fandom-puff · 4 months
hello, congrats on 10k! i just read your answer about sander’s first kiss and now my heart hurts :( could we get a baby blurb of sandor and a reader who really, really wants to kiss him for the first time!!
Sandor deserves so many kisses ready mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
You frowned up at Sandor despite the gentle kiss he pressed to the top of your head. “What was that for?” You demanded.
“What?” Sandor grunted, straightening to his full height and staring down at you.
“You pulled away…” you mumbled, suddenly embarrassed at causing a fuss. But Sandor had always been your protector, and now there was something more there… or was there?
But Sandor was not one to reject your advances, your hugs, your gentle touches.
Only your kiss.
“I’m sorry,” you murmured. “I didn’t mean to offend you… didn’t want to… I thought…”
“You wanted to kiss me?” Sandor asked, his voice a mixture of astonishment and incredulity, a frown etched on his scarred face. When you nodded he cocked his brow. “And why the fuck would you want to do that?” He said, his thumb subconsciously rubbing at the scarred half of his lips.
You covered his hand with yours, moving it slowly. When you cupped his face-the burnt side- he almost jolted back like a jumpy horse, but soon melded to your touch. Slowly, he lowered down to your level, and when your lips brushed against his, he did not recoil.
Instead he pulled you closer.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 4 months
I feel like minotaur Konig is the type to really value gifts from his beloved. Like, she weaves him a beautiful tunic that matches his eyes and now he only wants to wear that every single day. After a while she's like "You're gonna have to wear something else eventually" and he's like "..............No" 😂. She crafts him an amulet for protection during his travels and he doesn't even believe in that kind of stuff but he literally never takes it off, he wears it at sea, at home, in the bath, in bed, everywhere. She made it for him because she loves him and that makes it his most prized possession.
Yes, Minotaur!König treats darling's gifts like they’re bestowals from gods 🥺 Try parting him with that shirt and he'll say it doesn't even smell that bad yet... Even her cooking (not always that great) is praised to the skies while she just rolls her eyes. Everything she makes, crafts or does is followed by a pair of keen, curious eyes – it’s unnerving sometimes but she doesn’t have the heart to tell him to mind his own business.
And when she trims his beard and locks, he’s learned to stay put like a good bull it’s a holy ceremony for him to get groomed. She creates so much beauty and order around her, she puts all things in the right places: even he becomes more handsome in her hands. She brings his eyes out with simple scissors and a shirt, how can he even begin to repay all this...?
He brings her an assortment of things he finds from abroad, in return for her endless kindness: exotic fruits, different types of wool, dried flowers and cute pottery. He doesn’t know what is considered rare or common quite yet so he may appear at her door with a confused goat tied on a rope and a bolt of finest silk in his paws. She caresses his beard, yet again gone wild: where to put the goat, she doesn’t know, but she appreciates the thought ❤️
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vikuo-kuma · 5 months
Mash Burnedead
No cause why do I see Mash as a clingy lover, am I right or is it just me? 😭
Thinking about it brought butterflies to my stomach.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 days
Hey hey miss girl! Hope all is well!
For your little event, let's kick things off with some JJK
Headcanon (if everything bad didn't happen): Geto and Gojo r teachers together. On occasion, Gojo would rope in Geto to mess with the kids (Nobara, Megumi, and Yuji) by tickling them. The kids, ofc, thought they could outrun them or even fight back but they just can't handle the might of 2 of the most powerful sorcerers (so basically Lee(s)! Nobara, Megumi, and Yuji with Ler(s) Geto and Gojo)
Can't wait to see what you come up with 🫶🏾💖
GIRL I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS- The telepathy I swear- kjlarkearjkejrej but hey hey girl! I'm doing fantastic! I hope the same for you <3 Let's give this AU some much needed content!
“They’re coming!”
Nobara was running, her hand like an iron grip on Yuji’s wrist as they booked it from the classroom. Megumi had taken the opposite direction; yelling something about splitting up. Yuji frankly was ready to leap from the window before Nobara took him with her.
“Oo, there they go. I wonder who I should go after?” Geto-Sensei’s words carried down the hall, speeding up their pace. “Satoru- what do you suppose?”
Gojo-sensei didn’t say. Instead- Yuji heard feet rushing after them. “Kugisaki-” He tried to warn Nobara- maybe even grab her and run himself- but seconds later their path was blocked.
“Shoot!” She scrambled back as a long white body appeared- a dragon’s face staring them down. “Haku-”
“Gotcha!” Geto cried from behind. Yuji yelped when he was suddenly grabbed- pulled back into a broad chest. “Now- who am I gonna get first?”
“Wait, wahahhahahahhahait!” Nobara cried, kicking her feet with a squeal when the hand around her waist started tickling. “Gehehehheeto-sheheehehhenshehehehehei! Gehehhhet Iihihihhiihtahahahahdohohohori!”
“Are you kidding? Kurosaki- you trai-tohohohoohohohohor!” Yuji’s cries of betrayal were quickly tarnished as Geto dug into his ribs. “Eehehehehhe doohoohn’t liihihihisten to hehehhehr! Gehahhhaa!”
“Hmm..I’ve decided. I’m getting both of you.” He laughed softly, picking them both up with ease as he turned back towards the other end of the hall. “Satoru- did you get yours?”
No response. It was almost hard to hear over the kids' laughter. Then he saw Megumi flying around the corner.
“Geto-Sensei! Help-” He yelled out, but then there was Gojo. Pouncing on him like a white tiger pouncing on his prey- Megumi was brought down to the ground with ease. “Save me-EHEHEHHEHEHE!”
“Fuhuhuhuuhushigohohohoru noohohooohohohoo!” Nobara and Yuji cried out at the same time- not all that different from that one time. Geto laughed softly as he carried on tickling them, easily hiking Nobara over one shoulder and Yuji under his arm. “Gehehehheto-sehehehehensei!”
“Sorry kids. This is what happens when you challenge The Gojo-Geto duo.”
“Did they challenge us?” Gojo asked, still tickling as Geto walked over.
“Can’t recall. Still gonna tickle them though.”
“I like the way you think, Suguru.”
Send me a headcanon and I'll write a 300-500 word dabble for it!
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pick-a-plush · 1 month
given the context of my blog i love alligators... maybe a poll of some cute gator plushies would be fun! dealer's choice hehehe
Yay, I love being given a creative choice! I picked a number of interesting little fellows out. I did do one crocodile and I hope that’s fine, I just thought it was a really interesting one! I’m very curious to see which everyone likes best!
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blueberrythefrog · 3 months
Hi, hi hi!!!! Since a lot of you wanted to see my OC, here they are!!!
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My partner @moonionraccoon helped me with their sketch and I did the rest!! Alt without Kinito wanting to strangle them and the text!;
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and as a bonus, here is them wearing their reading glasses when they look into your browser history! (Without Text): (Which they will regret eventually)
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nocturnal-stims · 1 year
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Roundcat or longcat?
🐈 Thebigcatsanctuaryuk on IG
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izasfaceups · 7 months
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These 3 lovely Sheepy Dolls faceplates (Pishu, Puff, and Fluff) in mint skin were a fun challenge to do, as the concept was a glam zombie kitty. So I only blushed with blue tons, gave her stunning eyelashes, drippy dark green-blue blood from one eye, and some very pretty ultra shiny ombre lips. I can't even pick which one is my favorite, at least they all go on the same body hah!
Enjoy this video showcasing the stunning shimmery shine of the glam eye-makeup and more!
Want to see more of my work or commission me? Then please check out my website at www[dot]IzasFaceUps[dot]com!
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floofvoid · 11 days
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Streaming jake jensen forcing you to cockwarm him whili he is on live
Or him forcing you to play a game Live while he is with a wand in your clit
Or him fucking you while on call so hes friends are listening to you moaning while theyre calling a dumb slut
You giving him a head in the Middle of the live as a revenge and he just force you to take him whole and even if you gag he just take you mouth of his dick to put it in his balls
something about streamer bf!jake gets me going. he's perfect, sweet and kind, funny and will help you cook no matter how bad he is in the kitchen, but he's also major daddy. unlocked daddy material. you never would've expected the wild things that come from his head. but you bring it out of him, being so shy and cute, he can't help but dive into those fantasies. cockwarming is his favourite, just bc you always end up getting so needy that he needs to end the stream abruptly and fuck you over his desk. you've got his heart !! you're his sweet baby, his future wife, his little cumslut, his very own cocksleeve, and he's never letting you go. his fans love you too, his gf who brings him snacks and drinks while gaming, who will drop by for a few words before hiding away again (or slipping under the desk but no one knows about that). that wand bit... oh he's so mean about it !! what a bully !! spitting on you, torturing your button with the highest speed until you make a mess all over his chair... he loves when you get all puffy and sensitive, even the slightest breath makes you react. "End the stream, baby, daddy wants all your attention. Wanna play with your cute nub until you're crying, is that okay?"
@comfortcap NEW PUFF PUFF DADDY ??
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shushposting · 2 months
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fandom-puff · 4 months
📚- Baby Blurb: Tywin x reader. Just a fluffy piece of reader cleaning blood of Tywin (or/and taking care of a cut) after a battl. Basicly just them being cute
Warnings: reference to battle, blood, death, set after the Battle of Blackwater Bay
Your eyes widened as the barred door to your chamber rattled. Like Sansa and the Queen, you had escaped from Maegor’s Holdfast and the leering gaze of Ser Ilyn Payne, and barred the door- and pushed a chest of drawers in front of it too.
You remained silent, although you scrabbled for the dagger you had hidden in your vanity.
“Let me in,” Your husband’s gruff voice commanded.
“Lord Tywin?” You said, voice soft and quiet.
“Yes,” he replied. “I am alone,”
“Give me a moment,” you called, and Tywin couldn’t help the bemused smile twitching on his lips as he heard your strained grunts as you pushed the chest out of the way and unbarred the door. Tywin pushed into the room, and you gasped. His blond hair was stained with blood, his face covered in soot. But he looked undeniably regal, strong and brave.
“It looks worse than it is,” he said as he saw your widened eyes. He let you pull his arm and sit him at your vanity, allowing you to remove his armour. He hummed as you washed the soot and blood from his skin, smiled as you poured him wine.
“My devoted little wife, even after all these months,”
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maybe-arts · 2 years
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when you're a baby eldritch abomination made of pure positive vibes and your boyfriend is a living yarnball
so yeah that's my hc for Fluff outside of Patchland! boy becomes a ball of yarn - meaning technically he and kirby are completely different species
also i am. aware it's basically 22nd now but SHUSH I AM CATCHING UP
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giggly-squiggily · 1 day
I have a headcannon where Megumi and Romantic!Reader watches horror movies, reader is always scared out of their mind after every horror movie, and Megumi always knows how to reassure them with comfort and tickles to get their mind off of the scary things.
I hope its okay to request this for the hc drabble eventt!!
AHH! *happy noises* I LOVE! God this was so cute! Anon, I've gotcha covered!
“Wow, what an ending.” Megumi let out a small sigh as the credits rolled, nodding to himself. “I didn’t think they’d take that route, but then…hey, are you okay?”
You were still as a statue, shaking all over as your mind replayed all the scary bits from the movie. Megumi leaned in, concerned.
“(Y/N)..?” He asked, gently touching your shoulder.
“AHHH!” You shrieked, flailing into his chest and looking around. “What-Oh. Oh geez…sorry, ‘Gumi. I..er..”
“Got scared?” He asked- a tad breathless after you knocked the wind out of him. You nodded, starting to lean away, but he was quick to ease you back gently, running a hand against your shoulder as he pressed your ear to his heartbeat. “I would have changed the movie for you.”
“No, I wanted to watch it.” Despite how they always left you scared, horror movies were some of your favorites. Once the initial scare wore off, you would always find yourself raving about them and wanting to watch it again to catch all the hidden lore.
“Heh.” Megumi laughed softly against your crown, squeezing you some the same way he always did post these kinds of movies. “Do you want me to do it?”
“Hm? Oh- yes please. Gentle though.” You asked, already giggling when he curled his fingers, dragging them softly up and down your side. “Aheahhaha, thahahank you.”
“You’re such an odd one, (Y/N).” He mused, not cruelly. “Loves horror movies even if they scare you, needs tickles to calm down, and after this I know you’re gonna ask me to take you for Boba cause ‘I’m scared and I deserve it.’” The last part he said just as you spoke- the words identical. You giggled even more into his chest, half due to the tickles and half because your boyfriend knew you so well.
“Yoohoohohu lohohohve mehehehe! Cahhahan whehehe get bohoohohba thohohohuh? I wahhahan’t some!” You asked, feeling him shake with laughter. “Ihiihihll pahahhahahy!”
“No, I’ll pay. That’s the rule.” He let up on his tickles, feeling you get up as you raced for your shoes. “Come on- before it closes for the night!” He heard you call out.
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” He got up to join you, taking your hand as the two of you walked down to the store. The entire time, your fear was replaced with giddiness over your upcoming treat and the movie- sharing theories and thoughts with him the whole way.
It was just another part of you Megumi loved very much.
Send me a headcanon and I'll write a 300-500 word dabble for it!
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pick-a-plush · 26 days
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kirstielol · 8 months
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When one cat is hogging all the cat nip 😾😼
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