#psiioniic x reader
vikkirosko · 1 year
Well...This seems to be the biggest thing I've ever written. When I first started writing, I sometimes came up with different ideas in my head, but most often they did not have any result. And now one of my old ideas has come to life. For me, this is the first such major work, but I hope that it turned out well, although it seems to me that in some places it turned out crumpled...
♊ Psiioniic x tealblood!Reader Oneshot Song 💛
The first thing you saw was a sky full of stars, but everything was mixed up in your head. You weren't sure what was your memories and what was a dream. You remembered a name that was most likely yours. It was the only name you remembered, so I decided that even if you were called something else, now you will be called that way. You remembered some fragments, like echoes. You weren't sure if it was your memories or not. You didn't know how you ended up in the desert. All you had with you was a battered bag in which there was some water, food and clothes. You knew the name of the planet you were on and you knew you needed to find a safe place. The sun meant death, you were sure of that, so you started looking for a safe place. You understood that you were a child, although you didn't understand how it could be. It would seem that not long ago you considered yourself a young troll, but now you were a child again. Why again? You didn't know the answer to that question. It seemed to you that you were already a child, although you could not be completely sure of it. You were walking through the desert, feeling your whole body ache. Several wounds, the origin of which you did not know, were hastily bandaged with scraps of cloth that had already soaked in turquoise blood. You didn't know what exactly happened to you, but you knew for sure that you had to survive no matter what. Sometimes you got double vision and dizzy, but you kept going. You had to go no matter how much it hurt you. Only when you found the ruins and were able to go inside did you allow yourself weakness. You fell, feeling how you hit every step and someone's screams. You were not alone and all you could do was hope that you would wake up and not be robbed and killed. However, even in an unconscious state, you couldn't get some rest. Before you flashed images of trolls that seemed familiar to you. They were saying something, but you didn't understand what. It was as if you were near them, but you heard them as if they were very far away. You heard your name, snatches of conversations, but you couldn't get the gist. You woke up with a severe headache and the only thing that reduced it was a damp cloth on your forehead. Opening your eyes a little, you saw an old, cracked ceiling and the smell of food was nearby. You couldn't find the strength to sit down or even try to turn to the fire that was not far from you.
"Yo+u're awake"
You didn't see who the voice belonged to, but you felt someone's hand adjust the cloth on your forehead.
"Do+n't wo+rry, yo+u're safe, but yo+u sho+uldn't mo+ve much, yo+u've been badly injured"
You didn't have the strength to speak, but you heard what they were talking about. You heard an adult woman and a little boy talking about what could have happened to you and how they could help you. They talked not only to each other, but also to you. You found out that the woman's name was Porrim, and the boy's name was Kankri. They traveled together and it was thanks to their care that you were able to get back on your feet. Your wounds healed slowly, but they didn't leave you. Porrim took care of you and thanks to her sensitive care you were able to get back on your feet. They helped you fill in the gaps in your memory by telling you about the planet you lived on. Kankri was younger than you and you saw that he was different from other trolls. They told you he was a mutant, but you didn't leave. You didn't see it as a problem and didn't understand why others made a problem out of it. But you weren't going to tell your friends' secret. They helped you, they saved your life, and when Porrim asked you to go with them, you agreed. You didn't have a home to go back to, you didn't have a past, but you didn't want to lose those you met in the present. They became what you could call family. They took care of you and you took care of them and gradually there were more people in your family. The first person Kankri brought to you is a girl named Meulin. At first she looked like a wild animal, but she liked Kankri and thanks to your joint efforts she became more calm, although she preferred to spend time with Kankri. The second person you met was a boy named Mituna. You met him when you went to look for firewood, but found a slaver who beat him with a whip. You felt rage because of this, but you were unarmed and could not enter into an open confrontation with an adult blueblood troll, but you could not leave the boy, so you had to improvise. When he bent down, you grabbed a rock and hit him on the back of the head with all your might. He lost his balance and fell and you hit him with a stone several more times to be sure that he died. You were stained with his blood, your hands were shaking, but you couldn't give in to panic. You were supposed to help a wounded boy. Looking up, you saw that he, just like you, was stained with someone else's blood, which mixed with his own. You got up, trying to stay on shaky legs, then helped the boy to get up and led him to your shelter. All the way, you just hoped that your legs wouldn't let you down and you wouldn't fall. When you and the boy reached the camp, Porrim hurried to you. However, it was only there that you realized that all the way the boy did not unclench your palm and you did not find the strength to unclench it. You both felt like your lives depended on it. Even when you both calmed down and when Porrim was able to remove the collar from the boy, he tried to be close to you. Only when the others were asleep did he speak. His voice was hoarse and quiet, but you were sure that after a while his voice would become lively and loud.
"7H4NK Y0U..."
You smiled weakly, continuing to hold his hand.
"How could I have done otherwise?"
He smiled weakly at you.
"MY N4M3 15 M17UN4"
"And my name is (Y/N)"
You both felt a pleasant warmth next to each other. Porrim took care of the four of you as much as she could, and you tried to help each other adapt better. So it went night after night. Week after week. You grew up and changed. Kankri began to have visions that showed him a beautiful world in which trolls lived in peace and no one paid attention to the color of blood. He wanted to tell others about it. He was sure that words could change the minds of many. It was possible to tell them about what their life could be like if they decided to resist the way of life to which they were accustomed. You supported Kankri, but there was something you didn't tell anyone about. You've had strange dreams. They've been with you since the first day you opened your eyes out there in the desert. Images, voices, like fragments of lost memories, but you weren't sure they were yours. You didn't tell anyone about it, not even Mituna, with whom you spent the most time. Sometimes they wouldn't let you rest even when you were awake. You've been thinking about them, but you've found a way to distract yourself. You started singing. Quite often you hummed songs to yourself and by the campfire, when you were resting there, you sang songs that you had heard somewhere or that you came up with yourself to cheer up your loved ones. Your songs helped you to drive away heavy thoughts and you were glad that people dear to you liked them. Kankri started preaching and you had enough problems to keep your dreams to yourself. You saw how he tried to help others and you saw how happy he was with Meulin. Sometimes you dreamed that you would have the same relationship as them, and every time Mituna was next to you, you felt your heart start beating faster. Your friends pushed you towards each other until finally you took the first steps. You were really happy with him, just like he was with you. You understood that he would die before you, just like Kankri, Meulin and Porrim. But you were hoping that you could spend as much time with them as possible. Despite the fact that you wandered from one temporary shelter to another, you had many happy moments. Even the seemingly simple moments were of great importance. However, even they couldn't last forever. Your happy moments ended when you were caught. You saw how those you loved so much were hurt, you felt the pain that was inflicted on you, you saw the death of Kankri. You saw Porrim being taken away in shackles and you saw Mituna being dragged away. That was the last straw for you. Your mind has cracked. For you, the punishment should have been the same as for Kankri because you were a tealblood troll, but you escaped. You killed your guards and escaped, driven by your own madness. You've lost everything in one night. Your friends were taken away from you, your beloved was taken away, your family was taken away. Your purpose in life has been taken away from you. All the memories were mixed up with those that you saw in your dreams and it was already difficult for you to distinguish between the reality that was in your dreams, where you were a teenager who liked music, who rarely took off such a wonderful device as headphones and who often laughed and smiled when communicating with friends and the one that was in reality, where are you, stained with someone else's blood, with a weapon on his hip, he walked from shelter to shelter, wandering and carrying a song. You sang the song putting into it all the pain that you felt. You used to be scared to kill, but now you were ready to do it again. You were ready to kill anyone who tried to take your life. You didn't know how long you were going to live, but you weren't going to die so easily. You were mad, your mind was damaged from grief, but you wanted there to be those who remembered the people dear to you and what you were trying to do. You couldn't let others forget about it. You couldn't afford to forget about it, and if the song was the only way you could talk about what really happened, you were ready to sing until you lost your voice.
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luminousbravery · 1 year
heyy mootie patootie ,,,, could i request the psiioniic + the signless (separate) with a reader who is a lot like shiver form splatoon 3? im still in my splatoon era and my crushes 2 those two old geezers !!!
the format is up to you, write whatever u want!! happy galentines day <3
omfg this having valentines in the ask calls out how old the previous requests were,,,.,.,,. sorry guys lol... i'm assuming this means they kind of look like Shiver? pointed ears, shark like features, etc. and also that they act like Shiver. hope this is okay!
Psiioniic + Singless with a Shiver-Coded Reader
He thinks that you're cool as hell, really.
Not to mention, your personality just mixes REALLY well with his.
You two are going to be straight up with your friends. No bullshit with your responses.
Some people might think you two are too blunt, but that's just how you guys roll, you know??
He thinks you're positively adorable to look at.
Everything about you is just so, so fascinating to him!
You're probably not a troll, but you definitely aren't human, either.
He likes to compare physical features he has to yours, as well.
Like!! You probably both have shark teeth! (His are just pointy, but you get the idea.)
And pointy ears, too!!!!
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Sometimes I don’t know what my brain will come up with.
One moment I’m deep in another fandom, the next I am stirring with wanting to write Psiioniic and Dualscar x reader (seperate)
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nekropsii · 3 months
This is a Tejuri Appreciation Post!! She is so cutes and I love her guns and hesitation to kill lusii but trying to justify it by worrying about brittlefang and I love her nerd fashion and neurological disability!!!! I would not read her psiioniic x reader fanfics though :(
Real as fuck!!
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hi .. this is super specific but can i request fozzer velyes x fem/goldblood with fucked up psiioniics reader (♥/♠) going on a dinner date.getting some grub <3
SO SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT!! Got busy again ><
Hi there sweetie! Of course I can! That sounds adorable ^^
❤️Fozzer x Fem Goldblood Reader!!❤️
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You were a bit nervous for tonight, You were fixing your hair in your large full body mirror and couldn’t help your nerves getting to you. Recently you had more then a few unfortunate Psiionic blast bursts occur. Was it because you were over stressed? Sad? Mad? You really couldn’t pinpoint the emotion.. maybe it was that over thinking even??
But really they were bad and you begged and begged your subconscious to not have one happen tonight. You were going out with Fozzer and you didn’t wanna mess things up with him.. Though not much really bothered the rustblood you still had your worries. As from your memory he had only heard of these bursts of energy from you. So he didn’t know the wholeee picture.
Hey hey enough of that talk!! You told yourself huffing looking in the mirror
‘You’re gonna have a good time tonight’ You though and started leaving your hive to head up the street to the restaurant in question.
While walking you were thinking what Fozzer would be wearing.
He didn’t usually wear super fancy attire like uh..in general like at all so you were curious.
As much as you loved him the thought of if he DID show up in a muddy work uniform made you cringe a bit.
You finally met Fozzer at the restaurant and to your surprise he was in an adorable dark red suit with a bowtie!
Fozzer smiled at you softly as you sat across from him at the table. You returned the same face with a bit of rosey to your cheeks. a oliveblood waiter came up to you both asking what you’d like to drink
You ordered what you wanted and you both had started chit chatting.
Thats horrible worry in the back of your mind was unfortunately seeming to feed your worry more.
Fozzer tilted his head in confusion watching a few tiny sparks come from your pinky finger.
“You alright hun?” He had asked catching your attention
“I- a- I’m fine!”
You weren’t-
The rustblood did not believe you, he knew his matespirt and gently reached for your hand.
You gulped somewhat, You really didnt wanna electrocute him..
But still you placed your palm into his. Fozzer had worker hands, they were big and sturdy but somehow extremely comfortable to have your hand on.
Fozzer rubbed his thumb on your knuckle reassuringly which made you feel more confident.
“Foz I, Ive got a problem.. I, I get really bad Psiionic freak outs and-“
“-im scared of hurting you. Or embarrassing you, or making you mad”
“Y/N that would never be your fault!” He protested
You were confused looking up at him
“I mean I don’t, i Dont know for sure how your uh, what was it again?”
“Psiionics” you giggled
“Yeah those, You don’t have to be afraid of that. Im a tough guy!” Fozzer grinned at you making you smile back.
You finally got your drinks, you sipped yours happily with a big grin.
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tealdoodles · 2 years
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Been getting into Homestuck again for the past year. Its time to start posting them. (Ignore the messy/lack of background)
Here’s my first drawing a while back of me/you/Reader talking with Psiioniic (Gemini troll ancestor) because I'm bias (am also a Gemini)
And Reader-yet-to-be-named is gaining a major crush the longer they talk to him. Meanwhile Psii is pondering why this hornless troll is so pale.
Weiird aliien per2on.
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
Strangers to Friends
Psiioniic x (gn)Reader (Platonic)
Tw: some swearing
A/n: this was tricky cause I haven’t written for psiioniic in so long but this was rlly nice and fun ty
Your feet pounded the ground with as much force as you could muster. Having had just stolen a few fruits and some grubloafs from a random merchant, you were currently looking to make an escape to a crawl space that you had to call home. In all honesty, you weren’t expecting to put this much effort into your getaway as the merchant looked lazy and was practically sleeping when you even got to his table. Regardless, here you were, your heart pounding and your feet throbbing.
You quickly round a corner after ducking through the busy crowd of the villages Main Street hopefully losing the angry merchant. Unfortunately you made the mistake of looking back instead of in front of you as you immediately slam into what felt like a wall. You groan softly cradling your nose before gasping at what had happened. Your spoils of the night scattered the dirty floor and what was in front of you wasn’t even a wall, but a cloaked troll. Four of them, to be exact. His red eyes scanned you, concerned, not that you were able to pick up on it. Not only was your food ruined, but you also managed to misjudge exactly how far away the merchant was from you. He had practically been at your heel this whole time. You didn’t get the chance to react as you were yanked up into your feet by the collar of your shirt. All you could hear in your ears were utter obscenities and the merchant practically mocking you for not only being a thief, but a lousy thief at that.
You go to yell and thrash around to wiggle free but the red eyed troll thrusts his hand forth to capture both of your attention, “Excuse me, what are the costs of these goods; whatever it is I’ll cover it.” It was clearly in exchange for your release, but your eyes still shifted between the two looking for a way out.
His voice naturally carried throughout the alley and was enough to quell the merchant. He had to grumble to himself in thought before ultimately deciding to toss you towards the troll. Once costs were discussed the red eyed troll hands him a pouch of coins, thus allowing the angry merchant to leave in a huff, although not before shout at you from over his shoulder, “If I catch you near my store again I’ll gut ya, vermin!”
You could only gulp as now you needed a new target and you were sure everybody was now hyper aware of you. You groan having had skinned your knee from the fall. The hooded troll offers a hand to you before speaking more gently this time.
“And what is your name, my child?”
You only blink at him before giving him your name. Huffing lightly, you state in a neutral tone, “You have my thanks, but I’m off to-“ as you take his hand his eyes soften at you whilst he gently hoists you up. The others seemed to pick that up as it was lost on you quite easily. Dual colors eyes glare at you as a weak hiss crawls up his throat, “Come on you cannot be serious.” His lisp is prominent.
“Truly, my son, do you think it wise to-“ A much gentler voice tries to reason with the red eyed troll as well, but their efforts are fruitless as he interrupts.
“Hush the both of you. There’s potential in this one; I can feel it…” his eyes almost literally sparkle at you as he says this, much to the dismay of others. The yellow one groans before adding, “You say that about everybody you meet!” He bares his fangs to you as he goes on, “They’re just trouble, still a criminal and a thief. They might even expose us to loyalists of the empire! You can’t seriously be thinking about taking them with us, I won’t allow it.” The red one released your hand to calm his friend but before you could bolt towards the busy street an olive blood is quick to hold onto you before giving you and apologetic smile, “A-paw-logies haha… but mew’re stuck here until we settle this.” Her grip is vice, but you’re sure it’s more or less to secure you in place rather than to hurt you. Despite the pain you keep your mouth shut and look on.
“Please, my kin, just trust me in this one I know it will be different.”
“They’ll get us all culled!” The yellow blood continues to freak out until, what appeared to be a jade blood, stepped in to caress his arm. “Please, Psii, you know as well as I do that he would never want to put any of us in danger.”
“Just give them a chance…”
Dual eyes shifted to you before he huffs, looking towards the ground. “Do whatever you want…”
They seemed to take that as a positive response as the red eyed one finally spun back around towards you to properly welcome you, however it was your turn to thrust your hand up defensively.
“Uhh, many thanks, seriously! But I like my chances of survival here more than joining the cause.” Each of them perked up at that, not realizing that a bit of their reputation had proceeded them. They didn’t seem to give you enough credit as it didn’t take too much to connect the dots.
You expected him to scramble, to make an attempt to further sell his point, but his eyes only softened once more. He was clearly disappointed, despite this he just nods to the oliveblood, signaling her to release your hand.
She does so with a bit of a disheartened look. Maybe she was looking forward to you joining; you couldn’t be sure. You turn on your heel and begin treading towards the loud streets.
Although something stops you. A gut feeling that pulls you back into staying in place. ‘Is this a mistake?’
You were second guessing yourself which wasn’t good. You were having such a good streak of hard and fast decisions too. With a mental groan and a bashful look over your shoulder, you humor them, “What exactly would you have me do?”
The red eyed troll beams at you with a solid wide grin before trotting up to you, “Oh you wouldn’t regret it! We are going to save this world,” the way he says your name lights a fire in your eyes, “We can talk more once we head back to the inn. It isn’t necessarily safe to talk here, we were really only just here to stock up before heading to the next village.”
You hummed lightly as that seemed to make sense. You shrug your shoulders, giving him a lazy smile and agreeing to come along. The weak snarl behind the three of them doesn’t go unheard by you yet you elect to ignore it as you all begin to head out. Your first impression was already pretty messy.
From what you had gathered, the red eyed one went by The Signless, the oliveblood, The Disciple, the jade, Dolorosa, and finally the stubborn yellow one went by Psiioniic. They were all on a mission to collect followers for their cause and had many pledge their alliance already. They still had a long ways to go unfortunately, but they’re proud of the progress so far. His message is one of peace, a vision he has for this crumbling world. One where everyone gets along and works together. It was a little too soft for your liking, but every time he preached it to you, you could see it to. So you might as well fight for it too.
Signless, Dolorosa, and Disciple were happy to answer many of your questions, however there were one too many instances where Psiioniic would scoff or comment on your lack of school feedings. He was quick to reach your boiling point as you already had enough of him. You bite back at him the second you hear him begin to scoff again, “Just choke already! If you don’t settle down you won’t last long here…” in your professional opinion that didn’t have nearly enough bite to it but it seemed to do the trick by the look he was giving you. The other three gasp lightly.
You prepare yourself to be scolded from all sides, but Psiioniics voice dips into a growl as he sizes you up, “Is that supposed to be a threat?”
Being all too quick-witted, you fail to hold back a snide, “So what if it is?”
“Oh bring it on, vermin!” He eyes spark as if to emphasize.
“Enough the both of you!” Dolorosa is swift in mediating both sides. You don’t notice Disciple already appearing behind you to pull you away. You really liked Disciple so you don’t find it in yourself to fight her. Psiioniic on the other hand was giving Signless quite a hard time. He refused to be dragged away from you and still managed to growl despite Dolorosa’s booming voice.
“Fighting solves absolutely nothing, so for the love of Gog, behave yourselves! Psiioniic, I understand you’re upset, but they’re part of the team and no amount of whining is going to change that. So please calm y-“
Psiioniic retorts with a strangles sound, ”No, Rosa! I’m not going to calm down! They’re going to get us all culled I just know it! What security do we have that they won’t just sell us out!”
“Hey!” You were really tired of being pushed around. Not that she needed to, but Disciple tightens her hold on you and calls out your name in a quiet whine almost pleading that you don’t say something stupid. “I don’t have to prove my loyalty to you, asshole! I don’t actually like running around scared of dying all the time so whether you like it or not I’m here now…”
He seems to have run out of things to say as he simply throws his hands up before leaving the room, possibly to the nearby washroom. Nobody was too worried as they would be expecting him to come back in time to sleep. Disciple is the first to break the ice with a relieved sigh; glad that things didn’t escalate further. She settles on holding your hand to help you relax. Dolorosa moves to the seating arrangement on the other side of the room, pinching the bridge of her nose in a stressful gesture. Signless however is quick to lecture you on picking your battles. “Please, have more patience. Psiioniic may be stubborn but he comes from a dark place! Be more civil is all I ask of you…” you scan the faces around the room and notice all eyes are on you, somehow riddled with guilt…
“Alright. I’ll try to be more considerate.” You said this more or less to appease them as you were sure Psiioniic was going to continue to make this very difficult for you no matter what. Nevertheless this seemed to work out as each simultaneously relaxed upon hearing your answer.
It was going to be a long couple of nights…
True to your word there was much less chaos between you two, but more backhanded remarks. This clearly irritated everyone, nonetheless after Signless managed to take care of business in the village it was time to restock and do a bit of scouting. Just to check on whether or not it was safe to travel to the next village. Dolorosa was tasked with the shopping with what little money they had while Signless and Disciple, out of habit, mindlessly wondered off together in search of any information they could get their hands on. You could hear Psiioniic grumble and curse under his breath once he noticed he was left with the task of taking care of you. This happened to include showing you the ropes on how to get information without exposing who they were affiliated with. He grabs you by the back of the shirt to get you to follow.
You can’t stop the growl that bubbles up your throat but it dies down rapidly in response to Psiioniic snarling in return. Without much thought he easily states that he does not like you. Unfortunately before he can elaborate you’re swift in your rebuttal, “Oh, you wound me so. Look, I’m crying.” You pull at your bottom eyelid with your middle finger to drive your sarcastic point home. He seems shocked at first until it settles back into his usual scowl. He growls lowly and returns his focus to the task at hand.
After looking around for some time he finally huddles close to you and reluctantly gives you a basic rundown of code words, signals, and things to look out for before approaching anybody. He makes one demonstration with a merchant but you hardly pay attention as you eyed the food stands. You’re snapped back into reality when Psiioniic lightly snaps at you, “Did you get all that?”
You pause for a minute, “Sure did…” you were too embarrassed to admit the truth. However he already gave you the rundown, truly how hard could it be. By his expression you could tell he didn’t really buy it, “Alright, go talk to someone then.” He challenged.
You gulp and take a moment before sizing up a merchant that was honestly just a carbon copy of who Psiioniic chose. You pointed to him quizzically, but didn’t really get an answer. The only thing he offered was a raised brow and crossed arms. You huff and march over to the nearby food stands, pretending to look for something to buy. This felt rather dangerous to you somehow, but Psiioniic hasn’t come to correct you on anything yet so you proceed with clearing your throat before tossing up whatever you could.
However you seemed all too nervous and kept forgetting actual terms that Psiioniic had taught you. You resorted to asking about a specific item that would have the merchant reply with a narrowed look, “Aye, come inside. It’s in the back.” His voice was deep and menacing. You pressed on regardless, however you failed to notice Psiioniic trying to push through the crowd to get to you.
Once you ended up inside the small tent-like shop you heard the unsheathing of a thick knife. It had you whirl around this a wide eyed glance. “Woah woah-“
“Ya think you can get passed me with all that fancy talk? Yer part of the empire forces aintcha? Well the heretic group is long gone and I’m not about to letcha leave…”
“No wait I am a follower! Look!” You flash the hand sign Psiioniic told you about but no dice.
As the merchant charges at you, you duck and roll past him and try to leave. Unfortunately he pulls you back in and you can’t help but scuttle before actually getting free and ducking out of the tent. Suddenly this was all too familiar as your feet were once again pounding and you were once again running from another merchant. Out of habit you turn another corner and reached a dead end. You knew this because of the wall you smacked into; except it was actually still just a wall. You really needed to stop doing this. You regain your wits and press your back to the wall to face your attacker. Might as well try and fight your way out. As you raise your fists something practically squawks from behind the merchant.
In rushed Psiioniic, sweating, panting, and holding up the hand sign he had taught you. “T-that ones with us…” his lisp was unmistakable as you sigh in relief.
It took the merchant just a moment before howling in laughter at the situation. “Aye good thing ya came! Was about to make a stew outta this one.” You shudder at that.
Psiioniic and the merchant exchange a few words before you finally peeled yourself off of the wall once the merchant began to head back to his shop. You approach him with a bashful look on your face. He gives you a very stern look before scoffing and ruffling your hair, “You better have learned something from this.”
You only laugh and bat his hand away, “Yeah, I have actually!”
He didn’t seem to expect that answer as he waits for you to continue, “Enlighten me.”
“That you do like me.”
He takes a moment to choke on his spit before he whirls his head back at you to object. The face you make at his is full of jest; he can’t help but comment, “Ha! Please, Sign would cull me if I let something happen to you.”
You could only chuckle at his reaction, “Yeah yeah, tough guy! I’m sure I would have made a great stew.” You joked.
It was Psiioniic’s turn to laugh “At least you didn’t pick a loyalist, Gog help us if you screwed up that bad!” You both continued to poke fun at each other as you head back to the group. It seemed a friendship blossomed that was sure to last…
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real-heckin-spooky · 5 years
(Psiioniic X Reader)
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        Alternia sucked. Period, end of sentence. Especially when there were somewhere between twelve to fifteen big ass bluebloods chasing after us. But hey, that was life. I'm a (B/C) troll that was far too small for my age. Ever since I was a wriggler the older trolls would shove me around because I was the easiest target. It was like that for most of my youth, until I was picked up by  small band of rebels.That small band had gotten much larger. It was a good thing sometimes, but in situations like that, not so much.
      Being so small, I'm pretty weak too. So all I could really do was run with the others. We stopped at a thickly wooded area to catch out breath. It was dark and we were surrounded by trees, so our safety seemed certain. Of course, we were very, very wrong. After a few long moments of dead silence, there was a rustle. Followed by an arrow striking an older bronze blood in the temple. Some screamed, others held young-lings closer. But the smart ones hid. In trees, in bushes, some crawling into caves. I  pulled myself through a small hole in the dirt, into the hollow trunk of a tree. I kicked more dirt towards the hole and scrunched my knees into my chest.
      More minutes past. There was silence, then loud rushing footsteps raced past my tree. Then there were screams, horrible screams. Pressing the palm of my left hand over my mouth a shakily closed my eyes. Pressing my forehead into my knee, I waited for all the noise to go away. Afraid that even one breath would give away my hiding spot. After what felt like hours of silence there was a voice, a friendly voice.
      "Hello? Ith there anyone left?"
      I breathed more openly now, crawling back out of the hole. I had planned to respond but the scene in front of me stole the words from my throat. There was no one left. A rainbow of blood was splattered upon the brush. Limp bodies resting against rocks and trees. A small girl clutching a sewn bouncebeast close to her, not letting go even in her final moments. All I had the strength to do was weakly tap upon his arm.
      "Good, thomeone can tell uth what happened here."
      I nodded, my voice refusing to be above a whisper "Yeah, I didn't see much though."
     The tall yellowblood looked me with understanding in his eyes and placed a hand on my shoulder. He began to lead me over to a clearing where three other trolls sat on logs.
     "There'th one left but the theems pretty traumatized." The yellowblood spoke to the group. There was much nodding and murmuring, I wasn't really paying attention until a motherly hand rested on my arm.
      "Come along dear, you must be exhausted." She brought me over to a small tent and stretched out her arm, "You'll have to share with Psiioniic, he's the yellowblood, if you didn't already know." I smiled at her thankfully sitting on the mat for a moment and closing my eyes.
      When the moon was once again in the dark sky, I turned to my right, noticing the other troll beside me. For several moments I observed the way his chest would rise and fall to the rhythm of his breathing. Occasionally, a shrill whistle would blow through his teeth, I lost myself in  silent observation.
      When he woke a small smile tugged at his features, "Good morning to you too."
      "Oh, uhm, I'm sorry I was just..." I sighed "Can I even talk my way out of this one."
     He shook his head and raised his hand to ruffle my hair, narrowly avoiding my horns. He pushed himself up and exited the tent, leaving me blushing on the ground. When I exited, I was greeted with the smell of cooking meat and a few gracious smiles. There was conversation but it was muffled, almost like a foggy memory. We ate and laughed until our sides burned. Then, trusting me enough to do so, the four of them brought me along with them, outside of the camp.
      The streets were packed with many bustling bodies, trying to get their afternoon shopping done as quickly as possible. The four of them pushed easily through the crowd over to a wodden box, where the shortest of the group, Signless, began to speak.
       His words about freedom and equality drew in a hefty crowd. To prevent separation Psiioniic pulled me close to his chest, wrapping his arms loosely around me. His chin rested atop my head, causing a (B/C) blush to dust my cheekbones. We remained like that for the remainder to the speech, and walking back to camp never once did our hands part.
      Back in the tent, we laid side by side. Tension building around us almost as if there was something weighing on both of us. Seemingly like clockwork our hands were entwined again as we rolled to face each other.
      "(Y/N)", he nearly whispered.
      "I know."
       For a while we laid together, unspoken feelings shared between us. His hand gently cupped one of my cheeks as I raised my head to look up at him. Bi-colored eyes stared into (B/C) ones. Our faces neared, and our lips were centimeters apart.
      My eyes open slowly, my face wet with tears. It's been nearly three sweeps since I've last seen my beloved Psiioniic. Now the poor Helmsman for the wicked queen. An older oliveblooded woman reaches out to me sympathetically, wiping my face. As I sit up and stretch, I try to force all thoughts of him out of my thinkpan. I have no time for tears tonight.
      On one of the few small breaks we are permitted I rest my head on a marble windowsill. A pink imperial ship flies over the mansion I'm trapped inside.
      "Do you think it's his." the oliveblood, Filis, asks.
      "Maybe, do you think he still thinks about me?"
      Filis sighs, knowing he couldn't possibly be thinking of much other than the excruciating pain. "I'm sure he does," she lies.  
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
Yandere!Psiionic x Troll!Reader
You weren't anything special - at least not in the grand scheme of things. You were a lowly engineer, lucky enough to find yourself working on the same ship as Her Imperious Condescension. Not that you'd ever want to meet her, of course, lest you catch her ire by merely existing. You were raised and schoolfed to fear and respect her, like all of your kind. Some say that she could psionically tell if you had even the slightest doubt of her ruling, and would cull you on the spot.
Aiming to please and live as long as trollishly possible, you aimed to keep your head down and follow orders without question.
Your job wasn't too complicated - check to make sure the ship was fully functional, make sure the engines are all in proper shape, running diagnostics in the mechanics of the engines, the works. Though, what separated you from the rest of your fellow engineers was the special assignment you were given. 
The caretaker of The Helmsman.
Though, truthfully, it was that special. The Condesce could not be with him at all times, having courses to plan and galaxies to conquer. Every couple of wipes, a new caretaker was selected. It wasn't too unusual in of itself, but… You never expected yourself to be put in such a situation.
It was… A bit chilling, admittedly, at first. Staring up at his flashing, dual-colored eyes and his wide maw, opened in a silent scream.
Was he angry at you? You couldn't tell, or at least not for the first visits. In fact, you would have guessed he couldn't speak at all,  all of his energy most likely poured into flying the Empress' ship.
Sometimes, you'd stay longer than you should have, talking to him. You pitied the poor dear and his terrible flight. Looking back, you couldn't tell if it was a romantic pity or not,  but all you knew was that something inside you yearned to give him something to live for, something to keep him going.
At some point, he began talking to you. His real voice was hoarse and only a whisper, from both screaming and from going so long without talking. But, then you started hearing a voice in your head - him. It was simple for him to establish a telekinetic connection between you and him. He was an extremely powerful and skilled psiionic, after all.
It was nice, for a while. He told you all about his life before this, his friends that became his family, the signless' beliefs and sermons, how he got here. And in return, you shared your past, your life on Alternia, your lusus, your experiences. You could feel his warmth and yearning, so relieved to have someone to talk to after so long. You talked about anything to make up for the almost endless silence he had to endure, describing the stars and constellations, the trolls on the ship, the ship itself - turns out, he had mapped out the ship long ago, thanks to the vines that stretched throughout the vessel.
You were spending more time with him. The others had to be growing suspicious by now. You heard their whispers as you passed by in the halls, eyes always on you. It hurt you, but you had to spend less time with the Helmsman. As much as you cared for him, you wouldn't be able to visit if you were culled.
He didn't react to that well. His voice followed you out of the room now, kept you wide awake at night as he whispered sweet nothings and "I love you's" and pleads to come back. You couldn't fall asleep, and it was fucking with you. You were falling apart at the seams, soon enough, and it showed. You were always on edge, your nerves shot, looking like death itself.
And death would soon come.
But not to you.
It was your final shift schedule for taking care of the Psiionic before someone else stepped in to take your place. You hoped that he'd leave you alone and attach himself to the next troll in charge of him, but you were certain he wouldn't take the news well.
You fed him, all the while his obsessive words loudly flooded your mind - begging you to stay, to love him, he'd protect you, love you, love you so much, won't let you be hurt, just stay, just stay - so loud that you didn't notice the noise slowly growing louder. The ship began to shake and rock as the noise grew thunderous. 
You panicked, legs growing weak and buckling.  What in God's name was going on?!
You screamed as the noise drilled into your head, drowning out Psii, the ship shaking so hard that you'd swear it would come apart. You covered your ears, curling up on the ground and screwing your eyes shut.
If you hadn't, you would have heard the Psiionic roar above the noise, his eyes flashing with bright red and blue lights, a wave of dual-colored light surrounding the both of you.
When you awoke, you felt… Numb. The world felt too bright. Ringing flooded your ears, though steadily faded. As your eyes adjusted to the light, you looked around from your position. You were still in the Helmsman's room and-.
Your eyes widened, mouth dropping open. 
He… He was gone, as though he had simply torn through his binds and escaped.
Oh… Oh, God, you were going to die. The Condesce was going to fucking kill you for this.
You attempted to get up from your position, but found yourself stuck. As you tried and failed to move, feeling slowly returned to your body. Your entire body ached, but what was more was that you could feel arms around you, and something was below you, bony and thin, as though you were…
Sitting on a lap.
"SHHH," Psii shushed you as you whimpered and squirmed. He pulled you closer, propping you against his chest. He nuzzled you, scented you, purring softly in his throat "II'VE GOT YOU NOW. THEY'RE ALL DEAD, RED-LOVE. ALL OF THEM, EVEN THE WIITCH. II PROTECTED YOU, LIIKE II TOLD YOU II WOULD. NOW, EVERYTHING IIS PERFECT. NOW WE CAN FIINALLY BE TOGETHER, FOREVER, LIIKE II SAID WE WOULD..."
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vikkirosko · 2 years
♊ Psiioniic x fuchsiablood!Reader Oneshot Runaway Princess 💛
You spent your whole life in your underwater hive, which was more like a palace. It was far from your choice. The Empress has been in space for a long time and captured planets, but you knew that when the time came, she would come back to fight you. You saw how the heiress who was before you died and you didn't want to die. You dreamed of living a full life. You wanted to travel, you wanted to make Alternia better, you wanted to meet other trolls. You wanted to meet your matesprite. But for this it was necessary to leave the hive. You took the time to prepare for this, but finally you could escape and go free. You left the ocean hiding yourself under a hooded cloak. You couldn't let anyone see you, especially you weren't supposed to be seen by Dualscar. He was a loyal servant of Condesce and if he found out that you had escaped, he would catch you and send you back to your hive. You walked barefoot through the streets, not afraid of difficulties. However, in the first city you got into trouble, though not through your fault. In this city, the rebels staged their performance in the square. You heard about them from Dualscar and according to him they were one of the main enemies of the empress, but looking at the troll who spoke, wanting to convey his thought to others, you could not see him as an enemy. But you were forced to hide when you saw the highbloods approaching, about to arrest them. That day you went unnoticed and were sure that you would not see them again. But at the market, when you were going to buy some food for yourself, you saw how goldblood troll tried to bargain and buy bread cheaper, but it didn't work out. You watched this for a few minutes, after which you approached him and the seller.
"I will pay for this bread and for a couple more loaves of bread separately"
They both looked at you in surprise. You were shorter than goldblood troll and neither he nor the merchant expected that you had money.
"1 d0n'7 kn0w wh0 y0u 4r3, 8u7 y0u d0n'7 n33d 7h15"
You smiled at him.
"I just want to help a little, you won't owe me anything"
You gave the money to the merchant and gave him a large bag of bread, taking a small one for yourself. The troll looked at you with a slight frown, and then spoke.
"7h4nk y0u"
You just smiled at him, intending to say goodbye and leave, but the screams made you freeze in fright.
"Grab them!"
You didn't have time to react as goldblood troll grabbed your hand and ran. You could barely keep up with him. You ran until you disappeared on the outskirts of the city, in a small alley. You were both trying to catch your breath. You felt like your legs were buzzing and your heart was pounding. You couldn't control your emotions and laughed. Troll looked at you and froze. It was only after a couple of seconds that you realized that the reason for this was that your hood was falling off, allowing him to see who you were. You hurried to put the hood back on, but he already managed to see what you were trying to hide.
"Wh0 4r3 y0u?.."
There was no threat in his voice, but you understood that how this troll would treat you depended on your answer.
"I am an heiress... But I don't want to hurt anyone, honestly! All I want is a peaceful and peaceful life... I ran away and I just want to get as far away as possible, to a place where they won't look for me..."
You lowered your eyes.
"50 7h3 run4w4y pr1nc355..."
He looked at you thoughtfully.
"C0m3 0n, pr1nc355, y0u h3lp3d m3 4nd 1'll h3lp y0u, 1n7r0duc3 y0u 70 50m30n3 wh0 can h3lp y0u"
"I have a name... I (Y/N)..."
"4nd 1'm M17un4, l37'5 g0 pr1nc355, w3 n33d 70 m4k3 17 83f0r3 5unr153"
He took you by the hand again, leading you further away from the city. You understood that maybe he was deceiving you, but you wanted to believe him. You wanted to believe that this meeting was not accidental.
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luminousbravery · 2 years
okok...been thinking about psiioniic/signless first meeting a human s/o that makes fireworks.
s/o hides in/around a town and learns how to make fireworks...the locals think its just some highblood doing whatever highbloods do but its...just s/o. human s/o who just wanted to watch fireworks again.
i have a feeling... that you.... play Genshin..... and that you are a Yoimiya main........ just a hunch........
The Signless probably has a fascination with fireworks. They don’t exactly have those on Alternia, so he thinks watching them is a nice treat. So when he finds out you make them.,.,... BOY he is fascinated. He wants to watch the whole process. He’ll sit with you, anytime you’re making anything new, and just watch in amazement. And when you end up explaining to him that you just... miss home??? He decides he’d like to start helping you make them as well. It promptly becomes your thing together.
The Psiionic, however, would be thoroughly freaked out at first. Alternia doesn’t have fireworks, as stated before, but he relaxes as he realizes that it’s just you making them. Then he settles into a slightly confused state, because... well, why would you need them??? He can just do a cool light show with his eyes. Sure, there would be more destruction.... But he understands when you describe fireworks back at home. He can’t exactly help you make them, but he’ll certainly find more supplies for you to work on them. And he decides that maybe, fireworks are a little better to watch than a destructive eyeball light show.
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scalematez · 2 years
so what exactly /is/ tej's troll bible fanfic about? does it vary, or does she have one 70k magnum opus?
My apologies for the wait! My birthday was recently so I got sucked into a new video game and stopped existing for a few days, my bad. 
I should give a bit of context before elaborating on what kind of fics she’s writing. 
You see, she is (religiously-speaking) a follower of the Sufferer, though since Alternia is ancient from the perspective of anyone living on Earth C the exact texts have changed and been reinterpreted and retranslated and whatnot over time. That is to say, what being “a follower of the Sufferer” means varies a bit.
Whether or not this is something they themselves are aware of or acknowledge, Derse dreamers are often (on some level or other) innately attracted to challenges in some way. Apparently if your name is Tejuri and there’s something wrong with you that means writing troll Jegus fanfiction in some forlorn self-conflicted act of rebellion, thereby making the guilt the new challenge for yourself.  This is my long-winded way of explaining why she writes lengthy Psiioniic x Reader stories and weird AUs with a self-insert support protag tagging along for the ride. I should mention these are all done without any irony. Guilt sure, but she isn’t capable of being ironic about it. She thought stained glass windows were hot and now she has to deal with the repercussions. She tends to like switching things up now and then, so she doesn’t really have a long-running 70k, but she does have a ton of much smaller stories. There's at least one coffee shop AU in there somewhere and what you think of that is... up to you.
If anyone has a 70k magnum opus (in a sense at least) it’d actually be her Alternian Grandcestor, The Idolater. You see, writing down religious texts and sharing them secretly runs in the family, Tejuri gets it from somewhere. The difference is that The Idolater feels no guilt for it at all and the government wants her ass dead for writing it.
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yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Masterlist Ancestors
♋ The Signless/The Sufferer 🩸
Yandere!Signless - “You’re calling me a monster? Who do you think made me this way?”
♈ Handmaid 🥢
♉ The Summoner 🦋
♊ The Ψiioniic 💛
Yandere!Psiioniic x Troll!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Psiioniic x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
Yandere!Psiioniic x Reader Drabble Opinion on Restraints
♌ The Disciple 📜
♍ The Dolorosa 🪡
♎ Neophyte Redglare ⚖
Yandere!Redglare x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Redglare - “It’s your word over mine. Who do you think they’re going to believe.”
♏ Marquise Spinneret Mindfang 🦾
Yandere!Mindfang x Reader Headcanons [Explosive-molly]
Yandere!Mindfang x Reader Headcanons Falling for Dualscar’s S/O [Yanyan-stuck]
♐ E%ecutor Darkleer 🏹
♑The Grand Highblood 💜
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons Cuddle
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons Stockholm Syndrome
Yandere!Grand Highblood x troll!Reader Oneshot First meet
Yandere!Grand Hightblood x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
♒ Orphaner Dualscar 🌊
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons NSFW
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Darling Silently Asking to be Pet
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Broken Darling
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Affectionate Darling
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Potential Soft Spots
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Oneshot Escape Attempt
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Drabble NSFW
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Asking for sexe
Yandere Dualscar Slipping Up in his Horrible Actions
Yandere Dualscar with a Darling Asking for Matespritship
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, H, I, Q, and Z)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C, F, and G)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (E, K, L, and R)
Emoji Themed Yandere Headcanons (💛 and 🤖)
♓ Her Imperious Condescension/The Condesce 🐙
Yandere!Condesce x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Condesce x Human!Reader Oneshot [Petar-yandere]
Yandere!Condesce x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
The Condesce Stealing Dualscar’s Matesprit  [Yanyan-stuck]
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nekropsii · 3 months
Haters when a woman has a body:
I bet if she had human ears they'd be complaining about the size of her ears too. There's no pleasing these people.
Anyway Tejuri is amazing and RIP to that one anon but I'm stronger I would read her Psiioniic x reader fanfiction
I would never try to please them. I seek to displease them as much as physically possible. Because, frankly, fuck 'em.
I'm glad you like her!
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tiny-writes · 6 years
Those Who Wander
Pairing: The Signless x Reader
Word count: 2081
Requested? Yes.
    You’ve always hated this. The way the system worked. You were raised into a harsh world, one you had always hated. Then you found out. The dark world made brighter. Someone had started a revolution. But you didn’t have any more information. You just knew it existed, but you wanted to learn where, how could you join, how could you support it? The only news of it was whispered in alleyways and through cracks. You and your friends had spoken of it, but never in public. And no one else had more information than you. You bumped into something on your way down the street.
    “Oh sorry,” you said automatically, looking up at whatever you bumped into. A man stood there, waving off your apology and frantically looking around. He was holding a stack of papers, one of which fell to the ground at your feet. You picked it up and began to read it, but he snatched it out of your hands before you could understand what it was said.
    “Hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s rude to look at other people’s things?” He hissed with a heavy lisp. The man then began hurrying down the street again, frantically looking for something. You picked yourself off of the dirt only to run into another person.
    “I’m sorry,” they said, “are you alright?” You looked at the man, and, seeing that he extended his hand towards you, took it. He pulled you off of the ground, smiling warmly at you when you nodded yes to his question. “By any chance did you see a man rushing around here with some papers?”
    “Yeah, he ran into me earlier,” you said.
    “He did? That sounds very like him. Would you mind pointing me in his direction?” He asked.
    “I think he went left there,” you said, pointing. He told you a quick ‘thank you’ before going after the other.
    That was the first time you spoke to their fearless leader.
    You was at a rally. It was dangerous, yes, but it was kept low on the radar and was set out-of-sight. This one would change your life, you just knew it! Join the revolution, climb through the ranks. Do you think that you could meet their leader? That would be so cool! The people around you were buzzing with energy, talking with anyone who would listen, including you. It felt so good just to be there, you already felt like you were part of something! Someone appears onstage, the crowd cheers. He smiles at them, and you begin to recognize his face. You talked to him. That strikes some emotion and your stomach fills with nausea. Once the crowd dies down, he begins speaking. You could tell that every word you said reverberated within every person around you, including you. He spoke the truth, he spoke what he believed, but most importantly, he spoke to try to make it right. You had never seen such an honest person, his heart laid bare on the stage.
    “How many of you have never been to one of our rallies before?” He asked the crowd. Silence struck through. “Don’t be shy, let’s see our newcomers to this revolution. Stand up.” Surprisingly, there were only a few of you. Following suit with other people, you slowly stood up. “There you go, welcome to our little revolution! We hope you stay,” he said, the smile remaining on his face. “We brought snacks.” He laughed after that, warming the environment around you into a friendly tone. You sat back down, listening to the rally. You shouted, you stood, you cheered, at one point you think you cried, along with everyone else. When he left the stage, finally, people stood and moved and mingled. Everyone seemed to be staying around for something. You heard people talking around the room.
    “The ideas are so radical! What we really need is a change around here!”
    “The rallies are some of my favorite things! His passion for this is amazing! The Signless is at it again!”
    The Signless? They called him the Signless? It was a funny name, but somehow, it fit.
    “Oh, you,” a somewhat familiar voice spoke beside you. It was the guy the Signless was looking for when you first met him. “If you told me you were a part of the revolution I wouldn’t’ve been so rude.”
    “I wasn’t,” you said. “This is my first rally.”
    “Oh. Then how was it?” He asked.
    “It was amazing, I don’t think there was one thing said that I disagree with!” You began. The more you spoke, the more energetic you got.
    “Psi?” A voice cut through your conversation, and the guy you were talking to, “Psi”, apparently, turned around. Behind him stood the fearless leader of the revolution. But he looked different than how he did during his speech, there his eyes were filled with fire and passion, here, they were filled with kindness and benevolence.
    “Yeah?” The yellowblood responded. The Signless said some things to him, but you were frozen in awe and shock. He noticed you, and smiling warmly, he began to address you, much to your surprise.
    “You’re the one that helped me find Psi the other day, right?” He asked, walking closer to you. You simply nodded your head, unable to comprehend your situation. He chuckled at your state and put a hand on your arm. “Don’t be shy, I’m any normal troll.” You simply continued to stare at him, your eyes wide. “What’s your name?”
    “(Y-Y/N),” you replied, attempting to calm yourself down.
    “Well, (Y/N), did you enjoy the rally?” He took another look at your starstruck form. “This is your first rally, isn’t it?” You simply nodded in response. “I hope we’ll be seeing you again in the future. Now if you’ll excuse me,” he said. After this he turned to his right, where a nice-looking lady was beckoning to him.
You attended every rally you could after that. It put you in a lot of danger, but life on Alternia was synonymous with danger. After the first ten or so rallys, the Signless began to make it a habit to talk to you after every rally. You hoped that he thought of you as his friend now, despite only talking to him a few times and almost always talking about the revolution.
One night, early in the morning, a knock sounded at your door. Urgent, loud pounding echoed through your house.  When you opened the door, the Signless and who you now knew as the Dolorosa were at your door, along with a small oliveblood.
“Will you be able to keep her here? We don’t have anywhere else for her to go,” he asked breathlessly. You nodded, ushering in all three of them.
“What happened?” Were the only words that could come out of your mouth. The oliveblood looked frightened and bloody, as if she had just gotten out of a fight.
“She defied the order of a highblood and was nearly killed. She’s wanted now. I thought you might be able to keep her safe,” he explained. He looked you in the eye, a glimpse of desperation shining through. “Will you help?” You paused for a moment, considering your future. If you denied them, they would probably think lesser of you, and you wanted to be as helpful to the revolution as you could be. However, if you took her in, you would be an enemy of the government. If someone found out, you could be killed.
“Of course I’ll take her,” you said. What the hell did you just say. The Signless’ face melted in relief.
“Thank you,” he said.
After that fateful day, you were used to house members of the revolution that were no longer safe in their homes. Members of the inner circle, or even the Signless himself, would show up at your door with unsafe revolution members. At the rallies, they began to give you the nickname of “the Keeper”, and you began to be referenced in the Signless’ speeches. While no one knew who the Keeper was, they thought of them as a member of the inner circle, and that very thought mystified you. Today you had stayed long after the rally, as you had no one to protect and nothing else to do. You and the others of the inner circle were sharing stories and such when the Signless broke into the circle, and, instead of choosing to sit next to someone he had known for sweeps, sat next to you. Because of that single act, you could feel heat rising in your body and your stomach turning into butterflies. That’s when you realized you were in love.
“Keeper, what do you think?” He asked you. Apparently, the Dolorosa had finished telling a story and the Signless asked your opinion of it. You began to open and close your mouth like a fish, but after you realized your mouth went dry, opted to simply close it. Your heart was beating so rapidly you thought that it would deflate like a balloon. Last but not least, you could feel your hands start to get sweaty, so you awkwardly decided to bury your hands somewhere among your cloak.
“I-I, uh,” you stammered. The Signless simply smiled at your state, and, by the grace of God, covered for you.
“I assume you zoned out? It’s alright. It’s been a hard couple of days for us,” he said. He then resumed the conversation in the circle as you took this time to breathe. You looked at him, taking time to look at his soft skin glowing in the fire light. What could I do, you thought, what could I do to ever be near someone who is as wonderful and caring as him? Unconsciously, a faint smile grew on your face. Seeing this change in your attitude, the Dolorosa thought up a plan. She yawned, interrupting the Signless’ story.
“Oh, apologies. I guess I better be off to bed,” she then began to turn around, but quickly faced the group again. “Disciple, why don’t you come along?” The Disciple looked confused for a moment, but, catching the Dolorosa’s wink, came along. You looked to the sky, which was beginning to be rimmed with reds and yellows. The Psiioniic, not wanting to be stuck with you and the Signless, made some poor excuse and ran away. You were extremely flustered, and you could feel the blood rushing to your face as you looked away from him. The usually calm and talkative Signless seemed restless about something, often fiddling with something in his hands.
“So, uh,” you said, attempting to start conversation. Yeah, it was late and you should start to get home, but you loved spending time with the Signless. You wouldn’t pass this moment up.
“How have you been recently?” He asked you, his voice rather soft.
“I’ve been well,” you said. “The work for the revolution is thrilling. I enjoy helping so many.” He looked at you, a curious look, something you couldn’t quite describe.
“Forget the revolution for a minute. How are you really doing?” He said. The question surprised you. As the leader of the revolution, shouldn’t he be worried about it? Why would he ask you about your non-revolution life?
“I’ve been tired. I haven’t been seeing my friends as much, but it’s a small price to pay for…” you trailed off, trying to find a better way to end that sentence than “spending time with you”.
“For?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“For, you know,” you said, motioning with your hands. “Spending time with… you.” The ending of your sentence was extremely quiet, but you were certain he could still hear it. After a moment of awkward silence, he finally spoke up.
“I’m flushed for you,” he said, his voice quiet and tender. You looked at him, shock evident on your face. How could such a great man be flushed for such a little creature like you? It was ridiculous in your mind. You responded in the only way you could.
“I’m flushed for you too.” The Signless looked at you, asking permission by the look on his face. You nodded, and he closed the space between you two. His warm lips pressed to yours, you could stay in that moment forever. Unfortunately, air separated you, and you looked at each other with complete happiness.
This was truly the start of something new.
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ao3feed-karezi · 6 years
Dragonstuck reader insert (homestuck au fanfiction) (Spanish Version)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2M0rvX6
by FreeCatnip329
IN HIATUS - Tenías 7 años la primera vez que viste un dragón ...
 (Publicado en Wattpad como Dragonstuck x reader (homestuck au fanfiction) by HealerSilverEyes)
Words: 6269, Chapters: 6/?, Language: Español
Series: Part 1 of FreeCatnip329´s Homestuck au Reader Inserts (Spanish Version)
Fandoms: Homestuck
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Karkat Vantas, Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Nepeta Leijon, Kanaya Maryam, Terezi Pyrope, Vriska Serket, Equius Zahhak, Gamzee Makara, Eridan Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Kankri Vantas, Damara Megido, Rufioh Nitram, Mituna Captor, Meulin Leijon, Porrim Maryam, Latula Pyrope, Aranea Serket, Horuss Zahhak, Kurloz Makara, Cronus Ampora, Meenah Peixes, The Signless | The Sufferer, The Handmaid (Homestuck), The Summoner (Homestuck), The Psiioniic | The Helmsman, The Disciple (Homestuck), The Dolorosa (Homestuck), Neophyte Redglare, Spinneret Mindfang, Darkleer (Homestuck), Grand Highblood, Orphaner Dualscar, The Condesce (Homestuck), Reader, John Egbert, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Rose Lalonde, Jane Crocker, Dirk Strider, Jake English, Roxy Lalonde
Relationships: Sollux Captor/Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram/Vriska Serket, Gamzee Makara & Tavros Nitram, Terezi Pyrope/Karkat Vantas, Jade Harley & Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon & Equius Zahhak, Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam, John Egbert & Vriska Serket, Eridan Ampora & Feferi Peixes, Eridan Ampora/Feferi Peixes, Terezi Pyrope & Dave Strider
Additional Tags: dragonstuck, AU, alternative universe, universo alternativo, Dragons, dragones, Alternate Universe - Dragons, Universo Alternativo - Dragones, Reader-Insert, Reader can talk to dragons, Reader puede hablar con los dragones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2M0rvX6
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