#ps1 cosplay
fayelockwood · 5 months
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Regina kisses girls
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arborealkey · 1 year
I guess 6 eyes are better than 2.
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phoenix-flamed · 6 months
Me, fondly remembering my playthroughs of FFVII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XII: I don't need more blogs I don't need more blogs I don't need more blogs I do --
Though if I did RP as anyone, it'd hands-down be Beatrix from IX.
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cybernetic-kneesocks · 10 months
need to dress like otacon sooo bad. i got the glasses, i got the lame ass shirts, i got basically everything except that DAMN COAT/JACKET he wears in mgs1. oh how i'd wear the shit out of it............. astronomical need
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Decided to button map the pony town controls to my pswhatever-the-fuck controller. It's going average.
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baphy1428 · 2 years
💛SchizoPlaysHorror on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCqtjgTAnke_GESnuAarHRg
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spookyliciouskittycat · 3 months
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Put a ps2 (ps1?) filter on my Lisa Garland cosplay
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dawnslight-aegis · 5 months
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I helped make a thing! it's very cute! go cosplay as a ps1 FF heroine!
(featuring @aethernoise and @foamofthe-sea who are very powerful and without whom this mod would not exist)
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fayelockwood · 11 months
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She's my least favorite girl from Resident Evil... but her outfit is so much fun
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 6 months
I'm doing a tag game!
What are your 3 historical gaming moment?
Anything related to videogames: be it achieving the highest score in the arcade, defeating that final boss after 100 tries, winning a PS5 in a raffle, getting a photo or autograph of a VA, cosplaying a videogame character... anything!
Then tag 5 people (minimum) and let's reminisce. Spread some positivity!
Here are my 3 personal best (in no particular order)
1.Tekken 3
The first time I truly enjoyed playing a fighting game (I still hate playing PvP in fighting games cuz an actual human is way better at it than me) was when I finally approached a real Tekken pro. A big arcade opened up in my city and I was the only girl who went there every weekend and buy 30 tokens (Php 90.00) to feed the various machines. I saw this tall college dude play King and I was mesmerized watching him pull all of Kings grapples. After several months, I watched him from behind, playing Tekken 3 until I muster up the courage to ask him how he pulled off all his moves. The college dud pulled a piece of paper and pen and began to write down all of Kings' combos and grabs, and gave it to me! Since then I have practiced on every Tekken 3 machine, pulled off all Kings' impressive grapples to a growing audience who couldn't believe their eyes that this little highschool girl is playing Tekken 3 and beating it! Oh and I became good at the games that I reduced my 30 tokens to 5.
2. Resident Evil 2 (PS1)
This game came with the console my mom gave me. First time I popped the disc in and chose Leon S Kennedy on normal mode, I was piled upon by zombies and died. That game over screen traumatized me and I did not pick up RE for months! When I did gave it a second chance, I notice there was a 3rd mode: ARRANGED. It made the game ridiculously easy by giving me all the weapons, and so I plowed through Raccoon City with my machine gun and rocket launcher. It was fun until it wasn't. I decided to play the game on Normal, got eaten and died, then powered through it. Finally beat the game on Normal and Hard. Also went for the S Rank and bonus content. Now I love all horror and survival horror games (Silent Hill, Outlast, Evil Within, etc). It became my favorite genre.
3. The Witcher 3
Had it not for this game, I wouldn't have made The Nilfgaardian Collection or started digital art. I think it was December 2019 (or 16 I dunno, it was Xmas), my brother gave me two choices: TW3 or FF15. I wanted FF15 cuz I have always been a fan of Final Fantasy and TW3 was hyped to the heavens. I wanted to know if the hype was justified and so I got TW3 GOTY edition. The hype... was well deserved! I was hooked, I plat the game, I decided to make fanarts of my fave character (Emhyr) and gave myself a goal: to have the biggest collection of Emhyr and Nilfgaard pics and be known as that crazy chick with an unhealthy obsession to Emhyr and his Nilfgaardian empire. Thus cemented the Nilfgaardian Collection in the fandom!
I taggeth @bittersweetbark, @alphagravy, @rotatingremains, @regis-favorite-raven, @oblakovka, @smehur, @laurikarauchscat, @jawanaka, @traumschwinge, @valandhirwriter
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xx-sharki-xx · 3 months
Okay so these are the best photos you're gonna get tonight, I'll try get some decent photos tomorrow at comic con
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First REAL attempt at a cosplay
(yes, that's a PS1 G-Con 45 light gun)
Gonna try actually build up this Xwing Pilot cosplay so I can use it for other cons too!
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What to do while waiting for the 2nd season of Tokyo mew mew new (April 2023)
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Not counting the many fun creative fandom things you can do (fanart,fanfic,cosplay,Making an AMV/video edit,fan mew mew ex.) there might be mew mew media you have missed or might want to re-visit so let's go over them
Read the original manga (2002-2003) it's available in a lot of places online,book stores, your local library ect. There are 29 chapters
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Watch/rewatch the 2002 anime it's 52 episodes long and is available on YouTube
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Watch an English translated playthrough of Tokyo Mew Mew – Tōjō Shin Mew Mew! – Minna Issho ni Gohōshi Suru Nyan (PSX/PS1)
while this game has yet to receive a playable fan translated patch you can watch this playthrough and understand what happens in the story this game features a new villain (Gâteau du Roi) and a new mew mew Ringo Akai (Mew Ringo)
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Read Tokyo Mew Mew a la Mode (2003-2004)
this 10 chapter sequel manga takes place after the main story and features a new mew mew Berry Shirayuki (Mew Berry)
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Read Tokyo Mew Mew 2020 Re-Turn this 5 chapter one shot seems to take place sometime after a la mode this is where the outfit designs from Tokyo mew mew new came from
This manga has been fan translated
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Read Tokyo Mew Mew Olé!/Au Lait (2019-2022)
this 32 chapter spin off manga series features a team of male mew mews it is quite different compared to the Original
This manga series has been fan translated
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I hope this covers everything available if something is missing please let me know
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y2kbugs-moved · 2 years
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Made an AI generated playstation mascot by accident because I put in “Rocko from Rocko's Modern Life cosplaying as Cloud Strife playstation 1 render“ as a prompt.
I like him a lot, peak failed obscure PS1 platformer character.
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zedoodles · 1 year
❤️ I'll just leave this cute (I hope not so cheesy), true little love story here on tumblr. Without any reason, except it may perhaps be reflected in my GG fancomic: "SHARON'99".
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So, there was this rather strange fellow, a classmate, back in primary school, not close, but acquainted with me and the bro. He was super cool, and genuinely kind to us.
Let's call him.."D".
When we had the chance, as a trio, we'd share PS1 games, zines, merch, and all that jazz. I was the shy, and uncool one. 😅
Then I get into my first anime, it was my world. The majority of my class could form a mob against anime-likers if they wanted too..but D approached me alone with interest. We took a look at the merch together in class, literally a huge table set up for just us in a corner. 😄
It was only for a brief time, but obvious enough to catch the attention of a few friends. I dismissed it as us just being friends, full stop.
but I realised later, there wasn't any discomfort, thinking of admitting it. Happiness overrode childish embarrassment. 😳✨️😊
Still, I was too uncool for him.
We went off to highschool, and went our separate ways..
College days come along, D and the bro attend the same place, and become cosplay buddies, D was Vincent Valentine from FF7. This bright red cape, frolicking down our rough home town. He inspires me to get into cosplay, and brave out the judgement.
I've met so many friends through the years with cosplay, and then discovered a love for Japanese Street fashion, expressing myself freely wearing my very own OTT coords, like Baiken, strutting down Takashita-dori, Harajuku. 😄🍑 It's been the best decade of my life.
(A missed opportunity to cosplay Lucrecia..?😅❤️)
We speak again, alone, only briefly on a quiet ass bus journey, and D breaks into hysterics, admits to jokingly thinking we should hop off the bus in motion, on a moving truck in the other lane, and surf it with the terminator 2 score. I look, and burst out laughing myself, this guy is bat shit crazy.
STILL DAMN IT, I was still bloody uncool and quiet around him afterwards. To this day, there is regret being like that. I wish I had opened up, spoken to him, and spent more time with him. ❤️
He's always been there, this daft, goofy, hilarious, determined and yet gentle guy, who never put a foot out of place whenever I was around him. Even when we were kids, and kids can be cruel lil' b**tards. 🤣🤣
Respectfully, I still admire him, and it's a treasure.✨️
I believe he's well and dating a lovely gal, even engaged now? I'm happy to know that he's happy, living life at its best. 😊✨️⭐️🦇❤️
So, the moral of my little story: be kinder to yourself, and don't be your own prison. Shine brightly, be free, and Dandy!😊✨️
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End* 🤪✨️😊
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klaaswolfvanrijn · 3 months
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manapotionstudios · 1 year
ManaPost 05: Tricks of the Trade
Heyo everyone! Y here for this week’s ManaPost Mana-welcome! Despite what we touched on in the last ManaPost, we’ve made some great strides in development on Manaport, and even our latest project, Delaney, will be making its first debut in our schedule! Here are today’s updates. Grab your glasses, it’ll be a long one!
Double Trouble So! It was a little strange of us to announce Delaney and then go on a hiatus. However, now that summer break is in full effect for us, and to keep ideas fresh and creative, we’ve decided to break that hiatus! Delaney is coming back to the center stage! Yay! “But what does that mean for Manaport? Will it be left in the dark AGAIN, for SEVERAL MONTHS???” No no no, dear viewer! Manaport won’t be going anywhere. Of course, it won’t be our priority, but it will be a close second to Delaney! We plan to adopt both at the same time. A big ask of two plucky high-schoolers, but we rise to the challenge like we have so many times before! Now, to clarify what this means for the future of our ManaPosting.
New Schedule
Delaney-centered ManaPosts (Will be herein referred to as “DelaneyPosts”) will be posted every Saturday @ 12PM EST.
Manaport-centered ManaPosts may be posted on Sundays @ 12PM EST.
This new posting schedule allows us more time to get out these posts, since, let's be honest, all of us sleep in during breaks. No harm in it, but we’ve noticed we rarely ever get everything prepped on time, and as a nice bonus, you won’t have to wake up early (or stay up late!) to see our latest updates in real time!
The schedule also allows you to sometimes get back-to-back Manapotion Action on the weekends! Pretty sweet!
With that out of the way,
Dress Up!
One thing that we really wanted to add in Manaport is Costumes. Costumes, things that you can wear to cosplay, go trick or treating, maybe just to scare your siblings. In Manaport, you can do all of those things! Maybe minus the scaring your siblings part. 
Costumes take the place of your Vanity slot, and they usually consist of a full-body outfit. We’ve improved the Equipment System to accommodate this huge task.
First off, any character can wear ANY armour or vanity!
Previously, our equipment system was handled in such a way that made this functionality very time consuming. With a recent blunder causing the deletion of many assets, we decided to just redo it! Bigger and better than ever!
To get technical, each piece of equipment is now modeled separately from the base character model. This allows more control over where the equipment can show up at (or on!) This also allows each piece of equipment to dynamically place itself on the character’s body depending on its predetermined section.
This ALSO allows for a little thing we call “Costume Styles.” You will soon be able to change your Costume’s Style at will! Whenever you want! It’s like an on-demand Drip-Selector!
While we’re focused on the visuals today, it’s time we made formally clear what visual style we’re going for.
Manaport is intended to look like what you would imagine your early 2000s games to look like when you were a kid. Bright colours, blocky-but-smoothed-over models, charming visuals and UI, all with the extra visual distortion and glitchiness. However, this doesn’t mean this is ye olde PS1 styled game. We’re not holding ourselves to that limitation. Manaport doesn’t have any kind of polygon or texture size restrictions, so expect things that a PS2 could never dream of, let alone a PS1. We just like the charm. Simple as that.
To bring things to a close,
We’re in the midst of finding a good “stopping point” for Manaport so that we can continue to make decent updates without spending too much time away from Delaney. Next weekend will likely include a Manapost, and after that, updates are unknown for Manaport. Rest assured we’re still working though! We have some great plans for Delaney now that we’re back on it with fresh eyes.  This is the last ManaPost of pride month 2023! We hope you've all had a great time being yourselves, and even if not, we hope you'll have your chance eventually.
See you all very very soon!
C and Y
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