#psychonauts exchange
doodle17 · 9 months
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Your Psychonauts headcanons
Give them to me
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paxcallow · 2 years
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my submission for the psychonauts gift exchange on AO3, midnight at whispering rock! it was a lot of fun!
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ransomroom · 1 month
Imagine cuntfucking a new-age, hippie tgirl while she’s on LSD. She trusts you to take care of her while she’s “expanding her consciousness” or some shit. You expand her fucking cunt and knock up that dumbfuck astrology skank. You leave her behind to swell with the bastard you pumped into her whore womb. Later you see her posting about how she got “impregnated by a higher-dimensional god from Nibiru.” Nobody believes her bullshit. They can all tell how pathetic she really is. You can tell she secretly hates how much she loved being used. How she fucks herself in impotent rage while thinking about how you ruined her life. How she’s never gonna get justice. How you’ll move on to the next piece of ass while she’s gonna pathetically worship you forever. Because you’re her God, and she’s just some hippy slut.
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Well shit, anon! That's! Intriguing??
Who's to say being ravaged while tripping balls wouldn't actually expand the consciousness of a breedable woo-woo whore? I'm sure her consciousness isn't all that fucking vast to begin with. Let me guess, she also worships dirt?
If filth is something to worship, I'll make an awesome God indeed. 🙏 What will she lose more sleep over, I wonder: The brainwashing subliminally administered as she peaked on acid, chemically binding her to me forever, or my spawn physically overtaking her body like a parasite, stealing her life?
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rats-and-clovers · 1 year
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each and every new camper to arrive on the whispering rock campgrounds, will get welcomed with a big ol bear hug from the mascot himself! (whether they like it or not UwU)
(the new camper in this case being @irregularsweater´s lil scamp asdfgh)
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pinkygrocket · 1 year
Mirtala finds a weird frog on the shore of Lake Oblongata, and takes it to Nurse Cruller to help nurse it back to health. --- On a late-night trip to the boy's bathroom, Raz feels something watching him, staring at him from the trees.
author reveals are live for gen freeform exchange 2023! here's the gift i wrote for @kibasniper - some light horror comedy featuring raz and mirtala!
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roundestrow1et · 2 years
gender exchange ( a short comic about raz and frazie )
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goatpaste · 12 days
hough started playing psychonauts for a second at a friends house, im very enjoying it so far
would anyone wanna trade art in exchange for buy it me on steam lol
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bcdrawsandwrites · 9 months
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[ID: The first image Psychonauts fanfic banner on a black-to-gray gradient background. On the left in white text it says “Prompt #7: What Have I Done?” On the right is a bright red animated figment of an open Psycho-Portal with scribbles inside.
The second image is a Bad Things Happen Bingo card. Various prompts are marked with a half-brain (prompt requested but not filled) or full-brain (prompt requested and finished) symbol, while the “What Have I Done” prompt specifically is marked with a full brain symbol. /end ID]
And now after NOT taking multiple months, here’s the next fic in my @badthingshappenbingo challenge!
I am currently NO LONGER OPEN FOR REQUESTS. I have enough to work on to get a bingo! I MAY decide to reopen prompts later if I want to keep going after finishing these fics, but for now, requests are closed!
This prompt requested by @jaywings, who also beta-read, as did @portalcartoon! (Also thanks to @mechmolar who's been animating my gif frames since Photoshop stopped working for me.)
Prompt: What Have I Done Characters: Ford Cruller, Lucrecia Mux, other Psychic 7 members Warnings: Implied death/murder, implied drug use
The first time Ford sees her on that warm summer night, the rest of the world turns fuzzy. Her eyes catch his immediately, and his heart flutters, his face flushing. She hasn't even spoken yet, and already something about her is making him smile like an idiot. It takes him a moment to realize Otto has been talking. With a jolt and a stutter he asks Otto to repeat his words, but his friend's voice only fades into the background once again, and Ford's gaze is on her once more.
He can't help but notice, she's smiling too.
Otto is saying something, but he can't hear him. The world has turned fuzzy, and all he can see is Lucy's smiling face in the photograph on the table, and the letter in his shaking hands.
The first time Ford sees her powers, he can only stare in awe. His and Otto's attempts at hydrokinesis had resulted in mere bubbles and splashes, which they'd had fun fooling around with, splashing each other when one wasn't looking.
Lucy is not fooling around. With a mere thought, she commands the water as though it were an extension of her outstretched hand. She moves with grace and precision, yet with enough power that their previous mining efforts are dwarfed in comparison. Massive waves wash away dirt and stone and other minerals and draw heaps of glowing crystals to their feet, leaving not a droplet behind.
Bob and Helmut link trembling hands, and a nearby vine beckons Ford nearer.
The television screen is small and colorless, and the figure in the distance is barely discernible. But her command of water is unmistakable, even though it is people, not stones, that it brings to her feet.
The first time Ford enters Lucy's mind is among one of the first times he has ever entered a mind. It is frightening yet fascinating as he sets foot on a giant quilt that undulates like gentle ocean waves. Buildings made of patchwork resemble a town from a faraway place, like something out of a picture book. Though he is attacked by the same small creatures he had seen in Otto's mind, this world is vastly different. Some of it is locked away to him, however, and he urges Lucy to open her mind more, eager to explore this uncharted territory.
They have explored the Gulch, their psychic powers, and each other's minds, but the war room is entirely uncharted territory. The government was never supposed to be involved, and yet here were politicians representing every country Ford had ever known and then some, all of them begging their little friend group to please do something. They speak of the horrors this "monster" has committed, and one points out that they have no idea what she will do next.
But they say that Ford and his group of psychic heroes—surely they must know what lies in the mind of this madwoman.
Ford and the others exchange worried glances. He knows what he put into her mind... but none of them know what has happened to it now.
When Ford continually pushes Lucy to open up more, he feels no deep worry or fear. Over the years they'd known each other, they had explored each other's minds, probing into the depths, looking for what new wonders there were to find.
Memory Vaults remain open, frolicking through the mindscape with their mouths agape. Exposure to certain substances sooth Doubts and Regrets and make Censors sluggish to act, allowing for more ease of exploration. New doors open, allowing for more and more depths to explore.
In spite of her dulled inhibitors, Lucy expresses her fear sometimes, unsure if they're pushing each other too far. But Ford assures her that all is safe, here. Nothing can reach them here in the Gulch, and he puts her hands in his own, assuring her that she can trust him.
They are far from any troubles.
The helicopter takes them far, far from the Gulch. The ride is silent and tense, no one saying a word, even over telepathy—or none of them speak to Ford, anyway. Bob and Helmut stare at their interlinked hands, Cassie and Compton huddle close, and Otto looks blankly ahead, his face unreadable.
None of them meet his gaze.
Her horrified gasp shatters their peaceful morning. Lucy stares at the newspaper for an eternity before it drops from her shaking hands, and her sister's name leaves her trembling lips.
Ford's immediate thought is to comfort and reassure her, but she's already packing her bags, deaf to his words.
His words of comfort soon turn to pleas to stay—everything's changing too fast. Their minds are different. She doesn't know what will happen. (He doesn't know what will happen.) But she insists that she must leave, she must help her sister, and nothing he can say will sway her.
It's when she leaves, taking off riding on a wave, that it strikes him that they'd never taken the time to close up their minds. But he tries to reassure himself—he knows her. She won't let anything harmful into her mind, and they'll see each other again, once this is all over.
The first time Ford sees Maligula, he does not recognize her. He's not alone, as all of them stare at her in horror, wondering at the identity of this monster standing before them.
It's not until Bob calls out to everyone that this is Lucy—that this is their friend—that recognition sets in, and nearly brings Ford to his knees. This is it—this was Lucy who brought those people to her feet, who wiped this country off the map, who let this terrible darkness into her heart—or out of it.
...But she hadn't done that alone.
It was Ford who had begged her to open those doors in her mind in the first place.
And he stands before Maligula, a single horrified thought running through his mind:
What have I done?
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honestmagpie · 1 year
Hey do y'all ever think about how Raz's love language seems to be 'Acts of Service', and how he goes around helping literally everyone he can get ahold of, even people who have objectively been assholes to him?
D'you ever think about how no-one except his own family ever seem to go out of their way to help him? It's always just an exchange, he does a quest and gets a reward, but the only people who go out of their way to do something for him are when his own family lends him energy to let HIM combat whatever major threat is happening. This ten-year-old who somehow has Gifted Kid Syndrome without even going to a public school.
Do you ever think about how this kid's been working his ass off for 3-5 days, and the only sleep he's really gotten was that time he fell unconscious after a plane crash? How he immediately went right back into saving the day, a ten year old among adults and people with way more experience than him? About how nothing is ever going to be more exciting than his first 3-5 days knowing the Psychonauts? About how he's earned the respect of Sasha Nein, his favorite agent ever, and probably can't fully process how impossibly cool that is? How Sasha Nein is probably losing his damn mind at how a ten-year-old child has managed to save the day (AND his ass) at least three times, virtually unassisted? About how Raz didn't know how to levitate exactly, but managed to get through training courses meant for levitators purely because he's an acrobat and he never thought "I'm not able to do this because I don't have the right skills", he just assumed this was what people did?
About how Raz has been parkouring nonstop for 3-5 days and probably the most rested he was during all of it was in the Rhombus of Ruin wen he was kidnapped and strapped to a dentist's chair? About how that ended with him thinking he was being left behind in a building about to blow up because no-one thought to mention to him that he was safe until he was on the jet?
Ever think about how Raz, brand-new psychonaut at 10, probably the youngest psychonaut ever, is probably too excited to sleep? Probably immediately wants a new case? Is confused by the lack of spy action available? Doesn't have the training or adult experience to handle so many possible traumas? About how Raz knows, intellectually, that his nona killed people but has never seen a dead body? About how this job will make him confront the harsh realities of his work? About how he will see true evils and traumas he could not possibly know existed at ten, and will see more? About Raz having to process other peoples' traumas in his sleep, because god only knows he won't realize them when he's awake.
Ever think about how there's a divide in his family? About how his mother still doesn't like to think about psychics, and his brother seems to get angry every time psychic powers are brought up? He's still a big brother to his little siblings, but he works away from the circus now, and they'll all drift apart. About how he has to process that people will still hate him for having psychic powers no matter what he does or how many people he helps?
Do you think he'll help Gristol, and realize that sometimes you can't fix a person's mind in a day, that they require a long process of healing, and even after that, they still might just not be good people?
Idk, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Raz.
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arcane-abomination · 3 months
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“It was in my flaws, I found a much deeper truth and it is from them, I bloom; a black rose.” -Segovia Amil
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🌹 𝕸𝖞 𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙 🌹
⚜️ Path: Tenebris Luna
⚜️ Magick: Grey/Crooked/Left Hand
⚜️ Title: Chaote/Chaos Witch or Cosmic Occultist
⚜️ Magick Name: Oculus Bloodmoon
My path began in my childhood, where I struggled with the yolk of Christianity and its cruel, fear bated chokehold. I remember calling to the universe, begging to be taken away from the church and its perverse tactics of belief, not focusing on any singular god. Slowly, I came through my depression, led to freedom by an unseen force, laying a path out of the religious cage that bound me. However, it was easier said than done and even though I became a witch at 15, the PTSD from the lasting wounds inflicted by the church made my launch into paganism a difficult one.
Much of that fear still controlled me and I practiced under the label of a Christian witch for some time. Not out of a sincere belief, but rather out of the leftover fears and control the church had on me. Luckily, the spirits that led me, would not abandon me and slowly but surely would take my hands and guide me through the ridged terrain from which I found myself and slowly I would emerge from the filth of religious torment, blossoming into the creature of chaos I am today.
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🌹 𝕸𝖞 𝕻𝖗𝖆𝔠𝖙𝖎𝔠𝖊𝖘 🌹
⚜️ Primary Focus: Chaos Magick, Death Magick, Void Magick, Psychonautics, Eldritch Magick, Vampyre Magick, Blood Magick, Astrological Magick, Alchemy & Sex Magick
⚜️ Secondary Focus: Dragon Magick, Divination, Ancestral Veneration, Druidry, Shamanism, Hedgewitchery, Animism, Energy Healing, Kitchen Witchery, & Baneful Magick.
My practice mainly focus on the chaotic forces of the void and of worlds beyond our own. I spend my time diving into realms of viscous conception, dancing with death, and connecting my third eye to otherworldly entities that defy traditional comprehension. How I work isn’t always considered “normal” by many modern day practitioners. I take what’s comfortable and turn it on its head, cultivating methods that make sense to my own madness rather than tradition.
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🌹 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘 🌹
⚜️ Working Pantheon: Loki, Hecate, Leviathan, Shub-Niggurath, Yog Sothoth, Mi’Taal, Lilith, Necros, Azazel, & Creator Azathoth.
⚜️ Veneration Pantheon: Ganesha, Set, Horus, Odin, Sobek, Artio, Bastet, & Veles.
⚜️ Other Entities: Chernobog & Belobog
⚜️ Spirit Court: Spirits that each have a specific role within my life. Some of the names as well have been left out for the spirit’s privacy.
Hör’hem - Black Adder Snake - Sacrina Guide
Florentine - Scarlet Rose Spirit - Astral Partner
Rakshaw - Panther - Moon Magick Guide
Khami- White Pteralykos - Shaman Guide
Jefi - Raven - Void Guide
Familiar - Thoughtform - Reaper Appearance
Dragon Guide - Storm Dragon
The spirits and deity I work with are partners. They are not above me and I not above them. They do not stand high on a pedestal but rather walk beside me hand in hand. We are the same, living on different plains for the time being. They offer me energy and I offer them the same, an equal exchange of talents and abilities between friends, family, and coworkers. I do not worship, I venerate. Nor do I buckle in subservients to beings without claim on this realm. I honor, and show gratitude but I do not bend a knee.
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🌹 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝕯𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖘 🌹
⚜️ Gender: Androgynous / Librafemme
⚜️ Pronouns: They/Them/It
⚜️ My Sexuality: It’s complicated…I’m a grey ace that likes masculine women, AFAB NB, Trans Men, monsters, & fictional characters of any sex. I’m also Demisexual, Ageosexual, and Panromantic.
⚜️ Beliefs: I consider myself a “Pagan Omnist.” I don’t believe in one single truth but rather the fact that everything has a level of truth to it, but nobody will ever be 100% correct because our mortal minds prevent us from comprehending or glimpsing the full truth until we leave our bodies behind.
⚜️ Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, cooking, gaming, ghost hunting, & witchcraft
⚜️ Likes: Horror, Gore, Monsters, Dead Things, Storms, Autumn, Eldritch Things, & Roses
⚜️ Dislikes: Doing dishes, Hallmark movies, parasites, heights, talking on the phone, & doctors
⚜️ Disabilities: I have ADHD, OCD, and Depressive Anxiety disorder. Sometimes I misunderstand, misread, and process things a bit differently.
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2hoothoots · 10 months
author reveals are now up, so here's a short fic i wrote for @kibasniper for the Crossworks 2023 exchange!! a Psychonauts/Splatoon crossover featuring some of the Whispering Rock campers getting up to splatfest shenanigans
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hccupit · 3 months
accidentally am doing an interest exchange program with my friend where she plays through the psychonauts games blind and tells me all about it, and i read 90s doom patrol comics and talk to her about it, and i can see why we both like each others thing so much.
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0046incognito · 3 months
does hibiki have any abilities? idk if i spelt it right
he sure does! he’s got astroboy-type jet boots and his big oversized sleeves can turn into arm cannons
but the big main special unique one is basically touch-based telepathy between technology; it’s called Interfacing, which is a standard feature for all halosoft-brand livicom androids—general.y, two livicoms can hold hands or make physical contact in some other manner in order to instantaneously exchange data with each other, because this is more efficient for computers than having to convert data to speech -> parse audio input -> convert audio to data, they can just send files back and forth, it’s a pretty standard thing
for Hibiki however it’s a little different; for one thing, he’s mute, so he HAS to interface with something in order to communicate with Anybody unless they happen to know ASL, but another thing that hibiki [and Very few other livicoms] can do is Deep-interfacing, which basically lets him bypass admin perms to get access to deeper within a livicom’s mind and do some psychonauts shit
hibiki can also use interfacing to communicate with, rather than Just the electronic he is directly touching, but also Any electronic on the same network or circuit; for example, he can turn off a light across the room by touching the microwave, or he can touch a computer tower to do some ventriloquist shit and talk through a livicom plugged into the same outlet. hibiki usually winds up doing ventriloquist shit to talk through other robots when he needs to get a word in, he makes his words come outta their voice, it’s kinda fucked up but don’t think about it too hard *smiles really big like a chimpanzee threat display*
he can also overclock himself for a powerup at great expense to his body but like any computer can do that it just depends on how willing to ignore their own wellbeing they are [<-hibiki has extremely low self worth and would heroically sacrifice himself in a heartbeat]
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doveriathegoddess · 4 months
Today I will be introducing my latest project I've been working called Variations of Dove. It's basically Dove but she is in a different fandom and there's a lot of fandoms that I'm in so we'll just go straight into it-
Starting off we have No Straight Roads Dove, who is a 25 year old ballet dancer to moved to Vinyl City after the Music Revolution and currently resides in the Natura District. She has a crush on Zuke-
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Balan Wonderworld Dove is known as the Maestro of Wonder and was once an inhabitant long ago. She is love with Balan and wishes to impress him with her magical abilities.
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Hifi Rush Dove may be wheelchair bound but that won't stop her from helping in anyway she can in taking down Vandelay Co with her friends. She is mainly fond of Chai since she likes him as more than just a friend...
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Dove's abilities as a powerful physic has certainly caught the attention of the Psychonauts and they seek to recruit her. Her powers are precognition, psychometry, psychic reading, and astral projection.
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Shortly after the overblotting incident involving Jamil, Dove was transferred from her all girls school to Night Raven College in a deal arranged by her father, Kalim's father, Jamil's parents, and the Headmaster. As a shy first year student, Dove slowly starts to find confidence in herself and develops feelings for her dorm leader Kalim...
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Princess Dove is the ruler of the realm of Lan di Journ and as her title states she loves being an artist and enjoys painting any beautiful scenery. If she is not chosen as the player's queen then she will marry Ramone the Bard Prince instead.
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Dove was born 10 years later after the birth of the 43 children on October 1st 1989, but she was able to become the Divine Servant of the 7 Gods who rule the world. In exchange for Dove's servitude and loyalty, Mother Earth and the 6 other gods crafted the Crown using a fraction of their powers which once placed on Dove's head gave her the power to see the past, present, and future which upon touching an object she will see everything that the Gods desire to know...
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Hearts and Heroes Dove joined the Hub in the events after Pax East, and became a very powerful Light Mage as she went on missions to save those trapped in their nightmares.
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Dove moved to Stardew Valley and settled in her grandfather's old farm in Pelican Town and quickly got the hang of farming and raising her favorite animals: chickens. Eventually Dove would marry Sam and bring him to her home to start their family and raise more chickens.
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Long ago the 4 clans of the Utau Trolls were at war since the Emperor had died without an heir. This war however awoke a very dangerous monster with a hunger to eat the Utau Trolls, but just when all hope was lost, Hato sang a lullaby to seal the monster away and put it back in it's deep slumber, saving the entire race of the Utau Trolls. Because she had saved them, the Utau Trolls crowned her as their Empress, and thus started the royal bloodline that has ruled since then. Princess Roa is Hato's great x5 granddaughter and will soon become the next Empress...
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Light Maiden Cookie is a sweet cookie that sees the beauty in just about anything, from the simplest flower to the strangest of objects. Her heart belongs only to a very special someone called Dragonfruit Cookie (my partner's oc)
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I hope you guys enjoy!
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pinkygrocket · 11 months
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unconventional fanwork exchange author reveals are out so here's my gift: a psychonauts themed picross puzzle for shadaras!! big thanks to @babycharmander and @cicadacalling for feedback <3
on AO3
printable PDF here
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idk if u do things like these but what r some Truman headcanons you have? I fucking love this single divorced dad so much I’m his #1 fan
- He was an incredibly quiet child, his parents were worried he might be deaf or something because he didn't talk until he was like 5.
- He also manifested his psychic abilities at a pretty young age, but only the "talking to plants" part -- a reason he was so quiet was bc he was too busy listening to the garden and trees and grass
- The music box his mom gave him was something that helped him go to sleep
- my man autistic
- He'd met Bob a few times as a child during things like Tia's funeral and subsequent family gatherings, and bonded with him bc he was both also a psychic and didn't try to ask him 100 questions like most other relatives
- His parents weren't psychic so he had to learn a lot about being psychic on his own in his youth. They were neutral-to-positive on the subject and let him study because obviously it mattered to him
- When he was in his late teens he decided to go visit Bob and see if he wouldn't be willing to teach him some psychic 101
- Truman somehow broke the illusory psychic barriers of the Gulch's protections without meaning to and Bob was like kid holy crap
- Truman got his degrees just before and right after Maligula -- so he wasn't in higher up positions at Psychonauts until a few years later
- He had a wife who he amicably divorced due to work/family life balance being too difficult for the both of them
- His ex-wife is a fairly well off woman who lives on the east cost, hence Lili saying her family lives there despite the motherlobe obviously being in the pacific northwest
- Part of the reason Truman wears his robe so much is a comfort thing, it's got good texture
- He teared up when Lili started going to school
- He loves model trains and bonds with Augustus post game because he goes "would you like to see my room just for the trains" and Augustus' eyes light up
- He also is actually pretty bad at the gardening part of herbaphony but he can in exchange get the plants to do a lot for him
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