#psalm 11
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Song of Trust in God
For the Chief Musician. By David.
1 In the LORD, I take refuge. How can you say to my soul, "Flee as a bird to your mountain."
2 For, look, the wicked bend their bows. They set their arrows on the strings, that they may shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.
3 If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
4 The LORD is in his holy temple. The LORD is on his throne in heaven. His eyes look upon the poor. His eyes examine the descendants of Adam.
5 The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence his soul hates.
6 On the wicked he will rain blazing coals; fire, sulfur, and scorching wind shall be the portion of their cup.
7 For the LORD is righteous. He loves righteousness. The upright shall see his face. — Psalm 11 | New Heart English Bible (NHEB) The New Heart English Bible is in the public domain Cross References: Genesis 19:24; Genesis 22:1; Job 18:15; Psalm 2:12; Psalm 7:9; Psalm 7:11-12; Psalm 10:8; Psalm 16:11; Psalm 56:3; Psalm 82:5; Psalm 87:1; Psalm 119:152; Matthew 5:34; James 1:2; Revelation 4:2
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fierysword · 11 months
1 In the Eternal One I take refuge. How can you say to my soul, "Fly away, like a bird, to the mountains": 2 There is no easy escape from the inner attacks of darkness. The arrows of fear pierce my heart. 3 The foundation of my self-esteem is destroyed. How can I be upright, or do what I need to do? 4 Yet God is within my body, which is Her holy temple. She also dwells in the heavens and sees us, tests us all. 5 Though She lets those with integrity endure many trials, Her soul hates those who love violence. 6 She will send fire and brimstone and a scorching wind to destroy the despair that attacks me. 7 For God is loving and just, and always does what is right. Those who act with integrity shall surely behold Her face.
Psalm 11 (feminine translation from Swallow's Nest: A Feminine Reading of the Psalms by Marchiene Rienstra)
Possible uses of this psalm:
1. Pray against inner enemies like despair, fear, and a sense of worthlessness
2. Triumph over adversities
3. Righteous retribution against foes
1 is sourced from Swallows Nest, 2 from Power of the Psalms by Anna Riva, 3 from My New Everyday Prayer Book by Brother ADA
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preacheroftruthblog · 1 month
"If The Foundations Are Destroyed, What Can The Righteous Do?" (Part 1) -- Jon Mitchell, Editor (Editorial: July/August, 2024)
David’s question in Psalm 11:3 is very applicable to the times in which we live. Indeed, it has proven to be universally relevant throughout history. Man has always needed to put their trust in the Lord (Ps. 11:1). The enemies of the righteous have always attempted to destroy them, causing them to want to flee from their oppressors (vs. 1b-2). The Lord has always reigned from his throne in…
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re4med · 1 month
Daily Prayer for August 12, 2024: Psalm 11
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, you who are good and kind, a God full of pity and compassion for his children, we bow before you today as your redeemed people living in a sin-wrecked world full of strife and misery. We are thankful to you that you are the supreme sovereign over all things and all events that occur in this world. We know you are the Almighty who knows the end from the beginning…
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seguirsuspisadas · 2 months
𝐋𝐚 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐳𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐨𝐬
“Si fueran destruidos los fundamentos, ¿Qué ha de hacer el justo?” (𝐒𝐚𝐥. 𝟏𝟏:𝟑, 𝐁𝐓𝐗). Este versículo cuestiona qué puede hacer el justo cuando las bases del mundo no se amoldan a la palabra de Dios. Aunque los fundamentos terrenales se sacudan, nuestra fe permanece firme en el Señor, quien es nuestro refugio y fortaleza. Confiemos en Dios, sabiendo que Él es inmutable y soberano sobre todas las circunstancias. Mantengamos nuestra esperanza y justicia en Él, actuando con integridad y fe en medio de la adversidad.
𝒟ℯ𝓋ℴ𝒸𝒾ℴ𝓃𝒶𝓁 ℯ𝓃 𝒮𝒶𝓁𝓂ℴ𝓈
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pamphletstoinspire · 2 months
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Commentary on Psalm 11
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sorenthestoryteller · 9 months
Psalm 11 - A Meditation
"In the Lord I take refuge; how can you say to me,     ‘Flee like a bird to the mountains;"
-Psalm 11:1
I don't have any stunning thoughts or ideas other than I just need to better figure out this taking refuge thing...
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s-o-a-p-ing · 1 year
Thursday, 8/3/23
For the Lord is righteous,  He loves righteousness;  The upright will behold His face. ~ Psalms 11:7
"The upright will behold His face." - no disrespect intended, but Moses didn't get to see the Lord's face...
the quality of being morally right or justifiable - 
an action that, by faith, should come forth in our day-to-day lives, 
as it appears to the Lord, [not myself]...
His righteousness is readily Self apparent...
If I realize I'm not as righteous as I should be, then how far from Him and His righteousness am I really?
Fortunately - Jesus closes that gap - but I still have to cross it every day - hour - minute...
Love righteousness...
Live uprightly...
Look - seek - be worthy (through Jesus) - to behold His face...
Righteous Heavenly Father - I seek Your forgiveness for falling short of Your definition of righteousness, to trying to earn the righteousness You give through Your Son Jesus - May I continue to lean into Your Holy Spirit's guidance and Jesus's example of seeking Your will over my own in everything I do... for Your glory, and in His Name...
Yours - in Him...
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world-v-you-blog · 1 year
Considering Psalms 6, Psalm 11
(Image credit – Sola Scriptura) Dear Reader, Please read Psalm 11 in preparation for this reflection on what it says. The version I am using this time is in The Complete Jewish Bible, translated by David H. Stern, 1998. The subscript of this Psalm reads “For the leader [some translators render it choirmaster]: by David”. The seven verses of this Poem-Song may be subdivided into two sections:…
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Song of Trust in God
To the choirmaster. Of David.
1 In the Lord I take refuge; how can you say to me,    “Flee like a bird to the mountains; 2 for lo, the wicked bend the bow,    they have fitted their arrow to the string,    to shoot in the dark at the upright in heart; 3 if the foundations are destroyed,    what can the righteous do”?
4 The Lord is in his holy temple,    the Lord’s throne is in heaven;    his eyes behold, his eyelids test, the children of men. 5 The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked,    and his soul hates him that loves violence. 6 On the wicked he will rain coals of fire and brimstone;    a scorching wind shall be the portion of their cup. 7 For the Lord is righteous, he loves righteous deeds;    the upright shall behold his face. — Psalm 11 | Revised Standard Version (RSV) Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 1:12; Genesis 19:24; Job 18:15; Psalm 2:12; Psalm 7:9; Psalm 7:11-12; Psalm 10:8; Psalm 16:11; Psalm 56:3; Psalm 82:5; Psalm 87:1; Matthew 5:34; James 1:12; Revelation 4:2
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andallshallbewell · 1 month
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10 I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation.
11 As for you, O LORD, you will not restrain your mercy from me; your steadfast love and your faithfulness will ever preserve me!
(Psalm 40:10-11, ESV)
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walkswithmyfather · 10 days
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Proverbs 15:18 (NLT). “A hot-tempered person starts fights; a cool-tempered person stops them.”
John 14:27 (NLT). “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
Luke 12:11-12 (NLT). “And when you are brought to trial in the synagogues and before rulers and authorities, don’t worry about how to defend yourself or what to say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what needs to be said.”
Psalm 141:3 (AMP). “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips [to keep me from speaking thoughtlessly].”
“Responding to Conflict” By In Touch Ministries:
“When criticism comes your way, pause to ask for God's wisdom before replying.”
“When conflict occurs, what should our response be? Turning to the Lord in prayer is always the best way to respond in a crisis. By doing so, we can ask Him to provide…
Spiritual discernment. God knows and perfectly understands the source of the problem—and He can enable us to comprehend it, too. With the Spirit’s assistance, we will gain insight into the situation.
A quiet spirit. Our human nature will want to react quickly so we can defend ourselves or stand up for what we think is right. But before we act, it’s important to deliberately focus our attention on God and experience the inner peace that He promises (John 14:27).
Wisdom. The Lord told the disciples that the Holy Spirit would give them wise words to say (Luke 12:11-12). And He’ll do that for us as well. If we are tempted to speak hastily, we should ask the Spirit for guidance and the words to speak (Psalm 141:3).
God has called us to represent Him in every situation the same way Christ did—by depending on the heavenly Father. Next time someone speaks critically to you, focus your heart on God and let Him direct your response.”
[Picture thanks to Malachi Cowie at Unsplash]
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wiirocku · 5 months
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Psalm 58:11 (NKJV) - So that men will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous; Surely He is God who judges in the earth.”
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shutterandsentence · 4 months
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"I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds." 
~ Psalm 77:11-12 NIV
Photo: Morton Arboretum, Illinois
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‭Psalms 29:11 NLT‬
[11] The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace.
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