#pseudo journalism
merelygifted · 1 year
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carraways-son · 3 months
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Aujourd'hui, tout est allé de travers. Mais j'ai pris mon premier vrai bain de soleil de l'année et mis mes lunettes noires pour lire Kyoto mon amour de Frédéric Chateau. J'ai contacté la Tasmanie, l'Argentine et les USA sur ondes courtes. Côté musique, j'ai découvert Bekar grâce à L, et j'aime bien. Sinon, j'ai visité ces derniers temps des expositions et vu des films dont je n'ai pas parlé ici. A des moments de plus en plus fréquents, je ne trouve rien à dire à personne. Rien qui soit capable de m'intéresser, écrit Pierre Hebey dans "Le goût de l'inactuel - III". Plus loin, il dit aussi, et ça me touche de près : Il y a des êtres qu'on reste tout ébloui d'avoir connus. Ceux qui, dans le passé, nous ont permis de découvrir l'existence d'une cinquième saison, plus joyeuse, plus riche, plus vivante et plus ensoleillée. Demain, c'est le premier jour du printemps, et cette nuit, la lune est belle. Alors...
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Ces “Quelques trucs bien” s’inspirent directement des “3 trucs bien” de Fabienne Yvert, publié au Tripode. 
Pas 3 par jour pour ma part, mais une volonté régulière de gratitude et d’optimisme. 
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Espérer pour mon amie P. qu’elle puisse acheter cet appartement où elle serait bien avec vue dégagée sur le parc et les commodités pour assurer son activité professionnelle 
Reprendre le boulot avec entrain puisque la convalescence a assez duré 
Profiter d’être alitée pour rattraper le temps de lecture
Sortir de convalescence en prenant plaisir aux tâches domestiques : vider la poubelle (de mouchoirs) 
Apprécier le silence du monde dont je me trouve en retrait par nécessité et maladie. Prendre mon mal en patience 
Entrer au cinéma et sortir en empathie pour le règne animal 
Être invitée pour manger la galette. Savourer et se nourrir d’amitié 
Discuter avec maman de sa grand-mère et des traces que laissent les disparus 
Aller au cinéma pour voir la dernière palme d’or 
Éviter les conflits malgré le clivage. Garder en tête l’intérêt des enfants. Garder le silence et le sourire 
Accueillir une nouvelle collègue de travail en passant outre les mesquineries actuelles de l’équipe. Espérer le meilleur à venir 
Me confier à mon collègue psychologue sur le sentiment de déception quant à l’échec des projets thérapeutiques de groupe.  Accepter l’impossibilité du travail dynamique et collaboratif en situation d’activité collective. Comprendre qu’il faut m’en tenir à faire des séances individuelles et des écrits 
Manger du chocolat noir offert avec le cœur et le sourire. En reprendre encore un peu 
Savourer la caresse de la petite main de mon petit M. pendant qu’il boit son biberon dans mes bras 
Appeler une amie dans la détresse et l’inquiétude par rapport à la santé de son frère. Ressentir de la compassion 
Projeter de voir les meilleurs films de l’année dernière au cinéma 
Vider mon sac en réunion de soignants et passer outre les mesquineries 
Recevoir une amie à l’improviste pour un apéro 
M’attendrir pour la première dent de mon petit M. qui grandit déjà 
Entrer dans la nouvelle année en bonne compagnie. Être au spectacle des feux d’artifices et des faux airs de fête 
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disgustingposer · 6 months
My thoughts on Fuck The World by Sematary, Hackle, and Sosa
Haunted Mound's music and the discourse surrounding it exemplifies the fact that you can't truly "win" in the music scene as a whole, you will have haters don't matter what (unless you are a blonde woman who sings folky pop music and people treat you like a god and the ones who dare to dislike you are called misogynists or even nazis). Sematary is widely known for his quick uprising to underground hip hop hegemony being compared to groups like Drain Gang, Goth Money, and G59, the thing about his music is how the direction he started his music attracted a particular audience who were at most interested in the witch house + emo + plugg fusion he did with his partner Ghost Mountain, but as time passed, Grave Man changed his style to noisier and drill oriented, talking about violence and murder on a more Horrorcore fashion instead of the peep-esque emo misanthropy of his debut albums. The noisier style is often fused with black metal music. The issue here is how the paradox of innovation applies to his art, you see if he kept the style he had with Ghost Mountain to this day, people would call him repetitive and one-note. If he kept the black metal style of the Rainbow Bridge saga, he would be called one note and repetitive. And because he is keeping the violent dissonant witch drill style, he is being called repetitive and one-note. But there is also the fact that every time he innovates his style to a new direction, he alienates a part of his audience, as he alienated people who wanted more black metal-style music, and he alienated the Ghost Mountain fan audience who wanted more emo witch plugg. That's why I say that he is stuck on a paradox where he can't truly win everybody and by scrapping KOTG 2 because of its poor reception, he is playing by this game that he can't win, since he has constantly shown how much he cares about the opinions of others, he doesn't "do what he wants to do" as he claims to, if he did, he wouldn't scrap songs based on other's people reception. Now, about the song, it's truly overhated by the Haunted Mound fanbase. Yes, Sematary's lyrics are freestyled and this makes them incredibly cheesy, but the cheese of lyricism is what gives Horrorcore music its particular charm, we are talking about a genre where one of its pioneers had lyrics about having sex with pigeons. Hackle and Sosa's verses are more gangsta-oriented and don't look freestyled at all, which gives the song a notorious quality jump from there. with Keef's verse being the best of all and giving me personally an adrenaline jump unique to him, I would mosh to his verse despite hating crowded environments.
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tomatoluvr69 · 4 months
There’s going to be fig newtons at my job tomorrow and I can have some. Big things happening in my werld
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dogstomp · 1 year
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Dogstomp #2717 - June 14th
Patreon / Twitter / Discord Server
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jeweledstone · 10 months
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The other three pseudo-bosses from that stupid dream I had (also added a cute little average human-sized stickman so y’all can understand how massive these guys are compared to thier game canon counterparts)
Gonna tag this shit as “Psuedo Tower” for further reference. This isn’t technically an AU since it’s based outside of the PT verse, so just think of it as “fan fiction” of the dream I had in a way of sorts
Might draw more relating to it in the future, might not, idk
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
I'm really wondering what led to the Pokemon company ending Ash and Pikachu's arc cause that's like the capitalism equivalent of killing Mickey Mouse.
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badgerthethirteenth · 8 months
"Sneaking into the Gold Class Experience by paying for it"
Alternatively: Experiencing the briefest bout of the rich lifestyle made me realise just how poor I actually am.
Long read under the cut.
My husband (Toky), my sibling (Sigma) and I went to see the Five Nights at Freddy's movie at the cinemas. For The Bit, we decided to try out our local cinema's 'Gold Class', because Toky thought it would be really funny to go really high class and fancy to go see the FNAF movie (and it would avoid having kids in the theatre). My sibling, who has a membership with the cinema, facilitated us buying tickets so we got them for a whole like 5 dollars cheaper each. Not too shabby.
But as we left the tiny, luxurious cinema, it suddenly dawned on us - in Sigma's words, "the vibes were off".
And they were well and truly off.
We arrived at the cinema through the generosity of our father, in his little white box of a car with chipping paint, and were dropped off outside the cinema. Neither of us had eaten for a while, but that was okay - I am on a pseudo-diet, Sigma had a soylent shake not long before we left, and Toky doesn't eat nearly as much as we do. Since Sigma had our tickets ready on his phone, we just meandered near the place where we were supposed to hand in our tickets.
One of the staff approached us, and in that friendly tone all customer service staff who have to deal with asshole clients used, greeted us. We were obviously polite and friendly back, inasmuch as our collective autism-generated social awkwardness would allow it. She asked if it was our first time, and I, eagerly, said it was. So she ran us through how it worked.
We were invited to sit down in a lounge with some tacky but not unpleasant couches and some armchairs that I'm sure weren't comfortable, but they could have been, and we were given menus to peruse. She informed us that she would take our orders, and during the movie, she would bring them out to us. I had already resolved not to purchase from the menu if I could help it, such is my allergic reaction to spending money, but I was curious.
The last time I had ordered cinema food from one of the more 'luxury' types of deals was when my brother insisted that I see the movie 'Belle'. I forget how much the mediocre three chicken strips we had ordered costed, but it was far more than I would consider reasonable - the movie was excellent though.
The menu I saw gave me little hope of it being different. Certainly spending $5 (AUD) on a quality hot chocolate at a restaurant is one thing, but I was certainly not going to do so here, tempted as I was. $9 for a milkshake. It was $21 for a halloween-themed Baileys cocktail, which, sure, booze is expensive, but when you're already paying double the standard ticket price, seems outrageous. I think I even saw a menu option that was about $25, which I have no doubt would have been smaller than ordering something from a nearby restaurant.
I briefly, oh so briefly, considered getting a milkshake or a white hot chocolate (the chocolate being white, not the temperature). But my resolution was firm, and thankfully neither Toky nor Sigma wanted anything else - Sigma, maybe, but due to financial circumstances I have to cover Toky's expenses (which is fine because Toky only asks for the occasional snack or dinner and doesn't play Warhammer).
The woman came back with a menu, and asked if we were going to order anything. We, awkwardly, told her that we weren't, with Toky commenting 'we're too poor to be rich'. She nodded in a way which told us that she knew the feeling too well. I felt sorry for her, having to deal with the types of people who could spend so much on a movie ticket and all this overpriced mid food.
When we were escorted - escorted! - to the cinema and to where we wanted to sit, she informed us that there were buttons on our seats that we could use to summon someone to take care of our whims. I had seen a dashboard outside the cinema where there appeared to be little lights between seats - now I knew their purpose.
We sat ourselves down, Sigma, myself and Toky, in that order. The seats had little switches that we could use to make them recline, so I did the first thing I'm sure everyone does and find out how far back it would go. As it turns out, it went so far back that had I decided the movie was so bad it wasn't worth watching, I could easily sleep through it.
Sigma had earlier checked to see if we had the cinema to ourselves - we did not, a group of four had gathered in the back corner. No problem, we thought, likely someone else had decided to commit to A Bit when seeing the FNAF movie.
Nope. It was a family of four. A mother, a father, and two kids. I never got much of a look of them - looking at people fills me with a paralysing fear of being looked back at - but they certainly didn't seem of a lower economic status than us. Toky was disappointed that the one thing we wanted to avoid - children - had managed its way in. I had wondered who in their right mind would spend $40 a head for anything other than The Bit.
The advertisements we saw showed more than ever what kinds of people would do that. People that I would consider 'rich' by my standards.
The first advertisement was extoling the grand benefits of Gold Class and all the benefits it would bestow. We got an advertisement for some kind of expensive alcohol, or perhaps another Gold Class thing talking about the signature cocktails. There was another advertisement for a... car owner membership club? I forget which manufacturer it was, I want to say Lexus, but one of the cars they showed, proudly, was one of the ugliest luxury cars on God's Green Flat Earth. I think there was another alcohol advertisement - we also got to see ads for the new Wonka movie which I have zero interest in seeing, and a brief snippet for a movie I was 100% certain I had seen as a fake trailer in a Quentin Tarantino grindhouse special (Thanksgiving, if you're curious).
Eventually, the movie began, and the vibes returned to normal, as Toky and I would nudge each other and point out the references, and I would occasionally repeat comments Toky told me to Sigma. This is not a review of the movie, but if I did have to briefly summarise it: 7/10, I had fun, set designs and costuming was amazing though.
During the movie, I noticed that the family had occasionally summoned the workers to cater to their whims, which was fine? That's part of the service I guess, and I was too busy enjoying the movie and needing to pee to worry so much about that.
The movie ended and I felt satisfied with what I had seen - I was expecting absolute dogshit bad but I was happy with what I got. We gathered our things and limped our way out and to the toilets. Something, however, caught my eye first - the leftovers from the other family.
They must have taken, like, a bite or two out of everything, because there was so much stuff left behind. Most of a basket of wedges, some uneaten pieces of chicken, popcorn littering one of the seats, and I'm pretty sure I saw a half-melted, half-broken choc-coated ice cream.
The sheer waste of it all shook me. If I had spent what looked like roughly $100 on food alone, I would have made sure not a single crumb of it left. But no, it was just... there. Part of me wished to scoop it into a bag and take it with me, but I didn't want to risk infection, especially in this post-covid world. So, begrudgingly, and with great sympathies for the crew who would have to clean it up, I left it be. At least we had no waste of our own.
We left the cinema with little fanfare and made our way to a nearby burger joint that Toky and I had sampled during our Barbenheimer excursion. We knew the food was good, but we hadn't tried the frozen yoghurt part of it, so we had resolved to do that to.
As we munched down on our burgers - Sigma and I with our plain as hell meals and Toky with his spicy one - we discussed our experience. The movie, we had agreed much before, was fine, nothing special but better than we were anticipating, and the art direction was incredible in it. But more importantly, we discussed the Gold Class affair.
Toky summarised it in the most beautifully succinct way - he felt like he had snuck in, jumped the fence so to speak. We all agreed that we had felt out of place, and we mused on the parts that hit us the worst. This is/was also during a time of great financial awkwardness, between me not getting my Centrelink payments due to not having enough hours at work because my boss literally can't give me the hours because ???, and discussions of maybe, potentially, being able to buy a cheap flat somewhere nearby if our father does some shenanigans with his money.
We were feeling really poor as of late, and this Gold Class experience had shown us the kinds of things people with a great deal of disposable income can do. Like, for instance, pay double a standard ticket price to get basically the same experience, with a slightly comfier seat, and the capacity to spend more money on buying food and also to bother minimum-wage staff to bring you more food in the middle of a movie.
It was eye-opening for us all, I think, seeing how people we could only aspire to have the income of lived. And we decided, collectively, to never do it again, because there was no way we could live like rich people do.
It was poetic, really. We started the experience off sampling the life of the well-to-do - blasted with advertisements of things only the wealthy would even consider - only to take a bus home because as we currently are, none of us can afford a car, and only one of us has had the time to get a learner's permit.
Maybe one day, I'll be able to afford being able to go to Gold Class for every single cinema experience, but I know for a fact that if I had that money to burn, I'd just go see twice as many movies. Because even if I have the money to be rich, I don't think I could stand to see myself waste $100 worth of perfectly edible food yes I'm still mad about that holy shit!
Anyway, that's my long ramble done. Hope you enjoyed the read!
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atpm1976 · 2 months
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guys something really scary is happening to me and my google docs
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wanderinginksplot · 11 months
Clone Trooper Rambles
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Rambles do many things. They encourage me to journal regularly by writing clone troopers into everyday life, they help me visualize characters in a three-dimensional space, and they make me hone my characterization skills.
Many Rambles don’t make a ton of sense or are light on plot, but that is by design. They’re just a little bit of fun I have and like to share with anyone who might need a reminder that imaginary friends don’t have to go away. 
Every entry below stands alone, so feel free to read them in any order you like! Enjoy!
Kix Hates My Lunch - feat. Kix
Everyone Hates My Shirt - feat. Fives, Boil, Cody, Hardcase, Waxer, and Rex
Rex is ‘My Boy’, Apparently - feat. Rex
Dogma Doesn’t Like Cheating - feat. Dogma
I Don’t Know How to Say ‘No’ to Overtime - feat. Rex
I Just Wanted to Watch a Movie - feat. Hardcase, Thire, and Rex 
Tech Likes Books Almost as Much as I Do - feat. Tech
Bad Day - feat. Rex, Comet, Echo, Longshot, and Kix
Everyone Hates My Music Except Hardcase - feat. Rex, Longshot, Hardcase, Boost, and Jesse 
The Clones Don’t ‘Get’ My Skincare Routine - feat. Fox
Wrecker + Hardcase = Trouble - feat. Hardcase, Wrecker, and Hunter
I Don’t Like Ration Bars - feat. Thire and Hound
I Make a Work Enemy - feat. Rex, Cody, and Wolffe
I Can’t Sleep - feat. Wolffe
Fitted Sheets Suck - feat. Rex, Hound, Grizzer, and Jesse 
Soft Spots - feat. Crosshair and Wrecker
The Argument - feat. Rex
The Aftermath - feat. Rex 
Poor Trapper - feat. Tech, Trapper, and Kix
Bruises - feat. Cody, Rex, Dogma, and Boost
Loud - feat. Thire, Matchstick, Longshot, and Hunter 
No One Likes My Driving - feat. Tup, Boost, Sev, and Rex
Workout - feat. Kix, Rex, and Thorn
Oil Check - feat. Rex, Hunter, and Tech
Captains, Again - feat. Hound, Rex, Tup, Crosshair, Echo, Jesse, Boss, Sinker, Wooley, Wrecker, Cody, Fives, and Scorch
Faded - feat. Rex
Chopper - feat. Chopper (the clone trooper, not the droid)
Sweets - feat. Rex and Tup
Rude - feat. Wolffe
Coward - feat. Fives, Rex, and Boost
Strong - feat. Rex, Wrecker, and Tech
Delta Squad - feat. Boss
Bad Dream - feat. Echo, Trapper, Crosshair, Rex, Cody, Boss, Wolffe, Fox, and Hunter
Sweets: Part II - feat. Hound, Waxer, Tup, Boil, Hunter, Wooley, Fixer, Dogma, Hardcase, Jesse, Longshot, Rex, and Cody
Migraine - feat. Rex
Haunted - feat. Trapper, Comet, Tech, and Rex 
“The Passenger” - feat. Hardcase, Crosshair, Wrecker, and Rex (Contains spoilers for The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 2)
Taking Charge - feat. Rex and Hunter 
Gift - feat. Hardcase, Fixer, Fox, and Rex 
Gift: Part II - feat. Wolffe
Aim - feat. Hardcase
Creepy Hallway - feat. Rex 
Policy - feat. Dogma and Jesse
New Arrivals - feat. Rex, Boba Fett, and Din Djarin 
Clones Theme - feat. Longshot, Jesse, Hunter, and Rex 
Epic Rap Battles of History - feat. Rex, Thorn, and Boost
Compliments, Insults, and Invitations - feat. Rex 
Bet - feat. Rex, Trapper, and Boost 
Responsibility - feat. Wolffe 
Spider - feat. Rex, Tup, and Sinker 
The Climb - feat. Tech, Wrecker, Rex, Crosshair, and Hunter 
Haunted House - feat. Boss, Hunter, Cody, Fox, Wolffe, and Rex
Sunburn - feat. Rex, Echo, Fives
Sick - feat. Rex and Kix
History - feat. Rex
Helmet - feat. Rex, Jesse, and Echo
Infested - feat. Fives, Longshot, Rex, and Echo 
Haunting, Hunting, and Horticulture - feat. Hardcase, Boost, Tech, and Rex 
Broken Curfew - feat. Crosshair and Rex
Routine - feat. Stone and Rex 
Haircut - feat. Rex, Scorch, and Tup
Surgery - feat. Kix, Rex, and Hardcase
Toast - feat. Tup, Fives, Hardcase, and Rex 
Evil Librarian - feat. Fives and Echo 
Gift: Part III - feat. Rex, Wolffe, and Cody
Ukulele - feat. Kix, Rex, and Waxer
Bubbles - feat. Fives, Tech, Boss, Tup, Hardcase, and Wrecker
Bad Mood - feat. Rex, Boss, Alpha-17, and Wolffe 
Sore - feat. Jesse, Trapper, Rex, and Kix 
Theme Park - feat. Rex, Tup, and Cody
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carraways-son · 7 days
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Marre d'entendre tout ce que j'entends. Je lève les yeux. Pour expliquer son difficile rapport aux autres, Daniel Darc déclarait en 2005 dans l'émission "En Aparté" : Ils riaient de choses qui ne me faisaient pas rire, et moi je pleurais de choses qui ne les faisaient pas pleurer. Je l'aimais beaucoup. Sinon, je suis passé à la la librairie Ombres Blanches où j'ai acheté "Que reviennent ceux qui sont loin" de Pierre Adrian, et "Noir volcan", recueil de poèmes de Cécile Coulon portant en couverture : Je suis faite de longs silences et de longs trajets. J'ai aussi commandé "Dans son sillage" de Jessica Andrews, conseillé avec enthousiasme par ma fille qui vient de le lire en anglais. J'apprends à l'instant la mort de Françoise Hardy. Gros chagrin. Un de plus.
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Quelques trucs bien. Mai 2024
Ces “Quelques trucs bien” s’inspirent directement des “3 trucs bien” de Fabienne Yvert, publié au Tripode. 
Pas 3 par jour pour ma part, mais une volonté régulière de gratitude et d’optimisme. 
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Recevoir des compliments sur notre travail d’équipe et l’accueil dans le service 
Fêter les mamans sur trois générations. Échanger des plantes fleuries à entretenir comme l’amour 
Être présente pour valoriser l’établissement 
Recevoir un message de réconfort et de soutien d’une collègue suite à une crise 
Préparer le premier barbecue de la saison dans le jardin. Inviter les amis 
Jardiner en famille et planter dans le potager 
Bricoler en famille et améliorer la pergola d’une toile d’ombrage
Organiser l’anniversaire de mon fils : 24 ans déjà ! 
Aller aux bébés nageurs avec ma fille et mon petit Mateo. Être éclaboussés de bonheur 
Superviser le sauvetage d’un oisillon mésange, tout juste sorti du nid et déjà guetté par la minette. Laisser du temps aux petites ailes fatiguées
Recueillir la confidence d’une collègue. Me sentir honorée de sa confiance 
Surligner ma lecture au stabilo rose. Prendre des notes « En cas d’amour »
Mettre short et tongs pour la première fois cette année. Enfin ! 
Passer une vraie journée détente : repas en terrasse, spa et massage. Exceptionnel et délicieux ! Et cadeau de mes enfants ! 
Passer une journée en montagne avec ma fille et sa famille. Passer d’une saison à l’autre en quelques heures. Surmonter le mal d’altitude pour admirer le parc des animaux sauvages : bisons, cerfs, chevaux et sangliers, et le reste de la faune dans cet espace protégé
Passer une journée en Italie avec ma sœur et ma fille. Faire le plein de soleil et de rire 
Écouter ma nièce lire sa production d’atelier d’écriture détournant les contes classiques. Me souvenir de mes propres textes détournés. Conclure par « je me suis bien amusée » et l’encourager à continuer 
Boire un verre de vin blanc en regardant le coucher de soleil du lundi de la reprise, comme pour prolonger le temps de vacances
Répondre positivement à une invitation à déjeuner. Prévoir d’apporter une bouteille de vin blanc 
Planter et rempoter sur la terrasse avec mon fils. Arroser en attendant la pluie (pour une fois) qui favorisera l’enracinement
Accueillir un nid de mésanges sous l’évacuation de ma terrasse. Les savoir là du regard sur leurs allers et venues, et de l’écoute de leurs pépiements 
Passer du temps avec mon petit Mateo. M’émerveiller et m’émouvoir de son développement. L’encourager des deux mains  
Aller à la jardinerie pour fleurir ma terrasse de rose et de bleu 
Passer une journée pluvieuse sous la couette. Attendre le retour du soleil 
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disgustingposer · 5 months
I like how Brazilians loved the Simpsons episode where they go to Rio De Janeiro despite it being filled with stereotypes and the only correct stereotype is how they would play sexualized stuff on TV for children to watch (this was true back in the 90s), while most of the others still apply to Americans on some shape or form (you guys still have severe poverty and violence, stop pretending you don't)
Again, it's interesting to see how Americans idealize my country lol.
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hjemne · 8 months
got back from the library at 11pm on a Friday night not because Ive got a pressing deadline but because I was writing academic literary analysis of the depiction of fascist rhetoric and aesthetic in attack on titan
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ecargmura · 1 year
Opus Colors Episode 2 Review: BL Subtext Everywhere
Most important question right now: Am I able to tell who is who now? Almost; I’ll figure them all out, eventually. This episode is about observing the relationship the main pairs have with each other and with other characters. It brings about interesting dynamics for future episodes. It’s also establishing what sort of characters the main bunch have. It’s also interesting to see the formally introduced new characters.
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I think that this rather character-focused episode does help establish the conflict the Graders and Artists have with each other and how it’s usually hostile as shown with Kirinoe and Mikuriya, but it can also be civil and friendly like with Shido and Kohei. Not all Graders hate Artists and vice versa. It makes me wonder what sort of art these guys will make in future episodes. I’m curious.
As a character driven episode, this one mainly focuses on the relationships the Artists and Graders have with each other. I know this is not a BL, but it’s very much targeted towards the fujoshi demographic; we all know the girls tuning into this show are the ones looking for homoerotic bromance subtext with each characters. As a fujoshi, I can sense the potential pairings via my BL goggles. Kazuya and Kyo (I called him Takise in the previous review, but Kyo’s easier to remember, so I’m gonna call him Kyo going forth) are, well, the main pair, the vanilla main ship with the high school youth and yada yada, the push-pull, will-they-will-they-not ship. Jun and Michitaka are the side pair that would probably get their own side story or a few chapters in a BL manga to themselves. Kirinoe and Mikuriya are definitely f***ing and if they’re not, they probably will. Kosei and Shido are that ship you can see either romantically or platonically, but you’d always be that ship. Yura is the violently protective boyfriend to the not yet formally introduced Iori. Sakaki is that Do-S seme looking for new prey. It was going to be Kazuya, but it seems that there’s going to be something going on with him and Ikaruga, the bookworm. The college students are the mastermind and probably have more tricks up their sleeves to make their ships canon (I think some of the readers for this review will get annoyed that I’m looking through the characters for BL subtext. I’m not sorry, though).
Fujoshi goggles aside, there’s also some character focus on our main boys Kazuya and Kyo. Kyo’s distant personality stemmed from him being the supposed blame on why Kazuya lost his parents. Oh yeah, we’re getting some sweet, sweet angst in the future. I just hope it’s written well. Kazuya, in particular, gets a bit more focus as his parents’ legacy are mentioned. Perception Art was his parents’ creation so they have a reputation. Kazuya is the living successor to that legacy, so he knows he’s a nepotism baby, but it’s ashamed of it. Wow.
Anyways, I can’t wait to see what sort of art these boys will create in later episodes. Since all boys are different, there has got to be different art styles, right? I came for the art, okay!
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