#protect these beebs.
notladylikes · 2 years
addison is at a loss for words, being escorted out of the building with a pair of handcuffs confining her wrists. tears stream down her cheeks and she’s shielding her eyes from the constant flash of photobulbs as photographers take her picture. this is a nightmare reincarnated. 
she’s been down on heor luck lately, but she wasn’t expecting something of this caliber to kick her in the teeth when she was down and out. sitting in a small room, she awaits anyone to come and explain to her what was going on, because she was at a loss for words and her head was still spinning from everything that was thrown at her previously.
a man walks in, slender with light colored hair and a small smile. she doesn’t look up immediately, but he comes and sits in front of her, reaches out to put a hand on her own. this causes her to glance up and finally see him face to face.
“i’m malcolm, your public defender. i’m here to help you.”
who knew that this man would change the course of her entire life in a matter of months. the trials went on for what felt like ages, but he was always at her side no matter what. and the final day when things seemed to be taking a turn for the worse, he held her hand as they called out the verdict.
not guilty.
she threw her arms around him and cried on his shoulder. he had become the most important person to her, when everyone else seemingly abandoned her. @pistolism was without a doubt her best friend, whether he liked it or not. and she was going to do whatever she could to help him get his life on track - if she was given the chance to repay the favor. 
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roaringroa · 1 year
i can feel myself starting to develop feelings for someone i really shouldn’t. please don’t do this @ myself. it’s not gonna end well
#it’s a friend i’ve been steadily getting closer and closer to since we first met last year#she’s so sweet and cute and hard working#honestly ever since i met her i knew i could come to like her like that if i don’t stop myself#but i want to stop myself cause this is not gonna end well#for starters she’s had like 3 friends confess to her ever since i met her#and she’s ranted at me about that abd tild me she could never date a friend#second of all she’s in my uni class (in brazil you do all of your subjects with the same class ib most unis)#which means i have to see her everyday for 3 and a half years unless one of us changes class#so in the offchance that we actually do get together if it doesn’t work out it would suck to either continue seeing her or to change class#even if we don’t break up if we had ocasional fights it’s be so uncomfortable#and third we’re in the same uni friendgrouo and there’s only like 5 of us#i really don’t wanna bring drama into this group cayse i like everyone and would want to continue to be friends with everyone for a long tim#but also one of our friends has been her friend for far far longer and is very protective of her so if something happened i know she’d take#her side. which would be understandable but also i love both of them as friends so i’d be sad to lose both in one go#and fourth: i honest to god feel like i’d end up hurting her if we’d tried anything. i can be so insensitive sometimes#and other times i shut myself in and can’t interact with anyone#and thst already hurts her a little as friends it would be worse if we were together#the main point is still that she wouldn’t want to anyway lol#which is why i have beeb stopping myself whenever i have a though that could stwp outside of platonic territory for a while bow#but lately she’s been spending a considerable amount of time at my house cause hers is far from uni and mine isn’t#so when she leaves uni late and is set to arrive early i offer her to stay here#and i’m pretty sure that because of that my family thinks i have something going on with her that i don’t wanna tell them yet#cause they’ll make this vague comments like saying rhey like her cause she’s talkative unlike my brother’s ex and it’s like??#and i never know how to respond cause i feel like clarifying we’re not dating would be weirder since no one actually explicitly said anythin#anyway it’s a bit of a mess lol#my post#also not me already knowing how i’s hurt her how our friends would react and how i’d have to change class#just from the thought of maybe crushing on her lol#the good old family inherited anxiety disorder
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could we do hothners daughter (10-13) in there when hailey dies, and when she sees hotch just jumps into hos arms so so fast! you can end there or do like a time skip where shes getting nightmares and just sleeps with het dad as he comforts her!!! love your writting🤍
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Aaron Hotchner x Daughter reader
Request : could we do hothners daughter (10-13) in there when hailey dies, and when she sees hotch just jumps into hos arms so so fast! you can end there or do like a time skip where shes getting nightmares and just sleeps with het dad as he comforts her!!! love your writting🤍
So sorry for not updating for a while, I finally have a week off from college to write!
I do love writing Aaron Hotchner x child readers.
Lots of angst in this one like usual
Third person pov...
They were supposed to be safe from Foyet. Haley, Jack and 12 year old Y/N where in witness protection, Y/N was out with her Mum and Brother.
Jack and Y/N are walking together when Haleys phone goes off, stopping she gasps making Y/N look up at her Mum worried. "What's wrong mum?" She asks, Haley looks down at her daughter and tries not to cry.
She couldn't tell her kids their dad was dead. She smiles at her ans brushes her hair off her forehead. "Nothing sweetie but we have to get home quickly" she tells her daughter, the three get back to their car and drive home.
Once they get to their own home Haley sends Jack and Y/N off to play in the living room while she waits for the new marshal to appear.
Aftwr a couple of minutes Y/N stood up to go to the bathroom, as she left the door bell went, Haley answered it and in came George Foyet.
Y/N had begged her dad to show her what Foyet looked like just incase before they went into witness protection.
As Y/N walked back to the living room she heard a man's voice, she didn't recognise it. Tiptoeing silently towards the door she looked through a crack in it and gasps at the man.
"Foyet" she whispers to herself, the killer was currently playing with her little brother while her mum stood infront of them. Haley makes eye contact with her daughter.
She shakes her head slightly, telling her daughter to stay out of the living room, Y/N nods and hears her mum talk to someone on the phone.
"Aaron your okay?" Gaps Haley, Y/N eyes widened it was her Dad. Her parents talk a while with Foyet looking over at them a couple times.
"Haley, are Y/N and Jack there?" He asks
"Yes, Aaron what is going on?" Asks Haley, Hotch hesitates "hes Foyet, he's there to kill you, I'm sorry I couldn't stop him Haley" Says Hotch voice full of emotion.
Haley holds back her tears as Aaron tell Jack to 'work the case with him' Jack leaves the room running into Y/N who helps him hide before going back to her mum.
On her way back downstairs she goes into the kicken and grabs one of the big kichen knifes, hiding it in her waistband the 13 year old goes to the living room.
Suddenly three gunshots are heard, Y/Ns eyes widen with horror she runs back downstairs into living room and slams the door open forgetting about Foyet.
She cries with anguish as she spots her mum on the floor lifeless. "Mum! No nono you can't die no Mummy!" She cries hugging the body tightly.
The phone next to her is silent, the team had beeb listening into it, Hotch hates how sad his daughters voice sounds through the phone.
As she hugs her mum she feels a tap on the shoudler, wide eyed she jumps back away from her mum and away from tjr killer.
"Well well well, what have we here Hotchs daughter, cute thing you are" he tells the girl, shaking in fear Y/N stands up facing the man.
"You killed her you bastard!" She screams tears rolling down her eyes as she watched the sick basterd smirk at her. "I did, you and your brother will be next!" He yells before trying to grab her.
Y/N ducks and moves towards the door, she had to keep him downstairs. Turning around she looks for something to throw and remembers the knife in her waistband.
Holding it put at arms length she keeps the man infront of her. "You wknt find him I won't let you" she tells the man, Foyet on smirks and walks towards the teen.
Suddenly Y/N wakes up screaming murder, she whips her head around the dark room still screaming. Legs tangled in thr sheets the young girl desperately tries to stand up and run.
Her door is then opened and the light switched on, standing in the doorway was her Dad. Seeing his daughter crying and panicking he jumps into action.
He makes sure she sees its him before moving towards the 14 year old, it had been 2 year since the death of her mum and facing the reaper.
Every night she gets horrible vivid night terrors of that day, she hasn't be able to sleep since. Hotch begins to comfort his distraught daughter.
The man runs over to his daughter and sits on the bed holding his daughters hands tightly in his giving her pressure to help ground her.
"N/N its me its Dad, your safe remember the reaper is dead, he can't hurt you anymore." He tells the girl, Y/N shakes her head and cries in his arms.
Holding her tightly he's reminded of that day...
It wasn't until half an hour later when he arrived at his own home, dread filled his heart as walked inside to see his exwife shot.
Suddenly the sounds of grunting and screaming could be hear, the man sprint off if the direction and sees his daughter fighting for her life against Foyet.
"Y/N!" He yells emptying his clip into Foyet, when he was down Y/N leaps into her Dads arms and cries she cries and cries and cries.
It took a while for her to be okay and let go of her Dad, after that she was taken out of school for a few months to recover and started seeing a shrink.
Since then Y/N hadn't been the same, rocking back and forth Hotch rubs a comforting hand up his daughter back.
Slowly her breathing returned to normal and she could breath again. "Dad?" She calls, Hotch hums and continues comforting her. "C-can I sleep with you tonight?" She asks
Hotch kisses he forehead. "Of course you can sweetie" he whispers before picking her up and wrapping her in her blankets, they then leave her room Hotch turns off thr light and walk to his room.
As they do they walk past Jack's room, Hotch was lucky Jack had been staying with Jessica while he looked after Y/N, he didn't want him to have to listen to her screaming all night.
When they got to his room he pulled back the coverd and tucked his little girl in before getting in beside her, once he was under the covers Y/N curls up against her dad and falls into a finally restful sleep.
Smiling softly Hotch wishes her good night and falls into a dreamless sleep.
The end!
Hope you liked this oenshot, so sorry for the wait, as usual sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes!
Requests are open!
Word count: 1233
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grandlinedreams · 7 months
|| did i make myself cry a little w this? Yeah
|| warnings: mentions of nightmares and light depiction of a panic attack, vomiting, Cassian is a good beeb, reader was UTM w Rhys
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Cassian is dying. You know because he's in front of you, face down in a puddle of his own blood. There's so much of it, choking you with the copper tang ㅡ and you can do nothing to help him.
She knows it too, because Amarantha's eyes are blazing with cruel, triumphant light at the way your face drains of color. She steps towards Cassian, watches you flinch as she stands in the mess of his blood and bends, hauling him up just enough that you can see his face. "This," she says, "is what happens when you disobey me. I will take everything you love and destroy it in front of you."
It's dark when you lurch upright, dark enough that for one horrifying moment, you can't tell where you are. But then your senses are settling, registering the glimmer of stars outside the window, the billow of air that cools the sweat beading on your forehead. You lean forward, hand clapped over your mouth as you try to steady your breathing, the uneven jump of your heart.
You aren't there anymore. You're home, back in Velaris, back withㅡ
Weight shifts beside you, a hand that sweeps out to meet your body ㅡ and then Cassian is sitting up too, blinking at you as you stare mutely at him. "[Name]?" His brow furrows, concern tinging his tone. "You okay?"
No, you want to tell him, to laugh at the incredulity of being anything like okay. You haven't been in fifty years ㅡ and you're not sure you ever will be. Amarantha is gone, but you're not sure you'll ever get back what she took from you.
(Cassian's blood, thick and hot and staining everything it touches. The floor, his leathers, your skin because this is your fault, all your faultㅡ)
"[Name]?" Worry makes Cassian's voice sharp, and you flinch when he reaches for you. Your stomach lurches.
"I think I'm going to be sick," you rasp, and then you're on your feet, darting for the sanctuary of the bathroom. Your knees hit cold stone as your stomach empties, the violent twist of it as you gag and choke, eyes stinging with tears as your body forces everything up until there's nothing but spit and bile.
Your forehead meets the cool edge of the basin, chill sliding down your spine as you pant. You can't breathe ㅡ too tight, not enough air as darkness closes in on you, just likeㅡ
A hand meets your back, as warm as the scent that follows as Cassian kneels, reaching to pull you to him. "Breathe," he says softly, "copy me. Can you do that?"
You offer a shuddering gasp and a nod, fingers curling and uncurling as you fight to follow the steady rise and fall of Cassian's chest. He's patient with you, waiting until your breathing has steadied to push sweat-damp hair out of your face.
"Nightmare?" You nod, and he guides your head to his neck, cradling you to him. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You shake your head, and his grip tightens on you protectively as he gets to his feet, guiding you back towards your shared bed. It worries him, the amount of nightmares you've had since coming home ㅡ but neither you nor Rhys will talk about what happened. He doesn't blame you, he can only imagine the horrors you've seen and endured.
Cassian pulls you to him, holding you as tightly as you'll allow, hand at your back and his lips in your hair. He doesn't know if you'll go back to sleep, or if you even can ㅡ so he holds you, for as long as you want him to.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Hello, I have beeb following your account for some time and is one of my favorites, I am always looking forward for reading or rereading your content.
I would like to request for more dinobot buddy and Bumblebee please, maybe when they finally confesses or Bee being so oblivious that is almost painfully for the rest of the bots.
Thank you so much!
Thanks for the compliment! Happy to hear the positive things about my content.
Hope you enjoy!
Dinobot Buddy with a crush on Bumblebee: The pinning continues...
SFW, Platonic, Hinted Romance, Cybertronian reader
Buddy as of lately began making ‘bolder moves’.
And by bolder moves, she was just making the same ‘moves’ but adding trinkets to the list.
She would find random things on patrol, on missions, or around the base and give them to Bumblebee.
The minibot now has a couple shelves dedicated to the trinkets because he doesn’t throw them out.
Primus help her if she finds him showing the trinkets off.
Bumblebee showing a couple of shiny rocks to Hound and Jazz. Bumblebee: “I just don’t know where she finds these things! Oh wait look at this one! She brought it in a couple of nights ago!” Buddy was walking by but stopped hearing the minibots voice. Bumblebee pulls out a rubber duck with little bee antennas: “Just look this!” Hound and Jazz look at the duck before seeing Buddy ‘hiding’ behind the corner with literal heart optics. She sighed quietly before practically skipping away. Jazz flashing Hound a knowing smile: “Yeah, sure is a pretty little thing, ain’t she?” Bumblebee nodding: “Yeah, it’s a pretty nice duck!” Hound raising his optic: “And what about Buddy? Are you going to get her something?” Bumblebee: “Well, yeah! The holiday’s are just around the corner. Anything for my best friend!” Jazz and Hound: “…”
There was also an increase in free Dino rides.
Sometimes he doesn’t even need to ask, Buddy would just go right by his side and either lay down by him or simply pick him up.
Buddy becomes extra protective when they have patrol or missions together.
Refuses to let him go too far from reach.
Bumblebee looking from the ledge of the cliff: “I think there’s something down there.” Buddy nervously looking at Bumblebee near the edge: “Bumblebee…” Spike on Bumblebee’s servo: “You think you can jump to the other side Bee?” Buddy looks horrified at the little human while the other bot started thinking. Bumblebee: “Hmm—HEY!” Buddy gently claps her jaws on his shoulder and yanks him back. The yellow minibot lands on his behind right by her side. Spike jumps from his servos. Bumblebee: “Buddy!” Buddy just sits down next to him, with her tail curled halfway around him: “You too close. You could fall.” She points with her tail to the ledge. Buddy: “Weak edge. Heavy autobot.” Bumblebee: “Huh, didn’t notice that. Thanks Buddy!” Spike: “Yeah thanks! We might have been pancakes if it weren’t for you!” Buddy puffs her chassis a bit and purrs a bit when Bumblebee pats her helm.
Most of the Autobot’s have two main drama’s.
The one they see on Teletran-one.
And Buddy’s love life.
The Dinobot team are banging their helms against the wall at their teammates attempt to court.
Grimlock is dying on the inside.
He truly respect’s his teammates boundaries and personal life… but even he has his limits when it comes to meddling.
Action needs to be taken.
Grimlock calls for an emergency meeting with the Autobots. Optimus: “Grimlock! Why have you called us here?” Ratchet: “What a minute, Buddy and Bumblebee are not here yet.” Grimlock: “Meets start now.” Prowl: “Grimlock why are we here?” Grimlock: "Me Grimlock tired of Buddy weak flirting. Autobots and Dinobot’s must act.” Wheeljack: “Did…did you just call an emergency meeting… because Buddy hasn’t confessed to Bumblebee yet?” Grimlock: “It was this or Me Grimlock going to get Doc bot to fix Buddy’s helm. It broken.” Ratchet sighing: “Grimlock, she isn’t broken—” Grimlock: “Then why she like this! It killing me Grimlock! It killing everybody!” Tracks: “Well, he isn’t wrong on the slow burn…” Hoist: “Tracks now it is not the time…” Huffer: “And how do we know Bumblebee feels the same way anyway? For all we know he just like her as a friend.” Swoop: “What if Bumble bot and Buddy go on date?” Mirage: “Like we set them up?” Wheeljack: “…That might work!” Powerglide: “I know plenty of places for a perfect date night! I’ll get them a place in no time!” Jazz turning to Blaster: “We can make a playlist for the two!” Blaster: “I already have ten songs picked out!” Grimlock: “Then we get ready! Autobot get Bumble bot and Dinobot get Buddy! Date night is a go!”
Optimus shakes his helm a bit but just watches the planning unfold.
Maybe a little help would do good for the pair…
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toastedclownery · 7 months
Okay I'm gonna be a bit crazy on the main tag and share a theory
I think Beebs tried applying for Civil service but couldn't because of his... History
I think it went like this
He was studying/training for it and he was about to be accepted
Something... Tragic happened. The "accident" where he lost his limbs? That might or might not have been his fault. But he was charged for it
He was no longer able to apply because he has a criminal record now?
We've seen a couple of times that he's ready and prone to help and protect people, it's just something in his nature
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Also he's very quick to adapting to other species' customs or societies, or their biology. Like being respectful to Punti, and being surprisingly chill when he was communicating with the Agari's phantom.
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It would explain the speech he gave before attacking Us, it'd be something that he learned from his training
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Maybe his glove which is a similar blue to Killix' uniform and his multi-tool?
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Now I don't have evidence for this last point but it's giving me vibes okay. I think he might have been banished from his home planet for what happened in the accident, too.
We barely know anything about Walrinian culture, but I figure their tusks are important. At least with real walruses, tusks are a form of status. I think him removing his tusks (or possibly having them removed against his will?) could be a sign of dishonor.
Or maybe he just lost them in the accident and he just filed them down. But either way, the Symbolism is still there. He no longer has a connection with his home planet and culture.
Beebs strikes me as someone who knows what it's like to lose it all, and he really doesn't want it to happen again, so he plays it very safe with everything he does. Like for example how he wants to slowly build up on the Monkey Wrench company
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And I'm willing to say he's taking this approach with Shrike's friendship too.
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He's the opposite to Shrike, he dislikes risk. I think it was this accident or... Whatever happened that shaped him into what he's like today. And it would make this conversation with Us make more sense.
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If all of this is right (or close), that means he's lost so much. The majority of his limbs, the direction he was going to take with his life as a civil servant, possibly the link to his family and his culture. All of this happening so quickly might have motivated him to...
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robloxmythoids · 11 months
Illumina and darkheart headcanons !!
illumina+darkheart fight over reader
GIGGLES AND KICKS MY LEGS HAAIII !!!! DO U KNOW HOW LONG IVE BEEB WAITING FOR A POLY REQUEST . im kidding i started this blog like a week ago BUT STILL !!!! :3 thank u for the request please please please enjoy !!!!
edit : btw this isn't illumina x darkheart . they both just really want reader
- first time you met them was in a completely mundane situation. like absolutely fucking normal. You're at the store late at night and you reach for the ranch and you turn and you see illumina the sword also reaching for the ranch. absolutely terrifying for a poor mortal soul like you
- it's the equivalent of seeing jesus christ at a gas station by the way. ethereal light and everything
- you met illumina and darkheart both on different occasions. like you just Kept On Running Into Them. like at least twice every two weeks. first one to talk to you was darkheart because he was so damn baffled about why you kept on running into eachother
- NO ONE knows how you managed to bag them. not even you. you walk around hand in hand with two fucking gods and you three are like ^_^ yippee yahoo I love my partners! and people are staring in shock and mild terror
- assuming that you're mortal, they're both pretty protective of you. they learned how fragile you little mortals really can be!!!
- darkheart likes to pick you up and for the reason stated above. he likes taking you around and making sure you're okay. although illumina fucking HATES it he gets really sad he's like a pouty cat when you don't pay attention to him.
- they fight over you a lot btw. if illumina gets a hug you have to give darkheart a hug cause they WILL fight and you WILL have to stop them from destroying the entire place
- when they fight one of them will just pick you up by the back of your shirt like a cat and their scruff and then walk away with you. you just dangle from their grasp until they set you down. illumina does this most whenever him and darkheart are bantering he just picks you up and walks away from him
- when you cuddle the only way you can keep things civil is by being inbetween illumina and darkheart. the only way. they both want to hug you!!!
- they like taking you out a lot. they both like to take you out on dates and probably flaunt you to the other sfoth :3
- overall darkheart and illumina fight over you so damn often it's insane. but they love you lots :-) they try their best to keep it civil but also they're VERY willing to beat eachother up over who gets to get a kiss first
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Star Crossed; Star-Collide: chapter I
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Summary: As a bounty hunter, Din has completed his mission, however, he is unbeknownst to the storm that will knock the wind out of him, literally.
pairing: Din Djarin x afab!Skywalker!reader
warning: 18+ content, Eventual smut, Unprotected sex, Violence, Blood, Age-Gap, Kidnapping, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, a sprinkle of Angst, Idiots in love, Flirting, possessive!Din, powerful!reader, Jedi!reader, Grogu being adorable, Grogu loves his Ma more than his buir.
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The Nevarro desert sprawls out before you, a vast canvas of parched earth that seems to stretch beyond the horizon. Endless dunes of golden sand undulate like a sea frozen in time, while jagged rocks jut out like the teeth of some great beast, scattered haphazardly across the landscape.
The winds whisper a mournful song, carrying with them the sense of utter isolation and a haunting desolation. There is no life in this forsaken place, only the vast emptiness of the shifting sands and a never-ending solitude that engulfs everything in its path.
The star above glows with fervor, its radiance spilling over the land, igniting a heat that suffuses every grain of sand. The air trembles with the sun's intensity, the weight of its brilliance pressing down upon the desert like a hammer.
As if locked in a dance with the arid earth, the sun paints the world in shades of gold and ochre, conjuring an austere beauty in the midst of its scorching assault.
You traverse the vastness of the desert, silence reigning supreme, broken only by the sound of sand crunching beneath your feet. The untamed essence of this barren land engulfs you, but you remain unrelenting, unwavering in your quest
The ivory of your Jedi robes glows against the ashen sand, stark and luminous against the muted desert backdrop. The black of your belt and boots adds depth to your monochrome attire, and your cloak, rippling behind you like a shadow, lends an air of mystery to your austere appearance.
Looking every bit of Obi-Wan’s apprentice, A hushed voice travels with the wind, caressing your ears. You recognize it instantly, the familiar timbre of your mentor Obi-Wan.
Gliding alongside you is Beeb, your trusty astromech droid, a blur of orange and white against the beige sand. Its head, round and dome-shaped, swivels with a keen and curious eye, scanning the endless surroundings.
The stillness of the desert is interrupted only by the gentle hum of Beeb's servos, harmonizing with the soft whisper of the wind.
You watch over him with a protective gaze, your heart filling with a maternal sense of duty. "Take care, little one," you whisper, your voice carried away by the hot winds.
Beeb zips back to your side, emitting a joyful chirp that resonates with the purity of a bird's song happily. Your lips curl into a crescent moon of joy, a twinkle in your eye as you witness Beeb's playful antics.
Beeb swivels his dome-shaped head, emitting a series of chirps and whistles that resemble a curious inquiry. ‘Mama, where are we going?’
A soft chuckle escapes your lips, as if carried on a breeze of mirth at Beeb’s innocent query.
Patting his metallic head and rubbing it as in a way to ruffle his hair gently. "There is a child, Beeb. We must rescue him from the Imperial Remnant." Your voice imbued with unshakable resolve.
‘A child! I get a sibling. That means R2D2 won’t tease me for being the youngest.’ Beeb lets out a series of excited chirps, almost child-like in nature. His head spins around in every direction, as if searching for the little one himself.
A beam of happiness spreads across your face at Beeb's enthusiasm, feeling a sense of warmth in your heart. It's been a long time since you've seen anyone so purely happy and carefree.
It reminds you of your own childhood, before the weight of the galaxy was thrust upon your shoulders.
"I know, Beeb. He's quite the special little guy. I can't wait for you to meet him." Your words are punctuated by a gentle laugh.
The little droid chirps with excitement, his movements quick and sprightly. You follow closely, trying to keep up with his energy as he rolls ahead, leading the way.
The endless expanse of desert still stretches out before you, but Beeb's child-like enthusiasm brings a sense of joy to the journey.
Together, you press on through the harsh terrain, Beeb's infectious happiness making each step a little lighter, each gust of sand a little more bearable.
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Through the cacophonous streets of Nevarro, Din strides with a solemn gait, the metallic plates of his armor echoing a rhythmic beat that echoes through the throng of people.
The bustling market envelops the city streets, stalls brimming with wares to behold. Each vendor calls out to passersby, their voices echoing through the narrow alleys as hurried feet beat a steady rhythm on the worn stones beneath.
Din threads his way through the thriving market, the polished metal of his armor gleaming in the scorching sun, capturing the attention of every passerby.
Undeterred by the chaos of the busy market and the looks he receives, Din strides forward with a sense of purpose.
His attention remains steadfast on the task at hand, his thoughts consumed by the mission that has brought him back to this bustling city.
Din treads deeper into the maze of Nevarro's streets, slipping between shadows and darting through sunlight, his every step deliberate and steady as he navigates the twisting alleys.
As Din rounds the corner, his gaze falls upon the entrance to the clandestine Imperial facility, nestled amid the bustling Nevarro market. But in his periphery, a lone rubbish bin catches his eye, discarded and forgotten in the dusty shadows of the narrow alleyway.
Gazing into the dusty bin, Din beholds a heartbreaking sight - the remnants of the child's floating pram now shattered and broken beyond repair.
Din's heart sears with fiery pain, his gaze fixated upon the shattered remnants of the child's once safe haven. The pram, once a symbol of hope and protection, now lies destroyed, its pieces scattered amongst the filth and debris.
Regret grips Din like a vice, squeezing his heart with a brutal force as he recalls the moment he surrendered the Child to the Imperial Remnants.
His fists coil and release, a surge of guilt overwhelming him. A sense of failure seizes his heart, a heavy burden he bears as he paces the alley.
His mind whirls, seeking a solution to the wrongs he's allowed to befall the innocent. A plan he must devise, a way to redeem himself and rescue the Child from the hands of the Imperials.
A burden of guilt crushes his heart as he comprehends the peril that the Child faces. He senses the urgency to act, to save the innocent one from harm's way.
Filled with righteous fury and a burning desire for retribution, Din sets off on a path of vengeance.
For the Empire's cruelty to the Child, they will pay a fee. A debt that only he, the Mandalorian, can claim.
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Prostrate atop a terrace, far removed from the grasp of the Imperial agents, Din steadies his gaze through the Amban sniper's lens, locked on the looming Imperial stronghold.
A soft touch to his helmet's earpiece and the mechanism within it hums with life, carrying distant conversations to Din's ear.
Static echoes in Din's ears, as he moves the sniper lens, trying the locate the Child, however, as he scans the base, his attention is drawn to a new scene unfolding before him: the thermal image of the Imperial client and Dr. Pershing.
Their voices, distant and distorted, crackle through his comms. He adjusts the frequency, tuning out the static until the conversation between the Imperial client and Dr. Pershing fills his ears like poison.
"I don't care." The Imperial clients travel through Din's comms. "I order you to extract the necessary material and be done with it."
The Imperial agent's orders blare through Din's comms, their cold and callous tones cutting through his heart like a blade. "I don't care. I order you to extract the necessary material and be done with it." they command as if the life of a child is nothing but a mere trifle to be disposed of at will.
For a while, the voices fade into the hiss of static, the words drowned in a sea of white noise.
With a gentle twist of the knob, Din awaits the return of the conversation, the static hum slowly dissipating, and the sound of voices filling the air once more.
The doctor's voice breaks the silence, his words dripping with obedience, "He has explicitly ordered us to bring it back alive."
"Finish your business quickly, as I no longer can guarantee your safety." The Imperial Client's words travel through the air, a warning of imminent danger.
The beskar helmet conceals the furrow on Din's brow, perplexed by the Imperial Client's cryptic words.
No longer guarantee the safety of the doctor? What is the Imperial agent talking about? Who was this threat that shook the resolve of this hidden Imperial base?
It fills Din with an unknown sense of relief as he realizes that the Imperial agents fear something to the point where they longer feel safe hiding here. For if they fear something enough to flee, then perhaps the Child may yet have a chance at survival.
Thoughts race through Din's mind as he surveys the scene, his voice muffled by the helmet that conceals his emotions. "What are they afraid of? Who is this threat?"
"It is I, they fear, Mandalorian."
A tense stillness grips Din's form, as a distinct hum, like a shrill electrical buzz, reverberates through the air behind him.
Amidst the chaos of his thoughts, a moment of reckoning grips Din like a vice, and he curses himself for his lack of vigilance. His eyes, once sharp and alert, now narrow with anger and frustration, as he realizes the gravity of his mistake.
With steady hands, Din relinquishes his grip on the rifle, previously trained upon the Imperial stronghold. Silently, with calculated precision, his hand glides downward, towards the leather holster secured to his left thigh, where the blaster rests within its sheath.
With quickness unmatched, Din draws his weapon from its sheath, rolling onto his back in one fluid motion. From this vulnerable position, he trains the weapon on the looming figure standing behind him, ready to defend himself against any threat.
Confronting him is a presence, tall and imposing. The figure is draped in flowing white robes, the starkness of which is accented by a contrasting black belt.
Behind them, a cloak of the deepest black dances in the wind, as if daring anyone to challenge the power of the one who wears it.
The figure holds a weapon that Din has only heard in a hushed tone, spoken in reverential tones and remembered with reverence, for those who wielded it were lost to the purge, gone without a trace.
The once-forgotten weapon, now in the possession of an enigmatic form, is wielded with practiced ease and lethal finesse, each hand brandishing one of the glowing blades.
Din offers gratitude to the stars above, for the knowledge imparted by the Armourer, which he now recalls as a child, the different variations of the lightsabers.
The Mandalorian's gaze fixates on the left hand of the figure, beholding the double-bladed lightsaber glowing in hues of royal purple, while the right-hand holds a dual-phased lightsaber emanating a vivid green radiance.
"A Jetii." Din's lips part, his breath caught in his chest as he beholds the figure before him, a being of power and ancient wisdom.
"A Mandalorian." The words uttered by the figure are infused with a sense of serenity, a voice of balance and control.
The voice of the figure reaches Din's ears, and a sudden realization dawns upon him. This is no mere figure, but a woman of immense power, her words carrying a weight that stirs something deep within him.
A shiver runs down his spine, as he realizes the magnitude of his opponent - a Jetii, armed with weapons of deadly prowess. He knows he stands no chance against such might.
Din's senses flare with a sudden urgency, and his body responds with a lightning-quick roll, narrowly evading the Jetii's sudden lunge. His muscles tense, his reflexes honed from a life of constant danger.
The graceful and deadly strike of her dual lightsabers slices through the air where Din had been just a moment before. The sound of the humming blades echoes off the surrounding structures, a symphony of danger and death.
Din's heart races with adrenaline as he quickly springs to his feet, his own weapons at the ready. He knows he's outmatched, but he refuses to go down without a fight.
Din regains his footing with a graceful sway, his blaster at the ready, aimed at the Jetii. Yet her movements are too swift, her form too lithe, as she sidesteps each shot with poise and ease, the double-bladed lightsaber a blur of purple, effortlessly blocking his every attempt.
Din grunts as he swiftly steps back, creating distance between himself and the woman. With fluid motions, he draws his amban rifle/spear from his back, ready for the woman's next move. As she lunges towards him with her green lightsaber, Din expertly parries her attack.
Din charges forward, his rifle at the ready, but the woman is too quick. She leaps over him, somersaulting in mid-air, and lands behind him. Before he can turn around, she delivers a swift kick to his back, sending him sprawling to the ground.
Stepping forward, the woman's words are sharp and unforgiving. "You are a Mandalorian, revered warrior. Family is paramount to you, younglings are precious to your kind. I have respect for your way of life, but I must ask, why did you surrender the Child to the Imperials?"
Din tries to stand up but he is still disoriented from the kick. He glares at the woman, anger simmering within him. "That's none of your business," he growls, his hand hovering over his holster.
He doesn't know who she is or how she knows about the Child, but her words hit him hard.
The woman narrows her eyes, her lightsabers still ignited. "It is my business when it concerns the safety of a child. The Jedi are the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, even though there are only two left, it is our duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves."
Din grits his teeth and slowly pushes himself back up, his eyes never leaving the Jetii. "It's complicated," he answers, his voice tense.
The woman tilts her head, her eyes probing. "Complicated," she repeats, a note of skepticism in her voice.
"I am a Mandalorian. Our code of honour includes fulfilling one's obligations and completing jobs. I was obliged by my creed to finish the job." Din tries to reason but knows that even the Mandalorians don't leave children behind.
The woman's stance stiffens, her body a seething cauldron of rage, emanating a fiery aura. "Your creed should also include protecting the innocent, especially the young. You know as well as I do that the Imperials won't treat that child kindly. You had a chance to make a difference, to save a life, and you chose to ignore it."
Din's head droops in shame, the weight of the woman's words crushing him. He has fallen short of his Mandalorian code, failing to protect the youngling. "I... I know. I was wrong," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "I have to make it right. I have to get him back."
The woman's lightsabers fall silent, their deadly hum fading as she deactivates them. Din's gaze follows as she gracefully returns the weapons to her belt, then lowers the hood that had obscured her face.
And wow.
Din's heart quickens its pace as the woman lowers her hood, revealing her face at last. But it is not just her physical beauty that holds him captive. In her eyes, there burns a fierce intensity, a wisdom that he has never before encountered. 4
Her gaze pierces through him like a blaster bolt, and he feels a strange stirring within him, a stirring of awe and admiration.
It feels like she is seeing straight into the depths of his soul. A captivating aura emanates from her, enveloping Din in a trance-like state.
At this moment, all of his thoughts, concerns, and fears seem to vanish, leaving him lost in the hypnotic gaze of this enigmatic woman.
Din's mind goes blank as he gazes upon her, forgetting the conflict that had brought them face to face. The way the light dances around her, the gentle slope of her features, the spark in her gaze - all of it blends together to create a breathtaking portrait that he cannot help but be captivated by.
Her voice echoes in Din's mind, her words piercing through his thoughts like a sharp blade. He feels the weight of her gaze upon him, and he struggles to maintain his composure. Her presence is like a force of nature, commanding his attention with ease.
As she speaks, he finds himself lost in the rhythm of her words, the cadence of her voice like a soothing melody. He tries to focus on what she is saying, but his mind is distracted by the beauty of her being. The way she speaks, the way she stands it's as if he's in a dream that he never wants to wake up from.
'You're not a boy anymore,' he reminds himself, 'you're a bounty hunter, a Mandalorian.' The words echo in his mind, a mantra to steel himself.
He musters all his inner strength, fighting against the temptation to be entranced by her allure. He forces his mind back to the present, determined to cast aside the alluring distractions and attend to the matter at hand.
"I'll do whatever it takes to make it right," Din declares, his voice filled with a deep-seated conviction.
The woman nods a sense of understanding in her eyes. "I believe you," she says softly. "But words are meaningless without action. If you truly want to make it right, then you must find the Child and bring him back to his own kind, where he will be safe and learn more about himself."
He nods, determination setting in. "I won't let him be hurt."
The woman regards Din for a moment, before extending her hand out to help him up. "Good," she says, motioning to the Imperial Base with her head. "Because we have work to do."
Din feels a wave of gratitude washes over him at the woman's words. He had been so sure he was doing the right thing by handing the child over to the Imperials, but now he realizes the gravity of his mistake.
Accepting the woman's outstretched hand, Din rises to his feet, his heart still racing from the intensity of the fight. He looks at her with deep appreciation and nods in gratitude. The woman takes a step back, giving him space to retrieve his weapons from the ground.
As Din's hands reach for his rifle on the ground, a flicker of movement catches his attention from the corner of his eye, and his muscles tense as he recognizes the source.
Din's gaze follows as an astromech droid BB-8 unit rolls out from its spot, and over to the woman. Her smile shines like a sunbeam, casting a warm glow over everything around her. She kneels in front of the droid and tenderly pats its spherical head, a gesture that seems to radiate with pure kindness.
Din's eyes narrow, a flicker of suspicion crossing his features as he observes the woman's interaction with the astromech droid. His gut churns with a deep-seated distrust of the machines, borne from past traumas and scars.
The weight shifts on his feet, his body poised like a coiled spring, ready to strike if the droid were to make any sudden moves.
The woman senses Din's unease and rises to her feet, turning her gaze toward him. "Don't worry, Beeb has been with me since I was a child. He is on our side." she says reassuringly, a faint smile gracing her lips.
Din remains skeptical, but the woman's words give him pause. He relaxes slightly but keeps a watchful eye on the droid. "I've had my fair share of run-ins with droids. Can't say I trust them much," he admits gruffly.
The woman nods in understanding. "I understand, but please know that I built him myself and imbued him with the same spirit of loyalty and honor that I strive to embody. He has been with my brother and me through the toughest of battles. You have nothing to fear from him, Mandalorian."
Din considers her words for a moment, then gives a curt nod. "I'll take your word for it, but if that thing tries anything funny, he's getting a blaster bolt to the head."
The woman chuckles. "I wouldn't expect any less from a Mandalorian. But I assure you, Beeb is on our side."
As if sensing his hesitation, Beeb lets out a series of friendly beeps and chirps, rolling closer to Din and nuzzling against his leg. Din glances down at the droid, surprised by the show of affection.
The woman smiles knowingly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "See? He's harmless."
Din grudgingly nods, still unsure of the droid's intentions. But he knows that he can trust the woman and by extension, Beeb. For now, at least.
Approaching him with confidence, the woman strides towards Din, her height just slightly shorter than his own. As she draws nearer, she speaks her name with a voice as soothing as a gentle stream and extends her hand for him to take, a gesture of respect and greeting.
Din takes a moment to compose himself before taking her hand, feeling a jolt of electricity shoot up his arm as they shake hands. He quickly withdraws his hand and takes a step back, surprised at his own reaction.
The woman raises an eyebrow, noticing his sudden shift in demeanor. "Is something wrong?" she asks, her voice laced with concern.
Din shakes his head, trying to push aside the strange sensation that lingers in his hand. "No, nothing's wrong. It's just that...I don't usually shake hands with strangers."
The woman chuckles softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I understand. But I hope we can become more than strangers, Mandalorian."
"Mando. Call me Mando." Din says finally, the word rolling off his tongue with a certain weight.
He can sense the woman's surprise at his response, but he remains firm. He has learned to keep his true name hidden, even from those he trusts.
The woman's gaze locks onto Din's, and as she speaks his name, it rolls off her tongue like a sweet melody, a word to be savored and cherished. "Mando," she murmurs, her voice carrying the weight of reverence and admiration.
A stirring sensation dances in Din's chest as the woman utters his name once more. He's never heard it spoken with such curiosity and esteem, and the sound of it from her lips sends shivers down his spine.
"Shall we go, Mando?" With a graceful motion of her hand, the woman gestures toward the direction they should take.
Din nods in understanding, feeling drawn to her enigmatic presence. "Lead the way," he says, a subtle hint of admiration in his voice.
With steadfast purpose, the pair sets out on their journey, each step resolute and unyielding. Their goal is clear, a daunting challenge ahead, as Beeb follows along faithfully. Their mission: to rescue the Child, to keep the Imperial Agents at bay, and to ensure the youngling's safety at all costs.
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Tag list: @babygirlrex0504 @alienated-green-tea @fatima-marisa @dindjarindude @sharin1806 @ruthyalva96 @avengersfan25
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☼ Please note that I do not wish to have my work translated or published on any third party reading websites. I claim the rights to my work.
☼ Where I don’t have any rights to the characters, many ideas and OC are my own creation. Please respect that.
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docholligay · 2 months
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Oh my god all of a sudden, I am given number of those memes where you go from disgusted to interested. I love this. Please, please, if you lvoe me anime gods, let this be what I am thinking it is.
He isn't in romantic love with her, what he feels for her is intense care and closeness, and he wants to help her however he can, and all ofa sudden I LOVE the Sis thing. I want it to be that they are marrying because it makes it easier for everyone, but he loves her in a familial, close, platonic way. FOR ME, let this be true.
Because I think it life it CAN be so true. You actually do not have to be romantically in love to get married. Such things happen every day. It's a legal contract that binds you to one another, and offers protections and privileges as well as obligations. I would love love to see an example of two people getting married because it MAKES SENSE.
In my family, we have a binding agreement that if two people die, say, me and Mike, then the other two left have to get married, to protect Beeb, to protect our home, to protect our belongings, etc. So Teddy and Jill would get married despite the fact that they would sleep i separate rooms and mostly watch SNL together. Same if it were me and Mike, or me and Teddy, etc. We love each other, and it not being any kind of romantic entanglement is no sort of thing.
PLEASE. I would be so so happy and LOVE to watch them raise this child together this way.
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prismsoup · 4 months
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(tags from @beeb-oob I hope you don't mind me tagging you here so you can see my extra rambling)
TLSPTS indeed is a meteorological superstructure- but more than that, he was a symbol, as many iteraors were during the times from Prototypes to First Mass Construction Wave.
Network - Ah, this one is quite old ! It predates the construction of Twenty Long Spears Pierce the Sky, as it seems to have been recorded during the installation of additional access ports to the Meteorological Superstructure's network. Although it does look like the implementation of an Iterator to the station was already being suggested at the time, under the project name of Display of Power. The rest of the data is only comprised of intricate maps, which I doubt would be of great interest to a little creature like you.
"Display of Power" or "Supremacy of [Concerned House]" (which became "Supremacy of House of Concerns") were two draft names for project Twenty Long Spears Pierce the Sky. It should give you the general idea behind his construction. As iterators were starting to be mass constructed, they became a major tool in displays of religious and political influence. Those which were not Community-constructed (common accord between multiple Houses or Organizations) could be used as the ultimate sign of "being better" than everyone else.
-> I explain the construction waves in this post if you're interested
When you make a product, you need a form of control over it. You want it to spread and promote specific ideas, ideologies, principles, models and systems. And you certainly want it to see you (and present you) in a good light.
It was also a good way to test certain things before implementing them on future models.
Regarding how a meteorological superstructure would be capable of causing damage- there's a few things !
Twenty Long Spears Pierce the Sky is an Unconventional Model - High Processing Power. He was constructed to monitor the Great Equalizer (when it hadnt stabilized yet and when the mass construction of iterators were still heavily impacting the weather in a way that the Benefactors struggled to fully measure). It collects, processes and stores a gigantic amount of meteorological data, but also runs heavy simulations to estimate the impact of a construction (depending on the area) and its viability (construction impacted by nearby structures ? climate too dangerous for installation ? etc..).
Have it withhold the information, or make the machine generate false data and you start having a problem. He probably isn't the only meterological superstructure out there, but it certainly is one way to get in the way of a project the House is against.
As for something way more rare but quite problematic : mislabelled systems and the Physical Network Points.
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Here we have a (poorly drawn) example of how TLSPTS is connected to distant meteorological masts. "Physical Relay" means it's a bunch of cables running underground (or above ground in massive protective layers) connecting various "Physical Network Points" (connection hubs, where multiple relays connect or can be connected). "Non-physical relays" are ones not connected by cables.
These masts are all labelled under "meteorological equipment".
In extremely rare cases, this can happen :
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Random equipment is connected to the mast or replaces it, but remains attached to the network point under the same label. This can happen for iterator equipment too (though it's generally fixed if the mistake is caught) but would mostly happen to rushed projects.
Legally speaking, the data passing through these networks and marked as coming from "meteorological equipment" is fully accesible by TLSPTS. He is allowed to process and store it- or share it however he wants. Depending on the mislabelled equipment, that access can become more or less problematic.
-> Not canon but in a fun little rp, one poor iterator (Paths Left Untaken by @fauxbia) had the misfortune of having her internal temperature systems marked as "meteorological equipment". Not fun. Especially when her access to her own data could simply be denied due to it. (Also go look at PLU's design she is such a cool character)
Oh !! I almost forgot about the second part of the tags ! Regarding the Docility Protocols !
He isn't aware of them. He can't, either. A fun little aspect of the Protocols is that they prevent the iterator from recognizing them. You could show a comprehensible piece of code to him and he would not be able to recognize what it is, and it would leave his mind the second he's no longer focused on it.
As for how far the obsession goes ? Think of his general relationship with some Benefactors as a worshipper/god relationship ? Sort of ? So yes, "blind reverence cult" type of vibe. But it also becomes hyper possessive later on (post mass ascension).
-> Example (not canon, but still fun) : the skittering. He tore himself from the earth (and effectively disemboweled himself in the process) just to run after TWO Benefactors, who left to reside within another superstructure.
Also last little thing : he does not have a city because he lacks legs (the structure is sitting on top of an older meteorological station) and the top of the can is too close to the cloud layer. (And also the fact he just generates massive storms by breathing).
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xamaxenta · 5 months
Okay so Ace and Sabo have been casually hooking up for FWB relations (Sabo gives good intel for Ace to take back to the WB and Ace does the same from his standpoint adding in with the good dicking down)
Now, one day right after busting a nut into Ace and seeing him covered in his cum and his own tears and drool, Sabo has the typical post nut clarity…which is he remembers Ace, even if Ace doesn’t recognize him in that moment (look Sabo prides himself in his looks and disguise enough that if himbo sir Ace can’t put it together, that is his singular brain cells fault)
Sabo is so sweet on the lovely second division commander of the WBP that he cant help but feed him info on their territories because he knows why shouldnt he inform Ace that their islands are happy and well protected beneath their banner
And nothing gets Ace going more than knowing these sorts of things
Ace likewise with his spicy solo method of flame surfing through the grandline can give Sabo detailed coordinates and movement charts of the Marines’ whereabouts and activites — navigational skills coming in clutch hes such a smart beeb, Sabo appreciates this information just as much as Ace does for his
I love it!!
Anyway the tasty concept of Sabos amnesia not having him remember Ace as his childhood friend and Ace seeing enough of Sabo in w ell real genuinely his bestie Sabo is kinda latching on soo bad bc he wants Sabo to be his Sabo!!!
I absolutely love the idea that Aces pussy is so good Sabo has war flashbacks and ends up remembering his past
Healing cock is funny but healing pussy is super funny anyway thank u mika 👉🏽👈🏽 great ask
Sorry i didnt have time to answer until now my workplace has been actively trying to murder me
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faecaptainofdreams · 10 months
Thinking about Wander feeling vulnerable and reclusive because of more intimate trauma from his life and his friends being sensitive to that, to the point that it ends in him being held protectively even by Hater. A great time also to envision our favorite orange beeb in a little robe or something concealing he pulled from his hat, just to feel more secure 🥰
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houseofbrat · 6 months
These covers are nauseating because she. doesn’t. have. cancer and have literally exploited it to get out of the comms mess they made.
I expect the headlines going forward to be:
Anytime a member of the RF does any engagement it will be because “they working to support Kate” even The King who actually has cancer
When The King recovers from cancer it will be framed as he was inspired by Kate who again doesn’t have cancer
There will be zero calls for William especially to step up and work and they are never going to be criticized for not working again. Anyone who expects them to will be shamed
Also not how mercenary Kensington Palace is. When the King was diagnosed, they made no public statement of support. They didn’t even like or share his announcement message. Nothing leaked about how they were supporting him, if the grandkids sent him cards etc. Now suddenly to prop up this fake cancer storyline, The King is used as a prop for “heartfelt lunches” and “emotional hospital visits”. They don’t care about him - it’s just useful to use him now.
People falling for this are chumps are it says a lot about the moral rot at Kensington Palace. William truly is Diana’s son in the worst way and I wonder if their dishonesty and opportunism will ever catch up to them.
Sorry for the long ask but I’m frankly pissed!
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I think Heath Ledger's Joker pretty much sums up the situation at this point.
I will also say that I completely side-eye the excuse of giving a public statement now due to the kids' term break & Easter holiday. I've seen plenty of rumors that the UK press has known since January that Kate had a medical diagnosis of cancer regarding her operation. This certainly fits in with Tom Bower's statements at the end of February.
If that's true, then KP could have made a simple statement in February when the kids were on their half-term break about her condition, even if they didn't release that specific diagnosis. That statement would have quelled and quieted down all the speculation weeks ago. Except they didn't do that.
I don't buy this notion of making a statement right before they go hide away for three and a half weeks to protect their kids from their school chums, is it? Do six-, nine-, and eleven-year-olds at Lambrook really care about what the media says about their classmates' mother? I find this really hard to believe given that there hardly seems to be any social media pictures of them attending school functions in the two years the kids have been attending school there. Sure, there's one pic here or there, but when the world is wondering "Where is Kate?," I didn't see any news reports quoting Lambrook parents supporting the speculation that Will had secretly offed Kate. Instead the Lambrook parents seem to be pretty keen on keeping the media/press out of their children's schooling. I don't buy the rationale of Kate announced it now due to the kids' break.
I think the British media is a bunch of clowns, and they are still set about continuing to be so. There were rumors circulating that the BBC was on alert for news about Kate a week ago. Lo and behold, the Beeb filmed Kate's video on Wednesday for a Friday night news dump. But last weekend, Roya Nikkhah was publishing KP pr about how Kate would only talk about her health in person to people she visited on engagements. This weekend Roya is writing about how Charles & Kate's cancer is bringing them both together! And yet, she will continue to post drivel-like scraps even if it's a complete fabrication by KP. KP already had a plan to do a video of Kate if rumors were already circulating at the BBC. When is Roya going to stop accepting nonsense from her KP-related sources? When will all of them? I wonder...
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singswan-springswan · 2 years
Man, Paz's dadhood really got to me this week. He's such a good dad and they wrote it so well. like. it's subtle, okay? He's not out and about ranting raving about his new kid even though he only got him like a week ago. But he's no less proud of him, observing his training from a distance, always going all in to protect the smol beeb, while also giving him space to adjust. He doesn't criticize him, doesn't point out his mistakes or call him out for failure. He's just there as a constant support. He doesn't lose his cool when the space pterodactyl kidnapped his boy, keeps a level head enough to formulate a rescue plan and he's willing to follow Bo's lead on the mission even if impulse gets the better of him at the end. As soon as they rescue Ragnar the first words out of Paz's mouth are "are you okay?" (which. 10/10 right there) not "don't scare me like that again" which would bring the burden to himself no he's totally focused on his son and that bEAR HUG AH *chef's kiss* FLAWLESS. It's cool that like having a son doesn't really change him as a person he's still the same headstrong douche with something to prove but on top of that he's full of newfound affection and admiration for this cocky lil angy boi and that was giving me feels <333 very sweet, glad we got to witness that. And of course, the matching helmets were SO CUTE EEEEEE
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lil-demi-boy · 7 months
OMG your mw sketches are so good! especially beebs love shrike jojo pose and i would love to hear your theories : 3
Aaaa thank you!! I love drawing them both a whole lot, but I definitely need to draw more Beebs <3
But yeah as for theories, they'll be under the cut Big shout out to my friend CL for helping me like, break the show down and get ideas going and thinking of a few of these first
(Also heads up, I just finished typing out Shrike's theories and it's long as hell so big read ahead)
Okay so some Shrike thoughts
He's canonically the last of his species, but he doesn't seem too torn up about it like Beebs seems to be about his own past, so is he just really good at hiding that pain or does he genuinely have no regrets?
If he is hiding his pain, the Terran obsession could be his coping mechanism, he hides in El Bandito cartoons so he doesn't have to face the truth that once he's gone, his whole species is
On the flipside, in the show, he seems to sleep just fine, dreams about normal things, never seems to have anything bothering him consciously or subconsciously, so I actually think he's genuinely fine over being the last of his species
I'll get back to that in a minute though, for now I'd like to look at his style: we know he wears a suit he got from being a member of LAW, and his guns match his suit/shoes, so I imagine he got the guns with the suit and was trained by LAW how to use them
He also claims "this is all I know!" when Beebs tells him to stop shooting in ep 3 so it's not hard to imagine he went straight from knowing little about fighting into LAW (unlike Beebs, who I'll get to)
With his LAW history in mind and seeming lack of care about the eradication of his species, it makes me wonder if the two could be connected
There's the Hunted theory, the Superman theory, and the Bad Alien theory, two of which involve the storage crystal in the back of his head
Said crystal appears to be very important; it's limited, but it is hammer space, it could have a ton of practical uses, and would likely be something that bad people wanna get ahold of, plus in ep 2 (which is HEAVY with foreshadowing, even with stuff that happens in the episode itself) they point out Shrike's crystal several times, calling him the Mother Crystal, showing Beebs looking between Punti's crystal and Shrike's, even Dr. Agnes tried to pull it out of his head at one point, so I'm thinking someone's gonna want it
In comes the Hunted theory: Shrike's species is born with these crystals, or they're at least given at birth/a young age (with Shrike saying he's had his since forever in ep 2), but since they're so useful, other aliens started hunting his species down to kill them and take the crystals. Shrike was taken on to LAW bc he was one of the last few of his kind n they wanna keep an eye on them
Literally as I was typing I thought of another theory, the Foreshadowing theory: The way Shrike talks about what happened to him (LAW setting him up with a dumb job after) makes me think it was actually more like a mass extinction, much like how Punti is the last of his kind after a mass extinction, one that LAW showed up afterwards to find and take the last one into custody, though in this theory, I think Shrike's crystal and the multiple comparisons between Shrike and Punti may point to Shrike being the only one of his kind with that crystal in his head
Which is also the case in the Superman Theory, where his family knew they were all gonna die, so they put Shrike in a pod (either being born with or given the crystal) and sent him off to protect him as they all die (which yeah isn't original but come on, baby Shrike)
Finally there's my favorite theory (NOT the one I believe in the most, just the one I think is the most fun to write for), the Bad Alien theory: why would Shrike be so carefree about his whole species being dead? Well what if they were actually a horrible species, like the Krill in Orville? They're blood-thirsty conquerors responsible for wiping out plenty of other species, and something about Shrike (maybe the crystal?) made him different and decide this wasn't okay, so he finds a way to work for LAW and be their spy on the inside, helping his species get captured and killed as punishment for all the pain and destruction they've caused while Shrike gets a job for helping them out so he can stay on his feet
Also not a theory or anything, I just love the detail that Shrike's chair in the Bucket has a spot on the headrest that's been scratched out by Shrike's gem, idk how they thought of that but that's so smart
Anyway that's enough about Shrike, let's get on to Beebs
Beebs oh man, sweetie, my baby boy, he has got to have a sad fuckin backstory. He's missing 3 of his 4 limbs, he implies he's lost at least one loved one, he's just so iudhfishuis I love him
Anyway, in episode 3 when he's talking to Us, he mentions he's been through losing someone "once or twice", which to me points to the possibility that he lost his partner or his family, but tbh I think he lost his wife (or whatever gender partner you prefer to think of him with) and child
He's very fatherly, taking the lead and being gentle and patient and understanding, plus in ep 2 when the Lythop that went in Shrike's head was crying, Beebs was already bent on a knee and ready to hold the lil guy like a dad comforting his crying kid, and in ep 3 he sits in with Shrike and lets him talk about El Bandito like a kid showing off their favorite cartoon to their dad (plus it makes him a dilf)
There's also another character we've seen in promo art, Champion Ajax, who looks like a Walrinian like Beebs is, and his name being Champion Ajax (among other things I'll get to) gives me the impression that maybe this species is battle-heavy and loves to throw down
They're physically imposing and tall, plus Beebs is shown to be a skilled fighter with both his close range hammer and long range grenades; I wouldn't be surprised if he could use every weapon in his light stick thing tbh
With champions and a proficiency in mixed weapons, what if Beebs' species takes part in gladiator type sports? Fighting each other for the fun and glory with the biggest and strongest of them all being the champion
If this is the case, I do think Beebs might've been a champ at one point, but he finally lost or quit
I don't have fancy names for these theories, n they're more like thoughts anyway but like
It's possible he lost his limbs during his run as Champion and that led him to quit (he didn't seem interested in getting any more parts of him made mechanical, as evidenced by his response to Shrike telling him to get an internal translator)
But the way sadder option is that whatever took his limbs is also what took his family, like some kind of explosion or something, or even worse, something that he did caused it
If you'll notice, sometimes when he opens his mouth wide, you can see two weird, round "teeth" in the corners of his mouth, which come to find out are actually where his tusks should be (side note: BLESS the artist who drew him with his tusks that one time, I love it)
So why doesn't he have his tusks? Were they cut off because he quit being Champion? Maybe he was blamed for the death of his family n cutting off tusks is a sign of shame/exile
Him being exiled may count for why he's in Monkey Wrench right now, like in ep 3 he clearly wasn't sure he was cut out for merc work so I highly doubt this was his idea, he likely needed a job to keep himself afloat, and here came Shrike
On that note, I wonder about Shrike and Beebs' relationship, cause when talking to Us, Beebs said that Shrike is his friend "or something"; have they just not known each other long enough to really call each other friends, or does Shrike just annoy him n that was a joke? How long have they known each other? Maybe they met through LAW at some point?
That's about all I got, but yeee thank you for asking, and apologies if it's a lil too long
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fo-enjoyer · 4 months
I need you to answer ALL OF THEM for ALL OF UR F/OS but seriously
🛏️ & 💗 for O'SAA BECAUSE THAT'S MY GUY and how's about ❣️🏁 forrrrrr Shrike. And pick an emoji you wanna use for that Scott Pilgrim guy because I keep forgetting his name /lh
Thank you I like talking about cringe people!
🛏️ Did you two ever have a "there's only one bed" moment?
Well there's not many options when you're on Fucked Up avenue trying to survive from anything including with your own supplies. Yeah they need to sleep in the same bed. Tho if it can be debated if they really do because he probably just meditates on the floor or on the bed usually while she actually sleeps.
💗 Was either of you flirty during the pining stage?
My s/i doesn't actually flirt too much in general but especially not to him. Him too to a similar degree. Sure he teases her when the opportunity arrives, but he would do that out or in the "pinning" stage. The important thing to note is he's not really looking for a relationship. He's got way bigger fish to fry then some chick he think is somewhat attractive to distract him from the main reason he's here.
❣️Describe a time one of you almost took a chance at making a move on the other, only to chicken out.
Time for Shrike! I've mentioned this before but I'm pretty sure no one remembers it so here I go again! So I had this funny idea for a kinda fake dating episodes. Basic premise: Beebs found a job where they have to protect this valuable item disguising as guest at this fancy couple event. Beebs tries to convince Shrike to have my s/i join so they can pretend to date, he does, she accepts then hijinks.
So there's the scene where they're sitting together and my s/i she lean close semi whispering something accidental romantic tension I'm forgetting, then Shrike takes this situation in the wrong way starting to lean in, and closing his eyes like he was about to kiss her. She was currently getting something from her pocket not like he could see that, and she notices confused "Uh- what are you doing?..." he quickly opens his eyes and gets back pretending like it didn't happen "Nothing." "...K. A- anyway-"
🏁 If not at the same time, who started pining first? how long until it became mutual (if ever)?
My s/i. No matter what ship you ask for 9/10 I fall first.
😖 What moment flustered you the most?
How dare you forget the Matthews Patel! Anyway yes I'm aware this is the third time I'm doing this one but I have a fun answer this time damn it! So my s/i comes after the events of spto so Matthew has already made his successful musical, Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life, and I like to think that Matthew has his own special recording of it. He shows her so she can see his previous works and how talented he is. So because he's cosplaying as Scott, he gets a Ramona he kisses like the official source. She is not normal about this. In her own free time she is replayed any kissing part so many times, and died inside because she's so cringe then does it again either way.
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