hobisstar · 2 years
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Loving you| Yandere Mental Patient!Jung Hoseok x Doctor!F!Reader
Summary: Hoseok has a confession. He fears living without his doctor. His obsession for her was what landed him in this asylum anyways. That’s what he told himself.
Warning: Yandere theme, Mentally ill Hoseok, Serial Killer Hoseok, Dark concept, unhealthy obsession, smut mentioned, One sided love, death, drugging, and lastly denial.
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‘Dear my Flower,
Is my love for you not enough? Is my love for you just enough? Have you given my heart to that Dumb bitch of a nurse? The one who seems to like you? The one who ties her hair up to get you to look at her neck, that I want so strangle so bad. She doesn’t deserve your sweet sweet lips, oh your sweet smooth like skin. I deserve it so much more than her. I’ve done everything for you. Yet, you haven’t even given me a kiss, a blowjob, a fuck. Why must I be bad for you to come visit me? Why must I talk harshly on someone to get you to touch me? I had this dream, ooo, it was amazing, the way your beautiful pussy gripped my cock while I pounded you and we made direct eye contact. The way you were so cold to that bitch who likes what is mine. It made me fall in love even more. That is it for now my flower.’
“ is that all he does? Write in the journal? Why did Dr. Y/N give that to him?” The nurse, Rachel said to a security guard. The one patient she hated was, Hoseok. He liked Y/N and it was so obvious! She hated the fact that Y/N was so nice to him but never gave her even that nice ness as often as she gave it to him. She was the ‘dumb bitch’ Hoseok wrote about.
“It was a gift to him for his birthday. He’s been in here for almost 5 years, no one ever gave him attention so she made it her responsibility to help him out. Get him the real help he needs.” The security guard, Namjoon, stated. Rachel rolled her eyes. “He’s a terrible person, he doesn’t need help at all.” She signed and looked at the time. “She should be heading up here soon. I gotta go get his medicine and her papers. Get him ready for her visit will ya?” She walked off and Namjoon knocked on Hoseok’s door. “Dr. Y/N and Nurse Rachel will be coming in 10 minutes. Please get ready.” He stated and Hoseok just stared at him which signaled him to get out and he understood. Namjoon closed the door and was startled by the tap on his shoulder. He turned around and smiled. “ Y/N! My favorite doctor, who treats everyone’s favorite, hows it going?” She chuckled. “ there is no reason to lie Namjoon. I know you hate guarding this door. Especially when he’s the only one on this floor.” She shrugged and looked down the hall seeing Rachel getting Hoseoks medicine. “ Tell Nurse Rachel im going in first.” Y/N walked past Namjoon and knocked on the door.
She walked in and saw him looking out the window. “ Good Morning, Hoseok. How are you feeling today?” He turned around so fast that he almost got whiplash from it. It was his flower! She came to visit him. At the same time as every other day. “I’m doing better now that you came to see me, Flower.” He smiled brightly. If he wasn’t in this asylum it would’ve brightened up the whole room, though it still could. But, she couldn’t feel attached. You see, the reason why not everyone likes him is because he murder his family and friends. In cold blood. He had no remorse. “You are obsessed with someone who doesn’t even know you exist, We think you should get help Hobi, it’s not healthy!” He was tired of hearing it. Y/N was his match made in heaven. Everyone over looked her beauty, her niceness. They went to highschool together. Of course he wasn’t as popular as her but he’s loved her since then, and loves her even more now. Y/N remembered him vaguely. I mean in Highschool then only interacted with each other twice. That was during lunch when he accidentally (purposely) dumped his water on her. And the other time when she needed a pencil. That was it, but those moments meant everything to him. He felt that those were the moments he really felt loved. Her thank you’s, the no it’s okay’s,he loved it all.
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“Okay Hoseok, you need to take these every 6 hours. Rachel will give you fresh water every 2 hours.” Y/N was looking at her clipboard looking to see if anything was off about his vitals and everything seems good.
“I’ll be back in the afternoon to check up on you, have a great morning Hoseok and eat all of your breakfast!” She said smiling and backing out then turning around to open the door for Rachel since she saw her waiting. He was in a trans with her beautiful smell that he didn’t realize that she was about to leave until he heard Rachel’s voice. He looked up and stood up. “ Can you give …me my medicine instead… I have a feeling that Rachel doesn’t like me..” he said looking Rachel in the eye. “I-That’s not true! I’m very-uh-Um fond of you..” She tried to lie but Hoseok could see right through her. Y/N chuckled and patted Rachel’s shoulder and walked out. Hoseok needs to socialize with other people besides Y/N, so she sends Rachel inside to give him his medicine so they can try to socialize. Keyword TRY.
Once Y/N walked out, Rachel’s smile faded. “You are such a pain in the neck,” she put his medication down on the table and gave him the water about to hand it to him, but she made it fall and it spilled all over Hoseok's pants. “You know, you’ll never really be good for her. She would never date someone who murder their family and friends for some chick who didn’t want you. She wouldn’t even remember a nobody like you. Take your medicine without water or food, Attention Seeker.” She watched him shake of fear. Or so she though it was fear. It was really anger. He needed to calm down but there was no way that was going to happen any time soon. This thirsty bitch dare try to make fun of him for loving his flower the way he does. She's just jealous of their love. She was about to walk out as if she devoured what just happened, he grabbed her wrist tightly to the point that he could break her wrist in two. Rachel winced in agony " What the hell is your problem?! You piece of trash, let g-" he cut her off by slamming her into the door. He chuckled trying to calm down but seeing her face only made him more pissed. Hoseok punched the door near her head until his hands were bleeding. Lucky for Hoseok he didn't feel a thing, Unlucky for Rachel his room was soundproof, so any sound from his room could not be heard.
" You think... You think you are a better fit? A bully? A dumb fucking cunt? A bitch who just wants Y/N's pussy and not her love? You are nothing but dirt on the bottom of her shoe that gets wiped off and into the trash can. You don't even deserve worship the ground she walks on. You think she wants trash? You are even less important than Namjoon. You make me sick to my damn stomach. She would never want someone like you. Be damn lucky that i haven't cut off your annoying head- actually- that's a good idea." He laughed like the mad man he is seeing her face covered in fear. " You disrespect my flower one more time by talking to me like you lost your mind, I'll make sure you'll no longer have a head or a heart... Got it bitch?" He said staring at her with a smile that soon faded, " Now get the fuck out my sight," He let her wrist go which left a good bruise. She was breathing so heavily and thought at this point she going to hyperventilate. She hurriedly left the room flying down the hall past Y/N and Namjoon.
" Was...Was she crying?" Y/N asked thinking her eyes was playing tricks on her. Namjoon sighed and nodded “She’s not the first nurse to come running out of Hoseok’s room crying or running. The first nurse that did that quit in the same hour. Rachel is strong though- Where are you going?” He watched Y/N storm into his room. She closed the door and sighed. “Oh! My flower! Come back to visit me?” Hoseok stated happily while covering his hand. “What happened to your hand, Hoseok?” She asked calmly. Yes, she was upset, but she didn’t want to jump to conclusions of thinking he just did something to her. She was aware of Rachel’s hatred towards Hoseok. But would she go this far? Would he go this far also?
“I punched the door several times after your nurse dropped the cup of water on my pants.” He pointed down to his soaked pants. “Then I threatened to cut her head off if she did again.” He stated as if that was normal. Y/N sighed and opened the door she told Namjoon to go to the first floor and get him a fresh pair of clothes and a cup of water. “I’m sorry she did that Hoseok. But you shouldn’t have threatened you. She could’ve reported you then you would be put on even more of a watch for harming her if you did.”
“That bit- Girl, likes you. Did you know that?” He asked her locking eye contact that she unknowingly was trying to avoid. Y/N was aware of Hoseok’s love for her in fact hes told her plenty of times before. She’s given him hints that she wasn’t interested in dating a patient or even a coworker. She found it highly unprofessional if she ever did. He understood that…right? “What does that have to do with you, Hoseok? You still threatened her.” she stood up looking at him. “You’d allow someone like her to have a crush on you? I’m not sure if I like her enough to even allow her to like you.” She laughed in disbelief from his response. He founded it cute, she thinks that’s funny? He would too. To have some clown like her. “You are more crazier than I thought…” Looking him in his eyes. “ You aren’t in charge of who can like me or who I like. You are a patient… you need to stay in your place, Mr. Jung. I never want to hear you say anything like that again. Have a good day.” Turning on her heels, she was about to leave when Hoseok spoke.
“You leave this room i will raise hell. I’ll kill Rachel. I’ll put her head on a trophy so it’s like a gift from you, I’ll kill everyone in this Damn asylum if I have to. I love you! And you look over me every time, im sick of it. You made me this way for you. Since Highschool. Do you remember those vivid memories we had? Do worry if you don’t I’m willing to make more with you. We can do that once that bitch Rachel is dead. You remember me right? The guy that you had feelings for since highschool? Come on y/n” he grabbed her arm and she flinched back. “Dont start this, Mr. Jung..”
“Please don’t call me that! Call me what you used to! Hobi, Sunshine, Hope, Hoseok, call me that.. please..” he said loosing his temper. “Dont … call me that.” He whispered looking at her.
“… Mr. Jung Hoseok, if you don’t stop I’m going to have to call security. Please just calm down, I don’t want them to use force-“ he cut her off when he screamed which frightened her. Soon his scream turned into terrifying laugh. He looked at his bed then went to it and lifted up his his mattress, and what Y/N saw made her gasp. He had pictures of Y/N scattered everywhere, some with blood, some with an unknown substance. He had a piece of paper of his journal next to one of the pictures that had her and Rachel in it but her entire face was missing. Grabbing the letter he chuckled and handed it to her. “Read it.” He said. She unfolded it but realized it wasn’t his hand writing, but it was Rachel’s.
‘ Dear Diary,
I really want to tell Y/N how I feel towards her. But she’s wrapped in that Serial Killers life. He’s so wack. I wish I could just kill him. He deserves death in the worst way. That’s it, I’ll kill him. I’ll give him something that can kill him. Maybe mix something in his water? Hmm maybe.. I’ll definitely have to tell Namjoon about this idea. He’ll help me out and get rid of that devil for good.’
She dropped the letter and was in shock. Rachel, was planning to kill Hoseok? Her thoughts were running back and forth. Oh god…has he been drinking the water? Taking his medicine? “y-You havent taken anything have you?”
“Of course not, Im smarter than her. Namjoon gave me this a few weeks ago. He’s been giving me ‘cleaner’ water and medicine. He’s been helping me, if that’s what you’d call it. I pretty much told him he had no choice.” Y/N was stunned and walked out the room going to go find Rachel.
Was this real? Was it forced? “Calm down, Y/N.. don’t think too much about this.” She said to herself. Either way, She would have fire Rachel. While she was walking she realized she couldn’t find Rachel anywhere. She went into the break room and saw Rachel laying with her head down. “Rachel why would you do something like that? That was too far. You could get seriously fined.” She stated and waiting for answer felt like forever. She went up to her and she looked closely and saw she wasn’t breathing. Y/N panicked and looked around until her eyes landed on a cup of water sitting on the table. “No way..” she thought. As she grabbed the cup she could already smell that something was off with it. Something was mixed in and what ever it was it killed Rachel. She turned her over and saw foam all over her mouth mixed with blood. She gasped and backed up until she was at the door. She was about to turn around and run but when she looked outside the door she saw Hoseok standing right on the other side, smiling. He released a deep breath. “Ah, finally she’s dead. What do you say My flower? We go get some nice warm coffee, then we take a comfortable and warm nap?” He smiled brightly. The smile that could light up a room now sent chills up her spine.
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You see, the truth was, Rachel didn’t write that letter. She never had no thought of killing Hoseok. She wasn’t scared of him but she definitely knew that he liked Y/N. It was obvious. She obviously liked her too but was always scared to admit that. What she did to Hoseok was just her jealousy kicking in but she did really hate Hoseok. Him threatening her should have been a sign. He had Namjoon spike her water with a medicine to make her overdose. She must’ve been so shaken up that she didn’t notice the weird taste in her water. Then again, Namjoon wouldn’t mind killing her. He didn’t like her either. Namjoon was close to Hoseok since Highschool. They’ve been buddies since then! Of course Y/N knew of this but thought making his the security guards would just keep him protected and having a friend if he needed someone to talk to. Namjoon never really like Rachel, she was annoying to him. She complained about almost everything that Hoseok did and it made him sick. So, he agreed to kill her. Though Hoseok agreed he’d take all the responsibilities since he won’t get in anymore trouble. Now, he was happy I mean finally he’s got Y/N to himself. Everything was worth it.
Loving her…was worth it.
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aniclones · 1 year
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J-hope (drawing) as Mob-kun
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afaeriewasteland · 2 years
bts as horror characters!(hyung line edition)
small disclaimer - this is my first post i don’t use this app for anything but fanfiction so BE NICE TO ME PLS- nonetheless this is just my opinion, no harm is meant to be done to bts! i just thought this would be fun to make :)
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kim namjoon as patrick bateman (american psycho, 2000)
oooh, it was kinda hard for me to think of one for joonie, but to keep it short and simple, they both seem smart yet spontaneous at the same time, also there’s that whole thing where serial killers are just super fucking smart and you know… joon got like what 148 iq?? plus their resting bitch face.
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kim seokjin as jennifer check (jennifer’s body, 2009)
you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t play a perfect jen if there was a gender swap version, the sagittarius energy with these two is real. jin referring to himself as “worldwide handsome” and jennifer calling herself a “god” is like the exact same line. also they both love eating… just different types of food.
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min yoongi as billy loomis (scream, 1996)
one thing about these two? oh they got ATTITUDE. scary mfs. they both are relatively quiet with threatening auras. i could totally see yoongi being the secret killer, he’s silent, therefore stealthy and could probably easily manipulate somebody. not to mention the bisexual energy these two men hold but you didn’t hear it from me.
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jung hoseok as stu macher (scream, 1996)
two little goofy fucking goobers. they have like the same personality im so serious about it. hoseok, like stu, would make a terrifying killer because you would never see it coming, they’re so happy go lucky, how could they ever even begin to hurt somebody? they’re scary because they aren’t supposed to be. also him and yoongi WOULD SO TEAM UP TO KILL TOGETHER ARE YOU KIDDING?
that’s it for the hyung line!! maknae line will be posted soon!!
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bangtannies-stories · 2 years
Mafia BTS Yandere Types
Disclaimer: These types do not represent the real BTS in any way, and should be considered as part of an alternate reality.
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Danger level: 10/10
Type of Yandere: Possessive-Protective
Sweet Namjoon. Or at least, that's how he will always present himself to you. Namjoon is a smart man. He wants you to love him genuinely, not out of fear. He was honest with you early on about being the leader of the Mafia, but he also explained it wasn't anything you needed to worry about. He'd never do anything to hurt you. However, you don't realize how manipulative he is. He creates situations and problems, only for him to swoop in and solve them for you. He is seen as your loving protector, just as he wants you to see him.
However... He doesn't stop himself from hurting others. Remember how his danger level is a 10/10? Yeah well that's not directed at you. It is directed at everybody else. When he creates situations, it doesn't matter what it is. He'll kill, lie, steal, and destroy if it meant keeping the image of your hero in check. He loves you. To the moon and back. And if it means burning down the world just to rebuild it in front of you, he'll do it.
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Danger level: 8/10
Type of Yandere: Authoritarian
Jinnie is an odd one. Yes he loves you. But he's more like a strict parent. He's the second in command to the Mafia, so he's used to ordering others around. He sets strict rules, and expects you to obey them. He doesn't necessarily inflict pain on you when he's upset, but he will make sure you learn your lesson. Whether it be taking things away from you or forbidding you from talking to him, he'll always do something.
Jin doesn't really like letting you outside, so he doesn't often have to worry about others ruining his doll. However, when others do mess with you or try to take you away from them, he won't reconsider harming them. He'll inflict massive pain onto them, as a matter of fact. Then afterwards, he'll bring you a souvenir of what he has done. You better treasure your gift, or he'll take something you will regret.
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Danger Level: 8/10
Type of Yandere: Calm
Yoongi is calm. Scarily calm. You worry about getting on his nerves because when you do, he doesn't snap until he's really over the edge. Do. Not. Mess. With. Yoongi. He taught you early on that you don't mess around. However, there are rare moments that he'll be normal with you. He does try to be normal. But he's part of the mafia. He's someone to be feared. So I'd take that as you will. He loves you. Actually, I think at times he'll have actual heart eyes for you. But he fears that if he seems too vulnerable, you'll take advantage and push his buttons. You need to listen to him.
Yoongi I feel like wouldn't be toooo bothered by strangers? He's not overly controlling like Jin, nor manipulative like Namjoon. He just wants you safe, and for you to listen to him. However, if someone pisses him off (say idk... By hurting you,) prepare for the end. Because nobody touches you and gets away with it. I think it's a good time to mention he's the assassin of the mafia.
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Danger Level: 10/10
Type of Yandere: Sweet but Psycho
So, Hoseok. Oh Hoseok. This boy was traumatized when he was young by his mother abandoning him, making him extremely paranoid that anyone he ever loves again will do the same. He's not well upstairs. When it comes to you, he's head over heels. He spoils you rotten, with the condition that you stay inside.
What happens if you don't stay inside? Well you actually used to be able to go out. However, Hoseok, due to his issues, had a feeling that you were going to leave him one night while you were out with your friends. His paranoia got to the point where he saw someone tap your shoulder and lost it. He revealed himself while you were gone and pretty much murdered everybody. He then knocked you out with a rag and took you home. Waking up the next morning, you thought it was just a dream. And Hobi makes sure you see it that way. Because if you knew how psychotic he was, you'd leave him.
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Danger Level: 6/10
Type of Yandere: Clingy
Jimin is a good boy. Well, most of the time. Out of all of them, he seems the most normal. Keyword is seems. To you, he's just normal Jimin, your loving boyfriend. However, he is just um, well I'll say it, a liar! Much like Namjoon, he manipulates. However, it's not as elaborate. It's the little white lies he does that keep you around. He is very clingy, and does anything for your attention. He'll lie just about any way he can if it means he can spend more time with you!
Much like Yoongi, Jimin doesn't have too much of a problem with people. The thing is that because he's so clingy, he'll get jealous easily if you spend too much of your time with somebody else. You get back and he's all over you like a kitten. Also um... The next day comes around, and the person you spent time with disappears. But Jimin doesn't know what happened. Why would he?
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Danger Level: 9/10
Type of Yandere: Dominant
If there's one thing that Taehyung makes clear to you, it's that he overpowers you. No matter what you do, he will be one step above. He is the King, you listen to him. However, once that's out of the question, he'll shower you with love. As long as you submit to him and accept he is the dominant force, he'll be quite loving. He has fallen hard for you. You're his Queen. HIS submissive and weak Queen. He'll give you lots of kisses and hugs, and take care of you in the best way he can.
Now, when he doesn't get his way, you better pray. If someone even thinks about taking you from him, he'll kill them on the spot and make you watch. It's his way of reminding you who's in charge. When you try to be independent, do things without him, or heaven forbid, suggest that you both are equal and he is not superior, you're in for it. I think Taehyung's punishments can lean towards the more sexual route. He'll tie you up while naked, denying you of any pleasure until you give in and admit that you're below him. All he wants is for you to admit he is above you, and he'll give you what you want.
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Danger Level: 10/10
Type of Yandere: Aggressive
Jeon Jungkook is scary. He's the main muscle of the mafia. He literally beats the shit out of people as his job. I think Jungkook sees you more as an object, unlike the rest of the Yanderes who at least see you as a person, even if it's a lesser one. When he comes home, he expects food waiting for him, the house cleaned, and his doll waiting for him to use. When you're good, maybe he'll even help you out.
Jungkook sees you as his beautiful little doll who doesn't really have any feelings or life of their own. So if anyone dares to flirt with you, it's thankfully not your fault. He'll just kick their ass with his chunky boots and his fists. He then takes you home and uses you to get his anger out. Once a month, he'll treat you like a real person and take you out on a date, as long as you stay by his side the whole time. But this is only if you've been good. Trust that.
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4200nemobackup · 2 years
yandere!members cheating on partner and partner wanting to leave them/ cheating on them with another member??
Coming right up babes!!
Taglist: @mwitsmejk @lchimmyl @zoroscrustyboogers0
Ask above: “yandere!members cheating on partner and partner wanting to leave them/ cheating on them with another member??”
Pairing: Yandere!bts x reader
Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, aggression, physical activity, mentions of bodily harm, I am in no way romanticizing these scenarios. If you or someone you know is going through these, please call/ alert the proper authorities.
A/n: happy to write this. It’s Safe to say that whoever sent me that ask has motivated me! But anyways, this won’t be sub or dom leaning, just yandere members and how they react. This only fiction guys!
Yandere Jin: I personally believe that Yandere Jin is not as frightening as the others on the list. When his partner finds out that he has been cheating, the most he will do is probably put on a very broken persona in order to get his partner to feel bad for him instead. Yandere trope is often categorized as using a fake, caring, sympathetic, or emotional personality, to hide their insanity. I feel like Jin would hone this part of the trope, breaking down crying when you find out, and him convincing you somehow that you’re the problem. After you take him back, he would pretend as if nothing happened, and if you bring it up, he’ll go psycho, asking you stuff like “when did I ever cheat?” It scares his partner bad, and he knows this.
Finding out that your cheating is a different story. Yanderes always want their partners to themselves, so Jins version of this is taking his partner back and projecting his fake and caring persona onto his partner in a very torturous way. His dialogue consists of “you wouldn’t ever cheat on me right? Because you’re such a good gf/bf/partner?” I also feel like if it’s one of the members, he would use his hyung card, and privately threaten them without you knowing. Threatening to make their life a living hell, and that if they even enter your presence consider themselves a target.
Yandere Yoongi: I feel like Yoongi would have his moments where he gets extremely dark and morbid. His yandere trope would be the seriously stoic type. When you find him cheating, he doesn’t even bother to argue against you, or attempt to gaslight you. Because he still wants you around, he will actually threaten you that if you ever left him, there would be consequences. He would do the same thing Jin did, sort of convincing you that you were somehow the problem.
If he finds out you’re cheating……well. Once he catches you, he would roughly grab your wrist and tell you to get dressed, and that you would be dealt with later. He’ll make you stand outside the door so you can hear him beating up whoever it was you cheated on him with, traumatizing you. Rather than say a whole paragraph of things, he would just tell you something like, “see what you’ve caused?” In an attempt to make you think that no matter who you run too, everything always comes back to him.
Yandere Hoseok: Hobi would be a mix of Jin and Yoongi. His Yandere trope would be aggressive, disguised as calm and collected. You literally would never suspect him for anything because of this demeanor. However when you catch him and begin yelling, you can see a brain switch off in his head. He beats you in a shouting match, startling yourself. You imagined he was in the wrong, but the way he yelled at you made you feel as if you may have came onto him wrong. But as you’re leaving, he stops you and begins a series of emotional displays. These confuse you because one minute he’s yelling, the other one he’s happy, and the next, he’s sobbing at your feet. This becomes a sensory overload for you, so you just stay, not realizing you’ve fallen into his trap.
Catching you cheating is scary. When he sees you and another member turning away from each other as he opens the door, he plays along for a long period of time until you are both comfortable. He knows what you both have been doing behind his back, but he won’t act on it now. The sadist in him comes out when he starts asking you and the member to do weird things, and when you protest, he yells very loudly about your affair, telling you it’s the least you could do for him. Afterwards, he never brings you around the members and you aren’t allowed to go outside of the house anymore. He’s suspicious of you on another level, but he acts like nothing happened.
Yandere Namjoon: he uses his intelligence against you for sure. Namjoon is the yandere trope that plans out each of his moves correctly. There’s actually no way you would catch him cheating unless he wanted you to. I imagine him as the invisible man’s character from the adapted movie. Everything you go through, is something he orchestrated. If you do catch him, it’s because he wanted you to, and be prepared, there’s several steps ahead that will lead you back to him,even if your objective is to leave.
However, him catching you cheating is the opposite. He will continue to orchestrate events in your life and set you up over and over again, until you’ve burnt all your bridges. It will lead you back to him. As you’re crying in his arms,he’s just standing there smirking because he’s the reason why your tears are falling. You have no where to go, and that excites him because you’re his whether you can help it or not.
Yandere Jimin: I would identify him as the sub!yandere trope: also a stalker. He will pretend to keep a distance, but you know the crazy in his eyes. I would say that he would probably severely threaten anyone that you develop connections with because he is afraid they will take your attention from him. Catching him cheating is a wild ride. It messes with you because he pretends to be devoted to only you. When you catch him, he would immediately guilt you by resulting to some kind of bodily harm upon himself, like hitting himself. You’ll beg him to stop, and just like that, you’re his again.
However it’s easy for him to catch you cheating because he regularly stalks you and keeps tabs on you. It frightens you because he knows every.single.detail. You come home and he’s sitting on the couch, and in the most ominous voice ever he asks, “Master why were you with________?” It startles you and when you try to make an excuse, he starting wailing about how he thought he was enough for you. It makes you feel beyond terrible, but now you’re bound to him. Even if you suggest to see other people, he threatens his own safety over the matter.
Yandere Taehyung: Taehyung is a stalker Yandere as well, but he is very obsessive in the fact that you’ll find him all over the house, trying to scare you or seduce you. When you catch him cheating, and try to kick him out, he also starts to wail, and scream. He hopes that you’ll take him back because of this. He’s begging and pleading, but it’s crazy to see him do such a thing so whole heartedly. He stalks your conversations for the next few weeks to make sure you haven’t told anyone about what he did.
When he catches you cheating he always pops up in random places. He is always watching, so when you’re making out with another member in a random room, he’s in the broom closet watching you. You go to open it or whatever and boom, he’s literally right there like jeepers creepers. His display of emotions are rather psychotic. You don’t know if he’s angry with you or not. He confuses you and the other member successfully. You begin to feel watched because of how he keeps popping up everywhere, no matter what you do or where you go.
Yandere Jungkook: Yandere Jungkook is just straight up possessive. He won’t even pretend in front of people that he isn’t. He would go the mile to harm someone over something small concerning you. When you catch him cheating, he will tell you to mind your own business. He also tells you that it wasn’t cheating, and that whatever you saw was not equal to what you think you saw. When you try to leave, he will grab you and fling you somewhere telling you that you aren’t allowed to because you’re his. Where could you go? No one will take you, he says.
If he catches you cheating, pray. Pray for yourself. He’s already hurt about you doing with another member. The other member suffers a more gruesome fate, but his only solution for you is to restrain you from ever interacting with anyone else. He’s worse than Hobi. Hobi may let you out with him supervising you. But Jungkook won’t even let you come downstairs unless he says so. He has a routine and set of rules for you to follow because of this. He also takes your phone, and disables communication devices within the house, just so that you won’t be able to call people. All of your calls and texts go through him and his monitoring.
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colormepurplex2 · 1 year
Play With Fire | JHS
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▻ Play With Fire ↳ Arsonist!Hoseok x Criminal!f.Reader ⤜ Crime AU ⤜ Infatuated Lovers ⤜ WC: 8,170 ⤜ Rating: MA🔞 ⤜ Summary: Together forever- a promise. I'll never leave you- a guarantee.
Like a moth to the flame, you were drawn in from the moment you laid eyes on Jung Hoseok. Clouds of smoke and ash billowed around him, dark smudges on his cheeks and a wild, manic grin on his face. You had just finished emptying out the safe in the back office when some psycho threw a molotov through the front window of the convenience store. As you scrambled through the window you used to enter, you made the snap decision to run after the pyromaniac.
Little did you know you'd catch fire in an instant and burn hotter than hell. But, you're not the only thing burning. When a job goes sideways, you both vow to make the world burn...starting with the asshole that's betrayed you. He wants to play with fire; so you'll see to it that he burns. This is the first installment for a new mini-series, Burning Up. ⚠️  Blowjob, theft, dark thoughts revolving around arson and petty crimes, Yoongi is a crime kingpin that you and Hoseok work for, talk of murder, outdoor sex, sub/dom tones, manhandling, fire play, creampie, orgasm denial/edging, praise, restraints, fingering, guns/someone gets shot, blood, it’s all a little dark. Each part will have specific warnings at the top.
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Chapter 1. Strike A Match
Chapter 2. Going Up In Smoke
Part of the Bangtan Writers HQ February 2023 “Hearts On Fire” Writing Event.
Can also be found on: Ao3 | Wattpad
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◅ Back to Master List ©️   2023-02-07   ColorMePurplex2  
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aajjks · 14 days
🥺 my babies are reunited. i don’t like it when they’re apart
mommy issues!JK
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!” screams your frightened mother as she watches jungkook rummage through her home. “she’s not even here, you madman! i will call the cops on all of you. i will SUE yo—,” she’s then interrupted by chris who shoves his handgun in her voice before saying “shut the fuck up before i blow your fucking head off”
“HEY! watch how you talk to my wife!”
“shut it, old man because after he’s done with jicheol. you’re next” says mingyu while eunwoo holds his gun at a terrified soo-min.
you hear loud commotion coming from the living room but you can’t make out whose voice is whose. next thing you hear is two gunshots and what sounds like jicheol’s groans. you gasp, ‘could it be..?’ you think to yourself.
your eyes fill to the brim with tears. “it really is you” you cry. “i’m over here, jungkook. i’m right here” even though your voice is hoarse from the beating you received from jicheol, you’re hoping jungkook can hear you. when his footsteps get close, your heart begins to race to the point that you can’t breathe and when the door comes down, you’re a crying mess.
“YN BABY- o-oh my God!!! BABY!!!”
“j-jungkook. you-you really came for me. i’m…i’m so sorry. this is all my fault. i-i deserved this. i shouldn’t have left you. i should’ve stayed—i’m so sorry. i missed you so much. i thought *sniffle* i thought you hated me. i love you so much, jungkook. i won’t leave you ever again”
despite the pain you’re in, you’re so happy to see those familiar eyes. you know he’s shocked to see you like this—all battered and bruised but you don’t care. you’re reunited with your lover. he didn’t have to come all this way to get you. he could’ve found someone better and lived happily ever after yet he chose you.
you pull jungkook into a tight hug and cry into his shoulder repeating how sorry you are over and over. you both are an emotional mess. there’s no telling what could have happened to you if he hadn’t came. in such a short time, he’s already hurt you. jungkook gently traces the cuts and bruises on your face; these bruises are fresh. jungkook notices how you wince from just the slightest squeeze to your body and with your consent, he lifts your shirt to see more bruises along your abdomen.
“he broke my left leg but i can try and walk” you say after jungkook asks what’s happened to your leg. “are we…are we still together? i understand if you want to break up but i was just being stupid and-and selfish. i’m such a selfish piece of shit and—,”
You’re rambling, he loves you so so much,
Jungkook can’t hear a word you’re saying as soon as he gently grabs your face and pulls you in for a deep kiss.
He holds you tightly in his arms as he kisses you, it’s been so long- it feels like that but it’s been barely two days.
You kiss him back with equal fervor and jungkooks hands are protectively wrapped around you as you both share a passionate kiss.
You must’ve endured so much pain, as you cry into the kiss jungkook feels like he’s being choked. Reluctantly he breaks the kiss and holds your face in his hands tenderly.
“Baby we are anyways going to be together. I promise- you had a right to leave me… I’m not mad at all.” He kisses your face.
“No don’t walk yn… I’ll carry you to the car and Sargent Jung Hoseok should be here soon to arrest your psycho ex.”
Jungkook gently gets up before scooping you into his arms bridal style. “Shhh let’s just go home I’ll buy you everything new.” With you in his arms he leaves your room.
And all the attention is on you, even though your parents try to protest, and as jungkook tries to get out of the house with you,
ji-cheol grabs jungkooks leg, “NO YOU CANT TAKE HER AWAY SHES MINE! YN YOU BITCH I WILL FIND YOU! I WILL KILL YOU!” He screams before yugyeom comes to both of your rescue and kicks Ji-Cheol straight on the face, making his grip on jungkook loosen.
“Take her away JK, we got him.” Eunwoo assures, smiling his gun at Ji-Cheol.
Jungkook stops for a moment, “yn I’ll take this ring off okay?” As you give him consent, Jungkook takes it off your finger and throws it on the ground.
Jungkook hurriedly gets out of your hell house and he walks straight to his car- Nara was swapped with the boys in the other car so it’s just gonna be you, him and eunwoo.
“Sit comfortably okay?” He kisses your forehead as he unlocks the car with his keys, Jungkook sets you down on the floor before he opens the gate for you.
As he makes sure that you’re safe in the car, “yn stay here I have some unfinished business I need to take care of..” he locks it,
Just as he’s done he spots the police car approaching.
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hobisstar · 2 years
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Dance For Us | Yandere OT7! X Female Dance Instructor! Reader. Short but Sweet.
Summary: Being the dance instructor for the biggest group of the 21st century seems to be a dream come true! Y/N has been BTS’s choreographer since they debuted, They all have become the best of friends since then. Of course with love there comes the random urges to to protect… right?
Warning: Stalking, controlling, overprotective, soft Yandere theme, Drugging as in putting laxative in a drink to make the tummy upset.
A/N: ahh!! I’m on a role if you ask me personally. I’ve been releasing so much for you all and this is just out of the random thoughts. Please do not STEAL. ILL KNOW. This will be my last Yandere for awhile, eh it kinda starts take a toll on ya a little. Enjoy!
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“I can’t fucking get this!” The back up dancer shouted out of stress. “Please come show me again.” He cried out. Y/N chuckled and went over and helped him.
Ah, the joy of being a constructor. Y/N, Namjoon, Hobi, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and the back up dancers have been practicing since 5am. It was currently 5pm, oh boy were they all so tired. The boys were having a comeback soon, Persona 7. They need dances for Black Swan and ON and of course Y/N was the first one that they thought of when it came to figuring out a choreography. Jungkook basically shouted her name when he heard they need choreo. “Y/N! She will be perfect, i mean she is perfect, her dancing is just as wonderful as ours. We should be thanking her for even making us the best dancers.” He stated happily talking about her, which made the rest of the members laugh and smile. Gosh, they all loved her so much. It was starting to get out of hand though. When they all first met when they were younger , of course it was okay to invite her to places with them and text her and add her on social medias and all that other first step friendship shit. But, it got to the point where they started stalking her. Yoongi was in charge of location. He had a tracking device on her phone, even when she got a new one he some how managed to but it to where they can forever see her location. Namjoon was in charge in keeping her safe, well, he was in charge of basically watching her when she went out on her own. Yoongi had the location so he could just send it to him and he’d be on his way on his bike cautiously watching her from afar. Jin was in charge of buying her groceries. She was as busy as them though they preferred that she only made dances for them, it didn’t work like that. Y/N being so busy she would forget to but food for her home and even eat sometimes. He made sure their was food for her no matter where she was or what the situation was. Hoseok was in charge of cleaning her home. This is something he offered to do since he wanted something to do outside of his public life. That’s it. Lastly, the maknae line was in charge in spoiling her with gifts, love, clothes, sometimes even fancy lingerie. They all played a part in her life. That’s how they made it and that’s how they will keep it.
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“Okay guys! That’s it for today thank you for coming to practice! Go home get the must needed rest and be back here tomorrow the same time!” Y/N spoke into her microphone she bought so everyone could hear her without happening to yell. She smiled and waved seeing everyone pack up and soon leave. She turned to her 6 devils and smiled but she wondered where Jungkook was. As soon as she was about to walk over to them she felt someone lick her up and carry her. “Y/N honey, you know we rather you not move a muscle.” Jungkook stated carrying her over to the rest of the group. She chuckled and nodded not complaining she was tired so not walking was fine to her. Hoseok looks up and smiles once he sees the two walking over to them. “ Ah! It’s our dancing queen! You looks so tired.” He pouted. “ you should get going to get rest” Yoongi stated. “ yeah! You look drained. We don’t like our munchkin being so drained.” Taehyung said shaking his head. “ You havent ate have you?” Jin asked and jumped up to go make her plate of whatever was left of the food that catered them. Namjoon chuckled watching everyone get so worried about her being so tired. Jimin said nothing since he was Examining her tired state. “ you are still so beautiful, even with bags under your eyes, princess.” Jimin stated and smiled.
She blushed at all their questions. then it hit her. She has a friend dinner to go to! Kang Yeosang, a close friend of hers, from the group ATEEZ, who she also choreographed for from time to time, invited her to the groups dinner. Of course she said she didn’t want to be a bother since everytime she was with them she was always the center of attention, kinda like with BTS. Of course Yeosang insisted that she went since the guys and himself haven’t seen her in such a long time. Snapping back to reality she spoke “ Actually, I have somewhere to be guys.” She smiled thinking of her other group of friends. “I’m hanging out with ATEEZ-“
“That group full of guys?!”
“ since when were you all so close?!”
“You promised we’d have a movie night tonight!”
“You need rest!”
“Princess! They dont deserve your time!”
“I’m not letting you go hang out with another group of guys!”
She shook her head and covered her face as they all came at her at once. She sighed. “Namjoon, you all are also a group full of guys. We’ve been close for awhile, Taehyung. I can’t reschedule, Yoongi, I promised I’d go to dinner with them. I know I said that Jin but we can always watch movies after I get back or tomorrow . Hoseok I’ll get rest when I get back. Jimin they need my time just like you all do. And lastly Jungkook, even if I weren’t going anywhere you’d still hold me like I was some little baby.” She jumped out of Jungkook’s arms fighting him a little since he had a grip on her. Y/N went to her bag. “You guys act like you are my only friends. YALL do this all the time, it’s so expected now. I just want to hang out with me just the same about of time I do with yo-“
They all stand up and sigh. “Y/N you know the rules..” oh right, Y/N forgot about those…rules that they set in 2016.
She huffed. “Please just this one time this month..” Basically, they all agreed that since they all were so busy, they could only go out twice a month if it wasn’t work related. She had already went out once to go visit her family. Of course, they knew but she didn’t need to know that. Jin laughed and she looked at him with a confused face. “We know this isn’t your first time going out this month, princess.”
Y/N froze and had to think quickly. “N-No i didnt this would be my first time.”
“Come on Y/N, if this was 2016 you’d barley be able to foul us. But you definitely can’t do that now. You went to go visit that crappy family of yours 2 weeks ago,” Namjoon stated and pulled out his phone showing the location app which showed how many times she left. “H-How do you have my location? Since when have you had it? Why?” She asked in fear. Y/N was about to back up but Jimin grabbed her gently and put her in the middle. “Now now princess~. We have your location for safety reasons. We could never afford you to get hurt by any creep out there. We have to protect you my dear.” Yoongi stated and tapped her head softly as if she was a pet. “This isn’t like you guys..” she mumbled which caused Taehyung to laugh and Hobi to chuckle. “ oh baby you’ve been so blind.” Hobi sat down and pulled her down with him. “We’ve been like this from the jump baby. We knew you are so fragile like a baby. So easily able to believe whatever we say, do, or even feed you.” He calmly admitted.
“What did you do?!” She shouted and that made Jimin giggle. “ oh princess if we were going to harm you we would have done it already dont you think? No, we just drugged the dancers to have a stomachache so they won’t be able to come in tomorrow for practice. So all of us, including you, will be the only ones to come to practice tomorrow. We wanted you to ourselves and we are even surprised it worked out in our favor.” “Plus those ATEEZ guys weren’t going to be there. I told them you canceled because we had to do late practice.” Jungkook stretched and happily smiled at her. “We can have our own dinner!”
“No..” Y/N said and stood up. “ I’m not having dinner with you all. You’ve been stalking me for six years now and you think I’m about to be happy and want to eat with you all? Have you lost your rabbit mind? I can’t believe you all invaded my privacy! And you think that’s cool? Or cute? That’s fucking sick!” She couldn’t take the facts she just got and then them pretending everything was just peachy. How could they? How could they do this and be so calm as if it was a normal everyday thing?
“Are you calling us sick? Well, princess hate break it to you. It’s your fault. You made each and everyone one of us this way. We tried not to get this way and maybe just be like family figures to you, or just simply friends. But that didn’t work one bit. We just had to get closer to you. It’s a wonderful story to tell to someone one day.” Yoongi spoke softly. Even after her calling them weird and sick. They were all calm and yet understanding I mean they knew this would be her reaction. When their little angel was in danger or scared she usually reacted like this. It was a natural reaction. How would you react when you find out your closest best friends were your stalkers? You wouldn’t be so excited.
“You’ll get used to us sooner or later, Y/N. It’s not that hard. You’ll get used to schedule and the constant eye on you.”
“We are just trying to protect you from danger baby…”
While they were trying to reassure her, Y/N was literally going through it. She didn’t not understand what made them like this. Why did they act like that, when did they start acting like that? Fear, was one thing to feel but one thing that unsettled her was… Have they always been watching her? Oh gosh, she feared the worst was to happen or has already happened. Once she snapped out of her day dream, they were all up and ready to practice som more.
“Alright Princess, Dance for us.” Jimin spoke with the most shit eating grin.
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Versus | MYG, JHS - Chapter 5
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader x Hoseok
Genre: smut, fluff, angst, crack, enemies to lovers, Villains!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of weapons - blades, use of restraints - chains and straitjacket, implied threat of death by mauling, fighting, mentions of blood, Yoongi confirmed cat owner, Hobi's fuse is getting shorter by the minute
Word Count: 2.5k
Disclaimer: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Supervillain exes Yoongi and Hoseok are sick and tired of having their plans for world domination wrecked by you, aka Vitality, the world’s most powerful superhero. When fellow villain Jimin suggests a little competition to see who can bring you to your knees, they both eagerly accept. Now the battle is on as both men engage you in fight after fight to see who will conquer you first. Will you finally defeat these two, or will they destroy you - and possibly take each other out in the process?
A/N: And we're back in the ring again, for another round of fights! Things are really heating up. Time for our villains to decide if they're gonna put out the fire, or burn even brighter, as Hobi himself would say.
Unbeta’d as usual. I’d love to know what you think - my inbox is always open! 💕
Chapter Four ✨ Series Masterlist ✨ Chapter Six
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Chapter Five: Back in the Ring
Yoongi would really love to hear Jimin announce his name as the winner, but the way you’re moving in that straitjacket right now has him doubting today’s his lucky day.
You’re also questioning your luck as you attempt to free yourself from the tight black garment. One moment, you were seconds away from defeating Yoongi again, shooting his daggers out of the sky and aiming for him next, when suddenly you felt that familiar invisible wave pulsate through you, and you fainted.
You, Vitality, the most powerful creature on the fucking planet, swooned like some lady in a romance novel whose stays were tied too tight. You passed the fuck out in the middle of a fight, and woke up wearing a straitjacket, suspended by chains dangling from the ceiling in… well, you don’t know where the fuck you are. He must’ve dragged you back to one of the many safehouses he has scattered across the globe. And your fucking powers are on the fritz again, just like the last time you’d fought Yoongi and ended up strung up on the wall. 
You. Are. Pissed.
“Where the fuck are we, you ginger psycho?!” you shriek, swinging back and forth as you shift your shoulders, trying to loosen the jacket’s stranglehold. “And why the fuck do you even have a straitjacket??”
Yoongi merely cackles, stroking your nose with the tip of his dagger, trying to maintain his relaxed air. The plan is to dangle you over the cage where Moonlight, his beloved snow leopard, is waiting impatiently for her dinner. But the elaborate rope and pulley system Taehyung designed is… well, it’s stuck, the gears refusing to turn, so now Yoongi’s stalling for time while Taehyung searches for his oil. 
Yoongi makes a note to discuss proper lubrication techniques with his confidant once Moonlight’s been fed. 
The power disrupters seem to be working perfectly for once, thankfully. However, you’re bouncing so wildly that Yoongi’s starting to suspect he’s made a bad decision here with his choice of constraint. That damn jacket. Why not use his standard restraints? There are no points here for showmanship. 
Sometimes he just can’t help himself. He’s a natural born showman. 
An agitated growl brings his wandering thoughts back to heel. 
“Patience, darling,” Yoongi calls out to his pet. He taps his dagger against your cheek. “Any last requests?”
“Yeah, why don’t you kiss my ass, motherfucker?” you spit, feeling your left arm starting to slip. Shit, you really hate this part.
Yoongi sheaths his dagger as he roughly grips your face with one leather-gloved hand. “That can be arranged, if you’d like. I told you before, I am open to suggestions.”
“I suggest you go fuck yourself, you fucking cockwaffle!”
He barely blinks at your spite. “For a superhero, you have such a filthy mouth,” he murmurs, running a thumb over your bottom lip. “Want me to put it to good use one last time?”
“Whatever you’re about to say, just shove–“ 
“Always so vulgar,” Yoongi interrupts you smoothly, fingers still grasping your cheeks. He needs to divert your attention long enough for Taehyung to figure out the gears, or this is going to end very badly for him. Again. “It’s almost a shame that I have to get rid of you, pretty bird. We could have such fun together.”
Your shoulder loosens. Finally. 
“I highly fucking doubt that, you homicidal maniac.” But you recognize the glint in his eyes, and your swinging stops for a moment as you find yourself lost in it. 
“Come now. Your time is growing short. There’s no need to pretend with me. How long have we been fighting now? How many battles? I can read you so clearly, after all this time. I know you want to know.” He tilts his face, mouth close enough to yours that you can feel his warm breath on your lips. It’s enough to make you lose focus for a moment, chest hitching as soft fingertips ghost over your chin. 
The shift from cruel to gentle is whiplash-inducing. And strangely alluring. But you need to stay sharp. Concentrate. 
Distract him. 
“Know what?” you ask. Scarlet shimmers around him as he steps closer, hands cradling your head. “What could you possibly think you know about me?”
“I know that you’re frustrated.”
“I don’t mean with the current circumstances, pretty bird. I know you’re frustrated with the way your company just can’t seem to keep its hands on me.” The corner of his mouth curls in a self-satisfied smirk. “And you’re shouldering all that blame yourself, aren’t you? No matter how much you do for them, it’s just not enough, is it?”
You blink, trying not to show how rattled you are by his words. It’s like he can see directly into your mind. How the fuck does he do that? “You just think you know everything, don’t you?” 
Yoongi laughs, a low chuckle that tickles your cheek. He adjusts his grip, one hand on either side of your face, eyes darkening as they gaze into yours. 
“It’s true, pretty bird, that there is so much I know. So much that you’re not even aware of. But I will admit now, knowing you’ll take this secret to your grave, that there’s something I’ve always longed to know.”
Something he remembers, one very drunken evening, talking to someone else about. He also remembers the way the other man had glanced at him like he was mad. 
He always loathed that look. 
“What?” The question tumbles from your mouth before you can stop it. This is your chance - don’t let yourself get distracted now!
“What it would be like,” he whispers into your mouth, “if we….” 
One second, you’re both waiting, and then you’re both moving, crossing the space between you. The invisible line. 
The kiss is surprisingly tender. Yoongi moves delicately against your mouth, but the way you softly sigh and part your lips for him turns him feral, and soon you’re both gasping for air.
Yoongi breaks away first, shaking his head, trying to clear the fog of arousal that suddenly clouds his mind. The last thing he wants is Hobi mocking him for thinking with his dick again. 
He’s given him more than enough to laugh at over the years.
“Holy shit,” you pant, staring at him. “Did you… did you feel…?”
Yoongi nods, still hazy. He did feel something. Like sparks. Shooting up his arm. They’re still going, actually.
Oh, shit. Those fucking wonky power disrupters.
Yoongi’s blasted off his feet. White beams crackle from the fingertips of the hand you’ve managed to free thanks to your dislocated shoulder. With a grin, you zap him again, hard enough to stun, and shake yourself free of the jacket. Another few zaps at your chains and you’re back on your feet just as Taehyung rushes through the door with a can of oil. 
“Found it, hyung!” he yells triumphantly, stopping short at the sight of Yoongi lying on the ground while you tower over him. “Oh. Shit.” 
The can goes flying as Taehyung hits the ground. Yoongi peers up at you blearily, still reeling from your attack. A halo of bright energy flows around your body as you gaze down at him, giving you an ethereal glow. His dazed mind thinks you look like an angel of death. A valkyrie, come to claim him at last.
He sighs as darkness steals him away. 
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“Thank you for joining me today, hyungs. Sorry we couldn’t do this in my office, but it’s out of commission at the moment.” Jimin’s smile drips with charm as his holographic image flickers on Hobi’s console. 
“Still can’t get the blood stains out, huh?” Yoongi drawls through the speakers. He’d opted out of using Hobi’s holo-tech for today’s meeting. Typical analog Yoongi. Hobi leans back, letting his legs rest on the table in front of him in his command center. 
Jimin’s smile tightens at Yoongi’s question. “The rug’s just fine, thanks for asking, hyung. Anyway, I thought it was time to check in on your challenge and see how things are going. We should - will you please stop fiddling with that?”
The image of the handsome man in the three-piece suit stabilizes as he glares at someone out of view. “Sorry, Jimin-ssi,” a contrite voice apologizes.
“Hey Jungkook-ah,” Yoongi greets the younger man.
“Hi Yoongi-hyung!” Jungkook trills merrily from somewhere off-screen beside Jimin.
“Quit fucking with my tech, Jungkook-ah,” Hobi growls in lieu of pleasantries. 
“Sorry, Hobi-hyung!” 
Jimin pinches his nose. “If you’re done, Jungkook, I’d like to get back to my meeting now?” 
“Yeah, can we please get on with this?” Yoongi replies agitatedly. Hobi’s not sure what’s more irritating, Yoongi’s voice or the meeting itself. 
He drums his fingers on the console, itching to get this over with. Vitality’s been a thorn in his side since the day she debuted as the Bureau of Technology and Superheroes’s latest super do-gooder. He should be plotting his next move against her. Instead, he’s stuck in this meeting. His mind wanders to his last attempt to defeat her, when she’d literally flipped the balance and taken him down so swiftly. He can still feel the heat of her thighs squeezing him as she’d rolled them over.…
Several seconds pass before Hobi realizes that Jimin’s image is staring at him. “Fuck, sorry, what was that?”
“I asked if you agree.”
“Right. With…?”
“Jesus, will you stop playing with your gadgets and pay attention? Can’t you keep your hands off your toys for five fucking seconds?” Yoongi’s annoyed voice hisses over the comms. 
“Fuck off,” Hobi replies evenly. “I’m not playing with anything, I just drifted off while Jimin was nattering on.”
“Thanks, hyung,” Jimin’s smile finally slips from his face as he scowls into the holo-cam. “Anyway, if you’ll just pull up the Powerpoint presentation I emailed to you, we can continue.” 
Hobi raises a finger and Jin automatically loads the presentation on the main monitor of the command center. An image of Hobi and Yoongi glaring at each other fills the screen, along with the title “Dark Hobi vs Evil Yoongi: Progress Report.” 
“Oh god. Comic Sans? Really, Jimin?” 
Jimin ignores Hobi, clearing his throat officiously. “If you scroll to the first slide, you’ll see…” 
Jimin’s blathering fades into the background as Hobi swipes his finger in the air. Jin follows his movements, scrolling through the slides quickly. There are images of his last battle along with Yoongi’s in here. Each slide also contains Jimin's pompous commentary. Hobi rolls his eyes, flipping through faster. His friend is really milking this competition. 
Whatever keeps him out of Hobi’s hair is fine with him. 
Then he reaches the final slide. 
“What the fuck, Jimin?” 
Jimin breaks off, glancing into the holo-cam. “Hyung, what is it? I was in the middle of discussing - “
“I don’t care. You’re declaring Yoongi the winner so far?”
“Well, look at that.” Hobi’s eye twitches at how pleased Yoongi sounds.
“Hyung! Are you scrolling ahead?” Jimin’s hologram pouts. “You’re supposed to be following along with us. Do you have any idea how long it took me to put this together??”
“Two weeks,” Jungkook pipes up helpfully.
Hobi rubs his face. “Jimin-ah! I don’t care! I just don’t understand how you can say Yoongi’s in the lead. The winner’s the one who kills Vitality. Either she’s alive or she’s dead, there’s no in-between. So how can he be ahead if she’s still breathing?” 
“Well, hyung, if you had bothered to pay attention, I would’ve answered that for you on slide number 34, where I introduce the point system that I’ve - “
“Point system!” Hobi’s changed his mind. Jimin’s doing too much. “Are you serious? This is absolutely ridiculous, Jimin.” He rises to his feet and starts to pace, knowing the holo-cam will track the motion. “Powerpoint presentations and check-ins and now point systems? What a waste of time! I should be attacking Vitality right now!” 
“Excuse me? A waste of time?? How dare - “ 
“Then go.” 
Yoongi’s calm voice cuts into Jimin’s sputtering. He sounds completely unbothered.
Hobi stops pacing, peering into the cam as if it would show him Yoongi. “What did you say?” 
“I said, then go. Go fight Vitality again. No one cares what you do.” 
Red flashes across Hobi’s vision. “I wasn’t talking to you,” he seethes through his teeth, grinding them together. “I was talking to Jimin.” 
“On a conference call. So I’m here too, dipshit.” Yoongi’s voice is a little tighter now. He’s trying to maintain control. It only makes Hobi want to rip into him more. 
“I know you are, asshole, but I was clearly only addressing Jimin, so I don’t need to hear your opinion on the matter! So just shut the fuck up!” 
“Hyungs, can we please - “
“No, you shut the fuck up! Stop complaining and leave already, if this whole meeting is beneath you!” 
“There’s no need for the two of you - “
“I never said it was beneath me!“ 
“You didn’t have to say it, it was implied in your tone! It’s always implied in your tone, you always act like you’re superior to everyone else!” Yoongi’s yelling now, practically roaring over the comms. 
“I do not - “
“Yes you do! Look at the way you’re talking to Jimin! Fuck, look at the way you used to talk to me!”
“Fuck you!” Hobi slams his hands on the table. There’s a replying bang on the other end, like Yoongi’s also taking his anger out on something around him. “I never treated you badly! Never!” 
Jimin silently gazes into the holo-cam, eyes wide as he listens to both men panting. Hobi leans against the wall behind the table, head down as he closes his eyes. Yoongi’s fucking inferiority complex drove him crazy when they were together and it angers him even more now. He never understood how amazing he is. 
Was. How amazing he was. Now, he’s just another thorn in Hobi’s side. 
He really needs to do some pruning.
Jimin clears his throat again. “If the two of you are done…”
“Yeah. We’re done.” Yoongi spits. 
“Finished,” Hobi agrees with a sneer. “As is this conversation. Jimin, don’t waste another two weeks on more of this Powerpoint bullshit.” Jimin lets out a tiny ‘hey’ as Hobi raises his hand. “And don’t send me any more meeting invites. We’ll talk again when I’ve won.” He makes a fist, and Jin cuts the connection. Jimin’s hologram disappears. 
There’s a beat, and then Jin says, “So, that went well.”
“Shut it, Jin.” Hobi slums back into his chair. “Pull up the schematics for file #218. Let’s finalize this. I want to mobilize as soon as possible.” 
“Yes, sir.” Hobi appreciates the lack of pet names as his newest project loads on the monitor. Taking a deep breath, he forces his pulse to slow, trying his damnedest to push that meeting out of his thoughts. But no matter what he does, Yoongi’s mocking tone just keeps echoing in his ear. It’s still there two days later when Hobi boards his jet, on his way to enact his latest plan.
“No one cares what you do.”
He’ll fucking show him. Hobi’ll make Yoongi care, when he wins. Then he’ll make him pay.
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Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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missywritesfor7 · 9 months
🔥 Pandora’s Hope | JHS 🔥
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Synopsis: Hoseok and his girlfriend broke up just a few months ago and now all he wants is to get laid with no strings attached. One night his best friend Nari decides to help him with that despite being in a relationship with a controlling psycho. One time can’t hurt, but it turns into more times. Before they know it, Hoseok and Nari find themselves caught in a complicated web of sex, lies, crime, fear, and so much pain.
Hoseok starts sleeping with his best friend but it gets complicated when her boyfriend turns out to be more than just an abusive asshole and they have to get an attorney and detective involved.
Pairing: dom!Hoseok x fem!oc
Status: Complete
Warnings: NSFW, smut, some more smut, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, cheating, organized crime, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, death, some fluff because Hoseok, parenthood, alcoholism
Previous chapter | Next chapter | Masterlist
|| Ch. 2: Ego ||
Saturday morning Hoseok wakes up and stares at the ceiling trying to figure out what happened last night. What got into Nari? How did he let her break him down so easily?
He had never thought of doing anything with her before. She always seemed off limits in his mind. Not only because she’s already in a relationship, albeit a garbage one, but also because he only saw her as his best friend. His little sister who he should protect although she’s only one year younger than him. But he can’t shake the image of her on her knees before him. The way she begged him to make her feel good. It’s like she learned his biggest weakness and used it to her advantage.
Was she in her right mind? Was she so mad about her fight with Leo that she lost all reason and Hoseok just so happened to be at the right place at the right time? Why did any of this happen?
His focus is lost, all he can think about is how good she felt, but also if it was a mistake. He wonders if he should go back to the bar tonight and ask her what that was about. Or should he avoid her for a few days and wait for the dust to settle first?
The day becomes night and he finally makes a quick decision to go to the bar. Somewhere in his haze he must have forgotten what day it is because he arrives to a busy and lively bar. Why did he think they’d be able to talk here now? Still, he takes his place at the bar figuring he’d may as well get a drink since he’s here.
“Whiskey?” Nari asks with a smile.
“I think I’ll just have a beer,” he says as if the whiskey was the problem last night.
“Beer?” She asks raising an eyebrow. “As you wish.” She smirks and fills a glass.
“Do I have to worry about your boyfriend showing up again?” He asks as she places the glass in front of him.
“No,” she sighs. “I don’t think so.”
“You don’t seem so sure.”
“You know how he is.”
“Yeah, I do. That’s why we need to talk.”
“You picked a fine time,” she chuckles. “You’ll be lucky to get me for five minutes.”
“I’ve got all night,” he says sipping his beer.
All night is exactly what it ends up taking. She’s moving around nonstop mixing drinks, cleaning counters, and flirting for a few extra tips from the big spenders. She refills Hoseok’s beer periodically but doesn’t stop for more than two minutes at a time. He’s about five beers in by the time the last customer leaves.
“How are you getting home?” She asks wiping down the counter for a final time.
“I drove,” he says finishing the last of his final beer.
“That’s not how you’re getting home though.”
“Why not?”
“Because I know you, and I know you’ve passed your limit a few drinks ago,” she chuckles.
“You’re the one who kept serving me,” he smirks.
“That’s why I’m the one who’s going to take you home.”
“You don’t need to do that.”
“But I want to.” She looks at him with her pleading eyes. That look is giving him flashbacks to last night that prickles his skin with goosebumps.
“What about your boyfriend? Isn’t he going to sniff your car seats and know you had someone else in there?” He says sarcastically.
“Don’t start, Hobi.” She says rolling her eyes.
“Are you going to tell me what last night was about?”
“Nothing,” she sighs. “He just…doesn’t like me working here.”
“You don’t say?” He says sarcastically. “Why is that?”
“He’s always accusing me of fucking my customers.”
“So in retaliation you decided to actually fuck one of your customers? Makes sense.”
“You’re not just one of my customers.”
“What am I then? And why did you…” He trails off waving his hands unsure of how to be direct about this.
“You’re my friend. My best friend and I trust you.” She pauses a moment while biting the corner of her mouth. “I’m just so sick and tired of him accusing me of shit all the time. I figured if he wants to accuse me of something then maybe I should just do it because what difference does it make? He thinks I’m fucking other people regardless.”
“So…you fuck me?”
“You said you just wanted to get your dick wet,” she smirks.
“Well yeah…but seriously, what was that?”
“I don’t know, Hobi,” she pouts. “I was mad and you were here. What do you want me to say?”
“It just caught me off guard. I wasn’t sure if there was more to it than that.”
“Let’s just say I was helping you with one thing and you were helping me with another. Like friends do.” She smiles as if she’s some mastermind for that thought. “Now let me take you home.”
That’s a bit of a relief to Hoseok. He doesn’t care what she has going on with Leo, or that she used him to get back at Leo or whatever it is she’s trying to do. She’s great and he wishes she would leave Leo and find someone better that actually treats her right. But that someone is not Hoseok. She’s his best friend and he doesn’t want this to turn into something awkward if she has deeper feelings for him and he has to turn her down because he doesn’t feel the same.
That was some amazing sex though.
The following day Nari sends him a text letting him know that she’ll take him to get his car later in the evening when Leo goes to work. He tells her not to bother, he’ll just schedule a ride to his car. However, she insists. She begs, to take him to get his car. Fuck her and her begging.
So now he has to sit at home all day without his car because he can’t resist a little begging from his friend. Does she know what begging does to him? They’ve been friends for 3 years and he doesn’t know why she’s suddenly unlocked his weakness. Why can’t he get her off his mind?
Just as she said, she shows up later in the evening and takes him to his car still sitting in the bar parking lot. It’s dark and empty since the bar is closed and when she pulls up next to his car he’s relieved to see that it hasn’t been bothered.
“Thanks for the ride,” he says unbuckling his seatbelt.
“No, thank you,” she says placing her hand on his.
“For what?” He asks a bit confused.
“For being a good friend,” she says softly.
“Of course,” he says unsure of what she’s talking about. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, but everything,” she sighs.
“What did he do this time?” Whenever she’s like this it’s usually because of another fight she had with Leo.
“Nothing. This time it’s me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve been with Leo for 4 years. We’ve done a lot of things together.” She pauses and looks right into Hoseok’s eyes. “In all that time I’ve never had sex with him that was even half as good as sex with you.”
“Oh,” he says taken aback. He wasn’t sure what had been on her mind, but he wouldn’t have guessed it was that. He can’t deny that it definitely makes him feel pretty good.
“Hobi I know I kind of used you because I was just angry with Leo, and I’m sorry for that, but I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I haven’t stopped thinking about how you made me feel.”
“Really?” He feels the same, but this had to be just a one time thing. She’s with Leo, and Leo’s not the type of person that would take something like this well if he found out. Of all people that could offer to help him get his dick wet, it just had to be her.
“I can’t help it,” she says leaning closer to him and running her hand up his thigh. “You made me feel so fucking good. I want more. Can I be your slut again?”
“What? I mean are you sure? What about Leo? And what would that make us?”
“Leo wishes he could make me feel as good as you do.” She moves in closer to him and whispers softly in his ear. “I can be whatever you want me to be.”
Fuck. He knew she had a wild side but he never thought he’d be on the receiving end of it. He never once looked at her in a way that made him want to be on the receiving end of her submissive begging. Fuck her and her begging that has him about to burst out of his pants.
“Fuck, Nari,” he groans in frustration stuck between the angel and devil on his shoulders telling him to do two completely different things.
“Please, Hobi,” she whines brushing her hand over his hardening dick. “Let me take care of this for you.”
He’s frozen in place, effectively paralyzed by her soft lips meeting his. His breathing gets heavier as she reaches for his waistband and frees his dick. She continues kissing him with force, slipping her tongue into his mouth while using her thumb to tease his tip that’s already leaking from excitement.
“Riri,” he moans when she finally pulls back a moment for him to take a breath.
Before he can say anything else she bends over and slowly takes his entire length into her mouth. No matter what his head is telling him, his body won’t let him stop her. The way she moves her tongue over his most sensitive spots that he didn’t even realize he had makes it nearly impossible for him to stop her.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he exhales palming the back of her head and guiding it up and down his shaft a few more times.
“You taste good too,” she says coming back up to taste his lips again.
He wants to ask her so many questions. He wants her to make it make sense to him. He wants to know what her boundaries may be if she even has any. He needs to stop this and clarify a lot of things before they continue on. But instead she lets out another pleading moan begging him to make her feel good again, and that pulls his ego out.
“You want me to make you feel good?” He whispers grabbing a handful of her hair.
“Yes,” she moans.
“Will you do what I say?”
“Yes,” she moans again. “I’ll do anything.”
“Oh really?” He says giving her hair a gentle pull, just enough to reveal her entire neck. “What if I left a few marks on your pretty little neck?”
“Hobi, please,” she whines. “You know I would get in trouble.”
“You’re worried about getting in trouble with him, but you’re the one who said you would be my slut. Did you change your mind?” He tightens his grip in her hair conveying his displeasure with her for even thinking of Leo right now.
“No, I’ll still be your slut. Just…please, Hobi.”
“Don’t worry,” He smirks leaving a small kiss on her neck. “I won’t get you in trouble with your psycho boyfriend, but that means I’ll have to punish you another way.”
“Anything,” she moans. “Whatever you want.”
He releases his hold on her hair and swiftly pull her shirt over her head. She’s wearing a red lace bra that holds her tits up so perfectly. It’s hard for him to maintain his self control, not that he has much left at this point, but he enjoys toying with her. He enjoys teasing her just to hear her beg and moan. He enjoys swirling his tongue around her nipples and listening to her mewl.
“The shorts,” he growls releasing her nipple from his mouth. “Off.”
“Yes, sir,” she moans pulling his dominant side out even more.
She shifts around in her seat removing her shorts and revealing a red thong to match her bra that now sits around her stomach after he pulled it down to reveal her tits.
He watches her while slowly stroking his hard dick. He can’t get over how sexy she looks as he watches her obey his every command. The temperature in her car almost makes it feel like a sauna, but it only makes his heart race even more.
“Sit,” he says gesturing to his lap.
She ponders a moment getting ready to stretch her leg across the center console of her little sedan, but she looks unsure of how. He doesn’t say anything as he watches her finally lift her leg and slide it clumsily across his thighs. He wants to laugh, but he holds his dark expression and continues watching her comically try sliding herself over to his lap.
She gets about three quarters of her body over to him, but she slips and hits her thigh on the gear shifter. She lets out a yelp followed by an exaggerated pout in his direction, going from slut to adorable in a split second.
“Riri,” Hoseok laughs breaking his demeanor and pulling her into his lap. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah,” she pouts. “It kinda hurt though.”
“How are you so clumsy?” He chuckles burying his head in her chest.
“I don’t know,” she laughs shifting herself just enough for him to feel how wet she is through her thong against his dick.
“You better be careful,” he whispers with a smirk. “If you bruise yourself your boyfriend may think you’re fucking someone else.”
“Of course, I can’t have him think that,” she smirks grinding her hips into his cock.
“And yet here you are,” he growls returning his grip in her hair. “Begging me to fuck you.”
She lets out a strangled moan while working her hips into him more. He reaches his free hand down between her legs, slipping under the thin waistband of her thong and begins swirling his finger around her clit. He keeps the rhythm making her moans and whines rapidly increase.
“You’re so wet,” he says slipping a finger inside her with ease. “You must really want me to fuck you.”
“Mhmm,” she moans. “Please. I want you to fuck me so bad.”
“Will you be a good girl for me?” He asks pulling his finger out of her making her whine.
“Yes, Hobi. I’ll be your good girl. I’ll be whatever you want. Please fuck me.”
The amount of power she gives him when she begs burns him up inside. The way she impatiently grinds into him dying for him to fill her up. Teasing her any longer would only be teasing himself and at this point he doesn’t know if he can take much more. He needs to feel her surrounding him.
He pulls her thong to the side and positions her right above his tip. She tries easing herself down but he holds her up in place denying her for just another moment. He just loves hearing her whine for him. He circles his tongue around her nipple before dropping her down on his dick making her yell in pleasure.
He gives her no time to adjust and begins thrusting powerfully up into her. Part of it is because he loves to punish her, but also because he craves her so bad.
She says she hasn’t stopped thinking about him, and he hasn’t stopped thinking about her either. It’s not just the months he’s gone with no sex, but also the way she knows how to turn him on like no one ever has before.
The feeling of her warmth surrounding his cock renders him nearly unable to control his load that’s threatening to release into her. He can feel her clinching around him as she moans and squeals while bouncing in his lap. He won’t last much longer, but he can tell she won’t either.
He stops her movement, holding her down on his dick making her squirm and whine to get the release he’s denying her.
“Does someone want to cum?” He growls into her chest.
“Yes,” she moans. “Please…fuck I wanna cum all over you so bad.” She continues trying to break from his hold though she’s not quite strong enough.
“Do you even deserve to cum yet?” He smirks enjoying the sight of her quickly unraveling.
“Hobi please. I’ve been a good girl. I’ve been a good slut for you.” She sounds desperate and exasperated. “Please let me cum.”
He pulls her into his chest and returns to thrusting into her with no mercy. She’s moaning and sucking on his neck announcing her release that he can feel as she tightly molds around him.
“Fuccckkkk!” She yells reaching her climax and losing control of her body.
He continues going chasing his release as she rides through hers. He matches her moans with his own and let’s everything he has spill into her. She slowly rocks back and forth in his lap leaving soft kisses on his neck as he waits for his temporary paralysis to wear off.
“You’re so good to me, Hobi,” she says smiling and wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.
“You don’t have to keep sweet talking me,” he chuckles. “Get home and get cleaned up before he catches you.”
“Yes, sir,” she smirks. “I’ll talk to you later.”
She’s unbelievable, but so satisfying.
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meeedeee · 1 year
𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝙼𝚎 𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓮 | Taehyung FF
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Kim Taehyung | V/Reader
Kim Taehyung | V
Min Yoongi | Suga
Park Jimin (BTS)
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
Kim Namjoon | RM
Jeon Jungkook
Kim Seokjin | Jin
Drama & Romance
Falling In Love
Love Triangles
Blood and Violence
Psychological Horror
Emotional/Psychological Abuse
Protective Bangtan Boys | BTS
Big Hit Entertainment
Sexual Content
Sexual Tension
Embedded Video
Psychological Drama
Bts mafia
bts mafia ff
Taehyung Mafia
bts psycho
Kim Taehyung, once part of the Mafia, has escaped prison after 3 years and seeks vengeance on those who wronged him. He's also a psycho murderer feared by many, but he soon becomes intrigued by Y/N and plans to use her for his own gains.
Taehyung x Y/N - Dark Romance
(YouTube FF)
(YouTube, Quotev)
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45257491
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thirstybtsthoughts · 2 years
If anyone here finds a Jack in the Box Jhope, psycho-type AU… I know I sound crazy but he’s been making me feel some typa way…
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It’s creepy but also hot?! Maybe a sadistic Hoseok fic would fit well here 👀
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back2bluesidex · 1 year
My favorite KDrama ever is “Her Private Life” which I think is still on Netflix but it’s now on Prime too. It’s the first one I ever watched, and it’s just my perfect mix of silly romantic fun and actual drama.
“Hometown Cha Cha Cha” was really great.
“Crash Landing on You” is really popular and you’ve probably heard of it/watched it - but it’s really one of the best so it bears repeating.
“Cinderella & the Four Knights” was good too, a little heavier on the drama but still fun and romantic with characters you somehow hate and root for simultaneously.
“Vincenzo” I watched because I think Taehyung or Jimin said they liked it - so obviously I watched it too lmao. If they jumped off a bridge…yeah.
Those are the ones that come to mind for me - the ones I’ve rewatched a few times because they became comfort shows (especially HPL).
Omg omg!!
Vincenzo is one of my top 3 dramas of all time. And the credit goes to Ok Taecyeon. Even though Song Joon Ki is one of my most favourite actors but Jung Joonho really stole the show as THE VILLAIN (i might sound like a psycho but I kinda enjoy the villains more than the heroes, haha 💀)
Crash Landing on you is something I thoroughly enjoyed, like every single bit of it. I personally prefer Action more than romance. But Crash Landing on you makes an exception for me. And I started watching the drama after knowing it is Hoseok's favourite one. 😭
I watched cindrella and the four knights as well. Liked it quite a bit but it wasn't really my kind of thing. However, I loved the tension. Hehe.
And I haven't watched hometown cha cha cha and her private life yet. I actually started HPL but I lost track of it maybe? I watched two episodes as far as I can recall. 🤔 I should start it again.
As for me, The K2 remains as my most favourite kdrama ever. Gosh!!! That drama has every single element I loooove!!! You can't find a single loophole! Everything is perfectly placed. I literally recommend it to everyone. The protagonist, Kim Je Ha, played by Ji Chang Wook, remains as my most ideal fictional man (right after Kanalia's Lord Jung OBVIOUSLY) ever.
Thanks for taking your time and sending me this ask. 🥺 You're so kind. 💜
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bibbykins · 2 years
I think the only one we haven't seen go all psycho is Yoongi 👀, all the other boys have shown some kind of underlying craziness to them so I was thinking if there is a reason for that🤔
Oh someone cue my evil laughter rn
Thank you for noticing but yesss Yoongi is absolutely batshit he's just more outwardly composed and he hasn't been pushed to his limits... where MC can see. Yoongi is quite interesting as a chatacter being the first one to tell her he loves her and what not and having met her the same night Tae and Namjoon did. Like did he follow her from then on or was it just luck like with Hoseok that they met again? There is kinda a reason we haven't seen his brand of yandere quite yet, but all will be revealed in time!
I look forward to showing y'all how deep his crazy goes soon~
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colormepurplex2 · 8 months
ColorMePurplex2's Jung Hoseok Masterlist
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RATING: (regardless, this space is not for minors) G - general audience | PG - strong, suggestive language | PG-13 - frequent use of strong language, grittier subject matter | R - large amounts of vulgar language and adult references | MA - strictly for adults 18+ WARNINGS: please do not take these lightly, if it’s listed that means you can expect to encounter it DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to own any part of BTS. All members of BTS are faces and name claims for these stories. Every post is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgement, or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in my works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
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▻ Box Of Chocolates ↳ Pairing: x f.Reader ┉ AU/Trope(s): Hometown, Exes to Lovers ⤜ Genre(s): angst, smut, mild fluff ⤜ Rating: MA Chapters: [2/2] WC: 15,093 Summary: You never thought you’d see Hoseok again, much less find yourself spending Valentine’s together just like you used to; with a box of chocolates and endless, sinful possibilities. ⚠️ It’s like 30% angst and 70% smut. Semi-hate sex. Established safeword and consent conversation. Restraints, dom/sub, flogging/spanking, sex toys, fingering, blowjob, blindfold/sensory deprivation, dirty talk, vaginal sex. Please check the beginning of each chapter for specific warnings.
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▻ Play With Fire ↳ Pairing: x f.Reader ┉ AU/Trope(s): Crime/Arsonist AU ⤜ Genre(s): Infatuated Lovers | angst, smut, gritty fluff ⤜ Rating: MA Chapters: [2/2] WC: 8,168 Summary: Like a moth to the flame, you were drawn in from the moment you laid eyes on Jung Hoseok. Clouds of smoke and ash billowed around him, dark smudges on his cheeks and a wild, manic grin on his face. You had just finished emptying out the safe in the back office when some psycho threw a molotov through the front window of the convenience store. As you scrambled through the window you used to enter, you made the snap decision to run after the pyro. Little did you know you’d catch fire in an instant and burn hotter than hell. But, you’re not the only thing burning. When a job goes sideways, you both vow to make the world burn…starting with the asshole that’s betrayed you. He wants to play with fire; so you’ll see to it that he burns. ⚠️  Semi-public blowjob, mild spit kink, theft, dark thoughts revolving around arson and petty crimes, Yoongi is a crime kingpin that you and Hoseok work for, talk of murder, outdoor sex, sub/dom tones, manhandling, fire play, creampie, orgasm denial/edging, praise, restraints, fingering, guns/someone gets shot, blood, it’s all a little dark. Please check the beginning of each chapter for specific warnings.
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▻ The Stars In His Eyes…The Hate In Your Heart ↳ Pairing: x f.Reader ┉ AU/Trope(s): Non-Idol, Enemies to Lovers, Brother's Best Friend ⤜ Genre(s): angst, smut, fluff ⤜ Rating: MA Chapters: [2/2] WC: 18,085 Summary: Jung Hoseok: a devil dressed in a lilac suit with stars in his eyes. He’s not a real devil, no. Just a demon of your own thinking; with a lithe body and a penchant for getting on your last nerve. Namjoon, your twin and Hoseok’s best friend, is getting married. That draws you irrevocably into Hoseok’s gravitational pull—adding to the hate in your heart—as you’re forced to share the honor of standing by Namjoon’s side with him. It’s a month-long battle of wills. You against Hoseok. Will you snuff out the stars in his eyes, or will another emotion infiltrate your hate-filled heart? ⚠️ Crass language, hurt feelings, BIG misunderstandings, mild childhood misogyny, childhood abuse-descriptions of welts made by a belt, shared trauma, mentions of alcoholism/drinking leading to the arrest of a parent, kissing, safe word/consent, mild dom!Reader sub!Hoseok, clit grinding/cock rubbing, penetration denial, nipple tweaking, biting, unprotected v. sex, cum eating/worship, oral f. receiving Please check the beginning of each chapter for specific warnings.  
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WIPS: BOUNCE - dance battle, enemies to lovers
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Check out my other Masterlists: OT7 x Reader/OT7 Kim Namjoon Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Jung Hoseok Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Jeon Jungkook Multi-Member x Reader/OC Member x Member
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©️      2021-23    ColorMePurplex2
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aajjks · 2 months
“she’s dead, jungkook” alina says. “why did it take her death for you to realize how much you love her? i…i can’t believe you right now”
“that’s not love, alina. that’s guilt. you never fucking loved her and i could respect that if you weren’t so fucking stupid. how callous can you be to break someone’s heart over and over willingly?? you just shamelessly admitted that you’re in love with that psycho bitch who ruined your marriage. i can’t even LOOK at you right now. how could you do this, man? how could you?”
both alina and eunwoo are in disbelief at their friend. they never knew jungkook to be like this and in alina’s mind, this ‘y/n-girl’ is to blame. she used him to the very end despite being well-aware of his wife. jungkook knew she was forbidden fruit but he took a bite anyways and became a addicted.
y/n played her part so well. even now, she’s calling jungkook’s phone, leaving voicemails, and text messages from all kinds of numbers begging for him to come back so she can use him all over again. even though eunwoo doesn’t think jungkook loved syelle, alina does. he cries like he lost the someone precious to him. he holds her wedding ring so tight like it’ll disappear at any moment or maybe it’ll bring her back. but at the end of the day, they are still jungkook’s friends no matter how bad he fucked up.
tomorrow comes rather quickly and there’s no sun in the sky. even the world mourns the loss of syelle as rain begins to fall from the sky before welcoming in an additional angel above.
eunwoo and alina head to jungkook’s place to pick him up and the tension, although thick, is sad. eunwoo refrains from speaking to jungkook but alina tries to cheer him up despite her disappointment in him. they still love their friend but after knowing the truth, it’s hard to view their kookie the same way they used to.
as they walk inside the church, all three are given an obituary with syelle’s freckled smile on the front.
sunrise june 28, 2001 — sunset august 16 2025
the service was sad. so many people cried for syelle. hoseok, her coworkers, and even her parents. even jungkook couldn’t hold it together as people stood up to speak about what syelle was like at her job and even as a friend.
“ehem” begins sung-woo. “i was contemplating coming up here because…because this, right here? this is a parent’s worst nightmare. i never thought in a million years i would be burying my child”
“from a young age syelle wanted to be a superhero and she achieved that by becoming a nurse. she told me “i’m gonna build up my résumé then go back for my doctorate’s, dad” and i said “okay” because as a father, you want to support your children’s dreams. unfortunately, she won’t get to achieve her dream because here she is….syelle didn’t die from a broken heart. she died because she loved too hard. she loved people more than she loved herself. she would do anything for the people she loved and i blame myself for that because maybe i didn’t love her enough. i don’t know…but i stand here encouraging, begging those who are struggling to love themselves, please, i beg of you, love yourself. love yourself more. respect those you love. honor those you love and if you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation then you need to leave. and i hope you learned YOUR lesson because i know syelle did. thank you”
Tears keep falling. He’s not even running out of tears. He knows this is just a start.
As he hears his father-in-law’s speech, and his broken voice, it makes Jungkook want to slap himself, he is sitting right next to eunwoo who is next to his wife, and all of the people present in the church are crying.
The heaven really gained another angel today, but jungkook lost his- The atmosphere is so somber, jungkook is so depressed because he couldn’t get any sleep last night. His heart hurts.
His head hurts.
He keeps on staring at the beautiful picture of Syelle. She was so beautiful and he failed to see it. And she was so fucking young. he ruined her without any guilt so now what is the point of him crying like a little bitch?
“I think it’s your turn..” eunwoo scoffs at Jungkook, but yes, he really wanted to give a speech in her honor, Jungkook gets up and fixes his coat- his tie is a little little messy because she always used to do it for him but- now she’s gone.
Her wedding ring is still in his pocket so he feels a little little bit closer to her.
It’s time for the eulogy. Jungkook feels the weight of peoples eyes on him. A lot of people are not aware why she died, but Hoseok and his father-in-law know the reason really well so he can feel the guilt creeping up again and again, as he feels their glares.
Jungkook sighs and sniffles.
He stands with a microphone in his hand- he’s so grateful to his parents in law that they allowed him to give a eulogy, he doesn’t deserve to, but he wants to.
“I-I… can’t believe that she’s gone..” his voice breaks, “Syelle was nothing less than an angel and I guess the heaven was so eager to have her…” oh, he knows that’s not true
“ my wife was the best wife in the world… but.. I wasn’t the greatest husband to her. Syelle deserved someone who could’ve loved her just like the way she deserved to be… as I was hearing from her coworkers and friends about her kindness. I wasn’t surprised because…” he inhales, the bile in his throat is rising.
“she was the most kindest woman I’ve ever met in my life.. and she had the most contagious gorgeous smile.. I wish I could see it for one last time but that’s impossible..” when he starts to cry the people in the church also have tears in their eyes.
“I was so blessed to call her my wife… she was a perfect woman for me, but I failed to realize that- maybe because God knew that I wasn’t the man for her… I never deserved her.” Alina cries softly, Eunwoo also has unshed tears in his eyes.
Sung-woo is emotional.. “ but God knows- my heart is so heavy right now-it has been ever since I found out about… I want to hug her for the last time..” he whimpers, crying.
“Syelle I love you and I’m so sorry I was too late to realize that… I really want to hug you for the last time.”
But he knows he will never be able to hug her again.
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