meeshnut · 7 months
Tea time from earlier I didn’t have time to post~
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🍃 2023 Qianjiazhai Ancient Tree Sheng Pu’er
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I feel like I say this for every new tea, but this is my favorite sheng so far. It’s so… gentle. The astringency is there, but it doesn’t punch you in the mouth like other shengs can.
I had a nice long session with it today and got my increases done on the hat I might send to Germany.
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Also, the whole gang showed up.
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kukuandkookie · 5 months
This joke from the episode 10 preview/teaser took me out so I decided to translate it 🤣🤣🤣
I’m just dying at the look he gives + the spinning universe bg + the music after he hears “Let’s get married together” hahahaha
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olameni · 1 year
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All the depth and earthiness you would expect from a Pu’er tea with the sweetness and slight resiny bitterness of orange peel brightening everything up.
I also thought it was pretty cool that there are strips of of peel rolled into the tea ball rather than the tea stuff into orange peel like I’m used to.
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vegehana-food · 2 months
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✿ 普洱茶 | Pu’er Tea ・普洱茶(プーアル茶)。中国の雲南省原産のお茶の一種です。地名から付けられた呼び名で、漢字では「普洱茶」と書かれます。プーアール茶と呼ばれることもあります。プーアル茶も緑茶と紅茶、烏龍茶などと同じ「チャノキ」の葉から作られるお茶です。 ・中国のお茶は大きく分けると緑茶・青茶(烏龍茶)・黒茶・紅茶・白茶・黄茶の6種類に分けられますが、プーアル茶は黒茶の一種。 蒸してから茶葉を揉み、積み上げて微生物によって発酵させ、再び揉んで乾燥させるという作り方で、独特の風味を引き出します。紅茶も発酵茶と呼ばれますが、実際には紅茶の「発酵」には菌は関与していません。一方で一般的なプーアル茶の「発酵」を担っているのは麹菌。高温多湿状態で積み上げておくことにより、空気中の麹菌を茶葉に棲みつかせて作るのだそうです。こうして熟成させたプーアル茶は「熟茶」と呼ばれています。麹菌を使わずに熟成させた「生茶」と呼ばれるプーアル茶も存在しますが、日本で飲まれているのはほとんどが熟茶です。 ・おいしいプーアル茶は透明な濃い赤色で、芳醇な味わいと後味の甘さがあります。 烏龍茶や緑茶は花やフルーツの香りに例えられることが多いですが、プーアル茶の香りはより落ち着きのある、大地を思わせるような香りです。貯蔵はすればするほど香りがよくなるといわれ、ワインのように30~40年もかけてじっくり発酵させたものが極上品なのだそう。ちなみにまろやかな甘みのある味わいの「熟茶」に対して、「生茶」は緑茶に近いさっぱりとした味わいです。
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the-frog-blog · 5 months
Today we’re listening to the erhu!!!
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I have a kettle by my desk in my office so that I can make tea all day (thank you high quality Chinese teas). But because my office is cold, the tea still gets cold. The tea still gets cold before I finish the cup. 😔
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xiangaopeng | Li Jiang Zhi – Pu’er tea.
Via: Packaging Of The World.
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scuolajaku · 5 months
Xiaoqinggan - Agrumi ripieni di tè
Una tradizione spiccatamente orientale è farcire la frutta con il tè per creare dei gusti unici e profumatissimi. Viene farcita più comunemente frutta piccola come il mandarino cinese (sia arancione che verde) o il limone, ma è tipico farcire anche le arance grandi, i meloni e le zucchette amare. Foto di Xinxi Cha Ye Come ripieno non si usa qualunque tipo di tè: per i mandarini il tè più…
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dlyarchitecture · 1 year
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amandas-anger-issues · 3 months
I like to imagine that John enjoys drinking pu’er (traditional chinese loose leaf tea). He seems like he’d enjoy the process of setting up the tools and making the tea and uses that time as a type of meditation.
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There’s also a thing called tea pets that are being used (which are little clay pieces) that you pour the first steep over since you dont drink it 🥹
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I honestly find the process of steeping the tea fascinating and relaxing to watch. If you dont know about it go watch some videos on yt!
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meeshnut · 4 months
🍃 2021 Purple Beauty Raw Pu’er
& a new cup.
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This one is very astringent. It’s so good.
I started at 100°C at ~5s, and have dropped it to 90°C at ~5s as the coin opened up.
I’ve been meaning to have a sheng, and the wheel hath provided!
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olameni · 3 months
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rubywolf0201 · 1 month
My thoughts on the latest episode of BUCCHIGIRI?! Episode 9 aka the one episode that had me mentally broken
WARNING: *May contain spoilers esp in regards to Senya and Ichiya and the starting of the corruption arc of Matakara*
- Continuing the ending scene of Episode 8, it seems like everything was Akutaro’s and Ichiya’s plan was to go smoothly but SIKE! It was ICHIYA’S plan all along! Akutaro was just a pawn!
- Akutaro doesn’t seem too pleased about it and wants to merge back with Ichiya with the latter telling him straight up how he was nothing but a tool straight up made him mad.
- In class, Mahoro as always is looking at photos of her brother and holy moly! THE JIN’S HAVE A DOG?! I DIDN’T KNOW THEY WERE FRICKIN RICH!
- Anyways, Arajin being the simp that he is tries to give her the soapstone but she ignores him.
- However, Arajin just so happens to overhear Komao and Zabu being worried for Matakara and how he’s been gone for three days! WHAT?!
- This has got me super worried AF.
- Arajin doesn’t seem too concerned about it but something tells me that deep down he feels…worried for some reason.
- Back in the Tomoshibi family restaurant, Arajin is helping out as always and Senya can’t help but notice Arajin’s worry so much to the point that he slapped him on the back pretty hard to cheer him up which he doesn’t seem to accept.
- Back with Zabu and Komao, they asked the receptionist about Matakara’s whereabouts again only this time he’s back. Excited about the news, both Zabu and Komao bought him something to eat but they heard a crashing sound.
- They open up to see Matakara opening up his piggy bank and taking up whatever remaining money that he has all the while ignoring Zabu and Komao. Man. That hurts.
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- Meanwhile, Arajin is heading to the bathhouse due to the showers in his home being broken down, but then he bumped into Matakara but unlike the usual, Mata’s whole cheerful demeanour is gone, most likely from what happened last episode and just left without saying a word.
- The customer and cat cafè waiter returned again. This time, when the customer asked for Pu’er again, the waiter begged him to take Jasmine again because of how she’s been waiting for the customer which causes the customer to change and asked for Jasmine. What this means is probably gonna be foreshadowing of the next episode or the current predicament that’s happening.
- At the bathhouse, Arajin was trying to enjoy a peaceful bath time when he ran into Komao and Zabu with the former being all cheerful, calling him Ara-pyon and offering to wash his back despite seeing him act like an uncaring asshole last episode (what a sweetheart).
- Arajin and Zabu asked each other about Matakara’s wellbeing before Komao jumped into the bathtub cannonball style.
- There’s something oddly cathartic seeing the NG Boys and Girls discussing about Akutaro’s downfall (I mean he did abuse them after all) and Akutaro can’t help but watch all of this happen and ran off embarrassed by his downfall.
- Tho that being said, Akutaro does have a plan in which he discovered a slip of paper that says Honki on the front but what it says is pretty unknown.
- Any scene with Matakara and Ichiya is just so heartwrenching because unlike Arajin and Senya’s relationship, Ichiya is trying to break Mata down mentally.
- Oh and it turns out that the dark shadow thing isn’t Ichiya’s but something hiding within Matakara all along.
- Also, we got some backstory regarding how Matakara joined Minato Kai, in which he just beat up a bunch of random thugs because of honoring his brother and Arajin, he and Ken went up against each other to pass the trial to become a member of Minato Kai.
- Also, just saying but the first year design of Zabu and Komao are just so adorable. Oh and I guess my headcanon of the first meeting between these three got debunked but it technically became true when it’s revealed that all three joined Minato Kai at the same time.
- To Mahoro, Marito and Outa (the latter two who are absent since last ep): Mahoro is playing some sort of imaginary tea party with a dolly of Marito lol but the moment real Marito and Outa came in she quickly hid under the covers.
- From there, both Marito and Outa began to discuss about Mitsukuni’s hospitalization and also revealed that not even Kenichiro can beat him. When Marito asked why is Outa is concerned about Mitsukuni and even brought up the topic about it, Outa then revealed that Matakara is going through a hard time right now and that he is the kid brother of Mitsukuni.
- Both Marito and Mahoro who overheard about it expressed shock at the relation. And my reaction to all this is: “Wait none of you siblings knew about it?” (Moreso from Mahoro because Matakara told her about it back in Episode 4)
- Marito heard something and began to search in his room for the noise which Outa began to question what is he doing before they continue their discussion.
- Mahoro oddly began to display worry and concern for Matakara, despite those two never interacting by a whole lot. But it is a nice gesture nonetheless.
- The next day, Arajin and Mahoro have a talk on the rooftop, to which the latter asked about the condition of Matakara’s wellbeing. Arajin was hesitant to ask and even begin to worry about how she is showing interest in Mata (which is not true at all) to which Mahoro is disgusted by and just left him.
- Also, it’s interesting to note how Mahoro said that it happened to her once (regarding the things Matakara is going through) but what this mean is quite peculiar.
- While walking back, Senya tried to cheer Arajin up with a massive slap to the back but Arajin dodged it this time. At least until they are approached by a disheveled Akutaro who slipped a paper right into Arajin’s jacket pocket before going off.
- Ichiya breaking down Matakara and manipulating him to fight Arajin. My poor sunshine puppy. 😭
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- Arajin and Senya are walking to the bathhouse again but this time we are given expository on Senya and Ichiya.
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- Both Senya and Ichiya are street kids (possibly back when they were mortals) who live in an unknown part of the desert long time ago. Senya (who wasn’t given a name back then) admired Ichiya’s fighting style and begged to fight him. Ichiya was disinterested in Senya at first but he doesn’t seem to say no either.
- Over the years, both Senya and Ichiya’s friendly rivalry grew and grew so much so that when they were hanging out, Ichiya was the one who named Senya as he is today.
- But all of a sudden, their relationship turned sour at some point with black shadows covering Ichiya. What happened is unknown but it’s seem odd for some reason.
- When Arajin asked why Senya relied the backstory to him, the genie said that both Arajin and Matakara’s goal of being Honki People is a lot similar to his and Ichiya’s goal.
- Matakara appears in front of Arajin, clearly looking distraught and not long before he starts attacking Arajin.
- Arajin had no idea what has happened and Senya told him to merge with him to which Arajin managed to thankfully stop Matakara’s kicks but Matakara overpowered Arajin and just as he was about to land a finishing blow, Arajin’s gut began to growl which hit him to run to the nearest bathroom
- Also in all seriousness, can’t they dropped the toilet humor?
- Ichiya appeared and is convinced that the reason Matakara held back was because of his kind heart.
- Back in the Tomoshibi residence, Ara patched himself up from what has happened and Senya looked down and muttered about how Ichiya now has a hold on Matakara now. Angered by all this, Arajin began to ask how did he know about it before Senya disappeared.
- Just as Arajin is lying down, he saw the slip of paper that Akutaro slipped in meet him in the dead of the night.
- Akutaro then revealed that the reason why Senya is being secretive is because apparently Senya is planning to take over Arajin!
- Back with Ichiya and Matakara, Ichiya talked about Mitsukuni and feed lies on why the latter is weak before Matakara began to go apeshit and destroyed the dark shadow. Oh and Matakara has a mark behind his back not unlike the one Arajin has behind his ass.
- And with that, the final scene now has Ichiya in full possession with Matakara all the while saying that he is lacking anger and hatred in his heart. Matakara’s eyes lacked shine and now resembles Ichiya’s.
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jenjen4280 · 1 year
Hanging out on the couch watching movies enjoying pu’er tea (me) and a mai tai (Hot Wife) in our seasonal beverage holders. 😁
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ecargmura · 2 months
Bucchigiri?! Episode 7 Review - Utsumi-style Fanservice Episode
Why the sudden fan service? Well, it’s an Utsumi show; there will always be that one fan service episode. It’s a staple and a must. Bucchigiri’s seventh episode delivers just that. It’s not a serious episode at all; it’s just a breather for the viewers to enjoy their favorite characters having fun without having too many risks. It’s also build up potential future events.
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You thought Arajin and Mahoro would improve their relationship? Nope. They’re still the same. Mahoro is still a brocon and Arajin is still a simp for her and he still hasn’t gotten a clue. I do like how even though Arajin did a great feat of stopping the gang fight, Mahoro still thinks he’s creepy, a loser and nothing special. When will he get a clue? Possibly never. Though, the funniest thing about this episode is that despite how many times he is horny for girls, he still hasn’t realized that “group dates” and other gatherings held by Siguma are not with girls but with guys. I thought he’d learn his lesson after Episode 3, but I guess not. I guess there would be improvement if Arajin eats Mahoro’s dark matter cooking, but she’d never make that for him; it was nice to see Marito eating it when Mahoro left.
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However, despite Arajin’s return to being a simp, there is one good thing about him: his relationship with Matakara has improved to the point that they’re talking civilly now. Arajin is not deliberately avoiding him anymore and they even talk about Mitsukuni, whom Arajin knows too. Mitsukuni will be returning next week, which is most likely next episode. He was in juvie because he had beaten up a corrupt cop. I honestly can’t wait to see what Mitsukuni will be like. Matakara paints him as this brave and earnest brother, but I can’t help but feel something sinister about him. He used to be a part of Minato Kai, so maybe he has some possible connection with Akutaro that will be explained?
Speaking of Akutaro, his loss against Arajin has him no longer be the rulers of the streets as he’s seen cooking yakisoba with some of his goons. When talking to Arajin, he brushes off his knowledge of Senya, which is most likely a plot point for the second half of the show. Senya is shown speaking once, but he does appear several times; it seems that Matakara interests him. There are hints that he will possess him in the OP, so maybe it’ll happen?
The group combat date was hilarious. Since this is a show about delinquents fighting, there has to be action scenes courtesy of MAPPA. It was nice seeing what everyone’s power level is. I do wonder why Kenichiro pulled his back—he’s only 21. It’s nice to see that Marito is still strong. Please don’t nerf him in the second half of the show. 
I think the biggest twist of this episode is the segment where Arajin’s homeroom teacher goes into that supposed cat cafe and NOT ask for Jasmine. Who’s this Pu’er-chan? Why have you separated from Jasmine? Did you cheat? I was as shocked as the cat boy receptionist.
Anyways, have some fun with this episode while it lasts because there definitely will be angst in the second half. I can feel it. I can smell it. I can taste it. Are you prepared? Will you be prepared? I am not. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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apod · 2 years
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2022 September 6
An Iridescent Pileus Cloud over China Image Credit & Copyright: Jiaqi Sun (孙嘉琪)
Explanation: Yes, but how many dark clouds have a multicolored lining? Pictured, behind this darker cloud, is a pileus iridescent cloud, a group of water droplets that have a uniformly similar size and so together diffract different colors of sunlight by different amounts. The featured image was taken last month in Pu'er, Yunnan Province, China. Also captured were unusual cloud ripples above the pileus cloud. The formation of a rare pileus cloud capping a common cumulus cloud is an indication that the lower cloud is expanding upward and might well develop into a storm.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap220906.html
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