#signless x reader
luminousbravery · 1 year
heyy mootie patootie ,,,, could i request the psiioniic + the signless (separate) with a reader who is a lot like shiver form splatoon 3? im still in my splatoon era and my crushes 2 those two old geezers !!!
the format is up to you, write whatever u want!! happy galentines day <3
omfg this having valentines in the ask calls out how old the previous requests were,,,.,.,,. sorry guys lol... i'm assuming this means they kind of look like Shiver? pointed ears, shark like features, etc. and also that they act like Shiver. hope this is okay!
Psiioniic + Singless with a Shiver-Coded Reader
He thinks that you're cool as hell, really.
Not to mention, your personality just mixes REALLY well with his.
You two are going to be straight up with your friends. No bullshit with your responses.
Some people might think you two are too blunt, but that's just how you guys roll, you know??
He thinks you're positively adorable to look at.
Everything about you is just so, so fascinating to him!
You're probably not a troll, but you definitely aren't human, either.
He likes to compare physical features he has to yours, as well.
Like!! You probably both have shark teeth! (His are just pointy, but you get the idea.)
And pointy ears, too!!!!
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vikkirosko · 10 months
I had a cute idea. Signless and Y/N have had their grub for a while, and he's a bit of a mama's boy. One night, he has a nightmare, and Signless watches Y/N rock him and sing baby mine to him. (It's a song from Dumbo. You can find it on YouTube.)
♋ The Signless x Reader Oneshot Baby mine🩸
Signless woke up in your temporary shelter and found that neither you nor your grub were around. It wasn't the first time. When a child appeared in your life, the usual life was left in the past. You had to be even more careful and find places to relax more often. Your grub was very attached to his family and especially to you. You were constantly babysitting him and apparently something happened that made you wake up and go somewhere with grub. Kankri decided to make sure that you were all right and found you by the campfire. You rocked grub in your arms and sang softly, with a gentle smile on your lips.
"Baby mine, don't you cry"
Kankri froze, not daring to disturb the atmosphere.
"Baby mine, dry your eyes"
He watched you sing a lullaby, looking at your child as the most precious treasure you've ever had in your life.
"Rest your head close my heart, never to part, baby of mine"
Signless came a little closer and sat down next to you. The smile on your face widened, but you continued to sing, seeing that the grub in your arms was starting to fall asleep again. You continued to sing until the child fell asleep and only then fell silent, leaning against Kankri's shoulder. He looked at you and felt the warmth in his chest. It was as if he felt at home at that very moment, even though your place of lodging was difficult to call home. For him, the main thing was that his family and friends were by his side.
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ozuzo · 2 months
4, 12, 29, 36 for the ask game!!!
4. Favourite ♠ ship?
Back in the day I used to really like Snowman and Jack Noir in whatever the carapacian equivalent of kismesissitude is. Also: erisol! ♠️ (what can I say, they just look really good together!)
12. Favourite ancestors ship?
Gonna be honest, chief, when I first read Homestuck I might have missed a good chunk of ancestor lore because of its sheer thickness, so the ancestors aren't really all that present in my mind. But if we're talking aesthetics I guess I kinda dig Mindfang and Dualscar? Or the mother-son relationship between Dolorosa and the Signless? I've seen people do Signless x Disciple x Psiionic and that's honestly pretty good too, but yeah, nothing I actively think about!
29. Favourite fanfiction(s) of your ship(s)?
I haven't read all that many fics to begin with and I'm a picky reader, but if my 5 AO3 bookmarks are anything to go by:
- Roommate Support (davekat, comic!)
- In Which Dirk Strider Tries And Mostly Fails To Contain His Internal Dialogue, As Usual (dirkjake, but it's not really ship centered)
- shits definitely got a certain bouquet of jpeg artifact to it not to mention its strong as hell i think we invented something beautiful and terrible here today (davekat)
- calvariæ (dirkjake)
- Dirk, Jake, and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known (dirkjake)
36. A ship that you used to hate/not like so much but now you love/like?
I wouldn't say I like it because I still don't care for it, but I used to despise gamtav with the strength of a trillion suns and now it's just... there. Character growth, y'all!
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
Vrista stans are really testing my patience and making ME feel like a goddamn attorney or like Saul Goodman because my defendants are the fandom's most hated guys after Bro lol
mspa reader (me) x Signless, Summoner and Dualscar aka "Anon and the harem of pitsluts" is better than davekat. 'Cause goddamn, at least give me their hot versions instead as payment for reading their bullshit.
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MSPA Reader (Anon) x Signless, Summon and Dualscar aka Anon and the harem of pitsluts is better than Davekat.
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jklovu · 2 years
hey! could i request a purple blooded reader x signless, x kankri and x meulin? all separate, please!! :)
hcs for the signless and kankri with a purpleblood!reader
(i didn't write meulin because i was having a hard time writing her and didnt want to half-ass her part,but i didn't want to leave this ask to rot because i really like it, i'm very sorry i couldn't fufill all of the characters D:)
notes: signless can be seen as platonic or romantic...i think thats it? reader has a typing quirk where they replace the letter i with '||', the letter L with "//" and they capitalize all letter e's.
ex. "hE//o! || am _____."
• it was certainly unexpected for a troll of your...hue.... to attend one of his sermons- nevertheless, he let you stay.
• he thought you were an undercover spy at first glance, but he believed that you could change for good of others.
• when you kept coming back to listen to him, he began to speak with you after the sermons.
• "thE ||dEa of a p//acE whErE my fr||Ends do not havE to worry about what thEy say to othErs or what thEy do bEcausE of thE||r b//ood co//or... makEs mE happy."
• he began to hang out with you more, asking for your opinion on current situations..stuff like that.
• maybe you can help your friends find a better home.
• very much believes in 'treating you like everyone else no matter your hue.'
• ...your blood color is brought up very frequently...yeah...
• please??? tell him to shut up??? your relationship won't change because your a purpleblood???
• "kankr|| godamn vantas if you do not shut up in 2 m||nutEs || w||//// havE to k||ss you on your stup||d //||tt//E facE :(((("
• he loves you very much. do not let anyone else tell you otherwise. or do. and tell kankri. and he will talk them off.
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
Body and Soul
Signless x human s\o
A\n: I didn’t know if you wanted poly with Disciple or something in the bubbles, but this is what I could come up with hope you enjoy.
Exhaling through his nose, he sighs, as he presses his forehead against your own. You both sat at the edge of the cave, enveloped in his cloak. As you sit on his lap you think back to when you found each other. The kindness in his eyes and the softness of his voice. He was so delicate with you at that time as you were wary of his intentions despite how his reputation already preceded him. You were so different, it was hard to believe anyone could be so accepting of you.
Now you sit, mutants to troll kind, but bonded to each other body and soul. You can hear the others from the group roam around in the back of the cave to give you privacy. Normally Disciple would be spending this time with you both, but instead was helping Dolorosa prepare for the day. So much has happened since you've both met, you can’t help but ask, “Remember when you came to me about being your matesprit?” 
A nervous laugh is quick to follow, “How could I forget? You almost knocked me unconscious in your excitement.” You turn to him with a stern look that is extinguished by a forehead kiss. “I said I was sorry like a million times.” you complain to him.
His arms tighten around you as he chuckles, “I’m only teasing, my flush. Now why do you ask?”
“I just wanted to know… Why me? I mean don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be happier, but… You know.” He understood what you were hinting at and was rather unimpressed. Nonetheless he smiles upon you.
Signless gently raises your chin with his thumb and index finger before choosing his words carefully, “It wasn’t a tough decision to make. When I close my eyes I can see a clear vision of us. It’s what used to keep me up at night before I courted you,” he strokes your bottom lip with his thumb as mutant red pierces your bashful gaze,”you match my passion like no other,” your name is like silk on his tongue,”since the start of it, I saw you at my side, as I yours.” Signless steals a chaste kiss before he rests his head against yours as he did previously. 
If you didn’t stop him now, you were sure he’d be going on all night, “Alright alright… good answer, Sign.” you were left flustered as you failed to remember that he was a troll of both words and actions. He only laughs at how you burn up in his arms ,”I aim to please~”
“Noted.” you grumble in his neck with your arms clinging to him.
This time, Signless was the one who couldn’t help himself. He grabs your waist with both hands to pull you from him so he could begin his assault of affection, kissing every inch of your face in a rapid fire. Despite moving your hands to weakly push at his face you both dissolve in a fit of giggling and laughter. As fun as it was, a loud clearing of somebody’s throat had you both pause to look over at the back of the cave. There stood the others with varying degrees of annoyed reactions; Psiioniic being the highest. 
“Are you almost done over there?” His lisp is prominent as is his irritation.
With a more polite tone, Disciple voices her concern, “Come on mew two, it's going to be daylight soon.”
You can hear Dolorosa giggle softly as you groan before rising to your feet. Holding your hand out to him, Signless hoists himself up as well. Hand in hand you both join the others; unable to hide the lovestruck look on your faces. Psiioniic makes a bit of a show of rolling his eyes before retiring to his side of the cave along with the others. As you and Signless lay in your pathetic makeshift nest you share soft whispers of endearment and cuddle into each other. All relationships had a fair share of ups and downs, but with Signless he held such patience with you and possessed a heart full of fiery passion. Despite being human he loved you all the same and more. Like it made no difference to him in the slightest. He eventually falls asleep before you, snoring lightly. You take in his features for just a moment before cuddling deeper into him. Being with him like this made you feel safe. Never feeling the need to compare yourself to him or others. He loved you with his body and soul and you reflected from that. You shut your eyes and fall asleep to the powerful beat of his heart.
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real-heckin-spooky · 5 years
(Psiioniic X Reader)
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        Alternia sucked. Period, end of sentence. Especially when there were somewhere between twelve to fifteen big ass bluebloods chasing after us. But hey, that was life. I'm a (B/C) troll that was far too small for my age. Ever since I was a wriggler the older trolls would shove me around because I was the easiest target. It was like that for most of my youth, until I was picked up by  small band of rebels.That small band had gotten much larger. It was a good thing sometimes, but in situations like that, not so much.
      Being so small, I'm pretty weak too. So all I could really do was run with the others. We stopped at a thickly wooded area to catch out breath. It was dark and we were surrounded by trees, so our safety seemed certain. Of course, we were very, very wrong. After a few long moments of dead silence, there was a rustle. Followed by an arrow striking an older bronze blood in the temple. Some screamed, others held young-lings closer. But the smart ones hid. In trees, in bushes, some crawling into caves. I  pulled myself through a small hole in the dirt, into the hollow trunk of a tree. I kicked more dirt towards the hole and scrunched my knees into my chest.
      More minutes past. There was silence, then loud rushing footsteps raced past my tree. Then there were screams, horrible screams. Pressing the palm of my left hand over my mouth a shakily closed my eyes. Pressing my forehead into my knee, I waited for all the noise to go away. Afraid that even one breath would give away my hiding spot. After what felt like hours of silence there was a voice, a friendly voice.
      "Hello? Ith there anyone left?"
      I breathed more openly now, crawling back out of the hole. I had planned to respond but the scene in front of me stole the words from my throat. There was no one left. A rainbow of blood was splattered upon the brush. Limp bodies resting against rocks and trees. A small girl clutching a sewn bouncebeast close to her, not letting go even in her final moments. All I had the strength to do was weakly tap upon his arm.
      "Good, thomeone can tell uth what happened here."
      I nodded, my voice refusing to be above a whisper "Yeah, I didn't see much though."
     The tall yellowblood looked me with understanding in his eyes and placed a hand on my shoulder. He began to lead me over to a clearing where three other trolls sat on logs.
     "There'th one left but the theems pretty traumatized." The yellowblood spoke to the group. There was much nodding and murmuring, I wasn't really paying attention until a motherly hand rested on my arm.
      "Come along dear, you must be exhausted." She brought me over to a small tent and stretched out her arm, "You'll have to share with Psiioniic, he's the yellowblood, if you didn't already know." I smiled at her thankfully sitting on the mat for a moment and closing my eyes.
      When the moon was once again in the dark sky, I turned to my right, noticing the other troll beside me. For several moments I observed the way his chest would rise and fall to the rhythm of his breathing. Occasionally, a shrill whistle would blow through his teeth, I lost myself in  silent observation.
      When he woke a small smile tugged at his features, "Good morning to you too."
      "Oh, uhm, I'm sorry I was just..." I sighed "Can I even talk my way out of this one."
     He shook his head and raised his hand to ruffle my hair, narrowly avoiding my horns. He pushed himself up and exited the tent, leaving me blushing on the ground. When I exited, I was greeted with the smell of cooking meat and a few gracious smiles. There was conversation but it was muffled, almost like a foggy memory. We ate and laughed until our sides burned. Then, trusting me enough to do so, the four of them brought me along with them, outside of the camp.
      The streets were packed with many bustling bodies, trying to get their afternoon shopping done as quickly as possible. The four of them pushed easily through the crowd over to a wodden box, where the shortest of the group, Signless, began to speak.
       His words about freedom and equality drew in a hefty crowd. To prevent separation Psiioniic pulled me close to his chest, wrapping his arms loosely around me. His chin rested atop my head, causing a (B/C) blush to dust my cheekbones. We remained like that for the remainder to the speech, and walking back to camp never once did our hands part.
      Back in the tent, we laid side by side. Tension building around us almost as if there was something weighing on both of us. Seemingly like clockwork our hands were entwined again as we rolled to face each other.
      "(Y/N)", he nearly whispered.
      "I know."
       For a while we laid together, unspoken feelings shared between us. His hand gently cupped one of my cheeks as I raised my head to look up at him. Bi-colored eyes stared into (B/C) ones. Our faces neared, and our lips were centimeters apart.
      My eyes open slowly, my face wet with tears. It's been nearly three sweeps since I've last seen my beloved Psiioniic. Now the poor Helmsman for the wicked queen. An older oliveblooded woman reaches out to me sympathetically, wiping my face. As I sit up and stretch, I try to force all thoughts of him out of my thinkpan. I have no time for tears tonight.
      On one of the few small breaks we are permitted I rest my head on a marble windowsill. A pink imperial ship flies over the mansion I'm trapped inside.
      "Do you think it's his." the oliveblood, Filis, asks.
      "Maybe, do you think he still thinks about me?"
      Filis sighs, knowing he couldn't possibly be thinking of much other than the excruciating pain. "I'm sure he does," she lies.  
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tiny-writes · 6 years
Those Who Wander
Pairing: The Signless x Reader
Word count: 2081
Requested? Yes.
    You’ve always hated this. The way the system worked. You were raised into a harsh world, one you had always hated. Then you found out. The dark world made brighter. Someone had started a revolution. But you didn’t have any more information. You just knew it existed, but you wanted to learn where, how could you join, how could you support it? The only news of it was whispered in alleyways and through cracks. You and your friends had spoken of it, but never in public. And no one else had more information than you. You bumped into something on your way down the street.
    “Oh sorry,” you said automatically, looking up at whatever you bumped into. A man stood there, waving off your apology and frantically looking around. He was holding a stack of papers, one of which fell to the ground at your feet. You picked it up and began to read it, but he snatched it out of your hands before you could understand what it was said.
    “Hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s rude to look at other people’s things?” He hissed with a heavy lisp. The man then began hurrying down the street again, frantically looking for something. You picked yourself off of the dirt only to run into another person.
    “I’m sorry,” they said, “are you alright?” You looked at the man, and, seeing that he extended his hand towards you, took it. He pulled you off of the ground, smiling warmly at you when you nodded yes to his question. “By any chance did you see a man rushing around here with some papers?”
    “Yeah, he ran into me earlier,” you said.
    “He did? That sounds very like him. Would you mind pointing me in his direction?” He asked.
    “I think he went left there,” you said, pointing. He told you a quick ‘thank you’ before going after the other.
    That was the first time you spoke to their fearless leader.
    You was at a rally. It was dangerous, yes, but it was kept low on the radar and was set out-of-sight. This one would change your life, you just knew it! Join the revolution, climb through the ranks. Do you think that you could meet their leader? That would be so cool! The people around you were buzzing with energy, talking with anyone who would listen, including you. It felt so good just to be there, you already felt like you were part of something! Someone appears onstage, the crowd cheers. He smiles at them, and you begin to recognize his face. You talked to him. That strikes some emotion and your stomach fills with nausea. Once the crowd dies down, he begins speaking. You could tell that every word you said reverberated within every person around you, including you. He spoke the truth, he spoke what he believed, but most importantly, he spoke to try to make it right. You had never seen such an honest person, his heart laid bare on the stage.
    “How many of you have never been to one of our rallies before?” He asked the crowd. Silence struck through. “Don’t be shy, let’s see our newcomers to this revolution. Stand up.” Surprisingly, there were only a few of you. Following suit with other people, you slowly stood up. “There you go, welcome to our little revolution! We hope you stay,” he said, the smile remaining on his face. “We brought snacks.” He laughed after that, warming the environment around you into a friendly tone. You sat back down, listening to the rally. You shouted, you stood, you cheered, at one point you think you cried, along with everyone else. When he left the stage, finally, people stood and moved and mingled. Everyone seemed to be staying around for something. You heard people talking around the room.
    “The ideas are so radical! What we really need is a change around here!”
    “The rallies are some of my favorite things! His passion for this is amazing! The Signless is at it again!”
    The Signless? They called him the Signless? It was a funny name, but somehow, it fit.
    “Oh, you,” a somewhat familiar voice spoke beside you. It was the guy the Signless was looking for when you first met him. “If you told me you were a part of the revolution I wouldn’t’ve been so rude.”
    “I wasn’t,” you said. “This is my first rally.”
    “Oh. Then how was it?” He asked.
    “It was amazing, I don’t think there was one thing said that I disagree with!” You began. The more you spoke, the more energetic you got.
    “Psi?” A voice cut through your conversation, and the guy you were talking to, “Psi”, apparently, turned around. Behind him stood the fearless leader of the revolution. But he looked different than how he did during his speech, there his eyes were filled with fire and passion, here, they were filled with kindness and benevolence.
    “Yeah?” The yellowblood responded. The Signless said some things to him, but you were frozen in awe and shock. He noticed you, and smiling warmly, he began to address you, much to your surprise.
    “You’re the one that helped me find Psi the other day, right?” He asked, walking closer to you. You simply nodded your head, unable to comprehend your situation. He chuckled at your state and put a hand on your arm. “Don’t be shy, I’m any normal troll.” You simply continued to stare at him, your eyes wide. “What’s your name?”
    “(Y-Y/N),” you replied, attempting to calm yourself down.
    “Well, (Y/N), did you enjoy the rally?” He took another look at your starstruck form. “This is your first rally, isn’t it?” You simply nodded in response. “I hope we’ll be seeing you again in the future. Now if you’ll excuse me,” he said. After this he turned to his right, where a nice-looking lady was beckoning to him.
You attended every rally you could after that. It put you in a lot of danger, but life on Alternia was synonymous with danger. After the first ten or so rallys, the Signless began to make it a habit to talk to you after every rally. You hoped that he thought of you as his friend now, despite only talking to him a few times and almost always talking about the revolution.
One night, early in the morning, a knock sounded at your door. Urgent, loud pounding echoed through your house.  When you opened the door, the Signless and who you now knew as the Dolorosa were at your door, along with a small oliveblood.
“Will you be able to keep her here? We don’t have anywhere else for her to go,” he asked breathlessly. You nodded, ushering in all three of them.
“What happened?” Were the only words that could come out of your mouth. The oliveblood looked frightened and bloody, as if she had just gotten out of a fight.
“She defied the order of a highblood and was nearly killed. She’s wanted now. I thought you might be able to keep her safe,” he explained. He looked you in the eye, a glimpse of desperation shining through. “Will you help?” You paused for a moment, considering your future. If you denied them, they would probably think lesser of you, and you wanted to be as helpful to the revolution as you could be. However, if you took her in, you would be an enemy of the government. If someone found out, you could be killed.
“Of course I’ll take her,” you said. What the hell did you just say. The Signless’ face melted in relief.
“Thank you,” he said.
After that fateful day, you were used to house members of the revolution that were no longer safe in their homes. Members of the inner circle, or even the Signless himself, would show up at your door with unsafe revolution members. At the rallies, they began to give you the nickname of “the Keeper”, and you began to be referenced in the Signless’ speeches. While no one knew who the Keeper was, they thought of them as a member of the inner circle, and that very thought mystified you. Today you had stayed long after the rally, as you had no one to protect and nothing else to do. You and the others of the inner circle were sharing stories and such when the Signless broke into the circle, and, instead of choosing to sit next to someone he had known for sweeps, sat next to you. Because of that single act, you could feel heat rising in your body and your stomach turning into butterflies. That’s when you realized you were in love.
“Keeper, what do you think?” He asked you. Apparently, the Dolorosa had finished telling a story and the Signless asked your opinion of it. You began to open and close your mouth like a fish, but after you realized your mouth went dry, opted to simply close it. Your heart was beating so rapidly you thought that it would deflate like a balloon. Last but not least, you could feel your hands start to get sweaty, so you awkwardly decided to bury your hands somewhere among your cloak.
“I-I, uh,” you stammered. The Signless simply smiled at your state, and, by the grace of God, covered for you.
“I assume you zoned out? It’s alright. It’s been a hard couple of days for us,” he said. He then resumed the conversation in the circle as you took this time to breathe. You looked at him, taking time to look at his soft skin glowing in the fire light. What could I do, you thought, what could I do to ever be near someone who is as wonderful and caring as him? Unconsciously, a faint smile grew on your face. Seeing this change in your attitude, the Dolorosa thought up a plan. She yawned, interrupting the Signless’ story.
“Oh, apologies. I guess I better be off to bed,” she then began to turn around, but quickly faced the group again. “Disciple, why don’t you come along?” The Disciple looked confused for a moment, but, catching the Dolorosa’s wink, came along. You looked to the sky, which was beginning to be rimmed with reds and yellows. The Psiioniic, not wanting to be stuck with you and the Signless, made some poor excuse and ran away. You were extremely flustered, and you could feel the blood rushing to your face as you looked away from him. The usually calm and talkative Signless seemed restless about something, often fiddling with something in his hands.
“So, uh,” you said, attempting to start conversation. Yeah, it was late and you should start to get home, but you loved spending time with the Signless. You wouldn’t pass this moment up.
“How have you been recently?” He asked you, his voice rather soft.
“I’ve been well,” you said. “The work for the revolution is thrilling. I enjoy helping so many.” He looked at you, a curious look, something you couldn’t quite describe.
“Forget the revolution for a minute. How are you really doing?” He said. The question surprised you. As the leader of the revolution, shouldn’t he be worried about it? Why would he ask you about your non-revolution life?
“I’ve been tired. I haven’t been seeing my friends as much, but it’s a small price to pay for…” you trailed off, trying to find a better way to end that sentence than “spending time with you”.
“For?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“For, you know,” you said, motioning with your hands. “Spending time with… you.” The ending of your sentence was extremely quiet, but you were certain he could still hear it. After a moment of awkward silence, he finally spoke up.
“I’m flushed for you,” he said, his voice quiet and tender. You looked at him, shock evident on your face. How could such a great man be flushed for such a little creature like you? It was ridiculous in your mind. You responded in the only way you could.
“I’m flushed for you too.” The Signless looked at you, asking permission by the look on his face. You nodded, and he closed the space between you two. His warm lips pressed to yours, you could stay in that moment forever. Unfortunately, air separated you, and you looked at each other with complete happiness.
This was truly the start of something new.
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luminousbravery · 2 years
could i request signless and psiioniic with a human s/o who is a walking heater and is super friendly?
yes you may!!! i’m actually trying out a new writing style, so i hope this works out well. i hope you all enjoy!!!
The Singless is actually fairly warm himself. Having a human blood color, he’s closer to having very similar temperature to what a human would have. However, that wouldn’t stop him from enjoying your company. He actually probably spends a lot of time just holding your hand: it’s soothing to him. As for you being so friendly, it’s really nice, because that makes it helpful for when he goes out in public for his speeches. You being around him is always so soothing.
As for the Psiionic, he also has a fairly warm temperature. Not as warm as what Signless would be, though. This makes it fairly easy for him to become cold. During the winter, it gets much colder than what he’s used to, so sometimes when he finishes a project he’s working on, he’ll come and flop onto you like a giant cat. You being friendly would also be a great contrast to him, because he’s probably fairly snarky. (Affectionately, of course.)
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vikkirosko · 2 years
Mind if I request some stuff for some Homestuck ancestors?
The Signless,The Disciple and The Summoner ♦️ a limeblood reader who survived the limeblood genocide and is demoralized to the rebellion because of it. Their hive is open to them,and they're more than willing to heal them if needed,but they refuse to actually step in and fight.
To be honest, I am very happy with this request. I like Ancestors and I like to write about them, even though there have been no requests about them for a long time
Platonic headcanons Observer
♋ The Signless ♦️limeblood!Reader🩸
For a long time you lived hiding from everyone. The reason for this was the color of your blood. You were a limeblood troll, the only survivor of the genocide. At least you didn't know about anyone else who survived. You lived in your hive, which was hidden deep in the forest and left the forest only when you needed to buy something at the market. On such days, you carefully prepared so that no one would know about the color of your blood. Usually you were mistaken for oliveblood and you were completely satisfied with it. However, your peace was disturbed when several strangers came to your hive
Pretty quickly, you recognized the strangers as trolls that you had seen only once. One of them, the one who led the others, preached that trolls should be equal regardless of the color of blood. His words caused a great pain in your heart. You knew with your mind that he was saying the right things, but your heart still hadn't recovered from what you had been through, so you couldn't find the strength to join the brewing revolution. However, when Signless asked you for shelter for himself and his comrades, you let them in, treated them to the food that you had and helped treat their wounds
They have become frequent guests in your hive. Despite the fact that you trusted them, Kankri was the only one who found out about your story. You trusted him the most. He was always ready to listen to you. Even when you were crying, unable to control your emotions, he was there, gently hugging you and letting you vent the emotions that were accumulating in you. He understood that it was hard for you after the experience, so he did not think to ask you to help them even more. He was grateful to you for the help you gave them and for taking care of them
Kankri understood that by letting them into your hive, you were putting yourself at great risk. He hoped that you wouldn't have any problems because of them. You were his dear friend and the last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt or, even worse, to be killed if something went wrong. The last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt again because of him
♉ The Summoner♦️ limeblood!Reader 🦋
You were a child when all the trolls with the same blood color as yours were killed. You were the only survivor who miraculously managed to escape. It left you with a severe trauma and all you wanted from life was to survive. You didn't have the strength to take revenge and you knew that you wouldn't be able to stand up against highbloods and Condesce. You learned to survive and your hive was far away from cities and settlements. However, even despite this, you have heard rumors about the sermons of one troll and about his sad end. You were sure that this would end the rebellion, but it turned out not to be so
One day a stranger knocked on your door. He was wounded and asked you for shelter. You couldn't stay away, let him into your hive, treated his wounds and fed him. The stranger introduced himself as Rufioh and thanked you for your help. However, you couldn't hide the color of your blood from him by worrying too much about his wounds. However, he promised you to keep your secret and invited you to become part of the revolution of which he was the leader. And although the terrible events that happened to you were a long time ago, but you could not find the strength to participate in the revolution
Despite the fact that you were not going to take part in the revolution, you were ready to let Rufioh into your hive at any time. He was grateful to you for that, even though he didn't know the reason why you were going to be just an observer. He often came to you not only when he was injured, but also just when he had the opportunity. You talked a lot and he often shared his plans with you. You were always ready to support him and help at least with advice. Every time he left, the only thing you hoped for was that he would come back at least alive
Every time you heard rumors about the revolution, you hoped that you would not hear the news that your dear friend had been killed. Rufioh really became your friend, he was the one who helped you stop feeling lonely. He became your only friend for the first time in many years and although you could not help him achieve his goal, you tried to help him in the ways that you had
♌ Disciple♦️limeblood!Reader 📜
Life on Alternia has always been associated with pain and grief for you. You were a child when all the limeblood trolls were killed and you were the only survivor. You were hiding to survive because if someone found out about the color of your blood, you would have been killed. You lived in your hive that was deep in the forest, surviving by hunting and gathering. Your hive was well hidden so you had a quiet, albeit lonely life. However, your loneliness was destroyed when several strangers came to you and asked for shelter. You didn't know their history, but you let them in, realizing that if they came so deep into the forest, then they really needed to hide
Your new acquaintances tried to change your home planet. You respected their aspirations, but you couldn't help them in any way. You didn't have the moral strength to participate in this, but you weren't going to drive them away. You let them into your hive, treated their wounds, fed them with food that you got yourself and gave them a roof over their heads. Meulin was the one who spent the most time with you. She was your friend. She was the only one you told about what happened to you. She was the only one you trusted so much. Meulin appreciated your trust and was always ready to help you or listen to you. Every time they left, you asked them to be careful. However, one day she returned completely alone
Meulin came back to you in tears. You calmed her down and took care of her for a long time before you found out about what happened. You found out that she lost everyone. You were the only one she had left. Gently hugging your friend, you whispered words of reassurance to her, knowing full well that the pain of losing loved ones will not go away so easily. Your pain still hasn't gone away and you doubted that her pain could go away until her death. But you weren't going to leave her to her fate
You were still getting food in the forest, but now your goal was not just survival. You took care of your friend. Both of you were severely traumatized by the losses you experienced, but if your pain turned into an old scar that sometimes made itself felt, then her pain was a fresh, not yet healed wound. You were going to help her through the hardest time by staying by her side and helping her. Now your goal was to help Meulin survive and not let her sink into despair
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yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Masterlist Ancestors
♋ The Signless/The Sufferer 🩸
Yandere!Signless - “You’re calling me a monster? Who do you think made me this way?”
♈ Handmaid 🥢
♉ The Summoner 🦋
♊ The Ψiioniic 💛
Yandere!Psiioniic x Troll!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Psiioniic x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
Yandere!Psiioniic x Reader Drabble Opinion on Restraints
♌ The Disciple 📜
♍ The Dolorosa 🪡
♎ Neophyte Redglare ⚖
Yandere!Redglare x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Redglare - “It’s your word over mine. Who do you think they’re going to believe.”
♏ Marquise Spinneret Mindfang 🦾
Yandere!Mindfang x Reader Headcanons [Explosive-molly]
Yandere!Mindfang x Reader Headcanons Falling for Dualscar’s S/O [Yanyan-stuck]
♐ E%ecutor Darkleer 🏹
♑The Grand Highblood 💜
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons Cuddle
Yandere!Grand Highblood x Reader Headcanons Stockholm Syndrome
Yandere!Grand Highblood x troll!Reader Oneshot First meet
Yandere!Grand Hightblood x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
♒ Orphaner Dualscar 🌊
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons NSFW
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Darling Silently Asking to be Pet
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Broken Darling
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Affectionate Darling
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Potential Soft Spots
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Oneshot Escape Attempt
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Drabble NSFW
Yandere!Dualscar x Reader Headcanons Asking for sexe
Yandere Dualscar Slipping Up in his Horrible Actions
Yandere Dualscar with a Darling Asking for Matespritship
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, H, I, Q, and Z)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C, F, and G)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (E, K, L, and R)
Emoji Themed Yandere Headcanons (💛 and 🤖)
♓ Her Imperious Condescension/The Condesce 🐙
Yandere!Condesce x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Condesce x Human!Reader Oneshot [Petar-yandere]
Yandere!Condesce x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
The Condesce Stealing Dualscar’s Matesprit  [Yanyan-stuck]
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sludgewolf · 3 years
Pale Tyzias x Reader
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
It's normal for you two to spend the whole night studying in the book hive
She often bounces ideas off of you, both about her studies and her side projects
You can come to her hive whenever, she gave you a key for emergencies and she just asks for you to message her when you're coming
And besides, it's not as if she's going to be sleeping when you arrive
Stelsa loves you even more now since you help her encourage Tyzias to have a healthier sleep schedule
You're one of the few people Tyzias trust with her precious mug
If you know anything about the Signless or the Summoner's Rebelion you have to tell her
She's so enthusiastic about this, it's honestly adorable
As her moirail you get the privilege to just hear about and even participate on her side projects, she really doesn't see the point of hiding them from you unless you're put in direct danger
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gayboyselfinserts · 7 years
Do you have a ot3 with yourself?
I dooooo
I ship myself with The Signless and Disciple! Their relationship is the cutest shit and I honestly love them both so much like. Poly goals tbh.
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regalgenocide · 7 years
Just found this story today and I'm already hooked! Can't wait till the next chapter comes out!!! You guys should totally read it too!!!
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ardenttheories · 4 years
Your takes on gender can be applied these ways also: 1. Their species could be transphobic solely because they might view gender as unnecessary (which isn’t true, due to so many trolls being trans with no problem, so that’s out the window,) or 2. The Condesce herself or her generation created gender roles on Alternia; it would also make sense with The Signless preaching beliefs of freedom and possibly even expression, if we were to go that route. While it doesn’t fix all, it’s better than nothin
Continuing on with Signless and the Condesce, it would have actually made more sense for Sign to be a Fuchsia if society is based on blood caste, for more than one reason (I mean the political implications of a thief of BLOOD being a tyrannical emperor and what you could do with that are pretty fucking apparent but hey who gives a shit amiright) and while life can be just as politically aligned as blood, the inherent structure of blood and the way it’s broken and set up makes Sign a better fit
The bulge-nook standard is all just a bunch of useless bullshit, but it wasn’t in the past apparently; I think it’s mentioned somewhere in the comic that they’re actually close to extinction because the mother grub method is unsustainable and was created BY the Condesce? And that they actually could procreate together but they’re slowly losing the ability? Therefore you could also say that those who are still able to reproduce via encounters could be labeled differently, but that’s still shit
Continuing once again off of the whole mother grub thing (Sorry I’m spamming your inbox I just really like your think thoughts,) the only reason I could see a troll harboring certain ‘gender’ traits (boobs for example) would be for advantages in different climates, besides possible ovaries which, if trolls are more bug than human-like, don’t even make sense anyway. It’s all just a bunch of crud BUT the argument for being trans lies solely in what could remain, OR societal reconstruction I guess
I suppose HIC could have been the generation to assign gender roles to her society, but my only issue would be this: why? I pointed this out in another anon, but there’s no actual divide into “trolls who are superior for being x gender” and “trolls who are inferior for being x gender”. She’s the empress, so you’d think she’d have a preference for women - but her closest and most valued are both men. And even then, she kills indisciminately between genders. Her only preference I’ve ever seen gender-wise is that she always views women as heiresses (or, people who are possible to take her throne), and even that doesn’t entirely make sense; it can easily be explained away as Hussie trying to build a matriarchy where one just didn’t need to exist, to parallel Alternia and Earth. 
To HIC, hemospectrum trumps gender. A male and female rustblood could be standing side by side, both accused of a crime, and neither would be considered more or less guilty on a gendered basis: they’d both be culled for being rust. Likewise, two violetbloods could kill a purpleblood, and the male wouldn’t be more likely to get caught than the female, or viseversa. They’d both get away scot free because they’re highbloods, and higher than the purple they killed - or, they’d both be revenge-slaughtered by other purplebloods.
This isn’t even getting into the fact that, although our canonical legislacerator is female (Redglare), the actual judge (His Honorable Tyranny) is male. So, again, we have a male in power. Yet there’s no explicit bias towards or against men. 
It’s this foundational issue for trying to put a gendered system - as we understand it - on a system that just doesn’t work for it. I do very firmly believe that the trolls would have a gender system, yes; but I think it would revolve around something entirely different. More like how bee genders work; if they’re all “female”, then how do you differentiate the “gender” of bees? By focusing on what actually differentiates them societally: their roles in the hive. Queen, worker, drone - these are the bee genders. How you could implement that to Alternians, I’m not totally sure; I’d have to think on that a little more.
The Signless works well as a mutantblood for the martyr status Hussie was going for; he’s a very clear allegory for Jesus as-is, and having him be a fuchsia wouldn’t have really worked in that sense (because he would have been born into an inherent place of power, without the requirement to go through the martyr journey - and he could have much more easily set about a better, more equal structure had he been an heir than he could have being a mutant). 
It’s a good way to impose on readers just how violent troll society is against those who don’t fit into the spectrum, since the hemospectrum is a class structure that was instilled by both HIC and Doc Scratch (which doesn’t exist as strictly on Beforus, except that the upper classes look after the lower). It also just allows for the equal “one troll of each caste” motif Hussie wanted to go with. So, again, this is an unfortunate instance of Hussie choosing design over lore.
That said, being a fuchsiablood - or even a mutated fuchsia, if we still want to go down the mutant route - would have been endlessly interesting. It could have completely different to see a not-so-shoddily hidden allegory. How The Signless would have attempted to go against HIC, his abilities as a Blood Player, the potentialities of him still raising a rebellion and attempting to change the entire structure of Alternia to something more Beforean - it’s definitely juicy food for thought, if nothing else.
I couldn’t find anything on the Mother Grub method being instilled by HIC, or the fact that it was unsustainable - at least, not on Alternia. Everything I’ve seen relating to Alternia and Mother Grubs very much seems to state that these are the natural ways of the world, something that wasn’t meddled with (which goes along with a theory I had with a few anons some time ago, under the “#homestuck biology” tag, wherein the Mother Grub, trolls, and Drones are actually all founded from the same ancient species, but the trolls just so happened to be the ones to evolve into intelligent life). 
(Edited note: I did find something mentioning that the threat of global extinction allowed for the implementation of the caste system to begin with - as in, the hemospectrum didn’t exist until that specific point in time. It doesn’t mention anything about the Mother Grubs before or after this event, or what caused the near-extinction of the troll race. I would assume Doc Scratch, in order to force the Hemospectrum to exist in the first place, since he takes full credit for its conception. In either case, it isn’t an inability to breed that almost killed off the entire Alternian race - otherwise, even post-Hemospectrum, they would have still died out.)
Anything regarding unsustainability might be instead referring to HIC’s attempts to reintroduce the troll population to the Alpha kids’ Earth; she tries to bring lusii into the world and tries to repopulate Earth using genetic material via the Mother Grub (including for humans), but ultimately fails to do so (partly because her attempts to do so were thwarted by a clone of her lusus, partly because, I assume, human DNA isn’t compatible with the Mother Grubs). 
So, unfortunately, it doesn’t look like trolls ever had the ability to mate with each other and reproduce in a more mammalian way. Which I still despise as a concept, if I’m completely honest; the trolls are clearly meant to be based on insects, are surrounded by insect-like evolutionary divergences, and breed in a very insect-like way. The idea that they ever, at any point, had a more mammalian lineage just makes no sense. That’s like saying that we descended from ancient bees instead of ancient apes. 
It’s, again, one of those instances were you can tell Hussie tried to make something unique and interesting, but then didn’t fully think it through and returned to what he knew most - which is a very much more human experience. 
I think the best explanation for the “gender” differences - beyond “Hussie needed a way to show male and female characters because he didn’t think to include different genders in a society that clearly needed it - probably is the climate concept. It’d be more interesting, for one, and still allow for the potential that trolls don’t have - or show - inherent sexual dimorphism. Especially because, like you said, those are very mammalian traits? Insect-based species don’t have an evolutionary need for those things. 
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caffeinatedmoth · 3 years
Homestuck writing blog
I’ll mostly be writing for the ancestors but on occasion I’ll write for whatever character I feel the need to
Reader will generally be gender neutral but also depends on what I’m feeling or if you request something specifically
You can request headcanons or scenarios if you want but this blog is mostly a stress reliever more than anything
Just know I mostly write when I drink so I might not get to it idk
I don’t write for everyone but I’ll write for most
I do write nsfw so minors dont interact thnx
I’ll mostly write for comfort tho so idk
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