#psycological tips
chemical1 · 2 years
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violetziegler · 1 year
Taking Pictures, a bit of what I learned
A small post with some "tips" that i sent on Twitter condensed on a single post here on Tumblr. i think with the organization here will be better for sharing later on ^^
Picturing (pun intended) what you are trying to show beforehand helps a lot on keeping a clear vision of the final image. The famous rule of thirds its super important to make pleasant and cohesive pics, This is more focused for scenery shots, but works to close ups as well, having natural "frames" within your subject makes it popout more! it can be trees around your character, a window, a door, a fountain arching over, a light beam, anything really works. What you are trying to tell through your pictures?
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Playing with Angles
This is the most fun part i must admit, i always loved playing with angles to make my pics unique, but what i learned is that sometimes the simplest is the best, but always experiment with new things!
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Negative Space
Negative space is a concept of filling the picture with "nothing", meaning, your background although important for the picture it doesn't draw too much attention to it, it greatly helps keeping what you want to show up in focus.
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Leading Lines
Well, this one is rather complicated to achieve, i can find examples of it but can't replicate it the way i wanted ingame. The idea behind the concept its to use geometry and light to direct your eyes to the focus of the image. Exemples of that would be a flow of a river, nature growing in a single direction, light beams and many, many more!
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Color Theory
Ah yes, color theory its the thing a lot of people talk about but never goes in-depth, reason being its subjective, but also very defined. Here some psycology of the colors. White - purity, innocence, cleanliness, sense of space, neutrality
Black - authority, power, strength, evil, intelligence
Gray, neutral, timeless, practical, boring
Red - love, romance, gentle, warmth, comfort
Orange - happy, energetic, excitement, enthusiasm, warmth
Yellow - happiness, laughter, cheery, warmth, optimism
Green - natural, cool, growth, money, health
Blue - calmness, serenity, cold, uncaring, wisdom
Purple - royalty, wealth, sophistication, wisdom, exotic
Brown - reliability, stability, friendship, sadness, warmth
Pink - romance, love, gentle, calming, agitation
Complementary colors are the most common way to make it stand out due to contrast, speaking of which.
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There is a bunch of ways to make contrast happens. Light and Dark, Nature and Buildings, Opposite Colors and many, many more, but as the other topics i talked about the idea its to draw attention to the focus point, natural light can make it even better
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Visual Hierarchy
Framing, Colors, Contrast, and Spacing, you have to think all of that before you take the picture, The idea is to use the whole canvas to tell the story of your picture.
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Not really a lesson, but more a suggestion, try new things, even your older shots can be remade into something stunning if you aproach it from a different angle, me and my gf did a shot a while back, but we were thinking on what we could improve, and we did improve it a lot!
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Developing a style comes with time i guess, i don't even know mine at the time of writing this post, but im sure i'll find it and so do you who was reading until now. Wish all the people who did the best of luck!
Don't forget to smile!
Kisses - Angela
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esoterics-posts · 2 years
Proofs of Blood
RED From Creatived Of Metaphysical With God.
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Is Happy Color (Fukunokami). Favorite IT Living My Life Over 3rd Rays. Connect (Wisdom)/With Music And Game Electorical In My Site Viewing. Alone In My Room,
Tipping And Thinking Meditation( Intelligent Design )On Twitter… 『Esoteric Philosophy』『Try This Shoot』
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4th Ray . Healing Power of Hermonics.(調和力) Emerald (–Tablet . ) Imagination Understandings (想像力)、Inspiration, 洞察力、直観力、若々しさ、愛情、癒しの色、Mozart…Renoir…Chopin…、抹茶、山葵、neutrino、Future, Art Power, Unknowns, Meditation, 野菜(葉緑素)、Music…
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5th Rays is Charm-ing Color
Of Many Classical Moments Matters Worst Weakness Analogue’s Body Realism. Philosophy and Psycology and Digital of Spiritual World books and IT NETWORKing Science.
Knowing Or Forgot On Everything Refrection Of Spritual Material Existenceー.
5th レイズはチャーミングカラー
多くの古典的な瞬間の問題 最悪の弱点 アナログの身体のリアリズム。哲学と心理学と精神精神のデジタル書籍とITネットワーク科学。全てを知っていたり忘れていたり 精神的な物質的存在の反映ー。
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Indigo Blue
SECRET Of Spirituality. Word Of God Is World Sprit. POWER And Thinking LOGOS. All (Ture Super Self) Signe Between Signifiant And Signifiéー.
6th Rays は神のロゴスの実存の神秘主義。霊性の秘密。神の言葉は世界の精神。パワーと考えるロゴス。シニフィアンシニフィエの間の全て。超越自我のシーニェ。
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Red AND Blue
7th Rays Is God Formal Material And Spritual -Substance. Picture of Minds. Lettering Infomation. TRANSERATED OF PICTURES. Magician Of White and Black. Logic Reasons–Rules (RE–)TAKE Moral and Occult (Re–)Mixture Heaven and Earthー. From Logos and RulesーLights…
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mutant-male-lee · 2 years
Are you up to Play as Evil Jamala?
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Would you like to Play the sexy but terrifying Blue haired Mistress known as Jamala? and have yours truly as your Wolf Boy tickle Pet?~ Keep in mind she’s technically a Fan girl turned villainess almost like a Yandre  except minus killing anyone? To best understand who your auditioning to role play as let’s see the rules and tips of what’s going on here.
1.Jamala is obsessed with Reaver first as a fan of his Hero work but even more so finding him attractive. She has investigated hard into him to learn as many weaknesses and connections about him to know him inside out.
2. Jamala knows what she wants and she goes to whatever length she must go and to any extreme to get what she wants.
3. She can seem nice on surface and would be willing to even help and can seem like a social butterfly so she’s not all bad
4. Despite how nice and willing to help she can be she’s not someone to drop your guard around as she will take any opportunity that is given to her.
5. She has been Prone to kidnapping guys and torturing them and turning them over to the Sister hood but to her their just toys but not the main objective of her life. Her first Love is tickle torture however.
6. Her First Love is tickle Torture but she would claim it is Reaver. But Reaver is more so like a second Love she is obsessed with, that she needs for her true first love and desire to be whole. She may have started out as just an admirer but it’s turned into a desire to have him all to herself. She enjoys being a bully to him and a sadist, which isn’t real love but she’s either Ignorant or willingly Ignorant.
7. She dresses lewdly and in anything sexy. she could probably were decent clothes too but sexy clothes help get wanted reactions out of people.
8. While she’d love to have Reaver fall in love with her and love her she seems to want him to FEAR her even more. Couldn’t tell you honestly where that comes from other than maybe than the fact that she get’s off on it. She loves having her victims squirm and cry. And So as Jamala Your goal would be to tease, flirt and intimidate and make sure your lee knows you r in full control and I’m completely at your mercy. hearing your lee whimper so that you can comfort them and cuddle with them is a reward. hearing your lee’s despair is like a cheer for joy to your sociopathic ears.
9 Jamala believes whatever she wants to believe. While somethings you ight be able to talk to her like you she can be reasoned with, there are other things where if you try to correct her or contradict her delusions and she will snap at you. Jamala is terrifying when angry because she will put you through Hell and is the most ruthless when ticked off. She’s already prepared to abuse her victim when she’s happy just imagine what she’s capable of when you cross her.
10. Is Jamala crazy? perhaps not at first but she’s probabaly become less mentaly healthy in her obsession. So I suppose that depends on you and how crazy you want her to be? I mean the girl can go into Emotional break down episodes but these are either for show to psyche out her prey like Psycological war fair or she’s truly that level of unhinged
11. Jamala loves full body tickling she doesn’t prefer one spot but she does love to try all positions and all methods. Maybe she’ll start out mild but always winds up pushing her victims beyond their limits
12.Now then I’m wanting to be Kidnapped and where ever and when ever it happens we can debate in chat. If you like you can change it up and use other tactics for how YOU as Jamala get me in your clutches. Like maybe you take someone hostage?
13.I want Jamala acting like her and Reaver are dating or even living together. I want her acting casual and pretending like there’s nothing wrong with what’s she’s doing. Like if she decides your having fun she’ll act like you are because she’s good at lying including to herself.
14. Concent is something we must discuss in chat before we get started. If I don’t concent to certain things before the RP then I will break off the PR if we cross a line that I did not agree with. You might be playing as Jamala but real life consent still matters. So even though Jamala herself needs no consent you will still have to limit what you do with her if I’m not ok with you doing certain things.
15. Jamala is evil despite whatever good she might be capable of she’s also capable of doing to Reaver whatever she wants. She might not try to kill him or mame him. but if we allow NSFW content then whatever NSFW content that is allowed she is capable of doing.
16. Jamala does not do drugs nor smokes
17 levels of violances must be discussed before RP
18. Jamala loves to feel Powerful so yes dominating and demasculating her victim is part of this but  she does it though tring him out and tickle torturing him into a giggling mess. However Jamala also admires Reaver’s strengh. She doesn’t hate Masculinity she just wants to bend Reaver around her finger and exercise some form of control and level over him.
19, I want her to put me in a pet colar and dress me in ways that turns her on.
but I do not consent to cross dressing nor diapers. I’m fine with tights. colorful clothes, leather, rubber, latex, straight jackets and so whatever I DEAM ok is what we can use. What I don’t deam ok will be left out.
20. Jamala’s goal is make me flustered, worn out, a laughing mess, feel defeated, scared and more importantly she’d just love to have me fall in love with her and smitten and in love. But she’d settle for me being turned on
21. Jamala is fine with sharing me with members of the Sister hood and friends but get’s competitive when it comes to anything more intimate relating to Reaver..
22. Jamala does like to rest from being a bully though and can still be happy with just cuddles and snuggles. it’s just that she can become a tickle bug any second without warning and once she get’s started there’s no telling if she’d ever pull out. She’s basicly just verry horny and frisky. I guess she has a Jykel and Hyde syndrome. One is the over infatuated obsessed but friendly girl friend the other is the obsessed stalker who needs to be arrested.
23. Music is a great way to help make things even better. I do like video game music but anything to fit the mood is good too. and if understand the use of Psycological war fair, then that can make it even better.
24. I mentioned she’s evil right? Well enjoys the thrill of the Hunt and like a Cat she likes to toy with her prey. So giving her victims any false since of hope just to foil it at the last second is something she likes to do as well as torture them at her leise.
25. Bad endings. there is no good ending in this scenario. the End goal is up to you depending on if you want to just want a your lee to feel defeated and hopeless your going towards the Tickle Hell ending. 
IF You want Jamala to get her hearts desire and finally get Reaver in love with her. You get the Stock Holm Ending Any other kind of ending is debatable in chat though.
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First day with the change of study method + Pomodoro💡
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I recently decided to go to a counselor to help me with my studies, and I can only say that it was a great decision💫
She told me to do these things:
Make a schedule, other than the typical one that you put homework-tests, etc. This one is way more specific.
First you have to review the syllabus of all the subjects (see what topics you will study in class until the exam) and then divide it into weeks.
And hopefully study what is due for the week the day before the corresponding class.
This semester I have 5 subjects, so I had one day left to study 2, but I put the lightest ones.
In the picture below is the schedule (I'm missing a day, yes i know, the teacher hasn't updated the program yet 😭).
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la-poesiee · 5 years
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Don't think anything is effortless,time witnessed that the effortless works are made a broad foundation for a massive one....
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fernandothefox · 6 years
The best way to make someone like you is to be friends with them first and put out there that your open for relationships. Don’t say you would like to date them, no, it could scare them. They may not like confrontation, no just say a vague “im open for an anything relationship” and leave it.
Then find there favorite food/candy/drink and buy, and everyday give it to them. They will soon see you and only think of good things, making them more likely to want to date you. It also shows you can provide which is a bonus.
Play to there likes but don’t ham it up. Be honest, if you don’t like/have never done something say, among this, “i’ve never done/don’t like X, but i’m willing to try/make new memories with you” This shows that your an honest person and that you are able to change your ways.
Be nice to there friends, they will most likely drop you if there friends recommend it so be nice to them. As if they where your own friends, even if you hate them.
If your potential mate has found someone, rather it be a new or long, be nice to the SO, as that will put you in a good light. If your potential mate is dense, sly remarks are your new bff!
Be sure to hang with them often, as the closer in proximity you are to someone the more likely they will think favorably of you. (Thats why there’s such a high number of work relationships, there close to each other rather often) Don’t suffocate them and make it seem like a coincident some of the time. Example A “oh hey NAME i didn’t know you went X! This is so cool! We both love X!” Example B “Hey NAME i knew you liked X but i didn’t know you went here!” Among other lines.
This has been “how to psychologically trick your love intrest/crush into wanting to date” you with Fernando, have a good night Earth!
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asadamani · 4 years
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Doesn't work for me. #sleep #trick #brain #energy #placebosleep #tips #fact #slept #experimental #psycology #study #howto #lifehack #lifefact #8fact https://www.instagram.com/p/CIyeu22n142/?igshid=1x9t1g7k15wb8
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worldbuildguild · 3 years
i have a charachter who, based on her genetics, should be a bony twink like her father (theyre a version of an already established charachter so i cant just change it, and her other parent is an eldritch monstrosity so their genes dont factor into her body type), but shes also supposed to be a freindly, cheerful charachter, and should therefore be potrayed with round shapes. how do i do both?
In lieu with shape-language in character design, round shapes and soft edges tell us of a gentle and friendly character. Someone we’re supposed to feel safe and attached to by default. But what if your character doesn’t inherently possess any such shapes in their base anatomy. 
There’s no say that you would HAVE to adhere to shape-language and theory it deploys about human psycology and our response to certains shapes. However, if you want to still deploy these methods to convey a friendly character - then here’s a few pointers on how you can work around your bony design .
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When we talk about the primary shapes in shape-language, we often refer to the shapes most present in the sihlouette. Now, a lot of people, particularly if you’re not used to work in sihlouettes before doing your initial design, tend to consider the character’s anatomy as the major part of the character’s sihlouette ( this also applies to projects where the visual language leans heavier on the realistic side - and thusly can’t feasibly integrate absurd or abstract shapes into their designs as easily ).  However, if you’re faced with a problem of a character’s anatomy not lining up with the dominant shape you’re looking for, you are forced to rely on the shapes of something other than their anatomy. This can be many things, their hair, their clothes, stuff that isn’t a part of their body, but contributes to the sihlouette anyway. 
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Look at this character up above. Her form isn’t particularly buff, in fact, she leans a bit more on the spindly side, without being super skinny. But notice how round her face is, how floofy that hair is, blocking out the bonyness of her shoulders and softening her sihlouette. Pay attention to the very controlled amount of sharp points or spikes that’s in her designs. There’s a few acute angles here and there ( her hair being chopped in very sharp shapes particularly ) but even those are deployed in a context where they are counter-balanced by other shapes ( as with how the hair swoops and curves to balance out its sharp edges at the bottom ). 
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^Above is a character who’s design is a lot more spindly than the first, however - here the artist has made her dress very poofy, almost bell like. Which doesn’t only serve to remind us how skinny the character is, by the fact that her thin legs leaves a lot of gap between herself and the edge of the dress.  But the artist has also decided to give the character two huge circles of blush on her cheeks, which incorporates the circular shapes seamlessly, if very blatantly into the design. And of course, the eyes. This character has huge, expressive eyes that makes it easy for us to read and relate to her feelings. Eyes have a profound impact on a design, and in some cases you can push your design really far from its intended read, but still retain the “kind” and “friendly” look by enlarging the eyes, giving us that wide-eyed, innocent look.
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Toothless actually portrays this particular trope extremely well. As the character switches the shape of its pupils depending on the particular mindspace its in. The large pupils and warm green eyes helps us emphasize with the character, and gives that ‘adorable’ look. The brows are moving and expressive. But as soon as Toothless snaps into feral mode, the pupils shrink into tiny slits, closing us off from any read of the character’s emotions. While also relaxing the eyebrows and setting them nearly static on his face. Like this, we can’t detect any human expression in the character. It becomes purely animalistic, and thusly, unpredictable.  Whev, ok so that was a brief tangent on eyes - let it be known that eyes are EXTREMELY important to your design!  There’s a number of other ways to incorporate circles into your design, but most of those are incredibly contextually dependent, and would be hard to pin down with any precision without seeing the particular design you’re working with, so hopefully this has set you on the right path. 
Best of luck!  - Mod Wackart ( ko-fi ) 
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So for the writting side of tumbler-
I have a WIP i just started thats kinda like a ‘last people on earth’ situation. horror and dystopian. I.E the last survivors of the human race are left alone trying to navagate the overgrown barren world. They have to both figure out what happend to humanity as well as where they came from. not to mention that their are strange mutated monsters roaming suposedly created from the same orginization as the one that made them. 
i want psycological horror as well as dystopian adventors to take place. 
Any tips or sugestions?
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lifehacksthatwork · 7 years
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Don’t get caught out by cognitive bias 
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beta-gamma-delta · 5 years
Got any tips on writing dialogue?
Uhmm letvs see. I'm a good listener, I do listen and I like to observe how people express themselves, because everyone is different in a fascinating way under that aspect (and not only that) so I just kinda go for the dialogue that feel the most realistic. People dont always say everything they want to, but they can get emotionally driven, or they can hold fruatration, it depends by the character's psycology.
I ask for help to close friends that can give me another perspective too sometime, that's okay too.
And honestly, You'll never be too sure of a dialogue not even after you post it, that's how it works.
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sugarcookiesandsins · 5 years
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Summary: Oh the beauty of a powdered sugar love. Rating: M Warnings: Sub!Cafe Owner!Kim Seokjin x Dom!Psycology Major!Reader, cuffs, ties, plastic cock, oral (female and male receiving), slight edging and begging, sub worship cause Kim Seokjin is a pretty sub Word Count:  2k+
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On most days, you wanted nothing more than to collapse into your dorm room. The long days of lectures in the morning followed by labs at night, really managed to wring your body of all its energy. But today, on the way back from your Chem Lab, which was, for some reason, began at seven pm, something drew you to the small shop hidden in the rush of your university. It was disgustingly pink, but it was still reputed to be the best in town. Pushing open the door, you were hit with the soft essence of vanilla bean and coffee, blending together in a way that brought back Christmas as a child.
The interior was soft pastels and seemed to exists in that space where time was no longer a factor. It didn’t stop, but it...just...didn't...matter as much as it used to. This was an escape from the incessant ticking of the minute and hour hand that never seemed to care about the millions watching them. 
As education-driven women, you focused on the clock more than you would like. Always glancing at the face on your wrist and giving it so much more importance than you really should. This shop existed outside of that world, and you felt at peace for once. The once infuriating tick tick tick seemed to melt away, replaced with soft ding of a timer going off and the oven opening. 
He stood tall and proud, with his tray of cookies in one hand and a class of milk in the other. “You looks like you could use a break.” His smile was warm, the same chocolate of the cookies reflecting in his soft eyes. Placing the glass in front of you, you watched the steam rise out of it. Warm Milk. 
The faint strands danced and sang, performing for you all the way until they disappeared into a world you were not privy to. His voice brought you back Spiced Warm Milk. Christmas morning, cookies and all.
For the rest of the time the shop was open, you remained there. Sat at the counter, still nursing that warm mug while carrying on a conversation with the owner. Jin, you had found, was actually your senior having graduated the year before but stayed on campus grounds to run his cafe and be a teaching assistant to an intro economics course. Multiple times, you had seen freshman students. the tell-tale signs of exhaustion painting their faces as they ran in. It only took them a moment to find Jin and to accost him with questions. 
But he didn't mind. Jin never minded anything it seemed to you, and for a moment you marveled at how good he was at maintaining a mask. As a psychology major, it seemed filthy habit to just 'notice' things about everyone you met. And sitting there for the last hour had given you ample time to figure out the sandy-haired man who seemed to never stop smiling. 
He knew someone was watching him, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. Still he finished helping his student before turning to see the girl that had so intrigued him. just looking. No expression on her face but narrowed eyes giving away what she was doing. 
"You're studying me." He was blunt, letting a bit of his mask unknowingly slip as he tried to figure out your motivations for doing so. 
"And?" You were in no way phased. One of the first things you had learned was that most people didn't like being evaluated, it became too personal too fast, and no one liked that. 
"What do you see?" 
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Leaning over him, hunger in your eyes, you whispered your answer to that question he had asked so long ago. "I see a beautiful baby boy, just waiting to be devoured." He moaned at your answer, not that he could do much more around the panties stuffed into his mouth. Feeling his body shiver below you, you leaned down to the erect nipples, admiring the way they looked, blush pink against the milk coffee of his skin. 
He tasted of the bakery too, his skin sweet like it had been coated in confectioners sugar and his mouth tasted of the little macaroons that he displayed behind the glass case. You moaned against his nipple, the taste too good for words. The vibration against his nipple went straight to his head, arching his back in a way that made your pussy weep. You hadn't even gotten to the best bits yet and he was already mewling like the perfect kitten. 
"You sound so pretty, gumdrop." From the get-go you had picked up on his little kink for nicknames. To his, it was praise of the highest degree and he loved hearing every single one spoken over his prone body. Your voice sounded soft and airy, like meringue or mousse. Flavor erupting from every word, but still light enough to make him fly.
A soft tug on his nipple as you pulled away, made him groan, the panties still muffling the full sound. His voice had turned husky with you, like the kind you would sooth with ginger tea, the tang softened by silky honey. 
Reaching for the bedside table, you brought out the plastic strap-on that you had wanted to use on him since the first time you had seen him. It was a soft pastel pink and reminded you of his shop and his whole aesthetic. He was your soft, pastel boy. 
After securing the ties, you straddled him once again, cooing at how pretty he looked with your marks dotting his skin. "Look how beautiful." Soft fingers traced the surface of his skin where you had left your own claim on his pastry persona. Shifting forward, you leaned over to remove your panties from his mouth. His saliva making it more damp than your arousal had. Tossing it to the side, you leaned down to taste him once again, his mouth open and eager as it had ever been to caress your tongue with his own. 
Pulling away, you allowed the spider-web of spit the both of you had created to fall on your cock. It would look so perfect with his cherry lips wrapped around it. Moving it closer to his mouth, you allowed it to tap gently on his lips, the color contrast already looking like cake and frosting. 
"Open up baby. I wanna see how well these sweet lips can take this cock." And in proper fashion, you didn't have to tell him twice. With a renewed hunger, he accepted the plastic tool, his teeth damn near yanking it closer so he could take it deeper. As you fucked his mouth you could feel the strap rub against your swollen pussy, causing it to weep even more. 
His reddened eyes look up at you with tears brimming the edge, threatening to fall. But he still didn’t stop. You felt his throat swallow around the plastic cock as he continued to bob his head. The sheen of sweat making his skin glow like liquid gold under the lights of your bedroom. Hair slick with exertions snaking around your fingers as you guided him gently.
The jingle of handcuff made you check his wrists. There was nothing he liked better than to be tied down with the cold metal as you had your way with him. It was stress relief. It was love. He saw it in your eyes , wide and blown out. He felt it in your touch, velvet hands tracing his muscles. He heard it in your voice, cooing at him with sugary praise. 
“Sugar baby.” Sweet boy.” Everything he wanted to be for you. And he smelt it - oh god he smelt it - your scent was intoxicating. And he could see the reflection of the light on your thighs where your arousal dripped down your legs.
As he bobbed his head, you reached your hand behind you to grip on his cock, feeling with your thumb the few drops of pre-cum already spilling from the tip. The rest of your hand felt the veins that traveled up and down, snaking around his length in places that you knew would be your undoing. 
You wanted to see that cock cum, and you wanted it now. Without a word, you removed the plastic tool from his mouth and discarded it. Initially your plan was to fuck him into oblivion, but you decided to opt for a more sensual route. One where he would look more messy and you would be able to taste his orgasm. 
You crawled towards his cock, turning so you lay between his legs, watching his face from around the phallus. Slowly exposing your tongue, you drew a long swipe up the base, tasting every dip and ridge of skin that was all Jin. Brining up a hand, you wrapped it around the base, making sure every square centimeter was being pleasured. You continued like this, nipping and tasting, relishing in the candy cane taste of his length. 
“Please.” The word was a whisper, his voice too far gone to really manage anything above a whisper. His tongue snaked out between long pants, picking up the delicious remnants of your orgasm on his lips and chin. His cheeks were a deep red, and you couldn't help brush your finger tips against the soft color, feeling the heat travel through your skin. 
“Speak up baby. I can’t hear you.” With a loud pop you tore tour mouth away from his cock, relishing in the strangled gasp he let out. His hands were tied to the headboard, soft silk becoming one with the downy of his skin. Tears had finally fallen, the denial forcing him into further submission as he now relied on your orders; to speak, to move, to cum.
“Cum for me baby boy.” In moments he was shaking below you, finally losing himself in the bliss that he had craved for so long. Finally losing himself in you. You felt his orgasm coat your face, the white strands dripping your way down your lips onto your chest. Pouting you looked down at yourself.
You couldn't resist the temptation and tasted some. sweet, salty, and all Jin “Look at what a mess you’ve made. Mind cleaning it up sweetness?” His eyes widened in excitement. You still hadn’t finished. He would be able to taste you. Taste you and him together. Taste bliss.
Somewhere between when his mouth latched onto your weeping pussy and your climax, you wondered if either of you knew the time anymore. This was the beauty of your powdered-sugar-love. It was fragile enough to keep testing you both day after day, but was abundant enough to never fear it running out. 
“Just like that.” His long tongue swept between your folds, and you had no trouble believing that he knew exactly what he was doing. In a moment of rare mercy, you had removed the ties, allowing his large hands to hold you in place, fingers long enough to grip your thighs with bruising pressures. 
The heat from his body radiated up, sending shocks up and down your spine. He groaned softly, relishing in the way you melted against his tongue and the subtle taste of sugar that coated your every drop. You were addicting in the best way possible. The sound, vibrated on your cunt, causing you to arch your back above him, hair caressing your back. His tongue went deeper as you pressed down from above him. You were getting closer and closer. Each moment stretching forever as you began to grasp for that perfect release. 
And finally he gave it to you. With one hand on your hip, he curled his thumb around to rub your clit, the little nub already sensitive from the amount of times his nose has brushed against it. “Thank you baby boy.” With a shiny chin and panting tongue, he smiled up at you. 
“Anything for you.”
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vinnystaysawake · 5 years
Fun tip for people with psycologically abusive parents: write down every nasty thing they say and what age they said it to you, and when you cut them off as an adult send them that list.
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malangtoday-blog · 5 years
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Otsuka Gelar Camp untuk Guru Olahraga
MALANG KOTA – Sebanyak 100 guru olahraga antusias mengikuti Sport Teacher Camp di aula SMKN 2 Kota Malang kemarin (21/8). Event yang digelar PT Amerta Indah Otsuka, produsen minuman isotonik Pocari Sweat ini sebagai wujud komitmen mengajak masyarakat lebih peduli terhadap kesehatan.
Kegiatan ini sejatinya sesuai dengan tagline perusahaan, yakni Otsuka People Creating New Product for Better Health World Wide. Yang berarti, Otsuka selalu peduli kesehatan dengan mengajak generasi muda untuk mau bergerak melalui cara yang sangat menyenangkan. Termasuk menggelar workshop berbagi ilmu keolahragaan, khususnya kepada guru olahraga.
Mengusung tema ”Sport Psycology and Interactive Exercise Workshop”, pihak Otsuka menghadirkan Rahman Widohardhono MPsi dan Donny Arhi Kusuma SPd MKes. Jika Rahman lebih fokus memberikan cara pendekatan dan peningkatan minat olahraga pada siswa, Donny lebih banyak memberikan tip gerakan olahraga yang dikemas dalam permainan.
”Kedua narasumber juga menyertakan beberapa contoh. Jadi, harapannya setelah ini cara mengajar guru olahraga bisa lebih kreatif dan interaktif,” papar Head of Region Brand Communication PT Otsuka Amerta Sigit Aris Setiawan.
Selain di Malang, Pocari Sweat juga  menggelar kegiatan serupa di 11 kota lain, di Indonesia. Di antaranya, Medan, Batam, Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Jogjakarta, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Denpasar, dan Makassar.
”Otsuka sangat berharap generasi Indonesia nantinya bisa lebih tertarik untuk hidup sehat dengan berolahraga, tapi tidak sampai mengalami dehidrasi sehingga bisa memberikan hal positif untuk Indonesia,” pungkas Sigit.
Pewarta : Binti Faktur Copy Editor : Dwi Lindawati Penyunting : Ahmad Yani
Source : https://malangtoday.net/flash/nasional/otsuka-gelar-camp-untuk-guru-olahraga/
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