#prayers for self-esteem
fierysword · 11 months
1 In the Eternal One I take refuge. How can you say to my soul, "Fly away, like a bird, to the mountains": 2 There is no easy escape from the inner attacks of darkness. The arrows of fear pierce my heart. 3 The foundation of my self-esteem is destroyed. How can I be upright, or do what I need to do? 4 Yet God is within my body, which is Her holy temple. She also dwells in the heavens and sees us, tests us all. 5 Though She lets those with integrity endure many trials, Her soul hates those who love violence. 6 She will send fire and brimstone and a scorching wind to destroy the despair that attacks me. 7 For God is loving and just, and always does what is right. Those who act with integrity shall surely behold Her face.
Psalm 11 (feminine translation from Swallow's Nest: A Feminine Reading of the Psalms by Marchiene Rienstra)
Possible uses of this psalm:
1. Pray against inner enemies like despair, fear, and a sense of worthlessness
2. Triumph over adversities
3. Righteous retribution against foes
1 is sourced from Swallows Nest, 2 from Power of the Psalms by Anna Riva, 3 from My New Everyday Prayer Book by Brother ADA
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Dear God, please, hear me out I know it's been a couple years Since I've reached out and said hello I bet You're wondering
Why I keep Obsessing on and stressing all the little things When I should be Living life and soaking up the memories
I know I've been selfish, I have No excuse to give you, it's true Hanging by a thread's how I live I don't know why, but I feel more comfortable
Living in my agony, watching my self-esteem Go up in flames, acting like I don't Care what anyone else thinks, when I know truthfully That that's the furthest thing from how I
Feel, but I'm too proud to open up and ask ya To pick me up and pull me out this hole I'm trapped in The truth is, I need help, but I just can't imagine who Who I'd be if I was happy
Yeah, been this way so long It feels like something's off when I'm not depressed I got some issues that I won't address I got some baggage I ain't opened yet
I got some demons I should put to rest I got some traumas that I can't forget I got some phone calls I been avoiding Some family members I don't really connect with
Some things I said I wish I would of not let slip Some hurtful words that never should of left my lips Some bridges burned, I'm not ready to rebuild yet Some insecurities I haven't dealt with, yes
I'll be the first to admit that I'm a lonely soul And the last to admit I need a hand to hold Losing hope, headed down a dangerous road Strange, I know, but I feel most at home when I'm
Living in my agony, watching my self-esteem Go up in flames acting, like I don't Care what anyone else thinks, when I know truthfully That that's the furthest thing from how I
Feel, but I'm too proud to open up and ask ya To pick me up and pull me out this hole I'm trapped in The truth is, I need help, but I just can't imagine who Who I'd be if I was happy
Don't know what's around the bend Don't know what my future is But I can't keep on living in
Living in my agony, watching my self-esteem Go up in flames acting, like I don't Care what anyone else thinks, when I know truthfully That that's the furthest thing from how I
Feel, but I'm too proud to open up and ask ya To pick me up and pull me out this hole I'm trapped in The truth is, I need help, but I just can't imagine who Who I'd be if I was happy
If I was happy
If I was happy
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moonhedgegarden · 1 year
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Affirmation of the Day: “I draw strength from within, like a flower drawing nutrients from the soil.”
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ninanirina · 1 year
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northwoodsfan · 1 year
Grace Nugget for 4.13.23
Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.
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bdkinz · 8 months
Believing in Oneself is a form of Humility
This piece reflects upon the importance of balancing the character trait of humility with a health sense of self-worth.
Most of us are familiar with some version of the following story (found here): So there is a joke you probably know on the topic of humility. The chief rabbi of the synagogue at Yom Kippur is beating his breast and crying, tears running down his cheeks “I’m nothing, Lord! I’m nothing! I’m absolutely nothing!” Next to him the chief donor to the synagogue, a wealthy banker kneels down and hits…
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dailylifeoc · 1 year
Hi universe, I'm still here fighting the good fight. Our perception is such an unusual concept. Subjectively, it is my perception that defines my reality. So reality is subjective. So what in this world is objective? Tangible items. If someone is doing the act of speaking, but what about the words coming out of their mouth, the interpretation is all subjective. If someone is atttactive, funny, a good person- subjective. Our world is mainly subjective with spurts of objectiveness. Peace, beauty love- subjective.
Anyways- just a passing thought.
As I sit and have dinner with two beautiful women; the 3 of use have nothing kind to say about our bodies. Why has our world taught us to hate our beautiful bodies? We need to look at ourselves and not see the negative, but the beauty in our souls. The awesomeness we possess as Gods creatures. I commit to being kind to my self, to treat myself as one of my best friends. Whose with me? Universe, are you out there? Beautiful goddesses, do you hear me? I am strong alone, there is power in more.
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teachussomethin · 2 years
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Hey, I have DpxDc God Au prompt for you: Dani is the goddess of untraditional families, traveling, clones, and lost (emotionally and locationwise, not deathwise) children. She becomes a patron to many people (mostly kids and teenagers) struggling in the hero community and otherwise and comes to help them in times of emotional turmoil. Kon is one of her followers/friends, the speedsters pray to her for multiple reasons, and Billy and her sometimes hang out. Danny is the god of protection, space, revival, and neglected and lost children (emotionally and those who died before they reached adulthood). He also ends up becoming a patron for many heroes and abused kids. He helps Jason out when he dies young and gets revived. (Bruce prays to Danny for Jason when he dies to beg Danny to help Jason find peace in the afterlife if there is one). Danny also befriends Tim when he’s all alone in Drake Manor and keeps him company when he can and helps him survive. Dan on the other hand is the god of apocalyptic futures (and alternate and future evil selves), repentance and redemption, aggression, and devastation (emotional and deathwise). He doesn’t want most of his domains to be so dark, but it’s weird how much overlap there is between the same people praying to him along with Danny and Danielle. (SO many heroes have apocalyptic future/evil selves and have done terrible things. Example: Tim: Evil future gun batman and Jason: Aggression and Repentance/Redemption. They would definitely pray to Dan just in case). They’re all pretty respected gods who have been known for ages, worshiped, who actually help not just their followers but those who need their help that fall in their domains. The mythology got a bit weird throughout history, but the Dan(y/i)s were generally thought to be benevolent sibling/triplet gods. Jazz didn’t have enough power to ascend to goddesshood, but she was a patron spirit of psychology and mental health, and low-key a patron of people with eldest daughter syndrome (Looking at you, Dick). Then of course there’s Vlad. Mostly creeps want to pray to Vlad. He’s thought of as more of a predatory demon than a god, he has never been known as benevolent. He embodies most if not all of the seven deadly sins and his domains and immorality reflect that. He is the god of theft, power, greed, lust, cheating, obsession, ego, twisted family, immorality, corruption, envy, and vengeance. He has more domains than the Dan(i/y)s either because he was depicted so negatively from all of his schemes that people just gave him all the dark domains, or because he stole several artifacts and found some loopholes to get more power for himself. The Dan(ny/i)s stand together as one to protect the world from Vlad’s immorality, however there are some moments where Vlad helps starving children steal food or things they need to live, helps people to steal medicine they can’t afford to bring to a sick loved one. He gives self esteem and confidence to those who pray for it that struggle with self worth or mental illness. So yes, he is a more morally bankrupt god, but he has his good moments. Anyways, please write more of this prompt in whatever way you see fit. It could be stuff from the batfamily’s and/or halfas perspective as the years go by and they interact with the gods or something like that as vigilantes and as civilians, or you can write scenes out with the hero community or batfam discussing the little pantheon or whatever, or go into further detail with my examples, have conflict between the Dan(i/y)s and Vlad, change things up, or anything you want. Thank you!
Wonder Woman watches as Nightwing very claps his hands, bows his head, and mutters under his breath. The language is one she is not fluent with but has started to learn over the years in her time of man.
She can pick out a few words. Enough to know that Nightwing is sending a prayer and hopes of a "Older Sibling" patron saint. He wants her to keep a eye over his younger siblings and to offer him "inner- peace".
Diana is aware that all of Bruce's children, minus Dick, are out on extremely dangerous missions. Dick had been benched due to an injury he sustained in the last confrontation. He was sent to the watch tower were a team of trusted surgeons had operated on his leg.
He would be fine in time but it would be a long wait before he would be ready to go out to the feild.
Understanding that he needed guidance from his gods, she waited paintently for him to finish, taking a few steps away from the doorway of his recovery room so as not to overhear any further prayers. A conversation between gods and man should remain private.
As she leaned on the wall outside, she wondered—not for the first time—who the Bats prayed to. Athena and Aphrodite would always have her loyalty, but she acknowledged that there were gods outside of her own.
She met some of them.
And while she had never seen the Bats or anyone else from Gotham's gods, she knew they were worshiped and believed as much as her sisters loved on Themyscira. It would be rude to ask about them, when she would never offer the gods of Gotham any offerings, so she refraimed but she wondered.
Oh she wondered.
She had witnessed Bruce pray to one of them, usually after a complex case involving children. He never mentions the god by name, but much like Nightwing, he clasps his hands, bows his head, and mutters that rhythmic language. Once, he even saw him place a star carved from one of the stones of his historical home by the window of the watch tower.
He had engraved all his children's hero names into it and allowed the moon to power it with protection.
Jason prayed as well, but not as profoundly as his family. He was Catholic growing up, and his mother often refused to have him pray to another god despite everyone else in Gotham doing so. He only did so as Red Hood because, according to Jason, that was the only time he needed Dan or Vlad.
Diana wondered if those were gods or people in his gang. Jason did not say their names with the same reverence as she did her gods.
Tim, on the other hand, took his Gotham-based region very seriously and had an entire timesheet of proper prayers. He did not pray every day nor did he stop what he was doing in order to do so, but he made it very clear that he would not be availbe three times a week for religious purposes.
Short of an emergency, those three hours every week were dedicated to his rituals for all of Gotham's gods. Diana knows that Steph, Barbara, Cass and Bruce would join only one of those three hours for their own god prefernce.
Despite that however, they were not very religious and often she wondered if the Bats were more atheists. Maybe meeting the gods and fighting some of them had the people of Gotham numb to the faith.
Or Gotham had the practices for such a long time that it became a background, much like tax season. Diana had noticed that despite the prayers and the dedication, the Bats treated their gods much like suppursitations to do before a big game.
It was a odd system to her, but once again, the "Gotham's Stars and Shadows" were not her gods. She did not have enough information to make any sort of statement about them.
Maybe they preferred to be treated as superstitions? Or maybe they liked to be close to their followers to the point they saw them the same way they did decorating their bedrooms? - A form of self-expression but not true faith.
A cold breeze blew by her, shocking Diana into a combat formation. There shouldn't be any wind up here. They are in space.
A whispered laugh echos down the hall, and for a brief moment she senses a god. Falling to her knee just in case, she stares towards the laughter watching a quick outling of a woman with flaming hair and a young girl in a black pony tale laugh and skip.
In their hands are carved stares, glowing green.
They vanish just as quickly as they appeared, but she knows who they were without having to call out to them.
"Diana?" Dick says from the doorway, pushing his wheelchair. "Are you alright?"
"Yes. I am." She smoothly slide up to her feet smiling at him in what she hopes is comforting. "Have you finished speaking to yoyr gods."
"Yeah I hope they protect my siblings and help find Kon."
She thinks of the laughing ladies "I assume they will."
An hour later, Kon is recovered, and Tim miraculously escapes death due to strong wind and a conveniently thrown traveling map into his attacker's face. Diana witness the superman clone add a stone form Kent Farm to the one by Batman's in the watchtower.
It has the words Red Robin carved within a heart. She smiles.
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ineylesian · 5 months
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WARNINGS — slight 2.1 spoilers, lowk angst, word vomit about aventurine’s lack of self esteem, sappy unconditional positive regard, handsy aven bc he’s touch starved, preesetablished relationship
SUMMARY — aventurine does not understand the twist of fate that allows him to stand beside you.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — the lack of official aventurine art is making me gnaw at the bars of my enclosure, sloppy headers for now!!
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Aventurine isn’t sure how to feel. 
The low hues of noon cast a gentle light upon his gloves, giving light to the sea of shattered stones that lie in his grasp. A sea of dazzling green, torn and fragmented beyond repair.
He’s sure he sees it now, a reflection of the wildly wretched life he’s lived sitting in the palms of his hands. The remnants of the only control he’s managed to retain in his life frail as dust in the winds. SIlent he remains, still as a pound dog that has had its bone ripped away from it. 
It isn’t until he feels the ghost of your hands along his own that Aventurine realizes his heart is racing. You spin him to face you, and his heart lurches at the worry that etches itself upon your features. He fights with narratives in his head that play games of fallacies, yet the scorch of his devotion to you leaves his tongue tied.
Facades are a game that come like second nature to Aventurine, but he swears he will not do to you what he deems business in his schemes. Instead, he pulls at what little honesty remains in the depths of his heart and his breath shutters. 
“Guess I’m back to where I was five years ago.”
The words come out quiet, too soft for his nature and simply small. It’s a confession that makes him wonder how many other pieces of his life will break apart until the whole is severed. There’s a fear that lingers within, bubbling to the surface as he attempts to withdraw from your hold.
Aventurine does not believe that his life holds any meaning with or without the cornerstone. Yet, that title made him seem as if he truly meant something, and without it, what little reign he held over his life disappeared. 
He believes you deserve fire, yet he is no more than an ember flickering on a stoked match. He cannot burn in flames bright enough to keep you.
Silently, he awaits your scold, the reprimand that deems him as worthless as he believes himself to be. A reminder that it was all but a stroke of luck that brought you to him, a trial that has run out as you see him for who he truly is, barren and scared.
His hands shake as you guide them to pour his shattered stone into the box at his feet. Shock etches itself upon his features, and he looks to you with nothing but raw, unparalleled fear as you speak. 
“You will always be the same to me.”
Aventurine does not understand the twist of fate that allows him to stand beside you. Single handedly, you vowed to peer into the wasteland that was his soul, and devoted yourself to his inherently unjust destiny. And, even as his life’s worth is ripped away from him, you love him unchanged.
An insatiable want carves at his soul like a day yearns for night, and Aventurine knows no other place to put his hands but around you in embrace. His hold is tight, as if he imagines that you will fade away if he abandons it. Yet, the weave of your fingers through his hair is enough to tell him that you’re no illusion, a sensation that will cease to disappear as long as he lives.
“Let me see you, Aven.”
Your words flow as lost prayers on the horizon do, and Aventurine retracts his grasp on you, allowing his knees to bring him to the ground. Your hands, gentle as streambeds in the spring, cup his face, running over spilt tears from keeled eyelashes. Instinctively, his hands latch onto your wrists, desperately chasing after your warmth and attempting to sear it into his skin.
Aventurine outwardly sighs as you run your fingers along his jaw, stopping to tuck a stray wisp of hair behind his ear. Although your gaze rocks with the deepest seas of adoration, the child deep within his heart beckons him to gamble with his luck once again. A risk that trails the faint quiver of his lips, as he would utter no such words to any other being in the entire cosmos.
“Will you kiss me?”
Wordlessly, you nod, and Aventurine closes his eyes. The soft touch of your lips quells the troubles that brew within, igniting fire against endless water. His hands fall to his lap, melting in the passion of your touch, and his heart craves to continue beating as if you are the oxygen that fills his lungs. 
He refuses to leave you until there is no air left for him to breathe. Gasping for the vitality of you that runs rampant through his veins, Aventurine tilts his head upward, and your heart flutters at the gentle smile that greets your gaze. Brilliant hues of purple and blue shimmer amidst the night, and his hold on you returns, hands moving to interlock themselves with your own. It’s the same gesture that holds you in the deep of dusk, never waning as lost prayers to the universe whisper behind closed doors. 
The words that follow are never far from you, spinning like soft woven silk that rests in your dreams when he’s away. Your eyes shut as he presses his lips to the corner of your mouth, spreading warmth to your cheeks that subdue the chills of frosted wind. In yearn, you wait, reveling in the soft fan of his breath over your skin.
“I love you.”
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fierysword · 11 months
1 Shaddai, how beautiful You are in all the earth! Your glory shines in the heavens! 2 Little children give witness to Your greatness, and Your adversary is silenced. 3 When I gaze in awe at the vast heavens You made, the moon and the stars which are the work of Your fingers, 4 What are women that You are mindful of them, or their daughters, that You visit them? 5 Yet You have made woman in Your image, and crowned her with glory and honor! 6 You have given her dominion over the works of Your hands. You have put all things in her keeping and care - 7 all sheep and cattle, and the wild beasts of the field and forest, 8 the birds of the air and the creatures of the sea. 9 Shaddai, how beautiful is Your name in all the earth!
Psalm 8 (feminine translation from Swallow's Nest: A Feminine Reading of the Psalms by Marchiene Rienstra)
Some possible uses of this psalm:
Bring customers to business (pray psalm while burning Prosperity Incense each day before opening the shop)
Improve self-esteem and sense of worthiness (repeat v5-6 until reassured of its message)
Bless oils
Prayer of praise
1-2 are sourced from Power of the Psalms by Anna Riva, 3 from My New Everyday Prayer Book by Brother ADA
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plscallmeeren · 1 month
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Loki Laufeyson / Odinson x Reader
Request: no just feeling in love
Summary: completely mixed batch of romantic headcanons including fluff, smut and some toxic things that would probably come into play at some point
Warnings: some general sexual stuff but nothing rough lol; mentions of extreme jealousy etc
Word Count: about 1K
He loves recommending books to you and talking about them afterward. It used to be him accidentally gushing about a book (usually poetry or fairy tales) and at some point you just started reading them without him knowing. Eventually he gave up on keeping the titles secret.
At first he was put off when you weren't too submissive during sex, but he adopted the "treat her like a Queen" idea and now, without diminishing his own pride, he looks forward to worshipping you every day.
He loves dancing - spinning you around the room, slow steps, but very close - anything. If you are in a room filled with of people he can show you off, but alone it is just as intimate.
When he's insecure, he can revert to considering himself superior. You generally let him be aloof for a while before addressing the problem directly, but it's a struggle every time to make him admit why he has low self esteem.
He has a treasured copy of Nordic fairy tales with beautiful illustrations that he shows only you. He lets you tenderly flip the pages, in awe at wonders like forest fairies, nymphs, glamorous witches and hags alike. Not like Thor, that 'oaf'.
One night, you sat on the edge of the your shared bed, legs bare, teasing him for how desperately he wanted you. He knelt before you, whispering "please", kissing his way up from your ankle to your thigh on one leg.
Loki hates it when she is a woman and is handles awkwardly at first. You have a habit of immediately talking to her or circling an arm around her waist when she enters the room so that she can't worry to the point of turning back into a male body.
He loved hearing his name from your lips as he pleasures you: "Loki, Loki, Loki". It is only right for a god to be subject to whispered prayer.
He makes fun of/critiques Thor a lot, but in quieter moments he loves telling childhood stories and Thor's adventures. On darker days he will ask whether you're sure you wouldn't prefer Thor - after all, everyone else did.
He lives to kiss you. It sounds dopey, but anywhere, anytime, in front of everyone - kissing you on the lips, on your neck, hair, chest, arms, especially hands. Anything to taste you, to feel as close as possible.
She feels particularly sound in her own body when you fuck her as a woman. When she's spread out before you, bare, there's no hiding who she is, and you are more than happy to ravage her as much as their common body.
Loki doesn't need much sleep. At night, he sometimes feels lonely and yearns for the halls of Asgard. He cries quietly in bed, careful not to wake you. Some days, he retreats to the library and sobs, cries absorbed by surrounding stories.
Tea. Tea. Tea. Always. And every time he makes a cup for himself, you get one, too. He knows your favourites and which ones you like at what time of day.
He writes you letters. Love letters full of poems - some of his own hand and others quoted - and confessions. Every swooping letter is drawn with careful precision, every reference a new find from the library in honour of you. Such a hopeless romantic. When you write such letters back, leaving them with him before he wakes, he almost sheds tears of bliss.
If you have tattoos or scars or burns - anything of the like - he will trace them, stare at them as he comes, turned on endlessly by every unique mark on your body. All his. No one else knows every freckle like him.
He is possessive. He always has been, and as much as you try and calm him and prevent jealousy... sometimes he yells at you for talking to someone else too much. Sometimes he whispers that you have betrayed him like his father. Sometimes you find him searching through your things; what for, you will never know.
Loki loves your laugh, and he will do the most ridiculous things to earn it. Before knowing you, he would have considered every antic and joke beneath him and embarrassing, but he hardly cares anymore. That is, until Thor laughs so loud from beside you that he can't hear anything at all.
Stargazing. He points out every constellation, knows every myth - some are inspired by people he knows.
He reads to you. He takes you on surprise picnics and plans fancy evenings.
He loved how you see through his lies and tall tales, but take him seriously or laugh anyway. Every one of them has a grain of truth, after all, and it doesn't make him untrustworthy.
He doesn't really swear, but secretly likes it when you sound harsh talking to others.
Loki will talk about your future all the time, especially after making love, rambling on about your house, lifestyle, garden, parties.
You talk for hours at once, incorrigible.
No one can calm him down like you. The moment you touch his arm when he's yelling at Thor or anyone else, it ceases, but he sometimes pretends to be angry a bit longer, just enough to get to your room and keep his pride in front of the others.
Loki loves you. Selflessly. Eternally. Insatiably.
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imtryingbuck · 11 months
Happy Ending?
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader, Future Bucky x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader dates Steve but he’s not a good boyfriend
Word count: 967
Warnings: Angst. Steve not being a good boyfriend, low self-esteem, no smut but smut? Idk I’m sorry. Self-body hating – plus size reader.
A/n: pt 2&3 will be on Bucky’s masterlist
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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You see the love of your life kissing Natasha. Then in the car she jokes about it being his first kiss in 70 years, he doesn’t correct her of course he doesn’t otherwise he’ll have to tell her he’s dating you. For the past 6 months. He tells you that it meant nothing and that they had to do it so they didn’t blow their cover. He takes you to bed has you on all fours and as he’s nearing his release, he says Natasha. You cry and he doesn’t notice.
You’re sitting in the backseat of the car next to Bucky Barnes, having to see the love of your life kissing the next best thing he’s going to get to Peggy Carter, her niece Sharon. You can’t say anything though as nobody knows you two are dating, still. He tells you it’s for your own safety but you know it’s not for that reason. You know he’s embarrassed of you, you’re not skinny. You’re fat. Overweight. Plus-size. However you want to put it you’re not skinny. You’re not perfect like Natasha or Sharon or any other woman he could have. He tells you he loves you in a whisper. He kisses you behind closed doors. Hell he doesn’t even touch you in-front of anyone. Yet you stay with him because you love him. 
Later that night he tells you he loves you and only you. You believe it. Your face gets pushed into the pillow, arse in the air and like last time as he’s about to get his release it’s not your name nor Natasha’s that slips past his pretty lips it’s Sharon’s. You cry, again.
You stay silent about the pain he keeps causing you because you are so afraid of being alone, so desperate to be loved by him or anybody for that matter. All you want is real love but you’re too scared to leave. The worst part is even Steve knows this. He knows how much you love him, and he knows himself that he could never love you, not really love you.
A few months goes by, and everything has calmed down so you decide to take him to meet your parents for the first time. He’s so nervous it’s actually cute. He meets your parents, brother and sister. Dinner goes by smoothly, Steve talks to your dad and brother about everything and anything whilst you’re in the kitchen talking to your mum and sister about how much of an amazing guy he is, how much you love him and how happy you are. Your mum tells you you’re absolutely glowing. The night comes to an end you’re sitting in the passenger seat eyes going from him to the stars in the sky, your happy for the first time in months. You both get home, and he tells you how incredible you are, says he wants to make love to you so you let him. Before you know it he flips you onto your hands and knees face being shoved into the fluffy pillows, your brains working overtime wondering which name is going to make its way out of his mouth. Your whole body is hurting because of how rough he’s being with you, your head hurts and your poor stupid heart is breaking all over again as he empties all his worth inside of you while the name he’s keep chanting like a prayer is that of your sister.
How you manage to do it is lost on you, but you push him off of you with what little strength you have left and make a beeline straight to the bathroom locking the door as quickly as you can, you stumble to the toilet in time to empty the contents out of your stomach. In the mist of being sick and crying you hear Steve pounding on the door pleading with you to let him in asking if he’s hurt you. Asking ‘what did I do wrong’ which is ironic as that’s the same question you’ve repeatedly asked yourself. You hug the toilet trying to get some kind of warmth from it.
But it doesn’t happen.
You fall asleep naked, face covered in tears on the cold bathroom floor. Steve falls asleep on the bedroom floor against the door.
The next morning you wake up sore with Steve knocking on the door telling you he has to leave on an important mission that he loves you and when he gets back you both can talk about why you ran off hiding in the bathroom. You remain stuck to the floor long after he’s left. 
You know you can’t keep doing this, going through the pain, blaming yourself for not being good enough for him. ‘You need to stop being scared of being alone’ you told yourself and finally after nearly a year of crying yourself to sleep every night you pick yourself off the tiled flooring and with timid steps you head into the bedroom. As you pack all your stuff into suitcases and bags you thought you’d be crying whilst doing this but no tears have made an appearance, you’re completely numb and done with everything. Walking around the apartment taking your things as you go you head to the front door and like a naive silly girl you’re arguing with yourself to put your stuff back and just wait for the love of your life to come home. ‘He loves you idiot’ even though you know it not to be true and with that and your broken heart you take a look around visibly seeing the good times that took place within those four walls, you walk out of the door and into the cold December morning.
You thought he was going to be your happy ending.
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~ banners credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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attichaos · 2 years
Colour Magick Correspondences & Ideas
*longer read*
Pretty easily applied for both beginner, closet and experienced practitioners alike! Can be used in most areas of mundane and magickal life (with some ideas listed below).
→ Cleansing, clarity, blessing, healing, innocence, truth, connection to spirits or the spiritual world, divine connection, consecration, dream work, psychic connection, purity, rest, moon magic, angelic work, devotion, harmony, prayer, peace, purification, universal truths. White can also be used as an all-purpose color for your intention when the color you want is not available.
→ Banishing, transformation, uncrossing, endings, domination, protection, reversing, repulsion, freedom from evil, cursing, cloaking, sophistication, security, emotional safety, closure, breaking patterns, grief, mourning, absorbing, removing, trapping, encasing, the unconscious, mystery, shielding from the evil eye, *similarly to white - as black is an absence of colour it can be used for any colour if you don’t have them available* - personal opinion
→ Passionate love, energy, action, attraction, sexuality, magnetism, will, force, anger, fire within, courage, warmth, lust, drive, pleasure, vitality, vigor, excitement, desire.
→ New opportunities, new ventures, new beginnings, change of plans, encouragement, opening the way, removing blocks, physical comfort, warmth, security, ambition, creativity, courage, optimism.
-> Optimism, prosperity, happiness, good luck, attraction, success, confidence, visibility, fame, self-esteem, communication, concentration, focus, inspiration, intellect, logic, memory, knowledge, learning.
→ Prosperity, abundance, wealth, generosity, money luck, career, growth, fertility, gambling luck, business, a good job, harmony, balance, healing, self-love, altruism, universal love, contact with fae and nature spirits.
→ Reconciliation, harmony, peace, kindness, healing, ideas, intelligence, wisdom, loyalty, sleep, meditation, communication, creativity, dream work, trust, blessings, calm, forgiveness, truth, bliss, inspiration, fidelity, honesty.
→ Healing, calming, tranquility, spirituality, meditation, pacification, cooperation, sensitivity, compassion, empathy, selflessness, empowerment, controlling, commanding, mastery, power, ambition, achievement, charisma, luxury, expansion, psychic ability, spirituality, authenticity, truth, transformation, insight, justice, wisdom, politics, divination, ESP, intuition, wishes, influence.
→ Romantic love, friendship, soul mates, sweet feelings, emotional healing, heart connection, affection, family love, admiration, physical tranquility, nurturing, warmth, youthfulness, healing grief, compassion, forgiveness, beauty, unconditional love.
→ Justice, balance, grounding, court cases, legal matters, being down-to-earth, practical matters, seriousness, reliability, support, stability, safety, earth, nature, animals, home, nostalgia, basic needs being met, balance.
→ Neutrality, neutralizing, invisibility, working in “gray areas,” anonymity, hiding from others, working in-between worlds, secrets, occult and arcane wisdom, reversing, uncovering mysteries and secrets, lifting curses, undoing prior spell work.
→ Dreams, intuition, psychic work, courtesy, honor, moon magic, rhythm, cycles, divination, illusions, glamour spells, wisdom.
→ Prosperity, fame, luxury, generosity, optimism, wisdom, enlightenment, victory, sun magic, confidence, life force, power, attraction, magnetism, vigor, charisma.
*highly recommend Madame Pamita’s Book of Candle Magic - covers colour magic especially in relation to spell work with candles.
→ candle magick
→ glamour magick - also wearing/makeup using a colour which corresponds to the property you desire (good for closet witches)
→ sigil magick
→ craft magick
→ kitchen witchery - eg. Putting a specific colour food dye in a cake or drink etc
(Essentially anything you want!)
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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heathersdesk · 4 months
My grandfather was killed in a hit and run accident in 1978.
His mother and sister struggled with life after that. They decided to go on a trip across the United States together to get away from things for a while.
I discovered this trip when I was going through photo albums and suddenly saw a place I recognized.
The Salt Lake Temple.
They went to many places during that trip. But there was something truly special to me that, in one of the worst seasons of their lives, they ended up at the temple.
I served part of my mission at Temple Square. I was waiting for a visa to Brazil that I began to think was never coming. I had a truly horrendous time in the MTC babysitting a district of Elders who spent weeks on end bullying me and tearing down my self-esteem. I was told directly by someone, I forget who now, that I was being sent there to recover. And when I realized that the mission had no young Elders in it at all, that it was only Sisters and senior couples, I came to appreciate what that meant.
I had so many wild interactions there with so many people. Some of them were strange, like the guy who viewed the Book of Mormon as proof of alien interactions with humans. There were moments of heartbreak, like the woman who was in tears at the Christus statue who attacked us when we checked in on her. There were moments of pure delight, like when an LDS family with two young daughters came to that same Christus statue. The oldest girl, no older than 4 or 5, squealed "JESUS" and ran to the Savior's feet, little sister in tow. Whenever I hear someone mention the teaching to become as a little child, she is exactly who I think of.
There were also moments that were meant solely for me, like when I met the first Sister to ever be called to the Boston mission I had hoped to go to to wait for my visa. Boston has a large Brazilian population, many of whom are members of the Church. I had begged in prayer to be sent there and was told by other people it wouldn't happen because "Sisters don't go there." I had an entire conversation with the woman who was going to be that change. It seemed cruel to me at the time, dangling the carrot of something I wanted right in front of my face. In time, I've realized it was so I would remember that God does miracles and is aware of the desires of my heart, even if it means I don't get what I want. Someone needed to exercise enough faith to push that door open for women. I put my full weight behind it, and I can be just as proud that it opened for someone else.
But some of my favorite people I met there were people who just made me laugh. I met a Jewish convert from New York who told us his conversion story, how what drew him in was the Plan of Salvation. He summarized it in a New York accent in a voice I can still hear in my mind: "So you're a god, eventually. But can you pay RENT?!"
One of my favorite people I met was a Scottish convert named Agnes who was doing the Mormon trail across the US, beginning in New England and ending in Utah. She was a much older woman and told us all about her pilgrimage, and how she had cuddled with the oxen at the baptismal font in the Manhattan New York Temple. (I've been there. You enter into the baptistry on face level with them, or did the last time I was there.) She shared her testimony with us, and I'll never forget what she said.
She explained that the story of Joseph Smith was really hard to get her mind around. It truly is an insane set of asks: angels, gold plates, polygamy, and all the rest. She talked about how she came to accept it—not through any kind of empirical evidence or proof, but through faith and what that looked like.
For her, it was the recognition that being LDS was the best way she had ever encountered to live an excellent life. She said that the worst case scenario she could imagine is one where God would say to her, "You know that whole business with Joseph Smith was a load of crock, right? But you lived such a good life, I have to let you in anyway."
That has always stayed with me. Agnes was one of many people who came to the Square looking for something. I saw people come there looking for faith, or a fight, and truly everything in between. And it's only now that I'm older and wiser that I see something clearly now that I couldn't see then.
Agnes didn't need to come to Temple Square to find faith. She already had a tremendous amount of faith. She, and many others, were looking for conviction. I was at Temple Square long enough to learn you don't get that from a place. While a place like Temple Square can illuminate the possibilities for conviction through the lens of history, it doesn't bestow that conviction through contact or proximity alone. Conviction is made from the materials of your own life and your own choices. Your will, how firmly you place yourself into an immovable and unyielding position, is the measure of your convictions. It comes from within.
Faith is the decision to believe in what you cannot see, and what cannot be proven objectively. That never goes away. Nothing we experience in life, no place we ever visit, will create a shortcut under, over, or around that decision to believe, to trust in God. Faith, at its core, is a decision. The ability to continue making that decision over and over again, under all species of hardship and opposition, is conviction.
Where Jesus walked is nowhere near as important as how Jesus walked, and with whom. The same is true for all of us. Our walk with God might never take us anywhere near a temple because of where God has called us to go. But we are the holiest dwelling places of God on earth—not any of the buildings we've made.
Be a holy place of living faith wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be. Worship God, no matter what places you can or cannot enter. There is more than one way to access a temple. One way is to enter a place that people invite God to dwell. The other is to become that place. There can be no separation from God where communion never ceases. It is the refuge that is unassailable by others for as long as the person wills it so. The torch within will not go out.
The temple is not special because it has some holy essence that springs forth out of nothing, to passively be absorbed by others. The temple is special because it directs people to Jesus Christ, who is the giver of healing and peace. The temple is just a building. It's Jesus Christ that is the true power behind it all, whose objective is to make you, me, and every person you know the holiest creature you've ever beheld. You are the end goal.
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tarotmundomonde · 20 days
What's coming towards you in love for the rest of summer 2024
pick a number 1-5 OR an emoji 📓 📕 📘 📙 📗
(ps. this reading is for practice and for fun)
1.📓 -Ooh, you are attracting some real heavy toxic energy. It looks like envy and jealousy. Someone is not okay with you receiving attention from someone. -You could be dealing with someone taken/someone with kids. If not, this is more a fatherly figure. A masculine, who has a strong fatherly vibe to them. It looks like someone, who is protective. They want to support you, to cheer you on. -Someone is very judgemental. Whether they literally judge you or judge your love life hardcore. It's coming through as someone, whom to your love life is none of their business. -Social media, apps. You seem to be connecting possibly with several people. A lot of messages. But also it looks like there will be outside influence on your love life. Like other people will get involved. It seems like a bit of drama coming in. -You are dealing with greedy people, ungrateful people. It looks like people could use you for example to connect with someone else. So let's say there is someone you like and they approach you, so you'll think they are into you, but then they tell you that could you set them up with your bestie. It could be also your bestie doing that to you. They want the person you like and use you to get closer to them. Another thing coming through is also that you could be more invested, whereas the other person is just here for the fun. -You could be meeting someone new that you hesitate to give a chance to, because of a desire. But the cards are suggesting a positive surprise. -Lessons on self-esteem. -Hope and stability. It looks like there is some kind of love connection ready to grow and bloom, once it's the right timing for it. But it's already planted or will be. -Same again, it's like someone new coming in that you may not be paying attention to, but if you did open your eyes and mind and take a second look, you could find love has arrived.
2.📕 -Prayers, answers to prayers, beliefs and lessons. And devotion. Perhaps unforeseen tests that could reveal to you, if someone is devoted to you, if they are committed. -Motherly figure. Someone very loving and nurturing and protective. And it can be a male or even a third-party. -Social media, apps. It seems people are wearing a mask around you, hiding their true thoughts from you and their true intentions. So, be mindful of that. Gossips. Looking at the cards, it could be a friend you tell about your love life stuff to and they are then telling other people and gossiping about you. -Time. It looks like the cards are telling you that with time things will get resolved, the pieces falling into the right place, etc. -An ex could be coming back around. Ex can be just an ex-crush, ex-fling or someone you thought it's over with. You could also have someone new coming in but it's far from your expectations. If you are into manifestation, this is not what you asked for. However, it's a real, valid potential for new love. -Someone playful. You might question, if this person is serious about you. Maybe they are the goofy type or just very playful. They are very light-hearted. -Perseverance. Stubborness. Maybe you and someone don't see eye to eye. Or someone won't give up, until you notice them. -Commitment. But be mindful of what is offered. Someone could offer you commitment to use you as a rebound or maybe they just want a quick fling. So be sure to know, if you truly want what is offered to you. -You actually got a lot of references about someone not thinking about having a future with you. For one, they only focus on the present. Secondly, it looks like there will be someone coming towards you, who is looking for something short-term, like a quick fling. Also, the cards want to point out that there could be someone in your life already, who could be a really amazing match for you in love.
3.📘-Commitment. I also see you could receive something valuable. For example clarity, healing of the connection, etc. -Obstacles, isolation. It's going to require effort to make something work. If the obstacle is competition, they are making themselves very visible to you. -You could get ghosted by someone. Also, there could be unseen things heading your way in love. Whether you don't expect something or things are kept hidden from you. Looking at the cards, this could be someone suddenly ghosting you, but also, if you've been into someone taken, it could be they are going to break up. -Followers, social media. Also, it looks like someone will try to just fit in. Like they don't want to attract attention and they follow the lead of others. So it's like outside influence, but on the other person. So if you are into someone, that someone will listen to their friends. So don't be surprised, if they ghost you or something. -The Long Game. Stay patient. If someone really cares about you, they will show you consistency. If the consistency is ignoring you, then you know it's time to go for the new. -It seems you are dealing with someone, who is conforming to the will of others. For example, they actually want love, but their friends are telling them to gain experience by having friends with benefits, and so instead of telling you that they have feelings for you, they might offer you a friends with benefits, instead. -Lessons of acceptance. There are things you cannot change, no matter what you do. -Crossroads, options, choices. -Listen. Sometimes the answers are written in between the lines. Be more open to the outcomes. You might not get your way and get what and who you want, but what about looking at it from a different perspective? Perhaps that's just a clear sign they are not your person.
4.📙-Death, grief, loss. It looks like a dead end situation. Perhaps you are trying really hard to make something change, but.. also, if you are into manifestation, it looks like it will be futile. -You have a lot of references to status quo, no changes and isolation. Whether it's you or someone coming towards you in love, it seems there could be a sense of like, how one could grab a chance and make things happen. Kinda like distance created by social conditions. For example you can't approach someone, because you are not friends. -A huge focus on yourself. Also, people could be more focused on themselves. It's not necessarily selfishness, it's just they focus on the self, like their needs, opinions, etc takes priority. Also, the theme of being able to be your true self is coming through. Both you and them. -Stress and pressure. A lot of comparison between you and others. You could even feel like nothing is good enough, needing more and more. This could be the attitude of those coming towards you in love. They could be constantly expecting more somehow. But a lot of comparison. -Sensuality and romance. Someone could offer you friends with benefits. It looks like an offer of spending the night together and enjoying together the seccual pleasures. -Someone unique. This is someone, who could have the reputation of being a little crazy, like this is someone full of love and emotions, which it looks like their peers don't really relate to that. Like romantic vs their friends being all rational and logical. -Again the theme of death as transformation, endings. Especially, if you have a strong will or you are very stubborn or into manifestation. -A long-term situation. Perhaps someone new will enter your life, or someone will be taking steps towards you in love and there will be growth over time. -A love connection. It's coming through in two different ways. Multiple options or there could be someone you know or maybe you are friends and this is like an impending love connection. Like it's meant to become a love connection in the future.
5.📗-Someone and/or a situation that only takes from you but doesn't give you anything. -Sweet, sweet honey. It looks like someone knows all the right words to say. Someone has or will have a crush on you. -There will be focus on money, finances, status and the such. Based on the cards this could be a factor to whether someone wants to date you or not. Especially as the cards are implying this is someone well off/wealthy. They could care a lot about what others would think, if they dated you. If this person wants to approach you, it's possible they'll keep this a secret from you. -Someone could be seeking or offering you comfort. There is a very caring energy coming through the cards. It feels like someone could make you feel really seen and cared for. -Letting go, forgiveness. This seems to be related to decisions, choices and communication. For some reason, I'm also getting like sudden changes of plans. Someone promises you a date and then last minute they tell you they are not coming. -Someone will gather their courage to take action towards you. Or why not, they could be trying to encourage you to approach them. -Lessons on peace. A lot of mind-fxckery is shown in the cards, lies, deceits, mindgames, etc. This will serve as an opportunity for you to learn to choose peace and to release negativity. -Social media, apps. Again, a lot of drama coming through. -Miracles & blessings! A lot of little positive surprises!
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