tightly; its eyes are all crooked now. 
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Looking at the snowman with its enlarged eyes due to our modifications, I’m just about to crack a few jokes when I notice a touch of weariness on Victor’s face. 
MC: We’ve almost completed the snowman. Would you like to rest for a while? 
Victor: I know a tavern. Come with me. 
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We’ve arrived at the alley where we met that kitten before. It has undergone a complete transformation, and the newly opened tavern is bustling with patrons. 
It’s a snowy day, and the tavern is filled to capacity. I initially thought that there would be no seats available. However, the owner leads us straight into a room. 
MC: Huh? Did you reserve the room with the owner in advance? But you weren’t... 
Victor brushes away the snowflakes off my head, seeing through my puzzlement. 
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Victor: I arranged it in advance, yes. 
Victor: Since I didn’t know when I would be awake, I told the owner beforehand that I would have this room reserved for as long as it snows. 
The fire in the hearth produces a crackling sound. Victor’s facial features are enveloped in the cloud of heat, his eyes gentle. 
Victor: I just thought that one day, I would take you out to see the snow. 
We sit on the terrace, sipping the warm wine. Amidst the aroma of wine wafting in the air, he speaks in a soft tone. 
Victor: I did stick my tongue to a cup in the past. It happened when I was five years old and had a taste of my father, the king’s red wine in secret. My mother, the queen, had gotten quite the shock. 
MC: Eh? What are you talking about... 
Victor: Dummy, aren’t you always clamoring about wanting to hear my stories? 
He says it as if it were the most natural thing, as if this were merely an ordinary winter day, as if we were an ordinary married couple offhandedly conversing about our everyday life while enjoying a drink and keeping ourselves warm by the fire. 
The north breeze makes my eyes sting, but I still force myself to smile as I look at him. 
MC: So, it turns out that His Majesty was a dummy, too, when he was five years old. How about when you were six? What was it like? 
Victor: When I was six... 
In the back-and-forth questions and answers, more than twenty years of Victor’s life have become etched in my mind. 
I dare not listen. I can’t help but feel as if once I’ve heard everything, he will leave me. And yet, I listen carefully to every single word. 
I listen to the way he speaks each word— the way his teeth collide, the way his two lips meet, the way the nuances of his trailing notes alter between closing and releasing. 
Victor: Next, it’s the day when I got married to a certain someone. 
MC: ...there’s no need to tell the next part of the story. After all, the stories related to me have only begun. 
Victor pauses, but doesn’t follow up my words with a playful remark.
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MC: ...Victor? 
Victor: What’s wrong? 
I shake my head, and when I open my mouth again, the name that has been lingering on the edge of my lips and weighing on my heart spills out involuntarily. 
MC: Victor.  
Victor: Mm, I’m here. 
He tacitly acquiesces to my almost naïvely foolish behavior, responding to my call of his name over and over again. It feels as though, if only I can keep confirming like this, the hole in my heart would be filled. 
MC: ...Victor. 
This time, he doesn’t speak. The silence forces me to stop. 
MC: [sobbing] I just want to know... what can I do to make you stay... [7] 
Victor sighs softly and beckons to me. 
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I lean over and nestle in his frigid arms. 
As if he can no longer support the weight of his long, ink-black eyelashes, he casts his gaze downward. His nearly translucent skin appears as if it’s about to blend with the sunlight. 
Victor reaches out and touches my cheek, his finger pads caressing the contours of my face with utmost gentleness, as if sketching my features. 
His fingertips carry with them the chill of death, making me shiver involuntarily. 
Slowly and stiffly, I weave my words together, but the sentences that come out of my mouth are still shakily out of tune. 
MC: [teary-eyed x1] Victor, do you find it a little chilly? Maybe your cloak is too thin? 
MC: [x2] The fire is obviously burning so strongly, and the mead is also very warm... [8] 
MC: [x3] Look, there’s a kitten on the eaves over there. Isn’t it the one we met that day? 
MC: [x4] It looks so lively today. Seems like its frame of mind is as cheerful as ours. 
When I utter the last sentence, I hear his gentle sigh. 
At the same time, the laughter of playful children chasing each other, the chatter of young people, and the sighs of emotions of the elderly can be heard amidst the wind and snow. 
Victor: Hear that, the sounds outside. 
The sunlight seeps through the terrace, haloing and enveloping the surroundings with a layer of warm and bright haze. 
Bathed in that glow, my body’s consciousness returns little by little. I tightly clutch his hand, no longer shaking. 
MC: [x5] I can hear it. It’s almost New Year, and the streets are bustling and serene. 
Victor: The snowfall this year is promising. So, the harvest will be abundant next year. 
MC: [x6] Yes, people will become more affluent and happier. 
Victor: You will be a part of it all, too, and that’s really good. 
I bury myself in his chest, silently listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat, one beat after another. 
The heartbeat in my ears, following its rapid pace, begins to grow increasingly feeble. A realization dawns on me, and I force myself to lift my head and look at him. 
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He is akin to a wan rose, wilting before my desperate eyes that seek to make him stay, withering within my outstretched arms as I reach out to hold on. 
From limbs to blood, to the light in his eyes— bit by bit, the luster fades. 
My king entrusts the future of this country to me, and then he steps out of time, heading toward eternal peace. 
I gently incline my body, kissing his peacefully closed eyes. 
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MC: ...good night. 
This time, I don’t receive any response from him, but the snowstorm suddenly ceases. 
The curtain of the evening has already descended, and the vermillion sun sinks below the horizon. The final ray of the splendid afterglow thaws the ice and snow of the land. 
MC: Victor, I will take you to witness the tomorrow of this kingdom. 
[5] The exact phrase here actually was “冷风呜呜作响,” which literally means “the chilly breeze is producing a mournful sound”-- the “呜呜” used here is the onomatopoetic word for “sobbing/ wailing.” wanted to include this note as an example to gush about the brilliant atmospheric descriptions LZY writers use, e.g., the picture painted here echoes that even the nature is mourning at this slow, rather unfair, transition, mirroring the heroine’s and LZY’s pain of parting. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ 
[6] The expression used here is “依依不舍,” one of my favorite phrases and hated ones to translate LOL. You’d usually see this phrase being translated as “reluctant/unwilling,” but it doesn’t even come close to expressing the depth of its meaning. The phrase means “reluctance to part with sb you love/ being broken-hearted at having to leave,” with an underlying tone of “wanting to be with that person regardless,” -- and I tried to retain the OG meaning without being too wordy haha~ 
[7] Not sure how much of the sentiment I could make it come across in the translation—the term (留住) MC uses here literally means “ask sb to stay/ keep sb for the night/ ask them to wait.” the beauty of it lies in the fact that it expresses such a multitude of emotions— desperately wanting to keep sb in your life despite knowing it’s not up to either of you so you want to know if they can wait for you even though you know it’s not possible~ ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ   
[8] Mead (蜂蜜酒), also known as honey wine, is a type of alcoholic beverage made by fermenting honey mixed with water and other fruits. You can google it to know about it in detail if you want LOL.
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kimetsu-chan · 5 months
Disclaimer! ⚠️: this is not meant to take jabs at the ocs as some of these characters have unpleasant personalities. I chose these based on similar traits, outfits they’d look good in, and the ultimate talents. If you would like me to alter the outfit, I will. It just needs to be recognizable as the specific character’s outfit. This will take me an incredibly long time, upwards to multiple weeks. Since I am doing splash arts and one big art piece. If you are uncomfortable with the character your oc was given, please let me know and I’ll do my best to rearrange things. I will only being drawing YOUR oc in THEIR outfit and pose. I will not be mixing the characters.
this’ll be a long post so get ready
First off, this can contain spoilers for Danganronpa V2.
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Kyoko Kirigiri technically shows up for the anime version on V2 but I want to include as many ppl as possible. + she’s my favorite so haha
Oc: Akari Fuyutsuki (@thewinterpillarhashira)
Talent: The Ultimate Detective
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An honorable mention since Eva thought Celestia would work better than Makoto 😋
Oc: Eva Himiko (@muitsuri)
Talent: The Ultimate Gambler—
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Byakuya Togami is the first person I thought of for this oc 😋 he and Makoto are sorta same in the sense that they appeared in the anime. Although Byakuya had an impersonator pretend to be him in the actual game
Oc: Celestine Ellis (@saffron0v0)
Talent: Ultimate Affluent Prodigy
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IF ANYONE KNOWS TERUTERU’S PERSONALITY, IM NOT TRYNA BE MEAN I PROMISE— I hate Teruteru okay 😭 I just like his accent and outfit
Oc: Kirika (I couldn’t find her last name) (@ta-ni-ya)
Talent: The Ultimate Chef
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Mahiru Koizumi so underrated omg 😭 I loovveee herrrr.
Oc: Marilyn Kaizumi (@cloudymistedskies)
Talent: The Ultimate Photographer
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Peko Pekoyama has such a fun name omg. I like saying it over and over again. Once again, and underrated character
Oc: Ilona Dulina (@tokito-dulya20)
Talent: The Ultimate Swordswoman
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I don’t really like Hiyoko either, but she’s adorable and I think her outfit would suit this oc very well
Oc: Akira Sakuranbura (@tinyperson00)
Talent: The Ultimate Traditional Dancer
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Ibuki is so chaotic and I love it. She’s so adorable. I love that she’s described to be pitch perfect and tone deaf at the same time—
Oc: Irina Gonshira (@shycroissanti)
Talent: The Ultimate Musician
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Mikan is such a shy girl. She also cries when embarrassed and stutters a lot. She’s not my favorite, but I don’t hate her. She’s really clumsy which I find relatable—
Oc: Milo Suzuki (@larz-barz)
Talent: The Ultimate Nurse
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Usami will be taking the place of Nekomaru since I don’t feel comfortable with draw Yuna in his clothes and such. Plus Usami’s the teacher and I thought it would be fitting.
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His character was a little hard to choose, but he’s actually pretty adorable. He calls everyone else “mortals” and he’s my sister’s favorite character
Oc: (I can’t remember her name 😭) (@littleolspring112)
Talent: The Ultimate Animal Caretaker
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Nagito is quite possibly the most popular character in the entire franchise. Man has simps left and right. It’s probably bc he’s a little crazy— and he has a rlly sad backstory 😭 he’s also the ✨ main antagonist ✨
Oc: Boo (idk their last name) (@boo-simplified)
Talent: The Ultimate Lucky Student
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Chiaki is the lead female character and I like her quite a lot!
Oc: Hanako Kimura (@rion-isnot-an-ai)
Talent: The Ultimate Gamer
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Hajime Hinata is the lead protagonist in this game CONGRATS TO THIS OC WHO HAS HIM
Oc: Yuki Ayaka (@sweetstarryeyedgirl)
Talent: He doesn’t have a talent though 💀
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I think you can tell by just looking at him… but he’s the mastermind. He also shares a body with Hajime 😃 (wee wo wee wo, wee wo wee wo weeeee—)
Oc: Ayuna Katsuki (@ayunakatsukiwolfhashira)
Talent: I think he’s also talentless, just really smart—
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My beautiful, stupid, girl. I love Akane. She’s really energetic and loud so she fits this oc
Oc: Asai (I can’t find her last name 😚) (@night-mince0)
Talent: The Ultimate Gymnast
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Sonia’s got two outfits, I’ll do this one though. She’s a literal sweetheart
Oc: Kiyoka Watanabe (@kiyokatokito)
Talent: The Ultimate Princess 0-o
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Kazuichi is such a goody goober. Keep your beanie on though. Please.
Oc: Amari Delarosa (@naramaiz)
Talent: The Ultimate Machanic
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Kazuichi calls him “boss man” and “baby face”. He hates it. Internally a sweetheart though
Oc: Basil (idk his last name) (@aceofstars0)
Talent: The Ultimate Yakuza— yes he’s part of the mafia. or at least his parents are
And that was the last one 😭
ima plan on doing a group pic, but I might not end up doing it— just cause it’s a lot of work 😭
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Ima replace Nekomaru with Usami/Yuna and add poses for everyone else who’s character doesnt show up (that’s not Byakuya I promis, that’s the impersonator)
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You feel a chill down your spine, the hairs at the back of your neck prickle. You don't dare look behind you... The shadow smiles.
The Night That Feeds is a dark fantasy, interactive story.  It will have heavy themes of familial abuse, sexually suggestive themes (perhaps more explicit stuff too, eventually), and other dark themes. A comprehensive content warning will be made available as the story develops.
"This is a story of love, loss, and of trying to find a home".
*** Please keep your mental health in mind when playing games with dark themes. This game won't be as dark as some others, but I want everyone to be safe and healthy when consuming dark content.
Demo currently sitting at 21k words.
✧ Features/Will feature ✧
A customizable protagonist, name, gender, appearance. 
Multiple romance options (barely implemented at this time).
Demons!  Not in the way you may think.
An interesting fantasy land that you get to explore.
・❥・ Romance Options ・❥・
Captain E. Ward: Fame, fortune, infamy... All these and more follow Captain Ward. Their job is a demanding one, an important one, a dangerous one. They seem to be a commanding, playful person, but how deep do their scars run?
Age: 30
["Isn't it beautiful?" They say as they stare out into the void. Nebulous clouds drift behind, trailing the ship. "So Void-damned beautiful, and so fucked up." They look you in the eyes, and lick the edge of their bottom lip. "You sure you want this, with me?"]
They are a lonely person, they crave, and despise attention. They're afraid of intimacy, of love. What kind of life is a life in the Void? Who would willingly share that with them?
TW: Attempted murder (on them), clinginess.
Maddock: A surly mercenary, he watches out for you, all due to a 'favor' of a nature you can't discern. The way he looks at you is reminiscent of a deep longing.
Age: Late 30's, early 40's 
["I never thought that I'd be one ta' have somethin' like this at my age. I let my dreams go in my youth." He pats the cushion next to him. "You don' expect things ta' turn out, I've been a merc for so long, felt like all I knew how ta' do."]
He's a gruff man, doesn't got a heart of gold, but if you end up falling for each other, there isn't anything that would come between you.
TW: Possessive, sexual.
The Hunger: It's been watching you for a long time... 
Age: ???
["Oh, if it isn't my little bird, what is it? Is your wing broken? You don't seem eager to fly away this time..." It slinks closer, grinning wide. ]
An entity, not... malevolent, at least not to you.  However, it holds a sick fascination for you. 
TW: Yandereish. Stalker. Obsession. 
Fellis: A woman who seems to be around your age, she's an eager adventurer, she took a liking to you immediately, and seems keen to stoke the flames hotter. 
Age: 22, 23
["Oh, lovey. There you are." She takes your hand in hers, placing a gentle kiss along your knuckle. "I've brought something for you."]
She thinks you're the most beautiful person she's seen. She may even take up poetry to describe her budding love for you.
Xep: A strange person, wearing bright crimson robes, with gorgeous star decaling in gold. They wear copious amounts of jewelry, and enjoy the finer things. They were immediately drawn to you, they were forced to this back water of a town, they never expected anyone like you to cross their path.
Age: 27
["I want to hold you, please stay?" Their mouth creeps upwards, the wine has given them a positively radiant complexion, the heat blatant on their cheeks.]
They're a sad soul, after experiencing a heart break that left them devastated, they never expected to find love again.
SLIGHT TW: Mentions of suicide, heart break, mentions of being cheated on.
Credit to:  nyehilism for the sugarcube template, you've made things easier on me as an aspiring IF writer, thank you.
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happypotato48 · 2 months
Only Boo! EP 3 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
After one week break because of Songkran we're finally back with our blessed cute BL. this week episode had everything, cringe flirting lines, moo randomly started a music video for no reason, best boy pining, and a love confession after only 3 episodes.
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Awwwww! he so cute! i'm loving this "welp, i guess i'm in love" kind of energy. no drama no angst, head empty, only kang!
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Moo! it's 3-4 AM in probably a busy wet market. the aunties don't have time or energy for your bullshits right now! also that's a Lemon basil not a Sweet basil but i get it the sub needed to make the pun work in english.
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This baby is so cringe he gonna make all the dad jokes enjoyers proud.
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Baby i love you but you need to stop bothering random uncles and aunties with your shenanigans. this whole sequence is very cute though and i liked the song.
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You did nothing wrong!. Ta waen just needs to be more responsible for his own dream and to not expecting way too much from other people.
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You all are cutes! stop it, its too much, my heart gonna burt from how bright and pink this show made me feel.
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Yes kang! you tell him. look some men are worth the afford but i really loved this message about how it's good to not giving everything for love and lose focus on other things. cause like, dicks come and go but educations are forever baby!
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Girl you should've smacks that little hoe. some boys deserve it, that how we prevent them from growing to be stupid man children.
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I don't care how beautiful this place is nobody can make me go into that water.
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Oh yes. the gay headwashing, the most romantic bl thing ever in my opinion. this and the princess pickup are my two favorite guilty pleasures in BLs.
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Argh!! boy scout jump scare. SO....... i kinda have a stupid boy scout uniform related trauma, that i will not be elaborate >.>
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This is why you should've kill those mosquitoes!! kid these days and their lack of knowledge about dengue fever, smh.
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A confession after a gay sponge bath 😏 this boy had moves.
This show continued to be is very very kawaii and brainless. i'm now both dread and excite for the angsts and dramas that will befall our adrokable protagonists in the future.
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