#Tywin Lannister fluff
thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Don’t Say It (Tywin x Reader)
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I know I disappeared for a little but I hit a writers block with this one, I think it’s due to exhaustion over me working full time so I hope @thanyatargaryen forgives me if this wasn’t what you intended. Enjoy
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Olenna Tyrell was a legend, she had learned the rules by heart and was now on a mission to pass them down to her wonderful granddaughters, the beautiful rose that listened to the name of Margaery and the bewitching siren that could stop a man with a simple song, the young (y/n).
Olenna was no fool, she recognized that the two girls were her strongest soldiers, with these two alone she could rule all of Westeros, well at least all the men which was the same thing.
“Today is an important day, even for you dearest, the wedding of your sister to the king means every eligible lord from all of the seven kingdoms will be attending”
“I am well aware, you do not have to worry about me, grandmother”
(Y/n) reassured olenna whilst her handmaidens assisted her with the finest dress anyone had ever seen, it was her first time at court she needed to look her best, (y/n) squeezed into a dress that was custom made, her hair had taken hours and was brushed to perfection and she smelled of the finest of fragrance oils that were brought from Dorne, it is safe to say that (y/n) couldn’t have looked nor smelled better.
Everyone’s breath hitched at their throats when (y/n) walked with the confidence only a Tyrell could possess, she strutted up to her big sister to wrap her arms around Margaery with clear endearment.
“Congratulations, my queen”
“Oh come on now stop with that”
“I know this is a blessed day for the king but could he be so kind and hear a plea I have for him?”
“Anything for my good sister”
“Look after my dear Marge, as she has done for me”
(Y/n)s voice was as sweet as strawberry cakes and her smile could stop a man dead in his tracks, the young Tyrell leaned on her big sister pressing her chin on Margaerys shoulder whilst the bride leaned her head close to (y/n) as well, the girls shared a strong bond, it was the first time that they would be separated ever since (y/n) was born.
What they did not know was that a certain someone had already his blue set of eyes on the lovely Tyrell who seemed so blatantly unaware of it all, Tywin had sworn to never remarry, no one would ever be as good as his dearest Joanna, she was the one that knew him like the back of her hand, the lady that could wrap her arms around the vicious lion and make him swoon, if she saw him now she would laugh at him, she always told him “never say never my love, you won’t know what the future holds for you”.
“You have your queen and your alliance now, I hope you are happy”
“Naturally, Margaery will serve the realm greatly”
“Soon enough she will start popping out lions, hopefully, my little (y/n) will have better luck”
“What could be better than becoming the queen mother?”
“Becoming the lady wife of a lord that cares for your well-being and happiness”
Tywin grew silent, there was nothing he could say against the allegations of Jeffrey’s cruel nature, he could only hope that Margaery was cunning enough to outsmart him which honestly was not going to be much of a huddle, all the times that Joffrey has been able to be sadistic was owed to other peoples stupidity to either allow him or cover for him.
“Well then let me take a good look at this girl you have such expectations for, lady (y/n)”
Tywin called for the girl whilst he stood a few feet away from the newlyweds, (y/n)s eyes finally found his, and Tywin felt his chest grow tight, the girl was a dream, a dream he often had but could never speak of due to him always believing it will be just that… a silly dream of a widower.
“Lord Tywin, I can imagine this day is probably one of the happiest for your house, correct me if I am wrong but house Tyrell has never wed a Lannister prior to this moment”
“Indeed, let this be a fruitful union for both of our houses, your grandmother has spoken quite highly of you”
“Oh do not listen to her, it is a grandmother's nature to always speak for her grandchildren in the best light”
“Nonsense, Garlan is utterly nice which makes him boring and Loras likes to imagine being a young day twirling in a dress on the garden field, I had lost all hope up until you and your sister were born, the true soldiers of the Tyrell’s”
(Y/n) smiled sweetly before she leaned to place a kiss on her grandmother's cheek, (y/n) and Margaery was well trained, they had sat on the table and played against the best of players only to come out victorious, now Margaery was queen and (y/n) was ready to score her alliance that would bring nothing but glory to her and her family.
“Lady olenna is a lot of things but she is not soft nor does she hide behind her finger, if she says you are her best card then I truly believe it”
Olenna noticed the graciousness in the old lions' words, she picked up on the scanning look that started from her toes and ended on the top of her head, (y/n) did not even have a hair out of place, she placed her hand over her heart as a sign of vulnerability and her smile became brighter in gratitude.
“You are utmost kind, my lord, it is not every day a lady gets to be complimented by the warden of Casterly Rock and the hand of the king, I consider myself lucky for that”
“Luck has nothing to do with it, above it all I am a man that favors honesty and that is what you are receiving”
“I shall go before your words get all in my head, it was an honor to meet you, my lord”
(Y/n) went to curtsy before she was interrupted by Tywin that instead of letting her, reached for her hand and then placed his other one on top of hers, a smirk still evident on his lips as his eyes pierced through her, yet he was left with nothing, (y/n) had always prevailed under the hawking looks of men, she was well aware that she could not budge whatsoever.
“I will see you later Grandmother”
“Of course little flower, go on now, have some fun for me”
Olenna kissed the top of the lady’s head lovingly, it was not a secret that olenna doted on her especially now that it was her turn to marry, she had to bite her lip when it came to Margaery since her son had already bargained her for a sweet deal of a crown, she must do right by (y/n).
Once the lady was far away enough Olenna turned her head towards Tywin who was still following the enchanting Tyrell with his gaze, the way she walked, talked, even her breathing was perfect, his thumb traced over his fingertips, recalling how soft and warm he skin felt against his touch.
“I know that look”
“You are planning something”
“I always am”
“If you are scheming to betroth my precious flower to another lion, I must admit I would rather it be you than that little son of yours, in truth I would rather for her to stay away from lions but an old lion is better than Tyrion”
The news of Tywins betrothal hit everyone in kings landing like a ton of bricks. Joffrey was dead, Margaery was technically the dowager queen, and the crown was getting weak by the moment.
(Y/n) had become her sister's shadow, some applauded her compassion and how she was present at all hours to console her sister, what they did not know was that Olenna was already moving the strings for Margaery to marry Tommen, the young, kind boy who could never hurt a fly, however, Olenna had ensured both of the girls now once and for all, what better way to do that than to mess with Tywins head?
“Lady olenna, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I am here to propose another marriage between my house and yours”
“That is no surprise, I am to expect you wish to betroth Margaery to Tommen?”
“No, no my dear Margaery has been through way too much”
“Loras is still to marry Cersei, is there a change in that betrothal?”
“Unfortunately that mess of a wedlock is still going steady, I am concerned over my (y/n)”
Tywin had been too occupied with writing to look up at olenna up until now, his ears perked up at the sound of her name, the girl with the bright smile and the scary resemblance to a shadow of the past.
“What do you wish to suggest?”
“My (y/n) is sweet, kind, and full of life, I believe Tommen would treat her as delicate as she deserves to be treated”
“Tommen? You want to put (y/n) by the new king's side?”
“Tommen is a good boy, nothing like Joffrey, I have taken notice of how Tommen smiles at her, no man could ever deny my beloved granddaughter, I am convinced their reign will be prosperous”
“Mayhaps, although I do not believe Tommen should be the one to marry (y/n)”
“Who else could stand the weight of the crown? Tommen is in much need of someone like (y/n), to keep him humble and gentle, show him what it is like to be loved”
That was what made tywins blood boil the most, the concept of (y/n) hugging Tommen, his grandson brushing (y/n)s hair, the lady creating a child out of Tommens semen, the image of her with a swollen belly whilst Tommen rubbed his hand over it made his skin crawl.
No, no he would never allow another man to be by her side on those milestones, he was graced by the gods with a second chance at love, how could he be a bystander to a marriage that would probably be terrific, although Tywin could never survive with the “what if” lingering on his mind.
“Because she is to marry me”
“I am to be betrothed to the lady (y/n), our marriage will take place the same day as Margaerys and Tommens, your Margaery will be queen, and lady (y/n) will become the lady of the rock”
“I would rather die than let my dearest become a second wife, your daughter will eat her alive once the news hit her ears”
“Are you afraid of Cersei?”
“I am petrified of the brass neck your daughter possesses, that woman thinks she can do whatever she pleases with no consequence”
“Cersei is my daughter, you have nothing to worry about she will not be allowed to harm your little girl, once (y/n) falls pregnant that child will become heir of Casterly Rock”
“What if she births a girl?”
“You and (y/n) along with Margaery will decide on her future, I will not partake or force my daughter to do anything”
“Your offer is dripping with syrup, but I will not accept, I gave you Loras and Margaery and now you dare to ask for more”
“If you do not consent to this then I shall announce a match of (y/n) and Ser Sandor Clegane, how does that sound?”
“Careful now, what you are suggesting is… grasping”
“Indeed, but I am feeling rather charitable so I grant you the day to decide, if I do not have an answer by the morrow then the sweet girl will be cloaked with a wonderful yellow flag”
Tywin was a man that proudly stood behind his every word, so as he walked out with a triumphed smirk on his lips he was too occupied with feeling his triumph to notice that olenna was also doing the same (y/n) was now the future lady of the rock and Margaery was to have a second chance to wear the crown.
“My lord”
(Y/n) interrupted his thoughts once she saw him, Tywin stopped swiftly before he could fall right onto her, she was waiting behind the door anxiously, her eyes gawked at the man as her cheeks grew rosy from the embarrassment of her clumsy nature.
“Lady (y/n), what seems to be so important that you could not wait in your chamber for your grandmother”
“She informed me about my betrothal, I apologize I was just so fidgety I wanted to know the second that it was settled”
“Are you in such a rush to marry that boy? I am concerned over your taste”
“Tommen is a wonderful person and the future king, any lady would be lucky to be his lady wife”
“So is it the promise of a crown that excites you? I can tell you wearing a piece of metal decorated with gems will not bring you any happiness”
“Pardon my intrusion but why are you so opposed to the fact of me marrying your grandson? I am highborn and have received the proper education, your house along with the Baratheon owe my family everything”
“It is not you that is not enough young lady”
Silence fell over them, Tywin had stumbled right on her trap and now he was as still as a grain of salt, only blinking at the girl that acted surprised over his suggestion that Tommen was the one that was short when he stood next to her, (y/n) bit her lip before she gazed down for a split second and then back up, she wanted to appear at a loss of words.
“I do not want to believe what my thoughts are suggesting”
“You are a fool if you don’t”
“Lord Tywin, you and I it- how could”
“I am too old for this game my dear, I have given your grandmother the rest of the day to decide and if I’m being frank I believe that luck is on my side, so I suggest you ran along and instruct the finest tailor to start on your gown, you must look as stunning as ever”
“I am fluttered, but I do not understand-“
“Listen to me dear, from that moment you smiled at me you have haunted every waking moment and I cannot seem to escape you even in the shackles of deep slumber, I am aware that I do not look like the young and beautiful knight in shining armor a maiden might expect to marry but I can you this promise right now, every other lady from east to west will be jealous of the luck you held when you marry me”
Lord Tywin once again made his exit thinking that he had the upper hand, if someone were to consider everything that has been done in this world wasn’t it always like this?
A man trotted away victorious while the woman stood and smiled proudly at herself, moving the strings without even the man realizing that she had very carefully placed the strings around his arms like a little puppet.
“My dearest girl, I was there at your birth and I took one good look at you and saw the moon and the stars in those eyes, I always knew you would be the brightest of them all”
Olenna informed (y/n) once she had walked into the office Tywin was in moments ago, Olenna wrapped her arms around her in the most loving manner and (y/n) responded with the same warmth.
“We have so much to plan, the future doesn’t wait for anyone”
“How could he ever do this to our family?”
“Who did what?”
“Do not play the fool with me Jaime I am sure you have heard of the vilest news, our father is to marry that little rat from Highgarden”
“One of them is a smirking whore and the other one is a rat? Well you certainly won’t have a good time in the palace once all of them marry into our family”
“How could be so calm at this time? Our son is dead, the other one is to marry Margaery and now our father betrayed us”
“Our father has been without a wife for over a decade Cersei, he is a highborn lord, anyone would have a good chunk of heirs from another wife by now”
In jaimes defense he has always attempted to take the logical side when Cersei went on her little paranoid rants over loyalty or whatever the case was at that time, however, this time he could not sit for hours and let her blabber.
Jaime did not even blink when his father told him about his betrothal, he is a kingsguard, and Tyrion is… well, Tyrion and Cersei have played her part in becoming queen though she could not inherit lannisport, every year he waited for his father to announce a marriage of alliance for himself and now it was finally time.
“This is despicable, they will tarnish our name”
“How will they do that exactly? (Y/n) will probably do her best at becoming pregnant which will install our name to live on which as you know is truly what our father cares about”
“Margaery is a manipulative little scum she will shred our Tommen to pieces”
“Tommen was tormented by Joffrey for years and you know it, if anything having some female tending to him will probably do wonders for his confidence”
“Of course as a man that is all you think about, I do not even know why I came to you over this matter, once again I am called to act by myself”
That is when Jaime had heard enough, very softly he rose from his seat and went over to his clearly disheveled sister, a kiss was laid on the center of her forehead all while his hands rubbed up and down to her forearms making her puff out a breath of relief from the comfort his touch brought to her.
“You will do nothing, Father has already announced his betrothal, if anyone even touched a hair from (y/n)s head he will not hesitate to demand its head to be served on a silver platter”
“Father is just being short sighed it is us that must act to save him”
“From what? Having his bed warm by a woman? Especially her, surely you are not that blind that you haven’t understood what he saw in her”
“Don’t say it”
“I know it feels like salt over the wound-“
“No, no”
“You must admit the resemblance is uncanny”
Cersei pushed him away harshly, tears welled up in her eyes and all of a sudden she was rudely pulled back to that day, the gods forsaken day that Cersei had to witness her mother laying in bed with blood staining her nightgown.
“That bitch is not our mother”
“She is not, though she looks like her”
Requests are open!
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fandom-puff · 7 months
📚- Baby Blurb: Tywin x reader. Just a fluffy piece of reader cleaning blood of Tywin (or/and taking care of a cut) after a battl. Basicly just them being cute
Warnings: reference to battle, blood, death, set after the Battle of Blackwater Bay
Your eyes widened as the barred door to your chamber rattled. Like Sansa and the Queen, you had escaped from Maegor’s Holdfast and the leering gaze of Ser Ilyn Payne, and barred the door- and pushed a chest of drawers in front of it too.
You remained silent, although you scrabbled for the dagger you had hidden in your vanity.
“Let me in,” Your husband’s gruff voice commanded.
“Lord Tywin?” You said, voice soft and quiet.
“Yes,” he replied. “I am alone,”
“Give me a moment,” you called, and Tywin couldn’t help the bemused smile twitching on his lips as he heard your strained grunts as you pushed the chest out of the way and unbarred the door. Tywin pushed into the room, and you gasped. His blond hair was stained with blood, his face covered in soot. But he looked undeniably regal, strong and brave.
“It looks worse than it is,” he said as he saw your widened eyes. He let you pull his arm and sit him at your vanity, allowing you to remove his armour. He hummed as you washed the soot and blood from his skin, smiled as you poured him wine.
“My devoted little wife, even after all these months,”
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Brat Hours
You dramatically react to an issue involving your friends and so Billionaire Entrepreneur, Lanniscorp CEO Tywin Lannister takes your phone, makes you an offer that makes you panic, then fucks your panic away.
Modern!Tywin Lannister x Reader | 5k+ | cw: fem!reader, crack fic kinda, implied sugar daddy/sugar baby dynamic, age difference, pwp tbh, smut (bdsm, brat/brat tamer, daddy kink, degradation kink, bondage [belt], teasing, edging, fingering, piv, mild spit kink, dumbification kinda, breeding kink, cockwarming, biting, marking), fluff, etc.
A/N: im so down bad for this old man that the plot ends at 1k 😀 cross posted on ao3. Please consider donating €5 to Rital's GoFundMe, so that she and her family can evacuate Gaza.
Tagging: @ceoofyearning sabi mo tag kita wag mo ko block
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Tywin Lannister lifts his gaze from his computer screen, eyes narrowing at the sight across the room. His desk is positioned in front of a window that looked out to the large expanse of the Casterly Rock estate. Directly in front of him, laid upon his massive bed, there, I sprawled, squealing into a pillow, wallowing in the velvety sheets.
He leans back into his leather office chair, stretching out an arm. He rests his palm on his oak desk, "will I be hounded for concert tickets to some smelly half-wit vocalist's concert again?"
His stubbly jaw clenches as he awaits a reply. He gets none.
I throw my phone onto the pillows and stand. I start pacing around the bed.
Tywin calls my name.
It does not register. I jump back into the sheets and continue to scroll on my phone. After I yelp and sit up, I flinch when he calls my name sternly.
Tywin shakes his head and sighs. He raises a hand and beckons me over with two fingers.
I chew my lower lip and rub my thighs. My skin is cool to the touch, as I only had booty shorts and an old band tee of The White Walkers on. Tywin hated it.
I sluggishly walk over to him, dread lumping in my stomach as I take in the old man's expression. "I didn't do anything wrong," I pipe up.
Tywin turns his chair to the side, anticipating my arrival. He spreads his legs, giving me perfect view of his well-ironed, grey dress pants. He opens his arms out for me, and I gratefully take my seat on his lap, my bum on one thigh and my legs in the middle of his. He links his hands together, resting them on my hip bone, "then who would cause a troublemaker so much trouble?"
I drop my head and peer up at him through my lashes, unable to fully meet his gaze knowing what I would have to say to him.
I nestle my face into his neck. One hand sneaks its way around his back, the other fondles with his white dress shirt. I undo two buttons as I take in his rich, earthy scent.
Immediately, he understands what is happening, "speak, girl, even if it's petty."
"But it's hella petty."
Tywin sighs and tries to look at my face. He cannot, so he instead turns his chair back to his computer and pulls us closer to his desk, "I cannot help you if you do not tell me what ails you."
I scowl when his hands leave me to go back to typing on his keyboard. I pull away from the comfort of his shoulder to show him my displeasure.
He ignores me.
My pout exaggerates, "nooooooo."
"No?" he spares me a raised eyebrow, "so you want my attention?"
I furrow my brows and cross my arms, "no."
"Funny," he looks back at his computer, "I was certain you'd sooner perish than be rid of it."
I sound off, offended and annoyed.
He clicks on his mouse, then scrolls through his emails.
I shoot him a nasty look.
He mumbles whilst reading the text on his computer screen, momentarily making a face because of whatever he reads.
My annoyance festers.
He begins to type his response.
I grumble, "Tywin."
He continues typing.
"Tywin," I groan and whine, "I want your attention."
He leans back on his chair again, hands coming down to his armrest. We stare at each other for a moment, I knew, because he was waiting for me to take it down a notch. He tilts head, "sit properly then, girl."
I make an annoyed sound, tightening my lips.
Tywin acknowledges the challenge and simply squashes it, "will you really make me repeat myself?"
I scoff, "I don't even like sitting on your lap."
He chuckles, deep and gutteral, annoyed and amused at once. It makes my stomach do flips. He motions with his pointer, "then get off."
I growl and straddle his lap, sitting on him 'properly'. I wrap my arms around him and nuzzle back into his neck, "stop telling my what to fucking do."
He nostrils flare. His thorax emits a low hum. He scratches his nails on my back then digs one hand into the roots of my hair. He tugs my head back, forcing me to turn to him, "watch your mouth, else I'll put it to good use-"
"Try me-"
"-I'll make you record the Lannister jingle for me."
My eye twitches. I pull away and sit up straight.
His expression shifts, knowing how much I fucking loathe his company's stupid-ass jingle. My lips curl in disgust, "yuck, the fu-- the... heck."
Tywin's lips curl slightly upward. His one hand rests on the curve of my bum, the other rests on my cheek. He swipes my lips with his thumb then brings that hand opposite the other, "filthy girl."
I scowl again.
He leans on his headrest and shakes his head, "will you speak, or shall I return to Mr. Baelish and his Vale proposal?"
My brows relax at the mention, "he's proposing something in the Vale?"
"Mmm. Undoubtedly a plot to get a promotion," he says, swiveling to reach out for his keyboard.
I swat his hand and place it back in my side.
Tywin looks back at me.
I growl and brush my hair back in annoyance. With a deep sigh, I cross my arms, looking down at my lap. I feel him looking at me, so I toy with his belt to distract myself from his scorching gaze.
He does not appreciate it, "behave."
"I ammmm."
He does not respond.
I sigh again and finally look up at him, "you know that show I watch?"
He places his hands on my thighs, his large, warm palm heats up the area, "the ghastly one about looney blondes?"
"Yes. Are they finally cancelling it?"
I turn to his chest and trace the opening of his shirt with my fingers, "opposite actually. They renewed it and my moots are killing each other."
I look up at him when he does not respond.
"Online friends," I correct and drop my hand.
He furrows his brows, "so? Let them die."
I inhale deeply, "Tywin-"
"No," he raises a finger, "I understand these online friends of yours mean something to you, but if they are causing you to scream and roll around the bed over an idiotic programme, then you're more simple minded than you've let on."
I scoff, "why not just call me a slur?"
He slips a hand underneath my shirt, rubbing my sides, "I will never understand why such an exquisite creature finds such entertainment in something so dull anyway."
"Hey, it's not that bad, plus I'm only watching the show for Smith Matthews."
He hums, "and what shall we do with the people vexing you over that show?"
"They're not vexing me, they're destroying themselves over opinions on fictional characters and started bringing personal agendas into it."
Tywin watches as a line forms between my brows.
"It's seriously making me anxious because, oh my gosh, it's not that deep," I sigh, resting my hands on his shoulder.
He stares at me for a moment, "show me."
Without another word, I stand up, get my phone from the bed, and sit back down on him. I open my app and begin to drone about the details of the drama.
"Which user is doing this again?"
I show him my screen and he takes my phone, staring at my following list as I explain what happened, "--and then she was like, 'no fucking way' then posted this whole-ass thing about-"
"I've blocked them," he hands me back my phone.
My soul escapes me, "w h a t?"
"I believe the feature was created precisely for moments like thi-"
Tywin watches as I frantically look through my phone. My expression drops and my heart races as I swipe the screen, seeing that I, in fact, was now following significantly less people. I frantically unblock them.
"Enough!" he grabs my phone and chucks it onto his desk.
I stare at him and clench my jaw. My adrenaline is pumping, and so I take it out on his arms, squeezing his biceps until he groans and grabs my hands.
"Your calamity is imagined," he mutters. He rubs my shoulders, "do not waste your time on people you'll not even meet."
"IT'S NOT IMAGINED!" I shake my hands, "IT'S REAL TO ME!"
He flinches at my shriek. He releases me and sighs.
"You can't just do stuff like that!" I whine, feeling my eyes water, "this is like if I went through your emails and deleted the ones that annoyed you."
He purses his lips. He takes a moment before sighing his response, "so? What would you have me do?"
I glare at him and scratch my eyes.
"Hmm?" he shrugs his leg, nudging me on his lap, "is all that's left? For you to cry about your digital pals?"
"grAH! It's not like I can just follow them back and say someone took my-- no wait... I can just say that!"
Tywin raises his brows as I turn to take my phone. Before I can do anything though, he shakes his head, "I thought interacting with them 'freaked you out?'"
"Yes, but I can't just-"
"I'll have their accounts suspended." 
I raise my brows as he turns to his desktop.
"What's that app called? I'm sure it will be easy to get someone to-"
"No-- honey, that's so dramatic," I place my hands in his chest.
He turns to me with a raised brow, "now it's dramatic?"
"You're talking about suspending accounts just because!"
"Because they bother you," he rebuts, face dead serious.
His deadpan makes my stomach roll. I gulp and feel my heart race.
"Besides, what's one more bloody email to me when I've gone through hundreds?"
My breathing begins to grow heavy, but no longer because of my internet dilemma.
He averts his attention to his computer, "now tell me the name of that stupid app."
I take a deep breath and chew on my lip. I place my phone down and slump as I look at him, "you like me so much you'd waste your time on this?"
If it was possible, Tywin's deadpan drops even more. 
I lick my lips and hold back a laugh, momentarily grinding down on him.
He turns to me.
I mutter, "my stomach feels fuzzy."
"Because of your internet issue?" he leans his head back.
"Hmm... and cos I like how much you like me."
I catch the slight glimmer in his eyes, though he tries not to betray his deadpan.
I sniffle for effect and shrug. I rub our noses together and bite my lower lip, "Mr. Lannister, do you have a crush on me?"
His brows quirk and he is unable to conceal his chuckle. He breaks into a groan and rubs his hands up my back, "what irritating creature you are."
My breath hitches as he leans in for a kiss. It was a chaste one, one that meant to show affection or even soothe. In truth, it was slightly surprising, considering his affections were mostly tangible. I pull away to giggle at him and grasp his cheeks, "you like annoying girlies?"
"Careful now, girl" Tywin narrows his eyes, "I enjoy you, but be careful."
"Mmm," I nudge his face with my nose, "and how would you like to enjoy me, kitty?" I bring my hands to his belt.
I chuckle as I undo his buckle, "but milorddd--"
He gruffs.
"--I want you to use this on my wrists."
Tywin draws a deep breath, "the brat wants to be bound, does she?"
I nod slowly and pull his belt off. I hang the black leather on me like a scarf and grab his face, kissing him greedily. I shift on his lap and grind down on him. I chuckle when I feel him hardness through my shorts.
"Where do you want to enjoy me, daddy?" I mutter before licking a stripe up his neck.
He groans, "on my desk, whore."
He doesn't have to tell me twice as I shove his things out of the way to make room for myself on the surface. I lie on my back, curling my legs up as I excitedly loop the belt.
"On your belly," he commands.
"Nooo," I whine as I willingly trap my wrists in knot I prepared, "wanna see you. Wanna see you get tired as you fuck me."
Tywin grabs his belt and tightens my bounds, "filthy brat."
I giggle then huff as he yanks my arms up and positions me on his desk. He pushes the hand that held my bound ones above my head and looks down at me. I stretch my legs and wrap them around his waist, "love seeing your face when you come in me, daddy."
"Mmm," he leans and grinds down on my steadily dampening core, "you like seeing me use you like a clock sleeve?"
My breathing strains. I nod with enthusiasm, "all I'm good for."
He hums again, deeply pleased. He grinds rougher into me, causing me to shift from my spot. He grabs my thigh with his free hand and repositions me, "you know your place-"
I grind my hips, meeting his rhythm.
"-yet you somehow believe I should reward you for being a whore," he mutters, stopping his movements.
I make a sound at the lack of friction and seal him tighter around my legs.
"So audacious in your need," he digs his fingers into the garter of my shorts, "beg for it."
"Please," I lick my lower lip, "I need you-- need you to fuck me- use me like toy-"
"Desperate hussy," he pulls my shorts down.
Just as he said, I desperately wiggle to help him pull my shorts off with one hand. He chuckles and sinks his face into my neck, taking in my scent then nipping my skin.
"Let's see how desperate you are," he whispers hotly against my ear.
He rids me fully of my bottoms. He fastens my legs back around him then grinds down into me once more. The friction of his pants on my bare cunt makes me hiss. I moan and throw my head back, adjusting my hips until it feels good. The sound that leaves me when he rubs me the right way is nasty.
Tywin simultaneously moans and sighs. His nails scratch up my thigh and he squeezes my hips before continuing the travel to my breast. He pushes my shirt up and kneads my fleshy lumps. He hums in approval when I arch my back.
"Please. More," I whimper, looking up at him.
He tilts his head, "more what?"
"More you," my hands begin to strain as I overcome with the need to touch him.
He senses it and tightens my bounds, making me whimper. He renews his grip on my wrists then brings his other to inspect the building mess between my thighs.
I moan when he rubs my clit. He pulls back and inspects my arousal. He wets his two fingers with my slick before sinking into me. I whine at his prodding, jaw hanging low, hips grinding into him, "Tywin."
"So soft," he pumps his fingers into me, "so fuckable."
My stomach tightens at the wet sounds of his ministrations, and in turn, I clench around his fingers.
He moans my name, making my stomach flip. He rubs his palm into my clit, "your cunt's hungry for my fingers."
I moan, needing more friction. I pant like a depraved animal, "more, fuck, please."
Tywin basks in the way he makes me tick. He tunes in to the sounds I emit as my folds leak more and more.
I whimper when he pulls out and brings his fingers to my lips. Without any thought, I dutifully clean them, lapping evidence of myself off his digits. I graze his skin with my teeth as he pulls out with a pop. He chuckles, "dirty work for a dirty girl."
"Yes, please, I'm a dirty girl."
I yelp when he grabs me by the throat and pushes my head back. He does not choke me per se, but there is pressure in his hold. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, "again, you think you deserve a reward for being a harlot?"
"No, daddy," I whine, "being a needy whore doesn't win me prizes."
"Mmm," he trails his hands back down to my breast.
"But it does make your cock hard," I sigh as I roll my hips.
This sets Tywin off. It's a visible change. He proceeds to rub my clit to prove a point, and clearly the point is to make me writhe and come all over his desk.
I moan unabashedly, something he's always loved about me. I whine his name and chant agreements, encouraging his finger fucking. I roll my hips and arch my back even more. I throw my head back and feel my neck strain as I chase the building pleasure he was supplying.
And I really shouldn't have been surprised, but he stops just as my orgasm was dawning.
I look at him, teary eyed from the loss of my incoming high. I pout and whine.
"Please, please,  I wanna come, baby. I need it. I need it, I want it."
Tywin teases me with his thumbs.
I let out a strangled moan, feeling my body quake, "mmm-- daddy, please. I need you! I need you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me with your fingers, with your cock, oh- fuck- want you to come in me and spit in my mouth and ruin me."
Tywin groans and shakes his head, "you truly are a depraved little whore, aren't you?"
I moan and nod, "yes. Yes, I am. I need it so bad, daddy, it hurts. My pussy needs you-"
He grabs my jaw, squeezing it to keep it open, "you want my spit in your mouth?"
I nod rapidly and stick my tongue out.
"You will not get everything that you want, slut," he says, releasing me to undo his pants with one hand.
I pant as I watch him free himself. When he does, my cunt quakes in anticipation, aching to be filled. I spread my legs, bringing my knees to my sides. My brows furrow in concentration, "please, please, please, I need your cock. Use me, please. I need you--"
My words are cut off by him finally driving into me. I squeal in excitement. I groan and tightly grip on the belt as much as I can. He thrusts into me with little regard for anything but himself. He gets lost in his thrusts. He presses his hand into my inner thigh and pushes my leg down. He pulls the belt on my wrists and pistons harder.
I cry out in approval. I mumble incoherent words of praise and encouragement in manner that scratches my throat.
Tywin eventually releases his hold on my bounds in lieu of rubbing my clit. At the same time, he thrusts slower and deeper, making me throw my head back in pleasure.
"Fuck! Just like that. That feels so fucking good, mmm fuck-"
He drags out his cock even slower, withdrawing until he's nearly out then sinking back in till his stones hit my ass. His deft fingers, wet with my lust for him, rapidly rub my clit in a fast and delicious pace. I squeal when he sporadically slaps into me, only to draw back out in a languid manner again.
My eyes begin to water and my belly trembles at the ministrations.
I whine on beat with his thrusts when he grabs my hips with his large hands and plunges deep, bullying my cunt with short and shallow shoves. My breathing is loud and hard as I wrangle out of my bounds, dying to touch him as he makes my pussy flutter. Seeing this, Tywin growls and pushes my hands back down, "stupid whore. Lay down and take it."
I make a squeaky noise, "wanna touch you- needa touch you."
"Were you not the one who asked for this?" he groans through laboured breath, "are you so dumb fucked already you've forgotten?"
I squeal and feel my breath get knocked out of me when he returns to a more brutish pace, holding me down by my decolletage. My body jolts on impact, in turn, making the desk creak and the objects upon it jostle. My salivating mouth chokes out a response, "no-- wanna to- wan' touch you, da-" I whine, "please."
"Greedy come slut."
I let out a broken moan, "lovie, please- please. Wanna touch- wanna pull you close--"
"I'm inside you," he chuckles darkly, one hand tightening around my throat.
The lack of oxygen and his thrusts make me see stars.
The next moment, he begins to fuck me slowly again, grinding into me in a moderate tempo. He stuffs his thumb into my mouth, effectively muffling my whines. I haughtily suck on his finger. With the new found quiet, the wet slapping and thrusting was now audible to anyone earshot. The sounds makes my belly wild with lust.
"Look at you," he mumbles as he does just that. He looks at me as I suck on his thumb and mewl; he watches as his cock disappears into core, my puffy lips parting with every thrust, "so eager for my seed."
I pathetically sound off at the idea, rolling my hips as I did.
"Shall I put an heir into your belly, pet?" he releases my wrists, bringing the now free hand onto my stomach, "my pretty girl."
I gag at the idea, nibbling down on his thumb as I desperately wiggle the belt off my hands. Tywin ignores me as the fantasy of fucking me pregnant clouds his mind. His breath strains as he rubs a side of my stomach, "though, I do like painting your skin with my seed."
I whimper and furrow my brows. I choke on his thumb as I mutter, "no, inside. Inside, please!"
Tywin is snapped out of his fantasies and pulls his thumb out of my mouth. He tilts his head as he watches me struggle out of the belt, "oh? You think you deserve that?"
I make a frustrated sound as I free myself from my bounds. All the while, Tywin uses his wet thumb to slowly draw circles on my clit.
I gasp when I finally manage to shrug the belt off my wrists.
Lost in the thought again, Tywin continues with his steady and deep pistoning. He imagines how my body might change to accommodate his child, how my belly will grow, how my breasts will heavy, how my slick will sweeten. He hums and curses under his breath. He doesn't actually want an heir, he doesn't think, but gods fantasy of it all.
"Need it," I whimper, reaching out to him. I grab his dress shirt and scratch the sides of his ribs. I lick my lips and debate ripping the his shirt open, but don't want to deal with repercussions of flying buttons nor what he'll do to me for destroying his shirt. I hastily unbutton his top and rub the expanse of his chest. My hands run up to his neck. I massage his shoulders and pull him close, lifting my head up to kiss him.
Tywin leans down, lips finding my own, but just before I can deepen our kiss, he pulls away and clutches my jaw, "I asked if you deserve it, my stupid fuck-toy," he rests his forehead on my temple, "not if you need it."
As this point, his movements slow then cease altogether. I whine in protest.
He clicks his tongue and rubs my thighs, "use your words, darling."
I continue to whine as I scratch as his nape. "I deserve it," I stretch out, peppering kisses all over his face. He leans into me. I lick his lower lip, " 'm a good girl, officer. So good."
He groans when I begin to roll my hips again. He grips the curve of my ass and shakes his head, "your whorish nature proves overwise."
"Please, please, please--"
"Will you cry to me about your woes and then cry again when I take action?"
I rapidly shake my head, "never. Never, lovie."
Tywin hums and rubs his nose on my cheek.
"Please," I beg, "please," I urge, "please."
He kisses my jaw and begins to move again. I squeal in relief and nip at his ear.
"Since you asked so nicely," he mutters, propping himself up on his palms.
I shift my weight on my elbows and chase after his mouth. I give him messy kisses and make it a point to catch his lips between my teeth at least once. Though normally, he would see this as an act worth punishing, in the moment, he did not care. He, quite frankly, loved the neediness, not that's he'd say that out loud.
Tywin loses himself as he bucks into a thorough pace. He plows into me with enough force to make his desk squeak and thud in protest. I meet his movements with the grinding of my hips and wanton pants. Amidst all the sensations, I feel my climax quickly drawing near.
"Yeah, baby, so good. So good."
He grunts as he squeezes the flesh on my hips. He pushes my knees back with one hand as the other rubs down to the small of my back, "you like that?"
I claw at his shoulder, dig my fingers into his nape, and rapidly nod, mumbling in mindless agreement. He huffs, looking down at me in self-satisfaction, wholly enjoying the reaction he was garnering. He spectates the wet slapping of our skin and the shuddering of my belly. He rubs circles on my clit.
"Fuck, Tywin."
He hums, "such sweet sounds."
I drop my head back.
"Prove your obedience then. Come on my cock."
I whimper his name out repeatedly and chase my incoming high.
Tywin pounds into me with more vigor, rougher and harder and more desperate.
I feel my belly begin to tighten. I howl and pull him close. I bring my mouth to his neck and graze him my teeth. I sigh and lick his skin before sucking the area, "give it to me, gimme, baby-- need it, need'a-"
His mouth finds mine and we share a heated kiss. He pushes me flat on the desk, hands on my shoulder and hip. He grips me tightly as he stokes the fire building inside him. He flicks his hips at a desperate pace and his expression displays his single-mindedness: his brows furrow, his jaw drops. My own face makes known how intoxicating it all was. Much as I wanted to watch him come, the twitch of my features prevent me from doing so, and soon enough, my eyes screw shut to focus on my pleasure.
Tywin's nails bite into my skin, and with two strong, distinct plunges, he grunts and releases his lustful heat. He continues to fuck me through his peak, and I feel him throb as he sighs deeply in ecstacy.
Quickly after, I let out a throaty squeal as my body breaks into burning bliss. My spine twists and my thighs shake as I feel my come spill down my ass onto the wood supporting my weight. I heave heavily through my open mouth and squeeze the arm pushing my shoulder down with both my hands. I lick his fingers as I grind into him, riding out my climax.
He begins to falter moments later. I wrap my legs around his waist and seal him in place. My body buzzes as he caresses my neck and rubs my lips with his thumb.
Breathlessly, he praises, "good girl."
My belly tingles and my eyes open to his look of bliss. I lick his thumb then kiss it, pulling his hand off me to then kiss his palm, "thank you, daddy."
Tywin takes a couple open-mouthed breaths as he examines me. He kneads my exposed breast then rubs down my belly. He licks his lips, evidently satisfied. I whimper as I push myself up and bury my face into the crook of his neck. I sneak my arms underneath his open shirt and pepper kisses on his skin, licking, nibbling, and doting on him.
He's accustomed to how I get after a good fucking, and though his sigh was that of content, it was also something else. He places his hands on the curve of my hips and nudges me with his nose, "I have work to do, needy pup."
I bite his neck hard enough to make him react. He calls my name out as a warning. "Wanna stay like this," I whisper hotly against his ear.
He sighs again as my lips kiss their way to his. He knits his brows but returns my affection.
I drape my arms over his shoulders, one hand combing through his white hair, "don't want my old man to be cold."
Tywin makes a disapproving sound at my feigned concern. He rolls his eyes and I simply giggle, knowing even in his annoyance, he'd let me have my way. "You will not distract me," says the man with his serious Lannister™ voice.
I am immensely undeterred and overly confident in my post-sex state, and so I stick my tongue out through my teeth before shaking my head. He sighs yet again, shaking his head as he tries to push me off. I whine and scowl in offense, tightening my arms and legs around him. The man knows it's futile, and yet he continues to push me back, as he also knows he will let himself get distracted once this work stokes his ire.
Coming to terms with his defeat, he stops pushing me off. I pull my lips into a pleased smile and look at him.
He raises his brow and warns, "you will not speak a word unless spoken to."
My stomach rolls at the severity of his tone.
"And you will not complain about how I'm ignoring you, nor long it's taking me to complete my work while you are nestled on my lap."
I chew my lip and tilt my head, "can I complain if I'm off you?"
I nod, "okay, kitty meow meow, sit down on your chair then."
Tywin's brow quirks.
I blink expectantly, "come on, honey. With all the exercise we do, I'm sure you can manage to get us on your chair."
He glares at me, but I simply do not care. I grin and rub the line between his brows.
With a grunt from him and a giggle from me, we end up on his chair. I kiss his cheek and rub his shoulders, "good boy."
He ignores me and rolls his chair towards his desk with slight difficulty. He arranges his things and wipes down the wet blob on his desk with a tissue, "dirty temptress."
I chuckle and rest my head on his shoulder.
We both know Tywin Lannister would never donate to charity 🤢 be better than our old man, and please consider donating €5 to Rital's GoFundMe if you enjoyed this fic.
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A Tyrell in the Lion's Den (part 1)
Part 2
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Word count: 3.4k
Pairing: Tywin Lannister x Tyrell!reader
Summary: A Tyrell woman, bored and frustrated in King's Landing, unexpectedly falls for Tywin Lannister as their teasing evolves into a secret and deepening relationship
Being in King’s Landing was nothing like being at Highgarden. At home, the air was scented with roses, and the fields stretched as far as the eye could see. There was always something to do, someone to see, or some mischievous game to engage in with my siblings. But here, in the capital, I felt as though the walls of the Red Keep were closing in on me, stifling my spirit and curbing my freedom.
Margaery, of course, seemed to flourish in this gilded cage. My younger sister was ever the perfect lady, effortlessly charming and graceful, as if she were born to wear the crown she was soon to inherit. But I could see what others could not—how carefully she measured every smile, every glance, every word. She was playing a dangerous game, and while I respected her for it, I had no taste for it myself. I craved the sun on my face, the earth beneath my feet, the wild freedom of Highgarden. But in King’s Landing, there was none of that.
The days passed slowly, each one bleeding into the next with nothing to distinguish it. I tried to fill the hours with walks in the gardens, but even they paled in comparison to the ones at home. I would spend afternoons in the library, but the tomes held little interest when my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of home. I dined with the court, attended the various events Margaery was obligated to attend, but all the while I felt like an outsider. The courtiers were insipid, the knights pompous, and the noble ladies shallow. I was bored out of my mind.
Then, one evening, I found my distraction.
We were dining with the Lannisters, Margaery’s soon-to-be family. The atmosphere was tense, as it often was when the Tyrells and Lannisters gathered. My grandmother, Olenna, was sharp-tongued and unrelenting, and I loved her for it. She took every opportunity to poke at the lions, her remarks as barbed as any sword. Margaery, as usual, played the innocent, delicate flower, but I knew better. She was a Tyrell through and through.
And then there was Tywin Lannister.
The Lord of Casterly Rock was an imposing figure, his presence commanding the room. His icy gaze swept over everyone as though they were mere pawns on his chessboard. He was the most formidable man I had ever met, and I disliked him immediately.
I also found myself strangely fascinated by him.
As the dinner progressed, I found myself watching him, studying the way he interacted with his family and ours. He was as cold and calculating as I had expected, but there was something else there, something beneath the surface. He was a man who had built his house into the most powerful in the realm, who had orchestrated the rise of his children to positions of unimaginable power. And yet, I sensed a weariness in him, a tiredness that came from shouldering the weight of the world for far too long.
I decided to entertain myself by irritating him. It wasn’t difficult—he was so rigid, so controlled, that any small breach in protocol seemed to annoy him. I began with little things: interrupting him while he was speaking, contradicting his opinions with the sweetest smile, deliberately misunderstanding his intentions. To my delight, I noticed his jaw tightening, the only outward sign of his irritation.
After dinner, as the men gathered for their usual discussions and the women for their gossip, I found myself seeking him out. He was standing by one of the windows, looking out over the city, no doubt lost in thought about whatever grand scheme he was concocting. I approached quietly, standing beside him and mimicking his stance.
"A fine view," I remarked, though in truth, I found the city ugly compared to the sprawling beauty of Highgarden.
"Indeed," Tywin replied, his voice clipped. "One can see much from here."
"Including the dangers?" I asked, turning my head to look at him. He glanced at me, his expression unreadable.
"Especially the dangers," he said.
"How exhausting," I sighed dramatically. "To always be on the lookout for treachery and deceit. How do you manage it, Lord Tywin?"
"It is a necessary burden," he said, turning his gaze back to the city. "One that I bear gladly for the sake of my family and the realm."
"A noble sentiment," I said with a smile that didn’t reach my eyes. "Though I wonder if it leaves any room for joy."
He looked at me then, truly looked at me, and I saw a flicker of something in his eyes—surprise, perhaps, or maybe curiosity. But it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.
"Joy is a luxury," he said. "One that few can afford."
"And what about you, my lord? Can you afford it?"
Tywin’s lips pressed into a thin line, and I knew I had hit a nerve. He didn’t answer, and I didn’t press him. Instead, I gave him a sweet smile and curtsied slightly.
"Well, if ever you find yourself in need of a distraction, you know where to find me," I said, before turning and walking away, leaving him to his thoughts.
Over the next few weeks, I made it my mission to annoy Tywin Lannister at every opportunity. Whether it was at dinners, during court sessions, or in passing conversations, I would always find some way to needle him. A careless remark here, a sly comment there, all designed to get under his skin. To his credit, he rarely showed his irritation in public, but I could see it in the way his eyes would narrow slightly, or how he would clench his jaw.
It became the highlight of my days, this little game of ours. It made King’s Landing bearable. And, truth be told, I started to look forward to our encounters. He was the only one in the capital who challenged me, who didn’t treat me like a delicate flower to be admired from afar. He was formidable, and I enjoyed matching wits with him, even if he didn’t realize that was what we were doing.
My family, of course, noticed.
"My dear, you seem to spend quite a lot of time in Lord Tywin’s company," Margaery said one afternoon as we walked in the gardens.
"Oh, I just find him... fascinating," I replied, feigning innocence. "Don’t you?"
Margaery laughed, a light, melodic sound that masked her sharpness. "I find him intimidating. But then, I’m not as brave as you."
"Brave? Hardly," I said, waving a hand dismissively. "I just like to poke at him. It’s like trying to ruffle the feathers of a stone statue."
"You do more than poke, dear," my grandmother Olenna chimed in as she joined us. "I think the old lion has taken quite a shine to you."
I rolled my eyes. "Nonsense. He barely tolerates me."
"Men like Tywin Lannister don’t tolerate anything they don’t want," Olenna said with a knowing look. "And I’ve seen the way he looks at you when he thinks no one is watching."
I felt a blush creep up my neck. "He’s an old man, and I’m merely a distraction."
"Sometimes, distractions can become more," Margaery said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Perhaps he sees something in you that you don’t see in yourself."
I didn’t dignify that with a response, though I couldn’t help but wonder if they were right. Was there something more to this game I had been playing with Tywin? Did he see me as more than just an annoyance?
The next time I encountered Tywin was at another of the many dinners we attended. This time, I decided to push him a little further.
"Lord Tywin," I said sweetly as I sat beside him, "do you ever tire of these endless dinners and formalities? I imagine they must be dreadfully boring for a man of your... stature."
He looked at me, his gaze cool. "Boredom is a luxury I cannot afford."
"Ah, yes. Always the dutiful servant of the realm," I said with a mock sigh. "It must be so exhausting, always being the one in control, the one who must bear the weight of the world."
He raised an eyebrow. "Do you pity me, Lady Tyrell?"
"Pity? No, my lord. I admire you," I said, and for once, I wasn’t being entirely sarcastic. "You’re a man who knows what he wants and takes it. There’s something... refreshing about that."
He studied me for a moment, as if trying to decide whether I was mocking him or not. Then, to my surprise, he smiled. It was a small smile, barely more than a quirk of his lips, but it was there.
"And what is it that you want, Lady Tyrell?" he asked, his tone curious.
I blinked, taken aback by the question. What did I want? Freedom, certainly. The open fields of Highgarden, the sweet scent of roses, the feel of the sun on my skin. But beyond that?
"I want to be seen," I said, surprising myself with the admission. "Not as just another pretty face or a pawn in someone else’s game, but as a person in my own right."
Tywin’s gaze softened, just a fraction. "You are seen," he said quietly. "By those who matter."
Our eyes locked, and for a moment, the world around us faded. There was no King’s Landing, no political machinations, no family expectations. Just us, two people who had found something unexpected in each other.
I quickly looked away, my heart pounding. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I was supposed to tease him, annoy him, make my time in the capital more bearable. I wasn’t supposed to… feel anything for him.
But the more I tried to deny it, the more I realized that I was drawn to him. Tywin Lannister, the cold, calculating, fearsome lion, had somehow managed to slip past my defenses. And I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.
As the days turned into weeks, our encounters became more frequent. Tywin would seek me out at dinners, in the gardens, even during court sessions. Our conversations grew deeper, more personal, and I found myself looking forward to them more than I cared to admit.
My family, of course, noticed the change.
“You seem to be in a better mood these days,” Margaery remarked one evening as we prepared for bed. “I take it Lord Tywin is proving to be more than just a distraction?”
I huffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. He’s an old man, and I’m just… amusing myself.”
Olenna cackled from her chair by the fire. “Amusing yourself, is it? My dear, you’re playing with fire. And I think you’re starting to enjoy the burn.”
I glared at her. “I’m not falling for him, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“Of course not,” Margaery said, though the smirk on her face said otherwise. “But just remember, sister, that the most dangerous games are the ones where we don’t realize we’re the ones being played.”
I didn’t respond, though her words lingered in my mind long after she left the room. Was I being played? Or was I the one playing Tywin? And did it even matter anymore?
The turning point came during a feast celebrating Margaery’s upcoming wedding. The hall was filled with nobles, the air thick with the scent of roasted meats and rich wine. The music was lively, the laughter louder, but all I could think about was the man sitting across the room.
Tywin had been watching me all night, his gaze a constant weight on me. I tried to ignore it, to focus on the festivities, but I found myself glancing at him more than I should. Eventually, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I excused myself from the table and slipped out into the gardens, hoping the cool night air would clear my head.
I hadn’t been outside for more than a few minutes when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to find Tywin standing there, his expression unreadable.
“Lord Tywin,” I said, my voice more breathless than I intended. “What are you doing out here?”
“I could ask you the same,” he replied, stepping closer. “But I think I already know.”
I swallowed hard, my heart pounding. “And what is it that you think, my lord?”
He took another step, closing the distance between us. “I think you’re tired of the games, as am I.”
For a moment, we just stood there, the tension between us crackling in the air. And then, before I could think better of it, I reached up and kissed him.
It was a bold move, one that surprised both of us. But after a brief hesitation, he responded, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me close. The kiss was fierce, passionate, and I felt as though I was being consumed by it, by him.
When we finally broke apart, we were both breathing heavily. I looked up at him, searching his face for any sign of regret, but all I saw was desire.
“This… this doesn’t change anything,” I said, though even I wasn’t sure what I meant by that.
“No, it doesn’t,” Tywin agreed, his voice rough. “But it also changes everything.”
I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. He was right. This did change everything. But what that meant, I wasn’t sure.
In the days that followed, I found myself thinking more and more about Tywin. Our stolen kiss haunted me, and I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen next. Would he pursue me? Would I pursue him? Or would we both pretend it never happened and continue our little game?
My family, of course, noticed my distraction.
“You’re awfully quiet today,” Olenna remarked as we broke our fast one morning. “Thinking about a certain lion, are we?”
I rolled my eyes. “Grandmother, please. I’m just… trying to figure out what to do with myself. King’s Landing is so dreadfully boring.”
“Boring? Or is it that you’re too afraid to admit you’ve fallen for him?” Margaery asked, her tone light but her eyes serious.
“I haven’t fallen for him,” I said, though the words felt hollow. “I just… enjoy his company, that’s all.”
“Enjoy his company?” Olenna cackled. “My dear, I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. There’s more than just ‘company’ there.”
I sighed, knowing they wouldn’t let it go. “Fine. Maybe there is something more. But it’s complicated. He’s Tywin Lannister, for gods’ sake. And I’m… well, I’m me.”
“And what’s wrong with that?” Margaery asked, tilting her head. “You’re a Tyrell. You’re beautiful, intelligent, and you’ve managed to capture the attention of the most powerful man in the realm. That’s no small feat.”
“But what if it’s just a game to him?” I asked, voicing my deepest fear. “What if I’m just another pawn in his grand scheme?”
Olenna reached across the table and patted my hand. “You may be a pawn, my dear, but you’re a clever one. And I have a feeling that Tywin Lannister doesn’t see you as a mere piece to be moved. He sees you as an equal, a partner. And that, my dear, is something to be reckoned with.”
That night, I found myself wandering the halls of the Red Keep, unable to sleep. My thoughts were a whirlwind, and I needed to clear my head. I didn’t have a destination in mind, but my feet seemed to know where they were going.
I ended up outside Tywin’s chambers, my heart pounding in my chest. I hesitated, unsure of what I was doing, but then the door opened, and there he was, as if he had been expecting me.
“Lady Tyrell,” he said, his voice low and even. “What brings you here at this hour?”
“I… I’m not sure,” I admitted, feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable. “I just… needed to see you.”
He stepped aside, allowing me to enter his chambers. I looked around, noting the sparse, almost austere furnishings. It was a room that reflected the man who inhabited it—practical, efficient, and devoid of any unnecessary comforts.
Tywin closed the door behind me and turned to face me, his expression unreadable. “Why are you really here?”
I took a deep breath, steeling myself. “Because I’m tired of playing games,” I said, echoing his words from the garden. “I’m tired of pretending that there’s nothing between us when there clearly is.”
He regarded me for a long moment, his gaze intense. “And what do you want from me, Lady Tyrell?”
“I want you to be honest with me,” I said, my voice trembling slightly. “I want to know where we stand. Is this… whatever this is… is it real? Or am I just another piece on your board?”
Tywin’s expression softened, and for the first time, I saw a glimpse of the man behind the mask. “You are not a piece on my board,” he said quietly. “You are… more than that. Far more.”
I felt a surge of emotion at his words, but I didn’t want to let myself believe it so easily. “Then what am I to you?”
“You are a challenge,” he said, taking a step closer. “A distraction. A temptation. But more than that, you are someone who sees me as I am, not as the world expects me to be. And that is something I did not expect to find.”
“And what about you?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. “What do you see when you look at me?”
“I see a woman who is brave, intelligent, and not afraid to speak her mind,” he said, his eyes locking onto mine. “I see someone who challenges me in ways I haven’t been challenged in years. And I see someone who I am… drawn to, despite my better judgment.”
My breath caught in my throat at his admission. “And what do we do now?”
Tywin reached out, his hand gently cupping my cheek. “Now, we stop pretending,” he said before lowering his lips to mine.
The kiss was slow, deliberate, and filled with all the unspoken words between us. When we finally pulled apart, I felt as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
“Whatever happens,” Tywin said, his forehead resting against mine, “know that this is real. You are not just a distraction, not just a game. You are something I never expected to find in King’s Landing.”
“And you,” I said, my voice trembling with emotion, “are something I never expected to want.”
We stood there for a long moment, just holding each other, both of us realizing that we had crossed a line we could never uncross. But as I looked into his eyes, I knew that I didn’t want to go back.
This was real. This was something more than either of us had anticipated. And whatever happened next, we would face it together.
As the days passed, our relationship deepened. We were careful to keep it hidden from the court—Tywin, after all, had a reputation to maintain, and I had no desire to become the subject of court gossip. But in the quiet moments we stole away together, I found myself growing closer to him than I ever thought possible.
My family, of course, was not fooled.
“You seem… different,” Margaery remarked one morning as we broke our fast. “Happier, perhaps?”
I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “I suppose I’ve just… found something to occupy my time.”
Olenna smirked. “And does this ‘something’ have a name?”
I felt my cheeks flush. “Grandmother, please.”
“Oh, don’t be coy, dear,” Olenna said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that you’ve finally found something—or someone—to make your time in King’s Landing more bearable.”
“And if I have?” I asked, meeting her gaze. “Is that so wrong?”
Olenna’s expression softened. “Not at all, my dear. Just be careful. Tywin Lannister is a powerful man, but he’s also a dangerous one. Don’t lose yourself in him.”
“I won’t,” I promised, though I wasn’t entirely sure if I believed it myself. Tywin was a force of nature, and being with him was like being caught in a storm. But it was a storm I had no desire to escape.
Margaery, for her part, was more supportive. “I’m glad you’ve found someone who makes you happy,” she said as we walked in the gardens later that day. “Just… be careful. The court can be a treacherous place, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”
“I’ll be fine,” I assured her, though her concern touched me. “I’m not some naive girl who can’t handle herself. And Tywin… he’s different with me. I think I can trust him.”
“I hope you’re right,” Margaery said, squeezing my hand. “But just know that I’m here for you, no matter what.”
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
6 - Revealing Letters
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Part 7
The Last Velaryon
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons
Two months ago
Strolling through the long and winding hallways I paused in my tracks outside the great library. The library of Kings Landing was the largest one except for the great one near the Wall. Entering the room I scanned over the books searching for my house name. "Don't bother looking. I already found it, my lady."
"Who's there? Show yourself!" I raised my voice reaching underneath the skirt of my dress, wrapping my fingers around the handle of the short sword Jaime had gifted me.
Footsteps came around the corner of the tall bookshelves and the shadow in the light appeared to be much shorter before I saw who it was. "You would draw your sword on a dwarf. How rude of you."
"Tyrion...forgive me. I am unfamiliar with this place so I am quite jumpy." I apologize to the dwarf.
He bent his head down coming over to me. "It's alright. I'm perplexed as to why your lady in waiting is not at your side like normal."
"She is forced to attend a new lady in waiting lessons at the Queen's command. Even though I am fairly certain that it is just to see if she is trustworthy." I shrugged my shoulders not knowing much about Queen Cersei except that most didn't wish to cross her.
Tyrion glanced over to two empty seats at a table, untucking the book he was carrying underneath his arm. "Would you care to sit and read this book with me, Lady Haelesa?"
"Uh sure. What are you reading?" I question the younger Lannister after pulling out the seat across from him and sitting down.
Tyrion held up the book with the cover facing me. "The History of House Velaryon, of course."
"Why would you wish to learn about my family history?" I asked him after he flipped to the first page of the dusty book.
The young lion shifted his green eyes to meet mine. "We are to be a family in a fortnight. Plus I always desire to learn new things."
"Maybe then you can teach me about your family history." I offered and he agreed, bringing us to the point of being friends from that day on.
Slipping inside the large door of my best friend's chamber door. Jaime was still running around the city as if he was a Kingsguard or just doing anything to avoid talking with me. "Haelesa, do you have the letter you want to send out?"
"I do. Do you have one for me?" Chezney rose from her vanity chair holding up a new one that she had been meaning to give me. "Who's the letter from?"
Handing her the scroll she passed me the one she had. Unrolling it out after breaking the house seal not bothering to see who it was from. Scanning my eyes over the paper I began reading it aloud. "Dear Haelesa. Chezney, it has been awhile since I have written my last letter to you two. I know that you wished that I was never married off but I actually was lucky enough to like my lord husband. I am curious to hear if anything has changed your opinions recently - write back soon Joella."
"Is that what you wrote in your next letter to her?" Chezney asked me with a cheeky smirk.
Avoiding her gaze I whispered under my breath. "Maybe."
"About Jaime Lannister?" She questions.
Shaking my head no, I corrected with what direction her head was going. "Not in the way that you are thinking."
"Can I read it?"
"No!" I snapped.
"Why not. You've let me read every other one you have written. How is this one any different?"
"You may be my best friend but it doesn't mean you have the right to go through my messages." Putting my hands on my hips I scowled at her. I had my hair up in a bun wearing a blue tunic over a white dress skirt that wasn't too tight on me.
Chezney glared at me, scoring a red Lannister lady in waiting outfit compared to my former colors. "How else would your messages get sent? A normal messenger has been instructed by the Queen to read them before they ever leave Kings Landing."
"Yes but - you may have a point yet I'm still not giving you permission to read it."
Chezney rose from her chair, still holding onto the letter before she bolted towards the door. "That's unfortunate cause I'm totally reading it without your permission."
"Chezney Ally, don't you dare!" I warned her whipping my head around in her direction.
She unfolds the paper as quickly as she can, reading it aloud just to spite me. "Dear Joella, I am not sure how to write this out in a formal letter but I shall try my best. I have been betrothed off to Jaime Lannister yet I despise the entire thought of it-"
"Chezney, give me it back now!" I chased after her, nearly catching up with her heels.
She cackled, returning to her reading. "My reasoning for despising the arrangement has changed from what it originally was. I was given the chance to meet the young wolf of Winterfell, Robb Stark. He may just be the one that I wished I could marry - You like him."
"I didn't say that." I halted in my tracks, snatching the scroll from her hand when she turned to face me.
She jumped up lightly into the air. "But you hinted at the possibility. You said you wished you had been betrothed to him. You can't deny your own handwriting."
"Ssssh keep your voice down, Chez. If anyone hears us talking they might send us back home and my house could be ruined." Holding a finger up to my lips I warned her.
She nodded in understanding. "I know, Hael. But is there a possibility you could be wed to Robb if Jaime never takes your maiden hood?"
"I doubt it. One way or another people will find out that we lied in the months to come when I don't start showing signs of being pregnant." Tucking hair behind my ear someone knocked on the locked door making us both jump. I scampered off to hide behind the bed when she cracked open the door.
"Can I help you, my lord?" Chezney asked, holding the door closed enough where you could only see her head.
I recognized Jaime's voice on the other side of the door. "I'm looking for my wife. You are her lady in waiting so I am hoping you can tell me where she has gone."
"I must say I haven't seen her recently."
Jaime clearly didn't believe her. "I'd suggest not lying to me. I've spoken with my brother before our wedding and he says you two are basically attracted at the hip. Now where is she?"
"I don't have to tell you her whereabouts." Chezney raised her tone toward the lord.
Coming out of my hiding spot I rounded the bed, coming up behind my friend and tugging her away from the door. "What do you want with me, Jaime?"
"I'm here to inform you that the North has declared war against the South. The young wolf rides North to dethrone Joffrey." Jaime informed me.
Chezney stands behind me when I crossed my arms over my chest confused at where he was going with this. This had nothing to do with me regardless of me being married to a Lannister now. "How does this have anything to do with us?"
"My father has declared that we need to face off against him. I am to lead his army against the wolf boy. So I am coming to have you accompany me."
I knitted my brows still not following him. "From what I have been taught a battlefield is no place for a lady."
"You've already proven you aren't a typical lady. But if you wish to stay here and gossip about nonsense rather than be on the front that really matters. By all means you and your friend enjoy yourselves." Jaime turned on his heels about to leave.
Biting my lip I didn't waste another second not wanting to be caged in another castle. "I'll go with you - We'll go with you." Chezney takes my hand in his and he glanced over his shoulder back at us simply giving a nod and walking away without another word.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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msmorningstaarr · 9 months
let me fill you up | Jaime Lannister x F!Targaryen reader
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ao3 | masterlist
Pairing: Jaime Lannister x F!Targaryen reader
Summary: You, a Targaryen princess were married into the Lannister fold to ensure the alliance between the two houses, ensuring your eldest brother’s claim to the Iron Throne. Now, Lord Jaime makes your days filled with happiness and makes you eager to present him babies.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: rhaegar wins AU, no targcest, smuff, fluff, breeding kink, praising kink, a lot of pet names (sweet girl, princess, love), reader has no physical description besides the silvery white targaryen hair, creampie, oral (f receiving), a very devoted husband commited to your pleasure, smut, sex;
a/n: Happy new year! I had posted I wanted to write something like that and it's been a while since I want to write something other than holy and heathen because I must admit I'm not very satisfied with what I've been writing lately. Some validation kudos, comments and reblogs would be very important to me, seriously :') I’ve been thinking in turning this into a small series but I’m not so sure. Could you give me your thoughts on this too? please, enjoy your reading!
Taglist: @princessanglophile @hiroikegawa @hiraethrhapsody
You are sitting surrounded by your maids and children on a breezy night, covered with a fur coat and a crimson silk dress under it. Attentively, you go stitch by stitch and slowly form a lion, sigil of your husband’s house. Ever since Robert’s Rebellion ended and your brother, King Rhaegar Targaryen won, you became promised to the former knight of the Kingsguard, now Lord Jaime Lannister. Life in the lion’s den was not difficult, once Lord Tywin treated her with the most kindness and Jaime was still coming out of his shell. At first, he was your sworn sword in King’s Landing and spent plenty of time together in an unbalanced relationship. Now, you two are sharing a bed after a tumultuous year of war and destruction, as equals. In the beginning, you were sceptical about marrying into the Lannister household, but as the months went by, you found yourself drowned at him. Jaime is careful, gentle and kind. He brings you a small dandelion every morning once he knows it reminds you of home.
His only quirk was the strange attachment to his sister, Lady Cersei. But after being sent to Dorne to marry Prince Oberyn of House Martell and getting distant from each other, your relationship with your husband seemed to finally thrive.
“It appears to be beautiful, my lady.” Said one of her maids, taking care of your youngest son, a small silvery blonde figure of two years of age.
“A bright lion handkerchief for Jaime to carry with him.” You reply, admiring your piece of work. “Do you believe your father will like it, sweetling?” You then ask your eldest daughter, an adorable child of four. Your daughter eagerly nods her head and wraps her hands around one of your fingers to pull the fabric closer to her eyes.
“Dada will love it, mama!” The little one exclaimed, spinning around with the kerchief on her tiny hands.
“What will I love, if I’m allowed to ask?” A tall, blonde figure shows up in your private bedchambers, wearing a classic Westerland attire with a crimson fabric and intricate strings of gold shaped into the sleeves and collar. You smile sweetly to Jaime as he approaches you and grabs your middle child to hold in his arms.
“Papa!” The blonde little girl runs towards her father to embrace his legs and your maids stand up to bow to their lord.
“Have you missed me, dear?” Jaime asked and the fussy children eagerly nodded at him, embracing their father even more. Sometimes, seeing Jaime being so loving and kind towards your children simply melted your heart. You felt the urgency to kiss him and dig your fingers onto his bright hair, begging him for another child. Your cunt ached in pleasure to the thought of Jaime pumping his seed inside of you. You were still young and could bear many more children.
“Mm-rrhm…” You scoffed. “I have missed you too, husband.”
The three children giggled and the child on his arms hid his face on the crook of Jaime’s neck. The eldest covered her laugh with her tiny hands and the youngest beamed along their siblings. Jaime came closer to you and caressed your cheeks with his free hand. Then, a single and gentle kiss he places over your forehead, making your heart flutters with love and passion.
“I have missed you too, my love.” Jaime said, passing his fingertips on your chin and smiling at you.
Your maids quickly stood up and bowed at their overlord as a sign of respect. “Excuse me, my lord, my lady,” Said the servant girl. “Let us take the children so you can rest.”
“But I want to stay with papa!” Said the elder daughter, pouting and crossing her arms. The other two children whined and complained along, but you lowered into their level whilst Jaime talked to the youngest on his arm.
“Sweetlings,” She said, caressing their cheeks. “Your father is rather tired after riding for so long. Go with her, I promise you, your siblings, me and your father will have plenty of time together on the morrow. Is that understood, my loves?”
“I can take you to ride a horse tomorrow and even let you eat lemon cakes before super. What do you think?” Jaime asked, delivering the fussy child from his arms to the other maid. In unison, the three infants agreed and left disappointed. Once you and your husband were alone in your bedchambers, Jaime smiled at you gallantly. You embrace him intimately and are finally able to feel the warmth of his muscular body and feel the softness of his golden hair. His lips reach yours and in a whirlwind of sensations, your cunt is already dripping in anticipation just by a simple touch coming from him. Once he breaks the kiss, he keeps holding you by your waist and gazing at you with admiration.
“You have been gone for too long, love.” You say, passing your fingertips on his lips. He smiles and gives you a peck on the lips before speaking.
“I had duties with your brother, Our Grace King Rhaegar, sweet girl.” Jaime replies, pulling her out gently and grabbing the fabric she embroidered for him.
“I hope you like it, I made it just for you.” You point out, joining your hands to follow him. He keeps smiling as he observes attentively the intricate work you did.
“I shall cherish it and take it wherever I go, dragon princess.” He replied, folding and putting the kerchief in one of his pockets. You giggle as you hear him calling you ‘dragon princess’, a custom he chose to never abandon as a form to remember the late days of their relationship “I wish I had more time to be around and play with the children, I have been missing them and you.”
“They made drawings every day and left it on your desk at your office.” You reply, walking to the window and being followed by him.
“I will make sure to have them guarded in our chambers. Safe as our gold.” He says, hugging you from behind and kissing your neck lightly. You beam in ecstasy feeling his body smother you into a comforting embrace and full missing him.
“Sometimes I still cannot believe we are wedded to each other. You were my sworn shield in King’s Landing!” You exclaim as his hand caresses your empty belly and it tingles by his touch. He grins at your words and says.
“Most people are not so lucky to know your spouse before the wedding day. I consider myself the most lucky man in the world because I could be in your acquaintance from so long ago.” He replies, falling his head on the crook of your neck.
You turn around to be face to face with Jaime, feeling the cold breeze of the rock hitting your back and giving you small shocks as Jaime caresses your back, making you experience a thermal shock and shudder to his touch.
“I feel very lucky to be your wife, Jaime. Most women are not so fortunate to have such a kind, loving and handsome husband.” You mutter as he strokes your hair, in awe with your beauty.
“I guess we are fortunate to be together after so many troubles in war. We even brought new lives into this world to paint a new, brightful history.” He replies, caressing your womb. You stare at his fingers passing up and down your belly and glances at him with a sweet smile.
“And we could have more, love. I must admit I feel empty for so long and I want to give you more children… I know I can give you an entire army of your own. Half lion, half dragon. Unstoppable creatures.”
“You feel empty, love?” He asks, smirking and you eagerly agree with him. “Then allow me to fill you up…” Jaime finished, slowly undoing the intricate laces of your dress to reveal your bare skin under the crimson fabric. In response, you open his attire slowly and little by little his white tunic appears to her eyes.
By this point, your cunt is already sore in anticipation for the moment about to happen and clenches around nothing once he pushes the last section of string holding your garment, releasing you from the pressure tightening your upper body. Jaime pushes down your dress and your underwear is now on display for him, which makes him bite his lip and eagerly take down your white camisole to show him your bare body. You moan as he squeezes your breast and pinches your nipples whilst kissing you. You quickly take off his own undershirt to show off his chest.
“So eager is my dragon princess.” He playfully says, leading you to bed and carefully laying you down. With devotion, he starts to kiss your feet, legs and knees, his hands roaming through your thighs and hips. “Spread your legs for me, little dragon.”
You part your legs, obeying his soft command. “So wet… I can see you truly missed me, my love.” He says, kissing your inner thighs as your body squirms in pleasure before he reaches your intimacy.
“Oh… I have missed you so much, my lion.” You moan your words as he kisses your groyne and passes his fingers lightly over your clit, making your womb tremble and convulse to his touch.
“I can see that, just as I missed you, my dragon princess. Do I have permission to give you a lord’s kiss?” He asks and you only nod in response, making Jaime wet his lips with his own saliva before diving into your dripping core and you to scream involuntarily as his tongue and lips eat you up with full desire. Jaime circles his tongue around your clit and roam around your entire intimacy, making your hips bounce onto his direction. It was his costume to make you come every time before he would be inside of you, now could not be different.
You feel your body explode as if someone threw you into dragon fire as Jaime relentlessly pleases you, making magic with his tongue. Skillfully, he explores your intimate area inch by inch with eagerness, making you dig your fingers on his golden curls, pulling him closer to your cunt and you contorses your body urging for more. Tears of pleasure fall off as you feel goosebumps once you realise you are close to your climax.
As the intensity builds, Jaime's movements become more deliberate, pushing you closer to the edge of bliss. Your breath hitches, and your fingers entwine in his golden locks, urging him on. The world narrows down to the pleasure he provides, the connection between you deepening with every passing moment.
When the climax finally crashes over you, Jaime doesn't relent. He continues to caress your sensitive core with his tongue, prolonging the sweet release. Your body shudders with pleasure, and you feel the bond between you and Jaime reaching new heights.
“Husband…” You try to stop him and give yourself some time to take a breath, but Jaime does not back off and part your legs once more, holding it as he keeps licking, kissing and sucking your pussy.
“No no, wife… let me please you and bring you to climax once more…” He cuts your words and gently goes back, but now he plays with his fingers on your clit, with far less pressure and slowly draws circles around it, taking soft moans from you. Jaime rises to hover over you, a wicked glint in his eyes. His fingers trace patterns on your flushed skin as he leans in for a heated kiss, allowing you to taste the remnants of your own pleasure on his lips. “Taste yourself, love.”
And not so long after, you scream his name as you feel waves of pleasure hitting your body as a lightning bolt hits the ground in a storm. Your body is trembling and your legs seem to be two wooden sticks, barely able to stand.
“Please… inside of me, Jaime… I need you…” You plead with him, pulling his body to be on top of yours.
“Your wish is my command, princess.” He replies, kissing you passionately once more and positioning between your legs. Jaime's eyes meet yours, filled with a mixture of desire and adoration. The anticipation was hanging heavy in the air, your bodies aligned perfectly, and as he slowly entered you, a shared moan escaped both of your lips.
The sensation is electrifying, the culmination of the pleasure he bestowed upon you and the intimate connection between your bodies. Jaime moves with a rhythmic precision, each thrust deepening the bond that exists only between you two.
“My perfect princess takes me so well…” He grows as thrusts into you going back and forth nonstop. You lock him by involving your legs around his waist and feeling his hard cock entering your cunt in full force, reaching your cervix and making you beg for more in his ear.
The room echoes with the sounds of your shared ecstasy, a symphony of pleasure that reverberates through the stone walls. The flickering candlelight casts shadows that dance across your entwined bodies, creating a tapestry of love and passion.
“Put another babe on my belly Ser, please…” You beg him as moans leave your mouth and the sound of crashing bodies fill the room quickly.
“With pleasure, love…” He says once more. Jaime moves with a rhythmic precision, each thrust deeper inside of your pussy in farfetched positions. He missed you too much after months away from you and it shows by the way he kisses you as he moves desperately to have more of mounting his dragon. The room echoes with the sounds of your shared passion, a symphony of pleasure that reverberates through the stone walls. The flickering candlelight casts shadows that dance across your entwined bodies. As Jaime's movements become faster, the pleasure intensifies, and you find yourself on the verge of another climax. The pleasure is overwhelming, and your bodies move in perfect harmony.
With a final, fervent thrust, Jaime succumbs to the ecstasy and releases his seed deep inside of your womb, growling and grunting with relief and utter bliss. You hit your own orgasm as you feel the warm jets of his seed invading your walls and your body squirm and you scream his name, crying out.
Your bodies tremble in the aftermath, and he collapses beside you, pulling you into his arms. The room is filled with a comforting silence as you both catch your breath. Jaime's fingers gently trace patterns on your skin as you bask in the warmth of the afterglow. “Do you think we created one more life for our household, love?” You ask him, laying your head on his chest. The world outside your chambers seems distant, and for a moment, it's just the two of you, lost in the serenity of each other's embrace.
“Depending on your fertile womb, my love, I have no doubts you are.” He replies, caressing your silvery white hair. “But we must endure in our pursuit on a daily routine. Just to make sure our fourth babe is on the way.” He playfully replies, smirking at you, who mischievously smiles back at him and kisses his lips, wiping some strings of sweat from his face.
Jaime presses a tender kiss to your forehead, his voice a soothing murmur, "I love you, my dragon princess."
And you, wrapped in the arms of the man you love, whisper back, "And I love you, my lion shield."
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Pairing: Robb Stark x Baratheon/Lannister reader
When Ned Stark comes to King's landing, he learns that out of Cersei's children, you, the arranged bride of his eldest son, are the only legitimate heir of Robert's. This discovery challenges the Lannisters and costs Ned his life.
When Ned Stark is executed, Robb is left broken, his family torn apart... and the only person he can take his frustration out on is you, his arranged bride, and the sister of the boy who ruined his life and had his father killed.
Tags: Arranged marriage, Robb is a bad boy in this one, corruption, innocent reader, first time,
CH. 1 First Meeting - Ned Stark's eldest son and Robert Baratheon’s eldest (legitimate) daughter got off to a relatively exciting start.
Chapter tags: fluff, first meeting, Robb and reader are kids here, teasing, Cersei is nice,
The lord of Winterfell sat stoic, alongside his lady wife at the long table, on which one side seated his people, across from the other, which seated the party from Kings Landing. Ned Stark's sons were sitting by his side. The eldest, Robb, had just turned eleven. Now, in the midst of his warrior training, the boy wasn't small by any means. Though his body was developing and he had already reached his mother in height, Robb still maintained a spark of childlike michieve in his grey eyes.
Ned had wanted Robb to have a good childhood, but circumstances had forced him to educate his son to fight and rule from a young age. He was glad Robb still had cleverness in him to retort his brothers jests, and the chivalry to protect his little sisters, but knew the playfulness would someday come to an end when Robb will need to lead his people into winter.
The Baratheons visiting from Kings Landing sat alongside the Starks, eyeing the table in front of them, some were eating away happily, like the king, while some, like his wife Cersie grimaced at the display of meat, likely not used to the lack of decorum in her sheltered palace.
Ned hid his guilty smirk at the discomfort. Cersei and her children all sat together as well, the eldest, a pretty girl of nine was helping her rowdy little brothers and sister to food, mixes of greens consisting of fruits, nuts, and vegetables, with measured and delicate movements.
Ned both loathed and excited at the idea of betrothing his son to the kings daughter. There would be peace in the realm on one hand. On the other hand, her grandfather Tywin's and your mother's ambition and the Lannisters' reputation for manipulation made him uneasy.
The girl was frail, weak even compared to Rob’s small and hyper siblings, let alone to Robb himself. Already you were attracting attention, as the boys at the table kept turning to look at you. With long hair falling on the side of your tanned face and freckles decorating blushing cheeks.
Before the feast, he was pulled Robert and Cersei aside and discussed the match.
Not enjoying the attention some of the boys and even some men were giving you, Ned gave Robb a nudge, interrupting his conversation with his brother, Jon. "Perhaps you should entertain your guest, son?"
The boy followed his fathers gaze to you, then to the men eyeing you and understanding set. Robb nodded and stood to head over to the table where you sat. He bent down and whispered something in your ear, making you jump in surprise at first, before listening in. You looked up at him, feeling a slight warmth on your ears and cheeks, and turned to ask your mother for permission to go with him. The queen nodded at your request, smiling fondly at you, momentarily eyeing Robb with suspicion.
The boy offered one of his signature, easygoing smiles, offering you his hand before leading you outside.
One of his footsteps was twice as big as yours. You had to jog rather than walk to keep up with him, lifting up your dress high enough not to trip but also low enough not to expose yourself. He didn't slow down to match your speed either, which caused your father, the king, to smirk to his old friend.
Ned and Catelyn watched their heir leave the feast with the princess, then turned to his men, who asked him questions about the following year's harvest.
You let yourself be led out of the warm and loud comfort of the great hall and out into the chilled, windfilled night of the north. "Where are we going?"
"Anywhere," the boy leading you replied. "My father told me to entertain you."
"Oh," you let out a small breath and looked down shyly. Of course, he wasn't with you of his own free will.
"Wanna see what northerners do for fun?" He asked.
You felt a flash of nervousness go down your spine. "Is it dangerous?"
He turned around to look if you were serious, grey eyes studied you in amusement before he let out a chuckle. "No. We just climb up the walls," He nodded towards a massive stone wall of the castle of winterfell, rising up to touch the night sky.
you eyes traveled all the way up, and you mouth dried. Your fear of hights warred with your desire to impress him. In the end, your fear won. "Then, m-maybe we shouldn't."
"Oh, princess.” he drawled, tilting his head mockingly. “Are you scared?"
You felt heat rise to your cheeks. He was so unnecessarily teasing. Nevertheless, you would stand your ground, just as your mother taught you to. "You can not speak to me that way."
He stopped walking and turned to look at her. "Oh, I see. You do have guts…" He said calmly, approaching you. Deep grey eyes staring at you under messy dark brown hair. Taking a step back, you had decided you'd rather he yelled. It would have scared you less than this.
You tried your best not to cower. "I don't want to do something dangerous -" you winced at how your voice rose louder than you had intended, making you sound all the more afraid. "Sorry," you added in a small voice. "Can we do something else?"
He raised one dark brow at you as if considering your question. Finally, he spoke again. "No." He said, and he pulled you by the hand anyway.
Your eyes widened in fear, and you glanced back to the feast, to you, mother, and sister.
"Easy, princess." He said before facing you again and saying quietly, "I won't let you fall."
You didn't trust him, but it didn't feel like you had much of a choice, feeling like you were fighting an uphill battle.
The two of you climbed up the wall. It went up around five meters and was already on a hill. It was the highest you had ever been, and the effects were obvious, as you panted, your lungs trying to catch up with you. Robb had no trouble, effortlessly climbing the slope, not carefully stepping around the slippery ice like you were. At some point, he began pulling you along with his free hand, bringing them to one level. How was he holding on to the jagged, frost-covered brick without a rope? Without gloves? And able to carry both of your weights?
You felt lightheaded as you gripped onto him. At last the two of you reached the flattened top. The sounds of laughter and signing caused you to turn to the right. There were young people everywhere along the top of the wall. A few of them cheered and waved as they saw the two of you climb up.
You blinked and let herself be put down, concentrating on staying upright. You were taking labored breaths, and you turned to look at their surroundings, gasping when you saw the view. The snow-covered roofs were magnificently illuminated by the streetlights and the full moon, and misshapen clouds danced in the stars above you. You were looking in fascination when all of a sudden, a flask was thrust in front of her.
"Drink up," You turned to see Robb wipe at his chin, a clear liquid making his lips shine.
She took the bottle tentatively, gasping "What's in it?"
"Something tasty. Trust me."
"I don't think I should." You shook your head.
He rolled his eyes at that. "Live a little, princess. I already said I'll look out for you. If anything bad happens to you, the king will skin my ass-"
You gasped.
"- so you're safe."
"Why do you speak like that?" You admonished. "You are a prince!"
He gave you a condescending smirk, flashing a set of perfect white teeth. For some reason, you didn't understand. Some Northerners sharpened their canines. Robb was one of them. Had his teeth even fallen yet? You snapped out of your thoughts when he said. "Because it's fun to watch you squirm. Are you gonna have any or not?"
You eyed the container and shook your head, handing it back to him. He took anotyou couple of sips and howled at the moon, startling you again. His was followed by a series of howls from the teenagers on the rocks. They sat on a cold rock and looked over the clouds and mountains. There wasn't enough time to take in all the gorgeous scenery, from the hills to the planes to a big snowy mountain in the distance.
He draped one arm around your shoulders casually, which made you ragged, breathing even more difficult. Bringing his shaggy head close to hers, he squinted. "Do you know what you're looking at?"
"The wall," you supplied. From his close proximity, you could smell the metallic scent of the drink coming from his lips.
"Very good,” he nodded, the praise making a warmth spread in your chest. “The wall. so far away, and here we are. And all our problems. So insignificant." You felt a tug at one strand Of your hair and turned to see his hand pulling at it playfully.
You disregarded the gesture, which made your heart speed up and focused on his words instead. “What's beyond it? What's hiding?”
His look turned serious all of a sudden as he gazed on to the faraway intimidating pile of ice. Then he turned back to you, blue eyes staring in melancholy into your soul. “Nothing a princess should ever worry you thoughts with.”
She blinked up at him, and a shiver ran up your spine. You turned back and looked at the moon. It was marvelous that up close,you could clearly make out the craters and valleys. You wondered, not for the first time, how it came to be.
You were opening your mouth, about to follow up with more questions, but the climb had tired you out quicker than you had expected, and your vision blurred. You felt herself fall back, waiting to hit the ground, when your vision went completely dark.
You woke up to a black sky filled with stars. Blinking, you realised your head was in someone's lap, and someone was gently stroking your cheek. You took a long breath, and your vision became clearer. The muffled sounds around you were clearing up as well. You realised whose lap your head was in and who was stroking your cheek. You got up with a start, making him move his hand. Grey eyes focused on you with curiosity. "I've never seen anyone pass out from speaking before. Good instinct on not drinking the ale."
Your brows furrowed. "The what? Nevermind. It's the air. It is hard to breathe up here."
You felt yourself going dizzy again. In Winterfell, you had never been this elevated before back in Kings Landing, but sitting on the walls of the castle itself… What were you thinking about again?
"Woah!" Rob caught and held you before you could fall once more, heat from his large, muscular body bringing you somewhat back to reality.
"Bring... me... down," you managed between gasps. You mustered the strength to add, "or my lungs will rupture, I will die, and my father will skin your… ass."
But it looked like the second part of your rant was unnecessary because he lifted you in his arms, said goodbye to his companions, who hooted and laughed. You caught some muttering about a "first timer" or “southerner”. They were laughing at you. The king's daughter. But you didn't have it in you to care as you struggled to stay awake.
By the gods, this girl was fragile, Robb thought to himself while he carried the gasping, shivering little thing to the edge of the castle walls. He felt around with one hand to find his rope, always neatly tied at his belt. He'd thought to himself, could carry you all the way down and have a boring evening, or, he could excite you a bit. He chuckled to himself, knowing exactly which option he was going to choose. He lowered you to stand on your own and got his axe from his belt before tying it to his rope. He zeroed in on the tall oak in the courtyard. His target. He's practiced and hit with longer distances. He will be fine this time.
You shivered and stared as he did so.
Robb kissed the hilt of his axe, saying a quick prayer. "You may want to crouch."
You did so instantly, making a ball on the ground. Robb took aim and held the end of the rope, which wasn't tied to the axe, and sent the blade flying. It pulled and pulled on his rope until wedging itself sideways in the oak.
Robb grinned down and said, "You can get up now, princess."
You stood up slowly, your eyes widening at his shot. "How…?”
He grinned and tied the other end of the rope around himself, then offered you his hand.
You eyed his outstretched hand, then the rope, the tree, then the wall. "I think I'll just go down the steps-!" He pulled you against himself and jumped. Your lungs must have recovered because you screamed the whole way down. Robb used his weight to swing you both once around the oak before landing in the snow.
He looked down at you and saw a shudder when you glanced back at the top of the wall where you both were a minute ago.
"Gods," you gasped before turning to look up at him, your eyes reflecting the stars. "Thanks for not dropping me."
He raised a brow, implying that you did not need to say that.
That evening, his father told him something Robb already suspected: the king and queen had arranged a match between you and him.
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Death Row
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x gn!Lannister!reader
Words: 6.1k
Rating: T (more for violence and angst. Think like a PG13 movie)
Summary: The Red Viper is finally brought to justice, but to you there is more than meets the eye.
Warnings: Murder, implied past rape (not the reader), implied past child murder (both off screen) The Lannisters being the Lannisters, use of poisons, hanging, death. (I might have missed a few)
Author: Mod Mouse
Notes: I wrote this fic for the #almostfoxgloveangstchallenge put on by the wonderful @almostfoxglove. The song I was given with this prompt was Death Row by Chris Stapleton so if you want to listen along to get you in the mood go right ahead! I'm actually super proud of both 1) writing a pretty angsty fic since I'm a solid member of the fluff committee and 2) I usually don't write this long of fic. So I hope you all enjoy this work.
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They did it. The Red Viper was finally captured after avoiding different law enforcement across dozens of counties. He could hide in plain sight and only peek out of his burrow when he was ready to strike. There were many reported deaths tied directly to the outlaw, and they were always closely tied to the Sherriff which caused a stir in this section of the country. 
But now the region didn’t need to worry about this mysterious man any longer. He was brought into local custody when he was detained at the scene of the murder of Sheriff Tywin Lannister’s Gregor Clegane aka The Mountain. By the time the Sheriff got there The Mountain was already dead and the Red Viper who, surrounded by a group of the Lannister’s men, was just staring at the corpse of his victim. He didn’t put up any sort of fight when he was arrested, nor did he defend himself during his very short trial. 
You were there despite your dad’s attitude towards you. Considering you were his bastard child he didn’t want you anywhere near the judicial area of town, but that still didn't stop you. Your other siblings were regular attendants so you would be too. 
 You took in the man on trial. The Red Viper was someone to be feared and brought nothing but death in his wake. But when you looked at the golden man on the judgement stand you saw the expression on his face. He was calm and even a bit cocky as he leaned back in his chair with his feet on the table. 
Of course he was sentenced to death by hanging. The evidence against him was undeniable, and soon he would be left to rot in his cell until the day they called up to the gallows. You lingered in the courtroom that day, staring at the door the guards let him through long after he was gone. Something about his expression made you want to visit him. 
That day you came up with a plan. Luckily you had your father’s schedule down to a science. After he left in the morning you knew he wouldn’t be back until supper giving you plenty of time to sneak into the jails. The only problem was the guards. Unfortunately they were all too aware of who you were, so going in the front door wasn’t an option. Behind the prison would be your best bet. 
With your plan in motion, you set out to discover who this man was. You peaked out the backdoor of the house making sure the coast was clear. When you saw no one you quietly ran across the street. Taking the familiar alleys and backways you found yourself at the back of the holding cells. As you thought there were only two guards at the front which meant no one would be inside. The building was top of the line, but you knew the backways into the cells thanks to your years of sneaking behind your father’s back. 
You approached the barred window and gave each of the bars a tug. Just like you thought a couple of them were loose from the recent rain and you were able to pull them just enough to shimmy inside. You really ought to tell your father about this escape route, but you also weren’t too keen on your father. 
The holding cells were as musty as you remember. There were hardly any windows so the air felt heavy and old. Years of prisoners breathing the same air as they awaited a similar end created a sense of weight to the area. All of the cells were empty save for the one the Red Viper was held in which from the clinking of stones being thrown was the last one of the left. 
Slowly you approached being as quiet as you can be. Despite this though a rough accented voice flowed through the quiet hallway. “I told you I had no intention of giving you a statement.” 
“I apologize I’m not the press.” You reply and step out of the shadows. 
The Red Viper leaned against the far wall, hands in his lap picking absently at his nail, the pile of tossed stones at the edge of the bars. What little light trickled into the jail beamed against the prisoner’s bright yellow outfit. But the luster of the outfit was damped by the dust and grime that gathered on the material over the course of time. His face matched his clothes. What was once a well trimmed and care for beard was ragged and well past its shave date. 
When you came into view, he raised his eyebrows confused at your presence. “Well you are not what I was expecting to waltz through those doors.” His dark eyes raked over your body curious about the creature in front of him. 
“It seems I’m not the only one visiting the infamous Red Viper.” You comment. 
He rolled his eyes. “If you are here to spit and drag my name through the mud. I’m not interested.” 
“How can I drag your name through the mud if I don’t know your name,” You quip back. 
The Red Viper smirks. “Smart mouth on this one. I quite like that. Makes you different from the other rats of this town.” 
“Well unfortunately some of those rats are my family so I’m supposed to be offended for them,” You sigh and sit down in front of the bars. 
The prisoner leaned forward taking a better look at you since you were more in the dim light. “I recognize you from the trial. You sat with the other sheriff's children. Since when did Lannister children converse with criminals?” 
“Just now. I guess one of us has to break tradition.” You shrug your shoulders. 
“And I am the one you’re breaking tradition for? Truly an honor.” He gently tips his head to you. 
“Well you are infamous in this area. A lot of people hate you,” You tell him bluntly. 
“They hate me for all the wrong reasons.” 
You look back towards the doors. Still as silent as when you came in. “I don’t hate you.” 
He scanned your face looking for anything that would give you away. “Why?” 
You took a deep breath. “I saw the way you held yourself at the trial.” You turned your head back to him. “There’s more to you than meets the eye.” 
“Clever thing you are,” He muses dark predatory eyes raking up and down your body. “You are correct. I’m not just some senseless killer.” 
You leaned forward bracing your forearm across your knee. “Then tell me.”
He was quiet for a long time and you almost thought he fell asleep, but his voice spoke again. “Come back tomorrow and I will tell you my story. But there will be an equivalent exchange.” 
You mull over his words. “And what are you looking for in exchange?” 
The Red Viper leaned his head back against the dirty bricks and gazed at your form. “Bring me something that is dear to you. It will be enough to match the importance of my story.” 
You were quiet for a moment thinking over his offer. There was something that was near and dear to your heart that you knew that would satisfy the stranger, but was this story really worth the possibility of losing your precious item. A soft sigh escaped your lips and you smirked. “Your story better be damn important.” 
The stranger smirked and nodded his head. “That will be determined by you.” 
Carefully you stood up and brushed off the accumulated dust from your pants. “Fine, expect me around the same time tomorrow.” 
“I’ll be waiting with baited breath for your return.” He replied, that cocky smirk returning to his lips. 
You gave him a small nod before quietly retracing your steps out of the escape route. Just as carefully as you arrived you returned to your house. It was silent as a morgue, and you breathed a sigh of relief. Gods only know what would happen if you had to explain where you’ve been all day to any member of your family. 
You returned to your bedroom and sat down on the familiar furniture. The silence allowed you to ruminate on the day. A stranger walks into your life and you had no idea how this was about to change your life. Thoughts kept rolling over in your head, leaving your appetite less than ideal. Your family wouldn’t miss you for dinner. This was your safe haven. 
Carefully you lit the candle beside you bed and grabbed the book you had been reading opening it up to your saved spot. Though you only made it a few chapters. The weight of that story made your eyes drowsy making the idea of a nap sound like the best idea. You kicked off your shoes and let yourself curl up on your bed. The thoughts in your head drifted but you soon found yourself in a deep sleep. 
The sun slowly filtered into your room adding a warm glow to everything. The light hit your closed eyes and pulled you from the land of dreams. You grumbled annoyed to be awakened in such a manner, but the events of yesterday trickled back into your mind. That was enough to motivate you to get out of bed.  
Slowly you went over to your water basin and cupped the water in your hands splashing it into your face. The feeling of the cool water woke you up more allowing you to take a breath. You took your wash cloth and gently rubbed the sleep from your face wanting or rather needing yourself to be fully awake today. After you finished your morning routine, you traveled downstairs. 
The remnants of breakfast were on the table and an array of meats and breads were left messily on the counter, but yet no one was around. You sighed. This was the usual. Your father and Jamie always left at the crack of dawn, and Cersei couldn’t be bothered to talk to you. Who knew where your other brother was which gave you too much time to yourself. 
You sighed and gathered what you could for a meal, and luckily they had left enough for you to eat your fill. Staring at the empty chairs in front of you really did solidify what you were about to do. It was obvious that your family didn’t give two shits about you. A “bastard” claimed as a Lannister so their name would be smeared through the horse’s shit they rode in on. Why would it hurt to hear the story from this man.The Mountain had only done harm and it was under your father’s command that he committed such actions. With those thoughts you were resolved. 
Leaving the table how you found it, you hurried back up to your room to find the item the stranger wanted. With some effort you pulled the chest from under your bed and with the sleeve of your shift gently wiped the dust from the lid to reveal the pattern underneath. With familiar ease you traced the name that was etched into the wood. 
You missed your mother. Another victim of this wretched town. You popped the lock open on the trunk and rummaged around until your fingers hit the familiar cool metal. Carefully you pulled the necklace out from underneath the pile of her clothes. The heart shaped locket rested easily against your palm. Tears pricked at your eyes and you gently pressed a kiss to it. 
Emotions stirred in your chest, blurry memories coming to the forefront of your mind. But you didn’t have time for that. The stranger’s story was waiting for you. You took a deep breath before gathering the chain and setting it on your dresser. You made sure the chest made it back under your bed before you got changed for the day. Carefully you slipped the necklace into your pocket giving it a gentle pat.
Without losing another moment you hurried out of the house. Following a similar path as you did yesterday, you sneaked your way back to the holding cells. Everything seemed the same as yesterday and plopped down from the bars, falling harder than you were expecting.
You froze for a few seconds making sure that the guards didn’t hear the sound. When there was no indication of the guards sensing your presence, you tipped-toed your way back to the holding cells. Just like you left him yesterday there the stranger was against the wall with his head against the bricks. 
His head tilted towards the sound and the corners of his mouth tipped upward  when he saw it was you. “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” 
You rolled your eyes but there was a grin on your face. “You just met me.” You comment as you sit down on the dirty floor once again. 
“And yet you came back all for a little story.” He mused his eyes following your movement. 
“I did.” You answered and reached into your pocket. While holding the chain you held the locket in front of you. The Red Viper sat forward in interest and for the first time since meeting him he got up and sat in front of the bars. With well worn and bruised fingers he caressed the metal with a surprising gentleness for a so-called ruthless killer. 
“Who did this belong to?” He asked, not taking his eyes off of the metal. 
“My mother.” You whispered 
The stranger looked up at you. “I’m sorry.” He whispered understanding the situation and yet no words were exchanged. 
He opened the locket. “To my beautiful child. May the fawn protect you from the wrath of the lions.” You quoted the inscription from memory. Everynight when you were growing up you fell asleep with the memento under your pillow. You didn’t know your mother, but you knew she would always protect you. 
With curiosity etched in his expression, the stranger looked back at you. “I take it the Lannisters aren’t good to you either.” 
You scoffed. “You could say it. My father decided to bed a daughter of a man whom he wanted for his land. So he had me as blackmail and took what he thought was his. My mother was ruined and I’ve never seen her.” You were quiet for a moment. “It only seemed fair that a story about the Lannisters be met with a similar fate.” You let the chain slip from your hands letting it hit the floor with a clink. 
The Red Viper watched where the jewelry hit the ground for a moment. “Yes, unfortunately our stories are not that different.” He said as his fingers brushed the metal of the fallen memento. 
You leaned your weight against your arm. “Tell me what my father did against you.” 
 “I hope you didn’t have plans to go anywhere else. For this is a long story.” He answered, tilting his head. 
“I am here until you finish your tale.” You reply honestly. 
The Red Viper took a deep breath and released it slowly through his nose. “Okay then you shall hear my tale.” 
Flash Back 
The fires of the town were still smoldering by the time he arrived. Heat blasted his face as he frantically searched the town. Many were screaming and running away from the danger, but he was racing into the flames. “Elia!” He yelled over the crack of the ignited wood. The sweat from the heat kept his hair in place as he whipped his head around to get even a glimpse of his sister. 
“Please where are you?” He whispered to himself as he desperately ran from building to building hoping that they were okay. His chest heaved with each pant and would’ve kept running forever, but a sound as loud as a thundercrack bellowed across the crumbling town. 
He whipped his head around and saw what he had been dreading. The familiar house where his sister and her children resided in past familiarity was all but rubble under the broiling flames. Ignoring any sense of safety, the stranger hurried up the broken sign hoping of the slim chance he could pull them out. 
Smoke filled his mouth and burned his eyes, but a simple pain like this wasn’t going to stop him. His family needed him. Without a care for his own wellbeing, he barges through the charred door. 
“Elia!” He screamed over the fire’s roars as he once again tried to find his sister desperately searching every charred nook and cranny. Until his eyes landed on something, and it wasn’t the smoke that caused his tears this time. With shaking legs, he kneeled in front of a fallen beam. Peeking underneath it was a charged hand. On that hand was the ring he recognized all too well. He was there when that ring slipped on his finger when she married Rhaegar. He was there when he held his first nephew and she was exhausted from giving birth. He was there when she told him of her husband’s divorce, and subsequent cheating. 
A crushing sob escaped out of his parched lips and he desperately clung to what was left of his beloved sister. Oh he wanted to stay with her as she burned away to ash, but the gods were cruel and just like the beam that took his sister, another one crashed beside him pulling him from his grief. 
Without a second thought he pulled the ring off of her charred hand and rushed back to the safety of the dark night. He stumbled along the charred pathway eventually tripping on a loose branch. There was nothing he would do but let himself fall. The stranger let himself weep as his world burned around him. His eyes blurred with the tears that continuously fell for his sister and her children. Embers rained around him leaving burn holes in his once vibrant clothing.
When there were no tears left to cry, he didn’t move. He didn’t have the energy to even think about escaping. Though something did catch his eye, something flashing with the dying flames. With all the energy he could muster, he reached out and grabbed the mysterious object. A five star badge with the infamous silver lion etched in the middle. An emblem only used by one family in the area which he knew all too well. 
Sorrow reversed to rage. A rage as hot as the fires that took his sister. The damned lions were responsible for this. He gripped the badge in his hands, the points pressed into his palm causing a slow stream of blood to flow down his arm. He would get his revenge. He would undo this wrong that was cursed upon his innocent family. He glared at the star. Lannisters aren’t the only ones who pay their debts.
You didn’t realize but tears were streaming down your cheeks until you felt a rough hand caress the droplets from your skin. The touch pulled you out the trace and you looked back at the prisoner. 
“I’m sorry.” You sniffled as another round of tears sprang to life. 
“What are you sorry for? Did you kill me sister?” He joked tilting his head. 
“No but I carry that name therefore I carry a part of that sin.” 
The stranger shook his head. “My strange dove, you have no reason to be responsible for your bastard of a father.” 
You took a deep breath calming yourself. “Weirdly enough you're the first person to say that.” You chuckle sadly as you wipe away the spent tears. 
The Red Viper gazed at you with a glimmer in his dark brown eyes. “You really are fascinating.” 
“You’re the fascinating one. But please this isn’t about me. Continue your tale.” You shook your head hiding the heat in your cheeks. 
The way he stared into your eyes it was evident that he wanted to continue his compliments, but for your sake he continued his tale. The stranger leaned back on his hands and tipped his head back. 
Through many sleepless nights he rode through all the cities, taking names of anyone who might have been involved. He slaughtered many who even had a chance of being involved in the death of his family. If a man had any chance of involvement with the Lannisters, they were questioned on Tywin and his monster of a sheriff, but when they offered no information they were slain on the spot. The only lead the Red Viper could glean from the loyal rats was a preacher in the next town over who was a pastor for a town the Lannisters owned. So as quickly as the stranger could, he mounted his horse and spurred the creature to gallop as fast as its legs could carry them. 
By the time he arrived at the small town, the church crowd had dispersed and were already gathering for the after-sermon meals. Most of the people didn’t notice the outlaw riding into town, but a few jumped back when he stopped his horse a few feet from the entrance. Quickly he tied a loose knot with the reins and stalked up the stairs. 
The church was nothing like the grand sanctuaries in the other bigger towns. It was large enough to house the town's inhabitants with minimal iconography with a simple altar at the head of the church. There stood the Father clearing up the remnants of the sermon. 
“I had a feeling you would find me sooner rather than later,” The man remarked not turning around to meet the stranger. The Red Viper pulled his gun out, pointing the barrel at the back of the preacher. “Shooting me will do you no good either. You can’t get information out of a corpse.” At this remark the preacher glanced over his shoulder at the outlaw. 
“Then talk, Varys. I know you who burned my sister’s town to the ground,” The Red Viper growled, cocking the gun. 
“My my my you are a volatile creature. It’s a wonder you haven’t been caught soon with the trail of bodies I hear you’ve left in your wake,” Varys turned and tucked his hands under his arms. “You seem tense. A cup of tea will calm the nerves.” He turned and ducked under the doorway leading down to the secluded areas of the chapel, unperturbed by the angry man standing in the aisle.
The Red Viper stared at the empty space where Father Varys was standing and cautiously followed him to the chambers. The priest was already preparing the tea with the two cups set on the table. “I figured you could use some chamomile to soothe that seething soul of yours.” 
The stranger didn’t respond but sat down at the empty spot across from the priest. “I swear to the heavens if you try to poison me.” 
Varys smirked as he sipped from his own mug. “You are the Red Viper. You are the king of poisons. The lowest level thug wouldn’t be dumb enough to test your prowess.”
Staring at his cup for a moment, then took the warm liquid up to his lips for a drink. A few sips weren’t enough for him until he finished the whole mug not caring about the burn down his throat. 
The priest sighed as he set the cup back down on the table. Oberyn stared at the priest.  “Now tell me when I can find the Mountain.” 
“He will be at the King’s Landing Tavern for the next few days. Tywin has a new mission for him.” 
“You know for someone who is loyal to the Lannisters, you spill their secrets like a drunken wench.” 
Varys chuckled. “Claiming I was ever loyal to the Lannisters was your first mistake.” 
“A man must have some loyalties.” 
“My loyalties lie with me and only me.” Father Varys gazed over his cup before taking another sip. 
The Red Viper narrowed his gaze. “What then do you get out of telling a wanted criminal the location of the Lannister’s right hand man?” 
Varys shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “Let’s say the Mountain has also done some less than savory things to ones I care for as well.” 
The outlaw was silent for a moment. “Thank you,” The stranger answered as he turned away from the doorway. 
“Be careful Viper. The lions will writhe when you succeed,” Varys warned. He dipped his head in acknowledgment as he headed out of the sanctuary. The time was now to prepare for their fateful meeting.
The King’s Landing Tavern was alive and music poured from the swinging double doors as the Red Viper stood outside. He had been prepared for this moment since he found his family destroyed by this man. Taking a deep breath letting the anger fuel the energy he needed to move his limbs into the establishment. 
Pushing the wooden doors open, he stepped into the saloon and everything stopped. This bar was only for a select few of the Lannister elites and seeing a stranger meant you were in for some trouble. Scanning the seats his eyes landed on the giant of the man taking up two seats at the bar. He was easily bigger than any of the other patrons, and the Red Viper had his target. 
Ignoring the stares from the rest of the group he sidled up to the bar and plopped down in an empty stool beside his target. “A whiskey dry.” The Red Viper ordered the bartender who without a word took an empty glass and poured two fingers worth of whiskey in the glass. 
With the ease of years of bartending, he slid the glass down to him, but a big arm intercepted the glass. “You shouldn’t be here.” 
“And you shouldn’t have messed with my family,” He calmly replied, staring at the shelves of dark liquor. 
“I don’t remember the names of those I’ve slaughtered.” 
The stranger had to keep his anger under control as he felt his blood boil. “I will make you remember this one.” 
The large man scoffed. “Good luck with that.” He whipped out his shotgun as The Red Viper leaped off his chair. The bullet buried itself in the wall behind him. 
The outlaw jumped, rolling as he hit the floor and pulled his own six shooter out. The rest of the bar whipped out their own guns and the stranger waved it at the crowd. “This is between me and the Mountain. If anyone else decides they want to intervene, then I shall send them to an early grave.” He swiveled his feet and turned to point the barrel at his opponent. “My wrath lies with this man.” 
The Mountain cracked his neck and shook out his limbs. “And tell me what are my crimes.” 
“Elia Martell. You were ordered to kill her by Tywin Lannister,” He growled and fired a shot at his enemy. One missed Gregor who dodged out of the way, but the other one grazed his retreating limb. But a single scrape wasn’t enough to even make the Mountain grimace. 
“I kill many people with or without the Sheriff’s command. What makes you think she was any special?” The Mountain sneered and spit at the ground beside the stranger. 
“Tywin Lannister gave the order to murder and raped her and you will confess to every person here who is loyal to the pack of lions!” 
At his words the Mountain cocked his shotgun once more and The Red Viper dodged once more as he leapt onto a nearby table. Using his own momentum he turned and fired two more shots at the giant both embedding themselves into his right bicep. This time a groan emanated throughout the bar as a thick trail of blood streamed down the curves of his arm before dripping onto the floor. 
The Mountain snarled, flashing his teeth at his opponent and went to shoot him again when an empty click. The Red Viper took the opportunity to shoot again burying the remaining two bullets this time in his left leg. Gregor stumbled and landed on his knees. 
“What did you do?!” He screamed unfamiliar with the feeling of his life draining out of him. 
“Besides shooting you five times, I laced the bullets with poison,” He answered as he swaggered forward. Out from the creases of his pants he pulled his faithful dagger. “I wouldn’t try anything.” He tipped the knife under his chin forcing him to meet his gaze. 
“Now confess your crimes.” The stranger growled down at his enemy pressing the tip enough into his skin for a dribble of blood to bubble up. 
The Mountain sneered at his face. “Fine, yes I killed your sister and her children. And you know what? I enjoyed every second.” He spit a wad of spit up at the outlaw, landing on his fine clothing. 
With a yell as loud as a thundercrack, The Red Viper grabbed the Mountain’s damp hair tugging it violently to show the crowd. “Everyone will bear witness to the man who avenges his family against the Lannisters.” He screamed, his voice booming in the closed environment. With surgical precision he sliced the blade across his vein sending waves of crimson blood pouring down his shirt soaking the material with his life force. The multiple gunshot wounds had made his opponent unable to resist. The gurgles slowed as The Red Viper watched as his sister’s murderer’s soul left his body leaving his eyes and finally stilled. 
The bar was silent for several ticks before all hell broke loose. People tore the outlaw away from his body and immediately arrested him, keeping him pinned until the authorities arrived. But he didn’t resist. He had finished what the Lannister’s had started. 
“So that’s why you were so calm. You completed your quest,” You concluded in a whisper not taking your eyes off of his tear stained cheeks. Unsurely you reached up and cupped his damp cheek with your soft palm. The Red Viper sighed and nuzzled into your touch. The weight of his story now shared between two instead of his own conscience. 
“Elia and her children can rest easy now knowing they have been avenged,” He said as he gazed into your eyes. 
Your heart pulled out his look. Your souls have now mingled when you realized how badly the world had treated both of you, and the pull toward him was greater than any consequences that might come of this reunion. 
Together you kissed with reckless abandon and yet a gentleness that you had never experienced before. The feeling of wanting every inch of this man you had come to care for in a matter of days and yet wanted to take as much time as you could before they called him to hang. 
The unfortunate need to breathe in oxygen pulled you aparted but you stayed close. “What’s your name stranger?” You whispered against his chapped lips. 
“Oberyn.” He replied gently, nudging your cheek with his nose. 
You pulled him in by his dirtied shirt and desperately kissed him again. Lips grazed his stubble cheeks and you whispered your name into the shell of his ear. 
A shutter surged through Oberyn. “My little dove, such a stunning name.” 
Your soft hands gently cup his thick neck, your thumb gently caressing his Adam's apple which bobbed as he swallowed, taking in your touch. Carefully you brought your lips to his once again kissing him with both fierceness and tenderness. You etched every feeling into every inch of your brain, willing yourself to keep him in your thoughts forever. 
You ached to stay by his side wishing you could touch him, caressing him like his damaged soul needed. But noises from outside cause you to whip your head away from Oberyn. 
“Go get to safety,” Oberyn whispered, stealing one last kiss from your lips.
“I’ll come back tomorrow” You promised as you took your time letting him go. With one final glance you hurried out of the cells and escaped before you could get caught. 
That night you couldn’t sleep, the vivid story replayed on an endless cycle in your mind. With each replay your soul burned hotter with hatred for the name that was forced upon you. You were not a Lannister, you were your mother’s child, and this miraculous stranger revealed to you that you could change your own fate. 
With a renewed vigor you quietly gathered your most essential items into a small pouch. You would save Oberyn and take him away from this place, away to a place where the Lannister’s influence hadn’t spoiled. The night passed as you worked away devising a plan. Just as the light filtered in your bed just like it did yesterday before you knew Oberyn’s story and the months and years spent under the glaring eyes of your “family,” you were ready for your plan. 
You tiptoed down the stairs past an empty table and hurried down the familiar path. Though when you passed the town square you noticed a crowd was forming. Peaking around the corner of the alley, what you saw sent your heart plumpting. The familiar gleam of that fabric that you had become quite intimate in knowing was standing on the crudely made structure. There your Oberyn stood atop the gallows staring out at the jeering crowd. 
Without a second thought you rushed to stand in the crowd. You had to get to him. You pushed and shoved trying to get to the structure but just like the world was cruel to Oberyn, the Fates decided to turn that cruelty to you. No one would budge and break. You would have to witness from afar as his neck snapped on the rope of death. 
Bitter tears stung your eyes as the executioner read out his last rights. Oberyn was tense and silent as his eyes scanned the crowd in search of something. Your eyes met his, and his shoulders relaxed. Just like that day at the trial, resolve was etched on his tired face. 
The hanging rope was slung over Oberyn’s neck with a roughness only hatred could bring.  “Does the felon have any last words?” 
Oberyn took a deep breath and without taking his eyes off of yours. “All you may hate me for my actions,” a loud boo emanated from the crowd. He raised his voice to be heard over the yells. “But I will never forget one of you,” He started and raised his palms to the crowd, “I’ve engraved your name on the palms of my hands.” A sob escaped your lips as you read the scabbed markings on his worn hands. There in bloody letters read your name. He would take your name to the grave with you and your heart clenched. 
The crowd jeered louder at him, finding his stunt to be another cruel jab at the Lannister name, but for you it meant the sad reality that a man who you had known for only a few days would take you to his grave. Your memory of your kindness would keep his soul company as the angel ascended him to his afterlife. 
The executioner spit by Oberyn’s feet a wad of shame at the crimes this man had committed. “‘Nough out of you murderer,” He sneered as he tied the wounded hands violently behind Oberyn’s back. 
But Oberyn didn’t react, didn’t say anything in his defense. He kept his eyes on you, and as the executioner marched to the lever that would take your man from this world, Oberyn smiled softly and mouthed something that would stay with you for the rest of your life, “I love you,” as the lever was pulled. You closed your eyes as his body fell through the floor and a crack boomed across the crowd. 
Sobs racked your body as the people around you cheered. Everyone could rest easy as the Red Viper was finally slain. But safety wouldn’t come to you not when your family still ruled this town. So with the cover of the cheering crowds, you darted away from the people carrying your meager belongings. You ran. It didn’t matter what direction. It didn’t matter where you were going. You were going to run until the Lannister name was just a last name, and not a name that brought blood and sorrow to everyone around it. Until then your legs didn’t stop moving as the wide vance of the country spread out before you. 
Your legs collapse from beneath you and your breath heaves. It was now when your emotions caught up with you. There on your knees in the middle of the wilderness did you finally throw back your head and wail like a wild animal letting out the sorrows of its ancestors, and yet the birds still chirped and the world spun as if the life of Oberyn didn’t matter to anyone else but you.
All Works Taglist
Pedro Character Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges @carusolikey @thebeldroramscal @morallyinept
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romantichoneypie · 2 months
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Author's notes: I'm doing this to make it easier to access some things I've already done,I may end up writing for another character but only on request or because I want to.
Requests: Open!,Always feel free to make requests, both bots, headcanons and fanfic, I also write for male characters but the preference will always be the female characters!
Fandoms: "that's not my neighbor","Game of Thrones," "House of the Dragon","yellowjacket" and "stardew valley"
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That's not my neighbor:
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nacha mikaelys /tasting you (smut/fluff) Mia stone /bad idea! (smut/fluff)
Elenois sverchzt /gimme more (smut)
Lilith lilitu lilit /I know how hex you (smut/fluff)
Fem!Teutates taranis/ Don't fall in love (smut/fluff)
anazareth and lilith
for lilith
Mia stone (Afternoon with your secret girlfriend)
Lilith lilitu lilit (your girlfriend's blood deposit)
Yan Luo Wang Diyu (being engaged to the princess of death)
Game of Thrones:
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Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Tywin Lannister (arranged marriage being a hightower)
Ros (Without a noble and she is his lover)
Melisandre of Asshai (she is your lover and you are heir to Lys)
Cersei lannister (Your wife is pregnant)
House of the dragon:
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Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Helaena targaryen (you are her servant and lover)
Alicent hightower (You married her)
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Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Emma Decody/bates motel (she has cystic fibrosis but will still want your kisses)
Luce/imagine me and you (your best friend have a crush on you)
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sassypossumm · 7 months
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Requests Accepted!
Let me thank you for visiting my little corner of Tumblr!!! Pull up a comfy chair and let's share a cup of chai and geek out over our favorite characters!
While I am open to your thoughts and requests, just a few ground rules to keep in mind when asking:
As a cis-heterosexual woman, I'm most comfortable writing what I know, I keep descriptions vague, but understand that's the lens I'm working from!
I am open to anything from smut to angst, my caveat being simply this:
[we're NOT entertaining age gaps where one party is under 18]
I reserve the right to give a respectful no to any prompt or suggestion, whether due to the manner of the request or time constraints
Characters I Will Write For By Fandom
GOT: Tormund Gianstbane, Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Ramsay Bolton
Agent Carter: Howard Stark, Jack Thompson
HOTD: Aemond Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen, Otto Hightower 😅
ATSV: Miguel O'Hara
Bridgerton: Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton
X-Men: Wolverine, Night Crawler
Marvel: Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Loki, Thor, Steve Roger
Star Trek: Q, Will Riker, James T. Kirk, Spock
Just please be patient with me, I've got tons of plot bunnies hopping around in my mind at any given moment! 😘
{Master Lists Under The Cut}
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Aemond Targaryen x Reader:
Arranged Marriage Head Canons
Alone (angst)
Burn (NSFW)
Can't Lose You (angst)
Well Loved (NSFW)
Heavenly (NSFW)
Cregan Stark x Reader:
All Things End (angst)
What I Want (suggestive)
Daemon Targaryen x Reader:
Slights (angst)
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Miguel O'Hara x Reader:
Hellfire (Priest!Miguel x Reader) NSFW
Someone Else (Miguel x Kick Boxer!Reader) NSFW
Scandal (Duke!Miguel x Reader) Bridgerton AU
Just Sex (Miguel/Geto x Reader) NSFW
Finally (Professor!Miguel x Reader) NSFW
Save A Horse (Cowboy!Miguel x Reader) NSFW
The Rat Bastard (Rat Bastard!Miguel x Reader) NSFW
Hallelujah (Demigod!Miguel x Reader) angst
Daddy Kink Head Canon (NSFW) - Cult Leader!Miguel x Reader (NSFW)
Brat Tamer!Miguel Head Canon (NSFW) - Soft Mornings (NSFW) - Voracious (NSFW) - Tentacles and Desire (NSFW)
Jealous Mafia Boss!Miguel x Reader (NSFW)
Morning Sneezes (fluff) - Missed My Pillow (fluff) - Thanks Frozen Turkey (fluff)
I Trust You (angst)
Dadbod Coach!Miguel x Reader:
More Than a Good Shag (NSFW) - Sex and Waffles (NSFW) - Sunshine (fluff)
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Tywin Lannister x Reader:
Another Dance
First Editions (Modern/ Mob Boss AU)
Tableau (suggestive)
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Steve Rogers x Reader:
Don't Wanna Wake Up! (fluff, suggestive)
Waffles and Sex (NSFW)
Other Characters:
Spock - Who's Being Unreasonable? (fluff)
Bruce Wayne - What Are You Baking? (fluff)
Jack Thompson - Shake a Leg, I'm Hungry (fluff) - Frying Pans and Hospitals (fluff)
64 notes · View notes
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Disclaimer : Any characters I write for doesn't mean I agree with things they have done. Incest and Targcest are allowed for this fandom as its normal within the material of the show/books.
Jamie Lannister
They Don't know about us - I |Rated G | cw : none| tags: Fluff, Secret Relationship , Forbidden romance
Head canons
Oberyn Martell
Coming soon
Head canons
Tyrion Lannister
Beneath the Shadows of Kings - I |Rated G | cw : none| tags: First kiss , Gay Awaken, Getting together
Head canons
Tywin Lannister
Coming soon
Head canons
Viserys III Targaryen
Coming soon
Head canons
Alpha Viserys III Targaryen and younger brother omega
25 notes · View notes
thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
The Lover Of The Seven Kingdoms (Tywin x Reader)
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First of all, I’m sorry but you cannot tell me anything when it comes to Tom hiddleston being the perfect young Tywin Lannister. Second, I love writing morally grey female characters and I wrote grant maester pycelle and mushroom in cause I wanted to show how a lot of male historians portray women in one way cause it’s just easier.
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The lover of the seven Kingdoms” grant maester Pycelle had used as a description of (y/n) Martell, the second wife of Tywin Lannister, the symbol of femininity for a plethora of men in kings Landing, the mother of lord Ezra Lannister and lady Asena, the scandalous twins and one of the few bastards that later became legitimate and inherited Lannisport, then they had three more, lady Nymeria, Lady Zara and Lord Sorin, (y/n) was the secret passion of Tywin since she stepped foot at court, she was to be Joanna’s lady in waiting.
Her appearance was one carved by the Gods, long dark raven hair that curled down to her waist, olive skin, and almost black eyes, her lips thick, and a body as juicy as the fruits of her land, her twin brother Dorian had sent her to Kings landing as a way to show respect and also expand her horizons.
“Princess (Y/n) had relations with one of the bastards of house Dayne when she denied him the man gutted himself in front of her, Doran sends her away to avoid more scandals caused by her lustful appetite”
Mushroom note, Joanna liked her, she was smart and endearing, and she knew how to play her part, however, what Joanna had not taken in mind is that (y/n) stopped at nothing to get what she wants, in this case, it was the young Tywin Lannister, the tall man with muscles everywhere, blue eyes and blonde hair was the subject of desire for a plethora of ladies, none of them had the guts to go after him, (y/n) was not like them, she had her eyes set and the game had begun.
“My lord”
(Y/n) called for Tywin, the hour was quite late but Tywin was the hand of the king, the hour did not matter when they were things he needed to pay attention to, papers to be signed and payments to be settled.
(Y/n) had studied his schedule, Joanna was already in bed and Tywin was free, most of the servants were dismissed so they were no prowling eyes to catch her.
Tywin halted and turned to look at the girl that called for him, she wore a rather sheer dress which was unlikely of hers, Dornish people were always costumed to very light choices in clothing, still, this was a step further, if the candles burned a bit brighter Tywin would have been able to see… well everything.
“Princess (y/n), is there something wrong?”
“No, not exactly, I was hoping to talk to you, in private”
Tywin hesitated, (y/n) was just outside her chamber, she was holding the door open which meant that her choice of privacy was her room, still, curiosity about what it could be that needed to be discussed in such a secretive way was enough for his feet to go one and then the other inside.
(Y/n) closed the door before she spun to rest her back on the wood, a smirk playing on her lips as her plan was going smoother than she expected, the room was decorated in cherry red and gold colors, some orange as well and the intense smell of vanilla and musk took over Tywins senses.
“So, I would prefer it if you started talking”
“Do you like being the hand of the king?”
“You summoned me to ask me if you like my occupation?”
“No, I summoned you because I have a pair of eyes, eyes clear enough to see that something has been bothering you”
“Well I am flattered that the princess cares to ask for my well-being, however, I must go”
“You can’t lie to me Tywin, if it’s not your duty then it has something to do with me, you have been avoiding me, you can’t even look me in the eye”
Tywin once again chose to not speak he only made a b line for the door to which (y/n) was resting, she had managed to think of everything down to reaching for the handle when he did, making their hands touch, Tywin did not pull his away, he let it rest on top of hers as he towered over her and she looked up at him with doe eyes.
“Is it me, my lord? It is my presence that is bothering you?”
“No? You are breathing quite heavily, your eyes travel below my lips, and… dare I say you could have moved me if you truly wanted to, no one is here, my lord, you can confess to me”
“Go on, confess”
Her voice was barely above a whisper as she gawked at Tywin with lustful eyes with a hint of innocence, she had done this before, Tywin was a mere puppet, a bug that got caught in the spiders' web and was now waiting to experience her poisonous bite.
Her kiss could be described as venom, it made his entire body feel like it was burning and her touch was the only remedy, his addiction started and ended with her, he had been fantasizing about her every night, haunting him like a succubus and stealing the life out of him, at an instant he forgot everything, his wife, his status, his entire life would crumble if someone were to find them, none of it mattered, all that he cared about was to see her, take her.
He took her right on her window, some servants had even reported that they could see the young princess bareback as her moans grew some attention, alas none of them thought something of it, most of the castle had seen a generous amount of men go in and out of (y/n)s chamber at all hours of the night.
Tywin was in utter awe with (y/n), he almost felt like he would faint as he reached his high, it was the only time Tywin considered that (y/n) was a practitioner of dark magic. No other woman had held such power over him in this act.
“My lion”
She had whispered in his ear before she kissed him,(Y/n) was the perfect lover, every night he would slip from his chamber and knock on her door, she would be waiting for him, take him up to the sky, and wrap him with her fire that burned as bright as dragon fire.
Tywin was entirely himself around her, she allowed him to be in control and gave him the euphoric theatrics of prowling on her, which made (y/n) giggle a little, it was refreshing and borderline hilarious to move the strings in the background while Tywin thought he was moving them only because she let him touch them.
“I have exciting news”
“Which is?”
“Princess (y/n) is pregnant, how lovely would it be if we get to marry our children? We could secure Dorne and bind my friendship with her”
“We will do no such thing”
“Tywin, think about it if we-“
“You are forgetting an important thing Joanna, the princess is not married, who knows who the father of that bastard is, my child will not marry anyone of such low status”
What else could he have said? We can’t marry them cause they are siblings? Joanna would be crushed, Tywin had run to her chamber that night, not even bothering to knock as he burst into the room startling her, still once she laid her eyes on him she smiled, she dared to smile as if nothing has happened.
“How dare you announce your pregnancy without even telling me first”
“I thought you had noticed”
“No, I hadn’t and Joanna wants to marry your child with one of our children”
“I am sure we will find a way around it”
“Find a way around it? How are you so calm when the world is crumbling on your feet? You are not married nor betrothed, this child will be declared a bastard”
“This child will be my firstborn, a child created by you and me if you remember, that is all that matters to me”
“Not to the rest of the realm”
“I do not care about the rest of the realm Tywin, that is your problem, it will be royalty in Dorne, I do not care what they call my child here”
“Some said she bathed in goats blood every full moon, she would burn candles and speak in foreign languages to make Tywin stay by her side”
Mushroom claimed, it could be true or just whispers since no one understood the powerful hold that she had on the young lord, Tywin was a fearsome man, calculated and ambitious, yet (y/n) could sway him in any direction she wished with a bat of an eyelash.
It was such a peculiar moment, (y/n) gave birth to twins four moons after her lady Joanna, Ezra and Asena, both of them had their fathers' eyes, sapphires that shined in the light of the sun as (y/n) fed them from her breasts, Tywin had held Asena first, she looked nothing like Cersei still something in him knew that the two girls were born to be each others nemesis, fate had played him like a fiddle.
“I was thinking of going back to Dorne”
“My brother said it is not safe for us, people will talk and I do not want my children to grow up in a venomous environment”
“No, no you will stay, Ezra and Asena Hill has a nice ring to it”
“They are Martells, my love, they shall be called that”
(Y/n) was not ashamed of her children, on the contrary, she adored them and kept them by her side at all times, she taught them how to walk, talk, sing, and dance, a endearing mother with a backbone made of Valyrian steel, a combination made straight out of the seven rings of hell.
“Push, my lady”
“I can’t, (y/n) please make it stop”
“Maester, what is taking so long?”
“The babe has breached, it will not let me pull it out”
“It hurts (y/n)”
“I know, my lady, just one more push”
Joanna fought tooth and nail to survive, unfortunately, her labor did not harvest any fruit for her, the son survived but Lady Joanna did not even get to hold him, grant Maester pycelle held Tyrion and presented him to lord Tywin who was utterly disgusted by the ugly creature.
“That is no son of mine, throw him in the river”
“You will do no such thing”
“This matter does not concern you, princess”
“It does, you may be excused maester”
Pycelle only nodded and left them alone, a strange aura surrounded both of them, Joanna was gone, a deformed babe had taken her life, and (y/n)s belly was ready to pop any minute, what was to be done now?
“Does cruelty excite you?”
“Cersei and Jaime are both healthy and Lannister featured, that… thing could not have been created by me”
“It was not the babes' fault, so I have to remind you that you are also guilty of the thing you are accusing a dead woman of?”
Tywin was a man but that meant little to nothing, if Tyrion was a bastard then there was no difference between him and (y/n)s children, Tywin was in no place to frown upon such an act since he was having another child on the way, a bastard.
“Listen to me, my love, I know you loved Joanna and I loved her too, but the babe survived, it’s the last thing we have from her, grief is a strong emotion, but we have each other to lean on, don’t you want this for us Tywin? for me?”
There it was, her secret weapon, that sweet voice that dripped of honey and the big doe eyes, she knew how to play the damsel in distress down to every detail, Tywin put his lips in before he shook his head in defeat, his wife had departed but his mistress stood before him, demanding a place at his table and life, which he was willing to give her.
Cersei was frantic, the announcement of her father's betrothal to the princess (y/n) and the reaffirmation of her bastard children had brought her to an utmost stage of rage that she was going around her room like a hurricane, she was throwing things and cursing as loud as her lungs allowed it.
How could he do this to her? To her family? That woman had slithered her way into their life like a snake and was now feasting over her mother's dead body, this was just plain disrespectful to her mother.
Tywin found Cerseis handmaidens outside her chamber as the sounds that came from it could put to shame any wild animal, the ladies looked frightened and not one of them dared to go in, however, all of them tried to warn him in leaving the lady be, suggesting that this has probably happened before.
“What do you think you are doing?”
“Get out”
“Young lady I advise you-“
“Shut up! I don’t want to listen to you! How could you marry her?! How could you do this to my mother?”
That was the last thing she said before a harsh slap landed on Cerseis's cheek, the girl was taken back by the act since her father had never hit her, he would discipline her but mostly by raising his voice or finding peculiar tricks of punishment, for Tywin to get physical with his daughter meant that she had gone too far.
“You do not get to judge my decisions, you will welcome your brother and sisters and you will be nice to my wife whether you like it or not, did I make myself clear?”
Silence only looks that could kill were exchanged
“Did I make myself clear?”
“Yes Father”
“My love?”
(Y/n) walked into the room, she had heard everything although she chose to reside in the act of being clueless, Tywin had turned away from his daughter and walked to his soon-to-be wife’s side, his hand found hers and brought it up to his lips, (y/n) smiled fondly before she scanned the room with her eyes, a puzzled look on her face as the room was upside down.
“What has happened? Is the young lady alright? The handmaidens were stuttering when I asked about the noises”
“Yes, no need to worry, my dear, Cersei was just redecorating”
“Oh, well if she wishes I can help with that”
“No, no, Cersei is quite specific, she prefers doing things her way, hence this scenery, we should live her”
“As the young lioness wishes, but before we leave”
(Y/n) took a few steps so she can stand ahead of Cersei, Cersei truly felt like a lioness, one that was trapped in a cage to be exact, as much as Cersei wanted to believe she could outsmart anyone (y/n) had years up on the horse, so naturally she was now trotting past Cersei with her caring smile and eyes that lit up, Cersei was left to looking like a kid that threw a tantrum whilst (y/n) looked like a mother that did her best to keep the peace.
“I know you are angry at me, I would be too, I will not try to be your mother, I do however hope that one day you will view me as your ally or your friend even”
(Y/n) went to caress Cerseis cheek which Cersei flinched away from that earned her a cold hard stare from her father, (y/n) only bit her lip in defeat, then it was replaced by a smile of hope, (y/n) genuinely wanted things to go as smooth as possible, to keep all of Joanna's children close to her, it was the least she could do she wasn’t a complete monster, as much as Cersei liked to think of her as one.
“Perhaps it’s too soon, I am asking way too much of you, I hope you have a great day, sweetling”
“Put everything back in its place, now”
Tywin instructed in a stern voice before they exited the chamber that Hurricane Cersei was occupying, Tywin was sure that she would throw something at the door once it was closed and he stood correct when a loud bang was heard.
“She is a young girl that lost her mother, having an attitude with me is inevitable”
“Cersei is not a normal young girl, she has a superiority complex over everyone, our children will not interact with her yet”
“That won’t be a problem, Asena is not… fond of Cersei either”
“I wonder why, let us not think of Cersei right now, it is time for Nymeria to be fed”
“See how beautiful it sounds when it rolls off the tongue? And you wanted to name her Lydia”
Since this babe was the first legitimate child of Tywin and (y/n) he had the suggestion of picking the name of the beloved girl, on the contrary (y/n) was not budging, she was adamant on naming her daughter after the biggest warrior queen Dorne has ever known, her precious Nymeria.
“The princess never wanted to marry lord Tywin, she was far more interested in keeping their relationship private, howbeit Lord Tywin was too consumed by his emotions for her to consider the fact that the princess could have been wed, she simply chose not to”
Grant maester Pycelle added when asked about their wedding. (Y/n) did not care about her children being legitimate or owning land, Dorne was her home, her brother had congratulated her on the birth of her twins and even offered to have them in Dorne, and her family was delighted by (y/n) bringing forth new heirs for the Martells, it was only Tywin that wanted to make it official, to let everyone know that the princess was now cloaked by the lion, her life as the lady of the rock had begun and Dorne had entered a land that they never really thought of earning.
“In a day you will be my wife, therefore, my children’s good mother, I expect them to treat you as such”
“I do not, Tywin they are in mourning, you cannot expect them to make it easy for me”
“I am not dimly witted my dearest, I know they will have some thoughts over our marriage, albeit I will make sure they keep it to themselves”
Requests are open!
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themotherofblood · 2 years
welcome to summer shore
Stay Awhile 🌑
my drafts :|
< if you are a minor, this blog is not suitable for you, nor is interacting with any of my posts. this blog will first and foremost try and protect minors so I request that if you are an ageless blog or anyhow indicate to be a minor. you will be blocked >
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river of fire | series masterlist
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river of gold | series masterlist
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bloody baby | series masterlist
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lion’s grasp | series masterlist
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smut 🩸, dark 🌑, fluff,❤️‍🩹 angst 🥀
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Daemyra Targaryen
Rosy Riñītsos ~ when the reader is given a lesson to remember (🌑🩸) pt.1
byka perzyrs ~ when their riñītsos needed to remember her place (🥀🩸🌑) pt.2
pretty mistake ~ when rinñītsos finds love else where ft. aemond targaryen (🥀🩸🌑)
The Golden Dragon ~ when their own blood now becomes their, the death of a lion and a birth of a dragon. (🩸🌑)
Our Pretty Zaldritos ~ when their wife behaves like a brat, she gets treated like a brat (🩸)
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Daemon Targaryen
Teri Haar Baath Mein ~ when the dragon prince returns to claim his dornish lover (🩸🌑)
Tera Naam Ishq ~ when Jaehereys costs Daemon his biggest love, a teen prince loses his innocence for good. pt. 1 (🥀)
mene payi tabaahiyan ~ the aftermath of Jaehaereys’s decision, Daemon begins to loathe reader who is bound to duty pt.2 (🩸🥀♥️)
The Dragon and The Dancer ~ when Daemon has two shits to give about what lords think of his courtesan
Laut Ke Ajana ~ a war wife’s prayer for her husband’s safe return (❤️‍🩹🥀)pt. 2
Dragon Twins ~ a slice of life between dancer wife and her step daughters Baela and Rhaena {feat, Daemon being a paranoid dad} (❤️‍🩹♥️) pt.3
Tum Bare Wo Ho ~ dancer surprises Daemon to by putting on a show for him that he has wished for since he was young (🩸) pt.4
Alyssa’s World ~ when girl dad! Daemon resorts to turning their castle into a zoo untill his daughter’s egg hatches (❤️‍🩹)
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Harwin Strong x Daemon Targaryen
Two Swords, Three Holes ~ two bisexual gold cloak noblemen and their naive whore (🩸♥️)
Sweet Prince ~ Daemon pays the price for breaking Harwin’s rules and corrupt his good girl (🩸)
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Tywin Lannister
Tujhe Yaad ~ where the Lion’s wife pays for his crimes in gold and blood (🥀)
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
Tywin lannister x wife reader. Angst/fluff. Tywin gets jealous seeing his wife(second) with Oberyn Martell (him flirting with her and she flirting back) who's an old friend of hers as she grew up with the Dornish prince's and was once in love with him before having to marry tywin. The only reason she's doing this is cause she's hurt he called her to Joanna during a fight.
AN:Hi, I hope you like it x
“Always knew she was a whore.” Cersei’s voice whispered into her brother as they watched you and Oberyn. Jamie rolled his eyes subtly. His sister was a handful, which was an understatement really. “They are old friends.” Jamie came to your defence, as he usually did. His twin only scoffed.
“Father doesn’t seem to think so.” Cersei smirked; believing the marriage would be ending before it could start. Jamie turned to Tywin whose hand was not so subtly tightening around the goblet of wine. His father’s eyes were on yours as your head fell back; giggles easily escaping you.
“I’m glad you came.” You softly whispered; a bright smile moving across your face as you leaned into Oberyn’s embrace. You had missed him. More than you had originally thought but seeing him again had all the emotions returning. “Are you safe?” The Prince whispered; his eyes looking around at the lion den you were both in.
“Yes…he is kind to me.” You whispered as gently as possible. The bad blood between them would never leave and you understood the reasons. Oberyn ducked his head and you reached for his hand. “I am glad about that.” He whispered before bringing you against his chest in a soft embrace.
“Can I have my wife back?” The voice of Tywin interrupted the moment as you softly sighed against the Prince. Oberyn locked eyes with the lion and you slowly moved from the soft embrace. “Of course.” The Prince hummed, bowing his head only slightly as he locked eyes with you.
You watched him leave before slowly moving to lock eyes with your husband. You raised a pretty eyebrow. Tywin only copied you as he gently took your hand into his. “Having fun reuniting?” You hummed at his tone. “Of course I did.” You whispered to him. Your fingers are still playing with his.
Tywin didn’t answer as he locked eyes with you. He allowed you to play with his fingers for a moment longer before linking arms with you. You looked back over your shoulders to see Oberyn watching. You hated how your heart still skipped a beat with your husband so near. “I do not like you near him.” You rolled your eyes and took the decision not to bother him with a response, which seemed to be the wrong idea. “Y/N..” Tywin tightened his hold on you for a moment as he pushed you into a quiet room. “Husband.” You whispered when the door fell shut behind him. Your heart is racing for a moment.
The silence fell between you both as you slowly moved to a spare chair and gracefully sat yourself down. “We should talk.” Tywin whispered; his tone became softer now as he moved to stand in front of you. “About?” You hummed, looking down to the table as you played with your fingers.
“Don’t play dumb.” Your husband purred and finally moved to sit opposite to you whilst you distracted yourself with your ringed fingers. You finally looked up and locked eyes with his own that only softened. “I’m sorry.” Tywin softly whispered after a moment of silence passed over you both.
His apology had your eyes flashing to him as you tried to hide your shock. “I should not have called you by her name.” Tywin whispered. Your heart stopped as he mentioned it. Your eyes falling down to the table once more. His hand gently moved to take yours and he began to play with your fingers.
“You are my wife…and I love you.” He continued and you hated how quickly you softened for him. “I love you too.” You whispered out; chewing on your bottom lip whilst playing with his signet ring. “But I can’t be her.” You looked up at your husband. His eyes widening slightly at your words.
“I know that.” Tywin whispered; his hold on you was tightening. “Do you?” You couldn’t help but ask. Your heart breaking at the idea of him looking at you and only seeing his dead wife. You couldn’t be Cersei. “I do. I would never think that. It’s not what I want.” He whispered and brought your hand to his lips.
“What do you want?” You whispered. Your body relaxes at the soft touches coming your way from him. “You. I have done from the moment I saw you.” Tywin whispered and leaned into your touch as you softly stroked his cheek. You couldn’t stop the blush spreading across your own cheeks at his words.
“You are all I want.” He continued and slowly moved to stand up. Your soft eyes followed his movements. His hand gently moved to cup your face now and had your eyes locked onto him. “Forever.” Gods, you wished you believed him. A large part of you that was only growing did believe him.
His thumb moved over your bottom lip for a moment before you lent in and lovingly captured his lips. Your noses brushed together before you rested your head on his. “I don’t like you with Oberyn.” Tywin whispered again. “Tywin.” You whispered with a soft giggle; enjoying his jealousy a little too much.
His hold tightened and you hated the flush of desire that raced through your body at it. “I don’t like it.” Tywin moved to take the back of your neck and brought you in for a passionate, messy kiss. You moaned and easily moved onto his lap. Your legs spread as your fingers moved through his hair.
His hands moved to your arse and began to palm you. “Do you understand? Tywin whispered into your ear. You shivered against him; your soft nipples having pebbled against his thin tunic. Soft moans fell from you now. “I do..” You whispered out breathlessly as your head fell back in pleasure.
His hand began to trail up your inner thigh now; your dress being pushed to your waist. A dress of his colours. The lion purred at the mere sight of it. His hands moved to your covered breasts now. His eyes darkened in desire. “Tywin..” You whimpered out and slowly began to rock against his thigh. 
His smirk was your only answer as he brought you in for another kiss. Your sounds of pleasure muted as his hand moved to unbutton himself. The idea of anyone walking in on you was enough to have you moaning some more. “Wet already?” Tywin couldn’t help but tease as he cupped your soaked pussy. You could only blush and rock against his touch.
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
hiring! Can I request a fic where it is Game Of thrones x the originals? Like Reader is Tywin's daughter from his second marriage and she was set to marry some abuse lord. But she meets Elijah when he and Oberyn are in Kingslanding for Joffrey's wedding. Reader and Elijah fall for one another so Tywin changes his mind and allows Elijah to marry reader instead. Oh can it be where Joffrey never died? So Tyrion is never arrested please and thank you.
I know I rarely do cross over fics but this request just got me. Also I had just started watching 'House of the Dragon' and rereading the books.
Warnings: Fluff, Protective Lannister men, Oberyn scheming, Elijah just being the softest, hints of smut
Pairing: Elijah M. x Velaryon!Lannister!Reader
A/N: I am well aware of how Tywin treats his children in the show but soft!Tywin is my shit. Oh maybe I could a series of this. This will be a two parter
A/N/N: also we support Rhaenyra x Alicent in this household and believe Otto ruined everything
283 Winter, Casterly Rock
Vaesa let out her last scream as she pushed, then the sounds of a baby's cry filled the halls of Casterly Rock. Tywin Lannister, not caring that a Maester and mid-wives tried stopping him from entering the room.
There Vaesa sat rocking you in her arms, you were healthy with soft bronze skin. And a head of sliver blonde curls with jade colored. A girl of Velaryon and Lannister blood, Vaesa knew just what your life was going to be. Her bloodline could be traced back to Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys Velaryon.
"I apologize, my husband...I gave you a girl." Vaesa tells Tywin as he moved closer taking you into his arms. You held most of house Velaryon features due to Vaesa's pure Velaryon blood.
"It is fine wife. She is perfect." Tywin says kissing your forehead when you yawned. Vaesa smiled seeing her husband soften holding you. Little did you know you were going to be the most protected girl in the Seven Kingdoms.
287 Summer, Casterly Rock
Vaesa held your hand walking down to the waters where a huge dragon lay, Rovas, the last known dragon and your mother his rider. Rovas moved his head hearing your mother softly call out to him and you, ever so much the adventurer, tried to run up to the lazy dragon.
"Go on my little lion." Vaesa says knowing Tywin was watching closely on top of the stone steps. Tywin was at first against you meeting Rovas but your mother reassured your father that the old dragon would be gentle.
You giggled feeling Rovas press his snout against your little body, he let out a purr when you patted his snout. Vaesa turned to her husband with a smirk on her face when she heard you call for them both.
"Mama! Papa! Look!" You squealed getting your parents attention, seeing you on top of Rovas's head. The dragon just lay there not caring there was a five year old climbing on him.
"I only turned my back for a second." Vaesa said when Tywin moved standing next to her. Both watched Lannister guards nervously moved towards the dragon to get you down.
"It seems she is more Velaryon than Lannister." Tywin joked making Vaesa laugh. Your parents watched you climb down off of Rovas who tilted his head making easier for you.
"Soon Rovas would be hers." Vaesa tells her husband when you came running up. You begged your father to pick you up and you three went in for lunch.
301 Summer, Kingslanding
You had grown into a beautiful young woman which your mother joked that it must be your Velaryon blood. You stood by Rovas looking out at the waters feeling the old dragon shift his head to nuzzle your side.
The war was over and you being 18, Tywin was looking for a Lord to wed you. Rovas purred feeling your stress and the dragon wanted nothing more than to comfort you. You didn't want to marry knowing your husband wouldn't allow you to keep Rovas.
"I knew you would be out here." Tyrion says walking down to join you seeing how your guard stayed up on the steps. Tyrion shook his head knowing both Jamie and Tywin would be angry that the guard didn't stay close to you.
"Father says I'll be married soon." You tell your older brother still looking out at the sea.
"You wish to not marry sister? You won't have to, your mother will birth our sibling soon." Tyrion says watching you sigh and lay on Rovas's snout.
"If is a boy, I won't have to but if it is a girl." You mumbled before squeaking when Rovas raised his head making you stand.
"Lady Y/N, the Lord Hand wishes to speak to you." A handmaid tells you making you frown and nodded following after her. Tyrion sighed and patted Rovas who huffed wanting to fly you out of Kingslanding.
The day of Joffrey's and Margaery's wedding was celebrated by all. Mean while you were stuck listening to your betrothed list your duties as his wife. Lord James Whitehill was suggested to your father by Cersei. While your brothers hated the Lord having done some digging.
"I hope you only birth me sons. Daughters will not be allowed also I don't want you to have your dragon." Lord Whitehill tells you well more like demanded.
"Exuse me, Lord Whitehill but I have others to greet." You tell the Lord leaving before you hit him. Vaesa was sitting Jamie and both was glaring at your betrothed.
"Princess." You brighten up hearing Oberyn and turned around smiling. You stopped see the Lord next to Oberyn, your heart skipped a beat.
"Prince Oberyn, I told you I am no Princess." You tell the Prince who just smirked at you putting an arm around you.
"Being the daughter of Velaryon Lady should make you one." Oberyn teased you noticing how you looked at the Lord.
"Who is your friend?" You asked Oberyn making the Prince smile.
"This is Lord Elijah Mikaelson, the Noble stag of the North. Lord Elijah, this is Lady Y/N." Oberyn says then moved away to leave you two to talk. Oberyn saw how Tywin watched you and Elijah right away.
"Lady Y/N, may I have this dance?" Elijah asked you noticing the flush that came on your face. You shyly nodded placing your smaller hand in Elijah's much larger hand.
"Who is that with our sister, Tyrion?" Jamie whispered to his younger brother not wanting Cersei to hear him.
"That would be the Lord Elijah of the North. If I remember right his family stayed out of the war." Tyrion says watching you giggle at Elijah's jokes as you both danced. Jamie was surprised before sitting next to Tyrion.
"What else do you know?" Jamie asked watching you and Elijah getting a smirk from his brother.
"They say the House of Mikaelson once rode with the House of Dragon. They are old blood and members of the family rarely leaves the North."
"So better than Lord Whitehill?" Jamie asked looking at your betrothed not liking the dark glare on his face. While Tywin sat rethinking your marriage proposal to Lord Whitehill.
"Very." Tyrion says noticing their sister's jealous glare.
"Shame you are betrothed Lady Y/N." Elijah says twirling you and you smiled up at the Lord.
"It is not set in stone my Lord. I just haven't gotten other offers." You tell Elijah getting a coy smile from him.
"Then may I add my proposal?" Elijah asked you kissing your hands making you flush nodding.
"He is so attentive of her. Agree sister?" Tyrion says joining Cersei with Jamie seeing Elijah tucking a rose behind your ear.
Kingslanding was gossiping how you were set to marry Lord Elijah. Tywin finding him a better match for you since a marriage between you and Elijah would benefit the Lannisters. Cersei was seething watching you walking with Elijah in the gardens.
"Yes, shame father ended her proposal with Lord Whitehill." Cersei tells her brothers eyes darken when you shyly kissed Elijah's cheek.
"Well good thing he did. I heard some unfavorable things about the Lord." Jamie says seeing you lead Elijah down to the beach.
Elijah was surprised that you wanted him to meet your dragon. He still had to thank Oberyn for introducing you both and also talking the Lord up to the Lord Hand. Rovas raised his head seeing you.
"Rovas! Meet my beloved!" You tell the dragon as Elijah flet his heart burst at your words. You gently pulled Elijah closer and the dragon stared at the Lord then lay his head back down.
"He is quite the dragon." Elijah says placing a hand on Rovas while dragon watched you lean back against Elijah's chest.
"He trusts you. Rovas didn't allow Lord Whitehill near me when I had them meet." You tell Elijah smiling knowing Rovas was very protective of you.
"I should make sure he all he needs up North." Elijah tells you kissing your hand eyes twinkling seeing how you brighten.
Vaesa stood next to her husband getting teary eyed as Elijah kissed you making you his wife. Vaesa was happy you were marrying an honorable man unlike Lord Whitehill.
Of course the Lord tried to say he took your maidenhead after a drunken night. Tywin nearly ran a sword though Lord Whitehill for the lie if Jamie and Tyrion hadn't stopped their father.
The feast was lovely and you were enjoying the attention Elijah was giving you that was until Joffrey ruined it. The boy King came walking up to your table with Lord Whitehill.
"Time for the bedding ceremony! Now dear Lady aunt, I hope y........" Joffrey was cut off when Elijah placed his sword on the table eyes dark.
"Touch my wife and men will lose their hands." Elijah said coldly and Tywin stood up.
"Maybe there is to be no bedding ceremony. We should allow the new couple to retire." Tywin says as you took Elijah's hand taking him to your wedding chambers.
You woke feeling arms tighten around your waist and smiled remembering what happen. You had consummated your marriage to your new husband. Elijah hummed enjoying the feeling you kiss his face.
"Good morning my beloved wife." Elijah sounded sleepy and his voice sounding husky. Elijah pressed more kisses on your bare skin and touching what ever he could reach.
Morning beloved." You say rolling over kissing Elijah. You giggled when Elijah rolled you both over trapping you under him. Elijah nuzzle your neck pressing closer to you.
"Shall revist last night?" Elijah teased you making you flush wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Yes...my Lord husband." You said shyly pulling Elijah closer as you both indeed revist last night.
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jaeedraszaerysz · 1 year
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Warnings: swearing, mentions of Canon typical murder, violence, sexual assault, abuse. Angst and fluff. Non sexual nudity.
Summary: the reader shows sansa that scars aren't something to be ashamed of and that she is beautiful no matter what.
Notes: this is an OC ONESHOT. OC IS A FEMALE TARGARYEN. daenerys older sister by about 7 years, she is around 28 and sansa is 22. Named jaerys.
Winterfell was quiet, it was early in the morning and the sky was just gaining light again. A slow breeze drifted through the castle and sansa stark, now queen in the North, sat at the end of her and jaerys targaryens bed, staring out of the window into the trees.
It was mornings like these, while her lover was still held in the comfortable arms of sleep, that she began to think. Think of her life before. About how ten years ago she so desperately wanted to marry joffrey baratheon and become his queen and now she found herself with the deepest hatred for the dead king and sharing a bed with a lady targaryen.
She wondered what her mother and father would say. Would they say anything? Would they disown her? Execute her?
She thought about all the people she lost. Her brothers, her parents, Margaery, and all the others. She thought about the abuse she suffered in the red keep. About the stench of Kings landing and the grimace that often rested on many of the faces of Lords and ladies as they watched her suffer.
She thought about pushing joffrey all those years ago. What would have happened? Did she even want to know?
She thought about the scars that adorned her body, a constant reminder of her troubles and her failures. Of her enemies and how she let them win over her with their threats and violence. It ashamed her. And secretly, somewhere deep inside of her, she wondered that if she had somehow pushed joffrey and gone toppling over the edge with him, would her mother be living, robb, rickon, everyone else? Would King's landing still stand tall? Or would daenerys stormborns dragon still reduced it to ashes in a mere minute or two.
She then turned around, to gaze at the woman she now loved with her deep brown eyes. Only to be met with jaerys' purple rings staring right back into hers.
"What troubles you my love?" She soothed, sitting up and adjusting her nightdress ever so slightly, moving to sit to her left.
She slowly placed her hand on sansas shoulder and gently brushed her thumb over the smooth skin there. Sansa looked down for a moment.
"I had every chance to end his reign. But I didn't. I let a weak boy king beat me, humiliate me, scar me. A constant reminder that I'm just a weak little girl who spent her whole life waiting to be saved."
Jaerys waited a moment, studying her lovers beautiful face. The way her lashes blinked elegantly. The way her pale skin seemed to glow and how her auburn hair fell into her face slightly.
"I know how you feel my love, but I assure you that these things you say are just that, words. They are not the truth. They are the deepest parts of your minds, slowly trying to break their way out and hurt you. But I assure you, a weak little girl is the opposite of what I, and everyone else for that matter, see in you, my queen."
Sansa studied jaerys' face slowly. Her blonde hair was braided in many places, small beads in some places, her purple eyes shimmered in the light from the window and her skin was paper white nearly.
"You know how I feel?" She whispered.
Jaerys nodded slowly.
"Jaime lannister used to hold me when I was a baby, and him and cersei would read me bedtime stories. Tywin lannister would accompany on my adventures around the red keep. Jaime and rheagar would spar whilst viserys and I watched. I remember, when the war raged on, I was but a small child. Jaime came to my chambers one night and said something to me. He told me never to forget who my true friends are. The next morning I watched him murder my father and was dragged away with my mother and viserys. I remember reaching essos and asking for rheagar every day until I finally understood he wasn't coming back.
I remember when viserys refused to marry me of to khal drogo and instead daenerys because he wanted to marry me once he retook the seven Kingdoms. And I remeber begging him not to. But I couldn't do anything.
And when daenerys was busy with her new friends in the dorthraki camps, and viserys was constantly bugging ser jorah, the dothraki men were free to have their way with me. Whatever they liked they got and I couldn't stop them.
And then daenerys killed viserys and again I watched someone I loved die. And although I understand why she did it, I don't think I can ever forgive her.
And then, I was sold off. Sold all the way back to King's landing until I ended up face to face once more with tywin lannister who agreed to keep my identity under the radar but it would only work if I married him."
Sansa's hand danced gently over jaerys' arms as she spoke.
"And when cersei realised who I was she lost it. She had me beaten and tortured. And then, when I escaped, I found daenerys again. And I asked her why had she not come for me. I asked her if I meant less to her than the villagers she was so keep to risk all for all those years ago. And she looked me in the eye and stayed quiet. And that was the day I realised that it didn't matter how many scars I gained, or how many people had violated and hurt me, for I did it all by myself for so long. And they were proof that I survived. That I prevailed over my enemies and that I was stronger than them in the end."
Jaerys hand gently caressed sansa's cheek.
"You are stronger than them. You always were and you always will be. I promise you that my queen." Jaerys slowly let the straps of her nightdress slide from her shoulders until the fabric landed on the floor around her feet.
The lack of clothing revealed several scars on her stomach, a long line across her chest and several marks on her breasts and shoulders. Her legs were painted with small marks but samsa did not shy away from the revelation of these scars.
She reached out an arms and ran her hand along them gently. Keeping eye contact with the targaryen girl as she did. And then sansa too, slowly but surely, let the nightgown slip, revealing her own set of scars. And jaerys just knelt to the floor infront of her, as if to pray, and kissed the scars on her stomach, on her thighs and her arms and her chest.
She did so until sansa took her face in her hands and moved her head to face her own, urging the woman to rise and grasp sansa's lips in her own gently. They glided smoothly against eachother and jaerys hands found themselves lingering on the red headed woman's waist as sansa pulled her closer by the neck before pulling away for breath.
"I love you, jaerys targaryen." She whispered.
"And I love you too, queen sansa stark."
They smiled at eachother.
"And now my queen, you have a kingdom to run."
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