#public health (medical specialty)
dratefahmed1 · 14 days
Hiatal Hernia Friendly Foods Delicious Dishes to Soothe Your Belly and Fight the Burn #herniadiet #n
#health #herniarepair #hernia #surgery #medicalstudents #medicalprofessionals #DrAtefAhmed #MedicalMystery #DoctorReacts #MentalHealthAwareness #ChronicIllness #HealthTips #Wellbeing #FitnessMotivation #MedicalSchool #Nutrition #HealthyLifestyle #DiseasePrevention #FirstAid #Anatomy #Healthcare #MedicalTechnology #PatientStories #DoctorLife #MedStudent Atef’s Notes In Hernia for Medical…
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petnews2day · 1 year
How to Tell If Your Cat's Teeth Are Hurting
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/2TzZs
How to Tell If Your Cat's Teeth Are Hurting
Photo: Monika Surzin (Shutterstock) Maintaining healthy teeth is obviously important for us, but the same is also true for our cats. Although we may not think about a cat’s dental health quite as often as ours—and attempting to brush their teeth can be its own battle—cats can develop their own dental issues, including abscessed teeth, […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/2TzZs #CatsNews #PeriodontalDisease, #Ball, #CherylLaBall, #DentalExtraction, #DentalPublicHealth, #Dentistry, #Gingivitis, #Health, #HumanInterest, #HumanTooth, #Lifehacker, #Medical, #MedicalSpecialties, #OutlineOfDentistryAndOralHealth, #Pharma, #RTT, #TeethCleaning, #ToothPathology
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thesocklesswonder · 5 months
Ohio's mental health authority is trying to ban transgender healthcare - esp for people under 21 years of age, BUT they are asking for public input! Hurry, though, as it's only through 5pm local time (US Eastern Standard Time) on January 19th!
Changes to the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services rule, "5122-14-12 | Private Psychiatric Hospital: Program, Specialty Services, and Discharge Planning", are to prohibit any kind of transgender care for those under 21 in a psychiatric hospital. Full document here, but be aware it is to a pdf
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The rule includes the text, "Medical services shall not include any of the following: ...the prescribing, administering, or furnishing of any prescription drug or hormone...", which means if someone under 21 enters a private psychiatric hospital and who is already on puberty blockers or hormones, the doctors there would be prohibited from giving them the prescription they already have.
A new proposed rule for the same Ohio department, "5122-26-19 | Gender Transition Care" states the requirements for anyone needing transition care under this department. They are targeting the most vulnerable with these rules: young people who have mental health issues who also need transgender care. Full document here, but be aware it is to a pdf
Included in this rule: A doctor may only provide transgender care after three requirements have been met - a psychiatrist who has experience with the patient's age group must be employed by/contracted with the provider, an endocrinologist who has experience with the age group, and the provider has a comprehensive written plan that includes a detransitioning provision.
It also requires any such patient to have a thorough mental health evaluation and counseling period of at least 6 months prior to any transgender care. It also appears to become part of their medical record.
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In addition to a ban on any transition surgeries, even if the patient jumps through all of those hoops, is a curious item that prevents doctors from referring patients out to other doctors that can provide care:
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Another thing that made me pause was what seems like a scare tactic:
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The terms "orchiectomy" and "penectomy" mean the removal of testicals and penis, respectively. The word "castration" could only be redundant or referring only to chemical castration, which seems to not fit in with gender reassignment surgery (correct me if you know it does fit). "Castration" is a scary word for most people with penises. I think it would likely provoke a knee-jerk response, like, "Oh, no, castration is bad. No castration! Enact these rules to keep people from being castrated!"
⚠️ The time is now to tell the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services what you think about this! ⚠️
The option to comment on these needless restrictions can be found at the link in the first paragraph, but it's just an link that takes you to your email app. You can also just email them directly at [email protected] no later than 5 pm EST on Friday, January 19, 2024.
Please reblog to get this message out! We all have a stake in how rules and laws are enacted. They often lead to more in other states/countries. So, even if you don't have a stake in this personally, please make sure others see it.
Why do I care? I don't live in Ohio, but I have friends all over, including Ohio, who need transgender care. You might know someone like that, too.
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writerblue275 · 5 months
How the Heartsteel members would take care of a sick/injured S/O.
Inspiration: Extremely self-serving, but I don’t care. I’m currently in the midst of a chronic illness episode. For me that involves an ungodly headache that can last for straight days, if not weeks, and other bs. All because my body can’t handle sodium 😭. If I don’t do something to distract myself, I’m going to cry, and I’d rather not do that, so here we gooooo.
Genre: Headcanon
Type: Fluff (very very slight angst in the concept [if you squint] just because you don’t feel good).
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader
Tw: None! This is pure fluff. 🥰
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Aphelios would actually be a great caretaker.
I think a lot of this comes from an excellent example. We know Alune took care of Aphelios when he was injured/after his surgeries. Since he was the recipient of her wonderful care, he knows what to do.
Extremely prepared. He’ll work from your place as much as possible so he can be close by (he has that little mobile keyboard set up shown in his “what’s in my bag” pic). Excellent at running out to grab supplies/medication (I feel like he has an excellent memory so you just need to tell/show him something once). Also phenomenal at making sure you take your meds on schedule and changing any dressings/wraps.
If for some reason an extra set of hands is needed or Phel needs further advice on how to best care for you, you know who he’s texting? Alune! She is happy to help however she can because you’re her friend too and she hates knowing you’re sick/in pain.
I feel like Phel’s immune system is pretty strong so even if you were contagious, he’d cuddle you. If he was really worried, there’s always his mask. (Makes my public health heart sing.) He has many extras so you can snag one too in order to be doubly safe. You get those healing cuddles!
This is where Ezreal’s typical golden retriever energy is extra useful!!
Like genuinely I think Ez is a really really sweet “nurse” and will do an excellent job of taking care of you. Or at the very least, he’s great at distracting you and making you smile so you don’t feel as shitty/in pain.
I can’t see Ez cooking tbh (mood), but he is more than happy to order delivery/run to grab whatever carry out whenever you want it. If he can’t do it because he needs to stay with you for some reason, he’s texting Alune and the boys and practically begging them to help him out. (One of them always does. They love you and want you to heal.)
Also happy to run out to grab whatever supplies you need. This sweet green bean is so eager to help you heal that not only will he grab what you ask for, he’ll also grab other things that you might not need. He’s of the mindset it’s better to be overprepared rather than underprepared.
I can’t see Ezreal wanting to cuddle if you’re contagious, tbh, which is fair, but he’ll definitely make sure you have all the blankets and pillows you need. He will sit near-ish to you though and hold your hand. And if you’re not contagious? Oh he’s clinging to you as much as you want him to.
Ok…so…this isn’t Kayn’s specialty as a partner, let’s be honest here.
Kayn is an amazing partner in so many other ways, but he’s not exactly...naturally nurturing? BUT that doesn’t mean he’s not going to try. He knows you need him, so he’s really going to put in a lot of effort to try and take care of you as best he can. (This secretly sweet rockstar!)
Kayn might fake grumble about it, but he will definitely go out and get whatever supplies you need. You may need to take a picture of a label/find one on the internet but he’s got you! (“Baby, there are so many CHOICES. How do I know which is the right one? I don’t want to get something you don’t need!”)
The first time you were sick/injured and he was with you, he texted the HS group chat for advice on how to take care of you and shocked everyone. (That was the moment the rest of HS knew Kayn was really head over heels for you. 🥹 <- Their faces as they read the texts.)
One thing I cannot see him doing is cuddling you when you’re sick (unless you’re not contagious). He doesn’t want to get sick himself. He will tuck you in and give you surprisingly soft forehead kisses though. He says they’re to check your temp but you know they’re to show he cares.
K’Sante is another member who just gives off such excellent and caring vibes. He has to come from a big, close-knit family, because he gives eldest brother vibes through and through.
Because of this, he’s perfect at taking care of you when you’re sick or injured. He’s done the same thing for his siblings/cousins many times.
Even though Sett is officially the best cook, I still fully believe K’Sante can throw down in the kitchen. Whenever possible, he’s making everything from scratch for you. You deserve it, after all. His meals alone will have you starting to feel way better.
He is fully stocked on OTC meds, ice packs, bandages, whatever you need. As a gym bro, K’Sante can get pretty sore, so he’s already got that stuff around for himself. Also, anything you need picked up, he’s got that taken care of.
As the eldest who took care of his younger family members, K’Sante’s immune system is PREPARED. Unless it is before a really big event, he would be fine cuddling you, even if you’re contagious. If it is close to a big event then he’s understandably a little more hesitant (he does have obligations to HS) but he’ll still be nearish to you and hold your hand so you know he’s there.
Ooooooh baby this is Sett’s time to fucking SHINE.
He was raised by his incredible Ma! Like of course Sett’s going to be really fucking good at taking care of you. (He already does an excellent job of doing that when you’re not sick/injured.)
We know he’s the best cook in the group so homemade soup/whatever comfort food you want/need you will have and it will be delicious. Really good about reminding you to take any meds you need to (he sets a reminder in his phone). Also fully stocked on OTC meds, medical wraps, ice packs, etc. Like he is PREPARED. (Perks of loving a gym bro.)
Happy to give you cuddles if that will help. I feel like Sett is another member that has an immune system of steel, so even if you’re sick, he’s still cuddling you if you want him to. (You definitely do like 95% of the time because how could you not?? Sett cuddles sound fucking elite!)
Worst-case scenario and you get sick while he’s traveling? He makes sure you are in the very best hands possible and sends in the big guns. That’s right, he has Ma come over to check on you/stay with you if need be (which she is happy to do because she adores you and loves how happy you make her son).
I think Yone would be a phenomenal “nurse!”
He might come across as cold/intimidating to those who don’t know him, but you always bring the soft side of him out. That’s totally applicable when you’re sick. Sweet Yone incoming!!
He cared for his younger brother Yasuo when he was sick or injured, so he is well versed in what supplies are useful for a multitude of ailments. Is well stocked on all of it too. If for some reason you need something and he doesn’t have it, he’s remedying that ASAP.
I’ve been thinking about whether or not Yone cooks. My gut says not really besides breakfast food. While he’s not going to make you homemade soup/your comfort food, you bet he’s asking Sett or K’Sante to make some for you. (They’re happy to do so. You keep your their producer sane. Helping you is self-preservation 😂.)
While he’s likely been injured many times, I feel like this beautiful motherfucker (affectionate!!) has never been ill a day in his life. His immune system is just that strong. Whatever the issue, he is down to give you whatever cuddles you desire. (I’m bringing back my headcanon of cuddly Yone and NO ONE CAN STOP ME 😋.) Enjoy the forehead kisses and sweet little verbal check-ins.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., "is at long last acknowledging that ObamaCare has increased healthcare prices" and created other unintentional consequences, the Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote Friday.
Warren, who has long supported the Affordable Care Act, the official name for ObamaCare, has recently come to an "epiphany" about "industry consolidation and price increases caused by the healthcare law," per The Journal.
A letter to the Health and Human Services Department inspector general was aimed at determining if "vertically-integrated health care companies are hiking prescription drug costs" and are "evading federal regulations."
In a bipartisan letter, she and Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., complained "that the nation’s largest health insurers are dodging ObamaCare’s medical loss ratio (MLR)," according to The Journal. 
As Warren describes in the letter, health insurers have exploited the situation, making for "sky-high prescription drug costs and excessive corporate profits."
"In functioning markets, generic drugs cost 80 to 85 percent less than their name-brand equivalents, giving patients much-needed relief from high drug costs and saving taxpayer dollars," Warren wrote. "But patients – including patients in public health care programs like Medicare and Medicaid – who either use or are compelled to use vertically integrated specialty pharmacies are not seeing this relief."
The senators continued: "By owning every link in the chain, a conglomerate like UnitedHealth Group – which includes an insurer, a PBM, a pharmacy, and physician practices – can send inflated medical payments to its pharmacy. Then, by realizing those payments on the pharmacy side – the side that charges for care – rather than the insurance side, the insurance line of business appears to be in compliance with MLR requirements, while keeping more money for itself." 
The Journal explained that despite Democrats arguing that the MLR would help patients, "the rule has spurred insurers to merge with or acquire pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), retail and specialty pharmacies, and healthcare providers." 
"This has made healthcare spending less transparent since insurers can shift profits to their affiliates by increasing reimbursements," the board wrote. 
Warren has voted against ObamaCare repeal efforts over the years but also pushed for a "Medicare for All" proposal when she ran for president in 2020.
Warren's office and HHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital. 
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samueldays · 7 months
Have said it before, will say it again: I'm no great person. Neither morally nor intellectually. When I rag on all sorts of experts and degree-holders, it's not because I think so much of myself as to imagine I'm omnicompetent, but because I think so very little of them.
So here's my latest bit of ragging on high places:
Opinion: Trust in science is declining. Here’s how we can regain it
Megan L. Ranney, MD MPH, is an emergency physician and dean of Yale School of Public Health. Katelyn Jetelina, MPH PhD, is an epidemiologist, advisor to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
These two Masters of Public Health have correctly noticed a lack of trust. Their proposed patch boils down to: tell people to have more trust, loudly, frequently, and on more channels.
There is no mention of apologizing for mistakes in general, nor acknowledging any specific mistakes made. Nothing about improvements to be made among scientists, neither self-policing nor the lack thereof, nor the replication crisis, et cetera. There is only a lengthy call to communicate better, leading to this amazingly awful sentence:
At the end of the day, if the United States is going to improve our trust in science, we have to ensure that we are all public health communicators.
Problem 1: you take your own perfection for granted, not considering anything you might do to earn trust. Problem 2: you treat "trust" as a goal in itself, rather than something that should correspond to your trustworthiness. Problem 3: you equivocate between science and public health. Problem 4: you call on everyone else in "we" to fix your bad rep.
Social media can play a part, too. Work by the National Academy of Medicine, in collaboration with the Council for Medical Specialty Societies and the World Health Organization (with which Dr. Ranney was involved), outlined ways for social media companies to identify and amplify “credible health messengers” — both the professionals and the everyday folks who are volunteering their time to create content. We applaud companies like YouTube that have made this work a priority, and hope that more companies will follow.
A cynical person might describe this in terms of selective reporting and suppressing dissent. The use of "credible" as opposed to "honest" sounds like a spin doctor wanting to make problems go away by rhetoric instead of work. It's not clear how much of the MPH's focus on health, vaccination, the WHO and so forth is déformation professionelle, and how much is a MPH trying to spend down the credit of "science" at large for the benefit of her personal narrow slice of it.
CNN Opinion selects for the kind of people who want to be on CNN, and the kind of people CNN wants to have on, so Ranney and Jetelina are probably not representative of public health, or so I hope. They're still awful people. Their entire opinion piece is a demonstration of why "trust in science" should be low: there is a serial conflation of trust in scientists and trust in experts and trust in credential-holders like Ranney and Jetelina who in turn treat trust as a kind of compliance to be acquired by badgering people.
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pannaginip · 21 days
Baby Hero was born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a condition that affects the production of hormones in his body. Having CAH makes Hero intersex, and the type of CAH he has requires lifetime medication.
The couple is also able to secure some financial help from the Department of Social Welfare and Development. But explaining her son’s condition to the personnel handling her requests is always a pain, as they often don’t understand what CAH is.
The plight of the intersex community rarely comes into the national spotlight. But one time it did was when the Supreme Court (SC) sided with Jeff Cagandahan in a 2008 landmark ruling that paved the way for the community’s rights.
In 2003, at a regional trial court (RTC) in Laguna, Jeff filed for changes in his birth certificate, namely the change of his name from “Jennifer” to “Jeff,” and his gender from “female” to “male.”
The RTC sided with Jeff, though the Office of the Solicitor General tried to reverse the decision. In the end, the SC upheld it, saying that Jeff let nature take its course in allowing his body to reveal male characteristics. He was allowed to change his name and gender in his birth registry.
“Respondent is the one who has to live with his intersex anatomy. To him belongs the human right to the pursuit of happiness and of health. Thus, to him should belong the primordial choice of what courses of action to take along the path of his sexual development and maturation,” the decision read, penned by the late former associate justice Leonardo Quisumbing.
Jeff later on co-founded Intersex Philippines, and currently serves as a co-chair of Intersex Asia. Intersex Philippines has over 200 members.
Though it’s been more than a decade since Jeff’s legal victory, the lack of public awareness about intersex people and their concerns generally remained in the Philippines, even among medical professionals.
For instance, while there are plenty of endocrinologists across the Philippine health system, Jeff said that it is difficult to find “intersex-friendly” endocrinologists, who do not push intersex people to undergo procedures to conform with the sex they were assigned at birth.
Access to medicine remains the biggest challenge for intersex people in the Philippines, according to Jeff. Based on their group’s research, just one specialty compounding pharmacy, Apotheca, produces the medicines that most in their community need. It’s Metro Manila-based, which makes it even harder for those in the provinces to access them.
Jeff constantly receives reports of children with life-threatening intersex variations who succumb to their condition, as their parents were unable to acquire the medications that could have kept them alive.
According to Intersex Philippines, some intersex children undergo irreversible, unnecessary surgeries and treatment without their consent. Some also experience emotional harm from this treatment.
In November 2023, Bataan 1st District Representative Geraldine Roman filed the Cagandahan Bill in Congress, which seeks to make what Jeff achieved more accessible to intersex Filipinos.
While Republic Act No. 9048, enacted in 2001, allows Filipinos to correct clerical and typographical errors in their civil registry offices without judicial orders, the bill said that this does not “explicitly address the unique circumstances of intersex individuals.” Having their legal documents amended to align with their identities would acknowledge an intersex person’s right to self-determination, it said.
2024 Apr. 6
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"If you would like to confirm the validity of this campaign, you can message either Bashar or I on Instagram. Our usernames are basharinshasi and darina.bishop and our accounts are public. Here is Bashar's story:
I have carried the dream of studying medicine since childhood, but now that my dream has become more important and my goal of studying medicine has become an unavoidable goal regarding what I saw of the dire need for doctors in my city of Gaza in this war that we are still living in until this moment. I write this letter after more than four months of bombing, destruction, starvation, and genocide to which we are subjected. I took the first steps in realizing my dream after I finished my high school and obtained a 99.6 % and ranked second in my country after struggling and studying in order to obtain a scholarship because my family isn’t able to afford my medical school costs. I registered at the Al-Azhar University majored in medicine through the scholarship of His Excellency the President, and I had started studying in September.2023, and I had only completed approximately two weeks on my dream path before this war began and the occupation bombarded my university and demolished it, as it did in all the universities of the Gaza Strip, and my dream has vanished along with it. The financial burden on my father has become unbearable , especially in light of the bad conditions caused by the war and the destruction of my house. My father may need many years to rebuild it and put everything he owns maybe. At the end, I aspire to be an extraordinary doctor in my field, in order to help the people of my city, Gaza, who are suffering from various physical disabilities , such as amputations and others, and health problems caused by the war and the killing of many, many medical teams while performing their duties in hospitals, clinics and medical facilities, which led to the collapse if the health system in the Gaza Strip, so I hope to continue my dream of studying this specialty as soon as possible.
This gofundme has been created and managed by Darina Bishop, a trusted friend to Bashar Inshasi’s older brother. I live in Australia and while in close communication with Bashar’s family, I am a vocal advocate for Palestine. The target donation amount of this gofundme is $65k Australian dollars equalling to around $42k US dollars. To enter Egypt from Rafah, it will cost $10k US dollars alone. $25k will be allocated to tuition fees at Bashar’s new university. The remaining approximate $7k will go towards housing and food for Bashar. Once our goal has been met, the funds will be transferred directly to Bashar. Thank you so very much for your kindness and generosity. Your support is deeply appreciated "
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transmutationisms · 1 year
& degeneration / degeneracy have even longer and more reactionary histories than i think many people realise—we tend to associate these terms w/ victorian britain & the evolutionary theorising that was taking place between about the 1840s and the turn of the century (chambers -> darwin; also the working-class importation / appropriation of lamarckian ideas that percolated in the penny presses and then in the edinburgh medical schools)—but the history runs back even further. degeneration’s counterpart, regeneration, had currency in the 18th century as both a religious concept and a biological one (as in, regeneration of organs) in france & germany. by the 1750s, claims were circulating that france in particular was morally & physically degenerate, a contention about the biological state of the population that initially finger-pointed primarily at aristocratic luxury, then shifted to blame the urban working poor. over the late 1770s and into the 1780s, this narrative combined w/ the percolating anxiety about the financial condition of the crown (which was essentially bankrupting itself behind the scenes in an effort to maintain control of its colonies & to fight near-constant imperial wars), & by the time the first revolution formally began in 1789, physician-reformers had become adept at presenting it as a socially curative event that would regenerate the entire society by bringing enlightenment moral & physical improvement to the social body in the form of moderate republicanism, continuous ofc w/ ongoing medical management of the individual. under the napoleonic consulate, ‘breeding treatises’ proliferated in which physicians purported to be able to teach people how to select spouses to optimise their children’s health / beauty / moral uprightness, & these ideas followed directly from 18th century breeding experiments on both animals and humans (eg, buffon used to arrange marriages of the peasants on his estate to test his theories about heredity). during the 1820s, public health became more cemented as a specialty & an academic discipline, & after the 1832 and 1848 repeat patterns of revolutionary violence followed directly by cholera outbreaks, the link became even more widely assumed between political unrest (a break w/ the enlightenment liberal project) & disease / death / degeneration. meanwhile all of this was ofc taking place against the backdrop of constant french nationalist concerns about population decline, industrialisation perceived to lag behind that of britain, & the need to promote reproduction for both these reasons (cf. the third republic’s and vichy regime’s natalist policies). all of this to say that degeneration and degeneracy theory have always been nationalist and (proto-)eugenic in character, & victorian britons were already drawing on a well-established tradition in this respect. these are really not concepts that can be divorced from this history.
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bilightningwhumper · 16 days
TNEI Worldbuild/Lore
This is where Specialists, Orderlies, and Wards reside.
Alphas, both male and female, are allowed just about anywhere. Omegas are limited in movement, restricted “for their health.” Betas are disallowed entry other than as staff members. Specialty collars on each patient to categorize and keep them from regressing in their progress
Collars determine permissions/access:
Pastel/brighter colors typically for omegas
Darker colors typically for alphas
Green- Free Use
Pink- Breeding
Red- No Contact (Look, don’t touch)
Blue- Breeders
Black- Isolation
Some have combo colors:
Alpha females can have Blue/pink or Blue/green
Omega males can have Pink/blue or Green/blue
Some have tags on their collars pairing two together, such as two that cannot leave the Institution, but still may be sold to Merchants for their Collectors
Medical Centers:
Safe places for recovering Wards and Birds that have been freed from captivity for various reasons
Staff is made up of Caregivers; some of whom are former Wards and Birds, though many were Normals
Underground Railroad:
No official central location or headquarters
Movement to help free those held in Institutions or by Merchants and Collectors
Made up of Caregivers, Investigators, Wards, and some Normals
Placeholder name of “Merry Men” until I can think of another
These are individuals owned buy Collectors as their “property”
More often than not, they are Omegas, though Alphas or Betas are not excluded from this.
Used for pleasure, looking like pretty decorative pieces, anything their Collector desires of them
Called "birds" so Collectors can hide under the radar while speaking in public
Medical professionals in the Medical Centers to help un-brainwash Wards+Birds and/or give them proper healing treatment from the abuse of the Institutions or Collectors
They collect “birds” and help fund the Institutions
They also are the main instigators behind the laws keeping Institutions in place
Law groups and private investigators trying to take down the Institution system
Work with Caregivers as well as with freed Wards and Birds
They work between Collectors and the Institutions
If a Bird is no longer satisfactory to a Collector, these are the people to sell them to a new Collector or send them back to an Institution
When a Ward is determined to be unfit to be paired with a Normal but has completed their treatment successfully, they’re put into the Merchant system for a Collector to buy
People that aren’t directly part of the Institutions or anything connected to them
Majority are unaware of the impact of the Institutions on society or of the Institutions’ existence at all
Those that do either do nothing or are actively trying to stop them; the latter becoming Caregivers or Investigators
Enforce rules and keep Wards safe from each other when need be (ie if an Alpha in a rut goes after an off-limits Omega)
Dole out punishments to misbehaving Wards
Supervisors of cleaning/housekeeping staff
These are the only Betas in the Institutions
Medical professionals in the Institutions to aid in the Wards’ treatments
Varying numbers of Alphas and Omegas
They charge the Orderlies on what to do
Alphas and Omegas in the Institutions as “patients”
Most were Normals sent there by their legal guardians
Some are former Birds that displeased their Collectors and no one else wanted to buy
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emirates23 · 3 months
Exploring Nursing Opportunities Abroad: Top Countries for Indian Nurses
Nursing is one of the most in-demand jobs inside and outside India. A profession that is in most demand in GCC countries for Indians is the nursing job. For Indian nurses, who are looking to broaden their horizons, many countries are waiting with promising career opportunities. If you are a skilled nurse and have multilingual capabilities then wide opportunities will be there. The overseas opportunities will give you high pay as well as a high-standard working environment. The respect for nurses outside India is much higher than inside India. Nurses are being recruited through top nursing consultancy in Kerala and here is a list of the top countries that offer promising careers.  
Five top countries that offer promising nursing career
United Arab Emirates: Dubai which is an opulent city right due to cultural and development richness hires nurses from India. A large part of nurses who work in Dubai are Indian and they a decent pay but not much higher than European and American countries. But the most attractive feature of Dubai is that the nurses can take their entire income to their homeland since there are no taxes. In Dubai, there are many world-class hospitals, medical centers, and clinics that offer good employment prospects for Indian and other nationalities. 
Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia, there are a plethora of job opportunities for nurses in both the private and Government sectors. They offer good pay, accommodation facilities and also travel allowances. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest nations in GCC countries and also the pilgrimage place for Muslims, the demand for medical facilities is very high. The demand for trained professionals especially from India is of high demand in Saudi. However, finding the right opportunity is a bit challenging since there is a high scam in the field of recruitment. 
Canada: Canada is a country that offers a healthcare system with the highest standard. This country is facing staff shortages and is now actively recruiting nurses worldwide. The high-quality life and the welcoming stances towards immigrants make Canada an excellent choice for nurses. The medical facilities and education are completely free for immigrants. 
Australia: Australia's flourishing healthcare industry and stunning landscapes attract nurses worldwide. With modern facilities and advanced technology, nurses can work efficiently. During leisure time, they can explore the country's picturesque natural environment. Competitive salaries and excellent benefits make it a lucrative career option. To work as a nurse in Australia, one must register with the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and pass English language proficiency tests.
United States of America (USA): The USA boasts a robust healthcare system with a significant demand for skilled nurses across various specialties. Indian nurses aspiring to work in the USA can pursue opportunities through programs like the H-1B visa for skilled workers or the EB-3 visa for professionals with tertiary education. Opportunities exist in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and community health settings throughout the country.
United Kingdom (UK): With its National Health Service (NHS), the UK offers extensive opportunities for Indian nurses to work in both public and private healthcare sectors. The UK's Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) oversees the registration process for international nurses, which includes passing the Occupational English Test (OET) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and meeting other requirements. Work settings range from hospitals and nursing homes to community healthcare centers.
If you are planning for an overseas nursing job, first research the rules and regulations for immigrants. Based on it decide which country is most suitable for you. There will be medical tests, mandatory examinations, and other verifications for each country. It is better to connect with any nursing consultancy in Kerala before you plan to move, they will guide you through the process and also provide you with data regarding the recruitment.
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naturalrights-retard · 4 months
I wish I could report to you that Schwabb, Fauci, Gates, Tedros, Bourlas, Trudeau, Freeland, and other global predators have been arrested and neutralized by the military or police, but that has not happened... Yet.
Last month, while the WEF met in Davos to plan their next steps in abusing, manipulating, and stealing from us all, Dr. William Makis and I met to brainstorm regarding what they might be planning and how we can survive it. Our aim is to undermine their agenda and plot their well-deserved destruction.
I hope this information helps you and your family optimize your health and safety and enhances your role in disarming the medical-military-industrial complex. Let's work together to create an abundant, healthy, free, and fair society for us all.
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About Dr William Makis
Dr.William Makis MD, FRCPC is a physician living in Edmonton, Alberta. He obtained an Immunology degree at University of Toronto where he was a top scholarship recipient, and graduated from McGill University School of Medicine in 2005, with specialty training in Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology. 
Dr.Makis has internationally renowned expertise in cutting edge cancer treatments for end stage cancer patients. He ran one of the largest Targeted Radionuclide Therapy Cancer Clinics in North America and diagnosed over 10,000 cancer patients in his career with state of the art diagnostics such as PET/CT. 
Dr.Makis is also a cancer researcher with over 100 peer-reviewed publications in international medical journals, as well as a best selling author on Substack. He has been fighting corruption in Canada’s healthcare system for many years, and today he is working hard to help transform our healthcare system, by bringing back trust, honesty and medical ethics, while  advocating for patients and their families who have been harmed by the system.
Dr Makis is one of the world leaders in tracking the tsunami of death across all demographics since the covid-19 genetic “vaccines” have been imposed on the world´s populations.   
Dr Makis is the Chief of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology for the Wellness Company Canada.
Find Dr Makis excellent work at: Substack, Twitter/X, and Instagram
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Benefits of Studying in Greece
Unilife abroad career solutions
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Good Weather Conditions
If you love the sun, Greece is perfect for you! The number one pro among the Pros and Cons of Studying in Greece is undoubtedly the weather. After Valletta, Athens is the warmest Capital in Europe. July is usually the sunniest month and December the cloudiest. That said, this country is blessed with sunny days and good weather conditions almost all year around.
Top Business School in Greece
The American College of Greece is one of the top graduate business schools in Europe, located in the historic capital of Athens. Alba faculty comprises of staff from all over the world who have experience in prestigious schools in the area of business and management and beyond, such as Harvard Business School, Stern School of Business, Wharton, London Business School etc.
Low tuition fees and low living expenses
If you are an EU/EEA student, you most likely will not be charged with any tuition fees for a Bachelor’s degree. However, an increasing number of Masters is requiring students to pay. If you are an international student, then you will have to pay tuition fees that range less than €10,000 per year, which includes textbooks. Depending on the university, books might be given to students at no extra cost. For example, The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki offers hot meals twice a day and the free use of the gym to all its students.
To live in Greece, students spend on average between €450 and €700 per month, inclusive of accommodation, bills, phone plan, public transport pass, etc. If we compare this to other European destinations, like Spain and Germany, then the average monthly living costs might easily rise to a minimum of €800, depending on the city.
Enjoy the local cuisine
If you are going to study there, you will get to enjoy the delicacies that the country has to offer. Tsatsiki, feta, olives, gyros are just some of the many Greek specialties which should not be missed. The Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the healthiest. Fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, just to mention some, help lower inflammation in your body, reduce the risk of diabetes, and more.
Health care
EU citizens have free access to most healthcare services provided by public hospitals in Greece with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
Students coming from some non-EU countries might benefit from free medical care due to reciprocal agreements with Greece. If this is not the case, you will need to arrange private health insurance before your departure to Greece. However, most hospitals that accept foreign insurance are those in Athens or Thessaloniki.
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brown-little-robin · 5 months
OC asks:
Merx: 🐺 - How does this oc deal with solitude? AND 🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them?
Hestia: 🔅 - How does this oc deal with physical pain? AND 💭 - How is their mental health? Do they struggle with guilt or shame?
Rhea: ❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
Malware: 🌕 - If this oc was an animal, what kind would they be?
Eve: 💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or more awkward?
Shiva: 🐸 - What’s this oc’s sense of humor like? AND 🐰 - How huggable is this oc?
Grief: 🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it? AND 📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
hiiii thanks!! good questions!
Merx: 🐺 - How does this oc deal with solitude? AND 🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them?
Solitude? In the short term, fairly well. As long as there's a set time when he can look forward to being with Hestia, he's okay. He needs time alone to recharge anyway. Dealing well with alone time is a requirement for becoming a spaceship! AND 🌈 I associate red-and-black with Merx, specifically because that's the color combination which on koi fish symbolizes feminine AND masculine qualities. Also I associate him with dark blue, but that's about his spaceship body.
Hestia: 🔅 - How does this oc deal with physical pain? AND 💭 - How is their mental health? Do they struggle with guilt or shame?
🔅 Hestia doesn't like physical pain. It sucks. She holds it together when she's doing anything public or she's in front of strangers, but once she's in private she pampers herself about it. Hestia rarely whines or complains, but Merx (and her bodyguards and friends) can tell when she's in pain because she starts, like, carrying around heat packs and taking long baths and drinking specialty tea and taking medication EXACTLY as often as recommended. AND 💭 Hestia's mental health is pretty good overall. Taking care of Merx does take its toll on her—his depressive episodes can be difficult. But she's got a lot of resilience! And she doesn't really have any issues with guilt or shame. She has done nothing wrong in her life <3 (this is not true, she just chooses not to dwell on her failings <3)
Rhea: ❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
Empress Rhea's highest priority, in her old age, is to think of herself as a good person. Her first priority is to provide for her friends and family, and secondarily she cares for managing the empire in a way that keeps it running without breakdowns. She believes that goodness can only be achieved at an individual level, so she spends a lot of energy trying to be a good person rather than a good empress.
Malware: 🌕 - If this oc was an animal, what kind would they be?
Hmmm, maybe a weasel!! Too smart for its own good, random quick movements all the time, thievery, competitiveness, and an affectionate but sharp-toothed nature? YESSS okay that's Malware. A digital weasel. <333
Eve: 💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or more awkward?
Mmm, the old-woman version of Eve who's with the spaceship crew is good with children! The other version of Eve, who is a disembodied mind in control of 1/4 of the military's robots, cringes away from children because she hardly has any positive interactions with ANYONE and if she sees a child that's probably bad. For the child.
Shiva: 🐸 - What’s this oc’s sense of humor like? AND 🐰 - How huggable is this oc?
Shiva will laugh at anything. His attitude toward life is one of humor; he doesn't take too many things seriously. He's easily impressed by puns and jokes. You can get a real belly laugh out of him for really good witticisms. He doesn't like mean-spirited humor, though :((( AND 🐰 hmmmmmm. in spirit, Shiva is the MOST huggable. however, in practice, he's constantly shapeshifting himself into spiky metal and back again, so it would be a big risk. and it gets worse when people touch him, so the most you can probably do is hold his hand for a while before his concentration slips and you get lightly stabbed.
Grief: 🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it? AND 📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
He'd probably find something very relaxing and alone to do for the morning, like hanging out in a garden if he's on a planet. And then he'd hang out with his (mostly long-distance) friends in the afternoon/evening! He misses them so badly. AND 📓 yeah! "There's change coming once and for all / you makes the front page and then you is major news / tomorrow they'll see what we are / and sure as a star / we ain't come this far / to lose", the first lines of Once and for All, a song from Newsies! the Broadway Musical!
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eendorsements · 6 months
Progressive Neurology & Sleep Center - Chesapeake, VA | eEndorsements
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Renowned Chesapeake neurologist Soham G. Sheth, M.D., M.P.H. It was in Ahmedabad, India's Smt. N.H.L. Municipal Medical College where he earned his medical degree. At Wayne State University's Detroit Medical Center, in Detroit, Michigan, he completed his additional training in neurology.
He completed a fellowship in clinical neurophysiology and neuromuscular medicine at Wayne State University's Detroit Medical Centre, providing him with additional super-specialty training.
From Bloomberg John Hopkins School of Public Health, he also holds a master's degree in public health. He investigated Fellowship further at Baltimore, Maryland's John Hopkins School of Medicine. He was interested in peripheral neuropathy in his study.
Check out Progressive Neurology & Sleep Center - Chesapeake, VA profile on eEndorsements.
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crucipuzzled · 2 years
About Psychiatry stuff in SPYxFAMILY. Part 4
Part 1 / Part 2 /Part 3 About 10 minutes ago I took the exit exam for one of my Psychoanalysis postgraduate courses and I scored the highest grade. In order to commemorate this joyous ocassion for me, I decided to write an eyesore bring you the last part of this series of Psychiatry stuff in SPYxFAMILY.
I included a brief section of Bonuses to answer some small details that I didn't speak about before, and to cover some of the questions you've formulated over this series of analysis. I hope to fulfill your expectations.
Spoilers ahead!
9. The DSM
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DSM stands for Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders. It's an American handbook that contains descriptions of symptoms and the criteria to properly diagnose a mental health disorder. Its use is pretty much worldspread.
Interestingly, Psychiatrists barely use the DSM as they prefer the ICD-10 handbook. ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases, and it's a compilation of descriptions of every single disease known by modern Medicine. The diseases related to mental health are listed in the "F" codes of the ICD.
In short, DSM is mostly used by Psychologists for diagnostic purposes, while Psychiatrists, for that same purpose, tend to use the ICD because they are grounded in Medicine.
This doesn't stop a Psychiatrist for using the DSM as a reference, but the thing with diagnosis is that it needs to be codified, so your insurance company or the Public Health System can properly cover your treatment costs or whatever. So, another reason for why doctors prefer to stick to the ICD.
-Why do they have numbers like DSM-V and ICD-10?
Periodically, new classifications are made as the field of Medicine keeps doing clinical research and discovering new stuff; in consequence, the Manuals need to be updated.
Even when the DSM is for Psychologists, Psychiatrists play an important role updating it, hence why Fiona hands Loid a document pertaining changes in the DSM. But since she's also fake, well...
10. Concussive Therapy
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Yor, please! That's confidential between my patients and me!
Severely disturbed psychiatric patients can be a handful. While most of them are peaceful and mean no harm to others at all, there's always a bunch of patients that get really agitated and violent, leaving you with no other option than physical restrain.
That's why, for good precaution, a Psychiatrist working in a Hospital should know at least one immobilization movement to restrain an agitated patient without harming him/her (hello Aikido). Not mandatory, but recommended if you're going to work in a Psychiatric ER. If that fails, there's always the rest of the staff to aid the doctor.
Of course, beating patients is a no-no. Then again, Loid is a fake Psychiatrist...
Bonus time!
Bonus 1: What if Anya goes to therapy?
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For a spy, that would be the worst occurence ever. Even if we therapists don't read minds, we have our ways to get dangerously close to the truth, without you even realizing it. Bwa-ha-ha-ha!
It's much safer to keep being a good DILF dad.
Bonus 2: What about the lab coat?
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In a Hospital, Psychiatrists need to be recognized as doctors and distinguish themselves from other professionals, because their role and the authority given to them is pretty different from every other healthcare professional. This is specially useful when working in a Psychiatric ER. A lab coat meets this purpose.
But if you work in the Ambulatory Care Unit you can simply switch to a cardigan or, even better, the beloved tweed jacket. Or a tweed jacket with elbow patches over a cardigan. That's an overkill.
Just listen to the good Dr. Glaucomflecken!
Bonus 3: What about Loid's research?
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If he can't reveal much of his research, then Loid's doing clinical research. In simple words: he's working with patients's data, wether quantitative or qualitative. Whenever a patient's personal info is involved, confidentiality is a must.
Out of all medical specialties, Psychiatry is the most philosophical and the easiest to fake and can do quite a lot of non-clinical research.
Then again, he's a fake Psychiatrist...
Bonus 4: Are Donovan Desmond's head scars a product of a lobotomy?
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If your surgical target is the frontal lobe, it doesn't make sense that the scars are in the temporal skullbone (the sides of the head).
Standard lobotomy made an incision in the frontal bone of the skull, the top of the head. And frontal lobotomy didn't leave any scars. So, no lobotomy, guys.
Also, why would he need a lobotomy, in the first place? Only if he had a mental condition characterized by uncontrollable agitation, like some types of Schizophrenia, Epilepsy or OCD. And after a lobotomy, he definitely wouldn't have been able to talk to Loid and Damian without any issues, like he did.
I already ruled out the possibility of him being psychotic. Now, he could have other serious mental illnesses like those I just mentioned but I lack data to properly hypothetize a diagnosis.
That said, in terms of psychic structure (which is not the same as having a mental illness or a type of personality), he gives me the impression of an obsessive neurotic. But he could be a perverse, like Yuri Briar. Only Endo will tell.
Judging only by his head scars and where they're located, I can think of 2 surgical interventions with therapeutic ends:
Temporal lobectomy, to treat some cases of Epilepsy
Brain tumor removal
The other option is that he somehow got a grievous wound on his head and received sutures, not a neurosurgery. He lived a war, after all.
I'm with that portion of the fandom that go by the theory of Donovan being a product of human experimentation, wether forcibly or by his own volition as to buff himself up somehow rather than meeting a therapeutic purpose.
But, given that SxF has presented us to an incoherent universe in which Yor tells her coworkers she forgot to tell her brother about her marriage after, supposedly, AN ENTIRE YEAR and THEY DON'T CALL THE SSS ON THE SPOT, everything is possible. Rendering everything I've written so far absolutely worthless. It was fun, regardless.
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Don't overthink it! Here, have a silly Anya chapter.
And that's it for this sort of analysis or rather boring everybody to death of Psychiatric stuff in the SPYxFAMILY series. If anything interesting comes up in the next episodes, if I have enough time like I do nowadays not that I like it, I need a job I'll try to write about it.
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